#that's my motto
skullsemi · 8 months
Would Gladstone and Drake Mallard be good friends?
Well, personally I don't really think so. They do have some common personality traits here and there but I can't really see them hanging out
Yet, I can picture a situation or two where their paths crossed:
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On today's episode: Gladstone visits St. Canard
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lordgrimwing · 6 months
Glorfindel the Child Balrog Slayer
The songs often spoke of the youthfulness of Glorfindel of Gondolin, Lord of the House of the Golden Flower. That did not prepare Elrond to see the newly returned Balrog Slayer in person.
The young elf sat perched on the edge of his desk, golden hair spread around him in an unruly mane. He swung his feet as he waited, his keen gaze focused on one of the tapestries decorating and warming the Lord of Imladris’ office. This one depicted a scene from the triumph of the host of Valinor in defeating the Great Enemy once again. He was so absorbed in the images (did he recognize any of those Eldar? The tapestry was so skillfully crafted that Elrond would not be surprised if he did), that he gave no indication of noticing the appearance of the person for whom he was waiting.
“Welcome, Lord Glorfindel,” Elrond said, smoothing over his shock at seeing a youth hardly out of childhood when he expected a grown warrior. “It is an honor to meet you.”
Glorfindel hopped off the desk. His hair pulled a few loose papers out of place as it slid off to hang around his knees. The old tales certainly did not embellish that aspect of the lord of Gondolin. He bowed, hair sweeping forward to brush the floor (how often did he have to wash and clean it? Even in peace, hair that long wasn’t practical).
“My Lord Elrond,” He said in a voice as light as he was youthful. A broad smile brightened his face further as he straightened to address him, his eyes sparkling with a subtle light. “It is my honor to journey here to meet you. I follow where Manwë guides, but my heart grew gladder still when Círdan spoke somewhat of Imladris’s Lord, for I knew little of you and I worried somewhat in my mind over what sort of leader the Valar sent me to serve. But I see now my concerns were for not, for you are wiser and more just still even than Turgon.”
The torrent of words flooded over Elrond and he felt as though he must steady himself against the onslaught lest it sweep him off his feet. He gestured at the armchairs to one side of the office, inviting his guest to take a seat with him. 
Glorfindel did, easily tossing his hair to one side so he would not sit on it. 
“I admit,” Elrond said when they were both settled. “While Círdan sent a message explaining your return from the Halls of Mandos, I find myself unsure why you would be sent here.” The letter said the fallen hero came from across the sea with a message for High King Gil-Galad in Mithlond. That duty quickly completed, Elrond could see no reason for him to come so far east. Why not go back to Aman on one of Círdan ships? 
Glorfindel shrugged in his light travel tunic, apparently unbothered by the mystery. “They will that I serve you until such time as they bid otherwise.”
“Serve me?” Elrond repeated, trying to keep up. He was still trying to get used to the fact that this youth knew his grandparents and great-grandparents, and had slain a balrog in defense of his people.
Jumping up, the young elf reached toward his hip as though to unsheath a sword. Realizing that he wasn’t wearing one, he settled for placing his fist over his chest as he knelt on the thick rug at Elrond’s feet. He bowed his head and said, “Elrond of Many Houses, Lord of Imladris, Heir to Thingol and Fingolfin, Child of Melian and Friend of Men, I, Glorfindel, solemnly pledge my work and my life to your hands-” 
Elrond would have liked to stop him there before any promise could be sworn, but he couldn’t seem to find his voice fast enough. He did not want anyone, least of all someone barely older than his own sons, binding themself to him.
“-to serve and to follow in whatsoever part you desire until the breaking of the world or that day when the Valar have need of me again.”
This really was not how he wanted the day to go.
“I am yours to command.” Glorfindel finished. He stayed where he was, waiting for some sign from the lord he pledged himself to.
After several quiet seconds, Elrond said, “You are welcome to stay in Imladris and join my house, but we have no need for oaths here. Do not swear yourself to me or anyone else, but serve only for as long as you wish.” He crouched before him and, taking the youth by his strong shoulders, drew him up to stand with him.
Glorfindel quickly smiled before Elrond could see his expression. He did not wish to hurt him by rejecting the show of loyalty, but there was no need for those kinds of dangerous promises in this age. The number of former Fëanorians in the valley made promises stronger than ‘I will’ or ‘I will not’ something of a taboo. 
“My apologies, Lord Elrond,” Said Glorfindel with a small laugh. “I’ve missed a great many changes. Forgive my foolishness as I learn.”
Elrond smiled as he looked into his earnest eyes. It was strange being at eye level with one so young. Few elves who grew up in the light of the trees remained in Middle-earth, and fewer still in hidden Imladris. He sometimes forgot how tall they were. “Your apology is unneeded but accepted. My steward Lindir can help you get settled. Unless you’ve already done that?” 
He did not look or smell like he’d spent the last several weeks riding a horse through the wilds, so perhaps he’d seen to himself before coming to meet with him. There were plenty of families that would welcome a visitor to the valley. Though it was odd that he hadn’t changed out of his travel clothes.
Glorfindel shook his head, hair swinging side to side. “I came straight here. Well,” He corrected himself. “I bathed in a stream first and loosed the horse that bore me here to graze, then I came straight here.” 
The lord wondered which field the horse was in how and hoped whichever crop grew there would not hurt the animal. He’d send someone to find and bring it to the stables as soon as he finished here. “Lindir will happily help sort you out. If there is nothing else we need to discuss, I’ll let you go get settled.”
“Thank you, My Lord.” Glorfindel bowed slightly again. 
“His office is up the flight of stairs through the west hall. If he isn’t there, ask anyone to help you find him.” Elrond said after him as he left.
Sitting down in the soft chair again, Elrond rubbed a hand over his tired eyes, the gem on his ring glittering in the light. An elf practically plucked straight from the old days of Gondolin and dropped into Imladris would be interesting if nothing else. He should probably let Erestor know about the arrival of one of the Gondolindrim before they accidentally bump into each other.
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wisyhana · 6 months
This is a bit personal but I feel like anytime I want to talk about puzzleshipping or I try to give a point of view I just bring uncomfortable topics so I avoid referring to them so often, but at the same I need to talk about it ahdhaha.
Like, is people willing to criticize their favorite ships?
It sounds weird but I really do that all the time. I can't love a ship/character if I'm not capable of study them from their flaws as well. I try the hardest to not romantize their flaws, but see them like that.... sigh it's probably me being way too serious and dense about it.
I'm accepting this as my own issue, not trying to point out to anyone. I'm the one feeling awkward when everybody is throwing flowers while I want to throw a bomb.
I think I'm scared of hurting someone only because I want to... Prove? A different point of view? I don't know. I think I want to feel comfortable shit talking about a favorite ship while nobody feels insulted. VERY DIFFICULT.
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lordcatwich · 4 months
i love characters who use neopronouns. Reblog if you also love characters who love neopronouns
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nightmaretherabbit · 2 months
I give up
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sulkybender · 1 year
Will preface this with how many nice comments from lovely people I get, but...
To the person who described one of my stories as "trauma porn."
I write hurt/comfort. There is hurt in it.
Reading hurt/comfort and being shocked there is hurt in it is like
*opens box of fries*
"my God, this box is full of fries!"
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dish-licker · 10 months
Chekhov's somnophilia
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
I hate when my ideas come with plots. like. if I'm going to set out on this adventure I need to not know how scary the dragon is. I gotta get halfway there and full committed to my little gang of sidekicks and that one grandma who's grandson I'm also trying to find before I figure out what I'm really up against. if I know then I'm just not gonna go. and then there's no adventure! oh no!
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dadralt · 2 years
i made another new sideblog @yenraltprompts because they make me feel alive and also i want more fics for them so! hopefully it’ll inspire some of you <3
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chxsn1 · 1 year
anyone in GOT: *is an asshole*
me: "you should kill 'em"
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Thank you for tagging those one sided Maxiel posts. Definitely not what I followed you for…
mute/blacklist tag and block baby!!! curate your own content and happiness. i genuinely urge everyone if something isn't to their liking, to put their own peace of mind first
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edwinspaynes · 2 months
And following this line, do you enjoy Calvin Harris or John Mayers music?
Never heard anything by Calvin Harris and don't plan to. I dislike John Mayer's music a lot (don't like his voice, not big on his genre), but I concede that I'm very biased against it because I think he's the literal scum of the earth even beyond his abusive relationship with Taylor.
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monsamborabutterfly · 8 months
I'm using Tumblr to shit post and vent all my silly little feelings and thoughts about fictional gays lol I'm not here to discuss or defend my opinions🤷 you don't agree with me? That's more than fine but stay in your lane and leave me alone. I'm not looking for anyone's posts and try to tell them their takes are shitty either or try and rub my opinions in someone's face
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smokingtiger · 10 months
The issue with the “bite mark” is that is doesn’t really look like a typical bite mark. There were no teeth marks on Jk’s neck so unless Jimin bit Jk with the front of his teeth, i honestly don’t see how that could be a regular bite. Also, Jimin demonstrated that Jk carried him bridal style and also, jimin was supposed to be tipsy. Close ur eyes for one second and think about it. If someone has u in their arms bridal style and is spinning u around, is it that easy for you to reach their neck to bite at it? Also, wouldn’t Jk naturally crane his neck away in a situation like that? The neck is one of the most sensitive parts of the body so the pain that is induced by a bite is severe. If Jimin really bit Jk’s neck, there’s absolutely NO WAY Jk would have allowed him to do that for more than 3seconds. It is painful! Jk would have probably dropped Jimin to the floor immediately that pain from the bite kicked in which should have been IMMEDIATELY. There’s no way Jk would have left Jimin biting on his neck for even up to 30 secs. NO WAY!
Try biting ur hand and see what it looks like and then compare it to what we saw on Jk’s neck. For Jimin to have bitten that hard to leave a bruise, we should have atleast seen some round-ish teeth marks on Jk’s neck and the bruise would have looked way bigger. I don’t know what exactly happened with those two but one thing i can tell you for sure is that, that wasn’t a regular bite. What type of weird teeth does Jimin have?
About it being added to official content, and Jk not covering it up, this may sound unbelievable but i think he honestly forget about it or didn’t notice it till he got to work. Maybe he didn’t think anyone would notice, talkless of asking about it. They had drinks at night, probably only had a few hours of sleep and had to wake up and go to work. In that tiredness and probably rush, I don’t think Jk even noticed that he had a bruise on his neck. He probably got into work and the staff brought it to his attention when we saw. These are celebs yes, but sometimes they can be careless too. About BH adding it to official content, maybe they honestly didn’t think it was a big deal. They know how the members behave wuty each other so they probably just thought it was a cute story that will make fans go uwu lol. Maybe they honestly just didn’t see it as a big deal.
I understand where you're coming from, and it's not like I'm telling you that you're wrong and that I'm right -- it's just that a lot of this is entirely speculative/unclear, so we both have the right to come to our own conclusions.
Like I said in the post itself, I don't know how hard Jimin bit him nor do I truly know the logistics of what happened. I also never disagreed that it was a hickey,,, a bite mark could be a hickey, accidental or not. In my first ever post about this situation, I used the word hickey -- because that's what is it. Stress on the skin caused by biting or sucking or excessive suction/pressure (whether it is romantic or not).
We really didn't get a super close-up or definitive view of the hickey (unless you all did and I'm just missing something) and I'm no expert on bruising/teeth shapes. Jimin could have bitten him very hard and got it over with quickly or delivered a gentle bite that was bearable so that he didn't injure Jungkook. In the clip, he never specifies the force behind the bite. I also don't know how much of Jungkook's skin that he bit -- that's also a contributing factor to the spread/concentration of a bruise.
The footage implied that at the time of the recording, the bruise/mark was only a day old and bruises can increase in size with the passage of time/healing process. So it could begin in a concentrated area and could increase gradually, it just depends on the type of stress of the wound. Bruises can also darken as they heal, so it could seem like a semi-faint mark but slowly grow more severe in color.
Also if we're worried about teeth marks, again, I don't know how hard Jimin bit him, I don't know if he properly broke the skin enough to leave noticeable bites or if he just damaged the blood vessels under the skin. All of this is just speculation. None of us were there, so how on earth would we be able to make sound conclusions? Even if Jimin didn't bite him and decided to suck on his neck instead, he could still accomplish a hickey in under a minute. Again, it's all about force, which was never specified.
If we're talking about intentional/accidental bites vs love bites, it quite frankly doesn't matter. You could be bitten without the intention of getting a hickey and yet one could form. Bites don't always have to be clear indentations of teeth, like I said when I bit my friend (without breaking the skin), my teeth marks remained for maybe eight to ten minutes before fading. Even when my cat has bitten me particularly hard during playtime, I don't always have teeth marks but a nasty bruise as a reminder.
Regarding the position in which Jungkook was holding him, I wouldn't say it's impossible for Jimin to reach up to his neck given his own personal strength and how he is able to bend/contort his body. It would be awkward at best, but not impossible. Also, I don't know how fast Jungkook was moving him -- again, nothing was said about it in the clip other than the factor of dizziness (which could have also increased due to alcohol consumption). In the clip, Jimin technically never specified that he was being held bridal style -- but I guess he did sort of imply it with the shape of his arms while reenacting the incident.
And also when I'm talking about the publication of the incident, I know a lot of jikookers have heard from a lot of other shippers that jikook is a ship that is pushed for content by BigHit. I have never agreed with this sentiment, so when I was talking about it I was more referring to why I think they decided to include it in the content. Even if Jungkook forgot about the mark (despite it being within a twenty-four-hour time range), the company would still probably take note of it and implore as to what happened. I think it's a perfectly logical approach given that a lot of these behind-the-scenes are normal on concert sets and that it would be wise to clear up any misconceptions about the mark. I don't think Jungkook showed up to work with the intention of showing it off, but since these are rigorous practice days, it would probably be uncomfortable to conceal it under another layer of clothing. But yes, it could have also been included for humor, I didn't necessarily say that humor couldn't be a factor as to why it was published.
Again, we can only speculate about these things because we weren't there. We can choose to believe them or not.
Not to be nitpicky, but saying 'Wouldn't Jungkook crane his neck away' is still a speculative point in and of itself, because yes, it's the logical thing that a lot of people would do -- but again, it also depends on how painful the bite was, if Jimin was hard or soft on him. If someone went to touch your face, wouldn't you move away? Some people wouldn't and that's just fine. I also had a post about people accusing Jimin of making Jungkook uncomfortable, where Jimin grabbed Jungkook's face at Yoongi's AGUST D concert and he moved away -- whereas during Hoseok's enlistment, Jimin did the exact same thing and this time Jungkook didn't move away. So it's like, I can't tell you what Jungkook would do in any particular situation, nor am I going to say that I know what he will do. I can only make guesses, and since this clip is short and sweet and they don't elaborate further, what am I to do?
I do appreciate hearing different interpretations/viewpoints -- like I said, we're all entitled to our opinions. What I believe, you don't have to believe.
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acheronidae · 11 months
If Blade decides to come home I'll definitely pull for Luocha when he gets a rerun, because the more I play this game the more I realize how aggressive my play-style is.
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ibtisams · 8 months
When Palestinian’s say “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” they are not calling for the ethnic cleansing of Israeli Jews/all Jewish people entirely. They are just asking for decolonisation.
Between the river (the Jordan River) and the sea (the Mediterranean Sea) lies Palestine, which has been occupied by Israel for the past 75 years. When they say Palestine will be free, they mean exactly that- for decolonisation; to end the illegal occupation of land that was theirs first.
I don’t know where the idea that this motto means genocide or is a “rallying cry for terrorists” came from, but all sources I have seen that spread this message are all pro-Israel and have unreliable propaganda filled articles. There is one article specifically that says that the Palestine flag emoji is used as shorthand for this phrase, and using it is antisemitic.
I hope people keep using this motto, keep chanting it at protests, and know that it does not making them antisemitic, pro-genocide, or an ignorant person. For it to not be obvious at this point that no Palestinian wants an ethnic cleansing of any kind, is shocking.
decolonizepalestine has an amazing article with more details about the history of the phrase and the myths surrounding it.
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