i'm writing chapter six of my au where ian is the host of a kid's show and also autistic and i'm just gonna spoil a small little plot point bc i think you'd enjoy it !! if you wanna read my upcoming fic (bright as the stars) without insider info just skip this ig
in chapter five, they're hanging out and they end up having to go to a different corner store than usual for snacks and they don't sell Ian's specific candy bar he always gets. it's like, a local brand dark chocolate. but it's whatever, right?
him and mickey are having a good day so he just sucks it up and gets a Hershey bar instead. not the same but ian's determined to not linger on it
chapter six, like a weekish+ later on Ian's birthday, Mickey gives Ian a few presents INCLUDING the very specific dark chocolate bar ian always gets. he explains how he noticed ian's disappointment on that day and went and got the kind he liked and added it to his presents
this leads into ian explaining that he has issues with food (tastes and textures) and is specific about brands and certain types of food, and mickey pretty much says "if we ever eat together, tell me what you like ahead of time. so i can get foods you like"
i know it's like, bare minimum for friends to accommodate to each other's needs like that but idk the idea makes me happy. just them working to make each other as comfortable as possible and the specific examples of that, even as early as chapters five/six when they are in their in-denial 'just friends' era.
i was just writing out this scene and thought that maybe you'd enjoy it since you liked me rambling about accidentally making ian autistic. now it's on purpose because i realized it
yeah ians definitely a dark chocolate lover. he definitely took one bite of the hershey bar then pretending to eat it only to spit it out when nobodys looking. also i just KNOW he likes raw vegetables bc of the Crunch, the freak
great now im mickey making ian dinner and being like "no this isnt a date youre just at my place petting my cat while i cook you a meal that meets both our restrictive needs this is NOT a date" and ians thinking "🤭heeheehee its a date ☺️"
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blue-disco-lights · 1 year
AU Tag Game
Loved this! Thank you for the tag @creepkinginc @energievie and @shinygalaxyperson — and hello! @thatoneao3author
use this au generator to assign you an au, this fan fiction trope generator to give you a trope/situation/sometimes another au, feel free to keep clicking until you get something that inspires you.
then try to come up with the title, plot, vibe, and details of a fic including whatever the generators gave you. you don’t actually have to write it, just put the concept into the world! this is basically just a thought experiment.
au generator gave me: 1980s AU (well isn’t this just right up my alley).
fic trope generator gave me: They’re both in a mosh pit, and one breaks the others nose. (woot! I only had to regenerate twice to make this perfect combo happen)
title: Slam Dance Romance
let's plot:
* In which our two guys are just two skater kids at a punk show at a small little club in SoCal
* Mickey practically lives at this place, goes there at least four times a week with his brothers to see all kinds of bands. It’s the way they escape their tyrant of a dad, their nightmare home life, with its endless parade of homophobic, racist pricks. It’s the only place Mickey feels at home, surrounded by the cacophony of noise, the slam dancing, or moshing, as it was becoming known as - that could take him out of his mind and into his body.
* Ian’s never been anywhere like this before. He’s focused on school and trying to get out of their town. Lip’s convinced him that this particular club, especially when this one band is playing, attracts the hottest girls. And he needs his brother there to wing man.
* When Ian enters the club, his mind is blown - he’s never seen or heard anything like this before. The energy in the room is explosive and intoxicating. At first annoyed as hell at his brother for forcing him out of his comfort zone, he’s finding himself getting lost in the music, and drawn to the crowd by the stage.
* To a black-haired whirlwind of kinetic energy in particular who seems to have completely given himself over to the music.
* Ian makes his way to the pit, and just jumps in headfirst - not knowing what the hell he’s doing. He’s totally caught off guard by the speed and velocity, and within 4 minutes, he feels his right elbow collide with flesh and that same whirlwind of a body.
* Who’s shoving him and yelling in his face - “What the FUCK man??”
* Ian steers him to the bathroom to help him clean the blood off his face, and then outside the club, where Ian offers Mickey a cigarette as a way to say sorry
* Mickey eventually forgives him when he sees how hot Ian is, and they spend the rest of the night talking and then eventually make out against a chain link fence.
* The end/the beginning
Tagging all of you creative brains! @sweetbee78 @ian-galagher @mmmichyyy @look-i-love-u @too-schoolforcool @gallawitchxx @harrowhark-a-vagrant @michellemisfit @honeyvanillin @suzy-queued @silvanshadow @lingy910y @auds-and-evens @grumble-fish @deedala @thepupperino @francesrose3 and anyone else who’d like to try!
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gardenerian · 1 year
wowowweee! tagged by @spoonfulstar @mmmichyyy @energievie @metalheadmickey @creepkinginc @thatoneao3author to do this cute AU tag game! thanks pals 💓
rules (more or less): use this au generator to assign you an au, this fan fiction trope generator to give you a trope/situation/sometimes another au, feel free to keep clicking until you get something that inspires you.
then try to come up with the title, plot, vibe, and details of a fic including whatever the generators gave you. you don’t actually have to write it, just put the concept into the world! this is basically just a thought experiment.
au generator gave me: 1930s ‎AU
fic trope generator gave me: show your kinder character snapping
(NGL the first time i attempted this, i got american revolution AU and then who framed roger rabbit AU??? so i skipped those 😇)
title: idk?? i am bad at this. probably some line from rye whiskey?
let's plot:
alright. i'm thinkin' bootlegging AU? so it's pre-1933, when prohibition was repealed.
the gallaghers and the milkoviches are rival families on the bootlegged alcohol market. the gallaghers have less control/impact, but they're scrappy and making their way. the milkoviches are more dominant - and fuckin mean.
the gallagher operation started as a way for frank to just keep drinking during prohibition, but the older kids have kinda taken over as they've started making actual money. their main situation is a speakeasy with alcohol run in from all those irish canadians up north.
lip makes the deals and bribes people to keep the feds off their back, fiona manages the money and their other side ventures, and ian handles day to day at their bar.
meanwhile, the milkovich family has a big network of illinois moonshiners doing their bidding. they're all up in the organized crime network, and terry is starting to catch wind of lip's efforts at moving the gallaghers up in the world.
mickey, who is ultimately the brains of the milkovich crime empire, is tasked with bringing the gallaghers down. he and his brothers start scoping them out. this includes checking out the speakeasy. the milkovich brothers want to just go in and shoot everyone asjkh but mickey thinks it would be better to seize control and threaten the gallaghers into joining their operation. basically, he wants to make them work for him. and take all their money 😇
so they go to the speakeasy to take a look around - and god damn it, mickey is into the place. it's seedy and dark but vibrant and everyone is free to be themselves. there are artists and union guys alike, and the redhead tending bar winks at him as he passes him a whiskey.
so mickey keeps going back without his brothers, and tells himself over and over it's for the job. but soon enough he and ian are just... friends? people with a bond? mickey feels more at ease in ian's bar than he ever has anywhere else. ian makes him feel special, like there's more to him than violence and power.
and one night..... mickey stays late? until after ian closes up? maybe things happen? 👀
but the secret has to come out. terry grows impatient with the whole thing, and sends the brothers back in. mickey comes in the next night to find the whole place wrecked. ian is behind the bar alone, injured and desperately trying to find the stash of cash they kept hidden behind the bar.
the milkovich brothers definitely stole the money, their stores of booze, and destroyed the place. and told ian, after beating the shit out of him, that they'd be back soon to start collecting.
mickey is PISSED and tries to help ian/patch him up/calm him down. ian is panicked about the money, about the milkoviches coming back, about them finding his family - and mickey says he can help. when ian is like "??? how???" mickey finally spills the secret.
and this is where ian snaps. he knew mickey was into some shady shit but he did nOT know that he was part of the family that just wrecked his livelihood. especially after what just happened between them, ian feels betrayed, thinking that mickey sold him out.
mickey goes away, hurt and bitter and angry, while the gallaghers try to piece their shit back together. no one fucks with the gallaghers, etc; so what fiona and lip ultimately decide to do is expand and fight back. they team up with kev and v, who own another speakeasy we all might know 👀
and i am thinking that mickey tries to turn things around from the inside? he manages to get ian to meet up with him by the docks 😇 there is a similar scene where ian is both pissed and horny 😇 a reunion is had 😇 and a plan is made 😈
mickey says he's starting a money laundering scheme but he ends up funneling cash and booze into the gallagher operation to help them rebuild. i assume this is eventually found out once the gallaghers start taking more control? violent confrontation occurs, etc etc etc terry finally dies, someone probably takes a bullet for the other, but all is of course well in the end. the milkovich brothers scatter after terry is gone, off to start their own empires in other cities.
the gallaghers run their free spirited lil speakeasies even after prohibition ends, but ian and mickey probably back off after a while. maybe they find something a little quieter to do? tomatoes, etc. 😇
i am late to this so skipping the tags but if you have not done this and want to give it a go, please do!!! it's fun!
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lupeloto · 1 year
randomized fic tag game
thank you @thatoneao3author and @callivich for the tag! this was a lot of fun!
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rules (more or less): use this au generator to assign you an au, this fan fiction trope generator to give you a trope/situation/sometimes another au, feel free to keep clicking until you get something that inspires you.
then try to come up with the title, plot, vibe, and details of a fic including whatever the generators gave you. you don’t actually have to write it, just put the concept into the world! this is basically just a thought experiment.
Au generator gave me: Artists AU
Fic trope generator gave me: I come here to be alone and this is my spot, how the Hell did you find it? Tell me.
Mickey is an artist who has been doing graffiti around the city for years. His work is pretty famous, but he signs it under a different name so that no one knows it is him.
He knows where and when to go so that no one else will see him while he’s doing his work. He has this one specific spot under the L that he has pretty much declared his own. He does a lot of work there that he doesn’t want anyone else to see.
Ian is also an artist. He is kind of new to it and has started graffiting a little around his neighborhood. He works at the hardware store where Mickey gets his paint from and sees him in there all the time, taking a special interest in the dark-haired boy.
Mickey is always carrying a tattered, beaten-up notebook around with him, and one day when he’s in the hardware store buying some cans, he drops it. He stares at the notebook splattered on the ground, and sees a large, freckled hand snatch it up before he could. Ian looks at the page it fell open to, complimenting Mickey’s work
Mickey snatches up the notebook as fast as he can, telling Ian to mind his own damn business.
Ian noticed the artwork in the notebook, thinking it looked pretty similar to this sick graffiti artist whose work he had been following for a few months. This piqued Ian’s interest. Not only could the guy be the incredible artist Ian had admired, but he was also really fucking hot, which piqued Ian’s interest even more.
One day, Mickey comes into the store right before Ian’s shift is over. He checks out his supplies and asks him if he’s working on a big project. Mickey mumbles something that Ian can’t make out, clearly trying to end the conversation as soon as possible. He gets off work immediately after and follows Mickey to wherever he was headed. After months of trying to crack this guy, he was finally fed up and decided to go full-stalker. 
He followed close behind Mickey, but just out of sight so he couldn’t see him. He leads him to this spot that Ian had never been, hidden behind some tunnel under the L.
Ian waits behind a bit before saying “fuck it” and following him into the tunnel. He is amazed by what he sees. All of this beautiful art just covering the concrete wall. 
“Holy shit, is this all you?” Ian asks from behind Mickey, causing him to jump and ask what the fuck he was doing there and how he found him.
This was Mickey’s spot. Where he went to escape, how the fuck did this random kid from the hardware store find him?
Ian admits to following him and asks if Mickey is that famous graffiti artist around the city. Mickey is hesitant and defensive at first, but soon admits to it, threatening to cut Ian's tongue out of his head if he told anyone.
Soon, Ian starts showing up to the spot more, against Mickey’s wishes. He thinks he can learn a lot from Mickey as a beginner Artist, and he was right. Mickey teaches him a lot.
After months of pining, Ian makes a move. He takes the spray paint can out of Mickey’s hand, throwing to the ground and kissing him hard. Mickey resists at first, but gives in.
The two become extremely close, Ian even joining Mickey in his anonymous art ventures, signing under an alias as well. They become a popular duo, people marveling at their work. 
Eventually, being together/fucking for a while, Ian asks Mickey to be his boyfriend through a mural at their spot. Mickey thought it was corny as hell and gives him shit for it, but agrees reluctantly. 
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i'm tagging @twinklyylights @mickeysgaymom @mickeyheartian @swiftfootedachilles @sirrudo if you guys want to! (sorry if any of y'all have already done it hehe) also anyone else who wants to join in, please do! it is a lot of fun!:)
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spaceofentropy · 1 year
Brain Weasels! Assemble!
aka: @creepkinginc (hi, Nosho! 💙) tagged me in this thing that @thatoneao3author (hiiii!) concocted, and today the brain is braining the right way, so here we are! With a long long long thing. I made it Gallavich. Maybe if the brain keeps on braining right, tomorrow I'll do another version for another ship, who the heck knows! Not me!
So, the rules (more or less) are:
use this au generator to assign you an au, this fan fiction trope generator to give you a trope/situation/sometimes another au, feel free to keep clicking until you get something that inspires you.
then try to come up with the title, plot, vibe, and details of a fic including whatever the generators gave you. you don’t actually have to write it, just put the concept into the world! this is basically just a thought experiment.
The randomizing gods gave me a Hacker(s) AU and (after a couple of nope tropes, because I don't know shit about Regency, sorry, gods!) on New Year's Day soulmates switch bodies for 24 hours and have to try and figure out who the other person is so they can find them when the time is up.
Title: Words within the margin [I'm terrible at titles but make do with music 😎]
Plot: it's after the cut because it's long! 🫣
Mickey as our hacker. He doesn't think the whole soulmate thing will ever happen to him, so he is well beyond plastered when the New Year starts and the switch happens. He wakes up in a cabin somewhere in the fucking woods, not a car, let alone a road or even dirt path, near it. He's in the middle of fucking nowhere. Not happy about it. Oh, and this weirdo doesn't even have a cell phone or computer or anything like that in the cabin! And clearly he doesn't believe in mirrors. All that Mickey has are food, shelter, and books on psychology and mental illness. The best idea of this weirdo's face he gets from the lid of one of the pots in the kitchen: pale, redhead, greenish eyes maybe? Hard to tell from a lid. Great dick. And tall, holy fuck it's weird to be this tall, he keeps on bumping against stuff because he miscalculates spaces and distances.
Meanwhile, Ian does not wake up early and bright in the little cabin where he's taking a well deserved pause from the world and his job as a counsellor. Nope. It's well past midday and he's in a body that's super hangover, in an apartment that looks more like a computer repair shop than anything else. All the devices are password protected, even the couple of cell phones he finds. There are two wallets with two different sets of IDs for two different names. No paper mail or useful documents anywhere that he can find. The more he tries to pinpoint who this guy is from stuff in his house, the less he knows, aside from the fact he likes cheap beer, knives, and videogames.
Mickey spends most of his time in the cabin perusing the books, there are little notes here and there, the guy has a dorky sense of humor that makes him chuckle, but he also sprinkles here and there glimpses of bad experiences with doctors, with meds and treatments and healthcare providers that were not great.
Ian leaves the apartment to look for more clues about, at the very least, where this weirdo lives, but it's even worse, one of the neighbors catches him as he tries to steal someone's mail (it would have been such an easy way to get at least an address!) and he runs, not sure why but he just runs. Wanders an unknown town like many others, no idea where he is. Finds his way back to the building, he has a road name and a number, except there must be so many Washington Streets around... He spends hours looking at the weirdo's stuff, feeling like he's intruding just by being there, every moment less sure of wanting to know this guy. They are soulmates, apparently, but... he feels like he's stepping into a cheap spy story. Perfect stuff to further unbalance the already unsteady situation inside his brain. What if this guy is even crazier than him? There are so many weird thing, in his apartment and potentially his life... 
There's a phonecall to one of the phones, he answers hoping the person at the other end will say something useful, a name, a detail, something, but the girl only calls him fuckface and dickhead. A relative, judging by how, after a while, she gets worried when Ian doesn't answer the way she expected. He's debating whether to tell her that he's a visiting soulmate or not, when midnight strikes and he's thrown back into his body, in the cabin, with one of his books open in his hands and a note in a different handwriting than his in the corner.
Nice refuge you have here, Firecrotch. Bet I still can find you in a week or less. Hope you didn't make a mess at my place. Had no idea what to do with them, so take your meds, dude. M.
It takes Mickey 8 days to come knocking on the door to Ian's cabin, and only because he has to go to an office in person, they do all stuff on paper in Bumfuck County, Wherever It Is Ian's Cabin Is, damn neanderthals!
Less than twenty minutes after meeting him in person for the first time, Ian's doubt about Mickey are relegated to background noise. The universe might be right with this soulmates thing!
Yeah. I think that's it. That's what happens when the brain weasels latch onto an idea they like (and they LOVE soulmates) 🤷‍♀️
I'm supposed to tag people, but honestly I don't know if I have the bandwidth left for it. 🥲 If you read this and want to do it, you're welcome to! ❤️
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autistictaxidermyman · 5 months
obligatory intro post
hello, i’ve made quite a few posts already because i was excited to be silly about this podcast so here’s my late intro post!!
i’m sophie, i go by she/they, and i’m 18. nonbinary! autistic! disabled! fan fiction author who mostly writes au content!
im really excited to write about these characters in situations and this blog will serve as both a place for me to be silly and ramble about my wips/gauge interest on ideas i have. feel free to send me asks or messages, especially if it’s related to a fic concept or whatever.
my ao3 is RamblingsOfATeenageFangirl, which is full of mcyt content BUT will have tma fics posted to it at some point, and my other fandom blog that mostly has shameless us content on it rn is @thatoneao3author if you’re interested.
i will also use this post to keep track of any tags i make for different aus and such, so look forward to that
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softmick · 1 year
randomized fic tag game
okay so i was tagged by @thatoneao3author which is the coolest thing (!!). i see that a bunch of people have already done this and i don’t really know anyone but if you see this and you haven’t done it yet, consider this my invitation to you!!
using this au generator AND this fan fiction trope generator to “try to come up with the title, plot, vibe, and details of a fic including whatever the generators gave you.”
i got: Tabletop Gaming AU and “I work at an adult store and you came in looking so lost and timid. Here, let me show you the weirdest things in the store so you laugh and loosen up.”
Title: something like “winning strategy” or “such a sore loser”
Iggy drags Mickey to a comic book shop for game night because they’re trying out wholesome hobbies. And while Mickey hates the idea of sitting around drinking mountain dew with some neckbeards he picked their outing last week and it’s Iggy’s turn.
So he shows up expecting to have to grin and bear it, but his competitive nature wins out and maybe he gets invested in strategizing and kicking ass and honestly the guys are pretty cool.
Ian comes in too late to join the game, but sticks around making jokes and commenting on everyone’s moves and annoying the shit out of Mickey (and maybe distracting him a little because why he is always attracted to obnoxious straight guys).
Ian is flirting but it goes over Mickey’s head. But Ian thinks Mickey is interested because he’s blushing and shy. Mickey is just flustered because he can’t think straight and he hates to lose.
But all in all he had a good time and appreciated the intellectual stimulation so when Iggy suggests they go back, Mickey agrees. He’s been thinking about how to win and moves he should have made and wondering if he can team up with some other guys.
Ian is there first, setting up a game and he’s so excited to see Mickey again, but Mickey avoids him and joins another table.
Ian finishes up first and goes to observe the other game (Mickey) and he’s quieter this time, watching. And Mickey is doing well so he’s more relaxed and himself. And Ian swoons a little bit.
ETC, ETC. Iggy and Mickey keep showing up and after a few weeks Ian and Mickey actually play together and they have fun trying to out maneuver each other. Mickey realizes he has the biggest crush when Ian beats him and instead of feeling angry he’s just impressed and curious. But he’s still convinced that Ian is just nice to everyone and it’s unrequited.
And then some other players start making comments about their commentary. Teasing them for flirting. Telling them to take it outside or get a room. And Mickey is so embarrassed because it’s not like that at all and Ian definitely isn’t into him. But there’s tension and attraction on his end and it’s starting to bleed out into his life.
He goes home thinking about Ian and the faces he makes when he’s concentrating. Or laughing. Or judging someone else. Sipping his drink. Shuffling cards.
And then he starts to imagine Ian in a totally different way. Naked. Kissing him. And while Mickey isn’t in the closet any more and he’s fooled around before, he’s pretty inexperienced and he’s never had a crush on someone he actually knows.
But now Ian has him thinking about sex. And touching himself. And wondering. And he’s getting frustrated. His hand isn’t enough anymore. So he mentions something to Mandy and she tells him about a shop that’s discreet and out of the way.
Mickey has to drink to get the courage to even think about it, let alone go in. But he does. A girl greets him from the counter and asks if he needs help with anything but he can’t reply, just shakes his head and blushes, and walks towards the back.
He’s trying not to look at anything too directly, looking mostly at his feet. And he’s starting to sweat and he’s thinking about leaving and then Ian comes around a corner and practically bumps into him.
Ian is hopeful Mickey asked around about him and is there to see him, but then he sees how Mickey is panicking and he realizes he had no idea. So he immediately goes into clown mode to try to make him relax.
He shows him vibrating vegetables and tentacles and feet with vaginas and silly male thongs. And finally Mickey starts to laugh and he stops crossing his arms over his chest.
And Ian figures he should maybe do his job and figure out why Mickey is actually there. So he’s finally like, “Anyway, what can I help you find, man? You looking for something for your girlfriend?” And Mickey canNOT tell him he’s looking for dildos. So he word vomits, “Can I have your number?”
And Ian lets out a huge sigh and Mickey covers his face and starts to apologize. And he’s just going to leave and crawl into a hole, but Ian is beaming at him and asking for his phone and tells him they should get together before the next game night to talk about teaming up. And Mickey is like yeah maybe over dinner. And Ian says it’s a date. And then they’re both cheesing and stupid and happy.
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the idea of mickey being a kids show host is also really funny but he's actually the electrician who sets hired to the set.
ian's show is on pbs though, so you guessed that right ! if i go the route of confirming the autism coding, ian's gonna be bipolar and autistic and they'll just coexist.
I haven't decided if mickey is neurodivergent too? he like, is less knowledgeable about it and doesn't understand all of the terms, but I could see him being undiagnosed and a bit oblivious. maybe ian jokingly accuses him of being autistic offhandedly and then there's a Conversation (tm) about how different traits show up.
also this will be on ao3! i've posted some info on this au on my blog, thatoneao3author. it's called the Interstellar Ian AU, while the fic is going to be titled 'bright as the stars'.
you got some special insider (now not insider) info because i haven't posted about the accidental autistic coding on my blog yet actually
omggg ian making a joke about both of them being autistic and mickey becomes the physical embodiment of the 🤨 emoji and ians like.....wait are you not.......hold on lemme pull smth up real quick *googles "raads r test"*
this fic sounds very cute i WILL be tuning in and i expect all my followers to do the same 😤
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