#that is half the reason i made this blog bc i was like... i can't risk mr. sandin reading all of my hockey thoughts...
larsnicklas · 10 months
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RASMUS SANDIN on his mother's battle with cancer last year: I'm a big mama's boy, ever since I was a little kid... I found out my mom had cancer beginning of 2022... As a family too, before everything happens, it's kinda like "Ugh, do I need to talk to them today? I'll call them in an hour..." But now, as soon as you get an opportunity, you really appreciate the time you get with your family, and you really think about how much you appreciate it... After [last year], I'm so close to her... I talk to her every single day.
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maythearo · 1 year
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" Welcome to Night Raven College's "Ghostly Gossip"! The school's unofficial main online source for the latest news, articles and trending topics circulating around campus! "
" A new ghoul here, are you? Well then, don't worry. Let this blog be your guide from the hallways to the catacombs! I'll let you in for some personal notes and tips to gurantee your high school survival, so don't you get lost on me now! "
There are plenty of monster students yet to be introduced to you, but for today let's start with...
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Navigation (to be linked) :
R. Rosehearts - T. Clover - C. Diamond - A. Trappola - D. Spade - L. Kingscholar - R. Bucchi - J. Howl - A. Ashengrotto - J. Leech - F. Leech - K. Al Asim - J. Viper - V. Schoenheit - R. Hunt - E. Felmier - I. Shroud - O. Shroud - M. Draconia - L. Vanrouge - S. Zigvolt - Silver
(Messy) Design notes:
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Give me strength to complete this project with every character. Just Jamil's took me days because I kept getting stuck with that first scraped design ⚰️ of course I had to start with him since AHEM AHEM I hate him sm (lying)
The only thing I forgor to add in the pic above is that the reason I made his hair half green/blue/(?) Is bcs I wanted something to contrast with the red clothes. For the first half of the process I thought his color pallette was too boring in general, so I slapped a gradient over his Rapunzel hair and called it a day tbh 💪
I'm still not 100% sure if I nailed it the way I originally wanted to, buy hey, It's a start. Can't let my perfectionism hold be back and keep me from sharing my art til the end of times. So here it is. First entry. I'm posting this at 22:20 right after I got home from class so I hope my exhaustion didn't sneak in some typos in the post 😫😫 oh and by the way the snake names were all ideas I asked for on my instagram stories. I absolutely love Steve. The person who sent the idea said that it was Kalim who named it that way and I can totally see it happening
But in a final note, I wanted a cooler layout for me to post the series, so I took the name Ghostly Gossip from Spectra's original name for her blog before it became The Gory Gazette, I believe? I'm having fun with this idea that everyone would be introduced by a in-universe blog post just like the original monster high website used to do. So I'm creating a tag for the navigation purposes too! At #.the ghostly gossip hehe, but that's kinda all! Um,, stay tuned? (Runs away)
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seabirdtxt · 1 year
It's been a while since I made a request to a blog, but I really enjoy your writing, and your AUs got my brain going with ideas (especially the Glitch AU). It has me thinking about how our favorite little Puppet boys would react to some of the... interesting hobbies I have: two of those being things like Doll making/repainting, and cosplaying/ general fantastical costuming.
I feel like both of these hobbies have the potential to lead to both hilarious situations and moments of being a bit... perturbed at best (especially doll making: the random assortment of doll limbs being places, or having naked dolls that are precariously hung from the ceiling to finish drying from paint jobs).
I do know that at least Kabukimono and Wanderer (Scara might have forgotten since he hadn't used the skill in a long time, and Wanderer likely relearned it) know how to sew, so the sewing part could be cute bonding time.
Could be platonic or romantic in nature: both would be fine. And also, fully understand it will probably take you time to get to this, of you even get to it at all. I just appreciate you taking the time to read this request~! Can't wait for your next bits of work: hope you have a wonderful day~!!! 💕💕💕💕
hey!! thanks so much for your request!! this was a funny idea bc i can't imagine any of scara's iterations being any good at collaboration but for all separate reasons lmao
I'm not too knowledgeable about doll making but hopefully you like this anyway :D i wrote it as a bit of a glitch!AU spinoff in my mind, but feel free to imagine any other scenarios these three clowns might come together for hahaha WC. 1.3k
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When the three puppets were told not to enter your room and disturb your hobby workstation, this isn’t what they had in mind. Wanderer thought maybe you did something embarrassing as a hobby, Scaramouche thought it might be something potentially dangerous especially if you intended to keep it a secret from them, while Kabukimono was certain that you did some sort of artistic craft that you preferred to keep hidden until the end product was finished.
All three of them were right, in some way or another. 
The three of them stand in your workshop, staring in horror at the dozens of separated doll components you’d strung up around the edges of the room. Scraps of tiny, doll-sized outfits were scattered around your desk, and a half-painted doll head was mounted on some sort of device in the middle of the chaos. The doll’s single painted eye watches their trespassing with silent judgment.
You’re glad you find them out so soon, and you have exactly three seconds to stop them from touching anything in the workshop.
“WhatareyouguysDOINGinhere?!” Nailed it. 
Kabukimono leaps a vertical foot into the air out of fright at your sudden and shrill outburst, while the other two react in more subdued manners before turning around to face you, standing in the doorway behind them. Your arms are outstretched, palms forward, and you’re braced as though you’re anticipating some sort of impact.
“Don’t. Touch. Anything.” You warn. “Not all of these are dry, and if you smudge anything I’ll have to restart them.”
“Why do you have a bunch of dismembered doll corpses?” Scaramouche asks, jerking his thumb at the precariously hanging doll components.
“A seller in Inazuma asked me if I could help him finish a few dolls, since I told him I used to do it as a hobby back in my world.” You explain, not dropping your guarded position. “If any of you want to eat dinner this week, I suggest you step away from the dolls. Slowly.”
“Can you not call them that?” Kabukimono complains to Scara as the trio carefully shuffle out of your workshop. “They’re not corpses, they just haven’t been put together yet.”
“Well, they aren’t alive either, so what’s your point?” 
“If you need some help completing them, I can pitch in.” The three of you look wide-eyed at Wanderer, who seems to immediately regret making the offer. He shrugs and looks away quickly. “Or not. Whatever.”
“I’d love some help,” you start hesitantly. “But what did you want to help with?”
“I can sew the clothes, I guess.”
Scaramouche’s nose wrinkles at this statement. “You can sew?”
“Why is that so surprising?” Wanderer counters, reaching into the inner lining of his haori and showing off a small, familiar cloth doll. Instantly, Kabukimono is patting himself down with a frantic expression, before pointing at Wanderer accusingly.
“Where did you get that?! I lost it a long time ago!”
“Heh, of course you did.” Wanderer smirks. “I made mine. What, are you telling me you never thought of making yourself a new one?”
“I was never good at doing the small stitches…” Kabukimono pouts, crossing his arms and eyeing the doll jealously. 
“That aside,” Wanderer continues, turning to you. “I can help you finish the clothes for your project dolls. The faster you can finish them, the faster you can retrieve the commission for them, right?”
“That’s true, I guess,” you acquiesce, already running the math in your head. If you could get the commission for the dolls early, you might not have to budget as hard this week. 
“I wanna help too!” Kabukimono declares, raising his hand (a bit redundantly, given he’s standing right next to you).
“Whatever,” Scaramouche snorts and waves dismissively as he begins to walk away. “If that’s what you nerds want to waste your time on, be my guest. As long as you don’t make it my problem, I don’t care what you do in your free time.”
“Party pooper,” you say, sticking out your tongue at his retreating back. “Well, what do you say, guys? Let’s get this bread?”
“Sure,” Wanderer nods, heading back into the workshop.
“What does bread have to do with dollmaking?” Kabukimono asks, even as he’s herded into the room by you.
“I’ll explain later, let’s finish up these bad boys first,” you promise, and the workshop door closes behind you.
----- ⚘ -----
“I made another sword!” Kabukimono declares, hurrying over to your workbench and showing off the tiny doll-sized sword he’d made. The fifth one, so far.
“That’s great, buddy!” You give him a pat, to his delight. “I think we’re okay on swords for now, though, d’you wanna try making something else this time?”
Wanderer looks up from where he’s sitting cross-legged on the floor, a few pins sticking out of his mouth as he uses them to hold his patterns in place. 
“Did your toymaker guy say what kinds of dolls he wanted?” He asks, holding up another utilitarian-looking outfit. “I can’t imagine this is what he had in mind when he asked for your help.”
“I mean, these are kind of edging into action figure territory,” you shrug. “But that’s probably fine. There’s a market out there for everything, nowadays.”
“Make a kimono that looks like the Shogun,” Kabukimono suggests, handing Wanderer some purple fabric. “Everybody likes the Shogun, right? She should be pretty popular.”
You and Wanderer both wince (for different reasons) at Kabukimono’s well-meant statement. However, Wanderer does take the purple fabric and sets it gently aside, and you wonder if he’ll take the suggestion after all. 
“Are you losers done in here? I’m tired of doing the dishes for two days straight,” Scaramouche kicks the door in, uncaring of the delicate work you three are doing. Thankfully, the risky parts are all done, so nothing suffers any damage with his sudden entrance. Scara drops three bowls onto your workbench, each piled with fried rice and vegetables.
“Ha, you’d make a great housewife,” Wanderer snickers, earning himself a smack on the back of his head. “Ow.”
“Thank you!” Kabukimono takes his bowl and brings it to where he’s working on something, hopefully not another sword. 
“Thanks,” you say as well, giving Scara a genuine smile. The puppet scowls and leaves as quickly as he’d come in.
“Don’t bother! It doesn’t benefit anyone if you drop dead from starvation, you know?” he sneers over his shoulder as he slams the door shut. 
There’s silence as you three eat the lunch that was generously provided, stacking the bowls and putting them beside the door for when you guys go for your next break.
“I think I’m done after I finish this last outfit,” Wanderer sighs, holding up the unfinished garment. It looks hilarious in his hands, a cheerful pink and purple kimono in stark contrast to his deadpan expression.
“I’m almost done too!” Kabukimono adds, holding up his latest project: a doll-sized armor set. You smile gratefully at the both of them, even as you rub your temples with a sigh.
“Okay, great, I’ll put these together and bring them to the toymaker later this afternoon, then!” You say, hoping you sound enthusiastic about it. You think about the mismatched collection of outfits and sword accessories, wondering how you were going to sell this to your temporary employer. 
----- ⚘ -----
As it turns out, if there’s one thing Inazumans like, it’s swordsmen. The toymaker looks in awe at your half dozen tiny samurai, handing you a pouch of mora with a pleased word of thanks. 
As you’re headed back home, you get a telepathic message from Wanderer.
‘He fired me, we’ll have to do something else,’ you think back, hoping you don’t sound too guilty in your head.
As much as you love these guys, you aren’t sure you could take another two days straight of having to collab with them. Hopefully buying some treats on the way home will placate them.
—– ⚘ —–
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^ reader trying to juggle all three scara iterations without breaking any of the dolls LMAO
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saintsenara · 3 months
no but lily evans/merope gaunt???
the idolised mother/the mother failed by the narrative??? "i died for my son on purpose and with purpose and this is what saved him"/"i loved my son but i died and he never knew how much and this is why he was lost"???
(or at least that's what the narrative wants us to believe anyway, i think voldetom is much more complicated than "can't love bc product of artifical devotion" but anyway ahem)
lily evans/merope gaunt is my point
thank you to both anons who have spotted the unhinged potential of this:
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rip to lord oedipus complex, but you're different.
as anyone who's read this blog before will know, i detest the narrative treatment of merope's death - above all the idea that her death was a deliberate choice made because she simply wasn't brave enough to bother staying alive for her son:
Dumbledore raised his eyebrows. “Could you possibly be feeling sorry for Lord Voldemort?” “No,” said Harry quickly, “but she had a choice, didn’t she, not like my mother -”  “Your mother had a choice too,” said Dumbledore gently. “Yes, Merope Riddle chose death in spite of a son who needed her, but do not judge her too harshly, Harry. She was greatly weakened by long suffering and she never had your mother’s courage. And now, if you will stand...”
i get that the main purpose of this is to introduce - as half-blood prince does, after five books in which lily's barely mentioned - the idea that lily is the key to the whole mystery, and that the fact that she chose to die when voldemort offered her an alternative is the reason why. and yet it will never stop enraging me!
[since - if witches are immune to death in childbirth, when muggle women are not - then literally everything voldemort believes about muggles being, essentially, a separate, inferior species is correct. which isn't what the series thinks it's saying...]
i much prefer the recognition that merope's death is the last in a long line of failings on behalf of the wizarding state [and the first in a long line of equivalent institutional failings when it comes to her son...], which could have been easily averted with just some minor tweaks of the circumstances.
which would pretty much guarantee lily's survival, since a wee tom raised by his mam would never become lord voldemort [and i'll die on that hill].
age-gap single mams hooking up is a great premise, especially since tom would be in his fifties, trying to suppress his rage at being asked to refer to a toddler as his step-brother [we're all agreed that tom and merope would have a buster and lucille bluth vibe, right? harry's annyong].
but two dead women - taken from their children when they were barely adults themselves - coming together in the world beyond the veil, and trying to make sense of their sons' lives and how they have been bound together, and trying to understand how one woman's love for her son could create a magic so powerful it can alter the course of history and another woman's love for her son could do nothing... is a better one.
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byghostface · 6 months
//long rambling
There is a vent in the last part (about pro ship:/+ wired shipping + block list) it's naturally negative so reading at your own risk.
So in the new Batman and Robin issue #7 Nika's sister making an appearance, got me thinking of other possibilities for sibling characters to come back.
Mostly I’m thinking about Respawn since he is Joshua Williamson's own character. And He made Respawn appeared in the last issue of Robin(2021), he also brought back Mara in that run too (just some appearance in the later issue).
And now Joshua Williamson is writing Batman and Robin, so naturally he can bring some characters back in this run. He had said in an interview that he might have figured out a way(try) to bring back Maya.
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Throwback to 2022 of this old wip/art I made, is about what I think the emo teens of Lazarus squad dynamic would look like.
I imagine Nika and Respaw are irritated/tolerate with each other but would stay for Damian because Nika is Damian's girlfriend and they want to stick together. Meanwhile, Damian likes to include his half-brother in some fun activities (Respawn is acting reluctant bc of his own issues but he actually likes to have friends and feel include).
I haven’t finished this art bc I was going to add more wips (with other characters like Rose and Hawke) to make it a post. I didn't finish this art back then bc I was afraid Talia fans would be mad at me for drawing Respawn.
Trust me, I hate that Talia gets associated with Deathstroke like this, but I think Respawn is a confused/mistreated teen character and Damian (bless his heart and soul) still wants to be his brother regarding the whole mess. I will explain/talk more about my thoughts on Respawn as a character and his situations once I finish these drawings and get ready to post them.
Writing/typing words is harder than drawing for me personally. Drawing is like channeling my energy into a picture and forming an atmosphere and hopefully people will understand what thoughts and feelings I was trying to convey. Writing is using more brain powers to choose the correct and cohesive words, so people would not misunderstand what I'm talking about. Especially when English is not my first language, and even so I normally don't talk(write) much in my mother tongue either…(I'm not a quick thinker, it took me a longer time to think things through, writing literally exhausted me physically and mentally more than drawing.)
It doesn't mean I don't enjoy writing, it's just not my first choice to convey thoughts… but considering I can't draw everything I have in my mind and it takes even longer time to finish any art, I just need to write down things first from now on. Tumblr is the only place I can think of that has this longer text feature blog post and I'm more familiar with this platform format. So I will still be here posting my fan content.
(↓Vent, if you want to avoid being block by me then read down below.)
I must say I will forever hate respawn x flatline as ship, cus I know who started this ship and their reasons behind it—Don’t let the new character develop naturally as the story goes, let’s put them in made-up weird situations first so I can prop up my own ship!😍 And get both of the new characters out of the way, since no one would defend them so I can fanon the hell out of them by making them look bad all around!🤞 (What if I stone you first hand🪨🪨💥)
And I will continue to dislike/against any shipping Damian's sibling to Nika. I simply don't like the unnecessary sibling conflict just for romance tropes! So go away boooo I hate you‼️ Not to mention the ignoring of different age range multi-ship hide behind poly… that's straight up proshipping I hate you even more!!👎
Also for people who said Nika should be crush on Damian's mother instead of him… I hate you twisted proshipper rotten smooth brain‼️‼️ She dating a boy her age and has mutual connections with him, why would she crush on her boyfriend's mother instead?? Just because Nika is a big fan of Talia??? So you telling me young ppl can't idolize adults normally without being labeled as romantic nowadays huh??( Not saying you can't crush on adults, but why crush on your boyfriend's mom? ) Your weird ass mind is showing with this ass hc be fr. Again, why would you imagine that? You just wanted to push a fake narrative of Nika being wired so you could have an excuse to make Talia and Damian dislike her (which is not true), but in fact is YOU are the weird one projecting your twist thoughts/hate onto Nika‼️💥🪨🪨
I will start to block ppl who are shipping/liking respawn x flatline (+proshipper) and STILL interact with me, read the room!! My art is not for you weirdos‼️Go away BOOOO💥 🪨🪨🪨💥💥
Can't believe I need to type this all out cuz some of you weirdos will still do these things and think is okay to interact with me and my post/showing in my notifications BOOO👎🪨🪨💥🪳🪳🪳🩴🩴🩴
(sorry for venting about random weirdos/Nika haters again, and thanks for reading.)
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mysticalsoot · 1 year
halloween costumes & anxiety
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part 1 of 'glances of love'
➸ note; I bit the bullet. alright so context, glances of love is a fic series based off my chaos dr which is basically just a streamer dr hybrid. some details, like the dynamic between reader and Wil, readers behaviors and anxieties, experiences like this fic, are all pieces of my dr. so if it's unconventional, I'm sorry but it's my Dr, my blog, my writing. i choose to share this bc I want to and I want other people to enjoy my work. anyways! on with the reading (please don't throw stones at me, my bones are like brittle glass)
➸ pairing; male!reader x cc!wilbur, he/him
➸ summary; reader avoids going to wilbur's shows for one reason--the fans. he has no qualms against them, they just scare him. he decides to go for the second Halloween gig, dressing up as a humanized tardis as wilbur is the tenth doctor. everything goes smoothly until it's time to meet fans. Wilbur then comforts reader yay!
➸ warning; uses of babyboy including other nicknames, one use of daddy but in a sfw/jokingly sweet context! maybe swearing? mean depiction of some Lovejoy fans-- sorry! wilbur dresses up as the tenth doctor.. nerdy and dorky shit. reader has much panic and anxiety, some hints of an anxiety attack mixed with an autistic shut down (haha me-- /lh)
➸ age-rating; 15+
➸ wordcount; 3.2k
main masterlist
glances of love masterlist
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you love wilbur, that was something you were sure of and wholeheartedly so. you supported him, mostly from the safety of your shared home. making posts online basically being his biggest cheerleader, helping him calm down from panics or spirals, smiling and cheering whenever he shows you something knew. you love him. you support him. you adore him.
but his fanbase scares you. it's nothing against them, really. maybe it's the daunting size and intensity of the group of people. maybe it's the negativity that manages to be at the forefront of your mind. whatever it is, they scare you.
you haven't been to one of Lovejoy's shows in ages, and you really hadn't planned on it. you still sort of don't yet Wil's been talking about the next big gig; the Halloween show in Brighton. he wants you to be there, wherever comfortable of course, all dressed up in a matching costume, cheering him on and right there so he can kiss you the second he steps off stage, utilizing that adrenaline to his advantage. he wants you by his side through everything, and while he'd never push you to something you don't want to do, he can't help but be a little pushy about it. he isn't mean or harmful, he just mentions it more. he talks and he talks about it, bouncing and stimming in joy at the mentions of it and the plans he has for it and how cool it's going to be. he wants you there so bad, and it's painfully clear.
"so, what do you think, baby?" he asks as he spins around in front of the TV, showing off his costume in all its glory. you made a joke a few months prior that he reminded you of David Tennant's doctor who, and he took it and ran with it. he's clad in his old converse, some of his funky socks, a pair of brown patterned pants. he tucks in the white shirt a bit more, adjusting the tie before putting the trench coat on. he smiles widely, hands in his pockets just like Ten.
you smile and nod, clapping softly, "you look lovely, darling!" you try your best to sound as excited as possible, giggling when you see him try to stick his hair upwards, but it flops down over his forehead and he sticks his lip out in a pout. "don't think your hair is made for that, bub."
you shake your head with a smile as he shrugs, striding over to you and plopping down beside you on the couch, tossing his legs up on the coffee table in front of you. he tugs you into his lap, "c'mere," and you oblige with a giggle, settling between his thighs comfortably, your legs around his waist as you rest your hands half on his chest half on his shoulders. he holds you by your lower back and hips, hands flat out on your body.
"why don't you come, just this once?" he speaks barely above a whisper as he pushes a bit of hair out of your face, a kiss placed on your opposite cheek.
you think for a moment, you need to go sometime. being on the sidelines won't cut it for much longer, and going means more time with him, less time spent alone. but that also means being near a lot of people, or being in a crowd. or meeting fans--
"yeah, why not?" you smile softly, part of you immediately regretting your words but holding up to your word anyhow.
the following week is spent in preparation, costumes, after show plans, travel, rehearsal, set list writing-- most things Wil handles alone. alot of time spent tucked away in the office in the flat, or on the phone or in the studio. but you both manage time to spend together, and to work on your costume. you both decided on a simple costume, a flowy shirt, a leather jacket, some boots and a tardis key around your neck.
a simple omage to the doctor's forever partner, the tardis. you both thought it was sweet, a nice way to say "forever?" in a rather dorky and cute way.
the day of the show snuck up on you both much quicker than expected, Wil was scrambling to leave early and you were trying to calm your nerves the moment you woke. of course you'd be home on your own for a bit, until you went to the venue a couple hours before it started. you'd help out in whatever way you could and then help wil with makeup if he decided he wanted to add some, just for a special touch.
"if you need anything from me, don't hesitate to call okay? or text. I'm right here, baby. I'll make sure you're okay." he smiles, kissing your forehead as he goes through his mental bullet points of what to remind you on.
• I'm here
• you're safe
• text me
• call me
• I love you
• goodbye/see you soon
the way he had this little pre-venue routine was sweet, and it helped calm your nerves even for a bit. it brought you peace of mind and helped settle that fire that always lit in your stomach in moments of anxiety.
he was like a natural anxiety remedy, and you loved every second of it.
"I know, I know. I'll tell you if anything's wrong. now, go have fun at soundcheck. i love you, bee," you lean up to try and reach his lips to kiss, yet you don't quite reach that height. he leans down and closes the gap for you, your lips moving in sync with one another as you sigh into the feeling. it's nice, it's warm and it buzzes your skin. he pulls back, smiling before biting his lip. he brushes some hair out of your face as he admires you.
"I love you so so much, thank you for coming tonight.." he peppers kisses all over your face, holding your head in his hand as you giggle, holding his arms gently.
you giggle, smiling sweetly as he kisses all over your face and then he kisses your nose and stops, pulling back to smile down at you.
"I love you soo much more!" you giggle, kissing one more time as you both bid one another a sweet 'see you later'. you drop down onto the couch the moment the door clicks shut. you take in a deep, shakey breath, spending the next few hours wondering and pondering on how you expect to handle being at the show.
a few hours pass and you're on the walk to the venue, it isn't far from Wil's apartment building so you manage a swift 10-minute walk, wilbur's acoustic guitar slung on your back. you managed to avoid the crowds lining up and queuing for the show, slipping into the venue through the backdoor, sighing in relief once the door was shut and locked behind you. you hurried over to the green room, holding the guitar strap on your chest and putting the guitar down in the corner. Wil walks in a moment later, hurrying up behind you and wrapping his long arms around you. he rests his chin on your shoulder and you sigh happily. turning in his grasp, you shove yourself into his chest and keep close.
"I'm glad to see you, honeybaby.." he moves to rest his chin on your head, his hand on the back of it, scratching at your scalp with his fingertips and he presses kisses onto your hair.
"'m glad too.." you mumble against his chest, hands grasping at his back, fingers pressing into the fabric of his shirt.
"how was your walk, baby?" he picks you up by your waist, placing you gently onto his lap after he finds his spot on the couch. you rest your hands on the bottom hem of his shirt. his fingers and thumbs rub at your thighs, trying to soothe you.
"good, I got to come in through the back," you shrug, leaning yourself down to press against his chest. you nestle your body between his thighs as you gently whine in content. he presses a hand against your back, as his other grazes your cheek gently.
"mm, good, baby," he smiles, kissing your nose. you both stay like that for a while, wrapped up in each other's limbs. legs tangled, arms around one another, fingers fidgeting with each other's. your head is nestled on his shoulder and his head on top of yours. it's sweet and it's warm, and your anxiety slips away with every breath of his you hear. every tingle of your skin at his touch.
"I have to go soon, hun," he whispers against the shell of your ear, placing a kiss there as he rubs your upper arm. you whine at him, hiding your face in his chest, head tucked under his chin. he giggles at you, kisses placed on your hair before he gently pulls you back.
"I have a show to play, baby boy," he smirks, kissing your forehead. he's so.. sweet, you think, kind and gentle and you love his touch and affection.
"how much longer?" you hold a gentle pout on your lips, playing with the hem of his shirt.
"mm.." he pauses in thought, not actually thinking but pretending to, only to make you laugh, "five minutes? is that good for you, baby?"
you nod, resting back on his chest as you rest your legs on either side of his thighs, cuddling close to him and letting your eyes rest. wilbur draws shapes on your back with his finger tips. his other hand plays with your hair, twirling strands around his fingers before letting go and massaging your scalp. you let out soft, contented sighs with every touch, simply taking in every feeling and savoring it.
the five minutes pass and he's putting you back to stand, hugging you and kissing you as you help hype him up. he runs on stage and you head into the crowd. you thought it might help your anxiety, to be around everyone. you easily slip into the crowd, finding a spot off to the side and clapping and screaming with the crowd.
you blend in easily, getting drawn into the music and enjoying it just as anyone else. you eye wilbur lovingly, watching him bounce around and perform in his costume. he looks so silly to you, adorable and lovely. you smile so widely and he glances over to you every once and a while, a smile and a wink thrown in your direction.
the show moves along smoothly, he talks in between songs when he's tuning his guitar. he's careful not to point you out, but he talks about you. gushing over his boyfriend, how sweet you are and how you're the reason he has a costume this year. he smiles so wide, and his eyes sparkle. he really loves you.
once the show ends, they go out to the back, and you slip back through the backstage door. the crowd finds their way out to the back, ready to meet the guys and your heart starts to pound at the idea. you fully plan on going out with Wil, wanting to be beside him despite your fears. surely it'll be fine? no one will bother you and all in all, he'll be there so you'll be okay.
he meets you in the hall outside of the green room, picking you up by your waist and spinning you around before kissing all over your face. you giggle, humming and grabbing at his shirt.
"hi, baby-" he coos, pulling back and resting his forehead on yours.
"hi, wilbee.." you let your words fade, sighing and shutting your eyes. he rubs your cheeks with his thumbs as he looks down into your eyes.
"ready, lovey?" he smiles, pulling back and dipping his head to meet your eyes.
you nod and he puts out his hand for you. you wrap your hand around his finger, not bothering with holding his whole hand as he leads you outside through the backdoor. you keep your hold on him, hiding in his side or behind him. you're sure to hold onto him, so you don't lose him somewhere in the crowd. there isn't a barricade outside like there sometimes is, so fans crowd around and cluster up in his (and your) personal space. you stay quiet about it, keeping your fast breathing and spinning mind under wraps. wilbur tells a few people to back up just a bit, for safetys sake as he speaks with a few fans. he lets you keep that hold on him, only letting go when he takes photos.
your mind wanders until a few voices catch you. they're simple whispers, ones that surround you and come from behind you. you don't turn around to see the source of the voices but you hear what they say as clear as day.
"does he really have to bring his boyfriend everywhere?"
"we're here to see Lovejoy, not wilbur's lost puppy."
they laugh together, and wilbur doesn't even hear, and you don't bother to speak up either. you try your best to zone out, to pull those voices out of your mind and crush them, but they seem to consume you.
"everyone knows he's probably just a gold digger. someone like him can only be a gold digger."
"wilbur's too old for him anyways. we all know wil would be happier with someone older."
you lean your head on wilbur's side, whining softly as your brain spins and drowns in fear and anxiety. he doesn't stop his conversation for a bit, not until you grab onto his shirt and tug it slightly. your head is tilted back and your eyes are sad as they look up at him.
he pulls you aside gently, crouching just barely so your eyes are at the same level. he holds your face, kissing your lips once before pulling back to smile at you.
"what's wrong, baby? do you need to leave?" he asks in a gentle tone, you shake your head gently. you know you aren't convincing but if you can be just enough, maybe he'll go back out again. maybe you won't ruin the night.
"no, no, I'm okay. just tired. um.. let's go back? i don't want anyone to be upset." you hold a soft, yet fake, smile on your lips. wilbur frowns, not believing your facade for a second but taking it knowing how stubborn you are. you grab onto his belt loop this time, following him back over into the crowd of fans.
he continues going about interactions, signing things and talking amongst everyone, he takes photos and he hugs people.
you tune yourself out of what he's busy with, not wanting to be bothersome. but as always, you regret that decision.
more people start talking about you.
it's driving you crazy.
"such a pitiful guy, his boyfriend protecting him- Jesus, wilbur deserves someone better."
tears start to prick at your eyes due to the words thrown at you. you bite your lip and let go of wils jeans, walking away and wiping tears from your cheeks with your sleeve.
you hear more comments, most are seemingly happy about your absence and you don't get a cool breath until you're back inside the venue. you decide packing up would be your best bet, putting away what wilbur brought. his laptop and charger, a book and guitar picks. you pack everything you can, letting sobs rip through your chest as tears pour down your cheeks. you're a mess and you feel it. you aren't even sure if wilbur had noticed your absence but you sort of hope he didn't. you didn't want to steal him from everyone anyways.
a few minutes pass of frantic packing and burning tears before footsteps are heard. wilbur opens the door to the green room gently, walking over to you and pulling you into his arms. he's silent, not a word needs to be spoken for you to know how okay it is. you let it out, crying into his chest as sobs ripple out and you grasp at his shirt. he rubs your back with one hand while the other pets your hair. he kisses the top of your head, shushing you sweetly.
"shh.. shh, baby it's okay. I'm here? okay, I'm here." he mumbles between kisses to your head. his fingers rub and press on your back to help ground you. eventually you're able to catch your breath, voice still shakey but at least you aren't crying. the tears have been shed and all that's left is a broken voice and stains of sorrow on your cheeks.
he holds your face, rubbing away the tear stains with his thumbs. you sigh, holding his wrists with your hands, rubbing the inside with your thumbs.
"what happened?" he asks again and you want to brush it off, but instead you spill. you tell him of all the horrible things you've seen and heard, how you feel like the only one that experiences it. you ask why you're so hated, and he doesn't have the answer. he can only see the beauty in you, he sees no reason for one to hate you or even dislike you one bit. he nods and sighs, kissing your forehead before pulling you into his lap and placing soft kisses to your neck and jaw.
"you're okay now, baby. I'm here, I won't let anyone hurt you. i promise, none of those things are true and I promise I love you, and I love you for who you are." he smiles, watching your eyes sparkle with an admiration at his words. you feel the sobs build up in your throat and you want to cry again, to sob hysterically just by hearing such sweet words.
"i mean how can someone be a gold digger if they insist on helping pay bills on an apartment they're not even on the lease for?" he chuckles, kissing your forehead as you find giggles escaping you instead at his silly words. it's true, if anything you're farther from a gold digger than anything, "they don't know you, hun, so don't let them get to you."
he kisses your forehead one more time, before pulling back and letting you tuck into his lap for a few minutes rest. he lets you lay there, rubbing your back until he has to pick you up. he does so, and you both begin to pack the van up, ready to go home as soon as possible.
he stops you by the back door, holding your hand and looking down at you, "home, my tardis?"
"home, doctor," you smile up at him and he kisses you once, twice, three times before hurrying you both to the van. he helps you in first, buckling you in before he slides in next to you.
"what was that for?" you inquire gently, his hand reaching out to you, insisting you wrap your hand around his finger and you do so, but keep your gaze on him in order to keep his attention.
"I wanted to show extra care, that's all."
you nod softly in agreement, resting your head against his shoulder as he sighs.
"g'night, baby," he kisses your temple with a sweet smile.
"goodnight, daddy.." you smile to yourself as sleep takes over and you finally feel a blanket of peace over you.
it wasn't the best experience, but at least you had wilbur along the way.
taglist; @lcvejoy @lillylvjy @ella-fella-bo-bella @lotusanonymouse @ughtreyparker @whos-nicooo @zebonos
© 2023 mysticalsoot
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cannibalismyuri · 1 year
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way to take things out of context <33 lemme show u some things i said in the actual post that aren't taken out of the connotations i meant to imply them with?
"they also are popular bc they're seen as Better than other creators and put on a pedestal. which is both uncomfortable for them and Highly discouraging for others." this was the whole sentence. way to take things out of context huh.
"many people just disregard other rlly talented creators in favor of the already popular ones (who are popular for a reason. their art / fics / wtv Are really good and i read their stuff too! not trying to put them down here, just trying to lift other people up)" so where in this sentence do u see me saying that they aren't good writers?
"also bragging rights? babe nobody's bragging abt how they get more interaction. that's rude asf and entirely out of the question. and those popular writers ur talking abt who Could brag if they wanted to DON'T. bc they aren't despicable human beings who love to put others down." so did i or did i not clarify that i think the people byler tumblr puts on a pedestal handle it gracefully.
also the way u phrased this is Exactly what's wrong with this fandom. have u ever read anything that wasn't be the 10 writers u idolized? i've found some AMAZING, FREAKISHLY TALENTED, SWEET AND ALL-ROUND LOVELY writers in fandom whom i never would've found if i didn't Specifically try to broaden my horizons. the way you phrased this implies that there is simply nobody who compares to the writers with most engagement and like... how would u know? isn't this exactly the kind of behavior i was saying was Not It? ur putting them on a pedestal and refusing to acknowledge other people, no matter how talented they may or may not be. i'm not saying everybody is an amazing writer right off the bat and that these writers aren't amazing; i'm saying that others may be just as good. i know Several amazing writers eho dont get half the recognition as mediocre writers in other fandoms (NOT! TALKING! ABT! BYLER! HERE!) based on luck and when exactly they post. u guys will never branch out and Try to support these other fic writers who are helping keep this fandom alive and contributing Beautiful fics and then say that the tag is dying just bc UR personal favorite creators aren't creating as much. this doesn't in any way diminish the obvious prowess and skill of the Big writers, bc they're amazing writers and people, but u suggesting that nobody else even comes close? this is NOT nyt bestsellers this is FANDOM. its common courtesy to atleast respect people who write these fics for free and if u can't provide basic respect by trashing others' writing that u haven't even read bc its not one of the Big writer's writing... ur part of the problem.
and im going to say it for the last Fucking time. dont bring my fics or engagement into this. im speaking for so many other people and im trying to demand support for Everyone. this was never just abt me. i said this previously too, but i made a whole ass EVENT to shine light on less popular writers. bylerficrecweek was made for a reason. if it was just abt me and my engagement i never would've wholeheartedly put my whole heart into that project. and don't u Fucking dare insult my writing. "maybe you're not as good at it as you think"? im fucking tired of u coming on my blog, claiming im saying a bunch of BULLSHIT and recontextualizing everything i say and insulting my writing on top of that. you won't see this bc ive blocked u now but. im genuinely so fucking tired. im turning off anon. clearly who ever is sending these has a problem with me personally; so say it with your whole pussy to my face now. ok thx and im Really Fucking Tired please read the post for what its meant to be before mindlessly accusing me of shit.
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bitchfitch · 8 months
Hey help me make a decision real quick
tldr I'm going to make another character specific blog despite starting to tag things bc like. It's useful. Not everyone is here for the torrent of other random blorbos that you have to wade through to get to the ones that scratch that Itch.
reasons below the cut
When Bagri Came Home: The original title for this project. Tbh I don't know if it fits anymore. It was for a draft of the story set much earlier in the timeline where Einer was still learning about What Echo was and trying to figure out what to do with it
False Echos: Echo has none of Bagri's memories. Its echos were made from Einer's memories of Bagri and it was given a rough outline of the situations they came from. Echo isn't Bagri and half the things it can say are misremembered.
Grief's Hunger: Echo is a metaphor for grief. Its destroying Einer's life but he can't move on or let go of it. It will consume him completely one day.
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aris-ink · 1 year
U conplain more than you write. You absolutely like everybody else need therapy. Don't consider it a hating comment. But the amount of heartfelt posts you post on here is huge. And it's absolutely normal. But the way you're making it seem like a habit and the repetitive texts you write looks like you struggle with the same problem every time. And let me tell you that I know for sure that you don't receive many complaints as you make it seem cause you're posting asks one by one 24/7 and by the time you post this one too I'd know too since I've sent it just recently.
I m not following you anymore anyway after this ask . Not just because I hate you but because I respect you fondly and know how rare to come across pple like you. But on a real life basis not on a blog where pple don't even know who you are.
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I don't understand half of this ask.
"you need therapy, don't consider it a hating comment" why would I? I don't know how long you've been here honey, but I'm very open about being in therapy. I am in therapy already and there's nothing wrong with that. but thank you for the advice? which was so rude and unsolicited, do you go around every blog telling people to go to therapy because they have problems? are you that kind or obnoxius? if it's kindness, and you're so willing to help, please use the kofi link and fund our sessions, thank you. ❤️ unless you only wanna go around making people feel bad for struggling, that is. not that it's gonna work on me, but good try I guess? 3/10 for effort 😭
"the amount of heartfelt posts you make here is huge and it's absolutely normal" but it annoys you all the same? I know it's shocking to hear, but, yes........... my struggles...... are about the same things. sorry I'm not dramatic enough to have a new problem everyday dhdhdhdhfhf
I'm battling with my mental health. I'm battling anxiety, so I repeat myself, because when I have no energy to reply I don't want people to feel ignored. I'm explaining myself when people misunderstand me so that my points are clearer. again, 2/10 bc I sure as hell am not gonna feel bad or apologize for being mentally ill lmao
"I know for sure you don't receive as many complaints as you make it seem" 1/10 I literally could not care less what YOU think. I know what my inbox looks like. I don't respond to hateful asks that are just nonsense, like "abuse enjoyer", "weirdo", "what can we expect from a multi stan", because engaging in a conversation like this is pointless. but asks like this???? why should I keep my mouth shut when you're throwing crap at me?
"I'm not following you anymore anyway after this ask" oh no, why 😭😭😭
please shove all that fake kindness somewhere where someone will care. people like YOU are the reason authors have to hide their struggles, they can't say anything on their own blogs, can't talk to anyone, and then just end up disappearing. because people like you make them feel bad for being human and sharing their thoughts and opinions.
I will complain however much I want on this goddamn blog, I don't go on yours and tell you what to do with it. pay me to write for you and then you will have any right to tell me that I should just do my job and shut up. otherwise? kiss my ass.
thank you for affirming the decision I made to leave lmao.
and to my angels, I know you're not used to seeing this side of me, and I am sincerely sorry, but there are lines that shouldn't be crossed, and I'm not a mat for people to walk all over. 🤷‍♀️
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tenten18282 · 2 years
I mean I cried bc poor Time has been through so much and had so little choice about his role in any of it, and then on top of that he feels like he doesn't deserve companionship :') (plus he's gonna be through MORE WHY did he have to get his eye mutilated HASNT HE BEEN THRU ENOUGH *shakes fist at the sky*) but I did smile when Wind half-teased him abt acting tough and held out his hand to help him up and the four reunited! So I do think it was comforting :D just also sad, and not likely to last bc they have their own individual journeys to get to in the end (though I really hope they'll keep contact!)
But I've also seen some really bitter takes about Time, in the "your past was awful and your future will be filled with its regrets and you can't do anything about any of it, you won't get a happy ending" kind of way, and yours strikes a lot sweeter :) like... "you might be hurt, and lonely, and not certain if you can make this happiness last, but as long as you're with them you can breathe easier, and the memory will carry you through the hard times." If that makes sense? In general you just set the atmosphere and emotions really well! I felt like I was right there with the Links, deeply worried with no way to show it and nothing but dark thoughts for company as Wind waits for Time to wake up, or sitting by the fire and watching it crackle, listening to Time and Wind's quiet conversation, the silence of the night creating the illusion of being the only ones awake in a sleeping world...
You've single-handedly made me love Wind and this possible relationship of his with Time so I dare say you're utilizing him very well!! And yeah you really get that feeling across, that he's very worried about Time but doesn't want to overstep because he gets that Time is more than capable and doesn't want him to think he's implying otherwise... like all the help he offers is strictly of the practical kind and only just hints about feelings, to make sure Time knows he can reach out any time he wants :D That multi-layered "let me help"... It's really sweet. And ooh I really love those headcanons! The elegy of emptiness and Link being the last one who needs to heal is so lovely and so in line with his character :D
This got overlong again so hopefully you weren't joking about the asks XD and a blog about your thoughts on the kid quartet would be awesome! Yeah comics take so long and so much work to make, but honestly I'd just love to hear about how you write their characters in whatever way is easiest for you :) though the way you have of showing-not-telling with the comics is truly breathtaking! Also it's rlly funny to imagine them growing up into LU and Wind suddenly going from eldest to youngest lol, I keep getting the mental image of him still trying to big-brother them while being like half their size XD
Welcome back…..!!!!!!!! [Reply under read more]
Ah, that makes more sense… yes the hero of time indeed is a really tragic character. It's an aspect i really like drawing about him!!!!!!!! I guess it's one reason all my stand-alone pieces of him are mostly somber…..
Wind probably called him out on it directly as i feel like he's probably tried to pull the "strong guy" persona at least once during his adventures, so he gets to be cheeky about it hahaha I like the idea that they keep contact, but i really doubt it…. though they won't mind much! Even if they're apart they know they're all going to take care of themselves, and have fond memories to keep them company, like you said! (Ignoring that i hc that two of these links die early in their lives….. but that's not really relevant at the moment, ha ha…..)
I'm glad you like my specific interpretation of time! I always want to follow zelda's wacky horror, where in the games there's both tragedy and happiness, so i hoped the same went for all of these characters (even if i also understand some of the more bitter interpretations of Time, I get seeing him be vengeful... but maybe that's because I felt the need to be bitter about it in his stead lololol)- im quite happy you felt so immersed! and the more wind fans the merrier, he deserves them and i really dont mind people sending asks like these, i love talking and hearing about this topic, i have a lot to say….!!!! and i really agree with what you say here, it makes me super happy ♪
I'll probably make a blog soon-ish so i can talk about my ideas and some extra stuff without interrupting this blog, i have some stuff to take care of first before i can continue drawing these four,,, In any case, your last sentence reminded me of this doodle i did a while back, so i thought to send it here lol
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So some anti's are shaking 😂 figured some of my favorite feyre blogs should see the clownery for themselves.
toast-com in acotardeservesbetter's anon
reblogged by readingwritingwatching
"Why is Feysand popular again? Did the stans forget what Rhysand did? And while I'm at it, the bargain he made with Feyre was frankly excessive. He healed her arm, and in return she has to spend time with him every month. I don't get it."
What a bunch of clowns 🤡 one is an obsessive t*mlin apologist infamous redhead who creeps out half of the fanbase by all the weird and ridiculous sh*t she says and does, the other is an account who's name is toast.com..need I say more and the other is an anti acotar account who dedicates their time and energy to a series that mostly revolves around feyre and rhysand yet they can't help obsessively posting about them and creating an entire anti blog dedicated to the series that aggravates them more than it makes them happy, that on it's own? is WEIRD. I've been seeing alot more support and much deserved love for feyre and rhysand and of course the anti's picked up on the shift in the tide so they're fretting now that their anti arguments are getting easily shut down more than it did after acosf. "why is feysand popular again?" LMAO, stay mad I love it.
I’m sorry but this is so funny to me. They’re right though, Feysand nation is stronger than ever and thriving. I’ve been seeing so much love, especially after Rhys week that just passed, on here, instagram, and twitter. All of the lovely fanart commissions and even things that artists chose to post for free bc they simply love Rhys and Feysand, the fanfics that people put their whole souls into that just radiate a love and appreciation for Feysand. I love being a feysand stan, I love winning, I love being able to open the books and just have a good time, enjoying the story with all the characters, even ones i don’t like as much.
They got so used to seeing their faves be loudly stanned they forgot that they’re not actually the series’s most beloved characters.
People come for Feysand and stay because they love the world Feysand introduced them to. And you’re right, the way certain people who participate in fandom have a weird obsession with hating everything about it is so weird to me. Do something more productive with your time and find yourself a series where you can actually love every single character and not just a few whose characters you warp and distort into different people inside your head. If you don’t get why Feysand, the couple and characters that have always been beloved, are being appreciated again, it might really just be time to move on. I swear, some of them have Feysand on their minds more than I do.
And nonnie, you are so right about that last part. They’re bitter they can’t make their bizarre anti posts without someone disagreeing and responding with a genuine argument that’s based on the text and not just vibes. They’re mad that no one cares about their “sjm is a bias author!!! feyre is a self insert! that’s the only reason y’all r winning.” arguments, and instead we’ve been leaning into it, bc despite disagreeing, if they know that their opinions are so wrong and in such opposition to the text, that they only way they can justify it is by saying that the author herself is out to get them and their faves, then ik I’m stanning the right people.
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shopcat · 2 years
as much as I love season 3 for the scoops troop i think how Steve was depicted there really fuelled the "Steve is just a dumb himbo 😝" thing because they made him act dumber for some reason? and people just clung onto that
HMM yeah honestly i think it's that like. he acts entirely the same but the worst parts of fandom tend to be the most annoying bastardising people on earth and will strip a character of everything they are in order to mass produce frothy content with no substance because a character that is two dimensional and easily trope-ified can be then easily marketable replicatable and therefore accessible in fan content. like they don't have to think of his actual characterisation or ANYONE'S!!! because they're reducing the character to a small handful of generalised traits in order to make Incorrect Character Quote blogs or something. ummm i don't think steve has ever even once been a "himbo" i think that's a ridiculous term for small hearted people + he is the victim of his own comedy relief + it's like the easiest thing in the world to be like "i'm not saying he's dumb to be mean he's dumb and i love it 😂" so no one cares to like think about that a little bit let alone anyone who claims to Really Understand Him bc they would have to acknowledge they're using a weird mindset there, at least potentially...
like yeah he's a little behind on some things and is the asks silly questions guy but it's honestly just so fucking MEAN to me to hold him to shit like that entirely as someone who thinks in very similar ways like okay you're hurting my feelings a little bit here sorry. also his questions and Dumb Moments aren't even that fucking insane like not to be the steve fan who is constantly defending a tv show character but oh my god who gives a shit he asked if the stupid scifi villain was a vampire because he could have been a fucking vampire SHUT UPPPPPP. also parallel thinking and delayed processing etc like this is such a common trait in a line with neurodivergent behaviour TBH like seriously think about what you're implying here!!! honestly people really show their hand in equating intelligence with worth let alone intelligence with just knowing dumb shit when that's just memorisation and recollection. anyone can do that and you're just being fucking rude tbh 😑.
ALSO like, objectively, people are missing the point of the character misdirects here imo... :0 in the words of joe keery himself it takes a little bit for him to get there but he still GETS THERE, also honestly i DO think he is still in general not actually The Silly Stupid Bimbo One i think he has and always WILL be the Normal One who reacts to things Normally he is just surrounded by the worlds most precocious genius children and precocious genius other teens and their very lives depend on figuring things out and he struggles making those particular connections which is in fact, again, Entirely Normal, because he lives in a world where monsters exist. i've compared him to like an isekai'd character before because of it LOL. STEVE in particular is also literally half the time The One in the midst helping figure things out and it's CRAZY if his character season 3 in particular is helping this particular Silly Himbo phenomena because i honestly think he is his most... assured? helpful? in season 3? he helps with the code even though he Try As He Might can't learn an ENTIRE LANGUAGE with a different alphabet in like two days, HE identifies the song in the recording and deduces it means the code came from the mall itself, he makes logical leaps and on the fly thinking moves in order to get himself and the people he's trying to help out of dangerous situations a dozen different times + his street smarts are still SMARTS. one of the most important parts of his character TO ME is that he is smart in OTHER WAYS to highlight that you Can be helpful + important without being like a fucking MENSA child. and it just feels cheap and silly to call him a HIMBO after that... it doesn't come off as "aw but i love it" as people think at least From Some People, and To Me. i also don't really think they like, MADE him dumb or anything in season 3 in particular i think fanonisation has just rotted his actual characterisation away :(
i think like objectively here ppl calling him dumb and being like I Love It!!! don't mean anything by it and the word himbo is like, fine, and i also say that he's silly and i DO love it he IS my little dumby but that is also because he is in the same way i am and really at the end of the day we're both Not actually stupid. and really what i mean when i say it is he's funny and i love him and i love his silly moments bc i get it i get it so much i would say that too. i also think ppl trying to combat this in particular to prove he is actually INCREDIBLY intelligent are also missing the mark a little (imo) i think he's just normal and has different strengths <3. also, to try and make a certain trait lovable people need to realise they can just come off incredibly condescending or even dehumanising and ESPECIALLY, to wrap it all back around to the reason i was talking about this, applying false diagnostic criteria for like learning disabilities or disorders in order to "explain" why he's Dumb to you will end up coming off just oh. so ableist. especially from neurotypical and allistic people.
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basilone · 7 months
lemme be sappy for a min bc I’ve loved your blog for years when I discovered hbo war a while back, for some reason I haven’t been on tumblr the past year, so I decided to get a new blog and yours was the first I followed <3 seeing MOTA coming out in real time is so surreal and seeing your beautiful gifs just brought back the feeling of when I first watched hbo war bc of them being recommended to me. all this to say I really really appreciate all your hard work giffing the new episodes
Im so looking forward to seeing you gif Rosie because he grew on me so quick, same with Demarco tbh, I can’t imagine what it would’ve been like if we had tumblr when BoB was coming out during that time lol
Ahhh, anon, this is SO sweet! 💚 Thank you so much, you've made my week with this message.
I love that you remember me from the early days of this blog, haha, and that you decided to come back and give me a follow! It's so heartening to hear that you enjoy what I create and want my presence on your dashboard. I was away from the fandom for a bit myself, too, and when I decided to come back I immediately felt welcomed again by everyone. The HBO War fandom is a nice, long, hot bath of fun and good vibes for me (and I hope to many others, too!) that really keeps feeding me creatively and personally.
Getting a new episode of MotA every week is so exciting! I love that they're giving us a weekly episode, so we have time to gif and talk and write and discuss and speculate! It's a mishmash of people who've read the book and people who haven't, and I'm already unreasonably excited about what we'll likely see this week because some non-book readers in my gifset notes are going to have a great time here very very soon. 😉 I can't imagine what it'd be like to get to see the other HBO War shows airing for the first time, but I imagine we'd have a wonderful time too!
It's also really rewarding for me to get to gif a show like MotA that allows me liberal use of my favorite type of gif coloring -- bright, colorful, popping -- because none of the other HBO War shows give me that option. (The color palettes are very different between each show!)
Rosie is my favorite of favorites, so I'm really happy that people like you share my love for him! And DeMarco, man, I don't know what it is about that guy -- my fandom friends say "he is a man with a dog and five minutes of screentime" like that fully explains why we have half the fandom making eyes at him 🤣 -- but I'm lovin' the vibe here!
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petitprincess1 · 1 year
do you think that MAYBE you just don't LIKE Villainos? and that perhaps you don't need to dig for small potatoes to rationalize your hatred for the show? especially when helluva boss is just as bad, if not worse than Villainos in the examples you presented? that maaaybe the things you dislike are not inherently evil? you don't need to bullshit a reason as to why you think something is "problematic", you are allowed to just not like something.
I do like Villainous, believe it or not. I don't like Alan Ituriel. In short, there were animators in 2019 that called out Alan for a toxic work environment and being paid way less than normal. When this was brought up, Alan didn't even respond. It was Amí and she pretended like she didn't know them, even though a lot of the employees were working there since the beginning. The animators were also going to go through with an interview. Unfortunately, they could get blacklisted for speaking against their boss. So, it just faded.
Also, after the first half of S1 premiered for Villainous. One of the former animators simply wanted credit for Heed's design bc she helped with it before she left. Not even asking for money, just credit. And the new employees ganged up on her and showing their work, which suspiciously looked closer to final designs than concept art. The former animator was not able to show proof bc the ex-employees didn't even have their contracts at that time.
Thankfully, some of the former animators ended up leaving Ai and going to work for Vivzie. And they still work with her to this day.
I have proof, if you don't believe me:
I know this isn't gonna change anyone's heart or whatever. I'm not trying to. I used to be a HUGE fan of Villainous until about early late 2019-early 2020. I just felt uncomfortable supporting Alan. The show is a show. I can't be mad at it for that, but I can point out the problems.
And before anyone says "this is old", if people are allowed to bring up decade-old drama for Viv...I think I'm allowed to bring up 4 or 2 year old drama for Alan.
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
It's so funny that people are saying you're too negative. Because ever since the finale aired, all I've seen buddie shippers do on twitter and tumblr is complain about how buddie was handled and about the other storylines of the rest of the characters! I even saw people say they might not watch s7 bc the show is bad now. I guess criticizing the show is only alright when it's certain people doing it 🙄
This is...very true. There is SO much negativity surrounding the season as a whole - starting with the blimp emergency in the very first episode which many people correctly predicted would end up a minor "disaster" similar to the zoo animal outbreak and blackout all the way through the finale where the "couch theory" really was about Buck's feelings on couches and girlfriends. But once you apply "negativity" to your opinion on Buddie going canon (at least this season), those same folks don't want to hear it. "It's right there in the text!" Where? It's season six and Eddie didn't come out to his aunt. His aunt didn't hint at knowing he's not straight. In fact, instead of doing that, the writers brought up his marriage to a woman, the relationship he was in prior to meeting the girlfriend he broke up with because it didn't feel right. It's season six and Buck related couches to girlfriends. Barely spends any time with his male BFF (that fandom ships him with) in one half of the season, and then once the second half starts that same BFF is isolated from the main plot of the coma dream. And btw, Buck never even mentioned remembering Eddie from the beginning of the dream, yet he remembered what Bobby was like. "Negativity" would be having the path to canon laid out before us and having a "Suddenly I can't read" moment. Was the fandom baited (into thinking their interpretation was the right one)? I guess, depending on how attached they were to "couch theory" even though, I'm sorry, the scene from 6x15 was explicitly about Eddie and not Buck, about needing to try and free himself from his loneliness. Headcanons and theories do not alter the facts. Were we lied to? Nope. Not a chance. Mr. Trustworthy himself tried his damnedest to steer fandom away from expectations he knew would not be met. But you (gen) needed to actually read those articles in order to pick up the real clues he was putting down. (There's a reason why certain blogs were only posting snippets of interviews. You can't keep convincing yourself and those around you that "Eddie is the couch" if people were made aware of OS advising against going down that road or saying the dynamic can be interpreted in different ways if that's what fans want to do.) [I feel like the most angry people have never actually been in a fandom before or had hope for a m/m ship because for me...nothing that's happened thus far came as a shock. The straights almost always win in the end.]
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pmatga · 1 year
Just found your blog and I really like it ❤️ so if it's not too much trouble more head cannons about your OC please
you didn't specify which oc you meant so fuck it. you get Multiple
blair spellman
idk if i've ever mentioned it before (i probably have and i just forgot lol) but she has fire powers like her dad! they aren't as strong as his are though bc she's still alive and fleshy and made up of water. she really doesn't use her powers for anything more than lighting a cigarette when she can't find her lighter, however; that's bc she can't control them all that well. like she's not accidentally setting shit on fire left and right (not since puberty at least), but if she has a great emotional outburst (especially an angry outburst), Bad Shit might happen. thankfully blair didn't really inherit their father's temper so Bad Shit doesn't really happen all that often. don't get me wrong, they Do have issues with anger but that's more due to trauma than anything related to bets (plus she deals with her anger issues in a different, yet still unhealthy way)
is the type to wear axe body spray in lieu of Actually showering because "it’s basically the same thing, right?"
prefers nightclubs to house parties.
another thing that i don't remember if i've ever mentioned before: they were on the track team back in high school. their coach once told them that if they worked hard enough, they could really go places (funny how that worked out). she's not nearly as good of a runner than she used to be, but she can still, say, outrun a swarm of ghosts if she tries hard enough (adrenaline is crazy man)
their last name, spellman, is a surname they decided for themself. and even after reconnecting with their mom's side of their bio family, they still keep their last name as spellman. it's Important to them.
has little to no social media presence. like they have accounts but they never post, they mostly just lurk
she accidentally burned down the last place she worked at (a 7/11). an argument between her and a coworker got heated (pun only slightly intended) and…well. i'm sure you can guess. thankfully no else aside from blair & her coworker were there and they got out more or less fine, so she didn't kill or seriously injure anyone (and she's lucky she didn't). and bc they could never really prove it was her---everything pointed to an electrical fire, even if they could never figure out how the fire got started so quickly nor why it didn't spread beyond the store---she never got in trouble for it nor did she have to pay for it. it scared the shit out of her though, and ever since she tends to stay away from the vicinity.
robert jadeite
if he were in the show, there'd be a running joke abt him having Just So Many shitty jobs. does he just quit/get fired a lot, or does he actually have 15+ jobs? we will never know. for example: waiter, late night gas station attendant, cashier at pacmart (walmart), working the drive-thru at pacdonalds (mcdonalds), pacbucks barista (or maybe starpacs? idk), the guy at a water park who tells you when you can go down the slide, etc. he has so many jobs and he hates every single one of them.
has a semi-popular youtube (pactube?) channel. all his videos are either "sitting in my car or on my kitchen/bathroom floor" style rant vids or 1-3 hour long vids on a hyperfixation-induced rabbit hole he'd gone down.
prefers house parties to nightclubs.
has pretty bad insomnia. he's lucky if he gets 4-5 hours of sleep a night.
he's a college dropout (mental health reasons + mid-semester identity crisis) and was majoring in marketing prior to that. he currently doesn't know what he wants to do with his life and doesn't like thinking abt it bc thinking abt the future scares him.
orbitalia spheros
she’s betrayus & stratos’ half-sister and her bio dad is japanese (or pac-japanese? since tokyo is called pac-tokyo). she didn't meet her bio dad until later in life, as rotunda never told him abt orbitalia's existence. things were shaky between the two of them at first (orbie & her dad i mean) but they're more or less alright now
sunny and orbitalia were best friends back in high school. they drifted apart some in college but they were still very close. orbie & zac were Also friends but weren't As close as she and sunny were.
she Does Not have a good relationship with either of her brothers; she's never really been close with either of them tbh. it's mostly why she almost never comes down to pacopolis except to pick up elliptica whenever she visits.
has made a few attempts to get back into the dating scene over the years, but each and every time these relationships end up dissolving bc her heart's just...not into it (and also bc well. never receiving closure on whatever happened to her husband kinda makes it hard for her to properly grieve which makes it hard to Actually move on). she's still friends with most of her exes though.
akahiro murasaki
was Not A Fan of his in-laws. this is mostly for two reasons: 1.) if there is one thing that both of the spheros brothers are equally good at, it’s at testing the patience of everyone forced by social convention to interact with them, and 2.) orbitalia told akahiro Some Really Concerning Shit abt growing up with rotunda as a mother and stratos & betrayus as brothers. y'know that thing where you're telling someone what you think is a funny story only for them to look at you in horror bc it was actually traumatic? yeah. so while he was willing to be civil for orbitalia's (and later elliptica's) sake, he didn't really go out of his way to be overly friendly to them.
is a transhet man (he/him), he & orbitalia were t4t
liked wearing boots with slight heels (much like his brother-in-laws ironically enough). not really so he'd seem taller (he was 5'9" and was perfectly content with that) but bc they looked good and that's it
was quietly self-confident. he looked good, he was good at what he did, he knew it, and he didn't necessarily feel the need to flaunt it (those kind of ppl annoyed the hell out of him tbh).
that being said he Did have some insecurities, mostly abt whether or not he was actually a good husband and (later on) a good father. as i've said before, he wasn't the most emotionally demonstrative person in the world and he worried abt whether or not orbitalia & elliptica knew that he loved them. orbitalia did (even if she did occasionally have her doubts bc anxiety be like that) and elliptica did too (at the time, at least. nowadays elli's not entirely sure)
gwendolyn hollow
her voiceclaim is sally from the nightmare before christmas
you know how i once mentioned that she uses secret tape recorders to record things? yeah. she does that so 1.) she doesn't have to just rely on her poor memory, 2.) she can decipher anything she doesn't understand later, and 3.) as a sort of audio diary.
is an appreciator of small things, like buttons and strings of ribbon, rocks, animal bones, and such. sometimes she will stare at little things that interest her for so long that griffin or even the good doctor pacenstein himself have to tell her to “move along, girl.”
slightly related to the above hc: pacenstein & griffin call her "girl" a lot. keep in mind she's at least 20 years old.
her middle name, elizabeth, is derived from pacenstein's ex-fiancée elizabeth from way back in the 1800s. and yes it's fucking weird that a.) griffin let his great+ uncle name his first and only child and b.) pacenstein named his grand niece after his ex. like sure it's just her middle name but still. weird shit.
isn't allowed to interact or even show her face to any visitors to pacenstein manor. this is bc the last time she interacted with a visitor (it was literally just to take their coat), they took one look at her, got freaked out, and made an excuse to leave. she was never really told Why but was led to believe it was bc she resembles her great-uncle. it's not.
genuinely doesn't know Jack Shit abt almost anything that's happened outside the castle and what little she Has learned has been history from like...200 years ago, so nothing recent. a whole fucking WAR happened within her lifetime and she's completely unaware of any of it.
griffin hollow
as the caretaker of pacenstein manor and the only one who can/is allowed to leave the castle, he’s usually the one who takes care of dr. pacenstein’s personal affairs---gathering supplies and equipment for them both (yes sometimes this includes Literal Graverobbing), arranging meetings with potential clients, and finding out any recent developments in pacworld (never hurts to keep informed!).
is really fucking cowardly and tends to bend towards dr. pacenstein's will, especially where gwen is concerned. he is Far Too Willing to throw her under the bus if it means getting his great+ uncle's approval.
much like his great-uncle (and much like most of his contemporaries tbh), he believes that his intelligence is far superior to most people’s and that others should be grateful to bask in his presence. unlike his great-uncle (and most of his contemporaries), however, he also knows that this isn’t a stance that endears him to others, so he usually shuts up abt it.
he doesn't express anger in the traditional sense. like he won’t yell (most of the time), get physically violent (again most of the time), or even directly tell someone he’s angry. instead, he chooses to express anger by doing this…passive-aggressive, just downright weird shit whenever he's mad abt something. like "accidentally" locking someone in a room/out of the house, hiding things (usually sentimental possessions or necessary items like keys), turning off the heating/air conditioner with no warning, etc..
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