#that‘s what‘s going on rn
larphis · 9 months
Continued listening to WTNV to distract myself and I gotta say I always knew that I was emotionally fragile but I didn‘t know that I was „almost cried over a fictional gay wedding in a podcast"-emotionally fragile.
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foreverwithtswift · 4 years
I KNOW that there are worse things happening rn than concerts being cancelled...but that‘s not why we‘re so upset. it‘s just the fact that ONCE AGAIN european fans are left behind and not even mentioned. that hurts. berlin was a normal concert, not a festival.
the second everything got worse and the first shows got cancelled in march, i knew the same would happen for the whole summer. i already made my peace with that because health is more important than concerts. just making this clear.
i work at a grocery store so i know what‘s going on. i see it every day. my dad is a doctor. you don‘t need to tell me that this situation is serious - I KNOW!
and i don‘t „hate“ taylor now lmao i still love her very much and i am so sad that i won‘t see her this summer. it was the right decision to cancel/postpone everything, duh! the way the european dates, that were normal cocnerts, are handled is just not IT. you know?
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heretoseethequeen · 5 years
Tag Challenge: Get To Know Me
i was tagged by @iszm thank you!
Rules: You have to answer all the questions and tag 10 friends after you‘ve finished.
How tall are you? ~ 175 cm
What style and color is your hair? it‘s brown and over my shoulders and not really wavey but also not really straight (ha)
What color are your eyes? brown but i pretend they look green up close they do
Do you wear glasses? luckily not
Do you have braces? luckily not anymore
What is your fashion sense? like, jeans and striped shirts? is that a fashion sense?
When were you born? 13. April 1996
Where are you from and where do you live? i’m from a small town in Rheinland-Pfalz and i‘m living in Mainz now to go to uni
What school do you go to? hell uni
What kind of student are you? bad, bad, very bad, should have started studying for this exam weeks ago, panik mode, idk what‘s going on, what are we doing rn, is this chemical i‘m using rn poisonous (ok maybe not that bad)
Do you like school/uni? i love it so much, no joke
Favourite Subject? just the chemistry stuff i guess? (fuck inorganic tho, that shit’s nasty) everything that‘s not physics or plain biology. biochemistry is awesome, microbiology was great.
Fav shows? oh god, criminal minds, sherlock, atla, queer eye, teen wolf, i can‘t think of anything else, this list is incomplete,
Fav books? oh god, the harry potter series, the raven cycle, aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe, the martian, the captive prince trilogy, the six of crows duology, the night circus, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo, vicious (yes, just vicious, not the sequel), the graceling trilogy, radio silence, everything i never told you and little fires everywhere, no one asked for this many books but here we are i guess
Do you have and regrets? ya, no going to that one direction concert, i could have gone to that
Dream job? author, that‘s not happening tho
Do you want to get married? don‘t know
Do you want children? don‘t know
If so, how many? -
Do you like to go shopping? in theory, yes. but i just end up annoyed when i can‘t find anything most of the time
What‘s the scariest nightmare you‘ve ever had? i‘ve had this same dream a couple of times where i‘m at my grandma‘s house and i‘m running through the same part of a corridor over and over again and it‘s dark and i‘m being chased and i can‘t get away
What countries have you visited? The Netherlands, Austria, Italy, France, Spain, England
Do you believe in miracles? nah
How are you? remember how i always start studying for an exam too late and then panik?
that was long, wow, i tag: @farinacaro @hobbelbee @schemppion @lol-ur-not-fannis @dellegayahs @sonnenscheingirl @blinksompedersen @foreverthemilkaboy (only if you want to, this is a lot of private information)
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eury--dice · 5 years
What‘s your theory about st that‘s going to happen & what do you think happened to hopper?
honestly I don’t have a Ton of theories rn but I’m really interested to see where st is gonna go in terms of the byer’s move/el’s powers. I think it’s really likely she’ll be without the powers at least in the beginning of the season if not for the majority of the season. I know a while back millie said in an interview that el’s powers are closely connected with her emotions, and obviously she’s going through a lot of emotions in the epilogue and most likely next season. and with her moving into a completely new environment, that’s also going to be influencing her powers and control most likely. I mostly want to see the Byers fam dynamics now-since the kids are all leaving their friends behind, not to mention they got a new sibling who they don’t know that well. and joyce and el are grieving still, so that’s gonna be an interesting change from s3.
as for hopper,,, I don’t think he’s dead. there are enough clues left behind that it’s definitely open for him coming back in st4; i.e., dr owen’s reaction, “the american,” Millie’s interview where she said el “thinks” she lost her father. there’s no guarentee he’s coming back and it’s likely most of that is so that they can negotiate contracts and/or provide some kind of arc for next season. if he does come back, I think it’s likely he survived by jumping through the gate before it closed, which the Russians definitely have a way to get into b/c of the demogorgon they have. but also? who knows. I think hopper’s arc (whatever it is, be it while he’s alive or dead) is going to be very closely connected with el’s in s4. if he’s alive her powers coming back are probably going to coincide with finding him/him coming back.
also like. I don’t think this is how they’ll go but el’s powers coming back while defending mike is a Good Trope and I’m game
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mizimeluh · 5 years
got tagged by bae @khuxdul I FINALLY DID IT HOE
1.) How tall are you? : 1.63m / 5'4
2.) What color is your hair and style?: Uhh long bob i guess... light brown
3.) What color are your eyes?: Brown
4.) Do you wear glasses?: Yeh im blind 😂🔎
5.) Do you wear braces?: Nope thank fuck not
6.) What‘s your fashion sense?: Big comfy sweaters and sweatpants; sometimes sexy or cute but i need to feel comfortable
7.) Full name?: Simone (keeping last name sorry) but online im mostly called Purin
8.) Where were you born? Austria, Schwaz
9.) Where are you from and where do you live now?: Austria and in a small village/town, now living close to the german border in Kufstein in Austria
10.) What school do you go to?: None, I‘m done with school since years 😂
11.) What kind of studen are/were you?: I was a pretty good student but also lazy like I couöd have done more if I wanted??
12.) Do you like school?: Eh only later on, I was bullied a lot so I didn‘t like high school very much;;;
13.) Favorite school subjects?: History, chemistry and English
14.) Favorite TV shows?: Berlin Station, Big Mouth, Brooklyn 99, Norsemen, Hannibal, Dexter, pretty much any real crime solving shows, idk what else rn 🤔
15.) Favorite Movies?: Hobbit movies, most Marvel movies, Aquaman, Harry Potter movies, Alice in Wonderland, Sweeny Todd, Shrek Movies, Hysteria, Rise of the Guardians, Pride and Prejudice, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Duchess, Kingsman uhhh idk Im too lazy to add more 😂
16.) Favorite Books?: Harry Potter, Warrior Cats, mostly thriller books like from Ethan Cross and Sebastian Fitzek, Captive Prince, some fantasy books,.... i dont have many titles at hand rn so yeah but also a lot fanfics
17.) Favorite pastime?: Reading, playing games, picked up cross stitching now, writing
18.) Do you have any regrets?: Any? Really? I have tons of regrets lmao
19.) Dream Job?: Open a cat shelter and live among 500 cats
20.) Would you ever like to be married?: Sure I think so
21.) Would you like to have kids?: With the right person I think so
22.) How many?: Uhh two
23.) Do you like to go shopping?: Ehhh sometimes, mostly with my best friend or mother
24.) What countries have you visited?: Egypt, Italy, Germany.... uhh that‘s it
25.) Scariest nightmare?: Falling down somewhere :/
26.) Any enemies?: Anyone who hates Thorin Oakenshield or Bilbo Baggins or dislikes my cats
27.) Do you have a significant other?: Not rn, but for now my cats Balou and Loki count 😂
28.: Do you get along with your family?: Parents 100% with my siblings and their partners its so-so like smile on the outside and fuck you on the inside mostly
29.) Do you believe in miracles?: Yess tho I wish one would happen to me for once lol
30.) How are you?: So-so, a bit stressed and annoyed rn but I hope thinks get better at work and my love life lmao
I tag: @marimba-mallets @lesbiankiliel @khazadqueer @mishacolins i know its a lot so feel free to ignore
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alexstorm · 4 years
i think anon meant that now she feels safe with him but she is not necessarily really safe with him rn, understand?
Not really. She feels safe although she isn‘t? Again, that‘s delusional because even Stevie Wonder can see what‘s going on here.
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evelynhug0 · 6 years
Good to know, I did so too 😉 Oh, sounds stressful! What‘s the project about? Thankfully christmas break is in sight 🙄 I‘m at the office rn and get off work at 4pm, I might go to the gym afterwards but that‘s it. Today is one of these days where I was tempted to fake sickness or death... :D What‘s your fave cocktail then?
Aww, you should see my face now *inserts moon emoji*
It is about Christmas. We have to create a multimedia article about Christmas: commercial stuff, religion + Christmas, that kinda stuff. We have to write one big article, find the right pictures, create diagrams and videos, audio thingys, etc. IT SUCKS! 
Oh, to the gym. Are you sporty?
Hahahaha you made me laugh with this... fake sickness or death. I feel ya haha :D Hmm I like (Virgin) Mojito and stuff like that. I actually don’t really drink a lot of (strong) alcohol (just wine, Somersby and mulled wine), so I often drink virgin cocktails. #boring But I think tonight, I will have mulled wine instead of a cocktail/mocktail because I really need some alcohol to forget about all the things that are due next week xD 
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