#that's all I can say
gayvecchio · 3 months
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What was that, Fraser? What was, what? That thing you were doing with your mouth?
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Cillian reads a sensual, romantic poem, and I am not okay.
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fandomestuff · 2 years
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Freddy Carter will be the death of me.
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jjks-dodo · 1 year
jjk 236
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 months
he's the slice of cheese that would fit so well in the pie of life
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inconmess · 5 months
So... definitely spoilers under this cut cuz holy shit the episode went all ways fucked today! But...
First things first, loved the ruthlessness of the Spider Queen and the gods kinda opening a channel of communication as to why they are insisting so much about champions and the urgency (especially the Matron and SQ)
That was a whole lot of physical, mental and emotional damage thrown all the fuck around so I go character by character
Morrighan, known the Crown Keepers for the shortest time and yet, the way she goes to preserve Opal's memories and her hesitation to leave but still knowing that she needs to go and giving Opal a promise to save her memories
Fy'ra accepting the Wildmother's call, jumping in on the Spider meeting because she cannot lose another sister, no matter what and just also watches as Dorian, Dariax and Morrighan leave, probably not knowing what motivated them to.
Cyrus was just in the sidelines. He didn't have to die 😭😭😭😭
Opal. Poor Opal. She didn't really know what was really at stake and now she has a corrupted memory or two, lost her Original name, her childhood and TED! And important info about her mother too, all due to the lack of communication between the SQ and her regarding the stakes.
And my god, Dorian and Dariax! I don't even know who to start with because they both took damage in a different yet equal level here?
I mean, I guess I will start with Dorian cuz... well, he lost his fucking brother and the way he couldn't even approach him one last time due to Opal's suggestion to find Orym? Not even allowed to process what happened, grieve and one of the last fucking things he did was not to talk to Cyrus but hit him in an attempt to save him and hear his screams and howls of pain? Wondering how much you ever knew your brother and now the responsibility that was upon his shoulders fall onto you? The Spider Queen taunting at your helplessness and just the cold ass way of just turning her own against her in some sort of a revenge? (a badass move by the way, "Kill your Mother") Going on a revenge spree. being lost and without purpose only to reunite with Bells Hells, another group of fucked up people after you leave Dariax. WHO SPECIFICALLY WAS FOLLOWING YOU??? BECAUSE HE WAS ALSO LOST ON HIS OWN??
And Dariax man. He was just asked by Opal to find Orym and so he goes, not understanding why they weren't going with him, not really understanding what happened to Cyrus initially and later on it just... hits him when the compulsion wears off and the betrayal he doesn't focus on because he follows Dorian and is worried about Dorian only for Dorian to leave him with his fucking lute in a, technically, unknown area? Now that's like two betrayals to process unless Dorian makes a fucking attempt to meet back up with Dariax again real soon cuz I swear to god you are just putting the sweetest person who just wants to support everyone down the deep end real quick cuz his sole purpose was to support Opal and she doesn't want him and now he follows Dorian and he also leaves him and I DON'T WANT THIS MUCH EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE ON DARIAX! I LOVED THE HIMBO THAT HE IS! OBSERVER LEAD HIM BACK TO DORIAN AND MAKE HIM WHACK HIM OVER HIS HEAD WITH THE LUTE! KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO THE GENASI FOR ME! I want Dariax to meet Orym and the Hells and the meeting should be in the most unbelievable way and- (starts an idea for a fic)
(I mean, narratively I get it, Matt can't DM and play a PC character but really, leaving him cold shouldered like that? Come on man! I understand the motivation characterwise too but really??)
And don't get me started with the reunion. I am glad Dorian asked Keyleth for some support, man I really do. But the way the reunion was going on, I think they are really skipping over some of the serious stuff in an attempt to catch up (which, realistically is going to be a mess because it is a lot to catch up tbh) but the way some of the stuff which could've been talked a little bit more about but bottled up is like... a lot. And I want those conversations so bad. I want Dorian to sit down and tell Orym and Fearne about what exactly went down. I want the Hells to properly talk about Thull. I want them to lay everything out in the open. The Deals. The risks.
I said it once and I say it again. I want the fucking Bells Hells to play a game of What the Fuck is Up with That under a Zone of Truth and talk about every single fucking thing for a really long time and I need proper conversations. I really do. And I want them to stop avoiding stuff.
And my man Dorian. Get Dariax back. You can't give me a joking "bonus action, Double Ds kiss" and immediately abandon him in Zephrah. You cannot do it to my poor heart. Not after all the elder sibling feels I am going through. I am sorry but you cannot.
I am going to miss the Crown Keepers a lot man. I am going to miss them a lot. They were my intro to CR and it is so fucking emotional to see them disband like this in a heartbreaking manner.
Thank you @quidde for this lovely story you gave us with all the silliness and all the heartbreak 🥺🥺🥺
I think I am going to catch some sleep rn even tho it is the afternoon. After a conversation with my teacher which I totally forgot about shit.
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doriana-gray-games · 11 months
waitttt what do you mean X isn't an RO?? :(
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ya-killin-me-smalls · 2 months
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what if I told you guys I was slightly less than normal about a nonexistent ship
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RC9GN Role Swap AU
This is a very standard age/role swap AU but uh, with a twist because I'm extra like that! So, for starters we do have Randy and the First Ninja switching roles right from the get-go (as that's kind of what this idea is meant to be about-)
Also fair warning, this is an extremely long post-
But okay, let's start with the obvious- the characters that get swapped are literally just Randy -> First Ninja and Howard -> Plop Plop/Hinata. As for the rest of the canons, like Norrisville High students- I don't think they're necessarily being swapped but they might just be from a different time period hahah. McFist, Viceroy, and the Sorcerer (alongside the Sorceress) are still the main antagonists and villains because there's no way I'm coming up with entirely new enemies right now-
Now, onto Finja because he is the title lead!
His entire family, and they are a big family, are immigrants from Japan. They moved to Norrisville after a promotion at one the jobs Finja's parents work at- which leads to the move and Finja is not exactly happy to be there because he thinks Norrisville is a Speck of Odd(TM)
The closest equivalent I could find to the rest of his family still being something similar to ninjas is by, well, having his parents run a dojo- it's honestly massive tradition for their kids (and they literally have nine of them) to train at the dojo. Finja is one of the youngest in his family, so he's about to start being a freshman at Norrisville High. The weird timeline has them moving in early/mid May and classes start around September
Finja's not vibing with anything in the town, so he's kind of not really made friends with anyone- except for a boy in his block named Hinata who just decided to speak to him one day and didn't leave. Within a month or two of him arriving, Finja receives the mask and the Nomicon- making him the Ninja of Norrisville. He's not fully happy with this, but since he was thrust into the role- and it's now his responsibility, he decides to accept. Thankfully, his parents having the dojo helps him adjust with being the Ninja
Now Finja has... the shortest level of patience one has ever seen- he's a fast learner, at least, and always makes sure to do what's right but he's very short-tempered. He's also known for his disregard of following certain rules, purely out of the intent to prove his own worth. Unlike OG Randy however, he understands the lessons a little faster but still struggles at times because he's... literally fourteen but moving on-
Much like canon, McFist and Viceroy make their debut appearance on the first day Finja attends Norrisville High- and Finja has less patience dealing with a whole rampaging robot than Randy does, and that's even with the fact Randy loved being the Ninja
Shenanigans continue taking place as you would expect from the show, but at some point- we have the shift from McFist and Viceroy to the Sorcerer taking center stage and Finja is probably about to go fucking feral. I want to say that there's a parallel episode to 13th Century Ninja in this role swap AU where Finja goes back and officially meets Randy- because if I can't have mentor-mentee with canon, I will have it here!
So, then we have Randy and Howard-
Things branch off after this where Randy is quite literally, an ageless being that currently resides in the Nomicon (not that Finja's aware of this until much later-), and Howard, uh- is more gray area and I don't want to reveal too much but let's just say that Howard is permanently linked to the tengu! You'll find out what tha means later, but neither Randy nor Howard are normal- if it isn't because of the fact they're literally immortal and connected to the Nomicon, it's also since they are the weirdest flavor of queer one has ever seen
Similar to OG Finja, Randy was part of this smaller clan that would protect various towns, villages, and areas from monsters and the Sorcerer, but of course- all of it ended in tragedy. Left the sole survivor, Randy sobered out after a while but still did his part until eventually something went a little south and he was soul-bound to the nomicon he made
Leaving the rest vague because I am mean and, well, it'll all be revealed later. (today's literally become of a question of how many more au's will i be making until i get sick and tired of making them- the answer is all of them /lh)
but okay, so- the Sorcerer is much more of a threat because I will be as self indulgent with this AU as I can, and i just want this to be slightly more serious! Also, there might be more 'seasons' depending on the direction I want to take with the verse!
Though to keep going-
This role swap isn't strictly an age/role-swap! What this literally means is I might genuinely be imploring my own lore when it comes to Finja's entire family- and the fact I have to make them actual characters for this, so
I am personally of the belief that the Norisu clan are tied to back to the origins of the Ninja- (and if this purely about referencing how I do believe Randy's a descendant somehow, I have no idea what you're talking about-) but also, I sort of?? wanted to make something with the rest of Finja's siblings though I'm not entirely sure what that's going to be yet since it may contradict canon (however this is an AU and I will write this how I want to hahah)
Some More Infodumping + Headcanons
Finja has literally no interest in the Sorceress but due to how Sorcerer in Love works- something will likely happen anyway. The First Ninja just feels ace-coded, so he's not crushing on her; however due to plot reasons, he's kind of going to go through it anyway
Despite Hinata being the parallel to Howard, they're obviously different character-wise. Hinata worries constantly over Finja but he also acknowledges there was a reason he got chosen and, well, I have plans
Is Hinata also going to be linked to the tengu? Maybe- despite Howard being perma-bound to the tengu, this doesn't mean others can't also be linked. There's... lore for this but I have to be careful with what I say for now
I think I might do a parallel episode to Nomirandy-
We'll see what more I can come up with later to be honest! I don't have much else right now, and the constant brainrot has me wanting to write another thing soon-
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msrhaxoz · 3 months
I love Raphael I don't think I'll ever meet the same character, much less a real man like him
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crybabyalexxx · 7 months
Just read a Loki series on AO3 and the last chapter was uploaded 2 years ago 😭 this is why I don’t read series anymore I get way too invested in it and then my heart gets shattered not knowing how it ends. It’s such a good fic pls I need more
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juniebug113 · 5 days
"Happy Birthday, Junie! God, look at you. You've grown up so nicely. Hard to believe the woman standing before me is the same brat I used to know."
Your big brother's words are nice and his praise gives you a warm feeling in your core, but it'd be a lot more meaningful if you weren't standing in front of him stripped down to just your panties. You want to cover up, but you know he won't let you. His gaze is warm on your skin, his eyes scanning you up and down taking in every inch of your young, virginal body.
A small, surprised yelp escapes you as his hand reaches out and takes hold of your breast, kneading the soft mound in his grip. "I can't believe you've been hiding these from me for so long. I've wanted to touch them since you first started growing them." His hand leaves your breast and grabs your ass, gripping tightly, flesh spilling out between his fingers. "This, too. God, how did I wind up with such a sexy little sister?"
Before you know it, your back is against the wall, his knee raised and his thigh pressed against your slit. Your eyes can barely focus and your breath is shaky as it rattles out of you, pleasure eroding your thoughts. His hand finds its way to your throat, gently squeezing, just enough to remind you that he owns you. "You ready for your birthday gift, Junie? My gift to you is that I'll let you cum first."
robot nonnie .. ROBOT NONNIE.... @_@
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gailynovelry · 2 months
The feelings we are having right now defy articulation.
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theriverpointace · 2 months
(hero voice) so that's it, then?
... wow.
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causenessus · 2 months
putting this image in today's love notes chapter bc i can and i'm not hearing it from NO ONE how unaesthetic or unrealistic it is!! i think it's funny!!! also i'm pretty sure stuff starts getting real at the end LMAO
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this is a really good time to say love notes is so self indulgent. when i say hurt/comfort it's gonna be comfort for ME and i will try my best to make it universal/eash to understand but just know this is gonna be really specific
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