#that's all he cant be the only one of the main cast to actually lose something
anhappyfangirl · 6 months
just read the new chapter of dr stone 4d and if what I think is happening is happening it's just so low I hope ryusui will crush why-man to pieces
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nonbinaryaubrey · 1 year
pretty muuch everyone in the cast has some minor inconsistencies between their artbook cover artwork, ingame art work, and sprites. (this is INCREDIBLY nitpicky i do not care thaat much.. but still. wanna point it out. also i am DEFINITELY missing things i am not going too in depth here i am soo eepy)
some small examples:
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in sunny's official artwork, and all of his in game artwork, his vest is completely black, the only time this isnt consistent is in his actual pixel sprite
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he has a preeetty simple design? so his never gets too inconsistent. but at times his sock length are changed.
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(socks higher up)
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(socks lower than the knees)
Obviously, DW!Kels shirt changes constantly between artworks. cant even be annoyed at this one that shirt looks like agony to draw, altho his sprite loses the more pastel coloration.. altho i think this is just kind of a consistent thing with the dw sprites, so i wont point it out much with them.
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RW Kel doesnt have.. anything suuuper noticeable ?as far as i can tell. but his sprite and actual artwork definitely have.. inconsistencies (skin tone, along with the stripe on his pants)
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DW Aubrey doesnt have anything suuper inconsistent i believe? so i wont bring her up. and we have already talked about RW Aubrey. her outfit is. WILLDLY inconsistent between artworks, even in the game itself. (im NOT getting into other official artworks here but . her shoes too i believe tend to not stick too one design)
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for DW Hero, just inconsistencies with the stripe thickness, the collar part of his pajamas, and.. whatever the part near the hands are called being either solid white, solid blue, or striped
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for RW Hero.. oh boy. His shirt collar
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Official artwork (and tag photos) it looks like this ^
in his talk sprite, its still a vneck but with a white stripe
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when he saves you from drowning, it looks like this
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even his pixel sprites have inconsistencies between eachother
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good fucking lord man .!!!
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not too much with her actually!! main thing is. inconsistencies with her having shoes or not. (if u want a bit in non-in game comparisons, some official art has her dw self wearing socks when in game i dont think shes ever shown wearing them?)
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and to end it all off, lets move onto Basil. !!!
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(going to point this out first, in a LOT of both RW in DW Basil's actual artwork, he has 2 little tufts of hair at the top of his head, but in both his talk sprites and overworld sprites, its missing)
for DW Basil there is.. 2 things i think?
1: the flower crown. it varies.. a LOT between artwork. kind of obvious.
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aaand. 2. his shirt . in most artwork ^ like shown above, it has a rounded tshirt neck. but in one specific artwork, it shows it being a collared shirt with a button
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for RW Basil.. i dont think theres much?
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kiiind of the same issue as sunny? tho less obvious ig. his shirt is shown as dark green in the official artwork, but as a muuch lighter green in the sprite.
also in his battle sprite, he loses that... little part between the vest and the collar of his shirt? idk what to call it.
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i beliiieeeve thats.. it for them all? i think i am missing things apologies .but i dont feel like looking thru the wiki anymore . and i have no space left for imgs pretty much
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Round 6
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[image ID: the first image is a gif of Gary, a man outlined in simple, animated red lines against a black background. the only other color is the white of his eyes. he has a short beard and he's wearing a hooded robe. the second image is of Granger, a girl with green eyes and short, wavy or curly black hair. in her hair is a red hat or ribbon. she's wearing a black turtleneck sweater, blue overalls, and a green coat. end ID]
I've seen John in ONE poll but I haven't seen Gary at all. Gary is the main antagonist in the games and is a normal human being just like you and me. Actually he's a demon, and trying to summon the antichrist. He can also summon spiders! Over and over again. And remember, Gary loves you! [additional propaganda 1] [additional propaganda 2]
so granger is the main character of the indie game "NeverHome" Chapter one, which is only $1 on Steam, is called NeverHome: Hall of Apathy. if ur a fan of young protags being put in RPG maker horror games, then this is the game for you!! so granger is just that… she wakes up to find herself in a strange, hostile world. she, along with the friends she makes, must solve the various puzzles before them while creatures are out to kill them… and along the way they can uncover the secrets of these never ending halls… her dynamics with the cast is also super fun… each character gets their moment or moments with granger. and what's so cute is that there's unique art for each pair that highlights the fact you cant get through these halls alone!! she also has her own theme song!! here!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_vwtmIj5cw it's called cyclical tragedy AND HERE IS AN ANALYSIS OF THE THEME!! MUSIC THEORY!!! written by my good friend @HIEMIOLA "cyclical tragedy" embodies the protagonist, granger, through the music theory behind the track and ties itself back into the main track as well. to begin with an overview of the track, the key is D minor and hte time signature is 3/4. the piece begins with a broken minor third starting from the tonic. that is, it begins on the main note and moves along the main chord, D to F. the next set of notes are C to E, which is shifted down a step. the phrase repeats again, this time D to F, then G to E, which is an inverse movement from the original sequence. even in this first part, we could tell that the protagonist begins from square 1 with a simple pattern, then tries it again when it works. however, the inverse breaks that expectation of repetition, thus showing the diverse variations of solutions she comes up with using just the tools she has (the two notes moving in thirds). just like the game, she is given a handful of objects as well as a knife to defend herself and solve the mysteries of the world she exists in. with her creative uses of the items given to her, she continues on her way through the plot. we will keep moving. the melody begins. true to the title of the track, the melody cycles around the same beginning note, D, that she always returns to at her square 1. this is a nod to the save states she is allowed to keep to make sure that we the players don't lose the game, but it also references the health bar that appears as a circle around her avatar. the melody, mapped out, is also moving in an up-down wave movement across the sheet music. granger is creative with the knife she has and the quest items she obtains throughout the story, but she is not entirely reckless. rather, she knows when it is time to return to the safe rooms to rest. to time her returns requires skill because she must run to cover without being caught by varying her path so the enemies don't corner her as she tries to return to the room. most of the time, she is successful, shown through the consistent return to the beginning note. let's keep going. i would like to turn your attention to the main theme briefly. in the bass notes, you can hear arpeggios and outlined chords. this makes up the bulk of the accompaniment in the main game theme. [mod note: the rest of the essay, and some more propaganda, is continued under a cut because tumblr will not process more text than this in an indent. sorry to split it up, please continue below for the rest of the essay and additional propaganda!]
the third variation of granger's theme also has arpeggiated chords in the accompaniment while the melody features broken chords. at this stage, the pattern switches to eigth notes instead of the quarter notes at first. with greater movement and heightened senses, she runs throughout world and befriends other people, thus interacting further with the environment. while she isn't exactly someone we would call open, she is respectful to the people she first meets and has no problems with asking them for help when she needs it. because of her openness to working together, she speeds up her progress by asking for aid at obstacles that would be too difficult for her to overcome on her own, such as asking a teammate to break things, move things, or reach into smaller holes. fusing the main theme elements with her own theme marks this step as the inciting incident that sets her on the path to escape from this world. we'll continue.
continuing the same part, we hear some secondary fifths. i'm not entirely sure if this is what you call it, but it is a nod to the parallel key, D major. depending on what theory class you take, this could also be considered the other half of the key. i dont know how else to describe it, but i digress. these are glimpses to different dialogue options she could take, glimpses to a different key or a different ending. because this game only has one chapter ending so far, we are unsure of what other paths granger will end up in; we only know that there are certainly other endings she will experience, only to begin the cycle again when the save state is loaded for players to reach another ending. both A major and G major are chords that signify different choices that may lead her elsewhere only for her to return back to the tonic or main note, D. despite this, she keeps going, as will we.
at the midpoint of the track, we see a quick shift in patterns. instead of upward leaps in the notes, the melody falls in stepwise motion. true to the plot, this is another turning point of the game when she is forced to make a choice: continue or stop. after facing the spoiler event, her once determined personality is challenged as she struggles to keep herself and her team together. despite being the headstrong protagonist who spearheaded solutions, even now she finds herself doubting and taking smaller steps, smaller risks.
even after all of this, she rises to the challenge as the melody returns to its beginning sequence. true to a protagonist she gets up again despite the events that transpired and keeps her team moving in their lowest points. the thirds return as she finds more objects to solve more puzzles to open more rooms to save more friends. this repeating part of the track only solidifies her resolve as the piece ends with a broken chord in the main key, her key, of D minor. despite everything that transpired, she stayed true to herself."
the game is also so, so charming with the art, music, and story made by the same person… its so clearly loved and full of passion!! i love listening to the game's ost on occassion!! since it's all on youtube!
ok one last thing thing!! on may 8th, the game hit 100 downloads (on both steam and itch.io). you can see the creator of the game celebrate that with this lovely drawing of granger: https://twitter.com/NeverHome_Game/status/1655761270694633472
so at most, only a bit over 100 people have played the game… id like to say that makes it obscure!!
anyways granger and neverhome!! we love to see our protagonists put in horrific situations and isn't she super cute with a lil bow on her head? she is my daughter…
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scruffyssketchbook · 5 days
Wow this man is tragic.. i never thought i'd feel bad for him, and he was supposed to be alone in the future if i remember correctly from either this blog or ask-ssec way back when
Was cheering for his downfall now i kinda just want him to go to a therapist, get out of the eevee box and just chill out with friends in box 2. Maybe drag in blizz and dawn with him
In the future, he was supposed to lose everything and everyone hates him (except Blizz), it completely changed his personality due to all the trauma of it, actually. He became more anxious and clingy in general, more wanting to prove that he can be trusted, that he genuinely does love all of them and just wants them to be safe, that's all he ever wanted, really. Also he cranks up his silliness to 100 because he just wants the others to smile at him again.
Of course, Dusk made a lot of terrible mistakes, but he was also just used constantly by the pokemon around him and like- a CHILD. That's also why he desires control, because he was tricked and used and had his agency taken away so many times in the past, and he just wants some semblance of control over his life.
Since this will never be explored due to the changes, in the lab, Dusk was connected to a system along with many other eevees. He couldn't move (or feel) his body, his thoughts were mixed with the others, he was not "him" anymore, he was "we" because "him" did not exist anymore. He was part of one whole system, just another part of a component. The only reason he could break out of the system was because he constantly, obsessively, watched the other main boys through cameras. that was the only thing that grounded him, that made him able to use his psychic ability to break his chains and escape, but he only had the strength to do this after almost 3 eevee years DUE to the other main boys, due to how much he wanted to help them, due to how much he saw of them being hurt, or changing badly. and he wanted to be able to do something, to keep them safe, to keep EVERYONE SAFE.
That's why in the ask blog he says that Blizz was evil, he saw the things Blizz did to others and was freaked out by what he became, about the things he did. He helped the other boys a lot without them even knowing, but ofc, he was doing this while literally battling with the system itself, and he was alone, but not alone, and it was so so dark, but light, and so so very cold, but hot, but how is he even feeling these things if he cant even feel his body or move??
He doesn't like thinking about this.
He's actually seen the most death out of the whole cast due to this. He's seen eevees be butchered and rotting bodies left on the floor decaying and killers in the act. Doing it again and again without any remorse or guilt (again, as a CHILD). It's why he's a pacifist. Violence- like actual violence freaks him out.
In Box 31, Dusk still goes through the character arc he was supposed to go through, but it'll actually start with how he is in the future, rather than how he is right now. Ofc, a lot of the details will change, I doubt he'll be as obsessed with control and safety, but in the long run he will be happier! and that is literally all I want, him and the rest of the cast to be happy.
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polycharismas · 4 months
post for ambrose to know my little guys awww the middle aged men who ruined my life awww :3 FUCK I FORGOT TO TAG @dohter ☺️
this is fumiya . the charisma of good and evil . hes the one who brought everyone in the house together for Reasons i guess . he looks very normal at first glance (especially compared to the design of everyone else) but hes the one everyone in the house is scared of. reason being he has zero sense of morals. he doesnt properly distinguish between right and wrong nor good and bad . he may sound terrifying but hes also really fucking chill . all of this combined makes him someone you can never completely trust nor distrust and its kinda funny . he also loves sweets and candy and pastries he like eats them excessively . every social situation hes in he always looks disinterested and in his own head . hes so neurodivergent They all are ngl
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this is rikai . the charisma of order . unlike fumiya he has A Very Clear Sense Of Righteousness and fights for order among the members of the house everyday of his life . unsurprisingly this gets annoying as fuck when you actually dig into his usual methods . everyone in the house can agree that everything he does for righteousness is like very fucking exaggerated (like his obnoxious ass whistle he keeps using everytime order is slightly disturbed) but he couldnt care less . he wants order and control over everything and everyone . omg i forgot how hot his main official art was mffffgfhhhh SORRY SORRY SORRY S . getting derailed here . he may look and Act like hes the only normal person in there but in many senses hes one of the worst ones .
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this is terra . the charisma of self-love . he . really likes himself . he Loves himself . he stares into the mirror for literal hours without problem . he Bleeds From His Nose Very Often looking at himself . he also has very low empathy for others that arent himself actually He couldn't care less about other people aside from himself . he's the one and only person worth it in the entire world in his perspective and honestly thats kinda real of him . also has a very complex relationship with gender and all that stuff . hes the only one from the whole cast with two main outfits . automatically proves his point that hes better tbh
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this . Ohhggg this . This Is Ohse . the charisma of self-punishment . you know how terra is all about loving himself and all that well Hes the exact opposite. the very extreme opposite. he has severe depression and attempts to end his life several times throughout the series . he cant bear other people being nice to him because he feels like he doesn't deserve it at all. he barely leaves the room because he doesnt want people looking at his face he legitimately thinks it would be too disgusting for everyone . when he does leave he covers his face with a plastic bag so people dont look at his face . he often goes on tangents about how much he sucks. aside from all of that he really likes art and is actually very skilled at it he just doesn't notice this because hes too busy thinking nothing he does is worth it at all . he ruined my life
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this is kei . the charisma of rebel. one day he went Damn i should start being a bitch and he never once stopped . if there's anything he can oppose at all he Does he never wants to agree with anyone or anything at all . rikai fucking hates him sometimes . everyone fucking hates him sometimes . he also likes street fights despite being fucking incompetent at them and always losing . he loves violence . its like his one solution for everything . unfortunately for him hes also one pathetic ass guy veeeeery deep inside even if he wants to put on this tough guy front. hes really truly miserable he just doesnt want anyone to ever find out
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this . ugh . this is iori . the charisma of obedience . you know how kei is a bitch . well hes the exact opposite . if you ask iori for anything at all he will do everything in his power to get it for you . you would Think thats a good thing but unfortunately you dont know the things that go through this man's head . his acts of service for others are absolutely everything in his life . so much so he has made everyone (except for ohse) in the house sign a slave contract so they can use him however they please for the rest of his life . You Know How This Is Kinda Insane Right . he loves doing chores and being ordered around . if anyone ever offers to help him he like goes insane . he also . uhm . he also wears this . dog collar . so people ...... pull at it ........ and stuff ....... also hes like .............. very much a masochist ....... hes also ...... Hes also me . so me . he also ruined my life .
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you see this official art right . you see it right . do i even have to explain anything . do i want to . i really dont . hes the reason i kinda hesitate from recommending charisma house to anyone . this is amahiko . he is literally And i mean LITERALLY the charisma of Sex . they just say it . straight up . no nuance no anything . hes just sex . hes sexo . hes a fucking freak about it . hes a self proclaimed "minister of sexy affairs" he describes that as his profession for some fucking reason . his goal is to "spread sexiness around the world" meaning he has to be a weirdo to everyone in the house . weirdo as in sexually . for some reason this never goes to the way some animes treat characters like him though you know what i mean . everyone around him finds him Weird for it they never try to hide the fact everything he does is weird as fuck . despite that its hard to hate him by the end . surprisingly hes one of the most mature in the house (being that hes also the oldest out of everyone's revealed ages . terra hasnt revealed his age) and can genuinely be someone you can trust . unfortunately hes a freak. thats the funny thing about him. hes also . uhm . h. h... no . no you dont have to know that .
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sometimes when they get Too Charisma ! they transform have a whole musical number and then collapse in exhaustion . this is called a charisma break . they get it from being actual weirdos .
uhm my only warning for if you ever decide to watch charisma house is Number One amahiko as a whole and Number Two rikai's first song has literal nazi imagery unfortunately . Fortunately though thats like the only weird in the bad way mv . because the other mvs are also weird . i just don't know if i should describe them as weird in a good way . whatever. specific drama track episode for the song is number 27 but its only by the end . the rest of the episode is good to watch❤️
hope you had fun ambrose . these are my guys .
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mewshuuartblog · 7 months
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i been wanting to do this for months and finally motivated my lazy ass to do it lol
anyway more bio stuff under cut!
i have 3 different 'yuu's that i alternate through might have noticed that in my comics though i tend to draw sour!miu a little more just because she has a 'idgaf' attitude which makes hilarious situations.
all version of miu are ambidextrous, meaning they write with both hands. sour tends to write more with her left hand.
all three prefer to eat meat but only sourmiu and miu highly prefers meat. sweet miu will eat anything aslong as its good.
all three have the same coffin icon [as seen above] wonder wat that means lol
when asked about their home land they often say its much much hotter than the scolding sands.
Sour Miu
sour miu has a strong 'i dont give a fuck' attitude and a deathglare thatll make your blood run cold.
she dosent really care that she got teleported to twisted wonderland, so she has no true desire to find a way home.
though she appears very cold, she loves grim after spending so much time with him. she also loves lucius. whether or not this mean she likes cats is unclear.
this isnt to say she dosent likes the main cast, she just prefers grim more.
her favorite hobby is spying on kids around NRC. no one knows how she does it without getting caught. not even rook
[18+] its implied that she moonlights as a 'study partner' around campus late at night. this is because crowley dosent give her enough money to last a full month, so she finds other means to obtain money. there is also other reasons why she does this but refuses to tell, however, it seems crowley is fully aware of her 'study partner' gig and is scared/refuses to stop her????
another side hobby of hers is tormenting crowley, grim also enjoys this activity.
when asked about her age she purposefully gives wrong answers. its implied shes old, but no one knows how old she is.
has an incredible sense of smell
Sweet Miu
sweet miu is similar to sour, but is waaaaaaay nicer lol
sweet miu also moonlights as a study partner, but she actual helps students who struggle in their classes. kalim frequently meets her in the library with other students late at night. this is a side gig she does get paid for and is seen as a better alternative to azul [which he loaths]
she loves to cook and has been asked by malleus on more than one occasion to help lilia [you already know how well that went without me having to tell you]
much like sourmiu, she doesn't have a real desire to go back home.
is the only one out of the 3 miu's who actually has an age, 17.
has a huge crush on azul despite his shady business practice.
in the boardgame club, she loves games of chance, cause she sucks at strategy games and often loses to azul and idia.
miu is kinda just regular, shares similar stuff to sourmiu but acts much more normal lol.
literally fell head over hills in love with malleus at first sight.
she called malleus 'horton' up till the song and dance competition. she now calls him by his real name. [with the exception of 'mal' or 'malmal']
often has to bail ace, deuce and grim out of trouble.
in the beginning, miu did wish to go home, but as time went on she came to love her friends, malleus and grim especially, and had mixed feeling on what she wanted.
for some reason, when asked about her age she keeps forgetting what she said. its become a running gag that she cant remember her age. though this has become highly suspicious.
she loves to make her own clothes and has actually created her own wardrobe along with grims herself.
has no idea what a 'herbivore' is
is deathly afraid of vegetables
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ragdoll665 · 4 months
How I would “fix the sequel trilogy”.
Episode 1: The fix begins.
No changes to ep 7, for a few main reasons. Firstly, its actually pretty good, most people liked it when it came out, yes It plays it very safe and yes, it’s a lot of what we’ve seen before, (ep 4) BUT it nicely sets up our main cast of characters, builds some nice intrigue and mystery, who is snoke, what’s up with Luke etc etc etc. Its not perfect but its easily the best of the movies we got for numerous reasons, its only made worse because so much of what this set up was worsened by the lack of planning of what the overarching story of the trilogy was going to be, which I mean is going to happen when 3 different directors are hired to make 3 different movies all building off each other and no one though to make them go into a room together and actually discuss what they wanted to do.
The second reason is simplicity, a lot of my “fixes” are tweaks to the story structure of what we got, especially ep 8 which had a lot of good ideas it just didn’t really develop that well, and because of that keeping the baseline of ep 7 the same helps create a strong base to build on.
OK, with that out of the way lets get on to my changes.
Episode 2: the last retcon.
So this movie has a lot of good ideas and sets up some interesting things, I like Rey and Kylo’s dynamic each trying to convince the other one to change sides (this is a surprise tool that will help us later) fin still feeling like wanting to run but also not wanting to abandon his friends and kind of needing to find a purpose, and Poe advancing into a leadership position and having to learn that he cant do everything himself, he has to rely on others.
So, the movie would start in a similar way, a big space battle with the rebellion, sorry, resistance fighting the new order in space, cut a few of the marvel jokes, not that there can’t be funny moment or comedy in this movie but some of the humour in the movie really messed with the tone. Poe leads a good strike on a first order ship led by Kylo ren and snoke same as the movie they do a good job but lose some fighters and are forced to retreat again very much what the movie sets up.
Now the main changes, in this we have 3-4 main story’s going on at the same time, each of our main characters has a story that they are the hero of that build towards the overall lesson. Like ep 5 and ep 2 the movie will end on a loss for our heroes but will help them develop the skills necessary to win in the end.
So the resistance are on the run the new order are somehow tracking them and preventing them for resupplying, hoping to destroy home one and cut of most of the resistances leadership to cripple them, major difference here is that instead of being able to track them through hyperspace, something that I would argue goes against literally all of previous star wars cannon, there is a spy on board, sabotaging home one and reporting there location to the new orders, eventually due to the size of the new order fleet, being far from the core world were the new republic is running stuff the new order will eventually catch home one and destroy it.
Poe’s story is similar to what it is in the movie, keeping things simple here, it’s about leadership, Poe leads from the front, he sees others die and wants to prevent it which leads to him trying to do everything himself, which he obviously cant do, his story is, with the guidance of admiral Ackbar, and Mon Mothra, our mentor characters he has to learn to rely more on others. Poe’s does everything he can to try  and catch the spy but at every turn he is just one step behind, the spy is sabotaging the ship, he’s getting frustrated eventually he walks into a trap and something bad happens, people are hurt and he gets really depressed, he is again reminded that he cant do everything alone, they reference how the rebellion is built from the hopes and dreams of thousands of worlds, callback to how the destruction of both death stars were team efforts, getting the plans destroying shield generators and actually fighting in space. Poe reflects on this, then he bumps into Rose, who was introduced earlier on and is still the sister of a pilot killed in the opening battle, of which po feels responsible for, rose doesn’t blame him maybe talks about how she wants to blame her self as a mechanic she should have seen any issues with the ship maybe if she had done more her sister would be alive, poe says that isn’t fair on her and basically gives the mentor lecture to rose which is how he finally realises he is in the same place, he asks rose for her help and the two hatch a plan. It turns out one of Poe’s friends, a pilot on his team is the spy someone who he never would have suspected or been able to catch because she always knows were he is and what he’s up to due to being on his team, but she doesn’t account for the background characters, the no named engineers working hard like rose who go unnoticed but who’s work is critical, its them who noticed the sabotage and suspicious log activity. Poe and crew confront them and they as a final act sabotage the ship, only partially, because they didn’t have time to finish, but enough because po spent so long trying to do it himself, destroys a part of the ship, Ackbar and Mon Mothra sacrifice themselves to save Poe and gang, in a heroic manner, pass on the message they trust them to keep the spirit of the resistance alive.
Poe is set up to be the new person in charge, Poe still takes an active role but is now ready to assume the mantle of being in charge, relying on other and live up to the expectations of the mentor characters we knew and loved.
This is the main theme of this movie in my rewrite, the conflict between Fascism and Democracy, fascism sets up everyone as trampling over everyone else to benefit themselves whereas our heroes benefit from mentors who seek to help them be better than they were, to make a stronger world for others not themselves. This point will be very apparent in the Rey arc but well get their eventually.
Finn: Finn’s arc is about discovering his purpose and doing something with his stormtrooper background, he’s not super in the rebellion at this point but is willing to help to save Po and Rey, he sneaks aboard the enemy flagship and uses his skills as a stormtrooper to try and find a way to sabotage the ship or fleet to help the good guys get away. He is eventually caught by captain Phasma who in a twist is also in the process of building a rebellion, yea the reason she was so willing to give up the shield on star killer base was because she was also questioning her loyalty, maybe in part because of Finns actions. She reveals she’s been building a team of “dysfunctional” stormtroopers who would be killed or imprisoned for being to out of the norm of the stormtrooper brainwashing, we get a cool cast of wierdos with fun quirks, maybe one dude loves flamethrowers another like fighting in melee with batons basically just people who have a personality. A “bad batch” of troopers if you will. This is where fin learns his purpose, he wants to help other stormtroopers escape, obviously not all stormtroopers will be good people but within them will be some and it’s those people he wants to help, to give them a chance to live their own lives. The are the cool elite team that damages the star destroyer enough to let the good guy’s escape (barely) during the climax.
Again, leaning into the individuality is good, and how fascism crushes people’s personalities to just be cogs in a machine for the benefits of a few, it’s the actions of individuals which is why the rebellion won the war with the empire and why the resistance will eventually win against the first order.
Rey: Rey jedi training arc time, this parallels very similarly to Luke in episode 5, she wants to be trained quickly so she can go back and help her friends, Luke who better than anyone understands this and understands that it’s the wrong decision, again the idea of learning to rely on others, and realise you cannot do everything yourself. Luke pulls a Yoda and acts senile and drags out lessons and points trying to teach Rey patience, she still has her talks with Kylo and the two continue to try and convince the other to swap sides (foreshadowing). eventually Rey makes the same decision Luke makes in episode 5 and runs off before completing her training to try and help her friend, Luke follows her. She gets to the flagship and confronts Kylo and snoke, they argue, fight etc. This is were snoke pulls a palps, and try’s to convince Rey to become his apprentice, talking shit about Kylo, how she has only had a small mount of training but can compete with him, who has “super blood” bloodline from the Skywalkers. Very eugenics reasoning from snoke which makes sense cause he’s a fascist dictator. Using his dark side powers and through manipulation he convinces Rey to fall to the dark side, before she can kill Kylo and take her place as his new apprentice (very rule of 2) Luke shows up and saves Kylo, forgives him for everything, apologies for failing him as a teacher and tells him to leave and warn the rebellion. In this moment Kylo and Rey have flipped teams, are enemies still but are now on different sides, Kylo returns to the light, early enough to take steps toward redemption.
Kylo flees the ship taking Fin, Phasma and the “bad batch” with them. Luke stays behind to confront snoke, and by time for our heroes to escape (very episode 4 obi-wan) it’s a fight he cannot win but he doesn’t have to, after an epic fight between him and snoke, with crazy lightsabre swings and force powers, they have a finally dialogue, snoke talks about how Luke is weaker than him and got the weaker of the two apprentices, how he fails to understand true strength, snoke is very much a use things so they can get further again everyone is a tool for them to use, Luke on the other hand counters with the idea that no, Rey and Kylo will both end up being stronger than he was, because that’s the whole point, to help people, to teach so that those who come after become better than those who came before the. Then he is struck down in a similar fashion to obi-wan.
I Think this is particularly important for Reys character, I think, more so in getting the audience to accept how strong she gets to be, same for Kylo, instead of just making her super strong which led to her being disliked (although a lot, and I mean A LOT, of that was just sexism from the SW fanbase tbh). Rather she and Kylo are stronger than Luke because the audience believe Luke is capable of training people to be better than him, think that Gurran lagan line.
Believe in the me, that believes in you.
Make the audience want Rey and Kylo to be cool as heck because doing so Honours the legacy of Luke and all the characters that came before them, not just to replace them.
Thus, ends episode 8, the good guys are on the run, Rey has fallen to the Darkside, Kylo and Phasma are on team good guy and while things seem dire, the characters are resolved to keep fighting, to win, to rescue Rey and stop the new order.
Episode 9: Rise of a good ending.
I won’t go into as much detail as I did for episode 8, mostly because due to the changes I would have made ep 9 looks very different and is much more a wholly different movie than ep 8 was. But I’ll hit the main points that build to the conclusion.
Time has passed since the last movie the resistance and new republic are putting up a fight against the new order, but things are still bad, Kylo and crew are still not wholly accepted by many in the resistance because of their previous actions but Poe, now helping lead and coordinate the resistance, trusts Tin and is willing to accept Kylo’s help. The major plot of the movie is about snoke.
Snoke is a very old very powerful Sith lord, he does an emperor from the old republic and every few hundred years kidnaps and tricks a bunch of force sensitive individuals and uses them in a ritual to make himself more powerful and extend his life spam. The good guys learn he is planning to do this again, soon on Rey and some of the jedi from Lukes old jedi school, including the knights of ren. The good guys realise they don’t have long before they lose Rey, and Kylo isn’t convinced he can beat Rey, let alone snoke alone. IF you wanted this is where you have fin be revealed to have been force sensitive and Kylo must teach him to be a jedi to help rescue Rey, and by teaching he learns, which is a common thing for jedi through all of Star Wars, like with Kanin teaching Ezra. Poe leads a big space battle to challenge the new order and by time for Kylo and Fin to sneak into snokes citadel and try to stop his ritual.
This is the plan to rescue Rey and kill snoke, like the empire snoke is the sole leader of the new order, everything comes from him (again fascist dictator) if they kill him infighting and power struggles should cripple the first order, like the empire after Palpatine is killed.
Poe leaves Kylo and Fin to rescue Rey, and kill snoke, he leads the fight in space, to buy them the time they need. When things get dire, he hops into his x-wing to kick ass while still coordinating the new republic forces in his custom 2-seater x-win with rose as his co-pilot.
Kylo and Fin fight through some punks to get to snoke and they fight Rey and “lose” because they are trying to convince her to rejoin them, Kylo and Rey could still have been having force conversations like the last movie throughout. Eventually just before snoke can kill them they manage to convince Rey who breaks through and saves them, they have a short heart to heart moment and turn to challenge snoke. Snoke is annoyed but he’s still in the middle of his ritual and if he wins, he can still use their energy. The three of them fight a big epic fight while the space battle rages on, each using a different lightsabre style, Rey with a double because she had a staff in movie 7, come on Disney it just makes sense, Kylo with his Cross guard but fighting more defensively and supporting his two friends, and Finn with the single, and give him a cool force power, he deserves it and the other 2 got one. The trio eventually end in a force blast clash with snoke, dragon ball z style, snoke boasts about how weak they are, how feeble their forces are how there are nothing to him, but they stand united and the force ghosts of previous mentors appear as the ritual is about to conclude, the extend hands in support of our heroes, again reinforcing the idea of building a better future, and standing together for the benefit of all rather than selfish power grabbing and being alone. With force ghosts at their back the win the struggle and kill snoke permanently, without snoke the new order predictably ends up infighting and power struggling which cause them to lose the battle even though they out gun the new republic.
Each character has their arc concluded, Kylo gets to be redeemed from being a villain and continue to teach to honour Lukes’s legacy.
Finn concludes his arc by helping convince Rey to switch sides, to rejoin the good guys, the power of friendship and acceptance, and gets to be a jedi, who spends his time helping other get out of bad situations.
Rey realises that the circumstance of birth doesn’t define you, she helped to convince Kylo to change sides, which was her main goal in the last movie to honour Leia and Han, gets to be a jedi and help people.
Poe is helping organise the new republic, not just in military efforts but has expanded to be in a similar position to Leia and carries on her legacy, as the surrogate son he always was to her.
Thus ends the sequel trilogy, which told the story of standing against fascism and how we build a better world by supporting each other and teaching the next generation to be better than we were. It passes on the mantle to new characters while honouring and respecting those who came before and for fans of the original series.
A couple optional things.
 I didn’t mention Leia much because I feel weird about how I would use her in the story given carry fishers tragic passing, you could potential have her be the main mentor of Po in episode 8 and sacrifice herself to save him, which I think would be the best way to do it, but also she obviously passed before the movie was fully shot so this might have been impossible and also killing of her character as she passed may come across as disrespectful to the actor, it’s just something I wasn’t completely sure how to handle.
If you wanted to set Rey and Kylo up I think this would give you more chemistry and time to see them bond, but that’s up to you I’m not a Reylo shipper, and I don’t particularly care one way or another.
I didn’t mention our little droid friend, their still here being comedic relief and sad when Rey joins bad guys, teams up with Kylo reluctantly because of Finn and does some cool stuff, at least that’s how I would envision it, but I didn’t feel this was critical to the changes in the story, so I didn’t mention it.
Finally, I just want to mention.
I’m not a good writer, I watch a lot of cartoons and some shows and have a lot of ideas that I think would be good, but I’m not a professional writer, I haven’t written any big blockbuster movies and most of my changes come from seeing a completed story, something the actual directors didn’t have, and hey maybe you even hate my changes or disagree with how characters should have ended up, that’s cool. This was just a very late frustration project from my experience of the trilogy. I really liked the characters of Po, Finn, Kylo and Rey and had my own hopes of the direction the movies would take.
Anyways hopefully you liked some of this ramble, maybe you have your own interpretation about how you’d have like to see the sequels go which I’d love to hear.
Live long and prosper all you SW jizz fans.
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gloomforrestrunes · 1 year
how does the main cast feel about their birthday? do their feelings change through the series?
i cant really answer this in the context of canon because birthdays arent really celebrated! its moreso coming of age ceremonies, and its mostly just nobles and high ranking animals that do that kind of stuff. im sure there are some outliers here and there.
but i can answer this in the context of the human au!
laxo and kenta both grew up in a household that was unable to fully celebrate birthdays due to finances, so their answers are a bit complicated. laxo probably has more negative feelings about his birthday since he associates it with putting a burden on others to give him something, which stems from his dad always trying to get him something when he was still around, and laxo always noticing how stressed he was about doing so. kenta's feelings about it are a bit more positive. even though raven never did anything for her birthday outside of a cold acknowledgement, laxo always tried his best to give her something, which was usually one of his homemade flower charms. i like to think that little tradition of him giving her homemade things extends into their adulthood. c: laxo, on the other hand, constantly tells the people around him not to get him anything when his birthday comes around, because people giving him gifts makes him feel bad. he definitely gets better about letting people be kind to him as the story goes on.
maya is a twin, so she shares her birthday with her brother, axel. because of this, she always associated her birthday as something that she shares with him. so when they lose touch after she runs away, she cant shake that association. as such, she cant help but feel shame whenever her birthday comes around, even though she's steadfast in believing that running from home was the best thing for her. i think the only way for her to completely shake that feeling is to get closure from him.
after his mom died, kane always saw his birthday as something that wasn't for him, but for the people who were throwing the celebration, namely feli. you can imagine that she goes all out with the festivities, while making passing comments about her expectations of him as he gets older. when his mom was alive, his birthdays were a lot more personal and actually about him. but when he started living with feli, they just became hollow and superficial, turning into another reminder of her crushing expectations for him. so the excitement he feels for them turns into dread. im sure that changes once he gets away from that toxicity. c:
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Episode 8 thoughts
Omg I’m almost done
Honestly loving all these intros, although my favourites still the crow one
Ohhh wait no nikolais gonna get attacked in the chapel isn’t he
my man! I mean we haven’t actually put a label on that have we? GOD I LOVE THEM JESPERS SUCH A DISASTER BI I CANT
Ding dong mals dead
Darkling shut up. No one cares and I mean that literally
Lol look at him talking about how he’s gonna live while he’s dying
Slay Alina you will in fact save yourself
Inej save her life rn
Are they seriously tryna push the darklina agenda rn?
Why’s his blood black?
Kick him zoya he deserves it
Also there’s still 49 minutes left I’m not entirely sure I want to watch them
Who’s body?
God Nikolais best mates dead and he’s so heartbroken
Kaz go to Inej challenge
Does Alina not lose her powers?
Not Kaz watching Inej
Nikolai and zoya in the same sentence….that it. Is that all we’re getting?!
Tamar and Nadia holding hands!
Nina and Kaz being besties
Nina talking about clawing her way to a happily ever after and KAZ LOOKING AT INEJ
Zoya and Nikolai finally in the same place and they’re not even gonna flirt
Ngl them having this conversation over the darkling burning corpse is a power play
Yeah but if your paths are that you both decide not to see each other again that’s not really proving anything is it?
Bestie Alina don’t cry he’s really not worth it
Is that Kaz brekker? Yes it is!
Off topic but Inej looks so gorgeous
It’s giving pirates of the Caribbean theme song
Oh shit Nina the letter!!
Aaaaaa slay Nikolai
Nooooo Nikolai
Zoya and genya are also looking gorgeous
Omg so is the triumvirate gonna be zoya genya and Alina rather than David?!
But I look amazing in blue YES YOU DO
OMG ZOYA CALLED THEM A TRIUMVIRATE (which is also not how I thought it was pronounced like at all)
Ayyyy nikolais officially king
Are divorces a thing? If Nikolai and Alina get married then they just get divorced and Nikolai can end up with zoya right??
Oh god turn nikolais coronation into a bloodbath why don’t you
Slay Alina
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Favorite Movie Rambles : REturn of the Living Dead
Still on a horror movie kick,so gonna look at one of my favorite Zombie films,the darkly humorus Return of the Living Dead
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In this 1985 warehouse employees Frank (James Karen) and Freddy (Thom Matthews ) accidently release a toxin that causes the dead to rise,hungry for brains ,while Freddy's punk friends are partying at the nearby cemetary
So I have a fondness for what I call "How bad can this get " stories ,and by God , I cant think of a better one then this film,because this is a domino effect of pure chaos . I like the mix of characters as well ,with the cast being mix of older working joes but also these young Punks ,and I love all of them .I always say the job of a horror film is for me to like the characters and I love the characters in this film
Lets start with the Punks.Now this is a comedy so these are intentionally over the top punks ....But I find them so endearing ,they just wanna party and the performances for them are all of them are pretty fun ,and they are all diffrent :Casey is the party girl,Chuck is kind of a dork ,Scuz is punk classic ,Tina is the nice girl,and so on .My favorites of the punks are Trash,Spider ,and Suicide(Yeah thats his name). Suicide is not in the film long but I wish he was .Suicide is the "Spooky " one a very intense angry dude,who other then Trash (Who has a thing for him) ,the others seem to only hang out with him cause he has a car ,but when push comes to shove he is there if his friends are in trouble .I find him hilarious and Mark Venturini does a good job and in a movie full of great qoutable lines ,he gets one of the best " You think this is a fuckin' costume? This is a way of life." Miguel A Nunez Jr plays Spider ,and he just does an amazing job,being really the lead punk and the one who clashes with Burt ,the guy who runs the warehouse . Possibly the most memorable of the Punks is TRash .....Now I think for most fans its cause she spends most of the film nude ,which is handwaved in universe as dancing naked just being a thing she does ,but what I love is the performance of now horror icon Linnea Quigley ,in that Trash.....Is kind of a poser. She puts up this persona of being this death obsessed hardcore punk ,but its hinted that its an act,and when things go south she is as pancked as everyone else (Also minor spoiler: Her death is really sad to me )
Now while the punks are memorable ,the warehouse guys are also great . Gonna start with our in between character Freddy .Freddy is a punk who got a job at the warehouse . Thom Matthews does a great job ,I think Freddy is a very likeable character .....And he is a great trick on the audience ,as there is a shif t with him .Don Calfa plays Ernie the Embalmer , who is the character with his head on his shoulders and I love his relationshipwith Burt (Also,no the fact two friends were called Burt and Ernie was not intentional according to writer and director Dan O Bannon ).Burt is our main lead played very well by Clu Gulager ,and I love that he seems to be a decent boss ,definately cares about Frank and Freddy .....And I adore when the zombies problem arises he's more just annoyed with it but does believe Frank .Speaking of Frank,he is my favorite character in the film ,and all that is all down to the magnificent performance of James Karen .He starts off as the cool old guy but once things go sideways ,he is freaking the fuck out!!! He also gets possibly the saddest scene in the film(A idea which came from James Karen himself )
I should point out while this film is a comedy.....It does the drama really well.Without spoiling I actually fell sad when characters die or are zombified .I feel bad for the characters who are losing friends ,and I feel that these characters truly care about each other
The film is also very scary and thats cause the zombies are scary .I'm not a zombie fan .......But these ones TERRIFY me.....Cause they are fast,sentient.....And there is no way to kill them save for cremation....Which causes more problems .This is the film that established the pop culture culinary taste of zombies:That they eat brains . The effects are hit and miss,I think the extra zombies look kind of lame.....BUT THE MAIN ZOMBIES ARE TERRIFYING .The are designed to resemble the grotesque living corpses from EC Comics The most memorable of the bunch is the Tarman ,this gooey skeletal fella who keeps bellowing "BRAIIIINNNS" ,played by puppeteer Allan Trautman .I think the scariest scene in the film however involves a captured zombie.....And being intelligent ,she talls us why they eat brains.I also just love the set up of the film:In the universe of this film,Night of the Living Dead was loosley based on a real case ,and the scene of James Karen revealing this is amazing
The film is also very funny .The punks can be goofy ,there is some wondeful dark comedy with the zombies, and the fact that everyone is freaking out feels true to life .The best scenes are with Burt,Frank,Ernie and Freddie however .I like Ernies intro scene ,where bBurt delivers a story that is even more unbelivable then wahats really going on. The crown jewel for me are when Freddy,Frank and Burt deciding to mimic Night of the Living Dead by destroying the brain ....Which doesnt work leading Freddy to say my favorite line in the film "YOU MEAN THE MOVIE LIED !???"
Overall this film is a great mix of comedy ,tragedy and horror
@ariel-seagull-wings @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz @amalthea9 @themousefromfantasyland
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Omg yes I hate how twst does the whole “you lose even if you win cause plot”. It especially got to me in the Beans event and I almost stopped playing cause it was like an epic battle and the hardest fight in the game and when you finally win you’re like “yes omg I did it! I can’t wait to see the cool final battle it’s gonna be awesome and intense!”
And then it cuts to after the battle and they’re like “aww damn we lost” like???? You’re telling me not only did we fight for nothing WE DON’T EVEN GET TO SEE IT?? It’s soooo annoying
YEAH, like, why do I need to grind up my strength if it doesn’t matter?? The only fights you actually win are the boss fights. The STRONGEST CHARACTER OF THAT CHAPTER YOU BEAT BUT YOU CANT BEAT REGULAR FIGHTS??
Like I’m on book 4, I literally fought scarabi students six times and ended up ‘losing’ everytime even I beat them easily. Then I ended up at the Mastro Lounge, and Jade and Floyd protected me. Like, if I can’t ‘win’ a fight, why would I fight?
ALSO YEAH, WE LOSE BUT WE DONT SEE IT?? Like??? Wth, my cards aren’t weak I literally have everyone above level 40 and I use type advantages…
But also, I’m pissy about the events, this is the first one I’ve ever played (the stupid ghost bride one) and I hate the story it’s genuinely revolting. If genders were swapped everyone would be pissed but because it’s a male being abused by female, but that’s ok because the lil bitch that hit him is a woman? NO ITS NOT OK. ITS NOT FUNNY.
Everything about this event I’m hating, I’m not even interested in the cards I just collect things, but also, it’s annoying that I can’t ‘loop’ battles but I only get 2 event items a fight and the cheapest thing to buy cost 30, it’s tedious and done intentionally to make it harder to get said items so you don’t ‘finish’ the event before they are done posting it…
I stopped playing not long after the game came out because I always ‘lost’ and was constantly insulted and talked down to, even by my ‘friends’ which isn’t normal. Yes, some people playfully insult their friends but being called ‘A useless human’ is not playful. It’s also kinda bad because…that’s basically speciest since all the non humans say it…
I only recently started playing again souly bc I’m simping for have the cast…
Disney knows how to made cute/interesting creatures, but it seems like the didn’t plan for a player in the video game?? Cuz like?? You’re barely acknowledged. I know Jamil hypnotized me, and I know you can’t oppose him when he’s doing that so I was forced to say yes, why even give me the option if I’m already forced? Why give options if literally none of them matter?
Then there’s the issue of the jp version being for more updated then the English version and there’s quite a few bugs in the game and the AI isn’t the best.
I mainly enjoy the ‘lessons’ and ‘guest room’ which I can’t play bc I’m American…
I understand it needs to be translated, but…it took 3 years for them to even release an English adaptation…
Don’t get me started on the mirrors, I’m beyond pissed, gotta pull 100 shitty cards I already have for ONE ssr+? That makes no sense and I’m being punished?? For playing the game??? That’s the main way to get cards and it fucks you over for trying to get cards so you can play the damn game. At least obey gives you free pulls, the cheapest option is to pay actual money.
Disney is greedy, technically obey me is greedy to as they’ve had ‘pay to play’ things, buts not the only way, those exclusive cards for events. This? This is just regular ass cards, most of which are useless since the are the ‘starter’ cards…
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hak · 7 months
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OKAYYY. I’ve been playing final fantasy x and here are some preliminary thoughts after like a hard won 4ish hours in 🫠
It was a huge leap to start this game just because 1) I don’t play games like this period (rpg fighters) and have even less experience than any other type of game I ever played and 2) there’s truly nothing more intimidating to me than the final fantasy franchise.. like it only won out over me trying out kingdom hearts because I didn’t feel like doing the punch _ button for _ move type fighting in a game just yet lol. BUT WHATEVER! It has been my goal this year anyway to try games out of my comfort zone (80% of games out there lol) so here I am…
I think the world-building is very appealing!! look I have never in my life even tried looking up final fantasy lore or anything I think I just know Sephiroth and the big ducks maybe but regardless I loved the 5 seconds we got in Zanarkand just because a fantasy steampunk-esque world can be charming.. and exploring the 1000yrs later world and it’s differences is also very interesting. I think I spent half of my hours just talking to everybody I saw and looking at the world textures lol it’s nice and peaceful most of the time
I love the cast a lot.. playing as Tidus kind of surprised me because I think I’m not used to fully formed playable main characters like him (was thinking Link or a fire emblem protag rip) but I LOVE HIM!!!! HES SO GOOFY AND CHARMING and I am so endeared by the voiceover narration (ummm his future self??) and where the story is taking him. He and Yuna are so sweet and cute. I actually really love that not ever cutscene was there to move the plot??? Like the one first boat scene where Tidus stole some guys binoculars and was monkeying around on the ship. Or this one 🥺😭💗
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SO PRECIOUS!!! It’s how I know something horrible is going to come regarding them 🧎Well for now I’m just in for the ride. The other guardians are definitely a ragtag bunch but I really appreciated how they were fleshed out in this narrative. I like the big wolf beast guy and I will tell you every time I get a chance I try to get Tidus to go talk to him and every time I get ignored 🥲 ONE DAY!!!! And I love theeee goth woman supreme Lulu even her name is so cute. Love her little doll. She saves my ass every single fight I swear. Wakka is also charming in his own way lol he reminds me of a character I just don’t know who.. he and Lulu having their josei romance drama in the backdrop of this story also gets meeeee. Like!?? Look at them wtf…
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Ok ok now about the fighting itself: it’s not as bad as I thought. It’s still not something I really have come to look forward to though, and I really really despise the mechanic where you’re walking and get a randomized battle out of nowhere. The Pokémon grass effect whatever you call it…. IM SICK OF IT!!!! LET ME RUN AWAY!!! especially when I’ve had like 3 fights in a row and that stupid breaking glass effect comes and I have to fight again. Oh save me. im not built for this. HOWEVER. Besides that. It’s okay. Figuring out what moves I should be doing isn’t all that difficult even if I do kind of just guess most of the time. I’m lucky I’m using an emulator and saving as much as I can in case I need to reload during a battle. I’ll be okay lol I just want to complain sometimes just cuz. 😖
And finally…. The one thing I did not expect to encounter in this game and genuinely made me want to QUIT this game for good despite everything positive above: BLITZBALL. WHY DO YOU EXIST. WHY. I CANT STAND THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!
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This funny scene made me laugh when I first saw it because I literally thought blitzball games would play out like that first cutscene in Zanarkend - AS A CUTSCENE!!! TIDUS YOULL LOSE I HAVE NO SKILL YOULL LOSE TIDUS!!!!!!!
I will admit now I didn’t know wtf I was doing on that boat and totally failed at getting the Jecht shot but how??? Was I supposed to know????? I THOUGHT IT WOULD JUST LEAD TO A FUN MINIGAME how was I to know it was life or death (in blitzball)…. I did Google whether I needed it to win and results varied. But before I get judged I spent about 40 min trying to grasp the entire blitzball tutorial and things still didn’t wrap around until I began playing and EVEN THEN I wanted to cry and rage quit. Something I have never needed to do in all my life!!!!!! Then I thought fine whatever I’ll just let the game do it’s thing and maybe try to give the ball to Tidus as much as possible if that’s my only shot and lord almighty I couldn’t even get one point in. The ai would score so much and I swear I paid attention. Imagine me mid game pausing just to google 10+ year old forum answers on whether I can just do the bare minimum and still win. I don’t even think I needed to win??? But the other team was so mean to us …. LIKE I WANTED TO WIN….. but I’m not capable of it. I knew it when I first started the tutorial too versus the real game I truly am so disinterested in this kind of minigame (the least mini of mini games I’ve ever played ever) that I don’t care. Like I’m just so so frustrated that it’s 3am im writing this post just to vent about how I want to keep playing ffx but not at the cost of this stupid side game that shouldn’t even take me more than 15 min to play!!!!!
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I should’ve known from this part in the tutorial that this was bullshit fr. Look I know its not like all of the mechanics were rocket science, if I took 1 day to actually study the game I would BUT WHY WOULD I DO THAT. WHY WOULD I WASTE MY TIME AND DO THAT. I am just so put off at this point from this game simply because of blitzball. Sorry to Tidus and his quest for home and all but it will not come true because I cannot stand playing blitzball. 🤬
Where i am now: I paused at the end kinda when Wakka comes in at the end of the game. I couldn’t score a single point so it was just left at 2-0. I really don’t care anymore I will just lose the game because I’m sick of it. But damn I was really trying okay. Kinda. I hate being petty but we’ll see if I want to even pick it up as a whole game again when I wake tmrw after this experience lol
To be extremely honest I kinda began ffx as a total “wouldn’t it be funny if?” type game for me because I know what I like and dislike in games and this one bordered that for me so I was genuinely curious to see how far I’d last. But this blitzball game is so far into my dislikes that it actually bums me out because the storytelling is so in my lane. I don’t want to quit just yet but I will say now if blitzball gets any worse I’m out. That truly is my last straw lmao. Also it seems like a very long game otherwise and even that is a struggle for me to comprehend. Plus battles are even going to get worse and I can barely slide by during those… idk it is looking grim for the mariel partakes in final fantasy era 😭
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dialux · 2 years
pls share your brahmastra thoughts because i just saw the trailer and am feeling [eye emoji] abt it but cant pinpoint why. maybe it's the marvel aesthetic idk
SO MUCH dr. strange weird orange streams of light, which is just like. overdone. at this point.
Also, like, Ranbir Kapoor as the hero for this series is missing the mark by a fucking MILE! What everyone forgets is that RDJ pinned down the emotional mood and catharsis of the mcu phase 1-3 in a way that Ranbir can literally never manage. Dude tried to be emotional and deep and all that in ae dil hai mushkil and failed SO fucking badly it made me want to cry in the theater. He’s literally the definition of a romcom actor, and pinning the first movie in the entire franchise is A Bad Decision for anyone that wants there to be, yk, cohesion and depth to the acting, but that’s totes not what we’re going to be going into this movie for, so.....................
But then there's the fact that... I have faith in Karan Johar to weave a narrative? Raazi could have been SUCH a shitshow. Mission Mangal-- a movie for which I had so many higher hopes-- and even 83!!!--produced such jingiostic themes that I couldn't really enjoy any of it. But Raazi (while certainly not like... NOT nationalistic propaganda or whatever) does a decent amount of work in talking about the personal costs of patriotism by focusing on the individual-- which, yk, Karan's incredibly good at not losing vision of. So that's one good thing.
I also just. flat-out. adore. elemental magic. Fire/wind/water magic?? FUCK yeah that's good shit. The idea of astras and a secret society dedicated to protecting/using/preserving/destroying them is, undeniably, an amazing story. It's AtLA but modern. I love it.
Honestly, Hinduism has not been bastardized and shredded into pieces in avenues reachable for a less scholarly audience. Like, the debates and arguments about what it means to be a Hindu/to believe in that mythology/to learn that mythology are so so so locked away in a white tower that so few people ever actually get to access....... this is a good method by which to like.... desanctify that. Not that I’m depending on this movie to help in de-doctrinating Hindu fanatics, but it’s a step forward in the process of just fucking tearing the religion to shreds and questioning all of it: which can only be a good thing.
And there’s a lot of money being pumped into it??? Ig?? So the cgi (which, already, Too Much, but whatevs) is going to be nice to see.
Honestly my main problem with it is a) what it’s going to do to Indian cinema (which has already been fucked for a while, but this is a team-up of three studios, has a Marvel-level ensemble cast already, and promises to be a franchise, so.... indie films and even non-Hindi films are probs gonna be even worse off than they already are), b) the saturation of mediocre formulaic storylines in favor of appealing to the largest possible audience (like. say whatever you want about srk’s filmography, but it’s fucking varied) and c) the actual plot of this movie seems a bit crap, tbh (the trailer gives away WAY too much info, and Mouni Roy’s character is SO the generic female villain who wants power and doesn’t believe anyone telling her not to be prideful and reach too far aim too high etc etc etc, and FINALLY ofc there’s the fact that they chose to make him a DJ, which is not, yk, a bad decision (#NotAllDJs) but also I dated a DJ once and he was the worst fucking boyfriend I ever had so I just have a gut visceral dislike of DJs).
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arlakos · 3 years
Miraculous Rant
Actually, you know what, while im still mad from the previous post I made, lets go off on a rant. No punches pulled. Lets do this.
The lovesquare is the most terrible ship in this fandom. One girl is a hyper obsessed stalker who tracks her crush with her planner for 3 whole seasons, while the boy couldn’t learn to take a hint and stop flirting for 3 whole seasons until he decided to move on with another girl. Ironically that makes them perfect for eachother, but its in a creepy kind of way, not a loving kind of way.
Adrigami and Lukanette in the S3 Finale were wasted events and never should have occured because they were immediately axed in the first few episodes of the next season. I feel sorry for those that were hoping their ships could be real for at least a short actual while, and it makes me want to curse the writers for their story-boner for the status quo of teases
Despite what I said earlier, none of the girls are good for Adrien. Marinette’s stalkery and a borderline yandere, Kagami’s somewhat controlling and too similar to Adrien help him grow as a person, Chloe is a queen bee beyotch and honestly too much like a sibling to Adrien, and Lila is garbage. Fuck it, have Luka date Adrien and they can play some sweet music together (not like that you pervs, I meant they both play instruments).
Nino needs more love. Not only that, but there needs to be more Adrien/Nino bro moments. If Marinette and Alya can have moments together, why not the bros?
Chloe’s character is a mess, and is neither redeemable, nor notably evil. Her role as a villain in season 1 is very hamfisted, such as in the episodes Mr Pigeon and Kung Food. Not only that, Chloe also lacks any of the qualities that makes a good “bully villain” or rival to Marinette, and her sympathetic moments (which are Written by Sebastien) are mostly overshadowed by the fact that Astruc wants her to be a bully, so it just makes her bipolar and confusing when her character is tugged between two writers.
Chloe should not have joined Hawkmoth in Miracle Queen, see my other post as to why I think so. TLDR, its kinda ooc  for her to go full on 2d villain like Hawkmoth especially after Miraculer, plus Lila was being build up to be the main antagonist of S3
Chloe got kicked from the Team in Miraculer because people know her identity? Fine. Kagami gets to be Ryuko again despite being known to Hawkmoth in Ikari Gozen? Not cool. Ladybug shouldn’t be a hypocrite and be willing to break her own rules just because “Kagami is my friend and Chloe’s not”. Same goes for her breaking the rule with secrect identities with Alya, only for her to go on and on about the rules to Chat when he pries.
Zoe is a bland character who’s only notable trait that she likes Marinette, which automatically makes her worthy of a miraculous after two episodes and no actual development.
Astruc is a petty frick who makes episodes that give the finger to fans of the show that have a different opinion than him. Queen Banana, Miracle Queen, and Reverser are good examples of this (Reverser did Nathaniel dirty).
Master Fu is a shit guardian. Read my post for more.
FRICK THE FEAST EPISODE. Not only did is ruin Fu as character, it ruined all the good theories as to why the order fell, and wasted the idea of a new villain being introduced or even taking over as the main antagonist! Speaking of Feast, despite the sentimonster destroying an order when he wasn’t even big, he still go beat by 2 kids even when he was supersized!
Marinette is not a good Guardian. Her ability to choose heroes does not make her capable, and just because “tradition is stupid” doesnt mean that Marinette shouldn’t be tested like others before her!
Despite the Kwami’s being ancient magical buildings, they seem to act like kids a lot, and that annoys me when in S1 they are supposed to apparently be mentors to their wielders, like how Tikki was before she was mentally de-aged.
Lila is trash and should be removed from the show. The only reasons her lies work is because the writers dumb down every other character in the show and ignore the fact the people have smartphones with google.
The “Miraculous” Ladybug spell should require both Ladybug and Chat Noir to cast, because not only does the power have nothing to do with creation, but it also “destroys” anything created by the akuma, which thematically makes no sense. Also it would place more emphasis on the two heroes being equals and “two halfs of the same coin”
On that note, Ladybug has too many powers. Not only is she the only one who can purify akumas, and can cast a spell that can fix Paris time and time again like its no one’s buisness, but she also now gets a new suit and the ability to nullify Hawkmoth’s akumas. Like COME ON! Give Chat some powers too.
Mayura’s feather’s shouldnt be able to be purified by Ladybug since they have no dark energy, and (thematically speaking) Chat should be given an ability that allows him to “vanquish” the energy in Mayura[’s feathers similar to how Ladybug can purify Hawkmoth’s akumas. At least it would develop a rivalry between Chat and Mayura, and would make Chat necassary against Shadowmoth rather than being replacable with any other hero.
The are too many temporary heroes. They should have just stuck with the 3 heroes from s2 and leave it at that. Sure, new heroes were cool, but the overuse has made the whole hero thing feel less special. It made sense for the first 3 to have them, but now it’s just like Oprah where everyone gets a miraculous. Except Gabe.
Chat Blanc was a stupid reason as to why secret identities cant be revealed, also Chat could have told LB who Hawkmoth once he returned back to normal was and the show would be over.
Hawkmoth should not be Gabriel. Frick the lore about Gabriel’s wife dying and him going evil to get her back, it makes the story feel too much like a star wars/Darth vader reference and leaves Gabriel acting bipolar, flipping from wanting to save his wife and doing this out of necessity to being a power hungry madman wanting to take over the world ( which is said in his canon music video). Having Hawkmoth be his own character means he can be an actual maniac who wants world domination and not just have villanous plot that rely on obtaining magical jewellery (perhaps doing other evil things/taking a more active role), while Gabriel being his own character means he can be a father that has become estranged from his son due to the lose of his S,O, and thus can have a plot about him reuniting with his son (I liked the end seen in Simon says, ok?)
On that same note, I think Mayura shouldn’t have been Nathalie. Considering Hawkmoth’s plans were repetitive as heck for most of the show, when I heard about the Mayura leaks back in Season 2 (when she was called “le Paon”) I was theorising that Mayura would actually being Hawkmoth’s boss, the villain the was responsible for giving him his Miraculous and the one who destroyed the Order of the Miraculous, and would take over as the main villain in season 3 due to Hawkmoth’s failures. However, that turned out not to be the case.
Not only that, but Mayuras power is a copy paste power with some modifications to make it complement Hawkmoth’s power, by basically giving his akuma’s magic pokemon.
Speaking of Hawkmoth’s power, for a miraculous that is supposed to be used for good, how can his power mind control people and make them become evil? More importantly, for a miraculous that is supposedly weaker than the main heroes of the show, having it be able to multiply and posses people to create an army is kinda strong.
Fuck the Maribat ship that the salt fandom came up with. Its trash, it was made to bash most of the Miraculous cast sans Marinette, and anyone thinks it is good are either those same salters or are the same people who think that Rey-lo and the Twilight Saga are masterpieces of romance.
Whew! I needed that vent. Hope you enjoyed it as as much as I did, and Tune in next time on the next episode of:  Arlakos loses his Mind and Rants for 2 pages of writing!
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
5 Anti LO Asks
1. i dont even think lo persephone is particularly a bad character, i think the issue is rachel has no idea what to do with her. she wants her to be native and innocent but also deadly and confident, but that'd require persephone to have some flaws/complexities, so she just makes up vague "feelings" and the underworld making her smell bad. rachel herself cant commit to actually letting persephone be a real character with weaknesses and flaws.  which just ends up making persephone boring and flat. 
(same anon abt persephone's lack of flaws) the issue too is that because rachel made persephone the most powerful goddess and has hades as the most powerful king with all the resources, all sense of stakes and tension is just not there. they dont even have actual antagonists because apollo, demeter, and leto are jokes, minthe had no power, and everyone falls over backwards to defend hxp, and we already know the ending. the plot and conflict are as shallow as the characters themselves.
2. its honestly kinda ??? that there is art of lo demeter and persephone and how loving of a relationship they are (were?) and yet thats not in the actual comic? like demeter's love for persephone is framed as abusive and cruel and the actual reason for persephone's problems yet everything demeter said would happen did?? and those werent her fault? like its one thing if demeter had all these fears but were proven wrong, but she's time and time again proven right? and is still framed badly for it???
3. i think part of the reason the art of lo doesnt hold up is bc the world is very flat. like the characters are already boring enough in their colors being the only actual character design, but the world around them is very lacking. theres no distinct buildings, no distinct flowers or trees, and the backgrounds all just flat voids of a single color with some sketchup lines slapped on top. now, other webtoons do this too, but its so the panel doesnt become overwhelmed, LO does it to be lazy.
4. the webtoons app updated to where now the main page banners change every time you open the app to let more series get ad space so OF COURS LO has a banner on it and?? its confusing?? like it has persephone being ~sexy in a bathtub~ and the tagline is "no service in the underworld" and its like what does that even mean?? also the ads love to pretend shes this confident, sexual woman when shes literally everything but in the actual comic. its kinda shocking how often the LO ads just lie like that.
5. Comparing LO to some other WEBTOON I would say that LO is too ambitious for its writer. For “Forever After” you normally just have the current issue and the overall issue with the story, so just because we go through characters in that story their characters complete their arcs. True Beauty is drawn out BUT arcs are still tied up abs even tho it’s not as interesting as it was it still holds my attention positively. “The first night with the duke” kinda got past the point I care about but still again has me drawn in. Suitor of Armor’s story is expanding greatly but I feel the writer already has plans for that
BUT LO is another story. The cast seems bloated for the plots going on and I’m losing track. Like Eros got to explain his little story, and then we forgot about it for a bit with Hades and Aphrodite talking about it for a split second and then way later Eros says “I’m gonna find Pyche” but is he looking? No he just asks his mom for more hints we don’t see him try to do anything clever. He doesn’t even find her on his own merit. And after two years we don’t even get a full conclusion how that went. They shot arrows at Apollo and then what? They were high up in the air, was Eros able to break their fall (probably) What about the whole falling for Ampleutus stuff? We probably won’t see anything for another couple months regrading those two.
ARTEMIS! She’s Persphone’s roommate, we know she’s lying about never having a crush but who is it? RS stated Artemis is gay. Does it matter? Does it influence the plot at all? Is it gonna be a big reveal that Zeus is her father? Why does she hate the three kings so much? Does Zeus know he’s her father? Or was Apollo abs Artemis “created” like Persphone and Hera? (Probably not but still)
HESTIA and ATHENA! When did they start TGOEM? Why did they? Hestia isn’t Athena’s aunt right? Was Athena “created” by Zeus? How does Hera feel about that? What was Hestia like before the war and now? Is Hestia close with the other six traitors?
Hera and her kids! We know Hera has more than Hephaestus Ares and Hebe but like what’s the story man? Hera is closer to all three of these children (Zeus seems to discourage Hephaestus presence, Ares defends his mom, and Hebes mad at Zeus for banishing Ares from the house) but these weren’t snap things that happened, it seems like the kids bond to their mother way more than their father just in general before the story, but why? I feel like Hera’s stuff is used as filler but I’m still more interested rather than HXP all the time. Whose the sister? Why is Hera closer to P rather than her own kids it seems. And echo!? Why did Zeus hire her and what’s the agreement?
That ghost that keeps showing up?
Whatever the Kronos revival plot is?
What happened to rhea?
So the Trojan war already happened?
What’s the deal with Demigods?
Nymphs can have parents but sometimes don’t? (Daphne was crested by Demeter, but Thetis has a mom?)
Is Megara and P now just friends? Or did we miss her character where she either gets over hades or plots revenge?
I just feel like with everything LO isn’t planned this far out and it’s just worrying for what she’s in the mood for not tying plots together and getting much figured out. Like the plot just Keep not moving forward because there’s just too much to cover. 
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mexicancat-girl · 3 years
Sooo I read your take on the bakugou vs uraraka in the sports festival. i personally agree that you’re right when it comes to bakugou being overpowered (like when he fought todoroki, his quirk shouldn’t have worked at all with all the ice) and the fact that the females here are underrated and are not written well enough. Also I hate that fan service scene with the cheerleading outfits. However when you called him entitled and said that the narrative is favoring him, i dont agree there. horikoshi has made it blatantly clear that he wrote bakugou with the intent of making fans hate him on purpose. It’s why he’s portrayed as such a asshole in the first place, then horikoshi proceeds to show us that bakugou has complexity later on. He basically wants to humiliate him and make him slowly see his errors, and then basically give him slow character development, which is apt for bakugou since he’s been like this for 15 years. Like you said, bakugou logically should have been tired out near ochako’s fight, owing to quirk weaknesses and all, but honestly, it would also be unlikely for bakugou-trained-since-the-minute-i-got-my-quirk to also lose to ochako, owing to the fact that she wasnt as experienced as him or as physically fit, also for her to win by fighting a “weak” bakugou would make fans claim sexism too due to the fact that he still had to be weak for her to win. Also having him win again would have the same issue. So I didnt mind bakugou winning, and appreciated that ochako did her utter best to do so and nearly won, which I felt was a realistic move by horikoshi to avoid as much as possible a sexist situation. Tho not gonna lie, why isnt there another female like bakugou or todoroki in this class? Makes me upset thinking about it but like you said, horikoshi cant write good female characters, so he does as much to avoid so.  Unlike miraculous ladybug which has so much crap going on with so called female strong leads and is slowly becoming so cringey to watch.
Horikoshi may claim he writes Bkugo for fans to hate him…But Bkugo is literally a fan favorite. He keeps getting top 3 in the popularity polls, if not outright winning them. 
Bkugo is Izuku’s childhood friend/rival, making him a core part of the series. He’s inescapable if you consume the media (manga, anime, promo materials). He’s presented as an equal to Izuku, and yet never once actually respects Izuku as a person. But Izuku keeps making excuses for him, as do the other characters, painting him in a better light than what’s actually shown.
Bkugo keeps having very small glimmers of moments where it seems like he’s learning from his mistakes. But then he goes right back to square one. 
(rest under cut)
During the license exam, he storms off on his own because of his belief he’s better by himself. He ends up having a plan to work with Kaminari and Kirishima, but only because they followed him and put themselves in a dangerous situation alongside him. Then during the last phase of the exam, he tries to take things on his own again, which results in him not getting his license. 
Which is a great moment, it seems like he’s getting actual development here! He has to work on remedial exams, puts some ounce of teamwork into getting his license…but it’s all for his own benefit. Everyone praises him over out of their asses over how he’s changed during the training with 1-B, but he still treats everyone like shit. He just sees the benefit of using people on his teams to help him instead of tearing them all down, because he can’t win if he does that. 
He still makes everything about himself. Even when something doesn’t revolve around him, he keeps inserting himself into the narrative. He forces more of Izuku’s secrets from him, forces himself to be there when Izuku talks to All Might about One For All, not for Izuku’s benefit, but because he feels entitled to know about Izuku’s quirk. Even during a discussion which should center around Izuku asking questions and finding out more about his legacy and quirk, Bkugo takes the reigns and takes nearly all agency away from Izuku.
As for the Sports Festival, Bkugo would get more humbled by losing. It would show both Bkugo and the viewers that not just offense-based Quirks (or the male characters) are capable of winning fights. Things like planning and pacing yourself can help just as much. Which would tie into Izuku not knowing how to control OFA during that stage as well, using his mind and ingenuity to get himself to the Third Round without needing his Quirk. It would’ve worked really well narratively! And tied things together!
It also would’ve provided more tension for Bkugo if he’d lost the Sports Festival. When he’s kidnapped, the LOV could’ve used that loss in order to entice him to join them. The only reason he didnt join was because he thought they were ‘losers’, both because All Might stopped the USJ attack and Bkugo has a strong quirk that won him the Sports Festival. If he’d lost, he’d be vulnerable and have had do show some struggle over whether he was going to take up their offer, and gotten some character growth from that. Because he’s cocky and strong, we already know from the beginning he isn’t going to actually accept their offer in canon.
As for Horikoshi’s lack of female characters–especially those that actually battle or do anything significant to the plot–I’m not 100% surprised. Shonen anime in general has a bad track record of writing female characters, if they’re included at all in the narrative. 
My problem is that Horikoshi has a decent cast of female characters with unique powers, and he goes out of his way to sexualize them and make them damsels/nearly useless in fights and scenes that actually further the plot. Just. Goddamn, let the female characters actually do something instead of standing around being support for the male characters, or having catfights with female villains (ala Ochaco with Toga). 
Even Ochaco, the main female character of the series, barely gets any development other than “struggling with crush on Izuku” and “I saw someone die and don’t want that to happen again”. Izuku, Shoto, and Bkugo get entire character arcs and countless chapters devoted to them, and we only get a few pages for Ochaco, if we’re lucky.
Miraculous Ladybug is another beast entirely ngl. I’m not going to touch that for now.
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