#after everything he did to humanity he deserves full complete happiness too
anhappyfangirl · 9 months
just read the new chapter of dr stone 4d and if what I think is happening is happening it's just so low I hope ryusui will crush why-man to pieces
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amymbona · 2 months
I need to be Tashi's long forgotten girlfriend that's not so forgotten. A girl that she used to date in Stanford after she broke up with Patrick and hurt her knee, before she married Art. A girl that had nothing to do with tennis, studied arts and always kept a notebook and a pen in her pocket.
A little lady who was such a sweet, soft thing for Tashi, never once raising her voice at her, docile and gentle, but also very indifferent to the world around her. Locked in her own tiny reality that she only allowed Tashi to be a part of. Tashi had found a completely new world with her, full of nothing but love and tenderness, no fake feelings or overexaggerated pity. Just a little bubble of two girls that make bracelets together and hold each other while falling asleep.
She hasn't seen you after Stanford, actually unsure why. You must have changed your phone number and moved states, perhaps you moved to the very other side of the world, for all she knows. But even now, years later, she can't help herself and think about you when Art is eating her pussy like a good lap dog. She taught you how to do that as well, and you used to be the most shy and tender little thing, afraid to suck too hard or stick your tongue too far, too afraid you would cause her any pain. That's why she's constantly pushing Art further, literally begging him to be violent with her. To bite and claw and suck and pull just so she could remember the warm softness of your plush lips.
You were such an ethereal being, perhaps too unreal. Perhaps you were just a fragment of her imagination, something she made up to help overcome the grief surrounding her injury and the loss of her boyfriend. The gentleness that she had received from you was such a gift. Nobody has treated her the way you did until you disappeared. Perhaps people were right. Perhaps Tashi is an awful human who doesn't deserve a single good thing in her life.
Years later, she meets Patrick in New Rochelle, bumping into him in the hotel lobby. The two bicker for a while, unable to act like two adults, until she notices a gold shining thing on the finger of his left hand. With a smirk so sharp that could slice her throat, he admits to have married a wonderful fairy, sweet little thing. That night, after her husband admits to wanting to retire, she irrationally threatens to leave him if he loses against Patrick in the next day's match. But feeling too guilty, unable to possibly divorce her lover, she goes to sleep with Patrick in exchange for his next day's loss.
Her whole world crumbles into smithereens when she sees Patrick stroll towards the court, hand in hand with a familiar, beautiful face. She's raging, absolutely livid, unable to believe that such an ugly ass man has married the most precious, delicate human to ever walk on this Earth. You haven't changed a bit, at least not overall. Your hair is a bit longer than she rememebers it and your lips are painted an unusual shade of red, too dark for your complexion. But the hearts in your eyes, now directed at Patrick, they still shine the same way that they used to when you glanced at her.
She basically runs towards the locker rooms, hoping not to bump into you, and there she quite literally gets on her knees and begs Patrick to win. Promises that she will buy him whatever he asks for, promises to let Art be his because she knows that Patrick has always loved Art and Tashi has always loved you. She cries too, allowing Patrick to laugh at her and make her look like a fool. At that point, she's absolutely pathetic, completely desperate for her sweet love, and she'd even let Patrick publically humiliate her if it meant you'd be the one wiping her tears away in the end.
It's always easier to win than to lose, so it's no surprise when Patrick completely demolishes Art. He leaves the blonde boy literally sobbing and the craddles him in his arms, promising that everything is going to be okay, that he'll take care of him after he retires. But is Tashi happy? She's unsure. You left her, after all, made a ghost of her presence. So for the first time in her life, she feels like a complete failure, hurriedly shuffling towards your and Patrick's hotel room, knowing your husband is too busy with her own.
You open the door with a soft smile, looking like an absolute goddess and greeting her like an old friend. As if nothing this absurd has happened ever before, you let her in and kiss her forehead. Tashi basically falls into your arms and holds onto you as if you're a dream that's going to disappear. She breathes in the gentle smell of your body and floats in the warmth of your skin. You're real, her sweet girl. You're real, holding her and calling her yours.
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vernons-girl · 7 months
more | lee jihoon (woozi)
angst to fluff, suggestive?, wc:1.3k
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Once again you found yourself sitting on the couch at the back of Jihoon's studio just browsing through mindless youtube videos just to get to spend some time with him.k
He was really busy because his activities with the group so he barely had any time for you, so for the two of you to be together you had to tag along with him during his late night studio escapades. It wasn’t the most romantic, that is for sure, but that’s all you could ask for knowing how hard he was trying to make everything right.
But to him it wasn’t enough. Nothing was ever enough for him. He wanted to do better, he wanted to do more, he didn’t feel like he was enough, his mind was clouded with doubt and he couldn’t help but think that you deserved better than this, that you deserved better than him.
Those thoughts were racing through his head over and over and it became impossible for him to focus on anything else.
He slowly pushed his chair back away from his desk and turned his attention to you. You looked so pretty without even trying and he asked himself how did he got so lucky for a solid minute before focusing on your sitting form. You were wearing baggy comfy clothes, including one of his hoodie that he let you borrow earlier because you were cold, your hair was in its natural state, a bit messy yet beautiful to him, a soft smile would brighten your bare face every few minutes, and with all this he still looked at you like you were the 8th wonder of the world. And in fact, you were more than this, you were his world, everything gravited around you and he lived for this feeling.
Suddenly his thoughts were cut by a sneeze coming from you.
“Bless you” he said with a chuckle.
“Thank you” you said shyly, the noise you made was definitely not as soft as you wished it was but what can you do about it, you’re still human.
“You doing okay over here?” you asked full of concern. If you were being a hundred percent honest, you were kind of worried about your boyfriend, he looked off and you couldn’t help but think you did something wrong or that you maybe didn’t do anything and that it was a problem.
“Everything’s alright love” he told you with a light nod and his signature smile.
But it wasn’t fooling you, you put your computer aside and got up to slowly make your way closer to him. You came to a stop right in front of him and gently cupped his face in your palms.
“Come on baby, tell me what’s going through that smart head of yours”, he relaxed into your touch, you always had this effect on him and he could not explain how you did it but, anytime you would lay your hand on him, he would completely melt, dropping his guard and allowing himself to be vulnerable. The fact that he only acts like this with you made the act so intimate for you two, it never failed to show how much he trusts you.
“Are you happy?” he asked looking up at your face
“Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I?
- I mean with me. Are you happy with me?” his gaze dropped to the floor after his question, too scared to look at your reactions, afraid of the emotion that could be painted in your face, as if all the stars he saw in your eyes would disappear before you could break his heart.
“Jihoon? What’s wrong? you asked with worry in your voice
-Please tell me you’re not unhappy with me..
- Look at me baby, please” you pleaded your lover, trying to tilt his face toward yours to get a look at his features. Once he did look up, all you saw was doubt written all over his face.
“What’s up with all those doubts? you questioned
-Listen I know I’ve been busy these past few weeks and we did not get the chance to spend that much time together and I don’t want you to think that I gave up on you, I did not gave up on us Y/N” his voice was deep but soft, almost fading away in the air as soon as the words left his mouth.
You brought yourself closer to him and took a sit right across his lap, brushing his hair out of his face before placing a kiss on the tip of his nose.
“I know Jihon, I know.” and it was all you said before kissing him passionately.
Between you and Jihoon, love language was not limited to words and showing your love and affection for each other through acts was important because this was how you two worked the best, it was your thing, especially when you needed to chase your worries and insecurities away.
Sometimes between you and Jihoon, no words were needed.
At first taken aback by your action, Jihoon stayed still, appreciating the feeling of your lips against his. No matter what they always felt soft and plushy soft pressing on his own.
Once he regained control of himself a few seconds after he gently placed one hand on one of your thigh while the other rested at the back of your neck as he was finally returning the kiss.
Kissing him always felt like the first time. You always thought that even after years of dating your stomach will still be filled with butterflies, that you would never stop discovering the faint smell of musk lingering on his clothes. You would always feel that spark within you, discovering the feeling of his lips for the first time every time.
His kisses were soft, loving, passionate. He never needed to be rough to express the strength of his emotions.
He slowly pulled away so you two could take a breath, pressing your forehead together you felt the soft air coming from his lips tickling your own which drew a small smile your lips before he started to place sloppy kisses along your jaw, coming down to your neck.
Peppering the area with light, quick kisses he then started to suck softly on it, not necessarily leaving any mark, just wanting you to enjoy the sensation it was giving you. He sure knew what to do with those lips as your breath started to quicken, sounds that could be mistaken as moans coming out of your lips.
He pulled his lips away from your neck and made his way back to yours. His lips were warm and soft. They parted slightly, allowing your tongue to slip inside. The hand that was previously resting on your thigh was now softly massaging the area while the other went from the back of your neck to your jawline so he could take control of the kiss. It was not a question of power here, he just wanted to show you everything he was feeling and for that he needed you to just receive all he had to give.
His thumb was now rubbing small circles on your cheek as he slowed down his pace, only brushing his tongue against your lips every now and then, focusing on exclusively pressing his lips against your for loving lingering kisses. His other hand stroking your leg went up the middle of your back as he finally pulled you close to him for a tight hug.
Soft pants could be heard coming from both of you as you held onto each other for dear life.
Jihoon broke the silence :
“I love you more than anything in this universe, you know that right?” he asked, looking for reassurance in your answer.
You pulled back to look at him, letting your loving gaze rest on his you said :
“Of course I do, and I love you too, more than words can express.”
Yeah sometimes no words were needed between you two because all you needed was each other, nothing more.
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dramiodantes · 1 year
cw: post-war, morally grey characters
"You lied to me".
Behind the bars, Draco kept that stupid smirk on his lips without contradicting her. After years, the truth was almost there, waiting to be finally caught.
"Betrayal is a wound that never heals, Granger". Gods, hearing his voice for what seemed ages made her heart jump out of her ribcage. "You should leave and go on with your life. Goodbye".
He stood up from the chair, heading to the door, but Hermione couldn't just drop everything and come back to a life built on lies. "Wait. Tell me why".
"You needed someone to blame. I was there", he responded, without turning.
"You let me believe it was your fault for ten years, Draco. What the fuck!", she yelled at him. "Now I know the truth only because I never stop trying to get you out of this awful place!".
With a quick movement that Hermione didn't even have time to register, Draco grabbed the bars. "I deserve to be here, don't delude yourself. Blood soaks my soul, and the memories of the lives I took still haunt me".
She swallowed, taking a step forward and placing her hands on his. Her expectations were low, but Draco didn't refuse her gesture, he didn't dare to move.
"Tell me. I need the truth".
"Voldemort wanted them dead and sent Antonin and me to complete the task. He almost killed me that day, because he suspected I fed the Order with intel. When I was able to move again, your parents were already dead". Hermione started to cry for what she had lost: a family, a chance to be happy, a man who loved her. "However, the Order needed you. So they gave you a good reason to keep going".
Find the killer, and win the war for them.
"They—", Hermione sobbed, incapable of saying anything else.
"Shush, love, it's fine. You got your revenge: you killed Antonin in the last battle, and you did your best to defeat Voldemort", he reassured her. There were glimpses of emotions in his voice, she didn't remember the last time it hadn't sounded only flat and cold. "Three years and I will be free".
"They've sent you here because of me, because of an execution you never did, Draco! It's not fine, it's fucking unbelievable", Hermione gasped, trying to stay in control of her rambling emotions, failing resoundingly. It was impossible. "They betrayed me".
"They tried to keep you alive".
"You were innocent!".
Draco chuckled darkly. "Maybe I didn't kill your parents, but definitely I killed too many people to stay out of Azkaban. And you know it".
It was true, but it didn't seem fair anyway. "We deserved to be together".
"When they will release me, you have the chance to decide our destiny".
Hermione's eyes widened in shock. "You—you still want me? I'm the only reason you're in Azkaban".
This time Draco intertwined their fingers together, savoring the sensation, taking time to adjust to the human contact after years of deprivation.
"I hate them", she pouted.
Draco stayed silent, deciding to not respond. Instead, he focused on them. "You're the only reason I'm still alive, Granger. Three years and then we will have everything we hoped for over the war".
Three years? They had already wasted too much time. A smirk colored her face. "We are going to leave this horrible place right here, right now. I have a plan, a good one".
"They will hunt us forever".
"Tell them to try: I'll give them a taste of my magic. They always praise me for that, no? I'm ready to do everything in my power for you", she said, clearly proud of herself and her skills. Then she showed him a ring.
Draco sighed. "Is that what I think?".
Yeah, a portkey, the one that led to Malfoy's safe house in the Pacific Ocean. "Your mother's tea is quite good. She's a remarkable witch".
Draco smirked, now aware of the extension of her plan. "Yeah, women like you two are full of resources".
"Are you ready?".
"Always for you".
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spideyjimin · 10 months
No matter how much of a good person Eunji as a friend & a co parent in Jungkook's life. Can she fuck off? Like it wasn't her place to say about anything about her baby's father & his ex's relationship. She wasn't there in their relationship.
Does she even know what made YN break off the relationship? Looks like she never heard both the sides of the story.
Coming to Jungkook. I was honestly pissed off when i read that he just like that took the name (Arya) which he decided with YN for their child and gave it to the daughter he had with another woman. I was heartbroken for him too. He never deserved to be heartbroken but god what a jerk!
Bro never had any issues at his company like ever? Is he only facing problems only after he met YN again? Ain't he's acting like a petty ex? He clearly used YN after 10 years. It was just sex? If he feels that his family is perfect as it is then he should've kept it inside his pants instead of kissing & having sex with YN whenever possible. Looks like be just want to break her after what she put him through.
"This's a moment deeply cherished that will forever stay in his heart.... This is a moment where time completely stops"
Helppp! Me!!! I agree with him being a best father for Arya. Him putting her as his first is appreciatable. But bro Eunji?
"This would have probably never existed with you by his side" then fuck off you ratass!
This girl put him as her priority and resigned her job to be beside him and it only took him "JK, are you sure it's a good idea, would you want to try again?" from a chick he had ONS with and someone who's also dating a whole ass human behind her daughter's back to reconsider his decision. Eunji simply gaslighted him :)
Jungkook is a fucking coward. Honestly he fucking used YN and threw her away like a paper this time and never bothered to even stay until she said something back. He just said one simple 'take care' and left.
No wonder YN felt wanted (used) but not loved. I hope she finds her happy ending. And if (only if) JK & YN dosen't end up together. Then he should go broke or get heartbroken again. Ass.
Sorry for this long ass ask. I couldn't stop myself from writing this. I hope you don't mind the fact that I dragged JK's character here. 😅
Love your writing. Looking forward for the next chapter (honestly petty me wants to see JK regret using & throwing away YN).
hi angel ✨
don’t be sorry about this long ask, it even made me laugh & you can totally drag this jk!! thanks also for being adorable & hopefully you’ll like the next part 😬
then, i totally understand your point of view with eunji, probably, she shouldn’t have given her opinion because she doesn’t know the full story & doesn’t know yn’s side of the story. she actually went through a lot before breaking up with jk. but she simply wants the best for him, they are close & she was just trying to be helpful. for sure it didn’t help but it came from a good place.
then, for jk, he didn’t act well at all but it’s just completely lost. having Yn back in his life was harder than expected & he simply was overwhelmed with everything. the company issue was just the final straw. he was unhappy & hurt people hurt people. he could have done things better & it really feels like he used yn (which he did). but let’s hope he acts better afterwards 😬 i can guarantee you that yn will have her happy ending because she truly deserves it 💛
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ivanajpeg · 1 month
Where Annie and Finnick reunite in district 13
Note: English is not my first language, so if you see any mistakes please forgive me, im always trying to improve.
Hope you enjoy it <3
Finnick's days were pure torture. He could barely function properly, he wouldn't eat or sleep.
The only thing he could think about was Annie. Every night and every day Finnick would have this feeling of extremely deep guilt. Maybe if he didn't involve himself with her, she would've been safe. But the one that was eating him alive was thinking that if he didn't had helped her win her games, she wouldn't have to suffer this awful life of a victor.
He loved Annie more than his own life, he wouldn't doubt to sacrifice himself for her to have a happy life. Because of this, Finnick felt completely useless seeing how he couldn't do anything to get Annie out of there.
Because Finnick knew perfectly what Snow was doing to Annie, he had been doing it to him for 8 years. Thinking about all those capitol people putting their filthy hands all over Annie made him want to throw up, he wanted to hunt them one by one. People like them didn't deserved to be called humans.
Just the though of Annie suffering what he had been suffering for years crashed his soul in a thousand pieces. Finnick needed to get her out of there, he needed her in his arms and tell her that everything was going to be fine, that not even dead could separate them.
His way of releasing stress was doing knots, something really common in district 4. Most of the times he couldn't bring himself to finish certain knots just for the fact that they would remind him of Annie, his heart screamed her name.
He started a personal journal, more like a notebook full of letters for Annie. He would apologize to her, thinking that every bad thing that happened to her was because of him. He also wrote how much he loved her, he wrote that he would never love anyone but Annie in this lifetime and in every other one.
Katniss would visit him some times, she always found him watching a picture of Annie and rereading letters that she had written to him, looking at them like if they were sacred.
He knew that this was probably not healthy, but he couldn't help it. Everything Annie related thing was sacred to him.
Everything cahnegd really fast. Coin asked Finnick to do a propo revealing all the capitol secrets. At first he was going to reject the offer, he didn't felt like it, until they told him that the propo would be used as a distraction so they could rescue the remaining victors. he accepted without a second thought, he would do anything to have Annie back in his arms.
Finnick did the propo and shortly after, the mission was complete. Finnick and Katniss ran where they told them the victors would be.
"Finnick!" someone screamed, he instantly recognized that beautiful voice.
"Finnick!" he saw her. it was her, his Annie.
Without a doubt he hold her in his arms and had her there for a very long time, shortly he captured her lips in his.
"You're okay Annie, you're safe" he said, they were finally home.
He stopped a moment just to admire her. He noticed how she was only wearing a simple bed sheet, that broke his heart. he hold her close again.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Annie"
"Finn.. this is not your fault, please don't do this"
"But nothing, don't punish yourself"
"I love you so much Annie, I love you with all I am and all I have"
"I love you too Finnick, with all my heart, self and soul"
The united their lips that left no doubt about the love they shared.
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sopejinsunflower · 2 years
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2022.001.006: Forbidden Fruits
a/n: This chapter might be a little confusing. I’m trying my best to remain vague by not revealing too much so I hope I manage to do it right. Also, there are some details/info that are important. I won’t say much but I do hope people catch them and notice them lol ok without further ado, let’s get on with the show~
TW: mentions of death
Tale as old as time, so old that the memory of how it began is foggy and obscure.
It was a time between the fall of the empire and the rebirth of culture and philosophy, a turn of a new leaf, not wiping the slate clean but a promise to a fresh start. It started the same as any stories; good and happy and with so much potential in the long run, full of hopes and dreams of the future unseen. 
 But Hoseok should have known better, should have anticipated the chaos that ensued later down the line. He should have been able to tell the breakdown that was happening between the seven of them, the darkness brewing under the surface silently, the poison running through their veins placed there by the kisses shared eight ways. But then again, why should he? They were happy, blissful in the life they had found, the home they had made. When they finally grasped what was happening, the curse had already set into motion.
It wasn’t your fault, that he believes with all of his heart. It was never your fault but the punishment had been so cruel; to them but mostly to you. What was your crime? Being loved? To have loved? Were these things so sinful that it required unequal cosmic retribution? While they were condemned to travel through the centuries in search of you, tied down to one place, you were tossed through time repeatedly, doomed to relive your fate until things can be set right again. But setting things right is proving more difficult than they anticipated. 
Hoseok blames himself from the start. No matter how much the others try to convince him that the burden isn’t only his to carry, he shoulders it anyway. It was him who saw you first, him who fell in love with you, him who then introduced you to his six brothers. Brothers in arms, but still brothers. He started this tumultuous mess. If only he had left you alone. If only he had pried his gaze from yours, walked away before any words were exchanged. But your haunting beauty and your crystal-pure heart are hard to turn away from; how could he when you had stood there in all your glory, a smile on your face seemingly beckoning first to his heart, then later the others’. 
They did everything right. The happiness they shared came all too easily. At first. But what Hoseok didn’t anticipate is that sweet things can turn sour with just a drop of resentment, and that resentment grew too big too fast for any of them to deal with. It fermented in the bedrock of their relationships, each person hiding the sprouting mould growing inside. And like a snowball rolling downhill at an unstoppable speed, the moment they saw it is when they had already been hit, flat on their backs. 
So now Hoseok knows what happens when people go against nature’s order, uncaring for consequences, too selfish (or probably too naive) to think about what their actions could bring down. They were forbidden fruits plucked off its tree with all the warnings of sirens at sea you unheeded. Still, it wasn’t your fault, no. It was theirs for being only humans, unable to shed the ugly parts of their mortality that in turn sullied what was supposed to be a love as pure as the bright light you were made of. They did not deserve you, not at all, but you had chosen them so naturally, so completely that there had been no doubts.
Hoseok can only hope that you would forgive them for corrupting you, for clipping your wings and tarnishing your light. Would you still love them then, after knowing that the life you have is the life you had been cursed to? A life filled with nothing but pain. Would you forgive them? 
In time, forgiveness no longer brings freedom, not after countless apologies and I’m sorry’s, screaming into a void that gives them nothing in return. It’s dread, the foreboding notion that the cycle will end and another will start, ongoing till the end of time, until the trumpet of judgement day is sounded, Hoseok reckons. Sometimes he is filled with so much hopelessness that he vows to never see you again, to never have to meet again but the universe always made sure it happened. He would swear that he would never fall in love with you the next time, never look at you the same, yet the moment he sets his eyes on you, it’s like the first time all over again. It was futile to deny the curse.
He can’t escape it, can’t break away. The only way to go is through; through the pain, through the motion, through the cycle. He’s tired. They all are, hearts so worn out that the moment a cycle ends, they pray for nothing but death. Please let it stop. Please let it be over. Please let it be the last. But it keeps going, and the world keeps turning, and the centuries pass and they keep waiting for their time-travelling soulmate to come back to them, no matter how long, no matter how excruciating. Because you will come, that is part of the curse. And they will love again. And again. And again.
A punishment so cruel where it puts them back together only to be torn down apart the next. Over and over. Endlessly.
Through the weariness, the road to acceptance had been a long one, learning to love every version of you that arrived the same way they had loved you that first time a long time ago. What you looked like never mattered, male or female; what mattered was the content of the vessel. They recognise the soul inside like the back of their hands, shining through so easily with all the familiarity of a soulmate bound to them not just by thick red strings, but also by a force somewhere out in the far galaxy, watching them struggle like puppets on a repeated show.
 Hoseok doesn’t look forward to when you will learn the full truth - because you will. Ignorance is bliss and he prefers you stay that way, protected from the hurt. Do you know what it does to a person seeing the one they love the most hurt by the same thing over and over again, unable to do anything? It kills you inside. It chips away at your core little by little. 
For now at least, he doesn’t have to see the shadow in your eyes everytime you look at him, wondering if it’s hatred or bitterness until he is sick to his stomach. But he has learnt through all the cycles before that he can’t stop it, only slowing it down. So he’ll take his time, enjoy it as much as he can, love you to the best of his ability so that at least you know that there was never any malice behind all this. That they were victims, too.
He had talked about this with Namjoon, then Yoongi and Jin when Namjoon agreed with him. They had talked about it as a group, too. There’s no rush to uncover the truth, there’s no need for you to learn of any of it if they didn’t want you to. They will each take their time with you, to carve into you the love they had shared throughout the times, slowly, piece by piece, until you recognise the familiarity of it and face it with what it may all mean on your own terms. 
He doesn’t care about the damn cycle, Hoseok thinks as he watches you from the corner of his eyes. The love of his life, their lives, is right here in front of them, sitting at the dining table with them, unaware of the heavy burden on their shoulders or the grey clouds over their heads. The first sign of the cycle is already there as he notices how happy you look to just be sitting here with them, a smile never leaving your lips as you eat, the smile that leaves Hoseok and the rest of them clamouring to still their hearts. 
A soulmate is a soulmate, no matter how far in time it travelled, no matter what body it settles in, no matter how twisted the path is. Call it luck of the unlucky that your soul used to be something more than mortal and this is the price they pay, still paying, for rooting you down. But if he were given the chance to redo everything that first time knowing about the curse, Hoseok is not sure that he would change anything at all. 
Dinner went by uneventfully.
Empty dessert plates sit in front of us while the boys talk amongst each other, small talk that isn’t too noteworthy while I push around my brownie crumbs all over whatever that was left of the ice cream that came with it. I listen to them, noting the language of close familiarity that they used with each other; crude inside jokes, light name calling, playful sarcasms, and loud voices. Jin uses a lot of loud voices, it’s almost like it’s his default mode. And he gestures a lot, too, pouting as he does. It’s quite amusing to watch. 
I watch all of them discreetly, noting little things about each of them. While Jin is the loud one, Jimin is more gentle. He’s not quieter, no, he’s just softer. He banters with Yoongi the most, throwing sarcastic insults whenever the other one pokes fun at something. Yoongi is the quiet one. His voice is always even, speaking without looking at the person he’s talking to, eyes kept on his hands on the table, only occasionally looking up. He has a calming presence, almost like an older brother vibe that always has it put together. He knows more than he lets on.
Then there’s Jungkook, who, throughout dinner, hardly speaks a word. He had this angry look on his face while he eats and it made me wonder if he had had a bad day of online classes but when he finally did speak, it was cheerful and nonchalant. The others put food on his plate a lot or feed him directly, asking him to taste this or that when we were all eating the same food. He never denies them, though. He’s like that baby brother everyone, aware or not, dotes on. 
Taehyung, oh my god, Taehyung. He is beautiful. How can a person look like that? He has a pensive look about him, eating mostly quietly, exchanging flirty quips with Jimin much to Jin’s incredulous looks. But then there are times when his eyes would grow big and he would bunch his lips together or tilt his head from side to side like a giant puppy. The guys seem to have a soft spot for him, letting him say whatever or do whatever without much interruption the same way proud parents would watch their little baby scribbling indistinctive shapes on a paper, blubbering as he draws, and then stick it to the fridge, calling it a masterpiece. 
Namjoon is a little clumsy. He had almost knocked over his own wine glass twice while his elbow barely missed Hoseok’s glass before it was moved to the opposite side (Hoseok did it wordlessly, didn’t even point it out to Namjoon when it happened). He talks less than the others, opting to sit back and listen most of the time, adding his opinions whenever he needs to without being assertive. He can be loud when he gets passionate talking about one thing or another. I didn’t really pay attention to the topics but I do notice Hoseok’s intense gaze on me whenever he thinks I wasn’t looking. Something was on his mind, that much I could tell. I wish I could easily ask him what it was.
But when Hoseok is laughing at what someone else is saying or when Taehyung almost spills wine over his front, it’s a noise that literally fills the whole dining hall, echoing off the tall ceiling and vibrating through the crystal chandelier. It’s raucous and buoyant and easily infectious. It makes me want to laugh hearing him laugh. We locked eyes a few times across the table but I had, with all of them, looked away quickly, not wanting him to think I had been staring or anything. 
Which, of course I had. 
Staring, I mean. How could I not? It’s like sitting at a table of a group of men competing in a male pageant for Mister World. I can barely look at any of them in the eye without my heart beating like crazy. It’s ridiculous. It reminds me of when I was a teenager, fantasising of sitting together with my favourite childhood boyband, only I’m not a teenager and they’re not a boyband, but they could be with those pretty faces. Or models. Wait, how do I know they’re not? I don’t know anything about them.
I clear my throat, not looking up from my plate. “How was work?”
The buzz of the conversation dies down and they all turn to me. Jin answers me, “It was not bad,” right when Namjoon says, “It was hectic.”
They glare at each other like one of them has said the wrong thing but I thought it was funny. They obviously had different feelings on the day and Namjoon must have been busier. “Are you guys working in the same place?”
“Yep. Makes commuting easy,” says Jin after a hard look at Namjoon. He then turns back around. “What about you? How was your day?”
You might think you notice it all but you don’t notice the way they shift their full attention on you the moment you start to speak, seven bodies infinitesimally turned sideways facing your direction.
As you talk about your day, Jimin recalls his morning and a small smile creeps up his lips, yet he hangs on your every word as if he wasn’t there to watch your little morning activities (you don’t tell them about knocking on Jimin’s door and whatnot but he knows). You didn’t do anything much except take a walk outside and hang out in the smaller living room just scrolling through social media, you say. Where did you walk to, Namjoon asked but they had all been there with you every step of the way out and then back. 
The one thing that is stuck in Jin’s mind is the little yellow dress, swishing around your thighs as you strode towards the greenhouse that looked like a giant golf ball had planted itself in the backyard. When Soon-hee was younger, she used to spend hours there and then when she got busier and older, she would mostly hovered over Chang, much to his annoyance. Jin doesn’t care for the greenhouse that much except when it’s the strawberry season. Most of the time, it’s Namjoon or sometimes Taehyung who would loiter around the place.
That greenhouse is their pet project, more Namjoon’s than Taehyung’s. Soon-hee just loves having pretty things to look at but most of the decisions and care was Namjoon’s. Chang learned from him and, based on what he saw of the greenhouse, Chang did a lot of upgrades to it in the years since, taking care of the greenhouse with or without the actual owners. 
They haven’t seen Chang for over two decades now and seeing him up close today reminded Yoongi how much time had passed. The young man who used to huff and puff at every task is now older and so much calmer, time etched across the skin of his face and the pads of his fingers. But the flowers are well taken care of and more. Yoongi had also noticed the way you gravitated towards the verbenas, the purple, lilac and blue flowers that your soul never seemed to forget the love you have for it. 
They grow year round, Yoongi, you once told him a long time ago. I don’t have to worry about them not being where I expect them to be; they’re constant and reliable. And they protect me from evil. 
You had only been jesting with the last part but Yoongi had taken you quite seriously. The Devil’s Bane, another name for the flowers. But if it couldn’t protect you from the curse then does it protect you at all? 
You spent most of the afternoon outside by the creek, eating a pear while you sat with your bare feet hanging in the water. Jungkook had sat next to you, listening and sometimes replying to the random topics you talked to yourself about. You talked to the small fish, too, while Jungkook answered you no, fish don’t eat pears but you can try dropping small pieces, to which you did and the both of you watched the fish swim around it in curiosity before flitting away, uninterested. 
“I wish I could swim,” you said, musing to yourself at one point.
Jungkook had looked at the ankle-deep water and frowned. “Think it’s too shallow, pet.”
Of course you didn’t hear any of Jungkook’s answers or replies but it didn’t stop him from continuing. He watched you stand up in the water, walking back and forth swinging your legs to splash the water around like a child. As much as Hoseok is watching you being playful, he also kept an eye on the loved-up smile on Jungkook’s face, his eyes wide and shining as he looked up at you from his spot in the grass. Hoseok loves you but he loves it even more watching the others fall in love with you, slowly, surely and most definitely. To him it’s like watching someone put together the jigsaw puzzles to a drawing he made, growing more and more proud as the picture comes together. 
Namjoon wondered if you knew the power your dimples hold? Every smile, every laugh, it feels like a wrecking ball storming the walls of his heart, the good kind, the kind that makes him shiver in excitement and happiness. You were smiling and laughing a lot while you jumped around in the creek. It’s a small creek but if it had been bigger or the water had been deeper, you’d remain on the bank, watching the water longingly but dubiously. If the water was deep and he was around, he’d offer you a hand and guide you to the middle part, with you moving closer and closer until you’re sticking to his back once the water reaches the top of your knees. You’d never go further than that. 
You can’t swim, never could and never learnt in any of your multiple lifetimes. You did once but not anymore. You have a fear of dark waters; lakes make you anxious and the ocean scares you. But this creek with its clear water and tiny fish darting around beneath the surface was enough. You spent close to ninety minutes by the creek, entertaining yourself, the water cooling your feet, never even knowing that the men you had been so disappointed of not seeing in the morning had been there in the grass laughing along with you, adoring the way the sun gives you a halo ring around your head and pretending to see fish flying through the air with your every kick.
“Oh, I was just down by the creek,” you simply say and they had all nodded and given their responses, acting nonchalant as if they hadn’t spent the same afternoon smittened by you. 
“That’s pretty much it,” I say, finishing up. 
“You looked like you were having fun,” Jimin adds, beaming. 
There’s a slight tension in the air as the others look at Jimin but he just smiles easily at me, adding, “Saw you through the window. I could hear you all the way up in my room, you know.”
I groan, putting my head down. “Sorry. Must have disturbed your classes.”
“No, it was a good distraction,” he replies smoothly, looking straight at me, the same coy smile on his lips. “Had really needed it.”
Taehyung tilts his head at Jimin, chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Are you flirting, Jimin-ssi?”
If my cheeks had gone red then Jimin’s are even redder, blushing profusely as he tries to switch gear by pretending to be interested in the chandelier, pointing at it and commenting on how sparkly it is but his words are drowned by the others teasing him. I remain quiet, relieved that the attention isn’t on me because I’m sure they would’ve been able to hear the way my heart howled like a female wolf at the idea that Jimin had been flirting. 
Flirting. Wow. It’s been so long since anyone has ever flirted with me. I hide my smile behind my hand. It’s too early for a show of interest, I know next to nothing about my new housemates. 
“So,” says Jin above the noise of the others, adjusting his chair slightly so that he’s facing me. “Tell us about yourself.”
I look at him for a few seconds before shaking my head. “There’s nothing much to tell.” I pick up my almost empty wine glass and swirl the content around. 
Jin narrows his eyes. “A young lady living out here alone in this big ol’ place, isolated from society. You’re not an axe murderer, are you?”
“A mysterious black widow,” chimes in Jungkook, furrowing his eyebrows over his glass as he takes a sip. “Are we in your spiderweb now?”
“I wouldn’t mind it,” Jimin mutters and Taehyung elbows him with a chuckle. My heart flutters but I pretend like I didn’t hear him. 
You shake your head again, your hair flying around your shoulders.
“My grandaunt left me this house,” you explain. “With the condition I live in it for at least a year. It’s a nice place. Peaceful. Away from all the…” you pause, eyebrows stitching together before finishing, “noise.”
Grandaunt. Namjoon glances over at Jin, the same question in their heads. They know that on paper this house belongs to Soon-hee but she didn’t have any family nor any relatives that she was in touch with. She couldn’t, not after she threw herself into her work till the end of her life over a, well, broken heart. Nothing they did could stop her. No amount of coaxing or rationalising or even on their knees begging could stop her. She set her mind and she wouldn’t hear any of it. 
“You must be close to her since she left you the house,” ventures Jin, baiting to see how or what your relationship was with the previous owner. As far as they know, you two never met. Could not have met. That will be impossible but the fact that you knew of her is somewhat jarring. 
“No, never met her actually,” you reply, which confirms Jin’s speculation. “But she had been listed as my next of kin my whole life.” Your eyes wander to the tablecloth and your face is bunched up into a scowl. Something is clearly bothering you. They have to tread carefully because any wrong questions could affect how things progress. And this whole thing about you and Soon-hee is also news to them, something that’s throwing them off.
Namjoon clears his throat. “Next of kin?”
You come out of your thoughts and offer him a smile that takes his breath away. He blinks a few times to regain his composure. “Orphaned. Grew up in foster care my whole life. No other family except her apparently.”
Taehyung is doing simple maths in his head but something isn’t adding up. He still hasn’t fully grasped the situation. Without thinking, he blurts out, “How old are you?”
You look taken aback and Hoseok kicks Taehyung under the table hard enough for him to bump his knee against the bottom of the table with a thud. He rubs his knee. “I mean, if you don’t mind telling us.”
“Um, I think we’re around the same age?” You scratch the bottom of your ear and they immediately catch it as a habit you do when you’re uncomfortable or feeling a little awkward.
Hoseok leans forward in his seat and points to Taehyung and Jimin. “We’re all in our twenties. They’re both the same age, different months.” He points to Jungkook. “He’s the youngest.” Then, he points to himself and Namjoon. “We’re the same age, too, older than them. And Yoongi and Jin are three months apart, Jin the oldest.”
Jin barks out a laugh, slapping the edge of the table. “Yah, you didn’t have to emphasise that.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being a little older,” you say almost shyly. “I think guys grow more attractive the older they are. Maturity is the best accessory for a man.”
Jin suddenly puffs up his chest, the cocky smile they know so well is forming on his lips. The others roll their eyes as Jin puts on his best macho face. “You’re right. I am the eldest here.”
You giggle softly. “Well, I was born in 1993, do the calculation yourself.”
Like your physical form, age is also something that’s never the same with every reincarnation but the younger you are, the easier it is to set the tone of the relationship. “Oh, same as me,” Yoongi says, nodding a little, eyes on the table.
Twelfth of June, Hoseok thinks. At 6.01PM to be more precise. He remembers because you’ve talked about it that first time long, long time ago, the date and time you considered your birthday; not far off as to mark the day of the first time they had met, one minute after the clock strikes six when their eyes met. In all your multiple lifetimes, you called it your birthday, and it makes him wonder if it’s all part of the curse or is it something eroded by the multiple cycles, your brain readjusting it the way it would make sense. You don’t have a birthday. You were never born. 
He shakes his head. “But you said you were still in school?”
“Oh, sort of. I’m doing my masters actually.” You lean back in your chair, picking at your nails. “When I got the news about the inheritance I took the opportunity to kind of drop everything and went back to school to do something I love. Change of pace, y’know.”
There is a variety of oohs and aahs to your explanation. They wonder vaguely of your life before coming here; what was it like, who are your friends, any lovers? Any jaded lovers? 
The age thing Hoseok gave you was a white lie. Technically, they’re older. Way older. Immortally older. Yoongi doesn’t really care for all that. What he wants to know is what made you decide to leave everything behind. He wants to know what it was like for you growing up without any family, how was your life prior to moving here, were you happy, are you happier now or worse. He wants to know but he won’t pry. Not on the first day at least. It’s too early.
I want to know everything about them but this is our first real conversation. It’ll be weird to suddenly ask prying questions but then again, I would like to know more about the people that are living with me. It’s natural, right? I don’t want to be shacking up with a bunch of criminals, for all I know.
I pick my questions hesitantly. “What about you? Where did you all come from?”
“Us?” Jin reiterates before turning to the others as if looking for some sort of support or confirmation. “Well we’re from around here actually.”
“Really?” I sit up a bit, interested.
“Oh, I thought you’d all be done by now.”
I twist around in my seat to see Mrs Oliviera standing in the doorway that leads to the kitchen. Contrary to her words, she doesn’t look surprised at all but more annoyed. “I keep checking when you’d be done but it’s getting late now so I have to clear the table.”
I check my watch. It’s close to midnight. The housekeeper and cook usually leaves by ten o’clock. Time sure flies when you’re in good company. I turn around to let her know that she can clear the table but find her standing there regarding the guys oddly, almost angrily. Her face is clearly impassive, no one could tell by that, but her eyes are what give her away. They are intense and focused, sending messages that only those who pay attention are able to read them. She’s that annoyed that she had to stay back late? 
Jin gets up, clasping his hands together in front of him and looking apologetic. “Ah, I’m sorry for the inconvenience. We lost track of time. Here, shall I help you?”
The others make a move to start piling up plates but Mrs Oliviera rushes forward and starts to push them aside. “Leave them, leave them. I’ll take care of it. You all should get ready for bed.”
I snort. “We’re not children with a bedtime, Mrs Oliviera. And they are guests. It’s normal to entertain guests, no?”  
She looks up and gestures to the boys. “Seven men with one lady this late in the night? It’s improper, miss. It’s-”
“It’s the twenty-first century,” I cut her gently enough to remain polite. “And as you can see, we’re just talking.” I finally get up, relenting. “But you’re right. It’s late. They’re probably tired from a long hard day of work.”
Mrs Oliviera huffs indignantly but doesn’t say a word.
Ollie is not amused, that is made very clear. 
Hoseok is not quite sure what’s with the old housekeeper’s sudden change. They go way back, the eight of them, almost as long as they’ve known Soon-hee. She had been there through it all from the beginning and her mother before that for the previous cycle and her mother’s mother previously. The employment of her family is as old as this house itself and it’s like she changed her mind in the absence of the last landlady.
No, Hoseok thinks as he gets up from his seat to make way for the plates to be cleared. He thinks it started way before that. If he remembers correctly, he had felt the distance growing the day Soon-hee decided to realign her energy on her work, barely even seeing them anymore. It had hurt them to watch her retreat from them but the housekeeper’s behaviour had been something they had noticed too, peripherally. Ollie’s coldness raised questions but it had been vague and minimal enough to be dismissed. They had bigger problems on their hands then.
“I’m going to tell Soon-hee to get rid of her,” Jimin had said one time but no one actually knew if he did or not. If he did, it would have been a futile attempt. The housekeeper continued her service to the manor. 
She had maintained her duty when they went back to the attic, nevertheless, delivering dinner religiously and the more time passed the more of a stranger she became, too. She was close to Soon-hee, had been there through most of it, someone they considered a friend, a step up from any of the previous help who maintained their distance, understandably so. She was supposed to be the link to the outside world, just as her predecessors were, but she became a wall built thicker than the ones that kept them up in that corner of the house. 
He’s angry at her, angry that she didn’t do her job properly and angry that the one ally that they have is now gone. Hoseok and Jin both agreed they should confront her because it’s apparent that she could throw a wrench in the bigger plan if they don’t act but Yoongi and Namjoon think that this will push her into a corner when she’s technically still civil and amicable, not quite doing any real damage. She’s also, Yoongi had pointed out, playing along with them despite being disagreeable. Her feelings for them might have changed somewhere along the line, but her loyalty remains intact, to a point. 
“I’m heading to bed now,” you announce as you head over to the doorway of the dining hall. Your face is tight, holding back emotions but you smile anyway. “You’re welcome to, well, do whatever you want. There should be a cupboard full of some choices of nightcaps in the room next door. Go ahead and pick your poison.” You give a cheeky wink and leave, footsteps disappearing down the hallway then up the stairs. 
Yoongi knows exactly which cupboard you’re talking about and he wastes no time to get up and go find it. They only have a few more hours until sunrise so he might as well enjoy himself. There’s a special whiskey hidden right at the back and oh, he missed it so very much. 
The moment Yoongi leaves, Ollie stops what she is doing and looks up at them, the same distaste look on her face. “I’m only going to say this once,” she says, her voice low. “After what happened last time, I suggest you to leave this poor girl alone. Enough with your nonsense and let her leave when the year is up so she can live out her life and be happy.”
The room is silent. No one knows what to say. They stare at her, brains working to process her words. She continues to add, this time her voice softens, almost pleading. “Leave her be. She can be happy if she gets to live her life outside this manor and away from here. Don’t bring her down with you. Just leave her be.” She straightens up and prepares to push the cart of dirty dishes out. With one last look at the boys, she says, “Let this one go. She has a chance at happiness. Don’t take that away from her.”
She wheels the cart out, leaving the six of them to look at each other. There’s a sort of sullenness to the air, like a balloon that’s left to gradually deflate and go limp in a corner. Even Taehyung sits back down at the table and Jimin clasps his hands together on top of his own head, ruffling his hair up. Jungkook is chewing on his bottom lip, nodding at the floor while Jin just looks pissed, at what exactly Hoseok’s not sure. Namjoon lets out a heavy sigh. 
Is that the thorn that’s been in her side?
It’s been awhile since they thought about quitting the cycle. Not that they never tried it. 
Jungkook recalls a time when the burnout of the hundredth’s cycle left them far too worn out that they unanimously agreed that it was meaningless to try anything different. In the beginning, they had tried countless things to change the progression of the cycle.
Since they couldn’t prevent Hoseok falling in love first (because it happens irregardless), they maintained their distance. This was the first attempt at breaking the cycle. Hoseok was to never introduce you to them and should the relationship bloom, he had the liberty to keep it monogamous. But you ran into Jimin and the dominoes fell so for the next cycle, they decided for Jimin to take over and went so far to even move to a different town, only to run into each other in a completely different city, setting the cycle into motion. They tried changing the main partner a few times afterwards, too, all to the same effect.
When that strategy didn’t work, they decided that the eight of them are tied in this polygamous shenaningans whether they liked it or not so they determined that contracts, rules and conditions could somehow curb the downfall of the relationship. But human emotions are fickle and a delicate matter, something you can never count on to remain constant. It crashed and burnt the same way, each time worse than the last. 
Then Jungkook suggested they disengage completely. He was tired. If they don’t cause a spark to ignite, nothing will catch fire, right?
So it was a time of total opposites when the next you arrived: don’t be nice, don’t pay her any attention, don’t entertain, be completely aloof, don’t get attached, don’t requite. You’d think it would work. If you don’t fall in love, if neither of them falls in love, the cycle won’t start and eight hearts can be saved. It was foolproof.
But heavenly retribution is unerring. Resisting the love that was bound to bloom one way or the other was like telling the sun not to rise in the morning or the trees not to be green or the rain to fall up instead of down. It’s like telling a child not to grow up, a person not to grow old, gravity to not exist, time to flow backward. Not falling in love with you, or you not developing feelings for any of them was like telling all the things that follow the nature of life to simply not. It was impossible, unnatural.
That’s what this curse is. It puts you on the path that you try time and time again to step off, forces you to live a life of suffering you don’t want because that’s what it is. A punishment. It was too late to stop anything. The line was crossed, the damage done. Ana Oliviera’s warning came centuries too late. Whether she agrees or not, it’s happening and will happen. Did she think they chose this? 
Jin feels like spitting out the bitter taste in his tongue, his ears still ringing with the housekeeper’s words. The others are about the same, faces tight as they marinate in her words. It’s like being blamed for the weather being shitty. Or for falling in love with the wrong person. 
Yoongi comes back in, a short glass of dark liquor in his hand. He looks happy, a bounce in his steps. He stops at the threshold and looks at his glum friends. “What did I miss?”
 I toss and turn but sleep eludes me. 
I blink my eyes open and the first thing I see is the moon peeking from behind the lace curtains. I had left the thicker ones pulled back mainly because of that; the moon is so big tonight that it provides a soft glow to pool in the middle of the floor of the room, giving ample light to see by.
I check the time and it’s a quarter to two in the morning, not that long since I went to bed. I left the boys downstairs, too exasperated with Mrs Oliviera to stick around longer. I’m not one for confrontation and anger only breaks me down to tears. I rather avoid all that, especially in front of people I don’t know well. 
I remove the duvet and get off the bed, padding over the window, thinking that my problem sleeping is from the room being too bright. I approach the window and see movements down below, outside on the grounds of the manor. I pull the lace curtains back, curious.
There in the grass, my seven newly-acquainted friends lay with their hands behind their heads, looking up at the stars. They lay in a row, side by side with each other, pointing and laughing, sharing stories and jokes I wish I could be a part of. The scene is picture perfect so I run to get my phone and secretly take the shot. 
They look more like a family than just a bunch of friends. They look like people who would be there for each other through the ups and the downs, the kind of people that would blow up at each other over little petty things and then make up days later. They look like a group of friends who would correct the other when wrong and support each other when right. I can’t help but feel a little envious. They look like people who had everything I was without.
But envy isn’t the only thing I’m feeling. It’s the sense that I’m in good company, that these were good people. If you ask me how I know, I wouldn’t be able to tell you. It’s just a feeling, a hunch as I watch them in the grass, pointing out constellations, their laughter even coming through the glass. I know I have a lot of things to learn about these people, a lot more questions that haven’t been answered but the urgency I felt earlier is now muted. I can get to know them slowly, gradually.
 And I think that, in hindsight, was the exact moment everything fell into place. It’s the moment when you don’t think of what could go bad, a moment when everything is going right. Before it all went horribly wrong.  
A million lightyears, in a place far, far above ours, on the seventh sky
“The wheels are turning again, it seems.”
“Isn’t this cheating, the method of their meeting?”
“It’s very interesting, isn’t it?”
The two white-clad figures remain quiet, watching with full anticipation. A rerun of their favourite show has just begun and the main character has changed yet again. This time, though, they can sense that something is definitely different.
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a/n 2: lmk what you think about this chapter in the comments or ask :)
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ancientagentalien · 7 months
I just wanted to get on here and talk about something real quick. It's kind of a vent post, but it has some good topics to cover. I'm sure this can be pointed towards some of you or people you know.
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These were responses to a story I posted on my snapchat. Basically, my story was about the genocide going on right now. This just shows me that there are humans who aren't... human. Yknow what I mean?
If you can watch a genocide and respond like this, you are not a person. Not to me, at least. I know that probably won't hold any place in anybody heart, but I feel like it must be said. After a certain line, people are no longer people.
And seriously? "Womp womp"? I beg your finest pardon? This is about MILLIONS of innocent people dying because Isreal can't be happy with what they have. Innocent mothers, fathers, children, friends, citizens. A majority of them are dead now. And for what? Because another country couldn't continue following international laws?
Are you a sociopath, psychopath, or sadist? Those are your only options, and none of them are compliments despite what other people may tell you.
It has gotten to the point where a man from the airforce, Aaron Bushnell, set himself on fire because that was the only way his voice would be heard. And even now, they are trying to silence it. He is a hero, and you don't get to speak if you think otherwise. If he was alive and did this in any other part of history, he would be deemed a hero.
They say he was mentally ilI. I have watched the video, uncensored and past the point where he fell over. This was a fully sound man with conviction. His face, voice, and choice of words made it abundantly clear that he was fully aware of everything he was doing and the lasting effects it would have. If he were mentally ill, Palestine would be the last thing on his mind. He would have just set himself on fire without a care for anything else in the world (also, he would not be in uniform because the airforce would not have employed him). He continued to scream the words "free Palestine" as he burned alive. After it was too much and he couldn't talk, he forced himself to scream it one last time. He then shook and fell over. He died not long after, as I'm sure most of you know. This completely sane member of the American airforce's last words were "free Palestine" and we still cannot find the motivation to do anything that truly helps. What the fuck is wrong with people?
Nothing on this earth will convince me that there is anything good happening or that Isreal is the victim that they're trying to look like. Palestine can hardly create bombs powerful enough to fully take out a full building, and Isreal is a military superpower. To put that in perspective, I give you an analogy: imagine the world's most experienced and skilled basketball player matched against someone with both of their arms amputated. Does that seem fair at all? No? Then why do you think this genocide does?
How many people have to die for no reason before something actually gets done about it? Tiktok sounds and filters aren't going to help. They haven't this whole time. Money won't help. You know what will? Action. Sending people to fight and rescue. We did it when Hitler did his genocide. How is this, at its core, any different. People who don't deserve it are dying because someone else has an ideal that they think is more important than human lives.
Nobody who supports Isreal's actions is a good person. I'm ashamed to be the same species as them.
Genocide for the stupid reason of "you have to do what I want cuz I said so."
Think about that.
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fandxmslxt69 · 2 years
It's late (like- past midnight late) and OBVIOUSLY here I am up thinking about soft Jason Todd who's found himself a domestic life and it's weird, because he's never thought himself one to be able to settle down with someone and live.
Yet here he is, you in his arms and some old british drama on full volume, you're in the living room cuddled on the couch and he's suddenly very aware of time and space and reality, it's one of those moments where everything is so perfect and he sits there thinking of how someway along the lines of the universe, whatever god out there decided that despite whatever tragedies he's had and crimes he's done, even a hurting soul deserved to be loved and blessed him with you, in all your perfect adorable gorgeous glory.
And all he can think about is how perfectly everything aligned for you. That slow, awkward first stage where he doesn't know if he trusts you, if you're willing to stay and he's too scared to risk but you kept on trying and goddamn it you were just as stubborn as Dick is.
The first date, the cute blush on your cheeks when he showed up dressed nicely with a big bouquet of tulips and a book, you couldn't help but laugh at how Jason Todd that was.
And every date after that, always coming with a new surprise. The first kiss, first night over, first slept together, first 'i love you', first everything and suddenly he wanted you to be his last first. He wasn't sure where along the way it happened but he had fallen completely and hopelessly in love, a sort of love worthy to rival the greatest love story known to man kind.
He remembers dancing with you in the kitchen late at night when neither of you could sleep. He remembers the records collection you had started, when you dragged him to the nearest thrift store and spent hours picking out just the right songs to dance to.
Or the time you spent all day head deep in cooking books and recipes, trying out every new food and dessert that came your way until you were both a sticky mess but god you looked adorable with flour all over your clothes and your hands covered in whatever mess you had cooked up and your eyes lit up every time something tasted good.
Or the time you figured out what his "night job" was. Sure it was...rocky. You were hesitant about it, it wasn't like your perspective of him changed, but dating THE Red Hood? That was heavy to take in. But he tried, he pushed until it became the absolute clearest that this was his first priority, and then again how could you despise it, with all the hard work he puts in? Taking care of Crime Alley, the way he comforts the victims, he's the Red Hood but god he was too kind under all that gore.
The first fight, ugly and loud and he tried so hard to keep it down because he didn't want to be mad at you, he didn't know how to be mad at you. The first time he fell into a nightmare, or shut off because something had triggered that trauma and that stupid clown wouldn't leave him alone but he still remembers how well you dealt with it, with him, how gentle and kind and loving you were. He didn't think he deserved to be touched so gently, to be loved so freely and deeply, to be taken care of without complaint or need to pay it back, it was nasty work, he always though, looking after him, most wouldn't bother. Not you. You did it all and beyond.
GOD I can't stop thinking about Jason just realising that he has whatever he wants. He's happy, he's allowed to be happy and loved and cared for, he's also allowed to be upset and angry, he's allowed to live and cry and hurt and enjoy every part of being human.
There isn't anyone else he'd rather be human with than with you.
WHERE did this come from yo. @planetwaynez Venus i blame you for this
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getmemymicroscope · 1 year
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There's fun bits, for sure. Sohail/Isha's story is, while (quite) a bit ridiculous, fun. Also, way too short - they're barely there. John/Vidya's story is sad, but there's interspersed comedy which is fun. Govinda's story has also got it's moments. Unfortunately, even with a near 4-hour run-time, there isn't enough time to really introduce many of our characters beyond simple trait or two (doesn't clean up after himself, but is truly in love; ass; ass; super ass; daft; horny; brainwashed by the patriarchy; clueless; unlucky enough to be in 2 big accidents).
The Priyanka/Salman story is probably a bit ridiculous, but is also very "showbiz". At least Tinu Anand's character isn't a complete ass. The Ayesha/Akshay story feels very similar to Shaadi Se Pehle, which released the year before this movie. And not in a good way (I did enjoy that movie, at least in parts) - he just seems like a hammy character who doesn't really deserve the happy ending he gets.
That the Juhi/Anil story ended the way it did, with her essentially ignoring everything for the sake of family, feels exactly like the ending we got from the Shilpa/Shiny/Kay Kay story from Life in a ... Metro (which, like Salaam-e-Ishq, also released in 2007) and is, quite honestly, frustrating/disappointing and, probably, very much Bollywood/cultural bowing down to "marriage" and "family." Like, I get it, but ... she deserves better. The idea that her entire happiness revolves entirely around his happiness and she just has to ignore everything (luckily for her, she wasn't there to watch that disaster of 'creepy clean-shaven Anil dances at a bar') is ridiculous. She should've left him.
Also, that plane thing - it's 2007! How the fuck is he running through the gateway into a boarded plane ... and they let him have a full on conversation with her? Like, that should be impossible - Bollywood romanticization of last-second airplane scenes or not. Catch the next flight, asshat. Hell, earlier, you even fucking lied to your kids. Also, don't they close the doors at the gate once the airplane is boarded? He would've needed one of their passes/codes to open that. Everyone at the airplane failed there, if we're being honest.
I think if we rated the stories in terms of just overall fun/best story, it'd be: 1) John/Vidya (for a touch of drama, without being overly crazy), 2) Govinda/Shannon Esra (I get why he didn't tell her, but also, like, tell her, you daft fool!), 3) Sohail/Isha (we needed more of them, but also, like, there's no story here at all; it entirely depends on you being able to laugh at his/their misery), 4) Priyanka/Salman (there is some emotion/humanity that they come close to hitting here, but the background just makes the whole thing kinda creepy), 5) Ayesha/Akshaye (Ayesha deserves better; Akshaye's a loser, but the other guy she was going to marry is somehow worse), and 6) Juhi/Anjana/Anil (yikes; no; yuck).
Speaking of Ayesha's suitors - how the fuck does she see this whole thing unfold with groom and Stephanie and then just be like "yeah, lets continue." And how does her father, or mother, or sister, or brother-in-law (the ass that Anil is, even he should know better) not just be like "wait, no, don't."? Not one person is willing to step up and be like "this is a mistake" - Ayesha's character needs to scrap everyone in her life and start over, now.
And then, mid-wedding, Priyanka and Salman decide "eh, let's just have a full heart-to-heart (and propose!), while everyone at the wedding is waiting for us to finish so they can finish their 7 pheres." What a disaster.
At least the songs are good - but honestly, while they do go on for a bit (and, early on, come in quick succession), for a nearly 4-hour movie, one could argue that there aren't enough songs. I do love them all though, especially the title song, Mera Dil, and Tenu Leke.
In terms of "massive cast/multistory" films in 2007, Honeymoon Travels was undoubtedly better (even with the random foray into the supernatural/superpowers), and apparently Just Married (which I haven't seen yet) was also better (I believe it). A big starcast is nice, but it can't save a movie where we have little plot and even less character building.
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My book writing
This is what I have for the book I’m writing
She wasn't unusual to the human eye, just an ordinary girl with an ordinary family
But if you saw her at home, it is completely different
She didn't even really have a home. She had a forest, a thick and green forest, full of lost dreams and memories that she lived in with only her older brother and her younger sister.
She woke up to a strange sound
A thud
What was that?
Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes as the sound came more into earshot
A louder thud
A shout
A scream
"Star, Star, please, help me!"
No! No! Not Zack!
He couldn't
Not now
Not here
"Star please can you help me they're going to kill me"
And then he was cut off
Complete silence filled the air
She wanted to do something she wanted to go see him, but she couldn't move. She couldn't speak. She couldn't do anything she couldn't even breathe. It was like she was trapped in some sort of invisible body. some sort of invisible force was keeping her back from saving her one, and only brother.
And then suddenly, she screamed
All of the pent-up emotion, the fear, the anger, the complete rage of the people who had killed her mother and father, and now her brother had exploded out of her like a raging fire
"Nooooooooo not my brother why, why should this have to happen to me?.
Her voice got quieter
"do I deserve this? is this going to keep happening family member after family member until it is my turn? now I have only my sister left. What happens after that? do they kill me next?"
Sadness and anger enveloped her not this again why
And then she woke up
Safe in her bed, her warm, soft bed covered, in all of her rainbow stuffed animals that she had made out of different colored leaves, and the mattress made out of thick moss topped with soft tree bark, and other colored leaves, her pillow that she had crafted out of a lost shirt that someone had left in the forest filled with straw that she had found
The shirt looking like it had been been lost by a small child, perhaps trying to fight their way out of the forest or with their family
It was a nightmare, just a nightmare, nothing more
She got up as quickly as she could, and ran to Zachary's room, which was crafted out of a tree like her and her sister
She ran over to him, as soon as she saw him, she hugged him as tight as she could, with the emotion of only a sister who thought that her brother had died just like her parents did, the hug of only a sister who could not bear to lose her only brother, a sister who is loyal, but scared
"Another nightmare" he asked her gently, his voice full of sympathy, but also sadness, knowing where the nightmares come from
She cried until his shoulder, nodding lightly
Zach held the little nine-year-old in his arms, his own 11-year-old self, remembering that day, the day when he was just seven, the day his life went away and he felt like he had been cursed with the worst spell that could've ever existed,
A Spell that couldn't be unbroken that was evil that only the worst individuals knew of
the day he swore to never let a single thing happened to his two siblings
They sat there under the starlet sky for hours Zack holding Starla as tightly as he could making sure that she stayed protected, until their little sister Jasmine came walking softly toward them smiling
“hey guys, is everything OK?”
asked the little seven-year-old inquisitively. She was only seven but she knew when things were wrong. She was a smart little girl.
“yes don’t worry Jaz everything‘s OK”
Zach didn’t want to tell her the truth, he knew that she would have to know at some point, but now was not the time. she was too young and happy to know.
He gently set Starla on the ground and stood up
“hey I think it’s time for breakfast. I caught some fresh fish from the little stream yesterday and the berry bush that I grew is coming along really well so I’ll go fix breakfast you two stay here I don’t need you guys getting lost again.” he said the last part with a smile on his face remembering the time that they had gotten lost, he had felt a mix of worry and excitement inside of him, knowing that they were just hiding, they knew where they were as they all knew the forest like the back of their hand, but he still didn’t want to risk them getting lost and never being found again.
As he walked away, Starla took Jasmine by the hand and brought her over to their usual, sitting spot where they could sit and look up at the stars. pretty soon Jasmine had looked at her playfully, and they had started a pretend wrestling match, giggling like small children without a care in the world.
Happy moments like this very rarely happened but when they did, Zachary always made sure to let them last, so as he came back and watch them wrestling, he set up slowly as he could before calling them over to eat
“ all right come on over here guys we gotta eat breakfast. Remember we have to stay on the move just in case.”
The two little girls ran over to where Zachary was sitting already eating quickly they ate their breakfast, and then walked back to sit on the grass. Zachary always savored his meals, never knowing when his last would be. he was the more serious one, always talking about how something could be their last time. The Little girls always disregarded him, but he always reminded them of what had happened to their parents.
Still at this moment they were happy, and Zach didn’t want to ruin that, so he joined in. They all played for hours, one of the more happier moments of what they had done, pretty soon they all fell to the ground, exhausted from hours of playing.
But before they could catch their breath, they heard a noise, a loud noise.
“ run!”
Zachary had said to the two little ones before grabbing both of their hands and sprinting as fast as he could pretty soon they had both jumped on his back as he could run a lot faster than they could. They ran through the forest, jumping over branches and trees, as whatever they had been running from chased behind them. Finally, they had lost it, and Zachary collapsed onto the ground the two girls falling on either side of him.
Jasmine and Starla began to cry, not knowing what was going on, but Zachary sat up quickly and looked around him. Once he knew the coast was clear he lay down on the ground between the two girls. He picked them up in his arms and held them tight, comforting them as best he could.
He remembered his promise to never let anything happen to his two sisters
But as they sat there, they all began to have the same horrifying and heart wrenching flashback
It was a beautiful summers day two year old Jasmine running around laughing, four-year-old Starla listening to music in her little bed and six-year-old Zachary playing with his Barbies. It was a usual day.
The three little ones parents were in the living room yes, the living room they were in a house. It was their home for as long as the little ones had lived up to that point when all the sudden the three siblings heard a loud crash, they thought nothing of it maybe something had just fallen, but then they heard screams, two screams, familiar screams, the high-pitched scream of their mother, the low gut wrenching scream of their father.
Some thing the siblings had only heard ever once before, and never to that day, but they still thought nothing of it. Maybe they were just scared of something. Maybe they had fallen. after that it was silence. a few hours later little Jasmine decided to go downstairs to get a snack, she pattered down the stairs into the kitchen to be met with one of the worst sites she had ever seen, and she still got flashes of to this day. It was too much for her little two-year-old self to comprehend. she screamed.
Zachary ran as fast as he could down the stairs, ran into the kitchen to find Jasmine on her knees, looking around he saw it, a trail of blood leading over to… wait… what was that? no, it couldn’t be… it wasn’t… he looked again, seeing a streak of beautiful blonde hair, now stainned red with blood. It was his mothers body, dead, knocked colt.
A gun bent straight in half lay next to his now dead father, he too covered with blood.
Zachary yelled for Starla and she ran down the stairs. When she saw the site she fell to her knees and screamed with only the emotion of someone who lost someone closest to their heart.
Their dad‘s necklace that he always wore lay on the table, the three names inscripted into the little heart pendant shining brightly with the glow of red blood light reflecting off of it
Zachary picked it up gently and placed it around his neck
He picked Starla and Jasmine up off the floor and hugged them as tightly as he could. It was only then that he started to cry.
He held them there, but only for a few minutes as not too long later they heard a crack, a loud crack, and then followed by a series of bangs, then a window shattered. The door fell in, the house was collapsing around them. They didn’t have much time. Zachary ran as fast as he could out of the now broken, shattered open door.
Bringing the two little girls with him the two only family members he had left. He ran as fast as he could. He ran until he reached the forest. They ran through the forest until they reach a clearing. They all fell down into a patch of soft grass filled with dandelions.
Catching his breath and sitting up, Zachary looked around he noticed that they were alone now the house was completely gone in the distance
He hadn’t realized in his rush, that a note, a piece of paper had stuck to the bottom of one of his shoes
He peeled it off and read his fathers signature. Curious, he opened the letter, looking at it, His eyes welled up with tears Once again, his father had known that he was going to be killed.
The note had said
Jake L Stardust
To my three little kids
You three have always been mature for your Ages, walking only a few months after you were born, reading only a year after that, I have always been proud of You. You have always been able to understand emotions and feelings, and almost anything that at your age, most children wouldn’t comprehend and for this I’m proud of you.
And I’m sorry, but I need to tell you guys before it’s too late. I can’t explain the whole story now, but trust me you’ll learn it later there’s some thing after us, a curse, I know you guys won’t understand it now, but trust me keep this letter you’ll know, me and your mother can’t stay around for too much longer. We need to be careful. We’ve been too scared to move you around but there’s nothing much else we can do and I’m so sorry we have to leave you guys alone. Will miss you so much, and we promise will come and visit. if we die in the process Know that we will love you. We always have you three. I wish you the best luck. You only have each other. me and your mother Love you so so much.
Zachary close the letter he dropped it to the ground. He tried to catch his breath, but he couldn’t. He sat with his siblings, and cried, giving them the letter so that they could read their dad’s last words to them.
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shipsandlattes · 4 years
So I know everyone has already dissected this scene to its core, but it’s taken me a good 48 hours to digest this and I just needed to get it out.
I’m an aspiring actor, I’ve been training for a long time, with a lot of amazing teachers. I’ve watched a lot of shows and shipped a lot of couples. Some of them beautiful and canon, others, well, let’s just say waiting 22 years and counting for acknowledgement, closure, anything, it’s a damn challenge. I’ve seen a hell of a lot of will-they-wont-they’s, baiting, purposeful ignorance, deliberate fake outs, zero explanations, storylines that basically caused canon disintegration, the works.
In saying that, Dean and Cas were right up there on the list with the other “impossibles” because honestly, I didn’t think the writers would have the guts to do it, but I am so f*cking proud they did. It’s safe to say I’ve watched the scene a good hundred+ times already. 
I’ve seen a lot of “controversy” around Dean’s reaction/Jensen’s acting choices and whether or not Dean reciprocates Cas’ feelings, and obviously, I needed to add my own views to the mix.
Just work with me for a minute here.
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Dean Winchester is an emotionally repressed trainwreck, and ironically enough, the one that is so full of emotion it hurts to watch. When Cas first starts his speech, he’s confused, really confused because why on earth would Cas start off on a rant now? Billie’s waiting to kill them, he just said he knew something that was more powerful than she was, something that could save them. That’s where he thought this speech was going.
The confusion turns to realisation that it’s a goodbye when Cas starts telling him how incredible he is, how his entire essence is love. Go back and watch the scene again, when Cas says “you’re the most caring man on Earth”, you physically see Dean look down, his eyes searching, he’s actively trying to make sense of what’s happening, he knows what’s coming and you can see him coming to terms with the shock of the words being said to him. He then looks directly at Cas. That look, that was pure shock.
Also, notice how he doesn’t stop Cas from talking? He doesn’t interject, make a joke, doesn’t talk about how there is no time for this now, they’ve got to at least try and stop Billie. He. says. nothing. He listens, he listens like I’ve never seen Dean listen before. Because it’s sinking in now.
When Cas really starts crying, when he says “you changed me, Dean”, you can actually see the pain in Dean’s eyes. He’s no longer in control of his emotions, he’s crying too. He’s never seen Cas like this, so raw, and vulnerable and human. This is the hardest, most emotional conversation they’ve both ever had. They are talking about the one thing that everybody knows, but is never addressed. When it wasn’t talked about, they could deny it, live in the lie. Once it’s said aloud, it’s real and they can’t turn back.
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This above series of interactions is the part that kills me the most. The moment Cas says “because it is”, that’s the exact moment of realisation. Look at that last GIF, really look. He’s just worked it out, that he is Cas’ true happiness. He knows what’s coming before Cas even says it. Go back and watch the scene again, they pulled that off so well, the way the music swells at this exact moment. Jensen is giving us everything here, you can see what’s happening in his head - he is Cas’ happiness. He is the one thing on Earth Cas wants and thinks he can’t have. He is the reason Cas is about to die. He knows what Cas is about to say and he’s not sure he’s ready to hear it, not now, not like this. It’s almost a silent plea not to say it, because he knows. Of course he knows. It’s like he can’t quite believe Cas is really, after all this time, finally going to say it.
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And because obviously Jensen decided that that wasn’t enough to break us, the loaded reaction when Cas says “I love you” has me nothing but convinced that it’s reciprocated. Because Dean knows. He’s always known. Those tears, that head tilt, that gulp. He’s so genuinely confused that they’re really having this conversation. It’s like he can’t quite believe that this is the reality before him because he’s been living in that denial, in that self-loathing and unlovable layer he believes to be true. He’s been under the ‘what if... but it could never be’ umbrella for so long. 
What also makes this real is that there isn’t anyone else around this time. When “I love you’s” have been said before, they have always been able to deflect it, with other people or other words. Now it’s just the two of them. No deflecting, no running away. Dean is forced to hear it, to absorb it, to realise it’s for nobody else but him.
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Now, I don’t know if you guys felt this, but when Dean says “Don’t do this, Cas”, he wasn’t just referring to Cas sacrificing himself to the Empty, he’s telling Cas that he can’t just say this, not now, knowing he’s going to die, knowing that Dean won’t get a chance to think, to process, to say what he needs too. I keep staring at that GIF above, Dean is breaking down, I’m almost convinced that Jensen was using an “I love you too, please just stop this” inner monologue for this bit. Look at the way he’s looking at Cas before he realises the Empty has started materialising and turns around. That’s a look of pure heartbreak. Trust me when I tell you, it’s really hard to keep those inner thoughts inside if you’re so in the moment - actually, don’t just take my word for it, read any acting book, ask any actor, it’s so hard to keep that in and sometimes you don’t, and sometimes you do - it’s in both the resistance and the letting go that the gold happens. This my friends, is gold. 
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Did anyone else hear “Cas, I-”, well, regardless of whether or not it was an “I” or a very sharp breath, the outcome is the same. Dean’s gone into immediate panic mode. The Empty at one end and Billie at the other, and all poor Dean wants to do is gather his thoughts on not what to say but how to say it. I don’t think he comprehended just how little time he had, he was so focused on what was being said that the reality of the situation caught him completely off guard.
Also, I know this post was about dissecting Dean’s reaction, but can we sidebar a minute to talk about Cas as he pushes Dean out of the way? He’s sobbing, he’s fully crying. That hit me really hard, I’ve never seen Cas cry like that, I’ve never seen Misha get to play that level of emotion before and it was the most heartbreaking thing to watch since The Doctor and Rose and Buffy and Spike, to which by the way, I find many parallels between those couples and this scene.
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Speaking of crying, that brings me to this: Dean slumped on the floor, ignoring a call from Sam, sobbing his heart out knowing he’s lost everything. Dean-I’m-emotionally-unavailable-Winchester is sobbing. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t recall ever seeing Dean cry like this before either, the sobbing was so evident and piercing in that silence. The look around the room, the burying of his head in his hands, that is a classic writers romantic love trope if I’ve ever seen it, they really pulled out all the stops with this one.
So, to summarise, I think Jensen’s choices and Dean’s reactions were absolutely and utterly perfect. They both did it so well that it didn’t break from character that these two emotionally distant and repressed men are in love and finally voicing it. Jensen barely said two words and still managed to cause mass coronary’s across the fandom. That my friends is what you call a brilliant actor. I bow down to the talents of these two amazing human beings.
Before I leave this novel, I have to say there are now a few things I’m going to need from the powers that be to not screw this up, help me manifest this:
1. Dean gets to reciprocate his feelings to Cas in person. So, I’m gonna need Cas back and a very emotional Dean.
2. Dean to be actively dealing with heartbreak in the next episode (unless they decided to bring Cas back that soon, which I wouldn’t put past them at this point).
3. Sam to confront Dean about his feelings for Cas, because out of everyone, he’d be the one to hit Dean with the truth of his fears. Sam knows. Sam is supportive. Sam sees it all.
4. I’m gonna need some physical affection, cause after 12 years of nonsense, we damn well deserve it. A hug, and not just any old reunion hug, a proper, this is different now hug. A kiss because hello, in love out loud now. Forehead touching, handholding, really gonna need the works here.
5. A happy ending for the two of them, one way or another. We’ve never had one, it’s time.
Okay, have at it now, let’s speak these into existence please.
Note: GIFs are not mine, I did not make them, credit to owners who I’m not sure of, but they’re beautiful, thanks for making them. EDIT: I’ve just been informed that these gorgeous gifs belong to @michaeldean​ and @inacatastrophicmind​! 
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riewritten · 2 years
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DUSK IN THE BRIGHTEST | chapter directory
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erwin smith/fem!reader, erwin smith/you, no y/n | slow burn, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff & smut, mutual pining, canon AU, college/univ AU, professor erwin smith, commander erwin smith, non-linear narrative, manga spoilers
Trigger warning: canon-typical violence, graphic description, explicit sexual content, suicidal thoughts, mental health issues, trauma, implied/referenced sexual harassment, implied/referenced abuse, attempted murder, overdosing
Plot: It was always the nightmares, really. Entrapped with walls, human-eating giants, fighting through metal strings and swords – utterly violent, dreary, recurrent. But behind the blurry faces was a man with menacing blue eyes and vivid features; eventually appearing before you as your new reputable professor, Erwin Smith. Since then, the disaster had slipped beyond your subconscious. AO3
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As you dwelled on your cries, the commander finally sat down again; his fingers continuously glided on your cheeks to soothe you somehow.
"How are they in that world?" He finally spoke again after a while.
"The two are living as Levi's siblings. Isabel, while a full-on brat, stuck to me since we were children. Furlan is very composed and he helps Levi in lots of things." You chuckled a bit despite the tears due to random memory. "You won't believe me when I say he used to hold me with affection and now he's having a happy crush on the current queen."
Indeed, that would be hard to imagine. Erwin had to register that with a small laugh as well. "The others?"
"I haven't met Miche, Hange, and the others yet but they're friends with you two. I hear them a lot from you and Levi."
"Miche… he's living a better life as well, I see." He pondered. For some reason, his voice was a mixture of relief and bitterness. "How am I in that world?"
"You became quite like your father despite having him for just a short time. You've been very gentle to everyone, especially to me, and helped me without hesitation because I was left behind for so long due to lots of things…" You bit your lip to suppress another wave of emotions. "And you also chose to remember everything in this world by dreams so you could pay for your debts. That's why our paths crossed again. You were my saving grace in that world. Having this vision was too tormenting for me until you came."
"It's good that I didn't end up too much of a bastard somehow." He finally withdrew his palm on your cheek and rested it on your hand instead. "Are you healthy enough in that world?"
"I am. I was poisoned with soup then stabbed but I think I'm fine in general."
"Soup?" Erwin repeated in surprise. "So all this time—"
"I quickly overcame my fear towards the dish when you repeatedly accompanied me while eating it." You clarified with a chuckle. "But that's why you're on the edge in that world as well. Despite some distinctions, you're completely the same cruel man."
"If I ever did murder the perpetrator in that world, would you be able to forgive me?"
"Of course, I would. I'm staying no matter what." You answered resolutely. "It doesn't need to clash with seeking accountability, after all."
Silence enveloped the whole room. You heard Erwin gulp after a while as if trying to articulate the next question. Then you realized he might be having a hard time voicing it out because he squeezed onto your hand.
"Was I able to give you all the love you deserve in that world?"
That's when you finally let the tears drip down again. It was silent weeping this time and you held onto his hand tightly as well. "You're a man full of teasing and banters but you also keep on telling me that I'll get everything I want in that world. That you'll make up for it somehow."
"Is that so," He weakly muttered and stayed still again. When you glanced at him, you almost sobbed out loud. He looks so sad and on a closer look, it's as if he's a lost child who's so conflicted about what to do. His eyes are glued on the hand he's holding and it's obvious that he's taking quite a while coming up with other things to say. Never in your life did you think you'd ever see this man so lost with his words.
"Do you want to go back?" He muttered.
Somehow, as the sight continuously burns your vision, you notice how he's trying to muster up the courage to finally let you go.
You weren't able to stop the sobs then. "I could live everywhere as long as you're alive."
"But the people dear to you are alive in that world. It's needless to say that you'll be happier there."
"You're the only reason I existed again. You strongly wished for me to exist, that's why I'm here even after using the power granted to me. Your existence is what matters to me the most."
"You say that I'm still the same man in that world… but do I actually have the ability to protect you with all my might?"
"You have. We could protect ourselves. There are no monsters in that world." You repeated what you had said back in Wall Maria.
His eyes widened then as if that remark ultimately concluded the whole bargain. Finally, his grip on your hand untightened.
Despite the calm wistfulness, he looks more broken this time. You weren't able to take it so you gripped his hand again. "I'll stay here. You don't need to convince me anymore. I could live with you here. I would love to do so."
That's when Erwin finally smiled. It was the most poignant smile you've ever seen of him, in this world and the other one. He gently removed your grasp on him and shook his head. "You came here to save me and so your job here is done. That's more than enough for me."
"No. You said it, right? We can do the things we weren't able to do before. I would love to have that life. You told me I'd look good living inside the walls as well. Then live with me." You're the one doing the bargain this time. "It's not fake security anymore and I'd be able to live beside someone I love. We don't even have to quit at all. We just have to—"
You were cut off gently when Erwin leaned in for a kiss. He held on to your cheeks and languidly glided his lips to yours. It's slow, too slow that you just know he is savoring it for the last time. You let him melt down your sobs then.
He halted after a while with both of your lips barely touching and breathing in each other's air. "Isabel needs someone right now." He whispered.
"No. She has everyone to take care of her." You begged, completely setting aside the worries in pursuit of coaxing the man above you who had nothing in this life but pure suffering.
"Furlan is having a hard time. If a man as composed as him is having such difficulty keeping himself up then you really need to go back."
"Again, you just have to let me live with you. They have each other and we don't need to worry about them."
"How about me in that world? Who do I have there?" You were shot into silence then. Somehow, Erwin hoped you would be able to pitch in a name. Perhaps that'd make him reconsider his decision. When you didn't respond, he just smiled again and landed a chaste peck on the bridge of your nose.
"You need to come back and stop me from doing something irreversible or if I already did, you have to be there and forgive me." He landed another one on your forehead. "Because you're sweet like that, my dearest girl that's holding me with so much affection. You're the one who's been saving me all this time and I need another saving in that world right now."
"But I could just stay here, don't you want that? We could finally have good things together."
"The fact that there's a world where we could get that is more than enough for me. What you did in this world is more than enough for me." He said while hushing your tears away.
You start to feel as if you're being pulled away from your body, each second ticking until you disappear into thin air, until you leave the body that Erwin is holding so dearly.
No, just a moment. I'm not done yet. I need to have him realize that I'm meant to be here.
"You went through a lot as it is and I could finally stay beside you to get past our miseries. I was dead set on dying there but if I could have the chance to live with you here—" However, you realized that Erwin's words are to be heard as well because it's by his will that you're here. He's the one who vehemently desired to see you again even if it's just a glimpse. He's the one who begged for the parallel and had it full of glitches. "You won't let me go, would you?"
"I won't. I have you beyond worlds after all. See, you have this terrible man stuck on you for several lifetimes." It's as if the Erwin smiling in front of you also knows well that he had the final say as much as you do.
He lands another kiss as he finally decides to let you go, for this moment is the last one you'll ever have of him — the man who had tons of mistakes and sought to be forgiven, the one who died and still begged for you to save him, and the one who vehemently believed that seeing you again even just for a minute is more than he could ever wish for.
"Thank you for coming to me."
It’s as if your mind has been flying away inside an abyss since then. You could hear words but they’re just playing around in the air. What’s keeping you from breaking is that last moment playing inside your head so vividly on repeat. Despite not knowing how long you've been doing it, you're still more than thankful at the sight. There's no way you'd get sick of it when you're well aware that by the time it stops playing, you won't see nor feel the commander ever again.
On the day you finally got agency with your thoughts and body again, even for a short period, you woke up screaming. Your body reeked of sweat even though the temperature was not even high. The peaceful and well-cleaned room is spinning around your eye. Every corner of it is threatening you with death, kitchen knives, blood, scattered utensils, and broken plates. This wasn't even included with your worries until this very moment. There's a lump in your throat that makes it hard for you to breathe and it's more than enough to acknowledge that you're back for good. It's your body that's reacting to all of this, not your consciousness beyond this world.
Fortunately, everyone is inside the house today including Erwin. Kuchel’s household usually takes turns tending to you so everyone stopped in their tracks as soon as they heard you screaming in the room, from words like "mom" and "I'm sorry" up to painful cries about how you want to see your brother again. They stormed towards where you are. Everyone who'd go near you during these episodes could be perceived as a threat, that's why they have to be careful not to invade your space.
It was Kuchel who spoke first, gently and tranquil. The rest waited at the door. "It's okay, it's okay. Look at your surroundings. You're in a completely different place. No one's gonna hurt you here." Kuchel slowly walked.
You can't even hear her, not at all. "Mom, I don't–" You gripped your hair with both hands “I don’t remember. This isn't what I intended to create when I—" You cut yourself off with a shaky gasp as you clutched on your left stomach. "—it hurts. Oh, it hurts. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" You felt how it's bleeding, how it'd spurt out the blood from you anytime soon, your organs gushing out along the way.
Furlan and Isabel can't even look at you anymore. Levi still had his composed face but his eyebrows were curled, perhaps in worry, anger, or both. Erwin's expression was grim, nearly unreadable, as he followed your every move. Despite Kuchel's completely composed demeanor, this is an utterly painful sight to see as there's no wound in your stomach anymore. Your mother's not holding a knife at you because she's dead. She can't hurt you anymore. No one could.
Nothing but the flashes of memories that'd stay in you for the rest of your life.
That's the cue for her then as the pain perceived by your brain would distract you from seeing someone walking as a threat. She tried a palm on your head at first to test, but you flinched and screamed so she pulled back. Kuchel then stayed half a meter away, knelt down to your level, and whispered things only audible to the both of you. Slowly but surely, her whispers subsided your panic down into sobs. You still had your eyes shot really wide but the mind hysteria decreased. Kuchel tried to touch you again, this time you were calmer; she took that as the cue and gently engulfed you in her embrace. As she caressed your head, you hugged your knees. The sobs weakened until they became mere huffs. She then laid you down, let you curl yourself up in a fetal position, and closed your eyes after a while. Breathing became steady then. You're sleeping again. Kuchel finally halted her hands. That's when those who'd like to go near you entered, Erwin first.
Upon sitting on the bed, Erwin placed a hand on your cheek to check something, "She's having a fever again.”
Isabel is crying this time but she didn't dare utter a word anymore. She walked out to get a towel and basin with water. Levi reached a hand on top of her head though, halting her for a while. "I know that face. Don't blame yourself again. She's already here."
Her bottled-up thoughts finally broke. "Why did you listen to me? I'm your stupid sister, a good-for-nothing brat. I didn't even dare go to college. Why did you? Both of you should've known better!" She also shot Furlan a glare.
The way she's shouting at Levi is a completely new sight to see. Indeed, she tends to shout a lot but this one’s completely angry and spiteful. Even Furlan is completely taken aback. Isabel's train of thought has been crippled since that evening. Not only you who got physically harmed would be scarred in the mind. The only time she stopped waking and throwing up in the middle of the night was when you finally woke up.
Levi ruffled her hair. "I told you she's here already. No one will blame you. Not even Mom blamed you when you finally told her." He then moved Isabel's head to turn it towards Kuchel's. The mother flashed an apologetic smile at her. "Not even the brat lying down beside her would blame you. You know that much by now, don't you? You're the one closest to her here."
Isabel gulped the lump down her throat. Everyone paused. After wiping her face, she walked away without a word. She's still shaking. Her fists are clenched just as usual, so hard that her hands are stained with red marks.
"I'll buy meds outside." Furlan quietly excused himself.
Kuchel walked towards the two and patted their shoulders to say something. "Her father won't be coming back. He cut all his connections off and I discovered the other day that he already has a new family overseas. Maybe the divorce was what pushed that woman to her limits. I don't even know about it. Not even their child got aware." Erwin then widened his eyes. He's the one who initiated the search for him after all. "That's pretty much it. She's got nothing but us now. Not that it made any difference. It's been like this ever since." Then walked away as if nothing happened. Her composure did not falter at all. It says a lot about how her eldest is the same.
Then Erwin and Levi were left alone. Levi started. "You're fortunate she killed herself first before you could."
Erwin folded his arms as he leaned on the door jamb, watched your now tranquil figure then clicked his tongue. "Fortunate, you say?"
"What do you think would happen if this girl finally came back to her senses and discovered you became a murderer instead?"
"She already knew that'd happen.” He blatantly uttered it to you after all. He’s just quite uncertain if you would actually remember. “And yet I'm too livid to care, I don't think I ever could."
Of course, Levi should know this much by now. He changed the topic then. "When you went to her that day, did you bring a weapon?"
“I'm the one who gave her the weapon, even asked her to kill me. I got nothing but words. Do you think I'm the one who led her into that?"
"Don't throw questions on me. Explain what happened instead."
Erwin silently walked toward you and sat on the bed. Before answering, he fixed the blanket so it'd cover you properly. He made sure your head would be the only thing visible as if recalling your humorous exchange way back at the balcony could help in toning down his grim thoughts. His demeanor stayed dark though, utterly dark. "Nothing dangerous. Just told her she's already dead and I'm giving her the chance to choose if she'd be the one to do the final act or me. If she chooses me then I'd do her some service like the good man I am. Something that'd take a whole day."
"You—" Levi shot his eyes wide. "Urged her to do that?"
Instead of answering, Erwin busied himself brushing his hand on your head. You squeaked and moved a bit but didn't wake up. When he gave Levi a look again, the latter had to register the sight. Erwin looked utterly perilous right now despite his tranquil touches. His face was flat as stone, not even a curl on his eyebrows nor a scowl. The menacing glint in his eyes is more than enough to remark how angry he is right now and how unremorseful of what he did. He might be willing to do more, even. Levi almost shuddered. Considering how Erwin holds you right now despite the face he's having, it seems like you're the only one safe in this space as of the moment.
Levi doesn't want to imagine what would become of him if you really died. "What the fuck is up with that face?"
"She's the one who ended her suffering. Did herself a favor and died. Who do you think is the more fortunate one here, Levi?"
"What have you done, exactly?"
"I do deadlines in my profession a lot so I tried having it to her as well. If this angel doesn't wake up in two weeks—" Then his caresses slid on your cheeks instead. "Perhaps a stab, or having the nails removed, hour after an hour, no drugs involved, let her blood dry out all over her house. Anything, really. I also visited her daily for gentle reminders; told her that the time is ticking and that I accept requests. Gave her intricate details of what I would do to her if the deadline came. She tried to stay from one place to another to avoid me but I always ended up bumping into her coincidentally. I think the setup in this world is pretty much in my favor, unlike the previous one."
The search warrant didn’t even last for more than 24 hours. She was quickly found dead.
Realization daunted Levi. “I thought you only went to her place once.”
"You think that'd suffice? I'm as good as dead might as well bring her down with me. Want me to get more detailed about it?" It's not even a question meant for Levi's approval. It was perhaps a mockery he intended to voice out in this world. He's making every dust in this space right now hear how low he went and how he'd go further if the conditions set upon the girl he's holding are way crueler than what just happened. "I might've done my words so well because every day I visited her, she'd end up screaming and sobbing. I didn't even need to soil my hands. Her deranged mind is way too easy to corrupt. I gave her some gifts, perhaps the last one was her breaking point. It was the portrait of her dead son in Paradis. How he looked, how healthy and happy he was thanks to his sister who loved him so well like the sweetest girl that she is. How precious my woman is because she ended up saving everyone's asses, including that wicked mother only if she knew better than to make her existence known to me."
If something's horrifying Levi, it wasn't what Erwin did, not at all, but rather the lack of guilt on his features. It's as if a completely different man is sitting on the bed because the thing that's been crippling Erwin all his life is the same one he's lacking right now.
"All this time your life revolved around remorse and now you'd shit on me at how you didn't feel that at all?"
"Paying debts. Bullshit. Completely stupid.” He spat sardonically. “This girl's the one who paid for it all this time. I thought so highly of myself."
Levi brought a hand to his temples, massaged them slightly then spoke again. "I'm not in the mood to ask anymore. Spill everything now or get your hands off her and walk out of this house."
"When she told you that she wasn't supposed to exist, it's not a bluff to save that woman. She's the one who instigated this world in exchange for her existence." And finally, Erwin's grimness subsided. It was replaced with dread. "I don't even know why she's lying down here as we speak. A moment ago I was fighting my other self for dear life because I want her here and now I can't comprehend what's happening anymore."
"How do you even know it wasn't a bluff?"
"She's the one who instigated this world, made me survive my demise, and ensured that I'd witness everything in Paradis until the end. That's why I was sure to kill her mother, Levi. Because I don't think I'd have her again. Back then, I just knew she was dead the moment I saw her in my subconscious, and the thought of that woman living in a world granted by the girl she almost killed repulsed me." Erwin just looks tired, even worse than what Levi used to see when they were younger. "And now that she chose to come back to this world only to suffer like this: completely unresponsive and broken, I feel nothing but regret that I actually did that woman a favor by not having her dead in my hands."
Levi finally calmed down and silence enveloped the room for a while. He understands, he really does, but still, "I doubt you'd be sputtering grim shit out of your mouth if this girl's actually in her right mind and could hear you." With that, Erwin's dreadful face was replaced with sheer lament as if what Levi said brought him back. The latter could finally see him again then, the Erwin that he and everyone knows well.
"She already knew what I would do if she remained unconscious in this world. That's what took her to come back here even, but still, I don't think I'd ever regret what I did even if she comes to despise me, and I also saw something right after that woman died."
"Are you gonna tell me her mother instigated something as well?"
Erwin nodded, "I saw her brother, the one she had in that world but didn't have here, approximately a week after. He's in the form of a young child who doesn't remember everything about him at all."
Levi's eyes widened again. "How sure are you that it's him? Let alone it's because of that woman's death?"
"Aside from the fact that he completely looks the same, he's got nothing of himself aside from his first name. When I asked the foster home, that boy came to them a day after that woman died. He appeared out of nowhere, with no traces of people associated with him. What explanation is there aside from that?"
Levi doesn't even know what to say anymore, no follow-up questions and utterances of possibilities. The revelation is quite too overwhelming for him as well and he needs to wind out for now. "Nonetheless, you better tell her in complete detail about what you've done to her mother, Erwin. No matter how everyone here wouldn't take what happened against you, she’s the only one who holds the final verdict because she lived." Levi then grabbed his things in the room so he could finally go out. "Just as you told me that night, I'm neither a soldier nor a thug. You must remember that in yourself too because the only time I'd tolerate that deranged face of yours again is when she's finally buried six feet below the ground." He's in the doorway now and before he finally disappeared at the man, he shot him a glare. "If you dare show it to me again, let alone to her or anyone in this house, might as well go back to where you came from. I wouldn't be able to see you as someone safe to be close with my family by then."
Erwin pondered in silence as he looked down at his palms. He understood it very well and that's the same reason why he feels like laughing at himself now. He always had blood in his hands just because of his mouth and the feeling’s way too normal for him already, too normal that he can’t bring himself to care.
Perhaps not only that woman who laid her hands on you got an inherently wicked existence. That's why he knew how to deal with it when he came for her. He's not any different. 
"You need to come back and stop me from doing something irreversible or if I already did, you have to be there and forgive me."
The bitter laugh was let out, then. Shameless. Utterly shameless. Poor you, to be associated with deranged beings even in this life. Even after sacrificing so much.
Moments after, Isabel finally entered and Erwin let her tend to you as she usually does. She cleaned your body first and after a while, woke you up to drink meds. You've been seated since then. After her task, she sat down on the chair beside your bed and faced Erwin.
She noticed how grim the man's expression is as if he was just mirroring your face. His eyes are only glued to you as well and Isabel can't grasp what he's thinking. He's been like this ever since that happened. It's just that his face is way milder now that your eyes finally opened— she can't even say you're back because you're not. Since you got conscious until this very moment, no one was able to hold a decent conversation with you. If you're not asleep, you’d just stare out of nowhere or mumble incoherent stuff. You could nod sometimes but your muscles aren’t that responsive. What happened earlier is not the first one as well and they're all too scared, too horrified that you'd stay this way forever — gone for good, crippled for the rest of your life.
And thus Isabel looked down at the floor, clenched her fists again, eyebrows curled, and lips pursed all because of worry. "Erwin, uhm, it's been days since you last visited and she's…" Talking to Erwin about you makes her terribly anxious as if she's completely indebted to this man for being negligent all this time. "…still as unresponsive." 
"Is that so," Erwin's gaze didn't leave you. You're staring at the wall with a face not moving at all, just as usual. He lifted your arm to see if you could hold it up this time but as soon as he released it, the limb fell down flatly as if it was dead. It's as if you're a breathing doll. Breathing but dead. "Have she eaten already?"
"Yeah. Recently, I'm able to make her smell the food and then urge her to open her mouth slightly. She could do that much now."
"She's improved a lot, then. Didn't she have any reactions to the utensils you used? Like what she did back at the hospital?"
"I used a plastic spoon this time. We realized she's particularly getting hysterical at the sight of metal spoons and bowls. Odd. She's not afraid of the soup itself. Only with the utensils." Erwin just nodded and didn't say more. He just blandly busied himself by randomly picking on your face to see if a reaction would be pulled out — pinching your cheeks, holding your breath by pinching your nose, gliding his fingers on your eyelids and pulling it up a bit — but nothing happened. Isabel clinched on her knees further. "Recently, Levi told me that you're actually the one who gave him a heads-up about this. When you came here for the first time years ago, you said that you saw a wounded girl buying bandages and disinfectants at the convenience store."
"Levi decided to tell you everything now, I see." He recalled the incident. "I rushed to the counter first to pay it on her behalf and even added some stuff but that's all I was able to do. She looked so out of it, though. It's as if she's in auto-pilot mode. She didn't flinch when the cashier crew said her stuff had already been paid and left without a word. Similar to this, but she was able to walk and grab things somehow."
Isabel gulped the lump forming up in her throat, "And apparently, that's when Levi told us that the wounds she's been getting ever since we're children aren't accidents unlike she claimed so. We tried to slowly gauge her to address the matter at hand but we realized she doesn't remember them at all. On our next attempts, she said she saw it happening in her dream instead." Erwin hummed to acknowledge the redhead's remark. Isabel still can't decipher the look on his face and that alone reverberated her anxiety. It didn't take long until she started crying. It was when Erwin finally looked at her. "I'm so sorry. I was afraid because her mother had custody over her and if my mom confronted her about it, she might take her away from us and we'd never see her again. That's why Mom never knew everything until this happened. My brothers listened to that stupid remark and agreed that we should just take care of her behind the curtains. Look where it got her."
He's already aware of what Isabel just said and if he's on his usual self, he would immediately sense her impending cries — enough to comfort her before she could let them out. However, he's utterly spent right now, too exhausted to channel his astuteness. "It's not your fault. You never wanted this to happen."
"It is. We should've just forced her out of there. I can't believe my brothers listened to such a stupid remark." She hit her head with a hand continuously and sobbed. "Why did they listen to me?"
"The wounds Levi claimed she usually gets aren't grave. It could be classified as some sort of corporal punishment and it's more likely that she'd get away from it as most parents would. She doesn't even remember it herself. I'm not saying that the way you didn't inform Kuchel was right and wise but your fear was valid." Erwin replied and after pondering, added. "And Levi's actions were valid too. All of you are the ones who always rush to her whenever she needs help but Levi still tends to find her primary guardians every time. They're the ones most aware of her medical records and had direct contact with her physicians. You guys did what you could."
"But still, we could've done so much more if…"
"I don't think she'd ever blame you for that. Levi's right. Your remorse will just make her feel worse. She'd think you wouldn't be crippled with guilt if she worked on not being a burden. You should know how her mind works by now." Erwin proceeded to massage your limbs, a habit most people in the house developed since you really don't move most of the time. "Besides, everyone will really end up living with that guilt had she died but she's here instead, and so the present is what we must dwell on. You wouldn't be able to tend to her properly if you're burdened with that, don't you think?" It took time for Isabel to respond and when she finally nodded, Erwin smiled. It's a small one, but the first time she saw it again after a while. "You're one of the greatest reasons why she came back here. Thank you for sticking to her until now."
Isabel almost felt herself crying again as if a thorn finally plucked out of her skin. Erwin wasn't angry at her. Not at all. "You don't have to thank me for that."
Even before Erwin could reply, however, they heard you talk. It's a weak one. He scooted nearer and urged you to repeat it.
"Erwin… Nightmares…"
Isabel shot the man a look but he was as taken aback as she was. You never mentioned anyone's name aside from your mother and brother since you woke up. She scooted nearer as well, "You're not having nightmares, and yeah, Erwin's here."
"It's okay, you don't need to…" You murmured again, your face still dead. "...nightmares about them while holding me." As if you're a robot.
Isabel turned to Erwin again. Despite the shock, he still managed to answer. "Your words are enough for now."
Your response almost made Isabel gasp; you smiled, a genuine one at that.
"Can you go outside first? I'll talk to her." Erwin said to Isabel without shooting her a look. She quickly nodded and excused herself.
You didn't say anything after that so Erwin called your name as if to test the water, "You're back now."
Your face went back to flatness again. "I'll stay here. You don't need to convince me anymore. I'd love to…" Then your words become too incoherent to comprehend.
"That's right. You're here. You're talking to me."
"We can do the things we weren't able to do before. I would love to have that life. Inside the walls." You murmured flatly again.
Never in his life had he imagined himself to be so utterly lost on what to do. What would wake you up? What'd snap you back, perhaps a cue that'd make your mind perceive where you really are? 
After a long while of pondering, he started. "Seems like you ran from Levi's place up to here. That tea helps a lot with relaxation—" He trailed and urged himself to recall more. What did he say to you that day? "…welcome to my class. You may sit wherever."
Slowly but surely, your eyes widened. You're suddenly scared and your breath hitched. He let you process that at first.
When you started calling out for Historia, that's when he cupped your face and turned you to him. "There, there. Finally realized what world you're in now?" You looked completely horrified as soon as your eyes landed on him though. You're on that day again — the first time you met him, the moment you saw the man in your nightmares up front.
He quickly recalled another fragment of conversation to calm you down somehow. He can't afford to make you faint. "…if I get to remember the fact that I charged soldiers to death even by dreams then I have to atone for it." Slowly and fortunately, your reaction changed again. You curled your eyebrows as if questioning what he just said. It was the same one you gave him when he calmed you down at the lantern. 
It's working. "I don’t think we’ll see each other die in this world somehow." He almost choked midway, maybe due to the bitter feeling that remark exuded. Still, he continued. "—perhaps we could take that instead?" Your expression still had a hint of doubt but more relief washed your face now. Just the same one he saw when he picked you up on the road that midnight.
Another one, then, perhaps the last one if fortunate enough. "Setting an equal ground with me will not happen in that room and I'm close to finishing that nightmare. I'm preparing you for it."
"Are you gonna leave me after that?" You suddenly huffed in disbelief. "You said you won't!"
"Try to look around then. Did I leave you?"
Finally, for the first time since you woke up, you looked around your surroundings. He removed his palms on your cheeks and regained his seat to give you air.
Still not done. The grounding is the next one. He asked you to label stuff: five things to see, four things to feel, three things to hear, and more. He made you raise a hand up, and more things to check on your movements.
It took quite a while to finish but when you did everything he asked for, Erwin finally smiled — the first genuine smile he had for a long time. Slowly but surely, he was able to come to terms with his ponders again. Whether or not his existence is inherently wicked, you came back here to forgive him. Like the dearest girl that you are, holding him with so much importance, saving him with your unwavering affection every single time.
He sat on the bed, tipped your chin, and called your name. "You did so, so well. You've been such a strong girl for us. You don't need to worry anymore. Everything's okay now."
It took you a while to reply. When you finally realized everything, you shakily asked. "Really? It is?"
"It is." He went for a kiss, then. A completely gentle one that lasted for a moment, something that both of you thought was gone for good. "Thank you for coming to me again."
The one who started his life selfishly was the one to let go, while the other who embodied selflessness in his entirety clung desperately.
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what you wish for the commander, above anything else, is that he'd be happy worlds beyond. if he finds someone in the world where you managed to save him then what is to be sad for? indeed, he knows it well just as he knows you. he did as you want. but then again, what is grief if not love persevering? no matter how able are them to take the world off his shoulders or turn the stormy cloud into a rainbow, there'll still be a glimpse of you lurking around his windows—or perhaps on his own reflection, on the sword, even on his emerald bolo tie—for your existence is a shredding light, always illuminating the dreariest of days.
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moonctzeny · 4 years
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This is technically a part 2 of my fic Work for it but it can be enjoyed on its own!
pairing: supervisor !johnny x intern ! female reader x assistant !haechan
genre: smutty goodness (this will send me to hell vip)
word count: almost 14k
summary: “After you fuck the Sales’ department supervisor, Johnny Suh in your office during an overtime, you’re left to deal with the unavoidable lingering emotions that come with getting his dick on the regular. At the same time, his assistant and your best work buddy, Donghyuck, who initially helped you with getting with his boss, realises his growing crush on you that is too big to be ignored at this point. With their masterful skills in seduction, you’ve ended up tangled in a sexual game with the both of them, all the while trying to move up from an intern to a permanent worker in the company”
warnings: threesome w/ two doms, alcohol consumption, mention of food (meat, lettuce, eggs), oral, overstimulation, thigh job, at some point- reader borrows a shirt from haechan and it’s mentioned that it’s ‘too big on the shoulders’, thigh riding, office sex, pussy slapping, choking, fingering, sir kink thrown in there at some point, a little degradation bc this is my fic we’re talking about
a/n: omg it’s finally done! I really love this so I hope you guys like it as well :)
taglist:  @rainodanna​, @markresonates​, @unknown5tar​, @yoongsicles​
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For every other worker in the office, virtually nothing had changed. 
They relive the same mundane routine, Monday after Monday, the same excruciating 8 hours and short cigarette breaks. The same trees, stuck in their ceramic imprisonment would greet them in the company’s entrance. Rigid and dusty and reeking of cheap plastic. It’s not like they’d come alive, open their little mouths on their thylakoid membranes and tell everyone you fucked mr. Suh, the Sales Department’s supervisor, in your office during your overtime. No, that’s not possible, you reminded yourself when you pass by them every morning, giving them a side eye for good measure, as if that would scare them off their zombie state.
And you were the same too, completing your tasks and meeting your deadlines. Blending in with the rest of the company’s human resource, with the exception of the occasional double take of some tactless male worker here and there.
Donghyuck, however, said supervisor’s assistant and your best friend, wasn’t your typical office worker. He noticed the extra layer of cherry lip gloss coating your lips. He noticed your new perfume, sweeter than the one you used to wear. He noticed the knowing smiles between you and his boss, the heat of your body when you were around him. And it wasn’t just because he was sharp overall.
He was the one who practically got you together, planted the seed in Johnny’s head about the cute new intern of the Financial Department. He was the one who convinced him to finally make a move on you, tired of seeing you trying over and over again to seduce the supervisor to your bed. 
And when that seed finally sprouted, in the form of Johnny spitting in your mouth and taking you on your office chair like you were his last fuck on earth (according to the hair-raising description you gave Donghyuck the morning after), he should’ve been happy, right? 
It didn’t really affect his life in the slightest.
You were just y/n. His friend, his work buddy. The person whom he was close enough to let you know you had a piece of lettuce stuck on your teeth from that sandwich you had on your break. The person who texted him funny gifs of pandas falling asleep during the most boring of meetings. With your nerdy glasses and that ugly brown suit you loved wearing so much. The person he dreamt of fucking every time he fell asleep.
When you told Donghyuck you had a crush on his boss he wasn’t shocked, but the stinging buzz in his guts surprised him. He would see you waltz right past his office all perked up and pretty, to see the person you really came for, nervous as you hung from every word that left Johnny’s mouth. He’d put up with the sound of you giggling over every stupid joke that left the older man’s mouth patiently, just to wait until he’d smell your sweet perfume as you’d walk past him again. To tease you over something that would make you mad enough to notice him, glare at him, maybe even hit him.
And Donghyuck wanted to hate Johnny, he really did. His stupid boss who asked for his coffee specifically made, who was rude and cranky on Monday mornings and got the credit for all his hard work, yet Johnny was nothing of the sort. He was helpful, and kind and let him off early. He was funny and good looking and taller than him and had a six pack, damn it. If Donghyuck was being honest, he didn’t just like his boss, he admired him. It was pathetic, he thought. Most days he’d live vicariously through him. 
Sometimes he would lay on his bed at night, picturing himself to be the second lead of a romance drama that would sweep you off your feet. Everyone gets second lead fever, right? In his rem cycles, he’s handsome and hilarious and much more interesting than the main actor. He would imagine himself stretching out his rays, like the full, rising sun that he was, until they overcame the big mountain that was Johnny and reached your skin. So hot against it that you’d have to undress, remove the clothes sticking on your sweaty skin to embrace him. 
He thought about your body a hundred times too many for it to be considered healthy. The curve of your ass in your pencil skirts, the little hairs on the nape of your neck that stuck out from your tight ponytails. The runs on your tights that he wished were caused by the sharpness of his fingernails. He listened to your voice carefully, all 90 Hz of it, and played it inside his head as if it was an instrument. Putting together chords and harmonies, composing a music piece of all the ways his name would sound like coming out of your lips.
Donghyuck, Donghyuck, Donghyuck
“Earth to Donghyuck? Are you listening to me?”
It was unlike him to be out of it, especially when he was around you. He blames it on skipping coffee this morning or the shade of red of your blouse that fits you so well. Either way, he had to respond, and keep the pink from flooding his cheeks further. There’s no way you could’ve known what was going on inside his head.
“Uh, yeah, yeah. So, let me get this straight. Weren’t you the one who didn’t want a relationship?”
You were upset, he could tell. After the night of the overtime, you and Johnny had indulged in a few more nights of each other’s presence, but had kept it at that. Sex. Delicious, mind blowing, porno worthy sex, but nothing more than that. And you were starting to itch for a little bit more.
Donghyuck was right, of course. You were the one who told Johnny that this wasn’t the right time in your life for any sort of commitment, especially with someone in the workplace. This was your internship, and you were determined to get a permanent position soon, that should be your first priority. Get the bag and go. There were men everywhere. But why was your heart aching for that particular one with the long hair and the caramel eyes and the flower tattoos? 
“I just don’t want people at work to gossip about us, you know how they get. But seeing him so nonchalant about it gets on my nerves.”
Leaving his apartment at 2 am when he was sprawled out on his bed, in just pyjama pants and the light layer of sweat from the athletic sex you just had, hurt enough. It was a sight so beautifully hidden under his work attire that it soon became addictive, the withdrawal symptoms too intense for you to have your dose only once a week. 
Donghyuck scowled when you first let out a frustrated sigh, your eyes pitifully following his boss’s silhouette around. He knew you’d never really complain about it, you were set on that promotion and you deserved it too, but it was hard not to get angry. Everything he ever wanted stood willing and ready for taking in front of Johnny’s lap, how could he not claim you?
He hated seeing you sad.
“Let’s go for a drink. I think you need it.”
Even he surprised himself with the sudden proposition, blinking back at you to gauge your reaction. You were best work buddies, sure, but you never hung out after office hours alone. It would make sense for you to refuse, Donghyuck told himself, trying to soften the blow of a potential rejection. You’re probably tired from working, or maybe you’d feel awkward to be alone with him for so long. Maybe you hated to drink, or maybe you hated him. Oh God, what if you hated him? What if you only spent time with him out of social obligat-
“Sure, sounds good. Pick me up after you’re done? Since you’re on the top floor.”
Donghyuck nodded back at you, too eagerly for his liking, the gears in his brain already trying to figure out where he should take you. You excused yourself back to your office, the small pat you gave his shoulder making him grin like an idiot.
This is not a date, he reminded himself. 
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He had dreamt of this moment for months now. He thought about you every time he walked past that korean bbq place, promising himself that one day he’d muster the courage to finally ask you out. This wasn’t exactly the case today, but it was as close to his imagination as possible. This is not a date.
He repeated that phrase over and over again, let it resonate inside his head. This is not a date because he is a coward and you like someone else. Was he a bad person for taking you out today? Was he taking advantage of your slight disappointment? Was that why you ever said yes in the first place? The self deprecating thoughts lit a fire in his belly and he tried to extinguish it with every shot of clear liquid that disappeared from between his full lips. Like he expected, you weren’t far behind on the drinking either, enjoying the grilled pieces of meat blissfully, moaning in satisfaction with every delicious bite.
You looked pretty before, but now, through the pink coloured glasses of intoxication, you were stunning. There was a halo of bright light surrounding you, making you look so celestial chomping on that piece of lettuce. If it was anyone else, he would pull a face of repugnance at the sight, yet Dongyuck thought that you just looked so cute, so content in that little moment and he wished he could just lean in and leave a kiss over your filled cheeks.
No, that was a dangerous thought. This is not a date, pull it together.
Donghyuck desperately tried to focus his attention somewhere else, anywhere but you would suffice. His eyes finally landed on a bowl of marinated eggs on the table, and it reminded him of the three boiled eggs he makes for breakfast every morning. He was a man of habit, following the same routine until he’d see you and you’d colour between the lines of his life, making it interesting finally. Donghyuck would fill the pot with more water than needed, just enough so that it doesn’t overflow. He liked to be closer to you than he could handle, close enough but never touching you.
Lost in his daydream, he doesn’t realise that he hasn’t talked in minutes. And when you touch his hand lightly with yours to bring him out of it, he almost feels the boiling water burning his skin.
“You’re so quiet”, you say with a chuckle, and Donghyuck makes a mental note to add this harmony to his composition, “you got drunk before I did? Are you really Lee Donghyuck?”
“Well see, I drank all this soju, so I wish I was someone else for the night.”
The statement saddened you, and you withered a little in your seat. Why did Donghyuck drink so much tonight? You came here for you to cheer up, didn’t you? Or were you so caught up in your little personal drama - that you caused yourself - that you missed hearing about his cat dying? You must offer your condolences. Did he even have a cat?
You don’t want to bring up his dead cat in case he did so you just lift your hand next to his head, and weave your fingers through his locks. He has been growing out his hair for months now, and the look might not be the most corporate-professional but it sure fit him. The ash blonde shade that he decided to colour it, brought out the tan of his skin nicely, and the hair itself though bleached was still soft to the touch. 
You see him react to the work of your fingers instantly, his expression shocking you. His mouth is hanging open in a loose ‘O’ shape, small wrinkles forming on the space between his eyebrows. You pick out small pieces of hair, one by one, letting gravity do the rest by allowing the individual hairs to return to their previous state. 
“What are you thinking about?”, you ask so softly it’s almost a whisper, and Donghyuck can only sigh.
YOU, he wants to scream, you’re in my mind all day long and I think I’m going crazy! He is full on staring at you now and there’s nothing in the world that can take his eyes off of you, off your worried eyes that seem to hold all the stars in the sky, or the soft skin of your neck that he wants to kiss and suck and break so badly. But he doesn’t, and the soju calls him a coward for it, so he settles for the next best thing.
“You are pretty”
It was just three words but they sent your mind in a frenzy. Why did it matter so much to you that Donghyuck found you pleasing to look at? He has complimented you before, even flirted with you a lot of times, yet it was always said half-jokingly, followed by a diss. But this time he was serious, no signs of alcohol clouding his eyes. He was so solemn in fact, that those three words made the heat burn on the skin of your cheeks, rising up your throat and hindering you from responding with a human sound. 
He takes one more shot, washing away the embarrassment of his sudden confession and offers to order one more fatty dish to sober up, then take a walk in the city.
The walk was relatively quiet, less awkward than it was 30 minutes ago but Donghyuck was still being uncharacteristically silent.
“I thought you said that alcohol doesn’t make you red”, you say teasingly, trying to spark conversation. 
It doesn’t actually. You were the culprit of the wash of burgundy all over his skin, accumulating even more pigmented around his ears and the freckles of his nose. You were walking side by side now, and Donghyuck thought that for the passersby you two must look like lovers. He let his brain entertain that fantasy, his hand itching to hold yours. He’d intertwine your fingers together, give your palm a little rub with his thumb. Then he’d lift the bundle of fingers on his lips, kiss the thin skin of your wrist and make the aunties that are looking at you now coo in adoration.
“Says you. You look so fucked right now.”, he jokes and you’re relieved to see him go back to his teasing self. You don’t know if it’s the chilly night, but you’re overly aware of the heat his body emits, and the smell of his cologne makes your head spin just a bit more. You’ve been sitting so close to him this entire time that you can list off most, if not all, the ingredients in his perfume. Rose, chilly pepper, orange blossom, lavender. 
“Donghyuck, I will step on you.”
“Mmm, tempting”
You shove his arm playfully and he reciprocates, but his strength is not as controlled as he thinks. The heels of your boots, slippery against the wet floor that the drizzle caused earlier, make you trip on your steps, and Hyuck is luckily there. With his quick reflexes he catches your elbows first, pulling you up against his chest and you grab his left bicep to support your weight. 
You take a deep breath, to register that you did not fall head first on the floor, and that’s when you realise how close Donghyuck is to you. His bangs are tickling your forehead, your deep pants fanning them apart. You admire his glowing skin, the wrinkles of his lips, the two moles lined parallelly with the bridge of his nose. You’re not sure what comes to you, but you raise your free hand and place it over his hot cheek, your thumb connecting those two moles with an invisible line. A raindrop, fresh out of the sky and signifying the start of a new drizzle, falls on his face and follows the trail that a tear would, his voice weak and breaking when he speaks again.
“I’m sorry”
He dips down his head then, connecting your lips and letting the plumpness of his mouth reel you in. You’re over the initial shock almost immediately and kiss him back in vigor, surprised with the heat his kiss has spread to your chest and belly. It was an ember at first, glowing in the very depth of your insides but it was soon starting to spark up uncontrollably, and you were scared of how rapidly it was fueling up. This was your friend you were kissing. So where did all this hunger for him come from?
You pull back when you realise you’re in a road full of people, and you can’t bring yourself to look at him in the eyes. Donghyuck looks disheveled and anxious, and he apologizes again before he urges you to keep walking with him.
“It’s starting to rain. We should get home.”
You walk next to him in complete silence now, stealing quick glances of his reflexion at every surface that made it possible -  the windows of the parked cars, the puddles of water on the sidewalk, a passersby’s glasses. The look on his face is unreadable, pensive if anything else, and it’s rare for the expressive Donghyuck you’re used to dealing with. Your homes are towards the same direction, his a little closer than yours, and it doesn’t take too long for you to reach the entrance of his building, your clothes not even half wet from walking without umbrellas.
Donghyuck fumbles to find his keys, his hands shaking from the adrenaline his body released from the kiss earlier, the feeling still too fresh against his lips. He stresses thinking of what to do next. Should he hug you goodnight? Apologize again for kissing you? Unlock the entrance without a word and never speak to you again? 
“I’m here”, he states dumbly, as if you’d sit at the porch of a strange house and he avoids your eyes as if you were Medusa, “Goodnight.”
You smile back awkwardly at him, waving with a hand made of clay as you wish him the same. He has turned around to unlock the door, key already at the keyhole and you turn to leave too when his voice stills you in place.
“He’s an idiot.” His back is still facing you, and when he turns to look at you his eyes finally lock with yours, as honest and earnest as ever. “Johnny. If it were me, hell, if you wanted me like that I would grab that opportunity- grab you in an instant, convince you to be mine any way I could.”
You’re stuck looking at him like a fool, trying to comprehend what he’s saying and the complications of it. He puffs out through his nose, chuckling to himself and shaking his head.
“It doesn’t matter. Goodnight y/n.”
Donghyuck is half inside the entrance now and your body suddenly exits its frozen state, blocking the door from closing with your boot. He’s shocked with the sudden movement and he opens up the door further for you. You get inside the little hall without thinking, sitting firmly in front of him, a puzzled look on his face. 
“What if I told you he hasn’t even crossed my mind this whole time we were out? What if I told you I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you kissed me? Would it matter then?”
He opens his mouth momentarily, as if to speak but decides to stay silent. He already said everything he needed. It’s up to you now.
And you aren’t ready to leave yet.
You take a step forward to close the distance between you, your chests touching and you pick up the distinct smell of soju in his breath. You’re not sure if it’s that smell or the proximity but you feel drunk all over again, the yellow light of the hall shining disturbingly bright down at you and urging you to do something.
You plant a kiss over his neck, leaving a trace of the remnants of the pink lipstick you applied at the start of the workday. It was tentative, but you could still feel his raging pulse from under your lips. You could feel it get faster too, the rhythm going higher along with his body temperature and you decide on a path. A path of kisses starting from the same spot you’ve turned glittery pink, up his jawline and all the way to his earlobe.
Donghyuck clenches his jawline, you feel that too, and something snaps inside him. He just can’t take it anymore, having you so close to him, your lips on his neck and doing nothing about it. The boiling water finally spilled over the pot, hot and overflowing, and he doesn’t care if he gets burned.
You feel the cool wood against your back before you taste his tongue a second after. He has pushed you up against the entrance door, you realize, but it’s hard to comprehend anything around you when he kisses you like that. It’s the steamy, purposeful continuation of the kiss you shared earlier, and with the lack of prying eyes Donghyuck has a good idea of where he wants it to lead.
He shows you too, pushing his knee between your thighs and he feels your heat almost melt the rough fabric of his jeans. There are so many things he wants to do, so many lines he wants to cross but there is one thing he must ensure.
“Tell me you want this.”
You glide your hands upwards from his pecks to the slope of his neck and wrap them around his neck. Your body seems to act up on its own, and you feel yourself grinding down his leg that is still positioned against the wall. It feels dirty, the desperation of it all, and you connect your chest with his again before answering him.
“Lee Donghyuck. I want you to make me cum” 
You grab his hand before he gets to respond, the cool silver of his watch digging against your fingers, and you drag him to the elevator door. As if the universe had sensed your urgency, you find it waiting for you at the bottom floor, and you pull him inside with a tug of his tie.
In no time you find yourself pushed up against the wall again, and you can’t see much beyond Donghyuck’s lips, but you do catch him clumsily pressing the button to his floor with your peripheral vision. Once the elevator is in motion you feel like you can finally submerge yourself in his lips and the way his kisses take your breath away, not sure if the funny feeling in your stomach is from the sudden change in altitude or the arousal. You’re already taking his clothes off, removing the jacket of his suit off his shoulders and working the top buttons of his shirt open.
It’s him that drags you to his apartment this time, urging you out of the elevator as soon as the robotic declaim of his floor number rips through the wet sounds of you kissing. His keys are already easily accessible in his front pocket from your conversation earlier, and when he manages to unlock the entrance with trembling hands you walk inside as if you own the place.
It’s small and cozy, decorated minimally. The first thing you notice is that it smells like Donghyuck, something that should be obvious but it still overwhelms you. It’s maybe a bit stuffy from the hours he was gone yet this is the smell still lingering in your nose from his skin you were sucking just moments ago, trying to distract him from the easy task of opening the door. It’s addictive and you want it stuck on yours.
And Donghyuck does stick on your skin, discarding his tie on the floor with a strong pull and finishing the task of unbuttoning his shirt that you started in the elevator. His movements are impatient and soon he’s half naked, and you barely have time to admire his caramel skin before his hands are all over you. They start safely at the dimples of your waist, then sliding upwards to your ribcage and copping a feel of the underside of your boobs by sneaking his thumbs under the wire of your bra. You want to feel more, encourage his probing fingers so you reach to the clasp on your back, unfastening the garment and removing it through the hem of your blouse. 
Donghyuck can’t take his eyes off your chest, nipples hardened from your arousal and poking through the thin fabric. He takes his thumbs, the same thumbs that lit a fire in your belly earlier and flips the bud, toying it around and rubbing circles around it. The response from you is immediate, moans that start off soft and build up to a crescendo bouncing off the walls of his apartment.
It drives you crazy, a little bit, that smirk he has on his face now. It’s so familiar in between his features, you’ve seen it countless of times, especially during his typical teasings of you, yet is carries so much newfound weight now, so much sex appeal. He’s already giving you what you need but the climaxing is too slow for your liking, you want more and you want it now. You want what you asked him for in the lobby of this building.
Donghyuck can either read your mind or read through the increased frequency of your moans because he undresses down to his boxers, forming a trail of clothes from his living room to his bedroom, where he has led you. He doesn’t even bother to open the lights, relying on the moonlight from his window for lighting and pushing you down on his bedsheets. 
He climbs up with you, hovering over you and you move back a bit so that your head rests comfortably over his pillows. If the smile he gave you earlier had affected you, then the hungry look on his face right now almost makes you come untouched, his eyes raking up and down your body as if he doesn’t know where to start.
He decides on your calves, kissing them and moving upwards slowly and sensually, not missing the sensitive skin on the side of your knees and paying extra attention to your inner thighs. He’s still at it a minute and a half later, and you can’t tell in the dark but you’re sure they must be decorated by bite marks by now, his close proximity to the source of your pleasure making you squirm in his hold.  
It feels like ages since you last felt his fingers when he grips the soft meat of your thighs and spreads them apart. They soon move up to the hem of your skirt, rolling the fabric upwards and over your ass. You feel his breath against your pussy, making it tingle and twitch even more than it already has, and the wait feels like a new level of hell in Dante’s Inferno. 
A single finger pets you over your underwear, drawing lines over the damp fabric from your clit down to your entrance and then up again. You whimper and whine at the sensation that is half a step from what you consider satisfactory and he hooks a finger on the black lace, moving it to the side and letting you experience the cool air of the room all over again. The full exposure brings heat to your face and you breathe through the embarrassment that arouses you even more.
“Hey, Donghyuck?”
“Is your cat still alive?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
He licks one long stripe over your entrance, and you feel the goosebumps spreading all over your arms and legs. Nimble fingers spread your folds apart, and you hold your breath as he lets his cool spit drip from his lips and land onto your lower ones, then starts sucking over your clit. His tongue is wet and his breath is hot, the combination driving you insane. You grip the comforter, digging into it with your nails to keep yourself grounded.
“Oh my god, yes, right there”
The praise motivates him to keep trying hard, not that it will take a lot of effort to make you come undone. Donghyuck’s unprecedented touches and the newfound sexual tension they have ignited had already worked you up, his skill in oral accelerating the build up to your climax even more. And just when you thought it couldn’t get better than this he starts a series of kitten licks right over your clit, each one sending a wave of pleasure stronger than the one before.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum”
You’re grinding on his face, trying to find the right pace when you finally come undone, thighs shaking and desperately trying to push his hands away to cover up your sensitivity again. His hold is steady and he continues to lick you keenly, the lewd sound of him slurping your wetness filling the room. Your eyes open wide and you can only stare at his white ceiling during your overstimulation, the cracks and crumbling plaster caused from humidity looking like constellations in your orgasm-drunk mind. The second climax hits you suddenly but forcefully, unable to control the volume of your voice, not that you can hear yourself clearly in your daze. It’s an array of moans and screams and tiny whimpers of Donghyuck’s name, his beautiful symphony coming to life.
His appetite for you is finally satiated, and he decides to take mercy on you and remove his lips from your pulsating heat. You look so beautiful right now, he thinks, skin illuminated by the pale moonlight that is reflected on the wetness dripping from your pussy. He hovers over you again, pulling you into another kiss and you lazily reciprocate. His member is painfully hard, sliding over your slickness. You squirm and yelp everytime the fabric of his underwear grazes against your clit, your nerve endings screaming in sensitivity.
“I don’t have a condom on me”, you whisper against his lips, the taste of yourself on his tongue engaging you in the kiss again.
“I’m too tired to fuck you like you deserve anyways”
It would be criminal from you to leave him untouched like that. He looks so hot over you, messy hair and chin glistening in your juices. You absentmindedly place your nails on his collarbones, then scratch your way down over his navel. Donghyuck hisses at the numb stinging of pain, hips buckling against your pussy in the pursuit of some sort of friction. 
You move your hand even lower, slipping your fingers past the waistband of his boxers. You move past the bristles you find and grasp his member, that is not too long but an impressive girth. You manage to free it from his underwear, and you can’t really tell in the dim lighting but you bet it must have turned a purple-ish red colour. It’s leaking.
“But we don’t have a condom”
You take one of his hands in yours, giving it a kiss to calm him down, then place it over your left boob. He toys with the mound of your chest, squeezing the softness. You had other plans for him.
Connecting your knees together, you let the softness of your thighs connect, with only maybe a slither of space between them. Your hands are still on Donghyuck’s cock and you reach to hold his balls, massaging them slightly and pulling him towards you.
He takes your cue and leans forward, sliding himself between your thighs. The moan he lets out is guttural and elongated, laced with the beautiful metallic tone of his voice. He lets go of your breasts and wraps his arms around your knees, putting your calves on each of his shoulders and continues to rut his hips against you. 
“Fuck. This feels so good”
You look up to see Donghyuck’s face, contorted in a frown that can only be described as desperate, his lips puffy and red from all the licking and kissing and sucking. 
He looks painfully sexy, and you momentarily imagine all the things you would do to him if the serotonin of your double orgasm and the alcohol in your belly weren’t weighing you down. You’d gladly stay up all night for him, tugging on his long hair as you’d let him bend you in any position he wanted. You bet that thickness would feel amazing stretching you out and you moan at the thought, your thighs flexing involuntarily and making him moan even more. 
Soon he has picked up his pace, the tip of his cock reappearing between your thighs more frequently and you can feel his thrusts getting sloppier by the second.
“Fuck fuck, I’m coming”
He suddenly pushes forward, almost collapsing on top of you as a string of satisfactory groans leave his lips. His hips still with a stagger and you entrancingly watch the ropes of white dripping from his cock and landing on your blouse. It was a mess, but you can worry about it in the morning.
Donghyuck fucks your thighs slowly for a little longer, elongating his pleasure for as long as he can and soothing the crescent moons his nails formed on your skin with his fingertips. He reaches one hand to his bedroom floor where he finds a -what you hope is- clean t-shirt, and pats his cum off your blouse as best as he could.
It has gotten late and you’re both exhausted, Donghyuck’s comfortable weight on top of you lulling you to sleep. He’s hugging your hips now, head resting on your stomach and occasionally kissing your hip bones tenderly. You’re not sure when you slip out of consciousness but you do hear Donghyuck mumble something against your skin, something the kiss of Morpheus doesn’t allow you to make out.
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You wake up to a white ceiling. Not just any white ceiling- a cracked, full of moisture pockets ceiling and you wonder when you let the humidity mess up your apartment this much. The culprit of your awakening, the morning sun rays that shine right on your eyes; way too bright than what you’re used to, force your eyelids to open, and it takes you a moment to adjust to the abundant light. This isn’t your apartment.
The sight of a man that greets your barely recovered rentinas shocks you, and you rub your eyes just in case you’re stuck in a lucid dream or something. You see the mess of ash blonde hair and the pile of work clothes discarded on the floor and your mind soon is flooded with last night’s events, buzzed out in your foggy memory. You sense another buzz as well, a physical one this time and you wiggle in place when you feel something hard and metallic digging in your butt. You prod a little with your fingers, trying not to wake up Donghyuck too abruptly and you realise that yes, you’ve been sitting on a phone all night.
Shouldn’t it be a Tuesday today? It’s very bright for it to be that early but surely Donghyuck must have set an alarm for the both of you last night. You yawn involuntarily, deciding to play with your phone until he wakes up as well when the bright white display pulls all the blood from your face.
8:40. You have to be at work in 20 minutes.
“Donghyuck! Hyuck!”
You didn’t care to make your touches light. They were shoves, really, pushing at his shoulders frantically to get him off of you and pull him out of his slumber. He wakes up with a gasp, trying desperately to keep his balance and failing, to then fall unceremoniously on the floor.
“What the hell?”, he groans out with a hoarse, groggy version of his voice, “My head is pounding”
“It will hurt even more once I’m done with you! You didn’t set an alarm last night? Today’s a work day!’
With his eyes bulging, he launches himself forward, grabbing the phone from your hands. 
“Shit, shit, shit”. He’s fully awake now, hands rubbing his face to come up with the next logical steps to take, in order to have you both at work on time and looking presentable. “I have a mouthwash and hairbrush in my bathroom, I’ll get ready here”
“And what the fuck am I supposed to wear?”
“Yesterday’s clothes? Are you really that concerned about recycling an outfit right now?”
You roll your eyes, pushing your blouse down and dragging his comforter off your body. 
“Did you forget about this?”
You straighten out the fabric for him to see, and the big, grossly dried out cum stains aren’t hard to notice. His face looks worried, but not necessarily apologetic, and you can almost see the scenes from the sex you shared last night play through his eyes like a porn film. 
“Your skirt is fine, right? I’ll find a shirt that fits you”
You’re spitting out the fluorescent blue liquid when he timorously walks in the bathroom to leave the piece of clothing he promised. It smells heavily of those moth-repellent sachets and looks slightly wrinkled, like something he pulled out from the depths of his closet but you don’t really have the privilege of playing Suzy Menkes right now. You pull and tuck the fabric in creative ways, in order to style the garment into something you might walk into work wearing one day, yet it’s painfully obvious to you how misfitted it is; too big around the shoulders as one would expect from a man’s shirt.
You exit the bathroom after giving up, pressed by the limited time and the sound of Donghyuck’s uneasy steps through the door. You let him freshen up as well and use the time to collect your things that are scattered all over his place - he was kind enough to bring you your bra that was discarded in his living room floor along with his shirt - and soon you were rushing out of his house and into separate cabs so as not to raise suspicion.
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The rest of the day was normal, well- according to this new definition of normalcy for you. Where everything and everyone seems to follow this movie script of what a typical company must look like, while you worry that someone will probe uninvitedly into your thoughts. God knows what they would fish out. A broken record player of Donghyuck’s moans when he cums, the burn of his thick sex rubbing against your thighs, the paths of his neck veins you memorized by heart. 
You shake your head to clear it from the intrusive thoughts, and click the refresh button of your emails. The sound of keys being tapped and printers being put to use lands you back to reality, and you calmly click on the new incoming message from the Sales Department.
It was Johnny.
You’d think that after having his dick down your throat for about half a minute, getting butterflies in your stomach from the mere sight of his email address would stop being a recurring event for you. But alas, here they were, tapping their little wings in a flutter that turns into a hurricane of anxiety, and you sarcastically thank the universe for having to deal with Johnny while looking like an 80’s librarian.
You walk up the stairs like your ankle’s dragging a ball and a chain, the piece of paper in your hands getting slightly ripped from the abuse of your nervous fingers. It was a stupid document, barely half filled with any valuable information and you think it can’t be worth the calories you burned with that trip. It certainly wasn’t worth entering hell, aka mr. Suh’s office, and just the thought of him waiting for you in his fitted suit and gelled back hair is making you light headed. If Johnny was Hades then Donghyuck definitely was Cerberus, guarding his boss with his three heads and his big dick.
You leave a breath out when you realise he isn’t there, making your way onto Johnny’s office with lighter feet. He smiles brightly when he sees you, handsome as ever, and you carefully leave the document on his messy desk.
“Well, isn’t it my favourite intern”
You laugh at his sing-song tone, enjoying how warm he was being today.
“You used to avoid me like the plague and now I’m your favourite?”
“You always were my favourite”, he winks, and pushes back his hair like he knows the effect it has on you, “If someone is avoiding anyone like the plague that’s Donghyuck. I would have sent him to you but I can’t find him anywhere.”
You gulp dryly at his words, an invisible awl pinching your chest. You could feel Donghyuck slipping away from every place that you might share, in a very subtle way, but still noticeable from you. He left the kitchen hastily when you walked in to make your coffee, excused himself out of the lunch break through which you always kept him company, and now he was gone as well. Was last night such a big mistake in his point of view?
“I’m kidding, I just wanted to see you.”
He motions you to come closer and you timidly oblige, serenaded by the sound of his voice but not missing the hunger his eyes hold. He’s still seated in his big leather office chair, thighs spread out in a way that turned you on embarrassingly much, and you fit yourself in the space between his long legs. 
“He is very jumpy though, Donghyuck. Do you know what happened to him?”
Your whole body tenses up, muscles hardening defensively. “Why would I know?”
“I don’t know. It’s just that you guys are so close.”
Close. Close as in having his knee between your thighs, close as in being pushed up against his chest and the elevator mirror. Close as in knowing how his tongue feels massaging your clit. 
“Have I seen you in that before?”
You’re confused with the sudden question and when you search for the context you realise he’s talking about your- Donghyuck’s shirt. Did he smell the sex on you? The overwhelming scent of pheromones and Donghyuck’s cologne that your nose just couldn’t ignore?
“I don’t think so”, you try to answer as nonchalantly as possible, “it’s new.”
“No”, Johnny insists, and pinches the fabric with his fingers. He’s very knowledgeable about fashion, always complimenting you on your outfit choices and you know he wouldn’t let this one go so easily. “I’m sure I’ve seen this before.”
You follow his line of sight towards the ivory fabric too, as if you expected there to be written “YOUR ASSISTANT GAVE ME THE BEST HEAD OF MY LIFE LAST NIGHT”, in a bright red marker. It was a prison, in the form of 99% cotton and 1% pure anxiety, and you know you had to distract Johnny out of this subject one way or the other.
“You like it?”, you ask seductively, tucking a stray piece of hair behind his ear.
“I’d like you better without it.”
With just one strong, yet calculated pull he has you sat over the length of his thigh. Your hands land on his chest for stability, right over his pecks that fill your palms easily. There’s nothing you want more than to suck on those perfectly sculpted lips of his, but you’re not too faithful on Donghyuck’s mouthwash so you settle for the earlobe that isn’t pierced instead.
He loves the feeling, the activation of his erogenous area and the suction of your lips that resembles one of your favourite activities together.
“I like this shirt”, he starts, unbuttoning your chest into plain view, “and I love this skirt”
He runs his big hands over the plumpless of your ass, squeezing it then retracting his fingers back on your thighs. They’re cold against your burning skin and the contrast causes goosebumps to erupt in the shape of his handprint.
“You love all my skirts Johnny”
“I do. Because I can do this”
His fingers roll the hem of your skirt up your thigh, the only thing separating your heat with the smooth fabric of his slacks being your skimpy underwear. You’re pretty sure the wetness must be transferring to it already, your thoughts of Donghyuck and all the things he could do with you having you desperate for a release. Johnny pets your clit over your panties then, just a light graze of his finger that elicits a moan from you.
Your hips move on their own, slowly humping his thigh that flexes from under you. You grab his tie to help your movement when your pace picks up, enjoying his body heat that coated you. 
“Someone might see us.”
His desk chair was large, sure, but so was Johnny, and even though his back was facing the door of his office, no one could mistake the sight of you riding him as anything else. 
“I told you, Donghyuck keeps disappearing. And it seems like it won’t take you too long to cum with the way you moan like that, right babe?”
You were a whiny mess at this point, humping his leg to reach your high. He was nice enough to help you, his hands guiding you as you mess up all over him, lips stuck on the patch of skin right under your ear.
“You know, I kind of miss you calling me Mr. Suh.” he whispers as he’s sucking on your neck, and you shiver at the tone of his voice, “What do I have to do next time you come over to have you call me like that?”
You can’t contain your whimpers anymore, the stinging tears of arousal threatening to roll down your face, so you close your eyes to keep the moisture in. Everything is just too much, the pleasure of your clit rubbing on him, his nails that dig in the flesh of your hips, the heavy suggestions in his words; your orgasm was hanging by a thread and it was a matter of seconds for it to snap. And it did snap, with a bite on your neck, and along with it your eyes snapped open as well.
Donghyuck was staring right back at you.
Your eyes crossed in pleasure, blurry vision making it hard to focus on him. You were falling apart over Johnny’s body, legs shaking and insides melting with his praise. Donghyuck took the sight in from the opened door, eyes studying your face of pleasure and bare chest decorated with Johnny’s kisses peeking from his own shirt. You’d be lying had you dismissed the fact that his presence intensified your orgasm times a hundred. The exposure of your act, the naughtiness of getting caught and by him of all people. You watched as he retreated outside from the office with silent steps, to give you privacy or recover from the embarrassment or both.
And Donghyuck would be lying too, had he said he didn’t like the sight. The mere memory of your face all fucked out flushed his own in crimson red. He remembered it all clearly, from your plush lips to Johnny’s mess of a hair, to the tremble of your body. It refused to leave his mind, the scene of you getting satisfaction from another man, but not because he wanted to erase it. He thought he fit right in, right in that scene between you and his boss.  
You texted him later that day, apologizing for what he had to witness and promising him you would return the shirt as soon as you washed it. He politely allowed you to keep it, not at all acknowledging the incident from earlier, nor the night you spent together. You didn’t have the guts to ask, for you didn’t know that Donghyuck didn’t regard last night as a mistake, like you thought. He was tired of boiling in the guilt of his feelings, selfishly admitting to himself that he did not regret a single thing. He was into you, he meant every word that came out of his mouth, so why was he avoiding you all day yesterday? He was still the fucking coward.
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The next day came rolling along, and with it came a long list of things you wanted to avoid. The first one was arguably dealing with your best friend, the lengthy paperwork you had to fill out being a close second.  
Your mind was occupied with a plethora of thoughts, with Johnny holding the main spot. You’d seen him in your sleep last night, starring in the extremely detailed wet dream your brain fabricated for you, hot breaths and deep thrusts forcing you into the disappointing consciousness of today’s morning.
And the pictures he had sent you right after you decided to get up weren’t helping either. His tall, half naked build occupied most of the shot, skin glistening in the after-shower steam. His toothbrush was hanging from his foamy mouth, in an attempt to make the picture look nonchalant, yet you knew his motives. You let your eyes drink up the sight of his defined abdomen, then moved downwards along the dark happy trail that peeked from the towel, loosely hanging from his waist. Hip bones teasing you and all. Just drop the fucking towel Johnny.
Needless to say, you were a mess when you arrived at the office. The cats in heat outside of your window, the phallic shaped baguette your baker generously treated you with this morning; everything seemed to remind you of the heat between your legs that you couldn’t bring yourself to ignore. You tried rubbing your thighs, drowning in the paperwork, even locking your phone in one of your drawers so as not to be tempted to look at Johnny’s thirst trap again. But he had won.
You grab a bunch of documents that seemed important enough, shove them in your favourite binder, and make your way to Johnny’s office upstairs. 
You knew you had to deal with Donghyuck. It was the unavoidable repercussion of messing up your life like that, getting men that were too good looking for this boring ass company tangled up in what seemed to be a simple internship. Taking a deep breath, then two more for good measure, you start to strut confidently in a straight line that led to Johnny’s office door.
“He’s on call, come back later.”
Your head instinctively turns to the source of the sound, to find Donghyuck staring at the display of his laptop that seemed to be much more interesting than you. The matter-of-fact way he formed his sentences was not unlike him, yet something in you begged for a little bit of attention. Blame it on how horny you’ve been all morning, or the fact that now that you’ve seen him naked, the strict tone affects you much more than it should.
Bothered by your thoughts and thinking about having to sit back at your office for the rest of the work day, you let the binder slip from your hands and drop on the wooden floor. You lean down to collect the scattered pieces of paper, your heels making it hard for you to keep your balance easily, and soon enough you sense a movement from behind you.
“No panties huh?”
It was supposed to be a surprise. Payback for the dirty thoughts Johnny planted in your head this morning. You’d walk in all innocently, sit right across his desk and give him a little Basic Instinct Sharon Stone moment. Then leave him high and dry again, while mentally keeping a note to clear out all your plans for the weekend. But see, he couldn’t give you what you wanted after all, and your resolve started to break. Whatever it was you wanted, you wanted it now.
You get up, unfolding your body slowly and refusing to look at Donghyuck, much like he did when you walked inside. The smirk playing on your lips couldn’t be concealed through your voice.
“Like what you see?”
You gasp as he presses up against you, the only contact you have with one another being his hard-on that nudges your ass. Following your body’s orders, you push back against him too, and you can tell the breath he lets out is ragged and full of tension.
He reaches for your binder with an arm around you, flipping through the pages as he sucks his teeth in disapproval.
“These are last week’s reports. Are you really here for these or are you looking for another quickie with Johnny?” A moan escapes you then, and the little thrust that Donghyuck allows himself drives you both crazy. “Thought so. How insatiable are you? I made you cum two nights ago, Johnny helped you out yesterday. If you really are that desperate you could’ve just come to me for help, doll”
His soft palm rests on the front of your thigh, slowly sliding his way under your skirt. You squirm in his hold in anticipation, and you have to bite your tongue to hold in the noises that threaten to leave you. 
“Donghyuck, Johnny is sitting right through that door. He could come out any minute now and see us”
“Your boss is sitting right through that door. You could get fired”
“I could die after this”
His thumb ficks your clit swiftly, and Donghyuck takes this opportunity to slip his other one inside your gaping mouth.
“Shh. Don’t talk with your mouth full, baby”
You’re melting in his hold at this point, your back still resting against his chest, lips sucking his digit. The scent of his cologne that you’ve grown so familiar with overwhelms you, painting all your surroundings in a red tint of lust.
“Spread your legs for me”. You oblige with his orders immediately, your arousal not allowing you to keep him waiting. “Wider”.
You take a quick look behind your shoulder to check that the door is still, indeed, closed, only to be met face to face with Donghyuck. His breath is hot against your face, eyes locked on his thumb toying with your lower lip and you completely forget what you initially turned around for. The kiss was natural, your lips melding easily with his ones. The need for him washes over you like a heatwave and you lift your skirt to urge him to continue before you go insane. 
He gets the hint and moves his hand lower, middle finger tracing your opening ever so slightly. It makes you shiver and you realise how quiet the room has fallen, the only source of sound coming muffled through the closed door to Johnny’s office. It excites you and it must show through the wetness between your lower lips, and Donghyuck patiently collects it all. He transfers the moisture over the bud of your clit, his finger smoothly massaging the sensitive skin. It feels divine and there’s no way you’d ask him to stop yet you know there’s something else Donghyuck is after, the sweet tightness that he didn’t get to experience that night at his apartment.
It was a bit much to fuck you out there like that, even for his exhibitionistic tendencies, but nothing could stop him from feeling the next best thing. 
His first finger enters you unhurriedly, careful of your reactions. You moan out his name and he moans at how tight you are, soft pussy practically sucking his finger in. He soon enters his ring finger as well, slowly moving them inside you until you feel every stretch and curl. Your wetness starts to drip at this point, coating his fingers with your juices.
“Such a dirty girl, making all this mess at my office”
The leisure pace ruins you, your eyes shut close in search of patience. You feel his other palm move from under your skirt as well, resting flat against your lower abdomen. He wants to feel himself inside you.
“Donghyuck, please. More”
A chuckle is heard from your left ear, and you can vividly imagine how his face must look like now. The cocky smirk, the tongue poking the inside of his cheek. The next pump has you muffling your whimpers with the back of your fist, his fingers curling just right and fucking straight into your g-spot. 
“More? Look at you. Pretty slut.” 
He’s full on finger fucking you now, and swallowing your moans is gradually becoming more and more difficult. The world crumbles from under your feet and you let yourself get carried away in the intense pleasure, the fast pumping making your legs shake.
“You’re gonna cum?”, he whispers again, and you can only respond with a nod, “That’s my fucking girl”
The orgasm’s intense, shaking you as you bite your hand and hold onto Donghyuck for extra support. He continues to move his fingers afterwards, drawing out your euphoria for as long as he can, then finally leaves you empty once your moans have died down. You immediately cover yourself up again once you sober up from your high, suddenly embarrassed by Donghyuck’s intense stare. He’s moving his eyes through all the features of your face, only for them to fall frozen on your lips, and lifts his hand up to rest his two fingers over them. You get his initiative and put them in your mouth, tasting yourself on your tongue.
“Unless you want us both to get fired I think you should go back to your office. I don’t think I can contain myself around you”
You release his digits with a pop, your eyes full of seduction.  
“What would you do to me?”
Donghyuck growls at your question, turning you around so that you’re fully face to face and chest to chest. 
“You’d look so pretty on your knees, mouth full of cock”. He grabs a handful of your ass, bringing you flush against him and proceeds to grind his painfully hard dick between your thighs. Your noses touch and you feel dizzy at the proximity; the words he mutters against your cum coated lips. “I’d peel those clothes off of you, find the nearest mirror. Stretch you out against the glass so that you see how good you take it.”
You shiver as a response, then force yourself to put some distance between you before you do something stupid. He kindly helps you collect your things in silence, those useless documents that were laying scattered on the floor, and in a moment of weakness you let him pin you against the wall right before you go.There was something so addictive about him and your chemistry, and your lips burn at the memory of his kisses. You’re not sure how much longer you can contain that hunger anymore.
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The end of a shift and the beginning of another overtime. It felt like deja vu at this point, after all the countless extra hours you’ve put into the internship, seeing people grab their briefcases and their car keys as they empty the space around you. You take a moment to appreciate the view of the setting sun from the small window of your office, inhaling deeply as you wrap the hair that’s been bothering you in a ponytail. Your neck hurts and the tension of your body is translating into a dull pain, so you stretch it a little, bobbing your head from side to side.
You jump a little in your seat when you feel a set of hands on your shoulder blades. They massage the sore spots, treating the muscle knots and helping your blood flow freely. It was obvious Donghyuck didn’t have enough of you earlier, and you pout at having to turn down another visit to his apartment because of your overtime duties. 
You were ready to scold him off, tell him you’re busy and that you promise to make it up for him another time, when you feel his soft lips kissing the most sensitive spot on the slope of your neck. You let out a long sigh, subconsciously exposing your neck more for him, and a high pitched whine rumbles in your chest. It’s released as a moan of Donghyuck’s name.
You freeze in the uncomfortable arch, your ears confused by the deepness of the voice belonging to the man behind you. Not even the confusion laced in it can cover up the lack of airiness and clarity you’re used to when it comes to Donghyuck’s tone. It’s Johnny.
“I… We-“
You’re left speechless, clueless as to what to say next. You know you don’t have to explain yourself, it’s not like you and Johnny are exclusive. Yet his shocked face at the sound of his assistant’s name coming so lewdly off your lips has your brain scrambling to find some sort of explanation. Thankfully, he’d interrupt your panic in a second.
“The big boss wants you upstairs. I offered to come get you.”
He doesn’t sound angry or upset, nor disappointed. It’s a fresh air of relief before you realize that this is not what you should worry about right now. What the hell does the CEO of the company want to talk to you about? Are you getting the boot? It must be it, but why? Your numbers have been great, you’re always on time - except that one morning, but technically it was Donghyuck’s fault - and you’ve been praised by your supervisor numerous times during your internship.
Unless- What if there’s cameras in the office? 
You start to panic at the thought of an involuntary sex tape become the cause of your dismissal, so caught up in your thoughts that you’re completely unaware you’ve spent the entire trip up the stairs with Johnny in silence. When you enter the CEO’s office, heartbeat echoing loudly in your ears, you notice that all of the department’s supervisors are present in the impromptu meeting as well. You sit next to Johnny, in an attempt to calm yourself down, and you see the head of your department send you an encouraging smile.
“Shall we start?”
A briefing of your work in the company ensued, numbers and graphs that wouldn’t make sense to anyone other than the people in the room. Thirty minutes have passed and no surveillance tape has been whipped out, turning you more confused than ever. The numbers were good, the words from your supervisor are complimentary, so why would they fire you? 
“That is all for the briefing. After seeing your progress and the contribution you’ve made to the company, we’ve decided to offer you a permanent position, if you’d be interested of course”
Oh my god. You can’t believe this day finally came. Your face was glowing, and you tried to convince yourself to stay calm while you talked about your new position and the raise in salary that came with it. With shaky hands you sign the documents, and your boss congratulates you once again, dismissing you off your overtime. 
You waited for everyone to leave the hallway before jumping in Johnny’s arms. He caught you easily, strong build supporting you and lifting your feet off the ground before landing you safely again.
“Good job intern, I’m so proud of you”
“Hey, I’m not an intern anymore!”, you complain by bumping his chest with your fist and he pats your head lovingly in return.
“Why did you have to be in the room as well? Did you know about my promotion?”
“No, actually, they just told me an hour ago. It was hard to keep myself from telling you everything right away.”
The excitement coursed through you, and a sudden urge to kiss him until your lips were numb overwhelmed you. You were ready to turn your thoughts into reality, when you saw Donghyuck from the corner of your eye, instinctively smiling at your obvious happiness.
“What’s the occasion?”
“I got promoted!”
Donghyuck gasped, a huge smile spreading across his face. Your excitement’s contentious so he tackles you without a second thought, his embrace so tight that you can barely breathe. You can see that he’s trying his best to contain a kiss, his glance moving back and forth between you and Johnny. He still kept a possessive hand around your waist once he let you down however, a gesture that could seem innocent yet you knew better.
Johnny smirks at the sight of you two, confidence dripping off his body and making you shiver. You get dizzy at the thought of Donghyuck not knowing that Johnny knows about you, yet Donghyuck knowing about Johnny but not giving a fuck.
“So how do we celebrate?”, the older man asks, with a playful tone that might as well be your active imagination.
“Wanna go for a drink?”, Donghyuck suggests, boldly keeping his eyes at you only while he does so.
You pout in thought, humming pensively when an idea pops into your head. 
“How about you come over my place for one?”
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You should have thought this through more thoroughly, is all you can think about as you’re trapped between Johnny and Hyuck on your couch. Well, not really- there is a sizable distance between you three, yet the atmosphere in the room is so dense it’s nearly palpable. Three glasses, half-full of the alcohol of their choice are sitting on the coffee table in front of you, and you awkwardly stare at the sweat that falls from your glass and forms rings on the wooden surface. 
Your body has loosened up from your drink yet your heart can’t stop racing, not when Donghyuck is looking at you like that. He looks like a man starved for days while you’re the meal presented deliciously in his arm’s reach, and he can’t wait to have you alone and curve his growing appetite. And you ignore Johnny’s cheeky smiles and flirtatious winks as well, carrying on a conversation that doesn’t belong in the inescapable tone of the room but flows easily, until it ends and you’re met with heavy silence and the ticking analog clock on your wall again.
You ask them if they would like some water, getting up before you receive an answer, and you yelp a little when you feel a strong arm halting your trip to the kitchen before it even started. You lose your balance and wobble a little in your spot before unceremoniously landing on Johnny’s lap.
He doesn’t help you up, but loops and arm around your waist instead, holding you in place. In circumstances other than the ones that have already made their mark on your sexual history, staying in this position with his assistant still in the room would be highly inappropriate.
“You’re all we need”, he reassures you with a voice made of silk, then repositions you with a jerk of his knee, your heat grinding right against his half hard member.
“When were you gonna tell me?”
You open and close your mouth sequentially like a fish out of water, choking out a reply after the insistent tick-tock that resonates through the room and gives a tempo to your anxiety.
“I’m sorry?”
“You know what I’m talking about. A little birdy told me I’m not the only one enjoying this perfect little body. Is that right Donghyuck?”
Donghyuck’s eyes bulged out of his skull, almost choking in the sip of the drink he was enjoying when the unexpected question hit him. Sizzling heat floods your face as he stares at you sternly, and you shake your head defensively.
“I didn’t tell him-“
“Well no, not exactly”, Johnny interrupts and places his big hands over your thighs, “I was just kissing her neck, trying to get her to relax, and lo and behold, she starts moaning your name like its a fucking reflex. You’ve really gotten into her head, apparently”
Donghyuck swells up in pride, that much is evident, yet he’s way too distracted to say anything in response, too busy staring at Johnny’s fingers spreading your thighs apart to expose your damp underwear. Johnny’s lips are planted on your neck, teeth nibbling on your earlobe and you wince when you feel the sharp sting of a slap on your inner thigh.
“You aren’t being a good hostess, baby. Open up your legs more, let Hyuck see your pretty pussy. You remember what word to say when you want me to stop, right?” You whimper the designated safe word while opening your thighs further, digging the heels of your feet in the couch’s pillows. “Good girl”
He dips a hand through the band of your underwear, busying his fingers under the fabric. You moan as they slide through the wetness and he smiles a cocky smile when he sees Donghyuck palming himself through his slacks. He removes the skimpy thong with the help of your hips moving to assist him, to then push the fabric inside your mouth with little to no resistance from you.
“Isn’t this pussy divine? I swear when I bottomed out inside of her the first time I thought I lost my damn mind”
He toys with your opening, only dipping half a finger in to challenge Donghyuck to pay attention.
“We haven’t actually…”
“She only let you play with her?”, Johnny teases him, then pushes his point and middle finger all the way inside you, making his assistant’s imagination run wild at what your pussy must feel like sucking him in. “You’re missing out man”
“I’ve made her cum probably twice as many times as you’ve ever have”
You chuckle at his smart remark and Johnny glares at you, softly slapping your pussy to keep you at bay.
“No one addressed you. You’ll get to make all the noise you want in a sec, baby”
You squirm in place, letting out a muffled apology through your gag and Donghyuck looks seriously affected by the sight.
“Isn’t she obedient?”, Johnny asks while grazing your g-spot, and you moan from both the praise and the stimulation.
Hyuck unbuttons his pants at the lewd sound, pulling his dick from the slit of his boxers and you admire his impressive girth. He lets his body decline comfortably on the pillows behind him, spreading his own legs at shoulder-length. The mouth-watering sight of him jerking himself slowly with the aid of his precum clouds your vision; you’re just as needy for him as he is for you.
“She’s a little brat”
“I guess I know how to make her listen”. Johnny lifts your dress over your hips, then helps you off of it through the hem. With a rehearsed flick of his fingers he discards your bra as well, leaving you completely naked for Donghyuck’s eyes to feast on. His hands immediately grope your breasts, playing with the mounds and putting on a show. “I could undress you over and over and over again”
You feel his fingers retract from inside your pussy to form a ‘V’ over your lower lips, making your hole even more visible along with the wetness that’s dripping out of it.
“Will you let Donghyuck use your pussy baby? I feel a little greedy using it all on my own”
You groan in the anticipation and let your head fall back on Johnny’s shoulder, nodding pathetically and mumbling through your thong.
“Oh god, yes, yes, yes”
Donghyuck has heard enough, and with Johnny urging him on he’s standing half naked in front of you in seconds. His boxers are discarded next to his trousers on the floor, tie hanging loosely from the collar. He still has a hand wrapped around his angry sex, red tip and veiny details making you swoon.
“Go on”, Johnny encourages him, “she’s more than wet enough”
Donghyuck rests his left knee on the cushion of the couch, right between your foot and Johnny’s thigh. A little foiled square is getting ripped by his nimble fingers and you bewitchedly watch him wrap up his cock. He slaps it over your entrance a couple times, coming in contact with the other man’s fingers that are still keeping you fully exposed, then finally thrusts himself inside you. A conglomerate of what seems like three different curses leave his lips, eyebrows furrowed in a pleasureful expression.
“Tight, isn’t she?”
“So fucking tight baby, damn”
Johnny may have a cock so lengthy that most men are envious of, yet Donghyuck’s girth is really something else. It stretches you out more than you've had in months, dull pain getting numb with every release of serotonin from your brain. You almost cry when he removes the entire thing out of you.
“I have to feel that again”
And indeed he does, submerging himself in the tightness of your walls only his fingers had the privilege of experiencing thus far. You feel amazing wrapped up around him, pussy hot and burning in desire as he dips himself further inside you, pushing you up against Johnny’s chest. You hiss in the sting and whimper softly, prompting the man behind you to ungag you finally.
“What is it baby? Hyuckie’s dick is too big for your tight little hole?”
You nod affirmatively while keeping eye contact with the man mentioned, big glossy eyes awakening something dark inside him. He wants to ruin you.
“Maybe you don’t fuck her hard enough”
You can’t see Johnny from the way you’re seated but you know he must have a smile on his face, well aware of the confidence he possesses for his own abilities in the bedroom. His big hands leave your labia and make their way over to your calves, bending you in a way that is almost painful.
“How about you show me how it’s done, then?”
Donghyuck is always up for a challenge, so he wraps a hand loosely around your throat so as to gain leverage. He pulls his hips backwards, gaining momentum, then slaps them forcefully against your own. You moan loudly at the depth, hands scrambling to find something to hold on to as he’s nailing you against the couch. Johnny’s there to catch your sounds with his lips, eating them up eagerly as he slips his tongue inside you and continues to play with your nipples. 
“Is that hard enough for you?”
Continuing his brutal pace restlessly, Donghyuck tightens his grasp around your neck, enough to hamper your blood flow and drool around the other man’s mouth. You’re so out of it at this point, dirty sound after another leaving your lips and you gasp at Johnny’s fingers that are suddenly circling around your clit.
“I’m close, please”, you manage to whimper from between them, Hyuck’s pace only fastening in the sound of your plea. The tip of his cock, thick like the rest of him, grazes against your sensitive spot again and again, not missing a single thrust. He digs a thumb in the softness of your cheek, pulling you away from Johnny and connecting his forehead with yours. By the sounds of his grunts it won’t take long until he comes as well.
“Made just for me”, he whispers against your lips, and you gasp when you feel the heat overflowing in your sex area, vision blurry as you let go and scream in complete pleasure. Donghyuck basks in the confirmation of how good he’s made you feel, hips stuttering as he empties his cum in you and inside the condom. His thigh muscles may be contracting in tiredness yet he doesn’t halt his movements, milking your orgasm for all its worth. You’re basically putty in Johnny’s lap at this point, sex drunk and high from your release.  
“Not bad”, he admits, even though he had some credit to claim with the fast fingerwork he showed earlier. He holds your thighs again, closing them up to help you relax and you wince at the pain in your haunch, the result of staying in a flexibility-demanding position for so long.
You wait until your heartbeat slows down, turning around to face Johnny as Donghyuck ties up and discards the used condom. He sends you a warm smile, petting the messy hair out of your line of sight and you relax in the feeling of safety, batting your eyes up at him cutely.
“What about you?”, you practically meow, moaning softly as you feel his boner twitching from beneath his trousers.
“What about me? Didn’t you have enough?” 
He knows your appetite, knows there’s no way you’d be satisfied by one round only. And how could you, when he sits so deliciously from under you, his big body reeling you in. You know what he wants to hear.
“Please, Johnny”, you plead, playing with the thin tie still neatly keeping his shirt in place. “I need you”
“You need what?”, he growls against your lips, trying to coax as much desperation out of you as possible.
“I need your big cock inside me, please”
“Ass up”
You get up from your seat, complying with his commands and getting on your knees before your tired legs betray you and leave you a mess on the floor.  His hands cup your ass in admiration, giving it a little spank before he slides them over your dorsals. A careful push forces you to arch your back even more, and your cheeks burn at the eager position he has bent you in. You shiver when his cock enters you halfway.
“You’re still not used to me babe?”
“It’s not my fault that you’re so fucking big, Johnny”
“Then maybe I should stay still? Since you can’t take it?”
“No!”, you oppose, tears of frustration threatening to spill out of their ducts, “I can take it, just move!”
You howl as he bottoms out, his long length making you lose your mind. It’s been a while since you’ve had anything more than his fingers and you’ve missed the way he fits inside of you. You hear shuffling from behind you and soon he’s bending over you, wrapping his tie around your neck. With a pull you’re flush against his chest again, and the buttons of his shirt are already leaving little indentations on your skin. You wish it bruises.
“Do you remember what I wanted you to call me the other day?”, he whispers next to the shell of your ear, dark tone sending shivers down your spine.
“Mr. Suh”
“Exactly. Now will you let me fuck you the way I want?”
“Yes sir”
“What a good girl”
Johnny slams into you fully, every pull of his hips resulting in the restriction of your airflow. A game of wanting more of him and sacrificing your oxygen for it begins, and it doesn’t take long for you to turn completely into a submissive mess for him. He’s whispering filth in your ears, hips keeping their inhuman tempo until you’re all out of energy and fall nonvocal. Donghyuck gets hard again at the sight.
It doesn’t go unnoticed by Johnny, who is more than willing to share your body for the pleasure he’s after- at least part of it. He waits until the younger man’s dick is fully solid in his grasp, standing tall and red right in front of you and he lets go of the constraint of your neck without notice.
You fall face first on Donghyuck’s thick thighs, his quick reflexes catching you from a harder impact. His member is twitching right next to your face, tip grazing against your left temple and he helps your head up by wrapping your hair in a makeshift ponytail that his fingers hold together. You wrap your lips around his tip obediently, twirling your tongue around his member until you reach his hairy base. He tastes a bit rubbery from the condom earlier but you choose to ignore it, focusing on hollowing your cheeks around him instead.
Every hard thrust of Johnny’s propels you forward onto Donghyuck’s cock, the bobbing motion natural yet you struggle to take them both inside you. Donghyuck enjoys the vibrations of the moans you make when the other man hits a deep spot in your pussy, Johnny groans when you clench around him as Donghyuck abuses your throat. It’s a give and take of intense pleasure and you know you can’t take much more, the men’s moans growing louder with every thrust. 
“Do you like Hyuck’s cock needy baby? Have you finally had enough?”
He punctuates each word with a slam, one harder than the other, and the rope inside your belly snaps with the arrival of your second orgasm. You try your hardest to stay in place, beg your thighs not to let you collapse as you let Johnny drive you into overstimuation.
“Yes, sir. I love it”
Johnny grunts at the sound of his title, so dirty coming muffled by another man’s dick that it’s enough to send him over the edge. You feel the hot cum filling up the condom inside you, and his spurts take so long that the little tweaks coax another orgasm from you.
Donghyuck drinks up the scene unveiling in front of him, a steady hand forcing your jaw open as he starts to jerk off quickly over your face.
“I want to see your tongue covered in my cum”
You lick your lips seductively in response, opening your mouth up to welcome his ropes of white liquid that leave his slit a second after. They fill your mouth little by little, painting the inside of it and you hold your tongue out to show him his creation, a couple of drops dripping from the corners before you swallow as much as you can. He collects whatever’s left on your jaw, pushing it in and letting you suckle on his thumb dumbly before letting go.
You collapse on the couch, exhausted after giving all that your body could handle after a work day, and you sit in silence as Johnny massages your feet and Donghyuck kisses your neck to calm you down. Your head hurts from the sex and the possibilities that this new combination can bring to your love life, belly tingling in excitement at the same time. You don’t know where this will lead, or when will be the next time you’ll indulge in the company of the both of them stuck on your body. All that you know is that this promotion, at least the celebration of it, tastes really, really sweet. 
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thank you for reading ❤ feedback is much appreciated! If you liked Promotion you can check out Work for it to see where it all started! :) 
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MC’s Date With The Brothers Goes Terribly… Then it Starts to Rain.
Side Characters ver.
Hello my dearest degenerates, there’s nothing I love more than ridiculous crack fics, but I wanted to do some fluff, so here we go!
This just had to happen on Lucifer’s one day off… didn’t it? He had the entire day planned out, his brothers would be out doing their own thing, which left him and MC to have the entire day together.
The two of them would have gone to Ristorante 6, watched a movie, and simply enjoyed each other’s company. But no, Lucifer can’t have nice things.
It certainly started off that way, MC and Lucifer held hands as they made their way over to Ristorante 6, and the Avatar of Pride was reminded for the thousandth time exactly why he adored this human so much.
The human was both one of the most stress inducing parts of his life, and one of the few things that made him feel completely at peace. He would move mountains for them if they asked him too…
While Lucifer was in the middle of staring incredibly lovingly at his beloved MC, the human stopped suddenly and pointed ahead of them.
“I think Ristorante 6 may be… closed today.” “What do you mean, MC- oh.”
Apparently, two demons got into a very nasty fight inside, and one slammed the other through a wall. The restaurant was in the middle of scheduling repairs and would be closed until the hole in the wall was fixed. Lucifer developed the tiniest of tics in his right eye, but all MC had to do was squeeze his hand and give him that perfect smile of theirs… *sigh* they were right… there were other good places to eat.
Well, the cafe they wanted to go to was closed that day and they both walked over there for nothing… the second restaurant they went to was full on account of Ristorante 6 closing earlier…
Finally, the two practically trudged to Hell’s Kitchen, but Beel was there an hour earlier and cleared the entire place out…
Lucifer told MC not to fret, they’d just head to the movies and buy some snacks, sure it wasn’t the fancy dinner they planned but… at least it was food.
Oh… the movie they planned on seeing was… not running that night…
“Did you check online before we left?” “…damn.”
Their date was going decidedly terrible, MC and Lucifer were eating movie theatre popcorn outside, in outfits that were way too formal, and were rapidly becoming more and more convinced that the day was just… cursed.
Then… a crack of lightning, then it began to completely pour.
Lucifer winced the moment he heard the lightning, of course… of course it would start to rain… as the rain began to pour down on the two, he simply stared straight ahead, completely and utterly defeated.
The Morning Star, the right hand to the Crown Prince of The Devildom, The Avatar of Pride himself, was defeated by a simple thunderstorm. He took a deep breath in, prepared to shout, scream, throw a tantrum of the highest degree, then just visibly deflated. He turned to MC, who looked just as defeated and drained.
Lucifer wordlessly used his magic to put up a small shield above them, sheltering the two from the torrential downpour.
“You know,” MC mumbled, resting their head against Lucifer’s arm. “The movies make getting caught in the rain seem much more romantic…”
That comment elicited a quiet chuckle from Lucifer as he pulled MC into a hug. The two were already drenched, what did it matter if Lucifer got cheap popcorn butter all over the front of his outfit? Nothing else mattered when he was with the one person in the world who could make his heart swell with this much love and adoration.
“How about we head home, MC? I think I still have some of Barbatos’ cake hidden in the kitchen, we can enjoy that and listen to some music.”
Lucifer felt MC sigh against his front, then look up with that bright sparkling smile that never failed to make him blush.
“I’d like nothing more.”
Okay, Mammon had this whole day planned, by the end of it, his human would be swooning! He had gotten paid big bucks from his latest modelling gigs, and he was going to treat MC to a full day with their first man.
First, they were going to spend the morning shopping, then they were going to eat lunch at this new restaurant that had just opened up, after lunch they were going to just kill time until dinner, then eat dinner at Hell’s Kitchen, then they were going to go home, get changed, then head out to The Fall, party, then head home again where MC would most definitely shower the Great Mammon with all the praise and affection he deserved!
Of course, MC would be given all the love and adoration they deserved and more! Mammon’s human was the best, and they deserved the best! The Avatar of Greed was ready!
Or so he thought. The day began with Mammon deciding that he was going to make himself and MC breakfast. It was going fine until Mammon got lost in an intense daydream and by the time he snapped out of it, Beel had eaten the pancake batter and there was no time to make anything else.
Mammon’s surprise breakfast ended up being toast and cut up fruit. It wasn’t so bad, but everyone knows that fruit is very unreliable. Sometimes it’s good… sometimes it’s squishy and unappetizing…
The morning shopping trip was ruined when Mammon went to withdraw money from his account and it turned out that the money from his shoot wasn’t in the account.
Apparently his paycheque was being held back because one of the modelling agencies was being sued.
“…MC?” “Come here, silly.”
After having his face peppered with kisses, Mammon was completely rejuvenated. His human had magic kisses, after all! They never failed to make him feel better!
The two decided that instead of a shopping spree they’d spend a couple hours of window shopping, after that when the two stopped for lunch at the new restaurant. Twenty minutes after eating there, Mammon was dry heaving over a trashcan while MC chugged a bottle of water to try and settle the awful nausea that had completely taken over. Perhaps a bad review would be necessary…
The time that was meant to be spent just wandering around the Devildom was completely ruined when those damn witches showed up! Mammon was not about to forfeit his time with MC to play servant to those three, so he grabbed his human and sprinted away.
That cat and mouse game with the witches lasted for literal hours and ended with Mammon and MC hiding behind a random alley dumpster…
Finally, Hell’s Kitchen, it turned out that they didn’t take too kindly to dine and dashers, so Mammon ended up spending the time he was supposed to be spending eating with MC waiting tables to pay off his tab.
After that, Mammon was too exhausted to even think about partying, so MC suggested that they just head home and watch some fun action movies.
The moment they began their walk home however…
A single drop of water tapped against Mammon’s sunglasses, he looked up and pointed a finger at the sky.
Another drop of water hit the rim of his sunglasses.
I’m a matter of seconds, it had begun to completely pour, Mammon dug his hands into his hair and shouted in frustration.
“NO! NO! NO! WHY RIGHT NOW?! Why… why right now..?” His outburst had quickly petered out into Mammon physically drooping and quietly taking off his jacket. He held it over MC so they would be spared the brunt of the rain and looked down at his now soaked shoes. “I… I’m sorry… MC…”
“Mammon, what are you sorry for?” MC said gently, lacing their fingers with his.
What kind of a question was that? Mammon had fucked up the date he had planned and made himself look like a complete idiot in front of the one person who showed him any amount of love and affection.
His heart sank as he managed to drag his gaze over to MC. They were worried about an idiot like him… maybe they’d be better off without needing to constantly babysit him…
“Today… everything… I dunno…” Mammon mumbled, MC looped their arms around him, being careful not to drop his jacket onto the wet ground.
“Are you kidding? You planned this entire nice day for the two of us,” when Mammon didn’t respond, MC took on a more firm tone. “Listen, sometimes dates don’t turn out good, that doesn’t mean you have to mope in the rain. Let’s go home, order some food, and watch a movie or some dumb show, whatever makes you happy.”
Though the constant patter of the rain made it difficult to hear, Mammon sniffled and finally returned the hug. His human really was the best.
“You’re too nice to me… ya know that?” Mammon whispered.
MC pressed a soft kiss to his lips and smiled. “Get used to it, because I don’t plan on stopping.”
Levi had to psyche himself up for months in order to do this… he had seen and swooned over cliche TV show dates thousands of times and now, he wanted to take MC on one.
Simply asking them was a Herculean task all on its own… Levi tried to kabedon them, and failed miserably and ended up head butting MC by accident. The Avatar of Envy could have shrivelled up and died of embarrassment right then and there, but MC let out the sweet laugh that never failed to make Levi’s heart swell. They accepted the date request.
When the day came, the two left the HOL, and Levi began his checklist of things that needed to happen to make this a perfect date. First! Dinner!
Dinner… did not pan out well to say the least. The place they had decided to go to was incredibly crowded and the two of them got seated in just the worst spot. They ended up needing to end their meal early and eat outside because Levi was getting hit with a bad case of sensory overload.
Eating outside wouldn’t have been so bad if it weren’t for the fact that it was cold and windy as hell… Levi was cold blooded… not figuratively, but mostly literally, he did not do well in overly cold environments. He ended up cuddling closer to MC, which would have been really romantic if he hadn’t accidentally spilled their drink all over them.
Okay… that didn’t turn out good… well, after dinner they were supposed to go do some karaoke! Levi loved karaoke! He could sing something cute and sappy for MC, that was a romance staple!
And the karaoke place was closed for renovations… ugh…
Levi wanted to just go home and abandon the whole date idea, but MC looped their arm around him and pulled him away from the closed karaoke place.
“Remember the arcade we went to a few months ago? I saw it on the way here, let’s go there instead.” “Are you sure you want to keep this date with me going..?” “Positive.”
The arcade was fun until Levi spotted the DDR (Devil Dance Revolution) game that he and MC got the high score on last time. Levi wanted to see what other noobs had tried and failed to beat him and MC.
It turned out… someone beat them…
It seemed like Baphomet and Azazel made a good DDR team because they had managed to knock Levi and MC down to second place by a lot, that wasn’t all, apparently someone was salty after not getting past Levi and MC and put “are dumb” under their names!
Levi was practically frothing at the mouth when he pulled MC to the DDR machine to restore their lost honour. They… did not restore their lost honour. Levi ended up getting so upset he tried to unplug the machine, which somehow ended up permanently freezing the high scores onto the screen. It seemed that the entire Devildom would know that Baphomet and Azazel were better than Levi and MC, and that they were both dumb…
There was still one more thing Levi had planned on doing during his date with MC, he wanted to take them to a cherry blossom tree and suavely kiss them under it. Sadly, there were no cherry blossom trees in the Devildom, but there was a pretty decent substitute that was in bloom during that time of year. Levi and MC made their way to a spot where Levi knew there was a tree, and stood under it.
That was when Levi suddenly realized he had no clue how to be suave and began to stutter-spiral. MC patiently waited for Levi to properly articulate what he wanted to say, when they spotted a unicorn in the distance! MC excitedly pointed it out to Levi, who immediately went pale. Apparently Devildom unicorns are very territorial and very aggressive. They are Satan’s familiar for a reason…
Booking it from a unicorn was not how Levi wanted to end the date… it really wasn’t… but the final straw that broke the camel’s back had arrived in the form of a single raindrop. Then another… then another…
“Levi, please get out of the pond…”
“Leave me, find someone better.”
After the rain had started, Levi had taken off his jacket, handed it to MC, then proceeded to float face down in full demon form in the middle of a pond. The Avatar of Envy was so tired and embarrassed that he just wanted the pond to consume him.
“Levi,” MC tutted. “You’re going to get struck by lightning.”
MC’s sudden shout caused Levi to flail in the water for a brief moment before he was able to use his tail to stabilize himself as managed to tread water.
“Get out of the pond right now! The Lord of Shadows would never abandon Henry like this!”
“The Lord of Shadows is cool, I’m not…” Levi crossed his arms and sunk ever so slightly deeper into the water.
“What the hell are you talking about?” MC asked. “Did we watch the same show? The Lord of Shadows is a huge dork, like you, now get out of the pond so we can go home and not get struck by lightning.”
Defeated by the power of friendship/love/fandom brotherhood, Levi made his way back to shore and was given a quick whack to the back of the head.
“That’s for being a sulky dummy!” MC then yanked Levi forward by the front of his shirt and kissed him. Levi nearly gasped and began to fanboy right then and there in the middle of the kiss. A rain kiss! A dramatic kiss in the rain! That was one of the best tropes ever! “And that, was for trying to take me on a sweet date.”
“M-marry me…” Levi whispered before he could stop himself. MC giggled and patted one of his now bright red cheeks.
“Maybe someday.”
Going on fun spontaneous dates really wasn’t Satan’s forte, he preferred a schedule, but both he and MC had the afternoon free and Satan didn’t feel like bumming around at home when the two of them could do that any other day.
Oh-so charmingly taking his beloved MC by the hand and leading them to the nearest cat-cafe was the first thing Satan could think to do. He loves cats, he loves MC, what could possibly ruin a nice afternoon with both?
When the two reached the cafe, they were met with an employee closing the place early, claiming that all the cats had actually gotten adopted and they were waiting for more rescues to come in.
Satan couldn’t decide whether to be upset about the lack of cats, or happy that the cats got adopted into loving homes like they deserved. Satan settled on being aggressively happy.
It was no big deal, there were other things they could do together, like go to a library, or bookstore, or a museum, the possibilities were endless!
Well, it would have been endless if it wasn’t for the world conspiring to make Satan loose his cool. First, the line for his favourite book store was looped around the block because of a new book release. Inconveniencing, sure, but nothing too awful, there was a nice park nearby, the two decided to relax on one of the benches.
Problem number two arose when some idiot threw a Fangol ball a little too far and it ended up hitting Satan, then bouncing off his head and hitting the tree that the bench was under, normally, this would be rude and annoying but nothing that would activate Satan’s volcanic temper, except for the tiny issue that there was a wasp nest in that tree that decided Satan’s drink was enemy #1.
After being stung approximately eight times in the hand, Satan wasn’t doing too good, MC could tell and offered to go to the doctor’s with him. As Satan led them out of the park and towards the sidewalk he assured MC that there was nothing to worry about…
But MC, holder of Satan’s heart, went to go get him ice anyway.
The third and final thing to make Satan blow his top, the rain… the cold… depressing… rain…
“Oh…” MC mumbled as they looked up at the rain, then at Satan, whose hands were balled into fists so tight that his palms began to bleed. “Satan are you-”
Completely silent, Satan strode toward a nearby dumpster and slammed his foot into the metal, sending the entire thing into the back of the dead-end alley. The entire dumpster practically compressed and folded in on itself from the sheer force of the kick.
“Do you want to go home?” MC asked gently, taking a few steps towards him, Satan slowly nodded.
“Y-yes. I think that’d be the smart thing to do.” Satan massaged his forehead and took the ice from MC. “It seems that spontaneity isn’t our strong suit as a couple.”
MC sighed and nodded. “Yeah, we should go back to planning this stuff beforehand, and… you know,” They gestured around the two of them. “check what’s open and what the weather’s going to be before we head out.”
Only MC could soothe Satan’s temper as quickly as it flared up, and MC was getting covered with rainwater. That just wouldn’t do. He turned to MC and offered them his jacket. “I don’t want you to get cold.”
“Isn’t your line supposed to be ‘here, take this, you might catch a cold’?” MC lightly teased as they took the jacket. “Like a classic romantic lead?”
Satan shook his head and laughed softly. “No, that’s a common misconception. You can’t actually get the common cold or flu from being out in the rain. The real danger is hypothermia or frostbite.”
“Ah,” MC looped their arm around Satan’s and held his non swollen hand. “So smart, tell me more about the dangers of hypothermia.”
“Don’t tease, dearest, or I’ll take back my jacket.”
Asmo had just the most stressful day… and decided that he and his sweet MC just had to go on a nice date together to fix it!
Most dates with Asmo had a sort of three act structure, first they would coordinate their outfits together for the actual date activity, then they’d do whatever they set out to do, then they’d go home and either snuggle, or do the Devil’s tango, whichever MC was feeling up for.
But on this particular day, the three act structure was being ruined. It started with the outfit coordination, somehow everything Asmo had that would match with what MC was wearing was in the laundry, he had to be convinced by MC that this wasn’t that big of a deal and the two of them would look radiant whether they matched or not.
Since that was settled, Asmo and MC made their way to Asmo’s all time favourite spa, which was not closed, no no no, it was actively on fire.
“How… how did this happen?” “Well, there were a lot of candles burning in that place, I guess we’ll just have to save the spa trip for another date.”
Everyone was fine by the way
Oh well, it would take more than a raging inferno to ruin Asmo’s date, he was determined to have a good time, so he cheerily took MC’s hand and led them away from the fire. He also casually mentioned that being so close to danger was a total turn-on.
MC very quickly ended that comment with a kiss, Asmo can’t make inappropriate sex jokes when he’s kissing his favourite person. It was truly a testament to his complete and utter adoration of MC that Asmo was willing to share the top spot of his list of favourite people with them!
While on their merry way to find something else to do, Asmo’s fan club caught wind that he and MC were on a date and decided to make their appearance. Now Asmo’s groupies are normally very sweet, but they can also be incredibly unaware of boundaries.
Everywhere Asmo and MC looked, one or two of Asmo’s fans would be half hiding and half spying on how the date was going. It was common knowledge that Asmo x MC was the OTP of the entire club, and some of the members wanted to get a peak of their ship doing something romantic.
As much as Asmo loved attention, it was getting kind of… creepy. He began to usher MC away from certain areas and tried to find a suitably nice place to get away from prying eyes.
The pair ended up in this absolutely gorgeous public garden that was thankfully quite empty. Though, all it took was one awkward step with the kind of shoes he was wearing and Asmo fell straight into a rose bush.
MC had to quickly get to work kissing Asmo’s cut up face better before he started to cry and ruined his mascara. What was even worse was that the fall messed up Asmo’s shoe and he’d have to walk back to the house like an uncoordinated baby deer.
Everything was fine… just fine… no need to worry… everything was… cloudy…
The moment the first drop of rain landed in front of Asmo he stood completely stiff and still.
“Don’t.” He growled. “I just got my hair fixed.”
The rain didn’t listen, and began pouring down, absolutely drenching Asmo and MC in a matter of minutes. MC tried to pull Asmo towards an alcove or a covered patio so they could call a cab home, but the Avatar of Lust refused to move. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, smiled serenely to himself, then looked back up to the sky and screamed with the hatred of a thousand suns:
It was quite a scene for MC to witness, Asmo rarely fully lost his cool, especially not enough to swear like an ‘uncouth barbarian’, combine that with his running mascara, scratched up face, and dirty clothes, he looked more like a feral movie star that was just rescued from the woods than the solid ten out of ten MC normally knew him as.
“Momo?” MC gently patted his back. “Come on, we should go home.”
Asmo finally turned to look at his sweet MC, the poor thing shouldn’t have seen him act like this… the day had gone completely horribly and he just had to drag MC into this, didn’t he? He felt his heart drop right into his gut as he practically collapsed into his human’s arms.
“Oh MC, I’m so sorry I dragged you out today… we should have just stayed home…”
“Asmo,” MC weighed their options, before settling on just rubbing his back. “There there.”
The awkward sniffling and snorting continued for the next couple of minutes while MC called a ride service to come pick the two of them up.
“Thank you, MC,” Asmo sniffled. “You’re the sweetest thing in the universe…”
“You’re sweet too, Asmo. It’s a shame today didn’t work out.”
“We can still save this date, you know? When we get back home we can take a bath and snuggle.”
“That…” Asmo sniffed. “That sounds really nice, MC.”
“Anytime spent with you is nice, Asmo.” MC then rolled their eyes while Asmo giggled. “Man that was corny…”
Beel had come back from one hell of a Fangol game, and he was in an amazing mood! He wanted to take MC out to celebrate!
Between-meal snacks were packed, and they set off to the carnival. Nothing could beat the nice smell of fried dough, Carmel apples, popcorn, and spending time with MC.
Of course, the food wasn’t the only thing Beel wanted to enjoy with MC, there were rides and games to try while they enjoyed their snacks. First they made their way to the teacup ride.
In theory, having big strong Beel to spin the big wheel in the middle to make the teacup move would be a good thing, but even though it was the first ride, MC had eaten quite a lot of carnival snacks.
Beel only had to spin the centre disc once for the disc to both break and make the teacup to whirl around at a speed that practically threw them into Beel’s side. MC then… well… vomited. Everywhere.
Since Beel accidentally ripped the centre disc off, he couldn’t slow the teacup down manually to stop the puke-tornado, so it took a little while before the ride operator realized that something was wrong and stopped the ride.
The walk off the ride was both embarrassing and completely nauseating, MC needed to stumble to the nearest trashcan and hurl. Beel did his best to comfort his poor human and mumbled quite a lot of apologies.
“I’m sorry MC…” “Beel, it’s okay… I’d uh, kiss you but the… vomit.”
Both Beel and MC decreed that maybe rides weren’t the best idea after that, and went over to check out the carnival games.
After a few unsuccessful tries at a few games, a plushie caught MC’s eye and they were absolutely smitten with it. Beel vowed to win it for them, and lined himself up to try the pitching game.
Well, something good came out of that… Beel threw so fast it may have broken a record, the bad thing was that the ball tore through the tent and caused the whole thing to collapse.
The tent then caught fire after landing on some of the candles that were set up… the plushie went up in flames…
Beel turned to MC, who wordlessly patted him on the back. At… at least they still had their snacks…
As Beel and MC made their way to the exit, a group of kids rushed past the pair, Beel, not wanting to step on or bump into any of them, awkwardly wobbled, then fell and dropped all of his emergency snacks.
And then came the rain…
“Oh…” Beel mumbled as he stared down his spilled food, MC quickly wrapped their arms around him, looking up at him with a half-hearted smile.
“We can buy some more, or wait until we get home, it’s okay, Beel.”
The Avatar of Gluttony slowly nodded, tearing his gaze away from the wasted snacks. Thunder sounded above the two and the cold rain began to beat against them.
When Beel looked down at MC, he felt his heart flutter in his chest, they weren’t upset at him, they weren’t angry… they just wanted to make him feel better… Beel nodded resolutely to himself, he was going to make MC feel better too! He picked MC up bridal-style and began to walk away from the rapidly emptying carnival.
“B-Beel?” MC sputtered.
“Let’s go home, MC, I have cookies hidden in one of the cabinets that we can share.”
MC looked up at their sweet cinnamon roll, then buried their face in his chest. Their shoulders shook slightly as they looped their arms around Beel’s neck.
“M-MC?” Beel asked, he tried to shift MC in his arms to see if they were crying, but MC looked up at him with a sweet smile.
“You’re just the best, Beel. Never forget that.”
The Avatar of Sloth doesn’t exactly “do” traditional dates, but even he could tell that MC wanted to do something a little more exciting than “lay in bed and make out until Belphie falls asleep”.
Since Belphie is a totally wonderful brat boyfriend, he decided to take MC out to the best possible place in the human world for some stargazing… and napping.
He even put together a picnic basket so he and MC could eat while watching the sunset before the stars came out!
The favourite blanket was packed, the picnic basket was ready, and Lucifer gave the two permission to visit the human world for the evening. Belphie took a mental note to avoid doing any pranks for a week as a thank-you to his older brother.
Well, the first problem came when the two spread out the blanket and opened up the basket to find… nothing. Belphie immediately thought that Beel must have eaten their food, but then the memory of the food clearly sitting in the fridge entered his mind. He had forgotten to put the food in the basket… and he was too lazy to check why the basket was so light…
Oh well… no big deal, MC had a big lunch. The second problem came in the form of a swarm of mosquitoes. Gross, bloodsucking mosquitos.
“MC?” “Yeah?” “Did you happen to pack bug spray before I took you out on this surprise picnic?” “No…”
Belphie’s solution was to use his tail to bat the bugs away, but that proved to be quite useless. It didn’t help that while both MC and Belphie were being eaten alive, Belphie would end up accidentally thwacking MC with his tail.
Well, at least the sunset was nice, or it would have been if Belphie hadn’t slept through it by accident.
It was classic Belphie to manage to sleep through anything interesting, and apparently he also missed out on a shooting star which soured his mood even more.
The only little bright spot of the date so far was that MC did say that they wished for something for him on that shooting star… hopefully wish magic might salvage the date…
After being awoken by MC to look up at the sky, the two realized that something was… missing. Where were the stars?
MC and Belphie were laying on their backs facing the clouded over sky when they both had the dawning realization of what was to come.
Of course… mosquitoes are extra active and crazy before a storm… that’s why they were coming at them…
Belphie let out a dejected sigh as the first raindrop of many hit the tip of his nose. MC scratched at their arms and began to pack up the blanket into the empty picnic basket. At least the blanket wouldn’t get too wet.
Well, he fucked this up royally. The Avatar of Sloth almost never put any actual work into something that didn’t benefit himself, but MC had managed to make themselves the exception. He wanted to make them happy, he wanted to see that cute little face they made when he’d crack a joke or make a quip about something, but now, lying flat on his back staring up at a coming rainstorm, Belphie had come to the crippling realization that all his work went to waste.
“You know, MC, the outdoors is going to lose my patronage.” Belphie murmured, blinking a few raindrops out of his eyes as the rain began to patter down with more ferocity. “I think the two of us should stick to indoor dates.”
“Couldn’t agree more.” MC sighed as they used the picnic basket as a makeshift umbrella.
“I’m um…” Belphie began, guilt twisting in his gut. “I’m sorry this turned out so shitty.”
“It’s okay, Belphie.” MC pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “If by some miracle the food that was supposed to be in the fridge hasn’t gotten eaten by the time we get back home, we’ll eat a late dinner, cuddle, and then sleep till noon.”
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Denki, Dabi and Bakugou in a secret relationship
Request: hii!! i loved your post about the secret relationship being exposed and i was wondering if you could do the same for dabi bakugo and denki - anonymous
Um this was supposed to go up yesterday, I had queued it but tumblr decided to just deleted. Oh well. I hope you like it you guys even though its a day late. This was fun to write. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warnings: some sexy times mentions, fluff
Kaminari Denki
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-Kaminari is an idiot.
-I don’t even know who you’ve managed to keep your relationship a secret.
-90% sure the whole school knows and just pretends to be oblivious. 
-It kinda bothers him that he has to keep it a secret. 
-He wants to scoop you up and spin you around in the hallways, hug you after a really rough training session with Bakubro, kiss you when you are being extra extra cute. 
-Plus he wants to brag to the other idiots for getting a girlfriend first. 
-But alas he respects your wishes and tries to keep it all under wraps. 
-Your parents are pro heroes and have warned you about the dangers of dating since you are their kid. 
-Villains wouldn’t hesitate to threaten you with your significant other if it means they’ll get to your parents. 
-So now Kaminari is stuck sneaking in your dorm late at night only to spend a few hours with you and give you as much kisses as he can fit in the little time you have. 
-Surprisingly he has kept it a secret for almost a year now. 
-No slip ups, no marks on his skin after a spice night, none of your clothes could be found in his room whatsoever.
-Apart from his usual flirty nature towards you, there was nothing that could indicate that you two were an item. 
-Now being in your third year, things had gotten rather serious with your hero works.
-Most of you if not all had been working along side a pro hero for the last year or two but that didn’t mean they would take you in after high school. 
-Every student had to wait for the acceptance letter from the agency or an agency in general and they would be set for their hero work after school. 
-You had been working with a hero agency since your first year and you were pretty happy. 
-But the pro hero you had been with decided that after you were done with your hero studies, he would retire leaving you with no agency to boost your career after school. 
-Kaminari was as devastated as you were.
-He tried comforting you as much as he could, extra hugs and kisses, more snacks and movie nights, anything to help you cope with the fact that you would be back to the starting line once school was over. 
-He hated seeing you cry. 
-Then the unthinkable happened. 
-Mt.Lady was a well known hero and one with a desired sidekick position that no one seemed to really fill. 
-You had just helped her stop a major villain attack tricking the villain and capturing him before he could do any real damage in the area. 
-To say that Mt.Lady was impressed was an understatement. 
-She contacted your hero agency and asked if you had already signed a deal with them.
-You can see where this is going.
-When you got the notice from Mt. Lady’s agency you were over the moon and so was Kaminari. 
-He was so happy that the person he loved the most was finally getting what she deserved. 
-He had dragged you to the janitor’s closet to give you his personal congratulations, catching the attention of a certain red head.
-He kissed you like there was no tomorrow, his arms keeping you as close as possible, flush to his chest as he peppered your face and neck with feather light kisses. 
- “I’m so proud of you babe!”
-You tried to keep your giggles on the down low to no avail since Kaminari’s goal was to make you laugh. 
-For a long moment you didn’t care if someone found you, you were so happy and so comfortable in Denki’s arms that you didn’t want to leave the closet and go back to your hidden lives. 
-Then you saw the light coming from the door, getting ready to lightly scold Kaminari for leaving the door open when you made eye contact with Kirishima......and Mina ..... and Sero..... and somewhere in the far back with a pair of ruby red eyes.
- “Babygirl is everything alright?”
-He hadn’t seen them yet, then he followed your line of vision and the man has never yeeted you out of his arms faster in his life.
-Your friends just stared at you in complete shock for a full minute before Bakugou broke the silence. 
- “Oi you own me ramen Kirishima.”
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-With this guy I’m not surprised that you managed to keep it a secret. 
-Oh no no no.
-I’m surprised you managed to get him into a relationship.
-It wasn’t easy though you would give him that. 
-You were part of the LoV of course and well you didn’t really take any of their shit. 
-The only person you respected was Kurogiri and that was borderline pity. 
-He had to babysit a 20 year old killing machine with issues, many issues, many many issues. 
-When Dabi approached you with his signature flirty and I-only-do-one-night-stands-babygirl attitude, you being the idiot that you are took the bait.
-The LoV knows of yalls nights together but they only thought that that was it.
-Dabi slept around and you were a really attractive person. 
-Plus they knew you both were bored so sex was, to their eyes, the only solution. 
-What they didn’t know though was that Dabi was starting to catch feelings and soon enough he hated seeing you remotely talking with another human being. 
-Then that fateful mission happened and the deal was sealed. 
-You were spying on Overhaul and his lackeys, hidden in his underground lab watching as they went around doing stuff.
-Then you heard a childish scream and it was the first time Dabi saw fear flash in your eyes. 
-You turned around following the source of the screams absolutely ignoring Dabi’s protests and threats. 
-It was like you were in a daze and Dabi felt the terror sink his claws in his throat as you passed by so many of Overhaul’s members nearly getting caught. 
-When you reached the glass door that led into Eri’s experiment lab, he saw the color drain from your face and your knees buckling. 
-He caught you before you hit the floor dragging you away from the lab door despite the fact that you clawed at his coat to put you down. 
-He felt his shoulder getting wet and that’s when he saw the tears that were falling freely down your cheeks. 
-He had managed to calm you down long enough to convince you to leave before you got caught but luck wasn’t on your side when one of the lackeys spotted you. 
-Dabi was a few feet away from the exit, becoming reckless at the sight of freedom not noticing the masked individual pointing his gun at him. 
-You noticed though. 
-And you got in the way, pushing Dabi to the ground as the quirk cancelling bullet pierced your side leaving you to fall to the floor with a grunt and a strangled pained moan.
-The next few minutes were a blur.
-Dabi didn’t remember how he got you out of there or how he was now on a rooftop with you pressed flush against his chest as the affects of the bullet made you tremble. 
- “Shh doll, shhh. I’m here I got you.”
-He knew your trembling was not entirely because of the bullet, he saw how your eyes glassed over at the sight of Eri back in the lab and he knew that this had something to do with your past. 
-He used to get the same glassy eyed look on his face when he would see Endeavour on the news shortly after his “death”.
-Things changed after that. 
-He didn’t take you to the hideout that night, he brought you to his apartment where he helped you clean up your wound and calm down. 
- “I know it’s not my place to ask but what the hell to you happened back there?”
-When you explained what you’ve been through and how those screams brought back things you thought you had long ago buried, he was left gawking at you. 
-For some weird reason he believed that you were just a brat who ran away from home on some rebellious whim. 
- “Ugh what am I saying? You don’t give a damn! Why did I even-”
- “Touya.”
- “What?”
- “My real name is Touya, I-I wanted you to know.”
-Sharing a heart felt night analyzing your past trauma with someone you sleep with is one way to get yourself into a relationship.
-You both agreed to keep it secret and you did keep it like that for a long time, a very long time. 
-The LoV never truly found out. 
-Some had their suspicions sure, Mister Compress had even made a bet with Toga but you two never gave them any further hints apart from the constant paired up missions you went on. 
-The only one who knew was Kurogiri. 
-He had caught you two spending the night together on a rooftop, all cuddled up together your hands intertwined as you looked up at the stars. 
-He was getting back from an emergency snack run when he saw the familiar glow of Dabi’s blue flames and your characteristic giggles. 
-He never said anything and when Dabi came to him to ask for some pregnancy facts, he knew that he truly loved you. 
-No one ever knew and no one will ever know. 
-Unless the run into you two in five years while you’re out for a walk with your son. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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-Sparky sparky boom boom man is a lil bitch.
-Don’t try to argue you know that too. 
-You just need to accept it.
-His way to approach you was by insulting the living shit out of you before making you reach the tip of an anger fit. 
-He knew how to press your buttons and it made you fume. 
-You had to give it to him he was hella attractive and his true personality shined through his faced at times. 
-And so did his worry for you.
-You got together after his kidnapping. 
-He suffered from nightmares after the incident and one night he came to your dorm, trembling and cold sweat running down his spine. 
-He had no idea why his feet led him to your room, he just knew that you were now wrapping him in a fluffy blanket and putting on a Disney movie as you hugged him so so tightly. 
-He slept over and the next morning he confessed. 
-Actually you both confessed but those are useless details. 
-In reality it wasn’t even a confession with words. 
-You both woke up facing each other, your noses touching and I don’t know who leaned in first but next thing you knew you were kissing his hand cupping you cheek while the other intertwined with yours. 
-Keeping your relationship a secret with this one is easy. 
-He is still being a lil bitch to you and you are still sassing him back.
-Behind closed doors he is kinda sweet and caring not a lot though because even with you he has to uphold his reputation. 
-After some time though he calms down and is a cuddle bug. 
-Like he will tackle you on the bed the moment you close the door to his dorm, restricting any movement until he is satisfied with the cuddles. 
-Baby even said ‘I love you’ first awwww!!
-He was so shy about it. 
-That’s a story for another time. 
-He doesn’t really care about keeping it a secret anymore. 
-He’s low key tired of hiding. 
-Much like Kaminari he wants to kiss you whenever he wants, hold you and hug you till you can’t breathe after he gets back to the dorms after a rough patrol with his hero study. 
-But oh well the cat isn’t out of the bag yet and you being third years now you couldn’t really do something about it. 
-You spend so much time with him that you would think that some of your classmates would like sniff you out. 
-But no.
-They all dumb af.
-You would spend a lot of time with him and the Bakusquad since your first year so they just think you’re really good friends. 
-Todoroki kinda knows but he doesn’t at the same time. 
-Some mannerisms remind him while he was in a secret relationship before Momo found out but then he sees how Bakugou treats you just like any other person so he is really confused. 
-More confused than usual. 
-Now you got outed by the man himself. 
-Bakugou is not good with jealousy. 
-Jealousy and Bakugou should never go hand in hand.
-You were talking to Mina in class, leaning on the desk behind you. 
-Your skirt had ridden up show casing your thighs making Bakugou think back to some noises you made a few nights ago. 
-If he got hard he would blame you and he would be extra pissy. 
-He was enjoying the show though. 
-He watched you like a hawk.
-The way your body leaned back making your legs straighten and flex slightly or how he could see the hickey he had left right at the base of your neck the other night that you’ve tried to cover with make up. 
-He could see it because he knew it was there, to an outsider everything was normal. 
-He was jolted out of his daze by Mineta’s voice. 
-And the sound of your name on his lips. 
- “Look at Y/N’s thighs! She could suffocate me with those legs and I would thank her!”
-Kirishima smacked him upside the head trying to shut him up. 
-Kaminari was slowly escaping the scene because he saw the small sparks in his friend’s hand at the comment. 
-He chose life. 
-Mineta though didn’t stop. 
- “I could lose myself between those legs. Oh the noises she must make.”
-Now what happened next is a huge question mark. 
-The end result however was Mineta almost being blasted out the window and into space and Bakugou almost popping the vein on his forehead. 
-You had to get in between them and try to calm down your boyfriend. 
-Most of your classmates had long forgotten Mineta and his whining and had zoned in on your hands on Bakugou’s chest or on his arm that had wrapped around your waist in an attempt to push you behind him. 
- “You ever dare speak my girlfriend’s name I’m blasting you to the next dimension.”
- “Katsuki please calm down it’s fine.”
-Legit you both forgot that your relationship had been a secret for the past three years. 
-You floated back into reality when Present Mic himself asked. 
- “YOu TWo aRe aN iTeM?????”
-Chaos ensued and a crap ton of explanations. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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