#that makes this matchup really fucking funny ngl
westvocap-ocbracket · 5 months
Sergei Kazarin Vs. Yura Beletsky
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kazimirfiles · 2 years
I'm copy and pasting this since my pea brain can't always describe myself, so let's go! CREEPYPASTA MATCHUP TRADE CREEPYPASTA MATCHUP TRADE!!!
I'm a really quiet person, preferring nonverbal communication, but I'm also timid around people.
My friends say I'm really caring and funny, i noticed that I'm usually a parental figure to people younger then me, but I'm not the best at caring for myself. I definitely do care too much for people/animals, even objects sometimes. I like water a lot, not for drinking but the feeling of it or the noise it makes! Water is like, sensory heaven frfr. I'm also into creepy things, it's been my special interest since I was a lil kiddo !
Five positive traits would be that's I'm (according to others) understanding, funny, positive, caring, and a good listener! Five negative traits (that I've noticed) are that I'm quite awkward socially, I easily become a nervous wreck, timid, and I can be too positive. (Quite a few people have gotten upset at me for that last one </3 /lh)
I guess it would be important to mention things like my bad memory and obliviousness to my surroundings. I focus too much on things rather than barely focusing at all. I'm also not active at all, I'm super low energy (physically) and I tire myself out a lot, though I have a pretty energetic personality. My ways of showing affection are physical touch and quality time! I'm super touch starved tho </3 as most of us on this site are /j
I don't like traveling too much, going places im unfamiliar with is usually something I avoid. I also hate ovens, I HAVE NO IDEA WHY BUT IM LIKE- SO SCARED OF OVENS? Reaching in them freaks me out LMAO, same with heated metals.
I should also mention that people being angry in any way will make me panic, my lil' pea brain does loops around my skull whenever someone around me is angry, especially when it's someone I care about but I can't help them. Probably the 'tism workin' with past experiences /lh
Idk if you'd like physical traits, my pfp resembles me quite a bit but I'm 5'7"! Cute things about height differences are just so /pos
Anyways, I'm so excited to see who you'll write!! Just please make sure the character is 18 or over! Have a funky fresh day!!
HELLO! I too am also scared of ovens I’m ngl LOL. Anyways, here we go.
You’re matched up with…
Eyeless Jack!
• Okay, first thing’s first. How did you and Eyeless Jack meet?
• It was very simple actually. A couple of friends (who are not the best influences on people) convince you to go to a nearby forest with them. A camping trip basically!
• Let’s just say that these “friends” I’m talking about were nothing less than immoral. Well, they were immoral, mostly by cracking disturbing jokes out loud in the forest and disturbing the wildlife they find in the forest. The whole time you just walked behind them with a timid look, wondering how on earth’s fuck you managed to hang out with such shitty personalities.
• One the bad and less than socially-acceptable jokes that one of your friends made just so happen to be heard by Slender himself. Surprise, surprise, you guys walked into his territory.
• Slender’s existence doesn’t really have a purpose. He’s a demon that kind of just wanders around, finding and tinkering with things that fascinate him, sometimes even just straight up taking thing with him to his mansion (that includes people as well).
• He was not very pleased with the ludicrous jokes your friends were making. If there’s one thing Slender likes to tinker with, it’s humans. He finds them to be fascinating creatures, somehow capable of deep existential thought. He thinks it’s bizarre how humans are capable of being saints one second and complete psychopaths the next minute.
• Within the blink of an eye, Slender snatched all of you up and into his mansion, all within a millisecond. You all found yourself in a cage in a room that was filthy. The smell of blood and something rotting was filling your nostrils to the point of it being unbearable.
• Lemme just say that it was quite a disorienting experience for you to see a tall, pale-white, skinny man with no face in a suit standing before you. Immediately afterwards, he killed your “friends”, given that he saw no use for them afterwards and ultimately saw no redeeming qualities.
• But you? He kept you alive. Why you may ask? He couldn’t help but notice that out of all the friends, you seemed to have an ounce of humanity still left within you.
• Those “friends” of yours were corrupted, evil, and wicked. Even if they were just teens, Slender himself knew of the future awaiting for them. No, he doesn’t have future-telling powers. It’s more like he observed their current behavior and played out a future timeline in his head for each of your “friends”.
• Slender kept you around for more experimentation. He’s a very curious thing, so he very much wanted to figure out why you were the way you are.
• And that’s when Slender kept you around his mansion. Yup! This is your new home now whether you like it or not!
• He let you explore a bit but he did warn you of some residents here.
• To be honest, you were a bit scared to explore, but the fancy paintings, the chandeliers, and the fancy rug carpets overwhelmed you quite a bit.
• You just sat on the couch, eyes red with dry tears due to the grief of being separated from your home. That was when a certain someone who had exceptional hearing came walking down the hallway.
• It was Eyeless Jack. You were a bit frightened at the tall man with a navy blue hoodie and a mask with two eyeholes standing frozen mid-walk.
• It was kind of awkward really. He didn’t really know what exactly to say to you. The only reason he came out of his room was to check where that crying sound was coming from.
• He didn’t talk to you actually. He just turned the other way and walked back to his room. He didn’t forget you though. In fact, he was practically waiting the whole day to tell Slender who you are and what you’re doing in the manor.
• The whole day passed and everyone else also walked by, giving you weird and confused looks. Nobody really talked to you though. They just walked by and ignored you.
• The next day you woke up to Slender standing above you while you were on the couch. It was quite the jumpscare, honestly, but this thousand-year-old demon really is out of touch with how humans interact.
• After a few talks of where you are and what your purpose here is at the mansion, Slender assigned you a partner to help keep watch of you.
• That person was none other than Eyeless Jack! From the very start, Slender could tell you were a quiet and timid person, so he figured that someone who’s on your level could help you relax more. Well, besides the fact that Jack is a cannibal, he does know how to control himself.
•And from then on, that was when your relationship bloomed! It was kind of slow at the start but the goodness of your heart almost made him attached to you.
I decided to end it here since I took too long. This pretty much only includes on how you two met. Hopefully you enjoyed!
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nineliabilityrisk · 10 months
[ send a " ⭐ " and i will list muses i would be interested in throwing at yours ]
[ asked by @muutos ]
this one took a while to get to bc i realized how much i wanted birdie to interact with some of ur muses and then got distracted with trying to set up her blog and stuff but im here to answer this now hopefully . my brain is still all over the place please excuse me
[formatting is "your muse - my muse(s) i would like to see with them"]
vanessa - sb verse mikey :] torment this little shit. because the concept of these two interacting is so fucking hilarious im so happy the movie brought it up and this way it doesnt even have to be movieverse. also i NEED her and birdie to interact so so so bad im trying so hard to finish up birdies sideblog its taking forever but i wanted the chance to give them a lil separate space to themselves. uh who else. i have glambun and cassie of course, she can have fun with them, and joshton also has a sb verse!! i know i never talk about him but id love love love to introduce him with vanessa or one of ur other muses
henry emily - cmon. i love your henry so much id willingly throw literally ANY of my muses at him i <3 him. ive already spent eons talking abt how much i love the potential dynamic between him and michael because i DO, so so so much. also just like i said to nic, he can interact with literally any of my animatronics whenever. i NEED interactions with him and lefty there is something so personal about those two. and of course ciarán goes without saying. your henry already gave him too much attention (like. literally one [1] positive sentence so far) and hes already hooked. good luck getting rid of that fucker. hes never letting go. sorry you shouldve known better than to be sweet with him (/lh)
mangle - im ngl i would love to have interactions with them and one of my withered animatronics. or jeremy, yknow,,, before Shit Goes Bad. could be fun. joshton Also has a verse where he works in the fnaf 2 location because i just kinda stick him wherever he would fit so if you wanna use it to traumatize the poor little minimum wage worker go right ahead i think itd be real funny
freddy fazbear - b..bonnie... thats it just bonnie i want the classic duo back i dont care what era. also if you want him to torment mike or josh theyre always up for it, as has been mentioned multiple times
roxanne wolf + glamrock freddy - lumping them together because theyd be interacting with about the same characters. same list as vanessa!!! its so funny because i wasnt interested in sb at ALL before ruin / interacting with you and ur little corner of the rpc and now im. fucken entangled in it. help.
vincent demarco - weve talked abt my interest in him before but like i said every time you rb some musings about him or something i go a little insane. also did you know his birthday is literally one day before mine i just realized it when i checked his bio page. anyway i really wanna toss like. ciar or josh or someone at him at some point just to see what would happen. he just intrigues me i just wanna see whats goin on in that brain of his idk idk
these arent really specific muse matchups but. every time i see you play like. stu or gwen or ar'alani i lose my mind a little and get reminded of all the muses from their medias i could pick up but i have to stop myself bc thats so much WORK. the star wars fixation would be enough to overpower it and make me find someone to interact with ar'alani if it werent for the fact that i havent managed to get my hands on the thrawn books yet and ive never watched star trek so i dont know anything about your interpretation and it makes me so so so upset. anyway this is an open offer (that may not make sense if you havent watched star wars rebels) but if you would like i would pick up ezra bridger to interact with her in a HEARTBEAT. it wouldnt matter how fucking clueless i am because hes clueless as shit too. i am so so sorry if this sounds overbearing or something i do NOT mean for it to be i have just been wanting to play these star wars muses for YEARS now. the star wars community is just so much more terrifying than this little group here. so the fact that someone that i know and trust and have written with before has even Somewhat of a star wars muse has. driven me a little bit insane. (/pos) this is all /nf of course im just. yeah 👍 this probably makes no fucking sense im sorry i am unwell about star wars
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just-a-creep-babe · 3 years
Commissioned by @folliaght tysm babe 🥰❤️
Requests are closed!
Masterlist: x
I match you with: Jane the Killer
With how madly in love Jeff was with you, there was no way in hell you would’ve been able to get away without some kind of outside help
Jane, knowing and loathing Jeff after being one of his many (many) victims, knew what it would take to save you
She was able to free you & give you a safe place to lay low for a while, which is actually how your relationship began c:
After spending time with you every day, she started seeing why he was so enamored with you
But, of course, knowing what you’d just been through, she was reluctant to make any moves
Homegirl wanted to give you all the time you needed to heal, after all
So she kept her distance—pretending to ignore the way your smile made her heart flutter & the way your lips always seemed to draw her attention
Without realizing, she ended up overdoing it
She wanted to spare you both from her developing feelings, but in her attempts, she ended up being way too cold & aloof
It’s only when you confronted her about avoiding you all the time that she finally came clean :”)
She made sure you didn’t feel any pressure at all to be with her + made it abundantly clear that she just needed to get this confession off her chest
She‘s, admittedly, surprised and absolutely elated when you tell her you’re ready for a new relationship
She’ll take things at a ~snail’s pace~ from the very beginning to make sure you’re comfortable with everything
She’ll also make sure she knows all about your boundaries so she doesn’t accidentally cross any of them :”)
Highkey drinks her respect women juice every 👏single 👏day 👏so you can bet your tush she’ll give you all the space you need when ya need it
She’s a great listener too—always super attentive + great at empathizing & validating your feelings <3
She’ll do her best to fulfill your needs to make up for all of the bad relationships you’ve had to deal with in the past
*Cough* Jeff *cough*
She just thinks you deserve way better than what you’ve been given & wants to make it up somehow, y’know? 🥰🥰
She fucking adores how soft & sweet you look in the clothes you wear
Loves the mix of delicate and feminine with that classic, natural tone to it ☺️👌
You just have such a cute style—every time she sees you she has to resist smothering your face in lovely little kissies uwu
She admires how, after everything you’ve been through, you’re still not afraid of being yourself & experiencing vulnerability/emotional depth
While she typically listens to rock & heavier types of music, she’ll try to get into classical music for you—and whenever she’s too worked up or stressed & you’re not there to calm her down, she’ll put on a track that reminds her of you & it’ll immediately soothe her
You’re just so lovely, she loves you to bits 🥺✨
Loves lazy days where she’ll prepare some tea or hot chocolate and snuggle up w/ you on the couch under a big warm blanket while you play animal crossing
Because of how attentive she is, one way or another, whether you tell her or she finds out on her own, she’ll learn about your past with your eating disorder
She trusts that you’re much healthier now & can look after yourself, but she’ll still watch out if you start showing signs that you might be re-experiencing some symptoms
And she loves cooking healthy food with/for you so she can make sure you’re nice & full of them good nutrients ^^
She’s a pretty decent cook, but she does mess up sometimes, so she’ll either come to you for help, or y’all will just order takeout while watching some old-timey cartoons :3
It’s actually a Sunday tradition for y’all to wake up & enjoy breakfast while watching cartoons ^^
It’s a super comforting ritual; the stress of the week just melts away & you can both enjoy each other’s presence in peace <3
And after that, she’ll take you downtown to scour second hand shops & y’all will spend the day window-shopping/exploring out & about :>
If anyone dares to make misogynistic comments or try to flirt with you while you’re together, she will end them
Not in your presence though, ofc
No, while in front of you, she’ll just as easily shut them down & humiliate them so bad they’ll immediately regret it
Homegirl’s got some claws and she’s not afraid to show them, especially when your comfort is at stake
She wants you to be as happy & carefree as possible; even if she knows you can handle yourself & are mostly unfazed by what other people think, there’s no way in hell she’s gonna let others try to bring you down
She’s sUPER protective of you tbh
Although she can’t always hang around & watch anime w/ ya sometimes because of how busy she is, she‘ll always make time in her schedule to participate in some of the hobbies you enjoy ^^
She gets way too frustrated trying to sew and it’s actually kind of cute & funny when she tries lmfaoo, but like I mentioned, she enjoys cooking/baking & she also really likes drawing
Seriously, she loves art & is pretty skilled at it too!
She makes for quite the teacher ;)
And even though she’s got a personal vendetta against sewing, she’ll still encourage you by looking up cool patterns & designs for clothing inspiration to try out
Wants 👏to 👏see 👏you 👏flourish 👏
She’s sO damn proud of the progress you’ve made to get to the point where you are now
She knows things haven’t always been easy, which is why she’s always there for you & gives you as much time & attention as you need
She also does everything in her power to keep Jeff from finding you again
And if it ever came down to it, she’d fight tooth & nail to make sure you safely got away from him
Y’all honestly have bonded over similar traumas & bad experiences
She also hasn’t had it easy, so she understands what you’ve been through & can empathize really well to your experiences
Appreciates & admires your strength, bravery, confidence & optimism so damn much, you have no idea :”)
Overall? Best gf 🥺💞💗💖
As I’ve mentioned, Jane takes things as s-l-o-w-l-y as need be to make sure you’re feeling alright before going any further
Sex is definitely not at the top of her list of priorities
She values your comfort & safety above all
So it actually takes a decent while until y’all get together in bed, especially if you don’t typically initiate things
And she’s extra careful, extra caring & extra attentive to your needs all throughout
Reassures you ~multiple~ times that you don’t need to go all the way & can stop anytime you want
She takes care of all your needs before even considering her own
Seriously just wants to make it the best experience she can for you <3
When she finds out it’s your first time with a woman, she can’t help but get some devious ideas for the future 😈
Wants to show you how much better than men women are at pleasuring ladies~
Ngl, she can get a little cocky about her skills in the bedroom, but it’s a well-earned attitude 👀
The more y’all sleep together, the less afraid/reluctant she’ll be & the more confident she’ll grow with the way she touches you
And if you wanna experiment with anything? She’ll gladly take suggestions uwu
You might have to do a bit of convincing before trying anything too rough though, because she doesn’t wanna hurt you
But, ya know, she also wants you to be satisfied with your sex life, so she likely won’t flat-out say no to anything
There will be safe words however
Also if you ever wanna do penetration, she’s killer with a strap-on, just sayin 👀💦💦
Highkey leans towards being dominant cause she likes the control
And also,, being too vulnerable isn’t her fave, y’know?
She would totes make an exception for you if ya wanted to be on top, but she knows you’re pretty submissive, so it works out perfectly 😘
She loves how cute you look all panting & flustered beneath her~
She gets a lot of pleasure and satisfaction from making you feel good, so you definitely won’t find her complaining if you’re a bit of a pillow princess 😉
Her aftercare btw? Bomb af ☺️☺️
Like,, because she knows you’ve had bad experiences with past partners, she’ll put sO much effort into assuring your happiness & comfort at the end of everything
So she’ll bring you a glass of water, offer plenty of cuddles & praises—hell, homegirl will give you a back AND foot rub if you ask for it
Just wants her princess to be happy <3
Loves you w all her blackened heart 😘
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midearthwritings · 3 years
Could I please get an Lotr and The Hobbit Matchup, of you're still doing them? Thanks so much!
🌱 18 year old Woman // Bisexual // Autistic and Disabled with a bonus Anxiety Disorder
🌱 I have a litany of Chronic Illnesses including Autism, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression, Dyscalculia (Dyslexia for Math), Scoliosis, Sleep Apnea, Asthma, a Growth Hormone Deficiency, Insomnia, and a very bad Overbite. I also have a condition where my right leg is physically longer than my left, which causes pain in my hip and right leg, as well as trouble walking. My usual symptoms include Fatigue, Back Pain, Executive Dysfunction (struggle to get tasks done), Difficulty breathing and talking, Very short stature, and difficulties with my balance. I also stim by pacing around in circles and talking to myself.
🌱 I have a serious fear of heights, partially because of my balance issues. It's so bad that I can't even use stairs without holding onto the railing.
🌱 I know a lot of Home Remedies and Superstitions for like no reason. For instance, did you know that Raspberry Tea helps with Menstrual Pain, or that knocking on wood invokes the protection of the tree spirit and that’s why it’s said to give you luck? I don’t know why I know that, but I do.
🌱 Winning a fight is on my bucket list, but it has to be for a good reason. I’m not one to just pick fights for the sake of fighting, and I’m actually pretty conflict-averse due to trauma, so I need to actually have a solid reason for throwing hands. But I’ve always wanted to do it for some reason.
🌱 I really like studying Witchcraft for some reason. The first spell I ever performed was a Healing Spell to help my friend who was sick with Crohn's Disease. Thirty minutes after performing the ritual, I got a text saying he felt a lot better and he was released from the hospital a couple days later, so I guess it must’ve worked. 😁
🌱 My love language is definitely gift giving. I’m pretty cheap, but I’m also an artist, so when push comes to shove I’ll just make something for someone when I like them. I pay very close attention to what people like because it gives me more ideas on how to interact with them. I’m essentially a large, flightless Crow. You were nice, so you get something shiny. But though I like giving gifts to others, I’m not very materialistic at all. I prefer to be practical when it comes to things, and I get very nervous when spending money on myself.
🌱 I’m an avid writer and am actually planning on publishing a book this summer!
🌱 I LOVE going outside and getting messy. Playing in the mud, getting soaked in the rain, I’m the type to go outside and come back home covered in dirt and twigs. It’s just really fun to me.
🌱 I've been told that I'm a very good cook, and I can bake pretty well too.
🌱 I’ve always wanted to be a really good gardener. My dream house is just covered in flowers and plants and such. I want to live in a Greenhouse, basically.
🌱 I have a habit of giggling to myself just by remembering something funny that happened, even if it was a couple years ago. I also laugh when I do something stupid, because I find my flaws and shortcomings funny for the most part. I love to laugh with people, but never at them.
🌱 I know way too much about Spirits and Fae. My favorite book is called ‘The Encyclopedia of Spirits’ and it shows you how to contact and interact with a ton of different deities and spirits, and I’m addicted to reading it. It’s the best.
🌱 I’m basically like a tiny, less-impressive Aragorn. I love travelling on foot, getting messy outside, I was kind of a Horse Girl as a kid ngl, I’ve always wanted to be a knight or king of some sort, chances are that I haven’t bathed in awhile, and I too would pine for a hot elf girl for literal years on end.
🌱 My closest friends say I give off “Dwobbit” vibes. That’s a ½ Dwarf and ½ Hobbit btw. I’m around 4’ 10” tall, I don’t shave, I love crafting and art, I live in the Mountains, I’m tomboyish but I also love gardening and can be a bit of a homebody, I love going barefoot, etc.
🌱 I really love History, Folklore, Mythology and Fairy Tales. My favorite is the Irish myth of Oisín in Tir Na Nog. Look it up if you don’t know it, it’s a fantastic story. But I also appreciate myths from all sorts of different cultures, like the myth of Annapurna in India or the tale of Princess Kaguya in Japan.
🌱 I’m an Aquarius, INFP and 4w5 if that means anything. For reference, characters who are also 4w5 INFPs include Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice), Wirt (Otgw), Frankenstein’s Monster, Luna Lovegood (HP), Napstablook (Undertale), Erik The Phantom of the Opera, and Celeste from Animal Crossing. That kinda tells you a lot about me, doesn’t it?
🌱 I am naturally very shy and take awhile to open up to people. I also get flustered very easily and tend to avoid social interaction a lot. I’m a huge introvert, but I also really do love meeting interesting people, so I try to talk to them when I have the energy to.
🌱 I have very long Disheveled brown hair, that actually used to be blonde when I was little, so there’s a few lighter patches in there. It's essentially a fluffy mane at this point, but because of my poor hand-eye coordination I never learned how to braid it. I have really pale skin, with lots of moles, freckles and scabs. It’s also warmer out, so I almost certainly have a farmer’s tan. I have very light blue eyes and glasses.
🌱 I have a habit of seeing shadows move out of the corners of my eyes, frequently mistaking them for people or animals, but when I turn to look there’s nothing there. I’ve gotten my eyesight checked multiple times, but there’s nothing out of the ordinary, so it’s either a lack of sleep, or the Fae are getting antsy with me. Probably the former of course, but part of me would like to believe the latter too.
Sorry the description is so long, I can't wait to see my results! Thanks so much, wishing you the best!!
Hey darling! First, wow that was really long! Sorry for taking so long to make it, as I mentioned before, I'm a fucking procrastinator.
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For LOTR, I'm pairing you up with Aragorn.
Aragorn had probably loved you for a really really long time.
But he's extremely patient and careful with you, so it took him a while to confess his love.
When he did, it was kind of overwhelming for you, and you were really doubting the whole thing. But again, he was really patient with you.
Aragorn doesn't cover you in gifts to show his love. He shows it by remembering all those little things that make you you.
The two of you can spend hours telling stories and tales to the other. It's your favorite thing to do together.
He loves that you write and always ask to read your work. Although, he never pushes you and respects you when you refuse.
He knows about every single one of your illnesses and makes sure that you always have what you need.
Bilbo Baggins
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For the Hobbit, I picked Bilbo.
Bilbo loves you deeply and truly. He thinks all the things that are annoying to others are what make you the most unique being he has ever met.
He thinks listening to you tell tales is more fascinating than reading.
Most of all, he loves when you read to him the stories that you have created.
Sometimes, your illnesses are a bit complicated for him to understand, but he does his best and listens to your needs.
His favorite thing to do with you is cooking. Sometimes, you will even compete over who is the best cook. Although he admitted more than once that you were.
When you are out gardening, he sits outside with you and watches you. He thinks it's beautiful how hard you work to make his garden look so gorgeous.
He is often insecure about losing you. He is scared that he won't be able to provide you with what you need, or won't be able to show you how much he loves you.
As for you, you fear that one day he might grow tired of you.
But the communication in your relationship is great and your insecurities are even washed away by promises of eternal love.
Again, sorry for the wait! I hope you liked it!
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axther · 4 years
Hi! could get a matchup thing with bnha please I’m 5’3 straight female I have long hair that is dyed balayage hazel eyes I wear glasses my go to outfit is a oversized sweater and leggings and slides. I’m a Scorpio an enfp-t type Im loyal to a fault will love will all I’ve got but If someone hurts me I will cut them out of my life No question asked. (1/2)- MM
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Afjkadfbujadfhad i live off of vine references i am so glad i’m not a dying race 
(also note??? I just realised i never made it obvious but i figured that anyone I matchup for is a transfer unless it’s stated otherwise for an OC or smth?? 🤷🏻‍♀️) 
(last note but I got super carried away w this and it ended up being three pages long lmao someone end me) 
#1 is...Sero! 
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You guys make vine references all the time!! 
Chances are one of you two were in the dining hall and someone said ‘you can’t sit with us’ 
You two both say ‘well actually Meghan…’ 
Eyes meet across the room
And like two stars finally colliding 
Sero grins as you start the end 
‘I can’t sit anywhere…’ 
You two finally meet, holding hands 
‘I have haemorrhoids’ 
So maybe you had never heard anyone say haemorrhoids like that before 
But it was oddly appealing??? 
Very weird and confusing
 but you’re here for it 
Even if you two don’t go to the same class 
When you pass in the hallways there’s always a vine reference 
If your classes go on a trip together 
The rest of the bus hopes that there’s no ‘road work ahead’ sign 
Which brings me to another thing 
You two absolutely share headphones 
Before meeting you long car rides weren’t anything special for sero? 
They were just what happens when you want to get from one place to another 
But he meets you?? 
Oh lordt 
That’s going to change stat
First off 
The boy has the intentions to just zone/fall asleep  
But then you whip out your music player and earbuds and tug his ass over to your seat 😤
Someone’s in the seat next to you??? 
Too bad they finna scoot over 
The entire ride you two share earbuds and on the ride back he pulls out his own pair 
Like ‘my turn now lmao’ 
On the way back ofc you two fall asleep 
You on his shoulder?? Yes, please 
This feeds the romantic needs for both classes 
Naturally, someone takes pictures 
Y’all wake up to your faces plastered all over the U.A. student page 
(p.s: you fall, this boy can and will use his tape to catch you and spin you tango style into a kiss 😚) 
#2 is...Bakugou! 
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I will confess my usual reaction to bakugou is that he doesn’t have time for love 
Not necessarily literally 
But that mentally he’s all about the hero life 
But you???
I can see there being an exception made 👀
And it would be really obvious how y’all would meet ngl 
One day there’s some extra that’s pissing him off and he goes off on them 
The extra doesn’t really fight back 
But why the FUCK is he so damn smug???? 
Bakugou is about to Lose His Marbles 
When out of nowhere 
The boy just gets BODYSLAMMED 
(this next part might be a bit mean but I promise I’m not trying to be ;;) 
But he turns around and just sees??? This dwarf?? 
A tiny lil thing that’s glaring at him and ready to kill him??
Oh shit 
You naturally go after his ass 
Because oop 🤭 that ‘extra’ just so happened to be your friend 
This very very quickly becomes a rivalry 
And we are talking fast 
As in the next day, he’s like ‘I’m gonna fucking beat Deku, Icy-Hot, and that foreign bitch!!1!! 1’ 
Over the course of time, foreign bitch becomes foreign chick 
And oh dear 🥺
One day someone’s making fun of you for something 
What is it is up to you 
And you’re taking it good-naturedly 
But bakugou? Is Not. 
Someone’s fucking with HIS rival???? Unacceptable!! 
He reads the perpetrator for filth and wards them off 
And you’re like ‘???? tf what that for???’ 
And he looks down at you and the sun’s in your hair and you’ve got your head cocked to the side just so nicely   
and it’s like cupid came down and shot him through the heart himself bc 
Bakugou blinks for a second before gritting his teeth 
‘It’s fucking nothing!! Don’t act like you’re special!!!’ 
But what’s this?? He’s super blushy and he’s shoved his hands into his pockets and he’s looking away 
Yeah we all know what’s up lol
#3 is...Todoroki! 
Tumblr media
baby. baby boy 🥺 
The boy, the absolute madlad sees one (1) pretty girl not wallowing in themselves and he’s hooked 
Intrigued, I think is the best word 
There’s just!! This really popular girl who talks a lot and cares about people and can read them really well and he thinks it’s really cute? 
Of course, he doesn’t really know it’s a crush, just thinks that it’s respectful admiration  
But then he hears rumours 
Someone that was being lowkey mean/funny (you know? That weird hybrid no one likes?) keeps on pushing your buttons!! 
And someone said that outside of your circle they were talking a lot of shit 
Todoroki doesn’t think too crazy much of it, just that it’s mean and people shouldn’t do that 
So that day, in the halls on the way to class, he overhears you and the other person 
And the other person’s trying to lie their way out of the repercussions of talking smack 
And the entire time you’re just staring with squinted but deadpan eyes
And when they’re done trying to explain they think they’re off the hook when you just slowly shake your head 
‘Hoes mad,’ you say, before turning and leaving 
They get pissed and try to follow you but you ignore them
And todoroki is about to go OFF 
The technique?? Gorgeous 
The spin while walking away? Perfect 
And you cut them off like it was nothing?? 
He wants tips 
He starts befriending you and he prides himself on it bc he’s taking the initiative!! 
(it’s not hard to be friends w you but don’t tell him that) 
But gradually he starts becoming more and more independent from Endeavor thanks to your influence!! 
It helps him also realise when classmates in other classes are talking smack and not just bantering 
But he’s just really happy and proud to be your friend!! 
And one day he’s talking to the Dekusquad about how nice you looked with maybe a new nail polish or something different but minor in your uniform 
And everyone’s like 👀👀👀👀
‘Hey, Todoroki...how often do you notice this stuff?’ 
‘Whenever she changes something, naturally. Is this unusual, Midoriya?’ 
Ochako is over the FUCKING moon 
She’s gonna try and coach him to ask you out 
(once she gets him to admit it at first) 
‘Hey! Todoroki!! Our table’s full because Bakugou blew up a chair! Go sit with MM!’ 
‘But I can simply ask for another chair-’
‘Go sit at the fucking table-!’ 
Okay, so maybe Ochako isn’t doing the absolute best, but she is definitely trying 
It takes someone leaking it to you that Todoroki likes you for anything to go anywhere 👀
And you’re just like ‘oh! Cool! Hey, Sho? Wanna see that new All Might movie later?’ 
(naturally, he says yes) 
Bonus: you tell him about vines, and he’ll use them unironically 
‘Yes, Lunch Rush, I would like some fre she vac a do. Thank you.’ 
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Season 2 w/ Internship Arc/ Final Exams
Episode 26: Time To Pick Some Names
•The kids are so cute, they’re like “we’re FAMOUS” precious babies
•”Congratulations Todoroki on your offers”
“It’s PrObaBlY BecAuSe oF My FaTheR” just take the W babe
•BABY AIZAWA AND HIZASHI we need more flashback episodes I live for a Baby Emo Shouta
•”You’re not even French are you that’s just an act isn’t it?” Call him out Sato
•Alien Queen is amazing stfu Midnight
•I love Jirou and Kaminari’s friendship. Which is mostly her bullying him (reminds me of me and my friend Zack I should call him)
•Okay Cellophane is actually a really good name as well as ChargeBolt. Creati is probably my favorite tho
•Also I love how Kirishima just loves to push B’s buttons
•I relate to All Might freaking out so fucking much
Episode 27: Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears
•Oooh new intro ngl I think I preferred the beginning half of season 2 theme TENYA FLASHING HIS GLASSES AND TENSEI BEING REFLECTED IN THEM THAT SHIT HURTED
•Gran Torino gives me the biggest whiplash istg
•Brooding Iida is a Time guys
•”what makes a movement special” only flashes of Bakugou show
•The fact that Momo and Kendo got picked for their internships just because they’re pretty genuinely makes me upset
•okay but Sho could’ve chosen literally any other place to intern why did he go to his dad who he actively hates (with good reason)
•Ayyeee he didn’t break his legs. Maybe he still hasn’t figured out he can exactly use them yet. Look at baby bunny go
•Omozan I see you
•Izuku you are just as sweet as that fish dessert
•FANTASY AU END CREDITS IM LIVING if Hirokoshi doesn’t want to make another movie after this next one comes out he should just make mini films out of all the AUs he makes because honestly I want to see them all animated ESPECIALLY the Fantasy AU that would be Dope with a capital D my dudes
Episode 28: Midoriya & Shigaraki
•oof Midoriya you tried sweetie you did good
•BAKUGOU MAKEOVER TIME. Serving Looks by Best Jeanist we Stan
•I always forget the Nomu were once actual people what the fuck
•Anndddd things are getting tense. These poor kids don’t know what’s coming
•Dark Iida is. Intense
•I love Iida’s Internship Mentor he’s a good boy
•Shigaraki honey. Please. Get therapy
•Okay but Midoriya’s icon for himself on his phone or whatever he’s using to message Iida is All Might and that is just so him
Episode 29: Hero Killer Stain VS. U.A. Students
•The Nomus are so fucking gross
•Fuck off Enji
•Midoriya is so good, worrying about other people like Iida
•Shigaraki is a giant man child
•Iida: “You took everything from me”
Stain: “I don’t even know who you are”
•I’m sorry but how did Stain figure out how his quirk worked like how do you find out you can freeze people by ingesting their blood without having to do so crazy fucked up shit when you were younger
•Iida I love you but you Dumb
•Todoroki being like “i know you’re not the type of person to send cryptic messages so I knew you were in trouble” yeah he knows his boy
•Iida shut UP
•”you’ve got a dark side I guess my family isn’t the only one” Todoroki now is not the time to be emo
•Ah okay decent explanation for why Sho chose Endeavor that i forgot okay now makes sense
•Iida your inner Bakugou is showing
•IM SO PROUD OF TODOROKI it’s only been a couple of episodes since the Sports Festival but he’s already shown improvement and I love him
Episode 30: Climax
•I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I would die for Tensei Iida
•”My friends may be in trouble” OUR BOY IS GROWING
•I will say at least Endeavor listened to Shouto and told other Pros to go help him
•Ah shiiiIIIIITTTTTT I forgot Mido got (semi) kidnapped and Stain escaped/ fucking DIED (???) I’m SHOOKETH
Started cooking dinner around this time and was in and out for the next 3 episodes so these are less in-depth until Episode 34
Episode 31: The Aftermath Of Hero Killer: Stain
•SHIGGY you Big Dumb
•“Once this night is over the world will forget he ever existed” whelp that’s what you get for being a little man child Shigaraki
•Lmao Kiri I love a dumbass
•“Was that a boy?” OKAY I LOVE GUNHEAD
•BIRTH OF THE HAND CRUSHER Todoroki’s having like a fucking existential crisis and Iida and Mido are fucking laughing at him I’m dead
Episode 32: Everyone’s Internships
•It says Everyone’s internships but it was mostly just Froppy. Jirou and Bakugou got some spotlight (Bakugou’s hair is just *chef kiss*) but yeah super proud of Tsuyu tho!
•Kiri and Testu kill me I love them so much I need more of them together
Episode 33: Listen Up!!! a Tale From The Past
•Honestly one of the 1st instances I can see Kaminari being the ~traitor~ since he’s low key hyping up Stain but I refuse to believe it because he’s such a good dumb boy And IF it is true then I want him to be such a total BAMF that it better make it worth the heart ache. Like the whole short circuiting thing be a ploy to make people think he’s weak when he could control it the whole time and you know what this is for a different post MOVING ON
•Everyone watching Mido go through the rescue exercise, “WOAH since when does he move like Bakugou???”
•Cut to Bakugou having a stroke lmao
•All Might you’re gonna make me CRY
Episode34: Gear Up For Final Exams
•“Sexiness isnt just an aesthetic” Midnight laying down facts
•Honestly? Fuck Mt. Lady. I want more Anime Groot Kamui Woods and Gunhead
•Final Exams stress is real no matter how powerful you are. Take notes kids
•Teacher Momo is the best she’s so excited
•Kiri is pining SO HARD for Bakugou and Baku is blinded by the rage of his life he can’t see it Baby Shark is trying his best “Maybe I should beat the lessons into your skull” “I’m counting on it” KIRISHIMA THERE ARE BETTER WAYS TO FLIRT
•Shut the fuck up Monoma, Kendo come get your Rat Boy she’s just as done with him as everyone else is lmao
•”Deku, how you use your power is pissing me off I’m still better than you” every time he opens his mouth it’s either to curse someone out, to say Die, or accusing them of thinking their better than him. Honey. Go to therapy I’m begging
•WOW he uses Todoroki’s actual name
•Aizawa help the angry boy please
•“I didn’t leave anything blank at least!” MOOD KAMINARI
•How long was Nezu in Aizawa’s scarf???
•”We’re fighting...teachers?” Lmao yall fucked
•Midoriya & Bakugou against All Might. Aizawa really said fuck them kids
•Saving the most intense and chaotic for last I see
•Jirou “aren’t you just the announcer”
Mic “HEY WATCH YOUR MOUTH GIRL HAVE SOME RESPECT” he’s so butthurt haha leave Mic alone
•Aizawa is calling people out left and right we love a Ruthless Bitch
•Bakugou disses All Might. All Might “it’s on now you angry little asshole”
•Tsuyu and Tokoyami are a good matchup and the fact they got the creepiest teacher to go against a kid with a quirk like Dark Shadow is just so funny to me. Basically said let’s make it as Goth as possible
Episode 35: Yaoyorozu: Rising
•Ectoplasm’s quirk looks like it’s literally eats Tsuyu and Yami. Everyone watching TRAUMATIZED. But they still fucking DID IT
•Also LOVE DARK SHADOW I wish he talked more
•Ojirou on Iida’s back “I can only imagine how stupid we look right now” no Ojirou you look adorable. Also just fucking LAUNCH THE TAIL MAN but hey it worked
•”Spikes? What are you trying to be some kind of ninja” yes he is Shouto why do you think he’s an underground villain HES LITERALLY DOING A NARUTO RUN AS WE SPEAK
•my girl Momo showing us what she’s made of
•Aizawa is proud of two smart little shits
•Todo is an awkward gentleman. Something he DIDNT get from his father
•Momo starts crying and covers her mouth. Todoroki:”what’s wrong? Do you feel sick? If you’re feeling nauseous we can call recovery girl” a. GENTLEMEN. He drinks his good boi and respect women juice daily
Episode 36: Stripping The Varnish
•Aoyama. Bruh. Why are you like this lmao
•Nezu is a fucking MANIAC BEAST WHAT THE FUCK we need more Mouse Hero
• “times like this he gets his vengeance” THEYRE KIDS RECOVERY GIRL
•Mic why is your face like that jfc
•”YOU CAN TALK???” It’s been like a good couple of months right? He just hasn’t talked the whole time? Honestly, respect. KODA IS AMAZING
•the fact that Hagakure just gets fucking naked so she can be completely invisible is hilarious
”I COULDNT SEE YOU IM SORRY” poor Snipe lmao
•Lmao Sero you didn’t stand a chance sweetheart
•Oooooh so that’s Midnight’s quirk. Okay makes. A little sense I guess. But fuck I love her
•Ah. That’s why he wants to be a hero. He’s creepy and pervy but fuck that was actually a good plan
Episode 37: Katsuki Bakugou: Origin
•IT’s OUR FAVORITE ANGRY BOI. Please Katsuki. I’m begging. Take ALL the chill pills. Just once
•”Why does he always have to make things so difficult” you’ve known him literally all your life you know why. It’s because he’s an asshole
•Midoriya: PLEASE stop yelling
Bakugou: feral yelling continues
•Bakugou why are you like this
•All Might killed a child wow
•Bakugou 110% deserved that punch, good on you Midoriya
•he didn’t directly blow him up that time at least that’s a tiny bit of progress
•”Ah. They got me” All Might is so cute
•”They’re actually pretty smart. They just lose all sense when it comes to each other...They have so many complicated emotions when it comes to the other they don’t even know how to interact anymore” I don’t ship it but that’s pretty fucking gay
•”Your teachers going to do his best to school you” ALL MIGHT SNAPPED
•KB: ”When he shows up it’s my turn to blast him”
AM: “Say that to my face you Limp Noodle”
•Nice teaching just beat one student WITH another one nice All Might
•All Might literally broke Deku’s back what the fuck
•”It’s time to sleep. Goodnight Young Bakugou” ALL MIGHT YOURE KILLING HIM BRUH
•Lmao the angry Pomeranian fucking bit him I’m crying
•Recovery Girl is just like All Might if you don’t lighten the fuck up I’ll beat your ass they are CHILDREN and she’s right
Episode 38: Encounter
•”right now I go by Dabi”
“No I want to know your REAL name”
•Shiggy, Dabi, and Toga LITERALLY all at each other’s throats:
Kurogiri: Mom Mode Activated
•Aizawa and his logical deception is Class 1A’s Cry Wolf
•Kiri immediately went to Bakugou and was like you’re coming shopping with us right, right? Kiri your pining is killing me you’re not subtle honey but I love it
•”you’re going to scare the children” says the guy with the demon shadow bird that flies out of his chest Tokoyami I love you
•JIROU AND MOMO I love two lesbians
•Kiri the man in charge love my boy
“DO YOU MEAN ME???” Lmao poor Midoriya
•Shiggy you’re so fucking CREEPY
•Finally see Shiggy’s whole face. THIS IS YOUR MANS YALL??? BRUHHH
•Poor Mido he can never catch a break
•Shiggy this just looks like really gross PDA you crusty creep
•”I can’t just run away every time I get flustered” yes you can Uraraka, that’s what I do, live your dream girl, run away from boys
•Wow they actually went to the police their first smart move
•”there’s a good chance that he or another student could be targeted” ForEShAdOwInG
And that concludes Season 2! Season 3 time baby!! God I need a life outside of this
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just-a-creep-babe · 3 years
Commissioned by @1that-one-person1 Thank you so much bby 😘❣️
Requests are closed
Masterlist: x
I match you with: Stephanie
Steph has been through a lot
Her world has been shrouded by fear, paranoia, hatred and misery for as long as she can remember
Which is why she’s almost immediately attracted to your calm & quiet demeanor
You seem like such a soft & welcoming safe-haven from the stress that she usually has to deal with
It makes her wanna stick around your side from day one—even if part of her is afraid of dragging you into the mess that is her life
She just can’t resist wanting to be around you tbh
And the more time she spends with you, the more she notices the little things—like how you tend to keep to yourself & you seem a bit shy
But she also notices the way your eyes light up when someone mentions a thing you like
And it’s just so dang endearing; it makes her wanna get to know you a lot better :>
She isn’t exactly super extroverted herself, but she tries her best to chat you up whenever she gets the chance
She specifically tries learning about the nerdy stuff you’re into so that she has something to talk to you with
And she‘s sort of a huge nerd herself, so her interest is pretty genuine ^^
Once she starts getting to know you better, she absolutely adores how kind & funny you are
You go from being this cute ray of sunshine to her best friend that never fails to make her laugh
Her day always seems to get better when you’re around <3
And the little crush she has soon turns into a full-blown I-think-I’m-in-love-with-you-but-I-don’t-want-to-ruin-our-friendship-or-make-you-uncomfortable situation
She becomes terrified that you find out she’s in love with you because she doesn’t wanna lose what y’all have
And the fact that you tend to be naïve sometimes only makes things so much worse because she’s scared of deceiving you
It’s only when one of the guys prolly Jeff talks to her that she finally manages to build up the courage to confess
And she’s so relieved when you reciprocate her affection ^^
She’s also hella nervous too because now she‘s gotta open up & be vulnerable with you
She’s not completely jaded to the world, but like I said, she’s pretty traumatized, so normal things like intimacy up can be a bit difficult sometimes
It helps that you’re so kind & caring though uwu
Homegirl really, really likes you, and she wants to make your first date special, but she isn’t exactly good at that sort of thing
It kinda freaks her out a bit ngl
So Jeff helps her out again
He’s honestly a great wingman lmao
With his support, she sets up plans for a cute movie night with some good food, fairy lights, scented candles & lots of blankets & snacks
By the end of the date, y’all end up stuffed with junk food, listening to music together with your pinkies linked 😚😚
Speaking of, she fucking LOVES music, and because she’s a bit shy at first, she’ll express how she feels through the different songs she shows you
It becomes the way you communicate deeper feelings sometimes, and it’s honestly so cute 🥺🥰
While she is terrified of intimacy at first, she’s also a hopeless romantic
So she gradually becomes more comfortable with the whole dating thing over time
She sets up the cutest activities for you to do together
Including, but not limited to; stargazing, going to planetariums, petting zoos, aquariums, museums, art galleries & a BUNCH of other places
She likes art as well, so whenever you get the urge to doodle, she’s right there with ya ;)
You end up working together on bigger pieces and they look ✨bomb af✨
She can’t animate, but watching you work your magic makes her wanna try it out
She’ll be eternally grateful if you teach her, and she’s a great student, too—she’s a super fast learner :D
She’s also dabbled a bit in cosplay, but she’s a bit shy about it
So seeing you so open & enthusiastic about it is sUch a confidence boost :>
She’ll shyly try it out with you again—and she gets all cute & flustered when you compliment her outfit, it’s super adorable 💞💕
Still, she tends to prefer sticking to the sidelines & helping you out with your costume though
And she’s a relatively good seamstress, too, so she can take care of any outfit modifications needed uwu
Because she’s sort of a dork, she’ll go with you to conventions too—no doubt about it ;)
~Loves~ buying art & cute trinkets as souvenirs, so expect to come back w lots of merch lmao
And she almost always ends up buying you some kind of cute plushie, just cause she can 😌💖
She thinks you’re an amazing person with a heart of gold—which is why she hates it when anyone makes fun of you or tries to roast you
She’s not super confrontational, so she won’t jump in & snap at them, but she’ll definitely give em “a look” & be super passive-aggressive with them
She’ll get you out of any uncomfortable situations as fast as she can, and then she’ll do anything to reassure you and/or distract you
Because of everything that’s happened in her life, she hates hospitals, but she’ll still go with you to appointments/check-ups because she wants to give you her full support
And she also does her best to keep up with any medical info she might need—so if some kind of emergency happens, she’ll know what to do
She’s on & off medication, so if you have to take some as well, you’ll always end up reminding one another to take 👏them 👏meds👏
Honestly, while she does still have her bad days, having you by her side makes everything so much better
She’s eternally grateful to have met you <3
Homegirl isn’t the most dominant person in bed tbh
She’s sort of a switch, leaning towards bottoming or being a power bottom
So the first few times you’re together, it ends up being that meme
You know the one… yeah, that one
But just like how she learns to be more vulnerable over time, she also learns to enjoy topping a lot more~
You just look so cute & endearing beneath her, how could she not want to take control & make you feel good, y’know?
She’s relatively vanilla, but also down to try some BDSM stuff
Wouldn’t mind tying you up & teasing you until you just can’t take any more~
Like, despite being vanilla, if there’s one thing this girl loves, it’s being a tease
She adores how desperate you grow under her touch while beg because you’re just so needy
She’s a bit iffy when it comes to degrading you, but she’ll definitely praise you a whole lot
Loves worshipping your curves with her hands & mouth while murmuring how soft & sweet & perfect you are
Overall, she really just wants to make ya feel good
Sex is how she enjoys showing her love & dedication to you, so she always tries to make it as enjoyable as she can
Things always end up super steamy & sensual
But she also likes being goofy sometimes, so there‘s never too much pressure or anything ^^
On special occasions (or just when she’s feeling a lil frisky ;)) she’ll dress up in cute lingerie
And she’ll absolutely love it if you do too~
Definitely be ready for a bunch of compliments—especially if you get flustered easily ;3
She enjoys being a bit risqué when it comes to teasing you in public 👀
And if she’s not there to do it in person, she’ll send nudes instead ;)
She sends some lewd ass pics when she knows you’re in the middle of something or surrounded by other people, just to get you all riled up :p
It’s not fair—and she knows & loves it~ >:)
She always wants you to be happy & comfortable though, so she won’t do it if you tell her not to
Your comfort has ultimate priority over anything else
Which also means y’all have a bunch of established safewords—just in case
Loving & caring gf
You’re at the center of her attention during sex; she does whatever it takes for you to have an enjoyable experiences
Please cherish her & return her affection cause she’s been through a lot & deserves it too :”)
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years
Commissioned by @i-hate-username-regulations 🌝 Thank you so much!
~Requests are closed~
Masterlist: x
I match you with: Ticci Toby
Tobbers is just absolutely madly in love with you
You’re just so kind and cute and funny and interesting and–
He’s immediately pulled to you like a magnet
And when he starts talking to you, you’re so nice to him he’s just??
He feels this kind of connection to you
Which isn’t something he’s felt in a long time, nor is it something he thought he’d feel again
And he doesn’t really believe in soulmates or life partners or whatever, but sometimes you make him question those kinda things
Because he really thinks the two of you were meant for each other
He’s a little shy with physical contact at first, but once he gets more comfortable with the relationship, he becomes a very affectionate boy
Whenever you’re cuddling, he’ll always pat your head and run his fingers through your scalp
He doesn’t really know anyone with such short hair
And he’s so used to his own floofy locks, he’s almost fascinated by how different it feels
He also thinks it’s really cute how you’re always drawing on your skin
You could just be hanging around with him, lying on his chest or vice versa and he’ll start tracing the designs before giving quick little smooches to his favorite parts
He sometimes worries about the pens and markers you’re using tho, so he definitely goes out of his way to get you non-toxic inks
Ya boi is renowned for being clumsy
And yet, he still gets really worried when he sees any bruises or scratches on you
He’s just protective, ya know? He‘s concerned for you uwu
He’ll ask a lot of questions
Like did someone do this to you? Who does he need to kill? What happened? Where were you? When was this? Why didn’t you call him??
Eventually, he gets more used to it, so he doesn’t always do the whole interrogation thing
But he’ll always leave delicate, reassuring kissies on those as well
He loves giving you lil bouts of affection all the time
It’s how he expresses how much he loves you & how much you mean to him
If he does a n y t h i n g to make you uncomfortable, he has to know
He knows you’re always very thoughtful of other people, but he would hate for you to put yourself before others, especially him, to the point where it ends up hurting you
And honestly he’s so so supportive when you need a shoulder to cry on, or just someone that’ll listen to you vent
He’s also got anxiety himself, so he’s there with you every step of the way whenever your thoughts are starting to get the best of you
He’s v good at giving comforting cuddles
And he might not always know what to say, but being there physically by your side to hug you & remind you that he loves you inevitably helps you feel better again
Also also because he knows you love art & video games, he has a tendency of stealing games, consoles & expensive art supplies to bring back to you as a lil surprise
Especially if he knows you’re feeling a bit down/out of it
His whole face lights up when he sees how happy he’s made you
Y’all are the cutest tbh
Toby’s a switch
But it’s super easy to trigger his dom side ngl
All you gotta do is rile him up & tease him a bit
Sit on his lap and grind yourself on his crotch, or just give his hair the faintest tug while your brushing your fingers through it
And when he starts kissing up to you, pull away, only to start teasing him all over again
If you start being bratty on top of the whole cat & mouse game, boy’s gonna snap and screw you senseless on the spot
That, and whenever he comes back from a kill & he’s still high off the bloodlust, he’ll immediately wanna have his way with you
And if you defy him throughout that, you’ll have another thing coming
He’ll pin you down & lick and bite every square inch of the skin on your neck & collarbone
Your little moans and gasps and begging only encourage him to keep rutting his hips into you like an animal in heat
He can make you cum again and again without even realizing it tbh
And when he reaches his climax himself, he might still go without stopping until he’s fucked you nice and raw & you end up sore all over
Depending on how much you’ve teased him, it can be a while until he’s fully satiated
He might even have to tie you up so you stop squirming so much~
But he knows he can get pretty rough, so when he’s had his fill & he’s taken a few minutes to gather himself, he’s immediately there for anything you need
A towel? Got it. Water? Right away!
He practically waits on you hand & foot
And then once he’s sure you feel good and safe and comfortable, there are lots of cuddles that follow
He’ll run his hands through your hair and give you lil forehead kissies and hold you tightly in his arms
Other than that, sex with him is often on the more intimate side
He wants to show you how much he loves you & he wants to make you feel good
So he’s very selfless in bed & focuses on your needs before even considering his own
Likes praising you a lot with worshipping hands & if you do the same to him, he’ll melt
He’s also a big fan of any position that gives him a good view of your face but that also lets him bury his lips in the crook of your neck
So missionary’s pretty perfect for him
But he’s down to try anything else if you think it’ll feel good
If anyone’s gonna treat you right, it’s him tbh
He’s completely devoted to you, both in and out of bed uwu
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years
Commissioned by @creepy-carrion, thank youu! I hope you enjoy emh & tt if you give em a shot ;))
Also the nsfw part is a bit short, so I made the sfw longer, hope that’s ok!
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Masterlist: x
I match you with: Jay Merrick
Jay’s not the most experienced with relationships tbh
It’s not that he doesn’t want or appreciate them, he just,,,, hasn’t had many
So his life gets 5x harder when he realizes he’s developed The Feels™️ for you
He constantly stumbles over his words, being a big, flustered doofus when he’s trying to hold a normal conversation with you
It’s like he loses control of his mouth and his words and his personality and his actions
And he’s just constantly mentally hitting himself for not being as suave~ as he wishes he could be to woo you
You’re just,, so kind and caring and funny and interesting and really attractive and cute and god how he’d love to hold your hand and kiss your forehead and call you his and
Every time you make him laugh, or give him an understanding/patient nod when he’s fumbling for words, it just makes his chest,, feel really warm?
And he’s filled with this light, bubbly sensation, like he’s on cloud 9, and there’s just something that’s got him fundamentally addicted—hooked on your presence
He loves listening to you talk about your interests tbh
Just hearing how enthusiastic & passionate you are about random shit lets him take his mind off things & makes everything seem alright, yknow?
When you start dating, he becomes even more enamored with your cute lil ramblings
Sometimes he gets a lil freaked out thinking he might be overbearing & clingy, so he tries giving you lots of space to make up for it
Which is when he comes to appreciate your unfiltered honesty the most, since he knows he could just ask if he’s being too much
He still panics a bit about it tho, since he knows you sometimes need to be alone to recharge & he doesn’t wanna be responsible for exhausting you
Boi’s also a bit more on the tentative side when it comes to being verbally affectionate
He sometimes struggles with expressing himself, so he likes giving you lil gifts & trinkets to show how much he loves & appreciates you
As soon as he learns about your adoration for hyenas, he’ll go through hell & back searching for any hyena-related items to give to you
Anything to keep winning over your affection
He’s not really sure why it’s gotta be hyenas in particular they’re so damn hard to find
But he finds it pretty adorable ngl
Like he can’t help but chuckle at the though & he finds himself really really liking hyenas too now cause they remind him of you??
He just loves how your eyes light up with that big grin when he shows you what he got—it makes the whole search for them so very worth it
If he knows he’ll be staying at a certain location for an extended amount of time, he’ll even scour the webs & order online to surprise you
Speaking of, because of his paranoia, he finds it very hard to settle down in one place for too long
So routines aren’t much of an issue
It’s not always hectic, where you constantly have to pack up & move away in fear of being kidnapped or stabbed in your sleep
But there’s certainly enough action to keep you from getting bored
He knows you tend to get anxious from time to time, so he might force himself to stick to certain plans so you know what’s going on & it’s not always a surprise
He tries to do anything he can to reduce anxiety-inducing stuff to a minimum, but that can be a lil hard, considering the situation he’s in and that he’s dragged you along in whoops
But again, words aren’t his forte, so he’s more the type to wrap you in a blanket with snacks & some random geek movie to cuddle to when things get too much
Honestly, anything you need, he’ll give to you
Hates seeing you upset—you’re his ball of sunshine; he wants to keep you bright & happy
The insomnia means he’s also addicted to coffee
And while he’s perfectly fine with the cheap nasty kind, he goes out of his way to get that good stuff 👌just for you to enjoy
He’s always careful to bring along plenty of paper & writing/drawing supplies because whenever he’s stressed, watching you draw and write helps relieve his nerves
He’s tried giving art a shot a couple of times but it’s really not his calling, so he just likes watching you instead
Also Jay says fuck gender roles so he’ll never ask you to be more feminine
As long as you’re alright with him not performing up to hyper masculinity, it’s all a-okay 👌
He’s pretty impulsive & prolly falls somewhere on the adhd/add spectrum (or maybe it’s mild autism?) so the two of you keep really good vibes together
There’s that mutual understanding and desire to help through rough patches, yknow?
Y’all could either be an insanely scary hyper focused duo or a totally chaotic dummy duo
He really appreciates your input so fucking much when it comes to dealing with #lyfe, you have no idea
Even when you have arguments just because of general tensions with the situation, he’s usually p good at reaching out & apologizing when all is said and done
He just doesn’t wanna lose you ;-;
Your his light in the darkness tbh, and he often wonder where he’d be without you probably dead lol
Oh boy
So as I’ve mentioned, he’s not very experienced with this kind of stuff
So he would definitely need you to take initiative at first
Once he gets more comfortable with intimacy, only then does he eventually gain the confidence to take over
He’s really not much of a dom, but he honestly can’t deny how excited he gets when you moan so submissively beneath him
It encourages him to move his hips faster into yours, holding your hands above your head while he buries his face into the crook of your neck
Honestly, even if he sometimes isn’t sure what to do when domming, he really likes seeing you so obedient at the whim of his command
He does develop a taste for it, but he sometimes still enjoys it when you take more of a power bottom-kinda role
He’s a pretty Soft Boy™️ so he leans more on he lovemaking side of things instead of no-strings-attached kind of fucking
But every now & then, his frustrations about the Operator reach a peak and he gets really aggressive and controlling
Either way, his aftercare is 👌👌
He’ll wanna know how he did & if you enjoyed yourself, all the way wrapping his arms around you and cuddling or sometimes asking to be the little spoon
He’s pretty gentle with his touches & likes lavishing you with plenty of kissies, his hands nearly worshiping your form as he goes along
He loves hearing you praise him while he works into you tbh
He’s pretty vanilla ngl, but is willing to try a couple of things out if you’d like
He has cameras everywhere, so it’s highly possible he’s accidentally left one on while the two of you were having your fun & now he’s unintentionally got a sex tape??
He’d wanna keep it & rewatch it
But he’d honestly feel too bad about it & he’d have to come clean
Doesn’t have the highest sex drive, but cuddles are pretty much always in high demand
He feels the safest when he’s with you, and if anything were to happen to you, he’d go to the ends of the earth to bring you back uwu
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