#that is one lorge 12 year old
yes-perwallstedt · 8 months
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Not Jonas Wallstedt dropping a childhood picture of Jesper in the comments of an Iowa Wild twitter post 😂
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kosmic-songbird · 2 years
Once I started writing this it basically turned into a journal entry of me working out the twisted mythology of my family so be warned. I guess I need a tag for that to cause this isn't necessarily #badbrain material. Maybe #spaghettithoughts? Cause its winding with no order or direction and immensely tangled. Idk. It'll do for now. Back to the post.
So, I made it through my trip back home. I actually had so much fun. The Bad Ghost™ only phased me a little but the other ghost was very sweet and hung out with me a lot. Walking along the ridgeline of the family pond, backstory underneath, really broke the depression cycle for a moment and made me feel alive again
(backstory: the pond is very large, 80ish acres and is spring fed. It has a spillway to keep the water circulated and it turns out to a waterfall that feeds our local creek. My great grandpa Otto originally dug it out by hand and once he was too old to manage upkeep it reverted back to a valley between ridges--spillways break, it had no circulation pipe. Everyone in my hometown calls this area The Valley. Florida is pretty flat so this area that is hilly and has Ridgelines is pretty rare. It's actually pretty cool cause the name for the creek and valley is the name of one of the Lower Muskogee chiefs that lived in that area. It's distinct from the Muscogee Nation in Oklahoma. Essentially our people were removed to over there, so that group still has a larger tribal presence than what was left over here. Like I've mentioned before, my native ancestry is not super high and I look white as all hell but, our culture is dying so I'll keep it alive in my private life and support other native tribes with native people that are actually oppressed, as well as learning my heritage, the language, keeping up my relationship with the Deer Woman or Eco Hoktē, etc. to keep it alive for me and my family. My papa ferrel, who is a problematic man but eh family is family I guess, made me promise to learn the language and teach it and while I am learning it, idk if I'll ever be able to teach it or if I'd even be a good person to do so. Like i said, I'm federally considered native American but I am blonde and blue-eyed and definitely a recipient of every privilege that brings. Anyways, back to the pond, my dad loved my great grandpa Otto so much, because my great grandparents pretty much loved him the moment my mom, their granddaughter, introduced him to them. My grandma Bill--her name was Wilma but Grandpa Otto lovingly called her this so we all did too--called my dad Sampson cause he's a big guy. I mean really lorge. 6'5" broad and 290. Yes, me and my brothers are giants. She also called him Stebens instead of Steven and tbh I miss her so much. I had her and my Great Grandma Dottie--Dorothy, but we love nicknames in this family-- until I was 12. Grandma Dottie and Grandma Bill actually lived across the road from each other for 40 years, and then they loved across the hall from each other in the same nursing home until they passed, literally 2 months apart from one another..
I think about that a lot actually. Their kids had married and had a nasty split but they remained so close. That's a beautiful kind of love. I'm circling back to the pond, promise. But yeah, my dad had been told about the pond by grandpa Otto and when I was very little decided that he would resurrect it. I was kind of a miracle baby? I, like, nearly killed my mom and should have died so many times over. My mom thought she had a miscarriage but when it was all said and done my heartbeat was still there, I was a month premature, and born deaf--i hear just fine now tho!--so at the time my mom had just, miraculously, given birth to my little brother. My grandpa Otto had passed right before and, since he had practically raised my mother while my papa ferrel was having his deadbeat dad era, my mom was suffering emotionally. She has taken care of him until he passed, even while pregnant. I mean she provided hospice nurse level care to him. She's problematic too but I love her and hope I can one day be as strong, selfless, and courageous as she is. Just minus the martyr syndrome. And my dad's dad, grandpa Gary, had passed a few years before I was born. Him and my dad loved to fish. Really loved it. But after grandpa Gary passed my dad just, he couldn't bring himself to do it anymore. So, seeing as he had a new son and little girl that literally was attached to his hip, he figured, maybe, he could try to fish again. And since my mom was grieving my grandpa Otto's death immensely the idea came to him to fix the pond. It would be a gift to her, giving her a small piece of grandpa Otto back, and a gift to himself by letting him have a place to do with us what he loved to do so much with his father, and a gift to us. He was determined to make the pond better than ever and sturdier. He wanted to give everyone something that would last. So he got his friend and neighbor that does heavy machinery, his friend that was a well driller, and anyone else he could find to help and designed the new layout. Now, the pond is fed from a branch upstream and the spring underneath. It has a pipe to circulate flow and a spillway to also facilitate flow and not bother the natural ecosystem since there originally was a branch there. They also dug out a road to it, tho it's precarious as hell and scary lol. They left trees standing so that the fish would have places to hide and bed... it was extremely well thought out and kind of amazing, honestly. Ik a lot of people don't have the kind of privilege I do to have access to something like this all to ourselves so like, be aware that's not lost on me. Once the water rose, it needed fish, so my dad taught 4 year old me how to fish by taking me to local ponds, the creek, the lake to catch fish and then release them into the pond. It's... it's some of my earliest memories actually. This backstory is getting long and out of hand, but the big take away is that our pond is one of the best places of my childhood and being there, after feeling isolated and lonely in a new state really did some good for my soul)
So, walking the overgrown Ridgeline of something I helped to build as a child, 20 years later, it fixed something broke in me. The friend I recently... Well, the sister I am estranged from, her father helped build that pond too. He was the well driller. He has since passed and make no mistake, he was a bad man. I think a lot of trauma stems from him and the fact she still hasn't grieved him, come to terms with who he was and that, maybe, she still loved him even in hate. I've had to do that with living family. My mom is strong but she pushed me to "Be the great woman God has made you to be. You were no accident, but a miracle, and I know you are capable of more than this." My dad has the biggest heart but he's narcissistic at times and he yelled. He was scary. He still does sometimes. And, tbh, the greatest healing for our relationship has been distance. He's always excited to see me and cherishes our time together now. So there's no criticism and yelling or arguing anymore. He just appreciates me as a strong woman he helped to raise. Same for mom. She understands now that her and dad and other things probably brought on my bipolar or, at the very least, made it worse. She gets that sometimes I don't have it in me to Be Great™. And so when I struggle now, she doesn't yell or guilt me, she listens and understands. It's... It's nice. It's nice to be able to wholly love my family again, despite their flaws. So maybe I'm too harsh on her, huh? She's a bad person, but so was her dad, and she didn't get to grow up and have him finally grow up and act better too, did she? But that's not an excuse, I suppose. Her father was beaten senselessly by her grandpa and thats how him and dad became close as brothers, he lived with him and my grandparents when his father was too violent to withstand. But her father was still a bad man. Serial cheater, literally ran drugs for the cartel (yes, mexico to Florida. how? I haven't the faintest clue) violent himself, addict, and probably more. My dad has cut him off too, right before he died. He has come to the house tweaking and my dad took him outside and said if he ever endangered his children that way again he would kill him and then they were estranged. He came over one last time the week before he died. It was the first time they spoke since and he apologized. He died the next week. My dad went to the pond by himself and came back so distraught that his eyes had swelled shut. I'll never forget that. But, when everything happened with her, I asked my dad if he would do it again. And he told me he would, without a second thought. His friend was endangering me and my little brothers; no matter how much he loves him he loves us more. And we all have a choice to be better. We all can be better. And so he told me not to fret too much. "She'll come around," he promised, "And even if something happened, because I know that's what you're actually asking, Avery, yeah you would regret it. I still do. But the regret could never outweigh the happiness you and your mom and your brothers have given me. I still miss him, but I'd do it again for you. Regret will not kill you, even if it hurts."
So I'm still hurting. I am. I'm still massively hurting. I'm fucking bleeding like cardiac wound, but I'd do it again. I was miserable. I was tired. I couldn't watch her sabotage herself over and over and over again. And when she told me that we weren't even close. That she was "just too broken to trust me, to be close to me" I lost it. I'd never felt more betrayed or worthless or just... Used. I would have done anything for her, and I did. I mustered the strength to let her know she was being a bitch, letting her borderline rule her life, and hurting me and others and herself. I removed myself from our attached hips with all the precision of a chainsaw in an army medics hands but I did it. I loved her enough to let her know what consequences are, even if it hurt me too. Even if I'm lonely and grieving and bleeding. I'm always fucking bleeding. I love people too much and too hard and it leaves me shattered and bleeding. Love breaks my bones. And I laugh. All that poetic nonsense that just can be summed up in a phrase.
I'm still bleeding.
But, when I sat on the ponds edge and watched the sun rise, I felt whole. The bleeding quelled, for a moment. I saw that even if my father had to go through pain and agony for his friendship with her dad, only for it to end, well, something beautiful still came out of it. And maybe, maybe I can find a way to turn this mess of blood into something beautiful too. So I'm going to get out of bed, even though I really wish I could stay in it forever and get dressed. I'm going to take care of the house I share with the love of my life and pet my dogs and cat. I'll water the orchids and apply for some jobs. I'll draw and I'll give an offering to my spirits. I'll think about how my boyfriend didn't like God of War that much the first time he played it, but when he played it for me (because I like game storylines but am terrifically bad at playing a lot of games) he watched the way I laughed, the way I gasped, and the way I cried so many times and he found a love for the game. Because of a love for me. I'm going to hold on to the way love weaves itself in the oddest of places. In a game, in a pond, in my heart. Kratos said to be better, and I will.
Ik no one will read this and that's okay. It's... It's easier to journal when it feels like I'm telling someone a story. Or explaining something. Or even just having a conversation. It makes it bearable. Thanks for listening.
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riverfetus · 3 years
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I posted 7,023 times in 2021
108 posts created (2%)
6915 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 64.0 posts.
I added 234 tags in 2021
#favorite - 55 posts
#gmm - 24 posts
#rhett and link - 23 posts
#good mythical morning - 22 posts
#link neal - 21 posts
#rhett mclaughlin - 20 posts
#self - 19 posts
#fic - 18 posts
#fanfic - 17 posts
#randl - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 108 characters
#i am smol peter is lorge even though he isnt much of a fighter he could definitely knock me out with a punch
My Top Posts in 2021
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24 notes • Posted 2021-01-19 01:15:54 GMT
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I got a randler ♡
25 notes • Posted 2021-02-27 22:07:41 GMT
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Our favorite siblings at it again
25 notes • Posted 2021-12-26 01:58:30 GMT
So I finally finished listening to the last half of Link's spiritual deconstruction and wow, can we talk about
The fact that both Rhett and Link described the act of praying together as "more intimate than sex" and something they didn't even do with their wives, yet they did with each other
How Link thought Christy was seeing Rhett as a threat to the very foundation of her marriage with Link
Link bringing up the topic of LGBT discrimination in the church quite a bit, how its something he and Rhett had struggled with for a long time because they both knew this didn't correlate with their own beliefs, and then later on meeting Stevie and her partner and the love they have for them and that relationship only strengthening their courage to stand up for the community
31 notes • Posted 2021-01-12 11:40:22 GMT
Hello friends! Below the cut is a list of fic recommendations from both AO3 and tumblr. If you have a suggestion to add to the list, message me! 
You can also find my fics on my AO3 account right here. 
Without further ado, let’s get to it. 
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Milestones by concavepatterns - explicit, complete, 14231 words.  “Do you ever wonder if we’re missing something that everyone else is seeing?”
coke and peanuts by ficfucker - rabbit lightning!au, explicit, complete, 2982 words.  if redd wants to "go at it like rabbits" who is lohn to deny him that?
Operation Clandestin by ponytales (vanderloo) - mature, complete, 211773 words.�� Link Neal is transferred from his low profile human intelligence agency to Los Angeles, home to one of the most respected and dangerous agencies in the United States. This is where he meets his handler; a mysterious and alluring man who goes by "H". Link soon realizes not all is what it seems, and his relationship with H might just be in the center of it all.
Color Me by Mythicalinky (RENielsen) - mature, complete, 9084 words. All the tales say this: Whatever hurt you, be it sickness, heartache, or pain, will bloom on the skin of your soulmate. A way to counteract the bad with something beautiful. For most this is all well and fine. Your soulmate will fall and bruise a knee, and a flower will turn up on your skin. It’s pretty, it’s fun, it’s a way to be connected even when you’re far away from each other. Rhett has been covered head to toe in flowers since he was six years old. He hates them more than anything; they’re a constant reminder that he still hasn’t found and saved his soulmate from whatever is hurting them. The one where two broken boys find each other.
The Inmate by good_mythical_miles - explicit, complete, 2984 words.  Rhett and Link drifted apart during college. Rhett became a Correctional Officer. Link fell in with the wrong crowd.
Attachment by goodbothtimes - explicit, complete, 3200 words.  Link sends Rhett an audio attachment. 
Getting Comfortable by serpentjester - Seaborne and Roach!au, explicit, complete, 1292 words. Seaborne and Roach wait for a suspect to rollerblade by. They pass the time. In retrospect, the El Camino is not a very good place for fucking.
The Far Shore by Isra - mature, complete, 88994 words. (there is no description posted with this story, but it is a long slow burny high school fic)
Let’s Make the Stars Blush by lovelyrhink (crimsonwinter) - Seaborne and Roach!au, explicit, complete, 6369 words. His partner is an innocuous doofus of a stargazer, but as of the last few weeks, Seaborne’s thoughts are anything but innocent.
The Good Guys by orphan_account - Seaborne and Roach!au, explicit, complete, 4231 words. Seaborne and Roach have been on a stakeout for a few hours when Roach starts getting a bit… restless.
Terra Nova by pinecontents - not rated, complete, 35556 words. Rhett spent his entire life working towards a single goal: crossing dimensions to work on an untouched Earth in a parallel universe. When he gets there, though, he finds that the most fascinating thing about it isn't the pristine wilderness or the exotic animal life--it's one of the guys who works there.
Wild Horses by lallyloo - explicit, complete, 46175 words. After his first year of college, Link is back home for the summer and his mom sends him to work at his grandparent’s farm. While there he meets the new farmhand and everything he thought about his life is soon turned upside down.
Link Neal... CUM ON DOWN! by Criminalmind1927 - explicit, complete, 4502 words. Rhett McLaughlin, the charming host of “Guess That Price!” is instantly smitten with today’s seemingly unlucky contestant, Link Neal. But will Rhett drum up the courage to make something happen with the inauspicious man or will BOTH men go home with nothing?
No Such Thing by Apparentlynotreallyfinnish - explicit, complete, 10208 words.   A 17-year-old Link gets a text message from an unknown number. The wrong number turns into a burgeoning friendship. As the years go by, both of the boys have to face their feelings for each other.
If the Creek Don’t Rise by cerealbaths (timelordangel) - Rabbit Lightning!au, teen and up, completed, 1111 words. Somewhere in Tennessee, 2004. Redd's always moving on, Lohn's always wishing they could stay put for a while. 
Stuck with Me Now by rhettjmc - mature, complete, 3700 words. In which Rhett is a Mandalorian who finally captures Link Neal, the notorious smuggler.
‘tis the damn season by rhettjmc - explicit, complete, 3432 words. After Link left Rhett over ten years ago, they still hook up every time Link comes home for the holidays - consequences be damned.
Neighbors by lovelyrhink (crimsonwinter) - OT4!au, explicit, complete, 2300 words. “We need to talk about this.” “I thought we were.”
Nightswimming by lallyloo - teen and up, complete, 1967 words. Rhett kissed him once when they were teenagers and they never talked about it again. Now Link wants to talk about it.
Stripped by LikeASwitchInHeat - explicit, complete, 2665 words. Let me see you stripped down to the bone -Depeche Mode. “Stripped”.
Dental Dang by LikeASwitchInHeat - explicit, complete, 3408 words. Link had been mildly devastated when Rhett had threatened to probe his mouth while filming, and then crushingly allowed Link to call his bluff. He ‘didn’t want to hurt him’. The disappointment had been plain on his face. After the fact, Rhett had apologized for his squeamishness, and promised to make it up to him. So far, he was doing a hell of a job.
A Stand-in for Starlight by LikeASwitchInHeat - explicit, complete, 3354 words. no description for this one but it’s adorable sex in a cave during a camping trip. 
Try Me by LikeASwitchInHeat - explicit, complete, 2804 words. Rhett takes a moment for himself during a family trip that he and Link are taking with his parents the summer before they begin college - reflecting on his feelings about his future-roommate, and what he would like to do about them.
Get A Grip by LikeASwitchInHeat - explicit, complete, 3232 words. no description for this one, it’s basically Rhett fantasizing about having rough choke-y sex with Link it’s great 
2 am and I Want You by captainsourwolf - mature, complete, 2822 words. The rum sitting in his cabinet when he gets home from his honeymoon doesn’t go down as smoothly as he’d hoped it would. In fact, it burns the entire way down his throat and settles heavy and warm in his belly as he climbs into the tub and sprawls out, arms and legs hanging loose over the sides. At least the porcelain underneath him is cool to the touch.
Of Pricks and Pining by holdbythenotsharp - explicit, complete, 15954 words.  Maybe helping each other let out some steam is something they could do sometimes. It doesn’t have to be weird or nothing.
See the full post
102 notes • Posted 2021-02-05 22:13:12 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
Anjali: Jinana’s Familiar
Got hold of this meme and decided to just fill it out in a post of my own instead of going for ask prompts or cluttering up the rebagel train...
General Questions
1. What is their name, pronouns, and species?
Anjali - she/her - Sand Lynx (Catclaw Desert variety)
2. Describe their appearance!
Anjali is large even for a sand lynx, over two feet high at the shoulder and weighing well over 60 pounds. Like all of her kind, she has a pale coat with faint lilac-grey spotting that helps her blend into the gypsum sands of the Catclaw Desert. The color shades into a darker lilac-grey around her lower legs and paws, the end of her tufted tail, and her ears. She has long black ear-tufts and dark markings on her face and muzzle. Her nose and paw pads are black, and her eyes are a pale blue with rounded pupils.
3. What is their personality like? How are they around strangers vs. people they know?
Anjali is suspicious of strangers, and will place her own body between them and Jinana, hissing quietly if they get too close for her comfort. (Like a caracal, she will hiss at anything she dislikes the tiniest bit.) With people she knows, she is a shameless beggar for food and attention. With people she adores, she acts like a daft kitten, despite being the size of a large dog, and will throw herself to the ground and roll around at their feet (’social rolling’).
4. What are their magical abilities?
Once per day, Anjali can use an ability that functions as a Jump spell for one round. This triples her already-impressive jumping ability for a single bound that can cross 75+ feet of horizontal distance, or 36 feet vertically. Imagine this creature just... appearing on the roof of a three-story building... terrifying.
5. What’s their goofiest quirk?
Anjali is fully capable of using a doorknob, standing up on her back legs and using her paw pads to get traction. The quirk, however, is that she always closes the door behind her. 😆
6. What snack will always get their attention?
Cheese. She adores any kind of cheese, but the stinkier the better. She won’t (intentionally) knock you over to get the cheese in your hand... but almost.
7. Do they have a pet peeve? (pun intended)
Anjali does not like to have her ear tufts played with... but it’s so hard to resist...
8. What’s their most special skill?
Sand Lynxes are known for their jumping ability, and Anjali is no exception. She can leap up to 12 feet vertically (an ability shared by real-life caracals and lynxes) and catch birds on the wing.
9. How energetic are they?
Like most felines, Anjali spends a lot of time sleeping. But when she is awake, she is a ball of energy and needs some time each day playing, running, and jumping. 
10. Do they enjoy attention or are they more of a loner?
Anjali loves attention and will actively demand it if she feels she isn’t getting enough. She will bump with her head, smack with her tail, pat a person with one of her paws or even lightly chomp a limb to get attention.
11. What’s their level of mischief like?
Relatively high. She is endlessly curious and forever poking into things to investigate them. Like all cats, she enjoys knocking things over and getting into high places.
12. What’s their favorite way to let off steam?
She actually loves to play fetch! She also loves to try and catch an airborne toy in mid-air (but it has to be thrown like... really high), and to play tag.
13. What were they like as a baby? Did your OC know them back then?
Originally, Jinana discovered Anjali as a lost, hungry kitten at an oasis in the Catclaw Desert, not terribly far from Nopal. S/he hand-reared the sand lynx, who bonded with hir over time. Anjali was pretty much like any other kitten, except larger!
14. What song would you use to describe them?
"Jump” by Van Halen 🤣🤣🤣
15. 3 emojis that sum them up?
16. Most likely to…?
Shove herself into bed between Jinana and anyone else who might be there, where she will then sleep belly-up with her legs in the air.
17. What’s the most unique thing about them/makes them stand out?
Anjali is capable of running small errands at the Market, wearing a set of saddlebags with a pocket for coin and a note from Jinana. The merchants aren’t sure if she can count... but they’re not about try and cheat her! (Don’t send her to pick up meat or cheese though... most of it won’t make it home...)
OC Relationship Questions
18. How did they meet your OC?
Having lost or become separated from her mother and littermates, Anjali was discovered at an oasis in the Catclaw Desert, starving. Jinana coaxed her into eating and drinking, bringing her back to Vesuvia with hir and raising her to adulthood, magically bonding with her in the process.
19. What is their relationship with your OC like?
Anjali adores and is very protective of Jinana. She would go everywhere with hir if allowed to... so long as it isn’t raining. ;P All the same, she can be kind of judgmental (like all cats) and has strong Opinions on things.
20. If your OC lost their memories, do/did they remember their familiar? If no, do they now and how did the reunion go?
In the Apprentice continuity, Jinana did not recall Anjali, nor vice-versa. Because of the way that mage and familiar are bound, bringing Jinana back to life brought Anjali back as well, her spirit arriving in the body of a newborn kitten. (Asra suspected but could not confirm this.) She is three years old and has had litters of her own by the time that Jinana finds her again. In the interim, they regularly dream of each other, but neither of them know why until Jinana gains the knowledge of hir own death and resurrection.
21. How do they feel about other people in your OC’s life?
Anjali likes Asra, but was slightly jealous of him in Jinana’s previous life. She adores Heron. She likes Julian because Jinana likes him, but also enjoys making him nervous. (“I think she wants to eat my face.”) Portia’s delight in meeting a cat so large charms Anjali in turn. Inanna, being one of the few familiars around that is larger than Anjali herself, gets particular respect.
22. What’s your OC’s favorite thing about them?
EAR TUFTS GO FWIP FWIP FWIP (only Jinana is allowed to play with them!)
Also Anjali will sit up on her back legs and ‘dance’ with Jinana when s/he is practicing, it’s adorable.
23. What’s their favorite thing about your OC?
HUMAN NAILS (they give scritches)
24. What’s one thing they do for your OC that no one else can?
Anjali can sense when Jinana is feeling disconnected or having intrusive thoughts, and will come and sit with/on hir or even just flop on hir to squish hir soul back into hir body, so to speak.
25. How often are they with your OC?
More or less constantly, outside of times she is sent on an errand, or stays at home because a) it’s raining or b) Jinana is going somewhere that a 60+ pound cat-thing is probably not welcome.
26. How easy is it for them to get away with things with your OC? Vice versa?
In non-Apprentice timelines, Anjali sees Jinana as a parent figure, and while she might have Opinions, she generally defers to hir and doesn’t act out much. 
In the Apprentice timeline, however, having raised two litters in the wild, Anjali sees Jinana as her charge, and won’t let hir get away with things like not eating or resting enough. It’s going to take some time to re-establish a balance in their relationship.
27. Which Disney character-animal sidekick duo is their relationship most like?
...I don’t have enough background in Disney to be able to pick one. Open to suggestions, though!
Creator Questions
28. What was your inspiration for this familiar?
Real-life caracals and lynxes, but bigger and adapted for true desert life. Sort of a Big Floppa of the desert. 😂
29. Why did you choose them for your OC?
I considered a bug familiar, which would have been on-brand, but it’s also very on-brand for Jinana to have rescued this ‘poor kitten’ which grows up to be a big horrible sand lynx that follows hir everywhere.
Heron: “Jinana, that is a sand lynx. It’s going to get almost as big as you are.” (Jinana did not care.)
30. What’s your favorite trait or bit of lore pertaining to them?
Anjali has a strong maternal instinct and will attempt to raise any small animal that comes into the household... including Julian’s wrinkly little puppy. He probably freaks out the first time he sees her carrying the puppy in her mouth (having just rescued the critter from its own curiosity).
31. If you were to meet this familiar irl, how would you react?
By herself? Terrified lmao
In the company of her person? Fascinated and dying to peT THE LORGE KITTY
32. What would your familiar be? Why?
A housecat. Because that’s just how it be. 😸
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idk-my-aesthetic · 4 years
Ask Game
Tagged by: @teetletottle  !!! ty for the tag!! 
Instructions: tag 10 followers you wanna get to know better :)
Name: Blue! or Pluto! i go by both :) 
Gender: pangender nb? i thinks? gender is hard..... i go by any pronouns tho! 
Star sign: capricorn? im born jan 10 2003. tho i’ve been told im not very capricorn like and that im probably like my moon sign but idk enough about astrology to tell.... 
Height: 5′ 5′’ i think?? i don’t pay too much attention to my hight... on a related note even though i’m average hight i have a very lorge build and can lift over 300 lbs,,,,,, my little sisters climb on me like i’m a jungle gym and i just have to be like ‘this is fine’ 
Sexuality: aro/ace spec pan!! which is almost counterintuitive?? it’s like,,,, i only sometimes feel attraction but when i do gender has no effect on it.... 
Hogwarts house: proud Hufflepuff!!! i got a hat + scarf for hannukah! 
potato (my sister) wants y’all to know that she is also a Hufflepuff, and has a Hufflepuff button she loves,  and that our little sister is a Gryffindor. 
Favourite animal: oh g-d don’t make me choose!!! 
i actually ADORE all animals so much!!! even gross ones!!! like bugs are so interesting?? and fish are so pretty!! and snakes are just babies!!! agh i really can’t choose even though those are all such broad groups.... literally you could mention just about any animal to me and i could give you some random facts about them!!! (pls do tbh come into my inbox i will give u facts) 
though i know the most about cats so i guess they are my favorite?? 
Average hours of sleep: hmmmm. ok so i have like Bad adhd insomnia, but!! i’m trying real hard to take care of myself. so if i have school its about 6 hrs?? which isn’t enough but ehhh.... since we’ve been home i’ve been sleeping 8-10 hrs. 
(which if you didn’t know teenagers are supposed to sleep 10-12 bc our brains are still rapidly develping!! pls sleep more if you get the chance y’all take care of urselves ily!! ) 
Current time: 12:25! 
Dogs or cats: like i said before i love all animals, including dogs!! i adore puppies!! but i do prefer cats!! there just such babies and i hyperfix on them enough that i know alot about cat body language. anytime w/ go over someone’s house and they have a cat i befreind it. they’re usually very supprised.... 
i can’t have any pets rn, but when i’m an adult i want like 3 cats!! 
Blankets you sleep with: ok call out time for me.... i sleep w/ like. a comforter, a fluffy blanket, and a weighted blanket. and So Many pillows i don’t actually know how many of them i have. alot of them tend to end up on the floor. most are like random old full soze ones noone else wants, but a bunch are like throw pillows that came w/ my bed spread like 6 years ago XD 
i think it’s an adhd thing but i just like to.... nest ig?? is the best word?? i like pillows ok?? i don’t sleep on my bed like a normal person. 
Dream trip: go back to italy probably! i have alot of family there, so we’ve been a few times to see them. which definatly helps cut down costs lmao, we don’t have to pay for like hotels or anyting and ig it’s an italin thing to fight over who pays for food?? 
Dream job: ok,,,, rn i really wanna get like,,,, super rich so that i can donate alot of money to charity and shit. we’ll see how that works out but im trying
anyway, if we lived in like an actual functional world, i’d probably wanna be a stay at home writer/ parent. and by probably i mean definitely,,,, i’m already kinda doing that and raising my sisters, and i want to adopt alot of kids, so being able to do that would make me really really happy 
When I made my blog: middle school? it’s been a pretty long time actually, and i’ve stuck w/ the same one for the whole time i’ve been here so i don’t rememeber exactly 
Followers: 172! hi y’all!! ily!! 
Why I made a tumblr: i don’t rememeberrrrrr :( but i know why i stay here!! bc i have alot of lovly freinds and theres alot of lovly people here!! 
Reason for my URL: when i first made my acct my username was actually idkkkkkkkkkkk10 (it’s suposed to have 10 ks hope thats the right amount lol) bc i.... literally didn’t know what to make my url. eventually i switched it bc obviously it’s sort of ridiculous, but i wanted to keep the idk theme! so, idk-my-aesthetic! 
on a semi related note, my header is ‘i like hugs’ bc for a while when i wasen’t in a great place it was ‘i need a hug’ but i’ve been doing better for a while, and changing it to something more positive was very meaningful to me 
People I’d love to get to know: if anyone I didn’t tag wants to do this consider this an @ from me!! 
@manic-pixie-nightmare-enby  @feydrian @maeofthedead @non-binarypal7 @trappedinamethaphor @huffiewalkingonsunshine
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ranking my cats from best to worse because I’m bored
yes I do play favorites.
1. Seal
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- Is old as fuck (12-13 y/o).
- Found her like 10 years ago because she was eating out of our trash.  Came with a companion who has since passed away (R.I.P Shy :( )
- Never bites unless she’s in pain or you touch her belly a lot.  She gives plenty of warning if she’s going to bite as well so if you get bitten it’s basically your fault.
- Lorge and in chorge.
- Very quiet, really only meows once or twice if she needs something.
- Gets along with Piggy.  Indifferent to Cathy.
- Loves to be cuddled.  Maybe too much honestly. 
- Loves to be kissed.  Will demand hundreds of kisses at a time.  I don’t know why but it’s very cute.
- Steals my fucking seat on the couch all the fucking time like seriously I have to fight her for it every time.  Also taught Piggy to steal my seat.
- Sometimes eats out of the trash.  Also taught Piggy to eat out of the trash.
- Throws a tantrum if I won’t let her into my room to sleep on my bed.
- Throws a tantrum if you keep her inside for too long. 
- Never goes on the dining room table (or any table really).
- If she hears you crying she will come running across the house to cuddle with you.
- Learned to use a litterbox despite being outside all her life.
- Generally a pleasure to be around.
2. Piggy
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- Is little baby (a year+a few months old).
- Found her like a year ago under a shed behind a dumpster at my college.  Came with 2 siblings (Inky and Midnight).  Midnight disappeared before we could catch her but Inky was taken in by another student and is thriving.
- Bites you for literally no reason.  Like you bend down to pet her and she just fucking chomps you.  It doesn’t hurt that bad though and it’s just because she wants to play but damn.
- Small and very scared.
- Will scream for no reason.
- Gets along with Seal but is terrified of Cathy.
- Wants to be held sometimes but if you hold her when she doesn’t want it she will bite and scratch and scream like she’s being murdered.
- Is indifferent about being kissed.
- Learned from Seal to steal my seat as well but she weighs less so she’s easier to move.
- Learned from Seal to eat trash but doesn’t respond to being told no so you have to drag her out of the trash every time.
- Sneaks into my room and gets lost in there and worries me because I don’t want her to get hurt.
- If you take her outside she gets very scared and goes back in.
- If you leave glasses of water on the table she will try to drink out of them and she will dump them on the floor.
- Is afraid of of crying.  She fears the tears.  If you hold her while you’re crying she’ll bite you.
- Pees outside her litterbox for some reason???
- Generally a nuisance.
3. Cathy.
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- She’s like 3 y/o??? Vets are unsure.
- Found her a few months ago in a neighbor’s yard by herself.  We were supposed to give her to the SPCA that day but ~surprise!~ they aren’t taking cats right now.  No one else wanted her so now she lived in a big multi-level cage in our basement.
- Bites you unprompted and hard.  Has drawn blood.
- Big and terrified.  Not a good combo.
- Mostly quiet but will cry if she needs her litterbox cleaned.  Also makes scary rumbling noises when you pick her up.
- Attacks both of the other cats unprompted.
- Will cuddle if you pick her up but prefers to be left alone.
- I have not tried to kiss her because I am afraid.
- Isn’t allowed upstairs but would probably take my seat if she was.
- Hasn’t shown interest in trash but will eat the other cats’ food if you let her.
- Doesn’t really have an interest in my room.
- Came from outside but doesn’t really want to go back.  She’ll stick her head out the door but if you take her out on a leash she just wants to go back inside.  I think she’s afraid we’re going to leave her out there.
- Legs are too weak to jump up on the table but she doesn’t really want to anyway.
- I don’t dare show weakness around her.
- Is very good about using her littlebox but will fear poop every time you take her to the vet.  Her poop also smells really fucking bad. Every time she poops our whole basement become inhospitable for like 10 minutes.
- Generally I fear her.
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wolfie180g · 5 years
Ramble on, sing my song
So our family has lost two dear members in the last month. My uncle and my brother in law. Two weeks apart, both from cancer. They’d been fighting for years but it spread like wildfire and it happened very quickly. Our family was in shock for awhile and only now we’re starting to heal, but it’ll never quite be the same. I wont get into details much, because It’s very personal to me. And I will cry at the drop of a hat if I think about it longer than two seconds.
I had to find something to keep me going, so I adopted another cat. Her name is Dean and she’s less than a year old I’m guessing. she was a stray surrendered to the animal shelter where she’d been fixed and housed til I adopted her last thursday. Dean’s been fitting in nicely with my other three cats, Danny(M 12), Castiel( M 6) and Sammy (F 4). Danny and Sammy were kitten strays I found while Cas was from the shelter, about 14 months old when I got him. Cas is the one that surprisingly has the biggest problem with her invading his house. hissing and stalking her around. Surprising in that, he’s my shy boi. He may be lorge but he was always timid and scared of everything. Danny doesn’t gaf, he’s seen Chewy (now deceased rabbit) Cas and Sammy come home and gotten over the whole ‘new pet smell’ ages ago. I bet I could bring home a llama and he’d be like, ‘better not steal my bed’. Sammy was next to warm up to little Dean. I think it’s that maternal instinct in her, even though Sammy’s only 4 yrs old, she and Danny had been carrying around a stuffed toy like it’s their child. I had the feeling like they were the ones that wanted a kitten to take care of an I was right! after the initial, “who is this?“ they’re ok with her now. Dean doesn’t fight them whatsoever. they hiss, she backs off. she doesnt even hiss back, she’s mellow as hell. I spent hours at the shelter looking at the 50+ cats and how they interacted and knew that she was the one.
ANYWAY tangent much? Ok, so I just wanted to update y’all why I’ve been a bit distant. Lots of crap happened in a short amount of time and I’m healing my own way. (Don’t worry, I have enough funds to take care of another cat. This idea of getting another cat was long in the works. I just needed that little push to go for it. and she is helping me with my depression. to focus on something else. this wasn’t a rash decision. I take care of every single animal that enters my house for the duration of their long lives. Making them as comfortable and loved as much as possible. they are my babies)
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sing-sang-jisungie · 5 years
50 questions tag!
I was tagged by @justasimplefangirl so uhhhhh let’s get it
1. What takes up most of your time
Probably rowing! I row 5 times a week for about 3 hours so I’m very busy
2. What makes your day better?
My friends!
3. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you today?
I ate some really good chips omg
4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
5. Are you good at giving advice.
I’m the squad psychologist so I hope so
6. Do you have any mental illness?
Yep! ADHD!
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis
Yes and it’s rlly scary
8. What musician inspired you most?
Sara Bareilles!
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
I don’t think so! But damn my best friend is really great
10. What’s your dream date?
Take me to anywhere I can run around. I can’t stand sitting still for long omg
11. What do other people notice about you?
My really loud voice or my long af legs lmao
12. What is your most annoying habit?
I talk so much about dumb things and all my teachers say I’m distracted haha
13. Do you still talk to your first love
He lives in Grahamstown and is a racist so no
14. How many exes do you have?
Only 1
15. How many songs are on your playlist?
My everyday playlist? 326 songs and it’s 18 hours and 46 minutes long
16. What instruments can you play?
A lil bit of guitar, the kazoo and shitty flute whoop
17. Who do you have the most pictures of?
My cursed images and jaemin
18. Where’d you like to go before you die?
The Philippines and my cult :,)
19. What’s your zodiac!
Problematic scorpio
20. Do you relate to it?
Too much
21. What is happiness to you?
Just seeing my friends happy and living in the moment
22. Are you going through anything right now?
My sister moved to korea a few weeks back and I’m still a bit sad about it. It’s good to cry though
23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
Deciding to climb out my friends window. Yeah, I fell (don’t worry it wasn’t very high)
24. What’s your favorite store?
25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
I think it’s a really important thing and that women should have a choice on whether they want to or not
26. Do you have a bucket list?
27. Do you have a favorite album at the moment?
Not really. I’ve been playing the new red velvet Japanese album on heavy rotation lately, and the superhuman ep is really good
28. What do you want for your birthday?
I would like a new phone purely because my phone’s battery life is less than ideal and maybe a light stick
29. What are most people’s first impressions of you?
Idk, maybe intimidating? I’m a very lorge person so maybe
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
I’ve been told I look 18 and I’ve been allowed into a bar(not that I went in, I was just picking up my sister)
31. Where do you keep your phone while sleeping?
On my bedside table
32. What word do you say a lot
Shite, frack, darn, yeehaw
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
Currently? 19/20
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
35. What career do most people say suits you?
Performance based mostly. Like music and stand up
36. What’s your favorite genre of music?
Kpop, Jpop, Cpop, indie and alternative
37. If you could live in any country, where would you live?
Japan or Canada ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
38. What is your current favorite song
Sayonara by Red Velvet, Astro’s Starry Sky, Love song by Sara Bareilles and Odd Future by Amalee
39. How long have you had this blog for?
This blog is one year old in a few weeks I think? I can’t remember the start date
40. What are you excited for?
nct dream comeback, red velvet comeback, play rehearsals and the long row!
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
42. What is the last productive thing you did
I rowed this morning
43. What do you want for Christmas?
Kpop merch and cosplay wigs
44. What classes do you get the best grades in?
Drama, I.T., English and Gym
45. On a scale of 1-10 how are you feeling?
A solid 8 today
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years?
Either rowing at a national level or theater ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
47. When did you have your first heartbreak?
When I found out my crush was gay lmaooo
48. At what age do you want to get married
25? Idk man
49. What career did you want to have as a kid?
I wanted to be a dancer, still lowkey do
50. What do you crave right now?
An iced vanilla latte owo
I’ll tag
@jising-jisang-jisung @ji-dropthatsingsangsung and really whoever wants to do this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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reelybadfnafocs · 7 years
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Dont espect a cool oc cuz im jusT 12 (You shouldn’t be on tumblr ; o) Name: Archi (yes i know about the name rule but i just cant think of a good one so this one is just temporary) (I can suggest a couple. Penn, Pan, anythingl like that would be p cute) Species: Animatronic Panther Gender: designed to be male Color: Black/Dark Blue (i cant decide if black or dark blue) (Dark blue sounds like a better choice! It is less bland while still translating very well into black due to contrast!) Size: Animatronic sized (7'1 ft ) (Lorg boy, appropriate height) Eye color: Orange and Green (Like, both colors in the eye? Or different eye colors? I personally think orange is a better choice, due to how it looks with dark blue!) [Cant think of an occupation/role yet] Behaviour: At day time he acts like any other animatronics, roaming around, at night time he shuts down completly so he doesn’t make any trouble roaming around. (Alright, a normal animatronic. ) Backstory: After 6 years of use most of the people were getting bored of Archi and some other animatronics. The establisment was getting low on profit as new animatronics came. Archi was sometimes breaking from the old parts. The manager dedided that Archi should be shutted down and used for spare parts since not many people were likeing him anymore. (That’s pretty ok. Your run of the mill failed enterprise) Additional info:   -he is not from Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria  -this is his only version
This is a good start : >
-Mod Moth
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therothwoman · 7 years
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All this time on Tumblr and I don't think I've ever posted proper photo showcases of our Current Crop of Cattens? Lemme fix that. Left: Momo. F, 4-5-ish, a Lorge. Literally just followed my mom home one day and our Major Territorial Kitty at the time (the late Chloe) was getting too old to muster the energy to Destroy Invaders, so we kept her. Contrary to popular belief, she was not named after the lemur from Avatar, but instead after these Tibetan dumplings that my dad is rather fond of. She has since grown into her name. Right: Boots. M, 12-ish, a Floof. Boots was part of a feral litter of four that lived in our backyard not long after we moved to Brooklyn. He became the friendliest, but was iffy about actually coming inside. My parents built a cat door into one of our basement windows so that he and his cohorts could at least come into a warm dry space should they want to. A few years ago, around the same time that Momo's introduction proved that Chloe was aging out of her Guard Kitty years, we had a nastier winter and actually succeeded in bringing Boots in full-time. These days he likes to spend an hour or two outside every day, but tends to come back inside after butting heads with Dexter the Local Asshole Cat.
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jazzworldquest-blog · 7 years
USA: Lauren Kinhan November 8th 8pm Red Room @ Café 939 Boston, MA
Lauren Kinhan Pays Tribute to Legendary Vocalist Nancy Wilson in Transformative Fashion on the First All-Standards Album of her Career  
CD Release Concerts: November 8, 2017 8pm Red Room @ Café 939 WBGO Live Stream Boston, MA Tickets & Info January 3, 2018  JEN Convention – Inspiration Stage – Dallas, TX January 11, 2018  Sheen Center of the Performing Arts, 7 pm Pre Show Talk with Elliot Scheiner and recorded band, and the showing of the “Making Of A Sleepin’ Bee” mini movie, 8 pm Concert, NY, NY 
CD Available From: CDBaby iTunes Amazon Autographed copies available at:  www.laurenkinhan.com  
A Sleepin’ Bee uses Wilson’s iconic collaborations with Cannonball Adderley and George Shearing as the starting point for a unique take on the tribute album  
“Every single song in this collection hits a sweet spot of a different sort, but the most pleasing aspect of the recording is how it uncovers the stripped-down, soulful side of Kinhan's voice.” – Dan Bilawsky, All About Jazz  
“Echoes of the artist in her own voice, that’s what so lovingly resounds in the voice of Lauren Kinhan on A Sleepin’ Bee, her tribute to Nancy Wilson.” – Michael Bourne, WBGO  
“Her approach to the material is anything but conventional; with her big, flexible voice, Kinhan brings the passion of a soul singer to the improvisatory reach of a jazz diva.” – Suzanne Lorge, New York City Jazz Record  
"Her luscious, velvet voice is a good place to rest your weary head." – Ken Blanchard, Jazznote SD "A vocal tour de force" – Jazz Journal, Sally Evans-Darby
“Lauren Kinhan is a tremendously gifted jazz singer.” – Christopher Loudon, JazzTimes 
Whether on her own highly-acclaimed albums, as a 25-year member of the beloved vocal group New York Voices, or as co-founder of two diverse and inventive supergroups, Moss and JaLaLa, singer/songwriter Lauren Kinhan has always forged her own path as a performer, composer and improviser. With her latest, A Sleepin’ Bee (due out October 6 on her own Dotted i Records), Kinhan once again steers herself in unexpected directions with a new release that is at once the first all-standards collection of her career, a loving tribute to legendary vocalist Nancy Wilson, and unmistakably a Lauren Kinhan album – with all the unique perspective and idiosyncratic personality that has come to imply.  
If the sudden appearance of an album’s worth of standards in a catalogue dominated by original songs comes as a surprise, the process of its creation is just as atypical. While Kinhan spent much of 2016 conceiving, rehearsing and workshopping the project, the circumstances of the recording arose suddenly through the auspices of her alma mater, Berklee College of Music. The session suddenly became an educational opportunity as well as a record date, providing a small group of Berklee students the invaluable privilege of observing and engaging in a recording session at the highest level.  
First and foremost, though, A Sleepin’ Bee is a celebration of Nancy Wilson on the occasion of the genre- hopping singer’s 80th birthday. While Kinhan shares Wilson’s penchant for blurring stylistic boundaries, her choice of material focuses on Wilson’s early jazz albums, particularly her collaborations with Cannonball Adderley and George Shearing. Those recordings proved to be a jumping-off point for Kinhan, who utterly transforms these classic and obscure numbers with the help of pianist/creative partner Andy Ezrin and veteran producer Elliot Scheiner as well as a stellar band featuring bassist Matt Penman, drummer Jared Schonig and special guest trumpeter Ingrid Jensen.  
With three brilliant albums of her own songs under her belt, not to mention her game-changing work with three distinctive vocal groups and wide-ranging collaborations with singular artists from Ornette Coleman to Bobby McFerrin, Kinhan decided it was finally time to create an album more in line with the jazz tradition of interpreting
a book of standards. Of course, Kinhan has never been one to follow an obvious route, so the results quickly became something wholly her own. “I approached this project similarly to the way I write songs, except that in this case that creativity was expressed in the arranging and approach to the lyrics,” she explains. “I wanted to make an album that was inspired by Nancy Wilson but still conveys my point of view in the way that I think about, interpret and reimagine music.”  
The starting point for the project quickly became Nancy Wilson/Cannonball Adderley, the 1961 album on which the 24-year-old singer was backed by Adderley’s incredible quintet with his brother Nat, pianist Joe Zawinul, bassist Sam Jones and drummer Louis Hayes. Kinhan had fallen in love with the album as a young girl searching through her parents’ record collection, enamored with both Wilson’s soulful voice and her elegant image. “I remember being 7 or 8, staring at the cover of this beautiful woman in a yellow dress and connecting with the songs, the arrangements and the bite of her tone. I know those songs like I know the songs of Carole King and Joni Mitchell. So revisiting them, they feel like a favorite cashmere sweater.”
The 12 tracks on Nancy Wilson/Cannonball Adderley were evenly split between vocal and instrumental pieces, and Kinhan interprets all but one of the vocal tunes on A Sleepin’ Bee. To fill out the repertoire, she began delving into Wilson’s catalogue – only reaching 1964 before she had more than enough to work with. The remaining repertoire is carefully cultivated from Wilson’s early-60s releases, the bulk of it coming from The Swingin’s Mutual!, Wilson’s 1960 collaboration with pianist George Shearing.  
“In a way,” Kinhan says, “A Sleepin’ Bee is also a tribute to Cannonball and George Shearing and the fine musicians that played on the original recordings. The pairing of the voice and great players is what it’s all about. It’s never just about singing for me; it’s the whole creative spectrum of arranging notes and form, and connecting with the musicians.”  
Those elements are combined and rearranged in disparate and intriguing ways throughout A Sleepin’ Bee, from the laid-back swing of “Let’s Live Again” to the haunted melancholy of “You Don’t Know What Love Is,” whether stretching the melody like taffy on “Never Will I Marry” (parried by Berklee classmate Jensen’s darting trumpet) or finding a playfully bold character at the heart of the title tune. She effectively melds Nat Adderley’s “The Old Country” with Billy Strayhorn’s “Passion Flower,” and fully imbues “Born To Be Blue” with the remorseful mood inherent in its title. Kinhan’s vulnerable, stripped-down version of “Save Your Love For Me” completely reimagines Wilson’s iconic take – which Kinhan previously performed both with and for Wilson herself, first on a recording with the New York Voices and later with the Voices as part of Wilson’s 2004 induction as a National Endowment for the Arts Jazz Master.  
Perhaps the most surprising inclusion is Wilson’s debut single, “Guess Who I Saw Today,” whose lyrics haven’t exactly aged well. Kinhan puts a new twist on the tune not only with her sly vocal performance - which acidly comments on a song that frames its tale of infidelity with some decidedly Eisenhower-era social mores – but with an updated arrangement that makes the song her own, apart from Wilson’s quintessential version.  
“You better have a perspective on this song, especially as a woman who’s been an outspoken feminist my whole life,” Kinhan says. “It’s not that cheating is old-fashioned; it’s the way that the story is pitched from the beginning, drawing an outmoded picture of marriage where the woman stays home, does the shopping and dotes on her husband, who spends his day at work. To chew on those words was so strange - but it was also fun to hold that mirror up to society and look at its absurdity.”  
“(You Don’t Know) How Glad I Am” was a fresh discovery for Kinhan in her research for the project. Despite Wilson’s recording having won a Grammy in 1964, it was not that version but a less ornate live rendition that grabbed Kinhan’s ear, and she takes a similar approach, powerfully singing with gospel-inflected soul accompanied only by Ezrin’s lyrical piano and Penman’s subtle bass. The at times inane lyrics of “Happy Talk” are sent up in a slapstick carnival atmosphere to close the album on a particularly offbeat note.  
Recording the album with multiple Grammy-winner Elliot Scheiner at Berklee’s state-of-the-art Shames Family Scoring Stage meant turning the studio into a classroom, a prospect that at first seemed daunting but that Kinhan quickly embraced. “The students brought a performance atmosphere to the session that was beautiful,” she says. “Normally recording sessions can make you incredibly self-conscious, often putting yourself under the microscope, but knowing there was an audience was really liberating. The students witnessed great players laying it down right in front of their eyes, and that made for an inspired environment. The added bonus of sharing Nancy Wilson's legacy with them was a Sleepin’ Bee we hope to have reawakened for generations to come.”
Contact: Ann Braithwaite (781) 259-9600
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2BgCCpA
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