#that significantly affects their academic experience)
binnie · 5 months
venting real quick
#tw alcohol#sooooooo I feel nothing lmao#i'm hollow and emotionless and empty#spent all day just wasting and waiting for time to pass#my heart is tired. my soul has been drained.#going to bed and calling it a night to escape this wretched state is an option#but i'm not sleepy in the slightest and i don't want to go lay down#and it's still pretty early#so if i go to bed i'll just be wasting even more time and feeling miserable#and if i fall asleep i'll wake up groggy and sickly and miserable#so me - being a very rational human fully in control of herself - ams seriously considering just getting a bit tipsy to pass time#maybe watch some dumb show to forget about my misery for like an hour or so#i know i shouldn't cause health or whatever#plus i have a meeting at 10am tomorrow and i've been having trouble getting up in the morning#PLUS tomorrow i'm finally gonna meet up with the student's office to discuss my special needs status#and what options I have to not have this school year completely ruin me#oh yeah right this september i applied for and got accepted to have special needs status for mental health reasons!!!!#(my university especializes in psychology and they - on paper - can grant the status to students with chronic mental health#that suffers from a chronic mental illness that's considered very severe that is frequently debilitating)#that significantly affects their academic experience)#both of which are my case. it's not very common tho so I'm fortunate they accepted me for the status!!)#anyway the council was supposed to inform my raging bitch of an advisor that i have the status#so we could write down a schedule that would better fit my needs#thing is she seems to have no idea#and I haven't brought it up yet#because 1.) i don't know how to#and 2.) i'm constantly scared she'll think i'm like. leaning on my status too much or throwing a “pity party” or something#which - objetively speaking - is a bit of a silly thought because my uni has given me the status because (cont.)#they felt it was fair and reasonable and that I have the right to have an uni experience that better fits my needs#BUT THAT'S THE THING LIKE there's this looming feeling in the back of my head that gives me massive imposter syndrome
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moonastro · 3 months
Juno persona chart
The sun in the houses
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what is a juno persona chart? looking into juno persona chart gives more detailed insight of how the relationship and marriage overall of you and your spouse will be like. it also describes them in a sense as well. The Greek Goddess Juno is described to rule over love and marriage and hence why the asteroid is looked into for that theme.
the sun represents the self, ego and personality. in juno persona chart the sun can determine how the overall vibe of the marriage will be. what shines and what is most acknowledged in your marriage.
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reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.
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sun in 1st house: marriage is a main theme in your life. you were meant to be married. as the 1st ruled the self, appearance, way of thinking, your marriage could be very lovey dovey. you admire each other very much. marriage will fit you very well, you may have always wanted to marry. marriage can make you find yourself and allow you to become your truest self. like it can make you do things that you have always wanted to do that you couldn't before. can make you more independent and allow you to take care of yourself and focus on yourself. marriage can be a whole new beginning for you and your approach to life will significantly change. this placement tends to really focus on marriage and really hyper focus on every aspect that comes with marriage life. your appearance may change and people may have a different perspective of you.
spouse can be mars or mercury ruled, have 1st house placements and have dominant aries placements.
sun in 2nd house: the 2nd house rules money, income, resources. marriage can be very financially abundant and can bring lots of income to you and your partner. there is a strong emphasis on shared resources. the couple may share the same values in life and may agree on similar ways of doing things. There will be tendencies to express your love to each other very creatively. your habits can change drastically through marriage or can mean that your spouse and you share similar habits. this placement screams shared finances and sharing income especially through a bank account. marriage is affectionate and has lots of intimacy involved, this may be the glue to marriage through affection and being grateful for each other. there can be strong physical bonds so there can be lots of hand holding, hugging, cuddling etc.
spouse can have taurus prominent placements. they can have dominant 2nd house placements as well. can be venus ruled.
sun in 3rd house: marriage is very communication based and can have you looking at intellectual pursuits. perhaps when you get married you finally decide to pursue knowledge based lifestyles such as learning new things academically. The marriage is very expressive through speech and expressing their thoughts to each other. this placement reminds me of a couple who are just constantly working on their laptops but they work together at home so they still spend time together. its that type of vibe. marriage can feel familiar and you having a sense of familiarity with your spouse. this can be like a sibling bond so very loving and playful and sometimes argumentative. your spouse and you will talk CONSTANTLYYY like i feel like if you are in the same room and don't talk for a few minutes it may feel strange or just out of place. this placement needs constant communication with each other.
spouse can be mercury or moon ruled, have significant gemini placements or have 3rd house dominance.
sun in 4th house: marriage for this placement is very family oriented, both parties take care of each other and are rather traditional with gender roles. marriage can be all about comfort and being there for each other emotionally. marriage can be full of traditions and sharing family roots with each other. heritage and ancestry may be a big theme for this placement and usually value privacy. this placement usually keeps their intimate and personal lives between themselves, this is to make it more meaningful for each other. the couples go to place to spend time with each other is most likely their home and maybe ordering in and watching some movies with each other.
spouse can be moon ruled, have prominent cancer placements or have dominant 4th house placements.
sun in 5th house: this placement will have a very fun and loving marriage. this reminds me of a childhood best friend, you just get each other and have this flicker of romance every time you are with them. this is a good fortune house, so lots of life and memories are going to be created in the marriage. marriage can be full of creativity and risk taking. there may be lots of things that you haven't done before and therefore can cause new beginnings. there can be lots of availability to self- expression, maybe you will have the chance to express yourself to the fullest.
spouse can be venus or sun ruled, can have significant leo placements.
sun in 6th house: your daily routines and your daily lives are significant in marriage. health and well being can be prioritised here as well. Their can be a connection between the sense of self and your daily life in marriage. this means that marriage can influence you to develop a personal daily routine or have a responsibility to provide for others. after marriage this placement can manifest work work work for both parties and frankly may not have time for each other. everything can act very fast paced and it may feel like your days just go by very fast.
spouse may be mars ruled, have important mercury aspects, and have dominant virgo placement.
sun in 7th house: marriage will be on and off. i feel like the 7th house is about balance and you cant have the positives without the negatives. there will be lots of highs and lows and the highs will be very precious. its like whenever there is a very good day for the couple it can feel like the best thing ever. marriage can bring lots of partnerships meaning that you can do lots of things together. and of course there is the romance side of the 7th house so marriage can have romanticised features to it. there can also be open enemies withing the marriage.
spouse may be venus ruled, have libra dominance or have 7th house influence.
sun in 8th house: marriage can be very transformative in terms of daily life, your routine, mannerisms just everything. it will be something very different than you are used to. it will physically and mentally transform you as an individual. marriage may be very awakening and it can act like a total turn around. it is something you have never experienced before. this also reminds me of the couple admiring each other and staring at each others soul, just overall feeling a deep deep connection for each other. spouse can buy lots of things for you or in general can spend lots of money on each other as this house rules over partners money. this couple is a POWERR dynamic and have strong sexual desires for one another. this placement can bond over each others changes and can have a never ending phase of their honeymoon.
spouse may have scorpio and 8th house dominant placements. can be mars or pluto ruled.
sun in 9th house: this placement makes the marriage very educational. either one of the parties will have influence on the other in terms of life lessons. marriage can offer higher education offers and having time to study whether its together or them teaching you. this is a spiritual placement as well so there can be rituals that you may like to do together in marriage or possibly just share the same values and religious beliefs and cooperate those practises in your everyday life. your spouse and you may meet each other minds and may relate to the way the other is thinking. omggg the conversations are longggg. literally this placement allows the marriage to talk for hours on end and usually its about the deeper stuff in the world.
spouse may be jupiter dominant, have sagittarius placements or plenty of 9 house placements.
sun in 10th house: your marriage is known by many people. perhaps you had a will have big wedding or people are invested in your marriage life. as the 10th house is all about public, you may show yourself more in front of others express and show off your relationship in public. this can be a business oriented couple who work in the same business or have a business of their own. marriage can create rules and restrictions and you may feel trapped. the couple values their reputation and may act differently in public than at home. marriage can make both parties realise that they have shared life plans and joint purposes so they work together to reach and accomplish them.
spouse can have 10th house placements or have saturn influence. may also have significant capricorn placements.
sun in 11th house: very social and outgoing placement for marriage. when married you can meet lots of new people and just be part in many groups. will probably meet lots of friends through marriage. may have network influence and elations and may develop a social media following through marriage. lots of eyes can be on you and your marriage, people are influenced by your aspirations of the marriage. of course this placement can feel like you became friends to lovers and that may feel like that throughout the marriage, like you may act like friends one day and the other fall in love all over again. it can feel quite refreshing. you and your spouse will share lots and lots of things together and possibly both parties have joint aspirations and goals which make it easier to achieve something as its done together. your friendship in the marriage is well known and your bond is very clear in public.
spouse may have 11th house placements or are Uranus and jupiter dominant
sun in 12th house: marriage will be quite personal and secretive. i feel like this placement is the type to travel off grid and live life together with no contact. marriage will be full of travel and can feel like a dream at times. marriage can develop hidden enemies perhaps from jealousy or judgement. marriage can be something completely different that you thought it would be, it could make you think a lot about the decisions that you made. marriage can bring endings to attachments or relationships. this relates to the isolation part. also as this house rules old age, this placement reminds me of staying married till your old, its that type of marriage that you stay with them no matter what, through thick and thin through hardships and easy ships. this marriage is most likely karmic as you may have known them in a past life and have met in this lifetime to finish some work together.
spouse can have pisces or 12th house placements. can be saturn or jupiter ruled.
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thanks for reading😊🤍
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susandsnell · 25 days
Ooooh, Becky Albright + College for the headcanon meme (Hiiiiiiii <3)
send me a character + thing if you wanna know my headcanon for them and that thing
Got a bit long, so below the cut!
Becky's college experience at Gotham University was - well. It was hard to be much worse than her high school experience was (though elementary gave it a run for its money), so it was an improvement. It wasn't quite the fairy tale she'd promised herself to get through the worst days, but she'd like to think she's mature enough to have not been disappointed with that. People would talk to her in class and not call her names, at least not to her face (though enough too-long stares and microaggressive comments kept her away from most social events). She was even asked out a few times, although it took a while for her to actually show up to a date given how many times she'd been subjected to boys pretending to ask her out as a cruel prank. Some were even— well, nice—but connecting with people while contending with fractured trust and a tendency to seclude herself in her studies was a tenuous prospect at best.
Friends were about the same; there were people she spoke to, and some she even shared interests with, but a grimace or a missed invitation were enough to make her withdraw again for weeks at a time. Likewise, so were continued medical complications. It was around this time that she adopted her puppy, Harper, for some consistent - and easier - company.
During her undergraduate degree, Becky double-majored in criminal justice and psychology. More schoolwork was always a boon for her; it gave her something to throw herself into, something guaranteeing results and instant validation through grit and dedication. Something a lot easier to navigate than other people, in other words. These were useful pre-law subjects, and she'd long had the plan to be a criminal defense attorney. (Do something useful, exercise her intelligence. Stand up for someone the way no one ever stood up for her.)
Interestingly, on more than one occasion in the course of her psychology studies, Becky did encounter a name on a few (hotly contested) publications that would later frequently intertwine with hers: Doctor Jonathan Crane, a former faculty member, who'd apparently left a few years prior under rather clouded circumstances.
Law school followed the achievement of outstanding grades (though a scholarship and a part-time job at one of the campus bookstores helped matters significantly), and while Becky was always a good student, nothing could have quite prepared her for its demands. The first half of her fall semester was miserable; an extensive and challenging workload was one thing, but coupled with the new lingo and the brutal competition between students, and Becky was left doubting her place in the faculty, or her future as a lawyer, the way she'd never doubted before. That professors often passed over her for cold-calling, and condescending academic advisors made comments about her "not over-exerting herself" while the disability accommodations centre warned repeatedly that "law school isn't for everyone" certainly didn't help matters; less than promising midterm results seemed to put a nail in the coffin.
But Becky's resolve to prove herself was stronger than that. She doubled down, sought out mentors and tutors, traded summaries, and stopped at nothing to succeed. The first thing to go was her social life, but this was nothing new; unfortunately, such rigours did have a ricochet effect on her physical health symptoms, which she wound up neglecting more than she should have. Harper was always well taken care of, though; the loyal pooch was as staunch a companion and study partner as there ever was, and even won over the affections of Becky's roommate, a cold and sharp-eyed but fair-minded LL.M by the name of Janet Van Dorn. (Janet would later help Becky improve her legal writing skills extensively.)
Becky's effort paid dividends at time; though her grades were not what they had been in undergrad and high school, she did manage to score a decent internship in her 2L year, as well as one-on-one mentorship from up-and-coming superstar prosecutor, Harvey Dent. (In Nolanverse settings, Becky attends guest lectures and mentorship meetings with GU Law Faculty alumnus Rachel Dawes.) She still never quite could get a handle on tax or property, but she passed, and despite the ups and downs, despite the aching loneliness that never quite went away, things actually seemed to be looking up for Becky Albright, just this once.
Then, just at the start of her third year, the Scarecrow unleashed his latest batch of fear toxin on Greenvale, a city in the Greater Gotham City Area. Becky happened to be visiting her family there for Labor Day weekend.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
(Thanks so much for sending this!!! Ily!!)
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vague-humanoid · 4 months
There are more than 3,000 students known to be experiencing homelessness in Alaska, and the number has grown over the last five years. It is also likely to be a 50-100% undercount, according to advocacy group SchoolHouse Connection.
In an Alaska Senate Education Committee meeting on Jan. 29, Barbara Duffield, SchoolHouse Connection’s executive director, said student homelessness affects things like declining enrollment, chronic absence, mental health challenges and graduation rates.
“Essentially, the crises in public education that we’re seeing today are very much driven to a certain extent by homelessness, and particularly when it’s not addressed,” she said.
Alaska school districts could miss out on more than half of a $2.3 million dollar boost to their existing programs for those students if they don’t spend the money by this September, she said.
In recent years Alaska’s existing programs aimed at stabilizing these students’ school experience and supporting them academically have been significantly augmented by the American Rescue Plan Act. U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, worked for an amendment to that legislation to secure an additional $800 million for students experiencing homelessness, of which Alaska districts got $2.3 million. On Thursday, Murkowski said that as the deadline approaches, officials need to find a way to get the money out the door.
“Do we need more time? Extensions of time can be more problematic,” she said. “But this is something that I think for Alaska is worth fighting for.”
The office of Sen. Löki Tobin, D-Anchorage, has drafted a resolution that asks the state’s federal delegation to pursue a year-long extension so that districts have time to allocate the funds.
The funds for students experiencing homelessness are tied to other emergency relief funds for students, which could be a hurdle to achieving an extension.
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flowersofevilvn · 5 months
I'm reading flowers of evil because of you BTW. It's really good! I was never one for poetry because I thought I was just too stupid to understand it, but I feel I have been missing out.
How have you been? Any development or life issues that we can help with? I think your game is really something special. Take care. 💚
I'm so glad to hear that!! I'm a firm believer that art and writing is for everybody and it always makes me happy to hear people are expanding their genres and experiences :) there are lots of resources that provide annotated versions of classical poetry so flowers of evil is actually a great text to look at if you're wanting to break into the romantics a little bit more! Different translators also change the tone of the work significantly, I have 3 separate copies of Flowers of Evil in the printed English format by dofferent translators, some with and some without original french text and annotations, but my favorite of all time is Ruth White's 1969 early electronica album based on the text! your personal experience with the writing is more important than an "objective" truth some people may try to convince you is true of the thing- historical context and literary analysis only go so far. Your enjoyment of a text doesn't have to have anything to do with what is academically accepted. I like flowers of evil the poetry collection mostly because of the visceral descriptions! Other people might enjoy it more because of its peculiar place in its time period, its relevance in the modern goth scene or the classic gothic literary scene, its gorgeous bound editions in book collecting circles, its raunchiness, its holiness, whatever! all that is to say, I don't believe in stupid people, and I belive even less in a stupid way to approach poetry, writing, and art- art is for everyone, and there are lots of ways to feel and interpret an artists work!
I wish I had good news on the development front- I had a week off of work I was hoping to dedicate to working on the game but I mostly either slept or cleaned. Being disabled and working has. Significantly altered my trajectory on the game. I wasn't expecting to have to use my body to work and it's been affecting me pretty brutally. Unfortunately because it's been so long since I started it up I'm wondering if I should gut and reproduce it entirely into something newer and cleaner instead of continuing to roll with a framework I've come to find pretty flawed and hard to work with. I haven't dropped the project by any means but I'm struggling to find the motivation to finish it. In any case! I'm really hoping to have at least a major update by March. fingers crossed, and happy reading to you!
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
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Out of all of Ian's songs, "So Beautiful" is one of my absolute favorites, especially the MV because of [again] the visuals and how accurately they convey what being Bipolar is like or what going through an episode is like.
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Often I have the hardest times knowing I'm in an episode (until it's escalated significantly) because I go from being "unable" or "meh" to being able, and --like the quote above;
I can't tell if I've entered into a mood episode, or if I'm generally just having a good day.
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You'll see this in a lot of my journal entries, but lack of control is major when (in my experience) it comes to being Bipolar.
Having no control over your own mental stability is "maddening"...for lack of a better term.
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Around three years ago, I watched SKAM France and began to wonder if I was Bipolar.
Seeing Eliot, all I could think was: "Yeah that's me."
But since I didn’t know if I actually had it — I started mood journaling — and eventually I went to a psychiatrist (don’t get it twisted, I went for depression LOL — and because I was seeking to find an ADHD evaluation), and yeah. I was diagnosed with both ADHD and Bipolar.
Now — you might ask: “How can you NOT know or realize you have bipolar disorder?” And ohooooo my friend, let me TELL you.
— Depressive Episodes—
In Bipolar (though no one experiences it the same way — it’s a spectrum, but there are some general commonalities), there tend to be more depressive episodes than manic or hypomanic episodes.
“Although mania and hypomania specifically identify bipolar illness, depression is of major concern in patients with bipolar disorder, because depressive symptoms are far more frequent than manic symptoms and most suicides occur during the depressive phase.” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1324957/)
In this academic article about the burden of bipolar depression within bipolar disorder, it shares studies particularly on how Bipolar
Depression significantly impacts Bipolar patients.
People with Bipolar usually seek help when they’re in a depressive phase; and are therefore often misdiagnosed as MDD — Major Depressive Disorder. The problem with this is that MDD treatment, usually going onto antidepressants, can send the Bipolar patient into acute mania, mixed states, and/or rapid cycling states. (I will define these in a second.)
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“Bipolar disorder has a negative impact on virtually every facet of a patient's life, with depressive symptoms having a particularly strong effect on patient well-being. Depressive symptoms predominate over hypomanic/manic symptoms in the courses of both bipolar I and bipolar II disorders. In prospective studies of the natural history of bipolar disorder, bipolar I patients reported experiencing depression for 31.9% of weeks and hypomanic/manic symptoms for only 8.9%, whereas bipolar II patients reported depression for 50.3% of weeks and hypomanic/ manic symptoms for only 1.3%.”
“Similar findings on the prevalence of depressive symptoms were reported in a study of 258 outpatients admitted to the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network. Approximately 25% of these patients reported being ill for more than three quarters of the year, with a mean of 214 days depressed, and 40% were intermittently ill, with a mean of 120 days depressed. An overview of findings from the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network concluded that, despite treatment, bipolar outpatients remain significantly affected by their illness, with depressive symptoms posing a greater problem for effective treatment than mania.”
“Over 60% of patients in the Stanley Center Bipolar Disorder Registry were unemployed, despite the fact that 30% had completed college.”
“Termination of mood stabilizers may also have negative effects in patients with bipolar disorder. In published studies of patients with bipolar disorder who discontinued lithium treatment, suicide rates rose 20-fold and affective illness recurred in 67% of patients during the first year after discontinuation of lithium. Termination of treatment with other mood stabilizers, including the atypical antipsychotics, may be associated with negative outcomes.” 
These are quotes taken from the same source quoted above in red.
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So — for me, since my onset of Bipolar was around puberty (late middle school; early high school), added in with the emotional dysregulation of ADHD, my mood episodes were something I had gotten used to, and that I thought were normal. (LOL.)
Plus, I didn’t realize or know what hypomania and mania was; ergo—I only really recognized the major depressive episodes. “Ah, everyone gets depressed <33.” ←My bonkers thought process.
I didn’t realize my intensity of depression was something that people didn’t normally experience — in fact, I remember talking to my little sister, and she told me she barely ever got depressed, and when she did it was just for a short period of time. The ‘surprised pikachu’ meme would be apt here, LOL!
My wake-up call that it wasn’t normal was a tv show (SKAM — the french one; though I have watched the OG one.) that had an accurate portrayal of Bipolar Disorder in one of the main characters. The way they went from happy elation; that flirty feeling of being on-top of the world, to the fall into a major depressive episode.
That depression was all too familiar to me. Literally looked the EXACT fvcking same.
Three best portrayals of what my sudden depressive episodes look like: 
[1] Mr. Robot — Eliot bawling his eyes out in episode 1. (20:00 Minutes in Timestamp) 
(Link clip example here)
[2] Eliot Demury — Skam France (And Even — OG SKAM)  
[3] Ian Gallagher, Shameless (U.S)
— (Linked clip example here)
I don’t know how to exactly describe it. Sometimes there’s just this overflow of emotion that makes me either cry or laugh or both. But mostly….it’s the apathy. Nothing matters. Nothing. The reason I don’t really care anymore about others’ opinions is because once I felt that apathy — that feeling of emptiness; of not caring — because life was nothing; I was nothing. So anyone’s negative opinions of me didn’t matter, I didn’t care about myself, so whatever they said ‘was probably right’ ←in my head; but it was as good as dust to me because nothing and no one could beat the hate I had for myself, OR the sh*t I was telling myself.
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It’s fvcked up, I know. Even more fvcked up — is that there would be days I couldn’t get out of bed for a week. I would lay in bed. I wouldn't eat, it would be rare if I got up to use the bathroom— and any responsibility I had, I would not attend to — and you couldn’t make me. I would sleep 17-18 hours a day. Tired of everything, I would have no energy.
I ended up losing a lot of weight in college because of this LOL. I also fainted because of this (rip). When I could function enough to eat, go to class, I would still be empty and fatigued. I would go to class, eat, and then spend the rest of my time sleeping.
Even in high school, I would have an exorbitant amount of “sick days.” And when I did go to school, when I got home I would do my (1) chore and then sleep. School, chore, sleep. School, chore, sleep. It was to the point that my parents thought I was on drugs because all I would do was sleep. LOL.
And that depression would last for months. If it lasted two weeks or less that would be lucky. Anyways, there was a period of time (a few months after I graduated college) that I was normal. I felt normal, I acted normal, I had normal amounts of energy.
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I remember telling my friends that (because I made a psychiatrist appointment) I wouldn’t tell them (the psychiatrist) about my depression because “Bah, it’s not that bad. I can sleep it off 🤪.” Anyways — I suddenly (and for no reason) fell into a depressive episode, and when that hit I was like, “Yeah I need to go tell the psychiatrist and get this figured out.”
I actually started treatment for depression before ADHD. And my depression was so bad, the antidepressants just barely made me functionable. Literally could not tell if they were working and my depression was that bad, or if they genuinely didn’t work. Anyways; yes they WERE working, my depression was just that bad. LOL.
(TW: Suicidal Ideation)
When I get low like this, if I start spiraling (which often happens) I get to the point where I think, constantly: “I don’t want to wake up anymore.” Sometimes I would even pray not to wake up anymore. I had crippling fatigue — so there was no energy to hurt myself. Which is why most of my mixed episodes are so dangerous.
Mostly though, when I’m down / dipping, I sleep. I just let myself do nothing, and sleep. Until it leaves, however long that may take.
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I've talked about my experience being manic a few times.
Here I talked about being euphoric
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Mania Episodes
I have had both euphoric AND irritated mania. And I have got to say — I liked the euphoric one; but FVCK the other one. 
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Mixed Episodes
Ok. Mixed episodes — where one has energy (manic symptoms) but irritation or depression / fatigue (depressive symptoms); basically it's a mix of both mania and depression.
For me — this is when I get into the most dangerous states.
Most of the time I’m so tired it actually hurts. It feels like the fatigue is killing me; like I’ve sunken into the dark circles under my eyes. Except the moment I lay down? BOOM! Wide fvcking awake.
The fatigue doesn’t leave, nor does the pain, but there’s this energy buzzing through me and it quickly turns into irritation because all I want to do is SLEEP, but I can’t! I fvcking can’t; and it kills me.
Theses are the times where any passive suicidal ideation become more active thoughts. Mostly about prescription drugs and overdosing. (Or things like drinking windex.)
Anyways —
I don’t ever act on these thoughts because I do like living (thank you very much >:o ); but that doesn’t mean those kinds of thoughts don’t happen. In fact ---a whole spiraling intrusive thought chain decides to party in my head until I DO fall asleep, or find something to distract me. (Not a fun time.)
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First — let’s just get this out of the way; Bipolar — aka the episodes, whether depressive, manic, or mixed — , are not caused by purely external events. It’s literal chemicals in the brain playing limbo with your mental health.
Now, can external events trigger an episode? Absolutely.
In fact, sleep is one of the strongest triggers for people with Bipolar disorder.
And I quote:
“ — It is essential that people with bipolar disorder practice good sleep hygiene. Ideally, you should go to sleep and wake up in a regular, predictable pattern and avoid activities that interfere with this schedule, including staying up late, drinking alcohol, and consuming caffeine. In order to promote a restful and regular sleep, create a ritual for yourself to get your mind and body prepared for bed. If you struggle to sleep, be sure to talk to your doctor about it so you can identify whether these sleep disturbances are a symptom of a mood episode and gain control over your sleep cycle before it triggers mood switching.”
— bridgestorecovery.com ‘Understanding Bipolar Disorder Trigger And How to Prevent Them’
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I have stated this before here and here
But blackouts can happen when you're in a manic state; these last few months I've had at least three black outs, spanning from a day, to a couple of days.
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/End of part 2 <333 /
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PPT Essay: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7] , [8], [9]
And of course the MV:
Visuals of a Depressive Episode: (1), (2)
Journal Entries: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
PPT Essay Extras: (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
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Cognitive Symptoms of Postpartum Depression
Most of us recognize the term "Postpartum Depression" and understand it to encompass feelings of sadness, numbness, anger, and tearfulness, along with the inability to engage with children and family.
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However, a lot of people are unaware of the cognitive symptoms associated with postpartum depression.
Memory, reasoning, and attention difficulties following childbirth severely impact academic and workplace performance. Numerous mothers experiencing postpartum depression must cease employment due to task completion challenges or find themselves withdrawing from college.
Cognitive symptoms of PPD refer to changes in a person's cognitive (thinking) abilities that can occur as a result of the condition.
Both parents must seek help if they are experiencing symptoms of PPD. Treatment involves a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.
Some cognitive symptoms of postpartum depression are as follows:
Impaired executive functioning
Impaired problem solving
Impaired neuroplasticity
Memory loss
Slow reaction time
Postpartum Depression and Inattention
Inattention can be a symptom of postpartum depression, where a person experiences mood changes, fatigue, changes in appetite, and difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
Many hormonal and emotional changes cause difficulty concentrating, impact a person's ability to focus, and may lead to inattention or distractibility.
Postpartum Depression and Impaired Executive Functioning
Impaired executive functioning, a cognitive symptom of postpartum depression (PPD), affects mental skills like time management, attention, focus, planning, organization, memory, and impulse control.
However, in PPD, these functions are affected, leading to difficulties in decision-making, problem-solving, and managing daily tasks.
Postpartum Depression and Impaired Problem Solving
Impaired problem-solving is the most common symptom of PPD. It affects a person's cognitive functioning, including their ability to think clearly and make decisions.
This can make it challenging to solve problems effectively, and more difficult to address everyday issues, contributing to frustration and overwhelm.
Postpartum Depression and Impaired Neuroplasticity
Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's capacity to reorganize through the formation of new neural connections, influenced by learning, experience, or injury.
PPD can influence various cognitive functions like attention and memory, exerting intricate effects on brain function and structure. It indirectly impacts neuroplasticity.
Postpartum Depression and Memory Loss
Memory loss is a cognitive symptom often associated with postpartum depression (PPD), which affects various cognitive functions.
Forgetfulness and difficulty recalling information are common signs of memory difficulties linked to PPD, varying in severity and significantly impacting daily functioning.
Postpartum Depression and Slow Reaction Time
Postpartum depression (PPD) can impact cognitive functions, including processing speed and reaction time. When these functions are impaired, individuals may struggle to react quickly to stimuli or situations.
This can lead to challenges in maintaining focus or feeling mentally sluggish, resulting in delayed reactions to events. Moreover, PPD's association with fatigue can compound the sense of slowed reaction time.
These cognitive symptoms may lead to frustration, feeling overwhelmed, and struggles with daily tasks.
Untreated PPD can adversely affect the entire family, underscoring the importance of seeking assistance from a healthcare provider.
Through a correct diagnosis and effective treatment plan, many individuals with PPD can achieve recovery and cultivate a fulfilling relationship with their child.
To learn more about postpartum depression, visit: https://gabapsychiatrist.com/postpartum-depression/
If you are looking for convenient and barrier-free psychiatric support, reach out to Gaba Telepsychiatry’s board-certified and highly qualified Online Psychiatrists at +1 (833)312-4222 or schedule an appointment online through our website: https://gabapsychiatrist.com
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astriiformes · 1 year
Been mulling over an intersection of experiences I had last week and coming to the conclusion that I want it to mean something and inspire me to action, I just don't know how.
We read a text in my Women, Gender, and Science class last week that discussed the gendered/sexual language that began to be used in botany around the time of Linnaeus, and I took the opportunity to point out that there was a lot of allo- and amatonormativity happening in the same descriptions. My professor seemed enthused to hear me talk about it, but even more significantly, one of the grad students in the class, who'd been furiously taking notes while I was talking, mentioned it was the first time she'd learned about the terms and seemed extremely interested in what I was pointing out. It felt validating to bring up an angle of discussion that's a product of my own very aromantic perspective and have someone else find it well-articulated and compelling enough to take an academic interest in my point.
--And then, a few hours later, leadership for the queer student group I'm in (which I have become involved with in an official capacity, so that included me) had to deal with an instance of arophobic harassment in our Discord server, prompted by an aspec person harmlessly venting about Valentine's Day things already feeling inescapable.
All this happened the same day I ran our group's student activities fair booth, and a day after I attended my first student government meeting after signing up for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee -- and specifically an advocacy project related to LGBTQA+/BIPOC mental health needs on campus -- so it's not exactly like I'm sitting around twiddling my thumbs when it comes to queer activism and advocacy. But broadening someone's horizons by explaining terms that affect me daily and witnessing an attack on an aspec person from within the community, in a space where I've never seen anything like that happen to someone who wasn't aro or ace, has me thinking complicated thoughts about how much work there is left to do when it comes to ace and aro advocacy specifically, and coming to the conclusion that while I have plenty of ideas for ways to be outspoken about my community's needs as a trans person these days, I have a lot fewer when it comes to my asexual and aromantic identities.
Something to keep thinking about, I guess, although I really do wish that caring deeply about aspec issues didn't feel so niche and lonely.
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Senior High School
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They said that high school years are the most memorable years of being a student, and it is indeed. Due to the pandemic, two years have been wasted in online classes, and as a result, I never really enjoyed the last two years of junior high school. Yet, senior high came onto the scene and made the two years of isolation in an online class into enjoyable and unforgettable moments in my life. I didn't realize how difficult it would be for me to make the gradual switch from being online to in-person since the pandemic caused my self-esteem to drop significantly. Since my social anxiety developed and I was finding it harder to engage with others, I honestly believed that I would not be able to make friends during my senior year of high school. Nonetheless, I was fortunate enough to meet some incredible people with whom I will sail through my final year of high school.
Peer pressure is real, which is why it's crucial to choose your friends carefully. You will spend nearly two years of senior high school together, so you must pick friends carefully. It makes a great difference for you to surround yourself with genuine people who will support you and never throw you off. Even though I've never been selective about who I hang out with, I always make sure that I won't let them negatively impact me. In the end, it truly lies within you. Whether or not you let them affect you is entirely up to you.
I've always been conscious of my grades, but as I approached my senior year, I started to pay more attention to them. I began to put pressure on myself because I was eager to do well in school and not just pass, but to get excellent scores that would be a shred of evidence of my effort. Furthermore, I believe it is for the best because I have very high standards for myself. Even though I could still handle the first semester of grade 11, the constant whining and crying over homework was unbearable. Since crying and whining are some of my coping mechanisms for pressure and annoyance. After a few minutes, I'll start the process over again and consider what awaits me if I continue to work toward my goals. After discussing the lectures, some professors give us some time to relax and do whatever we like, but we still have to respect them because they are still inside the room.
This senior year of high school has never really been about our academic standing; rather, it has always been about our minds and how they function in general, critically, and creatively. It also featured numerous events that we appreciated, such as the university's or presidential week, sportfest or intramurals, subjects month, the annual Christmas party in December, and plenty of other events that support the development of our conscious and unconscious abilities. I still vividly the day we joined "Palarong Maynila" to represent our university in the game of table tennis. Our team's chance to play with the other elite universities was just incredible. By attending these activities, I will get the chance to socialize with people outside of my group of friends. These activities teach us the fundamentals of effective teamwork, which is necessary to win the group you're in. As a result, we were more competitive and gave the team our best.
I remember the time when I met my crush in grade 11 due to an event that occurred during that year, which serves as my daily inspiration until this day. Adoration for someone never goes away in a senior high year. It will always be a part of our existence, particularly our experiences. Adoration, or appreciation for a particular individual, is not one bad thing. We are unable to stop ourselves from getting captivated by someone because we are still human, and we still have feelings.
My favorite year was in grade 11 since we were dismissed at lunchtime, which allowed us to spend more time together and go out with friends. However, as of right now in grade 12, we were dismissed at 6:30 in the evening. Since we have to go home early because we are exhausted and just want to sleep, we don't spend as much time together. Occasionally, though, we take half an hour before heading home to catch up and simply stroll around under the moonlight, savoring each other's company.
Overall, my senior year of high school was one of the most incredible years of my life, partly because of the various events that not only helped me grow as a person but also strengthened and developed my abilities. In addition to teaching us how to be responsible learners and maintain academic excellence, it also teaches us how to apply teamwork and social skills to enhance ourselves. The reason that the senior high school was so significant was that it served as our training ground for college. It's acceptable to feel worn out and uninspired, but don't forget to keep going and try again until you reach your objectives. Even if reaching our goals could be difficult, if we are driven to do so, the obstacles we face along the way won't tire us out.
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naturalrights-retard · 11 months
Just as the dust begins to settle from the fallout of the Government’s response to the Covid pandemic, new research from the Institute of Fiscal Studies shows that nearly half of U.K. parents report their children’s social and emotional skills seriously deteriorated during lockdowns, with young kids most affected. The Mail has the story.
Adults whose jobs were disrupted by the crisis, including those on furlough, were more likely to report that their offspring suffered development problems. Youngsters aged between four and seven were significantly more likely (52%) to be affected than 12- to 15 year-olds (42%), the research by the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) reported. Furiously responding to the findings, campaigners blamed Covid lockdowns and school closures for having a “catastrophic” impact on Britain’s young. The IFS surveyed 6,095 parents in England with children aged four to 16 about the impact of the first year of the pandemic. It found that nearly half (48%) reported that their sons and daughters’ social and emotional skills deteriorated. Children whose parents were furloughed were “significantly more likely to experience a worsening in their socio-emotional skills than those whose parents had not been furloughed (51% versus 45%)”. Researchers said the social and emotional skills of children whose parents had stable labour market experiences throughout the pandemic – whether that saw their parents employed or unemployed throughout – “held up better on average than the skills of children whose families faced more economic instability”. But they found no evidence that children from disadvantaged families fared worse, in contrast to previous research looking at lost academic learning. The IFS study was designed to screen for emotional or behavioural problems. Questions focused on whether parents found their children to be “easily scared”, “constantly fidgeting or squirming”, or “generally obedient”. Responding to the report, Arabella Skinner, of the parents’ campaign group UsForThem, said children became “collateral damage” during the pandemic.
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investmentassistant · 10 months
The Pygmalion Effect: The Power of Expectations
The Pygmalion Effect, a psychological phenomenon named after the mythological sculptor Pygmalion, holds a fascinating revelation about the impact of expectations on human performance and behavior. This effect highlights the profound influence that the beliefs and attitudes of others can have on an individual's success or failure. Let's delve into this intriguing phenomenon and understand its significance in various aspects of life.
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Understanding the Pygmalion Effect
At its core, the Pygmalion Effect revolves around the self-fulfilling prophecy concept. When someone holds high expectations for another person, that individual is likely to rise to the occasion and meet or exceed those expectations. Conversely, low expectations can lead to diminished performance and self-confidence. This effect operates in schools, workplaces, sports, and personal relationships, shaping our experiences and outcomes in profound ways.
Educational Implications
In the realm of education, the Pygmalion Effect is a potent force. Teachers who believe in the potential of their students tend to provide more support, encouragement, and challenging opportunities. As a result, these students are more likely to demonstrate improved academic performance and confidence. On the other hand, students perceived as low achievers may be inadvertently held back by lower expectations, hindering their true potential from blossoming.
Workplace Dynamics
Within the workplace, the Pygmalion Effect significantly influences employee performance and job satisfaction. When managers display confidence in their team members' abilities, employees tend to become more engaged, motivated, and productive. Conversely, when individuals feel undervalued and underestimated, their performance may suffer, leading to a downward spiral in their professional growth.
Personal Relationships
The Pygmalion Effect isn't restricted to professional or academic settings; it also affects personal relationships. When partners or friends have positive expectations of each other, they are more likely to support and bring out the best in one another. On the contrary, negative expectations can create a toxic environment, fostering self-doubt and resentment.
Harnessing the Power of Positive Expectations
Recognizing the Pygmalion Effect presents an opportunity for positive change. As individuals, educators, leaders, and friends, we can empower others by cultivating belief in their abilities. Encouragement, constructive feedback, and genuine support can lead to a virtuous cycle of growth and success.
Overcoming Negative Influences
Similarly, we must be aware of the potential harm of negative expectations and biases. It's essential to challenge our preconceptions and provide everyone with an equal opportunity to thrive. By doing so, we can create inclusive environments that foster creativity, innovation, and personal development.
The Pygmalion Effect serves as a powerful reminder of the impact our beliefs and expectations have on those around us. Whether in the classroom, workplace, or personal life, we have the potential to shape others' destinies through the lens of our perceptions. By harnessing the power of positive expectations and dispelling negative influences, we can contribute to a world where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential and achieve greatness. Let us embrace this knowledge and empower others to soar to new heights.
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profissional-ti · 2 years
edX vs Coursera
edX and Coursera are among the biggest online learning platforms on the internet. Both platforms offer high quality courses and are known for their partnerships with prestigious educational institutions around the world.
Currently, constant training and learning is a necessity for professionals who want to improve their performance; however, with the hectic pace of life we ​​have, it becomes increasingly difficult to do so. It is in this context that MOOCs are presented to help us.
Technology has revolutionized the way we conduct our lives in many ways, one of which is education. Thus, the offer of online education has multiplied considerably in recent years. In this article we are going to look at 2 of the top online education sites : Coursera vs edX, their advantages and disadvantages to help you choose the best platform for your needs.
Learning online using coursera or edx has several benefits, including:
Lower price
Variety of course offerings
Learn anywhere, anytime
Online learning has become the necessity of the moment. Online learning has many benefits. You can choose from the variety of courses related to different EdX vs Coursera topics depending on the accessibility and flexibility offered by any platform.
Online learning allows you to learn courses and skills anytime, anywhere in the world. Many platforms offer courses at low prices and even for free. But that’s not all, because, best of all, educational institutions anywhere in the world offer an educational offer for all areas of knowledge.
Both online course platforms are considered the most important worldwide, although there are others similar; Best of all, they offer quality online education available to everyone. They have a generous repertoire of academic offerings from highly recognized universities.
edX and Coursera have a huge collection of courses covering topics in technology, arts, personal development, language studies, and many others. They are one of the best places to access quality university-level courses.
The edX website lists about 3,500 courses. Coursera, on the other hand, offers around 7,000 courses. edX may have fewer courses, but the platform covers more subject areas. On the other hand, Coursera covers fewer subjects but has more courses. In terms of the sheer number of courses available, Coursera wins. However, edX covers significantly more subject areas than Coursera.
The value you get from a course is affected by your learning experience. edX and Coursera have worked hard to create an enjoyable learning experience. edX and Coursera have a beautiful and intuitive user interface. However, it’s easier to get your bearings on Coursera than on edX. Coursera’s user interface is simpler and more intuitive.
edX courses range in price, ranging from ($50 to $300) . It also offers master’s degrees that can range from ($10,000 to $25,000). Coursera offers free courses, their Guided Projects start at $9.99, their Specializations and Professional Certificates start at $39 per month. Then MasterTrack Certificates can cost $2,000, and finally, your online degrees can go up to $25,000.
Both edX and Coursera offer financial aid and scholarships, but have slightly different application procedures. If you want to sign up for a learning platform but aren’t sure which one to use, look no further. Here, we are going to compare edX and Coursera.
edX is worth it
At edX, your courses are taught by an instructor from one of our top partner institutions, which ensures that the instructors are the best experts in their fields.
Overall, EdX is an online learning platform that has a lot to offer. Courses are offered in a wide range of options and subjects, and these courses include instruction by experts in their respective fields. While some courses are expensive, there are also many free or low-cost options.
There are many subject areas to take courses. Courses and programs are available in around thirty broad subject areas, including:
Art and culture
Biology and Life Sciences
Business management
Computer Science (programming)
Data analysis
economy and finance
Teacher Education/Training
Energy and Earth Sciences
environmental studies
food and nutrition
Health and safety
Philosophy and Ethics
Social Sciences
With edX, you can audit classes for free, even if they are part of larger certification programs. This can be useful if you’re not sure whether to commit to the full program and want to see if you like how the classes are taught and organized.
Coursera is worth it
Coursera offers a mix of courses – accredited and non-accredited. Unlike platforms like Udemy, Coursera definitely has a better choice in terms of accredited courses, and their MOOC courses have partnered with many leading colleges and universities.
Coursera takes quality seriously and guarantees to deliver properly structured content without delays. Despite hiring professors from renowned universities, Coursera courses are reviewed by experts and educators before making them online and available to users.
After the review process, by default, all low quality content is rejected and newly selected content with excellent instructor quality is provided to students. If you’re still in doubt, look for the ratings section in the instructors description on Coursera.
The auditing feature gives you lifetime access to course materials on Coursera , which means that even after completion, you can still consume the resources for future studies. Plus, you can take verified courses and earn certificates on completion with added benefits, which is a great way to wrap up an online learning module.
Like edX, Coursera also offers financial aid to students with certain conditions. Coursera is associated with many renowned universities around the world, so the content of the courses is mainly provided by the professors who teach them.
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wayti-blog · 2 years
“This comprehensive review brings together observations from a fragmented field of research, which could be of great use to policymakers looking to benefit society through the careful use and protection of the intangible benefits of nature.
Do you ever feel the need for a bit of fresh air to energize yourself, or to spend time in the garden to relax? Aside from clean water, food and useful raw materials, nature provides many other benefits that we might overlook or find it hard to grasp and quantify.”
continue reading
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kindafooey · 2 years
So hey, remember when I ventposted about the group project where I was the only one in the group who had any level of basic knowledge about media education, which is literally the master's degree these studies are part of? Yeah, well. It turned out to be a Whole Thing. The basic gist of it is that due to a change in legislation that redefined the terms of qualification in preschool education a couple of years ago, kindergarten nurses with a trade school-level degree as their only educational background are no longer qualified for certain pedagogy-related job positions, which has affected their pay and terms of employment significantly. So now a lot of them are trying to achieve the required qualifications by taking masters-level courses as so-called bridge studies, and I mean...
Like, it's not their fault. You can't expect people with a trade school background to have the skills needed for academic studies. The point here is that out of the three other people in my group, two of them are so completely out of of their field that normally they wouldn't even be able to apply. However. More students means more funding for our small, financially struggling university. So what they've decided to do is they've lowered the standards significantly. The profs have been pressured to simplify the contents and themes of their classes to help the people without academic background to keep up. And the results so far have been lectures that suck shit, and research-driven studies (that is to say literally the core of university as an institution) have been replaced with group projects that are basically like some kind of bizarre office job simulations and have jack shit to do with academia.
*draws a deep breath*
So yeah. This sure has been a learning experience, and by that I mean learning how deeply fucked the faculty of educational sciences is as it stands. Don't know if it's this bad nationally, but it sure as hell is bad here. Kinda want to do a whole, like, investigative podcast on this now. Or something.
Anywayyy yeah in case anyone was wondering how the group project is coming along. Well, it's coming along all right. I'm doing like 85% of the work but like, I'm literally acting as a media educator, so I guess the shoe fits? 😅 I don't mind tbh. I mean, I got to make a Goncharov podcast as my own contribution to the project, so like. Hell yeah man.
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shivam95 · 3 days
MFin in UK Cost: A Comprehensive Guide to Expenses and Financial Aid
Starting on a journey to pursue higher education in the United Kingdom brings forth a spectrum of possibilities, and for those aspiring to delve into the realm of finance, a Master of Finance (MFin) is a promising avenue. In this blog, we will break down the MFin in UK cost, covering essential insights, fees breakdown, and funding options to help you make an informed decision.
Tuition Fees
The MFin in UK cost can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the university, program structure, and whether you are an international or domestic student. On average, tuition fees for international students in MFin programs range from £36,000 to £56,000 per year. Domestic students may experience a lower fee range, typically between £15,000 and £50,000 annually.
Living Expenses
Also to tuition fees, prospective international students pursuing a Master of Finance in the UK must carefully factor in living expenses. These encompass accommodation, food, transportation, and other miscellaneous costs. Urban centers like London tend to have higher living expenses compared to smaller towns.
Accommodation costs for international students in the UK vary widely, with monthly expenses ranging from £600 to £1,500. On-campus residences often provide the convenience of proximity to academic facilities, while off-campus housing may offer more independence and diverse choices. It is crucial for students to consider their preferences, budget constraints, and lifestyle when making accommodation decisions.
Food and Grocery Expenses
Estimating monthly grocery expenses between £200 to £300, students pursuing an MFin in the UK need to plan their food budget judiciously. Exploring local markets, taking advantage of discounts, and opting for home-cooked meals can contribute to cost savings. Developing smart shopping habits and meal planning are essential for maintaining a nutritious and budget-friendly diet.
Navigating the UK's vibrant cities often involves utilizing public transportation, which includes calculating the MFin in UK cost. Monthly passes for buses, trains, and other modes of public transit can range from £50 to £100. Students are encouraged to explore student discounts on transportation passes and consider walking or cycling for shorter distances.
Also to rent, utilities such as electricity, heating, cooling, and internet may collectively amount to approximately £1,000 per year. Students should inquire about utilities when choosing accommodation and factor these into their living expenses. Adopting energy-efficient practices and exploring bundled internet and utility packages can help manage utility bills.
Factors Affecting Cost
The MFin in UK cost can vary significantly depending on several factors. Understanding these factors is crucial for prospective students to plan their finances effectively. Key factors affecting the cost include:
University and program structure
International or domestic student status
Location and lifestyle choices
Accommodation and living expenses
Transportation and utilities
Financial Aid
UK universities and other organizations provide financial help to students through scholarships, awards, and bursaries. International students may find it difficult to pursue a MFin in UK due to the high costs involved. But, there are various scholarships available to help with expenses. Some notable scholarships for international students in the UK include:
Imperial College of London: MSc Finance Future Leaders Scholarship
University of Edinburgh: Business School International MSc Scholarship
University of Manchester: Alliance MBA Masters Scholarships for UK/EU/international students
London School of Economics and Political Science: Graduate Support Scheme; LSE Master's Award
University of Bristol: Global Accounting and Finance Scholarship
University of Warwick: WBS Scholarships
University of Glasgow: Adam Smith Business School Scholarship
University of Sheffield: International Merit Postgraduate Scholarship
University of Cambridge: MFin Program Scholarship
University of Oxford: Alumni Annual Fund Scholarship
Oxford Said - HEC Montreal Scholarship
Pursuing a Master of Finance in the UK can be a life-changing experience, offering unparalleled opportunities for professional development and networking. But, must to carefully consider the expenses involved and plan accordingly. By understanding the MFin in UK cost, including tuition fees, living expenses, and financial aid options, you can make an informed decision and maximize your return on investment.
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sociology21232 · 5 days
Learning Activity 3.5, Task 4: What do I believe in?
Suspension and Expulsion 
Every child should feel comfortable and supported in the educational system, which is designed to foster learning and individual development. Suspension and expulsion, however, are now frequent forms of discipline in schools, which raises serious questions regarding how they affect students.  These punitive measures harm children's academic performance, emotional health, and future underlying behavioural problems. 
First of all, a student's education is disrupted by suspensions and expulsions, which lowers academic achievement. A student who is taken out of the classroom misses out on important learning opportunities, which can lead to learning gaps that are challenging to close. According to a 2021 American Institutes for Research study, middle and high school students' behaviour, attendance, and academic performance are negatively impacted by both in- and out-of-school suspensions. This disruption in the classroom has the potential to have an adverse impact, making it harder for students to catch up and do well in their future coursework.  Suspensions and expulsions, rather than resolving behavioural problems, often make academic difficulties worse and almost appear like rewards for kids because they are able to miss class and remain at home, which eventually makes it more difficult for them to succeed in the long run. Suspensions may have the unintended result of lessening their intended punitive effect, particularly if there is little monitoring at home or the student is not motivated to participate in activities that are beneficial.  Since they do not immediately suffer the repercussions of their actions, students who miss school may also feel less accountable and responsible for their actions.
 Secondly, the psychological impact of suspensions and expulsions cannot be overlooked. Peer stigmatization may result from social isolation experienced during in-school suspension, which may increase alienation experiences (Pros and cons of in school suspension, 2024). Peers may perceive a student poorly as a result of the stigma associated with suspension or expulsion, which can cause social alienation.  Anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems may worsen as a result. Suspensions and expulsions lead to a hostile educational environment where kids feel excluded and unsupported, rather than creating a supportive and inclusive culture. Ultimately, schools are not addressing the root causes of behavioural problems by depending solely on punitive disciplinary methods like suspensions and expulsions. Rather, they are sustaining a cycle of marginalization and failure that impacts not just the students who are directly involved but also the whole school community. It is crucial that educational institutions implement restorative practices that put every student's growth and well-being first, creating a climate of empathy and support. 
Lastly, suspensions and expulsions have long-term consequences that extend beyond the school years. Studies show, “students who receive suspensions are less likely to graduate from high school and college and are more likely to be involved with the criminal justice system” (Pushed out: Trends and disparities in out-of-school suspension, 2024). The socioeconomic standing and general quality of life of students may be significantly impacted by a decline in educational attainment. Frequent suspensions or expulsions cause children' absences from school to become normalized, which impedes their ability to learn and encourages a habit of academic failure. Their immediate academic performance is impacted by their absence from the classroom, but it also lessens their chances of pursuing higher education and finding lucrative employment in the future. These disturbances in the classroom have the potential to create a vicious cycle of disillusionment and failure that students find hard to escape, leaving them with unfavourable memories of their time there. Expulsions and suspensions are two common examples of traditional disciplinary measures that drive pupils out of the educational system and raise their likelihood of committing crimes. Consequently, rather than using disciplinary strategies that endanger kids' future opportunities, it is imperative to use ways that emphasize restorative practices and foster students' academic and personal development. 
Suspensions and exclusions is a counterproductive disciplinary measure that  creates a negative effect on a child's academic performance, psychological health and behavioural problems. Schools should embrace restorative practices, which address the underlying causes of behavioural disorders and give children the assistance they need to succeed, in place of these punishing methods. We can make sure that all kids have the chance to thrive and realize their full potential by promoting a more accepting and understanding school climate. that creates an establishment where they are not removed from a lucrative learning environment as a way to punish them. 
Pros and cons of in school suspension. EducationalWave. (2024, May 30). https://www.educationalwave.com/pros-and-cons-of-in-school-suspension/
Pushed out: Trends and disparities in out-of-school suspension. Learning Policy Institute. (2024, April 4). https://learningpolicyinstitute.org/product/crdc-school-suspension-report#:~:text=In%20addition%2C%20suspensions%20may%20have,and%20drop%20out%20of%20school
The consequences of suspension and what schools can do instead. Edmentum. (November 17, 2023). https://www.edmentum.com/articles/consequences-of-suspension/
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