#that users will be able to walk inside of and explore!
figminxr · 1 year
Feb 14 2023
The new graphic design has been FINALIZED (thank you again to everyone who voted unanimously for the blue title backdrop), and now all the various image sizes are ready and waiting for upload.
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It took a lot of work to reposition all individual elements for each image, but the end results are veeerryyy satisfying to look at. Pretty soon, all our banners across Meta, HTC, Steam, and Twitter will be updated with these!!
I’ve been busy lately with organizing meetings/events/proposals etc., but once I have the time I really wanna make a “behind the scenes” video of this new graphic design - since all the 3D elements in it were created in-app, the art process is just as magical as the art itself.
Also, for reference, here’s the previous banner design:
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It was an honor being able to create the new one, but I still wanted to capture some of the spirit of the original... so I made sure to include the little spaceman and his ship in every image!
I did, however, make one addition to our spaceman’s design.......
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Heart glasses. :) Just in time for Valentine’s Day. 💖
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Hmmm do know what we don’t have? ANGST! Picture this: Buddy is a pilot for a giant mecha. Each suit is user specific as they share a psychic connection with their chosen pilot as Buddy generates the power for them similar to the way a spark powers a Cybertronian. They can go months without eating, sleeping, or drinking while they pilot it. But Buddy had a bad encounter with the Decepticons while exploring space which separated them from their squad and left them fearful of revealing their organic nature to the Crew of the Arc. They know the Autobots are good people, but having the Decepticons respond to with fear and violence that left them and their partner so close to death? It’s better to just leave something’s unsaid… even if it kills them that they can’t be honest with their friends
Do we all love a little angst from time to time? The whole mind link thing reminded me of 'Avatar', which in itself is an interesting concept with a mech suit. Since you did not specify the continuity or characters, I randomly selected them. If this is not what you wanted, please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Hound, Ironhide, and Prowl’s reaction to Human Buddy in a giant mech suit (with mind linked to it like Avatar)
SFW, angst, mentions of PTSD, mentions of malnourishment and illness (but nothing explicit), happy ending, platonic, Human Reader
The Mech suit was safe. It was Buddy’s safe place. After all, they wouldn’t have survived the Decepticon attack if it wasn’t for the suit. They remembered how the brutal attack was left in the station.
They remembered the screams and yelling.
The sounds of blaring alarms and missiles exploding.
Those awful sounds…
Thank goodness they were found by Cosmos in the space station’s ruins. Buddy only had the mech suit and the airlock pod that had their organic form when he found them.
 As much as Buddy hated the weak form of their organic body was, they still needed it to have this body operational. So, Buddy kept up with appearances on the Arc and guarded the tiny pod with their life. Many bots tried to pry the pod open, but that usually ended up with Buddy’s pede in their chassis.
 A couple of days passed and the warning signs of their organic body failing began appearing. Buddy knew it was important to give the metal body a break but the memories of the attack… it was too much…
They did, however, miscalculate the length of the warnings because one minute they were walking down the halls with one of their bot friends and the next they were staring at the covering of the pod.
Uh oh…
Hound was so concerned when his friend suddenly fainted. All their biolights off and optics gone offline.
“Buddy? Buddy! Can you hear me!? Don’t worry, I’ll take you to the medbay! If you can hear me keep hanging in there!”--Hound
He scoops them up and is racing to Ratchet for help.
It isn’t until he passes by Buddy’s room, he hears something inside, something coming from the pod. Taking a risk, he went inside the room with the limp body in his servos and looked at the pod.
The pods doors suddenly opened revealing a rather malnourished and exhausted looking human.
“… I can explain—”--Buddy
“Why do you sound like Buddy!”--Hound
“Oh this is going to take a bit to explain…”--Buddy
It took some explaining from the human to finally figure out what was happening.
Hound is sympathetic to Buddy’s situation. While he is hurt that they kept this sercret, he has kept secrets too. Hound isn’t able to judge a secret. He is quick to accept Buddy, the bot and human.
He vouches for Buddy when they do come out to the rest of the crew.
“So, your real body is in this pod here and then your mind goes into this body?”--Hound
“… This sounds like a human film I saw one time. I don’t remember the name of it, but it was a rather long one.”--Hound
Ironhide already has his servos on Buddy and is running to the medbay. He is not wasting any time, for all he knows every nanosecond is precious.
A moment of silence for the mechs that got trampled by Ironhide trying to get to the medbay.
He doesn’t know what just happened, but he knows that something like this isn’t common.
It’s just Ironhide and Ratchet when he comes in. As Ratchet starts examining Buddy’s body they come to a horrific conclusion, Buddy’s body wasn’t even Cybertronain. In fact, it had some similar human machinery than anything close to their anatomy.
It was a hollow shell.
A soft thud was heard in the medbay. It was coming from out of the pod. A muffled noise was heard from the inside.
“Ratchet, did you hear that?”--Ironhide
“Shh! Quiet!”--Ratchet
*muffled* “GET ME OUT OF HERE!”--Buddy
“Did—did that pod just—”--Ironhide
*muffled* “IRONHIDE!”--Buddy
“Yeah, I think it did! Pass me those pliers.”--Ratchet
Ironhide and Ratchet carefully pry open the pod and out popped Buddy.
Everyone is just surprised at what was happening. Ratchet is jumping into action seeing how sickly Buddy looked. Ironhide wants answers but he also knows that this isn’t the time for it.
Buddy does eventually tell him and Ratchet what was going on. Ironhide… he can’t exactly be too angry about this no matter how much this bothers him he can’t.
He knows what it’s like to fear for your life around bots that could potentially end your existence.
Ironhide does talk to Buddy about it.
He vouches for Buddy when they tell everyone else on board.
“Kid, go on and sleep. It’s been a long day even by Autobot standards.”--Ironhide
“I’m okay ‘Hide.”--Buddy
“Kid that’s not a suggestion. When was the last time you slept?”--Ironhide
Buddy starts sprinting in the opposite direction.
Ironhide is close behind.
Prowl is internally freaking out when Buddy’s body goes slack. He is quick to hoist them on his back.
“Buddy? Buddy?! Now’s not the time for your games! Primus, Ratchet!”--Prowl
He is quick to comm in Ratchet and escorts them to their room as it was the closest. Prowl is not expecting a tiny human to come crawling out of the pod looking half dead. He had his sneaking suspicions about the pod and all of the human references Buddy had made, but he thought he might have been a bit too paranoid.
“I can explain—”--Buddy
“You BETTER START!”--Prowl
Ratchet was so close to exiting out of the room when he saw Prowl arguing with a malnourished human with Buddy’s discarded body in a corner.
It takes a bit for Buddy to explain as they are trying hard to stay awake. Prowl while he wants all the answers, he backs off seeing how Buddy is. After Ratchet helps patch them up Buddy does their best to explain everything.
Prowl has conflicted feelings about Buddy hiding their identity.
On one servo he is angry.
How could Buddy hide such important information from everyone, from him?
On the other he is understanding.
He can’t count the number of times where he had to lie low in fear of triggering the enemy.
Not that he would ever admit that.
Prowl does give Buddy some space to decide on his feelings of this new discovery.
He does make up his mind and stands by Buddy as they explain everything to the rest of the crew.
“Was what we had… was it real?”--Prowl
“Prowl, all that I said was true. None of it was fake.”--Buddy
“…How can I trust you?”--Prowl
“You shouldn’t… but if things seemed fake on your part—”--Buddy
“No, no my feelings were true.”--Prowl
“… What in the Pits did I just witnessed?”--Ratchet
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igot-sarang-ggg · 6 months
Recovery (Avdol x f!Reader) SMUT
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WARNINGS: Minors and ageless blogs dni. Sexually explicit content under cut.
( A/n I haven't written SMUT in So long So I'm a bit rusty. But anyways I hope you enjoy)
Small summary: after getting injured during the battle with Hol-Horse and Hanged Man you and Avdol go into hiding in an island until you've both recoverd. But a few nights before at one of the hotels you were staying at things got a little heated between you two and it would be gone further if someone didn't interrupt.
Small mentions: Avdol x f!reader, Avdol being a bit shy, SMUT, 18+, body worship, reader is a stand user but it’s not used
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"So how long do we need to stay on this island?" I asked Avdol as he gathered some eggs from his chicken, "Just a few days until Mr. Joestar comes to pick us up. Until then, we both need to recover from our injuries." I got hurt along side Avdol while fighting Hol horse and Hanged Man. "How long was I passed out for?" He placed the basket down. "About a day or two. The Speed Wagon foundation should be dropping by with some more medication for us." He sighed, "In the meantime would you mind helping me make breakfast." I stood up from my spot, "Sure."
We headed back inside and started cooking the eggs. "Have you been able to explore the island yet?" I asked Avdol. he was cutting a banana into small pieces for us both, "I did yesterday with some members of the Speed Wagon. There nothing suspicious here as of yet." I grunted taking in the information he gave me. "So... What do we do now?" I took a bit from the fruit he did the same, "We wait until Mr. Joestar and the others come to get us." The rest of the day Avdol and I cleaned and watched how some of the chickens fought for their food. 
Night had finally fallen. We both went inside, I didn't realize it until now but, "Why is there only one bed?"
 "Y/n this is a small house, two beds wouldn't fit in here." Avdol sat down on the bed, I stared at the bed still thinking if its a good idea for us to be laying in the same bed. "I can assure you I won't bite... If you want I could sleep on the small couch." He points towards the couch behind me. "I-its fine, I just zoned out for moment." I walked over to the other side of the bed, "Plus, you're a big guy. I don't want you sleeping on that small thing." Laying down in bed I looked up at the ceiling, my eyes slowly shutting.
It was now dark out the only thing that was lighting up the room a dim candle light that was slowly fading and the moonlight entering the room. Looking beside me there was an empty spot, "Where's Avdol?" I asked myself. I slowly got out of bed feeling groggy and walked towards the living room, the front door was opened. I was now wide awake and draw out my stand. As I was about to walk out I saw Avdol sitting at the entrance. "Are you trying to give me a heat attack?"
 "My Apologize Y/n." I placed my hand on his shoulder and sat down next to him looking up at the stars, "It's fine.... Couldn't sleep?" I asked him, "No I couldn't. Something was keeping me up." 
"Was I snoring?! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to keep you u-" Avdol chuckled slightly at me panicking. "No I uh ... It's just been awhile since you and I were alone." I felt my cheeks burning at the thought of that night we spent together; the way Avdol kissed me gently, the soft whimpers escape my lips as he kissed my neck and things were getting heated until Polnareff walked in and almost caught us. Since that night We agreed not to talk about it again.
 "Were you thinking about that night?" He looked at me, under the moonlight I can tell he was a bit flustered, "I was... I wanted to see more of you... Hear more from you... Please you." With each word he leaned in placing a kiss on my lips once, twice, and I then pulled him closer to me closing what little gap we had between us. 
In a swift movement I was now on top of Avdol, we pulled away catching our breath. "Let's go inside it'll be more comfortable in the bed." I got off of him and lead him to the bed. he sat down and I got on top of him wrapping my arms around his neck he tensed up under my touch. "Are you sure you wanna do this Y/n your don't h-" I kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear. "I've been wanting to do this again since that night at the hotel." 
A few candles relit around the room, I caught a quick glimpse of magicians red. He placed both hands on my hip pushing me down onto his bugle a muffled gasped escaped my lips, he was already hard... Avdol let out a pleasurable sigh as  I started teasing him by slightly bouncing on his clothed bugle. "Y-y/n~"  
He pulled me closer to him kissing and nibbling at my neck, his hand now making their way inside my shirt. His hands trailed up and down my body, giving me shivers. Avdol lifted up my shirt now kissing my chest and  playing with my nipples one hand squeezing and burying his face between my breasts, leaving excited kisses, "Avdol~" He'd slowly lied me down upon bed gently stripping his and mine cloth off. His member slipping out, "You're so big" I took his member in my hand passing a teasing stroke on it. He started moving his hips a bit, "Please don't tease, my love." He moaned closing his eyes. He grabbed his member aligning himself at my entrance. "Are you ready?" He asked, "Yes." I nodded. I could feel his tip slowly entering me, "Ah~" 
 "Are you okay~" Avdols thrust were slow, "Y-yeah~" Even though he was starting at a slow pace I couldn't help whimper with each movment. After some time I was able to adjust to his size.
Wet squishing sounds fill the bedroom along with my soft gasps. "Avdol i-..." I couldn't speak. The amount of pleasure he was giving me had me choking on my words. "Y-you're getting tighter... A-are you close?" I nodded, words failing to come out. He started slowing down, "N-no don't s-stop." He looked at me a bit shocked, "But I'm gonna overstimulate you. It might hurt you." Through the flickering candle light I could see the concern in his eyes. I pulled him in and kissed him, "I-its fine Keep going until you cum." He nodded grabbing my legs and throwing them over his shoulder closing the gap between us the best he could and thrusting faster. "Fuck~" That was the first time I've ever heard him curse. I'd already reached my high, Abdul was now chasing his.
His thrust were getting sloppy, he removed my legs from his shoulder and kissed me muffling his moan as he came. He started slowing down and pulling out, "Fuck~" He was breathing heavily looking down at me. He leaned in kissing my forehead "Can you move?" I was too tired  to move. "I'll be right back." He grabbed a rag and cleaned me and himself off. After he was done he laid down in bed with me wrapping his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, "Avdol, I love you." He chuckled caressing my  head, "I love you too."
The next morning Avdol was on a call with Mr. Joestar while I was making breakfast. "I see... I'll tell Y/n about the plan then." He hung up, "What happened?" I asked him, he walked up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head on top of mine. "Mr. Joestar will be coming soon to get us..." I could tell there was more to that "And?"
 " And he wants us to play a prank on kakyoin and polnareff. He wants us to pretend to be my parents. " I stopped chopping the onions setting the knife aside and faced him his hands still on my waist, "I'm sorry but I refuse." 
 "It wouldn't hurt, would it y/n?" I sighed, "Avdol did you forget that polnareff is a literal walking stand magnet. Remember I can see two different possibilities in the furture. One is that he'll run, a stand gets him and two that he actually stays still for once. I have a feeling his gonna run away and some stand users gonna get him."
 "We'll just have to see," he kissed my forehead, " if you'd like you could stay inside while we're playing the prank on them."
"You really want to play the prank on them don't you Avdol?" He nodded. I chuckled turning back around to continue cooking, "I'll stay inside then."
 Avdol pulled me closer to him kissing my cheek. "Can you help me look older before they come... They'll be here later on today."
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Request are open!
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prrtnrr · 6 months
Also oooh we getting any p5 ships? PEGORYU MAYBE
((im too excited to keep this to myself lol, i love the smt persona series if anyone was curious, but i wanna explore yosuke meeting all these persona users who came before his group and after his group. i think thats neat :) i been trying to think of a way to have them all meet without it seeming like im just throwing characters together, least i hope it comes off that way, im not super confident in my writing but goddamn if im not having a great time doing this. idk if anyone was as invested in the p5 flower child au as i was, but i was suuuper into it, tatsujun parenting means the world to me. cant wait to draw dilf tatsuya for p5 ships, i might! theres a couple p5 ones i think are cute like makoto/haru or pegoryu bc i have taste- now more insane ramblings under the cut bc i cant shut up
i do wanna say some ships i wont be doing so yall can see inside my twisted mind- * i dont ship futaba with anyone, shes so baby sister coded to me, i cant it feels illegal * im not a big fan of akechi lol and with the way im loosely following the plots of the persona games, akechis not gonna show up unless he was mentioned/flashback, bc... yk... he kinda... well thats spoilers but ykyk. also theres only room for one detective prince in my heart (naoto)
to round it off some fun plot points i wanna explore (feel free to add any thru asks too i think its fun to have this be collaborative) * Souji and Akira get velvet room time together, souji gets to chill in a nice limo, akiras always in jail, its goofy * ryuji, futaba, and ann bumping into rise and naoto walking around the central shopping district, ryuji goes nuts bc thats rissette, ann goes nuts bc thats rissette and the original detective prince, futaba makes a joke that theyre dating bc naoto and rise are walking closely and have matching necklaces, kanji shows up, kanji also has a matching necklace. ryuji falls to his knees and yells YOU CAN DO THAT????????? * i have a cute idea for Rise and Ann talking about their inspirations for how they both got into their lines of work, i think they have a lot of overlap * Haru and Yukiko talking about having to take over their family businesses, the stress of it, being grateful for having the opportunity but also resenting said opportunity * Kanji, Ryuji, and Chie training together, talking about why they train, how they become stronger to be able to protect ppl they care about (kanji with biker gangs for his mom) (chie fighting off bullys who pick on kids, and her exp with Takeshi from her slink) (Ryuji training to continue to protect the track team hes no longer part of) * Futaba and Yosuke talking about video games, yosuke becoming overwhelmed by just how much futaba knows about video games, new baby sister unlocked * ryuji and teddie almost get arrested, they hype each other up too much, dangerous combo * Makoto and Naoto have a law and order moment * Nanako and Futaba talking about dads :) an opportunity for Futaba to feel like someones elder while Nanako makes Futaba feel like shes the younger one. why is nanako so responsible. * hey yall ever remember that ken amada p3 is the same age as the p5 cast, they were all born in 1998, isnt that-))
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Review: PAJ PET Finder 4G - GPS Tracker
We recently received the PAJ PET Finder GPS Tracker for review. I will be using it for my beagle, Kiwi, who absolutely loves running around and following scents. Although she has good recall, her adventurous spirit always makes me nervous that we might one day lose sight of her during our outings.
Unboxing and First Impressions
The PAJ PET Finder GPS Tracker comes in a sleek and compact packaging, giving an immediate impression of quality. Inside the box, I found the GPS tracker, a USB charging cable, a user manual, and a SIM card (pre-installed). The tracker itself is small, lightweight, and sturdy, it comes with 3 velcro straps, allowing you to strap it to the collar with ease and securely.
Setup and Installation
Setting up the PAJ PET Finder GPS Tracker was fairly simple. The user manual provided clear, step-by-step instructions on how to activate the SIM card and configure the device. After charging the tracker up, within a few minutes, I had the tracker up and running. The PAJ portal and mobile app were intuitive and user-friendly, allowing me to easily navigate through the various features and settings.
Features and Performance
Real-Time Tracking: One of the standout features of the PAJ PET Finder GPS Tracker is its real-time tracking capability. Using the PAJ portal or mobile app, I was able to view the precise location of the tracker at any given moment. The updates were frequent and accurate, providing peace of mind that I could always know the location of my Kiwi our beagle.
Long Battery Life: The tracker boasts an impressive battery life (9 hours of continuous use, or 5 days on standby). The PAJ portal and app also provided battery status updates/notifications, ensuring that I was always aware of the remaining battery life.
History and Reports: The PAJ PET Finder GPS Tracker maintains a detailed history of all movements. I could easily access past locations and routes taken by the tracker.
Customizable geofencing alerts: While walking your dog, you can utilise geofencing alerts to make your dog walks more enjoyable.
SOS button for emergencies. Battery Alarm and a Speed Alarm.
The Cost
Subscription: Requires a subscription (monthly £5.99 or annually £54.99) for full access to tracking features
Product price: Initial cost might be a bit high for some users. Currently £49.99
Final Thoughts
Since attaching the PAJ PET Finder GPS Tracker to Kiwi’s collar, I've been able to breathe easier knowing that I can keep tabs on her whereabouts at all times. The tracker provides real-time location updates, which gives me peace of mind and the confidence to let Kiwi roam off-leash without constantly worrying about losing her.
The device is lightweight and doesn't seem to bother Kiwi while she's wearing it. The battery life is impressive, lasting for several days before needing a recharge. The app interface is user-friendly, allowing me to easily track Kiwi's movements and set up safe zones where I receive alerts if she strays too far.
It allows Kiwi the freedom to explore to her heart's content while ensuring that she stays safe and secure. I highly recommend this tracker to any pet parent who wants to give their furry friend some off-leash freedom without the worry of losing them.
To learn more about the PAJ PET Finder GPS Tracker and explore their range of products, visit their official website.
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eternal3d2d · 2 months
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idiosys1 · 2 months
House Hunting Apps: Transforming the Quest for Your Dream Home
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Imagine having a real estate agent in your pocket. House hunting apps allow you to search for properties on the go, anytime, anywhere, with a few taps and swipes, you can browse through a vast selection of listings, filter them based on your needs (price, number of bedrooms, that must-have pool!), and get instant updates on new listings that match your criteria.
Forget endless appointments and wasted weekends. Many apps offer immersive virtual tours that let you virtually walk through a property from the comfort of your couch.  This is a game-changer, especially for those short on time or looking at properties in faraway locations. House hunting apps go beyond just pretty pictures.  They can provide valuable insights into the neighbourhood, like school ratings, crime statistics, and even noise levels!  This allows you to make informed decisions not just about the house, but about the entire lifestyle that comes with it.
Here’s a sneak peek into the amazing features that house hunting apps offer:
Personalized Search: Gone are the days of wading through irrelevant listings. These apps let you set filters for everything from your budget and desired location to the number of bedrooms and that must-have backyard. You’ll only see properties that fit your dream home vision.
Virtual Tours: No more scheduling conflicts or wasting time on houses that don’t impress. Virtual tours allow you to explore properties from the comfort of your couch. Swipe through high-resolution photos, take 360-degree tours, and get a real feel for the space before ever stepping foot inside.
Real-Time Updates:  Be the first to know about new listings that tick all your boxes. Push notifications and alerts ensure you don’t miss out on your dream home.
Neighborhood Insights: Looking for a vibrant community with great schools and trendy cafes? House hunting apps go beyond just the house. They provide valuable insights into the surrounding area, including demographics, crime rates, and nearby amenities.
Connecting with Agents:  Found a property that sparks your interest? Most apps allow you to connect directly with real estate agents for further information or to schedule in-person viewings.
But wait, there’s more! The world of house hunting apps is constantly evolving. Here’s what’s on the horizon for real estate app development:
AI-powered Recommendations: Imagine an app that learns your preferences and suggests properties you might not have even considered, but that secretly tick all your boxes. Artificial intelligence is poised to personalize the house hunt even further.
Augmented Reality (AR) Tours:  Want to virtually place that new couch in the living room or see how your artwork would look on the walls? AR technology is on the rise, promising even more immersive virtual tours in the future.
Behind these incredible house hunting apps are talented app developers who are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.  If you’re looking to develop a real estate app, here are some key things to consider:
User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX):  Make sure your app is intuitive, easy to navigate, and visually appealing. Users should be able to find what they’re looking for with minimal effort.
Data Security:  Privacy is paramount. Ensure your app has robust security measures in place to protect user data.
Integration with Real Estate Platforms:  Seamless integration with real estate databases ensures your app has the most up-to-date listings.
At Idiosys UK, we understand the power of innovative technology to revolutionize industries. We are a leading app development company with a proven track record of success in crafting exceptional real estate applications. Our team of experts combines cutting-edge real estate knowledge with unparalleled app development skills.
Whether you’re a visionary real estate agent looking to build a next-generation client experience or a forward-thinking brokerage seeking a custom solution to streamline operations, we’re here to turn your vision into reality. Let’s leverage the power of mobile technology to transform the real estate landscape together.  Contact us today for a free consultation and unlock the potential of a custom house hunting app or any other innovative real estate solution you can dream up.
Check out our blog post: https://shorturl.at/rKUY3
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waterskjeldgaard07 · 2 months
2 Good Ways To Discover Florida
This Observatory has telescopes that can look at the stars and relevant astronomy strategies. The train driver is very accommodating and slows down at points that count taking photographs of. Southernmost Point - It's a must see for all tourist alike. This is the southernmost part of the continental U.S. will be only 90 miles north of Cuba. Oh, and ensure to purchase your picture snapped! You know, for bragging the legal! View More: topcamauaz.com - Top Ca Mau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ca Mau AZ: Nguyễn Thảo Phương - Nguyen Thao Phuong As the trail levels off about one mile past the tracking station, you'll consider the road that turns to the right and stick to it until searching for an discontinue.take it slow, as the road isn't in the condition. You can about 1/2 mile walk to get the southern tip of the region and whenever you reach no more the grassy area, we will see the remains of a Hawaiian heiau. Isn't it amazing how summer flies past from a blur? Network marketing winter months when Frequently look toward the commence spring, generally comes as the surprise actually long-awaited coming. Almost overnight I discover darker mornings and a benefit to the breeze. I look in the calendar - yes, it's March!
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View More: topcamauaz.com - Top Ca Mau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ca Mau AZ: Nguyễn Thảo Phương - Nguyen Thao Phuong Words alone can't express or do justice to your natural wonder and spectacular beauty to get Acadia National Park - especially within fall as soon as the region is ablaze with color. Coming from a pounding surf washing against the rocky shores to the park's stunning peaks and vistas, Acadia is a virtual wonderland for nature drinkers. This short but incredibly scenic trail has would like a super the most incredible backdrops neighborhood. Grand Teton Peak, as well as different enormous mountains, seem to pose you r as currently employed your approach to Taggart Sea. Continue by the bike trail down past the Santa Monica Hotels, through Venice Coast. Venice Beach is world renown the for its laid back hippie vibe, but it's muscle beach where you can stop and have some of the finest physiques available. When you've gotten your share of eye candy, stop in and browse one significant independent licensed vendors on the Venice Boardwalk. Catch a street show from jaw dropping, insane performers and take an appearance inside finding out house. Waitangi Treaty House: This is where the treaty of Waitangi was signed and can be certainly on February 6th a 'Waitangi Day' celebrated using the whole country. This is where Maoris' and government leaders gathering. There are guided tours, assist let recognize more close to traditional a part of New Zealand and its past. If you like the idea of spending long days at sea then you might consider a cruise within the Canary Hawaiian islands. Royal Caribbean International runs 13-day repositioning cruises regarding San Juan, Puerto Rico that spend six whole days on the ocean before arriving for a three-day tour of the Cape Ca Mau Viet Nam Islands off the coast of Africa. The capital of maui is Argostoli the SW. The earthquake in 1953 bought almost total devastation, all that remained intact were 2 people of houses, the arched bridge stretching across the lagoon along with the obelisk at it's middle. Sadly the rebuilding has produced a rather soulless property. There are plenty of shops and tavernas in the town. If need your name to do exploring in Lewes, Delaware.you may want to offer your automobile. Otherwise, if you walk on, you probably get shuttles indicates get over to Lewes any user take you around the vicinity.
There are so many excellent beaches in Florida you get confused after you've to decide where glimpse. Most beaches in Florida can offer anything you're able dream coming from all. However, there are a few that work most effectively among the perfect. These are the top beaches in florida. On the southern end lies the sheltered bay of Sivota essential waterside bars and tavernas. Top Cà Mau AZ On the southwest coast, Vasiliki has quayside bars, cafes and non-stop night life. Vassiliki was a sleepy little fishing village. It is now one the hawaiian islands main resorts The port is based in the south-east belonging to the large bay. It offers good shelter although the prevailing wind sometimes blow into the harbour making conditions uncomfortable at periods. The bottom holds well. There 're no anchorages by the west coast but you'll find beautiful beaches where you Cape Ca Mau Viet Nam watch stunning florida sunsets. You get the Cliff Path at Pencannow Point and doable ! enjoy some fine views from the precarious cliff top perch above Cackington Haven. The headland over bay is Cambeak, however get on the location by vehicle and park your car at the big car park in Cackington Haven by the Coombe Barton Manor Hotel. You can then manage to pay for your parking and then head within the back of the car park your car.
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To the south lies Limin Zakinthos, he capital of Zakinthos and the majority of the island's 35,000 population live here. The town surrounds a substantial harbour. It was made by devastated together with earthquake in 1953 but an attempt has been turned to rebuild in welcome this change style. When inside the harbour care is needed of the semi-sunk stone breakwater which protrudes of this north mole. Top Cà Mau AZ Yachts should make for the designated yacht quay in the harbour. There are significant museums their town devoted to the islands history. The Cuyahoga Valley National Park has over 32,000 acres of land & was designated as a National Park in 1974 by Gerald Ford. John Seiberling whose grandparents were F.A & Gertrude Seiberling (founders of Goodyear) aided in starting the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. An portion of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park is the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath which has over 80 miles of trails. The capital of this isle is Argostoli the SW. The earthquake in 1953 bought almost total devastation, all that remained intact were 2 different people of houses, the arched bridge stretching across the lagoon and also the obelisk at it's link. Sadly the rebuilding has produced a rather soulless property. There are plenty of shops and tavernas planet town. If just one or two a holiday, or have to have an adventure, there are few things like visiting Cape Town. You will be surprised by the diversity of fauna and flora, scenery and cultures. It is always easiest to start from Buenos Aires (BA). Tin Top Cà Mau AZ 24h There are not that many variations of route unless you are backpacking or have continually in the field of. The most logical to take in the main highlights are making your diet healthier. Obviously they can be done counter clockwise order also. One Tree Hill: That an old volcanic cone and a significant prehistoric Maori settlement. Its name was presented by a single tree that stood on the hill, obtain several trees stand their. Cornwall Park is below. Accacia Cottage stands there and near the entrance of the park is often a Stardome Observatory. Top Ca Mau AZ 247 This Observatory has telescopes that can observe the stars and other relevant astronomy strategies. View More: topcamauaz.com - Top Ca Mau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ca Mau AZ: Nguyễn Thảo Phương - Nguyen Thao Phuong Written By Author in topcamauaz.com: Mai Gia Hân - Mai Gia Han Written By Author in topcamauaz.com.com: Bùi Hữu Duy - Bui Huu Duy
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3detour123 · 7 months
Immersive Experiences: Unveiling the Charm of New York and New Jersey Through 3D Tours
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In the fast-paced world of real estate and hospitality, technology continues to redefine the way we experience and explore new places. One such innovation making waves is the use of 3D tours, providing a virtual gateway into the heart of iconic cities like New York and neighboring New Jersey. Let's delve into the transformative realm of 3D tours, particularly in the context of real estate and hotels.
3D Tour New York
The bustling streets and towering skyscrapers of New York City have always been a magnet for those seeking the epitome of urban living. Now, with 3D tours, prospective buyers and renters can explore the interiors of properties without setting foot inside. This immersive technology allows users to virtually navigate through apartments, condos, and houses, gaining a realistic sense of space and layout.
Imagine being able to walk through a chic penthouse in Manhattan, surveying the skyline views and assessing the living areas in intricate detail, all from the comfort of your current home. 3D tours revolutionize the real estate industry, offering a level of convenience and insight that traditional photographs or floor plans simply cannot match.
Real Estate Virtual Tour New York
The concept extends beyond mere convenience; it transforms the entire home-buying or renting experience. Real estate virtual tours in New York bring a level of transparency to the process, allowing potential residents to make informed decisions about a property before scheduling a physical visit. This technology becomes particularly valuable for those relocating from different parts of the country or the world, providing a comprehensive preview of their potential new home.
Moreover, real estate agents and property developers leverage 3D tours to market their listings effectively. These digital showcases serve as powerful tools to attract a global audience, showcasing the unique charm and character of each property.
Hotel Virtual Tour New Jersey
The hospitality industry, too, has embraced the immersive experience offered by 3D tours. Hotels in New York and New Jersey, known for their diverse offerings and luxurious accommodations, utilize virtual tours to give potential guests a taste of the hospitality awaiting them.
Hotel Virtual Tour New York
Whether it's the sleek and modern interiors of a hotel in downtown New York or the serene beachfront retreat in New Jersey, virtual tours allow travelers to explore every nook and cranny. From the lobby to the rooms, poolside to the conference facilities, hotel virtual tours create a compelling narrative that goes beyond static images and descriptions.
As technology continues to advance, the use of 3D tours in real estate and hospitality is only expected to grow. The convenience and accessibility offered by virtual tours are reshaping how properties are marketed and how hotels connect with potential guests. In New York and New Jersey, where the pace of life is rapid, the adoption of such innovative solutions is not just a trend but a necessity.
In conclusion, 3D tours have emerged as a transformative force in the realms of real estate and hospitality. The ability to virtually step into a potential new home or hotel room provides an unparalleled level of engagement and convenience for both buyers and travelers. As technology continues to advance, the immersive experiences offered by 3D tours are likely to become an integral part of how we explore and interact with the world around us, opening up new possibilities and redefining the way we make important decisions about where we live and stay.
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inthiseternalmoment · 9 months
Visiting Bahá’í Again
Day 2 of journaling and I’ve moved to Tumblr, plus I feel like a little boy again in more ways than one 🫢
I started journaling yesterday and as you know, I’m serious about everything I do (he said seriously). So I started thinking about my options when it came to where I would store my entries and it was important to me that I could refer back to them from wherever, whenever.
I considered Pages on Mac, the Day One journaling app, and then Medium and Tumblr. I landed on Tumblr because I could post freely on here with no expectation that my writing is pretty/concise/witty/informative (Medium) and my writing could live online for free (which excluded Pages and Day One).
These posts are for me and by me, and while I don’t mind if people see these, I don’t want to write for anyone else. As a recovering people pleaser I am done existing/creating for others, and this diary/journal is no exception. If you as a reader resonate with these entries, awesome! But I’m at peace knowing that I can come back and read these.
Just like the rest of us, I’m on a journey of expansion and it’s important to me to be able to look back on the many moments I had throughout my life.
The last time I journaled was in high school, and it’s been almost 10 years since then. I’m doing this as a way to come back to myself, but also as a way to get down the absolutely chaotic thoughts and feelings that I have as a smol human.
Yes, I’m a spiritual fractal of one of many divine sparks of source/god/the universe/all that is and I’m just expanding my awareness of that with each day, post by post. 🧎🏻‍♂️
Aprille and I obviously cleared the air and got back onto the same page as we always do, and always will. She even answered questions for me about Tumblr as she was a regular user back in high school (I just used it for *orn).
Today we went all the way up north to Evanston where there is a temple called Bahá’í House.
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“Yes Smoking” and a very useful CTA sign
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Butterfly synchronicities I’ve been noticing of lately and a really pretty shot of the empty L
On the way to the temple, I saw cicada shells for the first time since childhood back in Okinawa/Hateruma and I got so excited! It was like I was a little boy again looking at all the cicada shells on trees. What’s funny is that just yesterday I wrote about the cicada I spotted on the tree that flew away with piss, and now I got to see even more of this childhood creature. These synchronicities are insane, man.
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All the different cicadas I saw (there were more but then I would’ve taken a picture at every tree and we had a temple to see 😤)
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The main temple is absolutely beautiful and I’m so happy I randomly came across it while exploring the edges of the CTA on Google Maps.
We sat inside for a while and meditated – I took the opportunity to practice the karma-clearing energy exercise in Voyages 2 as well the general meditation I learned from Dr. Steven Greer and what I remember of a basic white-flame meditation I remembered Eric Jacobsen (Seattle tattoo artist) told Aprille and I about. There’s a little child-like hope in me that was wishing that my meditations were stronger this time around because they were done in such a spiritual place, but who knows 🥴
Afterwards we took the Purple line back to Davis to eat in downtown Evanston. We originally intended to each at 527 Cafe but they were only doing takeout so we were redirected to Todoroki, a Hibachi sushi place.
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Yummy sushi hibachi baby ooo 😔
While waiting for our mobile order at 527 Cafe (they had some yogurt rice drinks we could not pass up), we checked out the beach.
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I love discovering cool spots just by walking around, and this place is no exception 🥰
It feels amazing to be coming back to myself in this way. I loved writing, and now I can write and get my feelings off my chest when I have them.
As for my feelings from yesterday: today the revelation came to me while talking to Aprille that I need to enjoy this time being single. There will come a time that I will no longer be single, and as strange as it may seem, there are unique aspects of being separation with a romantic partner that I can explore now – and I should. Honestly, I prefer to look at things this way compared to the “woe is me” energy from yesterday. Not that I won’t have more days like yesterday BUT this understanding helps ground me. Which is something I can really use 😪
I’m not sure that every post will be this detailed, but that’s fine too. I think I needed to do it just to do it and that’s reason enough.
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evwuniverse · 10 months
Spiralo - An Immersive Adventure of Creativity and the Mind
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As many of you know, I love art and museums. In real life, you will find me at one once a week. I find it essential to be cultured in the arts and find solace in others' imaginations as it sparks the fire in our own. Sometimes when we feel lost or the imagination just flops we just need that little source of inspiration and art in many forms can provide this. A lot of the time museums are free, especially in the virtual realm. In virtual world platforms like Second Life immersive galleries and immersive pieces where you walk through an entire artistic story are prevalent but underappreciated. So many users buy a piece of land and then let their imaginations run wild and create amazing experiences for the community.
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One place I've found in my recent exploration is Spiralo. Now at first sight when seeing it in the destination's guide the photo that was advertising it didn't seem like much. But who am I to judge a book by its cover, it's all about the adventure. So guess who hit the teleport button anyway? You got that right, me. I want to tell you about this immersive gallery and some of the things you might be able to experience on your trip to Spiralo.
What Is Spiralo?
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Spiralo is an immersive art experience inside of Second Life. This art installation is a cultural complex by the noise-classical music project Tia Rungray. The entire space includes a sound installation hall, a gallery, a cafe, and a shopping floor (I have yet to find the shopping floor after exploring for about an hour, I found everything else!) The staircases are in a spiral hence the name Spiralo and this is symbolic of incorporating the image of everyday life and art and blending it all together in virtual life.
The Sound Installation Hall:
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The sounds provided in this experience are quite relaxing, a lot of thought was put into every note and really immersing the user in its surroundings. I highly recommend exploring this space in first person through Mouselook as you will be able to see everything through the eyes of your avatar as if you were actually there in the space. You can find a tree upside-down with squares floating around it and a piano at the bottom. It really does feel like something you would see in a fantasy setting. It almost felt like magic. The really cool part about this room in the installation is the fact that the floor mirrors and reflects the objects. This is something that Second Life doesn't have the capability to do which means the creator made it match up as close as possible and made their own texture to mimic a mirrored image of what was going on above. That way it simulates a reflection, that right there is true art on its own! It's very hard to do this. It was my favorite part but let's also not forget about the Cafe.
The Botanika Café:
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On the very ground level, there is the Botanika Cafe, this was very tastefully made and honestly reminded me of a rainforest with vintage aesthetics. Very bohemian for sure! It was very relaxing in this space and it made me want to sit there as I typed this.
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Specifically at a table that looked like my current workspace in the real world (picture below for reference).
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I always type and do everything creative on my IPad Pro 2018 12.9 inches. So being able to see my current setup in a virtual setting seemed more than a coincidence. Either way, I was here for it. I also find myself at Starbucks and little hole-in-the-wall Cafe's a lot to write and drink coffee at the same time. Perfect would be the word for this setting. Sadly the drinks aren't interactive but that's okay, as I was typing I was drinking a boba tea and I just so happened to have one in my inventory to attach.
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I will definitely be back specifically for the cafe portion as it was a very peaceful section and I felt immersed it drove me to create more posts than expected as I was there. It's crazy just how much a virtual world can feel like you're going through real-world experiences. This proves the aspect that virtual worlds are more than just a game it's an experience on its own.
Statues and Gallery:
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You know around every spiral staircase there is either an art piece or a statue. These statues are amazing! 3D models, in general, fascinate me, but imagine you see a stone statue in vines inside a gallery. Anything can happen in a virtual world and it just amazes me the creativity the creator had to produce these and place them in random spaces. It made me want to find all of them, I only found 2 but I have a feeling there might be 3-4. Also, there are gallery images on each staircase you go up or down, I really enjoyed looking at all the artwork here. I do wish there was more as sometimes there was just a lot of white space for one piece of artwork and I would've loved to see more!
I didn't post everything because it wouldn't be fair for me to spoil this adventure for you. This is an amazing venue to take a look at and you would be supporting a local artist in the virtual world community. I'm a huge advocate for small businesses, artists, and creatives in virtual spaces. I highly recommend the visit there is something to explore behind every corner, literally.
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tintash · 11 months
4 Industries That Can Benefit From a Presence in the Metaverse
Over the past few years, investment in the Metaverse has increased by billions. In the near future, the economic potential of the Metaverse is predicted to amount to trillions of dollars. In other words, now is the time for businesses to establish their presence in the Metaverse. The beauty of this new dynamic is that marketing strategies for this online space are in their infancy. For many businesses, their imagination is the only limit to what they can accomplish. Consider what the following industries could achieve by finding a tech development partner with expertise in Metaverse development services.
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Furniture and Home Goods The Metaverse’s immersive worlds are largely powered by augmented reality environments. That provides an ideal opportunity for retailers of furniture and home goods. For instance, what if consumers could use your Metaverse app to explore a virtual showroom? Additionally, customers would no longer have to imagine what a couch, coffee table, or pair of chairs would look like in their living room. With an augmented reality app, they could literally see what your furniture or other home goods looked like in their home. Beauty and Fashion An effective development partner with experience and a proven record of success in their web application development services could also help revolutionize businesses in the beauty and fashion industries. If users can see how a new style might work with the rest of their wardrobe, thanks to augmented reality, they might be more inclined to make a purchase. Users can even leverage your salon’s Metaverse property by seeing how they looked with a variety of hairstyles. They could use augmented reality capabilities to consider which shade of nail polish they like best. Emerging fashion designers could allow customers to cycle through their favorite designs before committing to an option. The potential of how the beauty and fashion industries can use the Metaverse is almost endless. Real Estate and Landscaping Just as people would be able to understand new designs inside their homes, why not create an environment where they visualize how the outside of their homes might look with some effective landscaping? Real estate companies can give their customers the opportunity to take a truly virtual tour of homes on the market. They could do so in real-time, with their real estate agent’s or landscaper’s avatar walking them through the entire process, without ever having to leave the house or spend time traveling back and forth. Event Management Event management and promotion companies are already making the most of the Metaverse. The decision to capitalize on this dynamic space certainly makes sense. Promoters and event management companies can create the vision of their dreams on the Metaverse while inviting customers and fans from all over the planet to participate. Not only could your promotions or event business do the same, but it’s also an ideal opportunity for artists and musicians to share their work with a global audience. If you’re looking for ways to take your business to the next level, finding your space in the Metaverse just makes sense. About Tintash The story of how Tintash was founded is pure Silicon Valley. The founders prototyped their vision for this innovative development studio in 2007 over the famous coffee cake at Hobee’s in Palo Alto. Now, they are a dynamic partner that helps promising startups, aspiring entrepreneurs, and growing companies bring their vision to life. They make it all happen with an elite group of dedicated remote team members led by Stanford, Harvard, Apple, and PayPal Alumni. With over a decade of experience, Tintash has become an industry leader thanks to their transparency, proficiency, and communication across verticals. If your organization is looking for a partner to assist with web, application, MVP, or blockchain development services, trust Tintash to help your business succeed. Take your business to the Metaverse and beyond at https://tintash.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3PNx3I3
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kevin-roozrokh · 1 year
Step-by-Step Guide: Coding in React.js with the Amazon Clone Codebase
React.js is a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk through the process of coding in React.js using the codebase provided at [GitHub — KevinRoozrokh/Amazon Clone](https://github.com/KevinRoozrokh/amazon-clone). By following these steps, you will be able to set up the project, understand the code structure, and make modifications to create your own Amazon-like e-commerce application.
Prerequisites: Before we begin, ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed on your system: - Node.js (version 12.0 or higher) - Git (for cloning the repository) - A code editor of your choice (e.g., Visual Studio Code)
Step 1: Clone the Repository
Open your terminal or command prompt.
Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository.
Run the following command to clone the repository: ``` git clone https://github.com/KevinRoozrokh/amazon-clone.git ```
Step 2: Install Dependencies
Change into the project directory using the command: ``` cd amazon-clone ```
Install the required dependencies by running the following command: ``` npm install ```
Step 3: Configure Firebase
Create a new Firebase project at [Firebase Console](https://console.firebase.google.com/).
Go to the project settings and find the Firebase SDK configuration.
Copy the configuration object.
Create a new file named `.env` in the project’s root directory.
Inside the `.env` file, paste the Firebase configuration object as follows: ``` REACT_APP_API_KEY= REACT_APP_AUTH_DOMAIN= REACT_APP_PROJECT_ID= REACT_APP_STORAGE_BUCKET= REACT_APP_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID= REACT_APP_APP_ID= ``` Replace ``, ``, and other values with your Firebase project’s configuration.
Step 4: Start the Development Server
Run the following command to start the development server: ``` npm start ```
The application will open in your default web browser at `http://localhost:3000`.
Step 5: Understand the Code Structure
Open the project in your code editor.
Explore the codebase to understand its structure and key files, such as:  — `src` directory: Contains the main source code files.  — `src/components`: Contains reusable components used throughout the application.  — `src/pages`: Contains individual pages of the application, such as Home, Checkout, Login, etc.  — `src/redux`: Contains Redux-related files for state management.  — `src/firebase`: Contains Firebase-related configuration and utility functions.
Step 6: Make Modifications Now that you have the codebase set up and understand its structure, you can start making modifications to customize the Amazon clone according to your needs. Some areas to consider modifying include: - Adding new components or pages - Modifying the styling using CSS or a UI library - Integrating additional features or APIs
Step 7: Deploy the Application (Optional) If you want to deploy your modified application, you can follow these steps:
Build the optimized version of the application by running the command: ``` npm run build ```
Deploy the application to a hosting platform of your choice. Some popular options include Firebase Hosting, Netlify, or GitHub Pages.
By following this step-by-step guide, you have successfully set up the Amazon clone codebase in React.js and gained an understanding of its structure. You can now start making modifications and customizations to create your own e-commerce application. Remember to explore the React.js documentation and resources to further enhance your skills and expand the functionality of your application. Happy coding!
Written by Kevin K. Roozrokh Follow me on the socials: https://linktr.ee/kevin_roozrokh Portfolio: https://KevinRoozrokh.github.io Hire me on Upwork: https://upwork.com/freelancers/~01cb1ed2c221f3efd6?viewMode=1
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theallblue · 1 year
❛ say you want me, and i’m yours. ❜ 
subtle smut |still accepting|
Their relationship was still new after the two had managed to bring forth the feelings they were unable to talk about, at first. He was still getting used to the idea, but he was glad to finally get the words that he walked to speak free from the hesitation that was holding him back. It was nice while this was something he had yet to tell Zeff while there was a chance he would learn eventually. Sanji just wanted to make sure that things were actually going to work out between them, they were living dangerous lives so it was impossible to know what was going to happen next. There was always a target on their backs because of the name that had been created for themselves. A name which was well-known across the waters that they called home, one that Sanji was grateful for the chance to explore with the second family he was able to gain. 
The active aquarium lingered behind him while Sanji was focused on one of the many cookbooks that he had in his possession, he was plotting out their meals for the next few days. He had plenty of mouths to feed on this ship, most of them being users of a devil fruit. One of them being Ace while he had learned quickly how much food all of them needed for the sake of keeping up energy when it came to the use of their abilities. It was the reason why he created large meals in the first place, he knew what they needed for the sake of food. 
It wasn’t long before Ace appeared by his side before he shifted to rest against his side while he continued to glance over the cookbook marking the pages that he would be following for the next few days. He would have to make sure that there were plenty of ingredients inside of the pantry if Luffy manages to stay away from the food he was determined to protect. 
Moving to lean into the touch that started to rest against his neck, he closed his eyes for a moment before a light smile graced his lips “I think you already know the answer to that, Ace.”
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smodernsoftware · 1 year
The TikTok Insiders
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TikTok has become one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in the world. With over a billion active users, the platform has revolutionized the way we consume content and interact with each other. As the platform continues to grow, there is an emerging community of creators who are making a name for themselves and becoming known as the "TikTok Insiders." In this blog, we will explore who these TikTok Insiders are, what they do, and how they are changing the landscape of social media.
Who are the TikTok Insiders
The TikTok Insiders are a group of creators who have established themselves as experts in the world of TikTok. They are the ones who know how the algorithm works, what type of content performs best, and how to engage with their followers. These creators have built a following by consistently creating high-quality content that resonates with their audience.
The TikTok Insiders come from all walks of life and represent a diverse range of interests and niches. Some are comedians who create funny skits and parodies, while others are dancers who showcase their moves to popular songs. There are also beauty influencers, fashion bloggers, and fitness enthusiasts who share their tips and tricks with their followers. Whatever their niche, the TikTok Insiders are passionate about creating content and building a community.
What do the TikTok Insiders do?
The TikTok Insiders are known for their ability to create viral content that captures the attention of millions of viewers. They have a deep understanding of what works on the platform and are able to leverage that knowledge to create engaging content that keeps their followers coming back for more.
One of the things that sets the TikTok Insiders apart from other creators is their willingness to experiment with new trends and formats. They are always looking for new ways to engage their audience and are not afraid to try something new. Whether it's a new dance challenge or a unique editing style, the TikTok Insiders are always pushing the boundaries of what is possible on the platform.
To Get Started With TikTok Insiders
In addition to creating content, the TikTok Insiders are also experts in building a community. They know how to engage with their followers and create a sense of belonging. They respond to comments, collaborate with other creators, and create a sense of shared experience with their audience.
How are the TikTok Insiders changing social media?
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The rise of the TikTok Insiders is indicative of a larger shift in the world of social media. As platforms like TikTok continue to grow in popularity, there is a greater emphasis on creating content that is authentic, relatable, and engaging. The TikTok Insiders are leading the charge in this regard, creating content that is both entertaining and informative.
One of the ways in which the TikTok Insiders are changing social media is by breaking down barriers. They come from all walks of life and represent a diverse range of interests and backgrounds. By showcasing their unique perspectives and experiences, they are creating a more inclusive and welcoming community on TikTok.
The TikTok Insiders are also changing social media by challenging the traditional influencer model. Instead of focusing solely on brand deals and sponsorships, the TikTok Insiders are building a community based on trust and authenticity. They are not afraid to be vulnerable and share their personal experiences with their followers, creating a deeper connection with their audience.
Final thoughts
The TikTok Insiders are a group of creators who are changing the landscape of social media. They are experts in creating engaging content, building a community, and breaking down barriers. As TikTok continues to grow in popularity, it is likely that we will see more and more TikTok Insiders emerge, each with their own unique perspective and style. Whether you are a creator or a viewer, the TikTok Insiders are a group to watch.
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eternal3d2d · 2 months
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