#that said papyrus is such a good hearted person that i can't think of anything glaringly bad he has ever done
faes-aus · 2 months
Designs for the Lost in code AU! Part 1
So again, I'm going to use any cut content or concept art for characters! (May make grandpa semi real yall)
Sources! Undertale art book & The cutting room floor website!
First said honorable mention: Flowey doesn't really have anything to change, his design seems to have remained consistent throughout the design process. So I'll be using and scrapped faces for him!
#1, Goat mom!
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Honestly this is similar to how I draw Toriel anyways! I prefer this to her Cannon design anyway, so cute!
#2, Monster King!
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I think for his design I will incorporate the crown from the first image set along with his outfit and hair from image set two. Personality may become a bit more hardened & sterner.
#3, Asriel!
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Asriel in LnC is already a bit older than Proto Chara "Frara" due to his horns. I've already made some posts with him!
He's taller than Frara, wears a robe similar to his Hyper death form (& Toriel's robes), instead of heart lockets he & Frara have friendship bracelets. His personality is probably less of a crybaby & more mature tho still a kid. The whole flower plan would be altered due to this.
#4, Skeleton Bros!
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Papyrus is NOT becoming a 2012 reddit user, we can't go back. Maybe I'll give him some kind of sunglasses. Going to use his second battle body in image 2.
Sans is gonna get that poker hat (what's it called?) though I'm unsure about that strange skull shape...
#5, The sapphic monsters 🫶
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I've got separate ideas for undyne's armor but her face will change. I really enjoy the curly hair with the heart eye patch & lipstick! Unsure if she has any pre release sprites with different coloring from her post release sprites, if so then she'll get a recolor as well.
Alphys will use the 1st design shown, I wonder if I'll keep her gray or if she has any other color palettes.
More to come later on! I'll be using all sorts of unused concepts and characters, good luck Hero 😭....
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tainted-by-skeletons · 8 months
Bully Reader X Sans (Part One)
(SFW And there's a little Sans X Grillby in this chapter.)
Getting drunk with your friends is always a good idea when it's just your friends. But when the guy you keep picking on is asleep on a bar stool and someone has a marker handy… do the nice thing, and not the thing you want to do. Okay?
“Hey Y/N! Look, Sans is sleeping!”
“Heheheh~ nooo waaayy~”
“You should go mess with him. We do it all the time. It's okay.”
“Aheheh. Okay. Doonnn tell em.”
“Haha we won't. Go on!”
It's a lot harder to resist when you're drunk and a bunch of dog monsters are telling you that you should totally do it and everything will be okay. The good thing is, I wasn't as mean as I could have been. I was handed a marker by a large monster whose face was mostly made up of teeth. (Nice guy by the way) I took it without any hesitation and made a beeline to the small skeleton. The joyful crowd behind me and complete lack of restaurant staff gave me more than enough courage. But even then, I did still have one problem.
“Wait! What the hell do I draw on him?”
“Anything! Come on! He's not a light sleeper. Just draw something funny!”
“Or cuuute!~ hehehe~” Brandy giggled.
Brandy was a perpetually drunk bunny monster who spent all her time at Grillby's and had a crush on Sans. I'm really not sure why. Yet, her suggestion actually gave me an idea. It was something that would probably look funny on him, and I couldn't mess it up either.
I won't have anyone knowing I can't draw. So I'm gonna give him freckles and little cheek hearts.
I giggled to myself as I spotted the skeleton’s strangely soft white cheeks with black permanent marker. Thankfully, he was sleeping with his chin on the bar on top of his arms. That way I could easily draw what I needed.
“Okay lemme see! Heheh. What did you- oh really? Laaame.”
“Whattt?! Whaddya meeean?”
“Why didn't you write something on his forehead?”
It wouldn't be legible.
“Aww man. I gueeess I should have.”
“Here. Give it to me. I'll do it.”
Doggo, the mostly blind member of the royal guard, took my marker. He was one of my first couple of friends.
“What are yooou gonna do?” I asked him.
“Nothing. Both of you are banned from my restaurant.” An ethereal, but somehow also gruff and stern voice told us.
It was Grillby. The owner of the restaurant. And also one of Sans' closest friends.
“Oh fuck!”
That's exactly what I meant earlier. I really wish I didn't draw on Sans’ face. I felt awful about it the next day. I knew his brother Papyrus would find out, and I really liked him. Papyrus was another close friend of mine in the underground. He made terrible spaghetti and tried to kill me with some puzzles but after all that we became fast friends. I think that's actually when Sans decided that I was his least favorite person. He was basically obsessed with his brother and I think he thought I'd steal him away or something. Which I would never do. Papyrus is really not my type.
“Come on Paps! Throw like a man dammit! Hahaha!”
I was having a snowball fight with Papyrus and a few guard dog monsters when Sans came up to us.
“Hey. Y/N. Come over here a sec.” Sans said calmly after he somehow appeared behind us.
“Woah! How'd you?- whatever.” I wondered as I stepped away from the game.
“I don't think you should be hanging out with my brother so much.”
“Pft. What is he? 6? Who the hell are you to say that?”
I hate people telling me what to do. So hearing that set me off and I said something rude before I could stop myself.
“I'm his older brother. And he shouldn't have to deal with people that insult him, cuss around him and I don't like you casually stealing my nickname for him either.”
“Uh. Obsessed much? One. He's a grown up. He can handle it. And two? Being protective of nicknames is kinda creepy if it's your younger brother.”
“Wh-Creepy!? What the hell is wrong with you!?”
Before Sans could start lecturing me, one of the big monsters came up to us.
“You guys can talk later! Come on! We don't wanna wait forever!”
It was a dog guard in ginormous armor and his tail was wagging wildly. Anxious to get away from the humiliating conversation, I ignored everything Sans said and started walking back to my game.
“Just like. Chill. Okay? No pun intended.”
Sans' Pov
Puns were my thing. Alright? And I don't have a lot of things to begin with. Other than Papyrus' nickname that bitch stole too. Using a pun against me was the last straw. As ridiculous as that sounds. So that was the start of our intense hatred for each other. I wasn't really the type of person to start arguments but she sure was. We both got tossed out of practically every building we were in together for causing a scene. Getting drunk and falling asleep at Grillby's was a usual occurrence for me, but I had no idea my new enemy would come in and torment me that day.
“Mnnn. Grillby…” I muttered after waking up on a barstool again.
Apparently I slept until everyone left. At least, that's what I thought. Apparently Grillby cleared the place out early after I got graffitied.
“Sans. You need to get up.”
“Uggh. I know. I'll go home in a sec.”
“Not that.”
“Y/N drew on your face. I'm gonna take you to my place so we can wash it off. Alright?”
“What?! What the hell did she do?!”
I bolted up. Nearly falling out of my chair.
“Not as much as I thought actually. It's not bad.”
“What? How could it not be bad?”
After I had steadied myself, I finally looked up at Grillby's face. He had a strange smile that unsettled me.
“Don't think about it too much. Put up your hood and walk with me to my place.” He commanded.
“Uh- huh?” I squeaked.
Some people say that Grillby is bossy and a buzz kill. But I don't mind at all. He never usually bosses me around. But when he does… I can't say I dislike it. I immediately hopped off the chair and flipped up my hood. Very suddenly, Grillby took my hand and walked me out the door. Opening it for me.
“Ah… Jeez Grillbz. I'm not a kid anymore.”
“Oh. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't be coddling you.”
He let go of my hand and I realized my mistake.
“Er… I mean. I'll take it as a compliment I guess. You seem pissed off that she was fuckin’ with me.”
“I am. I'm not sure I like having a human down here. She may get along with everyone, but I feel like all my customers have been a lot more rowdy and even the whole town has become a bit more… a bit… ugh. I'm just not sure I have the right word.”
“She reminds me a lot of Catty. Or Bratty.”
Funny enough, I used to get bullied a lot by them too. When I was a kid that is.
“Haha! I'm sure she does. Hmmm. I wonder then…”
Without warning, Grillby took hold of my hood and pulled it back to look at my face more closely. I turned and looked up at him with a slightly shocked expression.
Grillby's eyes softened and he stood staring at me for a couple seconds.
“You do seem to attract a type. Don't you Sans?”
“What? What's that supposed to mean?”
“I never told you. Because I didn't like how they treated you. But Catty and Bratty came by one day. I talked to them for a while and they revealed that they picked on you because they both had a crush on you.”
“What?! No. You're kidding me!”
“I wonder if that human girl is similar.”
“I don't believe a word you said.”
“You might when you see what she drew on you.”
It was late at night and I shouldn't have been shouting. So Grillby put a finger to my lips. All the embarrassment and physical contact started to make my knees weak. I tripped a little.
“Ohhahaha. You're still quite tired aren't you?” Grillby laughed at me as he took my hand again.
“Shut up.” I muttered quietly. “I'll be fine.”
But… I couldn't stop myself from squeezing his hand so he wouldn't let go of mine.
“Oh? So you don't want me to carry you?”
“N-no! Don't do that!”
“Hmhm~ Alright.”
Grillby has always teased me. He usually says something about how I make it so easy. I'm not sure what that means though. I don't find it easy to tease anyone.
“Aahh… there we go.” Grillby muttered to himself as he unlocked his front door, letting go of my hand.
He let me in first, but I didn't go straight to his bathroom. I remembered where it was but I felt awkward showing how well I already knew his place.
“Still need help?”
“Er! Uh! I just. Um… don't remember which door is your bathroom.”
“Oh right. Sorry. I guess it feels like I invite you over more than I actually do. It's the first door on the right.”
I nodded and made my way there. Grillby picked up his pace in order to catch up with me. I could guess he wanted to see my reaction when I saw myself. Looking in the mirror, I found little black dots along my cheeks, and small, badly drawn hearts below my eyes.
“Ehaaahhh! W-why- why! Why did she do that?!”
“Hahahaha! I'm really not sure Sans. I think that girl likes you.”
“No! I- Aghhh!”
I tried desperately to rub off the black dots. Even black smears would be better. But they didn't budge at all.
“Fuck! Y/N didn't use a permanent marker did she?”
“Oh no… I really hope not.”
Grillby seemed to know that my “skin” held permanent markers really well. He opened up a cabinet and grabbed a brand new bar of soap and a small towel.
“I guess we'll find out.” I sighed.
“Alright Sans. Stay still.”
“What? No come on. Just let me do it.”
Grillby turned on the faucet, making sure the water was warm.
“I wasn't watching you when I should have been. I should help you.” He decided.
“That's just an excuse for you to put your hands all over my face.”
“Oh please let me~ I love your soft face.” Grillby teased as he pinched my cheeks and rubbed them around. I squeaked a little in surprise and it only made Grillby more determined.
“No! Just! Rrrr…” I growled.
He finally left my face alone so he could wet the small towel with hot water. After opening up the new bar of soap and rubbing it on the soaking towel, Grillby once again told me to,
“Stay still.”
I kinda liked being taken care of and fussed over, so I finally let him have his fun.
“Ugh. Fuck… that kinda hurts.”
“Oh you're such a baby.”
“No I'm not.”
Grillby put a hand up to his face to attempt to stifle a laugh.
“Hahaha! I'm sorry. You're just so cute I can't help it.”
“I'm not- ah I'm not even gonna say it.”
“Ya know. Maybe I should do it myself.”
To my surprise, Grillby gave me the towel. When I looked in the mirror I saw no change to the marks.
“Nooooo no no nooooo!”
I scrubbed my cheeks until they felt inflamed and raw.
“Awww. Poor thing. Don't hurt yourself.”
I threw the towel at Grillby. It sizzled when it struck his neck.
“Ugh. Now my shirt is all wet.”
Before I could stop him, Grillby slid off his vest and started unbuttoning his shirt.
“Wh- what are you doing?!”
“What? Suddenly you have a problem with me undressing?”
“Awww. If it makes you feel better I'll let you take yours off too.”
“That would not make me feel better!”
“Haha. Then get out of the bathroom.”
“Where am I supposed to go now?!”
“Do you want to stay the night?”
“Are you… gonna be shirtless?”
“If you'd like~”
I should have taken the chance, but I got scared and fled to my own place.
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shinekittenace · 2 years
one thing i love about undertale is that everyone is flawed, and the game isn't afraid to show that. everyone has complexities and everyone has made mistakes, sometimes huge ones, but no one is irredeemable
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hahanoiwont · 2 years
In some of the neutral endings, Sans has been shown to have told Papyrus that his friends simply "went on a vacation" when they've been killed by you/frisk because he doesn't have the heart to tell him what really happened, like how he omits the truth of what happened to papyrus to Toriel in order to preserve the "perfect little angel" image she has of Frisk
Papyrus "accepts" that in his presence but the second he's not in the room, he drops his cheery and naive facade to tell you how he really feels
So if anything, they're both protecting eachother from less than savory truths, but yeah, he has some streaks of lying
you're RIGHT thank you anon. i forgot about those endings entirely. those are a good bit of characterization to keep in mind in any conversation about sans and lying. thank you! let's think about this...
personally, in my characterizations of sans, i've always interpreted sans's "vacation" excuse as part of his nihilism--if you know you're stuck in a time loop, and you know you've reached the "end" of the time loop, then everyone who died is actually about to come back. Combined with some pretty heavy depression, you might think of everyone who died as just getting to skip out on the sad epilogue. especially since sans doesn't die in literally any epilogue*, I've always thought of that as less protective and more...conflict avoidant? cracks in the facade?
like, at the end of the loop, his actions no longer matter. the human is not in the underground, and they're the one with all the power. outside of that phone call, he has no further effect on them and therefore the world in general, outside of his relatively small circle. so i think the things said about sans in those phone calls reveal a different side of him. after all, no one will remember this soon, so he doesn't have to keep up the "i'm a normal guy who only knows about regular linear time and therefore believes in a future" thing. so...yeah. permanence isn't permanent. everyone is on vacation. they all get to take a little dirt nap and he's just waiting for them to come back. why break toriel's heart when this is all going to end halfway through that conversation? I think it's less about lying to deceive (after all, Toriel and Papyrus are both perfectly capable of finding the truth), and more about the interesting shapes sans twists his understanding of reality into in order to understand that people are dead without taking the time to process that grief. He's mostly telling himself that people are on vacation. They're fine, maybe even lucky, and they'll come back soon so he doesn't have to worry about it. that's what allows him to function and even help rule** in bad endings, and how he's able to avoid totally breaking down after papyrus's death in those runs. no one is dead. they're just resting.
That said, he does say that to Papyrus knowing that it's literally, factually not true. He super does lie either to impart his horrible coping skills or to avoid having a conversation he doesn't like. It's also a really bad sign for his relationship with reality that he's just saying this with no regard for how insane he sounds. And, given how he does step up to rule in the King Papyrus ending...maybe he doesn't assume a reset is coming and I'm wrong about all of that. But my interpretation is that "everyone is on vacation actually" and "haha nah my brother is fine he's just...not around...ever..." are both so transparent that they can't be genuine attempts to deceive. Frankly, Sans is just a better liar than that.
So...tl;dr: Sans does lie! I was wrong about that. but I think he lies to protect himself more than anyone else. I don't really see it as something so...altruistic? controlling? condescending?? as lying for Papyrus and Toriel's sake. he just can't handle confronting reality, and god forbid he have a conversation about it.
*Sans may or may not die in the no mercy but in any case the world ends like 3 minutes after that so...not much of an "epilogue" to live in. he survives basically as long as the timeline does.
**In the King Papyrus ending, Sans does "paperwork" and dictates policy decisions such as how humans will be judged (which, his policy there is interesting in and of itself). Papyrus says Sans is "working hard." My takeaway from this is that Sans is doing most of the logistical ruling, while Papyrus works on the absolute disaster of morale. Unclear whether Sans has a role in Alphys's ending. He seems to drift towards whoever is closest to him of the survivors, and help them with whatever they need.
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Noo Halloween is almost here but I still haven't done anything about it D: It's a horror ask even it doesn't really have much horror in it Sanses's reaction strange things happens to his house lately and he's always having this same dream, when they had enough and be like:"Whatever you are come at me brah!" And look! It's their s/o who died years ago come back as a ghost like Napsterblook? Did the skeles move on with someone else or they still can't forget s/o and refused to be in love again?
{ Oh, that’s more romantic than spooky~! 
👻 Sansy ;
He is not the kind of person who is able to move on especially after a loss so it takes a lot of time before Sans can accept your death and it’s something that torments him every night. His brother always tries to help him and Papyrus knows how Sans loves you, maybe he has never loved someone the same way he loved you so he just ignores the pains and he does not do anything with his life because he has no effort. Even the relationship with you happened by mistake since he’s not the type of guy who organizes stuff and he has never thought about romance and dates, he’s not like Papyrus. Then, Sans has always thought he was not made for love and he would have never found his special person and he did not care that much. Then, you came into his life and he was so unprepared and shocked, Sans could not believe it and love is a mysterious sentiment, too illogical to him. For this reason you have been the first to declare your feelings to him, since he thinks he’s hopeless but maybe his self-esteem is too low and with you he felt true loved and worthy, he found a new reason to keep hoping and, maybe, to smile a little more without lying.Obvious, all these hopes and smiles fade away the moment you disappeared but, at least, he got still his brother so he can keep going with him. He is used to pain so he tries to act smooth despite your absence.When he found out you came back to life in the form of a ghost, he’s incredulous and he can’t believe his eyes. It’s impossible so he thinks he’s dreaming and his mind is still joking with him. Then, you start speaking telling him that you have never stopped to love him even now that you are a ghost and you desire to stay by his side for the rest of the eternity despite you are unable to give him the same things because you are a ghost so your life is complete different. Actually, Sans does not care about the form you have, it’s still you and it’s the most important thing to him. He’s a simple guy and he’s glad you are still alive and he has never stopped to be in love with you, too. Sans keeps his tears, he tries not to cry but you can notice his eyes are wet and it’s so difficult to speak for him. He does not say anything and the silence, just like his expression of joy, says so much more than thousand words.
👻 Reddy ;
He is also a person who is unable to move on after a loss and he cannot find peace or, at least, it requires a lot of time before he can feel normal again. He never says he’s fine and he hates when persons ask that horrible question “how are you?” because it sounds so hypocrite to his ears and he always says “ah, well…”, “shitty”, “normal”, “could be better”, and others answers like these.Since you’ve been gone he’s totally apathetic and blue, it’s the same feeling he felt when he lost his brother during all those genocide runs so it’s not a new feeling for him but it’s not welcome neither.Sans keeps living his life the way he did before he met you, that’s not so different from his usual and he’s always the lazy and demotivated skeleton of everyday, so his routine is always the same. Even if he feels a deep hole in his soul that it’s your lack and he’s still so sad to talk about it and he keeps all these negative sentiments inside his heart and it’s not so healthy. The moment you present to him like a ghost, he cannot believe his eyes and maybe he hallucinates since he’s sleeping not so well and he’s so stressed so maybe his mind has decided to make fun of him.Then, you explain to him that it’s your new form and you came back to life even if you are unable to explain the reasons of this phenomenon. Sans does not know what to say, he feels different sentiments. He’s happy because he missed you a lot but he’s so confused and shocked because it’s weird, but he’s also afraid because it can be a joke and he’s not ready to lose you a second time. After a while, when he realizes it’s not a dream and you are alive and you still love him, he cries like a little baby and it’s the first time you see him crying, he has never cried since you’re dead and he kept all his pains inside so now he explodes because he’s unable to control his emotions anymore. Just hug him, promising him you will never leave him.Sans does not care if you are a ghost or anything else, he considers himself as a freak and you are still the same person so he’s glad and he will get used to it.
👻 Blueberry ;
To the contrary of the other skeletons, he’s the kind of person who looks forward the future and he tries to move on despite the pains. Sans is a very optimist and motivated person and it’s so rare seeing him unhappy or angry for something. Obvious, he cried a lot when you died and he could not believe something so terrible happened to you. It’s been difficult to him and the feelings he felt for you was so pure and true and he felt them even now but life goes on and it’s unhealthy being anchored to his own past, and new opportunities can be the solution to find a new meaning after the catastrophe. He’s been in grieved all these years and it took so much time before he considered himself “healed” from all those mental pains your loss gave to him. He has never forgot you and you will remain forever in his heart because you are an important part of his life but he decided to move on with somebody else, the person who has been able to help him during these difficult moments bringing some light in his dark life.You don’t have to be mad at him and every person acts different towards situations and problematics and he will be always your friend. The moment you show yourself to him, Sans is quite shocked and he needs time before he can realize this fact. It’s something so weird but marvellous and he’s happy to see you again. Then, when you said that you still love him and you want to stay with him again, you notice an expression you have never seen on his face: seriousness but, at the same time, melancholia because it’s difficult to explain.Sans confesses to you that he loves another person now, he’s going to marry soon. He felt hell and pain without you and he missed you so much but he could not lose himself in desperation and this life is only one so people have to take decisions and move on. It’s what he did and you have to forgive him. How could he imagine you were going to come back to life? Nobody could, it’s been totally unexpected. He’s sorry but he cannot turned back to his past leaving his actual S/O alone.You should take this new opportunity and start a new life like he did, moving on with somebody else.
👻 Blackberry ;
Sans has never cried since you’ve been gone and he acted always the same like nothing happened.Actually, it’s his way to survive the pains of your loss because it’s been terrible and he had never imagined a life without you could be so sore. Sans was shocked a strong person like him could be so depressed for the absence of another person. Since he always acts so narcissist and harsh everyone would say he’s unable to feel some positive emotions towards others.He vents his sufferance through his job and he puts all his effort in it because he has a lot of energy to release and he does not want to get sick or tired so he overworks himself. Unluckily, it’s only another way to get sick and tired but, at least, the exhaustion does not make him think about you and so he can ignore his pains until they disappear alone. He did his best to forget you, to heal from these awful pains, and at the end, he’s able to do it thanks to his perseverance and his life returns peaceful again. Actually, he does not want to start a new life with somebody else because he does not want to suffer again, it was unfair. He becomes a little lonelier and he is not ready to begin a new relationship. Then, when you appear to him in the form of a ghost, he’s quite confused and he cannot believe his eyes… Is he dreaming? Are you still alive? Sans does not know what to think so he needs time to realize the situation. All his scars, in the instant he saw you, opened again and he perceived a sort of melancholia, sadness in his soul.You confess to Sans that you still love him and you want him to accept you for the new person you are. Your appearance is changed but your sentiment is still the same. Sans thinks it’s a joke and he yells that he has suffered too much without you and he just wants to feel good again. He acts so stubborn and harsh. After some days, when he will be calmer, he will say to you that maybe the two of you can try but it won’t be easy because years have passed and he’s changed as well and he has tried so hard to forget you but maybe that was not his true desire. He does not promise things will be fine and, obvious, this relationship will never be like before but he wants to try so he won’t regret anything.
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thepopatochispfren · 7 years
lol but it's not tru. Anyways, how would ut sans and uf papyrus react to cheating on their s/o, and they don't find out, instead acting sweeter and more adorable then normal until they can't take it anymore and tell them. When they do s/o freezes before just giving them a sad smile. "Well, can't blame u. Honestly lasted longer than I expected, I mean, who would ever want me?" They don't even seem fazed by their own words, being too used to thinking that way. Thank fren!
angst! anyways you r great, and don’t forget that fren.
ut snas:
you and sans had gotten into a small argument before he went to grillby’s. though it was short, the argument had gotten pretty intense, involving some hurtful but non-intending words that were said in the heat of the moment. and you just had to mention the resets. the moment you finished your sentence, sans expression immediately changed and darkened. he didn’t say anything back, and just teleported away. you knew where he was going to, but still full of anger from the argument you decided you couldn’t face him right now. so you just went to bed. but as you were sleeping, a certain skeleton decided to drown his pain in spiked ketchup and through his drunkenness decided to hook up with a female bunny monster. having the mindset, “i just don’t want to feel pain anymore tonight”. but when it turned day, he immediately regretted it. the next time you see him, he comes home around 2;00ish with a takeout order of grillby’s that has your name on it. the instant he sees you, he rushes to hug you and apologize. after the apologies and burgers, you both make up and become more at ease with each other. but yet, something doesn’t feel just right. one night as the two of you were watching late night cop shows, he gets a call from a number you don’t recognize. at first you shrug it off thinking it might just be another friend of his, but the way and tone he was speaking to this person made you feel unsettled. even the way sans’ expression as he talked to this person showed that he himself seamt nervous and off. when you tried to ask him about the call and person, he simply just put it off saying it was a friend and said a pun. yet you know something was wrong, because he failed to say it correctly the first time, and he always says it correctly the first time. but yet, you choose to trust his judgement and not mention it anymore. -a week later- sans had been disappearing a lot lately. but whenever he was home he’d bring back little gifts and trinkets for you which you had thought was awfully adorable of him to do, yet you were worried of why he been going away a lot for the past week. tonight was the night you decided to confront him about it. usually he’d come around 11:00 pm, you knew this by the sound of the door being opened downstairs, and the tired legs of your bonefriend slowly climbing up the stairs and collapsing next to you in bed. but tonight you waited in the kitchen, sitting at the dining table with the lights on. he finally came home around 12:00ish, and you saw his surprised expression react to the sour look on your face. you demanded why he came back home at such a late hour and what he has been doing for the past week. shouting at him saying that you’ve been worried why he was been coming home so late always seeming exhausted from wherever he’s been. it all crashes, and the facade sans had put up had been torn down. he starts telling you of what had happened after the argument last week and how he had cheated on you after getting drunk. he looked almost as hurt as you did, well almost. the moment he said those words you felt like a knife had pierced through your heart, everything you knew and loved about him was breaking and falling apart. you struggled, but managed to get out these words. “well, i can’t blame you. Honestly this lasted longer than I expected, I mean, who would ever want me?” you said, giving a sad smile. before he could say anything back, you run out the door tears filling up your eyes. you hesitate for a moment wondering where to go, everything was falling apart. your boyfriend had cheated on you, all that trust, care, love that you had in him was breaking. then you remembered the bridge that was near your house. sans goes running after you searching everywhere desperately calling out your name just with little hope of you actually answering. he does find you eventually, because he noticed your body floating in the river.
you always disagreed with him on everything, it was surprising how you two were even a couple. but with every argument that came, the apologies and huggles came also. yet, tonight was different. usually edge argued about the silliest of things, but tonight he actually had a reason. you and his brother were actually pretty close. playing pranks on each other, and laughing at each others dirty jokes, so no wonder he assumed that you were intentionally getting on with his brother. his accusation included the phrase, “YOU REALLY ONLY BECAME MATES WITH ME SO YOU COULD JUST GET CLOSER WITH MY BROTHER!? YOU DIRTY SCOUNDREL!”. of course you really cared and loved edge, but sometimes he did get on your nerves. though it may have a little, well a lot looked like you and red (uf sans) were flirting, it was just something that you guys did, like an inside joke. you were about to calmly dismiss the entire thing as a misunderstanding, but when he called you a wh***, it was on, you both became verbally violent, and began openly swearing at each other with everything you had, screaming any swear words that you could think up at the other. this was one argument you had to win. this lasted for over 3 hours, and eventually both of you got tired and realized that none of you would be victorious from this. so you both “ended” it with dirty glares at each other. you went up to your room to scream into a pillow, while edge went out on a walk to fume out his thoughts. an edge alone with angry thoughts is never a good thing, and when he came up with the idea to come back at you it would be the worst thing to ever happen. he had decided to fight “fire with fire” or at least do what he thought you were doing to his brother, “intoxicating” him with your words and “body language”. and being as competitive as he is, he had to win this. though no one is ever worthy or capable of the great and terrible papyrus, he stormed into a bar and flirted with any female creature he saw. edge, being as intimidating as he is, pretty much terrified every single lady he talked to. well, except one. this woman was brave enough to stand by him, and flirt back. surprised by this lady, edge paused for a moment, but realizing his “brilliant” plan was working he continued. it got very, intimate. before he realized it, he woke up in a bed with a lady stranger he had hardly recognized. only then edge knew that he had made a mistake. you see him walk up to you with a bouquet of roses, and a little letter that says “i’m sorry”. wanting to see how far this would go you ask him why he was back. but he surprised you when you heard him apologize. you had heard the great and terrible papyrus say sorry and ask for forgiveness. something was definitely up, but looking up at him he seamt really, genuine. you softly accept his apology and take the bouquet of flowers with the little note on it. you want to read the letter, but you decide that right now was a time to comfort the tall, edgy skeleton. you put the bouquet on the kitchen table and lead him upstairs. he first objects and says you should read the note first, but you gently tell him that you both needed just to rest right now. you both change into your pajamas and get into the bed. and huggled until you both had fallen asleep. when you wake up you see him next to you fast asleep. he seems so calm and nice when he’s sleeping, you thought. wanting to get up and maybe make breakfast, you get off the bed, tuck edge with the blanket, and go downstairs. then you notice the dying bouquet of flowers on the dining table, and remembered that you still haven’t read the letter. quickly grabbing the letter you tear it open, to find it scrawled with messy handwriting. you know that edge’s handwriting is not messy at all, but rather really neat. yet this handwriting barely resembles his. it appears that his hand might’ve been shaking a lot when writing this, for the lettering is very jagged and not smooth. but when you finally decipher what the note says, it made sense now. edge never apologized for anything, and always tried to make it your fault or someone else’s when he was in a situation. when you read the letter, it made sense. he cheated on you. tears began to form in your eyes after acknowledging this. he had cheated on you, that’s why he got you the flowers, that’s why he wrote you the letter, that’s why he said he was sorry. yet none of that mattered. just those simple four words, he cheated on you. you began to shake, it wasn’t ok for you to be here right now. edge was here, the monster who cheated on you. still a part of you knew that this would happen. sure he had his shortcomings, but yet you knew that he had loved you. one of the only people you had trusted, you had loved, that you had let into your life, into your heart, had cheated on you. he did love you… right? who would ever love something as worthless as you. that, that’s right. you didn’t even notice when edge had come downstairs. you just heard the voices in your head. when he tapped your shoulder, you finally snapped out of it. you looked around to see him. you managed to say, ““Well, can’t blame you. Honestly lasted longer than I expected, I mean, who would ever want me?” before you voice gave out. still shaking, you make a run for the door, not stopping when you heard his voice  hopelessly call out your name. you couldn’t stop, you had to go somewhere, anywhere but here. but where would you g-. lights, a car honk, then darkness.
yay, i finished my first imagine! sorrynotsorry for the angst. but i am sorry for it being so long.
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