#that his goal is to save his friends not just to defeat ganon
flickerintwilights · 1 year
idk if this has been pointed out already, but remember how we get this fancy main quest completion screen in Breath of the Wild, for the Destroy Ganon quest?
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the corresponding quest in Tears of the Kingdom, Destroy Ganondorf, doesn’t get a full, singular completion screen like that. It’s marked off like any other quest, albeit in a cutscene — and you aren’t even given that quest until late in the game. unlike another quest, which is in your log from the very beginning:
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Finding Zelda. that’s the main objective, that’s the entire point of the story. it’s been your goal all along. You’ve always been trying to find her again.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
Can you give a brief summary of your AUs please?
Sure! :)
Breath of the Sky: A year after Skyward Sword, the newlywed lovebirds are slingshot into the future just before the Calamity. They now have to navigate being in this place, revered as Hylia and the Hero of Myth, while BotW Zelda and Link figure out how the heck they’re supposed to accommodate and deal with it. Chaos and lots of drama ensue. Currently playing: the Lovebirds and the Anxious Duo travel together with the Champions to survey Hyrule and see the Divine Beasts.
Forsaken AU: Original AU with original characters. When Princess Zelda, known for her prowess with her magic and her confidence in her abilities, gets disturbing visions of an oncoming darkness, she tries to claim the Triforce for herself to protect Hyrule. However, the Triforce shatters at her touch as she isn’t worthy to wield all three pieces, and she inherits the Triforce of Power. Put out but not defeated, Zelda goes on a quest to find the fated Hero of Hyrule - she knows it’s usually a dude named Link, and he likely will bear at least another piece of the Triforce, so that’s two birds, one stone! Except… half the kingdom names their boys Link. But after going through half a bajillion Links, two of them are promising! One she can sense a strong magic in, even though he just says he’s a masseur and knows nothing about fighting. The other hardly says anything at all, but Sir Edgy and his faithful doggie companion can’t keep hiding his secrets from her forever.
Blood of the Hero: Ten years after the Calamity, the Shrine of Resurrection is damaged, leaving Link vulnerable and dying. Link’s parents, Abel and Tilieth, who were on the Great Plateau protecting the shrine, are now tasked with saving their son’s life by taking him to the Sheikah shrines across the land. Currently playing: Link’s still out of it but he’s about 5-6 hearts and one stamina vessel in and showing signs of improvement while his dad has a complete spiral from ten years of PTSD buildup and his mom tries to pick up the pieces and take care of them both. Oh, and Impa thinks they’re all insane.
The Imprisoning War: Millennia before Hyrule Warriors, Ganondorf attempts to steal the Triforce and it predictably shatters, starting a two year war that nearly destroys both Hyrule and the Gerudo. The other two Triforce piece bearers are HW Link’s predecessor, the half-Sheikah/half-Hylian named Link, who is madly in love with Ganondorf’s daughter and came to look at Ganon as something of a father figure, and Zelda, who has to overthrow her father to lead Hyrule to victory. Once Ganondorf is defeated, things only get worse for Link as he has to abandon Hemisi, the woman he loves who just helped him and Zelda defeat her father, and enter an arranged marriage with Zelda to save what’s left of their broken kingdom. (Backstory for Golden Mercy)
Golden Mercy: When Ganondorf returns during Hyrule Warriors, he’s on a mission to make things right, though what that means is beyond everyone around him. Kidnapping the Hero of Hyrule and telling him he’s protecting him from the Queen is not what anyone expected, and nobody can quite figure out what his ultimate goal is. Link sure is confused, though, and… starting tor realize there’s more to Ganondorf than just being a monster. Zelda, on the other hand, is quickly spiraling with panic and fear over losing her friend and Hero, as well as trying to protect her kingdom from such a threat that was so dangerous the previous Hero split his soul into pieces to prevent him from ever returning. (Lots of redemption arcs. Lots of them.)
Wild Spirit: When BotW Link is mortally wounded in the Calamity, Zelda decides that Hyrule can be saved more quickly if she lets the Spirit of the Hero be reborn in a new Hero rather than hope a potentially malfunctioning shrine can maybe heal her friend in a few decades and he might not even know what to do. BotW Link dies, but his spirit remains to guide the next Hero, a young man from Lurelin Village. This new Link is friends with his strange spirit companion, and slowly learns his destiny as he grows older. Now that he’s of age, he must take up th mantle of Hero of Hyrule, and his first task is to find the Master Sword, which was entrusted to his predecessor’s father, Abel.
Dad Squad: This one I share with @nancyheart11 and literally anyone else who wants to jump in and have fun with the Dads. When the Yiga use new magic to jump to different points in Hyrule’s history and kidnap Heroes of Hyrule, it’s up to their Dads to save them. Then again, Link doesn’t really need saving all that often, and putting a bunch of Links together is never a good idea for the bad guys, so the Links bust themselves out. But now they’re running around lost and confused, the Dads are still trying to find their Boys, and the Yiga are somewhere in the middle. As for their motives… well. There’s a dark magical mask, maybe a Bad Dad demon king, and a whole bunch of idiocy chaos.
LU in Healthcare: Basically what it says on the tin. The Chain is in modern land and they’re all involved in the world of healthcare! And somehow everyone tolerates my pittance of updates/lore.
Hero of Shadow: During the events of TotK, the demon king discovers the grave of someone he knew and loved dearly - a young Sheikah/Hylian warrior named Link. Using his powers, Gan resurrects him at a price, to ensure that his boy stays safe and loyal. Meanwhile, this young shadow warrior is trying desperately to break free of his father figure’s control while fighting his own feelings on the matter, and his only guide is a strange mystical voice that leads him to shards of a broken sword. In the surface, TotK Link is starting to figure out that something else is going on in the depths. (Essentially, I threw my Imprisoning War blorbos into TotK)
…I think that’s all of them. Wow, I have a lot of AUs lol. So much for brief. 🥴
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Reader help Link after he wakes up
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild ]
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I remember reading an idea like this some time ago and also there was This discussion of how Link doesn't remember anything and still have to save Hyrule 😟
So I decided to write my own versión, hope you like it! =D
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Link had been waken up for a beautiful voice that lead him outside of the strange place he was on, and since Link had wake up he had been lead to do diferent things by people he doesn't know without much room to protest
Everything had culmine when the strange old man revealed to be the last king of Hyrule and tells him that he is a campeon destined to defeat the calamity that haunt the castle before disearing and leave him alone once again. Not knowing much than his mision or that he should go to Kakariko, Link start his journey
You could meet him on his way, either because you live in Kakariko or because you are an adventurer and find him on the middle of his road, either way who you meet isn't the warrior that had just wake up to fulfil his goal, who you meet is a man with old clothes that look at everything confused and amused, just like a toddler discovering the world for the first time
Lately had been happening strange things (like the towers that just appeared from nowhere) and meeting someone like him is pretty strange, he could easily be a Yiga, so being wary of him will be normal, and he can understand somewhat even if that place look somehow familiar he is nothing much than a stranger, no matter what he was in the past, is a past he doesn't even remember
When you asked him who he is or what he is doing he can't do more than look away shamessly, what he was supose to say? That the voice of the princess Zelda had just woke him up? that he is destined to defeat Ganon?
But when you ask him if he needs help he was taken aback, it doesn't matter if is for pitty or because you want to keep a close eye on him, you had just offer him your help. If you are an adventurer your help will be of great help actually, since he doesn't know how to do pretty much nothing right now, and even if you aren't one still, a little help is welcome
He still was unsure to acept your help, he didn't know if he should trust you, but in reallity he barely know what to do and some help will be good, so he hesitatly accept it. At first he just wanted to go to Kakariko to find Impa as the King had tell him, not wanting to make her wait more time than she already wait
Since he is still pretty new to everything soon you will get the opportunity to help him more, he has to visit all the kingdoms and search for the rest of the shrines and towers, even if the only things you could do for him is teach him some things about the world it would be a great help
After some time that you started helped him you two will end up being good friends, he holds you close to his heart since you are practically his first friend since he has waken up and he is grateful for your help
If you are an adventurer then the two of you will end up traveling together even if is just for a while and he will try to learn from you all he can too. Still, after he start to continue with his adventure he invite you over to travel to the other kingdoms (he doesn't express it but it would make him really happy if you accept), but if you decline his offer he will respect your choise and will still try to keep un contact with you and pay you a visist whenever he is near the place you are
If you aren't an adventurer that will become a motivation for him to became stronger so he could take you at least on a little trip. Also, whenever he cames to pay you a visit and this time is him who teach you something new he will feel really proud of himself (and gives him more motivation to continue with his journey)
In either case (when you don't go with him) whenever he visist you he always brings a gift for you from wherever he was, it could be different materials that you could use or he know you need, or something he knows you will like (specially from the kingdom you are more interesed on)
He wants to tell you about the places he visit or all the things he does, but since he really doesn't like talking too much (or isn't too confortable with it) he gets used to taking a lot of photos with the Sheikah Slate so he could show you
Also, he will let you try and experiment with the Runes of the Sheikah Slate, specially if you two travel together being that then you two will have more oportunities to try it, but please don't point it out because he will feel embarrased for being so irresponsable (he just want to have some fun with his best friend)
Whenever he retrieve one of his memories he needs some time to process it, it could be difficult for him since he is learning about his past and even about himself, so he could hold back himself a little and even quietly searching your company since it comforts him
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windsofcourage · 2 months
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When Link isn't glued to Princess Zelda's side, Link is most definitely trying to find his way back to her. How he got separated from the princess is a mystery... but most likely, it had something to do with Pizzicato Road. Link may be highly stressed out due to his separation from the princess, and will spend most of his energy trying to return to her.
Link can be found at the following locations:
Allegretto Circle Link can be found circling back to Allegretto Circle in the hopes that Zelda might have returned to where they come from. He may also use Allegretto Circle as a launching off point to get to other areas in Sonare Isle, as Link would piece together that it is a fixed point. He can coax the Starccatos to land nearby him, and may be able to accidentally get one to chirp.
Ragtime Way Link may make a wrong turn while traversing through Sonare Isle. (As anyone is prone to do, honestly.) He will run into Beat, Tremelo and Polka, and may try to assist them with various quests.
Rubato Square As Link's main objective is to Find Princess Zelda, his main goal for most campaign threads will be to get to Rubato Square, regardless of his starting location. To Link, the Echo Tree is mimicking The Great Deku Tree, and so he has every intention of scoping out the Isle from its branches. He may or may not fall... which may or may not put him in a Coda, depending on if he's traded his paraglider for supplies and information in Ragtime Way. (More on the Coda w the Ambitus below)
Pizzicato Road Link can be found anywhere on or nearby Pizzicato Road in an attempt to get to Rubato Square. He may turn down various streets and alleys looking for the Princess, and can most likely gain the favor of a Neo Terrier .
Link may not always take shelter from it. (It is actually more likely that he will not take shelter than that he will.) More details on Link's Ambitus can be found below!
Link's Ambitus can take various forms, but one thing links (hah) them all: not a single silhouette is clear, save one.
When the Ambitus reflects greatest desire, it may take on the following forms:
Princess Zelda As Link is actively tracking Princess Zelda down, his main priority is finding her and ensuring her safety. As such, he may flee from the path or from his ally's side in order to chase down a mimicry of her, but she always stays just out of his reach...
Aryll Link can't fully remember his family, but he does know that had one. He won't yet remember Aryll's name, and her silhouette will mostly be blurred out... but Aryll haunts his shoulder, and she is not a call he can shake. If he sees Aryll, he will chase after her, expecting her to be an Aercon.
Princess Mipha When caught in the Bell Rain (and sometimes shortly after), Link's memories will begin to stir... With them comes the remnants of one of his oldest friend, Princess Mipha. She may coax him to her side with the promise of knowing him, and although Link may be hesitant, he will eventually follow.
The other Champions, and Link's family. Mipha may on occasion shift into any of the other four champions, and the other faceless members of Link's family. These visions may distract and disorientate Link.
All of Link's greatest desires will tempt Link to follow them into a Coda.
When reflecting Link's greatest fears, it may take on the following forms:
The Ganon Blights (specifically: the Waterblight Ganon) Waterblight Ganon will most often appear to Link once he is inside a Coda. In order to escape the Coda, he will have to fight and defeat the Ganon Blight with whatever materials he has on him. Echoes trapped alongside Link can assist in this fight, but Link must deal the final blow.
Malice Eyes Ganon's malice eyes can crop up all across Sonare Isle for Link. He may spot them in various dark corners, behind people he's speaking with, etc. Once Link blinks, they disappear again.
Link's family (and anonymous hylians), and the Champions The Champions and Link's family (including Aryll) will also appear as manifestations of Link's buried survivors guilt. He doesn't know it yet... but deep down, he has some ... pressing issues he isn't dealing with.
Dark Link Dark Link may appear on occasion depending on the scenario and who Link is with. Dark Link will always be holding a demented version of the Master Sword. It is the only fear based Ambitus that will not turn into a Ganon Blight, and will not attempt to fully kill Link. It will still beat him to a pulp and leave him for dead, but always with the intention of forcing Link to fight it... and maybe to get stronger as a result.
Link's family and the Champions will inevitably morph into Waterblight Ganon, which will attempt to kill Link both in and outside of a Coda.
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
The heavenly Sword and the "Ballad of the Goddess" prompted me to another request. How would the Champions from Botw react to the fact that the reader is a goddess, and she is Hylia's sister. She owns the precious triforce, which passed to her long ago after the death of Hailya as an inheritance. Thank you again ( ╹ ▽ ╹ )
Heyo!! Sorry this took me so long school and work has been a lot lately. Anyways this is a joint headcannon for the Champions as a whole so enjoy!!
I'm gonna make this an age of calamity timeline sort of because some things will change with you around
First of all, you were a wandering goddess, helping out where you could without using your full power. Without the Triforces power you were strong but you preferred to allow humanity to solve their own problems. With a little heavenly guidance
Your main power that you used was music. You could play a melody on your flute and it would guide a person's soul, helping them to understand their desires and purpose.
With calamity rising once again you decided to investigate the castle where you knew Ganon would strike. What you weren't prepared for was the organization of the Champions to be in the castle and for the princess to notice you.
You had snuck to the lowest levels of the castle with your little egg friend to try and place a seal that would hold Ganon back as long as you could when you felt her.
This girl looked so much like your beloved sister, but the aura told you all you needed to know. This was her. Your sister reincarnated once again
Behind her stood a member of each kingdom scattered across Hyrule. You easily connected them as the elite guard you had heard whispers of.
It took some convincing but with a show of your powers and carefully sharing your aura with Zelda, although you had to approach like they were scared animals when faced with the protective circle around the princess.
Zelda was the first to trust you, although your little guardian may have seriously helped with the process. You allowed her to spend all the time she wanted with it and you got to know eachother.
Zelda confessed to you about her struggles with her powers and you declared you would do everything in your power to help unlock hers.
It took time but you managed to help her learn. It came down to her accepting a lot of emotions she had pushed down and finally allowing herself to be free of expectations. Yeah. Not an easy task. But you managed to help her feel confident and your efforts were greatly appreciated by her and the ones who cared for her.
In the beginning you would have to play your flute to allow her to find that inner harmony and then she could use her powers of light
Urbosa was someone who came around pretty fast. She has this mom instinct and despite you being thousands of years older her brain saw you and Zelda giggling as you did research in the fields and her brain went ah yes. Another child to take care of.
She also has a really good judge of character and do she knew immediately you only had the best intentions.
Mipha loved to hear your stories. You once found her talking to Vah Rutah and you mentioned that her ancestor Ruto would be proud of the Champion she became. Mipha asked to hear about stories and you gladly obliged with her wishes. Telling her all about the young Zora sage and how she had fallen in love with the hero too.
Mipha saw you as a mentor person and you would share your knowledge of her kind and you would help her perfect her ability with her trident. With your help she learned to defend against any attack and to carry that confidence into her life outside of battle.
Revali was a tricky one to get close to. He didn't trust you and the closer you got to the other the more he came to resent your presence. It wasn't until he found you atop Hebra peaks playing the flute when he finally allowed himself to get close.
The Rito are a musical people, not that Revali would ever allow others to witness his incredible prowess (yes that's a quote). But seeing you nestled in the snow playing that melody, each snowflake twirling around you as if by your command. He understood why everyone was so in awe of you.
Soon enough, Revali would meet you in the highest peaks of the Hebra mountains to play together. He would confess how he wished he could do more than play the side character but you would remind him that without his assistance Link and Zelda would never be able to defeat Ganon. His role was not small or unimportant nor was he.
Daruk may have been the easiest to befriend. You visited Death mountain and there was a rockslide. You punched one of the rocks splitting it into pieces and the big man was your new bestie.
Not to mention that super spicy marinade for a tasty rock made him know you were as stand up as they come
Honestly you and Daruk could be a dangerous combination. Super powerful dirty meets indestructible shield. You once blasted his shield with you powers and sent him bouncing down the mountain. He was fine but you were both banned from hanging out without supervision.
Link was one person who could not be that supervision. He tried his best to be the stoic hero everyone expected of him but if you three were alone together, the brain cells ran away fast.
To be fair it was a great combination in battle. You could use stasis on Daruk and Link would hit him as hard as he could creating a meteor of mass destruction barreling into your enemies.
After a battle you all would have a camp out where you and Link would work perfectly together to whip up something mouth watering. You had millions of recipes from your time wandering and just as many stories to tell around the fire.
It took time and convincing, but you managed to get each champion to bring along an instrument and play through the night. Sometimes Daruk would get a little crazy with a drum solo or Revali would get snarky if he felt like he was being stared at but eventually you would all relax. You would lead a melody and they would all fall into step bringing forth a tube that could bring a year to your eye or convince you to dance.
It wasn't long before Ganon came forth, malice reaching out across the land and taking hold of guardians and Divine Beats alike
Using the power of the Triforce you placed protection on each of the Champions. They would be unable to die until the sun rises
With your divine blessings and the power of the Triforce you were able to grant the Champions a boost on their strength and powers. You focused all you had on protecting them from injury and fatigue.
Unfortunately the sun would rise soon
With the help of your little Guardian you tapped into the warp pads on each Divine Beast and teleported yourself, Link, and Zelda to them.
Each battle was draining on your powers, you had extended you halo of protection to all of Hyrule. No citizen would die while you were watching over them.
Finally the Champions we're ready to face Ganon. Together you and Zelda merged you powers to trap him in a bubble of light. The Champions locked the Divine Beasts onto the beast and blasted him. You forced him into his beastly pig form where Link and Zelda together could finish the battle
Powered by the Guardians blasts you created a gate around the fight keeping him contained. Using your flute, you played a rythm to confuse Ganon.
With the Master sword and the bow of light, Ganon was finally defeated.
Hyrule was saved and you were finally done with your goal. You giggled as your egg teleported the Champions together to celebrate.
You were tired from the long battle but happy nonetheless. As you watched the Champions celebrate- even Revali grudgingly allowed Daruk to ruffle his feathers- you smiled. You thought of your sister as you watched over her creations and you knew she would be proud.
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lightumbra · 3 years
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we’re gonna...vent about the TP manga. under the cut.
because a lot of the tag has been the manga lately and there was just one thing i saw in particular that really made me feel, but in a bad way. and it was something to the effect of, midna and zelda being childhood friends is good, actually, because it gives zelda’s sacrifice justification.
when it honestly takes a lot away from zelda’s sacrifice. and changes her motivations in a way that is mmmmmbad. i think, at least.
because in game (and setting one of my head canons aside), zelda’s giving her life up to save midna already has 2 very compelling motivations that say a lot about her character.
1. while it is not her primary goal, midna and link, together, are the best hope hyrule has at being saved. they’ve already rescued the entirety of the kingdom from the twilight, at this point, and defeating zant (and ganon, it’s...debatable if zelda knows about ganon in game) is beneficial for both realms. link could potentially do this on his own, but midna is an added asset and a great help, so letting her die would hinder the quest, if not outright derail it.
and, more importantly,
2. though they don’t know each other all too well (they seemed to have developed some form of relationship before we meet zelda in game, but it’s hard to say what that relationship is), midna is a person. she is a person who is suffering and who is going to die, and zelda has the power to save her. it would cost her her life, but she would rather die than allow someone else to perish needlessly when she had the ability to stop it. it’s SUCH a powerful moment in game because they are near perfect strangers, because midna has been at the very best abrasive to zelda. they know each other, but in passing. there is no deep connection there, and yet zelda gives up her life to save midna without a second thought, because it is the right thing to do. because she will not sit idly by and allow midna to die.
and in the manga, all of that falls apart. this is a powerful moment in the game that says so much about zelda as a character (people saying she doesn’t have any character in game are bad and wrong and don’t see how much characterization she actually gets during her few scenes in the game) that is stripped away in favor of “they’re fwiends :)”
and i dunno it just sucks that people think that’s a better justification than zelda just having this soft, kind heart and sacrificing herself for no other reason than to save another person.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 3 years
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Heya!! Kip here! The @memorabiliazine preorders have just shipped, which means we can share our pieces now! I wrote this piece back in February, after theorizing about the presence of Robbie's Telescope being present in the Royal Tech Lab in Age of Calamity. So without further a do, here be my little essay/fic on some old ruins, or more specifically, its:
Cause of Destruction
The storm had come too late. Thankfully, it was all devastated.
She continued to run from the screaming.
The Sheikah woman headed for the hills, brittle trees littering the eastern side of the Lindor mountain side. If she hurried, she could meet up with the others who had—
A distant crack of thunder melded with the collapse of stone; she makes the mistake of glancing back.
In the greater horizon, the shadow of Hyrule Castle looms over a conquered dusk. A shrill cry—something between a roar and a whine—escapes from the cloudy malice beast that enshrouds the Hylian monument. But that was just the backdrop, the canvas for contrast. Closer still, in the billowing grass of North Hyrule Plain, the stormy winds cut through fog and smoke like a dagger.
In the opened wound, the faint silhouette of a building glows.
She keeps running.
The color might have at one point been appealing—the symbol of the Royals, the pleasant hue that cloaked a perfect morning. But tonight it just haunted her...chased her...reminded her of the terrible deed that was done.
A horse came over the hills.
“HEY!” a man shouted, mounted on a grey horse. “MA’AM! HALT, PLEASE!”
Crap. She sucked in a breath through her teeth, clutched her limp, burned arm, and kept moving. I just need to reach the trees.
But the chase seemed over before it had even started. When she had first started running from the blue, some wandering captain had stopped her to ask what was wrong. There was a strange kindness in his striking eyes, a forgein concept in this land now stricken with grief, death, and paranoia. In her haste—and possibly shame of what she had done—she had just pushed the captain away and fled. Very inconspicuous…good job me.
Now it seems he had found her again. Any other day she might have commended him for his kindness in checking with some random Sheikah, during the end of the world no less.
But tonight, well...there’s a sliver of her that might have preferred death.
The woman tripped on a divet in the earth, crashing down on one of her badly burned legs, and hissed at the pain. The rain had muddied the path, and was staining her once white clothes a disgusting marron. The pounding of hooves grew closer, until they halted right next to her ears.
A pair of leather boots crashed into the mud.
“Ma’am, don’t get up. You’re injured. Please.”
The clang of metal armour accompanies the voice. Oh he was a captain alright, equipped well for the apocalypse. His metalspear and armour adorned in—
She looks up.
A slight frown.
The man tries to help her to her feet, watching to not clutch on the wounds on her right side. “Whatcha doing all the way out here? The nearest settlement is a ways away.” The captain lifts up one of her arms, and his eyes widen just a bit. “Dammit...those burns look bad. We might getcha some aid...there’s a laboratory place nearby that I’m heading by, just due east and—”
“...Lab?” The woman can’t help but wonder aloud. No...you idiot, you can’t be serious.
The captain smiles again. “See now, that’s why I was so eager to catch your attention. You’re running in the wrong direction.” He points in the direction she was running towards. “Up where you’re going is just mountains. There’s a fancy smancy lab a bit south that could help patch you up better than—”
“If you head to that lab, you’ll die.” She lets the words linger for a moment. “Unless, of course, that was the desired plan for the evening.” The woman laughs to herself, but the sound is empty and dry.
He frowns. “...What?”
She’s silent, gears turning in her head. Goddess...how do I say this without—
She points east, the rain pattering on her outstretched sleeve. “Tell me, Captain. What do you see over there?”
The man pauses, his face contort with confusion. He follows her hand and stares at the blue.
“...North Hyrule Plain. Some building glowing blue over there…I’m assuming that’s the techno-wizz from the L—”
“Lab, yes. That would be the Royal Ancient Lab. Though I’m afraid it’s not glowing from ‘techno-wizz’ or anything of that sort, dear captain.”
She crosses her arms, turning to look away from the blue and hugging her knees. “It’s currently burning to the ground.”
An ugly pause, as the man seems to take a moment to digest this. He flickers his gaze between the Sheikah and the distant blue building.
“I-It’s...It’s raining though—”
“Blue flame, I’m afraid, is a bit more resistant. Plus, it’s been burning long before the storm came through.”
“What...I…” The captain sits next to her, plopping into the mud in disbelief. “I was really thinking that...why would…”
He turns to her, his eyes are stormy grey, with faint specks of blue, like embers. The captain’s tone is gravely serious. “Miss, why was that lab destroyed?”
The question catches her off guard. Her jaw’s clenched, but she breaks their staring contest and hides her surprise with a shrug. “Same reason as every other disaster today. Calamity Ganon destroyed it.”
There’s a crack of thunder, and the ground shudders at her lie.
“...No.” the man mumbles.
“Look, I know it’s a lot to process—”
“No, I mean,” he stands, hand reaching for his back, “that’s not what actually happened, is it ma’am?”
Crap. The Sheikah holds her hands in the air. “If this is about me shoving you earlier, I was just a bit—”
“Aw now don’tcha worry about that, I took no personal offense.” He scratches the blond stubble on his chin.
“Now the thing that I do find some mighty fine offense to, is the fact that there’s a good lick of a chance that I’m currently speaking to an arsonist traitor.”
There’s a BOOM, and in the distance, another large piece of the Royal Lab collapses into the earth. The blue grows brighter.
“Me? What in the name of Hylia are you—”
“Let’s not play dumb, ma’am. Trust me, I’m a sucker for some pleasantries and small talk, though I’m afraid addressing the fact that you burned down the nearest safe haven for miles is gonna take priority here.”
The Sheikah woman just fumes, attempting to get up in the captain’s face. “How DARE you accuse me of—”
She’s cut off by the shing of metal cutting through air. The captain twirls the spear on his back and points the end right at her neck, resting just below her chin. She scowls, but puts her hands in the air.
“You just don’t understan—”
“That’s a mighty fine torch you got there…” He clicks his tongue.
Both hands grip his spear steady, ready to pierce flesh at any moment. The captain gestures with a wink to the torch attached to her waist. It seems to still smolder slightly with faint blue embers.
The captain looks between the torch, and the blue fire in the horizon.
“Yes, a mighty fine torch indeed.” He presses the spear tip a bit further forward.
“And it’s glowing a familiar color.”
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Cause of Destruction
An Analysis of the Destruction of the Royal Ancient Lab
By Dr. J Kippers
(But please, Kippers was my father, call me Kip)
So heroes are a thing, huh? Who’da thunk it! One minute, I’m continuing my travels, studying some cool rocks and bricks in Hyrule Field. Then the next, a giant malice pig appears and fights some teenage boy wielding a glowing stick. I definitely wasn’t cowering behind the ruins of a garrison bathroom while that all happened, and I definitely was doing some cool badass fighting moves with my...pen, to help that knight and save the world and stuff. Makes for a pretty cool story, yeah? HA, Traysi would kill for it…
But enough of my daring, slightly exaggerated, exploits. It’s been a few weeks since the world’s settled down from the Calamity’s defeat, which means I had prime time to settle back into my hometown, and put my years of travel and research to paper!
I spent the majority of my life studying the history of Hyrule as it fell to the Calamity 100 years ago...and with the world now revitalizing, it’s just prime time to get myself out there! Research wise, that is!
At first, I didn’t really know what to write, cause WOW there’s just so many topics to choose from. Plus there’s a lot on the line here, gotta make a good impression for whatever new kingdom that Princess Zelda’s got planned. She seems the scholarly type, yeah? I’m thinking I could snag some Hyrule history teach’ position at a rebuilt university or something… Princess has got an awful lot of focus on the reconstruction of different village ruins. Which is fair, cause who better to know how to rebuild these places than the people who were alive to see them in their prime!
And you see, that’s where my journey of knowledge began! People with first hand knowledge of the events of distant past are alive? OH a historian’s dream…my soul swells in happiness. Plus, I also got my researcher brain a-tingling. My dad’s friend’s cousin’s neighbor’s grandma’s dog’s breeder knew Dr. Robbie back in the day, so Sheikah tech is basically in my blood.
With these passions rejuvenated I had my goal! Publish some revolutionary new theory that combined my awesome knowledge for history, archeology, and tech! And what better place to see that than, (duh) the Royal Ancient Lab Ruins.
Now, there doesn’t seem to be much in these ruins…it’s absolutely barren. No weapons or treasures to be seen. Just your run-of-the-mill ruined ruins, destroyed long ago by the Calamity. And that was the end of the story.
At least that’s what I thought until I did a little more digging. See, as I was doing some additional research, I stumbled upon this old history/research book stored in the Kakariko archive. I have no idea where it came from...it’s titled...C-Caa...Creation? Creating? Creating a...Cham...it’s kinda faded and hard to read. But anyhow, this weird little history book was written by some guy named “Nine-tendons.” If someone out there has a copy feel free to hit me up, but for today’s sake title and author don’t really matter. The point is, one of the quotes in that book describes the ruins like this:
Royal Ancient Lab Ruins
It is thought that these ruins represent the ancient relic research facility that was under the direct rule of Hyrule Castle, but only the outer walls remain. There is no trace of the building’s interior, let alone any research materials.
The thoroughness of its destruction feels intentional. [Page 396, Cr_ating a Champ___, Nint__do.]
Now I’m not too familiar with the work of whoever Mr. Nin-Ten-doves is, but I strangely trust their word on the topic wholeheartedly. Call it a feeling from the divine if you must, but they’re right! It seems so much more obvious in hindsight.
My adventures into the other various ruins across Hyrule always gave me something to work with. The world is just crafted for exploration. Old treasure chests, weird rocks with a tiny talking tree fairy underneath. Hell, even a monster or two was always happy to inhabit even the smallest of ruins I’ve entered. Yet, there is absolutely nothing of prominence to be seen at the ruins of the Royal Ancient Lab. And I’ve double, triple, and quintuple-checked!
Why are there no rusted weapons...or treasures...or any records or evidence of anything, other than some crude stone walls and a rock? That kind of destruction is just unnecessarily absolute, even for the Calamity.
According to detailed drawings/notes I have in my records of Historical Works during the Age of Calamity (HW AOC for short), the Royal Ancient Lab was nearly three stories tall, with a royal blue ceiling, complete with a basement level, and an upper telescope! With even the smallest of structures (like simple ranch and village ruins) still standing today with plenty of artifacts, why is as great a structure as the Royal Lab so desolate?
Intentional, intentional, intentional...that word ran through my head for days, weeks, months even. Why would the Royal Ancient Lab be destroyed intentionally? Did the Calamity see it as that major a threat? No, that wouldn’t make sense, the movements of Calamity Ganon that day clearly show his intention to use the Sheikah power against the people of Hyrule. An Ancient Lab would be a major benefit, if anything…
So, surprising as it may be, the current prime suspect for the destruction of this lab would actually be…
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The Sheikah just glares. “Well...what gave it away?
He shrugged his shoulders with a half smile. “Deductive reasoning, with a hint of some good ol’ luck perhaps.”
“Listen, I know this looks bad, but you have to understand—”
“Oh I understand quite well alright.” The captain gives a wink. “I try to be humble, but Mama always did say I was the smartest cookie she knew.”
He rests the end of his spear on her collarbone, the threat clearly still present, but it gives him the freedom to pace and wipe rain for his soaked blonde hair.
“See I know that Calamity Ganon’s corrupted every bit of Sheikah tech from here to Lurelin. I know that he’s been targeting Hylian settlements. ‘Seen it myself when some monsters and Guardians destroyed my regiment and post at Maritta Exchange, just a bit north from here. I know that the only reason the other settlements, like the Rito and Zora, are still standing is because Ganon’s focusing all his forces on finding and killing the Hylian Champion and the princess. And finally I know that because of that, there is not a Guardian or monster around for many a mile. I mean, just lookie over there.”
The woman turns her head, and sure enough, the plains are barren of all life. No movement of machine or beast or person.
“And now my assumption was—and do pardon me if my monologue is redundant to your traitor ears—that the nearest place of safety would be this royal laboratory of technology. It’s Sheikah run, so it wouldn’t be immediately targeted. Plus the last thing the Calamity would want is for his personal army of destruction to be...well, destroyed. Ifs I was them evil cloud demon thing, I woulda wanted the lab with all my corrupted techno babble soldiers to be kept in peak condition. However…”
The captain turns to the right, staring at the blazing blue building in the distance. “...That does not seem to be the case.”
The Sheikah opens her mouth to speak, but he holds up the spear again. “Now I’m thinking, the only reason someone would go about destroying that lab, would perhaps be to kill some people, no?”
“We didn’t—”
“Getting rid of the people who could possibly reverse the Guardian corruption...now I suppose that might be a good evil plan.”
“It was for the be—”
“Ma’am I’m all about looking on the bright side of things, but,” the captain flicks his head in the direction of the blue, “This ain’t exactly the light a’ hope I was wanting.”
“Maybe not, but—”
“So,who are ya? Yiga?”
“No, it’s—”
“Solo treason then. You getting revenge on someone ‘round here? A noble? The King? Or perhaps you’re just the sadistic type with the whole—”
The outburst surprises the both of them, and he hold the spear to ner neck firmly. Another crack of thunder reminds them of the silence that’s endured. The Sheikah finally sighs.
“Perhaps by definition I am an arsonist and a traitor, but for one thing, I wasn’t alone.”
The man’s eyes shine curiously, but she continues.
“I will gladly die alongside them, as my actions have only been for the benefit of Hyrule.”
The rain’s tempo quickens as she gets on her feet, but the captain doesn’t strike. She stares him down, eyes hidden behind strands of white hair.
“My name is Atsuko, a devoted researcher at the Royal Lab, and you may kill me if you think it just.”
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Ok, now I know what you’re all thinking. You’re thinking “Kip! Why are you writing this official research paper like some drunken bar rant? How the hell are you gonna get noticed at this rate?” or “Kip! The hell are you thinking?? Sheikah destroying the Ancient Lab makes absolutely no sense?!”
So to that I say, firstly, uhhh you’re welcome for not being a boring posh, snobby lecturer.(Learned to value a personality over fancy words; lessons my granddad).
As for the latter, you are quite wrong my dear friend, quite wrong indeed. It makes an absolute butt-load of sense, and I’m gonna prove it was them, here and now! I mean that’s...kinda the whole point of an essay, yeah?
My fellow archeology, history, and tech lovers, not only do I know who is responsible for the Royal Lab’s destruction, but I know the true reason why and how! Let us start at the beginning!
What exactly is the lab, and what was its purpose? Well, as the name implies, it was a Sheikah-run laboratory under the hand of the royal family that researched and experimented with Ancient technology. Again, looking at references in HW AOC, I can place not only Guardian models and Ancient weaponry at the lab, but also the existence of blue flame lamps that seemingly powered the facility.
As we all know, it’s tough to mess around with Ancient parts without blue flame, which is the prime energy source for the Ancient Sheikah. Such are the existence of today’s Hateno and Akkala tech labs, located near blue flame furnaces. However! This brings into question exactly why the Royal Lab was constructed where it was…
There are only three places in all of Hyrule with natural blue flame deposits, or otherwise called “Ancient Furnaces.” That would be in Hateno, Akkala, and within Hyrule Castle itself. So why is the Royal Tech Lab so far from these Ancient Furnaces?
To answer this question, might I direct your attention towards explosions. That’s right folks, I’m talking bombs! (Please take this moment to imagine me creating an accompanying explosive sound effect with my mouth)
Some time ago, as I was analyzing the blue flame lamps in Deep Akkala, I ran into that hero of legend face to face! Nice guy, quiet and charming type. Smelled strangely like apples and burnt guts.
Long story short, I traded my entire supply of Hot-Footed Frogs and arrows for a chance to mess with his Sheikah Slate for a bit.
So during that brief period of research, I discovered that while Sheikah tech is usually well controlled—with bomb runes only going off on command by the push of a button—there is an exception! Bomb runes instantly react with blue flame, just one touch and they’ll instantly explode! Try it out yourself! Er, well. Ok, maybe not. Don’t do that, legally I’m not responsible. Plus, it’s not like any of you folk out there have access to bomb runes or a Sheikah Slate that you can play around and test it out for yourself like it’s some virtual game that you can switch around in your hands.
Bomb runes are giant bundles of compact Sheikah tech. When in contact with a pure blue flame, they go boom. The process with the Sheikah Slate must simplify this process with a remote button, but as I’ve discovered, the process can be hastened by chucking a torch around.
I call this phenomenon of blue flame reacting destructively with Sheikah technology a “blue combustion!” I’m creative, I know.
I imagine, any experimentation with weapons that harness, compress, or just generally mess with Sheikah tech and lasers, must be conducted in an environment that prevents blue combustion. You don’t want pure blue flame touching stuff. Otherwise you go kaboom.
Now I couldn’t get a hold of Dr. Robbie or Director Purah myself, something about how they “don’t know who the heck” I am, and “you’re trespassing please get off it’s private property,” or something of the sort, I’m not really sure. But even without their testimonies, you’ll notice that their large tech labs are constructed a distance away from the actual Ancient Furnace. They aren’t right beside it. If they were, you risk losing a limb to a blue combustion. That is also why blue flame lamps exist: to stagger the distance between the flames. And thus is why the Royal Lab isn’t nearby an Ancient Furnace.
Yet even so, the distance the Royal Lab has from an Ancient Furnace might still stump you, because even compared to the Akkala and Hateno labs, it is very very far. But here’s the kicker, my dear curious readers and poor editor, the reason for this extreme distance is because during its prime, the Royal Ancient Lab housed a large portion of the Guardian army and weaponry. It needed more distance because its contents accumulated a much larger space. I can prove this not only by descriptions shown in HW AOC, but also by notes/drawings shown in the archive called the Backgrounds of Technological Wonders, or BOTW for short.
Both these sources show that while Guardians were tested and stationed in Hyrule Castle, the number of Guardians at the castle was probably only in the one hundred mark or less. Now that may seem like a lot, but remember, hundreds of Guardians were dug up, as especially shown in the famous Sheikah tapestry of 10,000 years ago. Arguably even thousands, considering that tapestry is a simplification.
So if we can only account for only a portion of the Guardian population at Hyrule Castle, where are the rest? Scattered across different garrisons perhaps, sure. But they’d mainly be in the facility where each of the Guardians were constructed and given power, the place full of the most talented Sheikah researchers, a location that would still be in decent proximity, but still a safe distance from the castle should an emergency arise: the Royal Ancient Tech Lab. That’s where most of Guardians are.
Now, why is this important? Why did I just spend a few paragraphs talking about blue flames and Guardians and locations when this is about the lab’s destruction and demise?
It’s because this is my sure fire way to prove to you that the Calamity did not destroy the Royal Lab.
The Royal Ancient Lab was constructed specifically to create the best Guardians and technology to beat the Calamity with.
It would have been constructed specifically to avoid any fatal blue combustion accidents.
And it sure as hell wouldn’t have been purposefully destroyed by the Calamity, the one entity who would benefit from its existence.
The lab was decimated by a blue combustion, no question. There isn’t anything as powerful as it that could destroy a place so completely. And now knowing the factors surrounding the lab itself, we know that if it was destroyed by a combustion, it was not because of an accident.
It could only have been done purposefully, by the only people who would know the Royal Lab’s weaknesses.
It could only have been brought down by the Sheikah researchers.
So now, the questions of exactly how and why remain.
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The captain just stands and ponders.
“Ma’am, I must confess that I don’t find the science of the destruction nearly as interesting as exactly what made you decide to do it.”
“It’s like I said,” Atsuko clutches her burned arm, “It wasn’t just me. Really, now, you’re too kind to give me so much credit.”
The spear end moves closer to her neck. “Alright alright alright, sorry, pal. Look I have no idea if you’re even believing all this right now, but you have to trust me that our actions were of the best intentions.”
The captain smirks. “Do tell?”
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According to BOTW, the Ancient Arrow was developed by Dr. Robbie as one of the most powerful means of combating the Calamity itself. In fact, according to research I’ve found in that CAC book by Mint-en-do, I can place the exact time for the development of this weapon, which I can use to glean information about it’s properties.
Ancient Arrow
Perhaps forty or fifty years after the day of the Great Calamity Robbie, the lead Guardian researcher, created the first weapon that was effective against the mechanical monsters: the ancient arrow... Flames come out from the burner like bit [of the Ancient Arrow] and form a blade. [Page 388 and 178, Cr_ating a Champ___, Nint__do.]
The arrow instantly vaporizes whatever it comes into contact with, tearing apart the subject by the molecule, and sending them to non-existence. The description of the weapon implies that it is the pure energy of a blue flame, and built quite differently than other Sheikah weapons.
And the difference definitely shows. I’ve handled a few of these puppies myself, and let me tell you, they get the job done. While an Ancient sword or axe will certainly do some damage, a single Ancient Arrow can take out a Guardian, or even a Lynel in one hit. I heard that they could even do major damage to Dark Beast Ganon itself!
Now, why do I bring this up? Because this Ancient Arrow proves that the Sheikah 100 years ago knew about the dangers of blue combustion.
An Ancient Arrow is clearly the result of intensive research into blue combustion, it is literally a pure blue flame on a stick pumped up with some Ancient Tech. It vaporizes whatever matter it touches and it ceases to exist.
Hmm...would be a fine explanation as to why the nearly three stories worth of stone and ceiling in the Royal Lab no longer can be found.
And why wasn’t the Ancient Arrow developed sooner? It’s because no one thought to purposefully cause an event that would destroy everything until they were forced to on the actual day of the Calamity. It’s because it took even the most brilliant of scientists half a century to even contain a feat of destruction into a single arrowtip? Yes...when you lay out the facts like that, it seems to make sense on the timeline.
Ah, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Back to the question of “why?” Let me rewind to an earlier point. Where are the thousands of Guardians in Hyrule?
Yes, a good hundred or so could be found in Hyrule Castle, and the majority were in the Royal Ancient Lab. But today, where are they? Records in BOTW cite only 157 Guardian remains in all of Hyrule. 157. How? That’s impossible. Witnesses and notes in HW AOC prove that much, much more existed. And what’s more is that we know that the majority of those Guardians were at the Royal Lab, but there are no Guardians, active or otherwise, to be found there. There is nothing.
It’s almost as if all those Guardians were vaporized, they ceased to exist one day.
And you know what.
They did.
(Please take this time to imagine me winking)
There’s some theme or metaphor here about the Royal Ancient Lab, constructed in the blues of the Royal family, ironically being destroyed by the blue combustion—but what do I look like, a writer? Find your own secret to life, here’s the blunt of it.
The Sheikah knew about the dangers a blue combustion could do, but on the day of the Calamity, they used that knowledge for the better. Seeing the corrupted Guardians in the distant castle, it is my belief that the researchers there purposefully brought the blue flames—that they had so carefully separated outside in the lanterns—in contact with Ancient Technology. Things not only went kaboom, but the actual matter ceased to exist. A giant Ancient Arrow.
Thousands of Guardians, hundreds of blades and weapons, and honestly, probably even lives, were gone in an instant. The only remains of the carnage would be the aftermath of blue flames that spread across the remains of the outer walls.
The Sheikah did this because it would save the most lives. That’s hundreds and thousands of Guardians and machines that wouldn’t fall into Ganon’s clutches, hundreds of souls saved. Did you know that today Hyrule Ridge, the home of the Royal Lab, has zero Guardians? Did you know that the lands near it, Hebra and Tabantha, have the lowest Guardian sightings in all of Hyrule? Even less than the Gerudo Desert. And I cite this all based on my hours of research and facts laid out by BOTW, HW AOC, and the divine work by Mr. Nin-ten-do
But even beyond that, how do I know, in absolute 600% certainty that the Sheikah were in complete control of this destruction? How am I so sure that the Sheikah that day had fully planned the intentional obliviation of their lab?
It’s because...I lied earlier.
There is actually one relic that survived. One little monument of the Royal Ancient Lab Ruins. One object giving physical proof of this theory.
One artifact that would have been impossible to preserve if the Sheikah hadn’t planned it all. I mentioned it briefly before, if you paid attention. Yes! This object is present in both the Royal Lab, and a tech lab of today. You could see it for yourself, if you pay a visit to my dad’s friend’s cousin’s neighbor’s grandma’s dog’s breeder’s Sheikah researcher pal...
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“Dr. Robbie’s telescope.” Atsuko pointed to the scattered trees in upper Lindor, “Some other scientists took it up there to preserve it. It’s the only reason we were able to see the initial Guardian corrupting in the distant castle, and how we were able to adapt to the situation and act so quickly.”
The captain glanced at the western mountain. “So you were running up there to meet with them?”
“The wilderness is pretty safe at the moment. And we’re hoping eventually we could take the telescope to another lab where we could possibly continue research. I mean just today from the combustion, Dr. Robbie had this idea for some fancy Sheikah dagger to kill Guardians.”
“OK listen, that’s...that’s all I’ve got. You can head up there and confirm the story, or just kill me now, take your pick. Waiting for judgement here.”
More silence. The rain falls harder.
“You can call me Cian.” The captain does a little bow. “Captain Cian Kippers, at your leisure.”
Atsuko raises an eyebrow. “Like the color—?”
“Sp-Spelled differently! There’s an “i” in there, and perhaps it’s ironic to the situation, but I figured if we’re gonna be traveling up there together you should have the courtesy of knowing my name.”
She just sputters for a moment. “So...you—”
“I trust your heart—I like to think I’m good with character—and I believe you’re a good person doing your best in the world. As unfortunate as circumstances may have been.” He twirls his spear before fitting it on his back. Cian extends a hand to her which she takes. “People like that are getting rarer by the hour, so I don’t think I should be adding to the death count.”
“So…” she gets on her feet, cocking her head, “You...you believe me then?”
He chuckles. “Well, I didn’t kill you did I?”
Atsuko laughs quietly. “Your mistake…”
“...No.” Cian places a reassuring hand on her shoulder and smiles, as if to say that somehow everything was gonna be alright.
“My intention.”
50 notes · View notes
Zavis gave a yelp as Misko jabbed his chest with a gloved hand, his body swaying like a swing set. 
"Alright. Well suppose my monetary, and, or, practical gain is not as fruitful as you claim. What exactly is it that you have to gain from all this, Yiga? Say I return these powerful items, and they are used to defeat the Calamity. Is that not what the Yiga don't want?
Zavis craned his head as much as he could in his upside-down state.
"I'm not a true Yiga, so their wants aren't mine."
Something sparked in Misko’s eye, and he smiled a toothy grin.
"Ah, I see. You are a little spy, then? Explains why Lady Impa tolerated you. Would have never thought Her Majesty would have such...unusual company...”
Misko swiped Zavis’ glasses, plopping himself on the ground and pretending to be preoccupied with cleaning them with a silk handkerchief from his pants pocket. As he sat, legs crossed, in the grass, Zavis spotted the assorted leather pouches across the belt around his shoulder and waist.
While most of his attire was rugged and inconspicuous, a shining rapier in its glistening scabbard was attached by his left hip. Its subtle green accents on the sheathe and pommel even seemed to glow slightly in the shadow of Misko’s dark cloak. It was quite longer than your average sword, even more than the Master Sword. Did he really move around such a weapon one handed? Perhaps it was lighter than it appeared...
“So you wear the colors of false ambitions...Goals not your own...” Misko said, as he inspected a crack on the lens. “To disguise yourself in the intentions of others, and to not be corrupted or swayed...I must assume you are stronger than most in protecting your true values, whatever they may be...”
Zavis raised (or perhaps in true orientation, lowered) an eyebrow. “‘Values?’ Well it’s not as mysterious as you make it out to be. I value my life, and my friends’ and families’ lives. I don’t want everyone to...you know. Die.”
“Is that not what all sides are already doing?”
Misko didn’t look up as he popped one of the lenses out from the round the pair of glasses. He fished around in one of his pouches, apparently having a handful of different other lenses on hand.
“King Rhoam pushes for his daughter’s sacred power by any means in order to save his people. Master Kohga and the Prophet of Doom serve Lord Ganon to spare their own people from demise. Your own queen rejects the perfect gods, and instead clings to the powers of flawed souls to achieve a perfect ending for her companions. No, I’m afraid your answer is not unique, Mr. Asu.”
Zavis blinked, wondering if it was possible to hear the frown in someone’s voice.
Misko held up the glasses to the sky, inspecting them beside the other lenses he had on hand, trying to find a match. Green sunlight filtered through the trees, and for a moment, Zavis found it illuminated a strange set of...bowls? A set of something hanging out by the backside of Misko’s belt. The sunlight left and it was obscured in the cloak’s shadow once more. Truly a strange thief...
Zavis sighed, having a hard time maintaining eye contact with the blood rushing to his head.
“So what do you want?”
“I want you to enlighten me.” Misko said, matter-a-factly. “You want my treasures? You must convince me. In the world of thieves, it’s all about the value of the trade.”
Zavis squinted.
“So...you want my glasses?”
Misko clicked his tongue and shook his head with a sigh. However, it was cut off as he breathed an excited “Oh!”
His eyes lit up, the color of a glowing ocean as the sun sinks into the west. One of the lenses in his collection clicked into place in the red frames. Misko tossed the old, cracked lens into the brush behind him. He then tucked the fixed glasses into the tangle of Zavis’ hair.
“Now, Zavis, I do not want anything as silly as a pair of vision aiding glasses. I’m possess excellent sight, as well as being an excellent sight.” He winked, playfully.
“However, you possess something of great...shall we say personal value, that I think most people take for granted. From what I surmise, you can’t even comprehend its existence, even though you know it well.”
Zavis withheld his groan. Great! This guy speaks in riddles. But as he rolled his eyes, Misko suddenly leaned closer, refusing to break their gaze.
“A thief takes what isn’t theirs, what others possess, but what they themselves desire. That desire turns to purpose, and that purpose turns to skill. A thief’s treasures are, as such, the culmination and representation of their skill.
“To take said treasure, is to take skill, and thus wither purpose, and thus insult my desire. ‘Your desire is worth nothing. It is worth less than my desire. Thus, I shall trade nothing for it, and take.’ Hypocritical as it may be, there is no greater dishonor than be taken from. There is no greater displeasure than giving treasures for free.”
In a flash, Misko stood and unsheathed his blade, and slice the rope holding Zavis with a flick of his rapier. As the boy toppled to the dirt, Misko’s blade danced in the air in time to balance the red pair of glasses on the sword’s tip, sitting undamaged, unlike Zavis’ face.
Zavis picked his head off the ground. Feeling too unsteady to stand with the blood rushing out of his head, he just grumbled.
“Rupees are worthless to me. As are whatever monetary valuables your rich Asu ass could part with. They are not treasure in the way that these royal items are. I feign to you my explanations about technological abilities, or the practical options of having a little guardian. But in truth, to take from the Queen Zelda is, of itself, greater treasure to me than you will ever know--of reasons we are far from close enough to get into, so I must ask that you respect my privacy.”
Misko remained cheery-eyed and maintained his smile as he pointed the sword between Zavis’ eyes.
“So do you truly wish to make these treasures yours, Yiga Asu?”
Zavis stared up. He locked eyes and nodded.
“Then do you understand what I would want, Zavis? Of what would be of equal value in this trade?”
Zavis lay contemplating, for seemingly an eternity, eyes each providing the corresponding sunrise and sunset for each day, week, and year that his mind mulled over the question.
Finally, he nodded.
Misko grinned, then lowered the rapier, the glasses sliding into Zavis’ hands.
“Then give it.”
12 notes · View notes
goldenworldsabound · 4 years
Platovember: Expectation
After the defeat of Calamity Ganon, (Sheikah) Wendy and Vaati try to repair their broken sibling relationship. A snippet of one of their better conversations about the past.
Word count: 646
Content warning: none
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"So you and Mipha, huh." Vaati commented out of the blue, breaking the silence between them. He and Wendy were sitting high up on a cliff above the Zora's Domain. Things between them were mending. He'd made the trek out to visit Wendy here. He'd been uncomfortable meeting the Zoras.
"Yeah. She's...amazing." Wendy said, feeling a blush creep over her cheeks. "I don't know what she sees in me, but...I'm...glad she does."
Vaati snorted. "Please. Everyone has always seen you as some amazing, destiny fulfilling Sheikah. Don't pretend you don't know that."
Wendy shot him a quick glare. "No, they don't. You're just- you're just being jealous." She regretted the words immediately, her gaze sliding away from his equally angry glare.
"I have every right to be jealous, don't you think?" He snapped. "You had everything, and you continue to have everything. Not one, but two girlfriends, you helped save the world, you have friends and folks who care about you...and you somehow don't think I should be jealous?"
Wendy sucked in air, holding it for a moment before exhaling. "Okay, you're right. But, I...it doesn't change the way that I feel. I know...I know that how they treated you, was...was wrong. And I'm sorry. I realized too late that I could do something about it." Wendy crossed their arms.
Vaati relaxed, brow furrowed at an actual apology from his sister.
"Apology accepted." He replied, inclining his head towards her. The silence stretched on. Vaati sighed. "I really don't see how you can think you're anything less than stellar."
"Because...I spent my life until now trying to live up to Impa's expectations." Wendy admitted, gritting her teeth for a moment. "As much as I was proud I had a destiny and got special training for it, I was jealous that you didn't have her expectations hanging over you." Wendy sighed. "That must sound incredibly stupid to you."
"No, I can understand it, logically."
"After you left, it...well, I stopped even being happy about it. Destiny was something that controlled my every move, through Impa. Or tried to. I kept running away. I said to hell with it, I tried to bring you back..." Wendy felt a lump in her throat, but shook herself of it. "And Impa always made it clear that in doing these things I had failed her. And now, there are no expectations, left and I..." Wendy hunched over, wrapping her arms around herself.
"You feel empty." Vaati finished the sentence for her. He'd scooted closer, so their legs were touching, though he made no move to console her otherwise. "That I can understand. I felt empty...when I left. I don't think I ever filled that hole."
"I'm sorry." Wendy mumbled, shoulders slumping. "It's a terrible feeling. It makes me act recklessly. And it's only been...months since I first felt it."
"I suppose we're more alike then I realized." Vaati said, bumping his shoulder to hers. "Perhaps we can...find something to fill it? Together? Unless you're too busy with your ever growing harem," He added dryly, giving a toothy grin as Wendy blushed.
"Hey!!! I- it's not a harem!" She pushed his shoulder gently, and he laughed.
"You're still so easy to tease."
"And you're still a bastard."
"But of course."
Wendy sighed. "I'd like that though. To- to find something together. For the immediate future, that can be introducing you to all the Champions!" Wendy snickered as Vaati sighed dramatically.
"That is a long term goal, thank you. The Zora were overwhelming enough. Oh, hehehe, I've never seen a purple Hylian! Ohohoho! Ugh." He stuck his tongue out with disgust.
"Are you even a Hylian?" Wendy asked, raising her brows and looking skyward.
"I doubt it. I'm evil incarnate, remember?" Vaati rolled his eyes. "Does it matter?"
"Not at all."
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wild-battlebond · 4 years
Digimon Xros Wars Ep31 Liveblog
It’s time for the new arc! Featuring a lot of status quo changes! Today, Taiki and Shoutmon are looking for the rest of Xros Heart and get to see first-hand what the Bagra Army’s ideal new world looks like.
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the new OP’s right at the start of the episode! fancy! it makes sense since they’ve gotta establish that this is a Big New Arc
oh no oh god it’s the snake lady Digimon that joins Nene later. i had all but forgotten about her until I saw her in a post while looking through the Xros Wars tag and my life was better for forgetting her. she’s painful to look at. actually this OP is a little rough too. and I think a higher percentage of episodes in this arc are painful to look at. ugh.
a cool montage of all of Shoutmon’s xrosses (up to X5B) and then a slick transition to showing the evolutions! that was cool!
and a little intro by Taiki and Shoutmon to remind everyone what’s happening
right off the bat, the team has a goal — track down the rest of Xros Heart! they’re probably in jail or something.
so because of time dilation, everyone staying in the human world for about a day means that a long time has passed in the Digital World. Taiki says a few months, but I always got the impression it was more around a year.
so this flower field is only deceptively nice looking right. like how we all live in a dystopia but it mostly looks normal.
Lilymon has her survival priorities straight
oh I remember this little green dragon. I think I was a fan of them?
so the 108 zones have been condensed down into 7 lands and a castle by the Bagra Army. it’s super mario. the land that Taiki and Shoutmon are currently in, despite being covered in flowers, is Dragon Land. so the zones are now sorted by Digimon species...? sounds like the kind of arbitrary separation an antagonist would do.
don’t tell me the enemies are actually going to believe that the kid with flowers on his head is actually a Digimon basically called “Flowermon”
ah, the evolution doesn’t work on command. well, Omegamon did say that they’d have to remember their bonds with their friends for it to work.
apparently Kiriha’s army, Blue Flare, has still been going strong this whole time. I guess a cutthroat guy like him would fare well in a cutthroat world, at the expense of nice things like caring. I imagine Nene’s been working behind the scenes, and not going out on attacks like Kiriha, since her specialty is espionage?
the data of those who have fallen is being used to power something...??
Lilithmon and Blastmon have been effectively replaced by the 7 land bosses, lol. if I remember right, I think little “dame da” is their boss now?
oh I had kinda figured that when Bagramon said that the 7 death generals were gathering it was going to be a literal, physical gathering but I guess it’s just a zoom call
so Kiriha was trying to defeat the Dragon Land’s boss but then he *ganon voice* died. but then Taiki saved him by pulling him into a hole in the side of the dirt wall the land boss made.
Dragomon built all of these tunnels?! that must’ve taken ages!
I know that Kiriha’s talk about strength and weak Digimon like Dragomon being losers is important to his character development but I am just getting the teensiest bit sick of it. be nice to Dragomon you’d be dead without them. if I remember right, though, Dragomon continues being a fan of Blue Flare despite this and begs to join the team.
he doesn’t say it but you get the feeling that when Kiriha says that Taiki isn’t going to stand a chance in this tough new world, it seems like he means Taiki’s ideals of helpfullness and caring aren’t going to carry him through this time. this won’t be the case, obviously — it’s like Tactimon said before, Taiki’s ideals are dangerous to the Bagra Army.
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and now Kiriha is insulting Dragomon again because there’s lava chasing them. Shoutmon comes right to Dragomon’ defense, though, and even swoops in to save Dragomon from the lava. this is a really good example of how Shoutmon has grown throughout the series — way back during the Island Zone, he got upset at the idea of Digi Xrossing with a weak Digimon like ChibiKamemon, but now he’s here risking his life for a weak Digimon.
and that act of kindness is letting him digivolve again!
hmm... Dragomon’s voice is starting to sound familiar... I wonder...? OK no not a voice actor I’ve heard before
FL,DSMFN Kiriha is genuinely psyched to see something cool like an evolution
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idk why but I’m a sucker for heroes gently setting down someone they saved and then rushing off in a burst of incredible power. i guess it’s like, the combination of protecting someone and raw strength. and using that raw strength to protect.
& then rather than criticizing it for being a “coward’s” strategy, OmegaShoutmon actually incorporates Dragomon’s penchant for digging tunnels into his fighting style! it also shows how Shoutmon is usually used to being digi xrossed and incorporating his friend’s styles and abilities into his own fighting style.
and now the fight is going bad again but that’s a tale for later
oh are we finally getting more information on the Digimon in the Data Collections rather than (what looks like) a not-sequiter from the Monitamon
i didn’t actually get a chance to listen to it closely before so I’ve gone back to listen to the new OP. it’s good but I liked the other one better.
The members of Xros Heart are getting executed next time?! Huh. OK.
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bae-leth · 5 years
FE3H x LoZ Part 2
Hi again! It’s been a while but here are some things I’ve come up with since the last post I sent. I hope you enjoy!
I’m still debating upon whethere there will be a fourth route that focuses on the Church of Hylia, so I won’t touch upon the leader of the Church yet (but if anyone has any ideas, please feel free to bring them up!) The following characters are faculty and staff at the Officer’s Academy, and they are all recruitable.
Byleth - So it’s come to my attention that a huge part of the narrative in Three Houses comes from Byleth. Therefore, I’m going to include Byleth in this AU! It feels kind of wrong especially since this blog has given them so much characterization that I feel they without a doubt belong to Three Houses, but the story needs something to drive it forward (one example being Byleth has to choose a house). Unlike Three Houses, however, there won’t be a super big focus on their origins. Sothis isn’t in this AU, after all, so Byleth will just be a normal mercenary who becomes the new professor by chance. I suppose you could say that Byleth is much more of a Mark than a Corrin here in terms of involvement, though they still can have supports with the other characters. Also, they have pointy ears to match everyone else.
Jeralt - Good news: Jeralt is alive for the story this time! Throughout the story he acts as a source of wisdom for Byleth, and eventually gets closer to the house leader and does that for them, too.
Telma - a healer from Hyrule who serves as a professor and the school physician. She really wants a man, and almost always has some kind of dating problems. However, she is very motherly and excellent at her job. Her favorite hobby is making cocktails (which help her drink her worries away) but she doesn’t make any for the students until post-timeskip. Strengths: Faith, Riding, Authority
Kass - he was a traveling bard in his youth but eventually became a full-time professor. He is known for giving profound yet mysterious advice. He has taken Medli under his wing (pun intended) as a musical apprentice. Strengths: Axe, Flying
Robbie - the training instructor at the Officer’s Academy. Known for his flashy battle moves. He has an interest in tinkering and mechanical work. Possesses close ties to the royal family of Hyrule. Strengths: Sword, Lance, Axe
Orca - a general in the Knights of Hylia. One of the oldest knights. He is strict and has a commanding presence over the other knights, and has risen to his position because of his renowned strategic prowess. Strengths: Sword, Lance, Authority
Linebeck - a rather lazy soldier in the Knights of Hylia. He is often being lectured by  for his lack of effort. Has a habit of taking credit for achievements that he didn’t contribute to. Strengths: Sword, Brawl, Heavy Armor
Osfala - a former scholar who is now a field physician in the Knights of Hylia. He is a graduate of the Officer’s Academy. Quite prickly, but very attentive and quick-minded on the battlefield. Strengths: Bow, Faith
Irene - a mage in the Knights of Hylia. She is a graduate of the Officer’s Academy. She is not devout to the Church of Hylia, but she took the job in order to help those in need (though she would never admit it). Strengths: Reason, Flying
Makar - a noble child born out of an affair and taken in as a servant of the Church. He can often be found tending to the greenhouse, his favorite place in the monastery. Somewhat absentminded, but always wants to do his best. Strengths: Lance, Faith, Flying
Before we begin, I’d like to announce that the name of the monastery is the Great Plateau Monastery! It’s named after the plateau it sits on, which is in the center of the continent. Its high cliffs act as a natural barrier against any skirmishes that happen on the borders of the nations.
This is mostly just a general summary of each route rather than going chapter by chapter.
Part 1: Clear Skies
Jeralt and Byleth save three children (Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf) from a bandit attack.
Linebeck arrives on the scene and thanks the mercenaries for their work… because he didn’t have to do anything!
It is revealed that Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf are students at the Officer’s Academy and heirs to their respective nations. Linebeck escorts them, as well as Byleth and Jeralt, back to the Great Plateau Monastery.
The mercenaries are recommended to the Church of Hylia: Jeralt as a Knight and Byleth as a professor. Byleth meets the students and selects a house to teach.
Byleth leads their house on various mock battles and real missions, while also using their status as professor to teach and train their students. The students also bond with one another, even mingling with the other houses – the three house leaders are notably close.
During one mission, Byleth and the students are tasked with protecting the monastery from an army led by an assassin known as Sheik. It is at this point where they begin to suspect that there is a bigger conspiracy at work.
Zelda later reveals that Sheik is a phantom that she controls in order to collect information and lead assaults while maintaining her identity as a student. She accuses the Church of hiding the truth from the world, and before she can elaborate, she escapes.
If Byleth has chosen the Azure Owls, they follow Zelda and she explains that there is a prophecy that has been erased from history by the Church, in which the three nations are caught in an eternal cycle of war and hatred over the Triforce Crests. She has learned that Ganondorf, as the bearer of the Crest of Demise, will wage war that will destroy the continent in the future, and she intends to stop that from happening as soon as possible.
If Byleth has chosen the Azure Owls, they join Zelda and siege the Great Plateau Monastery in order to make it a new base of operations for the Kingdom army. If Byleth has chosen the Crimson Boars or Verdant Wolves, they join their students and the Knights of Hylia in defending the monastery.
Regardless of which house they chose, Byleth is knocked unconscious during the battle, and wakes up five years later. The Kingdom, Empire and Alliance are at war with each other, just as the prophecy stated.
Part 2: Relentless Rain (Azure Owls / Kingdom of Hyrule)
Byleth returns to the monastery, where they reunite with Zelda and the Azure Owls. They learn that the Gerudo Empire has allied with the Church of Hylia – though they have different goals, they both oppose the Kingdom – while the Ordon Alliance remains neutral, but is struggling to prevent internal conflict.
The Gerudo Empire invades Kingdom territory, but to everyone’s surprise the Alliance arrives as well, resulting in a three-way battle. There are heavy losses on all sides, with the Alliance army especially damaged.
Zelda’s first plan of action is to eliminate the Alliance while it is still vulnerable. The Kingdom army storms the Alliance capital and though Link is there as the last line of defense, he surrenders upon defeat.
The Kingdom army continues to advance into Empire territory. The Knights of Hylia guard a vital fortress in one last stand, but are defeated.
Zelda and Byleth arrange a secret meeting with Ganondorf in hopes of obtaining more answers about the prophecy, which Ganondorf has learned about in the past five years. When they confront him, they see how much his mind has deteriorated, and they are ambushed by soldiers of the Yiga Clan. Zelda and Byleth are forced to retreat.
Zelda admits that she had worked with the Yiga Clan as Sheik in the past, partially to obtain information about the resurrection of the Demon King and partially to gain their aid in taking down the Church. However, since their goal is to unleash the Demon King, she plans to target them as well.
The Kingdom army arrives at the capital and sieges the imperial palace. Ganondorf has fully lost his sanity and exhausts all of his troops in order to try and overwhelm Zelda. He is defeated, but in a last-ditch effort he uses his Crest in order to transform into a Demonic Beast, Beast Ganon.
Zelda and Byleth defeat Beast Ganon. Zelda briefly mourns that of all people, the Crest of Demise happened to take hold of her friend. However, she is reassured that she has restored peace to the continent. Link steps down from leadership of the Alliance and becomes a lone traveler. The three nations unify into the Great Kingdom of Hyrule, and Zelda ascends as its first queen. She heralds an era of peace and harmony while turning her attention to tracking down the remains of the Yiga Clan.
Part 2: Roaring Thunder (Crimson Boars / Gerudo Empire)
Byleth returns to the fallen Great Plateau Monastery and encounters Ganondorf, who is continuing to grow unstable. He laments that he hears voices and has visions urging him down the path of evil. The two reunite with the rest of the Crimson Boars and claim the monastery as their base.
Ganondorf forces a sudden battle between the armies of the Empire, Kingdom, and Alliance. All three armies are hit extremely hard.
Link arrives at the monastery alone to talk to Ganondorf as a friend rather than an opponent. He urges Ganondorf to stop the war with him so they can live in peace as they did before. In a fit of blind rage, Ganondorf loses control of his own actions and murders Link.
Ganondorf realizes that he needs to locate the source of the darkness within him before he can cause any more damage. However, he must convince Zelda to stop the war, so the imperial army continues its advance into Kingdom territory.
The rest of the Verdant Wolves lead the Alliance army into battle, desiring vengeance for the murder of their friend and leader. Ganondorf is forced to defeat them in order to advance.
The imperial army arrives at the Kingdom capital, where Zelda faces them in one final stand. She refuses to yield, as she believes that her mission to eliminate Ganondorf is the only way to prevent further conflict. Ganondorf regretfully defeats her, and in her dying breath she says to “beware the eye of the Yiga.”
Byleth and Ganondorf obtain a posthumous letter from Impa, which details all of the information Zelda has collected about the reincarnation cycle, and Ganondorf learns of his true nature as the reborn Demise, the Demon King of ancient history. The Yiga Clan are a cult that seeks to revive Demise and bring forth the apocalypse, and the letter includes directions to their hidden base.
The imperial army storms the Yiga Clan Hideout, but in the chaos Ganondorf is restrained by the Yiga. They use their powers to extract the Crest of Demise from his body, and from the Crest’s power Demise is fully revived.
Byleth and Ganondorf engage in one final battle against the origin of evil itself, the Demon King Demise. Upon defeating him, the curse is broken permanently and Ganondorf is freed from its hold.
Ganondorf takes his rightful place as the King of the Gerudo Empire, and eventually repairs relations with the Kingdom and Alliance. He visits the Great Plateau Monastery, where Link is buried, the day before his coronation, and says a prayer for all of his friends who had fallen in the war. He is renowned centuries into the future as the catalyst who laid the continent’s demons to eternal rest.
Part 2: Shining Sun (Verdant Wolves / Ordon Alliance)
Byleth returns to the Great Plateau Monastery and reunites with Link, who has been hopeful for their return. Together they meet up with the other Verdant Wolves and rally their troops at the monastery, which has become their new base.
SIDE NOTE: in this route, Link has the option to recruit any units who were not recruited in part 1 if he approaches them in battle.
The Alliance army advances into the Kingdom, but are stopped by the Zelda and the Kingdom army. Ganondorf and his troops also arrive, resulting in a three-way battle. All three armies are forced to fall back, and Link decides to travel along the border between the Empire and Kingdom in order to avoid more ambushes.
Link confesses that as a commoner who ascended to leadership, he has always been treated as an outsider. His dream is to rebuild the continent into a place where everyone is treated equally, and where the bigotry and discrimination between social classes and nations is abolished. This is why his goal is to end the war in its entirety and unite all three nations.
The Alliance army is attacked by the Yiga Clan, which is when Byleth and Link first learn of the cult’s existence.
Before departing from the border and heading into Kingdom territory, the Alliance army faces Ganondorf and the imperial army one more time. Cia is particularly conflicted about her loyalties, and if Link recruits her during the battle, Ganondorf calls in reinforcements that surround them completely. Link is forced to defeat Ganondorf in order to proceed, and in Ganondorf’s last moments, Link promises to bring peace to the continent. (Though Link is not aware of the prophecy, he unknowingly fulfilled it by defeating Ganondorf.)
The Alliance battles its way through the Kingdom until it reaches the capital. Zelda refuses to hear Link’s pleas to cease the war, and the Kingdom engages the Alliance in battle. Midway through, she calls upon the Yiga Clan, and they arrive as reinforcements. Byleth and Link are able to endure and come out victorious, defeating both the Kingdom and the Yiga.
Zelda survives, but is exiled out of the continent. The three nations are united into the Hylian Alliance, and Link becomes its first ruler. Link is still upset over losing Zelda and Ganondorf, but makes sure to honor them by making his reign a just and noble one thats brings the Alliance into a golden age. He is remembered as a progressive leader who utilized his kindness and generosity in order to bring together people from all walks of life.
I’ve decided that Crests and Relics are also in this AU! Here are all of the ones that appear in this universe.
There are four crests that are not passed on by bloodline: the Triforce Crests (Din, Nayru, Farore) and the Crest of Demise. These are the oldest Crests; they can manifest in anyone regardless of status, but appear very rarely. The Triforce Crests are capable of manifesting in someone who already has another Crest, and they won’t have any negative effects, unlike what is shown in Three Houses. The Crest of Demise is a different story.
Din - one of the Triforce Crests, also known as the Crest of Power. Its Hero Relic is the Mirror Shield. Bearers: Ganondorf (minor)
Nayru - one of the Triforce Crests, also known as the Crest of Wisdom. Its Hero Relic is the Bow of Light. Bearers: Zelda (minor)
Farore - one of the Triforce Crests, also known as the Crest of Courage. Its Hero Relic is the Master Sword. Bearers: Link (major)
Demise - an ancient Crest named after the Demon King who bore it. Bearers of this Crest eventually lose their sanity and gain an unquenchable bloodlust. Its Hero Relic is the Demon Trident. Bearers: Ganondorf (major)
Hylia - a Crest that is usually found in members of the royal family of Hyrule. Its Hero Relic is the Goddess Sword. Bearers: Zelda (major), Fi (minor)
Nabooru - a Crest that comes from one of the first warrior heroes of the Gerudo Empire. Its Hero Relic is the Scimitar of the Seven. Bearers: Urbosa (minor)
Kakariko - a Crest that originates from Hyrule. Its Hero Relic is the Sahasrahla Staff. Bearers: Osfala (minor), Robbie (minor)
Holodrum - a Crest that originates from Gerudo. Its Hero Relic is the Golden Gauntlets. Bearers: Onox (minor)
Zora - a Crest that originates from Hyrule. Its Hero Relic is the Lightscale Trident. Bearers: Ruto (major), Mipha (minor)
Lokomo - a Crest that originates from Ordon. Its Hero Relic is the Light Force Gem. Bearers: Byrne (minor)
Goron - a Crest that originates from Hyrule. Its Hero Relic is the Boulder Breaker. Bearers: Daruk (minor)
Rito - a Crest that originates from Hyrule. Its Hero Relic is the Harpstring Axe. Bearers: Revali (minor), Medli (minor)
Kokiri - a Crest that originates from Ordon. Its Hero Relic is the Fairy Bow. Bearers: Saria (minor), Makar (minor)
Twili - known in Hyrule as the Interloper’s Crest. The first bearer of this Crest left the continent and founded the kingdom of Twili, and it is only found in members of the Twili royal family. Its Hero Relic is the Twilight Spear. Bearers: Midna (major)
These are some classes that I would’ve liked to see in Three Houses, so I wrote them down because it makes sense for certain characters. Also, the house leaders have their own Lord classes.
Dark Flier - a wyvern rider who uses lances and reason. I imagine this to be Midna’s canon class.
Holy Flier - a pegasus rider who uses axes and faith. I imagine this to be Cia’s and Medli’s canon class.
Blade Scion - an infantry unit who uses swords, lances, and gauntlets. I imagine this to be Impa’s and Groose’s canon class.
Goddess Knight - a horse rider who uses bows and reason. This is Zelda’s advanced class.
Holy Queen - a horse rider who uses bows and reason. This is Zelda’s master class.
Radiant Knight - a horse rider who uses swords and faith. This is Link’s advanced class.
Legendary Hero - a horse rider who uses swords and faith. This is Link’s master class.
King of Thieves - an infantry unit who uses lances, gauntlets, and reason. This is Ganondorf’s advanced class.
Demon King - an infantry unit who uses lances, gauntlets, and reason. This is Ganondorf’s master class and Demise’s only class.
I forgot to mention in my last post that Shad is also a Crest researcher, so he’s basically Linhardt but without the sleepy.
Pre-timeskip, Zelda has shorter (BotW2) hair, Link has a ponytail (BotW), and Ganondorf has short (OoT) hair. Post-timeskip, Zelda has long (BotW) hair, Link has short (TP) hair, and Ganondorf has long (HW) hair.
Zant is Midna’s adoptive brother, so he is from Twili, but not of royal heritage. He hates Midna because she is the true heir to the throne but seemingly takes it for granted and does not take her responsibilities seriously. Upon enrolling at the Officer’s Academy, both of them were members of the Crimson Boars, but Midna transferred to the Verdant Wolves after meeting and befriending Link prior to the events of the story.
The equivalent of the Death Knight is Cherry. Yes, Robbie’s ancient oven Cherry. She can create Ancient Arrows at will, so she’s basically the definition of a scary unit.
I’m in love with the Link’s Awakening remake and I wanted to include Marin in this AU somehow so, so badly, but she’s basically Malon + Medli, so it seems a bit redundant. Just know that I love Marin with my whole heart.
#submission#anon#fire emblem three houses#fe16#legend of zelda#zelda au#WHOOOOO A ZELDA AU UPDATE I WAS SO STOKED TO GET THIS!!!#ok there's many things to yell abt so im going to go in any order#first can i just say i love the attention to detail??? the crests.. hero relics.... the parallels btwn this and 3h's story.... everything#flows and fits so well together and i love it!!#firstly nJERALT IS ALIVE?? I THANK YOU FOR MY ENTIRE L I F E THIS IS ALL IVE EVER WANTED#telma as manuela.... i love telma sm so thi s is golden#and ofc linebeck has to be there!! i love linebeck... imagining his just Showin Up is just so funny asdfsjdfh#also iRENE!! ok i'll stop gushing abt chars now becayse that'll take forever LMAO#great plateau monastery is a lovely name i like it!! also v fitting for the location parallels huehuehue#sheik's used v cleverly n i like it! reminds me of phantom hourglass which is prob what you were aiming for. i totally expected a zelda is#sheik thing a la flame emperor reveal so this totally threw me off nice job#the part 2 names are so good? shining sun... roaring thunder... relentless rain.... i actually like these better than canon fe3h p2 names#and the plots!!!! OH MY GOD. i am so UPSET ganon kIlls link in a fit of raGE??? THANKS FOR SNATCHING MY FEELINGS TONIGHT :(#zelda being exiled is so v bittersweet oof#ganondorf vs demise a la byleth vs nemesis ingame? chefs kiss. i love that cinematic parallel#i was actually thinking abt something along the same lines the other day so our minds anon!! our minds!!!#those crests and new classes??? omg.... i Need to see a blade scion pls.... also demon king... b l ease...#CHERRY AS THE DEATH KNIGHT DSJHSHDF WITH ANCIENT ARROWS??? THATS HILARIOUS BUT ALSO REALLY TERRIFYING.#how do u escape the one who Canonically Creates ancient arrows... you can't..... :o#i cant believe that the ancient materials oven is the death knight dshjdhfhdHDSHDSHjhhjhh HHHHHH#AAAA I NEED TO PLAY THE REMAKE!! but honestly i agree. i love marin with all my heart too#even if she's not in this au i just. Love her. she's there as a seagull maybe or smthn#in conclusion.... this au still has my entire SOUL and HEART. thank you for feeding us once again!!!#i'll add this post to the masterlist huehuehuhe
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gamebunny-advance · 5 years
Bruh hot damn those were good duckhunt HC's. My question is what HC's do you have for Tabuus possible relationships with members/partys of the subspace army. (Bosses, generic enemy, etc)
Thanks a bunch! I kinda wanna do more with ‘em since they are a part of that retro nintendo characters group (and I main them a little bit). 
Anyway, as for Tabuu, that’s actually one I’ve thought about a little bit, so sit back and enjoy~
So outside of the enlisted fighters and other bosses, I believe that every member of the Subspace army was personally designed by Tabuu, so he doesn’t have any “personal” relationships with any of them and most of them were made to be tools for the army. That said, he does have a special affinity for a few of them and vice versa.
Primids: They were the first things he ever made, so they’ll always be a little bit special to him in spite of their many flaws. In reality, the Primid line wasn’t originally designed for combat and were instead made to populate Subspace as regular denizens. Since Tabuu was alone in Subspace, he decided to try his hand at creating a living creature. The Primids were a success, but they weren’t very complex and weren’t able to keep up the illusion of a functioning society. However, as Tabuu decided to launch an attack on the World of Trophies, he outfitted a few of them with different weapons to make them more suited for combat, but the base model is still relatively weak. Primids are as loyal to Tabuu as the ROB Squad was to ROB, so they’d do anything he asked of them.
Poppants: Originally these were a primid variation. For some reason, they all have severe social anxiety which makes them ineffective for combat, but since he didn’t want to throw them away, he gave them all treats and presents to help them at least make friends with the other mooks. Still, the poppants are only really comfortable around Tabuu and only the bravest of the poppants were able to actually participate in the invasion and only did so as to not completely disappoint him.
Mites: He’s not really sure why he made such a weak a creature to begin with, but somehow they make him feel nostalgic for something he doesn’t remember. Because of this, he made a ton of them without thinking, so if left unchecked they’d easily overtake Subspace with their sheer numbers. So many were left over after Subspace was closed off that Master Hand used them for the Smash Run mode and some were even around to get caught up in Galeem’s beams. Despite being so weak, the mites are some of the most eager soldiers fighting for Subspace. They’re probably trying to prove their worth to Tabuu (just like another flat-someone).
Towtows: He made their fur incredibly soft so that he wouldn’t have to sleep on the hard Subspace ground (instead of ya know, just making himself a bed). He made them aggressive when awoken so he could justify essentially making a living mattress.
Galleom: His second experiment with Subspace bombs. He created Galleom to determine if R.O.Bs were truly required to effectively activate Subspace bombs. Galleom’s report determined that R.O.Bs were indeed unnecessary for the deployment of Subspace bombs, so work on the Subspace gunship began shortly after Galleom’s defeat. He programmed Galleom to self-destruct should it encounter beings strong enough to destroy it so that the threats could be eliminated before they could pose a further threat to his plans. Although he sees Galleom as just another tool in his arsenal, he does feel personally offended that it was stolen from him by Galeem.
As for bosses/fighters he recruited, none of them knew about his true identity except for Mr. G&W and R.O.B. who knew from the beginning. For most of the non-playable bosses, he chose them based on the grudges they already had with some of the other fighters, believing that if he lent his support that they’d be able to defeat their enemies and thus aid him in his own goals for sinking the world into Subspace. Under the guise of Master Hand, he was easily able to convince them to join because no one’s gonna talk back to the giant magical hand that literally brought them into the world. 
Special mention goes to Ganondorf who was able to convince Tabuu to allow the Isle of the Ancients to be used as the launch spot of the Subspace gunship. Although Tabuu complied with this suggestion since it was the most logical solution (why move out the bombs to more a remote location when they were already sitting there with their detonators close by?), it was enough to convince him that Ganondorf was not someone to be trusted, so he dispatched him as quickly as possible, revealing his true identity in the process, making Ganon 1 of 3 fighters that ever knew that Tabuu was controlling Master Hand.
If you want to count Master Hand as a “member” of the army: Tabuu was incredibly jealous of Master Hand’s ability to create such intricate mini-worlds and bring in so many people together when his own creation ability could not, and is part of the reason that the World of Trophies was targeted. Tabuu lured Master Hand into Subspace to capture him for his schemes. Although, even as he was captured, with what little will power he had, Master Hand tried to convince Tabuu that what he was doing was wrong, but to no avail. After Tabuu’s defeat and Master Hand’s recovery, Master Hand is still a little regretful that there wasn’t more he could have done to save Tabuu from himself. In my AU where Tabuu survives his defeat but is severely weakened, Master Hand takes it upon himself to stabilize Tabuu’s form so he can continue to exist the World of Trophies so he can hopefully learn what makes the world worth living in.
I could write a whole other essay about how he relates to Mr. G&W and R.O.B., but I’ll save that for another day.
In general, I see Tabuu as a highly reserved (maybe even anti-social) person who only shows even minimal affection to the things that he’s made and/or controls. He’s a little softer on people/things that he sees himself in, but I don’t see him with many deep/healthy relationships with the other characters (until he gets some major character development). 
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bloodsbane · 6 years
regarding that last botw post, i really do love this (not exactly new, but more... definitive?) take on the meta of ‘players dicking around when zelda is holding off ganon’ as an actual element of the game narrative. 
one of my few big problems with the game was the idea that the fact that we, as players, want to explore the entirety of the world and what the game has to offer is at odds with our overall goal/quest, which is to help zelda defeat ganon. this is emphasized by the fact that it is entirely possible to go fight ganon at any time, unlike most other games where you have to do some things first. link doesn’t need to defeat all the divine beasts, doing so just sets the champions at peace and helps make the final fight easier. you don’t have to find all of link’s memories, that just gives you background/story to chew on. 
so i really appreciate that lots of people are viewing it less in the lens of the player acting against the story, and the game failing in bringing those two elements together cohesively, but the take that our behavior is demonstrating something unsaid about the story. specifically, link’s feelings on the ultimate quest, what he has to do, how he feels about waking up with no memories, etc. there are plenty of reasons for link to feel differently about anything and everything - including himself - when he first wakes up. 
this may also be due to my own feelings on the topic of amnesia in stories. i dislike amnesia, it’s actually a big fear of mine to lose any of my memory, and for me it can be make or break when a story has memory-loss as an aspect. silent/amnesiac protags aren’t uncommon and are usually there for a reason, and it is usually easier to engage with when we all start off with the same blank slate. 
my problem lies more in the idea of characters we come to know losing their memories, because it feels like such a huge part of them is gone. even if they do regain their memories at some point, the time between them losing them and getting them back is a time when they are, essentially, a completely different person. and how can you ever come back from that in totality? especially in the case of link, asleep for so long many of his friends either aren’t around anymore or are much, much older, people have weird or difficult feelings towards him and he doesnt understand why, he has to put himself into dangerous situations constantly; not only is this world he come into hostile due to ganon’s influence, but he’s charged to save it all, and to rescue his dearest person... someone he barely even remembers. 
so yeah, i’m just saying it’s a lot, and i think the take that link spends so much extra time on small quests and exploring and adventuring, learning, training, wasting away time, makes sense when you view it as link trying to find himself. and maybe that person is different from the person he used to be, who would’ve done all of this without any complaint. but especially after that one particular memory with zelda, when she wonders over what could be different, if link felt he wasn’t suited to be all he was told he had to be... 
anyway, that’s an interesting view! i think it actually benefits the experience of botw a lot, to consider that as an unspoken but very relevant aspect of the narrative. it gives link a clear character arc, and it’s something that can be felt by the player too, as we learn and become endeared to hyrule and it’s people, and develop our skills enough to feel like we have a chance to fight ganon. 
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colacatinthehat · 7 years
Breath of the Wild || One Year Anniversary Prompts
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Day 14 - After the Battle
Rating: T 
Words: 1,200*
Game: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Pairing: Link/Zelda
Summary: “May I ask…” she said, hands clasped at her chest. “Do you really remember me?
She was alive. Filthy from head to toe with torn clothes and messy hair but alive!
“May I ask…” she said, hands clasped at her chest. “Do you really remember me?”
The details of her features were unchanged, even after 100 years. Hair delicately framing her cheeks, catching the light like spun gold. It was her. It really was Princess Zelda. He knew her better than he knew anyone.
All this time searching. All of their friends lost. It was over. He had saved the Princess of Hyrule.
He answered “Yes” and her smile was almost blinding.
They fell quiet.
Link was unsure of what to do next, there wasn’t a clear goal anymore and… Could... Could he hug her? That didn’t seem proper. In the past he wouldn’t have… Heck, he couldn’t even think of what to say. All of that time working to defeat Ganon and he still couldn’t find anything meaningful to tell her. What an idiot he was.
She edged forward while he fretted to touch the cut on his cheek and Link finally realised he’d been staring. It stung but the warmth of her hand was an indescribable relief.
“It’s funny, all these years and I can’t think of what to say…” she said, turning her eyes from his in embarrassment. At least he wasn’t alone. “I knew you’d come. I knew you could defeat him and I must have thought it over a thousand times but now… “
Her words trailed off as she noticed the wound to his side and instinctively he moved to cover it.
“You’re hurt!”
“Not badly,” he replied, immediately. He had no idea. The fight with Ganon had lasted a long time, one of his blades had caught him, he wasn’t sure when it had happened or how badly. It hurt now.
“We need to get you help,” there was a ferocity in her gaze that allowed no room for argument. Not that Link had any. Gods, he’d missed those eyes…
“To Impa,” Kakariko would be safe. Even if he was injured she’d be safe there. The Sheikah would know what to do, they’d protect her if…
She searched his face for a long moment before nodding reluctantly and words couldn’t describe how thankful he was for the worried knit in her brow.
Princess Zelda… He was still a little awestruck. It felt like a dream. Maybe he was dead after all.
Leading her away from the castle felt like pulling taught the string of a bow. Some force held him there and tightened the knot in his chest, almost painfully so. Until suddenly it grew slack, gone like a weight lifted from his shoulders and Link was left feeling clear-headed and, more importantly, alone.
He turned back towards the spires of the castle, almost serene in the pale light.
The spirits of the champions had left him.
Zelda stopped too, she knew and understood. She carried with her wisdom unknown, of spirit realms and goddesses from beyond their mortal plane.
For a moment Link lamented the lack of a proper goodbye but… No, this was better.
He hoped his friends could find peace at last.
His white stallion was waiting exactly where Link had left him. Regal and impossibly white, he was enjoying the grass like the King of Evil hadn’t just been sealed into oblivion.
Oh, to be a fat horse that lived to eat apples all day. What a simple life.
The stallion raised his head on their approach and Link smoothed his coat fondly as the Princess glanced back at the castle once more. Link wondered if she’d miss it, in spite of her long captivity.
“He’ll take us both?” she asked, her voice sounded far away.
Link nodded and there was a pause, was she waiting for something..? The Princess looked him up and down and silently she lifted her skirts to vault onto the horse. He was so distracted by the crisp morning air, the silence, the flutter of fabric that he almost didn’t catch her when she fell.
“Sorry…” The words caught breathlessly in her chest, shocked at herself. “I can’t seem to…”
Idiot, Link. Of course she can’t do it herself. The airy voice, otherworldly look in her eye, she was exhausted. He recalled his own awakening in the shine. The effort it took to haul himself out of the cave. He’d spend a hundred years resting but the Princess had been fighting all that time…
It seemed “un-knightly” to manhandle her but truthfully he didn’t have the slightest clue what he was doing. To his relief she didn’t object when he hoisted her onto the back of the horse, didn’t notice the blood he’d smeared on her clothes or complain when he vaulted up onto the saddle in front.
The world turned blinding white for a moment.
Maybe they were both in worse shape than he had first thought?
He’d felt the sting blade go in but not come out, that seemed like hours ago. Now he felt it everywhere, the rush of blood through his entire body as it ebbed out of the wound in his side. His undershirt was soaked and clung to his chest.
Dammit. Hadn’t he walked away with worse before? Ganon was his greatest foe but why did his strength have to give out in this moment? Had it been Daruk sparing him from pain? Or perhaps Mipha’s healing touch? They were gone and now…
Perhaps he'd cried out because the Princess Zelda gripped his shoulders steady as a wash of nausea swept over him. Oh no.
“I knew you were hurt!” she urged. “Link, you need to rest!”
Not a chance. Ganon had not died quietly and now every enemy in Hyrule knew exactly where they were. He hadn’t risked his life to see her gutted by a moblin in a field or stolen away by bandits. How could he live with himself if he failed now? No, get to safety and then he could rest for as long as he liked. He could die for all it mattered. There were no other options.
He shook his head.
“Not safe.”
She didn’t argue.
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The storm crept in as they reached the dueling peaks, violent lightning casting bleak white light upon the stones. It was terrible and strangely wonderful. The Princess hardly seemed to notice the rain.
It felt dark behind his eyes as they finally reached the Kakariko bridge, as they rode up the path and beneath the red archways. So dark he couldn't muster up the energy to be relieved.
Someone called out to them but he wasn’t sure who, he hoped they wouldn’t all crowd around. He hated it when they did that. He just needed to rest.
They had made it to the centre of the village when he lost his balance.
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busket · 7 years
i wrote a story about aita and his old pal goro
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this motherfucker
read it here
and in case i ever delete it from my drive, here it is under the cut too
“Here we are, home sweet home!” Link jokes as he leads Aita into the bare structure. It’s a decrepit old shack out on the open field of the Great Plateau. He looks at the canvas roof and the collapsing walls and sighs, turning towards his friend. “I know it’s not ideal, but apparently I spent 100 years on this plateau without the Yiga finding me. And it’s only until I can calm Vah Naboris; I’ll come right back for you!”
Aita kicks a chunk of half burned firewood on the ground. He still felt weak, but was doing his best to hide it from his new traveling companion. It had only been about a week since he’d committed his great treason; assisting the hero in infiltrating the Yiga hideout, and then saving his life and allowing them both to escape in front of all his former comrades. The whole clan knew he was a traitor now. It had been so sudden and so stressful that Aita had come down with a nasty fever, forcing Link to drag him out of the desert and postpone his quest to return the thunder helm and conquer Vah Naboris. Aita barely remembered the past week. There was only bouts on confusion and scattered memories of Link taking care of him. As soon as he regained some of his health back, he insisted that Link return to his quest. So the question became: where would Aita be safe while he was gone?
Link frowns at a bit of the roof that’s come undone. “No, you can’t stay here, you’re still sick.” He says. “Listen, there’s a house for sale in Hateno that I’ve been saving for. If I just sell some things and buy it, you’ll be able to-”
“Hateno’s on the other side of Hyrule, and that’ll take too long. That Gerudo queen is waiting for her heirloom, isn’t she?” Aita interrupts. “Besides, they’re gonna find me no matter where I am. At least there’s no one here.”
Link ponders for a moment before answering. “That’s very noble of you, Aita.”
“Is it?”
“Sure, you don’t want anyone to be threatened by them.”
Aita shrugs. “If I have to fight, I just don’t want anyone getting in the way.”
After several hesitant goodbyes and more “Are you sure?”s from Link, he was alone on the plateau.
Aita was furious when it happened. Angry and embarrassed, he teleported back to the Yiga hideout. His first encounter with the hero wasn’t supposed to go like this. He hadn’t expected to win right away. He knew that a battle was best won after a long time, wearing down your opponent, learning about them, finding their weaknesses. He would have accepted a standard defeat and returned to kill him later. Instead, the Hero, cunning and cruel, had broken his mask and knocked him unconscious. To add insult to injury, Aita awoke beside a campfire with bandages on his wounds, and the hero cooking his rations.
And now Aita was maskless, nothing to hide the bad scrape on his forehead where the shattered porcelain had cut him during the impact. To the Yiga Clan, the mask was considered one’s true face. A singular unified identity shared by every member. To be seen outside the hideout without a mask or without a disguise was a huge taboo.
He stormed into the hideout. He needed to find his supervisor; the blademaster in change of his particular group of footsoldiers. If he could find him and get another mask, then he could be spared more embarrassment.
“Woah, Aita! What the hell happened to you?” Aita rolled his eyes. Like flies to a dead animal, other footsoldiers gathered around him as he walked.
“Where’s your mask?” Someone asked, a voice he didn’t recognize. “Did you drop it? Learn to take care of your things, Aita.”
“That’s pretty gross!” Someone reached up to poke at the scrape on his forehead and he slapped their hand away. “I wonder if that’ll leave a scar.”
“Shut up.” Aita snapped. “You’re giving me a headache.”
“We can see that!” they laughed.
They turned the corner and came face to face with a blademaster, and the laughing instantly stopped as the group stood to attention. Aita felt the man’s eyes bore into him through his mask. “...Well?” he asked. The voice of his supervisor.
Aita took a deep breath. He couldn’t tell them about his encounter with the Hero, not a chance. “...A lynel.” He lied, smoothly. “I unknowingly wandered into its territory, and it attacked me. While I tried to escape, it fired an arrow that hit my mask. Had I not been wearing it, I would have died.”
The other footsoldiers were dead quiet as the blademaster deliberated. He spoke. “You have been trained to fight the legendary hero, the greatest threat to the world, and yet you run from one of Hyrule’s beasts? Did you lack the ability to kill it, or just the nerve?”
Aita felt his cheeks and ears turn warm with embarrassment while he tried to think of an excuse to cover up his story. This was better than admitting the truth, at least. Before he could speak, there was a voice from behind him.
“Blademaster, if I may…” A footsoldier made his way to Aita at the head of the group. He recognized his voice; it was Goro, a member of the team that Aita used to train with. While they hadn’t grown up together, he was always pleasant and complementary, and quick to make friends.
“With utmost respect sir, Lynels serve Calamity Ganon, don’t they?” Goro continued. “Im sure Aita had the capability to defeat it, but doing so would be counterproductive to our goals. Killing a monster out in Hyrule just means one less enemy to the Hero; one less soldier for Ganon’s army.”
The blademaster considered this for a moment, and said “...Fine. But you won’t let it happen again. This way, you’ll receive a new mask.” No punishment, no reprimanding.
Aita turned and nodded thankfully towards Goro as he followed the Blademaster away, and Goro gave a low thumbs-up while the other footsoldiers dispersed.
Aita snaps back to his senses. He’s sitting by a smouldering fire just outside the old hut on the plateau. These dreams were no surprise to him. Ever since he left, he’d dreamed of nothing but the Yiga Clan; memories, his old ambitions, his new fears. It’s nighttime now, and he’s not sure when he dozed off, or whether it was from exhaustion or his lingering fever.
He looks through the low flames out into the darkness. It’s only the first night. Link could quickly travel to Gerudo Town using the Sheikah Slate, but it must take more than one day to regain control of Vah Naboris. And he was to remain here in hiding, until the hornet’s nest named the Yiga Clan settles down after being kicked.
Aita feels himself begin to doze off again, but snaps to attention. He picks up the bow beside him, and aims it into the darkness. He lets loose an arrow and hears it lodge into a tree with a quick THUNK.
“Come out. I know you’re there.” He orders.
A thin figure silently emerges from behind the tree. The white mask of the Yiga stands out stark against the darkness.
“You’re as sharp as ever.” Says a familiar voice. “There’s no getting the drop on you is there, Aita?”
“Goro?” Aita asks, lowering his bow slightly.
“You recognize me on voice alone! How flattering.” he says, and much to Aita’s surprise, removes his mask. Goro’s sleepy eyes and thick eyebrows always made him look a few years older than his peers.
Aita sneers and levels the bow again. “Sure. You talk so much I couldn’t get your voice out of my head.”
“That’s cold.” Goro responds, frowning. “I thought we were friends.”
“A friend that’s come to kill me?”
“Hey, don’t jump to conclusions.” He ignores the bow aimed at him and casually sits by the fire with Aita. “Maybe I came to say that...I think what you did back there took a lot of guts. You’ve inspired me, I want to join you and the Hero, and save Hyrule.”
Aita stares at him, frowning and eyebrows furrowed. It’s an expression of confusion that Goro clearly interprets as annoyance, and laughs.
“There’s no getting past you, is there!” He gives his old friend a hefty slap on the back.
They sit together by the fire in tense silence. Aita, still as a rock trying to anticipate an attack, and Goro, relaxed, taking pleasure in making him nervous. Aita nearly flinches when he finally speaks.
“You know. A lot of us were really upset by what you did. Our supervisor was completely speechless. And Kei, oof. She’s not taking it well.”
Aita hoped to hear more about her, but Goro didn’t elaborate.
“And me too, y’know? I’ve always been supportive of you, helpful, when I can. And that’s because I saw that you had some potential. I thought you were going places. That’s why I stuck around; you always root for the winning team, Aita. So when you pulled a stunt like that, I was like, shit! I’ve put all my bananas in the wrong bag. How the hell am I going to use some shameful defect like you to get up in the ranks, right?”
Aita stares into the coals as he prattles on. He should have guessed. No one in the Yiga Clan is kind just for the hell of it. There’s always a motive. There’s always a trick.
“But!” He lightly punches Aita in the shoulder, a playful gesture. “Turns out this was just the opportunity I’ve been waiting for! Everyone’s so furious with you, they’re just desperate to see your head on a stake. And, since we’re friends, everyone’s suddenly expecting me to take care of it! Can you imagine that? Everyone’s always had great expectations of you and Kei, you’ve always been a pair of prodigies, but now I don’t even have to worry about killing the hero. I can easily take out a weak little traitor like you, and get just as much glory. And hey, since Master Kohga’s gone, there’s a new opening for clan leader, too. But maybe I’m just getting my hopes up.”
Aita smirks and glances over to the Yiga. “Well, great job Goro. Obviously since you failed at stealth killing me, your next tactic was to bore me to death. It almost worked.”
Goro returns the smile. “Still just as cold, huh?”
From behind his back, Goro grabs a large, spiked, ring shaped weapon and quickly uses it to slap a cloud of burning coals and ash towards Aita. He reels back, shielding his eyes and brushing off the hot charcoal, and barely has enough time to grab his sword and block Goro’s strike.
“Cool weapon, right?” he says, standing over Aita and pushing him into the dirt. “They call it a Demon Carver. They gave it to me, specifically to kill you! You’re not even dead yet and I’m already reaping the benefits.”
Aita moves to kick Goro’s legs and disrupt his balance, but he anticipates it and jumps back away from the fire, giving Aita enough time to stand up. As he brings himself to his feet, a sharp pain forces him to flinch and cry out. An arrow is stuck in his thigh; his opponent had shot at him from the darkness. And just like that, Goro is rushing forward again to attack. It was a classic Yiga strategy that they both knew well. Keep moving, alternate between melee with a blade and ranged with a bow. Disable your opponent to make sure they won’t keep up. Aita is forced to block again, pushed down to one knee as the pain in his thigh erupts.
Goro disappears in a cloud of smoke to teleport away and repeat the technique. Aita has only a second to respond and pick up his own bow. There’s a flash of light several yards away as Goro reappears, and Aita uses the strobe to aim and fire. He hears a grunt of pain out in the darkness and after a brief hesitation, there's another flash of light and smoke.
Suddenly, Goro is behind him and Aita has to twist to block his attack. The red of his uniform hides the blood, but there’s a tear in the fabric of his left shoulder where Aita’s arrow hit. The yiga could no longer use his bow, and to compensate, he was quickly teleporting behind his target to sink the demon carver into his back. But Aita blocks the attack again, this time refusing to let his injured leg give in.
“I know why you needed to use me to try to get up in rank.” Aita grunts through the pain. “You’re too much of a weak, lazy coward to get there on your own! I always knew that, and even if I wanted to be a blademaster, I would have left you behind to stay a footsoldier forever. You’re not good enough!”
Aita withdraws his sword and then quickly stabs it forward. He threads the blade through the center of the Demon Carver, and with a single swing, rips it from Goro’s hands and sends it flying. Goro jumps back, certain that Aita would swing at him now that he’s unarmed, but he does nothing. The traitor stands there panting, arrow still sticking out of his thigh.
For once, Goro has nothing to say. He forms the symbol with his hand and teleports back to the hideout, without the trophy he hoped for. And once again, Aita stands alone on the plateau.
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
Battle for the Sky
Link x GN!Sheikah!Reader
Part 4 of Memories of You
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Summary: Link and Y/n are called to Rito Village when a dark beast has taken over Vah Medoh and Y/n’s biggest fear finally comes to light.
AN: I finally finished this part. May have gone a touch overboard with this one it’s like 2500 words. I just had a lot of fun writing the battle and the characters. Its got a lot of fighting and mayybe a teensy bit of angst. I rlly like Revali so I had to feature him. bit of gore so just a warning
regular= present    italic= memory
Link stood atop Revali’s Landing, eyes closed as he enjoyed the cool breeze. There was so much to do before he could save Zelda, but after having to sneak through the Yiga hideout and his fight to free Vah Nabooris he relished this quiet moment. Even if it was only a few minutes under the light of the moon, he would take the time to think.
So many memories were coming back in a jumbled mess. Like pouring the pieces of a puzzle out of the box. But he hadn’t been given the full picture yet. So much of who he was was in those few precious moments he had with his friends, all he wanted was to have that back. At the very least he wished to remember those he had lost 100 years ago when calamity struck.
And yet, a part of him almost didn’t want to remember. The more he recalled his friends, the more he was reminded that because of his failures they had been lost. Trapped within their Divine Beasts with no escape for 100 years. Forced to watch as the very things they were supposed to use for protection wreaked havoc across their beloved homes. Maybe Revali had been right about him not being up to the task.
The last time he had come to the Rito Village had been for a monster attack on Vah Medoh too hadn’t it.
“Impressive, I know.” 
Revali hovered softly before landing on the railing. A smirk stretched across his beak as he looked down at Link. Although this level of bravado was normal for the Rito warrior, Link suspected he was playing up his capabilities in response to their presence.
“Very few can achieve mastery of the sky.” So this was how the trip would be then. “Yet I have made an art of creating an updraft that allows me to soar. It’s considered to be quite the masterpiece of aerial techniques, even among the Rito”
At this point Link was discreetly looking for Y/n. They had said something about asking the village chief for the key to Medoh before running off and leaving him alone. He was sure that they had done this to avoid Revali’s complaints. Still, Link wished they would hurry and save him. Revali responded better when they were present. Or at least, he was more capable of tolerating Link with Y/n around to deflect conflicts.
“Now then,” Revali hopped down from his perch, drawing Link’s attention back to him, “my ability to explore the firmament is certainly of note, but let’s not- pardon me for being so blunt- let’s not forget that I am the most skilled archer of all the Rito. Yet despite these truths, it seems that I have been tapped to merely assist you. All because you happen to have that little darkness- sealing sword on your back.”
Link looked down with a clenched jaw. Hylia he wished Y/n would come save him. 
“There you are!” He felt a breath escape him at Y/n’s call. There was only so much of the Rito warrior’s ego one could put up with. 
Y/n skipped over to stand beside Link and gave the two Champions a grin, “I got Medoh’s key from the chief so if the two of you are ready, we should head up.”
Recali scoffed at the smaller Sheikah, waving his wing in a dismissive manner, “There’s no such need for the two of you to board Medoh. As a matter of fact your presence here is quite redundant, so why don’t you run along back to the princess like the good little hero’s you are.”
Link stepped forward to stop Revali from taking off but was stopped by Y/n placing a hand on his arm. “If you’re flying off to the archery range to get in more practice you can meet us back here. We’re fully prepared to wait until you feel ready.”
“Excuse me?”
“The chief told me you haven’t been able to enter Medoh for nearly a week due to this monster.”
“I assure you I can kill it on my own.”
Y/n sighed, reaching out to carefully lay a hand on Revali’s wing. “We only want to help. There’s no shame in working alongside your comrades. Besides, consider it a favour from us for your future help in defeating Ganon.”
“I suppose, I have no choice.” The Rito warrior hardly looked pleased with them forcing his hand, er, wing. The feathers on his neck were ruffled up as the trio looked tensely at the flying beast above. “I’m sure that even if I were to fly off at this moment, the two of you would still go on up to Vah Medoh and end up getting thrown over the sides.”
Y/n let out a nervous laugh at his snide remark and Link found himself wondering if the tightness in their voice was due to Revali being correct in his assumptions… or maybe something else.
Link and Y/n appeared on top of Vah Medoh in a swirl of blue light. They were swiftly met by Revali pushing them to stay hidden. He was quick to explain the winged beast, how it crawled across Medoh with sprawling legs. Y/n had mused about winged octopi only to be flicked on the head by Revali. 
As the trio emerged from their hiding spot the two Hylians found Revali had not given nearly enough detail on the horrific creature. It was as large as he had described, with muscled legs sprawling across the wings of the Divine Beast. Its body resembled a Lynel, thick arms ending in sharp claws. Possibly the most terrifying thing were the wings sprouting from its back. They were dark and feathered, each one dripping with malice that ran down its body before piling across the ground like muddy footprints. 
Link heard Y/n draw in a sharp breath as they crept along the edge in their approach. He reached out to place a hand between their shoulder blades, a simple motion they had developed in their journeys to signal they were with the other. Whether in physical danger or an uncomfortable situation, they would handle things together. He wasn’t sure how much comfort he could offer at this moment, but he’d make due with the promise to be by their side. Even if he was worried about the feeling of their shallow breaths against his hand.
After carefully making their way to the center terminal of the Divine Beast, Revali gave a quick signal before crouching to take off. As the wind picked up around the Rito, Y/n took in a breath before squeezing Link’s wrist and darting out from their hiding spot. 
Apparently that was extremely offensive to the beast because as soon as it located the small Sheikah it tore off after them. Y/n sprinted away sending a wink as they passed the terminal and Link. Y/n reached the first pillar and slid to a stop behind it right in time to take cover from the bomb arrows exploding against the creature's torso. Mangled wings came up to protect the beast from further blasts giving Link the opportunity to lunge forward and strike down its legs. He managed to slash through two of the muscular appendages before the creature let out a screech and spread its wings, and with them, an attack of razor sharp feathers. 
Y/n had come out from their spot behind the pillar, luckily just in time to slash a feather in half before it could hit Link. The duo exchanged grins before taking off to continue their plan. Y/n would lead the beast away with their faster speeds while Revali would circle above, waiting for the moment when the Sheikah would twist the monster around pillars where he could strike it with a volley of bomb arrows. Then while it wrapped itself in its wings for protection, Link would unleash a flurry rush, slashing away at its legs until they disappeared in a haze of dark smoke.
They pulled off their barrage of attacks until the final leg dissipated giving it one option. 
To fly.
Fortunately, they had planned for this, and Revali struck the creature before it could get far. It crashed to the ground with such a force, it shook the entire Divine Beast in the sky. Y/n let out a scream as they lost their balance, reaching out to grab the pillar they stood beside. He knew he had a goal to complete but, as he slashed away at the fallen creature, all Link could think about was how he wanted to rush to his friend's side. 
The creature seemed to sense Link’s hesitation because it began to spasm, forcing Link to jump back. It seized the moment and took off into the skies screeching as Revali circled too close.
“We must finish this quickly!” Revali dove closer to the two champions, being mindful of the writhing beast in the skies. “That thing is getting desperate, and I only have so many arrows left.”
Link gave him a terse nod as he rushed over to Y/n who was still pressed against the pillar. 
“Y/n.” Only a small hum escaped them, although there was a comfort in the way they leaned into his touch. “Y/n, I don't know what’s going on in your head right now, but we need you. Revali’s almost out of arrows and I don’t think I can take it down alone.”
Their hand curled around his, shaky but tight. “I’m okay.” He was sure neither of them believed the grin that pulled at their lips. “Its wings are the only thing it has left to attack with, right? Keep its attention and I’ll take them out.”
“Are you sure?”
“I have to be.”
He nodded, although his expression betrayed his concern, something Y/n took note of. They smiled softly, albeit weakly, and out their forehead against his. “Relax Hero, we can do this.”
Link sighed softly, pressing his head against theirs with a little more force. They pulled away sharing nervous grins before Link took off. 
Fortunately, the beast had been distracted by launching feathers at Revali, who had been swooping around it with practised expertise. Link gave a shout to signal he was ready for Revali to shoot down the monster and, with an audible scoff, the Rito notched his arrows.
With a thunderous crash the beast landed on Medoh once again and, fighting the urge to look back at Y/n, Link rushed forward with his sword drawn. Link slashed and chopped away at the creature's muscular arms, trying to force it to spread its wings. It took longer than he had hoped for with far too many close calls before wings spread, throwing sludge along with it. If it weren’t for the glint off Y/n’s twin blades, Link almost wouldn’t have seen the young Sheikah sprint past. Before the monster could register their presence, Y/n had hopped from its arm, up to the shoulder, and flipped over to land on its back. 
What came next was a flurry of silver blades and the tearing of malice dripping flesh. The monster attempted to rear back and reach Y/n with its arms but it was stopped by Revali and Link each attacking an arm, preventing it from being able to knock off their partner. 
With a final flourish, Y/n thrust both blades between the beast's wings. A harrowing shriek escaped the beast as it trembled from the blow. The malice surrounding it began to bubble and swell up. With a grunt, Y/n placed a foot against its back and tore their blades free. They looked up at Link with a grin but, just as they opened their mouth to shout, the monster exploded.
The moment Link uncovered his face, he was met with the sight of Y/n sliding off the edge of Vah Medoh. Link took off as fast as he could, watching as they scrambled for a grip along the edges but came up with nothing. Link hit the ground, sliding towards them with an outstretched hand. The two made eye contact and Link’s heart twisted at the terror within their ruby eyes. He felt their fingertips touch before Y/n was gone, their desperate cry as they slid over the edge carrying across the wind.
Link stared at his empty hand. He would have thrown himself over the edge after Y/n had he not seen the flash of blue following Revali as he shot after the Sheikah like an arrow from his bow.
The moments Link lay there waiting for Revali to return were spent forcing himself to breath while his lungs were crushed under the weight of guilt. He could still feel his fingertips brushing against Y/n’s. See the expression of fear that had torn the grin from their face as they cried out.
Wind swirled around Link, forcing him to sit up as Revali soared past him. The Rito landed on Medoh and, in a surprisingly tender moment, laid a wing upon the Sheikah warrior clinging to him like a koala.
Link was quick to approach the two, getting a glimpse of the way Y/n’s brow furrowed as they hid their face in Revali’s feathered chest. Noticing the way Link watched the two, Revali scoffed before grabbing at Y/n’s arms. “You’re not falling anymore, you can stop tugging at my feathers.”
Y/n mumbled an apology as they shakily detached themselves and stepped to the ground. They managed a wobbly grin that was interrupted by Link crashing into them. Y/n let out the faintest sob as they buried themselves deeper into his arms. Link tightened his grip, carefully pressing his nose into their hair. The two heroes held each other tightly, hoping to ground themselves in the other. To remind themselves that they were together still.
“Ahem.” The bubble popped around the two heroes as Revali looked on in barely hidden irritation. He tapped his talons against Medoh, sighing as the two looked at him with wide eyes. “As wonderful as it is that we are all, in fact, alive. I would appreciate it if you could use whatever it is you brought to seal away that creature.”
“Right.” Y/n stepped towards the terminal, Link’s hand still held tightly in their own. They pulled a seal from one of their pouches before mumbling a few phrases. Deep violet tendrils of malice swirled around, collecting in front of Y/n. The seal they held began to glow blue, spreading its own tendrils of light outwards. The lights seemed to dance through the air around them. Gathering together until they spiraled into the paper seal in Y/n’s hands.
“That should be it. Now can we please get off this bird?”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
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