#that asker? you know who you are- i'm getting ready for you ;)
chaotic-archaeologist · 5 months
long time follower, first time asker... i really need some wisdom or encouragement right now. i'm in my 30s and have been working on a bachelor's degree for years, in fits and starts, with a lot of setbacks. (finally landed on history with religious studies minor, but i used to study anthropology as well.) the thing is, i recently watched a guest lecture by a wonderful religious scholar (dr. francesca stavrakopoulou) and she was so... inspiring? erudite? smart? she was incredible to listen to, she seemed so in touch with her field and was able to draw amazing connections and answer questions with references to multiple religions and languages off the top of her head, was able to recommend peers of hers by name for other specialities, it was really inspiring.
but as awesome as she was, after the lecture was finished i was a little devastated because i feel like i will never be able to achieve that level of ease and expertise no matter how much i study. i feel like a fraud, i feel like my adhd is holding me back and turning my brain into swiss cheese. it's already taking me so much longer to get a bachelor's than it should and i'm painfully aware you have to have a PhD to really work as a historian; i feel like i'm so far behind that i'll never catch up and that as i get older i'll just get worse at learning... is this imposter syndrome? am i just struggling with a plateau and need to push harder to reach the next level? am i just not cut out for academia? have other academics also struggled with this? what do i do? :( i love this field more than anything, i have wanted to study people and history since i was in high school. i don't even know what i would do with my life if not this, but i just don't know if i'm completely out of my league and living in a fantasy land or if having a career as a historian is really still possible...
You know what, I'm really glad you asked this question.
I had a very similar experience recently, where I went to an academic talk that was so well done it left me thinking well shit, I'll never be able to do something like that. But you know what? I really do think that's the imposter syndrome talking.
I'm a fan of the four stages of learning. Unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, and unconscious competence.
You and I, as upper level students, are maybe somewhere on the cusp of conscious incompetence and conscious competence, which is not an especially comfortable place to be. We're aware of how much we don't know, and when we do things, we have to try really hard to be good at them.
The talks we both watched were given by people at the level of unconscious competence. And you know how they got to that level? By doing a PhD and spending a really long time immersed in the literature. They started their learning journeys earlier, and so they know more than we do right now. Which is normal!!! At this point in our careers, we are not expected to be able to do work like this, and there's a reason for that—we're not ready yet. But with time, we will get there.
(Psst, you know what the biggest prerequisite for giving a talk like that is? It's passion and a genuine interest in your field. You can't learn that, or force it if it's not there. And it sounds like you've got it covered.)
So now I'd like to address your fears of being too old. I totally understand—ageism is real, and it's especially hard in college settings where everyone around you tends to be 1) much younger, and 2) on the high school -> college track. Not being on that track is not a moral failing. The higher education system in the United States is very hostile to anyone who doesn't perfectly fit into the university's machinery. That is a problem with academia, not with you.
I know plenty of nontraditional students who have gotten their degrees at varying ages. When they give you your diploma, it won't have your age on it or how long it took you to get your degree. What matters is that you've earned it, not when. Better now than never. Don't give up.
I would like you to try to do on thing for me: look back through your life and make a list of all the moments where you had an "aha" moment. When you realized this was something you wanted to do for the rest of your life. When you did something and felt good about it. And I do really mean write! it! down! Keep this list (and add to it) so you can look back at it. I pay attention to stuff like this when I write in my journal so I can remind myself during low moments.
Congratulations, it sounds like you're passionate about something enough to pursue it doggedly, even when things are difficult! That's something special that not everyone gets to have. I think you owe it to yourself to do your very best to pursue your dream.
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hellsite-detective · 9 months
Hey. I'm looking for a post about a tumblr post detective. They seem super chill and neat, and really just want to be helpful in ways that bring joy? They sometimes get asks, and then often follow those asks to the post the asker has described without knowing beforehand what it was. They then post case closed and start again after linking to the post of the asker.
I'm asking for you to find this ask, where the person describes you and then you have a lovely day, since you deserve it. I hope you have good fortune and great fun in the near future. Bye for now!
sittin' down on this new years eve night, with less than an hour left on the clock 2023, i was gettin' ready to get some work done. that's when i saw this request sittin' on my desk. it was unlike anything i had ever seen before. it wasn't askin' for any post that existed on tumblr. no. but it was a request all the same.
i just wanna say thank you. not just to you, but to everyone else out there in this city who have made the month i've been in business worthwhile. it can be easy to get overwhelmed with the sheer number of post cases i've got to cover, but messages like this remind me that people care. people are kind. and in this hellsite we call home, that can be hard to remember. but thank you. from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
as for that post you were lookin' for? here it is. this is the post. have a fantastic new year!
Post Case: Closed
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zestyaahbutler · 3 months
any nsft headcanons on Walter/ or young adult Walter?
Nsfw Headcanons for Walter
This is such an old ask and I'm not sure why I was so intimidated to answer. Whoopsies
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FYI as the asker said, this is all young adult to old Walter. Don't be a goofy and go in my inbox asking for young Walter. No seriously you're gonna get blocked.
That being said, enjoy!!
While Walter acts as the Hellsing butler and is seen as polite, I reckon its different in the bedroom.
He grew up while serving Arthur Hellsing who is a known womanizer. His practices definetly rubbed off. As a vampire hunter, butler, and university student at one point, he would've barely had time to commit to a relationship. Prostitutes would've been a semi regular indulgence for him.
Hes likely had flings but they never last too long besides a few dates.
It was never a problem about whether he could pull, he's always been a handsome and charming man, it was how well he felt he could commit. He never wanted to ruin a relationship because he was far too busy and wasn't ready.
As for orientation, I personally see him as a closeted bisexual. Only because of the time period he grew up in, I don't think he would ever admit to himself that he found another man attractive in a romantic/lustful light.
With his partners he's typically a dom to account for the whole family butler role. Its not neccesarily that he dislikes his job, but it's mainly just taking control in a part of his life that he can't get in his work life.
How rough or unaccomodating he is really depends on his mood. He's capable of being a gentle dom who gives praise for how well his partner is pleasing him as he is with using them like a means to an end that only benefits him.
@aristocraticpeasantgirl once mentioned that he would be the type to being his partner tea with extra sugar for energy as aftercare. On the topic of that, he'd be great at serving his partner after the fact. If he's with someone then he definetly goes the extra mile to make sure they feel loved and comfortable afterwards.
It's common concensus among Walter simps that he would be one kinky mother fucker. But that man definetly knows he needs to make sure his partner's boundaries accommodate that. He always asks before doing and when trying something new, he eases his partner in. There is always a plan in case he oversteps. Yeah it's a bit of a joke that he is that formal even during love making but he aims to please even when he is the one on top.
Walter is a leg man for women bur definetly someone who enjoys good arms on a man. The girl doesn't neccesarily have to be slender or more on the plump side, he's all up for whatever his partner has as long as he gets to run his hands up their thighs. He mainly enjoys whenever his partners contrast his own slimmer physique. He's up for the more toned or plumper individual.
For him he loves it when his partners are either way shorter or taller than him.
As for kinks, BDSM, rope play, role play, knife play, wax play. I don't think there's anything he hasn't tried or atleast thought about. Doss he have ones he won't do, of course but relatively he's up for anything. He's a sadistic bastard. That being said, he'd let his partner take control if we're able to wear him down enough.
He enjoys the journey more than someone who only wants the destination. Foreplay is a must and he enjoys torturing his partner and making them beg.
This man still definetly would fuck in his older years. So you too, can yearn to grind this man's bones into dust. It becomes less pressing as he gets over but it doesn't mean the desire ever ceases. We literally see this dude do acrobatics at 69. He still has it in him to break someone else's back. He is definetly still healthy enough to still have a good libido. If anything, he likely regrets not being more impulsive when he was younger. If he lived as a vampire, he would definetly explore his more selfish desires more.
@hellogreyeyedathena has a great post for that.
Thank you for the ask! If anyone else has any specific headcanons they'd like for other characters, just ask! I'm bored and will someday get to them when I'm motivated enough.
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theia-eos · 27 days
How much money do you think Naesala got by selling Reyson? I'm interested if you have any thoughts about that with everything else you have figured out about Tellius :) . Only if you want to of course!
I'm adding what I believe to be the second part of your ask as well, anon.
With the previous ask I sent where I said that you've figured out stuff about Tellius, I know it is headcanons and not canon material, I know some people don't want their stuff confused with canon material.
Ah, yes, I definitely don't want my stuff passed around as "canon" but I'm fine if people want to base their headcanons off of what I've mathed out, or use my math to make their own math and set their own headcanons. That's perfectly fine! :)
So thank you for another thought experiment! This is hard to answer, not because the games are afraid to tell us how much gold something is worth, but how much gold is worth in the world.
We know that 20,000 gold pieces is said to be "an outrageous fee" for an escort mission by Ike and "generous offer" and a "gift of such magnitude" that Elincia cannot accept it, but Ranulf also describes it as "perfectly reasonable...borders on insulting" compared to the life of a princess. Who's right, who's got no idea the true value of money? I haven't the foggiest. (We do know an average steel sword costs 700 gold. So about 28 and a half steel swords for this amount).
Later on in the game, we know Naesala leaves behind 120,000 gold that Daein was going to use to pay him the remaining portion of his fee for assisting in the war against Begnion (the 70,000 gold you get to spend at the end of the chapter and the 50,000 Ike uses to pay Volke for the report from Greil) (so he leaves behind the equivalent of 171.4 steel swords).
Naesala: And the remaining portion of my fee? Petrine: Don't worry, we have it ready. You'll get paid when the job is done. Naesala: As long as we're clear on that point, everything's settled. Well then, I'm off. Path of Radiance, Chapter 19 "Entrusted"
But was that 50% up front and 50% at the end, or a different split? Hard to say.
We do know that of the 50,000 gold Ike gives Volke, Volke's retainer to keep an eye on Ike and kill him if he touches the medallion is only 30,000 as he returns 20,000 excess gold when you get to the endgame of Radiant Dawn)
Volke: I have to return something to you. Ike: What the…!? What’s all this money for? Volke: It’s the 50,000 gold you paid me the last time around. Well, minus my pay, expenses, and that sort of thing, of course. Radiant Dawn, Chapter 4-F-1 "Rebirth"
We know that Volke says that the 50,000 gold was a test for Ike.
Ike: Mature? Then what was the fifty thousand gold for?! Volke: Ah, the gold. That was my idea. I thought it would be a good way to test how resourceful and responsible you were. Path of Radiance, Chapter 19 "Entrusted"
But Volke's prices are a bit all over the place. He charges 50 gold to pick a lock, 3,000 gold to help kill Izuka, 100 gold to eat a meal with the mercenary group, and 100,000 gold to learn the reason why he wants so much gold. The first two are at least jobs he might be interested in doing, and the last two are likely fees so large that they would deter the asker from further bothering Volke.
We also know that Begnion has gold to throw around.
Pelleas: That document stated that the empire would grant a loan of a billion gold to Daein with no interest rate and an unspecified payback date. At the time, you said that although it was technically a loan, we could treat the gold as compensation for the occupation army’s misgivings and so did not have to pay it back. Radiant Dawn, Chapter 3-12 "The Price" (Extended translation from Serenes Forest)
Is a billion (yes, with a "B") chump change to them? Is it a lot of money?
But you're fortunately not asking what the GDP is for a country in Tellius is. You're asking what I think Naesala got paid for selling Reyson to Oliver. (Getting at the GDP might be easier to see what kind of money senators have to spend on hiring Naesala, but I don't know economics well enough to throw my hat in the vicinity of that arena).
All we know for sure is that it started at double Naesala's fee for stealing artwork.
Oliver: Oh ho! Something much more stunning. And if you agree to my proposition, I will double your normal fee! Naesala: That is a most generous offer. Tell me, what is it you desire? Path of Radiance, Chapter 15 "The Feral Frontier"
We also know that the auction for a heron (I feel icky writing that) cost a senator of Hetzel's position a great deal of money, and that was even before the Serenes Massacre when Rafiel would have been one-of-a-kind (give me a minute to shower the ick off).
Rafiel: The slavers sold me at auction, and the winner was Lord Hetzel. I didn’t know until later, but the bidding for me among the senators was extremely competitive. Lord Hetzel actually spent much of his fortune on my purchase. Radiant Dawn, Chapter 4-4 "Revelations"
The extended script seems to be much in the same vein, no numbers.
[ラフィエル]セリノスの王族…… 彼らはまだ、それを従えたことは なかったからでしょうね。▼ へッツェル殿は、わたしを獲るため… かなりの私財をなげうったそうです。▼
We don't know if Naesala negotiated higher than Oliver's offer of double his fee or not, but we know that since Reyson wasn't going to be auctioned, it was likely considerably less than a fortune for a senator.
Given that Lekaidos/Sephiran had access to a billion gold to spend on a scheme like the Blood Pact with Daein, or Sanaki/Sephiran wanted to give a billion gold as an honest reparation to Daein and Lekain/Sephiran used it for the scheme, I am going to say that we could probably safely assume the senators have somewhere in the hundreds of thousands to the millions of gold to throw around for their own personal salaries, as the games don't imply that Begnion was suffering at all for the spending of a billion gold. (See what I meant about how calculating the GDP might make this math easier/more guided? But, I am not doing that, so we're just going to keep this happy little zone of a disposable income of hundreds of thousands to millions for reference later)
So, for the sake of my sanity as I would like a text reference to at least go off of before inventing a figure, I will assume that Naesala was going to be paid around 50% upfront and 50% after the job was done for Daein. He charges double/triple rates for himself to assist in a battle. He provides Daein with himself and 11 raven soldiers (4 in Chapter 18 "Crimea Marches" and 7 in Chapter 19 "Entrusted").
Naesala: Would you care for some assistance? Norris: And what would it cost me this time? Naesala: You learn quickly, my friend. Let's see, you'd be receiving my own royal assistance, so…double--no, triple rates. Norris: Ludicrous! So much gold… Where would I… Naesala: I suppose I could defer payment until later. Of course, that does bring up the question of interest… Path of Radiance, Chapter 13 "A Guiding Wind"
So that gives me the equation of the value of the fee for 14 ravens fighting being the same value of 240,000 gold.
Or the fee for battle is 17,142.85... gold. I'll just round that to 17,000 gold.
Now, Begnion is a lot richer than Begnion, and Naesala (like Volke) seems a little cavalier in how much he charges, likely basing it on his mood, how much he wants to do the job, and how much he knows they can pay. (see the "double--no triple rates." and the "question of interest" remarks above. I think he probably didn't want to help Norris route the forces on the Begnion ship carrying the apostle and was using the rates and interest talk to get Norris to back out of the deal in case he survived the battle, and it can be reasonably assumed Naesala knew Sanaki was on that ship. Does that help my figure of 17,000 gold base fee amount one bit? No. But it's the best the text will give me, so I am still rolling with it to get a comfort zone.)
So all that said, it could be assumed that the charge for a piece of art is around 17,000 gold, but the value of a raven life is probably worth more than Naesala than art (but also Naesala would probably price gouge the senate as much as possible, so does that offset it? Idk. Maybe he was also selling fighting services to Daein cheap because he wants a reason to fight Begnion. Who knows? It's all up for interpretation).
All that to say, I think what Oliver paid Naesala for Reyson could be anywhere from 20,000 (borderline insulting value for the life of a princess) to 34,000 (double the fee for hiring a raven soldier) to 240,000 gold (double the remaining portion of his fee left behind in Daein), depending on what assumptions you want to make on how much gold Oliver has for his disposable income to allocate for "purchasing artwork," and what Naesala's fees and negotiations would be.
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I love the comic and I miss it, and I hope you're doing well
What happened to Patton-sanders-killed-a-man?
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Well the short version is: ⦁ trauma ⦁ school ⦁ I had set up an unrealistic precedent for myself
And now you can skip to the Read-More to see the ask-blogs originally planned plotline alongside the panels of the unfinished last update, but if you want the long version:
Patton-sanders-killed-a-man was the first of my creative ventures that ever garnered a notable amount, with me making comics since I was 13, though all of my previous projects got little to no attention. So obviously when the ask-blog blew up, 16-year-old me was ecstatic, but very much not ready to handle it. Not only was this my first project to receive this amount of attention, but I also lacked experience as a writer, and with a medium of storytelling as fickle as an ask-blog in which the plot can change drastically depending on the asker's actions, it was not a good combination.
I mostly wrote the story on the fly, with an outline (which you can read under the Read-More) composed of cool ideas I had and various dark themes I was fascinated with but didn't have the emotional maturity to discuss. But the worst writing decision I made was making the inciting incident, the thing that led Patton to kill "Johnny", based on a personal trauma of mine, one I was in denial about. However by the last update, something happened that forced me to acknowledge it, and after that, I was no longer comfortable with the story I had set up.
That combined with the fact that School Was Kicking My Ass (which to be fair was mostly due to my own overambition) forcing me to shift my focus away from the ask-blog. I had also set up an unrealistic precedent for myself, with updates getting longer and longer. It was unsustainable, but with the pressure I placed on myself I didn't know how to go back from that and make the process easier for myself.
(this isn't even to mention all the different ways I made the art process itself horribly time inefficient, like the way I obsessed over perfect line art, choosing a semi-realistic art style rather than something less time-consuming, not creating character design sheets to help me stay on model, obsessing over wrinkles in the clothing, spending ages taking my own reference photos, redrawing panels over and over because I'm unsatisfied with them. If you're thinking of making an askblog/a comic, if you can't make a single-character panel in 10-20 minutes with your current art process you gotta figure out a style that does allow you to do that. There is a reason why 90% of Homestuck looks like crap til shit gets serious, ok. Please don't do what I did)
I had been running purely on fumes, and the second those ran out, I fell out of love with the story I created.
Well, that was a bit of a bummer, huh? But as mentioned I still have been making stuff, even if it isn't ask-blog related, for example, I just recently finished my first animated short which you can watch here:
(with its completion being mostly due to my teacher, who forced me to learn to take on more manageable projects, which I must thank her for)
I also have made a new art blog, that being @anonymous-utility and have been posting things on my youtube alongside it. I don't post often since I need to focus on IRL stuff, but it's where I post updates to all the projects I take on alongside just various other art. Even if ended far too soon, I'm still proud of this ask-blog, as it has taught me a lot. Thank you all for participating and if you choose to follow my art blog I will be seeing you soon.
Rough outline and unfinished update under the Read-More:
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From what I remember, because I never actually wrote it down, as the majority of the storyline relied on the actions of the audience, but it was intended to go something like this:
⦁ Everything that has already happened
⦁ On the bus Dee would meet Virgil's younger sibling Andy (who is anxiety from the shorts), though Dee won't understand the significance of that, not knowing who Virgil is. We'd also be shown Dee's scar on his neck, all shown in the unfinished update above.
⦁ We'd later meet Dee's coworkers, Dee would log in at his desk as the interview isn't scheduled for an hour or so, and he notices that his email is full, this is the first hint that it isn't just his phone the askers can send messages to, but through technology in general- Dee is not stoked about this.
⦁ He then would meet "Johnny"'s mom and older brother (Daniel, aka the critic or Dice as referred by the fandom) They'd be using "Johnny's" real name, Renard, and we don't catch on that it's Remy, until Daniel calls him that. Overall the attitude of the two would be like this; the mother would act upset, but in a manner that makes it all about her, and Daniel would be rather cold and matter-of-fact. Daniel's attitude would frustrate his mother, leading to an argument breaking out, during which Daniel points out that she only cares because Remy is the only one of her children to never go against her, mentioning a certain Remus getting kicked out (to which the mother reacts negatively to daniel calling Remus by his chosen name). The interview ends poorly and Dee leaves the entire situation wondering how this family has ended up being so dysfunctional.
⦁ From then the askers could direct Dee toward Remus or Andy.
⦁ If directed towards Remus Dee would find him working at a library, and with a bit of time, they'd realize they recognized each other, mostly via each other's chosen names, as they were online friends but lost contact when Remus got kicked out and lost access to the internet. Remus is delighted to see Dee again after all these years but confused about why he's in the States, since Dee's Canadian, to which Dee explains that he moved to the States, moving in with Logan, their third online friend, as soon as he could to get away from his own family.
⦁ Once Remy's fate Remus is generally uncaring since his family is dead to him, "So golden boy kicked it, with how many people he pissed off it was only a matter of time, now come back to me when Roman commits manslaughter, oh wait" to which we are told that Roman is serving time for having killed someone in a car accident (something that Remus finds hilarious since he was often labeled the troublemaker out of the two).
⦁ Remus would also be somewhat weirded out by the concept of Patton being the killer, since Remus knew him via association and always thought him a bit of a wet rag, then again even 50's housewives snap eventually. They exchange contact information and go their separate ways.
⦁ After this Remus becomes available to the askers, taking the form of a strange figure that only Remus can see that hangs in the corners that can stare at Remus and make various gestures, though that takes coordination as they would be controlled by various people. Remus would at first try to ignore this strange figure, having experienced hallucinations in the past, but if the askers become more aggressive in trying to get Remus to pay attention to them Remus may become more desperate to get rid of them.
⦁ If the askers direct Dee towards Andy we learn that Virgil went missing three years ago
⦁ At this point, the plot becomes more vague as I hadn't planned that far ahead aside from the major plot points.
⦁ After having spent so much time with Dee, we'd cut back to Logan. Any asks directed to him will not go through the phone, unless Dee is present. Instead, askers' messages would get scratched into Logan's skin, specifically on his arms, and if the askers become particularly aggressive, especially with Logan refusing to acknowledge them due to the absurdity of this situation, the messages would begin to cut into Logan's skin rather than just scratch. This is an issue due to Logan being a high school Comp Sci teacher and really needing to not bleed in front of his student if he wants to keep his job. Logan got his priorities in order.
⦁ This will be the first time the askers would have the option to directly hurt someone
⦁ Logan will not tell Dee about this, due to the absurdity of it and due to his history with depression, he worries that Dee would think he did it to himself.
⦁ Either way, the deadline for Dee's article is closing in and he must make a decision on how to frame the narrative.
⦁ But first, we cut back to Patton. It's the 12th of May, 2020, and he has gotten as far away as he could and is currently in the woods. He is not doing well, and he hasn't heard the askers in the past two days, with him being certain he has imagined them. Once they flood back in it startles him, and he reacts loudly, loud enough to attract a passerby.
⦁ That passerby is Virgil. Patton does not react well, thinking that he started seeing things as well. But once Virgil confirms that he is in fact realm that only replaces the problem of potential visions with the problem of meeting his estranged friend who he hasn't talked to in three years. Virgil quickly forgives him, however, especially after Patton awkwardly states that he is homeless, to which Virgil assumes Remy to be the cause, stating "he took your shit and ran, I told you he wasn't to be trusted", offering a place to stay.
⦁ I didn't have much planned for Virgil, and at the time I was unsure if I just wanted him to be a paranoid guy who decided to live off the grid or… a genuine serial killer who sold people's organs. Needless to say, the second option was certainly a thing my 16-year-old self came up with and it's not a concept current me stands by.
⦁ Either way after this interaction Virgil would become open to asks, with the askers becoming able to slightly move things to garner his attention, though this ability would be limited to asks directed to Virgil only.
⦁ These interactions between the askers and Virgil will spark an obsession in him, as he always feared and was fascinated by the other-worldly since childhood.
⦁ Through the course of the story, Virgil and Patton would grow closer, with Patton eventually confessing to what he did and the circumstances that lead him to do it. Virgil stays on his side, and this leads Patton to grow comfortable, enough that with the help of Virgil he grows to accept his identity.
⦁ Cutting back to Dee, no matter the tone of the article the askers stay, and now it's not just his phone that the messages are being directed towards him through, but all the technology around him, and no one seems to be aware of this aside from him and Logan, eventually becoming convinced the only way to get the askers off his back is to get Patton done in since he appears to be the source of all this, resulting in Dee tracking Patton down and getting him arrested - this solves nothing.
⦁ After a breakdown from Dee, Remus, Logan, and Dee realize they have the same problem, and Remus gets in contact with a coworker and friend of his who is into the Otherworldly.
⦁ That's when it's revealed the askers are an interdimensional entity called The Audience, a creature with uncountable eyes and mouths, and the more people it gets in contact with the closer it gets to gaining physical form, with the sixth person contacted being its gateway.
⦁ The Audience's motive? To take control of the "story" and mold it in its own image.
⦁ Going back to Patton, he meets Roman, who's doing time for manslaughter. Their meeting goes as well as the one between a killer and the younger brother of the victim since Roman was closer to Remy than Remus was. But their meeting also results in Roman becoming open for the askers, this manifesting in them getting control of his left hand, eventually climbing all the way up to his shoulder.
⦁ All the while the askers can manipulate Virgil into breaking into prison, as the prison contains what they both want. With Virgil, he not only wants Patton back but has also become convinced that The Audience/the askers are his dark patron god and serving them is the only way to regain control over his life and be able to do something other than live at the edge of society in terror, while the askers want Roman not only because he's the gateway but also The Audience gains physical form they'll gain full control of the story, perhaps even allowing them to rewind back to prevent the inciting incident from occurring.
⦁ Of course, askers not aligned with this goal can warn the Intruloceit crew (Dee, Remus, and Logan) about what's happening but it will be pretty difficult to make them trust you after all that has happened.
⦁ The rest goes as one would expect from a cosmic horror climax, Virgil tries to get The Audience into their dimension, and Patton probably goes through with it with promises of having his crimes erased and being able to feel safe again after all that happened, but the Intruloceit gang show up armed with knowledge from Remus's friend and seal the gateway, Remus makes fun of Roman for being the cult sacrifice rather the dashing hero and then therapy.
⦁ The very last scene of the ask-blog is Picany alone in his office as suddenly an ask gets sent through his email, asking whether he will be involved in the plot.
⦁ The End
All in all a big part of the story would be my own fascination with the potential of ask-blogs serving as a vehicle for cosmic horror, especially with the audience being the source of said horror. Other than that the ask-blog's themes would center around identity and various forms of violence and how one can find themselves the victim of said violence, and other sensitive subjects 16-year-old me was not prepared to handle (nor had the time to with how long this story would have been, comics take a long as while to through their plots yall).
But I have grown since then and have actually finished one of my projects for once (cough please watch 'She gets eaten by the end *cough) and I'm a better writer for it, as well as just better at managing my time. While I won't give any guarantees, with IRL stuff taking the majority of my time, in my free time I have been working on an illustrated horror novel that I plan to release for free once it's finished, so if you enjoy my younger self's writing, you may want to be on the lookout for that on my art blog ;]
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funnier-as-a-system · 2 years
do you take asks asking for like. advice?? and if so um. how do you know? just in general but also how do you know that its not all some like. elaborate act that youre putting on to feel special? aside from just "if you feel bad about the possibility of faking you arent faking" because for all you know my guilt is faked too. if you dont accept requests for advice im sorry to have exposed you to this i just genuinely dont know who to ask
We do indeed take asks for advice! We're just really bad at answering them in timely manner, eheh.
I must admit I'm a little confused, because you seem to switch between the possibility of me being wrong about plurality and me being wrong about your plurality, but I shall answer both! (No offense taken to either question, if that was a concern.)
When we first discovered our system, we had a lot of the same fears; probably our biggest one was that we were just making up conversations in our head. It wasn't so much that we feared we were faking as we were worried about being wrong, so we get where you're coming from with usual "you're not faking" sentiments not helping. So what did we do?
We made what we call a proof book!
It doesn't have to be an actual book. A proof book is simply a record, mental, physical, or digital, of signs and symptoms that support your hypothesis of being a system (or, tbh, anything else you're questioning). While all the internal communication/hearing voices signs were dismissible as our imagination, we could not so easily dismiss evidence* such as not feeling in control of our body (depersonalization), uncontrollable accents, or the people around us noticing changes in our personality. Whenever we started doubting ourselves, we'd ask if the doubts had any good arguments, and, if so, we'd compare the arguments to what was written in our proof book. After all, people don't really talk about it, but sometimes the doubts have a point! It's not so easy to dismiss doubts that have a point – but at the same time, it's hard for doubts to adapt their argument against one piece of evidence to a book of evidence.
*now that we think about it, the name "evidence book" might have been better, but that doesn't roll off the tongue as easily.
We still have doubts, occasionally. But between the proof book growing as we do and our lived experience where living as a system has been better for us than living as a singlet with system suspicions, it's a lot easier to combat those fears.
If you're questioning being a system but have some doubts, you can also make a proof book! And in the end, if you find out it's all better evidence for something else that's not plurality, then hey! Look at you, already ready with a proof book to smash any doubts you have about that thing fitting you.
As for the people who come to us in asks, you're right that we can't tell for certain. But tbh, us knowing for certain the details of other people's lives isn't a concern. We're a mentally ill adult with worries like "what jobs are available in our area" and "what if I'm secretly a horrible person"; we don't really like to spend too much time worrying about doubting other people. Believing people at their word about something that doesn't really affect our life too much... it kind of just helps with the whole "leading a happy and healthy life" goal we have, y'know? Rather than scour asks looking for any sign of bad intentions, getting ourselves worked up, and possibly setting off a chain reaction of discourse and offense if we see faking where there isn't any, we just answer an ask and go on with our day. If someone who sends in an ask is faking, that's not our problem. If someone who sends in an ask ends up being wrong about their plurality, that's also not our problem. Our problem is the sheer amount of unanswered asks in our inbox. Of course, we'll do our best to give advice if they come to us looking for it [about their situations], but we're not in the habit of fact checking the lives of our askers. Just brings us down and makes us more fearful and untrusting of other people.
All that really matters is if we feel we did alright when answering their ask, which we really can't do if we just accuse them as faking. You see, even if one of our askers is faking, one of our followers may have a similar question or real experience close to what they made up, and those people may want to hear our response. In those cases, it's better to show compassion and interest for the sake of your audience, wouldn't you agree? By assuming honesty even when what's being said is strange, we create a better environment on this blog for not just ourselves, and not just our askers, but also the rest of our followers. And that's really all we want! We don't like suspecting people and people don't like being suspected – by trusting people on their problems and experiences, even if they sound strange or "faked", we're being kind. (Or at least, we're being open-minded, which is something we strive to achieve.) And kindness is often passed on, even if not by the person receiving it; if we take people by their word, no matter how strange, we inspire others to do the same, which amounts to a more accepting community. Which, personally, I think is much better than a community that accuses others of faking on a whim.
This has been rather long, so let's sum it up.
We combatted our fears by creating a record of evidence to support the theory that we're a system.
Never thought I'd say this line that's beginning to sound cliché on the internet, but we have bigger things to worry about than if any random ask in our inbox is from a faker.
Moreover, trying to figure out if people in our inbox are faking would just take a toll on our mental health. So we don't.
We want to be kind, inspire kindness, and make people happy, and an easy way to do that is to make this blog an accepting place where fakeclaiming is off the table.
If someone "tricks us", oh well, oh darn, fiddlesticks, you got me. You are now on par with our pre-teen sibling sneaking out to go steal mangos. Congratulations.
Well, this was a rather long response, but we hope we've been thorough in answering your query, anon!
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"unspecified" just means the asker didn't specifically say "can I get headcanons/reaction/fic" for the request; there might be context in the request itself implying which type of content would be best suited for it, but it's not 100% specified
and my lil "??" denotes something where I think either a type of content or an AU might apply but, again, it's not specified so I'm not 100% sure but there's something in the request which makes me lean in a certain direction
it took nearly 3600 words just to describe all the things in the list so you guys got a lot to look forward to! ... and, obviously, I have a lot to look forward to creating! <3
requests that are done and in the queue ready to be posted (in no particular order)
headcanons: reacting to S/O in shorts and a tank top during the summer [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence]
‘kisses’ meme: #45, sleepy kisses [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence; Sebastian]
reaction: a goth horror-loving S/O [Sebastian]
reaction: S/O who likes to fawn over them [Sascha; Wolfram]
‘card suits’ meme: 4 of spades Alois; Doll/Freckles; Joanne; Maurice]
‘soft Sunday’ headcanon meme: favorite way to receive affection?; favorite way to give affection?; are they loud and proud about their relationships, or do they keep it private?; would your muse be the one doing most of the cooking or not?; is your muse good at housework? [Peter]
headcanons: progressive falling in love [Snake]
reaction: S/O who never curses [Peter]
requests that have not yet been done
reaction: S/O who likes to hug them a lot [Cheslock; Clayton; Edward; Joanne; MacMillan; Soma]
unspecified: S/O gets sick and almost dies [modern!Agni]
fic: reader empathizing with Cheslock and they comfort each other
reaction: modern person showing up at the manor with the earls’ revived siblings who has their soul back [Alois; Ciel; Sebastian]
reaction: (male) S/O saves them but loses his life [Doll/Freckles; Maurice]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who’s short and feisty but soft around him [Joker]
unspecified: reader escapes an arranged marriage and disguises themself as a man to work as a butler, meets Grell and they both get a crush; reader’s parents come back and try to force them home, Grell shows up to rescue and confess to them
reaction: domestic life [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
headcanons: male S/O [Ciel]
headcanons: poly [Joker x S/O x Dagger]
reaction: learning S/O is a member of a K-pop group [Grey; Phipps]
headcanons: NSFW [Agni]
headcanons: arranged fiancee who’s very bold and ready for marriage (is also friends with Gregory who’s smitten with them) [Lawrence]
unspecified: S/O who’s a witch and headmistress of an orphanage [William]
reaction: S/O dying and coming back as a ghost [Alan; Eric; Grell; Othello; Ronald; Rudger; Sascha; Undertaker; William]
reaction: what hobbies do they have/would like to have? [Alan; Eric; Grell; Othello; Ronald; Rudger; Sascha; Undertaker; William]
headcanons: first kiss [Bard; Finny; Mey Rin; Sebastian; Snake]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who works retail, he walks in on her getting scolded by the manager for no reason and he stands up for her [modern!Agni]
‘sense’ headcanon meme: heart; touch [Cheslock; Clayton; Edward; Joanne; Soma]
headcanons OR scenario: first child is born [Grey]
preference: who prefers a dominant S/O?
preference: who prefers a plus size S/O?
reaction: S/O knitting them something [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
audio: escaping yandere S/O [Maurice]
‘it’s all about the yearning’ meme: “I know I fucked up. I know I did but don’t shut me out anymore. Let me in, please let me in.” [Gregory]
audio: fluff [Agni]
‘it’s all about the yearning’ meme: “Have you ever had something missing? Like something just doesn’t feel right inside you but you don’t know what it is.” [Agni]
headcanons: domestic [Patrick]
headcanons: older sister figure [Alois]
headcanons: chaotic reader [Joanne]
unspecified: older sibling figure reader [Ciel]
headcanons: angst [Maurice]
reaction: snow leopard demon S/O [Bravat; Hannah; Joanne; Snake; Triplets]
headcanons: romantic and expecting father [Rudger]
unspecified: loud, energetic girlfriend [Lawrence]
reaction: being proposed to [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
‘sense’ headcanon meme: sight; nose; heart; hands [Dagger; Peter]
unspecified: dealing with a powerful witch [Ciel; Edward]
reaction: multilingual S/O [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
fic: Vincent x plus size (fem) reader who wears glasses (insecure day or taking her somewhere special]
unspecified: ADHD reader [Alois; Ciel; Edward; Grey; Undertaker]
‘kisses’ meme: 44, kissing every finger [Agni]
‘kisses’ meme: “free space” [Dagger; Peter; Snake]
unspecified: getting a handmade blanket from their S/O [Alois; Ciel; Edward]
unspecified: Cheslock crushing on a student rep from a collaborating girls’ academy
‘it’s all about the yearning’ meme: “Just let me look at you for a little bit.” [Agni]
scenario: Joker taking his S/O and twin daughters out to the current city they’re living in, the girls drag them into a candy shop
unspecified: plus size insecure S/O [Joker]
reaction: meeting a modern person with modern technology who shows them videos, etc. [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
unspecified: S/O who can shapeshift [Alois; Ciel]
unspecified: fluff [Alois]
scenario: S/O gives birth to their baby [Joker]
unspecified: protecting S/O on the Campania [Edward; Grey]
unspecified: trying to make a relationship work with limited time together [Wolfram]
headcanons: dealing with reader being sleep deprived [Cheslock and Gregory]
unspecified: S/O who makes (a very specific genre of) music as a coping mechanism [Alois; Astre; Ciel; Sebastian]
reaction: having to take care of their younger sibling [Cheslock; Clayton; Edgar; Edward; Gregory; Herman; Joanne; Lawrence; Soma]
fic: William x reader cooking together while he finally relaxes
fic: Wolfram x motherly reader singing lullabies to Sieglinde
unspecified: a day in Joker’s life taking care of baby Ellis, leading the circus, looking after his wife, and following Kelvin’s orders
unspecified: Beast x S/O training Betty after “The Sebastian Incident”
unspecified: NSFW, S/O’s first time and being gentle [Agni]
unspecified: S/O who can use death magic [Alois; Ciel]
fic: Soma rescuing reader from an abusive home after a relationship that starts with letters
‘card suits’ meme: 2 of spades; 3 of spades; 6 of diamonds; 8 of diamonds; ace of clubs; 3 of clubs; 4 of clubs; jack of clubs; queen of clubs; ace of hearts; 2 of hearts; 3 of hearts; 6 of hearts; 8 of hearts; 9 of hearts; queen of hearts; king of hearts [Peter]
fic: Ciel finding out his (male) S/O was part of the cult but was forced to participate
reaction: Undertaker, confronting his wife who’s responsible for the Phantomhive manor burning and the twins being in the cult, because she was jealous of his spending time with the Phantomhives
reaction: same-gender S/O [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
scenario: NSFW, bottom Joker x (male) S/O get interrupted
fic: Edward x reader (Ciel’s older sister) after Madame Red’s funeral
reaction to the scene [Bard; Ciel; Finny; Lizzie; Mey Rin; Sebastian]
headcanons: NSFW [Rudger]
unspecified: planning an engagement party with his S/O [Grey]
love letter: Grell
fic: soulmate AU, time freezes when you and your soulmate are in a room together for the first time and unfreezes when you make eye contact [Sebastian]
reaction: soulmate AU, everyone is born with a tattoo which glows when you meet your soulmate and fades to grey when they die, reader’s was grey from birth but starts to glow one day [Alan; Eric; Grell; Othello; Ronald; Rudger; Sascha; Undertaker; William]
free space! any character, concept, anything!
headcanons: with a tall angel-killing witch S/O [Grey]
fic: Arthur Conan Doyle x reader, she goes to his residence to invite him to The Event because Ciel thought he’d be more relaxed with a date
headcanons: big boobed girlfriend who lets them use her breasts as a pillow when they cuddle [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence]
headcanons: big boobed girlfriend who lets them use her breasts as a pillow when they cuddle [Cheslock; Clayton; Edward; Joanne; Soma]
unspecified: enemies to lovers, fox demon future S/O [William]
audio: Terms of Service AU [Peter; Snake]
unspecified: crow or cat hybrid S/O [Alois; Ciel]
fic: Finny spending the day with his baby boy
unspecified: Derrick x S/O who tries (and succeeds) at helping him be a better person
unspecified: poly [Edward x (male) S/O x Cheslock]
headcanons: pole [Joker x S/O x Sebastian]
audio: Joanne being kissed and cuddled
unspecified: S/O from the future [Aleister]
unspecified: interested in a servant working at the Phantomhive manor [Aleister]
scenario: the one(s) Ciel wants revenge on is/are dead already, how Ciel and his soulmate feel and how Sebastian reacts
audio: Grell x listener, listener gets home late and Grell jumps on them, having been worried
scenario: soulmate AU, Aleister meets (fem) S/O at an auction ball, things are dull before they meet but then they make eye contact and he buys her
fic: Maurice x reader, after his exposure no one else wants to associate with him and they comfort him after he’s bullied
unspecified: S/O who suddenly gets sick and he’s frustrated that he can’t help her [Agni]
reaction: S/O getting catcalled [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
sex + romance headcanon meme: 💦; 😘; 😊; 👍; 😉; 💯; 👰; 🌼; 🏩; 🎆; 💕; 🔥; 💑; 👀; 👎; 💲; 🎀; 💝; 💘 [Peter]
audio: fluffy, waking up next to him in the morning and getting breakfast together [Dagger]
unspecified: S/O who wears comfy clothes when they get sad (which is frequently) [Alois; Astre; Ciel; Maurice]
reaction: S/O getting shot, they survive but it’s still serious [Alois; Ciel; Edward; Grell; Grey; Ronald]
headcanons: monsterfucker Peter with a beast-like monster S/O
audio: confession [Snake]
fic: reader is a new addition to the circus troupe and saves a snake from being tormented by hecklers [Snake]
fic: Sebastian x maid!reader, reader is usually obedient but decides to test Sebastian’s patience and receives a cheek grab and voice shift to his ‘true’ voice
preferences: which boys would like bath bombs/what kind?
Fic: Snake x (fem) reader, reader lets the snakes do whatever they want, climbing on her, etc., and one day comes to Snake for help because one of the snakes (or more?!) is stuck under her clothes
fic: platonic Grell and child reader fluff
reaction: S/O with chronic allergies [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
headcanons: Terms of Service AU, relationship with app owner [Maurice]
reaction: Terms of Service AU, playing FNAF [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
headcanons: killers in a horror movie [Alois; Ciel; Doll/Freckles; Maurice]
reaction: child reader who’s disabled and doesn’t ‘fit in’, they befriend the circus troupe, then the troupe find out reader has ‘normal’ friends who care for and help reader as well as do friends’ parents and when asked just say, “isn’t that what friends do?” [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
‘things you want to hear’ meme: “I feel like I can tell you anything” and “you know what I love about you?” [Peter]
headcanons: S/O has kids from a previous marriage [Doll/Freckles; Peter; Snake]
unspecified: Trancy nurse survival AU, multilingual reader who scolds the Triplets in another language when they purposely get themselves into mishaps
audio: listener comforting Maurice after a nightmare
audio: angst [Maurice]
unspecified: demon AU, with a human S/O [Beast; Bravat; Doll/Freckles; Grey; Phipps]
headcanons: platonic, someone in the form who’s the ‘fixer’, an inventor who inadvertently creates messes [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence]
fic: Phantomhive servants and maid!reader who’s the newest addition, they all throw her a surprise birthday party
unspecified: inventor S/O [Grey]
unspecified: angst [Grey]
unspecified: S/O who’s insecure about not being a proper lady [Grey]
unspecified: poly [John x S/O x Phipps]
headcanons OR scenario: Cheslock’s little brother coming to Weston
unspecified: doctor S/O, fluff and wholesomeness [Peter]
unspecified: doctor S/O who surprises him by wearing nothing but her white coat [Peter]
songfic: “Love Story” by Taylor Swift [Dagger OR Peter]
‘eyes emoji’ meme: eyes [Peter]
audio: fluff, listener just getting home after being away for a while [Alois OR Ciel]
unspecified: Hispanic S/O who thinks his accent is sexy [Peter]
unspecified: trying to cheer up his grumpy S/O with bad jokes [Joker]
unspecified: on a stroll with their girlfriend and she jumps in a river to save a child in danger [Alois; Ciel; Edward; Grey]
unspecified: comforting their girlfriend who lost her niece in an accident [Edward; Grey; Ronald; Undertaker]
audio: date night or Christmas, wholesome [Peter]
songfic meme: “Leave Out All the Rest” by Linkin Park [Alois]
songfic meme: “I Wouldn’t Mind” by (S)He is We [Maurice]
unspecified: S/O who sings or hums while they’re giving him massages [Jumbo]
unspecified: S/O walking in on the scene where Joker touches Beast’s leg from behind
audio: Terms of Service [Dagger, Finny, OR Wendy]
unspecified: S/O who writes music dedicated to him [Peter]
headcanons: as fathers [Dagger; Joker; Jumbo; Peter]
‘things that you want to hear’ meme: “I missed you” [Dagger] and “you’re my favorite person in the world” [Peter]
headcanons: wealthy S/O who spoils them out of love [Dagger; Peter]
audio: Valentine’s Day [Dagger OR Peter]
unspecified: S/O who’s always tired and works a lot, and finally they get to spend time together [Grell]
unspecified: badass Mey Rin in a bind
‘105 comfort’ meme: “you’re perfect just the way you are” [Peter]
‘105 comfort’ meme: “you’re allowed to be weak” [Jumbo]
‘105 comfort’ meme: “I’ll take care of it” [Peter]
unspecified: NSFW, artist boyfriend [Grey]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who’s wealthy and likes to spoil him [Dagger]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who composes a theme for him as a gift [Finny]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who’s a child psychologist [Wolfram]
songfic: “That Would Be Enough” from Hamilton [Dagger OR Peter]
headcanons: reader from the 21st century [Edgar]
reaction: S/O learning Latin so they can dirty talk to him [Sebastian]
unspecified: reader getting frustrated with homework and trying to help them [Lawrence]
songfic meme: “I Choose” by Alessia Cara [Jumbo OR Snake]
unspecified: AFAB nonbinary reader sneaks into Weston and befriends the P4 [besties with Gregory; falls for Edgar]
unspecified: confident and badass S/O, SFW and NSFW [John]
‘nonverbal’ meme: “beat”, “kiss”, and “loop” [Finny]
‘headcanons part 3’ meme: 🫀,🏉; 💥; 👓; 💍; 🏛; 🧭; 🚓; 🧬; 📖; 🤱; ⏰; 🚌; 🥀; 👊; 🩹; 🌊; 🏭; ⚰️; 🦁; 🔒; ⛓ [Peter]
fic: platonic, angel!reader saves Alois from being killed by Claude and gives him his happy ending as a mother figure
reaction: Doll/Freckles, playing horror games with her S/O
audio: cuddling [Soma]
reaction: reader confessing to an affair… but the ‘confession’ is a joke [Ciel; Doll/Freckles; Joanne; Maurice]
unspecified: platonic sisterly reader (lullaby?) [Doll/Freckles]
reaction: taking care of their S/O after a serious carriage accident [Bard; Ciel; Edward; Finny; Grey; Ronald; Undertaker]
songfic: “Heaven’s Light” from The Hunchback of Notre Dame [Doll/Freckles]
unspecified: girlfriend who brings him breakfast in bed on special occasions [Dagger]
unspecified: Bard x reader
unspecified: S/O who doesn’t drink alcohol [Peter]
unspecified: S/O who likes to cuddle and will sometimes tackle-hug them [Finny; Ronald; Snake; Undertaker]
palette meme: #39, “Absinthe Mage” [Peter]
preference: who would be okay ‘meeting the parents’?
songfic: “Hacerte Mía” by La Ross Maria and Nino Freestyle [Dagger OR Finny]
songfic meme: “Sea of Lovers” by Christina Perri [Dagger]
songfic: “Sneakin’ Around” from Star vs. the Forces of Evil [Dagger]
unspecified: S/O who works as a stand-up comedian [Undertaker]
unspecified: multilingual S/O who mumbles “I love you” in another language (with pet name) while cuddling [Dagger; Peter; Snake]
reaction: S/O studies psychology and will teach if asked [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
unspecified: Southern/Texan S/O who’s good at cooking [Bard]
unspecified: S/O who’s strong and protective [Peter]
fic: Joker x reader, reader is Doc’s apprentice and a good person trying to learn, they end up seeing Joker a lot and things develop
fic: based on the “guess again” scene from Game of Thrones [Peter]
reaction: S/O surprises them by adopting an orphan [Ciel; Edward; Grey; Phipps; Undertaker]
unspecified: S/O on the autism spectrum [Peter]
unspecified: S/O who’s a jazz and blues singer at a high-end establishment [Bard; Ciel; Finny; Mey Rin; Sebastian; Snake]
unspecified: walking in on (fem) S/O on a phone call and overhears her praising him to her family [Peter]
audio: Terms of Service AU [Dagger; Peter]
‘things that you want to hear’ meme: “there’s my beautiful bride” OR “I’m the luckiest man alive” [Beast; Wendy]
‘things that you want to hear’ meme: “I can’t stop thinking about you” OR “last night was incredible” [Peter]
songfic: “Remember Me”/“Recuérdame” from Coco [any character]
fic: survival AU (Safe & Sound AU?) Dagger x (fem) S/O reminding him that he’s important and enough
fic: angsty pining and fluff, reader is a big younger and pining for him, he thinks they should find someone younger [Bard]
unspecified: Phantomhive staff training ready to defend the manor
fic: reader fights Wolfram with Bard while escaping and they share angsty dialogue during the fight, then they start to grow closer again after Wolfram’s sacrifice
fic: anything [Undertaker]
unspecified: platonic, singing to the birds in the garden [Finny]
songfic: “Love Story” by Taylor Swift [Finny]
headcanons: Cheslock, any thoughts not already mentioned
reaction: fiancee being a witch [Edward]
headcanons: S/O who’s cheery around him but not so cheery around others [William]
reaction: (fem) S/O who’s hypermobile with knee problems [Dagger; Finny; Peter]
fic (??): visiting (fem) S/O at work but she’s dealing with nasty customers [modern!Agni]
scenario: fluff, S/O who loves baking [Snake]
unspecified: being a single parent [Bravat]
headcanons: reader who uses a (personalized!) cane to walk because of an accident [Alois; Ciel]
‘botantical’ headcanon meme: abatina; amaryllis; anemone; chrysanthemum; gardenia; heliotrope; hibiscus; ivy; marigold; peony; rose [Peter]
‘botanical’ headcanon meme: anemone; chamomile; daisy [Cheslock]
headcanons: wedding details [Grey]
fic: he comes to the hospital after reader gets hit by a car (fluffy ending) [modern!Agni]
‘botanical’ headcanon meme: amaryllis; hibiscus; ivy [Dagger; Joker]
reaction: (fem) S/O who’s an opera singer [Dagger; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake]
reaction: hypermobile (fem) S/O’s joints start clicking and popping as they’re sleeping next to her for the first time [Dagger; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake]
unspecified: adjusting to each other’s tastes and traditions [modern!Agni]
unspecified: keeping their relationship with (male) S/O a secret [Ciel; Joanne]
reaction: selectively mute S/O who owns a sassy, filthy-mouthed macaw [Cheslock; Grey; Phipps; Snake; Triplets]
unspecified: hypermobile (fem) S/O who goes to the doctor for knee problems and then buys him something nice [Peter]
reaction: hypermobile (fem) S/O with knee problems [Agni; Soma]
‘gemstone’ headcanon meme: amazonite; apatite; cat’s eye; citrine; diamond; diopside; emerald; fluorite; iolite; jasper; kyanite; onyx; opal; peridot; rose quartz; spinel; tiger’s eye; tourmaline; zircon [Peter]
reaction: helping their hypermobile (fem) S/O with physical therapy exercises [Bard; Ciel; Finny; Sebastian; Snake]
fic: continuation of modern!reader telling the future in riddles [Alois and Ciel]
reaction: friend/companion bringing (Astre/Luka) back to life [Alois; Ciel]
reaction: hypermobile (fem) S/O with knee problems [Grey; Lau; Phipps]
‘kiss & tell’ prompts: finally kissing the person you’ve been pining for; neck kisses that turn into love bites; wiping away your lover’s tears as you kiss them; a kiss while being reunited after a long time; kissing your lover in a moment of sheer joy; a kiss to wake you lover up in the morning; kissing your partner to seal a marriage; a risky kiss between forbidden lovers; a possessive kiss in front of a jealous third party [Peter]
‘kiss & tell’ prompts: a kiss to shut them up [Peter]
‘kiss & tell’ prompts: a possessive kiss to stake a claim [Lau]
unspecified: helping reader through a bad panic attack [modern!Agni]
‘settings’ prompts: 029, an extravagant greenhouse [Finny OR Snake]
reaction: hypermobile (fem) S/O with knee problems [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence]
unspecified: moving house and it’s stressful but they’re still sweet to each other [Agni]
unspecified (fic??): (male) Reaper S/O, fluff, long day ends in stargazing and S/O falling asleep [William]
scenario: shy fem S/O [MacMillan]
scenario: having to escort his S/O to a graveyard at night for some reason [Grey]
headcanons: life before the troupe, birth family, etc. [Jumbo]
headcanons: NSFW [Jumbo]
headcanons: modern (what he usually does after uni, how he flirts, etc.) [Cheslock]
headcanons: scientist friend brings Luka back as a surprise [Alois]
headcanons: angsty, he discovers a horrible and ugly secret of reader’s [Maurice]
audio: helping hypermobile (fem) S/O with knee problems [Peter]
headcanons: when Anne gets sick vs. when her children get sick (Safe & Sound AU)
headcanons: cuddling [Jumbo]
audio: watching a documentary about London’s kidnapped children with Listener (Terms of Service AU??) [Doll/Freckles]
headcanons: hurt/comfort about family relationships [Ciel; Doll/Freckles; Joanne; Maurice]
‘stonework’ headcanons: rosy haze; touch; fog [Peter]
‘cupcake’ picrew meme: Peter
‘cupcake’ picrew meme: Dagger; Joker
‘tea’ picrew meme: Peter
‘stonework’ headcanons meme: coral fragments; brickwork shadows [Dagger; Peter; Snake]
‘stonework’ headcanons meme: apatite tic; chatter [Dagger; Peter; Snake]
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coruscantiscribbler · 2 years
I have always been a huge fan of your character analysis. Your insight into Thrawn inspired many ancillary discussions regarding the simple question with a complex answer: is Thrawn a villain?
Welcome to The Asker’s Studio™️
I would like to shift the focus from Thrawn to Wullf Yularen, but remain in the same mindset as above.
Yularen had a long and decorated military career with the Republic which came to a zenith with the Clone Wars. Upon the transition (putting it mildly) from the Republic to the Empire, Yularen -like his counterpart Tarkin- followed Chancellor Palpatine on his rise to Emperor. In Yularen’s case, we are led to believe that there was no prior knowledge of the subterfuge practiced by Palpatine to achieve that goal.
While we only get a glance at Yularen in The New Hope, we get an achingly warm, grandfatherly glimpse of him in Rebels. In Rebels, we see a somewhat befuddled mentor who has been betrayed by his star student, Alexandr Kallus. We see pain and sadness.
It is this Yularen with whom I had my first Star Wars crush, and it is this Yularen who we often see portrayed in fan fiction.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago, in Andor, we are treated to yet another version of Yularen. We see a cold, calculating tactician at the helm of the ISB, railing and rallying his troops to rise and ferret out the enemy. We see a fascist regime. We see the enemy.
The juxtaposition was jarring to me, as many questions begin to once again rise to the surface. What did Admiral Yularen think about Order 66? What did he think became of the Jedi Knight whom he worked most closely with, Anakin Skywalker? How did he reconcile the destruction of Alderaan whilst serving on the Death Star?
I turn to you, my most analytical author, and ask if I may: Please offer some insight into the May faces of Yularen, touching on my questions if you like. I would love to indulge in your consistently astute insight into one of my favourite characters.
I realise that I have dumped a lot in your lap, but I know you are the correct candidate for this heavy task!
As always, thank you for your time and consideration.
Oh my goodness. Complex questions for a complex man.
Let's start with the Rebels Yularen as you have described him -- somewhat befuddled. But is he really? In that final scene with Thrawn he states that "Things have fallen into place a little too perfectly for my liking. And I don't think Lieutenant Lyste was capable of what you have accused him of." Yularen might not have landed on Kallus as the spy because of his fondness for his star pupil, but he knew that things were not as they seemed and they were being hoodwinked.
In Andor he has come to a meeting that is usually run by a subordinate. Why? Because what happened on Aldani is the first major action taken against the Empire. He says in part, "This is why we plan. This is why we work so hard when we are at peace. This is why we recruit so carefully. And demand so much."
He was a military man and you can see him thinking and planning on how to prevent the next war in his new role as head of the ISB. I'm certain he had no idea that Palpatine had engineered the Clone Wars. All he knows is how much was lost. How many ships and men he saw die. How many worlds were devastated. He helped found the ISB to try to make sure the Empire would be strong, resolute, ready to prevent another atrocity like the war.
It was also fairly clear that he found the Jedi somewhat inexplicable and often times very irritating. We know Anakin drove him to distraction. So while he might regret what happened to the Jedi Order all of his background and training as a military officer would incline him to accept the word of his commander and chief -- Palpatine -- that the Jedi were plotting to kill him and rule the galaxy. That Anakin tried to prevent the coup being planned by the Jedi and died valiantly defending the Chancellor. I don't think Yularen had any idea that Vader was Anakin reborn into darkness.
Yularen has always seemed to me a man who took the chain of command and his sworn duty very seriously, and the man who was guiding the war, and as far as Yularen knew, defending humanity was Palpatine. Yularen's training and background would lead him to trust the word of the Chancellor soon to be Emperor. It would help him to silence the doubts.
In a New Hope we have one brief glimpse of him at that conference when Vader chokes an officer. We never see him after the destruction of Alderaan. I have always felt that that action shocked Yularen to his core. Perhaps he retreated to his quarters. Tried to tell himself it was necessary. They would never have to do it again. Remind himself that the point of war is to convince the other side to stop fighting and this tragic but necessary action would end the rebellion and stop the fighting.
Or perhaps he sat in the dark realizing what he had done and what he had become. (I'm planning on dealing with that in We Regret so stand by). He is a deeply tragic figure in that he is fighting the last war and his desire to avoid that carnage ever occurring again leads him to betray his honor.
So to answer the opening question. Is Yularen a villain? Yes, certainly. But when he faced himself in the mirror each morning he saw a man defending the rightful government, upholding the rule of law, keeping the peace, preventing another war, without considering the plight of the people who had to live under that system. They had become mere abstracts, sacrifices to the larger mission. To the Greater Good.
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thekrows-nest · 2 years
Gonna keep this anon. I recently got a wound that swelled up, it got uncomfortable and I cut it off, it’s small but it hurt ;) can we get Drabble of Krow with an MC who did this? If this makes you uncomfortable please ignore this! (Anon asks ARE off, this is just a resubmitted ask in anon for the asker's privacy!)
(I got you don't worry!)
Krow was happy to meet up with you at the cafe you had requested. He knew it was a favorite of yours and was always happy to tag along. Ever since you had introduced him to the place, it had become a favorite of his too. But, he had noticed something while he was with you; you had gotten hurt. At first he had worried that someone had done this to you, and he could feel pangs of anger rise, but he kept it at bay. As you spent time at the cafe, he didn't prod you in asking what had happened. Least, not yet.
It was only when you had left, after enjoying a nice break of refreshments and gone back to your place, did Krow breach the subject of your injury.
"I-I'm sorry if this is awkward b-but I couldn't help but notice..." he began and lightly gestured to the bandaged spot, "T-that wasn't there the last t-time I saw you. W-what happened? A-are you okay?" he waited patiently for you to explain. You may have thought he might be put off or even disgusted, but Krow was nothing of the sort. Instead, he looked concerned but in a kindly way.
"O-oh Dove..." Krow looked at the afflicted area in question. He slid his bag around and took out some things. Ointment, fresh bandages and the like. Readying his supplies, Krow carefully saw to getting your wound cleaned up and rebandaged. His fingers were dexterous, and he worked lightly and gently, but with an assurdedness he had done this before. It made sense, as your eyes trailed to some of Krow's own bandages on his hands. "D-do let me know i-if something like t-this happens again, o-okay? I'm no p-p-professional in, umm, m-medicine, but I've had to t-take care of myself f-for all manner of cuts and injuries." He finished up, but the last thing he had done was lean down to give a soft kiss to the area.
"T-there. That should be better. D-don't ever be afraid to c-come to me for anything, o-okay?"
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sparklingdemon · 1 year
Out of curiosity, when it comes to your more interactive stories like Pokemon Monochrome, the Fallen Leaf askblog, and to a lesser extent the Explorers of Death askblog, do you have specific story beats or a general direction you want the story to go in planned in your head? If so, what do you do if the audience unintentionally steers things in a different direction?
thanks for the question! this is a long one, as each blog is a bit different, so please excuse me!
for fallen leaf, i had no plan for any sort of major plot. it was meant to go on for as long as i had things about her character left to explore. the magic anons that made up the "story" were relatively unplanned and were used as short "events" to make the blog more interesting before returning to status quo.
for explorers of death, the past side had no major plot plans - you could ask the eod trio anything and they'd answer from whatever point in time that was best suited for the question.
for the future side, i meant to establish a little more about how squirtle's "happy ending" wasn't what it seemed, and focus on her struggling to cope with this- but the need to draw so many backgrounds was a huge turn-off, and i eventually decided to drop the blog altogether.
pokemon monochrome is a bit different - the initial concept was made up on the fly, with vague lore ideas that i hoped askers would help me flesh out, instead of having Absolutely Everything planned from the beginning. that's why i feel like the beginning parts of the blog have some "awkward season 1"-styled answers. (nothing plot-breaking, just some odd characterization choices before i got a full feel for their character.)
however, i had a very strong idea for monochrome's overall story - the three ghosts tormenting cody was always planned, as well as cody's origins. (however, cody's name was only decided after the blog had already been started...!)
the intention was always to see if the audience would be curious enough about the ghosts to try and force cody to add them to the cast of available characters, and to explore what the consequences of that might be. the players' attempts to capture the ghosts is a very important part of the overall story.
when cody encounters the ghosts, the scenes are very on-rails - i have everything planned for how they'll play out in advance, and i only answer asks that help the scene play out the way it's supposed to.
asks that try to "think outside the box" are usually thrown out before things can steer too off-track. if things get a little thrown off, i just try my best to answer asks with a similar emotional tone to segue out of the subject until i'm ready to come back to it. askers will usually jump on the current subject, so it's important to know when not to continue it and move on to another one.
pokemon monochrome is the first ask blog i've had in a long time that has a heavy narrative story, and it's definitely a lot of pressure to see it through. usually, i'm more comfortable with blogs that can go on for an indefinite amount of time with no major status quo changes, as i think those kinds of blogs were my most successful…
that said, i am determined to try my best to see pokemon monochrome through to its end. i have no idea what that ending will be, but i'm glad i have an audience who's willing to help me get there!
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zhongrin · 1 year
Bravo, Meirin.
Thank you for the Netflix style version of a suspense novel. This EBG was a masterclass is DM and RP work. I thought the way things played out was impressive, and I am impressed in how you used even seemingly unrelated one-off asks (like the grandmother ask, the ask about the weather in Mingyun Village, the investigator asks) to flesh out the story into such an interesting one. It had so many twists and turns, and I was kept on the edge of my seat.
I will say that I didn't expect the ask about the Gardemeks to make its debut at the end and with pictures, no less. I sent that along with the Treasure Hoarder Ask at the end as a one off to see how much further things could escalate within the confines of the EBG, and I was not disappointed.
Due to when EBG happened and the times it fell, I'd often be asleep when the major happenings occurred. (Darn you, timezones!) I admit, I lost more than my fair share of sleep trying to keep up with what happened. But when I'd get up in the morning, I would grab my breakfast and read through what happened on your blog. It felt like I was reading a really engaging story.
That being said, I thought the way you approached this EBG was very clever, especially with how you worked within the constraints of the rules. While the EBG required you to "simp" so to speak for the assigned character, it didn't say who had to do it and how it had to be done. I also thought it was very clever to make it so that Childe and Meirin weren't together romantically, which both worked to free up the ooc side of you to work on the God Remains and Coviello/Dresvi plotlines, while giving you the freedom to write Childe as you wanted, especially since you mentioned having a hard time "simping" for him.
I also appreciated that you didn't shy away from people's theories during the event either. You weren't scared of spoilers. You knew where you wanted to go with the story and stuck to your guns when making the story and answering the asks, and that made it all the more satisfying when you revealed the truth of the matter.
That being said, I did take a backseat to the chaos later on in the EBG, since it seems like other people were pushing the story forward (and I ended up doing some other shenanigans).
But I still came back to your blog every day during the week it was active for EBG. I found it fun to watch, and I ended up enjoying myself.
This ask is getting way too long, so I'll send another one with follow up questions for the EBG later. I'm curious about the writing and preparation process.
Thank you again for the wonderful time and the amazing story, Meirin! It was fun playing with you, and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your shenanigans here and on other blogs as well. ^^
alright, okay, i've reread this countless times now and i think i'm ready to release it because man. this hits HARD (in a /pos way ofc)
how you used even seemingly unrelated one-off asks
please 😭 i'm glad it's not annoying anyone that i did this because i understand it could be, especially if the asker didn't meant for the ask to be answered that way - but some of them are so perfect as the plot accompanient and i couldn't help myself ;w;
I will say that I didn't expect the ask about the Gardemeks to make its debut at the end and with pictures, no less
oh my goodness. that ask. when i received it on day 2, i went :D haha. hahahahahahaha *insert maniacal laughter here* ahem. i meant, it was a HIGHLY interesting ask and i knew i had to use it nearing the end. thank you so much for sending that in and giving me the opportunity to draw more unhinged childe!!
I sent that along with the Treasure Hoarder Ask at the end
that was you too?! HLSDLSDFK hahahah honestly i really did want to make meirin fight them off but considering the plot and her condition, i didn't think it would make sense? in baizhu's story quest we know how jiangliang almost fell down a cliff when he was chronically seeking out the mother lode, so yeah, i didn't think she would be in any condition to fight. hence i stuck with that approach and yeeted the bad ending just to say 'hey, just saying, i WILL kill meirin if i have to' LOL
I admit, I lost more than my fair share of sleep trying to keep up with what happened
darn timezones!!! and hsldkfjskldf you and me both comrade. i think my sleep schedule this ebg (and last ebg too tbh) is a WRECK. actually, let me just check something real qui-
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
............. yeahhhh. uh. for someone who usually sleeps 6-8 hours a day.......... leeeeeet's not talk about that :D i will have to pay those sleep debts this weekend for sure. but it was worth it, heh.
But when I'd get up in the morning, I would grab my breakfast and read through what happened on your blog
the way i also do this with the replies section when i wake up too lol everyone's comments were my morning tabloid, i read through them with a smile as i sip my coffee >:D but gods. that. that's such an honor.... thank you for being so invested in it ;w;
While the EBG required you to "simp" so to speak for the assigned character, it didn't say who had to do it and how it had to be done
HAHAH gotta exploit the loopholes yk? ;))
I also appreciated that you didn't shy away from people's theories during the event either
ahhh thank you <3 i try not to give out special treatments even to my friends as much as possible and i actually LOVE seeing them theorising and discussing things in posts/replies. it also kinda gauges whether i'm doing things right, whether i should make the hints more obvious, etc. so they actually help a lot in developing the story too, in a sense!
But I still came back to your blog every day during the week it was active for EBG
i am so so so honored ;w; like really. the fact that people cares enough to ACTUALLY VISIT my blog? insane. that's. such a thing that i'm still partly unable to believe even now. most people stay in their dashboard and scroll. the fact that people actually went to my blog JUST to see the ebg contents is just. hngngngnnngngng
This ask is getting way too long, so I'll send another one with follow up questions for the EBG later. I'm curious about the writing and preparation process.
i'll be waiting for that follow up ask because i would love to elaborate more on the ebg given the opportunity to, but no pressure really! i'm just glad that you and everyone else had fun <3
thank you again, kind nonnie. i'll be sure to keep this in my treasure box and reread it a few hundred more times ❤️
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flashhwing · 1 year
Hi! :D For either or both of your Tavs:
23.) What are your Character's thoughts on the dream visitor?
26.) What was your favorite enemy? Did your Character have any memorable fights or moments in combat that were ripe for headcanons and interpretation?
44.) Asker wants Blogger to choose a question from the list.
23.) What are your Character's thoughts on the dream visitor?
I answered the last two asks for Story so now he's on the brain so i'm gonna continue with him. Man keeping this in Act 1 Story's kind of ... entranced by the dream visitor. he's hot. I made him very hot. Story's fully ready to let himself be seduced by him, except. there's no way he's consuming the tadpole, no way he's gonna do anything that goes against the goal of get thsi shit out of my brain right now. so for that reason he doesn't trust the dream visitor, and will not allow himself to be seduced.
26.) What was your favorite enemy? Did your Character have any memorable fights or moments in combat that were ripe for headcanons and interpretation?
in Act 1? I uh. can't really think of any fjdskl I got some good shit from Act 2 tho. but Act 1 hmmm probably. the Grymforge guardian. That was a fun fight, and also good for like. some meta because I needed Story, the squishiest of the party, to be the one to lure the guardian to the middle where the squashing thing is because he's the only one who would also be able to get out of the way safely, with his two bonus actions and cunning action: disengage. and Gale off to the side, anxiously waiting for him to get out of the way so he could activate the hammer to smash the guardian without killing the man he's in love with. it's all Very
44.) Asker wants Blogger to choose a question from the list. I'm going with: Do you have a favorite member of the Tiefling Refugees? Is it the same as your Character's? (9)
MOL little spicy child. I think she reminds Story a lot of himself at that age. He is already mentally filling out adoption papers for when this whole thing is over. He know she won't actually let him adopt her but that's not gonna stop him from looking out for her if he can
My personal favorite from the tieflings is Alfira, and she is also dear to Story. enough so that I am headcanoning that after the events of the game Alfira and Story's sister, Song, may uh. kiss a little.
BG3 Act 1 Asks!
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findyourrp · 1 year
since 🖤 Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 🖤 came out, this guy right here has been back on his Marvel bender. Ima be real withchu, I haven't seen any other Marvel movies past Endgame (other than GOTG3, obvi,) but I'm currently working my way through re-watching and catching up. and so! I have come searching for ships! rarepairs, if you will! now, what I'm looking for is mostly f/m pairs (shocking for me, honestly) and what I'm interested in goes as follows;
✦ my Ravager!Gamora against your Adam Warlock. two outsiders getting to know who they are whilst getting closer? growing into who they are instead of who they were made to be and finding a sense of belonging in each other? sign me up
✦ my post-3 Nebula against your Kraglin Obfonteri. two people who have been through it finally ending up together despite all the walls Nebula's tried to put up to keep him out for actual years. ;; ugh my weakness
so, yeah, long story short, my muse for the sisters is high as hell and I'm looking to write them in some out of the box ships. I'm prob open to more Marvel dudes outside of these two, feel free to bring me your ideas!
about me, then; hi, hello, I'm a 31yo trans dude from Europe. I write over discord, willing to use tupperbox! I always write multiple paragraphs and more often than not, my word count is over the discord limit. third person prose. I prefer my partners to match my writing style, so I come with writing samples ready to go. good grammar obviously is a must, my english is fluent even though I'm not a native speaker. no one liners. typically I try to reply at least once a day, sometimes multiple times, sometimes every few days depending on my schedule. super open to AUs, different timelines and multiple threads! my favorites in regards to writing are different relationship dynamics with romance and found family. hurt and comfort, angst in balance with fluff, with a happy ending somewhere in the horizon. I'd love if we could share pics, headcanons, memes and art, music and all that stuff with my partner outside the threads! please be 20+ as I'm 30+ myself. no minors. just like this post and I will find my way to you! 👽
like & asker will find you!
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okay, i'm getting fucking tired of you anons shit talking kuripa and i don't know if the mod even allows this shit to happen. if i see one more of this shit. i'm fucking leaving this blog. it's a wonder this whole fandom is fucking toxic.
//Take it easy, alright? There’s no need to get so worked up.
//I have no reason to not answer the asks, since the anons have a good reason to be frustrated at Kuripa right now.
//But it is starting to get a little frustrating. I have stated several times over these asks from both the perspective of Kuripa and Makoto that there is more to the story with Uchui than there appears to be.
//On top of that, Uchui is the one clearly supplying Kuripa with the information he brought to the Foundation in today’s chapter, hence why he was hush hush about it.
//I was under the impression the signs were obvious, but either they weren’t obvious enough, or the people/person who is sending these spiteful asks is choosing to ignore me.
//I imagine this anon isn’t the only one who’s getting pissed about it, so to help the situation I’m just going to ignore any asks like it in the near future.
//No one needs to get banned or blocked, and there’s no reason to fight. We’ll just leave things as they are.
//However, any abuse towards me or other askers will be block-worthy, so I want all of you to clean yourselves up and come back once you’re in a better mood.
//And don’t worry. As a bit of a teaser, let’s just say a certain someone is ready to call Kuripa out on his bullshit in this arc.
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goofyrpmaniacs · 2 years
Btw, huge fan of you three! I've watched the old show so many times and you guys are my idols. I won't fangirl too much because I know Yakko is with Max, but lemme just-
*leaves the room*
(They all hear unholy fangirl screeching and it ends suddenly)
*comes back* okay I'm good. It is really nice to meet you three.
W: Kinda glad she wasn’t here when she screamed, otherwise my ears would be bleeding. Also Yakko’s here at the tower getting ready for his date. Roxanne’s gonna babysit while he’s gone and I can’t wait for that!
D: Me too! It’s nice to have another girl in the tower! Also we appreciate the kind words.
Y: Guys, what should I wear? My blue shirt with a white stripe, or my lavender sweater.
D: Oh don’t worry, I hit up a guy who can do that for you.
Y: You what now? (Also, mysterious asker. Love the username!)
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spinnyspinnyspinnnn · 25 days
Most proshippers are adults. Most antis are kids/teens.
I see I've gotten an ask in regards to the post I made. And that is a difference, though the accuracy of your statement is wishy-washy. Regardless I'm going to use this to try and talk more about the topic(and you are totally allowed to continue this in reblogs or replies as you desire, asker!) And also because I have no idea if this is meant to be an insult or not.
A small theory I'm making up on the fly for your ask is that "most" proshippers are adults or older teenagers is because they are developed more. The brain is really starting to develop around the young adult age group, with morality and such. As a result, perhaps as people age, they realize that none of it really matters, that people have freedom and such, and therefore their stance is inherently profic/proship. I know for myself, on a personal level, I recently began to question things like this and how they work. Because even if I have had unsupervised internet for most of my teenage years, I'm a follower far more than I'm a leader, and I had no reason to doubt things like the proship stance being inherently evil.
And the opposite is true for younger teens and kids. They don't really have chances to think for themselves very often. So whatever seems good is what works out, even for those who would usually deviate from the norm. Plus, as kids, they're more sheltered due to the harsher nature of things. Or at the very least, they're supposed to for their protection and are learning in moderation as they age. Therefore the sheltered mindset in fiction may also hold true. Again, this wasn't me. But I'm a follower, and I followed along with everyone else until recently(about late June this year, in fact.)
Now that I'm getting older and am almost hitting adulthood, getting ready to go out in the world and all that stuff, I've begun to question things like this in the internet culture I've been surrounded by since I was roughly 10-11 years old. Because I really don't get it. I don't understand why we are essentially programmed(though not literally programmed), to hate and oftentimes harass and/or mass-attack anyone who isn't placed into the exact same track for whatever fandom or internet space they end up in. A fandom is an area for fans. And not every fan is going to be the same, with people having different opinions on things. And since IRL, harassing people can often be criminal, why do we extend harassing people who deviate from our fiction-based norms to be normalized and even praised depending on the scenario?
That's just how I see it. I have no idea what this ask really means, the tone could be practically anything. But I used it regardless to try and explain my thoughts more.
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