#that's one thing i appreciate more about rebels as i'm rewatching it
stairset · 1 year
In hindsight it is kinda funny in an ironic sense that Rebels, the show where Bo-Katan is literally only featured in one two-part episode with both parts being 22 minutes long each, still made time to mention her sister multiple times, and then a few years later The Mandalorian Show That's All About Mandalorians Featuring Bo-Katan As The Co-Protagonist apparently can't find time to mention her once in an entire eight episode season where every episode is between 30 to 60 minutes long. Like it's still stupid and frustrating but in a cosmic sort of way it is somewhat amusing.
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TBB Mini Retrospective
After my first official rewatch of the entire show, TBB is still one of the best things Star Wars has ever created imo. I LOVE TBB and it's easily one of my favorite piece of media. Alongside CW and Rebels, it's my favorite thing from SW. Tbf, I've always loved the animated shows more than the live-action stuff. I still love the movies, but the animated shows always seem to hit me just right in the feels.
When I look back, there are so many episodes I have a deeper appreciation for and there is literally no filler. Every episode serves a purpose. While the content might not be as exciting as any episode where Cross shows up, there is still a reason for its existence. "Metamorphosis" is definitely one of my personal favorites on rewatch. I honestly think looking at the first two seasons now vs back then makes them more enjoyable for me. It's nice to catch the little references, musical leitmotifs, and rest assured knowing that Crosshair will be ok.
Speaking of the characters, this rewatch has made me love them even more. I love the Batch so so much and I will never stop saying that. Crosshair is singlehandedly (no pun intended) one of the greatest SW characters ever in recent years. He has a beautifully realized redemption arc and I'm forever thankful for it. Seeing Omega grow up from a tiny munchkin to a lovely young woman also hits my feels. And Tech. I miss him so much. I had much deeper appreciation for Echo's journey as well and I wish we got more of it. Wrecker is ever the gentle giant and I admit I've gotten along better with Hunter than in previous rewatches of the first two seasons (this was prior to S3's release).
Overall, TBB still stands strong. Compared to Rebels and CW, it's much more serialized but I don't think that's a bad thing. There is a lot of story being told and I wish we got more time to delve into it. I loved exploring how the galaxy changed post Order 66. I loved seeing old and new faces. I loved learning more about the clones' story. I loved the music and animation. Most importantly, I just loved being CF99. They have a fun dynamic and they will always be my fave SW family.
The one major, glaring flaw with this show, however, is how Tech's death was handled. I still have no words, only tears, and I hope the Domestic Batch held a memorial for him off-screen after the finale. This show has other flaws, but this one stands out to me the most and has the biggest impact on my viewing.
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dotthings · 6 months
Back on my slow, full series rewatch of SPN and noticing some things in S4 about the theme of Sam and Dean’s specialness and Dean’s love/hate relationship with hunting and the nature of Sam and Dean as heroes.
Sam post first. I’ll post the Dean one separately.
In season 4 leading up to 4.15 Death Takes a Holiday (written by Jeremy Carver) Sam’s been training with Ruby, drinking demon blood, and developing his demon-related powers more strongly. Dean’s been uneasy about that. And running alongside this is Sam increasingly growing drunk on power, as well as his detachment and sense of specialness.
SAM Look, I don't want them to die, either, Dean, but there's a natural order. DEAN You're kidding, right? SAM What? DEAN You don't see the irony in that? I mean, you and me, we're like the poster boys of the unnatural order. All we do is ditch death. SAM Yeah, but the normal rules don't really apply to us, do they? DEAN stares. DEAN We're no different than anybody else. SAM I'm infected with demon blood. You've been to hell. DEAN looks away. SAM Look, I know you want to think of yourself as Joe the Plumber, Dean, but you're not. Neither am I. The sooner you accept that, the better off you're gonna be.
It’s not that Sam is 100% wrong. Their job, their lives, are unusual, they do have to deal with weirdness most people don’t, in a highly dangerous, unpaid job, Sam does have demon blood powers, Dean has been to hell. But there’s also a bunch of things in Sam’s pov here that is linked to his S4 overall arc of going off the rails, moving away from who he is.
Way back in S4, there’s in-story comment on how Sam and Dean have plot armor while other characters don’t. Via Sam expressing an alarming sense of superiority—rules don’t apply to them, if other people die too bad it’s the natural order, they’re special. This isn’t Sam (and I really appreciate Sam’s sense of horror during the S14 reveal about the plot armor). Sam’s got his head twisted around here. Sam’s talk about specialness screams of Sam falling for Ruby’s cosmic trap, priming him to get where he needs to be to set Lucifer free.
One of the things that was so appealing to me about SPN is Sam and Dean’s ordinariness as heroes. They’re just a couple of guys from Lawrence, Kansas yanked into the world of the supernatural. They’re both the everyperson pov, while they’re also both outsiders and “freaks.” Sam and Dean often have to reject “great destinies” that cosmic beings try to force upon them, they rebel, tear up the pages, make the story their own. Free will was always a big theme on the show. Rebelling against the cosmic being manipulated system.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Twin Suns"
In which the end of the Malachor arc is profoundly beautiful.
First off, obligatory live reaction version from 2017.
Second, I would be remiss if I did not link back to this close read of "Twin Suns" (by greenreticule here on Tumblr), from which I draw quite a bit of my own analysis and opinions about the themes and messages of the episode. Check it out sometime, there's ten parts (technically eleven but the last post in the series is more of a memoir/personal reflection by the author and therefore not as relevant to our meta purposes) and it is a loooooong read but worth it, in my opinion. I don't always agree with every single point of the analysis (the stuff about the Sequel Trilogy, for example) but there's a lot of things that resonate and that I incorporate into my own interpretation of the episode so I figured I'd mention the source.
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Rather appropriately we open on a shot of the titular twin suns themselves.
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The next series of shots are stark and empty, nothing but the vast white desert, emphasizing the loneliness and isolation of both Tatooine itself, and Maul in particular.
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And he is not, ah... taking Ezra's rejection or the long wanderings out in the desert well. To say the least.
From this first opening monologue we can already tell that Maul is fraying. He spent ten years in the depths of madness and it seems like he's descending into madness once again. Even his clothing reflects this, sandblasted and torn, a ragged hood recalling the one he wore at the beginning of Malachor as he feigned being weak and decrepit, and uneven wrappings circling his arms, asymmetrically.
His mood swings from "Visions and Voices" are more pronounced, one moment warbling pitifully about being lost, about being so close to his target, the next shrieking Obi-Wan's name skyward like an obscenity.
Obi-Wan has managed to elude him all this time since Dathomir, and Maul is beginning to get desperate.
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So not only is this a callback to the previous times Maul lured Obi-Wan out to him in TCW, this now also a call-forward to Kenobi and I just want y'all to appreciate for a moment that Maul is using the exact same tactic on two different Jedi, simultaneously.
Maul is luring Ezra and taking advantage of Ezra's compassion, hero complex, guilt complex, and sense of hyper-responsibility, in order to then exploit Obi-Wan's compassion and protector-guardian streak, so that he can kill Obi-Wan when Obi-Wan comes to Ezra's rescue.
Because that's what Jedi do, that's what Jedi are, the Jedi Code is like an itch they cannot help it--frick man, I'm already emotional and we're not even two minutes in.
A general overview of the music this episode, and I'll comment on specific cues as they happen, but I mostly want to point out the frequent lack of music, actually. This episode is very stripped down in terms of theme and instrumentation and there are long stretches of utter silence, to help us absorb the atmosphere. It's very effective in making Tatooine feel utterly desolate, like we're alone on this journey with the characters.
This episode had originally been very ambitious, we've been told from behind-the-scenes commentary, longer, more complex, a lot more plot points, but as it was coming together they very wisely pared it way down to the barebone tacks, cutting out all the excesses and stripping things down to a simple character journey narrative, making the resulting story that much more profound and intimate.
(Plus the saved budget allowed us to get some absolutely gorgeous animation and new pajamas for Ezra. XD)
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He looks so comfy in them.
This sequence is heavily styled after the cold open in "Legacy", camera movement and shot choice almost exactly matching. This is not a coincidence, as the basic premise of both episodes is the same: Ezra receives a vision through the Force, and it moves him to action.
Unlike in "Legacy", however, when the Force itself was moving to comfort Ezra and connect him to the voices and images of his parents one last time before their death, this vision is artificially constructed, sent to him by Maul--like the ones in "Visions and Voices"--to deliberately manipulate him, pull him away from his support network, make him act out of fear.
A false Call To Action, in an artificial Hero's Journey narrative that Maul has constructed for Ezra to follow. (More on that later.)
Side note, completely unrelated to all this meta, but an observation I just want to point out: It's the middle of the night and Kanan is not in his room on the Ghost. Where exactly was he eh? Perhaps a certain Twi'lek pilot's room? *eyebrow waggle*
Anyway, after Ezra's Weird Force Tele-Distance Holocron Call we move to a scene that is a bit heavy in the exposition department, by virtue of it having to hold the burden of the extra plotlines they pared down. It's maybe not quite as effective as it could have been but it serves its purpose: It establishes that they identified the "desert planet with two suns" as Tatooine sometime offscreen, and that they asked about Obi-Wan and Bail Organa lied through his teeth about the man being dead. So therefore they must have decided to give the matter up, and let Maul chase ghosts in the Tatooine sands.
Rex being clearly distraught at Obi-Wan's assumed death. :(
Kanan also reminds Ezra that the last visions he got from and about Maul were a trick designed to manipulate him.
Ezra's insistent though, as he always tends to be whenever the notion of being able to obtain "the key to destroying the Sith" pops up. So Hera takes him aside for a moment.
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Her face and how often she touches Ezra's arms and shoulders in this scene hurts. :( And the strain in her voice when she asserts that if Obi-Wan were alive he wouldn't be hiding in the desert, he'd be helping them, Hera understands Jedi nature too, she just hasn't gotten the full picture, doesn't know the reason why Obi-Wan is doing... well... exactly that.
This is where the story beat parallels to "Legacy" end, because this time, Ezra does not receive Hera's blessing to go. Instead she reminds him, rather sternly, that he is supposed to be there with them, planning the attack on Lothal, she needs him and his focus here.
Recall Yoda's line about Luke: "Never his mind on where he was. What he was doing." Since all the way back in Season Two, when his mere presence started to become a danger to the safety of his friends, Ezra has been growing more and more obsessed with finding a way to kill the Sith, whenever Maul turns up more distracted. It ties straight back into his motivation for becoming a Jedi in the first place that he told Yoda in "Path of the Jedi".
"I just want to protect myself and my friends. And not just them, everyone. I'll protect everyone."
Ezra has an abundance of that natural Jedi urge to protect (planted by his parents, nurtured by Hera), the itch inside him intermingles with his clingyness and attachment to his Ghost family in particular. When everything went wrong on Malachor he internalized that failure severely, and his natural Jedi compulsions went overdrive into a crippling sense of hyper-responsibility, magnified by his guilt and leading him down the same path Anakin walked--seeking more power, from dubious and deceitful sources, in order to prevent another personal tragedy from happening to him again.
His desire to protect got twisted into attachment, into a clingy possessiveness, into a fear of more potential loss. In this way his flirtations with the Dark Side mirrored Anakin's, though ultimately Ezra never went far enough that he wasn't able to come back, the disaster at Reklam and his reconciliation with Kanan enough of a kick in the head from the Force for him to be all, "NOPE, I REGRET EVERYTHING, I'M NOT DOING THAT AGAIN."
But even though Ezra came to his senses and rejected the Dark Side, he was still not on the right path. The aftereffects of Malachor remained and he kept letting that Sisyphean unattainable goal of defeating the Sith--himself, personally, or else personally enabling it to happen--pull him away. Kept letting it move him out of place in the narrative.
He was supposed to be here, Hera needed him here. "You're in the wrong place, Ezra Bridger," Obi-Wan tells him gently, later. Ezra lets Maul, lets his obsession with destroying the Sith, yank him out of order in the cosmic destiny of things.
The Force has a place for him. But it is here and not there.
But he kind of has to go on this perilous journey for it to finally kick in.
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(One of the scenes I do kind of wish they had kept from the original extended plot is the one where Hera and Kanan and Zeb all kind of commiserate about how "the kids", meaning Ezra and Sabine, are growing up and leaving home, and how they have to let them go, even if they might make bad choices, really playing into that whole parental angle and explaining why they didn't immediately rush off after Ezra.)
Despite Ezra's half-hearted assurance to Hera, it's clear he has no intention of obeying her order to stay put. His sense of impulsive hyper-responsibility is too strong, he's following the same instincts that led him to obsess over and misinterpret his other two major Force visions.
So he swipes a training A-wing.
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He's such a little shit I love him. <3
This is the point of no return and Ezra is unwittingly drawn into Maul's trap, which mimics the beats of a classic Campbell Hero's Journey.
Joseph Campbell, for reference, is a writer and philosopher who purported the idea of the monomyth, that in all stories and all mythologies across cultures there are similar patterns and cycles. His Hero's Journey is often styled as a closed circle ("It ends where it began."), with a dividing line between the Known and Unknown worlds and various stops and characters and plot elements mentioned along the sides. The Hero's Journey monomyth, incidentally, was one of George Lucas's major inspirations for writing Star Wars, wanting to create one such classic mythological narrative.
So we have all the elements in place here. We have the Call To Adventure (the distorted holocron message). We have the Refusal Of The Call (Hera ordering Ezra to stay and him initially not fighting her). We have the Supernatural Aid (the pieces of the holocron that function as some kind of magic compass). We've outmaneuvered the Threshold Guardian and crossed over into the Unknown (Ezra swiping the A-wing from under the technician's nose). Along the way we'll pick up the Ally or Helper (it's revealed Chopper snuck along and went with him). And we will be facing Trials, Tests, and Tribulations (everything from the initial Tusken attack to braving the harsh elements of Tatooine's unforgiving sand and heat).
...But it's all wrong.
See, Ezra has already answered the Call to his own Hero's Journey, the one that started for him all the way back in the pilot, when he returned Kanan's lightsaber and crossed the Threshold into the Unknown world of being a Rebel and a Jedi Padawan. This falsely constructed cycle Maul has drawn him into is not his narrative. It was never intended to bring him enlightenment, never intended to complete, only to be used to further Maul's selfish ends.
That Ezra manages to find enlightenment and complete the cycle anyway is something that happens in spite of Maul, and not because of him, and takes some severe course-correcting from Obi-Wan. Over and over this episode we'll hear this idea repeated, that this was not where Ezra was supposed to be in the story, it's not his job or responsibility to deal with Maul, he is where "[he] should never have been".
We'll table that for now and come back to it, have a moment to enjoy some pretty caps.
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Thus far, music-wise, we've had a couple ominous cues, and a bouncy jaunt full of Rebellion flutes and brass as Ezra made his escape, in between a couple of the aforementioned long bouts of silence. There's a bubbly little bit when Chopper is discovered. (And I can't even tell you how much I love the touch with Ezra startling so bad he smacks the A-wing cockpit window and bumps the steering column so that the ship swerves out of place--PART OF THE METAPHOR MUCH?) Soft vocals filter in as Ezra consults the holocron shards, holding in long, mystical notes. A lone viola sounds, mournfully. Higher strings sound with spiritual reverence as Ezra gets out of the A-wing, as if to suggest his goal, his enlightenment, is just up ahead.
Then, darker notes like a pulsing heartbeat. The voices go discordant.
Then the Tuskens attack and hell breaks loose.
One of the underlying threads this episode is Ezra and Chopper's devotion and loyalty to each other so I really like how, even though Ezra told him to find cover, Chopper doesn't and charges in to get a Tusken off Ezra instead. Ezra in turn shields him with his own body when the Tuskens score hits that make the A-wing explode.
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And that's Ezra's, "I'm in so much trouble." look lol.
Maul, meanwhile, decides to go ahead and murder all the Tuskens and I would not fault you for thinking back to another lightsaber-fueled Tusken massacre.
In fact, probably any parallel or allusion you think of during this episode is in all likelihood deliberate. Frankly I'd argue that this is one of the most important episodes of the show, with how integral it is to Ezra's character arc.
Which is why it was so annoying and asinine that people complained that Ezra took up most of the episode's focus and whined that it should have been only about Maul. Hello, do you understand the concept of a protagonist?!
Speaking of allusions though, we get some lovely call backs to "Visions And Voices" with Maul once again letting Ezra hear him inside his head and catch fleeting glimpses of him, this time in order to lure him further out into the desert. Maul is still trying to keep him in the false cycle, tempting him away from escape.
And Ezra's sense of hyper-responsibility, of This is all my fault and I have to fix it, leads him right down Maul's preordained path.
"I have to help Master Kenobi, if I can." As if Obi-Wan needs any help dealing with Maul, ha ha.
Another moment of pure heartwarming loyalty from Chopper here, he has the opportunity to keep going along the path to safety, but begrudgingly chooses instead to stay with Ezra, through thick and thin.
Ezra once again returns the favor by refusing to leave his side when he runs out of power.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The way Ezra staggers, looking completely exhausted. Also the sandblasting in his hair and clothes kjhfkasjfha.
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Taylor's acting here is heartbreaking, he makes Ezra sound SO lost and scared. :(((((((
Maul decides to rub things in a bit and oh hey some mirror dialogue here, eerily similar to a certain exchange in "Gathering Forces". :D
Grand Inquisitor: The Darkness is too strong for you, orphan. It'll swallow you up even now. Ezra: No. Grand Inquisitor: Your master will die. Ezra: No! Grand Inquisitor: Your friends will die, and everything you've hoped for will be lost. This is the way the story ends. Ezra: NO!
And in comparison:
Maul: He is dead... He is dead. Ezra: No... Maul: You led me to him. Ezra: No. Maul: You failed your friends. Ezra: No! Maul: You will DIE!" Ezra: NOOOO!
~It's like poetry, it rhymes.~
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Also this is terrifying.
So I've legitimately teared up like... twice watching this show. This was one of the times. This moment right here where Obi-Wan's feet step softly into frame.
Yeah it got me.
Cut to... Night. A quiet campfire. Ezra comes to and things are suddenly put into perspective.
"You're in the wrong place, Ezra Bridger."
(The voice they got for Obi-Wan is perfect btw, sounds just like Alec Guinness.)
Obi-Wan explains gently that he is not "the key to defeating the Sith". He never was. Maul's desires muddied the holocron vision, he used Ezra to get his own answers and left Ezra with only partial answers. Because Obi-Wan is associated with the key to defeating the Sith but he's not the Chosen One.
And neither is Ezra.
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He is a narrative "chosen one", a key player picked by the Force, imbued with purpose, but defeating Vader, killing the Emperor... that was never his task to take. After the loss he suffered in "Legacy" Ezra had been letting himself get obsessed with the idea that he could fix that problem--the problem of the Sith--himself.
But that is not his role in the story.
It is not yet sunrise (Luke and Leia). So the moon (Ezra) must endure.
"You win by killing an Inquisitor." "No, you win by surviving."
Ever since before Malachor, Ezra has been stepping outside his station, trying to do things he was never meant to do, instead of what he was supposed to do, which was to help the people in front of him, right now, do what good he can in the moment. (Something that he'd gain clarity on via a falling out with Saw in Season Four.)
"What you need, you already have."
Ezra lost sight of that in the grief over his parents, in his guilt over Malachor. He was never going to be the one to defeat the Sith. Yoda and Obi-Wan both knew the only ones who even stood a chance... would be Vader's children. Maybe Ahsoka. Perhaps that was even why Yoda advised going to Malachor, to test and see if Vader could be saved, or killed, by his former padawan. Someone who he might have had a strong enough attachment to that it would cloud his judgement. (Just as Obi-Wan's mere presence would drive Vader mad with irrational murderous rage and yet, paradoxically, a cloying need to have him back.)
"We asked for a chance to destroy the Sith... and we failed."
Vader has no connection to Ezra, therefore Ezra will not be the one to end him.
His task is to endure, keep the darkness back, and hold the line until the narrative chosen one who will do that task (Luke) is ready to take up the sword. This is not Ezra's role in the story. He has his own destiny, his own part to play in the Rebellion.
And he needs to return to it.
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Obi-Wan closes the broken cycle for Ezra, rescuing him from The Ordeal or Abyss, and sending him back to the Known world with the Boon (his sage wisdom) irregardless of how false the path there to him was. Ezra is freed from the obligations, responsibilities, and burdens he wrongly took on himself... to return home, and rejoin his own Hero Cycle.
And then all that's left is to "mend this old wound". (Maul)
Maul has what he wanted, or so he thinks. His old enemy, his past, ready for the killing. His future and legacy, his apprentice, within reach for taking.
But things have changed. Obi-Wan is older, wiser, more serene and at peace with himself and with the Force, in spite of all he's suffered. He has grown from his failures, let go of the past, and found balance, while Maul has regressed, repeated the same mistakes, clung to the hurt and pain in his past and deteriorated, been sucked almost dry by the Dark Side.
And Obi-Wan pities him.
Maul is scalded by this, upset that after everything he's endured, Obi-Wan seems to have taken no ill effect. And it's not like Order 66 and Anakin's betrayal didn't hurt him (hell we have all of the Kenobi show to demonstrate otherwise) but that he's processed those emotions and feelings and traumas, and returned to a settled baseline. He is more a Jedi now than ever, and revenge is not the Jedi way.
And can I flail a little bit inarticulately for a moment about the dichotomy between Obi-Wan's "I had no intention of fighting him, though that seems inevitable now." and Thrawn's "It was not my intention to utterly destroy Lothal but that is inevitable now."?
So Maul digs for something to bait Obi-Wan with, touching about the reason he's there on Tatooine to begin with, discerning that there is someone that Obi-Wan is protecting. Notes of Sith vocals creep into the music here, a sequence that sounds like Maul's arrival on Tatooine from Phantom Menace ("It ends where it began.").
And with this implicit threat towards Luke, Obi-Wan ignites his saber.
SO much ink has been spilled about this duel. I was surprised at how short it was at first too, but it makes perfect thematic sense in hindsight. The way Obi-Wan slowly baits Maul, drawing Maul's mental frame of mind back to Naboo, because he knows that Maul is stuck in the past, constantly reliving that moment of triumph and defeat over and over again, fixated on it as the shatterpoint where things in his life first went wrong. He can't let it go. He can't move on. He has to keep going back to that moment over and over to make things "correct" and kill the one he pins the blame on for his pain. (But this will not fix him, even if he accomplishes it.)
An entire story is told solely through foot placement and stances. Maul moves through the stances he's used in duels with Obi-Wan before. Obi-Wan shifts through his classic New Hope lightsaber grip, to his iconic Soresu.
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And then he switches to Ataru, to the same stance Qui-Gon used.
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The music has been tense throughout, but now the Force Theme creeps in. There's a flare of recognition in Maul's eyes; He knows this, this is familiar.
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So he lunges, using the same lightsaber trick that he used to kill Qui-Gon...
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...except it doesn't work.
I love the look of quiet realization and acceptance in Maul's expression. It's just like, "......Oh."
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Maul submits and falls in defeat, into his enemy's arms, yet another parallel to Phantom Menace, to the start of everything between these two men. And then he asks something heartbreaking: Is Obi-Wan protecting the Chosen One? The one who would defeat the Sith?
And because Obi-Wan no longer believes that Vader can be saved, he answers yes. (Amazing how well this scene fits with the later Kenobi show.)
With his dying breath, Maul finally recognizes his true enemy, accepts and forgives Obi-Wan as his brother, as a fellow victim of Palpatine, and declares with almost prophetic insight, "He... will avenge us."
Not take revenge, avenge. As Trilla Sundari would admonish Cal Kestis in the Jedi Fallen Order video game, Maul also asks for restitution and justice with his last words.
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(I do kind of wish we got one brief reaction shot from Ezra as he sensed Maul passing, just for confirmation that he knows. It's inferred but still.)
Back with Ezra as he returns home with the Boon, and he's also claimed the prize of Maul's ship, the Mandalorian gauntlet. (Again, just the briefest scene of him finding it, that would have been nice.)
"I was wrong. This is where I'm supposed to be. You're my family. And we should go home."
Ezra has finally forgiven himself for Malachor, completed the arc he started in "Legacy" (or maybe even earlier), and returned to his proper place. His family accepts him back with the laying of hands like a benediction.
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And meanwhile, just to wring your heart one last time, we return to Tatooine, to watch Obi-Wan watch over Luke from a distance, a scene drenched in OT nostalgia, from using the exact audio of Aunt Beru calling Luke to closing us out with Luke's Theme and Binary Sunset for the credits, reminding us that the shadow will not hold sway forever.
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Eventually, the sun will rise. And a new hope will emerge.
Trust in the Force.
Man, there aren't enough words to tell you how much I love this episode. It's so beautiful and poetic and thematic. It's the lynchpin of Ezra's character development, he needed to be in this episode, to go on this journey. It's gorgeously animated and there are so many many layers of parallels and themes, motifs and archetypes, that tie into the monomyth in general and Star Wars in particular. I'm astonished how well it melds with later canon material (JFO and Kenobi), but I guess that just speaks to how true to the spirit and essence of Star Wars it is.
It's just beautiful.
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atranioum · 1 year
Sex Education Season 4 (an attempt to cope after witnessing the horror they call season 4)
this is a rant with full on spoilers so you've been warned.
back in 2019 when i first found out about sex education, i thought it was just your usual typical cringe-fest teenage drama with who the fuck cares love story. knowing that asa butterfield is the main lead it's kinda a given what kind of character he's gonna play (no hate to asa i love him and i think he showed a lot of range in this series but it's kinda obvious) and then finding out about maeve's character, i remember rolling my eyes and thinking welp if it isn't your usual rebel and nerd pairing and then proceed to not give two fucks about this show. but then there's this one time when i just needed something to watch and after season 2 dropped, videos of maeve and otis kept popping up on my youtube recommendation, so finally i decided to give it a shot, and just in one episode they proved me wrong big time.
sex education is honestly a series none like any other, even until today i don't think i've watched any series that's even remotely close to sex education, in terms of what they bring and the way they presented it (season 1 to be precise aka goat season), it's very vibrant, it's somewhat stereotypical and yet it defies it too at the same time (idk how else to describe this), it's like you expect certain things about a certain character and it turns out they're completely the opposite, and overall the show just has a very unique tone. the scores, soundtracks and cinematic shots paired with powerful and impactful moments, and just the overall composition is the recipe that they served us with, and my god do we love it, and we craved for more, so they did just that, they served us the same recipe for 3 seasons straight (well 2.5 but i'll let it slide).
and then season 4 slithered its way into our lives🤗
can someone please get me a paper bag cause i'm gonna throw up.
man where to begin? to even call this season a dissapoinment is still a huge understatement, i guess i should've known what's coming when i feel zero excitement watching the trailer, but then i convinced myself like come on it's sex ed it's for sure gonna be great, and yep it's so great that i wish i could unwatch whatever travesty i just witnessed.
watching the first episode i can still feel some familiarity in it and it's still kinda sex education-esque but i didn't love it, a great contrast towards my reaction after watching the first episode of season 3 in which to this day still is one of my favorite episodes of the series. it has a little bit of everything, a refreshing ruby and otis dynamic, the good old longing looks between maeve and otis, and the very heart and core of the show which is otis giving advice helping out his peers and motis being a fucking great team and just the episode as a whole really.
but you know you can never judge something after only watching one episode, so i bite my tongue and just carry on watching. and after watching 2 episodes, something very apparent reveals itself, the pacing is fucked. like how am i supposed to feel anything when the show kept on throwing one thing after another, it feels like when you're eating something and you're still very much chewing but someone keep on feeding you stuff before you can digest or even swallow the food first.
and i think that's the overall theme of season 4, a whole lot of everything and nothing all at the same time, like i'm sorry how are you supposed to end a show after 4 seasons but shoves a bunch of new characters in the finale, how are you supposed to connect to said characters? however powerful the topic and message you're trying to bring it's hard to even care about these characters, because all we expect from a finale is a conclusion of a 4-season long story not an opening of a new chapter.
i rewatched some of my favorite episodes a few days before season 4 dropped, and now looking back at it i just feel like i don't appreciate it enough at that time, i mean the soundtracks are amazing especially season 3 and for a tv series their cinematography is kinda top notch. but then season 4 came out and we got the walmart version of it all.
and then a few hours after watching and hating the season i realized something, ben freaking taylor didn't direct any of the episodes in season 4, my god that explains a lot and idk i think that's kinda why the pacing is fucked? like i know he didn't direct every episode in the whole series but i always think of him as an executive director(?) if that's even a thing, i just feel like he kinda dictates the overall flow of the show. it's such a shame really, if he's involved in this season maybe things could've been different, but then again maybe even ben taylor wouldn't be able to salvage whatever shitshow the writers gave him. it's as if you're watching an avatar movie that's not directed by james cameron, it just feels... wrong.
the whole season just feels freaky to me, a lot of things felt too over the top and comical even. not to mention the storylines are super all over the place, take jackson for example, bro went from thinking about his feelings for cal and then having a cancer scare to getting rejected by his biological father, like what???
now i want to dive in to the characters a little, let's start with ruby and yes i do ship her with otis and somewhat wished for them to be endgame but we'll touch on that later. anyway ruby is not ruby this season and it feels exactly like when maeve wasn't herself in season 3 (which is mainly why i jumped ship). the whole "i was bullied when i was 10" shit is such a tryhard, if it's an attempt to make ruby more likeable and make her being a bully acceptable, dear beloved writers you failed, miserably. if i'm someone who hates ruby (which i'm not) this whole thing would make me hate her even more, like okay i get it you got bullied because you're a bed-wetter but then you became a bully yourself and did worse things to others? how is that suppose to be tolerable. like bro deal with it don't backtrack, she's a bully she did what she did, but that doesn't mean she can't change, doesn't mean she can't grow. and that was the whole point of her arc in season 3. the reason why she was one of the main attraction that season was because we get to see a different side of her, yes she's mean, demanding and particular about every single little thing that revolves around her, but hey turns out she can compromise, she turns soft when it comes to her family and at some point even otis, and don't even get me started on her fucking voice on that call the night she said she loves otis. i understand that they're trying to give her a back story explaining what made her the way she is but honestly the whole bed-wetter thing was a big big miss.
and what's with the whole speech thing at the end of episode 8, it's very un-ruby like, if they're trying to show her character's growth and depth then wtf there's so many other ways to do it without making her super out of character. for instance here's a few things i have in mind; and this one is my personal favorite, like she could have a real conversation with maeve about shit like idk letting otis go or maybe the other way around like maeve telling her about how otis is actually happy with ruby and whatnot (idk maybe something less cringey but still along those lines); or they could explore her friendship with adam, and they could lean on one another and talk about how they lost their first loves, and how a certain pair of best friends completely broke their hearts (because come on why would they show the glimpse and the potential of adam and ruby and not explore it at all fuck they fumbled so bad); or the most logical of all, her dad dying (sorry roland)(i still don't get why maeve's mom is the one that died), anyway her dad being sick was always a big part of her arc, so with him dying we could explore how she would handle and cope with the whole thing now that there's literally no escape, with otis being with maeve etc.; or idk have a fucking proper conversation with otis, have some closure, either it being "i can't be friends with you because my feelings haven't changed", or yes maybe we could be friends, the point is just have a proper closure ffs, don't go around helping him whenever he comes begging for your help, like honestly i refuse to believe the real ruby (the properly written ruby) would let otis string her along like that. yes i get it she's in love with him, has a soft spot for him, but she's still ruby fucking matthews, so really the whole season she was way out of character.
moving on to our boy otis (but still ruby related hehe).... Read the rest of the thread on Twitter.
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and-loth-cat · 1 year
Star Wars Rebels Asks bc idk if anyone would actually do it so im just gonna give the answers
What is your absolute favorite episode of the show? [The Honorable Ones, obviously!! Or Family Reunion - and Farewell, or Shroud of Darkness...]
Which episode did you not like at first, but grew on you after one or more rewatches? [Hm I honestly don't know, possibly Legends of the Lasat? I don't recall not liking it, but I don't think it was my favorite when I first watched, now I love it for sure!]
How do you feel about the Ahsoka show being live-action Rebels season 5? [I CANT WAIT!! I do know though that if Kallus and Zeb aren't in it, I am going to lose my mind]
Who is your favorite one-off character on the show? [Zare for sure! He's in a few episodes, but I have to give credit to my boy]
If you could change one (non-death-related) plot point in the show, what would you change? [I might have to edit this one later, I genuinely cannot think of anything]
What are your two favorite ships from the show (canon or not)? [KALLUZEB AND KANERA!!!]
Who is one character you feel isn't appreciate enough by the fandom? [Probably my boys Jai and Zare]
If you could've added an episode/story arc to the show, what would it be about? [KALLUS AND ZEB ON LIRA-SAN BEING MARRIED AND GAY AND HAPPY]
Obligatory "who's your favorite member of the crew" question. [Chopper, obviously]
Aside from season 4 episode 10, which episode made you cry the most? [Oh my god, probably the finale]
What is one joke/moment from the show that always makes you laugh? [Chopper's reaction to being used as a bet gets me everytime]
Which design for Sabine's hair and armor is your favorite? [Season 4 with the white and purple hair!]
Chopper vs Palpatine- who's making it out alive? [Chopper. Is this even a question?]
What is your favorite moment of the crew being a family? [Probably any episode where they all do something to help one person (The Mandalore Arc, Hera's Kalikori, Ezra's parents, Lira San]
What is your favorite Kanera moment? [I wish..I could see you...]
Who is your favorite villain/antagonist? [Early seasons- Kallus. Late- THRAWN]
What is your opinion on the World Between Worlds? [I love it. I cry every time]
Where do you think Ezra has been all this time? [Somewhere in hyperspace or stuck on a remote planet,,I guess we'll find out soon!]
What is one of your favorite Kanan moments? [This is my excited face :)))]
What is one of your favorite Hera moments? [I DONT CRASH, I HAVE VERY EXCITING LANDINGS!!]
What is one of your favorite Chopper moments? [I am getting this motherfucking leg if it's the last thing I do...and also him holding Hera's hand in Dume and him with Jacen]
What is one of your favorite Zeb moments? [Any moment he's with Kallus]
What is one of your favorite Sabine moments? [Her darksaber training arc]
What is one of your favorite Ezra moments? [I'm in space..AND IM ABOUT TO DIE!!]
Which of Ezra's two lightsabers would you rather have? [His blue one for sure!!]
Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with AP-5 or Lieutenant Lyste? [AP-5 because I'm sure we could find a topic of conversation]
Which plot point do you wish the show had expanded on? [We didn't get enough of Rebel Kallus >:(]
Favorite recurring character? [KALLUS!!!]
Favorite piece of music from the show? [Kallus is really good!]
Most under-rated episode? [A Princess on Lothal and Stealth Strike!]
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this is so me. i hate this show but i watch it out of anger and rage and bitterness at this point but also malex even tho it’s non existent
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not 🌸
Thank you for this ask my dear!
So, 3 randoms facts about myself.... Okay!
Here we go:
1 - My favorite color is purple
2 - I'm very allergic to cats and shellfish
3 - I find thunderstorms relaxing
Okay, that last part is like a lot, so feel free to just answer - let's spread some happiness around! --
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last 10 people that reblogged from you!
Thanks for the ask @anna-hawk!
5 things that make me happy? Okay! It's gonna be the 5 things that make me happy at the moment then.
Here we go!
1 : Reading Dinluke fanfictions. They are kinda (A LOT!) my latest obsession, so reading endlessly about these two falling in love in space while raising a little green jedi baby makes me VERY HAPPY on a daily basis.
2 : My dog, Sherlock. He's the love of my life, always.
3 : The weather. At the moment, it's perfect for my state of mind, right now, for example, there's a little rain, but the kind of rain you get in summer when you know the sun will soon be there and the birds are singing and it smells like nature is waking up.
4 : Star Wars in general. I'm rewatching all the movies and TV Shows and animated series and I love it all! I just started "Rebels" and only finished "Clone Wars" a few weeks ago and I LIVE! I
5 : Pedro Pascal. Just because that man is amazing and everything.
2 notes - publié le 16 mai 2022
Okay, for the pickign a character, Obi wan or that Mandalorian guy?
Thanks for the ask, darling.
It's a very hard pick!
Obi-Wan is my fav from the prequel trilogy and I love him even more after seeing Clone Wars... And the new Obi-Wan Kenobi show will make me even more addicted to this character, I just know it. And I just love Ewan McGregor since I was a teen. And CodyWan in just an amazing ship...
I'm literally in love with Din Djarin and The Mandalorian is the show that made me appreciate Star Wars all over again after all this time. It’s because of The Mandalorian that I’ve watched Clone Wars and Rebels for the 1st time and the OG and Prequel trilogies all over again. It's this THE show that pushed me to really understand all the Star Wars lore. It's THE show that brought DinLuke into my life.
So… After long and hard deliberation, I’ll have to choose that Mandalorian guy ☻. My Mando. My Din. This is the Way.
Ps: And... Pedro Pascal, that's all I have to say.
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3 notes - publié le 18 mai 2022
1, 13, 20
Thanks for the ask darling !
1 : show you watch religiously, can’t miss an episode?
To be honest, there are quite a few I just CAN'T miss. But, I'll just do a Top 3, cause I'm unable to choose just one.
The Mandalorian, obviously, cause it's my favorite show.
Stangers Things, just because it has a little bit of everything I love in a TVShow and the characters are just so endearing ! I love them all to death !
Our Flag Means Death, of course ! I've watched it on a loop for a few weeks now and I just can't get enough of it. It really is the greatest show on Earth (and Sea). When S2 will drop, it'll probably be the death of me (in the best way possible.)
13 : show you watch for a ship?
Honestly? Roswell New Mexico. If it wasn't for Malex I would I've dropped the show a long time ago. I mean... I love the prospect of Kybel also, but Echo is exhausting and all the unnecessary drama make me roll my eyes so hard... But I still watch it, even if the plot is full of holes and very bad sometimes. I must be a masochist, but I'm still too addicted and attached to Malex (and Kybel) to drop the show.
20 : show you think should’ve ended sooner?
SO MANY SHOWS! I mean look at Grey's Anatomy for exemple ? Will it ever end? But I've stopped watching the show like 10 seasons ago so if I really had to choose one, it'd be The Flash.
I don't know why I still watch it because it's very bad. It must end! Please, let it end!
3 notes - publié le 8 juin 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
I’ve been tagged by @sherlockig, thank you, it looks fun!
So here we go !
Fave Ed Gif: I just love this gif. He looks so cute here! And I just love how Ed is so instantly himself with Stede form the very first minutes.
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Fave Stede Gif: I think he looks so freaking beautiful in this scene! I get why Ed wanted to kiss the shit out of him.
Voir l'intégralité du billet
5 notes - publié le 12 septembre 2022
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gffa · 5 years
Hii I'm new to the Fandom and I'm obsessed with your blog! I ADORE your point of view really its making me love star wars more and more, my question is do you have any recommendations on which books to read to understand more about the lore and where cannon is right now??
Hi!  I’m glad if I can help you like SW lore more and thank you for such kind words, I deeply appreciate them.  And, oh, what a tricky question that is, without meaning to be!A lot depends on which part of the SW lore you’re looking for–are you looking for technical terms or character backstory tidbits?  Lore on Force woo?  The stories that help better inform the structure of Star Wars?  Because I feel like my answers would be different for each of those!So, I’m going to do a “here’s what I think is the best places to start when getting into SW supplementary material” list:1.  THE TV SERIESIf you haven’t watched The Clone Wars and Rebels yet, those should be first on your list!  TCW is there to help give you the bigger picture of just how awful the Clone Wars were, how politics dragged everything down into the mud, and will give you a ton of feelings on established characters.  I’m currently in the middle of a rewatch and its kicking up all these feelings I had and you can really tell that this is what George Lucas’ world looks like when they have the time to explore it.  (Though, hell, even with this show, it only covers things in broad strokes, especially because it is still aimed at younger audiences, too.)And Rebels is just a really great series by itself, but it also does a fantastic job of showing you just how complicated the war against the Empire was, how hard it was to wind together these various minor factions into one bigger Rebellion, as well as it does a lot to show what it’s like for Jedi after the genocide of their people.  It also has some killer cameos and resolution to things started in TCW and moments of confrontation for all the characters.Both of those really only have minor moments of exploring the Force Woo Lore (but there’s really not one singular place that explains it, imo, it’s something you have to piece together to see the bigger picture), but they’re fantastic for echoing the narrative structure of Star Wars and its themes.2.  THE COMICSThey’re the next best stop, they are also really great stories in terms of the character arcs, as well as the next best place to get more on the themes of Star Wars.  There have been so many moments, more than anywhere else, that I have wanted to just absolutely (virtually) SCREAM, because HOLY SHIT THAT WAS A HELL OF A MOMENT or HOLY SHIT THAT UNDERSTOOD STAR WARS SO WELL or just had really amazing moments.  I would recommend starting with:- The Star Wars 2015 comic (by Jason Aaron) and read it concurrently with Darth Vader vol. 1 (by Kieron Gillen), as they’re meant to go together.- Then read Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (by Charles Soule)- After that, in any order:  Age of the Republic comics (by Jody Houser), Obi-Wan & Anakin (by Charles Soule), Jedi of the Republic - Mace Windu (by Matt Owens), and Kanan: The Last Padawan (by Greg Wiseman).- I also really enjoy the Star Wars Adventures comics from IDW, the Poe Dameron comics (by Charles Soul) are incredible and give a lot of context to the sequel trilogy and Shattered Empire does a lot in the same vein.3.  THE NOVELSNovels are trickier, because some are good for lore but aren’t necessarily stories I would recommend to new fans, others are amazing stories but don’t necessarily have a lot of lore.  So, I’m going to focus on the books that I think do the most bridge work and help you understand the bigger picture of Star Wars:- The Star Wars Battlefront II video game (okay, not a book, bear with me) does an amazing job of giving more context to how the Empire ended and how it connected to the First Order.  You can do a search on YouTube for “Battlefront 2 game movie” or similar search parameters and watch it like a movie, it’s about two hours and it’s wonderful.  Fall in love with the characters with me, understand why Jakku was important, and get some amazing cameos (and stunning planets) for the OT trio!- The Aftermath trilogy by Chuck Wendig also does a ton of showing how the Empire’s fall wasn’t instantaneous after Endor’s moon, as well as the faltering early steps of the New Republic, and a ragtag bunch who hunt down Imperial war criminals and all come to love each other AND I LOVE THEM, sobs.  I would add in the caveat that I think these work massively better as audiobooks, so check if your library has them and maybe you can check them out on-line and be prepared to give the books a little time to grow on you.- Bloodline by Claudia Gray shows Leia six years before TFA and the New Republic still faltering and how she discovers the early origins of the First Order and loses her position in the Senate and starts up the Resistance.  It’s at its best when it’s a Leia book, but it also does do a lot of groundwork for the connections between the OT and the ST!- From a Certain Point of View by various authors, is a collection of short stories, many of which are hits and many of which are misses, but the hits are amazing.  If nothing else, “Master & Apprentice” (by Claudia Gray–not to be confused with the full novel of the same title), “Time of Death” (by Cavan Scott), “There Is Another” (by Gary D. Shmidt), and “An Incident Report” (by Daniel Mallory Ortberg) are all MUST READS.  I read all of them and I’m glad I did, but if a story isn’t gripping you, feel free to skim over it for the next, they’re only connected by theme, not events.- I loved both Spark of the Resistance (by Justina Ireland) and Resistance Reborn (by Rebecca Roanhorse) as books set between TLJ and TROS, where I grew even more fond of the characters getting to have adventures together.  I also thought the Dooku: Jedi Lost audiodrama was probably the best PT era canon book to recommend, too.4.  THE GUIDEBOOKSGuidebooks are more fun when you’re already invested and just want to look up a thing or two, but there’s at least one that I think is a must-read from cover to cover:  Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy by Pablo Hidalgo.  It doesn’t sound like it would be that interesting–a history told through art?  But it’s an absolutely stellar bird’s eye view and explanation of how things happened in the GFFA, how the Clone Wars happened, how the Republic fell, how the Empire rose, how the Rebellion fought back, how the New Republic rose, how the First Order knocked it all down again.5.  ANYTHING ELSE?I love the game Jedi: Fallen Order and I think it does an amazing job of staying true to the Jedi Order, their culture, and the themes of Star Wars.  You can do the same thing of looking for a movie-version on YouTube, it should be about four hours long to cover the majority of the game, and I absolutely fell in love with the characters and the world, it was clear they really cared about the story and the lore and making this feel like a game where you got to experience becoming a Jedi.This isn’t a list of “stories I thought were good” but ones aimed at establishing the best understanding of the bigger galaxy, as well as stories that I thought were really good for new fans!  While I put them generally in the order I would suggest them, if something’s not working for you, feel free to drop it and move on to another thing, either coming back later to the dropped one or not, because this should be fun and not boring work.HOPEFULLY THAT’S A GOOD PLACE TO GET YOU STARTED and if someone else would suggest a good Starting Place For A New Fan, feel free to chime in!
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
I'm inclined to believe that Lucifer was one of the few characters fully aware that he was just a pawn in God's story. All his evilness was an attempt to rebel against God but it never worked, since being evil was his assigned duty. When Lucifer's SON actually manages to scare God, does God finally show up to "deal" with the problematic pawn. My point is, I've always liked how Jack pretty much inherited Lucifer's role, being the lightbringer who showed the WInchesters the truth about God.
Hi there! I know this has been sitting in my inbox for like a month now, but I’m trying to respond to some of the things gathering dust here. What else is hellatus for, aside from rewatches and fanfic? :P
I get the perception that Lucifer (and Michael, as we know through AU Michael) were always aware that they were pawns in Chuck’s story… except they kinda thought they were the two opposing kings set up for one to defeat the other as part of the Grand Narrative. I’d venture to say, again mostly based on AU Michael’s turn from “devoted son following God’s orders at all cost” to “disgruntled and disillusioned with God and everything he’d ever believed in” effectively proved to him that God hadn’t even been playing chess with them at all.
Funny enough, it was Metatron who once (in 9.22, a Dabb episode) made this exact parallel, who believed he’d actually gained some power over the universe through his own attempt at storytelling (powered by the angel tablet):
GADREEL: What about Josiah?METATRON: Mm. He was a loose end. I – I told him where the gate was…Before we moved it. I just wish Cas had walked into one of those traps. Anyway, point is –while everyone else is playing checkers, I’m playing monopoly, and I always build a hotel on Boardwalk. And I always win.
Thing is, Chuck wasn’t even playing Monopoly, he was playing mousetrap, and everyone else was building his entire trap for him as he nudged them along the game board with the promise of some cheese at the end of the road. He just kept moving the cheese.
In the end, Lucifer and Michael (and even Metatron) didn’t really see the bigger picture, and arguably couldn’t from their positions within the narrative. Sure, Lucifer’s position with the short end of the stick and the first to fall from grace brought him around to resentment and nihilism faster than Michael reached that point, but in the end they were the same.
It was only Metatron, who wasn’t one of the archangels stuck in the roles Chuck gave them but Chuck’s scribe who sat by his side recording The Word, gaining perhaps a bit more insight into Chuck’s narrative structure, who at least understood that he was just a side character in Chuck’s bigger story. He’d never fully had a chance to see the even bigger picture of the author’s true role on every level of the story. But I’d venture to say that Metatron came closest of all the angels to seeing the truth, to the point where he willingly sacrificed himself to it, relegating himself to just another character crushed under the wheels of the grand narrative.
I do kinda hope he’s one of the characters we see again in s15… and find out he’s been thoroughly enjoying his time in his personal human heaven. He’s the one angel I think who could truly appreciate the 14.20 revelations. Well, maybe Gabriel would, too… since he was the one archangel who decided playing God’s game was for the birds and made up his own game to play instead.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Stealth Strike"
In which, Character Development! and other exciting features.
I mentioned the husband loves Star Wars ships right? This is another one of his favorite episodes, he loooves the Interdictor class.
Always liked this little musical flare at the beginning, already conveys a sense of urgency and danger.
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Sato sounds so aggrieved that he has to have Ezra along, lol.
I mean from his perspective Ezra's just an overconfident plucky kid, he hasn't been around Ezra long enough to know how competent the boy is.
Love the staggered Force Theme prelude in the strings there, all broken up and disjointed. Once again Ezra is sensing impending danger.
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Still adore the kaleidoscope color effect Rebels uses to mark being forcibly ejected/yanked from hyperspace.
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Bbbyyyyyyyy. :((((
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Worried Spacefamily be worried.
Hera wisely understands that the best way to infiltrate a top-secret Imperial project is to keep the aliens off the mission lol.
Kanan is being predictably petty about having to work with Rex.
"I sent Ezra... this is the only way." Ouch. I bet Hera is feeling pretty guilty and has thought a lot about this since they learned about it, so you know she's run it through a million times in her head. Probably why Kanan acquiesces to her judgment.
I wanna know the thought process behind the Imps' decision to haul Ezra and Sato in to see Titus. Like, Sato I get, he's the obvious commander of the unit but I wanna know which trooper saw Ezra and was like, "Hmm, he seems Plot Important, I better drag him along too."
Sato still very much Not Impressed with Ezra's posturing.
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Hi Brom Titus!
It's hilarious that Ezra's sarcastically used "Jabba the Hutt" so often it's been logged as a known alias of his lololol.
The Giligan Cut between Rex complaining that he'd never wear Stormtrooper armor and Zeb bringing them unconscious troopers to steal the armor from. <3
"I thought it was the same one we used before." LOL. Okay, I gotta stop before I quote every line in this episode.
Can't help it, it's just so fun.
We cut to the shuttle mid-hyperspace and Rex and Kanan are still bickering, but even in the middle of that we get some lovely worried Papa Wolf Kanan hyperfocusing on Ezra as his priority.
I swear it was explained somewhere what the specific codes Rex gives meant but I can't for the life of me remember where now. Pretty sure one of them meant the shuttle was going to explode? Anyway...
Rex seems like he's having just a grand old time. This must feel just like the old days for him.
Lol Kallus getting excited about Ezra's capture and warning Titus "[...]do not underestimate that boy." He knows firsthand how much of a threat and nuisance Ezra can be.
A little variation on the Death Star theme here, kind of appropriate given this is a very similar-feeling kind of infiltration and rescue.
Maybe that's why I like this episode so much, has a lot of A New Hope vibes.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: Chopper's legs jerking as he rolls over the hump in the doorway.
The ANH vibes continue with this turbolift scene, which is just hilarious. From Rex not knowing which button to push to the Imperial officer snarking at our hero duo, it's just... *chef's kiss*
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They are a disaster pair and I just love them.
Cut to the troopers that are escorting Ezra to his "secure cell" and I'm sorry, I adore this whole sequence. Ezra being a little hyper-competent badass is my whole jam, okay?
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This is so clever. <3333
Ezra makes very short work of his guards, without really hurting them (something that would contrast in S3 after the whole Malachor Loss-Of-Innocence thing) and then immediately shoots his intended rescue party lololol.
I love how smoothly he moves through this whole scene. He's obviously been practicing and of course the Force operates on a principal of "the more at peace and in tune you are with yourself, the greater strength you can channel" so after his whole soul-searching in "Brothers of the Broken Horn" deal he's come to some kind of serenity within himself that lets him be just super awesome here. Love it.
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Chopper immediately rats Ezra out lol.
Kanan reluctant to split up from Ezra, aww.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The way Ezra raises his hands in aggravation when Kanan and Rex get into it again.
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Ezra finally chews the two of them out for all their bickering and takes charge of the mission and you can't even tell me he didn't make Kanan just a smidge proud, with that comment about how, "He takes after Hera sometimes." <3333
No but seriously, fandom of course loves Kanan and Ezra's whole "like my father before me" vibe but let's not forget how it was Hera who first took a shine to him, who saw potential in him, who knew that he wasn't as selfish as he pretended he was, drew out that inner spark of compulsive compassion planted by his parents and has been influencing him on the Rebellion side of things to complement Kanan's Jedi teaching.
Found Family liek woah. :)
Brom Titus looking a little less confident now that the scrawny fifteen-year-old he was specifically cautioned not to underestimate has given them the slip lol.
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*cries* He was so TINY!
Very glad Ezra learned binary, it enables hilarious conversations like this.
This is yet another music cue recycled from the Death Star sequence in A New Hope. Like I said, they're really leaning into that this episode.
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This little troll I love him so much.
Bit of the "Shenanigans" theme as Chopper rolls up.
Can I just appreciate how well Ezra rolls with blocking shots in zero gravity?
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I think Chopper enjoyed all of this a too much lol.
Remember, giving people grief is how Chopper shows affection. :)
Love how they lampshade the terrible vision quality of Stormtrooper helmets.
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Sato all ready to square up with this random trooper until he sees it's Kanan.
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And his anxious worry over Ezra's welfare is really sweet. Sato does care, he might find Ezra bit aggravating but he's still just a kid in Sato's eyes, someone who was under his protection. (One wonders if Ezra reminds him of Mart a bit.) It's not Sato's fault he's only now learning what a precocious badass Ezra is lol.
This move of Kanan and Rex's is slick.
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Lightsaber Naruto run.
I've been told this horn cue is Rex's theme. Makes sense.
Heeeeey remember what I said about Rex's deathseeker tendencies? Yeah.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The drifting smoke in the hallway from the firefight holy cow. Attention to detail.
"I serve the order you put into place, Captain." Ohhhhhh Imma dent his face in.
*hurts in Order 66 feels*
This Hitchcock Zoom with Kanan as if he's sensing Rex's pain. <33333
Character growth! <33333
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Ezra one-manning this hallway with Skill and Confidence. <33333
My gosh look how smooth and effortless this is for him. No wonder Sato was impressed.
Nice to see more classic lightsaber positions creeping into the choreography here.
Ezra being all, "OH HECK NO, THERE WILL BE NO SELF-SACRIFICING TODAY!" over the comms. He's very tired of them doing that lol.
The dolly shots this episode are tight.
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Aww Ezra still looks really worried tho.
Don't think about him remembering, "I'll take the next one." and "I'll be right behind you."
Aaaaaaaand Chopper just scored the highest body count on the show, lol. (Up until the finale anyway with the Dome explosion and the purrgil-ening.)
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My gosh this show even makes total destruction look pretty.
Yeah, getting a top-secret Interdictor prototype imploded is pretty demotion worthy ha ha.
Love how Kallus is basically perfectly fine assigning all of that chaos to Ezra in particular. XD
This is one of the best episodes of the season, no joke. It's fun, it brings the nostalgia without being kitschy, it lets Ezra and Sato have a little bit of nice interaction (underrated relationship, fanficers have let me down), it shows how Ezra's developing in combat, it finishes the whole Rex and Kanan animosity plot, and Chopper murders three whole Imperial cruisers effortlessly.
Love it.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Twilight of the Apprentice"
The shadow of Malachor looms in the very highly-anticipated Season 2 finale.
Right, so, technically I've already liveblogged this before and you can go here for some of my more, ah, realtime reactions.
(Spoiler alert: There was a LOT of screaming.)
So for this and other episodes that I've already reacted to before I'm mostly going to be focusing more on commentary and meta observations and also my favorite bits and moments, music and animation, that kind of stuff.
Let's dive in!
Ooh right off the bat we have the more serious version of the "Shenanigans" cue.
I know this exchange here between Ahsoka and Rex is a callback to when they first met. So a heart stab for TCW fans.
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One thing I notice about Malachor right away is how dead it looks, even from space. Just a featureless plain gray marble.
We get down to the surface and it's even eerier. In the middle of a giant crater there's this wide, unnaturally glasslike smooth plain, only broken up by weird towering stone monoliths.
Malachor's whole aesthetic leans very heavily into the idea and theme of descending into the Underworld, into a place of darkness and shadows where the light can't reach. Somewhere underground, somewhere full of devils and demons lurking in wait, with many hidden traps and temptations to stumble over.
Like the one Ezra triggers by touching the monolith lol.
This really isn't a survivable fall but whatever.
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The Sith Temple is actually kind of beautiful in a stark, harsh, Gothic kind of way.
This whole environment is really excellently creepy and ethereal. The ceiling above recalls a night sky, the holes like pinprick stars casting beams of light down. The palate is almost colorless, mostly grays and blacks with some splashes of red and white. The lighting is muted and dim, heavy contrast with the shadows. The music relies on dissonant chords. The sound effects are full of watery rumbles, voices whisper quietly that apparently only Ezra can hear.
Oh and there's the scorched ground and statues of people frozen in distress, like the casts at Pompeii.
"To defeat your enemy, you have to understand them." A sentiment echoed and repeated later by both Maul and Thrawn, and inspired by the writings of Sun Tzu in his Art of War. You have to figure your enemy out, learn how they operate and what motivates them, in order to beat them. "Knowledge" is another word they keep using this episode, our heroes need to seek knowledge about the Sith in order to figure out how to defeat them.
I'm still not quite sure what knowledge they were actually able to gain during this trip. Certainly the Force did basically slap the truth of Vader's identity in Ahsoka's face, to get her to confront it and break through her denial. There's maybe a lesson to be learned about not seeking quick, easy solutions to one's problems, which wouldn't fully sink in until "Twin Suns". (Ezra's obsession with finding "the key to destroy the Sith" can be traced straight back to the Malachor plot thread.) There's definitely a cautionary tale and warning about the nature of the Dark Side, that Ezra completely ignores due to his guilt and shame and self-blame.
On the surface level, technically, the mission does accomplish what it set out to do. All the Inquisitors we know about wind up dead, Vader no longer has any interest in harassing them, they keep the base safe. But boy the cost of it all.
It's probably really fitting that the finale takes place here on Malachor, a dead world with nothing left but stone remains and a creepy Eldritch Sith Temple housing a superweapon that must have killed everyone and everything on the surface, in the vein of The Deplorable Word or a nuclear bomb metaphor. The victory is hollow and meaningless, because there is no one left alive to appreciate it. Likewise our heroes' "victory" is pyrrhic and empty, they kill the Inquisitors but take more and heavier losses in return.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. We haven't even met Eighth yet.
Hi Eighth!
He's not really developed or explored at all and is really just a generic episode-specific antagonist and ancillary to Seventh and Fifth, but he serves his narrative purpose in splitting the party.
Kanan's worried shout for Ezra after he falls. <3
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Ezra looking very nervous here, don't blame him.
Oh man, the pre-finale trailers spoiled Maul's appearance and fandom was bonkers about it. (The pre-finale anticipation and hype was crazy man, so much over-analyzing and hypothesizing. There was a Bingo Card we could fill out with our theories. This one was mine.) Not a small amount of people were speculating about the possibility of Maul corrupting and/or abducting Ezra at Malachor.
I was one of them. Obviously. Still a smidge bummed it didn't come to pass, just imagine how devastating that would have been on top of everything else.
Anyway, Maul pretends to be frail and weak and old and harmless like some kind of sick parody of the scene in ESB when Yoda's introduced to Luke.
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The appropriate reaction to creepy old men lurking in the shadows lol.
Maul plays on Ezra's compassion at first, and then tempts him with what they came for, "knowledge". Ezra keeps a guard up, but cautiously allows Maul to lead him. I think he's figuring he's going to play this by ear like he did back in "Brothers of the Broken Horn", so he's not giving out his name or really trusting Maul yet. That would come later.
Lol, Maul has met Jabba, he knows full well Ezra's playing him.
There's some excellent tense music for the chase with Eighth Brother but I'm not going to really talk about those segments much since, frankly, all the interesting stuff is happening in the Maul and Ezra scenes.
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They're in the roots of the Temple now, very Mines of Moria-esque vibe down here with the columns.
Maul still trying to break Ezra's guard down, playing himself up as an enemy of the Inquisitors and the Sith (even though for all intents and purposes Maul still is a Sith) and I love how awkward things get when Ezra asks him if he was a Jedi, he's all like, "ERRRRRRMMMM."
Talking about his Tragic Backstory though unlocks Ezra's empathy and Ezra lets slip his own grievances with the Empire that Maul immediately tries to manipulate to his advantage, sensing Ezra's anger about it.
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Boy if I had a nickel for every time my favorite shows explored the "creepy older villain forcibly trying to make a younger hero their apprentice" plotline...
(I would actually have three nickels now because the Big Hero 6 cartoon also decided to do that plot YOU GUYS GOTTA FIGURE OUT SOMETIME THAT THIS PREMISE IS BASICALLY CATNIP FOR ME.)
Anyway, at this point I think Maul's mostly just using Ezra as a means to an end, he's not planning to kidnap him yet, just needs him for the doors. It's really interesting that whereas the Jedi Temple on Lothal emphasized the individual journey and separated the master and padawan, the Sith Temple forces them into kind of a codependent symbiosis--if one betrays the other like Sith are wont to do, the prize is lost and both of them die--making them have to use teamwork and a certain level of trust.
Chopper stealing Eighth's TIE to use against him is pretty awesome, admittedly.
Maul gives Ezra an abridged lesson in Sith/Dark Side philosophy: Channel your passions--your fear, anger, hate, any strong emotions etc.--through the Force for a lot of quick easy power. Ezra expresses misgivings but attempts it and this time does not immediately pass out, though he's clearly tired by the end of it.
Oh man the sound design here.
Also love that annoyed look Maul gives when Ezra complains about their progress. XD
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"Yeah I'm killing you after this, I don't have to deal with this shit."
Watching the expressions on Maul's face is a trip, you can see the subtle little flashes of conniving and triumph.
Aaaaaand every time Maul puts his hands on Ezra I still feel an immediate uncomfortable protective rage. You leave him alone you cockroach. >:(
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Enjoy the last vestiges of Ezra's innocence folks, this episode is what shatters that to pieces.
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Always loved this sequence, it feels very evocative of the Cave of Wonders segment of Aladdin and also several scenes in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
SO much symbolism with the precipices and pits here.
Love this music cue too.
I already noted in a different post way back when that something subtle I love is how Maul's Force Grip catch around Ezra is clearly much rougher than how Kanan has caught him. Ezra's tiny panicked glances down are great too.
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So riiiiiiiiiight about here is when I think Maul decided he was going to keep Ezra, you can see in his expression the mean satisfaction when he grabs the holocron, like he's gotten what he wanted. Ezra gets a prolonged moment of regretting all of his life's decisions before Maul finally decides to haul him up.
Look I know fandom makes fun of the helicopter sabers but I never minded them so this is my only comment about them.
Gah, Ezra's innocent little uncertain expressions here always hurt me.
You know, given the added context of TCW Seaason 7, along with the fact that they had already clearly integrated the unfinished arcs into the background continuity while writing Rebels, AHSOKA YOU SHOULD HAVE REALLY WARNED THEM ABOUT MAUL.
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Cool shot is cool.
I haven't talked about the music much because it doesn't really stand out until the climax but it's appropriately menacing and dramatic and ominous, as it should be.
Sam Whitwer's vocal progression through the episode is also amazing, along with the slow shedding of his hood it's like Maul is revitalizing himself, reinvigorated, reclaiming his strength and purpose.
He found something (Ezra) to hang his legacy on and seized it. Or tried to.
Ezra sounds just a bit desperate to convince Kanan, this is likely a product of the straining tensions between them. Maul, meanwhile, takes full advantage of Ahsoka and Kanan's uncertainty to suggest using the holocron to activate the obelisk, not telling them of course that it will turn on the Sith superweapon. Which he's counting on to kill Vader and the Inquisitors.
Ezra's theme in cello bass here, as Kanan decides to trust Ezra.
Almost forgot about Seventh's ID-9 Seekers, didn't we?
Love Kanan's protective bitchiness towards Maul this whole episode. The conflict between him and Ezra is just a little bit contrived, Kanan's been harder on Ezra recently yes, but it also feels a smidge rushed. Then again Ezra's been fixating on trying to solve the fundamental problem of the Inquisitors possibly as a way to assuage his grief over losing his parents, like Anakin he thinks if he can maybe just get enough power he can prevent it from happening again, so he's letting his impulsiveness reign in the quest to find "the key to destroying the Sith" and it's making him have a repeat of "Vision of Hope" where he trusts the wrong person.
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Ezra's bright little, "Trust me." here hurts so much because Kanan does trust Ezra, that's the only reason why he decided they would stay and then it all goes HORRIBLY WRONG *SOBS*.
This is a nice sentiment and all Ahsoka, and it shows how much faith you have in Ezra's goodness and Kanan's ability as a teacher BUT ALSO YOU SHOULD HAVE WARNED THEM.
Ezra's out of sight for like a minute and Maul's already picking at his insecurities and need for validation and trying to get him to murderize Seventh.
The momentary pride we feel that Ezra can't bring himself to strike in anger and hate vanishes when Maul tests the veeeeeery limits of the Y7 rating.
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I hate this man I hate this man I hate this man I hate him so much. He snarls at Ezra for hesitating, berates his merciful Jedi instincts, and then picks up with that soft manipulative fake concerned tone again. He always uses this tone when he's trying to manipulate Ezra, we'll be watching for it next season, trust me.
Hhggnnl Maul glancing up and seeing the shadow passing over the gaps in the ceiling, he knows Vader's on his way. And he's definitely already made the decision that he's taking Ezra.
Love this brief triumphant cue here, for a moment it looks like they've won.
The matching "Oh crap" expressions on Kanan and Ahsoka's faces when Maul says, "You mean... my apprentice?" they are just a hair too late to prevent disaster.
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Yeah so this moment pretty much traumatized fandom. For months.
And a very unhinged Maul getting a little too excited about using the Sith superweapon to kill everyone.
The presence in the holocron is likely a trace of the Sith Lord who created the superweapon, Darth Tanis.
Sound design appreciation moment, just LISTEN to it.
"The power will be mine! Ezra will be mine!" Very hinged. Much sane. If you had waited maybe five minutes, Maul, and resisted the urge to murder everyone you could have actually had what you wanted! But such is the nature of the Dark Side, the quick and easy way offers fast solutions but hollow ones, in the grasping for what you want it slips through your fingers.
ALL MAUL HAD TO DO WAS NOT TRY TO MURDER KANAN AND AHSOKA AND EZRA PROBABLY WOULD HAVE GONE WITH HIM. At the very least Kanan might have tentatively let Maul hang around. This is the tragedy of Maul's life, he is the king of self-sabotage.
[Insert ramble about the symbolism of Kanan taking up a Temple Guardian mask and how that relates to his role as Ezra's protector.]
I don't remember I think there was maybe one or two people who complained that Kanan shouldn't be able to beat Maul here, but for the most part fandom was agreed that this was awesome.
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Please do note: Maul just kind of... assumed Ezra would use the Sith superweapon when he learned what it was. Ezra's too pure for that, alas.
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Ezra sassing Vader like Kanan sassed the Grand Inquisitor back in "Call To Action" lol.
And there goes Ezra's blaster-saber. :(
I've been a very good girl conserving my limited photos so now you get a lot of Ezra's terrified face.
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The Ahsoka-Vader confrontation is pretty much perfect, even for someone who never really watched TCW and doesn't really have the same level of investment as a long time fan would have. Even without the context the emotions and drama come across well.
Ezra veeeeeeerrrrrrrry slowly and carefully trying to scoot away from Vader always makes me giggle.
Vader threatening to torture the information out of Ezra if Ahsoka won't give up any remaining Jedi she knows about. :(((
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Still love how TCW recontextualized Ahsoka's angry, "I am no Jedi!" by reframing it as, "I can't be a Jedi anymore, you took that away from me, you killed the Order I loved and wanted to return to!"
I think I heard someone trying to describe Vader here as, "Picture an upright locomotive with a lightsaber." and that's apt, Vader is so heavy and powerful with every movement and swing. This is Vader in his prime, unleashed, against an opponent he won't hold back on and it is glorious.
Chopper guiding Kanan by the hand. :(((
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Ezra's horrified realization. :(((((
Small note: Ezra's been nursing his right wrist this whole time, possibly sprained or burned a bit when Vader destroyed his saber. Also a nice parallel to ESB and Luke.
Ahsoka does her best but you can tell she's tiring here.
Some gorgeous animation as the Temple begins to seal back up.
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How annoyed do you think Vader must have been to have a blind half-trained ex-Padawan and a scrawny 16-year-old kid managing to fight his Force Pull on the holocron?
Ahsoka swoops in for a Big Damn Heroes moment and breaks open his mask. You're welcome for the nightmares, kids.
Hello so many parallels to Luke and Return of the Jedi.
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Very effective bringing the orchestra full to the fore with almost no other sound or dialogue here. This whole sequence is brutally powerful.
Kanan and Hera's heartbreaking reunion. The sorrow on Rex's face, feeding into Ezra's clear guilt. Maul surviving to menace us another day. Vader limping off, out of the wreckage of the Temple. Tracking the convor as it flies towards the vague form of Ahsoka descending further into the Temple. The cut to the Ghost with everyone's silent worry and sorry. And closing on Ezra's murderous Kubrick Stare as he gets the holocron to open.
This finale is on people's favorite episode lists for a reason, lol. It's so dramatic and game-changing and tightly-written, leaves us perfectly fuming in anticipation for more.
You know how shows promise that, "Nothing will be the same anymore." in taglines to trick you into watching for the Next Big Twist? Rebels actually delivers on that promise.
It's an amazing ride.
Overall Season Thoughts:
Season Two is stronger than Season One in a lot of aspects. The animation is even prettier with the added budget, the stories remain well-balanced and woven together even with the added breathing room of twenty-two episodes to Season One's fifteen. The show takes advantage of that extra room to build up the finale, especially in the last few episodes, to very good effect. The expanded scope means we're facing bigger and greater threats, and also widening our cast, and yet none of the guest stars overshadow or overpower our mains, who are given plenty of chances to develop and shine.
Aside from one minor misstep in "Blood Sisters", this season is solid through and through.
Onwards to Season Three!
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "The Honorable Ones"
Kallus starts growing the nigglings of a conscience and also I never want to visit Bahryn ever.
Does this count as Friendship Fetch Quest episode? I mean... we do technically recruit an ally, albeit we make one out of a consistent former enemy, and he is important to things later...
Yeah, you know what, I'm counting it.
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Geonosis looks gorgeous.
Oooooof SO many Death Star foreshadowings in this conversation. This is in fact where they started construction on the Mark I, as far back as the Clone Wars. Some time between now and then (Wookiepedia thinks it's between "Breaking Ranks" and now), the project was moved, the orbital stations scrapped, and the entire population of Geonosis genocided to conceal the project's existence.
Just, you know, your ordinary Tuesday for the Empire.
Hi Kallus!
Love Chopper getting to be an absolutely murderous psychopath again lolol.
Ohhhh hey, this cue is from back in "Droids In Distress" when they were about to blow up the ion disruptors. How fitting, lol.
Ezra is still Not Fond of leaving people behind.
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He looks so worried. :(
Love how Kallus and Zeb stop fighting for a second when they realize they're about to crash. Matching Oh Crap expressions and everything.
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Ngl, I felt that cry of agony deep in the recesses of my childhood.
(I fell off some parallel bars once in gym, didn't break anything, but my first scream? Sounded not too unlike that.)
Lol Ezra banging on Chopper. "Yes, we want him back! Don't be a sleemo!"
Jeez, how terrified Kallus must have been, stuck in the exact scenario that traumatized him so in the past. Lucky for our favorite asshole Zeb is the honorable type.
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Yup, yeah, pissing his pants terrified. David does a really good job with Kallus this episode, it's one of the first times they let him show a bit more range and he does shrill and hysterical very nicely, if I may say so.
Kallus is so assured of the Empire's fairness and nobility, aww let's shatter that to pieces this episode. :D
Worried Ezra continues to be worried. <3
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He is already shivering, nice little animation here. Also lol @ Zeb pettily pulling the heater closer towards him.
Ahhh the glowing rock of friendship. Love that Kallus keeps it after this.
"You're going to hurt yourself!" <3 See this mother hen behavior right here is why I stuck the Iron Squadron kids with him in my Mirrorverse series, Kallus being a fussy fretful Team Mom is hilarious.
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Ah NOPE, nope, nah-uh. Nooooooo thank you.
The bonzami are actually really well-designed. They look like prehistoric dinosaurs of some kind. Definitely evocative of all my childhood nightmares about T-Rexes.
Kallus parroting the Might Makes Right and Social Darwinism of the Empire, leading to Zeb beginning to ask pointed questions.
Oh man there was a really good analysis on here someone did about Kallus's fighting style, how he's better at close quarters than distance/ranged, I wish I remembered who wrote it.
Subtle animation appreciation detail: That pinched guilt in Kallus's expression.
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Oooh yeah, that's the good stuff.
Kallus launches into his tragic backstory, possibly to try and remind himself why he personally hates Lasats, rejustify in his head how it was okay for him not to question orders when told to use the ion disruptors--("They deserve it, they're bad people, they kill the injured!")--and the connection to Saw is not a coincidence I think, the writers expand heavily on the whole "It's how we fight that matters." and "The ends justify the means." conflict later on down the line. Numerous characters on this show like Saw and Thrawn and Kallus to an extent represent what happens when you go too far to fight those you consider monsters. I've always loved how firmly Rebels comes down on the side of "The means do matter."
Probably one of the reasons I'm still kind of relucant to watch Andor, I know fandom loves that "I burn myself for a sunrise I'll never see." quote but eehhhhhhhhh.
The exchange right after Kallus's story is a bit clunky, I get what the intent was--that there are people in the Empire who aren't cold and bloodthirsty and evil and the Rebels shouldn't write them all off like they're the same--but it's clumsily executed.
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Hey remember when I said I love David Oyelowo's hysterical Kallus voice? Yeah.
Zeb's prehensile feet put to good use again.
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Ohhhhh yeah no that's absolutely a terrifying concept for me. Nope.
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"Hey we didn't get eaten! Are we friends now?"
There's some debate in the fandom about the inconsistency of the stories Kallus tells from "Droids In Distress" to here. Some parts of fandom point to how he almost gleefully bragged about giving the order to use the ion disruptors and others point out that he couldn't possibly have been high enough in the ranks at that point to actually have the authority to do that.
I tend to fall more towards the latter camp, that he wasn't actually THE one to give the order but he didn't question it and passed it right along due to his prejudice against the Lasat, and only said what he said to Zeb to rile him up. As much as he hated Lasats though, there has been some guilt severely weighing on him since then, and I'm pretty sure it's partly due to his confusion over the Honor Guardsman giving him his bo-rifle. There was a note of aggravated self-defense in Kallus's voice when he explains to Zeb how it was given to him, like he's dispensing with an act and being all, "All right look here's how it really happened."
This conversation is slightly less clear but to me reads like Kallus is detailing his thoughts from the moment he'd been given the order. Like it's mid-battle and it's going harder than they anticipated and the weapons are handed out and he's told to use them and he realizes, "Oh. The Empire is not playing around are they?" and he shoves down his own potential qualms about it and just passes on the order.
Zeb, having had his character development, is dismissive of Kallus's attempt to explain the massacre, saying that it doesn't affect him anymore, basically.
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They're so happy to see him. <3
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Subtle animation appreciation moment: Zeb's little elbow bump to Ezra's arm as they climb up the ramp.
Ohhhhhh man the behind the scenes had a little plot bit that they should have kept, basically it was not the Empire that retrieved Kallus from Bahryn, it was a scavenger ship, the Empire spent a paltry two rotations looking for him and then wrote him off, he had to make his way back to them on his own.
Konstantine doesn't even look at him.
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Kallus's redemption is a bit of a polarizing topic in fandom. Personally I'm very fond of it, I like Kallus as an antagonist-turned-Rebel, I think he's a lot of fun post Heel Face Turn and the many myriad fanfics that bridge the gap between "Zero Hour" and Season 4 featuring Kallus slowly blending in to the Spectres are among some of my favorites.
But it's also one of my major nitpicks because it's a bit lacking in legwork. Show👏me👏the legwork!👏 Like 90% of all writing problems can be solved just by expending some effort. Don't just have Kallus as the new Fulcrum offscreen between seasons I need to SEE it.
That being said, this is a mostly tightly written Locked In A Room type episode, well-paced, decently animated. Fandom definitely loves it and I'll still give it fairly regular rewatches since it's another of the husband's favorites.
Next up, we return again to Lothal for Force Weirdness.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Wolves And A Door"/"A World Between Worlds"
Things get Force Weird as we approach the final stretch.
Live reaction version.
Right so I'm probably going to be cannibalizing some of my "Ezra Bridger as a thematic Chosen One in Star Wars Rebels and the messianic imagery of “A World Between Worlds”" essay because even though I still want to make that its own separate post someday, there's going to be things about these two episodes that I have to bring up and observations that will crossover with that essay when and if that finally gets finished.
I'm going to try to be very sparing with the caps too, because I've got two whole episodes to cover and ghksajhfkjahkjh there's way too much pretty to show off, I honestly don't know how I'm gonna do it guys.
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I love that after the somber musical fog they put us through last episode they start us off with bouncy plinky pizzicato strings and Loth-cat cuteness. They were like, "Hey, we know things have been heavy lately and they're gonna be again, but in the meantime have kitties sitting on top of doggos and feel for a moment reassured that there is still goodness in the world."
Zeb's skepticism re. the wolves is a little silly given that they've already shown that they're intelligent sentient creatures.
Ezra's already showing signs of the serenity and dignity he takes on as de facto leader of the Lothal rebels. Hera actually kind of cedes that role to him, and Ryder has certainly already taken several steps back out of cynicism.
So it falls to Ezra to lead them, to plan out their attack strategies, to be their head.
He's matured so much I'm so proud of him.
The wolves are deeply connected to the Force, and to Lothal. Ezra is too. In a way, he's of their kind. And after accepting his task from them last episode they consider him officially part of the pack it seems, because they readily come to his call.
Ezra's unique ability to connect, once again an invaluable asset.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The tufts of grass that wobble as the wolves walk through them.
Ezra's favor with the wolves extends to the others, so they are all able to climb on board and hitch a Force-assisted ride back to the northern hemisphere where the Temple is.
Love this sequence. The pounding drums. The sound design. The slow phasing of the wolves into the ground and disappearing soundlessly into it, with just a whisper of wind in their wake.
I can't get over how the Loth-wolf visions keep going back to Kanan's "You want a ride?". Filoni has mentioned that Ezra's tuned into the "echoes" that are particularly relevant to him while inside the WBW and I guess the same must apply to the hyperspace wolves tunnels. It's fascinating, we've always taken hyperspace for granted but since it's part of the galaxy, it has to be part of the Force as well, so it makes perfect sense in a way that ancient Force guardians like the Loth-wolves, or creatures just intimately connected with the Force like the purrgil, can make their own hyperspace tunnels naturally, in order to pass through time and space.
"It surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together."
Something I really love about the whole concept of the World Between Worlds is the idea that we're getting a rare glimpse at the inner structure of the Force itself, the tendons and strings connecting it together.
Anyway, sob with me about how the echoes end with Ezra's "There's just you and me." from "Siege of Lothal". It was just them, two flickering twin moons against the blackest night, holding back the darkness until sunrise.
And now it's just Ezra alone.
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What I wouldn't give to know what they're talking about.
Frick his whole bearing is different. He's quieter, more somber. We blinked and he grew up, aged five years in a night.
We reach the Temple and it's as bad as we've feared, the Empire has set up all around it and the area bristles with lights and equipment. They've burrowed down to the foundations of the Temple, trying to pull up its secrets by the root, and they've wholecloth removed the familiar doors from it, leaving a gaping surface level hole.
The Temple itself has sealed itself tight, barring entry to the interlopers, and I LOVE the thematic fairy tale underpinnings of this.
There's a line in The Magician's Nephew, one of the Chronicles of Narnia and another strong influence on the show's writing and concepts, that goes like: "Come in by the gold gates or not at all, Take of my fruit for others or forbear, For those who steal or those who climb my wall, Shall find their heart’s desire and find despair."
This is another overarching myth archetype: Only The Worthy May Pass.
If your heart is true, and you ask permission, show the Threshold Guardian respect, walk humbly and seek the boon for others, it will be granted to you freely. But if you're selfish, if you lie and cheat and steal and trick your way in, brute force what you want and are arrogant, demanding the prize, you will receive your just reward. And you won't like it.
Think of the last Indiana Jones movie. Indiana Jones is the one that takes all the risk, makes the leap of faith to save his father, and is granted permission to use the Grail's healing powers. The Nazi-aligned academic rival who barged in with tanks and guns and wants to live forever using the Grail's powers, however?
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Indiana Jones vibes are aaaaaaaallll over these whole two episodes by the way. The whole general feel of an archaeological adventure with an unexpected encounter with the divine, it's great.
I still think it's immensely clever that they used the recording of Thrawn to distract the Scout Troopers. Still hilariously convenient that one of them is female.
Even the music gets Indiana Jones-esque when Ezra and Sabine make it down into the hollow.
Hi Hydan!
I love him. He's such a good oneshot villain. Cordial and affably polite and yet my skin crawls whenever he threatens either Sabine or Ezra. He's another Thrawn archetype/parallel, he studies the mysteries of the Force in the hopes of understanding them, not for himself, but to grow the power of his Emperor. He plunders the wealth of the Lothal Temple not out of respect for it, but to dissect it for knowledge and power.
An absolutely seamless Mind Trick from Ezra here. So proud of him.
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The matching "Oh crap!" expressions on their faces when they realize that's Emperor Freaking Palpatine on the other end of the line.
The Mortis arc is actually one of the few TCW arcs I watched in full. Sue me I love me some Force Weirdness. So it was quite a delight to see the Mortis gods returning as artistic archetypal representations of the aspects of the Force. The Light, the Dark, the Unifying/Cosmic Balance. (Even the Living Force is represented in the mural by the Loth-wolves.) Since we're exploring the very inner scaffolding of the Force itself these episodes, it made perfect sense to me to bring them back, and tie them into how the Lothal Temple operates.
Unsurprisingly the Emperor's leitmotif makes an appearance here. Palpatine already has extraordinary clairvoyent powers but they've become confused after Kanan's sacrifice. Kanan has altered the fate of Lothal somehow, and even Palpatine can't figure out why.
(Pssst, it's because the Force is actually working against you buddy, it's trying to restore proper balance.)
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This moment was very mean and hurted in all the right ways.
"They'll be fine." "I used to always believe that." This hits right in the parental bone, ouch.
Harps and female vocals once again signifying the arcane mysteries of the Force.
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And this is gorgeous.
Ezra and Sabine begin to puzzle out the meaning behind the mural, Ezra only able to identify the Loth-wolves and the green convor that liked to follow Ahsoka around. (We've still not been given an explanation for that one yet. The prevailing theory is that it's what left of the Daughter, acting as a spirit guide/guardian for Ahsoka.)
The golden pathways correspond to the paths and doorways inside the World Between Worlds and when they're aligned on the mural, the wolves awaken to form the portal that grants access. Only one who can channel the Light Side is able to unlock the mechanism to align the pathways, via connecting to the Daughter part of the mural.
This is one of the reasons why Palpatine needed to cheat to get inside. The other reason is that, per word of Filoni, the World Between Worlds is actually a bit choosy about who it lets inside.
Again, Only The Worthy May Pass. Ezra is connected to the Force and to Lothal, a native son of the planet, a Jedi, and he has the wolves' favor, so he is granted access.
Like Maul back on Malachor, Palpatine cannot open the door on his own.
Sabine does a pretty good job bluffing the Troopers that come to investigate her presence by the mural, buying Ezra enough time to connect to the Daughter and open the portal.
Ezra remembering Kanan's last words to him, the reminder to listen.
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Rebels animation is gorgeous, I will hear no slander.
And this technique they developed to animate 2D images on top of a 3D CGI environmental surface was probably the same technology they used for mini Maui in Moana. Put to absolutely beautiful use, there's zero weird blending or edging at all, it just looks fully integrated and a natural part of the image.
Now, obviously the mural wolves need a clear space in order to form the portal but I also think they were drawing Ezra far enough away from the Stormtroopers that they wouldn't get to him in time. So that they couldn't stop him.
I'm actually reminded of a scene in Avatar: The Last Airbender (which Filoni also worked on), where Aang manages to slip in last minute through the giant door into the inner shrine that could only be opened by several Fire Sages working in tandem, and the way Roku--the previous Avatar before Aang, and a Firebender himself--seals the door behind Aang, so that even the Sages can't open the door anymore.
Ezra has a meeting with the Divine, and the Empire is not invited.
The score going full blast Indiana Jones mysticism, love it.
Like Thrawn, Hydan clocks Sabine as someone who doesn't belong there immediately, recognizing her from the incident before. The dig site is put on full alert and Troopers close in on Ezra, who's paralyzed for a moment, nervous to enter the portal.
Sabine yells for him to go.
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And with determination and purpose, he does.
And the portal seals behind him.
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Sabine's worry and fear. <3 Even though she told him to go, watching him literally disappear into a wall has to be frightening.
The World Between Worlds is a place where time and space have no meaning, because all time is present at once. Past, present, and future is all happening simultaneously inside the starvoid, which pulses with the whispers of those who have come before, and those who are yet to come. It's a liminal space, a space of transition, an "in-between" that is neither here nor there. @seleneisrising has an excellent series of posts comparing it to the Wood Between The Worlds, again from The Magician's Nephew, a seemingly endless wood with countless pools that represent different worlds one can enter and exit, if one has the proper travel implements (green and gold rings, in this case).
It is not time travel. Filoni and other writers make it very clear that you cannot, SHOULD NOT, actually use it for that purpose, because if you take something out of its proper time and space, things could go very very badly, and you could create a paradox that destroys time.
Ezra doesn't know this when he winds up pulling Ahsoka out of Malachor, but Ahsoka suspects--since she's been in this kind of Force Weird situation before--so that why she's immediately all, "Okay you have to put me exactly back where you found me." and declines to come with Ezra out his portal.
And that's also why Ezra can't save Kanan.
More on that later.
Our first series of echoes is about the Force, in general, and specific quotes apply to Ezra in particular, for the character journey he's going to complete inside this liminal space.
"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." "What you need you already have. Unfortunately, you seem to be letting it all go." "I won't let him lose his way. Not like I did."
The World Between Worlds is already warning him of the temptation that Palpatine will offer, first with Kanan, and then with his parents. Palpatine will dangle the idea of undoing his loss, reversing and cheating death, the same thing he offered Anakin, if he would only just lend Palpatine a little of his power, just a small favor, just open this door for me good lad, don't you want this?
It's a trap. A trick. A lie. There is no reversing death.
You cannot go back down into Hades.
The Force theme permeates this space, floating above our heads with the stars in the vast empty void. Obi-Wan pipes in, via voiceover, to explain what we're seeing, in essence, the very scaffolding and inner workings of the Force.
Meanwhile outside, the troopers are not gentle with Sabine. Hydan tries to make nice and she sasses him to hell and back, refusing to cooperate.
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Sabine trying not to let her worry for Ezra show, when Hydan threatens that the Emperor will find him inside the World Between Worlds. <3
Vocal cameos from across the Star Wars canon as Ezra crosses the World Between Worlds. I know someone has identified all of them but I don't have the list at hand. Most of them aren't relevant to Ezra in any case.
Morai appears though, to help guide Ezra to the Malachor portal. I know it was suggested that Kanan helped orchestrate Ahsoka's rescue from beyond the grave, as some kind of "unfinished business" Kanan had yet to do before he fully pass on. Some people were confused why Kanan would want to do that, he was never particularly close to Ahsoka nor was he particularly as devastated by her apparent death. Not like Ezra.
I can accept that logic from the writers though, if it's Kanan trying to help Ezra finally assuage his guilt over Malachor, give him a chance to make things better. And give Ezra a Force Sensitive ally to help find him after everything is said and done.
Kanan knew he was going to die. Knew he couldn't be there for Ezra. So he arranged a way for there to be someone to look for and after Ezra after he was gone. He knew they would need Ahsoka's help.
My thoughts, anyway.
Ezra's quiet horror when the portal activates and shows him the tail end of the Malachor confrontation. :(
It is hilarious to think about how this must look to Vader and Ahsoka. On Vader's end he's swinging down and all of a sudden a hand comes out of a shimmering patch of air and just yoinks Ahsoka away into thin air and then the floor collapses under him and he just had to go back to Palpatine and explain all of that or else pretend that didn't happen, lol.
And then Ahsoka had to wake up in a weird place after fighting Vader and unpacking all of that My Master Is Evil trauma and then see an older Ezra in Stormtrooper armor, learn that Kanan was dead, help Ezra not break the universe, fight an apparition of the Emperor, and then run back to Malachor so she wouldn't break the universe either. Girl needs a damn nap after all that ha ha.
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Sabine continuing to be super uncooperative with Hydan. He eventually loses patience and lets the Death Troopers smack her a bit. She's not badly hurt but the point comes across; she needs to play nice or else.
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Ahsoka looks SO confused lol.
Vader echoes sound in the background, these ones attuned to Ahsoka, responding to the revelations she has just had about Vader's true identity. As well as an echo from the Daughter, when Ahsoka notices Morai.
(This resonates with what Filoni says about the World Between Worlds in a recent interview, that it attunes to whoever is currently inside, or the person inside only truly hears echoes that are relevant to them, the rest may as well be static and noise, incomprehensible.)
Ahsoka's the one who suggests Kanan's spirit is lingering, trying to guide and teach Ezra one last time from beyond the grave, through the manifestation of the Dume wolf, and yeah, it tracks. I kind of like the notion that Kanan clung to himself just long enough to make sure Ezra was okay before he let himself move on and dissipate into the ether.
Ezra latches onto the idea that Kanan meant for him to save Ahsoka, and then tracks that thought straight into "I can prevent Kanan's death too."
But it's not the same.
Ahsoka knows she has to go back through her portal and return to the time she left, sooner rather than later in order to prevent any kind of paradoxical damage to the timeline. But she can't leave the grieving Ezra in limbo and so she rushes after him to hold back his hand.
Once again, "You want a ride?" echoes, the moment Kanan first offered his hand and help to Ezra, which must be so intimately imprinted on him that it's what he always first hears.
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"You can learn what it truly means to be a Jedi." And he's about to, Kanan, believe me.
Ezra's theme plays here. It doesn't complete, never making it to the second stanza. Ezra's not thinking straight. His words echo Anakin's, "I can stop people from dying!" He's too wrapped up in his grief. He's trying once again to reach for power that isn't his to grasp, in order to stop loss from happening to him.
He is attached.
Attachment in the Star Wars universe has a very specific connotation. It has never meant love, or relationships, friendships, other people, cherished places or things. It is all about one's own mindset when relating to those things. Jedi are supposed to love everyone, selflessly. But they are supposed to understand that nothing lasts forever. Things die, people move in and out of your life, the change happens and you can't stop it "Any more than you can stop the twin suns from setting." Shmi says. Children grow up and leave home. Being a Jedi, being balanced in the Force, means you accept the transitory nature of things and let go of your fear of loss.
Because fear leads to the Dark Side. Being afraid of loss, of being without the things important to you, makes you angry at what might try to take those things. Which makes you jealous, clingy. Greedy. Makes you grasp tighter. Makes you desperate. Makes you seek for the power to keep those things with you. And there the Dark Side is, calling to you, offering you that power. Promising to help you keep those things you want.
But it's a trap. The Dark Side will consume you. It will not help you save what you fear to lose, it will instead demand their sacrifice. The desire for power will overtake everything else, every other noble intention or motivation you had. What you intended to save you will no longer care about. The Dark Side will be all there is.
So you must let go of the things you fear to lose. Let go of that fear, and it will have no power over you. Accept the loss, and do not grasp for the power to break reality, to cheat the natural order, just to spare yourself the pain of not having that thing or person in your life.
Because you cannot go back down into Hades.
You cannot turn back time. You cannot undo death.
"You can't save your master," Ahsoka tells him, so so gently because she knows how hard this is. "And I can't save mine," she accepts.
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And so Ezra looks at the portal, everything in him screaming in grief. And Ezra, who has abandonment issues and so much of his own worth and validation wrapped up in Kanan--"Kanan believes I can."--who thinks of Kanan as more a father than a teacher, who is still at heart a lost little boy who misses his parents... does one of the hardest and bravest things ever required of him.
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He drops his hand, and turns his eyes, and lets go.
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He faces the grief and loss head on, and accepts it. Doesn't let it master him.
And thwarts Palpatine one moment more.
Because the image of Kanan was not actually him. The Dark Side will never actually keep its promises. Or it will fulfill them in a way that makes it not matter. It all consuming, always hungry, never satisfied, and it will suck you dry.
The portal Ezra was tempted by leads straight to Palpatine. Who reveals himself like a cackling demon, shrouded and surrounded by blue flames.
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Outside, Hera and Zeb are preparing to spring Sabine free of Hydan's "company", though not before she learns the way to seal the portal again.
The lovely dichotomy of "Sabine will know."/"He's on his way." is great BTW, they have so much faith and trust in each other.
Sabine's cheeky little, "Sorry about the mess." :)
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I am fairly certain, though I can't find the post from Celebration that talked about it in overview, that Dave et all recycled several ideas from the planned Season 7 arcs for TCW into Rebels. This fight I'm sure was one of them, I remember something about fighting Palpatine in the basement of the Jedi Temple, where the nexus is.
Full male chorus for this moment, love it.
Palpatine won't give up so easily. He still needs to piggyback off Ezra's permission, because the Temple accepted Ezra and rejected him. If he cannot trick Ezra into being his anchor, he will simply attempt to latch onto him from the other side by force, through Sith sorcery.
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Also fanficcers once again have let me down, I need way more Bad End AUs to this scene than just the one I wrote.
"When you get back, come and find me!" An obligation yet to be fulfilled. Hopefully the Ahsoka show will finish this out. *fingers crossed*
Ahsoka runs back off into the shot where her back was to the camera from "Twilight of the Apprentice" and Ezra escapes, to Palpatine's severe annoyance I'm sure. I would not want to be in the room when that happened, lemme just tell ya lol.
There's so many things about this scene that I love. Sabine grabbing Ezra's arm to help him up. Zeb practically holding Ezra to him as they run, giving him cover from the blaster fire. Chopper's Big Damn Heroes moment as he drives a freaking drill (one he was eyeing earlier) into the crowd of Stormtroopers.
Ezra looking immediately to Sabine to tell him which one to activate, because he trusts she's figured it out. Zeb helping lift him high enough to reach.
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Ezra connecting to the Son, the score piping in with piano to signify the Force usage. Maybe Ezra is having to call upon the Dark Side, maybe he is just making a connection, but either way it's harder than it was with the Daughter. Takes more effort. He collapses immediately into Zeb's arms right after.
But look at Ezra’s expression:
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The way his lips and eyes pinch, how his face tightens.  The minute tremble in his lip. It’s not anger or fear or passion he’s channeling here.
It’s grief.
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Ezra falls unconscious into a Pietà pose (more on that in the messianic imagery post) and looks incredibly small here in Zeb's arms. This is such a soft moment and it's so sweet, I love it.
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The mural turns crimson red and the Temple begins to seal and collapse. Removing itself from the physical plane of existence entirely, to deny Palpatine access.
Our heroes flee, Hydan perishes, the most gorgeous animation of the show splashes across the screen as the wolves return to their place, the Daughter and Son descend, and the Father claps his hands and sinks the Temple.
Ezra is barely conscious the whole time, a lot having been taken out of him. It's similar to how he collapsed in "Gathering Forces" and "Vision of Hope" and "Holocrons of Fate", too much Force energy exhausts him. As he fades out, Kanan's voice calls out from the white light.
"The Force will be with you, always."
By implication, "I'll be with you Ezra. I'm alive inside of you now."
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And then all that's left is to say one last goodbye to Kanan, across the glasslike surface of the plain where the Temple once stood, into the rising light of dawn and the fading footsteps of the white Loth-wolf.
Kanan's theme plays us out over the credits.
These two episodes contextualize, and re-contextualize SO much about the overall story. Finally we know what Ezra was meant to do, what made him so special that the Force chose him, not as the Chosen One, but as a Chosen One, with a specific destiny and purpose that he needed to fulfill.
A child of Lothal, tested and found worthy by the wolves, who was already blessed by the Jedi Temple before. Favored by the Force to enter into its innermost sanctum to protect it from those who would desecrate it, twist it to their own purposes.
Ezra's narrative importance to the overall Star Wars saga becomes immensely clear. His character development is complete, and he now has the strength to stand against Palpatine's temptations, and the bravery to make the ultimate sacrifice for his planet and people. One whose results he won't even be able to see.
Just like Kanan did. Kanan's last lesson--To love unselfishly and give of yourself, even if means losing what you hold dear, simply because it is right and you are needed--will be Ezra's final act as well. And it took being asked to let go and accept Kanan's death for him to understand.
These episodes are beautiful in theme and message. The World Between Worlds is a fascinating perfect addition to Star Wars lore. The character work is fantastic and I can even pardon the clear favoritism in managing to bring Ahsoka back. I love these episodes so so much, they're my absolute favorites of the whole show.
We're almost done my loves, let's watch Ezra's character development pay off next time. :)
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "A Princess On Lothal"
Mini Leia is here to lift everyone's spirits, and provide some much-needed hardware to the Rebellion.
Right, so going to have to be careful about the new photo limit, but just one quick cap from the beginning here because awwww the Loth-cat was comforting Ezra!
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Oooh the deep glockenspiel adds some interesting texture to this music cue here.
And cue the Hammerhead corvettes. Good thing Leia dropped by when most of the blockade was still sweeping up on Garel.
(They'll be back soon, Lothal and Garel are practically galactic neighbors.)
Lol Lyste sighing in aggravation about "Another delegation from Alderaan." I'm certain Bail and Breha have cultivated quite the bleeding heart reputation as cover for their covert Rebel activities.
I don't think the voice actress they chose is that great. She sounds... way older than 15/16 and I can tell she's trying for the cadence of Carrie Fisher's snark but... I dunno it just lands weird for me. I think they could have gotten away with having her voice sound younger and it would have been okay.
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Chopper sticking by Ezra's side. :((((
A slow, mournful version of Ezra's theme. Fitting, as he's going to be grieving the whole episode. Which is a nice bit of continuity. I love it when shows allow time for characters to grieve and adjust to losses they've sustained.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The way Ezra idly thumps the cadet helmet to the side of his head. Just a nice little gesture that adds character and flavor.
Oh shit, that was definitely a Dies Irae in the score there.
(A refresher for those of you just joining this rewatch: The Dies Irae is an old Latin musical sequence that has been used basically since the Gregorian chant days to denote the specter of death in a work of music. Composers from ages past up to the present have referenced it in their compositions. Think of it as like the world's oldest music meme.)
Lot of OT score references in this part, no surprise.
Ezra is noticeably more surly and pissy than usual this episode, at least until his pep talk from Leia. Also no surprise, the boy hides behind his sarcasm and snark like no one's business.
"I don't get to give orders!" Just wait, Ezra, lol. You'll get your turn.
Leia playing Lyste like a damn fiddle lolol.
Mini Leia is really pretty. They did a great job with her design.
Alderaan sits pretty in the "plausible deniability" section. I'm sure the Empire suspected the planet of harboring secret Rebel sympathies but they were never able to have concrete proof of it. Bail, like Mon, probably held out hope that he could stem some of the Empire's tyranny from within, and so that's why he didn't want to lose his seat of government power, not as long as there was a chance he could effect some kind of change, which meant Alderaan had to avoid being directly tied to the Rebellion.
There's some commentary there about the need to work within the system in order to fix it, versus when it's time to break off and burn it down, but I'm not going to go into that right now.
Hngh, Ryder's resignation when the Stormtrooper mentions "termination".
"Hera's here." Hhhnkgjhn that's the happiest we've heard Ezra sound this episode Imma cry.
Luke's theme used per the standard as a bold Big Damn Heroes leitmotif with the Ghost's appearance.
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"I'll warn Sabine." Lol how does Ezra know Sabine's the one who's going to be paying attention?
Zeb enjoyed this entirely too much lololol.
Ha ha those two Stormtroopers who are like, "They take prisoners now???"
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This man has zero shame lol.
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That soft hand on his arm. The way her eyes linger on him as he turns away.
I love it so muuuuuuuuch!
Leia being, well, Leia, immediately discerns that something's really bugging Ezra. I love that the Kenobi show leaned into the inner sixth sense she displays here, that she can pick out a person's thoughts and feelings with the Force just by looking at them.
Kanan discerning that Leia might be able to comment and help Ezra, aww.
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Friiiiiiiiick his face.
Leia's theme follows right on the heels of Ezra's theme here, in the score.
"I feel like because I can fight, I have to, for those who cannot." Boy is that isn't the quintessential Jedi and Rebel Alliance motivation right there...
I do like the dynamic between Ezra and Leia. It's very sweet. They bond based on their shared Hero Complex motivations, their mutual desire to fight on behalf of the helpless. Ezra shows off a little bit for her, later, in the way he usually does around girls he likes (the boy has A Type, let's be honest), but it never quite reaches the overtness of his crush on Sabine, so it hits even more quasi-platonic.
I think Leia thought he was cute tho.
Back to the plot, Leia's embarrassing Lyste all over the place here lol.
Ah, wow, the Rebel Alliance theme, haven't heard that in a while.
There is quite a bit of tension in how slowly the Hammerheads take off. The show plays that tension for all it's worth.
Oh you know I gotta comment about this part right here where Ezra goes feral.
For a moment we had all forgotten about the fact that he was clearly grieving, and this outburst caught us off guard. The way this is staged it's framed as concerning, with an edge of danger, Ezra leaping onto the Stormtrooper and clashing beats sounding along with his punches in the score, Kanan reaching towards him with an almost hesitant body posture.
But! Ezra lets out his anger and then contains himself, standing up and just putting his helmet back on. He breathes, regains his composure, and returns to neutral.
*weeps* He's such a good Jedi.
Kanan whipping out his lightsaber to be awesome against the AT-ATs aaaaaah!
(And that implied to be the reason Ryder stayed on Lothal and started up a new Rebel cell there, ONCE AGAIN CATCH ME CRYING ABOUT HOW THE JEDI REPRESENT HOPE TO A HOPELESS GALAXY.)
HHmmmmmmgggh I wanna say this is a recurring leitmotif but I don't know, I love it either way, it's beautiful.
Swish swish and return to first position, aaaah lightsaber choreography is so cool sometimes.
This whole sequence is just... *chef kiss*. The orchestration, the tension, the rapid shot choice...
Lolol Lyste getting thoroughly embarrassed by Leia.
Fun fact: One of the Hammerheads they gathered here in this episode would later go on to be the one that landed THE decisive blow to one of the Star Destroyers guarding the shield gate at Scarif.
Ryder enters with Ezra, did Ezra have any kind of hand in convincing him to fight for Lothal?
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The Force Theme soaring into prominence here as we close out.
This episode is just the kind of break we need to process the events of the previous episode. Leia is almost flawless, willy deflecting suspicion off herself while playing the Imperials all for fools, compassionate and empathetic when she senses someone in pain and turmoil.
Ezra is allowed to grieve throughout the episode, and displays a myriad of conflicted and complex emotions from scene to scene. Kanan almost takes a bit of a backseat to comforting him, letting all the others express sympathy in turn, giving him the space he needs and offering up the distraction of the mission. He handles Ezra really well, all things considered.
It helps that Ezra, unlike Anakin, chooses to deal with and channel his grief in a productive way, rather than destructive. (I have the tag "#ezra is the anti-anakin" for a reason.)
This is a fun episode. Lighter than the previous one, lower stakes, but needed to let the characters breathe and process through the revelations of the plot. I really like it.
We're about to hit the Golden Streak, so stay tuned, I will have more to say later.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "The Future of the Force"
Adventures in babysitting, Rebels edition!
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You already know what I'm going to say, I never get tired of the pretty planets in this show.
This baby is named Alora, a bit of a Shout Out to Lucasfilm's underground cult classic Willow. No I have not watched the new show I have... not heard good things.
That it's Alora's grandmother that's the one traveling with her brings up some ah... disturbing Fridge Horror regarding her parents.
My theory: They 100% dead, Inquisitors already shanked them.
Ohhhhh you can tell from the horror in grandma's eyes she knows exactly why they want the baby.
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Well nice to know Seventh Sister is equal opportunity Bad Touch.
Aaaaaaand there goes Fifth, murdering all the witnesses.
Zero fanfare, just to punctuate the horror of that moment.
After five episodes of doing other stuff offscreen, Ahsoka finally decides to pay the main narrative a visit. I did and do still appreciate that the writers kept Ahsoka to a minimum, like Vader, knowing full well her presence would overshadow and overpower the others. Despite how easy it would have been to fanservice TCW carryover watchers by giving her tons of screentime, she stays mostly as a tertiary character throughout.
Which is why cramming what is essentially the Rebels sequel material into a show where she's the headliner annoys me.
Ahsoka and Kanan quipping about how neither of them are technically real Jedi is both cute and sad.
Ahsoka still deeply in denial about what she sensed when scanning Vader.
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Lol this whole moment. Love Ahsoka's fond little headshake.
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Love this city design, got a very St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia aesthetic to it.
Some of that influence in the music here too.
Oh wow, Zeb jumps out of the Phantom before it's even finished landing, lolol what a drama queen.
Bit sloppy to leave the transport hanging in that planet's airspace, unless the Empire plans to blow it up later.
Even without showing any of the bodies you know everyone on that transport is pretty much dead. It's really only the limits of the rating that prevent us from actually seeing them.
Grandma looks a lot paler here, I don't think she survives much longer past this point.
I talked about it before in "Always Two There Are" but I love subtle little bits of continuity like this, Zeb learning binary in order to understand Chopper, since he had such a hard time before.
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All I'm thinking is, "How long have they left that poor baby there?! Oh gosh she must be so hungry. Is there AC in there? Did they change her? I bet they didn't even change her, the bastards."
This whole episode reminds me SO strongly of the arc in TCW when Sidious contracted Cad Bane to steal Force Sensitive children for him. Would not be surprised if they were being used for the exact same purpose.
Is it me or do a LOT of Force Sensitive children seem to be born to impoverished single mothers? I wonder if it's a deliberate narrative choice sometimes, to lean into the adoption metaphor that being given up to and raised by the Jedi Order often is.
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He's so empathetic Imma cry.
Chopper's actually doing a decent job of keeping Alora happy lol.
Lol, Zeb being grossed out by the Ithorian baby.
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I think he's adorable, personally.
Maybe it's the mom in me but Zeb holding Pypey is just... super cute.
He's actually holding him mostly right, giving him plenty of support.
Pypey is just sensitive enough to recognize the danger the Inquisitors pose to him. :(((((((((
A very fragmented "Shenanigans" cue here, barely more than a few notes. Almost as if the danger is stifling the fun and whimsy that leitmotif usually signifies.
It's Ezra that recognizes the ID9 Seeker and makes Kanan stop, and they move in a very nice synchronized way to hide from it here.
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Underrated Papa Wolf Kanan moment: Kanan yanking Ezra back from the hallway junction just before the Inquisitors get within eyeline.
I shouldn't laugh but this whole scene with Zeb and Kanan and Ezra having no clue how to calm Pypey is so relatable.
(Babies be temperamental and sometimes you just gotta hold 'em.)
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There are so many little cute background moments of Ezra snuggling Pypey or making faces at Pypey aaaah they're so cute.
The detonator Zeb dropped gets flung back at them, Fifth's doing no doubt.
Kanan keeps putting his hand on Ezra's back on the stairs, it's sweet.
Fifth and Seventh sniping at each other lol.
Here's one of the moments of background Ezra being adorable with the baby.
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Ezra gets agitated when Kanan suggests he's going to be luring the Inquisitors away, ouch, poor boy's still not over the thing in "Call To Action".
Friiiiiick Ezra sensing Pypey's fear and Pypey sensing Ezra's and them stuck in a cyclical loop. :((((((
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I too ramble at my infants like this. Lol.
Ezra unlocks the secret to calming babies: Being calm yourself. <3
Obligatory "Seventh's voice actress is married to Kanan's voice actor" mention.
The smoke effects on this show continue to be excellent.
Someone, I think it was @pep-no, theorized that Pypey's special ability in the Force might be compelling honesty. That or connecting with Pypey made Ezra more emotionally open, because he normally would be smarter than to blurt out where the Rebellion is hiding in a spot where he suspects Seventh's seekers might be listening.
(Then again, Ezra tends not to have any kind of filter around people he trusts.)
I definitely think there's room for that interpretation, given Ezra's floating, distracted gaze.
Kanan does really well in his brief clash with Seventh.
Zeb hauling him like a piece of luggage is still funny tho.
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I love this environment. Feels very downtown LA.
A very heroic muted trumpet version of Ezra's theme as he steps forward bravely here.
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Protective little badass.
Also love Pypey being entranced with the lightsaber and trying to touch it. Baby no.
I love this cue. I haven't watched enough Clone Wars to discern if it's a carryover theme but it's awesome.
Ezra's confidence in Aunt Ahsoka. <333
*grumbles* Stupid auto anti-epilepsy features, it makes it so hard to see properly here.
I do like how effortlessly Ahsoka deals with the Inquisitors here.
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Chopper spinning the babies, awww.
Love how the ID9 comes to perch on Seventh's palm, it's so weird and animal-like. Like she's holding a jellyfish.
Ciffhanger reveal DUN DUN DUN.
This episode is so cute. It doesn't really effect much, besides emphasizing how dangerous a world it is that new Force Senstives are being born into (even moreseo than when there was a Jedi Order to take them in and shelter and protect them) and leading into the next episode's plot but it's a fun little romp with our characters and I just find it sweet and heartwarming.
Which we needed before the next episode's plot-heavy-ness.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Warhead"
AKA droid murder is still disturbing and I hate it.
Call Forwards to The Empire Strikes Back, much?
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Oh! Atollon has a moon! Nice detail, I don't think they ever showed it before.
And the spy probe droid is heavily influenced by early Ralph McQuarrie concept art. But then recycling old McQuarrie art is kind of Rebels' thing.
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You know what, I've decided I love this episode solely based on just how much pretty Attolon scenery porn it provides.
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Zeb and Ezra fist-bumping when Hobbie and Wedge scramble to obey Hera. <3
AP-5 starting right in with the shade. (Which is several shades more natural than whatever the hell that was in "The Wynkahthu Job".)
AP's idea of a good time is to sit and count shit.
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Atollon is so pretty you guys aaaaah I just wanna live on it.
You know, I would not be so quick to take back something that apparently killed the creepy unkillable spiders. Just saying.
You can't practically hear Chopper saying, "I have a baaaaad feeling about this." lol.
Kallus casually deflecting suspicions.
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I relate to AP-5 here.
"Obsolete mechanism. No longer in production." LOL.
Kind of nice of Kallus to warn the Rebels right away about the probes.
Trivia fact! This episode was originally a B-plot to "Trials of the Darksaber". Wisely, the writers decided to split the plots into two separate episodes, realizing it would severely take away from Sabine's focus and emotional catharsis if they had to dedicate scenes to this in the meantime.
Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiick I forgot how creepy this droid's tranformation was. D:
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Ghgnglhgkjhgkhgdggfff the weird guttural sounds it makes are so freaky. It's also so fast and strong it's unnatural.
This thing is like a Terminator.
Aaaaaand it immediately goes to murdering other droids, fun.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: Zeb's reflection in AP-5's eye lenses.
Oh man, leave that poor gonk alone!
Have I mentioned how freakishly fast this thing is???
And strong. It is tossing Zeb around like freaking ragdoll.
Oh it has a countdown timer, fun.
Chopper: *literally freezes the countdown timer*
I... I'm... not sure it works like that but okay.
LOL Zeb just lets it fall onto AP-5.
Love AP being flustered by Zeb having an Actually Good idea. <3
There was clearly not enough time for AP-5 to get behind those crates but whatever.
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This episode has good atmosphere, at least.
Zeb being competent and awesome. <3
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Oh so Kallus is actively in the fleet group that's searching for the Rebels. Good thing he wasn't assigned to that ship in particular. I uh... I think a lot of people dead in that one.
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This episode is really quite pretty.
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Kallus calls them, risking discovery and death, solely to comment, essentially, "...Nice!"
You gotta love the man's spirit, lol.
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Aw man, I was hoping not to have to count this episode as plot relevant.
Damn Xanatos Gambit master.
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I... am waffling back and forth on this episode A LOT.
On the hand hand it does nominally contribute to the overarching plot of locating the Rebel base where Phoenix Squadron operates out of. On the other nothing actually really... happens in the episode.
The droid is creepy as hell and it's definitely a solid episode, just not one that I'm fully completely convinced was necessary, if that makes sense.
I dunno.
We're back to form next week, anyway.
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