#that whole post is my new favorite thing lolll
emblazons · 1 year
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no thoughts, just The Duffers being the most precious identical twins ever even in their late 30s…wearing inverted versions of the same sweatshirt on set 😂
(Ross is in Green, and Matt is in Gray for those who can’t tell them apart lmao. The hair/Matt’s white stripe gives it away!)
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tianalova · 4 months
Seriously, I discovered this man in 2021. I vividly remember listening to Death with Dignity, at night, laying in my bed, in the dark, with just my earphones in. I was 13, and i was then listening to music on Youtube. The algorithm randomly added that song in my mix, and it was the slowed and reverb version of it LOLL
I’ve never thought i’d listen to this kind of music (i used to listen to only agressive pop and all that kind of stuff), but this album opener blew my mind. I fell in love with the song within the first few guitalin? (i think) arpeggios. I thought « how is it possible to make something this beautiful ?? and i’m not even 10secs in. »
I didn’t really understood the lyrics at first, as English isn’t my native language, but his voice really activated some part of my brain. It tickled it and i fell in love with Sufjan’s voice : i have never heard a voice like this before !! so breathy, beautiful and « lived in ». I mean. He has lived a lot of things lol
the piano part in the song made me almost cry.
and don’t even get me started on the last part of the song. The vocals. The instruments. so much emotion conveyed without any lyrics. The little chord progression (i hope that you know which one i’m referring to) that made the whole thing feel so mesmerizing. The last few notes of the sliding guitar? i think… idk what instrument that is. I cannot explain with words how i was feeling. and all of that in slowed and reverb LOLLL it made me so emotional. I wasn’t even able to process the whole thing. Too much happening for me. and the song ended. it was a whole experience.
And then i listenend to carrie and lowell. No shade in the shadow of the cross always gets me. John my beloved too. my three favorite songs ever. Maybe i’ll write a whole new post for them.
illinois : a whole different thing. I was like bro that man can do anything.
the greatest gift : carrie and lowell but the unreleased and the remixes. The demos really make me emotional all the time. We can hear sufjans voice so clearly
age of adz : the first time i listened to it i think i despised it LOLLLL. but now it’s my FAVORITE album ever. Who is able to make a 25 min long song this good?? and there are no boring parts in Impossible soul. Man this guy is a genius. I want to be well is my favorite ; sufjan conveys the feeling of being sick so well?? the little high-pitched electronic sounds really sound like nervous disease
michigan : i just have one thing to say : so pretty
the ascension : never thought i’d like electronic pop music but i do now !!! he does everything so well. I particularly love this album bc his voice sometimes gets really loud and strong (on landslide, make me an offer i cannot refuse or tell me you love me, for example)
A beginners mind : wowowowowowowow this blew my mind. If « magic » was an album it would be this one.
reflections : i love these piano pieces !!! the same for the decalogue
planetarium : this album grew on me a lot. I love Jupiter, and also the end of Neptune. I love watching sufjan performing mercury on Youtube. But the spoken part at the end of Earth freaks me out. i ended up crying 😭😭😭 they were so scary.
Aporia : original!!! i like it
Carrie and lowell live : i’m gonna have to make a whole new post for this one too
Silver and gold : man how is Sufjan able to make a christmas album with 58 songs, when he already made Songs for Christmas ?😭 he is so prolific. i love justice delivers its death. maybe one of the realest songs i’ve ever heard in my short life lol. And christmas unicorn being right after that heart wrenching song is so hilarious. I AM THE BIGGEST CHRISTMAS UNICORN FAN !!!!
All delighted people : one of his best works. I’m gonna make a post for this one too
songs for christmas : love the vibe : jesus, banjo and piano and pretty synthesizers and organ
man i am writing too much
The Avalanche : illinoise but another one. with 742947 versions of the same song (and i Love Sufjan for that)
a sun came : make some bangers and add some talking tracks in the middle. and don’t forget satans saxophone
seven swans : take seven swans but make them Christian and add guitar and banjo. and don’t forget the American references. And don’t run, because He will chase you cause he is the Lord.
and i’m ending this with Javelin
The first album drop i have ever witnessed in my life.
man i will make another another another post for this one too
and he has so many singles
you can tell i got tired writing this LOLLLL i stopped being serious and i don’t even know if someone is going to read all of that but if someone does, thank you lol
but i am forever full of respect and love and i’m so grateful for Sufjan’s music, and for Sufjan himself. I hope he will heal completely from GBS. praying for him!!
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windandwater · 2 years
had the kind of day I missed having in New York yesterday, with a friend who I’ve missed so freaking much--she’s the most chill person in the universe but also drags me on the weirdest adventures, way out of my comfort zone, and I love being comfortable enough to go out of my zone.
(this is rambly and switches topics at the drop of a paragraph)
several bakeries were involved. god I missed bakeries. I went to Brooklyn and all over Chinatown and Soho and wound up in Union Square. I don’t do that anymore. my feet were killing me and I was still completely relaxed at the end of the day. (although FUCK YOU @ my ankle I’m so tired of your shit MADAM)
also I met her brother who was doing a medical school shift in NY for only 3 weeks--a goddamn shame because from a case study of two, her whole family is delightful--and the poor guy made the mistake of admitting in front of me that he tried to make gumbo and burned the roux. but! bought a cast iron dutch oven. he doth care about his craft!
so, I officially have two gumbo recipes now: one for me, and one to send to beginners. the “beginners” one is a mess of “you have like three options here so do what you want” and it’s going to keep getting updated. basically an email-able version of this post. truly a milestone, this recipe has a multitude of iterations across platforms. You could track its digital imprint over time and learn the evolution of my palette and cooking ability, probably. something for future internet archaeologists studying me specifically, odd specimen that I am. but you’d also have to track my brother’s and my mom’s, and their jambalaya recipes, because they’re doing wild shit, and my brother likes seafood.
(also also lmao at being the queer friend wandering around a bookstore recommending every gay book you’ve read while your remaining straight (ally! but straight) friend is like “I see” lolll.) (very VERY different from wandering around with your gay friends who are like “HAVE YOU READ ___ YET” “NO THERE’S ANOTHER ONE?” “YEAH” “FUCK”)
(to be completely fair to her, that did happen with her & I to a queer book we’d both read independently: “THERE’S A SEQUEL???”, and she completely unprompted made note of one of my favorite queer series that I immediately was like “oh you HAVE to read those--also THERE’S ANOTHER ONE??” so, you know, it’s a difference of having more teeth/being louder, not that she’s not supportive)
related: I keep seeing complaints on the internet about representation in media but I gotta say, y’all are telling on yourselves that you don’t read. there are entiiiire sections and you know what? you can pick and choose genres now. I went through and had the luxury, the absolute luxury, of saying “you know what, I don’t have to read this, this is not my speed.” I will note that one of the big problems still exists for ace books: the diversity of genre is still published by small publishers, and hard to get from libraries. and even that’s changing now. (note 2: I wouldn’t be surprised if books featuring trans/genderqueer characters were in a similar state, but that is not my area of expertise.) but otherwise? my god. And one specific shelf--and I mean bookshelf, not singular shelf on a bookshelf--felt like it was specifically “the fanfiction writers are all grown up and getting published” because hand to god every single one was “I’ve read that fic” “hm, that person wrote RPF” “ah, high school AU.”
not knocking people who don’t read or hate reading or don’t have time or whatever, I’m just saying that the problem isn’t that the media doesn’t exist, the problem is that television & movies are much slower than the book industry to pick these things up, and they have bullshit “but international audiencessss” excuses, and that’s a different and more specific issue. also there’s a direct pipeline from “written media” to “adapted from page to screen media” and sometimes these things take a minute.
anyway. idk. I’m like. going out again. and I missed it. I missed my chaos friends. I missed my friends. I missed having stuff to do. it’s starting back up again (my friends are dragging me out!! shoutout to my friends who drag me out!!) and I thought it would wear me down but instead I’m like oh, right, I’m a person and the thought is. is making me have breakdowns. I backslid so hard during the pandemic and the healing process might break me just as much.
(sometimes my text posts are just “this would be on livejournal” posts look fight me)
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dweamsy · 3 years
   It’s been repeated so many times especially on mcyttwt about how there’s no unproblematic person or unproblematic medias but I think people clearly don’t actually understand that or actively have that mindset, and not only in the mcyt fandom but just the internet in general.
  I think most people who are saying that are only have mcyts in mind when they’re saying it, and I think they’re acknowledging to make themselves feel better about stanning these people. Because mcyts mistakes and their past are more highlighted and more known because they’ve got threads written on them and the mcyts in question (talking about Dream Team/fboys here specifically I don’t keep up with other mcyters) actually acknowledge those mistakes and address them and apologizes for it = more people know about it. People including their stans are more aware that they’ve made these mistakes and have said insensitive things in the past. And that’s why they’re the ones labeled problematic
  When in reality you know, this applies to everyone and everything.  That’s why I found it silly when people mcyt stans only feel bad about their mcyt interests, or when former stans moved to other fandoms and then become a whole mcyt anti and drag them for the mistakes (especially if they’ve defended those mcyts when they were still a stan LOLLL that must be embarrassing for you) when their new fandom isn’t unproblematic either in fact sometimes worse.
  Like…. Kpop groups with a shitload of cultural appropriation or insensitive jokes. Celebrities like music artists or actors there’s been plenty who’s done ca as well, or remain friends with actual pedos and racists, or portray their characters incorrectly. And you know I used to think this “nothing is unproblematic” thing only applies to real people but they apply to fictional medias too. Like, even if fictional characters can’t do anything wrong because they’re fictional, the people who create them could be problematic. Sooooo many authors literally so many are terrible people even if they write good books.
  And even if the creators of these fictional medias isn’t on social media and they seem alright, you can find problematic aspects in their medias. I love Game of Thrones and ASOIAF but they’re definitely created with male audience enjoyment in mind and how they portray a lot of minor female character sexually or make HUGE age gaps relationship have romantic implications. A lot of fantasy authors low-key support incest and horrible age gaps relationship and it shows in their works. The big Marvel actors have made insensitive comments, Chris Evans is openly pro-military brooo. My favorite series, although the author haven’t done anything wrong as far as I know, I can tell from reading it he’s a bit sexist with how he potray his female characters 💀
  Like these fictional characters can’t do anything wrong obviously, but the people who play them or create them might. And of course you can apply the “separate art from the artists” mindset, but even if you do if you watch those medias(piracy excluded) or buy them, you’re still giving money to the problematic people who created them. Or if you run fan accounts or make fanworks for them you’re still promoting them in a way. In fact I think I’ve actually lifted or financially support problematic creators who make fictional content more than I have supported not-unproblematic mcyt ccs by watching their stuff in cinemas or getting other people to watch or read them. (not saying it’s something I’m proud of or that it’s a good thing btw)
  And I think the majority of people don’t understand or aware of this. It shows with people outside the fandoms who act like mcyters are the pinnacle of all evil but then they run stan accounts for celebrities or creators or fictional medias that are objectively A LOT WORSE. Or what even more annoying, ex-mcyt stans who stop stanning and then turn to other stuff (sometimes not even less problematic than most mcyts) and act like they’re morally superior for being able to stop stanning.
  Now I’m not saying these people need to drop their interests. There’s faults in every super popular fandom and you’re only going to be miserable in life if you’re looking to only enjoy something that’s completely unproblematic and morally perfect. But I wish people would stop being annoying hypocrites. You’re not superior for enjoying one thing and actively hating something when they’re both very similar. It shows that these people are just incapable of critical thinking when they actively talk about and support something that is not-unproblematic but acts like mcyt fans are the spawns of satan.
  (Also not saying that mcyt is better than other fandoms btw they’re definitely not and this whole post isn’t meant to be defending them although I’m aware it can come across that way)
  Another thing is that I wish people (only a small portion of people do this and only on twitter as far as I know but they’re people I see regularly so) stop feeling bad about liking these mcyts. Like I know they use “no person is entirely unproblematic” to make themselves feel better for liking mcyt. You’re not a bad person for liking mcyt 😭Obviously it doesn’t make you a better person either, but some people genuinely makes themselves feel miserable thinking they’re supporting only mildly good people and if not because of their hyperfixations or whatever they would want out. Goddamn it’s not fun seeing people hating on their own interests.
  I think some mcyts the Dream Team especially are not bad people. I think they’re good, they’ve actively tried to be better more than most famous people I’ve seen and been fan of, and they’ve created a community that’s although sometimes terrible, are a good change in the gaming community. Like the gaming/twitch community have been horrible and actively promoted actual harmful ideas. The DSMP community as toxic and stupid as it is sometimes, it’s better than let’s say—Pewdiepie’s, or just the general gaming or twitch community. Them and their fanbase are bringing good changes for this side of the internet, and you shouldn’t feel like an evil person for liking them, just like how you wouldn’t feel like an evil person for liking Rainbow Rowell’s books or for liking Twenty One Pilots (both who I think are worse than mcyt, Dream Team specifically. Also not saying this makes Dream Team saints btw I DON’T THINK THAT AT ALL)
  I don’t know where I’m going with this I guess people (me included btw) should be more critical of their interests and especially don’t feel morally superior for liking certain things over the other. You’re a loser for watching Minecraft as much as you’re a loser for stressing about how much streams a music artist got and you’re also a loser for making fancams of animated children characters 💀 It’s online fandoms we’re here to have fun and giggle a little bit everyone need to relaxxxxxxx
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night-triumphantt · 4 years
I was tagged by by @not-sewell and @wayhavensmasonsbitch and also @lxdy-starfury sjsjsjsj :D
rules: answer 30 questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
(ima tag a few ppl sorry if u’ve already done it, also feel free to ignore, also I just KNOW I’m missing ppl I’m so very sorry :P) @masonsfangs @bobbymckenzie @queerbrujas @agentnatesewell @raleighcarrera @specialistagent-morgan @lilas
Name/nickname: Judie, I don’t really have a nickname but y’all can use N-T if u want, or my name, up to u
Gender: Female (she/her pronouns :P)
Star sign: Aries sun sign and Libra Moon and Rising, I assume thats where the diplomacy comes from XD
Height: *Sigh* 5’ 1”
Time: 2:55 pm
Birthday: March 25!
Favorite bands: IIII don’t feel like I listen to that many bands actually, tho did u know technically Bruno Mars is a band artist, Bruno Mars and the Hooligans XD.
Favorite solo artists: I have, pretty mainstream tastes tbh lolll, (at least thats what my sister tells me, but I maintain that I just don’t have the time to go out and LOOk for new music) aAAAnnyways, I can never choose a favorite anything so Im gonna list a few that I always come back to: The Weeknd, Billy Eilish, Victoria Monet, Ariana Grande,Taylor Swift, Stromae, Logic, Halsey, Ed Sheeran, & Bruno Mars ofc but I just mentioned him XD.
Song stuck in my head: Long Story Short by Taylor Swift
Last movie: Soul :D
Last show: I’ve been rewatching ATLA
When did you create this blog? I made this sideblog, innnnn November-ish of 2019, but wasn’t active til about January of 2020, a whole year guys :D, (I have had a Tumblr for many years at this point tho, I’m not quite sure when I first joined though)
What do i post? Art, mostly fanart for TWC, or choices, very rarely my own OC’s, and then I also RB art, writing, and just, fandom memes loll
Last thing i googled: Industrial piercing after care, I am highly considering one
Do i get asks? Yes sometimes, and I cherish each and every one and I am sorry I am so bad at responding sometimes
Why i chose my url: Originally I just made this so I could find posts abt choices that I liked easier, cuzzzz I don’t have a tagging system, so it was choicesstuff, but then I decided I wanted to post art so I changed it to Night-Triumphantt bc of one of my favorite quotes from the ‘A Court of Thorns and Roses’ series
Average hours of sleep: Ugh, that depends, I always stay up far too late but I also sleep in hella late if I am able, I’m gonna say a solid 6 average (its that delayed circadian rhythm babeyyyyy)
Lucky number: 7 :D
Instruments: I can play piano, and viola, (Tho its been a while) and I am currently trying to learn guitar as I have ALWAYS wanted to learn it. I just wanna be able to play some sweet sweet riffs man! (I also reaaaaallly want to learn how to play the bass guitar but I told myself I wont drop the money on it unless I learn to actually play guitar this year XDD)
What i’m wearing: A very comfy sweater from an Ariana Grande Concert, and black work pants cuz I am at work loll.
Dream job: If I could do anything w/o care I would love to be an animator, but like, I know the actual job isn’t really for me, so I’m goin into medicine, very different I know but I do really love the medical field.
Dream trip: I wanna go to New Zealand someday, its so beautiful!!
last book i read: Children of Blood and Bone, HIGHLY recommend
Favorite food: Sushi, or Pizza
Nationality: Lebanese :D (also American IG lol)
Favorite song: I can never choose a favorite anything, I do absolutely adore Drunk by Ed Sheeran tho, that one stays in the top rotation always
Top three fictional universes: hmmmmmm, ATLA for sure but Im actually blanking on any other universes lolll
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kingsofeverything · 5 years
@chloehl10 @ham-palpert @reminiscingintherain​ @realitybetterthanfiction​ and @laynefaire​ tagged me in this. Thanks y’all! I’m sorry I’m such a slack ass and it’s been weeeeeeks since I drafted this half finished, soooooooooo....
 I’m going to combine and put everything under a cut.
The first 11 are from @chloehl10
1. What’s your favourite fic you’ve ever written, and why?
Don’t Want Shelter because it’s the first fic I put emotional effort into. That universe, that Harry and Louis, all of it are very vivid and alive in my head. I love them.
2. Pick three words that you think describe your works overall.
Long ass sentences 👀
3. How long does it take you to write a fic?
Depends. Writing doesn’t usually take me long but editing does.
4. What’s the hardest thing about writing?
Realizing that I’m probably never going to write some of the ideas I have
5. Do you listen to music or anything while you write? What’s normal for you when you write?
I don’t usually, but sometimes. Idk that I have a normal. I really prefer to be alone and quiet.
6. How do you come up with titles for your fics?
Songs usually. Sometimes they just come to me though.
7. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a new writer?
Get a beta. But not just a beta. Get someone who can talk fic/plot/story with you as well.
8.  How important do you think tags are when you are publishing a fic?
Very in some ways, no at all in others. I tag mainly for readers so they know enough about the fic to decide whether or not to read. I don’t tag specific sex stuff usually though every now and then I’ll throw in ‘anal fingering’ just to mix it up. I don’t tag who tops/bottoms. I do tag with fic reccers in mind thanks to B’s @nottooldforthisship instructions!
9. Do you write for fests/exchanges? If so, do you enjoy them? If not, why not?!
I have and I do but not often. I like running them and I have done exchanges in the past but it’s not really my thing to write for them. Is that weird? I feel like it is but ehhh
10. Which work of yours are you most proud of and why?
An Unbalanced Force aka marold harold because.... idk
11. What’s next for you?
Currently working on a short pwp hiccup fic
These 11 are from @ham-palpert
1. Have you ever been burned by a WIP that never updated?  If so, describe that traumatic experience.
I have not! But more in a ehhhh I’m not too bothered way. I’ve definitely read WIPs that weren’t completed but idk I guess I love on quickly lol
2.  Speaking of WIPs, do you like writing (or reading) them?  Why or why not?
I don’t write them. As in even my fics that have been posted as WIPs (DWS and HFL) we’re completely finished aside from some editing before I started posting. I change too much when I write. That padlock in TSHU? Thought of it at the end and went back to add it to the beginning.
I will sometimes read a WIP but not often. Mainly because I don’t remember anything between updates
3.  Are you a dialogue person?  An inner-monologue person?  A heavily descriptive scene-setter?  
I think I’m gonna pass? I literally have no idea. I don’t think I heavily describe scenes but I guess that depends on the scene? This is when I send for help and ask Nic
4.  Is there a scene from a fic you’ve read that you wished you’d written/thought of first?
Not really
5.  Would you rather read a 150k angsty fic, or a 10k fluffy one-shot?
10k one shot
6.  Do you enjoy writing smut scenes?  Does it make you feel super awkward?  Do you need to have a cigarette afterwards?
Sometimes smut scenes are fun to write. Especially if there’s something different about it. Sometimes I have to be in the mood. Sometimes I feel like I need to shower after lolll
7.  Do you click through the recently updated list on AO3 or read exclusively fic recs? Or a bit of both?   
Neither. I don’t read nearly as much as I used to. I’m nowhere near caught up on Big Bang.
8.  How many words, on average, do you write a week?  Do you try to stick to writing goals?  
Oh wow. Idk! I could actually figure it out since I track my words per day. When I’m steadily writing, I’d say 10k a week is average? Probably more tbh
9.  Are you someone who comments on the fics you read (and liked)?
10.  Of all the fics you’ve written, which one came to you the easiest?
marold harold I think
11.  If you had to live in one of the AUs you created, which one would it be?
Marold harold and I’d be Kate McKinnon
these 11 are from @reminiscingintherain​ 
1. Has your writing changed now from the way it was when you started? If so, how? 
yeah definitely. more plot heavy and just better overall
2. Does anyone IRL know about your writing? If so, have they read it? 
yes, but no one’s read any of it. i almost sent tshu to my therapist lol
3. Is there anything you’ve written that you wish you hadn’t? 
4. Do you have a set location or setting that you have to write in? A favourite cafe? The only seat that’s comfortable?
no, i will write literally anywhere. on my phone or laptop. i like writing on my back porch when it’s not a million degrees outside 
5. What are you working on? If you can (i.e., it’s not on anon!), share five lines!
5 lines from the hiccup fic: 
When he opens his mouth to answer, Louis hiccups and flattens his hand against his chest, shaking his head. He points to his mouth, hiccups again, then again, snaps his mouth shut and pushes past Harry, who turns and follows him out of the club to the relative quiet of the street.
“You can stay, Harry.” Louis shoves his hands in the pockets of his faded jeans and turns to glance at Harry, who’s walking beside him. He hiccups and groans, kicking his foot out and stomping. “Fuck me, man. This sucks.”
6. Have you ever written something for a fic, but ended up removing a whole scene in its entirety and using it for something else?
i think so but tbh i can’t remember lol
7. Are you a linear writer? Or can you write scenes out of order and put them together at the end?
i’m a linear writer, but i will skip over parts of a scene like....... i’ll write a bunch of dialogue with nothing around it and fill in later
8. Betas/Britpickers… opinions?
always always always. i would literally not write if i couldn’t have a beta lol
9. How much do/can you write on average at any given time?
huh idk. i’m a fast writer, but i’d say like probably 1.5k a day is average for me?
10. How organised are you? Do you have lists and/or spreadsheets, or do you just wing it?
i’m the worst lol i tried to organize my google docs and that lasted like a week
11. What made you start writing? 
i was bored and i thought hmmmm wonder if i could write a fic. turns out i could!
alrighty these 11 are from layne :D
1. What is your favorite trope to write? To read?
2. What other fandoms do you write in/have you written in?
not a one
3. What’s one fic idea you want to read, but would never write?
i honestly don’t know because i write what i want to read
4. When do you do most of your writing - morning, afternoon, night? Which time of day do you find most productive?
i think i’m most productive in the morning, but i write when i find the time
5. Writing routine? What do you drink? Do you have a go to snack?
i don’t have a routine. i usually drink water or coffee, but occasionally vodka, wine, or beer. i don’t snack while i write but now i want to
6. Have you ever been writing something and had to get up and walk away from it? What was it and why did you have to step away?
i had to walk away from tshu because it was stressing me out that i couldn’t invent time travel irl so i wrote heading for limbo for a few weeks and went back to it lol
7. What is your most favorite scene you’ve ever written?
oooooooooooooooooooooh oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh this is such a good question and i hate it lol i absolutely HATE picking favorites of anything but i’ll say that the scene from tshu when louis shows zayn his tattoo and everything right before and after that
8.  Have you ever had an ending to a story, but couldn’t figure out how to start it? I don’t mean the typical -And they lived happily ever after - but a fully fleshed out ending with your usual writing pair, but you had no idea where to start? Did you ever write it?
9. What is the oddest thing you’ve ever drawn inspiration from?  
idk i think being stuck in a hurricane with no power turning into don’t want shelter was pretty odd
10. You’ve accepted a prompt to write a fic using a Whitesnake song for the title. Which song do you choose, and what is your fic’s summary?
here i go again - 70s trucker au (i’m not summarizing because i’m actually planning to write this one, though the title with be different. probably.)
11. Your most recent fic is being made into a movie. What would you change your main characters’ names to and who would you fancast to play them?
ok so i’m cheating here by picking tshu instead of my most recent fic because my most recent fic is canon pwp lol and i’m sorry but i’m so lame with actors and stuff idk anyone who’d play them. and idk about names either! SORRY LAYNE
last but not least!
these 11 are from @realitybetterthanfiction​
1. What made you realize you wanted to start writing fan fiction?
we were hanging at my parents’ house during a hurricane when they had power and we didn’t, and i was bored af and i think nic had just recently published her first fic and i was like....... huh i wonder if i can do that?
2. What fic changed you as a reader or a writer?
nic’s 5 times fic called fire and ice! i remember reading it and thinking WOOHOO PWP!!!! and then crying because she snuck all these FEELINGS in. so it made me think about writing in a different way, i guess. it can be fun and emo lol
3. What is your best writer’s block buster?
idk. haven’t really tried anything.
4. What’s the last non fan fiction book you’ve read?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh a book about physics and space science (fic research lmaoooooooooooooooo)
5. If you had or have skills like our talented artists in the fandom, what’s one scene you would like to illustrate? (Can be your own work or another’s work)
6. What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever gotten?
just keep writing! you can edit later! 
7. What’s one genre you’re hesitant to write but really want to explore?
idk i don’t think i have one? maybe aliens?
8. Would you ever cowrite with someone else? And if you have, how to you divide the work?
9. Do friends outside the fandom know you write? Are they supportive? (I hope they are!!!)
no but my husband does and is
10. What is your favorite fic Niall? (give me all the Niall!)
niall and his churros!!!!! 
11. What is your favorite supernatural category (examples, vampires, ABO, werewolves, angels, aliens). And can you give a girl some recs?
vampires!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i don’t have any recs because my faves are old and everyone knows them: madalynn_bohemia’s vampire series
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kyloreign · 6 years
20 questions
Rules: answer these questions and tag 20 people
Nicknames: Jenn
Gender: female
Star sign: libra
Time: 8:23 am
Birthday: September 28
Favorite bands: i’m very picky about music i like so it’s pretty rare for me to like everything a band comes out with. generally lots of ambient type music though. (like tycho or hammock ). i am a fan of a lot of stuff adam young has come out with, but not as much recently
Favorite solo artists: again, none really come to mind 
Song that is stuck in your head: right now, love and memories by O.A.R.
Last TV show: alias is my new obsession (late i know). maniac on netflix was AMAZING. i’ve also been rewatching house
Why I created this blog: my sister told me about tumblr like... 8? years ago? lolll i’ve been here for ages. every time a new fandom captures my attention i go crazy for a bit
What do you post/reblog: well greykyloren (previously kissinginthetardis for most of my 8 years) is my main blog so it’s the most varied. it’s a catch all of cats, fandoms, funny stuff, and just things i like
Last thing you googled: chestnuts for spiders lol i’d heard it works to keep them away and i’ve discovered there is no scientific evidence for that *sobs* i’m still going to stick them around my house JUST IN CASE
Other blogs: my other most active blog is @soreylo which is obvs my reylo blog. i post all reylo/adam driver stuff there and try to keep the main blog to just actor based stuff since i know not everyone who follows me there wants to see it. others would be my newly created alias blog @sydneyvaughn and my aesthetic blog @summergalaxy 
why the URL: because kylo ren is gonna be grey and there ain’t nothing you can say to make me believe otherwise
I follow: 481 (from greykyloren)
Followers: 419 (greykyloren)
Lucky numbers: 4, 28 and anything even
Instruments: clarinet, and i can play simple stuff by ear on piano
What are you wearing: pjs lol
Dream job: something that makes me feel like i’m helping people and that doesn’t take up my whole life. i’ve never been a career person
Last book you read: i’m re-reading shadow magic by patricia c wrede (for like the 6th time in my life i’m sure). i have a million others to read just waiting on my book shelf
Top 3 universes: hmm like that i’d want to be in? or just like in general? 1 maniac had a retro-futuristic universe that i LOVED. like wouldn’t want to live in, but it really appealed to me. bit more unique than the usual “futuristic robot” universes that usually come up in shows and movies. 2 harry potter. i grew up with it and i’ve always loved anything with magic. 3 probably the world in his dark materials, because of the whole multiverse thing. piqued my mind when i was younger and really stuck with me 
thanks for tagging me Bea @little-scribble!! <3 
i’m really bad with knowing people’s urls so here are some people i love seeing on my dash! (i know some of you have already done this, so ignore this tag and just consider it a shoutout lol) : @windu @caramelcosmiclatte @usethehorseluke @loga-boga @reystarlights @carrie-reylo @bistormtrooper @reylo-solo @ohlittlelovely @darthdarceyy @knights-of-reylo-reborn @benjaminbarnes @reylobliss @mrsvioletwrites @empressreysolo @thewinterreylo
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
I do not have dream merch (😔😔) but if I did and was in the discord I would literally never say anything and probably not even make it in time to the vcs before they got full. lmaoo more like dream is a milf. when dilf dream or whatever got trending a while ago because of connor, I replied to multiple people with “milf*” and I think I’d be happy if I ever got cancelled for that
yeah exactly!! I don’t want it to become a chore (which watching vods can be😭😭) I was watching ranboos mcc vod and I got so many ads I was ready to scream. also is it just me or are the ads always so fucking loud like it startles me so many times. idk about the sub thing tho but I’m like pretty sure you get an ad regardless
I haven’t bought a textbook for a single one of my subjects so I hope my lectures slides are good enough. last sem the exams were open book and online so I kind of just googled my way through the bio exam😬😬 also last semester I think I watched very few of my lectures and I’m already doing better than that this sem
apologist discourse is fully the lamest. it’s so boring too. and dumb. yeah!! discourse can be fun! I like having discussions and I love seeing different points of view but Apologist discourse?!?!?!! like seriously?? it’s so dumb especially with the assumptions made. which is why I always defend c!dream apologists. god you’re so right about the “in this day and age thing” but yeah teenagers will be teenagers
right?!?!! like I was like omg dream!! playing bedwars!! and I had a fun time watching it but like right after twt was back on their bullshit. good thing about living in australia though, half the stuff mcyttwt trends, doesn’t actually trend here lol. oh yeah that’s fair. I’ve watched hannah occasionally and she’s cool. absolutely cracked at bedwars. it’s so blatantly sexist!! and they’ll bend over backwards to justify how it isn’t it’s awful. lmao I felt the same when I left hannah’s stream once dream was gone😭😭 it sucks too cause they’ll whine about not getting dream content but the moment he goes and interacts with his FRIENDS they’ll start trending /neg or shitting on them for dumb stuff. like after dream played gartic phone with the ppsat crew and people started saying shit about gumi’s voice :/// plus another thing, kind of off topic but I was reminded, I see so many dream stans on twitter who hate techno so much (I don’t even know why and at this point I’m too afraid to ask like I know what he did but they’re so forceful in their hate) and just like??? dream is literally the biggest techno stan out there like how are you gonna have techno stans dni in your bio but still interact with dream🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
lolll. yeah my subjects really go from physics‼️bio🧫 chem🧪 to 😌being online: internet meets society😌
ranbob🥲🥲 I miss them dearly. the best dream apologist. YES DREAM WHERE IS THE LORE. it’s been MONTHS since the sneak peak. MONTHS. and sam slightly showing the courtyard in one of his streams and hinting at it’s importance??? like please give us the lore
but also!! new dream vid today :DDD
I’ve heard shipping rates to counties that aren’t american are killer and yeah I wouldn’t ever be awake enough to get into vcs….. here’s the thing though I’m not afraid to call dream a milf to his face but calling his mom a milf is a terrible first and only impression you know? My dumbass would walk in, reference the tapeworm post accidentally and be banned on site
They are loud but I’ve also found at that our favorite streamers are super quiet?? Like I was on dream’s stream for mcc and when I switch to quackity’s I got jump scared because he was so loud in comparison. Also if subs still get ads on vods I’ll fucking riot I’m jot subbed to anyone but no ads means no ads mother fuckers
From one college person to another :
Tumblr media
Also all my classes were live so I wasn’t able to go back and rewatch them…. But honestly good on you googling your way through test I was too anxious to do that but I was also too anxious to do well on any of the exams so lose lose for me.
As someone who whines about no dream content I personally love seeing him on his friends stream! It seems like he’s on his bedwars arc rn so I’m really happy he has a bunch of friends willing to play with him! AYO IF ANYONE SAYS SHIT ABOUT ANY OF THE PPSAT CREW ITS ON SITE. How dare they what gumi is someone bothering you I’ll take care of it what the fuck!!! The hannah stuff bothered me but the gumi stuff is pissing me off!!! I like gumi’s voice she’s baller!!! I’m about to start gatekeeping (/j) the dream stan community are you even a dream stan if you’re not also a rivals duo enjoyer???? Shameful. I’ve had the same sub title/heading thing for my tumblr page forever and it just gets truer every day. Also extremely curious to see how many people clicked the links in it. If you haven’t you should, the first one is a joke but the second one isn’t
Actually I can’t call you a nerd I’m put here taking math, spanish, chem, and bio of my own free volition. Actually if you have any group discussions promise me you’ll tell people to touch grass yeah? I just think it would be funny
Ranbob my favorite he/they when will they return from the war…. Or arrive to the war actually. Better yet when will tales from the smp return as a whole karl I know you’re busy but please spare some serotonin please! I didn’t actually read the inbetween lore ever but I liked the idea of it!! I also miss all the banger characters that came from it,,, crops, ranbob, the twins, Cornelius, robin, unnamed cattboy,,,, all of the other characters that I got attached to right away,,,, I miss them always. I was watching tubbo’s stream today and he was talking about how he’s getting bored on the dream smp and oh boy did that hurt. Logically tubbo isn’t actively trying to do any lore and several dream smp members still log in everyday and do something, but it was for sure a kick to the gut. About the courtyard stuff, I wonder what they’re waiting for? Is there something in it that hasn’t happened yet or is there a different reason we haven’t gotten to see it yet? Guess we’ll have to wait
I accidentally watched the wrong dream video so I spoiled the whole thing for myself akhdkfjd funfact the video and the extra scenes look very similar
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iheartsurveys · 8 years
01. What is a book that you really want to read? I just bought a book about the history of isis sooo that. Everyone I say that too I feel like I need to tag on that I was/am a crim major very into homeland security 02. What brand was the last lotion that you used? Bath & body 03. What color is your underwear? Gray and mint 04. What was the last type of cookie that you ate? Oatmeal choc chip 05. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? A beach. Or Italy, always Italy 06. What genre was the last song you listened to? Probably alternative 08. What sort of surveys catch your interest and which ones bore you? I like random ones that ask different questions. I hate ones that always ask the same stuff and like about relationships obviously because I'm single. Or when it's just a yes or no answer like some of those are fine but if the whole survey is like that it's boring 09. What books do you usually enjoy reading and which do you not enjoy? Honestly I'll really read anything. I love a good fantasy or a biography or something non fiction that's interesting. A lil action. Mild romance. The usual. I don't read straight up romance books like the ones the sell in cvs with half naked people on the cover. Not for me 10. What is something that you really want to try, whether it’s a hobby, food, etc? I'm trying to learn a new language on Rosetta Stone 11. What websites do you frequent most often? Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube mainly. And my school email. 12. What was the last thing you looked up online? I googled Daniel handler, lemony snickets real name, to see what he looks like/stuff about him 13. The last person you found attractive — what did they look like? Some dude on flea market flip lolll just your average white guy with brown hair he had a nice smile idk 14. If you could go back in time, would you prefer to go forward or backward? Well "going back in time" is backward...... But I'd prefer to go forward I think 15. Post a link to the last video you watched online. Nahhh that's too much work 16. Is there anything bothering you at the moment? I'm a little cold 17. What color was the last shirt you wore? Black blue and red. And I guess some yellow 18. What sort of things do you like to post or look at on Tumblr? Surveys obvvvvv. My old tumblr was random though I posted things I like like clothes or people or interior decor or landscapes or random shit 19. What scent was the last candle you burned? Mango dragonfruit, it's a bath & body candle 20. What was the last new thing that interested you? Why? A series of unfortunate events on Netflix. Because I loved the movie and the books back in the day and I love NPH and its just done really well, I'm obsessed 21. What type of people are you usually attracted to? I don't really have a set type, they're all a little different. Funny, smart, slightly douchey lol at least that's what my track record has been 22. Do you collect anything? If so, what? I have all the state quarters in a book, it was a lil thing my grandpa and I used to do. 23. When you look to your left, what is the first thing you see? What about the right? Tv to the left, tapestry to the right 24. What room are you currently in? My room 25. What color is the last blanket you used? Cream 26. If humans were able to colonize on another planet in the future, would you want to go? They're trying to do that on Mars, hellll no I would not 27. What color do you think looks best on you? Black 28. What do you smell like right now? Nothing really 29. If it was possible to celebrate a holiday everyday, which would you choose? Christmas would be fun but also itd get old 30. If you could compare yourself to a celebrity or character, who would it be? I'm so robin scherbatsky 31. Which male celebrities do you find attractive? Well we all know about 1d and I said recently Matthew gray gubler. Add Ryan Reynolds and gosling and Jake gyllenhaal and there's probably more but idk omg wait also Paul Rudd I love Paul Rudd okay that's all for now 32. Which female celebrities do you find attractive? Blake lively, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma stone, Margot Robbie, Lana Del Rey, etc 33. If you could marry one of your favorite celebrities and have a happy relationship until the end of your days, who would it be? Oh man. Honestly probably Harry styles. Maybe Matthew gray gubler if he was younger or I was a lil older 34. What song are you listening to at the moment? Nothing 35. What is currently on your desk? We have a desk in the office, my moms laptop and some papers and a lamp and the printer and desk organizer are on it 36. What brand is your computer? Dell 37. What are the last things you ate and drank? Ate an oatmeal choc chip cookie w milk. But I had water separately 38. Do you play video games at all? What systems do you own? I have a Wii but I don't play often really 39. What is the last video game you played? We played Wii sports on New Year's Eve 40. How often do you take naps and how long do they usually last? Idk, I usually nap on the weekends for sure and sometimes during the week. I usually nap for like an hour and a half. Or sometimes I won't set an alarm and I can sleep for 45 mins or 2 hours 42. Which season do you wish lasted all year? I do love spring but I think I'll say fall because it's so pretty and not humid 43. What is the last part of your body that itched? My leg 44. What are you getting/what do you want to get a degree in? Bs in crim 45. Is there anything that you should be doing right now? I told myself I was going to just watch Netflix but I decided to do one of these first 46. Is there anything you’re craving right now? Not really 47. Do you prefer regular or flavored coffee? What about regular or flavored creamer? I like flavored coffee. Or regular coffee with flavored creamer 48. How do you take your tea? I don't 49. Put your music player on shuffle and list the first five songs that pop up. Ride - Lana Del Rey Drunk in Love - Beyoncé Year 3000 - Jonas brothers Eventually - Tame Impala What the Water Gave Me - Florence + the Machine 50. Where were you born? NY
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