#and the source of hope and strength many believed them to be
reginrokkr · 8 months
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𝐂𝐋𝐗. The belief in the Abyss has been established in Khaenri'ah for a very long time, born from the obsessions with the gods and to one day overthrow them with little regard for the people outside the kingdom as their "enemies", just for living under The Seven. This reverence to the Abyss was further intensified when Khaenri'ah was going through a tough spot for undetermined reasons, although one of them could easily be the fall of King Irmin as the last one of the Blacksun / Eclipse dynasty.
However, not everything was done out of wrong intentions. It's only natural that in a hostile environment would lead to the need for investigation of that which makes the location dangerous in order to protect themselves and to create medicines as a means to build resistance to the Abyss.
While this blind belief isn't exclusive to the native Khaenri'ahns, as it would spread to those who come from other nations that adapted extremists mindsets too, it brought unrest in the society with the excessive experimentation to the point of using a source of energy dangerous for everyone's health and the suspicious apparitions of monsters despite the fact that the borders were well-guarded by Black Serpents and automatons alike.
When people started to be more vocal about their discontentment with the situation surrounded the Abyss, outsiders were first to be blamed and thus were regarded as people who haven't abandoned yet their faith or too obtuse to not accept these "better ways" Khaenri'ah had. The Abyss continued to be a mystery even to nobles and highly restricted, but the issues it caused were to big to not be noticeable. And among the outsiders that were genuinely concerned were also native Khaenri'ahns that disliked the route the society was going. Just like people of other nations wanted nothing to do with the gods and have peaceful lives without worrying about divine judgement, so was the case of some natives of Khaenri'ah.
The arrogance and superiority-complex of many from the high sphere of aristocracy led them to believe that outsiders were still below them and that all the natives have the same mindset as they have. At first, only Black Serpents in keeping in mind the citizens' safety in combination to their own beliefs that what was happening is wrong were the ones who verbalized aloud the unrest, and they ran the risk of being put down by the hands of Black Serpent Knights. But to the surprise of those who fell a long time ago into these obsessions, it wasn't the case and it's because the Black Serpent Knights who supported them and other Khaenri'ahn natives that weren't afraid anymore of voicing their agitation that those who were at the helm of the Abyss as a new religion had to back down and eventually continue their reverence and experimentation clandestinely.
And for some time, it actually worked and people believed that things could only get better from that point onwards, with those who were deep into their obsession for the Abyss now falsely-presumed to have stopped their endeavors until Lumine descended to Khaenri'ah in answer to the wishing ritual that the devotion for the Abyss started to boil again from its clandestine status until everything exploded with the cataclysm.
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dilfartist · 1 year
A foolish endeavor
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Pairing; Yandere Miguel O’hara x reader
Synopsis; You manage to snag Miguel’s gizmo and escape to another universe. How long will it take before he, or the spider society, find you?
Word count; 2.8k
Reader description; Female/GN
TW; kidnapping, probably terrible spanish (i did use sources Spanish-speaking users suggested), non-con touching, yandere themes, dark writing.
Notes; {if i mistranslated any of the spanish please do contact me in my DMs. I wanted this fic to be better but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Did not proofread.}
Midnight coated New York in a dark blue hue. Most nights the city lights illuminate the darkness, providing the ability to see. However, the motel you find yourself ambling to is the more isolated part of the city.
Rain poured down heavily, producing cacophonous echoes of raindrops slamming against the concrete. Clad in a drenched hoodie and damp black yoga pants, you scurry to the other side of the street just in time to avoid being hit by the passing truck.
Cigarette smoke and frigid rain overwhelm your senses, mainly due to the cigarette buds scattered on the motel parking lot.
The motel is okay looking. By no means does it look nice, but it isn’t a hard no.
“Guess this is where I’ll sleep tonight,” you mumble to yourself. You take a brief glance at your surroundings. Night overcame the sky, giving the atmosphere a dark hue but the lights gave you a clear standpoint.
Numerous lights hummed irritatingly, not even a minute passed and you found yourself obtaining a headache. You navigate the main office, which is on the left side of the horseshoe-shaped building, and a blue neon sign points in the direction of the office. You started sauntering over, putting pep in your step when the cold rain declined heavier than it did the last five minutes.
Six months ago, you wouldn’t be having this problem. At least that’s what you believed. You could’ve been at your apartment, catching up on a show you’ve failed to complete thanks to your busy work schedule.
Unfortunately for you, doing a task as simple as watching your television, in your home, was truly impossible. Why? Because the earth you roam isn’t yours, to begin with. Your apartment isn’t yours. The job you work isn’t yours. You aren’t certain you even exist in this universe.
You can’t find the strength to complain. Honestly, you’re delighted to be away from the man who stole you away from society.
Miguel O’Hara.
Otherwise known as Spiderman 2099. You know, the superhero.
It must be confusing to hear that a superhero kidnaped a poor civilian. Superheros don’t normally commit unforgivable acts. Regardless, Miguel didn't care. Miguel is aware he is different from other heroes given his beliefs. Abducting you was just one of the many wrongs Miguel fulfilled.
You just wished you knew his motives at the beginning. If you did, you wouldn't have to search for sanctuary. You wouldn't have to lie low in a different universe.
Before Miguel, you lived a decent life that included a decent job. It was a Tuesday afternoon with sunny weather and clear skies. Your friends invited you to a picnic at the park and, for once having a clear schedule you agreed. You recall the sun beaming down on you, overheating your body to the point shade was a necessity. You moved from the picnic blanket to a nearby bent tree. One moment you're enjoying the shade, the next you're falling. Then something transpired. You jerked in the air, something white clinging to the front of your shirt. You felt your body floating in the air, legs thrashing in fear when your body conceded it was in mid-air.
You must have fainted because you have no recollection of what transpired next. What you do remember was watching through bleary eyes as four strangers hovered over you clearly disputing. Currently, you know them by Jessica Drew, Peter B. Parker, the iron spider, And Miguel O’Hara.
The accountability for your well-being somehow landed in the hands of Miguel. In the beginning, Miguel had such a short patience for you, not that he didn't possess an attitude with anyone else, he just happened to have a really short fuse with you.
His explosive temper with you was undeserving. You hardly gave him any reason to blow up. Your presence alone just pissed him off, at least it appeared so.
You avoided him as much as possible; Departing a room when he entered. Ensuring any errands were accomplished before he arrived home, so you didn't have to leave your room to aggravate him.
Then he began to seek you out; popping up wherever you were in his apartment. Alone watching television on the couch? Not anymore. Miguel joined you on the other side silently watching as well. Sitting silently in the dining room eating lunch? Miguel enters with a bowl of cereal, starting a conversation about the day’s news. Enjoy video games and decide to play by yourself? Miguel grabs a controller and questions the rules and certain controls.
For someone who was as snappy at you as a feral dog, he sure did like to invade your solitude.
By the second month of staying at Miguel’s, he found solace in your presence. He became relaxed. Nice even. And then by the fourth month, you became friends. You never visualized being anything other than friends, but unbeknownst to you, Miguel did.
When you first caught the news of Peter figuring out what universe you belonged to, you were ecstatic. After all, the mystery of your universe's number had been the sole reason for crashing with Miguel and not immediately returning home.
You turned to Miguel, asking when was the appropriate time to drop you off. To your astonishment, Miguel’s brows furrowed, and his lips morphed into a grimace, “you will not be returning.” he affirmed.
Miguel shocked not only you, but everyone witnessing the scene. A gauche silence conquered the atmosphere.
You and Miguel stared at each other for a beat, then you voiced your perplexity. “What do you mean “I will not be returning?” Miguel, I need to go home.” you took a step closer to Miguel.
Miguel gazed at you with an uninterested stare. “What I say goes, (Name). And I say you're staying here.” he spun around, returning to whatever he had been working on before. “We all have a busy schedule and dropping you off will only alter it.”
“It’s not worth it,” he said like he was ending the conversation.
“Okay, then Peter can take me home when he needs to drop off Mayday.” you insisted, looking over at Peter to see if he’d be alright with your plan.
No expression was needed for you to catch on to the attitude Miguel began to gain. “(Name), I won’t tell you twice. The answer is no. Now, Peter take her back to my apartment. We’ll speak about the matter later, at the moment there are more important issues happening.”
You found it laughable. To think the minute you stepped into the man's sight he wanted you gone, but now Miguel was fighting you to stay with him. Ironic, isn’t it?
That night you and Miguel, the very moment he came inside his apartment, quarreled for an hour in a half. Your argument being you did not belong to him and could do whatever you pleased. Miguel’s argument was the insignificance of the matter to him.
You detected Miguel’s temper was starting to get out of hand. The way his fists began to clench, the way his brows creased, and the frown deepened after every sentence he uttered. You’ve seen his strength. His fierceness. And you’d rather leave than have any of his tantrums directed at you. Doing what any rational person would do, you attempted to leave the room. You advised him to de-stress before speaking to you again.
Miguel was having none of it. Not even a second passed before you were yanked back by the forearm.
You’re face-to-face with Miguel. Miguel towered over you, looking down at you with his signature red piercing stare. He bends down, momentarily staring at you until he finally speaks. “I can't allow you to leave.” The way he talks is low and if the room weren't already quiet, you wouldn’t have heard him. “I love you,” he confessed, voice cracking, closing his eyes as if it pained him to say it. He opened his eyes again. “And I won't allow myself to lose any other person I care for.”
Pulling twenty dollars out of the torn-up wallet you found on the side of the road, you slide it forward on the mahogany brown table. The fatigued receptionist glances at the money, then gazes at you with an irked expression.
“This isn’t enough.” She states matter-of-factly. She slides the twenty back to you.
You purse your lips, staring down at the cash. Twenty dollars is all you had. What were you to do now? The next nearest motel could be miles away; it was a miracle you made it to this.
Your eyes flicker back to her. You take two fingers pushing it back to her, giving her your best puppy eyes. “Please! I don't have anywhere else to go tonight. If I can’t stay here I’ll have to sleep on the streets.”
You were lying. You would’ve taken off by dawn, needing to be on the move after getting rested.
Her hardened expression softens. She takes a deep breath, eyes studying the money. Shaking her head, she takes the cash. “One night only, alright?”
You propose to her a smile, nodding with gratitude. She allotted you a key. A small golden-greenish key, with the number five engraved on the head. Tonight you’d sleep on the grounded floor of the motel.
The inside was decently prepared, having a dingy tone that gave off a haunted vibe. You hum in displeasure. Two queen-sized mattresses are positioned on the right side of the wall. They appeared stiff, and the blankets laying upon them looked thinner than a sheet of paper.
Sighing, you softly booted the door shut. Flopping down on the nearest bed, you groan at the sensation of the rough mattress.
When tomorrow comes you’d have to find a fresh location. Miguel could continually find your locale, thanks to not only Lyla but the whole Spider society. Perhaps you postponed his search this time. His watch or gizmo- whatever the hell it was- rests on your wrist.
Shifting your head to the side, pulling your hand out of your pocket, you glance at the gizmo.
Tightly clutched in Miguel’s hold, you stare quietly at the ceiling. You debate acting on your next actions. There were times Miguel slept lightly, aroused by creaks in the floorboard. Other times when the sound of glass shattering did not bother him even a little.
Glancing down at the arm wrapped securely around your midriff, you endeavor to gradually lift his arm up. He unconsciously retaliates, arms consolidating, resulting in a small gasp slipping from your lips. You’re quick to rub his arm, to offer him comfort, and to calm him.
It works. Miguel grumbles, his grasp faulting. You carefully move his arm aside, then unhurriedly get up from the bed.
Before leaving the room you observe Miguel. Miguel sleeps soundly, an angry expression inscribed on his face. But he is asleep, so you take your chance while you are able.
Tiptoeing into the kitchen, you immediately spot the gizmo on the marble counter. Compared to the technology you have at home, it was top-notched, a huge improvement. Of course, he lived in the year 2099. Obviously, there would be a difference in technology.
You grabbed the gizmo, examining the complexity. From monitoring the spider people using them, you know it’ll take you wherever universe you request. Great. However, you weren’t a spider person. If you teleported in the middle of the air, you couldn't grapple on the closest object with a web. Or claw your way down a building
Fuck it.
If dying meant escaping him, then so be it.
You didn’t really mean that. Every time you went to teleport to a different universe, you cringed retreating your hand.
“Jesus! Alright, I'm doing this!” you softly berated yourself. Bracing for the impact of the possible fall you might face, you shut your eyes tight and twisted the gizmo. “Please be on the ground, Please be on the ground, Please be on the ground!” you cried.
How long would it take them to find you? How far could you get?
God, being on the run was stressful.
Your eyes flutter closed, plush pillows luling your tired mind. ‘I should get some sleep’ you thought. Warmth spread throughout your numbing body, as you finally permitted yourself to sleep.
When you awake gasping for air, almost as if you’d been suffocating. Instantly you arise, a hand rushing to your chest confirming it still thumped with a beating heart. Your skin is sticky with cold sweat, making your clothes uncomfortably cling to your body. “What the fuck?” you barely uttered, mouth arid.
Suddenly you had a gut feeling to check the window. You stand, groggily walking toward the large window adjacent to the front door. Pinching the hem of the curtain, you haul it aside.
The night is still pristine, the stars glowing in the dark sky. Nothing seems out of place. And yet you continue to have that gut feeling. Look outside, there’s something outside. Your eyes move to the parking lot.
You see it.
Blue and red. Something blue and red is making its way toward the motel. Squinting, you can make out what it is. Miguel. It's Miguel!
“Oh, shit!” you expressed, dropping the curtain. Wasting no time you locked the bottom and top locks. You veered around, frantically searching for a place to hide. You are no fool. Locking the door was simply a distraction; Miguel would tear the door off its hinges in a second.
Hiding underneath the bed is a childish strategy. That and hiding underneath the covers. Still, you drop to your knees, squeezing underneath the bed, using the blankets to cover any spaces revealing you. Pressing the palm of your hand against both your mouth and nose, you listen closely to everything around you.
At first, all you hear is the air conditioning blowing cool air, and the people next door’s baby weeping. Then you hear it. The doorknob oscillation. Your eyes widen, fear causing your breath to hitch. When the door refuses to open, the person behind the door commences kicking in the door. One kick achieves them access to the room. The door slams against the wall, shaking the ground, sending a vibration under you.
“¿Qué carajo?” you know that voice anywhere. It’s Miguel speaking in his native language. A habit Miguel has when he’s angered or stressed. “¿Dónde está ella?” Miguel snaps, striding into the room with anger-powered steps.
You can see through the tiny slit in the blankets, Miguel turning to the table where you placed the gizmo. Miguel picks up the gizmo, putting it back on his wrist.
He shifts his concentration to finding you. He calls out your name, malice dripping from the way he shouts it. He disappears from sight, presumingly moving on to the bathroom. Many things are heard being tossed around. Miguel probably was looking for evidence of you staying here, apart from the gizmo.
You gather the courage to, oh, so carefully stretch your leg out, then proceed to quietly shuffle from under the bed. You waste no time, rushing out the door, feet bare without socks or shoes. The gravel burns the soles of your feet, scraping and imprinting on the skin.
You practically succeeded in leaving the lot until you caught a glimpse of what stalked behind you. On all fours, Miguel sprinted at you, claws scuffing the concrete, like a predator running after its prey.
“Holy shit! What the actual fuck!” you panic aloud, taking your eye off what was in front of you, your mind solely focusing on the man hunting you. Big mistake on your part. A concrete parking block is in your way, but you don’t see it. You jolt forward, tripping over the block, your other foot catching you before you hit the road.
Just when you thought you still had the chance of running away, you’re sorely mistaken. Miguel pounces on you, and the clash of your bodies colliding results in Miguel tumbling down the road, you secure in his arms.
The tumble ends; you’re struggling not to vomit, head resting on Miguel’s firm chest. The world spins. It’s easy to forget your position when the urge to throw up is fresh.
Miguel holds your head, pressing a myriad of kisses on every part of the skin visible, muttering with his eyes closed. “Gracias a Dios que estás bien.” He sounds so frantic, reciting those same words, his tongue stumbling over the utterances.
His eyelids raise, uncovering his red orbs. He presses his forehead against yours, staring deeply into your eyes. It’s a domestic stunt that makes your stomach churn. “Debería estar furioso contigo, pero no lo estoy.” he huffs, then continues, “I’m happy you’re alright. I don’t know what I'd do if I lost you, mi alma.”
Taking your hand, he places a soft kiss on the back. “Had an anomaly harmed you, I would have ripped their fucking throat out!”
- “¿Qué carajo?”/ what the fuck?
- “¿Dónde está ella?”/ where is she?
- “Debería estar furioso contigo, pero no lo estoy.”/ I should be furious with you, but I'm not.
- “Gracias a Dios que estás bien.”/ thank god you’re okay.
- mi alma/ my soul
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flythesail · 28 days
Everything about the Acolyte cancelation just feels so off. I want to be hopeful when seeing the strength of the renewal campaign or even the number of big news sources writing about it, that something like a wrap up movie could be possible, yet nothing about this situation says "normal."
There were reports from so many places (with no evidence) that Acolyte merch was intentionally taken offline. (For the record, nothing came up when you searched "Andor" either.) Then soon after, the merch is back. (Presumably because it was out of stock.) What I find surprising is that the news spread like wildfire. Why? When for most of its existence, the Acolyte has been thrown under the bus - from review bombing to racist attacks from so called "fans" - why was everyone suddenly jumping on the cancelation news when doing little to defend or support the show from the start? Merch seems like such a minor thing within the grand picture.
Many, okay most, shows are canceled after one season nowadays. But this is a first just by default of falling under an IP as large as Star Wars. Shows that are not renewed go "quietly." Kenobi was written as a single season. Tbobf might have been up for a second, but after the way it was used as a bridge for Mando seasons 2 and 3, a lack of renewal is not a shock.
There's so much proof the Acolyte was on course to be renewed and the cancelation was not planned. As recently as last month they were looking for directors for season 2. I believe there were reports of a writers room in February.
Lee Jung-jae says in an interview he's surprised about the cancelation, and right after there's "coincidentally" news that Keanu Reeves would have been Master Sol if not for scheduling conflicts. Lesley Headland has ALWAYS said JJ was her first choice. Which says what? That Lucasfilm wanted to punish JJ for showing support for the show that they canceled. This is on top of doing absolutely nothing to protect Amandla from all the disgusting racists on Instagram. This is on top of them announcing Manny for SW Celebration, which isn't until NEXT year. Wtf is he going to talk about?? Thanks for canceling my show last year! I sure would have loved to continue it! The cancelation news was even publicized on his birthday. This comes after recent news for tie-in novels, an art book, and a visual guide.
My best guess would be that plans for season 2 were underway, and a higher up got scared. Of what? Taking creative risks. Or maybe scared of the people who claim to be "fans" and have done nothing but trash the show from the start with no basis.
I'll play advocate, what if it was just for viewership and budgetary reasons? It does cost a lot to make. But then why not adjust the budget? Why not adjust the marketing strategy for season 2? The success of something like Star Wars cannot even be entirely measured by viewership or Disney+ subscriptions, less so a month after the finale. What about merchandise sales or growth over time, as the Acolyte perfectly slots into a space in canon that quite frankly, is unexplored but adds so much to the overall narrative longterm!
Even if the show is expensive, you will never convince me Disney of all companies doesn't have the money for it. Something happened and it happened fast. Whatever did happen, to cancel the Acolyte is a cowardly move. I want to hope it can come back and that this "scrambling" to change the narrative in the media is a sign of regret, yet it's most likely a poor attempt to control the narrative in their favor and push the blame to everyone who actually cares about the show.
At the very least, I hope the response is a wake up call. That Star Wars fans will not stick around no matter what. That you cannot treat your creators, actors, and fans, primarily women and poc, as lesser time and time again and expect them to continue to support your product. This decision is telling in more ways than one. It's unfair and if nothing changes, Star Wars will only get worse from here. Which is disappointing, because I love it and have been a fan on and off since I was 11 years old. But I cannot deny that everything about the way the cancelation is happening feels like a betrayal.
The Acolyte dared to be inventive. It dared to be diverse. Whether that be the cast or those behind the camera, this story was made by and made for people Star Wars has continually neglected, and it still felt like true Star Wars that anyone could enjoy. It was a step in the right direction. If given a chance, it would have only become bigger. When is the last time a Star Wars project brought in new fans like this? You can only retell the same stories so many times before they lose what made them special in the first place. As a true fan, Lesley brought fresh perspective. From Amandla's performance as Mae and Osha, to JJ's performance as Master Sol, which he learned English for. Or Manny as the Stranger, a mystery turned sith turned lead love interest. The Acolyte explored the grey era between good and evil, the decisions that define us, what it means to feel, and the power of that. The Acolyte dared to exist and a cancelation can't erase the fact that it matters.
If you're still reading, please do sign and share the petition. It might not bring the show back, but it is a show of support for the cast, crew, and fans it stood for.
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rebeltarot · 11 months
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YOUR UNIVERSE ➕ Uncovering Your Strengths
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[3 piles] ・ [4 decks] ・ [5 cards for each pile] ・ [letters, signs, messages, songs]
Hello love, and welcome to my pick-a-card reading. you can find instructions and my disclaimer below. please read these before choosing your pile.
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Painting: The Interrupted Sleep - François Boucher (1750)
Helpful Links: How to choose your pile ➕ Request a reading
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© rebeltarot 2023 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 01 ➕
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
A, R, O, blank, X, Z, Libra, Virgo, Saturn, 8th house, Divine timing, I always feel your energy, When I close my eyes I see you face, The best friend you have will help you, Wealth beyond your fondest dreams, Live your own life, Happiness, Longing, Captured, Start Somewhere
Song: Don't You - Sickick
Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune, Justice
Oracle: The Adventurer, Stink Bug, Rejection
You are like an alchemist, someone who transforms any lesson and any situation into an opportunity for growth and learning. Your adaptability is remarkable, whether it's adapting to the different phases of your life or transforming the world around you. No matter where life takes you, you seize every opportunity to learn, grow, and leave your mark on the world. You carry a reservoir of wisdom with you, and your words leave a lasting impact. Because of your fair nature and your integrity, you can attract many good things into your life. With the wheel of fortune, I do feel like people either love you or they avoid you. You are vocal about your values and beliefs. Your greatest strength lies in your unwavering loyalty to your own principles and moral compass. You speak your truth, you always act with integrity, and you are unstoppable when it comes to issues of fairness and justice. You're a humanitarian at heart, and you are far from a safe place for people who deny a people’s humanity and rights. Your nature comes with significant responsibilities, and people often look to you for emotional labor, which can be draining. Yet, your thoughts and ideas are your pillars of strength. Even if you doubt your ability to meet these expectations, you are more than up to the challenge. Unlike others, you allow your mind to wander and expand. You are open-minded, and this comes with the inherent burden of responsibility. You effortlessly identify moral shortcomings and courageously confront them. While you may feel uneasy about this, it's a source of strength. You are a true advocate for justice, deeply self-reflective, and willing to confront the issues you might be avoiding. You understand that some battles are worth the effort, and you remain an idealist at heart. You find beauty and growth in facing resistance, and your resilience and unwavering hope are your greatest assets. You adapt and persist, always ready to fight for what is right and just. Your loyalty to your values, sense of justice, and morals might unsettle some, occasionally leading to rejection. Nevertheless, you remain true to yourself, embracing growth and understanding.
Your reblogs are highly appreciated. Thank you so much for supporting my work!
© rebeltarot 2023 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 02 ➕
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
F, A, N, X, Pisces, Aquarius, Taurus, Moon, 10th house, Dark hair, Monday, Superficial, You make me want to do better and try harder, Dance with me - make me sway, Be true to who you are, Think happy be happy, Today I am excited about everything, I found my life when I laid it down, The best time for new beginnings is now
Song: Naturally - Tinashe
Tarot: 10 of Wands, 4 of Pentacles
Oracle: The Gambler, Raccoon, Trickery
You're a diligent individual, and your core strength lies in your sense of responsibility and unwavering determination. You shoulder your burdens with grace, and it might sometimes give the impression that everything comes easy to you or that your endurance is hereditary. However, your most valuable asset is your brilliant mind, which houses a complex ecosystem of thoughts and ideas. It can be a heavy load to carry at times, but it bears a lot of fruit. Your ability to see tasks through to completion is commendable, and giving up is not in your nature. Your biggest virtues are your reliability and stability. Once you've set a goal, it's nearly impossible to divert you. Anything you consider worthwhile receives your full commitment, and you protect it with unwavering devotion. Taking risks is second nature to you. When you deem something worthwhile, you dive in headfirst. Even in the face of setbacks or failures, you persevere. You don't view these challenges as the end of your journey but rather as valuable lessons that bring you one step closer to your goals. Failure, in your eyes, is an invaluable teacher who reveals what doesn't work, making you even more resilient. Jealousy or envy don't deter you; instead, they inspire you as you can see behind their masks. Rather than fixating on your own limitations, you focus on the potential and the evidence that achieving your goals is possible. If someone else has accomplished it, you believe it's within your reach too. Rather than being paralyzed by greed or jealousy, you let them inspire you to do better. Problem-solving is another of your strengths. Your ingenuity allows you to navigate any obstacle in your path. Nothing is impenetrable to you as you operate with a clear vision and unwavering determination, unimpressed by potential distractions or the opinions of others. Your way of thinking is creative and innovative. You also possess the ability to adapt and pivot when necessary, using your grit to work smarter rather than harder. Your vulnerable and open heart, combined with your self-honesty, are loyal companions on your journey. You consistently maintain authenticity with yourself and those around you, and you possess a discerning eye that can spot deceit from a mile away.
Your reblogs are highly appreciated. Thank you so much for supporting my work!
© rebeltarot 2023 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 03 ➕
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
G, E, I, Cancer, Aquarius, Taurus, Capricorn, Aries, 12th House, 3rd House, 7th House, 1st House, Venus, Root Chakra, She sees possibility everywhere, I wish my eyes could take photos, Dreams, Strong Eyebrows, You are my mirror, Don't be scared - I ain't afraid, It hurts when I hear your name, I hear your messages in songs
Song: My Potna Dem - $ilkMoney
Tarot: The Emperor, 6 of Pentacles
Oracle: The Herald, Giraffe, Balance
You possess a natural gift for leadership, embodying authority and integrity in your actions and words. Your strength derives from your unwavering discipline and proactive, action-oriented approach to life. Your stability and reliability stem from your commitment to your values and morals. You naturally capture other people's attention, and when you enter a room, your presence cannot be unseen. Your strength exudes strength itself, and commanding a room is second nature to you. Generosity is another pillar of your personality. You're a giver at heart, known for your charitable nature. Your deep humanity and boundless empathy are truly admirable. Community holds great importance to you, and you're always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. Your unwavering support and generosity are truly commendable, as you focus on giving rather than taking, enriching the lives of those around you. One of your unique abilities is seeing the silver lining in every situation. Regrets become stepping stones to growth, and melancholy transforms into an abundance of hope and idealism. Your "what-ifs" don't hold you back; they serve as inspiration. Your optimistic mindset positions you as your own herald of change. You maintain an idealistic worldview and vision. Personal development is of utmost importance to you, and your ability to turn your focus inward inspires and uplifts those around you on their journeys of self-improvement. Your natural inclination to give and help others is complemented by your self-awareness, which recognizes that you can't pour from an empty cup. Another one of your strengths lies in your internal focus. You don't seek external validation, nor do you indulge in envy or comparisons with others. The only competition you engage in is with your previous self, constantly challenging and focusing on your growth and expansion, all while taking your time and progressing at your own pace. You are a fearless explorer, unafraid to step out of your comfort zone in the pursuit of learning and evolution. You're results-driven, and you hold your values in the highest regard. You embody resilience, courtesy, and unwavering support in your interactions with others. Your approach is consistently marked by humanity, grace, and love, leaving a lasting impact on those fortunate enough to know you.
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cardboardheartss · 8 months
Short PAC : What would BTS members think of you?
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remember to take a deep breath, and think about which pile you feel most connected to before you pick a pile to read!
(Please don’t forget to like, reblog and follow! It will be much appreciated!📦)
Pile 1 : GMA Performance
Pile 2 : HHYLT Era
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Pile 1 : GMA Performance
Overall energy : Strength, KnoP & The Fool
The BTS members think you’re really cool! They LOVE your vibes overall! In their eyes you seem like a very strong, patient and hardworking! They also think you have a pretty tough demeanor too! You may have a tough demeanor, but they also think you’re a bit naive and really carefree too! You give off “YOLO” vibes to them!
RM : 2oP
RM thinks you’re a very busy but skillful person. He thinks you manage wayy too many responsibilities and struggle to just and rest at times. If he could give you any advice, he’d want you to slow down for a little bit and just rest to avoid overworking yourself.
Jin : 10oS
Jin views you as a person who’s sad? He thinks you’re quite melodramatic. You may have had experienced some sort of loss and he can tell that it has affected you a lot. He would want to encourage you to keep going!
SUGA sees you as a family oriented person. Thinks you’re also down to earth, smart, warm-hearted, and you’re also devoted to your loved ones and people around you in general! Overall… it’s really positive thoughts!!!
J-Hope : Wheel of Fortune
You give off, “go with the flow” vibes to jhope! He sees you as a lucky person, who’s is literally protected by the universe! He thinks you’re also really kind, you’re like his twin lol! Once again! Positive vibes!
Jimin : The Hermit
Jimin thinks you’re spiritual. He views you to also be an introvert too, who is also detail oriented. Jimin could also think you’re probably a teacher, given off by your calm demeanor with many wise words to say.
V : The Tower
I believe for V, he may meet 2 different types of pile 2! One of them being a person who he thinks has a strong aura and you literally pave the way, and go against society’s norms. The other type of pile 2 he’ll meet, is the one who he thinks loves to stir up drama for no reason and sees you as a person who thrives in unnecessary drama as well!
Jungkook : The Chariot
Jungkook sees you as a focused person, whom wants to achieve their dreams! He believes you are a hardworking person too. But he may see you as an intense person, who doesn’t want to be played with, so he will avoid getting into any trouble with you!
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Pile 2 : HHYLT era
Overall energy : 5oS, 8oP & AoC
The members think you’re very competitive whom likes to stand out , and will not be bothered if you lose friends/family to want to achieve their goals! They think you’re also a perfectionist who’s also very emotional because you wear your heart on your sleeve lol!
RM : 8oS
He may think you’re very stubborn. He thinks you don’t know your way around this thing called life, and you often times victimize yourself.
Jin : The Chariot rx
He thinks you’re not a force to be reckoned with, he might even be too scared to tell a simple joke! You seem really aggressive in his eye!
J-Hope : 2oP
He will see you as a very busy person. He may think you have many jobs or sources of income. For you to rest because it will be too much work for your own mental and physical health.
SUGA : 2oS rx
He views indecisive. In his eyes. He sees as a type of person who would sit for an hour, deciding what to eat for dinner that same night. Apart from you being indecisive he does believe that you’re able to understand other peoples opinions and see both sides of the story.
Jimin : The Empress rx
Jimin thinks you lack creativity. he thinks you worry too much, mainly about work. He also thinks he have body image issues, and that you have a strong connection with Mother Nature, if he could give you any tip and advice he would want you to love yourself specifically your body, because of a very naturally beautiful body, no matter what shape or size .
V : AoP rx
V would think you’re over spender, and he thinks you cannot plan your future properly. You seem to go with the flow, but that doesn’t help you in anyway whatsoever. if we could give you any tip, he would want you to stop planning properly and to stop over spending your money because you’ll never know if your salary will increase or decrease.
Jungkook : 7oP
Jungkook sees you as very hard-working. He thinks you’re good at making a long term career path/investment! He appreciates all the hardwork and can see you doing excellent things in the present and future!
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Thank you for reading!📦
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katerinaaqu · 5 months
Survivor's Guilt and Survivor's Duty (P1)
Odysseus was hungry. That much he knew. Gods were really cruel with them the days that went through. He had returned from yet another hunt without any success. Not even a single rabbit was visible to Helios’s island. He was already feeling weary and light-headed with hunger; which was why he thought he was hallucinating when he smelt the finest smell of roasting meat he ever met in his life. However it took him no more than two brain cells of his infamous mind to connect the dots and realize what had happened.
“No! Gods no, let it be not what I think it is! Please gods no!”
His legs grew wings as he began sprinting towards the direction of the smell.
“Why did you lull me to that pointless sleep?! Why! It was all to ruin me? To ruin them?!”
He ran with all the strength of his feet to the field only to find what he hoped in all gods he believed in to be a hallucination. He saw what remained of his men from that eventful 3 year journey having lit a fire and roasting a fine cow to the pike, happy and well-fed. In the past days his men just broke. They could withstand hunger no longer and understandably they had only one source of nutrition on that island; those fat, well-kept cows that seemed to be mocking them. Of course his men would do that! Odysseus could not blame them and yet he pulled his long hair in desperation seeing the scene.
“ARE YOU ALL MENTAL? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MINDS?!” he yelled desperately drawing their attention, “I told you not to do that! These sacred animals will be our doom!”
Eurylochus, his trusted commander came forward. His eyes were full of snare and gathered anger.
“Captain,” he started, “did you expect us to starve to death? Not even one little bird was flying around and all the grass in this place turned poisonous for us! We would die anyways! This time we were doomed either way!”
The loud voice of the furious man was cut off from the sound of flesh striking against flesh and then Eurylochus’s head turned to the side. Odysseus was huffing and puffing; nostrils flattering aflame as he gathered his strong hand back.
“You fools!” he growled tears burning his onyx eyes, “you damned fools! This was a test! A test for our faith and we failed! We failed miserably! Haven’t you learnt anything? Insulting the gods is never a good idea! We should rather die of starvation than this! The gods will show no mercy on us now! We are doomed!”
“You would know of that!” Eurylochus suddenly bellowed beyond himself, “You doomed us all, Odysseus! If you haven’t done that we would be in our country by now! These three years happened because of you!”
This time it was a punch that stroke his cheek, not a slap. Eurylochus fell on the sand but he had no time to breathe for Odysseus grabbed him by the shirt lifting him up to his feet again. The comrades rushed there to grab him (oh they remembered his rage the other time nearly cost Eurylochus his life!) however Odysseus was almost as unmovable as a statue at that point. His face was red with fury.
“I tried to save us all!” he yelled, “Ungrateful bastard, I tried to save us all! I faced the beast that could have eaten us all! After everything I did for you! I-…”
He stopped. He shivered from top to bottom. Eurylochus was right. All had happened because of him. He had insulted Poseidon by blinding his son; he was arrogant enough to brag about it…no, even further back; Troy fell because of him. So many men died because of him. Ten years they fought a brutal war; they had endured the weather, the living conditions, the battles… More than 600 men started and finished the war with barely any loss…and now…less than 3 years out in the sea and… They started 12 ships and now they were one…less than 40 men left in one final ship…and all was initiated because of him…he could not deny it. He found no words to defend himself. Gradually he let go of Eurylochus, who wiped the blood off his lip with his fist. He noticed his men had gathered around to separate them from each other but it didn’t seem necessary anymore. The comrades had let him go, noticing he was almost limb in their arms. His onyx eyes were bottomless. No, it shouldn’t end like that! He had committed hubris to save his men and he doomed them, he had forced himself to bed a woman for one year after gods requested to rectify it and yet here they were again. None of the sacrifices seemed to be enough to wash that sin away. No, he couldn’t let them die like that! He had to try! He had promised he would repent! He had to save them before that happened!
“Gather up your stuff, men!” he ordered, eyes still shadowed by his hair, “We must go as soon as possible!”
“Go?” Polites asked, “Go where?”
“At ANY land!” Odysseus whispered, “Anywhere but here! We must offer a sacrifice of some kind! We must wash away this hubris!”
As he turned his back at them –oh he couldn’t face them now!- Eurylochus stood up and looked at him with eyes resembling knives.
“Should we take the rest of the meat too…Captain?” that word was almost spat like an insult, “Or shall we hope Poseidon will grace us with a meal?”
Odysseus winced. Eurylochus; his brave and loyal friend; the type of person that sure, didn’t tell him always nice things but he was always honest with him and always told him some things that needed to be said; now he seemed gone; All their adventures and torments had hardened him, killing his old comrade and giving him  in his place a bitter, hateful man who could understand no longer the difference between insolence, disrespect and honesty or couldn’t care less to tell them apart. Odysseus couldn’t blame him but at that moment he found his transformation disturbing and concerning. He glared daggers at him. The mention of the meat of the slain animals made even his mouth water. He was hungry too. They wouldn’t survive without food and yes, Poseidon sure wouldn’t allow them to fill their bellies with his fish given the situation and the sea birds even if they graced them with their presence, which he doubted, were inedible and poisonous. Gods forgive me, he thought, but I am just a man!
“Damn you!” he cursed under his husky breath, “Take what you wish! If we survive this, pray to all gods that I will forget this because by all gods one day I’m gonna kill you!”
He could hardly remember the process but he knew they were on their way again; so fast and so hastily inside their last black ship in the openness of the Mediterranean Sea. If it was in his hand, Odysseus would have stayed close to the shore but of course gods were cruel for yet another time as Helios’s magnificent isle lay in the middle of open sea. He had no choice but to head for the sea and hope for the best. He knew there were lands close by; if they could reach them… For six days the trip was uneventful and his comrades had as provisions the meat from the slain animals to feast upon. Even Odysseus had to admit he had tasted the magnificent flesh of the animals, for he could withstand hunger no more. However six days of such a trip and he was always expecting the worst, which never seemed to be coming. His nerves just broke. It was the seventh day of their journey; still no sight of any land and still he hadn’t spoken a word. He was staring at the endless blue of the wine-dark sea and he didn’t speak a word. He could sense his comrades’ tension in the air; he could almost cut it with a knife! And yet, Odysseus could not focus on that. Polites looked up from the deck towards him and then towards Eurylochus who still had his cheek swollen.
“He’s so lost in thought…” Polites commented
“He should be!” Eurylochus replied bitterly, “He might be our king but sometimes he has a lot of nerve to talk to us that way! It was HIS hubris that brought us to this position!”
“Now that is both unfair and blasphemous to our king!” Polites replied
“He is no god for me to perform blasphemy!” Eurylochus replied as a matter of fact
Polites sighed.
“We have our own share of responsibility, you know! If we hadn’t opened that damned sack we might have reached home as well!”
Eurylochus winced at the reminder of Aiolus sack. Yes, that truly was their mistake. They got overcome by greed and distrust.
“And, besides, what Odysseus said is true. You and I were never there. We didn’t experience the week of seclusion in that hole. Perhaps we would have done the same…”
Eurylochus sighed defeated.
“Yeah…perhaps you’re right. And he DID spend a year entertaining Circe till our comrades healed… However…” his face darkened a bit, “I still cannot shake it off, Polites! It is majorly his fault we ended up like this! And he DID keep secrets from us. Or have you forgotten how he kept his mouth shut about Skylla? Six of our comrades dead…and we didn’t even know what was coming…”
“He wanted to spare us…”
“Yeah I am sure he suffered, alright, but we still had the right to know! Perhaps we could have come up with a plan together. Perhaps we could have fought back!”
“Fight back an immortal six-headed dragon? I am not sure how that would have worked but…even if you are right and he should have told us, that doesn’t change the fact that he is here with us now. If he wanted he could have stayed with the witch, Circe and sent us off and we would have no directions and no warnings.”
“He didn’t do that for us, Polites”
“Not entirely, I agree, but wouldn’t be fair to say that he did it for us as well?”
Eurylochus sighed.
“Fine, but seriously it was such a long trip and even longer way… I just want to go home!”
“We all do…” Polites whispered concerned.
Yes, ten years of war plus three years of wandering and danger…more than five hundred good men dead… Everyone could understand the feeling.
“I agree with Eurylochus, though…” said another man, “It was all a big mess that initiated when Odysseus insulted Lord Poseidon. I had warned him that day! I said, stop provoking him! He didn’t listen… We are all paying the price now…”
Polites sighed. Yes, he couldn’t deny that but still it seemed rather unfair to say it was just Odysseus’s fault. If anything, Odysseus was sacrificing many things along the way to protect and save them. He shivered in disgust remembering that he was told he had turned into a swine because he entered Circe’s palace. He felt grateful to Odysseus for rescuing him from such a fate. And yet… He still couldn’t shake that ominous feeling that something would happen and Odysseus’s silence wouldn’t help. Not bearing it any longer he slowly approached Odysseus. He didn’t acknowledge his presence. The silence was deafening. Only the cricking of the ship and the sound of the waves could be heard. There was no land at sight anywhere. It was quiet…WAY too quiet…
“Odysseus…” Polites started, “we…”
“Sh!” Odysseus harshly shushed him
“Please, I have to say it…” Polites insisted, “We were starving we made a mistake but-…”
“Quiet!” came yet another whisper
Polites gulped soundly, opening and closing his fist nervously.
“Odysseus…” he started, “Have we ruined everything…?”
Odysseus looked at him and he seemed ready to reply but then he raised his head sharply towards the sail and then to the ripples of the waves. All color left his face.
“Odysseus…? What is it…?”
“That is Eastern Wind…” Odysseus whispered almost in a panic, “That is Zephyr that is blowing at us! That’s not normal! Not at this time of year!”
He almost jumped from his standing point, suddenly seen afraid maybe for the first time in a long time if not ever in his life before.
His comrades didn’t have enough time to question if he lost it or not (given the clear skies around them) because in a few minutes the weather changed so drastically and rapidly that people could only suspect a god was causing it. Black clouds filled the sky in a matter of a few minutes and then suddenly the distant sound of a thunder was heard.
“No…” Odysseus whispered, “No…please, lord Zeus no! Forgive us…please!”
Strong winds raised as a matter of seconds and suddenly the deep blue sea turned into a full-fledged storm. The waves rose in angry white foam and the skies were black like coal with flashes of lightning and thunder. Rain followed that was cold and whipping their faces like needles. The men cried out in fear.
“EURYLOCHUS!” Odysseus bellowed on top of his lungs, “SECURE THE SAIL!”
“SECURE THE SAILS!” Eurylochus transferred the order, “ALL HANDS ON DECK!”
The panic galore was not allowing the orders to properly pass however the soul of the sailor cannot be abided by panic! All hands on deck began to work frantically; they commenced running up and down grabbing the chords and the lines, some of them already climbing to the mast to secure the sail. However it seemed the rage of gods was stronger than the determination of men and their burning wish for survival. A strong current of wind torn the sail to peaces sending quite a few falling on the deck.
“LEAVE IT!” Odysseus yelled as a strong wave splashed over him, “BEFORE THE WIND! HOLD ON TIGHTLY MEN!”
As the ship was played around on the waves like a toy, the terrified warriors and tired sailors would be desperately trying to use the rows to turn the ship; do something, ANYTHING to prevent themselves from crushing on the waves. The sail was now torn to shreds; like the cape of a dethroned king, aimlessly whipping against the mast at the strong wind.
“BEFORE THE WIND!” Odysseus kept screaming over the wind, grabbing the line of the sail in a desperate attempt to keep the material from hitting anyone on deck, “ROW MEN! ROW!”
The ship was being pushed mercilessly upon the waves; creaking and moaning against the wind. Three pairs of rows snapped like twigs leaving the ship spinning aimlessly to the winds. The black ship began to tear apart as cracks and gushes appeared to the sides. The deck started taking water both from below and above from the waves.
“SHE’S TAKING WATER!” one of the sailors cried
“REPAIR THE DAMAGES!” Odysseus cried out in desperation running as he was already ankle-deep in water, “WE MUST KEEP HER AFLOAT!”
It was a pointless order and he knew it. No matter how many times they stuffed torn pieces of the sail in the holes it would be pointless. They were already soaked to the bone, they had no way of lighting fire or softening the wax to fix anything. They were just trying to delay the inevitable and they were failing miserably.
“Lord Zeus…father of all mankind and gods please forgive us!” Odysseus prayed again, “Please, we shall repent! Give us a chance! Poseidon! Oh, Poseidon, please give me a chance!”
The disturbing creaking of wood being slowly broken didn’t need much for Odysseus to understand.
“WATCH OUT!” he cried out
Both the fore-stays of the mast snapped like twigs. The mast began to fall in a disturbing creak and collapsed to the stern. The pilot did not have time but to look up at his upcoming doom as the mast crushed him. Even above the tempest the men heard the disturbing sound of bones breaking as his head was crushed and blood splattered upon the stern. The body fell into the black sea, lifeless and soulless. At the sight of that death there was panic galore. No one heard the orders Odysseus was screaming; no one had any mind but to run up and down aimlessly like ants that were seeing their colony collapse. All they could do was scream their upcoming doom. In a foolish hope or rather a crazy need to survive, Odysseus rushed to the half-broken stern, grabbing the remains of the steer; his hands being died with the blood of the pilot.
“No! No! NO!”
He used all the strength of his mighty hands to do something…ANYTHING to steer the ship away the storm. His hands began bleeding out of the effort upon the splints of the destroyed wood.
“Gods no! Not again! No! No!”
The waves were raising the ship to the heaven and dropping it back down like a walnut shell as people were holding for dear life at the remains of their already tearing apart ship. The steer snapped in the hands of Odysseus and fell into the black sea never to be seen again.
“PREPARE FOR IMPACT!” Odysseus cried out, “HOLD ON!”
Therewith the worst came; a thunderbolt stroke the ship and the sudden flash and tremendous sound left them all blind and deaf. Odysseus screamed in pain shielding his ears. The ship cracked from side to side down in the middle; splintering in the winds like it was a pile of leaves. Ears buzzing and his nose filled with smoke from the fiery fire that lit upon the sad remains of the deck, Odysseus staggered to his feet, struggling to get two steps straight, trying to see through the sulphurous smoke (the only thing he could see was his comrades or what was left of them staggering on the ruins of their ship like drunk) when the last tidal wave came to finish the job. The wave must have been as tall as the remains of the ship as it flooded with tremendous force on the deck sweeping everything…and everyone! Odysseus got violently banged against the hull but he watched in terror through his cloudy from water eyes his comrades falling into the water screaming aimlessly for it was the only thing they could do.
“NOOOOOO!” Odysseus could only cry out as he ran to the rim
He watched the bodies of his men almost like small white dots to the absolute blackness; already almost a mile away, sometimes disappearing under the waves at the force of the tempest. Odysseus nearly lost the remains of his wits as he ran about the ship trying to find literally ANYTHING he could use. Another surge torn apart parts of the keel and the mast snapped from it. Odysseus reacted almost automatically as he rushed to the broken ropes and parts of the keel and mast. His hands and thick fingers began working frantically, almost completely unconsciously as water was hurting his eyes and rain was feeling as if piercing his flesh. All his Being was screaming for him to save himself; to survive! However that tiny part of his brain was tingling to him; maybe there are some men who are still alive! Maybe there is time!
“Please Athena! Please Athena…let me save them! It can’t be too late!” he was mumbling as he was securing the ropes so that the two pieces of wood would tie together, “Please, Pallas please! Let me save just one! Please! Let me return home just one! Please! Please! It can’t be too late! I can’t lose them all!”
Yet another thunder from the skies made him jump and then the remains of his favorite ship were torn apart! Odysseus grabbed upon his last raft of salvation. He jumped into the merciless ocean, rowing frantically with his hand towards the direction he saw his men disappear.
“EURYLOCHUS!” he cried out over the waves, “POLITES! ANYONE! ANSWER ME!”
The only answer he got was thunder and wind. The waves were tall like mountains!
“POLITES!” he called out again
Tears filled his eyes as his voice broke.
“SOMEONE!...P-Please! Anyone! Anyone…!”
There was nothing on site…just waves and storm.
“No…” Odysseus cried, “NOOOOOOOO!!!”
Realization was crueler than what he would expect…there was no one…just himself! He cried…he cried loudly as he never cried before.
“NOOO! WHY! WHY! WHY!” he yelled over the waves, “IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN-…”
His mind and wits nearly escaped him. He remembered that day before their sail for Troy…there were more than six hundred men…waiting for their dangerous trip…
Odysseus was standing before his men; the future fleet that was ready for this uncertain trip. Odysseus, dressed in his fine clothes, his long hair neatly brushed and beard trimmed, was looking at them seriously.
“We are heading for a dangerous trip, my men…” he said, “The road is long and we have no idea how long it will take for us to finish with the holy castle of Troy… If we result in war…there is no guarantee it will end soon…”
His onyx eyes stared deeply within countless others of pairs.
“I cannot lie to you, men…I cannot promise you that we shall all return home safely”
He drew a deep breath.
“However I promise you this; I shall do ANYTHING within my power so we can return home safely! I won’t disappoint you!”
Back to the present Odysseus cried. He weakly hit his fist upon the mast.
“No…” he sobbed, “I won’t disappoint you…!”
Six hundred men…they were all gone…disappeared… He began hyperventilating. No, it couldn’t be true!
“No…No, Athena! No Athena!” he cried trying to fist the water beneath him as if it were sand, “No, Pallas…! No… No, my men…! NOOOOO! NOOOOOOOO!”
He yelled till his throat was sore…till his voice was gone…he sobbed and cried tears almost as plenty as the waves of the sea. The storm was roaming around him… There was no one there to hear his lament… His voice was carried around by the wind…his tears were washed away by sea and rain…His body was borne by the direful winds…
Six hundred men had started that fateful journey…
Now there was only one…
Now he was alone.
The tempest began slowly to subside and the eastern wind gave his place to a breeze from the south. Odysseus was hanging helplessly upon his supposed raft. The nightly fight with the waves had exhausted him and his tears had long now dried out like the salt in his curly hair. His head was already dropping in fatigue when something made him look up. His eyes widened in terror.
“No…” he whispered
He recognized the location. In his pure terror he recognized the narrow path of Skylla and Charybdis; the passage he had struggled so much to get his men out of; the passage that cost the life of six of his comrades. What was worse…he heard an unworldly moan from deep down the sea. His feet felt the low frequency vibration…and then there was a whirlpool. Charybdis had awakened!
“No!” Odysseus cried out, “No, gods, no!”
The merciless current and the frightening groaning from deep down the sea started drawing him. Odysseus at the edge of his wit began frantically rowing with his hand; desperate in his fear to get away from the deathly current that would suck anything to its path! At that moment he remembered Circe’s warnings;
“You must not be there when she sucks it down; for no one could save you from the ruin not even the Earthshaker himself…”
“I HAVE TO TRY, CIRCE!” Odysseus yelled towards the sky in his panic, “I have to try or else my men’s deaths were for nothing!”
The merciless current though wouldn’t bulge as Odysseus realized in terror his pitiful attempts could never save him from this hellish force. The two pieces of wood that were forming his only salvation were being dragged in the ruthless elix. The water was already foaming when he reached the grotto. In panic he scanned the perimeter. Only then his eyes remembered what his brain had erased in fear; the fig tree! Circe had said there was that fig tree shadowing Charybdis! The massive roots and branches were hanging over him; it was his only hope! With strength only panic and adrenaline could give him, Odysseus pushed himself on top of the last remains of his ship and kicked as hard as he could. He had only one chance. His wounded and red hands grasped for dear life onto the rough branches and thank goodness his fingers closed around them!
“ARGH!” Odysseus cried in pain feeling as though his arms would be uprooted out of his own weight, “GODS!”
His legs helplessly hanging over the abyss were desperately moving trying to find a footing but there was none! His arms didn’t have the strength to pull him up at the tree either so he could only hang and hold for dear life. Odysseus dared to look down and saw in terror the gaping hole sucking in the sea and with it his only safety raft. His wet hands would slip and fall if it weren’t for the sheer determination that held him! He prayed to all gods that he knew and didn’t know that this time, just this time, he would find salvation; that his small raft would be vomited out of that whirlpool otherwise he would be lost… The growling rumble from beneath the watery abyss signaled the begin of the outside movement to what it seemed like an eternity later.
“Please gods…please…please…” he was thinking like a mantra
And then he spotted it! The small brownish outline of his mast and keel. He would have a chance! Fear was biting his stomach as he looked down at the whirlpool vomiting out seawater. He knew he had to act quickly or he would have no hope to swim to his raft in that condition. Charybdis below him seemed ready to swallow him even if she was vomiting out the water. What if she really swallowed him if he let go? What if he would be destroyed by some wave? Odysseus looked and looked and the seconds seemed like eons to his tormented heart that was flattering within his chest. He shut his eyes closed; to not see; to not fear and he made his decision
He let go of the branch.
Gravity claimed his body as he fell to the empty space and within the foaming water. The water was hot; hotter than human body temperature and to the tormented king of Ithaca who was freezing from water that seemed like a boiling cauldron. His ears were filled with the sound of bubbles and the hellish growling of Charybdis. He didn’t dare to look; only he paddled like his life depended on it (and it did!) . The suction force that was pushing him upwards this time was with him. Odysseus felt his lungs burning for air and he nearly breathed in the sea water as he hadn’t got a proper breath before diving in the sea. And he was pushed up and up till he was vomited out of the water and drew a soundly breath. He swam frantically till his raft and grabbed onto it with his wounded hands for dear life coughing salted water; nose and eyes aflame from the salt. He rowed and rowed with his hand almost immediately after he caught some breaths. He turned around towards the OTHER dreadful site.
“If Skylla comes out…I’m lost!” he thought
However the dreadful cave that hosted the monster that claimed the lives of six of his crew remained dark and silent. Nothing came out. Odysseus wasted no time and rowed and paddled like crazy to get as far away as possible from that dreadful area. He didn’t know how far Charybdis or Skylla’s ranges were but he certainly didn’t want to know! That was knowledge that even Odysseus of Ithaca, the Man of many Ways could pass on! After what seemed like a full eternity and when the sun was setting for good at the horizon, Odysseus had covered enough distance to see the grotto from afar. He collapsed onto his mast, drawing raspy breaths till his chest began to hurt. He seemed he had no more strength to move. His hands were full of wounds from the ship and the tree branches and hurt from salted water, his lips were torn from the sea and salt had crusted onto his face and hair. Then Odysseus broke down. He cried silently alone in the middle of the sea; he cried for his men he lost, he cried for his dreams that seemed to becoming fainter and fainter; the dreams to embrace his wife and son and he cried for himself. He had barely any hope to survive. He had no men; sea had claimed them. He had no vessel; the storm had claimed it. He had no food or water; those were gone long time ago. He barely had any clothes on for even those were soaked and already tearing apart from the wind and sea. What was the point to keep going, he thought? What would be the point to struggle? He had slim to no possibilities to escape. He was alone in the open sea without protection in Poseidon’s territory. Any kind of sea creature from the usual sharks till the dangerous creatures he faced so far, could potentially kill him.
“I should have died there!” he thought, “Alas this fate is worse than the death in the ship! This agony! Oh, gods I can’t bear it anymore!”
“You are made to endure, Odysseus…”
That was what his grandfather had told him when he visited him in Parnassus what seemed like an eternity prior; almost in another life. However even the tormented Odysseus had his limits. And now these seemed surpassed. Maybe he should let go; allow the sea to take him and end his torment. Maybe he could meet his family in a few decades in the underworld… Why struggle for the inevitable? And yet a small voice to the back of his head made him think that he could not give up just yet; that he had to keep trying and if the sea would claim him then so let it be written, so let it be done. However he had to try and fulfill the prophecy of Tiresias. He felt like he owned this to the 600 lives that were lost under his command. He looked up at the stars that seemed to have started to form. Yes, he would follow the directions that the night dress of Nyx was pointing at. Finding strength anew, the Man Tormented paddled slowly and steadily away from the dreadful spot…
Odysseus traveled once more; this time alone and grabbing upon the last remains of his beloved black ship… The night came cold and he was shivering. By the morning another storm caught up with him and his mast was once more drifted by the huge waves that resembled white top mountains, tearing apart his clothes and his flesh. And yet his hands endured… It was as if his heart and hands combined turned into oak or stones. The Man of many Torments endured. Next day the sun was merciless over his head, sending him almost to the brief of hallucinations and heat as sweat was running down his already wounded body. The night the gods felt pity on him and sent a drizzle rain. Odysseus raised his head to the heavens trying to grab as much of the fresh god-sent water as if that would be enough to quench his insatiable thirst and the burning of the salt. Once a passing seaweed came close to him to which Odysseus made some sort of imitation of a meal for himself. How many times he nearly slipped off his life-raft he lost count…how many times he probably actually fainted on it he could no longer remember. And yet, the King of Ithaca endured…in strength that he had no idea he had. It was as if both his body and spirit had decided he had a duty to survive. He survived the agony and pain as well as the anxiety and fear every time something touched his foot beneath the waves or a passing fish would bite his legs. He had long stopped feeling much.
By night before the tenth day of his painful journey he had collapsed. He didn’t feel the sand beneath his body as his raft finally beached at a sandy beach. He didn’t move as some crab or beach beetle walked over his sea-beaten body. By dawn some hints of his consciousness returned. It was only for a brief second that the rays of sun touched his salt-crusted cheek but Odysseus saw or at least he thought he saw a tall slender figure picking something up from the beach many meters away from him (maybe a seashell). The figure turned towards him and walked there.
And then everything turned black…
Ooookay guys this the first part from my Odyssey story! Poor Odysseus loses everything and gets beached in Ogygia.
Rhapsody 12 must be the most intense or one of the most intense of all the Odyssey and honest the way that Homer describes how Odysseus survived had to be kept as it was from my part!
Poor Odysseus must have passed from all the stages of grief at once!
Now I get extremely inspired by music and soundtracks for my stories. For example the Charybdis description was heavily inspired by the amazing Disney soundtrack for the movie "Dinosaur" with the title "The End of Our Island"
For his eventful journey I was partially inspired by Mozart's "Kyrie" from the Great Mass in C Minor and also the scene from the film "Les Triplettes de Belville" for the battle with the elements especially the storm and all.
For the sinking itself I was inspired by various soundtracks and pieces of music.
For my story I kinda take the hypothesis that Ogygia was in fact the small island of Gozo in Malta
As the other time I shall tag some of my amazing commentors/rebloggers and friends! (again forgive me if I forget anyone)
@loco-bird @aaronofithaca05 @tunguszka20 @doob-or-something @jarondont @prompted-wordsmith @simugeuge @fangirlofallthefanthings @ilov3b00kss0much
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helloilikepurple · 9 months
DC X DP - Merfolk AU
Maddie and Jack Fenton are ecto-biologists, except, ecto-beings aren't ghosts but rather mermaids.
Amity Park is a small island, a 3-hour boat ride away from the nearest coast. The ferry comes by 2 times a day, and only once on Sunday at noon.
Mermaids are believed to be a myth by most. This is because they are only visible to the human eye when they choose to be. Every mermaid seems to have the base powers;
Invisibility (can choose to be invisible to only humans or everything/everyone else - can also make themselves visible to humans but choose not to. Most tend to be in a constant state of not visible to people)
Intangibility (how they've avoided capture and such)
Strength much more impressive than a human's
Ability to communicate underwater (clicks and chirps and such produced from their core)
Fast healing
Some also have additional powers unique to them. Danny's ice, Ember's music (siren song).
Mermaids only look somewhat human. They share no biological similarities to humans.
Mermaids are an ancient species that have been around far longer than humans have been. They are immortal and only die when killed or if they get "sick". This immortality is largely thanks to their biological make-up. Mermaids don't breath. They don't have hearts that beat. They don't have vocal cords or gills or lungs.
They have a core, that produces and filters ectoplasm which is all they need. Ectoplasm is their life force and magical, to an extent. Ectoplasm exists everywhere, to various degrees, but is especially potent in all forms of water. It's such to a small degree, though, that it doesn't affect humans and/or magic users.
For mermaids, though, this ectoplasm is plenty. Their bodies can naturally pull it from their environment and use it to fuel themselves. Generally, they don't need it, because they produce their own, but it can make them stronger, which is why they stick to water where much of it can be found (by their standards).
This ectoplasm is a result of feelings. Water experiences a lot - life, death, birth and pain. People drown. People drink. Animals drink. Water goes through the cycle and it remembers. It keeps those emotions and over a long, long time, that magical energy evolved to become ectoplasm (vitality).
Which is why we need water to live.
Maddie and Jack are so curious about these creatures, and have managed to collect various samples over the years. With all their research to occupy them, they didn't have time for their daughter, Jazz.
They invented many things. A contraption that could filter ambient ectoplasm from the water, devices that could detect the unique ecto-signatures of mermaids, weapons that could hurt them. They produced the Speeder to allow them to go far deeper underwater than anyone else has ever achieved. They found ways to use ectoplasm as a power source.
They were brilliant scientists, but still they'd never managed to capture a live specimen. Their methods have always proved too lethal, and mermaid corpses have this infuriating habit of sort of melting quite quickly back into ectoplasm that, although useful, is "corrupt" and has to go through an extensive process in order to be purified and thus useful.
Frustrated by this, they decide to create their own specimen using the samples they've collected and some of their own DNA to fill out any remaining gaps in hopes of getting as close as possible to the real thing.
The result is Danny, a halfa, who breathes and has a beating heart, albeit one that's slower than it should be. He can live underwater, thanks to having a core on top of that, that produces what the human-half of his body needs to stay alive without actually breathing. Hypothetically, he could survive underwater for the rest of his life even if his heart was removed, but only manage to last a few hours above water (where ectoplasm is nowhere near as strong) without that heart before dying.
Normal mermaids die if left without any access to water ranging from a day to week depending on their age and strength. Otherwise, they can survive alright for (hypothetically) a few years with only the rare drink and will be reduced to a strength equal to or slightly above a human's.
(Maddie believes that there are mermaids powerful enough to exceed Superman's strength without any water at all. However, their civilizations are so well hidden she has yet to find any proof to back this up.)
Danny, however, can survive in both environments indefinitely. A truly fascinating result.
On top of that, he can turn his inhuman features for human ones while above water. Once submerged, the influx of ectoplasm will force a change back to "mermaid".
His many documented powers and their original owners are:
His wail (Ember)
The transformation (Amorpho)
Ice (one of the Yetis, like Frostbite)
Ectoblasts - the ability to shoot excess ectoplasm in the form of powered beams (Skulker)
Maddie and Jack don't treat Danny well. They keep him caged, away from all other life, and run various experiments on him. Seeing as he can produce his own ectoplasm, they also syphon it from him to power their inventions, as they can get a lot more from him faster than they can extract it from the water.
Once, they test how his body reacts to different stimuli. When they get to electricity, Jack misreads the voltage and the shock very nearly kills Danny. The scream he lets out then is the sound he makes when he wails as it's this experience that unlocks that power of his. From then on he's deathly afraid of being electrocuted.
Jazz is not close with her parents. She had to raise herself, and never paid their research much mind. For a long time, she was sure they were just crazy. And then she saw Danny.
She went down to their lab to ask them to sign a school form and saw young, maybe 5 year old Danny in a tank, tail on full display. From then on she became his self-appointed sister, sneaking him snacks and telling him stories and teaching him things her parents hadn't bothered to.
Danny shows a clear like for the stars. Having never seen the sky before, when Jazz manages to sneak him out (just into the next room to look out a window) for a quick peak one night, he's absolutely in love. Jazz helps him learn as much as he can about them, smuggling in astronomy books and the like for him to read.
As Jazz grows older, she starts to worry for Danny more and more. Maddie and Jack are growing more greedy - more obsessive. They're treating him increasingly poorly and she hates it. She wants to help but finds herself afraid of how her parents would react.
So she times it perfectly. Maddie and Jack are out buying various household appliances to disassemble for a project, and Jazz is to leave that day for college, never to come back. And she's not about to leave Danny.
So she sneaks him out. As a human, Jazz takes Danny on the ferry too. The moment they reach land they move. Jazz rushes them off straight onto a flight. She's gotten herself on a scholarship into Gotham U for psychology with the intention of one day working at Arkham. By tutoring and babysitting, Jazz has saved up over the years and already has an apartment at the ready for the 2 of them and she's gotten a job at the library waiting for her once she arrives.
Most of her stuff excluding essentials was already waiting for her at her apartment, and she had a backpack full of essentials for Danny ready too. She already had plans to go buy him more stuff, letting him choose, once they arrived.
She's already emancipated herself and renamed herself Jazz Nightingale (more than willing to drop the Fenton name). She had a birth certificate for Danny (now Daniel Nightingale), her younger brother made and there are only a few more legal processes to go through that require Danny to be physically present for that they need to go through before she can sign him up for school.
Yes, it's a lot for an 18 year old; to raise a 8 year old child while going to Uni, working and hiding from her crazy parents, but she's more than willing. She loves Danny. Has loved him since she saw him 3 years ago. She can manage.
Danny has never been around so many people before. It's overwhelming. He tries to stick close to Jazz, hiding and cowering behind while watching everything with awe filled eyes. The airplane ride was fun. They were in the sky! And Jazz let him sit by the window. It was nice.
Then they got off in Gotham and Danny and Jazz promptly got separated. An ill-timed Rogue attack had Danny losing sight of Jazz and thus running for someplace safe to hide until she found him. A goon notices him and grabs him by his bag so he slips it off and runs. The goon chases.
Then Danny sees the river that runs through Gotham and dives in, thinking he's found somewhere safe.
Jazz, meanwhile, is losing her mind. They just got there and she's lost him! The rogue situation is wrapped up quickly thanks to the Daylight hero Signal but she can't find him. When she finds his lone backpack during her search she despairs.
She puts in a missing person's report, knowing it will probably be forgotten since it's Gotham. She searches for a long time, until dark, at which point she's forced to head to her apartment. She stresses.
Danny stays missing for a long while. Jazz goes out looking every single day. She calls the police often for updates (for which there never are any). She even hunts down the vigilantes to ask them to look, handing them pictures, Red Hood being the first.
(He keeps an eye out, asks his people to search too. He also helps Jazz make it home safe when she stays out too late searching, and even enlists Barbara's help.)
Meanwhile, Jazz has to start going to work.
She tries to put it off, and even gets an extra week before she starts but she has to start, and Uni is only a month or so away from starting too. Barbara is sympathetic and lets her go easy, seeing clearly how stressed she is.
Jazz does not stop looking. She makes sure to wander by all water sources, and even calls her parents, saying she's getting settled in at Uni in order to see if they had someone managed to get Danny back. They haven't, which is only a mild relief.
The water is bad.
It smells horrid and makes his skin itch. Danny doesn't quite know how to describe it but it feels like something angry and sad and hurt. There's trash all over, and the channels are so filthy the water's brown and smelly. It's nothing like his tank was - there at least the water was clean and nice. Danny's scared, alone and lost and all the bad feelings in the water aren't helping.
He swims blindly, getting further and further from Jazz in search for somewhere safe. He'd thought, when he saw the water, that it would be his safe place to hide, but now that he's in it he doesn't feel safe at all. He lets out a whine from his core, the water around him reacting to the young halfa's fear, rippling wildly and that only serves to scare him more.
He scrambles for the surface, teary and wanting Jazz. He doesn't want to be alone.
Unknowingly, he'd been underwater for hours, swimming rapidly and erratically. The sun had set, Jazz had reluctantly headed home, and he'd left Gotham. He'd accidently gone all the way to Blüdhaven, and when he popped his head out of the water and saw nothing familiar and a dark, smoggy sky he felt worse.
He was near the docks and it was night so of course Nightwing was out and at the docks, taking out a drug operation that had started trying to set roots in his city after having been chased out of Gotham where they tried the same thing. Danny heard the commotion and cautiously approached.
He poked his head out of the water again from closer and watched as Nightwing beat up the bad guys. Danny recognised him, as Jazz had made sure he knew of all of Gotham's heroes before they left for Gotham. If Nightwing was a hero, then he should be able to help him find Jazz!
He watched as all the bad guys were caught and tied up with stars in his eyes. Heroes are so cool! Nightwing ended up outside when he jumped a bad guy that had tried to sneak away. He was using some kind of sticks to fight, but the bad guy managed to knock one out of his hand and it fell into the water.
Danny immediately dove for it. He didn't have very much stuff, but he hated it when Maddie and Jack found something that Jazz had given him and threw it away. Nightwing would probably be quite upset too so it only made sense for him to go and get it.
Nightwing knocked out the guy while Danny was underwater and was looking at the surface of the dark, murky water mourning the loss of his weapon. 
And then Danny pokes his head out.
Lazarus green eyes look at him, and Nightwing damn near has a heart attack, leaping back with a startled (not at all high-pitched) scream. Danny immediately ducks back under, also very startled. He fiddles with the stick, scales and skin itching the longer he stays still in the gross water.
He waits a bit, hoping the next time he peeks out Nightwing won't be looking at him anymore. After a few minutes, he cautiously pokes his head out, and immediately meets Nightwing's eyes, who'd been looking intently at the water torn between hoping that was a hallucination and hoping it wasn't, although river-monsters weren't much better.
Their eyes meet and Nightwing manages to catch a lot more details because he'd been staring so hard.
White, wispy hair, that floats like it's still underwater. Bright, green eyes, curious but afraid. Face dotted with scales, and weird, fin-like things where ears should be. Most of all though, whoever or whatever he's looking at, is young. They're gone back under just as fast as before, and Nightwing yells out for them to stay too late.
Danny's scared. He's not supposed to be seen like this. He promised Jazz. But he wants to give the stick back and he wants to find Jazz. Heroes help people, right? He steels himself and pokes his head back out. This time, he listens as Nightwing talks, gently reassuring him it's okay and he won't hurt him.
Slowly, Danny swims closer. Nightwing doesn't look angry or afraid or disgusted, so maybe he will help him even though he looks like this? Heroes help everyone after all.
Dick is losing his fucking mind.
There's a baby pit monster in the water - the filthy water that's probably more grime and oil than water at this point - with wide eyes that would be adorable if they didn't have him thinking of pit rage. But they aren't angry. Far from it.
Small, with scales on their face a top normal, albeit very pale, skin. They approach slowly, clearly anxious, and Dick waits, wondering what exactly he's supposed to do here. What even is the protocol for this situation? Is there a protocol? Knowing Batman, probably, but he can't remember it.
Danny carefully sticks one hand out of the water and passes Nightwing the stick, which he takes with a grateful smile and a thank you. Danny pokes his head out a little more so he can smile back.
The baby pit monster has fangs. Adorable, little fangs, but fangs. Okay. That's fine. This is fine.
Danny hesitates. He has to ask, but his voice won't come. So he does the next best thing.
They're chirping at him. The cute, baby monster is chirping at him. He gently says he doesn't understand and when they wilt, he asks yes and no questions. Like this, Nightwing slowly pieces together the child 1, needs help, 2, is lost, 3 has an older sister who's looking after him, and 4, is absolutely terrified of his parents.
Well, he's never been one to turn down a scared kid, no matter how inhuman.
(Everyone's going to make so much fun of him when they find out he took a baby pit-monster home with him. At least they don't have black hair and blue eyes.)
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khaire-traveler · 5 months
💥 Subtle Eris Worship ⚔️
Stand up for yourself and others
Assert your boundaries; learn what your boundaries are; not all boundaries need to be spoken
Do not needlessly sacrifice yourself for others (it takes time to unlearn this behavior, it'll be ok ❤️)
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Engage in activities you're passionate about
Share your passions with others
Support abuse survivor, homeless, or humanitarian organizations
Practice healthy conflict resolution skills; learn about what those might look like
Have imagery black wings, apples (particularly golden), black feathers, or whatever you associate with rivalry/discord around
Have a stuffed animal of any animal you associate with discord or rivalry; have a stuffed animal of an animal you consider to be bold, passionate, or powerful (maybe a predator)
Take risks; do things that you need/want to; if you're scared, do it scared
Learn to speak up when you disagree with someone; don't always hold your tongue
Get comfortable with the idea of change; try to look at positive outcomes rather than focusing on negative ones
Change something within your daily routine if it starts to feel mundane, even something small
Join a supportive community where you feel comfortable expressing yourself; LGBT groups, D&D, survivor therapeutic groups, etc.
Dance/sing to music that makes you feel empowered, badass, or expressive
Find healthy outlets for your emotions; boxing, dancing, drawing, building, crafting, etc.
Allow yourself to feel your feelings; cry, scream, shake - whatever your body needs to do
Make your space reflect parts of yourself; make it your own!
Exercise; get some movement throughout the day, even just stretching
Create a positive change in the life of someone else; cook a meal for someone in need, donate blankets to a homeless shelter, support your friend through a difficult time, etc.
Prioritize your own well-being; learn to be comfortable with being a bit selfish; it's not a bad thing to look out for yourself
Wear outfits that make you feel bold or expressive
Express yourself in little ways if you're unable to be fully open; a bracelet to represent your gender, pride flag colored shoelaces, etc.
Play with pets; get active alongside them!
Listen to stories of people who have gone through major life changes; try to learn from them
Make a list of your personal strengths; acknowledge and honor them
Work hard, but remember that rest is also productive
Practice patience and restraint around people who annoy or bother you a lot; a difficult lesson, believe me, I know
Try to be understanding of the fact that people have their own struggles as well; this doesn't mean you have to forgive transgressions against you
Don't feel obligated to forgive people; you do not owe anyone anything just because they apologized to you
Celebrate your accomplishments, even the small ones!
I'll likely add more later! It was a bit tough for me to come up with ideas for Eris because I don't worship her directly and couldn't find many sources discussing her worship, unfortunately. I'm open to ideas! For now, this is my list of discreet Eris worship. I hope someone finds it helpful. ❤️
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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yourlocaltreesimp · 7 months
Valentine’s Special: Wild
Yeah!!! Two down, 16 more to go. No TW, hope yall enjoy!
Valentine’s spent in or out on the town?
He’d definitely prefer staying in with you as opposed to going out. Now of course, we must take into consideration that this is the Hero of the Wilds we’re talking about and he most certainly has a list of places that are absolutely stunning for a picnic date. You won’t be ‘in’ so much as being inside, He just prefers to not make a whole big affair out of his love for you.
He’d spend days -maybe months- in advance gathering your favourite foods and meal prepping exactly for valentine’s. He’d take many trips and photos of each location of Hyrule and narrow it down to whichever one he believes you’d have the most fun and enjoy yourself.
The picnic may extend into a whole camping trip/expedition/quest/adventure but you’ll hardly notice the days bleed into one another with the endless entertainment he brings. Afterall, he did pick out a place not only for scenery, but where his beloved would enjoy the most. He’d find a place in Eldin if that’s where you’d most enjoy.
I could see him making you jewellery with stones he mined. Taking a few lessons from the jeweller in Gerudo town on the weekends is surprisingly manageable.
I don’t see him as the type to enjoy Valentine’s until he meets you. It just made him sad about his life before, what he’d lost, what he could never return to. But it’s you who teaches him that there’s more to love than idolization, that it’s something far softer and fragile that it’s no wonder people made a holiday to fawn over it.
He’s a bit emotionally dense so good luck ig!
The cabin was by no means luxurious, it’s wooden beams dipping inward with the weight of itself and the cold of Hebra slipped through the cracks. The wind whistled within the cracks of the wooden walls, blending in with the ambience of the fire crackling away within its hearth. You sat on the counter as Link finished up lunch— a hearty stew to replenish your energy from hiking all the way up here with him. He beamed, handing you a bowl and sliding up onto the counter next to you, watching eagerly to see your opinions. Though to the world he held up the character of indifference for the sake of strength, for you he was worlds away from such a standard. You hummed in contentment with the warmth that came with the meal he presented to you, and his eyes lit up even more. To him, you were his heart. You were the source of all the feelings he was taught to suppress and still, you drew them out of him. He owes every daring grin and glower in anger to you. You who taught him not how to feel —such a thing is innate to most people— but how to accept what he feels. To read them.
“Hey… do you wanna go shield surfing after this?” But maybe that was just because you knew how to read him.
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simpforfandom231 · 8 months
i don't forget too well PT6
Hope your enjoying it
As the days turned into weeks and then a month, Renée and Y/N found themselves navigating the ebb and flow of Y/N's journey toward healing. Therapy had become a crucial part of Y/N's routine, offering a space for self-reflection and emotional exploration. Renée, too, was on her own path, channeling her experiences into the creative realm.
Renée's comeback was met with excitement and anticipation from her fans. The living room, once a sanctuary during challenging times, now became a hub of creativity. Renée transformed one corner into a makeshift writing room, adorned with musical instruments, notebooks, and art supplies. It was here that she poured her emotions into new songs, each one a testament to the resilience and love that had sustained her and Y/N.
Y/N, while still navigating the complexities of her emotions, found solace in the support system surrounding her. The good days outnumbered the bad, and therapy became a source of empowerment. Renée, always attuned to Y/N's needs, ensured that the living room remained a sanctuary for both celebration and introspection.
One day, as Renée sat in her writing room strumming a guitar, Y/N entered, a smile playing on her lips. "Hey, how's it going in here?"
Renée looked up, a spark of creativity in her eyes. "I'm working on something special for the album. Want to see?"
Y/N nodded eagerly, settling into a nearby chair as Renée played a melody she had been crafting. The room filled with the warm, resonant tones of the guitar, setting the stage for a song that would encapsulate the essence of their journey.
"I wrote this thinking about us," Renée confessed. "The highs, the lows, and everything in between."
Y/N listened intently, feeling the emotions woven into each chord. "It's beautiful, Renée. I can't wait for everyone to hear it."
As Renée delved into the creative process, she began experimenting with not just music but also visual elements. The living room became a space where Renée, armed with colored pencils and sketchpads, designed potential album covers. Each sketch conveyed the emotions embedded in the songs, a visual narrative that mirrored the journey of love, struggle, and resilience.
Y/N, curious and supportive, would join Renée in the living room, offering feedback and sharing her own thoughts. It became a collaborative effort, a testament to the strength of their connection and the power of creative expression.
The living room, once a witness to vulnerability, transformed into a haven of artistic exploration and emotional catharsis. Renée's upcoming album, a reflection of their shared experiences, was poised to be a deeply personal and evocative collection.
As the days rolled on, Renée and Y/N continued to carve out moments of connection within the walls of their home. The living room, now a multifaceted space, echoed with the melodies of healing, the strokes of creativity, and the unwavering love that bound them together.
As the release date for Renée's highly anticipated album approached, the atmosphere in their home buzzed with excitement. The living room, once a cocoon of emotional healing, had become a hub of anticipation and creative energy. Renée, having poured her heart into every song, was now ready to share the culmination of her journey with the world.
Two weeks passed since Renée had put the finishing touches on the album, and the countdown to its release had begun. The living room, adorned with snippets of visual art and musical instruments, bore witness to the final preparations. Y/N, fully engaged in the process, reveled in the anticipation alongside Renée.
"Can you believe it's almost here?" Renée exclaimed, glancing at the calendar. "Two more days, and the album will be out in the world."
Y/N grinned, sharing in Renée's excitement. "It's incredible, babe. Your hard work and passion are going to resonate with so many people."
Renée leaned in for a quick kiss, her eyes reflecting gratitude. "I couldn't have done it without you, love. Your strength and resilience inspired every note and every word."
As the final teasers for the album circulated online, fans eagerly speculated about the surprise Renée had hinted at – a tour accompanying the release. The living room, now a nerve center for their creative endeavors, also served as a space for secret planning.
Renée, her eyes sparkling with mischief, turned to Y/N. "I have something else up my sleeve, you know. Something big."
Y/N raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Oh? Do tell."
Renée chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Let's just say the album release isn't the only thing fans have to look forward to. I'm planning a tour, and I want you to be a part of it. As my special surprise guest."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of excitement and nerves coursing through her. "Me? On tour with you?"
Renée nodded. "Absolutely. Your story is a part of this album, and I want the world to see the incredible person who inspired these songs. Plus, having you with me will make it even more special."
The living room, witness to countless moments of vulnerability, now reverberated with the excitement of what lay ahead. As the release day drew nearer, Renée and Y/N found themselves balancing the anticipation of the album's impact with the joy of shared creative endeavors.
The final two days leading up to the release were filled with a whirlwind of emotions. Renée, with the support of Y/N, navigated the delicate balance between vulnerability and celebration. The living room, adorned with teasers and tour plans, became a stage for the climax of their journey.
Release day dawned with an air of excitement and nerves. The living room, now a space that held the weight of their journey, took center stage as Renée prepared to unveil her album to the world. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, and the air felt charged with a mix of vulnerability and triumph.
Renée sat on the couch, her fingers tapping nervously on her knee as she scrolled through the flood of messages and well-wishes pouring in from fans, friends, and fellow artists. Y/N sat beside her, offering a reassuring presence and occasional words of encouragement.
"You've got this, Renée. The world is going to love your music," Y/N said, squeezing Renée's hand.
Renée offered a grateful smile. "I hope so. It's just surreal, you know? Putting something so personal out there for everyone to hear."
The living room, adorned with flickering candles and the soft glow of fairy lights, provided a comforting backdrop. Renée took a deep breath, centering herself for the day ahead. Social media was abuzz with fans sharing their favorite snippets from the teasers and expressing their anticipation for the full album.
As the clock ticked closer to the official release, Renée and Y/N decided to take a break from the online frenzy. They retreated to the kitchen, preparing a simple breakfast together. The scent of coffee wafted through the air, a familiar and grounding ritual amid the whirlwind of emotions.
"Remember when we used to spend hours in this kitchen, just talking and getting to know each other?" Renée mused, a fond smile playing on her lips.
Y/N nodded, stirring creamer into her coffee. "Those were some of the best times. It's amazing how far we've come since then."
The living room, having witnessed the highs and lows of their relationship, now bore witness to a new chapter unfolding. Renée's album, a musical testament to their love and resilience, was poised to make its mark on the world.
As the release time approached, Renée and Y/N returned to the living room. Renée, holding a physical copy of the album, took a moment to reflect on the journey that had brought them to this point.
"I want to thank you, Y/N. For being my inspiration, my support, and my love. This album wouldn't exist without you," Renée expressed, her voice tinged with emotion.
Y/N smiled, brushing a stray strand of hair from Renée's face. "And I want to thank you for turning our story into something beautiful. I'm so proud of you, Renée."
With a deep breath, Renée clicked the button to release the album to the world. Social media platforms exploded with activity as fans eagerly streamed the tracks. Renée's vulnerability, laid bare in the lyrics, resonated with listeners on a profound level.
The living room, now filled with the harmonious melodies of the album, became a space where the echoes of their journey reverberated. The world listened, captivated by the stories woven into each song.
Renée and Y/N sat together, hand in hand, absorbing the waves of emotion. The living room, once a sanctuary of solace, now transformed into a stage where vulnerability and creativity merged into a beautiful symphony.
As the day unfolded, the couple watched as the album climbed the charts, garnering praise and recognition. Messages of gratitude flooded in from fans who found solace and resonance in Renée's music.
With the album gaining momentum and resonating with audiences worldwide, Renée found herself thrust into a whirlwind of promotional events and interviews. Y/N, always a steadfast presence in Renée's life, accompanied her to each venue, providing unwavering support from backstage.
As Renée navigated the demands of interviews, photo shoots, and public appearances, the living room, once the epicenter of their private moments, now echoed with the excitement of newfound success. Y/N, watching proudly from the wings, marveled at Renée's ability to articulate the deeply personal inspiration behind each song.
One particular track, "Abyss," emerged as a fan favorite, maintaining its position at the top of the charts since release day. The haunting melodies and poignant lyrics seemed to strike a chord with listeners, solidifying Renée's place as a songwriter capable of capturing raw emotion.
Backstage, after a particularly intense interview, Renée and Y/N found a moment of solace in the dressing room. Renée, still buzzing with adrenaline, collapsed onto the sofa.
"That was intense," Renée remarked, running a hand through her hair.
Y/N chuckled, offering a comforting presence. "You handled it like a pro, babe. They love you out there."
Renée sighed, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction in her eyes. "I just want the music to speak for itself, you know? I never expected all of this."
Y/N took Renée's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You deserve every bit of it. Your music is making a difference in people's lives."
As the tour progressed, each city brought new challenges and triumphs. The living room, though physically absent, remained a symbolic space where Renée and Y/N found solace amid the chaos of the spotlight.
One evening, as they returned to their hotel room after a successful performance, Renée reflected on the impact the album was having.
"Can you believe 'Abyss' is still at number one?" Renée said, a mixture of disbelief and joy in her voice.
Y/N grinned. "It's an incredible song, just like the others. But 'Abyss' has something special that resonates with people."
Renée nodded, a sense of humility in her eyes. "I'm grateful for every person who's connecting with the music. It makes all the vulnerability worth it."
As the week unfolded, Renée's promotional events continued to skyrocket, and Y/N, although silently struggling with the weight she felt she had imposed on Renée, decided it was time to plan something special. With the living room as the setting for their romantic evening, Y/N aimed to express her gratitude for Renée's unwavering support.
One evening, Y/N surprised Renée with a reservation at a quaint, candlelit restaurant. The ambiance was cozy, and the aroma of delicious dishes filled the air. As they sat across from each other, Y/N couldn't help but smile at the thought of the surprise awaiting them at home.
Renée noticed Y/N's secretive grin and raised an eyebrow. "What's going on in that mischievous mind of yours?"
Y/N chuckled, reaching across the table to hold Renée's hand. "Just wait, babe. Dinner is just the beginning."
The evening unfolded with laughter, shared memories, and the kind of intimacy that only a quiet restaurant could provide. As they finished their dessert, Y/N suggested heading home for the surprise.
Back in the living room, soft music played in the background, casting a warm glow on the room. Y/N had set up an array of candles, creating a romantic atmosphere. Renée, still curious about the surprise, couldn't contain her excitement.
"What's all this?" Renée asked, a playful glint in her eyes.
Y/N grinned, pulling Renée into a slow dance in the middle of the living room. "Just a little something to show my appreciation for everything you've done."
The dance led them closer to a strategically placed blanket, adorned with strawberries and a bottle of champagne. Renée's eyes sparkled with delight as she realized the thought and effort Y/N had put into the surprise.
"Wow, Y/N. This is amazing," Renée said, settling onto the blanket. "I love it."
As they indulged in the strawberries and champagne, Y/N couldn't help but express her feelings. "Renée, you've been my rock, and I just wanted to do something special for you. You deserve all the love in the world."
Renée, touched by the gesture, reached for Y/N's hand. "This is perfect, babe. But you know you don't have to go to such lengths to show your appreciation. Just having you by my side is more than enough."
Y/N smiled, leaning in for a sweet kiss. "I know, but I wanted to make tonight special for you. Now, there's one more surprise."
With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Y/N gently placed her hands on Renée's shoulders, guiding her towards the bedroom. "Close your eyes, babe. I've got one more surprise for you."
Renée, intrigued and a bit flustered, complied, closing her eyes with an anticipatory smile. The soft glow of candles and the scent of vanilla filled the room as Y/N disappeared behind the bedroom door.
In the dim light, Y/N emerged wearing a stunning red lingerie set that perfectly complemented her features. The lace and silk adorned her figure, leaving Renée momentarily breathless as she opened her eyes to the sight.
Renée's eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. "Wow, Y/N," she whispered, a mix of surprise and admiration in her voice.
Y/N, reveling in the reaction, approached Renée with a playful sway in her step. "I thought I'd give you a little sneak peek under the dress."
Renée let out a nervous laugh, her gaze dancing over Y/N's figure. "You really know how to catch a girl off guard, huh?"
Y/N chuckled, gently taking Renée's hands. "Just a little something to spice up our night. You like it?"
Renée, still a bit flustered, nodded appreciatively. "Like it? I love it. But, uh, you're making it hard for me to focus here."
Y/N smirked, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on Renée's lips. "That's the idea, babe. I wanted to make tonight unforgettable."
As Y/N continued to tease and seduce, the atmosphere in the room shifted from playful to intimate. Renée, her initial surprise giving way to desire, responded eagerly to Y/N's advances.
"You're irresistible, you know that?" Renée admitted, her voice a soft murmur.
Y/N grinned, keeping the seduction alive. "Well, tonight is all about us, about celebrating everything we've been through."
Y/N, fully embracing her seductive side, couldn't resist playing a little game with Renée. With a sultry grin, she decided to make her wait, teasing and savoring the anticipation in the air.
Renée, now fully turned on by Y/N's alluring presence, couldn't help but make seductive comments of her own. "You're playing with fire, Y/N. But I like it," she whispered, her voice low and husky.
Y/N, still in control, straddled Renée's lap, leaning in to leave a trail of soft kisses along her neck. "Patience, my love. The best things come to those who wait," Y/N purred, her fingers tracing delicate patterns on Renée's thighs.
Renée let out a soft groan, her hands finding their way to Y/N's waist. "You're making it very hard to be patient right now."
Y/N chuckled, enjoying the playful banter. "That's the idea, babe. But you know what they say — anticipation is part of the fun."
The room was filled with a magnetic energy as the couple continued to exchange playful remarks, their desire growing with each passing moment. Y/N, reveling in the control she had over Renée's senses, couldn't resist adding a final touch to the playful game.
Leaning in with a mischievous glint in her eyes, Y/N whispered, "Alright, my impatient love, I think it's time to unwrap the final surprise."
Renée, her hunger and lust evident in her eyes, eagerly embraced the opportunity to unwrap her girlfriend. Y/N, ever playful and wanting to maintain a sense of control, turned the act into a delightful game.
With a teasing smirk, Y/N slowly slid off Renée's lap, standing just out of reach. "You've got to earn the prize, babe," she declared, her tone a playful challenge.
Renée, not one to back down from a challenge, rose to her feet with a determined look. "Challenge accepted," she replied, her eyes locking onto Y/N's.
The room buzzed with a delightful tension as Y/N led Renée through a series of playful maneuvers. Each movement, each teasing glance, heightened the anticipation of what awaited beneath the layers.
As Renée reached out to grasp Y/N, she found herself met with a sly evasion. "You've got to catch me first," Y/N teased, her laughter filling the room.
The playful chase continued, a dance of desire and laughter, until Y/N finally allowed herself to be caught. With a triumphant grin, Renée pulled Y/N close, their eyes locked in a shared moment of victory.
"Now, let's see what my prize is," Renée whispered, her hands slowly unraveling the layers that concealed Y/N's enticing surprise.
Renée, fueled by a newfound sense of dominance and desire, embraced the opportunity to take charge. Y/N, still reveling in the playful atmosphere, welcomed the shift, their connection deepening with each passing moment.
With a sultry gaze, Renée guided Y/N to the bed, the playful banter transforming into a more intense exchange. "You teased me long enough, my love. Now it's my turn to take control," Renée whispered, her voice a seductive melody.
Y/N, captivated by the change in dynamic, responded with a teasing grin. "I like it when you're in charge, babe. Show me what you've got."
Renée, now fully in her element, leaned in with a hunger in her eyes. "You asked for it," she murmured before initiating a series of passionate kisses that left no room for doubt about her intentions.
As clothes were discarded and the room filled with the intoxicating scent of desire, Renée's dominant energy took center stage. Each touch, each whispered command, became a dance of pleasure and connection between the two.
Y/N, still maintaining a sense of playfulness, couldn't resist a cheeky comment between breaths. "Well, someone's feeling extra spicy tonight."
Renée, a playful smirk gracing her lips, replied, "You bring out the spice in me, Y/N. Can't help myself."
The night unfolded in a symphony of passion, laughter, and shared intimacy. The living room, witness to their playful games and newfound intensity, became a sacred space for the celebration of their love.
In a playful twist, Y/N decided it was her turn to take control, igniting a spark of dominance that left Renée both surprised and thrilled. The atmosphere in the room shifted, and Y/N, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, was ready to lead the dance.
"Well, well, looks like the tables have turned," Y/N teased, a confident smirk on her lips as she gently pushed Renée onto the bed.
Renée, with a mixture of surprise and excitement, grinned back. "I like where this is going. Surprise me, love."
With newfound determination, Y/N leaned in, capturing Renée's lips in a passionate kiss. The room buzzed with a delightful energy as Y/N's dominant side took center stage. Renée, willingly surrendering to the playful power exchange, let out a soft sigh of anticipation.
As clothes were shed and the intimacy deepened, Y/N maintained a sense of control, exploring every inch of Renée's skin with a touch that conveyed both tenderness and desire.
Renée, caught up in the moment, playfully quipped, "I didn't see this coming. Someone's been practicing their moves."
Y/N, their eyes locked in a shared moment of connection, responded with a sultry laugh. "Just trying to keep things interesting, babe."
The night unfolded in a dance of pleasure and shared exploration, the couple seamlessly transitioning between moments of dominance and submission. The living room, a silent witness to their intimate connection, held the echoes of laughter, desire, and love.
As the night reached its peak, Y/N and Renée found themselves wrapped in the warmth of their shared passion.
After the intensity of their playful escapade, Y/N and Renée found themselves nestled in each other's arms, the air heavy with a mix of satisfaction and contentment. The shift from dominance to tenderness was a seamless transition, and Y/N was quick to initiate the aftercare, ensuring Renée felt safe and cherished.
Y/N, with a gentle touch, traced patterns on Renée's skin, her fingers a soothing caress. "You good, babe? I hope I didn't go too wild there."
Renée, still catching her breath, offered a sweet smile. "Wild can be good, especially when it's with you. I'm more than good, love."
The room, now filled with a quiet intimacy, became a sanctuary for the couple to bask in the aftermath of their shared passion. Y/N continued her tender ministrations, planting soft kisses along Renée's shoulder, creating a comforting rhythm.
Renée, feeling a sense of warmth and gratitude, cupped Y/N's face, her eyes locking onto Y/N's with an affectionate gaze. "You always know how to make me feel special, even in the most unexpected ways."
Y/N, her voice a gentle murmur, replied, "It's because you are special, Renée. And you deserve all the love and attention in the world."
As the aftercare continued, Y/N and Renée engaged in whispered conversations, sharing sweet affirmations and playful banter. The living room, witness to the various facets of their relationship, held the echoes of laughter, desire, and the comforting reassurance of aftercare.
In the quiet moments that followed, Y/N and Renée reveled in the deep connection they shared.
Renée, feeling a surge of tenderness, suggested, "How about we take a nice, relaxing bath together? It'll be soothing, and we can enjoy each other's company."
Y/N, still a bit hesitant due to the recent wounds, looked down at herself, a hint of insecurity in her eyes. "I don't know, babe. What if the water stings or something?"
Renée, determined to reassure her, gently cupped Y/N's face. "Hey, we'll make sure the water is just right, and I'll be with you every step of the way. Besides, it could be a nice way for us to unwind and pamper ourselves."
Y/N, sensing the sincerity in Renée's words, offered a shy smile. "Okay, but promise you'll be careful with the water temperature?"
Renée chuckled softly. "Scout's honor. I'll make it perfect for us."
As they prepared the bath together, Renée made sure the water was at a comfortable temperature. She added a few drops of Y/N's favorite bath oils, creating a fragrant and relaxing atmosphere in the bathroom. Candles flickered, casting a warm glow around the room.
Once everything was ready, Renée took Y/N's hand and led her into the inviting tub. They settled in, the warm water enveloping them in a cocoon of comfort. Renée, ever attentive, ran her fingers through Y/N's hair, gently massaging her scalp.
Y/N, gradually letting go of her initial reservations, sighed contentedly. "This is actually nice. Thanks for convincing me, babe."
Renée pressed a loving kiss to Y/N's forehead. "Anything for you, my love. We deserve a bit of pampering, don't we?"
As they soaked in the tranquility of the bath, the living room, though silent, held the echoes of their shared moments – a testament to the healing power of love and the simple joys found in the comfort of each other's company.
Renée, noticing the aftermath of their passionate encounter, couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the freshly formed hickeys adorning Y/N's skin. She traced a gentle finger over one of them, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Oops, looks like I got a bit carried away there," Renée teased, a playful smile on her lips.
Y/N blushed, feeling the warmth rise to her cheeks. "Carried away is an understatement, Renée. I think you've left your mark."
Renée leaned in, placing a soft kiss on one of the hickeys. "Well, I can't resist leaving a mark on the most beautiful canvas."
Y/N, still blushing but with a smile, rolled her eyes. "Smooth talker. But seriously, what if someone sees these?"
Renée grinned, her fingers lightly dancing over the hickeys. "Let them see. It's just a visible reminder of our love, a little secret that only we know."
Y/N playfully nudged Renée. "You're impossible. But I guess I can live with our little secret."
As they continued to banter and enjoy the comforting warmth of the bath, the living room remained a sanctuary for their playful exchanges and intimate moments. The flickering candles and soothing atmosphere became witnesses to the love that filled the air – a love marked by laughter, tenderness, and the delightful traces of hickeys that adorned Y/N's skin, each one telling a story of passion and connection.
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stay-dazed · 21 days
Tumblr media
grew up an only child so he took jeongin in as his little brother when they were trainees.
held jisung as he cried after their first ever win, despite their rocky relationship in the beginning.
loves his pets so dearly, he wrote a song for a puppy that passed titled 'little star'.
has the counseling center to listen to stay's worries and give them advice as best as he can in both korean and english. "i will always pray for you," he said.
reads books like pride and prejudice, and watches movies like the notebook and notting hill.
despite being loud at times, is introverted and appreciates his time alone.
signed "i love you" on a fancall with a stay who he mistook as deaf, and donated to charities that help deaf/hard of hearing people.
is open about his flaws, once admitting to being greedy and yearning for more accomplishments in an interview.
considers dance to be another language he speaks.
apologized to and thanked his mom after realizing how hard it can be taking care of a baby for even just a day.
is in love with the idea of eternal love, named himself "love" on bubble once, coined the term "love stay", and believes love is a promise until death.
was a curious child and tried so many different hobbies and challenges to see what it was like.
has an abstract art style, whether it's painting/sketching, journaling, pottery, etc.
laughs explosively and acts unapologetically dramatic.
wears whatever he likes, even if the styles vary each time.
travels the world, taking photos of places and people he wants to capture forever, including his members.
loves eating his favorite foods so much, his face scrunches up in an almost sad expression.
visits art museums/exhibits wherever he travels to on tour, sometimes alone, sometimes with his members.
wanted to be an interior designer before becoming a musical artist.
choreographs his own interpretative dances. dancing in the dark with the music blasting and sweat flying everywhere, as seungmin once noted.
looks at stay during concerts as if they put the stars in the sky.
cried and begged stay to never leave their side.
expresses his beautiful mind through his words: “i don’t think we love and wish with good outcomes in mind. maybe it’s because i don’t really like calculating.” “when looking for a moment, [shooting stars] are pretty. the corners of my mouth turn upwards.” “happiness can’t last forever but it’s such a waste to pass up. i hope you can be happy, even for just a moment.” “i trust easily, get hurt easily, regret easily, and repeat all over again. isn’t that why people live?” “i may not be able to help you, but i support you. i hope the day will come when i become the source of strength of all those who eat random thoughts as a late night snack.” “you have to find happiness in everyday life. if you look for it in ideals, it becomes nothing more than an illusion, so you end up falling into pity.”
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cosmicjoke · 9 months
Levi and the importance of staying true to ones heart:
I'm gonna' talk about another aspect of Levi's choice in Shinganshina, but first, I want to dedicate this post to all the little bitch eruri shippers out there who are too scared to come off anon, who now can't send me hate messages over it since I turned anon asks off and ya'll are a bunch of cowards. Hope you enjoy this one, because it's for you.
I was thinking about an ask I got a few days ago, about why Erwin chose Hange over Levi to take over as commander, and why in turn Hange chose Armin, and I answered that I thought it had a lot to do with Levi's own philosophy of "no regrets", that is, Levi's insistence on always following ones heart, doing what one feels is the right thing in any, given situation. Not necessarily right in terms of what the outcome will be, but right in terms of how your choice will sit with your conscience.
I think obviously, this aspect of Levi's character, his belief in always doing what your heart tells you to do, is evidenced by his choice in Shinganshina, to give Armin the serum and to let Erwin die.
Putting aside all arguments regarding whether it was the right thing to do "for humanity", I think what maybe people don't focus on enough when it comes to this moment is whether it was the right thing to do morally.
I've talked before about how Levi's choice was really an act of compassion over ideology, here: https://www.tumblr.com/cosmicjoke/737207612761915392/the-importance-of-compassion-over-ideology-levis?source=share And I think it's worth revisiting this aspect of his choice again.
I think people get so caught up in the concept of "the greater good" when discussing "Attack on Titan", and this moment in particular, that they miss one of the main overarching themes of the story, which is that the "greater good", particularly, things done in the name of the greater good, can actually lead to horrific atrocities and cruelty, and that the idea of the "greater good" itself is based in subjectivity, and never absolute. It isn't something we should ever prioritize over the tangible and concrete reality before us. That tangible and concrete reality being the things we can do to alleviate the suffering of others now, rather than hoping for and pursuing some idyllic utopian future where nobody ever has to suffer, and, ironically, causing people to suffer in the pursuit of that goal.
I talk a lot too about how I don't think Levi has ever held any great faith in the concept of a better world. I think Levi is a realist. Someone who understands and accepts the bleak reality of life on this planet, someone who accepts human nature, who knows that a utopian existence isn't really possible because of that reality, but who, despite that, still maintains a great depth of kindness and compassion toward others, still values life and the right of others to live.
His support of his comrades in the Survey Corps has more to do with his wish to fight for them, to support their own, personal dream of a better world, than it does his own belief in that better world. He thinks of Erwin as a "greater existence" than himself, to quote Isayama, because he believes Erwin is able to conceptualize and believe in a better world, to see that possibility, while Levi himself can't.
What Levi is fighting for is people, not a concept. That's always been true of Levi, I think. We see that manifest in multiple ways, multiple times throughout the story. In Levi's first appearance, when he holds that dying soldier's hand and promises him that his sacrifice will give Levi the strength to keep fighting. When he gives Petra's patch to that grieving soldier. When he goes out of his way to help the people of Trost. When he saves Ramzi, endangering their mission to rescue a single child. When he refuses to accept right away that Eren has gone rogue, to turn on him, because so many of his comrades died for him and Levi can't bear the thought of them having sacrificed their lives for nothing. And we see it manifest in his choice to let Erwin die. He prioritizes a person over a concept. And I think that fact emphasizes the great morality of Levi's choice, and ultimately, the rightness of it. Concepts are just that. They aren't real. They're ideas. But people are real. People exist. People matter.
Armin talks early on about the need to abandon ones humanity in order to achieve victory. Erwin's entire character revolves around this premise. He's seen as a great and visionary leader because of his ability to detach himself from human emotion and make tough decisions and sacrifices. Basically, for his ability to engage the concept of the ends justifying the means. Whatever it takes to "win".
But then, what does winning even mean, what does salvation for humanity mean, if in the pursuit of it, we lose our humanity?
Levi talks about being willing to take on the role of a "monster" if it means nobody else having to. He understands that, if people are forced to lose their humanity in pursuit of freedom, then freedom itself is rendered meaningless. There is no salvation for humanity if we ourselves lose sight of what it means to be human. Levi says he's willing to become a monster, that he's willing to lose his humanity, as long as no one else has to. He's willing to make that sacrifice.
But what Levi's choice in Shinganshina shows us is that he actually wasn't able to abandon his humanity at all. He never was a monster, and never actually could be. Because he couldn't, in the end, look upon the suffering of another human being, and ignore it.
That goes back to what I said about why Erwin chose Hange, and why Hange chose Armin. To be an effective leader, in order to achieve "victory" of some abstract goal, one has to be able to abandon their humanity. And Levi can't.
Levi is the most compassionate and empathetic character in AoT. And part of the reason for that is because of the inherent nature of that compassion. He isn't able to give up his humanity, he isn't able to lose it, because it's too much a part of him, too deeply rooted in who he actually is. It's the driving force behind everything he is and does. The beating, bleeding heart and soul of the Survey Corps. His presence, his role within the story, in many ways, functions as the moral compass by which both the audience and the other characters are guided.
Even in the face of violence, war, atrocity, and prejudice, even in pursuit of some concept of "the greater good", Levi can't bring himself to actual cruelty. Because that's what it would have been, to give Erwin the serum. It would have been an act of cruelty, against a man who didn't deserve it. And, again, if in the pursuit of a better tomorrow, we ourselves become cruel, pitiless, unempathetic, merciless, how can a better tomorrow actually be achieved? What salvation is there for humanity if, by the end, we have no humanity left in ourselves?
Erwin was able to abandon his humanity in pursuit of a personal dream, and we saw where it ultimately lead him. Into a state of such utter depression, and so wracked by guilt, that he became ineffectual, needing Levi to do the right thing for him. Erwin had strayed down a path that went against his heart.
That's something Levi was never able to do. Go against his heart. Go against what he felt was right. The only time we really see Levi do something that doesn't sit right with him is when he helps Hange to torture Sannes, under Erwin's orders and as a favor to Hange. Levi is noticeably less enthused about the whole affair than Hange, taking no actual pleasure in the exercise, even visibly distraught over Hange's level of cruelty. And still we see after how heavily that weighs on him. He completely forgets to inform Historia of the information they tortured Sannes for in the first place, and then explodes on her when she refuses out of self-pity to take on the role of queen, threatening to render the whole thing pointless. Do what your heart tells you, this is something Levi emphasizes to others again and again, which is what I mean when I say he acts as the moral compass of the story. Do the best you can, make the choice you won't regret. That doesn't mean the choice that will have the best outcome. That means the choice which will sit well with your conscience.
And I think in order to understand Levi's choice in Shinganshina, one needs to understand what sort of choice it was. Levi's choice, in its purist form, was a choice of the heart. It was a moral choice, decided upon through conscience, through the understanding, at an intrinsic level, what was right, rather than some ideological pursuit with an intangible endpoint.
He knew it was wrong to bring Erwin back into the world, and to put the same expectations on him to be the great leader he had been. He knew, in its way, that to do so would be to betray his own declaration, of taking on the role of a monster for himself so long as it spared anyone else from having to do the same. Erwin was corrupted by his dream. The threat of that corruption promised to make him into a monster. And Levi wasn't going to let that happen, just like he said. He wasn't going to allow Erwin to lose his humanity, even if it meant condemning himself.
Whether one wants to argue over Levi's choice being the right choice for humanity's salvation or not, what I don't think is up for discussion is that Levi's choice was, in the end, the right choice morally. And no, that doesn't mean Levi chose Erwin over humanity, or that he sacrificed humanity for Erwin because he loved him. It means he chose compassion over an idea. He chose humanity over a concept. He chose a person over an ideal. Because it was the choice that rejected the ideology and the dogmatism of "the greater good" in favor of something real, which was kindness and mercy for another human being. It was a rejection of cruelty and barbarism in pursuit of some evanescent and ultimately meaningless concept.
There is no greater good without morality. There is no salvation for humanity without mercy or compassion.
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animebw · 3 months
Hey there! I know emotions are running high right now, and this episode really hit hard. But for some reason, I feel like this might actually be a better path for developing KumiRei's relationship and their character arcs.
As you so eloquently put it, Kumiko is both less and more serious about their love than Reina, which has always made me hesitant to fully ship them. Kumiko's acceptance that she would eventually have to let Reina go, while still believing their relationship will survive, has always bothered me. Reina is obviously head over heels for Kumiko, even considering (though I think she never would have actually done it and gone wherever her own prospects are the best - exactly what Kumiko expected of her) following her to a decent music-related college in Japan. Until now, Kumiko has seemed a bit too nonchalant (save for the concerned expression after the America revelation) about wanting a future together as much as Reina does.
As painful as this episode is, it finally shows in a way we’ve never seen before that Kumiko explicitly wants that too, and they are both deeply upset about potentially losing one another. It also beautifully illustrates Kumiko's growth as a character—she truly is Reina's equal now, not musically, but in their strength of character and core beliefs. This time, sticking to their convictions has hurt them, but it's also what they love about each other.
I had my doubts about KumiRei going canon (or as canon as KyoAni can get away with), but now I think that’s where we're headed. They need to separate their relationship from music because it has grown far beyond that, and this final blow might help with that. At least, that's what I'm hoping for.
This is so eloquently put, kudos. And for what it's worth, Kumiko losing the auditions is apparently a change from the source material- she actually wins in the original novels- so all bets on what to expect in the final episode are officially off. KyoAni's never been afraid to make massive changes in its adaptations, to take stories from what they were and make them into something new. They've done that several times with Eupho alone already.
Is the chance high?
Not really, if I'm being honest.
But after spending so many years convincing myself they'd never be brave enough to let it happen... suddenly I find myself hoping again.
I find myself sincerely, earnestly hoping that a miracle is possible.
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olive-main · 1 year
Two Heads of Hydra
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Pairing: Bucky Barns x Fem!Reader
Summary: A secret promise they made to each other, vowing to escape HYDRA and leave their lives as weapons behind. Even when they’d wipe Bucky’s mind, Y/N stuck by him, making that promise again and again. Their shared dream of freedom and a life beyond HYDRA had become their driving force.
Wc: 530
My first fanfic….? More of a background for a potential series…? Its simply experimental to get my writing brain working. I have many ideas, but while I’m working on this my requests are open! Don’t be shy and ask away ;)
When Y/N turned 20, Hydra put her on a mission with the infamous Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes. The two spent their days training together, fighting side by side, and rarely leaving each other's sight. The efficiency with which they operated together swayed Hydra’s decision to keep them as a team.
As their missions continued, Y/N couldn't help but notice the torment that Hydra put Bucky through. Usually it wouldn’t phase her, but with Bucky it was different. It caused an anger to build within her, a protectiveness she couldn't explain but couldn't deny. Bucky had felt the same way about Y/N. Whenever she was hit or “disciplined” by Hydra's members, he would rush to her protection, holding back from killing anyone who laid a hand on Y/N, and she’d reciprocate without hesitation. The punishments for either of their acts or defiance were brutal – brainwiping and torture – so they both decided that it was better to suffer in silence for each other's sake.
In Y/N’s determination to save Bucky from his tormented existence, she found ways to prevent Hydra from wiping his memory. Y/N claimed that he held information for future missions, and surprisingly, it worked, at least for a while. Bucky would always question why she was helping him, he couldn’t believe someone would show him any kindness. Y/N’s response had always been the same, "We only have each other in this hell hole, and I need you conscious for when we escape."
Feelings had begun to grow on both sides. How could they not, but they both knew that acknowledging them was a luxury neither of them could afford. It was the unspoken kindness and care that was shared that kept them going in their prisons, providing a glimmer of hope amidst the despair.
However, when the time came for their escape, Hydra had already grown suspicious of their relationship. They searched Bucky's room and found his journal, a precious collection of his thoughts and memories. Despite the desperation Y/N felt trying to make sure they both got out, it had been too late. Bucky told her to leave, to get out of Hydra and save herself. It was a gut-wrenching decision, and she had no choice but to follow his orders. Y/N knew if she didn’t get out, they’d both be stuck.
Against her heart screaming at her to stay with Bucky, she made her esparce. Determined to keep the promise she had made to Bucky before they parted – to get him out. Before leaving Y/N managed to steal his journal, the only link to his past and his true self. She knew it would be essential for him when the time came to set him free.
Y/N had stepped foot in the outside world, finally free. But her mind was consumed with thoughts of Bucky and the day they’d reunite. She was dedicated to finding a way to rescue him from Hydra’s grasp, and the stolen journal became a symbol of Y/N’s unwavering commitment to the man who had become her partner, her protector, and her silent source of strength in the darkest of times.
Thank you beauties ~Olive ♡
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sepublic · 6 months
As I try to dig into Harumi's whole mindset, I think her revenge logic can be boiled down to idol worship. She doesn't blame Pythor (as much) for the Great Devourer, because Pythor is the designated bad guy, that's what he's supposed to do, he can't let her down if she never had any expectations for him.
But the ninja? Harumi, in her childish wonder, idolized the ninja, practically worshipped them; She had an understandably juvenile understanding of Good VS Evil, of Good always prevailing, of conflict always being black and white and glamorous and in the end, justice wins. Everything is tied up easily.
So then why are her parents dead, why has Harumi lost everything, while everyone celebrates and acts as if the day is saved? It is very much NOT saved in her eyes, how is everyone able to just move on and invalidate her trauma?!?
Harumi idolizes the ninja, she expects them to be perfect heroes because if she can't believe in them, she can't believe in anything; It's why she makes a cult. A cult of personality. She latches onto the idea of Lord Garmadon as someone who can save her, who can accomplish what needs to be done, someone who is perfect and who will never fail her, and maybe you can link this to Harumi missing her parents as steady, dependable figures in her life she can rely on.
She's a stunted child; Harumi still expects for there to be someone to save her, to protect her, to coddle her. Most children grow out of this in a healthy, reasonable way, but Harumi's circumstances were anything but that. And you could tie that into how Lloyd was also forced to grow up fast... except in Harumi's case, she did not survive the crucible, she did not emerge 'stronger' for it.
Looking into her diary, Harumi idolizes Lord Garmadon, but when he becomes chill and more like the ninja who failed her, that's when Harumi becomes disappointed in him. This isn't the Garmadon SHE wants, she wants someone who she can rely and trust on, a Big Brother figure that makes her feel safe through any means possible.
That's why she brings back Garmadon as Lord Garmadon, while ignoring his human side, because Harumi explicitly hates that. She is someone who projects all of her hopes and needs and desires onto someone else, and when they inevitably fall short because they're human (for lack of a better term), Harumi feels personally insulted that she wasted all of her faith on them.
So Harumi's motives aren't just revenge, even if that does factor a lot into it; It's also a very unhealthy approach to life that involves a leader to take care of everything. A perfect savior, a Chosen One even, which pairs well with Lloyd being raised as one; A lot of his trauma and abandonment stems from his expected role. If Lloyd is the one who bears the weight of the world on his shoulders, Harumi is the one he is supposed to save, who expects him to handle it perfectly, and blames him when it doesn't turn out as it should.
It's a very childish and simplistic way of viewing the world, obviously. It also makes Harumi sympathetic to dictatorship and fascism, because there needs to be a strong, concentrated ruler who decides everything for everyone, and destroys the designated bad guys as they're supposed to. So with all that in mind, it does make sense that Harumi would pledge allegiance to the Overlord; He promises strength and security, he doesn't hesitate at all.
Harumi isn't just vendetta-fueled, because otherwise she'd be going after the Serpentine, just as much; If she just wanted revenge on the ninja, she wouldn't have bothered with Garmadon specifically, wouldn't have worshipped him so fanatically. It's about stability and structure for her, and she hates the ninja for not doing what they should've done long ago. Her being raised by the Emperor and Empress of Ninjago may have also influenced Harumi's beliefs; Her adopted parents being merely symbolic may have been a source of frustration, as like many kids, she'd buy into the fantasy of the noble king who has the divine right and can be trusted to handle everything. So experiencing the ineffectual, performative reality this role has become would've enraged Harumi.
Both the ninja AND the Emperor/Empress have failed her; Now what? Harumi isn't simply short-sighted revenge like Aspheera is, she actually IS ideological, now that I think about it. She has actual goals, a continuous endgame for how society should function afterwards. Harumi hates the ninja because they're so close and yet so far, they ARE in that position to end it all, but they just won't go far enough yet! She's like those people who get really salty over why Batman won't kill the Joker or anyone else, except this all real life stuff with real life ramifications.
Harumi is toxic, she's codependent, she latches onto people in the most unhealthy way, as we see with Lloyd. She's a worshipper who needs a God to follow, someone to tell Harumi what to do and how to live her life; Because she's still that scared child who lost her parents before she could grow independent of them, and needs someone else to provide that same sense of security.
Harumi does care about people in a twisted, misguided way; She helps that girl and her parents whom she finds uncomfortably familiar. But conceptually, I think it does make sense that in Crystalized, Harumi continues to latch onto someone like the Overlord, and continues to resort to these extreme measures for safety. She might let go of the rage, but Harumi is still scared and desperate for a way to resolve the strife and conflict perfectly, which is where the Overlord steps in.
Her actual arc, in practice, could've been handled better though; In particular, it'd have been nice to see Harumi realize that the very idea of worshipping an idol, even a literal god like the Overlord, is doomed to fail, and it's not just a matter of needing the right person in the position for it. The system itself is inherently broken; The dictatorship, the blind worship. There is no perfect solution/ending, Harumi's just gonna have to keep fighting and accept her fear. So in addition to realizing the Overlord doesn't fit the role either, Harumi realizes the role itself shouldn't exist either.
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katerinaaqu · 2 months
Katherine, Do you think Zeus had favorite lover? (Hera also counts)
That is a very good question indeed! Quite frankly I am not 100% convinced that he did have a favorite lover exactly but if we look at some facts maybe just maybe we can name one.
Now I am not sure if I should count Hera because it is his wife but if you include her here it goes;
Favorite immortal lover is definitely his wife, Hera. He remained married to her for all eternity while other lovers or according to Hesiod, his other 6 wives before Hera, didn't last. Hera was the last and only wife he kept by his side and quite frankly seeing how jealous he also is of her and vice versa, I should say his feelings for Hera are very strong despite his general...history of indefelity (both mythologically and in plays and epics)
Now his favorite mortal lover can be tricky. He does go to many lengths to protect his lovers and his children from them not just from Hera's wrath but also from the dangers of destiny they encounter. So I am not 100% convinced that he TRULY had a favorite lover. However if I had to pick one that would be Alcmene, the mother of Heracles. According to Diodorus Siculus in his work Libary of History, he claims that Alcmene was Zeus's last mortal lover and he never fathered more children after her.
Diodorus says that his first mortal lover was Niobe, daughter of Phoroneus and the last was Alcmene, who was over 16 generations descendant of Niobe. Somehow Diodorus seems to see a pattern and says that he starts his love affairs with mortals with Niobe and finishes with her last descendant.
Of course truth is one could dispute this given how obscure time-lines and family trees are in greek mythology however he DOES seem to hold Alcmene to high regards. He uses deceipt to bed her so that she will keep her dignity (by taking the form of her husband when he sleeps with her). He also protected his son, Heracles in occasions and made him a god afterwards. According to one source Alcmene also died of old age meaning that Zeus was careful of her. And if we do believe Diodorus and Zeus indeed never took another mortal lover after her or never fathered more children after her, kinda indicates that her death was a great cost to him which means she meant too much for him
(Quite frankly the story of Alcmene and Zeus does continue to inspire to this day not just with the countless Heracles retellings but also in modern projects such as the newest series Blood of Zeus given that Heron and his brother seem to have a copy-origin story as Heracles and his twin brother Iphicles with Heracles being spawn of Zeus and Iphicles being a twin of different father since Amphitrion also lays with Alcmene when he hears from her lips the deception that befell upon her)
Sorry for the long reply! Hehe So if I have to pick only one and you count Hera as well yes that would be Hera because no matter what their relationship is like, Zeus only comes back to her and he is still married to her which means that no mortal or immortal can take her place as his wife. But I do like to think that out of his temporary affairs his most beloved if we believe Diodorus that should be Alcmene and quite frankly that reflects on the fact that Heracles remains to this day the most known demigod greek hero. In a way the strength of the character seems to reflect to the powerful emotions Zeus felt for Alcmene.
I hope this helps!
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