#that I don't think the Abyss twin is to be blamed
reginrokkr · 8 months
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𝐂𝐋𝐗. The belief in the Abyss has been established in Khaenri'ah for a very long time, born from the obsessions with the gods and to one day overthrow them with little regard for the people outside the kingdom as their "enemies", just for living under The Seven. This reverence to the Abyss was further intensified when Khaenri'ah was going through a tough spot for undetermined reasons, although one of them could easily be the fall of King Irmin as the last one of the Blacksun / Eclipse dynasty.
However, not everything was done out of wrong intentions. It's only natural that in a hostile environment would lead to the need for investigation of that which makes the location dangerous in order to protect themselves and to create medicines as a means to build resistance to the Abyss.
While this blind belief isn't exclusive to the native Khaenri'ahns, as it would spread to those who come from other nations that adapted extremists mindsets too, it brought unrest in the society with the excessive experimentation to the point of using a source of energy dangerous for everyone's health and the suspicious apparitions of monsters despite the fact that the borders were well-guarded by Black Serpents and automatons alike.
When people started to be more vocal about their discontentment with the situation surrounded the Abyss, outsiders were first to be blamed and thus were regarded as people who haven't abandoned yet their faith or too obtuse to not accept these "better ways" Khaenri'ah had. The Abyss continued to be a mystery even to nobles and highly restricted, but the issues it caused were to big to not be noticeable. And among the outsiders that were genuinely concerned were also native Khaenri'ahns that disliked the route the society was going. Just like people of other nations wanted nothing to do with the gods and have peaceful lives without worrying about divine judgement, so was the case of some natives of Khaenri'ah.
The arrogance and superiority-complex of many from the high sphere of aristocracy led them to believe that outsiders were still below them and that all the natives have the same mindset as they have. At first, only Black Serpents in keeping in mind the citizens' safety in combination to their own beliefs that what was happening is wrong were the ones who verbalized aloud the unrest, and they ran the risk of being put down by the hands of Black Serpent Knights. But to the surprise of those who fell a long time ago into these obsessions, it wasn't the case and it's because the Black Serpent Knights who supported them and other Khaenri'ahn natives that weren't afraid anymore of voicing their agitation that those who were at the helm of the Abyss as a new religion had to back down and eventually continue their reverence and experimentation clandestinely.
And for some time, it actually worked and people believed that things could only get better from that point onwards, with those who were deep into their obsession for the Abyss now falsely-presumed to have stopped their endeavors until Lumine descended to Khaenri'ah in answer to the wishing ritual that the devotion for the Abyss started to boil again from its clandestine status until everything exploded with the cataclysm.
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m1d-45 · 1 year
okokok cool bc we know now that the gnoses are essentially the stolen power from the dragon sovereigns right
imo in the context of sagau, this further validates the concept of celestia booting the creator when they initially invaded/being able to convincingly place an imposter in teyvat and then something something most people don't recognize the true creator
and also neuvi is confirmed the incarnation of the hydro dragon so i imagine bc he doesn't have the full dragon powers that's the reason he'd be unable to recognize the creator
AND THEN ALSO furina is now confirmed to not have the hydro gnosis so even more running theory is that we may be having another akasha situation here where the oratrice is powered by the gnosis so what if because of that...reader is put on trial and the final verdict is instead guilty because of the gnosis and its connection to celestia?
ooh the imposter!au crumbs are delicious
i'll think of something for the fortress of meropide later
someone help me orz
- death loop anon
alright so admittedly my opinion about the sagau version of genshin lore has changed pretty dramatically, and it all centers around celestia. speculations below the cut. be warned this is mostly stream of consciousness.
oh, and here’s my previous post for some ground knowledge.
alright so it’s like… literally all but spelled out that the “primordial one” is celestia. they came, took over the world from the dragon sovereigns, and… the ‘second who came,’…. my mind says it could be intended to be the abyssal twin and or the travellers together, but that’s a problem for later when it’s actually confirmed. for now, the second is us, the creator.
this changes the timeline quite significantly, so here’s a new one. you create teyvat and it’s realms, as well as the seven sovereigns. you’re satisfied with your world. you move on to somewhere else, promising to visit as you do with all your worlds, or at least the ones with sentient life.
for the sake of everything, we’ll assume “the primordial one” (because it’s unclear if it’s the Sustainer (it probably is) or the body of celestia as a whole (unlikely)) was one of your prior creations. how they got to teyvat is unclear, but the point is that they Did, and overruled the sovereigns. whether or not this is when gnoses are created is blurry in canon, but for our purposes we’ll say it is.
(note, minor: celestia taking the authority of the dragons likely weakened them, making them more susceptible to things like forbidden knowledge or Dying. i say this because there’s no way one (?) guy could just topple 7 elite gods with the power of the world at their claws.)
blah blah lore. why celestia did this we don’t know. call it greed. istaroth happens and i still don’t know why. when you come back, horrified by what teyvat has become, you try to fight back. whether weakened from exhaustion caused elsewhere or overwhelmed by grief, you lose, and celestia solidifies their place as the head of teyvat. off you go to your ‘earth’ to rest.
from now on, everything that goes wrong is celestia’s fault. the forbidden knowledge, the abyss, the archon war and the fatui—all of it stems from their lack of understanding as to how to rule a world. they tried to cheat by handing out the gnoses, but they were poorly made, eroding the archons they gift them to. the greater lord’s death, the cursing of dvalin, the entirety of khaenri’ah, all of that can be blamed on celestia.
in canon, characters—even and especially archons—express negative emotions toward celestia. zhongli said that his gnosis was a fair trade for the tsaritsa, who is now vindicated. she leads the nation of love, and out of love for her god, she will not allow celestia to rule any longer.
this swings quite nicely into an imposter au as well. people can Tell celestia is incapable, so they make their own god, one to rule the people while celestia rules the world.
lore over, addressing your ask now.
re: your point about neuvi not recognizing the creator: i see that as very unlikely. though he doesn’t have his full authority, he still can sense the waves in the water, and was able to tell when the primordial sea sluice was about to break.
(the primordial sea itself is a talk for another time. maybe when fontaine is finished i’ll address it again?)
re: your point about the oratrice: this one could go either way. on one hand, in my version as i’ve written it here (which is always open for changes or other opinions) gnoses are essentially bottles. the power inside is the sovereigns, and hence loyal, while the bottle itself is made by celestia, and is hence disloyal. depends on your variety of sagau, i suppose.
finally, none of this is set in stone. i’m partial to the archons having memories of the creator—arguably could be from their gnoses, but that’s an angst for another time—as well as a few other tropes that don’t entirely align with this version of lore. this is… say, the “official” version i have in my head, and my fics are small alterations to this “official” version. additionally, just because its my “official” doesn’t mean it has to be yours, and i’m open to any suggestions or feedback.
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Ooh, the most recent chapter of your Genshin Fic was so...
I think it addressed a lot of the same grievances more than a few players have themselves, the need to blame most of the people of Teyvat for the crime of being overseen by the Archons when most of them are unlikely to even know there should be a list of crimes tacked onto their names, the need to dodge all the questions the Traveler likely has, not even a quiet acknowledgement that the other is okay in their first meeting...
Honestly, in true sibling fashion, there should have been an option to SHAKE the Abyss Sibling by the shoulders, if not a slight want to punch them, during Bedtime Story.
I could be wrong in my analysis, but it was nice to see it articulated so well! I really liked the chapter. Thank you for creating it and sharing it!
While I was definitely airing some personal grievances of my own, I did want to make it a bit clear in the chapter that the Traveler is aware that they're not thinking rationally and knows that they might be wrong about some of the conclusions they came to, but, based on what they've seen so far, what their sibling has said so far, what Dain has said so far, and what others have said about Dain so far, it's really hard to see things the way the Abyss Sibling is painting for them.
The Dain thing really rubbed me wrong to find out the person the Abyss Sibling is working with is Dain's older brother who betrayed his own people and is the one who stood by while they suffered... but the abyss Sibling is blaming Dain... Couldn't even spare a word of greeting and a question about how their long-lost twin is doing before they go on to whine about Dain's presence.
The more the story is revealed, the less I'm interested in the Traveler's sibling's journey and reasoning.
It just feels so weird that they were summoned to this place by these people they don't know, which is actually confirmed in the story, and the Abyss Sibling is willing to ignore their twin for centuries for the sake to these people they don't know. The Abyss Mage saying, 'your homeland' still sounds nonsensical every time I think about it, because it's not their home. It still makes no sense at all to be saying that.
Finally, I don't like this narrative many fans on Twitter have spun where the Abyss Sibling has more of a right to mourn Khaenri'ah than Dain does when, objectively, Dain did more for those people and the sibling. The Abyss Sibling sided with the guy who helped expose the country to the Abyss and got them the wrong kind of attention from Celestia for it but refuses to acknowledge that for what it is. I don't like that.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Brotherly Concern
pairings: Volo x Reader, Ingo & Reader (sibling relationship), Emmet & Reader (sibling relationship)
cw: post PLA, mentions of Volo's actions during the post game of PLA
You couldn't wait to introduce your brothers to your new boyfriend. They had always been a bit overprotective towards you, but you truly believed that you had proved yourself to them by becoming the Sinnohan champion. It was during that time with training and learning about your new home, that you had temporarily grown apart from Ingo and Emmet back in Unova. When you called them to announce that you were coming to visit, Emmet about sobbed into the line while Ingo took over. Apparently, you had missed your oldest brother's disappearance. He was gone for months. You felt horrified.
Ingo reassured you that he wasn't mad, and that he was actually a bit happy that you hadn't been present for it. While Emmet certainly could have used your support, the oldest recognised the stress and pain it would have caused. (Emmet was still quite a bit huffy, however, but even he understood that the idea of stressing you out wasn't the best idea.) Your visit excited them both greatly, and suddenly, you had more reason to visit outside of a boyfriend introduction and just seeing them again. You promised that you'd see them soon, and both said they were eager to battle you again. The call ended, and you turned to your blond boyfriend. Volo seemed bored, preferring to explore old ruins or spend time with his pokemon.
Grasping his hand, you smiled up at the man. His grey eyes gazed deeply into yours. “So, Unova, huh?” he asked, “Are there any interesting ruins there?” You nodded excitedly. “Yep! There's the Abyssal Ruins, Relic Castle, and – um, I think, someone opened that old tower, too,” you replied. He nodded. Volo hadn't been the most ecstatic about the trip, but you promised him your home had a deep history, too. He finally relented, which led to the call.
When your feet hit the ground in Unova, you could barely resist running into the airport. Your brothers had promised to meet you there. Volo sauntered behind you as you passed through the gates. Them taking a day off was rare, so you knew they were happy to see you. Your eyes shot wide as you saw the two identical men standing out within a crowd of people. Within seconds, you had cleared the way to them. Emmet caught you in a hug while Ingo watched with a sigh. “Em!” you smiled brightly at him, “you grew a goatee?” You tilted your head at the strange choice. He laughed a little. You turned to Ingo. He had also grown a goatee. “What is going on with you two?” you scratched your head. “Ah, I had amnesia during my disappearance and lacked the tools to properly groom myself, so I ended up growing some facial hair,” he explained, “From my understanding, Emmet simply let himself go.”
The younger twin huffed at the order's words. “Untrue,” he whined, “Ingo is a liaaaaar. Don't trust him.” You laughed at his antics. He would always blame Ingo for some of his mishaps when he was younger. Still, the thought of Emmet letting himself go was a scary one. “Just where did you go, Ingo? How did you end up there, anyway?” You asked, a bit scared your brother had been kidnapped or something. “Ah, well, you're not going to believe me,” Ingo spoke carefully, “I – See, I seemed to be brought back in time to a past version of Sinnoh. I only was brought back thanks to the kindness of a girl who was there in a similar predicament.” Part of you wanted to claims he was messing with you, but another part knew that he was not like that. Something odd like that had happened to Ingo? It sounded so foreign and impossible. Your brother was one of the most average guys you knew. Nodding, you heard footsteps approaching from behind.
Ingo's eyes shot wide while Emmet leaned in towards him. You turned your head to see Volo approaching with your luggage. His uncovered was as wide as a saucer. Suddenly, Ingo called out a pokemon, his Chandelure. “Behind me, now!” he ordered you in a strict tone. You were confused. “Volo?” you asked him, hoping he'd shed some light. The blond started laughing. It wasn't a normal laugh. No, it was a loud, uncomfortable one. His hand brushed through his hair, knocking off his hat. “Are these two your older brothers?” he eventually inquired back. You nodded at him, extremely distressed by the situation. Emmet took the moment to grab your arm and pull you behind him. His Eelektross had been sent out and stood protectively in front of you all.
“Guys! Stop, he's my boyfriend, Volo!” you whined when Emmet wouldn't let you pass around him. Ingo turned his head to stare at you in pure horror. “Is this some sort of messed-up act of revenge?” he yelled at the blond who stood there with a confused expression now, too, “I will not allow you to harm my sibling in any way.” You felt out-of-body watching this. Somehow, you managed to power your way from Emmet's grasp. Running to Volo's side, you grabbed his arm. “One of you needs to explain!” you shouted at them, tired of this nonsense. Volo sighed, “I'm over two hundred years old.” You stared at him.
What did he say?
He was what?
“He is the reason I ended up in Hisui,” Ingo continued, “He tore a portal open in the sky to attempt to gather the attention of Arceus, and when that failed he tried to murder a fifteen-year-old! That portal he opened is why I was torn from Emmet.” Emmet nodded. You stared at everyone. Was everyone mad? Had you missed some camera? This was a terrible drama moment from your worst/loved watch. Your boyfriend was two hundred years old and took your brother from the modern period somehow. “Purely accidental,” Volo offered, “Believe me, I didn't want you. Besides that, I've been cursed to walk this earth as punishment for my crimes. Don't you think I would have moved past my attempted murder from the 1800s?” You wanted to scream.
After a long explanation of your brother's spiriting away and Volo's entire life history, you understood. You had locked yourself in your hotel bathroom, but you understood. Volo had a desperation to have Arceus acknowledge him (and probably still did), and Ingo had been accidentally involved. It made sense. It was a lot to take in, and you had to ban Emmet from your hotel room for attempted murder. Ingo seemed hesitant to accept your relationship at all. You understood his reasons. Opening the door, you caught Volo laid out on the bed. You sat down beside him.
“Cursed to walk the earth until the ends of time seems quite cruel,” you state while reaching a hand to comb through his golden strands. A low light came through the window as the sun set. You were both jet-lagged and exhausted from the events earlier. He sighed. You moved to lay down beside him, pressing yourself close to him. “… I should hate you,” you spoke mostly to yourself, “I really don't think you meant to do that to my brother. The attempted murder thing is concerning, but… Well, I suppose you had literal centuries to think on it.”
He turned his attention to you, shifting to lay on his side and stare at you. “Everything seems trivial looking back on it. I was desperate to be more than myself. It was stupid, but it made sense at the time,” he explained, “I got the attention of Arceus in the form of his fury. I am lucky Lady Cogita was kind enough to still take me in and help me. She's the reason I changed.” You had no idea who he was talking about, but the sparkle in his eye led you to know it was someone he was close to. “I care for you; I even think I may love you,” Volo continued, “I understand if you no longer feel the same.” You shook your head and hugged him close. He sighed and tentatively returned the affection.
It was impossible to make the twins get along with Volo, but you found yourself able to make separate time for them and your boyfriend. You enjoyed exploring the ruins around Unova with him, while also getting to battle your older brothers with the team you had defeated Cynthia with. It was while Volo examined a wall with ancient writings on it that you had a revelation.
“How is Cynthia related to you?” you shot him a side-eye. He swallowed.
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primoredial-jade · 2 years
Congratulations for 500 followers! May I ask for Dainsleif + peonies + Lotus Flower Crisp, please? I hope I'm doing this right! I don't know the meaning of chosen dish, but I was thinking of something sweet for him! Thank youu! <3
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jade's 500 fabulous feast special!
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prompt: it’s different, it’s foreign– but he’s trying, and that’s enough.
pairing: dainsleif x gn!reader
cw: mutual pining, unconventional confession, my own fanon regarding dain’s relationship with the abyss twin, general khaenri’ah lore spoilers, gift giving
to my dearest anon 🤍
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you and dainsleif were from two completely different worlds.
him, a knight from a nation doomed by celestia 500 years past, and you, a simple adventurer of today that had dreams and aspirations of your own.
for centuries, dainsleif kept to himself, lurking in the shadows. he was an information sponge, gathering as much about teyvat as he could without forming intimate relationships. for good reason, of course... because ever since his closest friend with blonde hair abandoned him to solitude in this forsaken world for the abyss order, he had little to no more trust in his already broken and bruised heart.
fate worked in funny ways. eventually, his good luck would catch up to him, and his path would converge with yours. he had been too reckless, too complacent after years of being able to escape prying eyes. 
his arm, despite its curse being cured by his lost friend, had begun to throb uncontrollably after a fight with an abyss herald during his travels to enkanomiya. he had taken refuge under what he presumed to be a hidden water reservoir in watatsumi island, hissing in pain as he dunked his arm under.
dainsleif entirely blames his pain for dulling his senses, because you, a completely unstealthy and clumsy traveler, ran up to his side to help him with his cursed arm. 
“my god, what happened to you?! are you hurt?” you had gasped, pulling his arm closer to inspect it.
he should have ripped his arm away, leave and burn this memory to the depths of his mind immediately. but your touch... it healed him. the pain that was just there slowly ebbed away into nothingness under your scrutiny, and he could only stare in muted shock. 
not once did you look at his curse with disgust.
in his defense, he tried to leave. he really did, but you were persistent on keeping up with him ever since you realized you could cure the pain, if only for a little while. 
“after all, we’re both just adventurers at the end of the day, aren’t we?” you gave him a teasing smile, and he had to look away. 
alas, the heart wants what it wants.
he had never been so afraid in his life when he had come to this realization. his barred heart had been flung open, and in your hands was the key.
“do you know what day it is tomorrow?” you test him on a particularly starry night, pulling him down to sit next to you on the lush green grass of mond. 
dainsleif pauses, his mind racing in search of what you’re talking about. he’s been alive for so long with so much going on in his head, and time easily slips through his fingers. with the gleam in your eye, he feels uncharacteristically pressured. 
a series of events reel through his mind for the few moments of silence. your birthday? no, that’s not it. the ludi harpastum festival? that isn’t it, either.
“i apologize for my shortcomings,” he begins slowly, “but i do not.” 
your gaze falters for a fragment of a second, “it’s alright, dain,” you unconsciously shift away, “it’s not that important.” 
his heart burns. he wants to reach out, but when he lifts his fingers, he sees his wretched curse and instinctively pulls away. you can’t see the minute pained look that crosses his features. 
“tell me,” he says, soft. you’ve always made him feel this way. 
you hum, picking at the grass under your feet. “it’s silly, but... it’s the day we first met two years ago,” you answer, pausing to look at the sky, “last year was just so chaotic, but i didn’t want to let it pass by this year.” 
the world stops spinning. the sounds of the crickets in the distance fills his ears, and dainsleif’s breath hitches. it’s not silly. it’s anything but silly. although he is a man of many words when you ask for information regarding the world, the words he wishes to say in this moment gets tangled in his throat. 
“i don’t blame you at all, dain. don’t feel the need to apologize,” you reassure, easily able to read him without him even giving a hint at his inner turmoil of disappointing you. you reach into your travelling bag, pulling out a small, star shaped charm coated in steel blue. 
“i made this for you to take on your travels without me- as a thank you for everything we’ve been through these past two years.” it gleams in your hand, and he can even see his own reflection in it.
dainsleif doesn’t think, doesn’t speak or move for a long, fleeting moment. for someone so calculated in everything he does, anything you do always makes him falter.
he chases after the impulse that takes over his body and encloses his cursed hand over yours, already feeling better at your touch. the blue veins that run up his arm are pulsating, and to anyone else it should be a grotesque sight.
but to you, it is apart of him. and you love all of him.
“thank you,” he says, gaze meeting your own, “i’ll keep it safe for the rest of my life.” that is a promise.
he tightens his hand around yours. “though i hope you realize that i do not need it to be reminded of you.” 
you can’t help the bubbling laugh that escapes your mouth, mirth hidden behind your eyes. “are you saying that you often think about me?”
more than that. he wants to say. 
“i’m not... good at this,” he admits in a low whisper, crinkling his brows as he gets ahold of himself. 
a wistful smile appears on your face, understanding. he thinks this is the most beautiful you have ever been. “it’s okay, dain. thank you, for accepting my gift.” 
the stars twinkle brighter than they ever have that night.
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—peonies - love, honor, romance, beauty
—lotus flower crisp - a touch that heals
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mutopians · 3 years
okay, hear me out: there's a reason why mihoyo would drop part two of the zhongli story quest right after the whole khaenri'ah revelation. i also think there's a reason that they chose the story with azhdaha specifically.
after the last archon quest ends, traveler has to grapple with the conflicting stories that dain and their twin told them. on one hand, dain's been kind of mysterious but he's definitely an ally. on the other hand, it's their sibling that's pushing for the the destruction of teyvat and the archons.
(we also still don't know how the fatui are playing into this whole thing, but that's a rant for another post.)
traveler hasn't come out and said it, but i'm sure they're feeling conflicted about who to trust. they're friends with the archons. venti wrangles them into doing things like the windblume event; zhongli tells them about random historical and cultural facts from time-to-time as a way of bonding. we know that venti brought down a tyrannical leader at some point and know that zhongli's resulted in the death (or been blamed for the death) of at least one or two gods + some adepti, so it wouldn't be entirely out-of-character for either one to do something kind of OP. but destroying a whole civilization?? indirectly creating the abyss order??
that's an entirely different level.
but then we come back to the azhdaha story line. you could take it at face value and just focus on how zhongli wants to tell you what happened with khaenri'ah but can't. or you could focus on reoccurring theme of erosion. you have azhdaha's missing memories as an example of it, but you also have zhongli's gradual trauma, too.
i think that the traveler's twin, dain and the abyss order all have their own version of erosion going on. it's been so so so long since khaenri'ah fell, but they're all still alive and kicking. time erodes. you can't tell me that traveler's twin was always so jaded. that dain was always so...distant. and that the abyss order was always so ready to destroy teyvat.
i couldn't help but think of the differences between traveler and their twin when i saw the two azhdahas interacting. traveler represents the one outside of the barrier that believes in zhongli and the good of humanity; the twin represents the angry, corrupted one stuck inside. they're yin and yang.
(lumine's chinese name is even yíng! it's not exactly yin, but you can't tell me that there's no double meaning to it.)
this comparison doesn't make the twin's concerns any less valid, and i really do think khaenri'ah was a tragedy that needs atonement. but i'm sure that it's not all black and white, and i'm even more certain that traveler is going to be the one who softens their twin's anger and shows them another, more positive way of seeing teyvat. traveler is the one who's experiencing this whole adventure with the same open-minded enthusiasm for teyvat's people and culture that i'm sure traveler's twin had long, long ago.
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emissaire · 3 years
i see your request are open... DoNt MiNd If I DO-
an imagine where satorus twin sister, who sacrifice so much for him (like her being the head clan rather than satoru, so he can keep his freedom). He never for cared her until she get boxed instead of him.
Pleasr make my heart burn to ash please thank you <3
warnings/include: angst, siblings! gojo & reader, no this is not incest if that's what you're thinking, grammar & spelling mistakes
notes: honestly, i don't what i just wrote but i hope you like it, nonie? i'm just not really feeling the angst vibes lately 🤧 and of course, thank you for requesting!
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It's one of those nights again, where Gojo Satoru can't seem to find peace– not like he's ever had it. It's just another one of those moments when he feels like drowning in the abyss of endless pain, endless suffering– the nothingness that surrounds him.
He tilts his head back up, staring at the dark sky void of the twinkling little stars as his mind drifts to you. You, his selfless twin sister. He always thought you were stupid and dumb for trying to carry all the burdens by yourself to save him and give him the freedom he longed for.
Now, you were gone... or rather, good as gone. It was supposed to be him. It was supposed to be him who got sealed and now he can't help but feel like dying for all the things he put you through.
Was this how you felt when he abandoned you? Did you blame him too when your shitty family treated you like you were less than them even if you're the head of the clan?
How can you lead the Gojo clan when your own twin can't even respect you?
He chuckles at the thought. No. You didn't feel this way, he would know. You were better than him, always have been. From all the times you took the blame for him when you were younger, shielding him away from your parents every time they would scold him even if he's really the one who's at fault, he knows the answer.
Always so selfless... so stupid. There is nothing else befitting to describe his twin sister but selfless and stupid. How could he let this happen? How could you let this happen?
Once more, the strongest is faced with the realization that compared to you, he's nothing but a speck of dust not deserving of your benevolence. You were too good for this world, too good to be put on the same pedestal as him.
He's selfish, he is because after all this time, even if you did all you can to protect him and everyone, he's still blaming you for making him feel this way. He never never liked feeling weak– love? It's not something he could be bothered for, even if it's his own blood and bones, so he pushed you.
Now, he's afraid it would be too late to make up for all the years he put you through hell, to appreciate everything you did for him, the sacrifices you had to make to ensure his happiness.
Selfish and stupid. That's what he is for not seeing the beauty and tenderness you bring with you, the warmth he could have had if he just cared for you as a brother should.
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yourfriendlyenby · 3 years
pls op drop the au i need to know
Okay so here's the somewhat short version of the beginning of the lore WITHOUT the Minecraft ccs first, then later y'all can ask where your favorite cc stands since this is a REALLY big AU and we need the groundwork first
Long time ago, there was nothing except the End. Soon, 4 beings (plus 1 later) emerged called Jeb, Entity, Alex and Steve. While they enjoyed each other's company, were lonely and bored so they made their own dimensions.
What they don't know is that they left a 5th being named Jean, who decides to guard the end.
Jeb created the Aetherial Plane and his intelligent creations were Angels (think biblical angels) and Valkyrie (think Western angels but each one has a different wing design)
Entity created the Netherial Plane and his intelligent creations were Daemons (just normal demons)
Alex and Steve stayed together since they were twins born from chorus fruit and created the Material Plane. And they went HAM on their intelligent creatures: think normal humans to elves to hybrids.
Keep this in mind: everyone's immortal, mortality hasn't been created yet. We'll get to that.
One day, Entity was a bit irritated that Daemons were lonely and pretty grumpy, so Alex and Steve took pity and let him have their pig hybrids who all went willingly.
Didn't work so well, there's lava everywhere and pig hybrids keep falling and experiencing excruciating pain, creating what's essentially zombie piglins
So Entity's all pissy that nothing's going his way so he blames it on Alex and Steve and they're like "Dude maybe don't have lava everywhere and take advice from your citizens"
So he's like "Screw you!" and turns unstable and into Herobrine.
This escalates with Herobrine turning all the lakes and oceans into lava pools and giving everyone in Matter mortality.
The instability of the dimensions causes mayhem and causes the End to split a little and create the outer End areas and for every Valkyrie and Angel to experience blindness accompanied with immense amounts of pain.
Obviously, Jeb is like "Dude" and helps out Alex and Steve, declaring war.
The war lasts a bit too long but they manage to stop him thanks to a Daemon named Kristen defecting to their side and the mix of Aether, Matter and Nether magic was enough to stop Entity, banishing him to the Netherial Plane.
But Alex, Steve and Jeb are exhausted and know that they're not going to be there for long, so they do a couple of things.
First, they create a dimension for the soon to be departed called the Twilight Plane and make Kristen the Overseer there.
(For a brief summary of what happens when you die, your being is separated into 3 parts: the body, the soul and the spirit. The body is left in the Material Plane, left to decompose. The spirit is then sent to the Twilight Plane, first judged and then sent to either Bliss or Abyss. The soul is then either recycled for new beings or used in necromancy.)
Next, Alex and Steve try and find survivors of the mortality curse.
They only find one. Under a golden apple tree.
They pretty much pass the torch to that person creating the First Material Overseer, instructing them to keep watch of the realm and to pass the torch every 500 years. They then turn into dust and are essentially dead but are still dreaming, and can be contacted by the Material Overseer via dreams.
Jeb does something similar, passing it to an Angel known as Sun and turns into a statue.
Currently Kristen and Sun are still their dimension's Overseers, but there are now 6 people who held the title of Material Overseer.
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iiasha-archived · 4 years
i have been playing for over a month but I'm still at prologue act 3, but why do you think the twin is the evil one? i don't think they say that
also don't ask about how I'm still at the prologue i just wanted to explore and level up my characters <3 im at AR 30 and I have collected almost all anemoculi and geoculi but i just don't want to fight the ruin guards
omg I don't blame you there is SO much content in this and they're doing the long-run scheme where they keep you busy with so much side shit without actually progressing the story at all so it keeps players engaged longer. but the quality of it is really high it really is just super-anime botw which is again why I'm sincerely impressed it's completely free
tbh. idrk what any of that is yet LMAO I barely understand how enhancing weapons works and I just give random artifacts to my party... but I've only been playing for 3 days so I figured I'll pick it up sooner or later 😂😂😂
and I mean not evil necessarily but like it's a p common trope for like. when a pair/twins get separated in a new world one (the mc) ends up on the "good side" and the other one on the "bad side" and I just figured that's what's happening here considering those evil little abyss bastard birds called my twin "ur highness" 😂
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sayumia · 6 years
So hey it's your local casual attendant and lover of all things Tofu Twin related (within reason) and I'm about to unleash some brain juice. Just hear me out- (edit: for some heccing reason tumblr shifted and reformatted this entire post, so hopefully I've fixed it, mobile tumblr sucks man)
Have you ever really looked at those clips in their hair? No, well here's a quick scoop.
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Sweet and Salty have clips in their hair. Sweet has the roman numeral IX, or nine if you don't already know and Salty has XI, or 11.
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NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards.
Sure it's just a 9 and 11, why does that matter? Well this is why.
IX-9 for all you tarot loving (or persona players) attendants out there is the Hermit.
The Hermit suggests that you are in a phase of introspection where you are drawing your attention inwards and looking for answers within. You are in need of a period of inner reflection, away from the current demands of your position.
When reversed, you are perhaps in a situation where you'd like to be alone; there is nothing wrong about that. However, there is a possibility that your seclusion may become harmful to both yourself and others. 
I do spoiler alerts so if you haven't read/translated Sweet or Salty's backstories I reccomend you do! Otherwise here we go. Since they're basically mirrors of each other they both embody traits from either card.
When it comes to the Hermit both brothers embody the need for self reflection, loneliness, isolation, withdrawing from loved ones and contemplation.
Both Sweet and Salty are in a state of forced solitude due to Sweet taking action to stop his attendant and protect his brother by taking on the title of the Light Kingdom's infamous serial killer, who took countless lives alongside his master attendant.
Though the Hermit sets forwards with noble intentions, his path inward may also be filled with great danger. Reflecting may lead to madness and the abyss, for the unconscious is filled with images that he may not yet understand, lurking and waiting to lure you ever inside. Like a man that gets lost in his own dreams, the hermit may find himself stuck in a world of his own, alone, trapped, unreal.
Salty can't stand his brother, even hearing his name is enough to drive him up a wall or cause him to become violent. From his backstory we can see that he doesn't interact with other food souls and barely with humans. He secludes himself with thoughts of one thing. Making his brother his toy, out of anger and the belief that Sweet is dangerous without a leash, much like a rabid dog. (This part is speculation now because translating of Salty's backstory should really be done by someone with a better understanding of Chinese) While Salty seems to be aware that Sweet didn't actually kill all the people (the bodies in the freezer) he seems reluctant and apprehensive of facing Sweet to find out the truth- something maybe deep down he already knows.
Also the Herrmit's desire for real love and real change are the highest in their soul.
So the "Everytime this happens, it makes me wanna give you more love," and "Give me more, more of that love," makes so much sense now I'm in a tizzy. It also explains the whole "Can you make me happier?" that both share.
Hermit also carries emotional baggage and tends to focus on the past- and just who does that sound like?
Now to quickly explain XI, 11, the Justice tarot.
At its core, Justice is about the search for truth. As you explore your truth, you will discover that things are not as clear-cut as you had thought. You must be prepared to dip into the murky waters and explore what truth means to you. Be consciously aware of what you believe to be true and what you believe to be fair and ethical. It may not be as clear-cut as you think, so prepare to challenge yourself and to explore new territories of your belief system.
This fits Salty because throughout his backstory he struggles with the "truth" that his older brother is a murderer and took away the man that they both bad in a sense trusted and loved as a son would a father. He grows to despise Sweet Tofu but after being told his attendant was the one who was actually orchestrating the mass killings he begins to question everything he thought he knew to the point that after a chance encounter with Boston Lobster and Spicy Gluten he runs off before Sweet can be alerted to his presence- because he is most likely afraid of hearing what he most likely has already put together.
From Sweet's perspective, he bore a lot of shit for the sake of his little brother. From poisoning customers to taking the wrap for his attendant, Sweet hasn't had much of a charmed life, especially considering the two people he loved most are not really apart of his life anymore. His attendant is dead and his brother wants him dead. And even though he seems to stick around Boston Lobster (who he seems to enjoy torturing in his own special way i.e. making sure his medicine is intentionally painful) and Spicy Gluten he seems to not have much of a plan for himself, as both brothers wanted to stay with their attendant until he died naturally and travel around together, both of which didn't happen the way either wanted.
That also aligns with the card being reversed. Justice reversed suggests that you are not willing to take full accountability for your actions and may try to ‘dodge the bullet’ and blame others for your mistakes. You are being dishonest with yourself and others – and your unwillingness to look beyond your own fears and ego blinds you to the broader lesson. 
I hope that this design choice was intentional because I went full on game theory on this and I couldn't sleep until I typed this out. If you managed to get through all this listen to It Looks Tasty, and good luck and happy cooking all you master attendants.
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