#that would be so good XD
ingo-ingoing-ingone · 2 months
Idk if you care about a hat in time but theres a great submas mod for it!
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Oh my god. That's so CUTE AAAAAA
I don't have a very good laptop so I don't have steam, but I have played this game on my friends computer. It's SO fun and I adore all the characters, very good game
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raycatz · 2 days
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Some dungeon predictions (and things I'd just like to see xD ) for the upcoming arc!
(inspired by boards I've seen in the past. like this! Art from @/linkeduniverse!)
I love Zelda dungeons and LU dungeon crawling fics are some of my favorites! I'm so excited to see what puzzles Jojo's come up with! Nine person puzzles? Let's goOOO!!! There's so many possible interesting things to do with the chain's items and abilities.
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lexiluxray · 2 months
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Did I post these ? ...Well now I have !
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omaano · 1 year
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New season's coming tomorrow, so Din's got an upgrade (shiny new weapon) and his kid in hand
(I've got new ideas to explore in this Hades style exploration besides the already existing interactions with Boba and Cobb - and look there is a pocket Luke already next to pocket Din in the background!)
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letsmcfreackingloseit · 6 months
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And for the holidays I give you memes! Memes everywhere!
I hope that all of you are having a wonderful time, but if not, I at least hope these silly doodles brought you a little joy!
I'm going to keep this short and sweet today, so to round this of: These doodles are based off of the fanfic Apex Polarity, which is written by the lovely @naffeclipse and Eclipse' design is based off of @themeeplord 's fantastic design!
And as a bonus, you will find an alteration and a bunch of Yeti slogans/puns under the cut:
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and if you're wondering why I made so many gd yeti puns, it was for michael's mug. You gotta have some fitting and funny slogan for all mugs. Btw If any of you know some good yeti slogans and/or puns, please call me, I've been struggling.
Michael; local cryptid believer, but not cryptid enjoyer
Eclipse; I'm having the best time of my life! :D
Y/n; I'm having A TIME :')
#apex polarity#polar!y/n#polar!vanessa#polar!michael#polar!eclipse#orca!eclipse#dca#dca au#OK! Here comes the obligatory extra thoughts section- from top to bottom order- GO!!!#BEHOLD!: is the will smith meme- but it's also kind of a reference to the “BEHOLD- a man!” joke but- you know- in reverse :P#also if you wondering why Y/n is kind of T-posing- it's the 'I have too many layers of clothes so I'm sort of T-posing' pose#I love drawing them like that XD#and also I'm giving them a little sass- you know- as a treat 💅❇️#NDA: I love michael. He's been through shit and is trying so hard to keep everyone safe-#and for that I want to give him a break and a hug :')#POLAR BEARS: I know and you know and SHE knows *nods knowingly* polar bears XD#Me and the bad bitch: this fits so well with polar!y/n but it would be an even better fit for hare!y/n XD#my pronouns: Sorry Y/n- eclipse will like you no matter the gender- so you're stuck! Good luck! XD#Yeti puns: OK so Michael knows sirens exists right?#So I was thinking that he's probably a cryptid believer- but not so much a cryptid enjoyer#So I was trying to make a mug slogan that was kind of both#but that was HARD- so in the end I picked just a pure and very simple yeti pun for his mug#the 'Yeti? Not on my watch!' ties back to michael believeing in cryptids- but not liking them#so yes- my headcanon is he will send cryptids to Uno hell if possible#at 'yeti spagetti!' I was grasping at straws- NOTHING RHYMES WITH YETI EXCEPT SPAGETTI!! Also yes-#spagetti is misspelled and I'm going to keep misspelling it because why tf is there an H in the word spagetti? NAY I SAY!! *GASP* ok done!#again I hope all of you are doing well in these times#and I'm sorry for being so late in saying this naff (got caught up in the holiday prep)- but I hope you're feeling better now! Ik how#stressful it can be around the holidays- but I hope this cheered you up and that you'll get to relax after chirstmas!#NOW I NEED TO STOP BECAUSE I'VE REACHED THE TAG LIMIT- happy holidays everyone and hope you have a good one!
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ibrithir-was-here · 6 months
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Seasoning's Greetings!
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pixlokita · 6 months
I feel like ? I gotta remind people it’s ok to unfollow a blog when it upsets you in any way >> like if I ever do that sure, you can let me know if it was anything I did personally I’d appreciate it but if you just don’t enjoy something it’s ok to unfollow ;w; can’t stress enough how important it is to put your mental health first 👌
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xx-sketchy-xx · 11 months
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He turned into a panda almost immediately afterwards
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Vibrates intensely in emotional reunion.
Look I know this is now how it went 😔 but I really wanted to use this quote for these two (its from How to Train your Dragon 2), imagine Dainsleif feeling so much joy and relief upon finding the Lost Prince alive and well, him showing more vulnerability than Paimon and Lumine have ever seen. ITS NOT CANON, BUT IT COMPELS ME!!! xD
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clockworkclownart · 30 days
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Day 8 - Style Challenge- #DannyMay2024
I read somewhere that Maddie and Jack Fenton's hazmat suits were styled after batman and catwoman without the animal ears, so i reskinned a fantasic cover by mick gray and patrick gleason (see below) and YOU KNOW WHAT?!? they are right.
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This cover is amazing and i had alot of fun using the layout and poses to make the above art. obviously credit goes to the above artists for thier fantasic work. i dont know how to draw mucles and i referenced the above image so hard, i refuse to take credit for these good shapes. I feel like ive learned alot during this.
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xraiyax · 5 months
LawLuffy’s counter list why dating Luffy would be a bad good idea:
Nr. 19
His smile is too bright I would eventually go blind waking up to it regularly.
Don’t worry Torao no one I know has gone blind from a smile yet. Chopper said it's not possible too.
Oh my~ - Nami You’re lost man - Usopp That’s very cute - Robin
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letsmcfreackingloseit · 6 months
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Hey-ho! I'm back again with some Apex Polarity art, but this time it's some designs for the humans' snow gear!
It started out with me just trying to figure out a design for y/n in my little comic, but then I thought it would be fun to also try and visualize the other humans, so here's my take of y/n, Vanessa and Michael! I really like how they turned out, although I don't think I got Vanessa's "patchwork" look quite right, but I still like where I landed. I added a blue scarf and I was really tempted to give her those red goggles, since it would've made her resemble Vanny even more, but in the end I desided against it.
So yeah- nothing too big this time, just something fun and easy!
But to round this off, I will of course credit the wonderful author @naffeclipse who is writing Apex Polarity, which you can go read if you click right here (can 100% recommend, especially if you like stories with a bunch of fluff, mystery and drama~!) and today I give credit to myself for the designs of the humans! ;P
#apex polarity#dca#dca fandom#polar!y/n#polar!vanessa#polar!michael#OK SO- I was trying to keep my rambling to a minimum in the main post#but now we're in the tags baby and I am about to RAMBLE!!#So if you're intersted in some extra info/thoughts- tag along!#so one thing I would like to note for y/n's design especially is the coloring choice#the grey jacket was mostly because- you know- ✨y/n-core✨a.k.a. grey#but the rest of the colors are basically the same as eclipse's colors- as a nod to their fated connection (black white red & yellow!)#I also kind of tried to make them look a little bit like a baby penguin- but the colors are inverted- so I guess I kind of failed? XD#but the thought was there!#As for vanessa I said most of it in the main post- except I gave her what I like to call; The Gamer Goggles (⌐■ω■) instead of the red ones#why do I call them that? I have absolutely no idea- so let's leave that and continue!#I designed michael last and he was kind of the easiest to do#the color balancing was maybe a little tricky- but I think the end result looks good!#at the very least he looks like he is ready for the weather AND you won't easily lose track of him in the snowy landscape! :D#I also made him a little fasco logo!#Nothing too fancy- just a happy little fox ready to tag along on an adventure! :3#and that's about it for these pictures#I was tempted to also add their indoor design in this post (because yes- I also made some indoor designs >:3)#but I've decided to post them on a separate post so I won't ramble too much in this one XD#I mean look at this!!!#the terrible ramble disease strikes again#Will I ever escape it? probably not :P#now thank you so much for reading all of this and I hope you have a lovely day and/or night! XD
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daily-ethoslab · 3 months
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my bad for not adding skizz won't happen again
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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2020 ✧ 2023
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d0ttt · 2 months
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My last doodles before my trip to Italy . . .
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greeenchrysanthemums · 4 months
@thatlesbainmushroom and @jjlovesgoodies (hope you don't mind the tags, I was not sure how else to make sure you seen this<3) both said yes to hearing about my roomies zombie au, so here it is!! Though, I must admit that it is more of a half-baked idea than a fully thought out au. I'm not sure if I will ever actually write it, so it's free game with credit.
I suppose a TW is required before you read any further. It is a zombie au, so it is pretty grim. Mentions of death, blood, injury, and other apocalypse typical things.
Etho and Cleo were college roommates before everything went to shit. Cleo was a graphic design and arts student in her fourth year, while Etho was an engineering student in his second year. They have been together since the start, and were actually in their dorm room when the chaos started. Bdubs used to be with them, but they lost track of him (and his horse) months ago. They assume he is dead.
Grian was a first year architect student from a few towns over. His group consisted of his roommates, Jimmy and Joel, along with his work friend, Scar.
None of them had ever used a gun before the apocalypse, so it is none of their preferred weapon. Cleo has a baseball bat, Grian has a knife, and Etho has a machete. Etho and Grian both carry handguns but rarely use them. Cleo knows how to use a gun but does not carry one and would have to be in mortal danger to be convinced to use it.
Cleo is immune to the bite, something they found out at the beginning because a classmate had bitten her and she never turned. Though, this immunity would not hold any narrative weight. The world has fallen apart, there wouldn't be anyone left to try to find a cure from her anyway. They are just focused on surviving and trying to keep each other safe.
However, because of her immunity, she does take risks that Etho doesn't/can't. She used to be a real softy, not much a fighter who was all bark no bite, but she would do anything to protect Etho. She has many scars, from bites and scratches, because of this reckless behavior.
It would start with Grian having just been separated from his group and he's been wandering around the remains of a big city looking for them. He eventually gets overwhelmed by a hoard and ends up cornered in an alley, where he is then saved by Etho, who kills the zombies and offers to bring him back to his camp.
Grian says no and tells him he has to keep looking for his group, but Etho is persistent. Grian caves and agrees to go with him when Etho offers to help look for his missing friends; no strings attached.
The group traverses the remains of the burning world together for several months looking for Grian's group and slowly getting to know each other. Etho and Cleo share information freely, but Grian is more reserved. He only answers simple questions about his past. They barley know anything about this group they are trying to find. Instead of opening up as the months' pass by, he actually becomes more and more reserved.
He keeps asking why they keep helping him when they have no obligation to do so, especially since he's given them next to no information or reason to trust him, and they say why not? They don't have anything better to do than lend him a helping hand.
Grian leads them more and more northwest as time goes on, telling them that he was told to head in this direction to meet back up with his group, but still, they find no trace of them.
Around 6-7 months into traveling together, the group do a supply run in a mall that they thought was safe and end up getting trapped inside with no way out after Grian brings some kind of a display/structure down on top of himself on accident and it attracts a hoard that was hidden away out of sight.
They are very low on ammo, Etho was bit while getting Grian out from under the display, Grian was injured by the accident, and they're all too exhausted and malnourished to fight. They make it into a staff area, but there's no exit that they see, so they barricade the door. It is only a matter of time before the hoard breaks through.
Sitting inside of the small room, Grian admits to them that his group was already dead and had been for a while. He tells them that he had actually been ready to die that day Etho found him. He felt bad letting Etho's kindness (which was a rarity in this dying world) go to waste, so he went along with it.
He was just along for the ride at first, leading them on a wild goose chase while waiting for a chance to leave them, but then he grew to care for them. He never thought he would find friends again in a world like this, but, somehow, he did. They gave him a purpose, a reason to keep going. They made him want to live again. They made him happy. They made him laugh; something so simple and yet so important.
He didn't want them to leave him behind once they found out the truth, so he'd kept lying to them and pretending like he was still searching so that they would have a reason to keep helping him, a reason to have him around.
He was closing himself off all that time in an attempt to hold onto the one good thing in his life. He tells them that he's sorry, that he loves them, and that he's scared.
Cleo and Etho say they don't care that he's been lying, and that he's just as important to them as they are to him. They say that whatever happens next, they'll do it together.
And then in my mind it would end somewhat ambiguously/open ended as the zombie's break through.
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