#that's not my neighbor theory
gmanwhore · 6 months
Ok, so me, @breakcoreboxcat and @saytrsystem have been discussing a theory on what the doppelgangers from That's Not My Neighbor actually are, and here is what we have come up with (as well as some related headcanons)
So the doppelgangers themselves are actually bacteria that take over corpses and can stimulate a brain to act like it's alive. The bacteria was first developed as a bioweapon, but it's effects have spread to the country you live in. This is supported my the fact the real world D.D.D. deals with infectious diseases and things like that. It also makes sense why the D.D.D. wear Hazmat suits, as well as why it is called a "cleaning process". Since it's a more evolved bacteria it is able to change appearances, hence why it can change the host body to mimic people. That's also why they need to break into apartments, they need fresh host bodies as well as food.
Since it is bacteria, the host is only usable for a week or two if it's lucky, as it is eating the host as it uses it. A freshly infected person will have smaller but still obvious changes in appearance, then there is the sweet spot where they have had the body long enough that they understand how humans work and how to mimic them properly, then the body starts to decay and you get the REALLY freakish doppelgangers.
The cleaning procedure starts with fumigation, which is why you always have to close the shutters first so you don't breathe anything in. The gas itself is more harmful to bacteria, it won't kill a human right away but it will knock them out and by the time they are taken away it's too dangerous to bring them back.
There is a 10 pm curfew for all apartment buildings. This is because there are nighttime sweeps of the town to get any doppelgangers that aren't able to hide. Homeless people are usually moved into buildings where all the people have been killed, and there are D.D.D funded centers for them to go to.
Doormen aren't allowed to leave their apartment building. They are sent bread and butter for breakfast, tea or coffee, and a small selection of dinner items, as well as soap and general hygiene products. Doormen are supplied with gloves and masks, and there are hand-washing stations for people when they come in. Doormen are encouraged to go around to apartments after curfew to check that everyone got home safely, and also to get to know their neighbors.
Each apartment building is required to have a common room type area and an exercise area to prevent the people living there from going stir crazy. Befriending your neighbours is highly encouraged, and socializing is a great way to keep everyone sane. It also helps you recognize if someone is replaced.
All important personnel (doctors, firefighters, ect.) live where they work in case of emergencies. The doormen to their facilities are among the best, and they are fast workers in case of emergencies. The D.D.D. headquarters has even higher quality doormen. They have the first doorman, then a sterilization room, then another doorman to ensure absolutely no doppelgangers get in.
The D.D.D. itself really cares about the citizens they protect. They are government funded, but they mostly do their own thing. But they aren't corrupt and genuinely want people to be safe.
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druvjelly · 6 months
figuring out the ages a bit more
user u/DragonRoar87 on the TNMN subreddit pointed out how the game takes place 10 years after WWII, which means that some male characters are veterans (some make sense for like Steven). Now if we track the etymological background of the names. Okay now now now, the names vaguely sound like it belongs to a certain language family/ethnic group. For some I hade to google so here are my sources for them.
Stilnsky: Slavic
Peachman: English
Cipriani: italian
Sverchtz: german
Schmidt: german
Gauss: german
Bubbles: english
Mikaelys: Germanic (dutch, german) and Jewish
Stone: English
Afton: English (mainly found in places in the USA which had english colonizers)
Rudboys: uhh... no proper origin here, but I did find a jamican subculture called rudeboys. But I suppose it is of english background
Moss: can either be of jewish, irish, or english background
Cappucin: Italian
So based on the surnames etymology and time the game takes place in. It is safe to assume it probably takes place somewhere in new york or new england (aka the states above new york to the east)...
Jerma comes from new england...
are we playing as jerma?
Aynway, i bet we play in boston or a boston esque like city
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sezez · 1 month
You know, the more I think about how terrifying it is to live in the world of 'That's Not My Neighbor', it's basically if face blindness was a horror game.
Those who don't know, face blindness is a disorder is where someone cannot recognize people if their most unique trait is absent.
(Or at least, that's the basic description for it saids)
For example, your friend always have their hair tied up and one day you see them having their hair down. Since you only know this friend as someone with tied up hair, you think they're someone random.
So try and imagine yourself living in a world where doppelgangers are everywhere and your only hope is to not get killed by one or getting mistaken for being a double. Your only survival is the friends or people who know your looks, how you act, and the doorman if you live in a apartment.
I can totally see all doormen being stressed out and overthinking the moment they see a resident, especially if they have killed innocents in the past. Like these people's lives are at their hands and if they slipped them up, they're gone for good.
And this must also sucks for the residences just as much, having to keep their faces the same 24/7, knowing that if they change their appearance slightly, the doorman will contact the D.D.D on them.
And this makes me wonder, what would happen if they had an accident on their way back?
For example, they got their arm broken and have to wear a cast and gets to the apartment, the doorman will question as this resident left the building perfectly fine and healthy.
But seeing them with a cast will make them suspicious, I feel like they might contact the hospital they were in to confirm if they have gone to get healed.
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fakerobotrealblog · 10 months
Providing a deep analysis of all Studio Ghibli films would be an extensive undertaking, considering the studio's rich and diverse catalog. However, I can highlight key themes and elements that are often present in their films.
1. **Spirited Away (2001):** Explores identity, environmentalism, and the spirit world. The bathhouse setting is a metaphor for societal structures.
2. **My Neighbor Totoro (1988):** Focuses on the innocence of childhood, the connection to nature, and the acceptance of mystery.
3. **Princess Mononoke (1997):** Tackles environmentalism, the clash between industrialization and nature, and the complexity of human relationships with the environment.
4. **Howl's Moving Castle (2004):** Examines themes of war, love, and transformation, set against a backdrop of magical realism.
5. **Grave of the Fireflies (1988):** A powerful anti-war film exploring the impact of conflict on two siblings during World War II.
6. **Kiki's Delivery Service (1989):** Focuses on self-discovery, independence, and the challenges of growing up.
7. **The Wind Rises (2013):** Tells the story of an aeronautical engineer against the backdrop of historical events, reflecting on creativity, passion, and the moral implications of invention.
8. **Porco Rosso (1992):** Explores themes of identity, war, and redemption through the tale of a World War I flying ace transformed into a pig.
9. **Castle in the Sky (1986):** Features an adventurous tale with themes of environmentalism and the consequences of human greed.
10. **Whisper of the Heart (1995):** Focuses on adolescence, dreams, and self-discovery, emphasizing the importance of pursuing one's passions.
These brief insights into a selection of Studio Ghibli films highlight their exploration of diverse themes, including environmentalism, identity, and the human connection with nature. Each film is a unique artistic expression that often combines fantasy with deep, thought-provoking narratives.
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purplerat111 · 6 months
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Would you like to reroll the dice?..
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He's fighting for his life every night... This is my version of why Francis looks so tired and sleepy - he dreams of a clown.
But so far it's just a theory, a game theory 🥲
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uraharastephfiction · 6 months
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I'm all for the headcanon that Anastacha is Francis' daughter. There's even the famous phrase 'The Milkman's Daughter'.
However, it's because of this phrase and the story behind it that I'm just not on board with the idea that Francis and Nacha were married and now divorced. Francis is THE MILKMAN! It's a long time joke (and it stems from many, many true stories) that housewives have affairs with the milkman while he does his rounds. When a child looks nothing like the rest of their family, people might jokingly refer to them as 'the milkman's kid', implying they're an affair child. My thoughts on all this? Nacha and our milk boy, Francis, did some homemade milk shaking while Nacha's actual husband was either at work or getting eaten by Doppelgangers. Or maybe Mr Husband noped out of the marriage when he figured Anastacha wasn't his.
Maybe there was never a husband and Nacha just found herself knocked up with the Milkman's kid. Either way, I don't think they had a relationship that stemmed more than just sating each other's needs during the milk round. I don't think Francis even knows he has a daughter unless Nacha would have told him. But hey; there's room for them to grow close together and bond if that's your kind of thing. I just don't think they were ever married or in an actual, dating, relationship.
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cuppajj · 2 months
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On the Beast Yeast theming thing again, my other hope is that Silent Salt and White Lily have Arthurian Legend/Celtic Folklore themes. Credit to my moot @/darkfluffydragon, they pointed out how there’s a lake in their territory (Kala Namak is a type of black salt) so it could be a Lady of the Lake situation, and personally there’s also ample room for parallels between SS being King Arthur and White Lily being Morgan Le Fey, just a reverse version of them. Outside of Morgan, Arthurian Legend has depictions fae involvement: for example the Lady of the Lake is depicted as either human or fae, and the Fae world has also been in tales with Gawain and Percival, two of his round table knights.
This is also just a hc/hope of mine but I also hope SS is themed after a/the Dullahan. They’re a headless rider who mounts a black horse, carrying their head in their hand and a spine whip in the other. They’re sometimes classified as being an Unseelie fae, which would fit nicely in theme with Lily imho, and on top of that, a common way I see the Dullahan drawn are with billowing flames or smoke coming from the stump of their neck. We have no idea if Salt has anything under their helmet, but with how smoke/flame pours out from behind their helmet like a ponytail/feathers, it could just be because the helmet contains the flames inside it right??
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BUT then there is the question of where SS’s head would be, which yeah idk, but the Dullahan hc/theory is too fun to pass up imho. As someone who likes Celtic folklore and was ecstatic to see crk fae, I hope we get more references!
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albaricomics · 4 months
That's not my neighbor took a WILD TURN!!!
My mind has blown up all day from this information, users on Reddit deciphered the whole content of the weird page that is featured in the "Don't trust the DDD" paper
Full credits and kudos to DigitalDino1 and Deckond, thanks to them now we know this:
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... So.
You're telling me.
All those things I've read about the doorman being used to train doppels into getting better at replicating humans, doppels being captured and not 💀 bc they were gov property and meant to be perfect spies, while actual neighbors getting 💀 bc they weren't supposed to know all of this WAS ACTUALLY TRUE?!
Ofc he is, he came back OMGOOOOOOD
Afton u bastard, you're keeping all of this from Mia right? You're telling her you're going on work emergencies late at night while directly supervising this project...
Oooh wait untill the neighbors find out.
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why-the-heck-not · 3 months
curse to the world that I can't just drink a double espresso as a sleepy time beverage
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hellosweetart · 3 months
Ever so kindly inquiring if you have any lore on Dr. Afton and/or Mia? Love how you depict W, he looks suuuuper sus!! :3c
You know, its really hard for me to make theories of this guy's relationship with Mia, especially after knowing that he is actually part of this "Trojan Horse Project" for over 10 years.
From her facial expression, I can say she is either oblivious to what her fiance has been doing, or she is aware but greatly supports him. Not sure which one is makes her look better.
Also, after looking through their nightmare counterparts, I can't help but to think...what if these nightmare counterparts are actually manifestations of the neighbors' fears, guilt and representations of their own personalities/hobbies/do for living? Like for example, Mia's nightmare counterpart is like a nymph of death, while Afton's is a skin collector. What if Mia is Afton's accomplice all along and she brings unsuspected people (or children) to him for experimentation of his project? That is so dark. I hope Mia isn't that of a messed up person. Or maybe she is hopelessly in love with the mad physicist, she will do anything for him. Who knows?
Anyways, here are the updated drawings of the two:
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There is a reason why we can't see his eyes behind that foggy pair of glasses....they are dead.
I believe that he is a mad man behind that nice guy facade. He's so mad that he would do anything to achieve his goals, regardless of the consequences.
I also have a feeling that Afton will someday manipulate Steven into following his questionable orders, since his project is funded by the military.
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psychicvoidtale · 3 months
guys I have a theory...
Sooo...I was looking at TNMN designs (especially mens)and I realized that Izaack is the only one who has colored lips (ignoring Arlond)
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which is curious if we take into account that women are the only ones who have colored lips and the other mans do not have lip color.
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So this would be a clue that Izaack probably wears lipstick.
Why is it curious that no other man in the game has lip color.
so he is the only man who wears lipstick
SO That means I was making the terrible mistake of not drawing him with lip color.
Taking this into account, I am obliged to do this
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I know I look like a crazy person trying to justify a ship
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But hey! Gays!
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dancingbonez · 3 months
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powertooled · 5 months
So, I have some thoughts that I'm gonna share with y'all:
You remember this scene where Enzo is talking with Nicky?
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Well, this only takes place A FEW HOURS before episode six, but this Nicky is drastically different from ep. 6 Nicky, enough that I assumed that at least a month has passed in between episode 5 and six, but it doesn't. SO WHAT HAPPENED TO NICKY???
Because here Nicky seems to be at least aware of where he is and his general situation, but then in episode 6 Nicky is just gone. He goes from begging to be let out to willingly returning to the basement in the course of literally a few hours. Clearly something happened cause we are seeing two completely different versions of Nicky. I know the guest was probably doing something but shhh, he's not really a character in the show yet.
Anyways, I am absolutely NOT obsessed with this show and it DOES NOT consume all of my thoughts <3
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s1nful-sa1nt · 6 months
little pencil doodles bc I can't bring my drawing tablet to work :((
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Mia Stone my beloved
also I just think it's really funny that her fiancé is named W. Afton
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pumkshrark · 12 days
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