#that suffers from a chronic mental illness that's considered very severe that is frequently debilitating)
binnie · 5 months
venting real quick
#tw alcohol#sooooooo I feel nothing lmao#i'm hollow and emotionless and empty#spent all day just wasting and waiting for time to pass#my heart is tired. my soul has been drained.#going to bed and calling it a night to escape this wretched state is an option#but i'm not sleepy in the slightest and i don't want to go lay down#and it's still pretty early#so if i go to bed i'll just be wasting even more time and feeling miserable#and if i fall asleep i'll wake up groggy and sickly and miserable#so me - being a very rational human fully in control of herself - ams seriously considering just getting a bit tipsy to pass time#maybe watch some dumb show to forget about my misery for like an hour or so#i know i shouldn't cause health or whatever#plus i have a meeting at 10am tomorrow and i've been having trouble getting up in the morning#PLUS tomorrow i'm finally gonna meet up with the student's office to discuss my special needs status#and what options I have to not have this school year completely ruin me#oh yeah right this september i applied for and got accepted to have special needs status for mental health reasons!!!!#(my university especializes in psychology and they - on paper - can grant the status to students with chronic mental health#that suffers from a chronic mental illness that's considered very severe that is frequently debilitating)#that significantly affects their academic experience)#both of which are my case. it's not very common tho so I'm fortunate they accepted me for the status!!)#anyway the council was supposed to inform my raging bitch of an advisor that i have the status#so we could write down a schedule that would better fit my needs#thing is she seems to have no idea#and I haven't brought it up yet#because 1.) i don't know how to#and 2.) i'm constantly scared she'll think i'm like. leaning on my status too much or throwing a “pity party” or something#which - objetively speaking - is a bit of a silly thought because my uni has given me the status because (cont.)#they felt it was fair and reasonable and that I have the right to have an uni experience that better fits my needs#BUT THAT'S THE THING LIKE there's this looming feeling in the back of my head that gives me massive imposter syndrome
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wordsnstuff · 3 years
10 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing About Mental Illness
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Reinforcing Stereotypes
This goes without saying, but neurodivergent people (and characters) each experience and cope with their mental illnesses differently. Schizophrenia is not simply hallucinations. Depression is not simply feeling suicidal. Anxiety is not simply consistent fear or unease. Your character, depending on what causes/triggers their symptoms, will present their mental illnesses differently, both on the inside and outside. A person’s experience of mental illness is affected by their environment, their background, their priorities, their personality, and their other struggles. Reflect this in their story, rather than reading a long list of general symptoms and checking them off in your draft. 
1 Symptom Sally
Mental illness affects every aspect of an individual’s life. It’s more complicated and far-reaching than simply “having a harder time than everyone else”. Depression, for instance, is frequently portrayed with an acute emphasis on the symptoms of fatigue, lack of motivation, and sadness. However, depression has a lot of symptoms that many aren’t aware are connected to the illness, such as executive dysfunction, irritability, and sickness. Even those with a general diagnosis of a mental illness aren’t going to have that diagnosis just because they feel sad a lot of the time. There must be more, and it must be shown.  
Romanticizing Suicide
There’s a delicate balance between depicting the reality and gravity of suicidal thoughts/ideation and making it sound appealing. If you’re reading a story, narrated by a character who has suicidal tendencies, it’s inevitable that their thought process will justify or rationalize those thoughts. Approach this with care, and remember that as a writer, you have influence over your readers (whether intentionally or not), and you should prioritize the responsibility you have to avoid romanticizing suicide over the task of portraying it accurately. Some things simply hurt more than they help. 
Generalizing Experiences
Mental illness is inconsistent. Some people display two or three symptoms that are easily recognized, but some experience symptoms most don’t even associate with those illnesses at all. For example, generalized anxiety disorder can present in individuals with a more physically debilitating set of effects, rather than primarily manifesting in feelings of fear or unease. Yes, anxiety is the state of being anxious, but it can also be sensory overload, executive dysfunction, flu-like illness, and fatigue. Every mental illness is unique to the individual who struggles with it, so be aware that your characters should be representing that reality as well. 
Ignoring Coping Mechanisms
Most people who have a mental illness that has progressed to the point of seeking a diagnosis and perhaps treatment have established various levels of coping mechanisms. These can be things like substance abuse or self harm, but they can also be more subtle, like hyper-fixation on media they like or excessive reliance on friends or family. If you’re going to write a character with a mental illness, you should know what they have to do to get through the day. What exercises have they adopted to adapt to their situation? What effect have these mechanisms had on their lifestyle and relationships?
Illnesses Having No Effect On Relationships
Mental illness, especially after having struggled with them for a long period, affects who we are, how we behave and interact, and changes our priorities and thought process. It’s inevitable that it will impact our relationships with other people. In order to accurately depict this experience, you have to also know the characters on the other side, who are maintaining a relationship with your neurodivergent character. What are their thoughts on mental health? How well do they understand what your character is experiencing? Are they more likely to want to be there for or distance themselves from the character because of their mental illness? Strain on relationships can be a very distinct part of a neurodivergent person’s experience with mental illness, and it’s important to represent that. The stigma is still very real and shows up regularly, even in little ways, and in a more accommodating world.
Extreme Cases Only
Some people experience mental illness on a chronic level, others do not. There’s Seasonal Affective Disorder, which tends to only present symptoms in certain periods of the year for various reasons, for example. It could be classified as a “less severe” form of depression, and it’s very common. Not all depression is the same, and it doesn’t always result in severe cases of suicidal ideation or self harm. If you only depict characters in the most extreme cases, who experience their symptoms at the highest level at all times, you may be reinforcing stereotypes about neurodivergence that have taken decades to dismantle. Not everyone with mental illness has an extreme case, and pretending they do can reinforce the idea that all neurodivergent people are “crazy”. 
Good Days vs. Bad Days
Neurodivergent individuals usually experience their symptoms on a wide spectrum of severity. There are good and bad days, and everything in between. Sure, some days, one may experience virtually no symptoms and be very happy and productive, and be totally unable to maintain their composure on others. However, the majority of the time is occupied by a middle ground. Days where a person isn’t constantly on the verge of a panic attack, but they struggle to accomplish their typical agenda, and they feel a variety of symptoms at noticeable, but more manageable level. Symptoms can also intensify steadily and endure for variable periods of time. 
Curing Mental Illness With Romance
Let me say this clearly, and insist you don’t argue: mental illness cannot be cured by a relationship. I admit that new relationships or positive attention can offset symptoms, but if a character’s mental illness (such as depression or anxiety) miraculously resolves because a new partner comes into their life, they either weren’t mentally ill in the first place, or you have misunderstood mental illness. There can be months or even years where someone can go without experiencing their symptoms at a noticeable level, but they will always be neurodivergent, and a new partner isn’t going to change that. That portrayal minimizes the experience of mental illness and trivializes symptoms people suffer with every single day. Do not do this. Please. Just don’t. You can say your character has prolonged period of sadness, but you cannot slap the word “depression” on them, then have all their symptoms disappear because they’ve got a hot date.
Not Every Illness Is Caused By Trauma
This is simply a point of knowledge more writers should have a grasp of. Mental illness can be caused by genetics, chemical imbalances, deficiencies, severe and prolonged stress, longterm health conditions, social isolation or loneliness, etc. It’s natural that in a fictional story where mental illness may be an important aspect, that trauma is one of the more sensational causes to apply to your character, but if you have a cast with diverse experiences of neurodivergence, it’s unlikely that all of them will have a basis in trauma. Neurodivergence is not a one-size-fits-all. 
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nikki-reuclife · 5 years
medical marijuana card california
However this step-by-step guide outlines what steps you must take in order to get medical marijuana in New Jersey. There may come a time when New Jersey does acknowledge that marijuana is a secure and efficient remedy for a large variety of psychological disorders. A medical marijuana card offers for the use of marijuana for quite a lot of illnesses and afflictions, providing some relief to lengthy-suffering individuals. There are numerous benefits which might be enjoyed when you might have a legally issued Santa Monica medical marijuana card in your possession. Since you’re ready to acquire medical cannabis in Naples, Florida, it’s essential that you play the game properly. Hollywood Easy Clinic and Medical Marijuana Card Doctors Online have areas in California, Florida, and New York. Chelsea Handler got her very own medical marijuana card. The states which have legalized medical marijuana are not attracting crime or bringing in hoards of questionable characters.
Never let any unchosen medical marijuana doctor evaluate you, in particular in case you're feeling harsh signs and signs. It's unconscionable to let these people die without it because of bureaucratic foot-dragging or overly-cautious government restrictions. This card will let you buy medicines for your treatment. Since your medical marijuana card expires after one 12 months, you have to undergo the identical course of each year to renew it. Put on your headphones and provides Medical Marijuana Card a listen and get ready rejoice the joy of this unbelievable plant and, problems aside, the joy of progress towards ending prohibition! If they inform you "Yes, we truly do," simply cross it out of your checklist, because licensed marijuana card service would by no means provide over-the-cellphone suggestion. The only means that you will get your marijuana card on this metropolis legally is by first seeing Temecula medical marijuana docs and getting a written recommendation to take action.
Every seven months it is advisable to renew your Registry Identification Card with the State of Florida. Lately, due to the rising success of medical marijuana contained in the USA, loads of marijuana card registration suppliers have been opened. As of December 2017, the legalization of medical marijuana has prolonged to 29 states and the District of Columbia. The dollar amounts only mirror primary fees imposed by the state and do not embody the Medical doctors examination, or any extra fees associated with acquiring your Medical Marijuana licensing. In the event that they deem the affected person a candidate, they should signal a detailed doctor recommendation for a medicinal cannabis card, sign it and submit it to the state well being division for approval. A doctor’s advice is a certificate from a doctor recommending the usage of medical marijuana to treat a patient’s qualifying illness. Starting New Year’s Day, adults no longer will need a doctor’s recommendation to legally buy marijuana in California.
It is regulated by Proposition 215, which can also be known because the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. Over the previous few years, California was joined by several other states which have legalized medical marijuana. Veriheal is a medical cannabis community that helps on a regular basis individuals discover MMJ doctors that can advocate them for medicinal marijuana remedy and get certified inside their state to make use of cannabis legally. As soon as that is complete, you’ll be ready to have your “tele-consultation” with an accepted on-line cannabis physician. Medical cannabis is another time period for medical marijuana. Each medical marijuana and medical marijuana cards are granted to patients who undergo from various kinds of sickness, diseases, debilitating conditions or chronic pain/symptoms that aren't eased by high-dosage opiates. These types of data are almost usually helpful for first-timers who need to try a product or establishments similar to a medicinal marijuana dispensary. If you imagine your medical situation(s) qualifies for a Medical Marijuana card, talk about your symptoms and condition with your doctor. Let’s give the doctor the advantage of the doubt and say he does full history and a full physical examination and a review of data, and then he decides that that is the perfect remedy,” Berland says. Learn When to Let Medical Marijuana Attorneys Handle Your Case A migraine is a chronic headache that is primarily a result of the spasm and narrowing of microscopic blood vessels which carries blood to the brain. The headache is severe and debilitating which enable it to occur from once a year or as frequently as 4x every week. It is seen as nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity, aura but a majority of of most by the throbbing pain one or each side of the head. Several factors are already defined as triggers for any migraine attack such as stress, anger, caffeine, nicotine and hormonal imbalance. A few preclinical studies an incident reports investigating the application of medical cannabis to regulate the the signs of dystonia, primarily these twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures are actually obtainable in recently published scientific literature. The July issue of The Journal of Pain and Symptom Management carries a 2002 research study that reports a vast improvement in the the signs of dystonia from a 42 years old patient struggling with chronic pain smoked medicinal marijuana. It was reported by investigators and medical researchers that the pain score (subjectively) dropped from your high 9 to nothing (considering a 0-10 analog visual scale of pain) as soon as the patient inhaled MMJ. Additionally, this issue would not need additional analgesic medication for the next forty eight hours.
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Think of these cards as state issued IDs which might be very assessed and regulated with the Health Department in every 15 states plus DC where medicinal marijuana cards are actually legally approved by voters. States need to closely track the patients, doctors and dispensaries which are an element of these "medical cannabis programs." In order to effectively accomplish that, they've got created an ID card system, where patients who happen to be approved by doctors for the programs are issued state IDs that permit the crooks to legally use how to get a medical cannabis card the medicine and access dispensaries where they could purchase it. This helps to control the industry.
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Patients may also be given teaching through the marijuana clinics inside proper technique drug, with all the suggestion of utilizing a recognized dispensary instead of getting the street version of marijuana, mainly because it can contain other illicit drugs or chemicals are detrimental towards the patients' mental and physical health. Since marijuana is a controlled substance, patients must carry their prescription identification card using them all the time to be able to advise police along with emergency medical personnel of these using medicinal marijuana or THC pills within their medical treatment so that you can prevent misunderstandings or errors in emergency medical therapy. Some research shows that THC (the main component of marijuana) has some pain reduction activity in cancer patients. Cancer patients would fall under the chronic pain category in fact, but technically most legal states have a separate category for cancer being a reason for usage. There have been multiple studies showing that medical cannabis works for chronic painful conditions for example cancer, and not for acute painful situations for example as an example severe sunburn.
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ctrl-alt-cait · 6 years
I’m Fat, and People Need To Get Over It.
When you deal with the medical system regularly (and when you deal with the general public, people at your gym, people at your school, your friends, your family, your neighbors, etc…) you probably know what an emphasis everyone puts on weight.
You get measured for BMI in public school PE, your doctor probably has it on your chart, and if you’re over (or under) a specific number, you’re going to hear about it. A lot. And there are a TON of reasons why the BMI chart is not scientifically sound in the first place: a few, summarized, you can read here. There are a lot of issues with basing health off of weight, and “ideal weight” off of health. Systems like this often ignore the amount of muscle, bone, water, and fat that your average human has, for example. And then, beyond that, even when you do body mass composition scans (which are way more helpful for health predictors), these numbers fail to take into account quite a few things which have bearing on your weight.
Sure, it’s easy to tell me that there are a string of numbers which should determine my body fat percentage. It ranges anywhere from 10-12% for essential fat to live, up to 31% as the borderline for acceptable edging on overweight. 32% plus is considered overweight. And this number can be helpful to me, because now I know that my body fat percentage is about 35%, at the lower end of overweight. And that tells me, in a truly scientific manner, what my chubby looking body is made up of. It still doesn’t take into consideration a lot of things we should look at when treating a patient: economic status, ethnic background, regional background, genetics, family history, mental illnesses, physical illnesses, comorbidity, or previous healthcare. You can hypothesize about why I’m fat all day long, why anyone is fat or underweight, why any of us are measured by this metric at all- it’s theoretical, and it’s interesting, until it’s you, and then suddenly it isn’t very fun anymore.
I have been, since I was 11 and hit menarche, overweight. It has fluctuated a bit over the years, as I’ve struggled with various health issues, and realized that I have at least three different competing illnesses that mess with your endocrine system and metabolism. And yet, I was a sports playing child. My parents emphasized eating your veggies, and limiting sweets. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, now, and eat a pretty low carb, fiber and protein full diet. I cut out foods that I have gastrointestinal sensitivity to. I have my medical issues closely monitored, and my chronic pain is followed carefully. My heart passes all the tests I’ve had done on it. My liver is fine. My blood tests are well within average. My lungs are pretty meh, but that’s linked to chronic bronchitis. I can do 45 minutes of cardio and get that pulse rolling up at “weight loss levels” every time I visit the gym. I have tried super restrictive keto diets, anti-inflammatory diets, low fat diets, low carb diets, food tracking, visiting registered dieticians, taking nutritional classes myself, super calorie counting diets, etc.
But I’m still fat.
And I run into the roadblock of weight every time I see a doctor.
It has taken years for me to understand the true consequence of dealing with weight in the medical field. It’s simply true that overweight patients get worse care. Weight can be a huge issue in the social world. Obesity stigma has wide ranging public health implications. Being overweight makes you predisposed to eating disorders: being underweight does too. We are obsessed with physical appearance, and we ignore mental health quite handily, setting us up for a crisis of health, both mental and physical. I have had doctors I was seeing for entirely different issues, unrelated at all to weight, tell me that my problems would melt away if I would just lose weight. Some of the greatest hits:
The doctor who told me, in highschool, that I should just walk “for four hours a day after school” to force my body to lose weight.
The psychiatrist who told me that my mental health would improve when I graduated high school because “boys will stop being ashamed to admit they like fat girls, and you will finally get some attention, which will improve your self esteem.”
The doctor who, I found out recently, told my parents that gastric bypass would fix all of my problems, while I was in an urgent care clinic for completely un-weight-related complications.
The doctors who told me that my neurological symptoms were caused by weight, and not the permanent damage I had in my shoulder, or the other health conditions I had, and then accused me of lying about my diet.
And, of course, the psychiatrist who told me that it was okay to have an eating disorder for “a while, as long as you lose weight while doing it” when I expressed that being on a super-restrictive diet was giving me horrible physical side effects and what I feared may be long lasting mental ones too.
I have been recommended unsafe supplements, medications, diets, workout regimens, therapies, and lifestyle change plans to lose weight, all under the guise of helping me. Doctor after doctor has returned my truthfully filled out forms about my exercise and diet with doubt, and labeled me untruthful. Because to them, it is impossible- how can someone live healthily and still be overweight? People ignore the complications of healthcare in bodies that don’t fit a particular mold- take my friend who’s lost her appetite and a clinically significant amount of weight without meaning to, and can’t get a doctor to take her symptoms seriously, because isn’t that what women want? To be thinner? Or, for example, the doctor who was recently in the news for ignoring the symptoms of cancer in an obese woman so long that it metastasized and killed her. Our culture disregards the fact that simply because we know some health complications can come from being overweight doesn’t mean we need to stop looking for a definite conclusion. People of all weights need to be tested, and diagnosed accurately, because assuming all health issues stem from being over or underweight in anyone who doesn’t fit the flawed BMI chart is a public health risk we should not be taking. Perhaps part of the issue is that people of lower incomes and certain ethnic groups are more likely to be outside the range of accepted BMIs, and so they don’t have the recourse to demand the kind of testing the wealthy can. Perhaps part of the issue is that, when it comes down to it, doctors are only human, and humans have an inextricable bias to them that is heavily influenced by their culture.
This bias kills people of non-white ethnic groups, marginalized religions, different body types, non-straight sexualities, and gender-nonconforming people all the time. We have to realize, at some point, that doctors can be, and frequently are, wrong. That doesn’t mean you need to give up on allopathic medicine, and live in the woods with your essential oils to cure everything. But it does mean that we have to consider that maybe some people aren’t getting the best care, the care they deserve, because they are fat. There is a link, in certain cases, between being overweight and heightened risk factors for comorbid diseases. You are more likely to have sleep apnea, gout, osteoarthritis, cardiovascular issues, and gallbladder problems. This has, so far, been pretty well linked. But what drives me nuts about the concern-trolling comments on pictures online of overweight women, on articles about loving your body, on research about health, and in person from doctors and everyone else under the sun: that doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to be heard, to be cared for, and to be thoroughly diagnosed. Fatness does not come first.
An example of fatness coming first when, for patient quality of life, it should not, would be certain styles of pain management. This is a field of study that I’m very familiar with and have also been a patient in many times. If I go into my doctor and complain of a full body pain that fatigues me, and makes my life difficult and miserable, I would expect to be treated for the pain. I would expect a pain medication to be prescribed, and tests to be done. Which, side note: I wasn’t asking for opiates. I was asking for a longer term anti inflammatory type of pain relief medication that would hopefully also lower system irritation. But, in my personal case, as a fat woman, I was denied pain medication, told to lose weight, and referred to another doctor.
What do I do in the interim? Suffer in pain, because weight loss is not exactly a quick and easy option, especially after all the things I’d already tried? Be miserable, because a doctor didn’t believe me that I’d put in years of good faith effort to be healthy, and passed almost all the other metrics for it? That’s exactly what I did. I suffered in pain, because no one I saw would give me a prescription other than “weight loss”, and I waited patiently for three months to see the other doctor. When I got to the other doctor, she grilled me about my lifestyle habits, accused me of “not wanting to be better”, told me she wouldn’t prescribe pain medication, and only decided to do a physical examination because I literally described my symptoms in textbook detail. She did what could have only been a 3 minute evaluation of my pain symptoms, pronounced that I was correct about my own damn body and did have fibromyalgia, and then reiterated that she wouldn’t prescribe pain medication until I lost some weight.
So we have multiple doctors in this practice network, now, that know full well I have a debilitating pain condition, who will not prescribe me as needed pain medication because I’m too fat.
Well, unfortunately for them, and me, I didn’t lose weight. I couldn’t lose weight. There was absolutely no healthy, no fad or yo-yo diet way for me to lose weight at this point. There still probably isn’t- I take several supplements that can support weight management, but aren’t contraindicated with my other medications. I live my healthy lifestyle. I am still in pain.
I am still fat.
I will always agree that finding the cause of pain, or discomfort, or disease is necessary to a patient for them to live a good quality life. We shouldn’t be out here blindly medicating people. But we also shouldn’t allow people to suffer while standing on a perceived moral high ground, dangling the carrot of relief over them as though somehow, when they jump through a high enough hoop, we will be able to say, “see? It was your fatness all along.” and the problem will be gone. Even in the face of plain diagnostic results, fatness becomes a quicksand to medical intervention. In part, I imagine it has to do with that aforementioned moral high ground. We have come to view weight as a moral marker, beyond even our cultural obsession with looks. There are “bad” foods and “good” foods- no in between, no moderation, no internal discussion about the harmfully dichotomous nature of declaring fatness a moral failing and thinness an idealized dream. We look down upon “fat slobs” and mock them in our comedies, our dramas, our romantic movies. A fat woman is not desirable, and a fat man is a travesty. Conversely, we will also mock thinness when it goes outside of the accepted range- women with “pancake” chests and men with “noodle” arms. This cultural bias is popular, it’s deeply held, and it is dangerously intertwined with the doctoral hands that hold our lives, our health, and our happiness. Even among overweight people, I’m still nowhere near as stigmatized as people a few sizes bigger than I am, and that breaks my heart.
The biggest thing nagging at my mind through all of this, as I talk about all the ways in which I’ve tried my best to fit into the medical idea of what “healthy” is, is that people deserve care regardless of whether or not they are willing to, or are trying to lose weight. People deserve care, love, acceptance no matter whether they are unhappy with their weight or not. Beyond even the issue of how I have been pressured to make many lifestyle changes, most of which I’m happy with, is the issue of people who should not have to conform to any standard but happiness to get a good quality of life. There are only so many plates you can juggle in your life, and I would never begrudge someone spending the hours of daylight I spend on fitting into an allopathic definition of “trying to be healthy” on something more enjoyable and fulfilling for them.
I could philosophize more about being fat, and the many issues we face in this culture: about the lack of affordable and comfortable clothing, the stigma of working out at the gym, the mockery, the bullying, the laughter, the jokes, the culture of abuse that has led me to psychological issue after psychological issue, the body dysmorphia I struggle with, and the healthcare battle ahead. After all that, though, I will still. Be. Fat.
So I would like to cordially invite all of my doctors, and everyone who has had the passing thought, or the gall to mention it to my face, all of the people in the society I have to coexist with, to get over it. Get over my weight. Get over the hump of grilling me on my daily habits, and tsking like some overblown moral judge when I decide I want to eat a cupcake. Get over your reluctance to take me seriously when I come in with a genuine medical issue. Get over your inability to prescribe me medications that would let me live my life happily. Get over the euphemisms for being overweight, and the skirting around your own implicit bias towards fat people. Get over “heavier girls” and “curvy girls” and “husky men”. Get over all the terrible connotations you have towards the word fat, and the immediate need to correct me like you’re doing me a favor when I say that I am, in fact, fat. I get that you want to be kind. But when you treat the reality of my existence like an insult, it can feel kind of shitty.
It’s not an insult. It’s not a psychological disease. It’s not the body dysmorphia talking.
I am just, plain and simple, a fat woman. It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. There are so many things to love about my body- it is functional in so many ways. It carries me to school and back. It enables me to learn amazing things, and experience wonderful days. My body can take me through the forest, my legs can get me to the top of a hill. And if yours can’t? That’s just fine too. Body positivity gets a lot of flack for “normalizing and romanticizing unhealthy behaviors”. But hardly anyone (save a few outliers that the world wide powers of the internet will enable you to find) sees the body positivity movement and decides to become unhealthy because of it, not to mention the fact that average sized people rarely receive that kind of feedback for other “unhealthy” behaviors. It is not a bad thing for us to love ourselves, whether we are disabled, or fat, or outside the cultural beauty norms for any other reason. When I look in the mirror, I struggle with my appearance because other people have told me to for so long that it feels like it’s stuck in my very bones. Would it be such a bad thing for me to not feel that way? Would it be bad for children to grow up loving their bodies for being such miraculous things, without struggling to access fair healthcare, job opportunities, and peer groups?
I’m fat, and I’m happy. It’s time for the world to stop worshipping the God of Outward Appearances, and leave my personal healthcare business alone.
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idontevenwannaknow · 5 years
medical cannabis card
But this step-by-step guide outlines what steps you must take with the intention to get medical marijuana in New Jersey. There could come a time when New Jersey does recognize that marijuana is a protected and effective treatment for a wide variety of mental disorders. A medical marijuana card offers for using marijuana for a variety of illnesses and afflictions, providing some relief to lengthy-suffering individuals. There are quite a few advantages that are enjoyed when you have a legally issued Santa Monica medical marijuana card in your possession. Since you’re in a position to acquire medical cannabis in Naples, Florida, it’s important that you simply play the sport wisely. Hollywood Simple Clinic and Medical Marijuana Card Docs Online have places in California, Florida, and New York. Chelsea Handler obtained her very own medical marijuana card. The states that have legalized medical marijuana are not attracting crime or bringing in hoards of questionable characters.
Never let any unchosen medical marijuana physician evaluate you, particularly in case you're feeling harsh indicators and symptoms. It is unconscionable to let these individuals die without it because of bureaucratic foot-dragging or overly-cautious government restrictions. This card will let you buy medicines in your remedy. Since your medical marijuana card expires after one year, it's worthwhile to undergo the identical course of annually to renew it. Put in your headphones and provides Medical Marijuana Card a pay attention and get ready rejoice the joy of this unimaginable plant and, issues apart, the joy of progress towards ending prohibition! In the event that they tell you "Sure, we actually do," simply cross it out of your listing, as a result of licensed marijuana card service would by no means offer over-the-cellphone advice. The one means that you will get your marijuana card in this city legally is by first seeing Temecula medical marijuana medical doctors and getting a written advice to take action.
Each seven months it is advisable to renew your Registry Identification Card with the State of Florida. Lately, because of the rising success of medical marijuana inside the USA, loads of marijuana card registration suppliers have been opened. As of December 2017, the legalization of medical marijuana has extended to 29 states and the District of Columbia. The dollar amounts only reflect fundamental charges imposed by the state and do not embody the Docs examination, or any additional fees related to buying your Medical Marijuana licensing. In the event that they deem the affected person a candidate, they must signal an in depth doctor advice for a medicinal cannabis card, sign it and submit it to the state health department for approval. A doctor’s advice is a certificate from a physician recommending the usage of medical marijuana to treat a patient’s qualifying illness. Starting New Year’s Day, adults now not will need a doctor’s recommendation to legally buy marijuana in California.
It's regulated by Proposition 215, which can also be recognized because the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. Over the previous few years, California was joined by several other states which have legalized medical marijuana. Veriheal is a medical cannabis community that helps everyday folks discover MMJ medical doctors that may recommend them for medicinal marijuana remedy and get certified within their state to use cannabis legally. As soon as this is full, you’ll be ready to have your “tele-consultation” with an permitted online cannabis physician. Medical cannabis is another term for medical marijuana. Each medical marijuana and medical marijuana cards are granted to patients who endure from various types of illness, diseases, debilitating situations or chronic ache/signs that are not eased by excessive-dosage opiates. These sorts of knowledge are virtually usually useful for first-timers who need to strive a product or establishments akin to a medicinal marijuana dispensary. In the event you imagine your medical condition(s) qualifies for a Medical Marijuana card, talk about your signs and situation together with your physician. Let’s give the doctor the good thing about the doubt and say he does full history and a full physical exam and a evaluation of records, and then he decides that that is the best treatment,” Berland says. Learn When to Let Medical Marijuana Attorneys Handle Your Case Chronic pain is the most common reason patients seek to use medicinal marijuana. This is not surprising considering over 1/3 of Americans are dealing with some soft of chronic pain situation. It is now understood that particular strains of marijuana act favorably towards reducing a patient's pain. Is there a dose effect? Meaning is medicinal marijuana effective with a certain amount/dose and after that does it become counterproductive above that?
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It doesn't matter regardless of whether you have a good medical cause or are only a hobby smoker; paying with medicinal marijuana continues to be considered a drug charge and may carry some stiff penalties. If you don't need to see your life put on hold indefinitely, you will need the expertise of several medical cannabis attorneys. Think of these cards as state issued IDs that are very closely monitored and regulated through the Health Department in all of the 15 states along with DC where medicinal marijuana cards are already legally approved by voters. States need to closely track the patients, doctors and dispensaries which can be an integral part of these "medical cannabis programs." In order to effectively accomplish that, they have created an ID card system, where patients who have been approved by doctors to the programs are issued state IDs that enable the crooks to legally use the medicine and access dispensaries where they're able to purchase it. This helps to modify the.
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There are two well-known types of treatment for chronic pain which exist in the US - traditional and alternative. Traditional includes those treatments which might be mainstream, typically reimbursed by insurance, and also have significant peer reviewed research storing their usage. Also traditional treatments frequently have FDA approval for use, although not always. When you are uncertain how to proceed when you find yourself being charged which has a drug offense, you have to find the expert advice of your medical marijuana attorneys. Depending on where you live, you may have a fantastic selection or a small collection of people to pick from. Don't hire the first that comes to mind. Hire the one that is qualified, affordable and experienced at receiving the results you need. You don't want to hurt your case or maybe your chances having an unqualified lawyer handle your case. Your freedom and life are worth much more medical marijuana doctor now, and you have to value it. A good attorney will concentrate on what needs to be done so you'll be able to regain control of one's life. By representing you together with supplying you with guidance, you'll be able to rest easy if you know this nightmare is actually over.
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mikegriswoldatx · 7 years
“Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has affected people throughout history” (The National Institute of Mental Health, 2015). Schizophrenia is a disease that affects about 1% of all Americans. While it is a widespread issue, with understanding and early detection, it can be managed, and those affected can live a relatively normal and productive life. Early detection and treatment however, are not the sole responsibility of the person with the disease. It is important to understand the symptoms and treatment options if you or a loved one has any early symptoms. While schizophrenia can be lived with it is often a difficult challenge for the individual that is affected to live completely independently. “Families and society are affected by schizophrenia too. Many people with schizophrenia have difficulty holding a job or caring for themselves, so they rely on others for help” (The National Institute of Mental Health, 2015).
People affected by schizophrenia can hear voices and become paranoid. There are different types of schizophrenia that people can be afflicted by. The following are a few of the subtypes of schizophrenia:
• “Paranoid schizophrenia - These persons are very suspicious of others and often have grand schemes of persecution at the root of their behavior. Halluciations, and more frequently delusions, are a prominent and common part of the illness. • Disorganized schizophrenia (Hebephrenic Schizophrenia) - In this case the person is verbally incoherent and may have moods and emotions that are not appropriate to the situation. Hallucinations are not usually present. • Catatonic schizophrenia - In this case, the person is extremely withdrawn, negative and isolated, and has marked psychomotor disturbances. • Residual schizophrenia - In this case the person is not currently suffering from delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech and behavior, but lacks motivation and interest in day-to-day living. • Schizoaffective disorder - These people have symptoms of schizophrenia as well as mood disorder such as major depression, bipolar mania, or mixed mania. • Undifferentiated Schizophrenia - Conditions meeting the general diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia but not conforming to any of the above subtypes, or exhibiting the features of more than one of them without a clear predominance of a particular set of diagnostic characteristics” (Schizophrenia.com, 2004).
What I hope to cover in this blog is to, at a high level, discuss some of the early warning signs of the disease, who is most at risk, and some of the treatment options. I think it is important for everyone to understand these things at a basic level to help us as a society be more cognizant of challenges that others may be going through and how we may be able to help them. I like to think that my blogs, while hopefully enjoyable, are educational and help you learn something new about the world around you.
Who is at Risk?
While approximately 1% of all Americans are afflicted with this disease and the exact cause of schizophrenia is unknown, there are a few risk factors that can make individuals more susceptible to the disease. “About 1% of Americans have this illness. Schizophrenia affects men and women equally. It occurs at similar rates in all ethnic groups around the world” (The National Institute of Mental Health, 2015).
Family History
Heredity can play a roll in increasing an individual’s potential for developing schizophrenia. As you would expect the closer someone is to someone that has developed schizophrenia the more likely they are to develop the disease. The chart below shows how certain relationships can affect the potential for a person developing schizophrenia.
While heredity does play a role in development, it has not been determined that the disease is actually genetic. “It is of much interest, though, that the correlation of schizophrenia between identical twins, who have identical genomes, is less than one-half. This indicates that schizophrenia is NOT entirely a genetic disease” (Schizophrenia.com, 2004).
A person’s environment can also play a role in increasing their probability of developing schizophrenia. “Many environmental factors may be involved, such as exposure to viruses or malnutrition before birth, problems during birth, and other not yet known psychosocial factors” (The National Institute of Mental Health, 2015). Below are a few additional examples of different environmental conditions that can affect probability of developing the disease: ● “Exposure to viruses, toxins or malnutrition while in the womb, particularly in the first and second trimesters, ● Older age of the father, ● Taking mind-altering (psychoactive or psychotropic) drugs during teen years and young adulthood” (The Mayo Clinic, 2015).
Schizophrenia is more often developed in younger years and the tendency of development declines as a person ages. While people of all ages develop the disease the likelihood seems to decrease with age. “Schizophrenia can occur at any age, but it tends to first develop (or at least become evident) between adolescence and young adulthood” (A.D.A.M., 2013).
While there are some indications that there may be a potential to identify genes that show a predisposition to schizophrenia that testing is not yet available. Hopefully once this testing is available we can get an even earlier jump on this disease and help those afflicted even more.
How to identify
There are several early warning signs that may show a person is beginning to develop schizophrenia. The disease can also appear and disappear over the years making it hard for someone to fully understand if the signs they are seeing are actually early indicators or just changes in the individuals mood. The Mayo Clinic has listed the following as some of the early indicators that may be seen in teenagers:
● “Withdrawal from friends and family ● A drop in performance at school ● Trouble sleeping ● Irritability or depressed mood ● Lack of motivation Compared with schizophrenia symptoms in adults, teens may be: ● Less likely to have delusions ● More likely to have visual hallucinations” (The Mayo Clinic, 2015). Mental Health America has another list of additional early warning signs to be aware of: ● “Hearing or seeing something that isn’t there ● A constant feeling of being watched ● Peculiar or nonsensical way of speaking or writing ● Strange body positioning ● Feeling indifferent to very important situations ● Deterioration of academic or work performance ● A change in personal hygiene and appearance ● A change in personality ● Increasing withdrawal from social situations ● Irrational, angry or fearful response to loved ones ● Inability to sleep or concentrate ● Inappropriate or bizarre behavior ● Extreme preoccupation with religion or the occult” (Mental Health America, 2015).
It seems to be an exhausting list of things to look for in someone, but the main thing is to make yourself aware of these early warning indicators if you notice yourself or a loved one start to change their behavior. Left untreated schizophrenia can spiral into a debilitating and deadly disease. While schizophrenics are typically not physically dangerous to others they are often a danger to themselves. Mental Health America talks about schizophrenics aggressiveness and states, “Aggressive behavior, although it's uncommon and typically related to lack of treatment, substance misuse or a history of violence” (Mental Health America, 2015) is a complication of schizophrenia that has been left untreated.
How to treat
While treatment of schizophrenia continues to evolve as we learn more about the disease there are several treatments that do exist that can help anyone suffering with this disease potentially cope a little better. While the disease is not curable with early detection and a well-developed treatment plan a person can live a productive life. “While no cure for schizophrenia exists, many people with this illness can lead productive and fulfilling lives with the proper treatment. Recovery is possible through a variety of services, including medication and rehabilitation programs. Rehabilitation can help a person recover the confidence and skills needed to live a productive and independent life in the community” (Mental Health America, 2015). A few of the treatment options are discussed below and there are several more that are linked to at the bottom of the blog.
Non-Medicinal There are many non-medicinal treatments that can be applied to schizophrenia. The National Alliance on Mental Illness has a great list of ways to help yourself if you are suffering with this disease and ways to help other you know that may be suffering with schizophrenia.
Helping Yourself
● “Manage Stress. Stress can trigger psychosis and make the symptoms of schizophrenia worse, so keeping it under control is extremely important. Know your limits, both at home and at work or school. Don’t take on more than you can handle and take time to yourself if you’re feeling overwhelmed. ● Try to get plenty of sleep. When you’re on medication, you most likely need even more sleep than the standard eight hours. Many people with schizophrenia have trouble with sleep, but lifestyle changes such as getting regular exercise and avoiding caffeine can help. ● Avoid alcohol and drugs. It’s indisputable that substance abuse affects the benefits of medication and worsens symptoms. If you have a substance abuse problem, seek help. ● Maintain connections. Having friends and family involved in your treatment plan can go a long way towards recovery. People living with schizophrenia often have a difficult time in social situations, so surrounding yourself with people who understand this can make the transition back into daily social life smoother. If you feel you can, consider joining a schizophrenia support group or getting involved with a local church, club, or other organization” (The National Institute of Mental Health, 2015).
Helping Others
● “Respond calmly. To your loved one, the hallucinations seem real, so it doesn’t help to say they are imaginary. Calmly explain that you see things differently. Being respectful without tolerating dangerous or inappropriate behavior. ● Pay attention to triggers. You can help your family member or friend understand, and try to avoid, the situations that trigger his or her symptoms or cause a relapse or disrupt normal activities. ● Help ensure medications are taken as prescribed. Many people question whether they still need the medication when they’re feeling better, or if they don’t like the side effects. Encourage your loved one to take his or her medication regularly to prevent symptoms from coming back or getting worse. ● Understanding lack of awareness (anosognosia). Your family member or friend one may be unable to see that he or she has schizophrenia. Rather than trying to convince the person he or she has schizophrenia, you can show support by helping him or her be safe, get therapy, and take the prescribed medications. ● Help avoid drugs or alcohol. These substances are known to worsen schizophrenia symptoms and trigger psychosis. If your loved one develops a substance use disorder, getting help is essential” (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2015).
There are obliviously many more options for non-medicinal treatments out there but this list stood out to me as something that is the range of my control and abilities. However, if you think that you see any of the signs discussed above in yourself or a loved one please contact a mental health professional. Do not attempt to diagnose or treat yourself or someone that has or may have schizophrenia, on your own. The treatments above are merely a way to help you live better with the disease or to make someone else’s struggle a little easier. Always consult a mental health professional. ALWAYS.
Along with the non-medicinal treatment options a patient will typically have prescriptions that accompany that treatment. These drugs are serious and sometimes have severe side effects. Which may lead the patient to want to stop taking the medications. This is where it is important for anyone that may be helping support a patient with schizophrenia to make sure that they are safely taking their medications, and if side effects become to severe to contact the doctor who prescribed them. “Medications are the cornerstone of schizophrenia treatment. However, because medications for schizophrenia can cause serious but rare side effects, people with schizophrenia may be reluctant to take them” (The Mayo Clinic, 2015).
These drugs in combination with therapy and other non-medicinal treatments will help aid in a person struggling with schizophrenia to lead a normal and productive life. The drugs help in re-establishing the chemical imbalance that the disease has created in the person’s brain. Again, these drugs should only be administered under the care of a doctor. “The new generation of antipsychotic medications help people with schizophrenia to live fulfilling lives. They help to reduce the biochemical imbalances that cause schizophrenia and decrease the likelihood of relapse. Like all medications, however, anti-psychotic medications should be taken only under the supervision of a mental health professional” (Mental Health America, 2015). Leaving the disease unchecked and lacking in medication can cause the disease to continue to develop and become potentially untreatable. While some have a more holistic thought on prescription drugs, with this disease please follow the doctor’s orders and take the drugs as prescribed. The doctor may change the prescription looking for the right combination of drugs to reach a desired effect, but that is because the disease works on everyone differently and the drugs often need to be altered to the individual.
The More you Know While this blog is not an all-encompassing look into schizophrenia I hope it helped shed some light onto a subject that may have been just a plot from a movie you saw. For me it has been eye opening to really get at some of the questions Amber and I had regarding these topics that I discussed. We hope that you do not have to deal with this disease personally, but also know that if you do there are options out there that can help you or your loved one continue to live a fulfilling life. So look out for one another and if you see someone, or yourself, start to exhibit the signs listed above and in the sites referenced below contact someone and get checked out. If it is schizophrenia you want to make sure that you are getting the treatment and help that is needed as soon as possible to ensure that the disease is being managed early and effectively.
Keep coming back each month for a new blog and hopefully learn something new. But until then keep learning new things and discover more about your world, it is a fascinating place.
“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” ― Albert Einstein
Bibliography A.D.A.M. (2013, March 08). The New York Times. (H. S. MD, Editor) Retrieved November 01, 2015, from Health Guide: http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/schizophrenia/risk-factors.html
Mental Health America. (2015, January 01). Mental Health America. Retrieved November 01, 2015, from Schizophrenia: http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/conditions/schizophrenia
National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2015, January 01). Schizophrenia. Retrieved November 02, 2015, from National Alliance on Mental Illness: https://www.nami.org/Learn-More/Mental-Health-Conditions/Schizophrenia/Support
Schizophrenia.com. (2004, January 01). Heredity and the Genetics of Schizophrenia. Retrieved November 01, 2015, from schizophrenia.com: http://www.schizophrenia.com/research/hereditygen.htm
The Mayo Clinic. (2015, January 01). Schizophrenia. Retrieved November 01, 2015, from The Mayo Clinic: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/schizophrenia/basics/symptoms/con-20021077
The National Institute of Mental Health. (2015, Jan 01). What Is Schizophrenia? Retrieved Oct 30, 2015, from The National Institute of Mental Health: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/schizophrenia/index.shtml
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