#that we could probably find a way to make this happen if we rly put our minds & hearts into it
magpod-confessions · 2 months
I know there's a lot of archivist Tim or archivist Martin AUs floating around but personally I think the best candidates for the position (in the eldritch monster of knowledge sense) would be Sasha and Melanie. They both show a lot of curiosity and interest in the supernatural and take incredible risks for the sake of knowledge which both result in marks (corruption/spiral and slaughter, respectively). When confronted with danger their first instinct is to go and Learn More (Sasha staying in her dangerous job because she's "too curious" (I know some of that might've been the force preventing assistants from quitting but still), Melanie investigating a haunted train car, being attacked, and looking for more violent ghosts afterwards anyway). We know very little about what got them interested in the supernatural but Melanie devoted her entire life to researching it and I don't think its a stretch to assume that Sasha also had some interest. There's some interesting parallels with our actual archivist as well (particularly with Melanie) and I think you could make a really good case that, were anything to have happened to Jon, these two were probably the next best candidates.
(There is a lot of archivist Sasha content out there but I've found a lot of it ends up being "what if Sasha solved all the problems" and doesn't really engage with the parts of her character I find interesting imo, but that's a whole other rant)
(Also 🗣️ if you want?)
Omg heavy agree. I didnt rly think abt Melanie archivist before this but it fits so well ngl. Shes not afraid to put herself in dangerous situations for knowledge and is very very persistent. Jon and Melanie are pretty similar and shed honestly make a great archivist - Rosette
oh i have neverrr thought about melchivist but oh my goddddd . anon i'm going to be thinking about this forever i think . she could be such a great archivist honestly , and i think that the role fits her in its own special little way . - deceit
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panvani · 2 months
Tokyo districts we've visited RANKED:
14. Akibahara: inhospitable for human life. only place in Tokyo where they not only spelled out why they specifically had 24hr surveillance on escalators but they felt the need to put signs reminding you on every available surface. so many signs telling you to Speak Up if you think someone has been molested. genuinely felt like an insane person there but at least my girlfriend found a Transformer there (we did discover that Akibahara is vastly more approachable when you get off the main roads)
13. Harajuku: this one also felt inhospitable for human life but in like an extreme gentrification way instead of like Literally Not Made For Humans way. very weird walking through THe Clothes District and finding no clothes I wanted. almost all of the food vendors were selling extreme overpriced meme foods but we did find a surprisingly good katsudon place
12. Shibuya: the Scramble ! nowhere else in Tokyo played as much Western music. clothes were either Y4k for some shit that looked like it would disintegrate in 5 days or Y20k for like. some canvas with stains on it. a robot served me a mid as fuck highball
11: Asakusa: It was insanely fucking hot the day we happened to be in Asakusa so maybe I'm not judging it entirely on its own merits but kind of an insane area in which to exist. Very touristy (largely towards people natively from Japan/Tokyo) ergo very expensive. Maybe if we had spent longer there I would have liked it more but for now my most vivid memory is of the rickshaws which my girlfriend pointed out were almost exclusively used by Japanese people
10. Ginza: This was not unexpected in any capacity but everything is so expensive here. Ginza was the only location we visited in urban Japan where we could walk for an hour and not encounter either a vending machine or a convenience store. "Do rich people not need to drink" - my girlfriend
9. Kichijoji: We bought Blue Ham Ham here and then ate at one of those restaurants that lets you pick from a selection of raw eggs to eat with rice which was good as fuck
8. Akasaka: kind of nothing here but bars, office buildings, and an entire block dedicated to Harry Potter so we didn't do anything of note here. Yu Gi Oh Curry !
7. Nagano: Pretty unremarkable except for having a mall full of old stuff but we went to some shitty hole in the wall where we were served by someone my girlfriend described as "definitely transgender" the moment we left the restaurant
6. Shimokitazawa: We saw some cool clothes here and like 15 seconds of an indie band playing in a building. Kind of the most insanely hipstery area in Tokyo by a huge margin like astonishingly so. Only time I saw anything be specifically marketed as vegan in Japan
5. Shinjuku: Shinjuku, or at least my personal experience with Shinjuku, is sort of hard to describe. It was the first district in Tokyo that I'd seen after leaving the airport and it imposes this vision of a city that is incomprehensibly vast and dense. I don't think other districts dispelled this image but Shinjuku is by far the most successful at affirming it
4. Ikebukuro: Kinda like Akibahara lite which makes it a lot more tolerable. I could not stop saying "are you inspired with lust for Irish women yet" any time we encountered a location that was even slightly notable. I don't think either myself or my girlfriend ended up buying anything here but we went to a nice restaurant so it all worked out. There's something charming about the police outposts that seem to be present on every 2 blocks and the number of cameras randomly scattered about
3. Ueno: We rly only saw the zoo here (it was mid) but upon stepping out into Ueno park we discovered a Pakistan-Japan Friendship Festival where we watched some women dance and bought some good as fuck sweets
2. Sumida: Quite cutes :) we spent a lot of time wandering around residential areas which always make me feel way more amiable towards an area. Skytree was cool though I probably wouldn't pay for it again. Katsushika Hokusai museum was very cool.
1. Jimbocho/Ochanomizu: We went to the Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo and walked around for 1 million years looking at books and posters and various other items and got some lovely coffee. Wonderful place
SPECIAL MENTION: Chiba: I got a really bad sunburn here
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effervescentdragon · 1 month
The ending of The Penumbra Podcast's The Second Citadel is the most disappointing ending to me since Avengers Endgame. I'd probably compare it to Game of Thrones, if I'd watched that.
I got some things to say. Heavy spoilers ahead.
I genuinely haven't been this disappointed in writing in a long time. I don't know what happened - from season 3 or 4 or so onward both Second Citadel and Juno Steel seemed to change, and althought I haven't really been suoer excited about the path Juno's story has taken, I was actually pretty invested in the Second Citadel. I thought the whole war with the offworlders plotline was good. Even more, in the world we live in right now, seeing the way human-monster conflict was done was very inspiring. Humans finding out their legends of great victories are just massacres of monsters commited in the names of Saints who were actually standing for the exact opposite of what they've been made into, the way propaganda works, it was very dear to me ans it was something I was convinced was important to say. So many characters and their developments were written so well that I was enjoying the fifth and final season immensely. And then, that finale.
Despicable. Hollow. So badly written. Not honest for a moment. Underwhelming. Lazy. Nonsensical.
When you have a magic world in which anything can happen, you cannot use the excuse of "I wrote myself into a corner". When you make the Universe a deus ex machina capable of making a half human-half monster child, you do not have an excuse of not resolving the story in a way that's satisfactory and that makes sense for the characters. Whet the writers have done is lazy, and cheap, and so unsatisfying that for a whole day, I have been reeling from how much disappointment I feel.
Let me go one by one character and try to put my thoughts in order and explain why this finale falls short of everything I expected and everything that could have been done.
So the Universe needs more magic to defend itself, and it's spending too much on keeping Olala alive. Alright. You have a thirteen year old kid whose first home was torn apart by a warmongering zealot, who is the only one in the world of her kind, who is the Chosen One. Sometimes, the Chosen One needs to die for the story to make sense. But to have a thirteen year old commit suicide in sacrifice to save the world, after ripping her from one home, then giving her another (Silvershore), only to raze that one to the ground too with zero payoff, after giving her a parental father figure who promised her a life where she would be taken care of in the future (Sir Lamorak) and then killing him in front of her, which directly follows her parental (mother-ish but not rly, more of a mentor) figure of Caroline also dying in front of her, which drives Olala into despair of knowing both her caretakers are gone and then having the Saints Relics destroyed not be enough... the emotional toll of that has no payoff. The cheap card of "maybe someday Olala will come back" is unsatisfying and callous in a most horrifying way.
And since I already mentioned Lam and Caroline, let's delve into that. Lam's death was very neatly set up and it's the only one that makes sense, somewhat. He was a Knight of the Citadel who did horrible things, fell in love woth a mermaid and changed his ways. The conditions of his duel with the Tengu (not to pick up a weapon again lest the Tengu comes back and devours him) are a piece of very good writing, because how could a Knight with a child not pick up a weapon in the middle of the war to defend that child? That, I understand. (A deus ex machina of Universe asking him of he wanted to come back would not go amiss, and as his wife once said, she is your child, and you have responsibilities. But maybe that's just my wishful thinking.)
Caroline need not have died. Nor did Quanyii. Quanyii absorbed the Universe's magic, yes, but a sacrifice for her would be to live without magic anymore. One whole moment in the story was Quanyii lamenting how bad she is at healing magic. She could have given all the magic to heal Caroline, and they both could have lived, fundamentally changed by the experience. No, instead, they died. Pointlessly, pathetically, with some cheap reassurances that were supposed to sound deep and meaningful. All of Olala's caretakers taken away right before she goes to the heart of the Universe to kill herself.
The rest.. I don't even know where to start. Ale spouting some reassurances to a grieving Angelo felt completely dishonest after he spent years chasing his own revenge, whose unsstisfying conclusion he is now suddenly alright with. All the floscules about building a new future fall flat in the knowledge of what the sudden end of the war means. Queen Mira being absolved of all her incompetence and not being Queen but urging democracy now, as if she didn't hold as much responsibility as the bloodthirsty knights she enabled, ignoring all advice to the contrary. What a cop-out. Much like with Sir Mark, who actively participated in genocide and who has been miraculously absolved by his brother (without even properly apologizing, because Talfrin does it for him) and they ride off into sunset together. Despicable.
And Rilla... goddamn it. The worst piece of writing I've seen in a long time. A magical ot3 child for a woman who is, above all, a scientist. That line, "I don't even have time to go through my notes of the knowledge I lost because there is so much new magic", and then they use that magic to make a child, although Rilla has never indicated wanting one. What to do with a female character when you don't know how to handle her? Why, give her a child, of course! So disappointing, so cheap, so out of character.
The Universe in this story is a deus ex machina in itself. It could have brought Olala, this child everyone claims to care so much about, back. This story could have gone a million other ways. The characters could have stayed true to themselves and the message of the story could have been poignant and memorable. There are ways of writing a story rife with logical, necessary sacrifice while still giving the audience adequate payoff and giving them hope and belief in good things. While still completing the journey and staying true to your characters and your message.
This story did none of that. It relied on cliches, empty sayings and hollow moralising to justify a sacrifice of a child for some bigger cause. It betrayed all its female characters and either turned them into caricatures of themselves, or killed them. It absolved everyone of responsibility and closed its eyes from the gruesomness of its actions and pretended it cannot see, because look, the war is over and all is well! It disappointed so heavily with its hollowness that it soured everything, the whole story for me, and I won't ever relisten to it.
The most important thing to ask yourself when you're writing is "what story do I want to tell". And given that this was the story the writers chose to tell... well. That says enough, I think.
I shudder to think what Juno Steel finale is like. I don't think I want to listen to any it anymore, to be honest. And isn't that the most disappointing thing of all?
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oceanfalls-official · 1 month
Mailbag time! #1
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Hello!! As promised I'll be publishing most answered asks in bulk like this. The questions that need longer, more thorough, paragraph-y responses will be published individually, but I'm grouping all the little ones here.
So here we go! Questions are below the cut.
AshenChromatic: if ruit cant beat suvi in a rap battle.... could... selene? who can save us?
Nights: I think she could put up a damn good fight, maybe even win it if she decide to get super serious. She's definitely the savior we're looking for... Also I put this ask first because it's the only non-anon ask I got in a long time woah!
Anonymous: Which oceanfalls characters thinks abt dinosaurs
Nights: The easy answer is to just say Five, so I'm not gonna limit it to that. I think Diana also thinks about them a lot but on a more involved scientific level. I also think Kaji is someone who would find big cool beast creatures very badass, so he definitely WOULD think about dinosaurs a lot. I bet he even makes cool paintings of dinosaurs hanging out with sharks like a dork.
Anonymous: where does boyfriend let u pet him this is rly important
Nights: For now, just the top of his head. Who knows if there are other spots... Even Meimona has yet to properly befriend him enough to know! You're gonna have to wait for a brave and perhaps more understanding character to get close and find out the hard way. He does allow cheek poking though.
Anonymous: were solis and suvillan meant to come off so intensely queer or was that just something that happened by coincidence
Nights: Not really! I didn't know it could be read that way at all. They're ruler-and-follower who have some baggage left from a former friendship that is yet to be addressed, which as we've seen really bothers Solis in particular. But they have never had romantic interest in each other.
Anonymous: when is ruits bedtime
Nights: Whenever he pleases. He'll retire earlier if it's a night without a lot of work, otherwise he'll be up late if needed.
Anonymous: does meimona like spaghetti
Nights: Definitely. She also likes noodles for the same reason as spaghetti: Long Strings of Food are fun to eat.
Anonymous: Oceanfalls MBTI/Ennegram/Love Languages
Nights: I contemplated doing the MBTI test to find out the answer to this, but it's too time consuming to do that approximately 12 times... so I will leave it to you to assign them with your judgement! Ennegram looks obvious enough. I will leave that to you too! And I don't think I can answer for the Love Languages myself, either. It's out of my comfort zone of how far I'm willing to think and talk about these characters' details. Cheers!
Anonymous: Who in Oceanfalls would be the best cuddler?
Nights: This is also a question beyond my comfort zone. You can probably decide it judging by comic panels or something!
Anonymous: I'm curious about how the winged can sleep comfortably at all, especially the ones with big pair of wings. Do they often sleep on their sides or on their fronts, and do they get scoliosis from this??
Nights: They don't all have to lie to down to sleep. Some can sleep standing up, sitting, lying down, or upside down. Think birds and bats. The ones with big wings will usually wrap it around themselves like a blanket and snooze. If they do lie down, winged with smaller wings can get away with lying on their backs. Otherwise, it's probably down to the sides or on the front, yes!
Anonymous: How big is the Midworld, as a measurement? What’s it’s diameter? And how far above it is the Winged Overworld?
Nights: I'm really bad with numbers for measuring things like this. As in, I've never put exact measurements for it on paper, it just ended up the way it is from guesstimating with my eyes and what made sense for what I wanted to do. You'll have to simply judge it for yourself from what the visuals in the comics show! If you ask me, I would just say it's big enough to fit a winged civilization, and high enough for its civilization's features to not be so easily visible from midworld level.
Anonymous: what are suvi and ruits favorite insults for each other
Nights: Suvillan (and Corona) really likes calling Ruit overgrown. But I don't think Ruit has any kind of creative specific insult that he uses in return... he used to be more of a petty bully when he was a teen, but not anymore. He's a boring guy who resorts to words like "bastard", and only because the literal meaning of it does apply to Suvillan.
Anonymous: Sorry if this sounds nosy or weird, but have you thought of sexualities for your characters???
Nights: I don't remember if I answered this before, but I don't think I did and I can't find it anywhere on the blog, so I'll do it now... Yeah I did for parts of story where it was relevant. I generally don't go deep about sexual-related details of my characters if it's not needed for their arcs or the story's plot in some way. Otherwise, I don't think about it much.
Anonymous: how many times has eidolon been banned from online games and services and how many alternative accounts does she own
Nights: Probably more than you or I could count with all of our hands combined. I bet she needs spreadsheets to keep track of that at this point...
Anonymous: would kaji drink alcohol out of one of those like holographic disney princess cups
Nights: ...This thing???
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I think I had that when I was kid. My mom tossed it out because those straws grow mold if you don't clean them well. Uh, anyway, no, Kaji's like almost 30 years old. He'd be the one throwing out YOUR holographic disney princess cup to protect YOU from evil rotting straws. Maybe if you ask really nicely he'd have a single sip, though.
Anonymous: do you th ink propseroous horn would like be able to be pulled back and then it'd fling back like one of those door stoppers and it'd go boiyayanang
Nights: This made me think of humans making door stoppers shaped like monster horns to make fun of them and that's a very good idea in itself. No I'm not going to answer. boiyayanang
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stars-tonight · 3 months
hello ! id like to kindly request a long romantic matchup as 😽 anon if thats available !!
i use any pronouns but for writings sake they/them would do js fine !
im alright with any gender altho i do find myself having a preference for men,,, ANW all i want from my partner is that
1) i can have a friendship type relationship w them wherein theres banter n overly goofy inside jokes
2) theyre pretty touchy n emotionally expressive bc my love languages r physical touch, gift giving, n words of affirmation so itd b nice if they could handle that n reciprocate hehe
3) i rly rly rly need them to b emotionally available so that they could give me the space for rants bc im the type to complain n then act on my problems after 😅
some other details abt me r that im big on crafts n baking ! i love crocheting or baking someone smth n then packaging them up later bc i get to make stuff, give gifts AND cut n tape stuff up !!???
i also rly like music n have a fairly wide(?) taste like nu metal, alt rnb, pop, hiphop, n rock 🫶
i also enjoy walking around anywhere so maybe someone equally chatty (considering theyre athletes i think they can handle long walks😭) is also a good pair for me so we can js go sightseeing n yap away lololololol
that is all thank you !!!!
js wanted to tell u in advance that i appreciate you taking the time to write stuff up abt my (n others) lil fantasies ! im sure it puts a smile on everyones faces !! if not then u sure will put one on mine🥹
have a great day sweets !
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🥛 hinata either intentionally or unintentionally banters with so many people
🥛 he'd have no problem having inside jokes with you as well
🥛 but i think he'd have a hard time being mean
🥛 if you're taller than him he'll surprise you by randomly jumping onto your bag for a piggyback ride
🥛 if you're shorter than him he'll think you're so cute and regularly give you head pats
🥛 he'd just be so glad there's another person shorter than him
🥛he's probably had some experiences with cats through kenma so he'll support your love of them
🥛 hinata definitely praises you 24/7
🥛 he's super expressive and wears his heart on his sleeve
🥛 will not hesitate to compliment you
🥛 he's normally pretty energetic but if something really bothers you he'd stop and listen sympathetically
🥛 maybe will unintentionally say something really inspiring
🥛 like his speech to yachi
🥛 hinata is like the chattiest person ever so he'd definitely match your energy
🥛 if you go sightseeing or hiking, he's bounding across all the rocks and trails and leaving you behind in the dust
🥛 asks you to make him a playlist of your favorite music and listens to it on the way to practice every day
🥛 you'd definitely have a secret couples handshake
🥛 it's super long and complicated
🥛 no one can ever replicate it because no one can ever see exactly what happens
🥛 he'd love it if you baked anything for him
🥛 will bring your treats and other gifts to practice to brag to his teammates
🥛 post-timeskip, will send pictures of everything he receives to kageyama to laugh at the fact that kageyama is lonely while he has you
🥛 wants to help you with baking or crocheting but unfortunately fails miserably
🥛 i imagine the flour explodes and slowly falls on his face to highlight his inaptitude at baking
🥛 and if he tries to crochet something he'll be pretty confident about it
🥛 holds it up proudly once he's finished
🥛 only to be absolutely shocked when it's full of holes and just looks miserable
runner up for you was miya atsumu!
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A/N: there you go 😽anon! i hope you liked it :) hinata's such a ray of sunshine
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cerebralabyss · 7 months
USELESS INFO I FEEL LIKE PUBLISHING!! and also just archiving on my blog 4 my own sake :D
here is the stories/reasons 4 all my alters’ names cuz they’re all weirdly significant in some way or another OR went thru a very long process 2 become the name it is today
putting it under cut cuz it’ll probably be longish
reffy & ramen - they both went thru different processes, but come from the same origin. VERY LONG STORY I AM NOT SHORTENING IT!!
we were finding a new collective name cuz our old one did NOT suit us at all!! and at the time, our understanding of our system was very different. we had a lot of trouble separating reffy/ramen cuz not having one host scared us, so ramen was a sort of “sub-alter” to reffy for a good while until we were comfy with the distinction.
we settled on the name remiel/ramiel, but couldn’t decide the spelling. we ended up using remiel collectively, but that name was also specific to reffy because again at the time afraid of deviating from host. so ramen ended up with the scrapped spelling!!
reffy - when we realized we in fact were not just one host, having reffy’s name as our collective name was rly confusing!! we ended up shortening it to “remy” for a rly long time. then, we ended up fusing the names “remy” and “maffy/maffal” (maffy is a sub-alter to reffy that we had treated as distinct for a while b4 realizing it wasn’t healthy for not fun reasons!!) so it became reffy!! and yes, reffy is short for reffal!! no one calls him that tho cuz it’s weird (other than dire cuz he’s strange but he only does that in private) (and sometimes jax scolds him using his full name cuz it’s funny)
fun fact: reffy decided 2 use the name reffy instead of remy in the vegetable section of a grocery store. very useful information ik (sarcasm)
ramen - this name didn’t end up getting changed till like a little over a year ago now!! they stuck with “ramiel” for a good while, purely because we have a dog tag with the name ramiel engraved on it and they didn’t want to change their name cuz then the dog tag would be WRONG!! but eventually they were like NO im CHANGING IT. the nickname “ram” rly stuck (since no one called them ramiel anyway cuz it was confusing with it being so close to the collective name) so took the ram and turned it into ramen like the instant noodles cuz enby behaviour (lh)
they actually considered the name “azriel” for a bit n couldn’t decide between that n ramen. ramen is much more fitting i could not IMAGINE IT BEING ANYTHING ELSE
(i’m writing this and im writing in third person to avoid confusion and it FEELS WEIRD!!!)
jax - ok i’m leaving out the context of my 2020 system yrs cuz it’s not rly relevant and complicated BUT!! this name came from back then. it came out of NOWHERE LIKE LITERALLY IT JUST POPPED INTO OUR HEAD LIKE “yea this guy… he’s jax” and i don’t know WHERE IT CAME FROM cuz we probably only ever heard that name less than 10 times our whole life. it’s RLY WEIRD but it kind of makes it feel oddly special cuz it just happened without us consciously thinking. like that’s just how the name was Meant 2 BE
his name has not changed a SMIDGE since then. he did end up deciding it’s short form 4 something else somewhere along the line, but only one non insys person& knows what it is cuz he’s weird abt it. it’s been years n he’s still keeping it a secret .. and no it’s not jackson !!! that’s ur one hint :3c
nuni - this one is kinda silly!! when we were like 8-12 our online alias name was our cat’s name and since nuni was the primary host at that time the name rly stuck with her. when she came out of dormancy a few yrs ago, we wanted to change it since it could get confusing differentiating our CAT from our HEADMATE so we went with a random nickname we called our cat!! idk where it came from exactly tbh,, but our parents still call our cat that sometimes like once in a blue moon and each time they do it feels SO WEIRD!!
dire - ima be real i know there was a reason behind this name but i can’t remember it 4 the life of me. none of us can it’s rly weird. just pretend this is an awesome cool backstory ok thx
BUT!!! there’s a neat story behind one of his many old names!!! he first developed/split as an oc introject, we called him “corgo” cuz he more closely resembled the comfort au version of said oc (which in hindsight was not a comfort au it was just the personification of the introject) and combined the word “comfort” with “margo” (the oc’s name)
driell - him n his sibling (who isn’t in our sys) both have names that r their parents’ names combined together n letters smushed around a lil bit!! his sisters name (alexis) is a combination of the specific alter names, and driell’s is a combination of collective names!!!
THIS WAS ACTUWLLY A LOT LONGER THAN I ANTICIPATED i expected it 2 be long but i underestimate how much i love infodumping about my system WAYGYH. if u read this all the way thru it means the world 2 me u have no idea
i wanr to infodump abt system stuff more cuz it makes me happy :33 just worry abt clogging up my blog a bit :P
that’s it that’s all!!! good day 2 u
- 🖤
(🥀🎀🧸 co-con)
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the-gene-mile · 11 months
Going around asking some bb blogs but
Do you got a favorite end credits scene? :3
OH TYSM FOR ASKING there r a lot of them i rly love but here's a top 5 (ordered but not definite if that makes sense?) this post got long sorry
s9e12 the helen hunt - THIS ONE IS SO CUTE i love when they let bob dance in the end credits and i also love gene + bob moments bc we don't rly get those. and the way everyone gets involved?? perfection. love it. absolute peak
s12e11 touch of eval(uations) - probably my favourite in terms of music? especially since we barely get to hear calvin sing. also boblin dancing?? oh my god just look at them?? it's so good i love it
s13e13 stop! or my mom will sleuth! - gene and tina episode believers (me) will be so starved for content of just these two they'll cling to these end credits for their life
s9e15 the fresh princ-ipal - it's pesto in my pants cmon it's such a good song for no reason
s4e2 fort night - there r SO many cute details in this. andy and ollie sharing and louise making tina trade then feeling bad about it r personal favs
s10e15 yurty rotten scoundrels would be here too but i can't for the life of me find it uploaded anywhere. but i rly love the visuals in this one i love seeing them get creative w it. honestly probably a v close second favourite. sucks i couldn't find it uploaded anywhere (and my laptop is a BABY and doesn't like recording things. idk why so i can't even get the video myself)(i'm assuming bc the actual episode is v mid no one rewatches the episode enough to actually remember the credits)
also honourable mentions under the cut (there's a lot. like 45 episodes a lot. i got carried away and i really like the end credits leave me alone)
sorry for any overlays on the videos. i'm assuming it's so the uploader could avoid copyright atp this list is just a personal catalogue. idk how it got so long i think i blacked out for 3 hours while writing this
s2e1 the belchies - i have no idea why jjr is animated so well here?? s2e4 burgerboss - i just rly like the music s2e6 dr yap - probably the funniest end credits for me? it's definitely up there
s3e21 boyz 4 now - louise is just a girl god don't talk to me
s4e6 purple rain-union - this one's only here bc i rly like how gene and jen help louise onto the stage s4e9 slumber party - one of my fav episodes i kinda have to put it here
s5e19 housetrap - why they don't let larry murphy sing more often is beyond me s5e21 the oeder games - i mean cmon it's the oeder games
s6e3 the hauntening - it's just cute s6e7 the gene and courtney show - courtney mentioned s6e19 glued, where's my bob? - it's bad stuff happens in the bathroom. i can't leave it out
s7e8 ex machtina - tinimmy mentioned (in all seriousness jjr is animated v well in this sequence) s7e16 eggs for days - teddy and linda singing god bless s7e18 the laser-inth - BOB AND GENE MOMENT (also one of my fav episodes so it goes on here bc i'm biased)
s8e1 brunchsquatch - idc what anyone says i love this episode and i love that they made it (i do wonder if any of the ppl included r still actively in the fandom) s8e4 sit me baby one more time - one of tina's best songs tbh s8e5 thanks-hoarding - teddy and lin singing 10/10 s8e14 the trouble with doubles - good song and louise and gene r rly cute s8e21 something old, something new, something bob caters for you - same as 0619 it's such a good song i can't just leave it out
s9e6 bobby drive - such a good song?? s9e7 i bob your pardon - another banger song s9e9 UFO no you didn't - we need to see susmita more s9e17 what about blob? - this song is so good the in universe characters don't get it s9e22 yes without my zeke - i love when they experiment with the art direction
(there's a lack of s10 and s11 end credits uploaded to yt which SUCKS bc i rly like a lot of them so uh. use ur imagination) s10e3 motor, she boat - gene fnaf jumpscare at the beginning but god i love louise's ears squashing down under hat 😭😭 s10e11 drumforgiven - gene is just so happy in this sequence god don't talk to me s10e14 wag the song - one of the only times jjr sings the end credits song afaik? also love the limited colours s10e21 local she-ro - cute linda and tina sequence s10e22 prank you for being a friend - rudy is so happy here look at him
s11e1 dream a little bob of bob - TINA AND BOB MOMENT!! s11e4 heartbreak hotel-oween - the way gene and louise peak out of the costume's window is rly cute s11e6 bob belcher and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad kids - good song s11e11 romancing the beef - cute boblin moment s11e12 gift card or card trying - BABY BELCHERS
s12e3 the pumpkinening - gene seeing lin and gayle dancing then going to join them is just rly cute to me s12e4 driving big dummy - yk the drill by now, if larry murphy sings it goes on the list s12e7 loft in bedslation - v cute sequence; when they both fall asleep while making it >> s12e13 frigate me knot - so catchy for no reason?? s12e21 eighth grade runner - u know i love some creative end credits
s13e5 so you stink you can dance - the lyrics r so cute?? also jjr looks rly good in black he should wear it more s13e6 apple gore-chard! (but not gory) - louise and jessica r just kids god i love this sequence a lot (louisica bias) s13e8 putts-giving - the only way i can describe why i love this so much is that it itches a scratch in my brain i didn't know was there s13e14 these boots are made for stalking - love when they let bob dance in the end credits s13e16 what a (april) fool believes - this song is so gay for no reason "you've got the chain i yearn to yank" dude fuck off s13e22 amelia - come ON it's AMELIA it has to go on the list
s14e5 bully-ieve it or not - definitely recency bias but i rly like the song
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att4boy · 1 year
some thoughts
i was reminded of this blog bc i was watching mina le's lovely video on subcultures and aesthetics, and rmbed the times i came on here and reblogged all these art hoe (or whatever) photos with the #aesthetic tag, and tried to make my blog look all cohesive and pretty as well. i was 13 when i first started this blog - in fact i started it the day after i turned 13, if i'm not wrong? just a few days after... - and now i'm turning 21, and still thinking about this place. i joined tumblr bc all my friends were on it and it seemed like such a cool place. now all the friends (irl and not) i used to have here are gone.
(are any of you still here? let me know...)
i've been thinking about my relationship with the internet recently, inspired mainly by chia amisola (among many others on twitter). when i was younger i was so careless with what i posted. not using careless in a bad way, btw. i mean careless as in unself-conscious, careless as in happy to chat with anyone who happened to be around. when i had just started elementary school my sister helped me set up a blog where i happily posted about my day (i went to kfc today!), and then in p3 i tried to set up a blog to document my family (though it never materialised in the end; i think my mum heard about it and discouraged me from doing it, though i truly don't rmb much anymore). and when i got instagram i started a transparents account (those overlays to put on pictures that everyone was rly into back then) on instagram that got almost 1k followers, i had (have - it's still available online, though we haven't posted since 2016) a book fandom account with three of my friends where we posted our little fanedits of books like divergent and hunger games and twilight. i remember briefly chatting in the comments to some guy a year or two older whose username referenced mockingjay about singapore and school... making a transparent for this ? influencer ? my age ?? that i thought was rly cool... and then something changed, i'm not sure what. i think i became more conscious not of data privacy and security and whatnot, but of how hostile the internet could be when you had a "bad" opinion. i was finding my way into the parts of the internet that discussed feminism, intersectionality, lgbtq+ rights, etc... and don't get me wrong, i think those are all excellent movements that i'm proud to be part of, but i think i also stumbled into areas where accidentally being insensitive or uninformed was very harshly criticised and looked down upon. and i think, probably, i was already the sort of person to naturally be a bit more worried and anxious about doing the "right thing" - i was always the goody-two-shoes in class, still am today to some extent. so the internet changed around me and i came to know it as somewhere where i shouldn't ask too many questions, where i shouldn't criticise.
but then i've been reading about other people's experiences on the internet - how they grew up and built their entire worldview there, made friends across the globe and changed the trajectory of their lives because of it... and i am of course remembering my younger days of freedom of the internet. i miss that era! i wonder how different i would be if i had walked further into this space and talked more. now all i do is lurk on twitter with a private account, ghost cool people trying to follow me back, dream about replying to posts and weaving a friendship from nothingness... i am definitely romanticising, to some extent, but i don't think my version of the internet back then (/ now) is wholly accurate either. i am imagining a version of myself with more confidence and curiosity, and i am wondering if i can still spin that version into existence.
i guess this post is an attempt at that? the last time i came here to talk abt something and then i ended up moving that into a private google doc. but it feels appropriate for me to post about coming back onto / into the internet on tumblr, where i have "been" for years and years. i've been thinking about starting a blog, or a public twitter, or maybe (this one just came to mind) restarting a tumblr and seeing where things go. i don't know if i'll keep it up... but wouldn't it be nice to try?
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tommystonsils · 2 years
tagged by @westerberg thank u so much!!! 💜💕💖💞💗
1. relationship status: single :(
2. favourite colour: oooh lots!! lavender, forest green, bubblegum pink, and seafoam to name a few!
3. favourite food: I also don’t have a straight answer to this bc i Love Food. Pierogi are a big one, but so is kimchi ramen. Also a rly good hamburger is the way 2 my heart. Oh and I’m a fan of figs. Figs w goat cheese, roasted, w herbs, in jam, YEEEAAAHHH
4. last thing i googled: literally the word seafoam bc “seafoam green”, seafoam is one word and not two……
5. dream trip: listen man i have been trying to plan a trip to minneapolis for like three years now and all sorts of shit always came up and i had to make a whole new plan every time. i love the midwest with my whole heart, if someone asked me “hey we could either go to chicago or italy” bon voy-a-gee i’m taking chicago every time. also i’m supposed to be going to mpls next summer so FINGERS CROSSED. also a huge ireland/scotland/wales trip would be so fun.
6. time: 7:52
7. last book you read: oooh it’s a boring book for school BUT i am currently reading The Hobbit and it’s rapidly becoming one of my favorites ever.
8. last book you enjoyed reading: Lemon Jail by Bill Sullivan. it’s about an hour and a half read, super short, probably some of the funniest Replacements anecdotes and it also gave me an even bigger appreciation for what Bill went on to do after being the mats’ right hand man. I’ve also read this like 5+ times now.
9. last book you hated reading: my case studies textbook for applied learning theory because my professor wrote the book and the structure of the case studies are extremely bloated and the dialogue is comically bad. anyway
10. favourite craft to do: paint + also i have a bedazzler……..
11. most niche dislike: when “new vinyl” comes out and you buy this overpriced reissued record and put it on your record player and it rains rice krispies on your stereo w all them snap crackle pops. stop trying to make new records sound old!!! i have literally had new records skip parts of songs bc the grooves were pressed incorrectly!! i’m not a fan of newer reissued records bc they all have that “we’re trying to make this sound old and beat up for your vintage vibes” thing
12. opinion on circuses now and in history: do not like them. many of them were once human zoos, the whole “freak show” with traveling circuses still happens at state fairs and it’s just rly gross and ableist. not to mention animal abuse which was literally the reason my family Never went to the circus. although i completely agree w @westerberg on ur comment about Paul bc yes!! i rly appreciate stagecraft and the art of show business.
13. do you have a sense of direction and if not what’s the worst way you ever got lost: sense of direction is REALLY BAD. i live on the east coast (floriduh) so I’ve tried the whole directional thing with looking at where the sun is but nope! worst way i’ve gotten lost was in middle school trying to find a class in a hallway that wrapped around, so I was speed-walking, panicking in a circle for a few minutes after the late bell.
tagging @kelly-jeanne @awesomgrlgr8job @nettys-girl !! c:
** i just realized i numbered this wrong LMAO im fixing it
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dojae-huh · 1 year
hey, hope u had a great easter!
the question im about to ask doesnt rly have anything to do w nct (directly) so feel free to ignore this if u want to.
jimin (of bts) has recently had a comeback and theres a lot of analyzations about the choreo and the photographs, that hint at him being bisexual. since park jimin is a household name i think that regardless if knetz see the hints at his sexuality its more likely to be (i dont want to say accepted, more like recognized) by the overall media. and if jimin were to actually come out as bisexual (its not confirmed he is, hes just been dropping a lot of hints, it can also be to make the cb ‘interesting’ and to draw in more fans, but that seems unlikely to me, since hes alr so popular and the korean society recognizes that, if it could open new doors for lgbt koreans, and maybe jaedo??
what im trying to ask is if a big celeb were to come out and the public wouldnt react terribly, do you think dojae would risk it? i know doyoung probably wouldnt settle for a ‘maybe’ so its unlikely but maybe that jaehyun will have a diff view?
looking back on this ask its all hypothetical so it doesnt rly make sense, but i hope my question came across
JaeDo already dropped enough hints. Look at their position among celebrity ships.
Exo did a fanmeet recently, and Chen, who married his girlfriend some time ago and has a child, was met with cold reception. After all these years of "we want exo!" and "otp9!", one of the members was not welcomed because of his "betrayal". And he is what, 30 y.o? Till what age is he supposed to be "innocent" and "boyfriend material"?
Now, imagine fans finding out that not only Jaehyun is not the straight Prince charming, that he has been sleeping with a co-member for several years? Lying all this time that his lovers are the fans? How dare these two put their love over the safety and success of their group?
Taking on the role of an LGBT ally I can see. Like playing a gay role in a series. It's not something to surprise kfans with anymore.
The actors and singers who came out in US lost their insane popularity. In Russia we had a period with Tatu (fake, but still acting like lesbians), openly gay singers (they didn't label themselves, but the make up and the dress told what needed to be told), gender study professors in Moscow universities. It's all gone now. The professors and the stars dissapeared. It is benefitial for the elites to make a monster out of LGBT now, as "we are back to OUR TRADITIONS, which means patriarchy and the church".
So maybe there will be a period when Korean elites will be lenient about what happens on TV, look the other way. Comes a new president, a stonger push from the religious organisations in the future? Will the "new era" stay?
If you watch Korean variety shows you can notice some openly flamboyant or mannered judges, guests. They don't really hide, they just don't put lables on themselves, they stay "like everyone else" and "don't make a ruckus".
The participants of pride parades in Russia are bitten both by bystanders and the police. pride parades in Seoul happen with the police protecting the participants.
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scaryarcade · 2 years
Hopefully this is okay to disscuss this kind of thing here. But in my own (and still on going) discovery of my plurarity ive found myself in a weird spot in DID/OSDD community where i relate to the some or most experiences of being a system but still feel like the way symptoms i DO experience is "wrong".
One of the examples i could give is criteria for DID/OSDD being "having repeated trauma before 6-9 years of age". But the only traumatic major event i can recall that started to affect me was at 11 years old. Before that age i almost zero memory from that period (which is terrifying on its own tbh). And from 11-13 i started devolping BPD and was probably the beggining of fragmatation of my identity/personality. My own dissociative spectrum feels more on then "just BPD dissociation when in stress" but still less severe in what you see in pwDID who have seperete identities. Though, lurking through your blog (im normal trust me /j) and knowing about "median system" did resionate with me a lot. I still feel like a huge imposter because i "dont have the worst trauma ever and have total seperate identities that make living hell", i for sure am disordered plural/system but i feel guilt when being plural doesnt completely ruin my life like it does with a lot of pwDID/OSDD. I am aware i probably have it better in this aspect of mental health in this community but i want to hear and knlw more about atypical/nonstereotyped way of living with DID/OSDD. And your blog gave me that comfort/closure i looked for so long lol. So honestly thank you for creating this little blog i appreciate you adding unique experience/opinions to the community a lot!!!!
I hope my ask is understandable and sorry for any errors i might have put here 😭😭
(Also im fucking losing it over the coincidence of sharing the same name/pronouns/age-range/interest ☠️☠️)
hi!! thank you for the ask + hell yes name twins!!! LMAO
i really appreciate you taking the time 2 share ur experience. there are a few things that came to mind while i was reading ur ask. this is not meant to imply you need to change how you view yourself/selves, but since you mentioned feeling like the way you experience symptoms is "wrong", you may find these things useful to know if you didn't already:
you do not have to recall trauma before the ages of 6-9 to be diagnosed with DID or OSDD! actually, you don't have to recall any trauma at all to receive a diagnosis.
anecdotally, there are a lot of people with DID who do not experience clear, rigid separation between parts/alters
also anecdotally, a ton of trauma survivors (especially those with complex and/or developmental trauma) struggle with imposter syndrome and feeling like they have it better than others.
i frequently feel guilty like i'm invading spaces/taking up resources/just generally don't belong in places for trauma survivors because "other people have it so much worse". this is a pretty normal way to feel, but it fucking sucks, so i'm really sorry you're dealing with what sounds like a similar feeling. i think this is what happens when we have been forced to spend a lot of time rationalizing the bad things that happen to us. mentally, we have to normalize and minimize our own trauma in order to endure it. so it's a lot easier to look at someone else's experience and go "wow that's horrible and traumatic!" than it is to do that with our own.
happy 2 hear that median terminology resonates with you!! it definitely was immensely comforting for me when i found a term that encapsulates the often REALLY confusing experience of, like. "we're separate people we're the same we're different from each other yes we are no we're not <3".
i'm rly glad to hear my blog has been a useful resource for u. i hope you know there is no threshold of suffering that you have to meet in order to deserve resources, support, and community. you belong here!
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sheepwasfound · 2 years
I would think that snf are probably upset at least somewhat. Regardless of if they even care about what Dream did or the girls, he pretty much screwed them over. If they stay with him, people are going to stop supporting and watching them and their image will be tainted even more that it already is. If they leave him (at least publicly) they will make it on their own but things will never be how they were and everyone knows that. They’ll lose supporters either way and they’ll basically become irrelevant in about a year probably. And that’s if they even continue to make content. Their best option would be to rebrand and capitalize on the banter boys and try to get in with Mr beast but even his audience wouldn’t really care about them. Not to mention if they cut Dream off privately too (which I honestly don’t think is EVER happening) they lose a friend of many years and that shit is heartbreaking. He put them both in a terrible position where they get screwed no matter what.
you're right, there's no positive from this for them. i don't think they would become irrelevant in a year though, because they have lots of other connections actually, and lots of solo fans. i think they could make it, but whether they'd want to is another thing. they might stick by dream even if dream is completely ruined and stop making content at all. they've got money to survive a good while.
but i wonder how disappointed they are about dream's actions themselves, rather than just the way it affects them. even if only some parts of it are true. because there are also lots of people who don't find anything wrong with his actions actually... we can't know, and i don't rly see them talking about it ever
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adollarforurthoughts · 3 months
Rude. Just rude today.
I'm honestly curious about why you are behaving like this today. The day started okay. You woke me up to bring Ambreen to the vet. Finally, after our many arguments that I've highlighted to bring Amby to see another vet, you listened. Though I didn't appreciate the, "You the one who wanted to bring her see another vet, you pick la." Hello, my intentions are only well. Why the tone. That said, we amicably selected on one place, but unfortunately, it was only by appointments. So we went to another in Woodlands. I think at this point, yes, I was rly cranky + annoyed + having a headache + period + FLU. What a combi. You were thoughtful to bring me eat after. It went well, of course, until we came home. I didn't appreciate the doubt you said when I gave Amby meds through her food. Your words, "I've done this so many years, she will spit it out. You're wasting it." Let me try, at least??? You know that I'm a person that needs to try it for myself before finding other alternatives, so that remark was not needed. Putting cream together on her was okay. Oh ya, I feel that the things you say is just to make me feel better. For example, "Can u give her meds?" Happily of course I will! But low and behold, somehow, you will takeover and grumble about how I'm not doing things right and say things like, "Macam mana dia tak baik kalau tak buat betul2." It's just the tone that I'm annoyed with. I'm not doing it right then jolly well teach me nicely, if not do it yourself. I'm not talking about today specifically but just generally.
Then after that, you wanted me to bring Amby to Nino's room and takecare of her. Shortly, you asked me if i could help fold clothes. I agreed of course cause I wasn't rly doing anything. Less than 30 mins in, you came in and asked if we should just hire someone and do it. Of course I'm supportive of this idea, because you are exhausted and tired. This will benefit everyone. I went out of the room and we were discussing it with mummy. Then you came in again and said "Oh abang forget to book. Help me think of a place to eat." This continued for another half hour. This point, I was contemplating to go cause I wasn't feeling well, Amby wasn't feeling well and I thought you could save some money by me not going. But if course you said, "Can you don't make things difficult, just come." Haha and by the time you left the room, 15mins later Nino came home. I took whatever I folded and put it into your room. And 5mins later you said, "Is this what you have folded so far??" I said yes and you gave me THAT tone again, "HUH NI JE?" Then what do you expect me to say? Idk if you know but Nino's clothes were in that pile too??? Takpe, I keep quiet, and I went to nap with pupi.
Then I woke up for dinner and wow, I have to commend myself for getting ready in minutes! We went out and had dinner. It was honestly good, I was impressed. But when dinner comes to an end, this is the part (that happens most of the time.. well, not that I mind but feel like I'm an extra), taking family photos. It's like I'm there to just help take photos. Feeling so out of place every single time it came to that. As much as I want to be part of this family, I never will. Went home, and it was time to give Amby meds and dinner before gg for supper. You asked me if I could give her water and I said yes. As usual, when it comes to Amby, you would ask me to do things but in the end.. You takeover. Its always I'm not doing things right.. right? But I guess, the final tick that got me so offended was the remark where you said, "Why people don't know how to tie properly?" (Referring to her cone collar bow) Wow. People. I'm people. Because I tied the bow. I think that was enough to know that I do not deserve all these belittling when I'm only trying to help.
Safe to say, I'll probably help to keep out of the way when it comes to Ambreen. Because after all, the way that you put it to your family about bringing her to a different vet, it's like you thought of it and it was your idea. But hey, after all those arguments, don't I deserve some credit. Coffee Bean was just cold shoulder treatment from me to you because you were rly rude. And you pretended like nothing was wrong calling me baby and all.. Wow. At this point, idk what's my worth to you, honestly.
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duskhallowed · 1 year
For muns with multiple muses, past and present, on any blog.
Rules: Fill out the form according to which muse suits each title best. (The same muse can have multiple titles.) Repost and tag. Feel free to add more!
Favorite Muse: I wish I could say no one……. but we all know Tai is my Blorbo to end all blorbos.
Most Character Development: Tai has the most character background and the most his of his timeline written but… Development as in changing over the course of the story? Etienne!! Her story is about learning strength. (and understanding that strength can be soft.)
Trash Muse: ??? NO ONE, THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS BLORBOS — oh wait, it’s Gioven. always Gioven. pure trash that man is ( and that makes him so fun to write tho, I hate it ajdjsjsj )
The Meme-Lord: many of them, bc I am a memelord and it’s very hard to contain it. I’d say Samira and Addie the most, though. also Tai, of course, ajsjjs but they outrank him
Most Likely to Start a War: Xing. xing xing xing she basically does start a war in canon ajsjjs
Worst Personality: well they all have flaws, so it depends ?? that’s very subjective 😅
Best Singer: Rushi! but Sion is very very good, too
Most Attractive Muse: again, incredibly subjective, but to me: Sion.
Biggest Heart: I think Addie is the one with the most love in her heart. many of my muses have big hearts and/or can love HARD and very deeply, but I think Addie has the most love— she has so much that she can give it to many people and still never run out 🥹
Falls in Love Quickest: Etienne, but I think she may grow out of that lol.
Most Likely to Drop Their Phone in the Toilet: my first instinct was Grayson because he’s so ADHD so he probably checks it while he’s peein ajjdjsj and he’s a klutz so I can see him dropping it and panicking and then making the situation even worse with his panic 😭 someone help him
Ice Ruler: Angel!! and Xing. but Angel more
The Edgelord: oh I have many… sorry ahdjsj. but Angel the most… Tierney, too.
Most Tragic Backstory: Tai, maybe… ? that’s why he has so many issues ajsjjs. but Kat’s is the most dramatic-tragic by far ajsjsj
Best Case of Puberty: idk wot this means
Most Awkward: Angel… well, she makes other people feel awkward, at least sjsjsj. Etienne is pretty awkward and feels pretty awkward. Nico FEELS the most awkward and self-conscious of them all, but he’s actually not and most people don’t find him awkward to talk to or be around— he’s just too in his head and convinces himself he is 😭
Busy Bee: Xing! She somehow manages to balance being a 4.0 student, extracurriculars, having a social life, and working… she doesn’t know what ‘rest and relaxation’ means
Most Clueless: I really think everyone is smart in their own ways??? A couple characters comes to mind as being the most “ditzy”, but they have things they’re very knowledgeable about, so idk. I wouldn’t call any of them clueless!!
Most Likely to Forget Their Wallet at Home: maybe Kat because she’s not used to paying for things on her own??? jasjjs princess problems
Best Dressed: Etienne is a fashion expert and aspiring designer: she is very on-trend and good at coming up with great outfits. Personally though, I like Tai, Rushi, and Angel’s sense of style hehe. Tai likes fashion and has an eye for it, and is good at putting together cool outfits. Rushi just dresses pretty and unique and is good at finding unique and vintage pieces and thrifting. Angel… doesn’t really try. But has a comfy, cool style that says “I don’t care I just want to be comfortable” and idk I stan that too ajsjsn
Biggest Flirt: Sly!! Lee and Evie are second place. Sonora and Tai love to flirt, but more so with friends or other people they’re comfortable with in a joking/complimentary way— but not rly seriously with strangers sjsjsj
Most Dramatic: Xing, when her emotions got stirred up. It’s rare but when it happens… it’s big drama. Solaire is quite theatrical, but not as emotionally dramatic
Least Likely to Show Up Late: Itzel. She’s organized, responsible, and also doesn’t take that long getting ready in the morning
One with Weirdest Habit: this could be a lot of them; many of them have weird habits… but my instinct tells me Angel would have the most weird habits out of them, lmao
Most Likely to Be Caught at the Gym: Gioven. Kat is a close second, but I think she’d prefer a private gym if she could use one !
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skiasurveys · 2 years
Where did you get the pants you are wearing from? not wearing pants Do you find smoking unattractive? no, but like sometimes seeing a man with a cigar or a cig just looks hot but the actual act..isnt lol Have your parents ever searched your personal belongings? Nope, i dont think so Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? probably but I would def miss it Is there someone you’ll never forget?
Do you miss someone right now?
Yes. Last time you were on the phone? like a few days ago (if u mean like phone call) Do you get distracted easily? yes i have adhd
Have your parents ever caught you drinking? im an adult so Do you think flirting is cheating? yeah
Do you hate the last girl, other than family, you had a conversation with? no
Who was the last person you sat next to in a car with? Mom Is your room messy or clean? pretty clean except for one pair of shorts on the floor that im too lazy to move rn to put away.
Do you drink tea? not really. 
Wish you could be somewhere else right now? yes, but im okay right What are you listening to right now? im watching a movie! Where did you get your last bruise from? i dont know, i always get them randomly. Are you looking forward to anything? the next episode of the last of us. When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? im not sure
Whose house where you last at? Kyras
When someone says ‘we need to talk’, what do you think: i fucked up
Tell me what’s on your mind? school. im tired. Will you be in bed before 11 tonight? physically, yes  Do you have a good relationship with your parents? yeah, pretty good How much money did you spend today? None Can you see a cat from where you’re sitting? yes :3 hes right in my lap, under my macbook lol Who was your last text from? my sister What was the last bad thing that happened to your phone? nothing tbh What’s been upsetting you lately? schoooool. im tireddddd Is there anyone getting on your nerves at the moment? nah
Is there a member of the opposite sex on your mind? ummm..yes lmao
Last place you fell asleep other than a bed? couch
Does it take a lot to make you cry? nope, i cry easy
Do you have a dog? no i am allergic Do you like to wear pants? kinda, but i prefer shorts How many people do you trust fully? no one When you’re bored in class, what do you usually do? use my phone lol What’s your favorite color out of these five? Green, Yellow, Blue, Pink: yellow! What was the first thing you said when you woke up today? no idea Do you get 8 hours of sleep everyday? hardly. im lucky if i get 5 Ever like someone older than you? always What’s your favorite amusement park? disneyland
Are you cold at this very moment? nah. kinda warm. Do you prefer people who talk a lot or are quiet? it really depends, i rather people do the talking but it depends where i am Is there someone in your life you wish you never met? connor, alan, almost any man How many hours of sleep do you need to function? like 5
What do you think Avril Lavigne is doing at the moment? i dont know...lol What’s one fear are you most paranoid about? never being happy. always struggling. Have you ran into an old friend recently? nope Have you ever had a song stuck in your head for more than a day? always Could you go a whole year without cursing? nope.  Would you rather give up the computer or the TV? tv, i hardly watch tv, and besides now everything u can do on the computer so Have you ever liked someone who had a girl/boyfriend? yeah As of this minute, what is going through your mind? school is rly the only thing, and this movie Does anyone know your password besides you? no Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? i dont think so Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes. Are you a patient person? i can be, but sometimes im not... Could you go a day without eating? yeah, and i have (not tryna sound cool) but yk Honestly, are things going the way you planned? no..but theyre going better than i expect Are you a forgiving person? No, I wish I was but i just hold onto it. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep? lol yes What is something you disliked about today? I felt sick for the 68588559th time. but that was it.
When’s the last time you had a headache? last week, they were bad. Is there anything that you are craving right now? no What was the first thing you thought of this morning? about how I had class this morning but it ended up getting canceled. What part of your body hurts right now? none, besides my skin feels a little itchy Is there anyone you would like to just appear at your front door right now? oh pedro pascal pls What is something that you realized today? i realized i did my assignment wrong, but I figured it out real fast Is there someone on your mind that shouldn’t be? not rly. Do you remember who your first crush was? I really dont. ive always liked someone but i remember one of them being this kid named Austin Ever walked into the guy’s bathroom? yup Have you ever cried from being so mad? always What’s a word that starts with the third letter of your first name? eagles Do you have a bad temper? i have bpd lol How many wives or husbands do you want? just one...please lmao What’s the closest pink object to you? my waterbottle  Do you consider yourself lucky? ..yeah i do actually. Whats on your bedroom floor right now? my bra, sleep shorts and my bag Do you trust anyone? no What’s your favorite color gummy bear? red i think What’s the last movie you saw in the theater? Puss in Boots If you could push one person off of a mountain, who would it be? connor Wish you could be somewhere else right now? kinda What color is your iPod? i dont use it anymore, but it was white What should you be doing right now? nothing Do you like roller coasters? yeah! One famous guy you would marry in an instance? pedro pascal
0 notes
a-boca-do-inferno · 2 years
trust, habits & displays of affection (david 8 x reader)
summary: David and (y/n) stray from the group while in LV-223.
warnings: slight swearing, fluff
words: 1.0k
notes: rly rly random thing idk. enjoy!
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“Miss, are you sure this is the right path?” 
“Uh, yeah?”, (y/n) scoffed, stepping over a branch. “I remember this tree when we came, at least”, she then shrugged and patted the trunk on her right, the sound of the android’s very low chuckle making her smile to herself. 
Getting lost anywhere was already scary enough, but in another planet, it seemed like death was waiting in every turn they took. (y/n) tried to keep it cool, leading the way as if she knew exactly where they were going, but deep down she realized they could be in very serious danger if the night fell and they were still wandering through the forest. David’s even and rhythmic steps followed her around without a doubt, regardless, as if he trusted her to eventually find the rendezvous point where their crew had agreed to meet. He always found her to be extremely smart and competent, anyway, even though he never voiced these thoughts; finding the way back surely would be no difficult task for her. 
(y/n) abruptly stopped in her tracks when a sound came from the woods right to their side, making an oblivious David instantly accompany her movement, furrowing his pale brows. “Miss?”, he inquires, stepping forward to be on her side.  
“Shh”, she whispered, placing a finger on his lips while still looking at the direction of the noise. “Listen.” 
It was a deep, otherworldly growl, seemingly coming from very far away judging by the echo it made, and she felt a shiver go up her spine. Finally turning to face the android, (y/n) pulled him by the hand to the opposite way they were making up until that point, without another word. That was clearly a large animal and she wasn’t about to take her chances in facing it, no matter how advanced their weapons were. The creature also would probably not be alone and although David was quite strong, she wasn’t sure if he’d be able to fight them off basically by his own, seeing as her combat skills wouldn’t really be that useful. 
David accompanied her hurried steps with no resistance, still, however quietly confused by what went on in her mind at all, since the girl didn’t say anything. As they walked towards some sort of cave right next to a waterfall, he let himself continue to be dragged by her soft hand. He could easily break the contact and follow the flustered girl on his own, but something in him made sure he held on tight to her palm. It somehow soothed his own anxiety of what could happen in such an unpredictable situation, he reckoned, and so he’d grip her knuckles until she let go. 
“I think we better stay here for a while”, her voice pulls David out of his thoughts again. (y/n) stared at him with some strands of hair stuck to her face, and he held back from putting them in place. “I’m not sure how time works here, but maybe we should stay the night. It’s no use to keep walking in the dark, anyway, I don’t know”, she let out a deep, miserable sigh, running her fingers through her messy locks.  
“I agree”, David simply states, going inside the cave and sitting on the ground, keeping his posture upright as ever. The look on the girl’s face was almost comical as she mimicked his movements, making him suppress a smile. When she walked towards him to sit by his side, however, he noticed her limping. “Miss, are you alright?”, he sounded concerned, perhaps more concerned than he should be for a simple member of the crew. “Are you hurt?” 
“Maybe?”, she offered, thanking him under her breath when he stood up to help her sit down. “I didn’t feel anything until now, so I don’t know”, (y/n) then made a face when trying to move her foot, her ankle aching like nothing she ever felt before. “Fuck”, she leaned against the cave wall, closing her eyes for a second as the stinging pain lingered. 
David watched it all with a frown, promptly taking the med kit out of his backpack. He carefully lifted her cargo pants, exposing her wounded foot. It was all shades of purple and red, telling of her unawareness of it while they strolled to the cave. The girl’s agitated eyes observed his long fingers applying some sort of ointment around the sore area, caressing her skin with a cooling sensation. His movements were swift, majestic almost, and they caused her no adding pain at all as he finished his work.  
“Try not to move around and let the medicine take effect, it should be completely healed in a week”, his usual collected, technical tone is somewhat warm now and it makes her smile. David notices this, arching his expressive brows, “what?” 
“You would make a good doctor, you know?”, (y/n) gives him an amused look and he can’t help but grin a little. “Thank you”, she then touches his upper arm, giving it a squeeze while holding his gaze.  
David nods briefly, ever blunt. “It’s my job to keep you safe, miss.” 
She rolls her eyes, shaking her head slightly. “Stop with the ‘miss’ already, David, we’re friends.” 
“Old habits die hard”, he simply answers, and they exchange another long look. His bright orbs pay attention to every inch of her face, and the way her cheeks redden as he comes closer only urges him to keep staring at her expecting eyes. Their breath meets eventually, turning into one, and there is pause before their lips clash. The loud sound of the waterfall just outside seemed to be tuned out while her tongue made its way inside his mouth, dancing through every corner almost, painting his own with her saliva. His lengthy arms held her torso tightly, mindful of her injured foot, pulling her even closer to him. Air was needed, at last, and their lips still brushed against one another as David spoke softly, “(y/n)?” 
“Mm?”, she mumbles, eyes closed in sweet inebriation of the moment. 
“Now, are you going to stop with the ‘we’re friends’ already?” 
(y/n) could only laugh heartily, making a playful salute gesture before giving him a peck on the lips. “Yes, sir!” 
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