#thats a big brother and his little brother dude. ew
livsmessydoodles · 5 months
just saw someone on the tag shipping kenji and darius..... if ur one of those people PLEASE block me
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shifted-nights-au · 3 years
Shifted Nights Part 1
Michael shifts his weight uncomfortably. These bullshit dress shoes were terrible as it was, and the stares of the judgemental parents around him didn't make it any better. He tried to calm himself by just saying maybe they thought he was sick; not everyone just wore surgical masks out in public. Henry was a perfectly normal person, why couldn't he pick Evan up from school? Some dude with weird ghost eyes would be better than a rotting corpse. He fidgeted with his mask uncomfortably.
Though if he asked Henry to do it he'd never stop getting shit from his dad.
"Oh you're his brother Michael, you gotta take care of him since I'm too shit of a father to do it myself." Michael mocked his father in his mind. God, he wished the whole Freddy's thing never happened, then maybe they could have been at least a somewhat functional family.
Henry had always hold him as a teen that no matter what, William would always be abusive. He'd always scream and hit and manipulate, its just how he was.
"Waiting on your kid?"
He was shaken from his thoughts by the voice of a young woman. When he turned to look at her, he was greeted by a woman close to his age (probably) with fluffy brown hair and a strangely bright spark in her eyes.
"U-uhm, nah, my little brother." He spoke quickly, hoping she didn't dwell to much on the raspyness of his voice.
"Oh no way, me too." She smiled. "Who's your little brother?"
Instead of naming him, he just points. Evan was walking out, excitedly talking with a pair of siblings.
He nods.
"No way! Those two kids he's with are my siblings."
This perked his interest. He'd heard Evan talk about Edd and Molly, and their big sister Sophie. Evan hung out at their house a lot (mostly at Michael's request, he trusted Edd and Molly's family and he didn't want Evan to be home when he and his father were fighting, which seemed to happen more and more these days but thats a topic for later).
"Wait, you're...?"
"Sophie Walten, nice to meet you, finally!"
Walten? That name...
Do not fucking overthink this, Michael.
"Michael....." Ew ew ew ew- "Aft-Emily." He physically cringed. If she recognized the name, she didn't acknowledge it.
The two share a handshake, then have their attention pulled away by their respective younger siblings. Michael kneeled and sighed gently, letting the tension in his shoulders fade as his little brother threw his arms around his neck.
"Hey little man, how was school?" The nightguard smiled as Evan excitedly recalled the day's events, mostly jumbled together but Michael could infer they did something with books and glitter glue. The younger jumped excitedly as he turned to his friends and pointed at Michael.
"This is my brother! He answers the door when you come to get me!"
Sophie giggled gently as Edd and Molly spoke over each other in utter excitement.
Michael smiled slightly as the twins introduced themselves. Unlike his father, he actually enjoyed being around kids. He liked their attitude. Maybe its because it reminded him of his own siblings, or even himself when he still had energy.
"Cmon little bear, we're gonna go get some ice cream." He stood and held out a hand.
"Ice cream?" The boy tilted his head. "Won't daddy get mad?"
"Eh, William can suck it. You've been doing really well in school, I think you deserve it." He smiled. Evan seemed to dwell on it for a moment, recalling when his father would get mad and try to hurt him, but he trusted Michael. Michael would keep him safe. He took his brothers hand, and the two said their goodbyes to the Waltens, who headed home.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Earlier that day, Michael and William had one of their worse fights. It both started and ended with William screaming and threatening violence, and when Michael decided he'd had enough, he slammed a heavy  metal door in the rabbit's face and left.
"Don't wait up for us, I'm taking Evan out for a while."
"Oh, and for what?!"
"To go have fun. Like a child should."
"Michael, I want you two home, immediately, do you understand?"
"Do. You. Understand."
The slam of the door echoed through the establishment when Michael left without a word.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Had My Bestfriend Watch the Lost Boys and...
She thinks Dwayne is the hottest
She thinks David looks like one of our friends just "with a bad haircut"
She thinks Marko is the ugliest, with Paul as her second place for hottest
She thinks it'd be hard to grab someone in the air
She laughed when she saw the names were in alphabetical order during the opening credits (idk why) (her explanation: in my mind i thought they def did that because someone complained about their name not showing up first. LIKE MEH THATS NOT FAIR!!!!!!)
"That baby is ugly" i.e. the random baby in a stroller
"Do they not burn in the sun?" "No, they do" "Then why do they live in California"
Nanooks her favorite
"This is so 80s"
"Pretty girl big hair" -her, about Star (she's a little gay)
"Who stares at someone like that. Like no thoughts head empty. Mouth open like a fish, mouth breathing ass."
"The brunettes really hot" (Dwayne) "He looks like a member of Greta Van Fleet." (Again, Dwayne) "Ew the ugly one at the end" (Unfortunately, Marko)
"Why is everyone just staring at everyone?" "Longingly stares at eachother" *stares at me until I laugh*
*Mimics Sam* "Phoenix, actually"
"Could save your life? Shut up"
"She looks like she's cosplaying as Esmeralda" -her, about Star
"Why aren't the police more alarmed by the fact that there are cars with roofs ripped off?"
She hates Edgar. She hates how they talk (the Frogs), and thinks they sound stupid
"With the kid too? Makes him even hotter" -her, about Dwayne
When Michael hesitated at the stairs, "Don't be a pussy, Michael" 
"He has no right to be that big of an asshole when he looks like that. Ugly and mean? Pick a struggle" -her, about David
"Just find a different girl" "why is he doing this????" She really thinks Michael could've just left their asses
*Mimicks Sam* "They just all talk like idiots"
Thinks Sam is definitely gay
"That jawline, those lips, and the curly hair? Who gave him the right?" -her, about Michael
"Sam is a shit brother." She dislikes Sam and the Frogs. Apparently they don't get rights. Thinks Sam is a bad son and a bad brother. (Later note: thinks he's slightly better at the end)
"Why is she just kissing him??" 
"I know you almost just killed your brother but you're looking kinda hot tonight" -her, making fun of Star
"Are they just fucking in front of Laddie?" (She do be spitting facts about this though)
About Sam asking Michael if he took care of everything, "That twink needs to mind his own business"
Immediately guessed that Max was a vampire
She thinks Edgar looks like a toad. She also said, "You know what I'm gonna name my kid? Edgar. That��s the name of a guy that gets pussy."
Me and her at the same time, "He's *tall*" About Max leaning down to kiss Lucy (this is an inside joke but I still wanted to put it)
She likes the soundtrack a lot, and we were jamming quite a bit
Hates where the fangs are placed. "Is he eating his brain?" When someone scalped a dude in the feeding scene
She thinks the other vamps should've had more lines. "Why does the ugly one have so much to say?" She specifically wants Dwayne to talk more (but low-key I *agree*)
"Dwayne seems like a bottom" (I do not agree with her on that and we paused it to literally argue about this)
She thinks Marko is gay. When I told her they're all probably gay, she said, "Oh, they definitely pull eachothers horns."
Went on a whole rant about how it's very closeted gay of Sam to put so much trust into the Frogs. She was like, "He listens to them for so much and for what. He just thinks they're cute and wants them to like him."
We also paused half-way through to talk about how there should've been more female characters and how Star should've been given a foil. We think it would've been improved if Dwayne/Marko both had girlfriend's cause then they could've gotten more lines
After Markos death, "Yay" and "They've got twink blood all over them"
When Sam went to get Nanook "He's so fucking dumb! Why are they all outside now!!!"
Anytime Dwayne comes on screen, "He's so hot!"
At Paul's hand on the tub, "Nice acrylics". She later said she thought his death was the coolest
She made a sad face when Dwayne died and didn't say anything
She called bullshit on David's death cause it's not a stake and considering Joel originally wanted David to come back she's not Wrong™
Overall, she thinks David is mean but a really good villain. 
She thinks Dwayne is really hot, and she likes his hair. She thinks the way he died was cool, but she wishes he didn't. "I love him, he didn't even need to saying anything. I could just tell-" "Tell what?" "That he's good."
She said she's glad that "Rat Bastard™ died first." She thinks that "men with hair that curly shouldn't have mullets"
Paul wasn't that impactful, but she thought he was cute. When I said Brooke was originally considered for David, she said she would've liked that version of the character more
About Sam: "He screams every line. He's a bad brother and a bad son. He just wants to suck off the Frogs and that's it."
The Frogs: "Edgar is fucking annoying and I don't care about Alan." She was very mad to hear that they're in the sequels/they're about them
About Lucy: "Lucy talks like a baby, but she's a good mom. She needs to be more strict and tell Sam to shut the fuck up more. Max was able to manipulate her and lie to her because she's, honestly, need to be more aware-" She blames sexism as to why Lucy was "clueless, but a good mom" and she "would've loved to see Lucy stake a vamp." Specifically Max and honestly would've loved to see it
About Michael: "He's dumb and a himbo. Too focused on his horniness. Too focused on Star. She's really pretty, but other girls exist. Weird he was so invested, and their relationship should've been built up more"
About Star: "She's pretty, but meek, aloof, and only cares about a child. Very sexist portrayal of both of the women in this movie. Would've liked to see her stand up more, and would've liked if their (Lucy and Star) only goal wasn't taking care of a child. Would've liked it if she was built up more. I think Star deserved better"
About Grandpa: "Funny, cool, cooky. Solid wise old man. But why didn't you tell them about the VAMPIRES??? I wish he was more involved in the plot"
7/10 she thinks it's okay, but she thinks the boys should've been given more lines and there should've been more female characters/pass the Bechdel test
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splendidshinobi · 4 years
back at it again with the white vans
episode 6: the alchemy exam
alrighty then
um mustang calling edward “ed” is EXTREMELY offputting
ohhhhhhh noooooo not shou tucker
im wholly unprepared
them all being in central instead of east is low key jarring like my brain isnt computing it
alexander’s intro is basically the same 
nina bbyyyyy girl u deserved so much better
ed is such a fucking nerd...chemistry club modern au confirmed
god the more tucker talks the more i wanna beat his face in
al pretending to eat by tossing a potato in his armor i-
aww theyre playing in the snow theyre so pure
wonder how long thatll last
“bigger brother” and “little big brother” and ed doesnt even get mad
ed’s birthday party????????
so 03 had ed’s bday instead of elicia’s...CAUSE THEY GOT ELICIA IN THE WOMB
“it’s here!” “the tea?” “the baby!” hughes is a fuck head
ok so now they’re having elicia replace rush valley baby arc
this was winry’s time to shine in fmab i miss her 
if winry isnt here who is gonna birth this baby
oh my god they just realized ed can use alchemy without a circle
no wonder he’s been using circles this whole time
“i dont think thats very funny” NO ALPHONSE IT IS NOT
damn bradley what up homie
im so thrown off by the way theyre doing the exam omg
seriously what the hell is fuhrer bradley’s purpose right now is he even the fuhrer in this i feel like they wouldve mentioned it
oh lord ed is about to impress everyone with his clappy hands
ok so next episode is nina FUCK
episode 7: night of the chimera’s cry
havoc babeeee
im gonna marry him my himbo king
“huhhhhhhhh nina” ew tucker that was weirdly gross
wonder why
cant do it cant do it
do we think jean kirstein was modeled after jean havoc slightly looks wise
was that purposeful 
ill have to google 
serial killer who only targets women?  it cant be scar...scar drinks respect women juice
barry or slicer bros maybe? um ok
why did we start with liore if they were just gonna hop right back into the past for a huge chunk of episodes idk
assessment day??? oh noodles
ed r u writing to winry??? that’s a bit out of character for u good sir
no tucker put that baby down
im gonna fucking SCREAM
aww he burned nina’s picture thats not sus at all
wait does the ironblood alchemist know what tucker did to his wife? thats kinda the vibe im getting
looking like a pirate too damn
his voice sounds different is that j michael tatum 
apparently not it was dameon clarke in 03 ya learn something new everyday 
ew elicia has a lot of hair for a FUCKING NEWBORN
ed really is such a cynic very suspicious of everyone as he should be really
basque grand knowS SOMETHING
oh jesus oh fuck oh god please do not TOUCH THAT BABY
ed and al snuck back in to the house well u know what its for the best
im gonna cry again please god no
she’s hurting? oh my god
my sweet angel
ew his eyes!!!!!!! 
tucker is such a fucking failure...like look at the chimera squad and greed’s theatre troupe being the way they are. ugh it really hits how fucking unfair it is 
ed was really about to split them? boy you know better
where is nina going...im hurting
ed really tried to save her in this one
thats different
oh snap 
that was fucked.
episode 8: the philosopher’s stone
can yall get ed and al away from nina’s fucking MURAL 
get out of the car mustang
finally jesus christ
roy mustang talking about healthy coping mechanisms dont make me laugh but alright baby boy go off i guess?
im curious about who this goddamn serial killer is though lets turn to that plot thread
r u kidding me
mustang is making ed and al take over tucker’s research?? thats actually wildly messed up
oh tucker was straight executed that’s a choice i guess
tucker and the philosopher’s stone sounds inaccurate but ok
ed please stop being mean to your brother
03 mustang has got me reaching for a fucking baseball bat on GOD
scar and edward having this conversation right now i literally cannot
WINRY yes bitch
alphonse shut your mouthhhhhhhhhhh
im so confused what is bradley up to
“alchemists are not cold blooded murderers?”
i mean
kimblee would beg to differ for one
whos this creepy lady 
her voice sounds familiar
barry’s food shop?
the killer is barry ok got it
ok so i VASTLY prefer suit of armor original manga canon barry
this is such an odd plot what in fuck
um OW the meat cleaver
im so confused this fucking plotline
oh hey alphonse nice of you to show up!
is barry still gonna become a suit of armor later on
it makes NO SENSE to introduce him otherwise 
everytime i see 03 mustang i wanna beat his ass HONESTLY
literally i will shove my foot up his ass
fullmetal here we go
ed thinks he’s so punk rock 
oh great scar’s seen the watch
episode 9: be thou for the people
ed you simp buying winry all this stuff my edwin heart is ascending
“mr. elric”?? you mean MAJOR ELRIC
to be fair though fuck the military
im gonna need to read a full chronology of this show
 alphonse continues to be a precious angel 
where’s my boy yoki!!!!!
edward you idiot don’t go flaunting your money
woof woof ed
al looks so offended by ed saying they just met
whereas in brotherhood didnt he totally throw ed under the bus??? 
a choice to be sure
ah there he is hello yoki
who’s the chick
shes a lesbian
yoki makes me miss my baby girl mei chang
mei where r u
hawkeye getting a promotion yes bby girl
jesus theyre transferring them to east now OKKKKKAY thats not how it happened it the book but ill take it....just doing it the opposite way i guess
who is lyra who is she
cute some military bribery 
umm lyra what the fuck did you do
lyra is a homunculus im callin it now
they definitely invented/changed up some homunculi in fact im certain they did and shes one of em. gotta be
i feel like 03 wrote ed as much more insensitive towards others than he really is...just a vibe im getting
i know he was faking for the townspeople’s sake but i still get this vibe from other instances 
i mean i cant say its not “canon” because its 03 canon
anyways what a show off
i cant believe theyre going to east...fuery and breda better be there
ok finally some answers on their ages....ed got his license at 12 like normal and nina and youswell were when he was 12...liore was 15, 
if they didnt flash the ages on the screen id be lost honestly
at least we’re back up to “present day”
episode 10: the phantom thief
ed saying he doesnt wanna see mustang
03 mustang is activating my fight or flight and im choosing fight
ed cheating at cards totally checks out
um who the fuck is this woman
what is she wearing
idk but this is fem!hisoka
“hey shouldnt we talk first” after getting handcuffed??? christ almighty these innuendos
siren??????? siren is probably also a “fake” homunculus
ok so the nurse is siren
ya aint slick girly
alphonse control your crush
why is al’s hair so brown in this flashback anywayssss
oh its spelled psiren ope
like she’s literally a batman villain...
oh my god...............the tiddy grab. my son would never
my son is respectful
is this her homunculus tat or just a random alchemy tat
the added plotlines and original content continue to confuse and astound me every single time....
ok but if psiren really was doing this for the hospital she wouldnt be so flashy about it. like thats how you get caught sweet cheeks
girly stop flirting with this child on god im gonna fucking kick you
now shes a nun????????????????
Shes a fucking troll i hate her
im going to kick alphonse into the sun 
oh great now shes a teacher
wow shes a savior. the savior of amestrian venice. greatttttt
ed looking exactly like this emoji on this gondola rn 🧍‍♀️
alphonse plzzzzzzzzzz she aint your girl
ok so probably not the last we see of this ding dong con artist
ok so its starting to get muddy. im scared the 03 stans are gonna come after me like i do like it and im having fun watching it but some of the plot and characterization choices are just....odd??? idk i gotta keep going though!! im sorry i just stan arakawa and her work in all her glory!!!
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lesyah · 4 years
guardian stream of consciousness watchthrough ep 6-14
Episode 6
The way guo Changcheng and da qing just made it seem like that girl is dead 😭
Ope gcc reminds csz of his little brother?? 👀👀👀
He’s like suddenly I like u
Oooooh flower person!!!!!!!!!!
She’s back. But sus. Hmmmmm....
Zyl is the person equivalent of batting your eyelashes at someone for what you want
Wei wei is very suspicious 🤔
Mirror stuff hmmmmmmm
Talking to a mirror...creepy
I really can’t tell which one is real and I can’t tell if he’s being duped
I love when shen wei shows up as the black robe envoy
The way zyl showed up just to be like “break up with your fiancé”
The way da qing cuddled up to zyl 😭😭😭 so much like a cat
They broke into shen wei’s house wtffff
The way shen wei knew immediately and was like eh whatever
That tapestry zyl sent shen wei lmaoooo wtf
He bugged him ahhhhhhh that’s so rude!!!!!
Probably illegal too
Omg these guys trying to rob the BLACK ROBE ENVOY
he was just like
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Episode 7
Omfg zyl just showed up to save him
Even shen wei was like 👀👀
Omg the way shen wei trapped him into admitting he was in the apartment and then just made him sweat about it before moving on
LOL king
Ope the robbers died
Oh just one of them
Why are they video chatting instead of talking face to face
He was showing them different types of bears wtf hahahahaha
Lin jing is so dramatic Hahahaha
They just broke into that guys house what on earth
Super selfish of this dude to write that stuff and knowing people were dying cause of it. Yikes.
Oop he died.
Shen Wei and zyl are having a moment!!! Really truly Shen Wei acts so suspiciously all the time Hahahah he’s so lucky that zyl likes him enough to be like eh whatever 🤷🏻‍♀️
Episode 8
Omg the initiation of guo changcheng!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!
The weapon they made for him lol
It really is suited to him HAHA
Why is zhu Hong so upset about this????????????????
Da qing was also like “relax”
He was like
Same Da qing same
Oop creepy symbol and umprompted flashback 👀👀👀
“Thanks for helping me move” he says as he carries the boxes completely by himself
Chu shuzhi was just like ur welcome
The flower gal is so cool
Kick his butt shen wei
Ahhh shen wei taking care of zyl
His apartment is so gross
He tucked him innnnnnnn
He’s cleaning his apartment HAHA
He straight up intercepted the letter from the underworld. Very fortunate.
Oh no the ghostly girl fainted
Zyl asked the same thing and shen wei was just like “and?”
Episode 9
Omg..................he got her a sex doll.....
Chu shuzhi is so rude to gcc
Omg shen wei broke down in the exact road they were passing on. Terrible luck.
Zyl is like WTF
I can’t tell if zyl is driving him cause he’s suspicious or because he just wants to hang out with shen wei
Both probably
Ahhhhh wang Zheng you make me so sad with your tears 🥺🥺🥺
Ew what are those gross monsters 😭😭
The way shen wei didnt even try and stop zyl from laying on him.........embarrassing
The way he adjusted the pillow for him multiple times.....embarrassing pt. 2
He gave shen wei his coat???????????????? Ok
Bro a supreme north face? Literally the biggest flex
This village is sketchy
Yikes about that story wang Zheng told
The village tried to scare them????? Why????? Hahahahaha
Oh great trench coat guy
Oooh flashback for zyl uh oh
She was executed?!!!!! Wtf?!!
Episode 10
She drugged them ??? Wow
They’re so suspicious of shen wei
Very dramatic flash backs
Zhu Hong is trying to hypnotize shen wei 😭😭😭
Shen Wei sending a warning for it to be immediately ignored 🤣🤣🤣🤣
He shows up and is like why did u ignore me
Zyl is like 😒
Shen. Wei. Is. A. BADDIE!!!!!
Ohhhh so there’s HISTORY with wang Zheng and the pillar boy
HISTORY history
Episode 11
Gcc crying for wang Zheng and her bf
Omg when zyl asked if he wanted to work in the archives and the guy just grunted Hahahaha I laughed forever
The way shen wei just fainted after drinking one cup of alcohol to stop zyl from drinking more........omg. Lan wangji energy.
The way he just played the uno reverse card on zhu Hong hahahahaha
He hypnotized her to never hypnotize anyone again 😭🤣
Omg his coat smells like the gross monster stuff and zyl is very much onto him. Tsk tsk.
Omg gcc with diarrhea
He’s out of toilet paper
Oop zyl has connected the dots
Um that little girl is 15? Excuse me? You’re kidding me right?
This is a joke isn’t it
She’s like 10
Why did zhu Hong’s uncle drug her 😭😭😭
Episode 12
Ugh shen wei just tell zyl youre the black robe envoy 😭😭😭😭
He will find out eventually
This is stressing me out
Zyl constantly rolling his eyes gets me
Um the WAY that shen wei caught zyl are you kidding me rn
Da qing waking zyl up like that..........no words
DA QING REALLY SAID “really? You’re gonna flirt with each other? Right in front of my salad?”
Why was zyl so close to shen wei
And why was his excuse so bad.
Just say you were looking at him lol
Zyl’s doodle of shen wei as a prof and then as the black robe envoy 😭😭😭
Zhu Hong escaped just to be captured again
Oh yikes that guy was saving her from abuse
Not Da qing as a cat 😭😭😭
Oh boy it’s actually the little girl 😬
That’s so happy!!!
Who is that suspicious man with the camera
Da qing going feral wtf??????????
Why did that happen!!!!!!!!!
Episode 13
Shen Wei showing up and saving the day..............I like it
Oh no that girl’s dad died
He was kinda scummy tho tbh
Zyl is also stressed
This reporter dude is SUS!!
Zyl when shen wei said he had to go back to the university lmao he was like
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Oh good csz finally got gcc lmao
Lol zyl finding the guy shen wei hid
I love the flower girl!!!!!!
Shen Wei just TELL HIM!!!!! There’s no point in not telling him 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
“I thought we were friends” ope
I hate it here
Yikes he got mind controlled
Ok no way zhu Hong just died like that lol
So what is happening my dudes
Oh my that zyl and shen wei thing 👀
Hahaha fake bullet
The POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The look on shen wei’s face when he realized that zyl was aware the whole time lol
“Or else, how could I let you obediently say your true identity”
Episode 14
The way zyl was about to just out shen wei like that haha
“Who told you I can’t erase your memories”
zyl: 😳
“We have always been friends”
“Have been? When did it start?”
Shen Wei is just like “10,000 BC” hahahahaha could you imagine zyl’s reaction
Oop zyl does not like talking about papa zhao
Ugh the reporter makes an appearance
Why did zyl immediately invite shen wei when he was invited to dinner
Ooo gcc improving his fighting skills NICE!!!
The way he skipped away LMAO
Even csz was smiling
Wow u big softie
I will have words with him
Da qing talking to the cats 😭😭😭
The reporter is like “........wtf”
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theuntamedproject · 4 years
"If the face says nothing, listen to the heartbeat" - Lan WangJi, Mo Dao Zu Shi (Weeks 3+4)
... those who have read the novel know the real context of this line in the scene BUT taken out of context and used in a completely different (*cough* our) scenario..."If the face says nothing," translates to "Even if we seem calm on the outside,""listen to the heartbeat." translates to "we're so stressed to the point of ventricular fibrillation." (dunno if that's even a likely story but the overly exaggerated point still stands: we just handed our uni applications in and we're dreading admission tests and awaiting interviews...)
Quick overview
So aside from school work and university prep, TUP has taken up whatever spare moment either one of us has. However since Zara's Physics coursework began (good luck Zara!!) and both of us prepping for our respective admissions tests, we've decided instead of marching onwards with research on architecture and other food science related stuff, to settle on more relaxed Google seshes on MDZS (and totally not using this as an excuse to read the source text again) and beginning to design the buildings on CAD and paper.
So I'm going to introduce to you the barebones framework of what we plan to include in the design: characters, buildings and effects~ apologies in advance for not including the accents/tones in names (I cba tbh ;-; )
Because all these little dudes are just going to be cut out gingerbread men, we could include as many characters as possible (we did say we're making a universe are we not?). Those in italics are "maybe" characters depending on the dough remaining (or whether we like them to be part of the universe or not...) or how much gingerbread we're willing to eat ourselves (though huge shout out to everyone thats offered to eat our spare and broken gingerbread during materials testing - which I will get to a bit later :3)
Gusu Lan (the pretty sect)
Lan XiChen / Lan Huan (Sect Leader - simped so hard for his sworn brothers that both of them ended up dead)
Lan WangJi / Lan Zhan (repressed gay but we love him still)
Lan Yuan / Lan Sizhui (he's part of the Lan sect now goddamnit)
Lan JingYi (the most unLan Lan yet has the highest chance of being the next sect leader lmaoo)
Lan QiRen
Lan Yi / Lan An
QingHeng-Jun (Twin Jades' father)
Madam Lan (Twin Jades' mother)
Yunmeng Jiang (arguably the only "normal" sect here...)
Jiang Cheng / Jiang Wanyin (Sect Leader also an "angry grape" as put by Zara)
Jiang YanLi (OUR QUEEN)
Jiang FengMian (loved Wei Ying more than Jiang Cheng lol jk xd)
Yu ZiYuan (BAMF)
Wei Ying not included here since technically he defected from the Sect (; - ;)
Qinghe Nie (fans and sabers my bros)
Nie HuaiSang (Sect Leader - yeah, I can't believe it either)
Nie MingJue (noooooooooo)
Honestly, I swear this clan is either "big muscles or big brain?". If you have neither, you can't be part of their clique. I mean sect.
Lanling Jin (rich rich rich rich rich)
Jin Ling / Jin RuLan (Sect Leader - totally not named after Wei Ying's crush/ husband's family)
Jin GuangYao / Meng Yao (*smiles*)
Jin ZiXuan (peacock but JYL's husband nonetheless)
Jin GuangShan (gross)
Jin ZiXun (double gross)
Mo XuanYu (literally did not sign up to any of this. He just wanted to end his suffering at Mo Manor)
We decided against including everyone from Mo Manor since they literally died within the first few chapters of the novel / first episode of the drama so were kinda irrelevant. Also, we don't care about them like we care for the Lan Sect members either.
Off topic side rant, Zara has been on my case whenever I bring up Jin GuangYao. I have to say, he's way more lovable in the drama than in the novel (didn't really leave much of an impression on me in the novel, NHS did a better job at that). I'm here to briefly explain why this boy is misunderstood and deserved more than what he got (and also why you should love him because he deserves love).JGY is a poor soul who's goal in life was to please others because no one was ever satisfied with him. His mother wasn't satisfied. His father wasn't satisfied. Hell, even his sworn brother NMJ wasn't satisfied with him eventually. BUT GUESS WHAT Xichen the angel is the only person that showed any love or thanks to JGY that's why he didn't kill him in the end - he wouldn't kill people that actually cared about him. IF ONLY EVERYONE ACTUALLY PAID ATTENTION TO HOW CLEVER AND CUNNING THIS MAN WAS, THERE MAY NOT EVEN BE WENS THREATENING THE WORLD. end of brief rant.
Qishan Wen (too hot, hot damn)
Wen RuoHan (Sect Leader - could have taken over the world if his children weren't incompetent)
Wen Qing (half the reason why included this sect)
Wen Ning / Wen QiongLin (the other half of the reason)
Wen Chao (questionable)
Wen ZhuLiu (also questionable but less annoying than Wen Chao)
Rogue cultivators (including people we didn't really know where to put)
Wei WuXian / Wei Ying (Can work out how to cultivate resentful energy, fight against the biggest cultivation clans in the world and gain a formidable reputation as the Yiling Patriarch yet can't figure out that Lan Zhan has a crush on him. Makes it look like cultivating resentful energy is easy as pie.)
CangSe SanRen (Wei Ying's mother)
Wei ChangZe (Wei Ying's father)
Xiao XingChen (honestly, the nicest guy ever. Could rival Xichen in terms of kindness. But then again... where did that kindness lead either of them? Moral of story: screw kindness)
Song Lan (Wen Ning's dead buddy~)
Xue Yang (he was cool in the novel, a bit questionable in the drama ngl)
A-Qing (didn't report her situation to the police...)
Baoshan Sanren (without knowledge of her existence, Jiang Cheng may have given up on life after he lost his golden core)
Ouyang ZiZhen (I didn't know who he was at all from the novel (ie he left no impression) but since he's technically part of the juniors, we have to include him)
Wang Ling Jiao / Jiao Jiao (just so Wen Chao has a friend perhaps... I don't know if we're that kind)
Su She (ew. just. He's not our favourite. The whole thing could have gone smoother if he didn't exist)
Luo Qingyang / Mian Mian (that one girl that made Wei Ying think Lan Zhan was straight)
Whew! That's all the character's we've considered! We have yet to come up with individual designs for the clothes and what not but at least we know there are going to be straight up cutting them out using the gingerbread man cutters.
Also! let's not forget:
Li'l Apple (didn't sign up for any of this either)
Fairy (gift from JGY to JL, also good doggo)
All the bunnies in Gusu (yes.)
All the fans and sabers in Qinghe (it's part of their aesthetic)
Locations and Buildings
This section's going to be MUCH shorter than the previous one haha since we've basically come up with 5 main buildings and in 7 locations. We're planning these buildings to be architectural masterpieces (okay, that's a slight exaggeration but that's the point). These buildings will take SIGNIFICANTLY more time than the gingerbread characters and is the reason we've put so much effort into researching what would make the most stable type of building. This is because we've planned to mirror the buildings as close as possible to the drama. We haven't yet drawn 2D sketches as I've left that job mostly to Zara (sorry!) so it's sort of hard to describe in words but by next post, we hope to have these down~ (though please see the mood boards from Zara's post previously)~
Gusu Lan - Cloud Recesses
The Wall of Discipline
The Courtyard
The Orchid Room (the main classroom/hall)
Yunmeng Jiang - Lotus Pier
The Main Pier
Lotus Pod Lake
Qinghe Nie - The Unclean Realm
The Main Courtyard and stairs
Lanling Jin - Koi Tower
Koi Tower
Qishan Wen - Nightless City
Main building and stairs
Yiling - Burial Grounds
The Mountains (and farms/Wen settlements)
Demon-Slaughtering Cave
And of course, Yi City.
We don't know if we want to include any more places but we'll let you know if there are any changes to this list. Plus the effects of LEDs and other arts and craft jazz besides gingerbread, we plan to make sure each Sect get's their own spotlight~
Please enjoy our baby Cloud Recesses, they're going to grow up and be a fine specimen of society worthy of the Lan name :D
The plan going forward
Although unfortunately, things haven't gone totally to plan due to fairly busy circumstances, we still have some major events along the way before starting to build the whole thing (which would probably be around mid-to-end of December) which have indeed started preparing for. Including:
Material testing gingerbread and icing (ie finally, bringing our research to the real world) - a lot of gingerbread will be made, so thank you to the willing volunteers who wanted to eat our failed experiments!
Finding / creating a suitable recipe for the gingerbread people
2D and 3D sketches of the buildings
Designing costumes for the gingerbread people
Another thing that we kinda want to do is to make this project benefit the wider community (we wanted to set up a GoFundMe at some point and raise some money for charity~). But we don't know how to do that as of yet T-T . Any ideas, feel free to contact us and let us know! We want to help others through this project (if at all possible haha)!
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clifford5sosx · 4 years
5SOS Chat
Who:  The 5SOS Boys
What: Being themselves
Where:  A Hotel in LA
When: Aug 3, 2020
Rating:  Let’s give it a PG-13 for language and sex references
@famelukehemmings, @calumshoodstf, @latenightdemons
Ashton: Knock knock.
Calum: no ash
Ashton: I regret writing a song about you right now.
Luke: What did I just walk into
Ashton: Knock knock.
Luke: No Ashton
Ashton: I didn't write a song about you
Luke: Okay and?
Ashton: ???? Well I couldn't say I regretted writing one so I went with that.
Calum: you wrote a song for me??
Calum: it was best years, wasn’t it? you guys, you shouldn’t have
Luke: Shut up Calum
Ashton: Calum, please picture my eye roll.
Calum: ew don’t make me do that
Ashton: Mikey is about to be my favorite.
Luke: HEY
Calum: mikey is mine ash
Calum: malum all the way
Ashton: 🙄 fair.
Ashton: Shut up, Like. You've always been my favorite.
Ashton: Luke too.
Calum: Is like luke’s evil twin brother?
Ashton: Oh god.
Ashton: I don't need two of them.
Luke: I'll give you two of me out of fucking spite now
Luke: Trying to trade my ass in for Mikey
Calum: All mikey does is play video games, he’s the least problematic of us all
Ashton: I wasn't trading the ass, I was reading the whole human.
Luke: Fine! I'll trade you in for another Drummer
Ashton: You act like I could trade you actually.
Luke: It wouldn't stop you from trying
Ashton: .......
Luke: Yeah that's what I thought
Ashton: 🙄
Luke: Did you just roll your eyes at me?
Ashton: I did. Gonna do something about it?
Luke: You are so lucky I love you
Ashton: 🙄
Luke: Slowly that love is turning to hatred
Ashton: Is it?
Luke: Yes it is
Ashton: I don't even know what love is.
Luke: Well that’s a depressing thought
Calum: could you guys not
Ashton: Not what?
Ashton: Sometimes thoughts are depressing.
Luke: I'm aware of how depressing thoughts can be.
Ashton: I was also joking. I love my drums.
Luke: Your drums don't count they're inatimate
Ashton: Just break my heart, why don't you?
Luke: I would never break your heart!
Ashton: 🤔
Calum: yes he would
Luke: I would not!
Calum: I know, I know.
Mikey: Boys, what are you doing?  And who is breaking who?
Luke: No one is breaking anyone!
Mikey: What?  I was looking forward to some action.  Damn.
Luke: Well you've come to the wrong place
Mikey: What about Ashton's heart?
Luke: He said I was breaking his heart because he loves his drums and I told him that his drum don't count because they're inatimate
Ashton: He's breaking my heart.
Mikey: For him, that counts.
Calum: Ladies please
Mikey: I don't think he's had a real relationship since.... shit
Ashton: It's BROKEN.
Luke: I'm just gonna shut up now
Ashton: ..........I've had more fuck buddies then actual partners, yes. You're correct.
Luke: I don't want to hear about all your fuck buddies
Calum: I’m almost to the hotel, put on your happy face because I know you fuckers have missed me.
Mikey: I hope you aren't talking about drumsticks
Luke: I'll get right on that Calum
Mikey: Any word on our housing situation.  Do we get a beach house or what?
Ashton: Ew Michael.
Ashton: Why not, Luke?
Ashton: What's a happy face.
Luke: I'm working on it, I have to talk to Harry about it but I'm sure the offer is still on the table
Calum: Yes, let’s get a fucking beach house!
Calum: Please, I wanna play bass shirtless in the sunset while the waves are crashing
Ashton: A beach house.
Mikey: For us, it better be.  I'm gonna sit out on the beach at sunset and get shitfaced.
Calum: Yes. This will be fun ash
Ashton: I'm terrified
Luke: Listen I felt pressuered into doing this! The house was supposed to be mine not for all of us
Luke: But I love you all so why not
Ashton: I just kind of nod my head and agree.
Luke: Well if it brings us all together again I'm okay with it
Mikey: Plus there is Ashton's heart
Ashton: What about my heart.
Ashton: Awww Luke misses us.
Luke: What about his heart?
Luke: Shut up, Ashton
Ashton: Make me.
Luke: I'll pass
Ashton: 🙄
Luke: Why are you always rolling your eyes at me?
Mikey: I'm not
Mikey: I'm just saying
Luke: I think I should second guess actually living with the three of you
Ashton: My heart????? What about my heart?
Ashton: .........because rolling my eyes is fun.
Luke: I don't know! It was Mikey! I don't even think he knows what he was talking about
Ashton: 🤣
Ashton: I'm teaching myself tiktok dances.
Luke: Half the time I don't even know what he's talking about
Luke: NO
Luke: NO NO NO! You will not fall victim to that!
Ashton: ....But I look good.
Luke: I-
Luke: No comment
Mikey: His arms are big.
Mikey: Again - just saying.
Mikey: I'm also a great roommate
Mikey: Cal is too, and what will he do without us
Luke: I've noticed how big his arms are
Ashton: There's one that's like "come and fuck my life up" and then you push the camera down. And I'm kind of amused by it.
Ashton: Mikey has a point.
Mikey: Mikey - who, what?
Ashton: I said you had a pooooint.
Luke: See he doesn't even know what he talks about
Mikey: Yeah, that's what I thought.  Just checking.
Luke: You had a point Mikey
Ashton: 🤣
Ashton: Also it's nice to know "I look good" gets a no comment
Luke: I said no comment
Luke: Thats kinda a comment
Mikey: I said your arms were big and Luke agreed
Luke: No one wants my comment trust me on this
Mikey: I'm not sure I want to guess at that comment
Luke: No Mikey you don't
Ashton: I'm curious.
Luke: No Ashton, you're not
Ashton: 👀
Luke: You're not, Irwin
Ashton: 👀
Luke: Stop giving me those eyes!
Ashton: 👀👀
Luke: Ashton Fletcher Irwin!
Ashton: Yes?
Luke: Stop it
Ashton: But.
Luke: but what? there's no buts
Ashton: I have a butt.
Luke: Yes yes you do
Ashton: ......
Luke: Okay time to change the subject
Ashton: I'm learning a lot.
Mikey: Do you guys want to share a room?
Ashton: What.
Mikey: Also, what about Luke?  He's really tall, knows how to dress.
Ashton: He's basically a bean stalk with a good fashion sense.
Luke: Shut the fuck up, Clifford
Luke: Well gee thanks
Ashton: Was a compliment.
Luke: Calling me a bean stalk is not a compliment
Mikey: He's filled out a bit.  Five years ago he was a beanstalk.
Mikey: I'm just helping.
Ashton: Helping...?
Luke: Mikey, Mikey darling just stop
Mikey: I'm helping.  Come on, Ash, it's your turn.
Ashton: You've gotta tell me what you're helping with.
Ashton: Because what am I taking a turn on?!
Mikey: Okay what about him turns you on?
Ashton: I just choked.
Mikey: Why?  I'm helping.  That's Doctor Clifford to you.
Ashton: And I'm highly amused.
Luke: Helping with what?
Luke: I swear to god I am going to hurt you
Mikey: Ashton, you did not answer my question.
Ashton: 🤣
Ashton: I love seeing him sweat. This is amusimg
Luke: Mikey! Stop it!
Luke: Oh my god I'm trading this whole damn band in
Calum: Hey! What did I do!
Calum: I walk back in this chat and I see you’re trading us in?
Luke: Okay I'll keep Cal
Luke: But you two are gone
Ashton: Because Mikey's helping
Calum: Thank you 😍
Luke: Embarassing me?
Ashton: And I have no idea what he's helping with
Calum: In other news
Mikey: Luke, his answer is everything, he just doesn't want to say.
Ashton: Calum.
Luke: Mikey stop it OMG
Calum: I might be a bit late getting to the hotel, I have a stop to make
Ashton: Are you getting laid.
Luke: I dont need to know about anyone getting laid
Ashton: Also how am I embarrassing you?!
Calum: Wow ash, you read me like a book
Calum: It’ll literally be like five minutes
Ashton:.......Man. I hope it doesn't take five minutes.
Luke: Not you, Ash! Mikey
Calum: Mate
Luke: la la la la I can't hear any of this
Ashton: I love fucking with all of you. It's fun.
Mikey: Sure you can.  He's behind you staring at you all night.
Luke: jackass
Calum: It’s been a hot minute, so I gotta do what I gotta do.
Calum: Text you all soon
Calum: 😍
Mikey: Cal, you sound like you gotta piss, not fuck
Calum: Jesus mate, what do you want me to say??
Calum: I’m about to go to pound town on a girl I hardly know??
Calum: Luke is going to literally die of embarrassment
Mikey: I know what you meant, but never say it'll just take a minute
Mikey: Unless it will just take a minute
Mikey: and that is a little sad.
Calum: No, idk. I don’t know her.
Ashton: I'm crying.
Calum: Literally tinder over here is nuts
Calum: Aussie girls are hard to get but American girls??
Mikey: Sex first then you can get to know her.
Mikey: See, Mikey solves everything
Ashton: ....this is the first thing you've solved all night.
Calum: Oh what the fuck
Calum: She dipped
Mikey: I'm working on the rest.  I think you and Luke should share a room
Luke: No Michael
Ashton: Why?
Luke: Did Calum get stood up?
Calum: I did... what the fuck man
Luke: Lets focus on that, K Mikey?
Luke: Focus on Cal
Calum: No, it’s fine. Damnit.
Calum: Okay, alright, I’m heading to the hotel now.
Ashton: Michael, answer me and then we focus on Cal.
Mikey: Wait, what?
Luke: Fuck
Calum: Let’s all just regroup. I’m hugging all of you as soon as I see you all.
Mikey: How?  Were you supposed to meet her?
Calum: Yes.
Calum: And she backed out.
Calum: I’m not mad
Ashton: She's a dumb shit.
Mikey: Oh shit, what was she doing instead?
Calum: Right? I’m a stud. How could anyone resist these curls?
Calum: Or
Mikey: curls?
Luke: Dude maybe she got nervous
Ashton: You're adorable.
Luke: And where tf do you have curls?!
Calum: Yeah, idk where curls came from
Calum: I used to have curls
Ashton: 🤣
Calum: Should I bring them back?
Luke: I have curls
Luke: NO
Ashton: Yes you should.
Luke: Thats my thing now
Calum: Remember that poll I did on Twitter
Calum: And I said no curls
Calum: Well
Calum: Now I’m gonna put a new one up
Ashton: 🤣
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summerseachild · 5 years
Summersea’s GoT Season 4 Rewatch 2019
Otherwise known as: “The Long Slow Slide to D and D Running Out of Material from the Books”
1. The visuals of Ice getting melted down are SO PRETTY (while RoC plays on the background 😎 living my best Lannister Life over here.)
2. Jaime getting the sword and trying NOT to be Lord of Casterly Rock and HOLY SHIT TELLING TYWIN NO and getting away with it.
3. Tyrion is trying so hard to greet the Dornish politely... poor guy.
4. It’s pride month so I’m just pointing out that Oberyn is soooo biiiii and This Bi Girl loves him. And him playing with the flame and Ellaria trying to stop him from killing the Lannister who insulted him... I just love their dynamic.
5. Drogon is just a big happy dragon-Cat and in Dany’s first appearance of this season. He PURRS.
6. I love Jaime and Cersei’s scene with Jaime’s new hand. They snipe at each other, but it is SO how they interact.
7. Jon and Sansa reacting to Robb’s death :(
9. TREAT THAT BOOK MORE CAREFULLY JOFFREY YOU LITTLE SHIT and treat your uncle more nicely too. Jaime looks a little taken aback at what a little turd his oldest has become, but handles it well I think.
10. Jaime and Brienne trying to sort out how to keep his vow to Catelyn 🤣
12. Sandor Clegane saying FUCK THE KING gives me such satisfaction
13. I should not be so happy about Arya re-enacting the time when Polliver
14. But I am happy that Sandor got his chickens
1. So I had forgotten that the girls who were in the scene where Theon gets cut are Myranda and the girl Ramsay is hunting later. I remembered how much I hate the Myranda thing real quick, though.
2. I love Tyrion being understanding of Jaime’s disability because HE WOULD BE. Also Tyrion pouring wine on the table to be like “look spilling is no big deal” is PRECIOUS.
3. Bronn knocking Jaime around while sparring is a great source of joy to me.
4. Theon finds out that Robb is dead when he’s got a RAZOR TO RAMSAY’S THROAT I can’t with Alfie’s face.
5. Every time I see Joffrey chop that book in half I want the purple wedding to be right now.
6. Tyrion trying to make Shae leave :...(
7. KEEP AWAY FROM SHIREEN, RED WOMAN, said Davos probably a lot
8. Question: why don’t the direwolves being food BACK to the hungry humans? Especially when Bran can warg into them?
9. So I want to go through every frame of that vision Bran has with the weirwood because the one we haven’t seen before is a Dragons over King’s Landing. Those ARE THE ROOFS YOU SEE IN THE NEXT SHOT FOR THE WEDDING.
10. Haha oh right this IS the purple wedding ep ooops I’d almost forgot. Not sorry for wishing death on Joffrey but sorry for Cersei’s sake and everyone else it fucks over.
11. Loras having eye sex with Oberyn cracks me up I mean they both have eyes and good gaydar... (bi-dar? queer-dar?)
12. Is Margaery... flirting with Brienne? Or is that just Margaery’s personality?
13. JAIME’S FACE when he sees Brienne and Cersei talking is SO FUNNY he’s like shit shit shit DANGER
14. What did Qyburn DO for Cersei that she is recommending to other women? She told him symptoms were gone in a previous ep in a weird mysterious way... did he help her end a pregnancy?? How long has it BEEN since Blackwater? This never comes back again but I’m super curious. 
15. Oberyn has zero chill around Tywin and I love it.
16. Margaery looking like she is is going to murder someone during the war of the five Kings show is A Mood. (I mean... there IS about to be a murder.)
17. I don’t think the Tyrells planned it but Joffrey being a shit and making Tyrion touch his wine goblet and SANSA TOUCHING IT TOO played right into their hands.
4x03: oh brother here comes altar sex
1. I want very much for Hector Barbossa to be waiting at the top of that ladder for Sansa after approaching the ship and the creepy fog. But no it’s Petyr Baelish. Ew.
2. Hello new Tommen! Good to see you again after Karstark killed your identical cousin! Also Tywin being like GOOD KINGS ARE SMART AND LISTEN TO THEIR SMART ADVISORS. (That moment when a sitting US president needs to listen to Tywin. Scary?)
3. Altar sex has not aged well for me. I’m not a J/C shipper who thinks they’ve got a healthy relationship that’s all sunshine and kitties. I know the two of them have a messed up dynamic, but this scene misses the mark in so many ways and I hate it. I wish they would have left it out rather than done it wrong. (Also I think it was a tryout for me for “can you get a valonqar scene right?” And the answer was a resounding NO.)
4. Speaking of healthy relationships though Sam and Gilly are cute and sweet and awkward and everything that is good and pure in this world.
5. And so is Davos telling Shireen about his smuggling adventures.
6. Oberyn sat his beautiful self right in the middle of the Kinsey scale and said THE VIEW IS GREAT HERE. What an icon. Also offering Tywin fricking Lannister a seat on the bed where you were just having sex with like FOUR DIFFERENT PEOPLE was A Move.
7. Tywin TELLS OBERYN ABOUT DANY and Oberyn looks like this is the first he’s heard of it.
8. Tyrion saying goodbye to Pod gave me a decent sized lump in my throat.
9. Daario taking down the Champion Of Meereen with one thrown dagger and one slash of a sword is sexy as fuck and I don’t care who knows I think so.
1. Missandei teaching Grey Worm and just hanging out with him is so important to me this time around.
2. Jaime and Bronn are weird friends and I kind of love it.
3. The Kingslayer Brothers: coming soon to a stage near you. I’d buy that band’s shirt.
4. Olenna Tyrell is a STONE COLD LADY and I love that about her. She protected her granddaughter and I respect that.
5. That is A LOT OF WINE IN THAT GLASS Cersei my love. Also Jaime TRYING to convince her Tyrion didn’t do it hurts me. He loves them both so much, but they all hurt each other.
6. Ser Pounce is a big fluff like my Freya!
7. OATHKEEPER AND THE WHITE BOOK AND THE ARMOR. Brienne’s face is so pure when he gives it to her.
8. I had near forgotten all of this stuff at the wall with Olly and Jon and the cannibals and the mutineers at Craster’s and waiting for Mance’s army. (We know where my heart is though, don’t we...)
9. SIT DOWN LOCKE. I forgot that human shitstain showed up at the wall looking for Bran.
10. We didn’t need the mutineer plot. What did it add? What did we learn about the world or its people? Nothing we didn’t already know. What. Was. The. Point. We’d already seen the walkers and knew about the babies, we knew the world was violent and classist. WE KNEW.
11. I love when Summer is like HELLO BROTHER GHOST OH NO A TRAP
12. The white walker riding across the frozen lake... what a gorgeous image, and the ice henge...
1. I’d say long live King Tommen, but I’d cry.
2. Cersei is beauty she is grace she wants to punch Margaery in the face. (But actually is acting like she might need Margaery to help Tommen? That scene was hard to read.)
3. Meereen has a lot of cool geometrical carvings.
4. Dany thinking about what kind of ruler she wants to be and what responsibilities she has to the people she freed? THAT IS WHO SHE IS, D AND D YOU DICKS.
5. Sansa’s like “greeeeeaaaaat another creepy little kid” when she meets Robin.
6. And Lysa lets it ALL OUT about what Petyr has had her do... wow.
7. Cersei is going along with the Tyrell marriages way too easily what is her game.
8. Tywin is... almost treating his daughter like someone he can trust and have a conversation with? What is this?
9. And then there’s the stupidity about the mines running out. Wtf.
10. Arya is a little drama queen with saying the Hound’s name last while HE WAS LISTENING.
11. Lysa is SO DAMAGED. Poor Sansa.
12. Aw Brienne you don’t know what a loyal kid you’ve got in Podrick give him a chance.
13. Arya practicing water dancing is so cool.
14. Cersei and Oberyn talking is actually really interesting. And they talk about Myrcella :....( and Oberyn is TELLING THE TRUTH about her being happy.
15. Cersei got her A BOAT for her birthday because she LIKES THE OPEN WATER I had forgotten that and I am freaking out for fic reasons because of fics I haven’t written yet that involve Myrcella being good at boats.
16. Geez Pod I don’t know how to skin a rabbit but I know you need to before you cook it. And... does Brienne actually need help with that armor, or does she realize Pod needs to feel useful? I’m going with the second.
17. I had forgotten how creepy Jojen’s visions were.
18. Bran warging into Hodor and killing Locke is... problematic, but Bran had every reason to think Locke was going to kill him. Good fucking riddance.
19. Jon being happy to see Ghost XD
20. So... there’s just a troop of Crasters daughters out there still? Idek.
4x06 the laws of gods and men (and by men we mean Tywin)
1. Braavos is so pretty! I love her. I love her canals, I love the Titan, I love the domes, I just love her.
2. I remember when people lost their shit over Mark Gattis being in this episode. He is quite good here, and Davos is quite clever.
3. Salador’s joke about the red shirt is FUNNY and I’m not afraid to say so.
4. No one wants to see Ramsay having sex.
5. EVERYONE wants to see Yara giving a great speech.
6. She... ran from some dogs when she was burying her axe in dudes’ GUTS five seconds earlier? LAAAAAAME. Yes yes she also saw how fucked up in the head Theon was (more awards Alfie deserved and didn’t get), and she did want to lose any more people when he wasn’t willing to come but the way this was cut it reads like she was all OH NO DOGS which is the stupidest thing ever. 
7. NOOOO POOR GOATS. I get that dragons have to eat though...
8. I cannot believe Dany didn’t take the time to FIND OUT WHICH MEEREENESE WERE LESS TERRIBLE. They would have been fucking allies. BUT NO LET’S JUST CRUCIFY PEOPLE WITH NO IDEA OF THE NUANCES OF THE LOCAL SITUATION. What stupidity.
9. At least she’s trying to learn??? She’s so small on that throne in a huge room. What a great shot.
10. Oberyn is a bisexual who CANNOT SIT IN A CHAIR NORMALLY. I am not complaining.
11. I cannot see the scene of Jaime and Tyrion walking down into the courtroom for the trial without giggling at the memory of the outtake where they dance like dorks into the room and down the aisle.
12. Jaime looking at Tyrion like YOU ARE NOT HELPING YOURSELF is a mood.
13. How did they get the poison necklace? Didn’t Littlefinger throw it in the Blackwater FAR off shore? A bit AFTER he killed Dontos? How does Pycelle have it here? Maybe they washed up together? Maybe D and D forgot Petyr tossed it in the bay? WHO KNOWS???
14. Jaime trying to convince Tywin one last time and offering to leave the kingsguard in exchange for Tyrion HOLY SHIT I FORGOT HE DID THAT. Cersei never would have spoken to him again if he’d left her and married and gone back to the Rock and given Tywin what he wanted. Jaime KNEW he was screwing over a relationship that means SO MUCH TO HIM but it’s TYRION’S LIFE we’re talking about here. That’s how much he loves his little brother. 
15. Tywin is like DONE so fast Jaime barely gets the offer out lol
16. And it all would have worked if Shae hadn’t walked through those doors.
17. Do we know WHY Shae agreed to testify to this? What did Tywin offer her or threaten her with?
18. WHAT ARE YOU DOING LITTLE BRO WHY ARE YOU SAYING THIS?! is Jaime’s face all the time this scene.
19. Tyrion’s “confession”is such a piece of acting wow Peter enjoy your Emmys.
1. Jeez Tyrion didn’t know Jaime COULDN’T save him. He had no idea that losing his hand had affected his abilities that badly. That... hurts.
2. Arya, Sandor, and the dying farmer is such a great scene... And Arya only killing that asshole only after Sandor learns his name for her so she knows the name of the man she’s killing.... A++ would watch again.
3. Everyone LISTEN TO JON he has seen things none of you have.
4. Tyrion finding out Bronn has been bought is so very upsetting but I love this scene.
5. But really though once Tywin named The Mountain champion, anyone who Tyrion asks to be his champion at this point he’s basically asking to die.
6. Dany’s like “well I guess fucking Daario isn’t going to cause a political disaster at least.”
7. I had forgotten how fascinating Selyse and Melisandre’s interactions are.
9. Dany is capable of nuanced thought when it comes to innocence and guilt of whole groups of people and WE JUST SAW IT with how Jorah changes her mind and I’m JUST SO ANGRY.
10. That is the only time we get the story of Sandor and the fire from his own mouth and I did not mean to be this moved.
11. Hot Pie talking about food (oh yeah and Arya) is so precious. And now I want steak and kidney pie. With gravy.
12. “Using honest feelings to do dishonest work is one of her greatest talents.” The truest thing Tyrion has ever said about Cersei.
13. What a great snow castle. Too bad Joffrey part 2 knocked it down.
14. Ew ew ew Petyr kissing Sansa is so skeevy and gross.
15. “A great deal might change between now and never” is a great line though.
16. I hate Petyr but it’s good he pushed Lysa out the Moon Door before she killed Sansa.
1. Jon and Co all reminding Sam that Gilly is a survivor is so great. Brotherhood at its best.
2. Missandei and Grey Worm are young people with old souls and their relationship is precious to me.
3. Alfie is SO GOOD at showing how deeply Ramsay has him under his control even when he’s alone with the Ironborn.
4. Petyr is part Braavosi? Fascinating.
5. Sansa TOLD the Lords of Vale who she was??? Her testimony is such a good bit of acting on Sansa’s part. It’s a lie hidden in a lot of truth, and she was QUICK to think it through and come up with it.
6. Jorah telling Dany about the pardon is a scene that breaks my heart. 💔 She is HARSH here but I love the full blown Targaryen on display.
7. Roose being like TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE like the Lion King cracks me up so hard.
8. I will never give Ramsay the Bolton name in anything I write as long as I am a fan of this show out of pure hatred. He is Ramsay Snow forever and always.
9. I remember I was so worried that they were going to have Petyr try to sexually assault Sansa. OH I WAS A SWEET SUMMER CHILD.
10. Arya laughing at the news of Lady Arryn’s Death is an immensely human reaction and I love that she just CANNOT STOP.
11. I know people hated that scene with Jaime and Tyrion talking about beetles but I have two takeaways: first, a septon tried to touch Jaime once???? Headcanon: Little Jaime looked that septon dead in the eye and said “my father wouldn’t like that” and it never happened again. The septon was summarily replaced. Second: Jaime has never thought about ANYTHING in his whole life as deeply as baby Tyrion thought about beetles.
12. Oberyn is so fun to watch fight and Jaime agrees with me.
13. You don’t need him to confess Oberyn really you don’t you GOT HIM my beautiful prince.
14. How did the Gods make their will known if BOTH champions killed each other dead, huh Tywin? (The Mountain is... less Dead?)
1. Sam mulling over the legalistic interpretation of their vows and Jon trying to explain what sex and love are like are both SO CUTE.
2. I love that everyone around that fire has heard the “Tormund fucked a bear” story and I’m kind of sorry Ygritte didn’t let him finish.
3. Maester Aemon revealing his Targaryen identity was lovely. Also Sam Cussing to get Gilly in the gate= AMAZING
4. Alliser Thorne ADMITTING HE WAS WRONG? I am dead of shock.
5. Sam and Pyp talking about fear and bravery is... so darling.
6. They have A GIANT RIDING A MAMMOTH and I will forgive a small amount of nonsense for giving me that image.
7. See Alliser looking at the horn blower like REALLY? IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE OF MY SPEECH? Before they realize it’s the horn at Castle Black is PRICELESS.
8. Speaking of which I may not like Alliser but he gives a good “let’s not die” speech.
9. Bless Grenn for getting Janos Slynt off the wall.
10. Pyp dying in Sam’s arms was not something I was ready for.
11. You’ve heard of horsepower... now get ready for MAMMOTH POWER (wildling used mammoth salesmen probably)
12. Sam remembering that being NICE to Olly when asking to go up the wall rather than just screaming at him is... telling.
14. Ghost is going to EAT SOME WILDLINGS
15. Ygritte :...(
16. How is Tormund even ALIVE??? He’s like a frickin PIN CUSHION.
17. “They held the gate” is a line that will make me cry now. Grenn and co. Didn’t let that giant through :...(
3x10: back when D and D remembered the Children existed that one time
1. Jon deciding single-handedly that he’s going to KILL Mance Rayder. Boss move.
2. Oh FFS. Pull the stick out of your ass Stannis and let Mance be.
3. Qyburn is like “out of my way bitch I’m doing necromancy”
4. Cersei telling Tywin the truth to get out of Marrying Loras is... still... making my jaw drop and I KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO DO IT. And there’s ACTUAL EMOTION on Tywin’s face and EVERYTHING SHE SAYS ABOUT PAYING SOME REAL FUCKING ATTENTION TO HIS FAMILY IS TRUE
5. Ah yes “Jaime writes his family’s dialogue” part one. I CHOOSE YOU OMG AND SEX IN THE LORD COMMANDER’S OFFICE I CANNOT BELIEVE WE GOT THAT. Even if I’m still on the fence about whether Jaime would be ok with doing it THERE I’m mostly on board because she JUST TOLD DAD THE TRUTH AND TOLD HIM HE WAS THE ONE SHE WANTED AND I DON’T KNOW WHO LET THE SHIPPERS WRITE THIS SCENE BUT YAY.
6. Dany is still learning all kinds of nuance... I feel like the year contract thing was an attempt to balance her need to be a liberator and the reality on the ground?
7. You are telling me that the Dany who was that upset at Drogon eating ONE child let him burn a WHOLE CITY? I call bullshit.
8. Also this is a CLASSIC example of “one sibling does something wrong and the other two get punished for it” poor Viserion and Rhaegal.
9. Maester Aemon knows how to give a mass eulogy.
10. MEANWHILE NORTH OF THE NORTH HI BRAN meet the hugest weirwood in Westeros AND SOME ICE ZOMBIES
12. If the children can do that WHERE ARE THEY LATER
13. holy shit bloodraven is creepy
14. Arya and Brienne meeting :) so cute
15. And Sandor being like YOU ARE TOO NAIVE TO PROTECT HER is cute in its own way.
16. Wow Brienne and Sandor really knock the shit out of each other how are they still alive.
17. Sandor saying awful things to Arya to make it easier for her to kill him was tragic and you can see the desperation in his eyes even as he says the worst of it.
19. I Had forgotten how rough that last conversation between Tywin and Tyrion was and how devastating those performances are.
20. Varys being like oh fuck those bells I’m going too... prescient.
21. Love the music with Arya on the ship to Braavos!
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sometimesimawriter · 6 years
Mirror Effect
part 1
~basically another adventure with Klaus, Diego, and Five. (Not accurate to how season one ended)
"Diego calm down, man"
The parking ticket clutched in Diego's hand suffered the blunt of the assassin's wrath, though a weekend in New York with his brothers did nothing to call it a vacation. "No I won't calm down. It's a goddamn city and there's no parking anywhere, but a $200 fine for blocking a fire hydrant? Un-fucking-believable".
Five rolled his eyes and Klaus tried to gently pry the pink slip from his hands.
"I believe we have better things to do than worry about a little traffic offense, say perhaps, finding a serial killer?" Five remarked. The Big Apple had recently seen a series of brutal murders, ranging from hobos in Central Park with their intestines strewn about to affluent women with slashes across their throats. The NYPD was met by dead end after dead end, with no DNA, security footage, or murder weapon found. The ferocity of these killings finally brought the Commissioner to contact the Umbrella Academy to find the killer before a full on panic engulfed the city.
"C'mon guys, we've spent all day and yesterday running around the city, and not even the fun spots. Take a break, maybe go to a club- i heard New York has some of the biggest raves" Klaus gave a mischievous smile.
"I might have to agree with Death Note over here" Diego said, and all but sighed "I need a drink right about now."
*early in the morning, or late at night-however you would describe 3 a.m. The three brothers stumble down an empty street lined with parked cars. It's empty save for a few other drunks and a homeless woman*
"Best- night- ever" Five hiccuped, swaying on his feet.
Diego let out a laugh, seemingly holding conversations in his head, or thinking of the girls that crowded the club they had just left.
"You both are lightweights" Klaus was tipsy, but he preferred to stay away from his past vices. Sobriety was tough, but also his new high was staying in control of his powers- powers he had just truly discovered. He looked down the street and squinted. "Hey um, did i accidentally take something or do i see a little girl that looks like she just crawled from a well?"
"Hey... I see her too- HEY ARE YOU OKAY?" Diego shouted down the now abandoned street. The girl's soaked hair covered her face and she wore a wrecked royal blue prom dress. "Looks like someone isn't having a fun night"
Just at this time, she charged the trio, her bare feet making a slapping sound at each step. Her shoulders didn't bounce with her step though, and she moved faster than an average person, inhumanly.
Five stood up straight, seeming to crawl out of his drunken stupor. "That's creepy as hell". Diego raised a blade to take the girl down, but then she dissipated into nothingness, leaving behind wet footprints.
Behind the group was a rich laugh, followed by another humorous howl, and all overlapped by snorting. "Dude that's so fucking e v i l- i love it"
The three brothers whipped around to a group of girls, all around their age. The one of the left had red hair, though the street lights made it look more orange, and she was doubled over in laughter. The other two girls both had brown hair, one with a straight style and the other with loose curls, and they were both supporting each other as they howled at the brothers' confusion.
"Who the hell are you?" Diego barked.
The red head was the first to stop laughing and moved in front of the other two. "Good question, but here's a better one: what brings half of the Umbrella Academy to New York City?" She smirked at them, eyeing each of them, and her gaze hovered over Klaus.
The curly haired girl moved next to her and nudged her side "where's the rest of them?". The one with straight hair moved closer than the other two, "Bro wait you're Diego right? You're like really hot" she said, bluntly.
"Thanks? Wait who the hell was the girl from the well?"
Curls spoke up, "oh thats just Stephanie, she's a figment of my imagination."
"Step- what? Who the fuck are you?" Five moved closer to the group, preparing for a fight.
"Oh calm down. I'm Kayla- friends call me Angel" the red head said, winking at Klaus. "Mind-Games over here is Christina, otherwise referred to as Dahlia, and Diego's admirer is Emma, we call her Phoenix."
Klaus looked at each girl "Those sound like superheroes names. Wait, do you guys have powers?"
Emma nodded, "Hell yeah". Just at this moment, her body ignited into an inferno of flames. Seeing this as a queue, Kayla squared her shoulders, and in an instant a pair of huge, magnificent, white wings sprouted from her back. She smiled and gestured towards Christina, who shied away a bit.
"C'mon Chris, you can do it" Kayla said, in a voice one would reserve for a puppy.
Christina slapped her arm, glanced up at Five, and then the street seemed to morph. The air turned into a kaleidoscope, the world looked as if it were a buffering RPG game, with strange graphics. Then in a blink, it returned to the empty street.
The boys began to speak at once.
"How are there more supers?" Five sputtered.
"What the hell are you guys?" Diego seemed as if he wanted more and also he wanted to run.
"Which one of you are single?" Klaus blurted.
The girls then all spoke over each other.
Christina responded to Five "Well there were other magic births the same day as you guys".
Emma giggled out "I wish i knew what the fuck i am".
And finally Kayla responded with as much of a lack of grace as Klaus had introduced himself with "I'd be down to hit it."
Diego then seemed to put an idea together. "Wait, the murders... Do you know about the murders?"
The joking mannerism of the girls ceased. Emma and Christina glanced at Kayla. She gave a deep sigh.
"yeah, an old... friend.. of mine. Name's Max, but he goes by Razor. We've been trying to track him down. Got a little distracted when we realized the Commissioner had lost faith in us and hired some of super missionaries."
Five started in on this "A friend? What's keeping you from finding him if you're such friends?"
Emma took offense to this "Don't you think we've been trying?" She took a step towards them, and Christina put an arm up to her.
"He does not want to be found."
"I think the contrary." A deep voice flooded the street. Kayla's eyes widened and all six heads looked up towards the moon hanging low above a brownstone residence. On the roof crouched a guy, with a head piled with curly brown hair. Despite being on top of a building, it was easy to see he was a big dude, all muscles and a hatred behind his eyes, but his focus was on Kayla. "Hey Bitch" and he lunged, landing two feet from her. He raised one giant hand, and from his olive-skinned hands his trimmed nails decayed and grew into long, jagged claws.
"Ohh... Razor... I get it now" Klaus and Diego inched closer, expecting his arm to slash down at her at any moment.
Kayla's eyes narrowed, and her lips curled up. She was taunting him. "What? Poor baby can't take a break-up? Needs to go on a murdering spree to get my attention?"
From the brothers' view, Max's back muscles tightened and he radiated anger. "You little whore, I'm gonna slit your fucking throat" he growled, and then his arm came crashing down.
But instead of cutting through her face, his arm was stopped by a pissed off time traveller. "Bad move buddy."
Max didn't like this, and his knee connected with Five's stomach, sending him back a few feet.
All hell broke loose at this time, with Diego sending two knives into his back, and Klaus diving to move Kayla out of the way. Christina flew at Max, producing sharp crystals in each hand, throwing them into his thigh. Emma ignited and surrounded the group in a ring of fire, restricting their play-area. Razor roared, one that actually shattered windows of the surrounding homes, and ripped the crystals from his leg. He then threw these crystals, aiming for Kayla, but was intercepted by another body. Five had popped from his grounded location to in front of Kayla, who was standing rather too still for a situation like this. Five fell to the ground, writhing in pain as the projectiles found a home in his left shoulder. Christina's eyes widened, and she turned to Max. She then raised her arm and twisted her wrist. Max looked at her, and then felt the ground beneath him rumble. He winked at her, and then leapt from the spot, landing on the roof he had descended from, then ran into the night.
"Five!" Klaus ran to his brother.
Christina kneeled next to them "Don't pull them from his shoulder or you may cause more-" but Klaus didn't hear her and pulled the crystals from his shoulder.
"Ew thats gross" Emma looked away from the scene, towards Diego, who was looking at the roof tops.
"The bastard took my knives..."
Kayla then seemed to snap out of a trance. "We need to get him back to the house."
"Kayla, he's bleeding real bad, he's not going to make the trip back." Said Christina.
"Dumbass, I have wings."
"And I'm the one with medical training!" Christina seemed increasingly worried. "You can't fly both of us back to the house, no offense."
Emma turned back to the group that was hovering over Five. "You both are drinking way too much dumb bitch juice."
Everyone looked at her, questioning what the fuck she had just said.
Emma smirked, "Christina, you can change the environment..."
Christina wasn't following, "Yeah and?"
Emma then held the bridge of her nose, looking down, "Change the environment then."
"To what?"
Maybe she really had been chugging dumb bitch juice.
"To the house."
"Oh shit."
Christina rose up, and looked down at Klaus, "put pressure on the wound."
She then walked over to Kayla, who was enjoying this all too much.
"Get ready hoe"
Christina then relaxed her shoulders and focused on a space in the middle of the street. Then the air began to shimmer, like how heat radiates off of pavement on an August afternoon. Then, shapes began to form, then colors, until there seemed to be a shifting hole in the middle of the road.
"All aboard the magical mystery tour. Next stop: the other side of the Hudson."
At this phrase, despite his slight delirium from blood loss, Five raised his head.
"You like the Beatles??" And then he promptly passed out.
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kleinsen being good and soft
Ava: teehee (Evan doesn’t know Jared likes him yet)
Evan: *packing bc he’s sleeping over at Jared’s house??*
Jared: *puking up flowers and blood cause hanahaki*
Evan: *knocks on the Jared’s door* Jaredddddddd
Jared: f-fuck um- oNE S-SECOND- *pukes more and one whole flower and then stops cause thats all of them for today lol xD*
Evan: *puts his headphones on bc he’s waiting??*
Jared: *cleans up the bathroom and wipes his eyes cause he was crying cause it hurt and puts the flower in a bowl where he kept all of them cause it's a water lily cause I like them and opens the door for evan* hi, sorry I took so long, come in
Evan: *puts his headphones around his neck* it’s fine dude *walks in* I haven’t been here in forever oh my god-
Jared: *rubs the back of his neck* heh- yeah
Evan: *looks at thy Jared very concerned* you okay dude? I’m surprised you haven’t made a joke by now
Jared: im surprised you haven't kissed a tree! I'm fine, lol
Evan: *giggly boye* you sure?- Wait, why are your eyes so red? Are you smoking weed?!
Jared: um- yes?
Evan: uh- where should I put my bags? I don’t know if any of the house rules changes- since last time you didn’t let me touch anything-
Jared: we can bring them to my room cause thats where we're sleeping I guess
Evan: okay? *runs upstairs and falls in the process* OW
Jared: oh shoot- are you okay? *runs over to evan*
Evan: yeah- I just tripped that’s all! *smiley boye* *walks into thy Jared’s room*
Jared: *follows the evan* uh so you can sleep on my bed and I can sleep on the floor or whatever
Evan: dude it’s your house- I’ll sleep on the floor-
Jared: well like you’re the guest or something I don’t know
Evan: hhhhhh *flops on his bed* what do you wanna do
Jared: I dont know- wanna watch a movie?
Evan: sure! *sits up and sits against the pillows*
Jared: *sits next to evan* ummm... let's watch..... uh.... *puts on Hercules cause yes* this.
Evan: dork *giggly boye*
Jared: *red boye* shush-
Evan: wow Jared Kleinmen is blushing, from Evan Hansen- who ever thought
Jared: ugh- *hides face* i hate you tree man
Evan: love you too bathbomb
Jared: *feels a lump in his throat because I researched and like if you get affection from the person you love the symptoms get worse* um- i need to use the bathroom be right back *walks to the bathroom*
Evan: okay!
Jared: *locks the door and starts hanahaki-ing for like 5 minutes*
Evan: *walks to the bathroom door and knocks on it* you okay dude?
Jared: yep! I'm g-good just give me a s-second- *hanahki-s a full water lily cause thats what his flower is apparently* *also thats how he knows it's over for now*
Evan: okay! I’ll be in your room- I’ll pause the movie for you!
Jared: o-okay! *coughs up some more blood and cleans up*
Like- 5 minutes later: skskksksk
Jared: *walks in to his room and puts the lily in the water bowl*
Evan: you have...water Lily’s in your...bathroom?
Jared: a lot has changed, evan. *sigh* a lot
Evan: *sighs and hugs the Jared*
Jared: *blushes and hugs the tree* soooooo... why are you hugging me?
Evan: you seemed sad- and you don’t get enough love
Jared: *metaphorically melts into the hug and lays his head on Evans shoulder*
Ali: (I'm sorry im so used to being a bottom)
Ava: (Dont worry dude bc same)
Evan: *ruffles the Jared’s hair* you okay?
Jared: ......huh? What? Wait yeah I'm good haha *stops hugging the evan and is v red* so uh- wanna keep watching the movie?
Evan: sure! *sits on his bed and closes the blinds so it can be dark* it’s like a real movie theater!
Jared: yeah! *in his mind cause I feel like it 😋 (how in the fucking fuck can someone be so god damn cute-)
Ava: dang Jared
Evan: *unpauses the movie and leans against the pillows* *puts an oversized hoodie on uwu*
Jared: *(what in the frick frack cracker jack)
Evan: *rests his head on Jared’s shoulder teehee*
Jared: *blushblushblush*
Evan: is it bad I’ve never seen this movie-
Jared: I mean i dont know I guess?? *worried he'll have another hanahaki attack with all this love ;-;*
Evan: Jared...are you okay? Ever since I got here you’ve looked like you’re going to throw up- should I leave?
Jared: nonononono!!! It's fine!! I'm fine!!
Evan: *hugs the Jared from the side* no you arentttttt
Jared: e-evan i- *starts coughing up blood*
Ali: (he wasn't gonna confess he was just flustered :/)
Evan: holy shoot! Oh my god!- *runs to get towels*
Jared: *keeps coughing up blood and now- some flower petals*
Evan: *comes back with towels and sits down in front of Jared then looks at him* here du- are those...flowers?
Jared: n-no. Y-y-yes? *starts sobbing cause it hurts a lot ouchies* i-im s-so-sorry *coughs up more petals and blood*
Evan: hey hey hey- it’s okay Jare- I know what this is- cough it all up *rubs his back*
Jared: *starts coughing up wayyy more and even some full lilys bc like I said affection makes it worse*
Evan: oh shoot sorry! I forgot- *steps away from the Jared*
Jared: *coughs up a bit more and one like- huge heccin lily thats glowy pink (normally theyre white) :0*
Evan: oh my god..-
Jared: i-im sorry I'll- I'll clean this up- *starts cleaning up quickly and gently puts the pink one in the center of the bowl*
Evan: y-you like m-m-me..-
Jared: what?! No thats- thats insane haha-
Evan: y-yeah....insane
Jared: *picks up the bowl, sits down, and puts it on his lap* *oh and pushes them around gently with his finger*
Evan: Jared....can I um...tell you something?
Jared: hm?
Evan: I um....please don’t hate me- but...Ive liked you for awhile now. You’ve been really nice to me lately and I never knew why, but now I do. It’s fine if you have hanahaki because of Connor- it’s fine if you don’t like me- I’m just hoping this doesn’t trigger it-
Some of the smaller flowers: *die*
Jared: wait- wait hold up- wait- wait really? *starts crying* no no... no youre just playing with me- this is all a dream- stop- no-
Evan: Jared, I’m not messing with you...you aren’t dreaming- I like you
Jared: ohmygosh- oh- ohmygosh- *puts the bowl back down on the table and is still muttering ohmygosh to himself* *blushy boye*
Evan: *laughs a little* calm down Jare
Jared: *sits back down and looks at the ground* you know... I had.. that was 29 flowers.. one more and.. I wouldve died......
Evan: am I allowed to like...- touch you now?
Jared: yeah-
Evan: *hugs the jared*
Jared: *leans on the evan*
Evan: *pulls away from the Jared and looks at him then....kisses him teehee*
Jared: *flustered for a moment but then kisses him back*
Evan: Jared, I- I love you
Jared: I love you too you dweeb *kisses him agian but more make-outy?????*
Ava: Ali what-
Evan: *big blush man*
Jared: *pulls apart and gives him a look like is this okay cause catie told me once that you should do that*
Ali: (shush I dont know what words are)
Evan: *laughs* Jared you are such a dork, I love it
Jared: w-wELL-?!
Evan: *giggly boye*
Jared: *smiles* just kiss me already you acorn *kisses the evan agAiN*
Evan: *kisses thy Jared*
Jared: *runs his fingers through thy Evans hair*
Ava: Ali- where is this going
Evan: *big blush man*
Jared: *makes out with evan wow I did it im proud of myself :)*
Evan: *his hair is all messed up* so that happened-
Jared: *red boye* yeah-
Evan: you’re a good kisser Kleinmen
Jared: *giggle sk* no u
Evan: uno reverse card *giggle sk*
Jared: ugh fineeeeee- *fixes his glasses cause they were tilted cause ;)*
Evan: well I never got to watch the movie- I guess I’m too hot to handle
Jared: pretty much
Evan: o-oh I was j-joking- *hides under the blanket*
Jared: *giggles* youre such a dweeb
Evan: *still under the blanket* shushhhh
Jared: *goes under the blanket and cuddles the evan*
Evan: *pink boye* *wraps his arms around the Jared*
Jared: *falls asleep*
-a couple hours later-
Evan: *poking thy Jared* Jareeeeee wake uppppp
Jared: *wakes up* momm its nott- oh hey evan-! *blush boy*
Evan: I never knew I looked like your mom *laughs*
Jared: nO thats disgusting eww- she just- normally wakes me up on Saturdays thinking its school. She's werid.
Evan: how- it’s Saturday?? I can’t even remember anymore
Jared: *shrugs* I have a good memory I guess
Evan: I’m just gonna say, I never thought in a million years, the Jared Kleinmen would like cuddles
Jared: *giggles* oh evan you dont even know
Evan: what else are you hiding from me
Jared: *becomes way to red to even speak* noTHINg-
Evan: tell meeeeeee pweaseeeee
Jared: *hides under his blanket* nO-
Evan: Jared I swear to god if you’re kinky like my brother-
Jared: no ew gross what huh
Evan: tell me Jare Bearrrrr
Jared: no-
Evan: hmmmmmm okay fineeeee *stares at the Jared* you’re really pretty...-
Jared: youre really hot
Evan: oh I- I- um..- *v v v v v v red*
Jared: *giggly boye*
Evan: that was very unnecessary Kleinmen *crosses his arms while being v v v red*
Jared: it's true
Evan: *puts his hand on his cheek and kisses him teehee*
Jared: *pulls him closer and kisses him back*
Evan: this is very gay
Jared: *finger guns* yeperino!
Evan: *giggly boye* you are so weird, but I love you
Jared: can we get back to kissing? (Please? Yo. Every action has an-)
Ava: equal opposite reaction-
Evan: o-oh y-yeah- *kisses the Jared*
Jared: *kisses the evan but ~~ly*
Evan: *is basically in Jared’s lap at this point-*
Jared: *has his arms wrapped around Evans hips ;))*
Evan: *has his arms wrapped around Jared’s neck;))*
Jared: *kisses evan but more ;))-y*
Evan: *big blush man*
Jared: *keeps kissing Thy evan shook :0*
Evan: okay Jared calm down *giggly boye*
Jared: *shrugs* youre just a really good kisser, acorn *stares at Thy evan smiling :)*
Evan: shush bathbomb
Jared: *in an amazingly good British accent because I feel like Jared would have a amazingly good British accent* oh evan my good sir, youre such a peach *kisses Evans hand* now if you'll excuse me for a moment, i shall go get food *goes to get food*
Evan: Jared wha- dork!
Jared: *yells from the kitchen* treeboy!
Evan: Adorable!
Jared: goddamn you! *comes back to his room and he has um.. spaghetti* f o o d
Evan: my mom knew this was going to happen- she knew you liked meeeeeeee *looks at the Jared*
Jared: well your mom is smart *we eating*
Evan: oh and I uh- I bought you something the other day- *gives him a bathbomb*
Jared: you know me so well *wipes a fake tear from his eye* ironically, i got something for you! *goes under his bed and grabs a succulent and gives it to evan* you can name it if you want-
Evan: *:0* I love it!! *hugs the Jared*
Jared: yay! *hugs the evan*
Evan: *snuggles in the Jared XD owo*
Jared: *plays with evans hair 0w0*
Evan: jare...will you be my boyfrienddddd
Jared: *straight face* no of course not... *smiles really wide and kisses the evan* dUDE OF COURSE!!! *v v smiley boye*
Evan: *breaks into a giggly fit and falls out of the Jared’s grip* yayyyyy
Jared: *teehee* hey evannnn guess whattttttttttttttttttt
Evan: whatttttttt
Jared: I love you *giggly boye oWO
Evan: I love you toooo!
Jared: so what are you gonna name the little guy? *sits on the ground with evan cause he fell or something and puts thy succulent in his lap*
Evan: hm...jelly bean!
Ali: im gonna make jared be able to do any accent really well and you can't stop me
Jared: *commits cowboy accent* howdy there jelly bean what are you doin' round these here parts
Evan: Jared what the hell!? *laughing*
Jared: *starts laughing too and is still committing cowboy accent* what? this is how I talk! Ya got a problem with that mister? *laughing so much sksjsksmskk*
Evan: n-no! This is just- *continues laughing*
Jared: *dies laughing and back to normal jared voice* jelly bean is beautiful
Evan: oh welcome back Jared, you got possessed by a cowboy
Jared: Oh my gosh I did?! *finger guns the air and looks around frantically* wOODY I KNOW YOU'RE HERE! I'LL SHOOT!! *trying not to laugh*
Evan: *cant breathe from laughing* oh my god-
Jared: *falls onto Evans lap* ohmygosh *dying laughing* i can't
Evan: *dying laughing* since when could you do all those accents?!
Jared: *shrugs* since forever I guess? I can do a lot more
Evan: oh lord please no
Jared: *giggles* okay okay- what do you wanna do now?
Evan: I don’t knowwwwwww
Jared: *puts jelly bean on the counter* wannaaaaaaa watch a horror movie??
Evan: okay! *sits under the blanket on the Jared’s bed* (it still looks like a movie theater in his room-*
Jared: *sits next to evan and puts on the man man bye*
The first death: wassup
Evan: *clings onto Jared’s arm*
Ali: oh my gosh it's literally the opposite of us
Jared: evan it has barely been 10 minutes in-
-Half way through the movie-
Evan: *screams*
Jared: *wraps his arms around evan* evy do you wanna turn it off? *genuinely concerned*
Evan: n-no it’s fine
Jared: oookayyy... *still worried*
-a bit more than halfway in-
Evan: *falls asleep*
Jared: *gently moves evan so he's laying down, turns off the tv, cuddles him and falls asleep too*
-next Day-
Evan: *wakes up* Jare bearrrr
Jared: *talks in his sleep cause I need to do this* *sleep giggles? Shut up okay* awee my little evy wevy
Evan: *big blush man but laughs and pokes the Jared*
Jared: *awakens and sees thy evan* oh h-hi evan- *big big big blush man*
Evan: how long have you dreamed of me Jare? *smiley boye*
Jared: w-well um- y-you see y-you i- um- *flustered gay distress increces*
Evan: what happened in that little “evy wevy” dream of yours
Jared: nOThIng-
Evan: awe c’mom tell your little Evy Wevy
Jared: *blushes deeper :0* nO-
Evan: okay okay- you can go back to sleep if you want baby
Jared: *is redder than a tomato* baby???? *dying* did you just call me baby??? *dying even more like wtf*
Evan: *shaking his head* mhm
Jared: *hides his face* evan why do you do this to me
Evan: awe because I cannnnn
Jared: oh my gosh *dying blushing woah*
Evan: *kisses thy Jared*
Jared: *kisses thy evan back*
Evan: *kisses his forehead* go back to sleep baby
Jared: fineeeeeeee *lays down with his head on Evans lap and falls asleep*
Evan: *gently moves Jared and lays down*
Jared: *clings onto evan*
Evan: *asleep*
Heidi: Evan sweetie it’s time to come ho- AWWWWWW
Jared: *stays asleep and clings onto evan tighter*
Evan: *whisper yells* mom what the hell! Go away!-
Heidi: I am posting this on Facebook! *walks away*
Jared: *nuzzles evan*
Evan: *goes to get up but Jared won’t let him* Jare, I have to leave
Jared: *still a singular sleep*
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cleaduvalls · 5 years
i watched all 20 episodes of "spy kids: mission critical" twice in about a week and here are my thoughts (pt 1/5)
these will be divided into 4 episodes per post so they stay about the same length as one spy kids movie
no theme song. :/
wow specific location
wow. we love lying to our spouses
greg actually kind of sounds like greg??? like ingrids not right in the slightest but greg sounds like greg
oh yeah i call him greg instead of gregorio bc thats Too Many Syllables
i dunno id rather go on an adventure
oh!!!!! ingrids hair!!!!! cute
they look like friggin iron knuckles from cadence of hyrule
how do you..... classify a move
also why would they teach agents to counter a move that they also taught the agents
dont you mean SWAT
is that tom kenny?????
thats not carmen. i dont care WHAT you say. thats not carmen
shes 14???
since when can he build???
since when do they LIVE at the oss?????
thats a ball. not a blob
oh mood
juni your voice is so squeaky
Every Villain Is Lemons
is this a separate universe????? we already know about the third brain program. and you cant claim that people havent seen the movies cuz theyre ALSO on netflix
the experiment wasnt FUTILE it actually went really well. yall are just cowards
you can destroy gold???? like its not DIAMOND
did golden brain go through childhood??? or did he just.... spawn as an adult????
take a wild guess carmen
why are you wearing jeans in the DESERT????
"sis"??? who says that
oh boy fart jokes already
little brothers, cuz youre younger, were related, and youre boys
did you mutate the agents too?????
oh i feel you juni
oh boy butt jokes
carmen youre 14. where im from you COULD have a job at certain places
is he... gonna kill them?????
oh!!!! the mimicking is back!!!
theres no way you had taco butte in the last 5 minutes
teenagers?????? the franchise is spy KIDS get it right
there SHOULD be, yall are licensed spy kids
roll credits
juni stop trying to be a lone wolf it never works youve seen all 4 spy kids
i want to be her
are you.... knighted?????? or are you just british
hes like 11 what do you expect from him
ahavschaj acemate
carmens FACE she looks HIGH
finger guns???? hes bi
TOM thumb thumb!!!!!!
F L O O P!!!!!!!!!
nvm i want to be HER
im sorry how the H*CK did you just say fegan???????????
and i OOP-
aztec???? bc the aztec death spiral??? nice
maybe im a little biased bc floop but shes my favorite
why are the parents here
who calls it a cuddle bear?????? its a teddy bear what are yall on
oh i love carmens socks
i gotta say im living for goldies aesthetic
haha coward
to be fair hes from the outback, they have friggin emus. those things are creepy
:0 sneaky
nice timing
wow ig there really is no theme song :(
how can he sleep with a TEACUP
i think at some point youd just... fall asleep????
wow big flex
and i OOP-
scorpions so mean i love her
for like 3 seconds that animation looked like a friggin barbie movie
i thought thumb thumbs couldnt hold things???? like thats their whole point
did she hang up on them?????
when your mom said she wouldnt get mad if you tell the truth so you tell the truth and she still gets mad
K A N Y E?????????
oh no they all have died
drowning a chainsaw????????
my parents whenever im tired
did you not hear her name shes clearly immortal
stop yelling
at that point he shoudknt have even been able to drink the milk
why are the spotlights on carmen
*2 hours later*
dont put the phone on the desk????? have you not have a teacher give you detention for that????? i have
i think its pretty obvious what he was dreaming about
in the subtitles the u has the dots but hes not pronouncing it right. it should be more "keurp-ka-kay", not just "coop-ka-kay"
everyone has weird dreams????? step off ace
class lasted for 5 minutes wtf
do the three of them share a phone???? thats what it says in her contacts
ok visage thats a little too far
i hate this dude so much
visage shes allowed to be on her phone shes not in class
psi???? like earthbound????
theyre not wrong
thats?? not possible?????? youre just weak
why are you saying that out loud
dude stop im dying of second hand embarrassment
wait the sign with the transcribed words doesnt have the ü. so how he pronounced it WAS right they just messed up the subtitles
i thought there was only ONE of its kind why do they EACH have one?????
why did so many people lose????? it seems pretty straightforward
also i love her ringtone
is that tom kenny again??????
thats.... not how it works
he should not have made that
so the big reveal is that it was his mom, but how does he know shes a cortez now?????? she was avellan at that point
take a wild guess
spurious??????? why are you using his first name
i dont???? think you can????????
the beats pretty good, im tapping my feet
i love his voice
thats not disco thats TECHNO
actually discos probably right. hes german and in germany clubs are called diskos. the music hes playing is pretty clubby, therefore it would be disco
she has spotify premium???? nice
ooooh scorpion has bed curtains!!!!
why do both cortezes have the floor bed???
how can juni hear aces music???? did his headphones get unplugged????? is it just super loud?????
sounds more like kids music than folk music
HOLY CRAP HES LISTENING TO THE WIGGLES (no offense to the wiggles)
yes hes a heavy sleeper we discussed this last time
he has a bazooka you might wanna run
"carmen is not here" me too carmen, me too
glitch chill
oh yay piss jokes
how does so much stuff come out on the floss
she was asleep???????? take it easy glitch
creative name
also the music sounds like it came right out of cadence of hyrule??????? which could be possible bc the girl who voices glitch also voiced link
glitch its clearly a virus
carmen you can go, psi can handle this
hes so protective of his records im dying
BAHAHA she said "worm?" and ofc my dumb ass thought she meant worm as in "oh worm?"
i had a whole bunch but tumbr decided to delete it and i dont wanna rewrite it so we missed the last 4 minutes of 1.3 and the first 8 of 1.4, sorryyy
it doesnt matter anyway no ones gonna read this
this whole point system was in the fourth movie, get some new plot points
is that really a good idea carmen???
throwback to when i was a kid and wanted to learn australian
oh no they died
sheilas a great name shut up
listen i see mirages all the time in the summer but how do you see a fake building???? its always a puddle of water
yeah the outback STEAKHOUSE
you sound like youre on crack
oh no he died
one time i ate a bug bc i thought it was some leftover dorito i had stuck in my teeth
hes pretty good at shelters, did you not see the second spy kids???
hey he calles him juni!!!
s n e a k y
what even is heat rash?????
nice STEALTH you tell him he has nice STEALTH
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channiekyun · 6 years
chick or chic?//cube ent./pd101//seonho
pairing: yoo seonho/reader genres: fluff, bullet list word count: 1870 summary: “he always stayed by you because of your smile, but what happens when the reason you lose your smile is him?” a/n: i think this is the longest thing i’ve ever posted but, dear by lord i love this boy. pls support him and his debut!!
Tumblr media
baby chick debuting with a mini album?
an hour to write before I fall asleep?
bring it on.
you and yoo seonho have been friends since you were like 6 bc your moms both dropped you off at the same daycare center
how convenient right
but you haven’t met seonho ‘till a while so bear with me here
I like me some backstory to the story
you’ve been coming to the daycare center for 4 months
you were so-so at making friends, kinda shy, but most of the times energetic
like literal spikes of energy could be seen coming out of your back lmao
sometimes you’d be called out on it by some of the kids or supervisors but like
u didn’t care 
anyway, you’ve pretty much gotten your name thrown everywhere in the daycare center 
and you were just playing with blocks and crashing toy cars into them (that’s what kids do right?)
then suddenly some of or supervisors start coming to you with a cake with lit up candles
“happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear (Y/N), happy birthday to you!”
and your 6 yr old brain was all like-huh?
but then they told you to make a wish and you blew out the candles
and you know how things done can’t come undone?
well, there’s your explanation for that being done
and then everyone just started cheering
plus the supervisors were all like: “I can’t believe your already 6, (Y/N)! you’ve grown so much!!~”
but again you’re just like: “im already 6??!??”
but your 6 yr old self just thinks that this atonement for not celebrating your birthday before you even went to the center
keep in mind you’ve only been there for 4 months so
ppl kept crowding you and the adults just starting distributing the cake
and this boy that you’ve never ever seen before sits next to you 
and he just whispers into your ear “it’s my birthday too.”
“oh really? it’s not even my birthday today anyway!” you giggle
and this boy’s like huh
but seonho doesn’t do anything
nuh uh
he likes it when you laugh and smile
so you share your big slice of cake with him and play with him the entire day
you guys got picked up at the same time so your moms were just waiting by the door and you were saying bye and your moms were like “isn’t that just cute aww”
then suddenly one of the supervisors came and started bowing
“I’m sorry Mrs. Yoo and Mrs. (L/N), we switched up (Y/N)’s and Seonho’s birthdays so we ended up celebrating (Y/N)’s birthday today!”
and your moms were just like “that’s fine” but Seonho just looked a tad bit disappointed
and an unhappy Seonho makes an unhappy you so
you started crying, legit out of nowhere bc you felt so bad for him
plus you started screaming stuff like “it’s all my fault” and yea
and the adults try calming you down, but no, that didn’t work
but then seonho comes up and hugs you
and you surely calmed down while you held to his shirt
you felt reassured
and the grown-ups found this amusing
like you only met today but who knew?
next morning you brought a huge cake+a gift for seonho to make it up to him (ofc with your mum’s consent though)
you tell him to open his present and he did
what laid inside was a chick stuffie
it wasn’t big or anything, just average
and seonho’s grateful and all but he asks why you gave him that
“because you remind me of one?” you laugh
he likes to think that that laugh was also a present for him
and you play with him for the rest of the day
fast forward, your moms became acquainted then soon began to hang out with each other
which made you happy bc you got to see seonho more
when you guys were still at the daycare center you would bring him food
like juice boxes
but then like juice boxes turned to chocolate bars and then that turned into muffins
fast forward a little bit more to where you were now, both of you 14 and in high school, and you were still close af
oh and muffins turned to legit rice lunches bc he never had enough to eat lol
and you called him out on it a lot and he would either act offended or not care at all 
that’s where he got his love for food from~
there were a couple loose strings here and there but that happens
you shared secrets, shared friends, shared test answers
you even got close to his brother and he got close to your sibling(s)
but everyone knows there’s gotta be a secret here and there somewhere
but you made several plots at 2AM to get to the bottom of whatever he seemed to hide even though it may not be your business
you were each other’s businesses anyway, right?
seonho had a dream of becoming famous
you admired him for that
and the school was going to be hosting an event where he would be starring in
and you were proud and almost started shedding a few tears
you: *sniff* so proud~~
him: not again (Y/N)
when the day of the show came on, he acted like a stuck up celeb 
and you weren’t sure whether this was all just an act, or if it was just him but you weren’t gonna have this
you pulled him out of the corridor and slapped him just for him to get his sense back+you also gave him his rice box so
during the talent show when seonho was performing with the piano and singing you were videotaping him while standing up 
you: “yeS, WORK IT SEONHO. gUYS THATS MY BEST FRiEND” (a total regina goerge’s mom moment here guys)
you were that extra lmao that seonho was mixed abt what you did but he felt so happy so you just cuddled (non-romantically) at his house after the show
next morning, you were waiting for seonho out of his house so you could walk to school together
but oh
((i tried to look up seonho in a leather jacket and there were no images, pls someone get him into one i will die omfg lord))
and you just walked like you usually do, but this time in silence and no hitting or kicking
was he acting cold again?
he wasn’t talking at all
and even ppl started to stare
you just kind of avoided him for the whole day
it’s the type of thing that would get on celeb headlines: ‘(Y/N) Splits From a Cold Seonho?!?’
you were walking down the hall just mindlessly, wondering what to do with that extra rice lunch you had in your bag
but then you hear a couple girls whispering in a corner:
“oh my god, did you see seonho at the show last night? he has so much talent”
“but like did you see him today? he’s wearing a leather jacket and acting all cold today haha”
“he even drove (Y/N) away today, and they’ve been friends since they got here”
“that’s pretty chic though to be honest lol”
and there were murmurs of agreement to the last girls statement
and once you got outside you started laugh
cuz they just started calling seonho “chic”
you never thought that you would’ve ever lived to the day where someone would call that tall, clumsy, cutesy boy something along the lines of “chic”
but you felt a pang of jealousy when the girl’s started talking about him
yes, you were aware of your own feeling, you weren’t stupid like that
you went to his house, said hello to his mom, and went to his room
you didn’t want to mess around with anything but there was one thing couldn’t keep your eyes off
that chick plush you gave him when you were 6
it was sitting on his bed
you picked it up and admired it but quickly set it down
on the high bookcase shelf there was another chick plush
so you reached for it and looked at it in your hands
it was the exact same one but with a bow? which makes you confused
“what are you doing?” you hear behind you
oh shit
“um-really nothing” you turned around to seonho still in his leather jacket
“uh, then (Y/N), why are you holding that?”
you dropped the plush on the ground
“holding what?”
seonho just looked at the floor, not responding
and naturally..
you took the opportunity to slap him
“why were you acting like that the entire day? why with the jacket, dude??”
and he looked up at you with honest eyes and quietly said “for you”
that’s when your entire world started crashing down
“i thought that if i acted cool you’d like me better, I guess that didn’t work though..” his eyes still tracing an outline of the floor
“you acted cool, just so i would notice you more?”
“i guess.”
and naturally...
you took that opportunity to kiss him
and his eyes grew wide and he just hugs you like you usually would and it was all just so damn perfect
you pulled away and was all like “seonho, honey, I love you but can we get you into that cardigan instead of this stupid jacket”
and he just jeered at you with “I love you too (Y/N) dearie”
that’s how you went from making out with seonho in a leather jacket to cuddling on his bed with seonho in his oversized white cardigan (which was fckn adorable btw)
man, you would love having a relationship with seonho, anyone would tbh
you even spoon fed him the rice lunch you had packed in your bag
his mom would call your mom to tell you what the hell was happening at her house
you and seonho’s mom fangirling over your relationship with each other
at the next show, you and seonho had a duet with him playing the piano and you singing
he got you a matching leather jacket and you were like “ew no,” but after he saw your reaction he made puppy eyes and said “but couple’s outfits” and you just said “i’m sold, just for gags though, seonho”
a happy seonho
a beagle seonho
you match each other so perfectly bc if soulmates were real, and they are, you found your match
one time you were helping seonho catch up on homework in an empty classroom after school and you got curious
“hey, seonho, what was that chick plush doing on top of your bookcase. it looks similar to the one i gave you”
he blushed and shyly said, “i was going to give it to you for your birthday..”
and you just kiss him
and when you pull away you say: “I can’t believe they would call a baby chick chic..”
ps i realized how bad i was at summaries mianhae
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What we’ve always wanted!
wildefire said:If you’re still doing requests I’d like to know if you could do a stucky x reader skit? Where the reader and has a sort of jealous animosity towards the bous, and the rest of the team gets tired of it so they get locked in the gym together?
I hope this is okay. Sorry it’s taken me a while, I kinda struggled with it strangely.
Y/N: Where are you?x
Steve: out with Bucky, why?x
Y/N: Oh... we were meeting for lunch, remember?x
Steve: yes?
- Sorry doll. I completely forgot.
- Bucky says you’re welcome to join us. Will you? Please?x
Y/N: I’m okay, thanks. It was only for a catch up x
I sighed as I walked into the common area with my earphones in, blasting AC/DC. Thanks, Tony. I had’t been back to the tower all day and I’d been avoiding any calls. I just needed to be on my own for a bit. Sometimes I found being an Avenger overwhelming. I wasn’t a ‘super-soldier’ like Steve or an amazing assassin like Natasha. I was a computer geek, a hacker so to speak.
For what seemed like the 100th time my phone rang and I hung up. Suddenly my earphones were pulled out of my ears scaring the hell outta me. “What the-”
Steve frowned down at me, his arms folded over his chest. “Why’d you hang up?”
I rolled my eyes with a sigh. “I’m in the tower. I was gonna come and find you.” I lied, hoping Steve wouldn’t look into it.
“Right, so, you’ve been where, all day?” Steve shrugged his shoulders as he asked in his Cap voice. I rolled my eyes again at him. “Y/N! Stop, with the eye rolling, it’s annoying.” he sighed.
I shook my head, looking him up and down. “Where are you off?” I referred to his appearance.
“Oh, Bucky, Sam and I are going out for the night.” he beamed. My face dropped at his words. “Don’t change th-”
“Are you kidding me?” I creased my brow.
“What?” he shrugged.
“It’s Saturday night.” I said like it was obvious. He shrugged again. “We were gonna watch the next series of Sherlock, together.” I frowned.
“Oh, we’ve already watched it.” Bucky pattered my shoulder as he walked past me. I growled a little as I watched him enter the elevator with Sam.
I turned back to face Steve. “Why’d you watch it with, him? That was our thing.” I frowned.
Steve began laughing at me. “C’mon, doll. I can watch it again with you.”
I shook my head. “No you can’t. You’ve ruined it.” I sighed pushing passed him.
Bucky sighed dramatically. “You’re such a baby...C’mon, Punk. Let’s go.”
After binge watching Sherlock for about seven hours in my room, I headed down to the kitchen to get something to eat. It was well after 1am so most Avengers will have already turned in for the night. “Isn’t, it, past your bed time?” I ignored Bucky as I passed him, Steve, Sam, Natasha and Thor who were in the common area drinking. “See! I told you, she hates, ME!” he laughed.
I stood in the kitchen making myself a sandwich for myself trying to ignore the laughter in the next room. “Okay, what’s up your butt?” Nat asked from behind me.
“Nothing.” I shrugged.
“Y/N, don’t try to lie to me. I know you like the back of my hand.” she smirked as she stood next to me. “Spill, now.” she demanded.
I sighed putting the knife I had in my hand down. “I- I just... feel, I dunno-” I shrugged shaking my head. “Lonely.” I frowned looking up at her. “Without... Steve.” I dropped my head.
“Sexually?” she questioned with a raised eyebrow.
I screwed my face up ‘ewing’ at her. “What? No!” I shook my head almost gagging at the thought of me and Steve.
“OH MY GOD!” Bucky burst out laughing behind us. “That’s, hilarious!” he held his stomach as he bent over laughing. I groaned closing my eyes, wishing the floor would just open up and swallow me whole.
Steve ran into the kitchen along with Sam and Thor, all looking ready for an attack. “What’s wrong?” Sam asked.
“She- her-” Bucky couldn’t talk cause of the laughing. “Brother-”
“Brother?” Steve raised his eyebrow at Bucky before looking at me and Nat. “What’s going on, Y/N?”
I shook my head about to speak but Nat piped up first. “Y/N is lonely, without you.” my eyes widened. “Possibly sexually?”
Steve and I pulled a face of disgust at each other as we stepped away from each-other. Bucky began laughing even more as did Sam. “I do not understand? I thought the two of you were, siblings?” Thor asked.
Bucky managed to calm his laughing down a little. “That’s, what I was trying, to, say.” he snickered. “It’d be like Nat asking me it.” I rolled my eyes at him.
“Well, you and Steve are a lot closer tha-” Nat looked at me, a smirk forming on her lips. “Ah...” I shook my head as I once again picked my sandwich up and began leaving the kitchen. Nat following closely. “Are you jealous?”
“No.” I sighed as I walked into my room, sitting back on my bed. “I don’t hate him, either.”
“You heard, him?”
I nodded taking a deep breath as I placing my plate on the bedside table. “I don’t, hate him, Nat.” I sighed looking down. “Thor was right. Me and Steve were so close at one point, he was like my big brother but, I dunno, ever since Bucky came back into the picture... Steve’s, forgotten me.” I admitted. “I didn’t have a family growing up and Steve was starting to feel like what I was missing.”
“Have you told him? Them?” she sat up looking at me.
I shook my head. “Every time I try to, they go off to do something... I mean, are they fucking?” I blurted out making Nat burst out laughing. I covered my mouth as I began laughing with her.
Nat: Don’t forget training this morning x
- Don’t be late! x
Y/N: Yeah yeah. See you in 5!x
I headed down to the gym to meet Nat for our early training session. After last night I wasn’t really in no mood for anyone. I pushed the door open expecting to see Nat already running on the treadmill or getting somethings out for our session. “Nat!” I shouted. “Nat?” I frowned as I lifted my wrist to look at my watch. “Asshole tells me not to be late.” I muttered.
“Language!” I jumped at the sound of Steve’s voice behind me. He chuckled as he walked over to me. “What you doing here?” he asked dropping his stuff next to me.
“Having a party.” I shrugged. Steve rolled his eyes looking away. “That’s annoying.” I smirked a little, mocking him. “Why are you here? Don’t you usually go for a run this early?” I asked.
He nodded. “Yeah, but Buck wanted to train in here this morning.”
“The hell I did.” Bucky announced his arrival as he burst through the door. Both Steve and I frowned at his loudness. “You, were the one who wanted to train. You said it was a tea, thing.” he shrugged.
Before I could say anything else the sound of the doors being locked caught our attention. “YOU THREE AREN’T LEAVING UNTIL YOU TALK!” Natasha shouted through the door.
“About what?” Steve asked.
“Y/N knows!” Sam shouted.
I sighed shaking my head. Of course she told him. “There’s nothing to talk, about.” I answered.
“Not even the feeling lonely without, Steve?” Bucky smirked at me over his shoulder.
I rolled my eyes as I turned round to take a seat on the bench. “You make me sound creepy, saying it like that.” Bucky began laughing at me, making me annoyed. “Why do you think I hate you?” I asked.
“You do.” Bucky sighed resting his back against the doors.
I shook my head sighing. “I don’t, Bucky. How could I?... you’re lovely.” I smiled at him, making him look away trying to hide his reddening face.
“So, why do you, act, weird around, me?”
“Cause, I’m jealous.” I admitted.
“Of Bucky?” Steve chuckled taking a seat next to me.
“Thanks, Punk.” Bucky frowned at him.
Steve held his hand up in defence before putting his arm around me. “Y/N, you don’t need to be jealous of Bucky.”
“I’m not!” I got up quickly. “No offence dude but, my life is pretty good... apart from my parents dying when I was a kid...” I frowned. “I dunno, ever since you came back into the picture... Steve’s, forgotten me.” I admitted.
“I haven’t forgot about you, Y/N.” Steve admitted. “But, Bucky needs me more than-”
“No, I don’t.” Bucky sighed getting up. I watched him as he walked over to where we were. “Look Steve, I appreciate everything you and everyone has done for me so far but, I’m not a porcelain doll. You can leave me on my own once in a while.” he smiled placing his hand on Steve shoulder before sitting down next to him.
“I know, Buck, I just... worry, about you.” Steve sighed. “I’m sorry... to the both of you.”
There was silence in the gym for a brief moment before Bucky spoke up. “So, what are you jealous of?”
“Hmm... Steve’s like my big brother but I kinda feel like, he was just waiting for you... I didn’t have a family growing up and Steve was starting to feel like what I was missing.”
Bucky sighed getting up form the bench and stepped forwards. He hesitantly lifted his arms and wrapped them around me, pulling me into a hug. “Ya’know, I always wanted a little sister.” he smiled against the top of my head.
I wrapped my arms around him as I smiled into his chest, holding him closer. “Me too.” Steve joined the hug, making me laugh as they squashed me between the two of them.
“GET A ROOM!” Sam shouted, causing the three of us to let go of each other. “AH! What was that for?” I burst out laughing, knowing Natasha probably punched him in the arm for ruining a nice moment.
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130lb Ukrainian Courage pt.19 - Bachelor party cont.
Mandy and Svet are God damn pros. Mandy somehow finds a free booth and whilst Svet slides through the crowd to get to the bar, neither of them missing a beat.
“Right. Hold this booth, do not let anyone steal it.”
Mandy orders her big brother’s, shouting to be heard over the music.
They both nod and sit on either side of the glitter covered table. It is something of a shame that no one in the Milkovich family ever took an interest in football because they would have made incredible defence linesmen. No one would get past them and the few people that try and gesture to the empty seats in the booth they have claimed are quickly dispersed. Iggy lounges back in his chair and gives Mickey a considering look that instantly makes Mickey squirm.
“When did you know you were gay?”
It’s an unexpected question and Mickey sucks his lower lip, wondering how best to answer and whether to answer at all. Ordinarily he’d tell Iggy to mind his own fuckin’ business but he’s in an unusually good mood and his brother coming to a club like this … well, Mickey is a little touched by the gesture. Especially after everything that has happened lately.
“I didn’t. Not til Ian.”
“Seriously? You never looked at any other dude and thought ‘Fuck yeah I’d hit that … whoah! I’m a fag!”  
“Fuck off!”
Mickey shakes his head grinning, middle finger raised to his brother’s face.
“Nah man, I tried hard not to look at anyone or anything. Figured if I ignored it, it’d go away, you know?”
Iggy nods, accepting this as just another odd quirk about his little bro. Iggy isn’t someone who thinks about things too deeply. Not because he can’t, it’s just that he prefers not to. Some people, like Mickey, seem to over think every little thing and get worried about shit easily. Iggy doesn’t get that sort of concern. He often wants to shake his brother and say ‘Man, who the fuck even cares?’. Looking over at him now, Iggy realises that his question has sparked off one of those weird thought spirals Mickey gets and decides to cut it short.
“Hey, Mick?”
“You ever look at my dick?”
“Ew! Fuck you!”
Mickey laughs, rolling his eyes and wishing Mandy and Svet would hurry up. Mission accomplished, Iggy grins and waits for his beer to show up.
On the other side of the room Ian is waiting for his own beer. Debbie went ages ago and Fiona’s hip flask is running dangerously low. Kev and V haven’t touched theirs yet but at this rate they’re going to be buying all their drinks before midnight.
“What’s with the frown?”
Fi leans over and kisses the crease between Ian’s brows.
“Nothing, just … thirsty!”
Ian winces as the word leaves his lips, it is one of many, many words which earn him shots. Thirsty, hung, ball, wood … the list is pretty endless and sure enough Fi, V and Lip start drum rolling on the table as Kev lines him up a sly shot glass of smuggled vodka.
“Fuck! Guys, I’m never gonna make it through the night.”
Ian shuddered as the alcohol coursed through his system. His head felt light and the bright lights of the club seemed to pulse in time with the music, which there was a damn good chance they were. Everything felt too close, not in a bad way, but he’d have felt better if Mickey was there. Lip wasn’t wrong when he teased that Mickey was like a guard dog when it came to Ian, he had been for years really. Since the early days when Ian started working at the White Swallow, Mickey always showed up and watched for trouble. He guarded Ian with a loyalty that Ian had never known from anyone else and now, without Mickey there, the club feels too big, too loud.
“I need to dance!”
He declared suddenly and stood up. He was not going to act like a needy little bitch on his own bachelor party. Mickey was probably out at a dive bar having a great time and Ian would do the same.
Fiona grabbed his left hand, V grabbed his right and together they swayed drunkenly onto the dance floor. Ian felt better as soon as he began to move. It was like poetry, his body responded to the music and took him along with it and his anxieties began to vanish into the rhythms.
“Oh fuck!”
Fiona laughs and Ian grins hazily at her
“Your fiance is here!”
Ian can’t help the hopeful note that enters his voice and V gives him a curious look
“You got more than one?”
Ian shoves her arm playfully and his eyes follow Fiona’s discreet point. Sure enough, there is a little  gaggle of Milkovich’s at a booth on the other side of the dance floor.
“Challenge them to a dance off?”
“Oh shit! West Side Story rumble!”
Fiona screams excitedly
“Bitch, you crazy? I ain’t takin’ on no damn Milkovich in a knife fight! Little fuckers were probably born cradlin’ a blade!”
V shrieks and then flaps an apologetic hand at the wide eyed look Ian gives her
“You know what I mean!”
Ian gives her one more disapproving glance and then looks back to Mickey’s table with a little smile. He had no idea that Mandy was going to bring him to a Gay bar and the fact that Iggy is here too will mean a lot to Mickey, even  if he isn’t letting on.
“You want to go say hi?”
Ian shakes his head, he isn’t being conceited but he knows that Mickey will gravitate towards him once he knows they are both in the same club. He won’t be able to help himself. Ian knows this because it is exactly what he is feeling at this moment and he thinks of all the times Mickey has watched him in clubs and smiles at the thought of quietly watching over Mickey for a change.
Mandy and Svetlana disappear off to the ladies room and Iggy disappears into the cloud of dry ice. Mickey sighs in contentment at the moment of solitude. He checks his phone and sees a message from Ian.
I: Have a great night Sexy.
Mickey smirks and types back quickly
M:U too. Missing ur ass.
Three little dots signifying Ian typing back appear almost immediately and Mickey smiles to himself, pleased that Ian is wanting to talk to him, even on his big night out.
I: Miss urs more. What u doing?
M: Waiting 4 drinks. In Boystown w/ Iggy!!!!
I: No way!? Thats cool of him! Having fun?
M: Yeah. Better if you were here.
I: <3
Mickey hesitates, glances over his shoulder self-consciously and then sends back
M: <3 <3
He puts his phone back in his pocket and drums his fingers on the table top. His earlier level of drunkenness is creeping back up and he realises that he’s got a raging boner pressing against his zipper just at the thought of his fiance.
“Jesus Christ.”
Mickey mutters, spreading his legs, letting his hand casually hang down to cover himself and tries to think of things to distract his stupid dick from its hopeless mission. Looking around he sees a couple of redhead lovers making out and hastily squeezes his eyes shut tight. That ain’t gonna help. Mickey studies his hands for a moment and glances up hoping to see Mandy coming back with more beers, instead he sees Svetlana making out with some chick with a buzz cut and a short leather skirt. Svetlana is grinding up against the woman and rocking her hips suggestively in time with the music.
“Oh thank fuck!”
Mickey sighs in relief and watches them kiss until his body is completely back under his control. He wonders how pissed Svetlana would be to know that he just used her to lose an erection he didn’t want. The thought makes him grin and he practically cackles in delight at the thought of telling her next time she annoys him. Tonight is awesome!  
Iggy reappears a few minutes later with glow sticks, a tub of florescent body paint and missing his shirt. At Mickey’s questioning frown, Iggy waves the tub at him happily
“Traded it for this! Paint me up, bro!”
Mickey takes the little tub of pink paint and curls his lip disdainfully as Iggy puffs out his chest, hands on hips.
“You traded a shirt for this shit?”
“Everyone’s wearing it! Do me, then do you.”
“Pink ain’t my colour man.”
Mickey shakes his head and dips his finger into the paint.
“Yeah well it’s gonna be mine! Make it all trippy and shit, like swirls and stuff ...”
“Uh huh…”
Mickey nods and helps Iggy do a few swirls and dots. The stuff does actually look pretty fricken’ sweet when it dries. Iggy dips his index fingers into the tub and swipes the paint in two high stripes beneath his eyes.
“Do my back!”
Iggy orders and Mickey tongues his lip impatiently. He dabs a few more swirls onto Iggy’s broad back and then gets bored.
“I can feel you slowing down! Just do something fuckin’ big and stop being a bitch.”
Iggy grins over his shoulder and Mickey’s eyebrows touch his hairline and he is about to shove the paint back into Iggy’s hands and tell him to paint his sweaty, gross back himself when he gets a better idea.
“Okay, done.”
Mickey nods and claps Iggy’s shoulder
“Cool! Okay I’m gonna go score us some more coke. Back in a bit.”
Mickey nods and watches Iggy navigate through the crowd, a giant, glowing pink cock running up his spine and erupting in a shower of swirling pink jizz at the base of his neck.
Mandy does a double take as Iggy weaves past her. Laughing, she wonders who the hell did that to him until she sees Mickey using his front camera to dab awkwardly at his face with the same paint.
“Hey! Picasso! Iggy’s gonna kill you!”
She yells, putting down the drinks. Mickey answers her with a wide cheeky grin and hands her the paint pot.
“Can you do me?”
“Cock or no cock?”
“Bitch, if you paint a dick on me ...”
Mandy waves off the last of the unfinished threat with a giggle and gestures for Mickey to sit.
“Check you out getting into your party!”
“Yeah. Thanks by the way.”
“No problem.”
Mandy is utterly relieved that Mickey is having a good time. Neither of them have ever had a birthday party or anything like this before and she just wanted it to be right for him.
“Have you seen Svet?”
“Muff diving a skin head.”
Mandy rolls her eyes but it doesn’t really matter. Mickey and Svetlana get on okay but she knows Mickey isn’t really going to care whether she actually hangs out with them or not. It’s enough that she came.
“Iggy’s getting some coke.”
“Cool! I’ll stick with my version!”
Mandy lifts her cola bottle and winks at her brother who grimaces
“Sure you don’t want me to find the fucker who knocked you up and knock his teeth out?”
He yells over the music and Mandy scrunches his hair in mock annoyance before smoothing it back.
“I’m getting you a dance!”
“I’m getting you a DANCE!”
“No … Hey! Mand … Fuck!”
Mickey watches her go with mounting horror. He’s pretty fucking trashed but he’s not that trashed, not even close and Mickey realises that the only way to avoid having some Twinks junk shoved in his face is to disappear. He can see the tip of a familiar fluorescent penis a few paces away and lunges, grabbing Iggy’s arm and dragging him into the booth.
“You’re getting a dance! Don’t fuckin’ move!”
“Right on! I want a Bear! Get me a big guy!”
Iggy spreads his arms welcomingly and Mickey takes his opportunity to run.
Ian watches as Mickey darts into the crowd and tried to follow his movements but the smaller man is quickly swallowed in the throbbing mass of dancers. He wants to follow but Lip is pulling at his sleeve and Ian allows his eyes to turn reluctantly to his brother.
“Your present is here!”
“My what?”
“Your present! Your stripper!”
“Oh fuck!”
Ian rolls his eyes but grins lopsidedly as Lip and Kev push and pull him back onto a couch. Ian looks around for the college kid trying to earn some extra cash. All of a sudden, two powerful thighs are straddling Ian’s lap and he looks up at the beautifully built man above him.
“Hey babe. I’m Steve!”
Lip answers for his brother who is struck momentarily speechless. The guy is built like a boxer, maybe thirty-five years old, with dark eyes and a shock of jet black hair swept back. He has tattoos up his arms and when he turns around, there is another peeking out of the sequin trunks. Ian closes his eyes and tries to guess what the illustration on the perfect, muscular ass might be.
V, Fiona and Debbie are all cheering and Kev is watching with a calculating fascination but all Ian can do is grip the faux leather seat pat beneath his thighs and pray that he doesn’t humiliate himself entirely.
“You can touch if you want to, beautiful.”
Steve’s voice is soft, but not South Side – not even Chicago. He sounds Southern or certainly heading towards that way. Ian shakes his head softly
“It’s my bachelor party.”
Steve gives him a nod of understanding and Ian settles back to watch him, feeling better about the whole thing. Once upon a time he would have loved this, but at best all he can say is that he doesn’t really mind it. Maybe it is all the horrible shit that has gone down the last few weeks, maybe it is just that he is truly committed to Mickey and their relationship now, but whatever it is, Ian doesn’t really want anything that Steve has to offer. Yes, he is gorgeous (Ian had heard Lip say something about being ‘like a tonk version of Mickey’) but he wasn’t Mickey and so Ian just didn’t have that much interest.
All the same, he tips heavily and grins lasciviously at all around him as if he has just had the treat of his life.
“Wanna ride the bull next?”
Lip asks, nodding toward one of the back rooms and Ian shrugs. He’s heard of the famous mechanical bull of boys town, a way to show off your wears all in the name of ‘good fun’ and most who ride it are looking for something more than a round of applause. On the other hand, it’s his party and Steve has hashed his buzz a little, so Ian figures he could do with livening up and he’s pretty sure he’ll look hot as Hell on it and if Mickey happens to see then maybe they can sneak off after ...
“Sure! Why not?”
He grins and hops on Lip’s back pointing dramatically onward
“Let’s go!”
He glances around for Mickey as he makes his way through the crowd and at one point swears he sees a guy wearing Mickey’s shirt but tells himself not to be ridiculous – plenty of guys wear button downs like that, it doesn’t mean it’s Mickeys.
“Holy fuck!”
Lip stops so suddenly Ian walks into the back of him with a soft thud. He is about to ask what is going on when he sees what it was that caused Lip’s freeze.
Beneath the pulsing blue and white lights, hips writhing and hands locked behind his head, Mickey Milkovich is riding the bull.
He isn’t just riding it.
He. Is. Riding. IT.
Ian feels his dick leap in his pants, so startling in it’s immediacy that it actually makes him gasp. He has never seen his boyfriend look so fucking sexy.
His teeth are set in his lip in concentration and his eyes are closed, biceps bulging out of a sleeveless Hawaiian shirt that he definitely did not own when the night started.
“What is it with him and those shirts?”
Lip yells over the music and although it is a question Ian would also like an answer too, his mouth is far too dry to try and speak. Mickey’s got body paint across his face, chest and arms in a series of neat patterns that make it look like his is glowing from within and in a way, that is exactly what he is doing.
Ian’s eyes trail down Mickey’s body, to his hips which are moving in ways that make Ian swear that first thing in the morning he is buying a full length mirror for their room and setting it up next to the bed. And further down, to his thighs, each thick with muscle gripping the plastic sides of the bull with a force that has several nearby men palming their pants and looking very, very fucking interested in just how much static force those isometrics can create. Even Lip is looking grudgingly impressed.
“I can see why you look so happy sometimes.”
He yells up at Ian who thumps him playfully on the arm.
Ian is about to say something back when a movement catches his eyes and a tall, built, red-head dashes across the padded area around the bull and leap frogs up behind Mickey, wrapping his hands around is waist and moving in perfect rhythm.
“Oh fuck!”
Ian looks round wildly for a bouncer, Mickey is having an amazing night and some asshole is about to ruin it by pissing him off and getting the shit kicked out of his grabby ass.
“Lip, do something! Mickey’s gonna fuckin’ kill that prick!”
Ian cries but Lip shakes his head and nods back to the bull.
“Seems okay to me.”
Ian whirls back to face the bull and jealousy floods his mind. Mickey is not beating the shit out of the guy, he’s leaning back into him, a small smirk on his lips and letting the guy bend him forward slightly …
Ian is moving before he has fully realised what he is about to do. He yanks the redhead off and his fist connects with fashionably stubbled jaw sending him sprawling backwards. He is dimly aware of Mickey calling his name, Lip pulling at his arms and the leap-frogger trying to crawl away but more than anything, Ian is aware that someone was trying to violate what is his.
Tattooed fingers grip the fabric of his shirt and push him backwards, Ian’s heel catches on one of the safety mats and they crash over backwards together. Mickey lands on Ian’s chest with a soft ‘OOF!’ and Ian wraps his arms around him tightly.
“You’re okay. You’re okay Mick.”
He mumbles into the dark hair beneath his lips, squeezing Mickey’s arms as he slowly comes back into himself and the room around him.
“I know I am! What the fuck you playing at?”
Mickey pushes himself upright and runs a hand through his hair, looking around them. No one is staring, fights are not uncommon, and Lip seems to be smoothing things over with the security guard. The would-be suitor seems to have dragged himself away to lick his wounds or find someone to lick them for him and even the bull is still.
“What the fuck was that?”
“He was touching you and then he bent you forward like ...”
Ian shakes his head and presses his lips together.
“Hey. Hey fuck it man, it’s okay. I wasn’t in any trouble but its nice to know you got my back.”
Mickey lifts his lips in a small smirk and ruffles Ian’s hair.
“I’m sorry I spoiled it for you. Jesus. You looked really hot too.”
“You looked really …”
The music swells as Ian wrinkles his nose in annoyance.
He bellows and Mickey nods, offering him a hand up.
The bathroom wasn’t much quieter but once Ian had them walled inside one of the tiny cubicles, the outside world felt at least a little muffled.
“You okay?”
Mickey asks as soon and Ian sits down on the toilet seat and pulls Mickey onto his lap, burying his head in the shorter man’s chest. He laughs a little at the question. So typical of Mickey to worry about Ian first.
“Yeah. Fuck. I’m so sorry, Mick.”
“Don’t worry about it. He had about two inches left of wandering hands before I did it myself.”
Mickey grins and kisses the top of Ian’s head.
“Did you enjoy your dance from that gorilla guy?”
“You saw that?”
Mickey raises an eyebrow
“I saw the beginning of it but uh … I’m kind of jealous. Figured it’d be best if I didn’t stick around.”
Ian laughs and rolls his eyes
“Turns out I’m a jealous fucker too.”
“Comes from a good place, man. You sure you’re okay?”
Ian nods. He doesn’t want to get into the weird feeling that crept over him so suddenly when that guy was manhandling Mickey but somehow he knows that Mickey gets it. Even calling it a good place, when they both know there was probably a lot of dark shit at play. That’s the thing with Mickey and Ian, when one of them is lost, the other one always gets it.
“You wanna go dance?” “You serious? Mickey Milkovich asking me to dance in a club?”
“Alright. Fuck you, go dance by yourself...”
Mickey pretends to get up and Ian tugs him down with a noise of distress.
“Hang on! First you need to tell me where you got that shirt.”
Mickey grins cheekily and thumbs his bottom lip
“Arm wrestled for it.”
Ian laughs
“Cause it’s sexy and I like the colours.”
“Fuckin’ weirdo.”
Ian kisses Mickey, both of them smiling into the warmth of it.
After a minute Mickey gets off Ian’s lap, dropping to his knees and working at the belt buckle holding up Ian’s pants.
“Fuck dancing. I can think of something better to do ...”
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 1 episodes 1 & 2
Notes by me 😊
- episode 1
- i just watched the movie like 2 seconds ago so im diving right in here folks lets fuckin goooooo
- poker in the SGC
- how much longer after the movie does this take place?
- nobody believes the lady. Typical
- the gate reveal when the tarp fell off🔥
- lol this is so 90s
- these guys dont work for Ra do they? The costumes are different
- woa his eyes glow like Ra. Same species? Maybe?
- welp now what. They took that poor lady
- this theme💖💖
- i dont know how I feel about different actors here
- I love RDA from MacGyver but Jack seems very stiff acting wise
- as soon as this guy mentioned "stargate" hes all ears
- he keeps saying "im retired" I dont think he knows that theres like 10 more seasons
- mention of abydos!
- this Jack is alot more sarcastic....i like him
- "Over a year" ah ok so its a year later
- "Daniel was a scientist. He sneezed alot. Basically he was a geek" LMFAO YEAH
- wait wasnt Daniel an archeologist and not a scientist
- alright you can stop busting his balls sir. Daniels alive and well on abydos so pls try not to nuke the place
- this general is an ass
- this is so funny with all these new actors
- "skaara" 💗💗
- oh damn I forgot his son died
- waiting on daniels reply. If he replies
- "thanks send more" IM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOOOUUUU
- a woman??? Oooo I feel like I'm going to love her probably. Is she the token woman of the series
- her name is Sam I already love her
- cool! The sexism from what are supposed to be her fellow soldiers is fun to watch
- this is just 8 minutes of her 'proving' that she belongs and I hate it
- Jack and Sam have future lover tropes👀👀 I have a feeling they are going to be good friends tho
- Operation Bring Back Daniel
- abydos status: still a desert
- DANIEL!!!!
-????? This guy acts exactly like james spadder are we sure hes not channeling his spirit somehow
- omg hes so cute??? The floppy hair. glasses boy. Little bean. Little muffin boy. Babey
- AHHH its skaara! Different actor? I cant tell
- share is DEFINITELY a different actress
- omg her and Daniel. So cute
- daniels reaction to sams nerd status
- sha're ??? Is so???? Into Daniel?? And u know what girl thats fair hes adorable.
- party on abydos!🥂
- LMFAO sha're letting everyone know EXACTLY who Daniel belongs to
- "captain-doctor" you can just say one Daniel its fine
- more gate symbols means more planets!
- "I knew id like you" best friends already????? Dont mind if i do
- *nerd talk*
- pls dont kill sha're and skaara I dont think i can take sad daniel
- the budget for this show is poor but they really did their best I guess
- oh its the same snake dude from the sgc
- what do you want with them ya weirdo!!
- Bossy!jack
-love the tape on daniels glasses🤓 Peak Geek
- "nothing good can come thru this gate!"
"You came thru, daniel"
Im literally sobbing
- group hug bye world
- i was right I cant take sad daniel
- woa they have a shield? "Iris" cool
- hammond is mad at Daniel for leaving in the first place. Lets see how he gets outa this one lads
-- to be continued --
- Episode 2
- Hey its the soldier lady! This probably isnt gonna be good
- they just stripped her i am so very uncomfortable
- rip soldier lady :(
- this henchmen dude looks like hes having second thoughts about his job lol
- more aliens like Ra who pose as Gods. Are they the worm things like what that lady has. Thats gross.
- everyone rolls their eyes when Daniel speaks. Is it bc hes a nerd. Nerds are usually right pls listen to him
- I'll get banger content with Daniel on the team bc hes the perfect specimen for Needs To Be Protected Because He Is Babey And Has No Combat Experience and a bitch knows thats my favorite type of character
- Jack pushing Daniel ahead of him. They have Big Brother - Little Brother vibes and I live for that
- sneezy!Daniel
- "im not afraid of you!" Thats right sha're!!! No fear!!!😤
- god poor skaara :(
- Daniel in his liddle uniform
- lmao Jack not listening to Daniel rant about symbols
- SHIT sha're was chosen. Also this henchmen dude looks like he does NOT wanna be here
- "she was a gift" not a good way to describe how you met your wife
- Hey Daniel how about dont run up to random strangers. Its episode 2 and you are already so dumb
- is he multilingual? I feel like I knew that but I dont remember
- dinner party! Good im hungry
- "I have no idea" fav Daniel line 💖
- sha're!!! Queen?
- sha're said YEET and chucked Daniel across the room
- Daniel and skaara hug!
- this fuckin henchmen guy
- apophis is the bad guys name
- what the fuck is a goauld
- "Jack help me please" I'm crying in the club
- the henchmen guy nodded?? At Jack??? And Jack nodded back??? What is this
- "something of the host must survive?" The desperation.....
- oh shit not skaara
- Jack bonked by Big Stick
- "I can save these people! Help me" oh my goodddddd
- daniels glasses askew
- Jack just full on adopted this henchmen
- his name is Tealc!!!! You are now an O'Niell congrats
- hes a 'Jaffa'
- "infant goauld" what the fuck
- he cant take it out so its always with him.......he is pregnant 😌
- I already love him???? Alien man ready to murder the people who enslaved him??? Like FAV trope writers good job
- these effects for the fire fight are actually really good
- Kowalski to the rescue!
- skaara :(
- when Daniel finds the symbols in his little book and hes like oh there they are haha and the rest of them are like DIAL IT ALREADY
- "come on!!!" Impatient!Sam
- at least they got all those people out
- I couldnt be happier with daniels status as Smol Babey of sg1 ✨ its really making my day
- tealc came with them!!! Hes gonna stay right? RiGHT
- group hug for the team!
- Jack found a new best friend in Pregnant Worm Guy
- he wants him to be on the team!!!!! Shut up this is awesome!!!
- a cute shot of the new team in front of the gate💖
- what an episode! A good start to what I'm sure will be an amazing series
Whump under the cut
Daniel jackson whump: shot by Big Stick thing, thrown across room, weak, unconcious, crying, coughing
Jack Oniell whump: hit in face by Bi Stick thing, thrown on ground by hand weapon thing, worried
0 notes
rurounidrift · 7 years
Aug 2 Blurr’s Horror Stream - The Void
Drift wasn’t actually here tonight. Tyran Drift was though!
Maybe next time Drift will meet him.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. B l u r r: / stomping heels are on the way. He's got datapads stacked in one claw, the other holding rolls of maps. Grade A professor here / A113N: Homework, Blurr? B l u r r: Hardly. /scoffs and tries to balance everything/ More like tasks to assign. A113N: Looks like a lot of tasks. Got people doing overtime? XP B l u r r: As of lately, I've been the only person doing overtime.. A113N: But you're the captain? That's lame. Better get everyone to work! B l u r r: ... Yes, that's the intention. /using his heel to kick a datapad back onto the pile / A113N: Glad you stil have time for the movie. Its been a while since I've been to one of these. boomtank: -is going to see if he can actually stay the entire movie this time- Wing: *he tired* B l u r r: Of course I show movies. I just don't really pay attention half the time. I'm busy. A113N: Being busy isn't fun. But getting busy is~~ ;) B l u r r: ... Ew. Wing: *there is an empty chair here with his name on it this time. yes there is* A113N: *chirps at wing* Are you the Wing that I've been talking to recently? drift changed their nickname to TyDrift. Wing: Could be. We went on a trip with that ship's crew to the other world a while back? A113N: Yes! Wing: *tired smile* Allen! I didn't know you'd be here. B l u r r: / anyway. Settles on his couch. Drops all his stuff down to work on / A113N: ...lively crowd. (did you turn everyone into zombies, blurr?) >;) A113N: I didn't expect that I would be there. But I'm glad to see you, Wing Wing: I'm glad to see you, too. Both of you. A113N: Both? Me and who else? If you were taling to someone else, i missed it B l u r r: Me, nitwit. /sticks energon stick in mouth and starts spreading things out on a table/ Wing: *headshake* No, sorry. You and Blurr. *he's tired shoosh* A113N: Oh, yes. Always good to see Blurr. *looks at blurr and smiles* Right, Blurr?~~ B l u r r: I will kill you in ten seconds flat if you hit on me one more time. B l u r r: / chewing energon stick/ Always good to see you too, Whirl. /smirks at. Hisses at Allen / A113N: .... Whirl??? B l u r r: Wing*** A113N: *hisses back at Blurr* B l u r r: [[ sorry im working on something ]] B l u r r: [[ trying to get my notes wrapped up before this [[ A113N: ur good. i thot blurr was teasing allen)) A113N: by calling him someother name. idk)) B l u r r: [[ nah he was talking to Wing ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave peers into the room, checking for sorts he doesn't want to be near* Wing: ((omgs)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Any Ratchets?* Sideswipe: [ loud AHEM behind Soundwave ] Sideswipe: You wanna move, twiggy? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No.]] A113N: *snorts at sides and sounders. heh* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Stays there longer.* Sideswipe: You wanna BE moved? Wing: *soft vents* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Lifts one arm.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Walk under if it's so important.* Sideswipe: ... [limbos under that and skates into the room ] A113N: *oh, its getting interesting in here now* boomtank: -he's awake, he swears- boomtank: -for the moment- ItsyBitsySpyers: *Seems to be okay. Trudges in and takes his seat.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Sheds half a million deployers, or so it seems.* A113N: *!!! minis! so cute! and deadly!* Sideswipe: [ skids on his wheels and looks around ] This place turns into more of a dump the more I see it. boomtank: -stares as 'wave loses half of his weight and bulk- B l u r r: / wiggles claws at Soundwave and co. / B l u r r: Oh, Soundwave. I have something interesting for you. B l u r r: [ is everyone ready? ]] Wing: ((yee)) boomtank: ((yeah Sunstreaker: ((my connection is a little unstable but I'm here!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...What is it.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *is ready* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((er. that should've been parentheses)) B l u r r: It's something you'll like. Claws out, mech. A113N: *sits by wing and leans helm on* :) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Hesitantly holds them out* B l u r r: [[ okay we start now ]] Sunstreaker: /just gonna follow in after Sideswipe/ Why are we back here again? Sideswipe: I came for the food. B l u r r: / reaches out claw and sets a metal case in Soundwave's servos / B l u r r: It's this music box that holds recorded musical history from the planet we recently raided. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Big red exclamation point on visor. He's gonna peek at it.* Sideswipe: ... Movie seems interesting. [grabbing snacks and wheeling over to a couch ] Sideswipe: C'mon, Sunny. Sunstreaker: ... If you say so. Looks messed up to me. /following him anyway/ A113N: D: boomtank: ...isn't that flamable...? Sideswipe: C'mon. It's more action than I've seen in weeks. boomtank: ....yeah, never mind, movie answered me Wing: *he doesn't mind that at all. fact, he might lean a little too* A113N: *soft purr at Wing* B l u r r: Well, I thought you'd like it, Soundwave. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He does. Thank you.]] B l u r r: Mm, good. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Into the subspace it goes. And when he gets home (and makes sure there's nothing spywise in it) it'll go on a shelf.* B l u r r: / wiggles claws at Wing again / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Which is something of an honor.* Wing: *bleary optics but he caught that. little wave* Everything okay? B l u r r: Mm for the most part. B l u r r: / sticks another stick in his denta and spreads out maps/ Wing: *watches Blurr*... Are you okay? B l u r r: Mm? More or less. Just been logging courses. Sideswipe: [ flops down and immediately starts munching on snacks ] boomtank: ......? TyDrift: [just going to quietly walk in late and find a seat, don't pay him any mind] B l u r r: / pays lots of mind. Perks helm up, stick still in his mouth/ A113N: the fuk? B l u r r: / chokes on the energon stick / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...What...]] TyDrift: don't  start blurr B l u r r: Well well well, look who got dragged in. K-Kyeheheh. Wing: *oh* boomtank: ....... TyDrift: ... TyDrift: [ maybe he should leave ] boomtank: That...probably could have gone better B l u r r: / no no stay / Sideswipe: ... [swats Sunny ] Dude. A113N: the poor kid Sideswipe: [ leans over to mumble ] That guy looks like he's from our verse. B l u r r: Aww, his first murder scene? B l u r r: That cop is shady as frag. boomtank: Communications are out. That's not good. Sideswipe: Hey. [throws a snack at TyDrift] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A ghost. Really.]] TyDrift: [glares at sideswipe] was that really necessary boomtank: That's no ghost boomtank: Too solid Drift: ((too stabby)) boomtank: ((yup TyDrift: Where are your guns ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...They aren't going to lock the - Primus below.]] A113N: Who the what the? Sideswipe: It got your attention, right? boomtank: WHAT was THAT?! Sideswipe: [ leans forward to look at tyDrift ] What's your name? Otherwise, I'm gonna name yah. B l u r r: / chewing on another rust stick/ B l u r r: This is getting exciting... Are they monsters? A113N: *seeing blurr munch on those rust sticks makes him want one* B l u r r: What a survivor... I've survived worse stabs before. A113N: *he's just gonna eye blurr for one* TyDrift: [sideeyes] ... Drift A113N: oh frag no. the frag? TyDrift: Doesn't the cop have a gun? A113N: ugly ogranic A113N: burn it! boomtank: Are...what...no. Just no. boomtank: Don't stab the medic ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Idiot.]] boomtank: What did I just say? A113N: thats all fragged up boomtank: Ohno B l u r r: K-Kyeheheheh. B l u r r: A monster. I hope it wins. /rubs claws together / Sideswipe: Drift, huh? [ tilts helm ] Don't think I've ever met you before. Drift: ((flickering :/)) boomtank: -staring in mild horror- Drift: ((will alert when the flickering is over)) ItsyBitsySpyers: thx)) TyDrift: [just going to.. cover his mouth] B l u r r: /Ugh does it have to go for the eyes?/ B l u r r: / rubbing optic and optic patch / boomtank: Primus have mercy, that thing is nasty looking ItsyBitsySpyers: can someone summarize please?)) Drift: ((still flashing wildly)) Drift: ((the dude with the axe followed a monster and is now hacking it up)) TyDrift: there's flashing... and chopping... Drift: ((i can't tell who the dudes are, i think they're the pack of folks with the guns that suddenly busted in)) Drift: ((monster's dead. so's the monster's victim.)) Drift: ((okay, flashing's done)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((thank you)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They are quickly running out of humans.]] boomtank: And now the medic is dead too B l u r r: Good. Humans are disgusting. TyDrift: ((that lasted way too long jfc)) boomtank: And the other human TyDrift: Not all humans. Sideswipe: Stuff's gross. [wheels over to where tyDrift is sitting and flops next to him ] B l u r r: Pretty much all of them. boomtank: Um? boomtank: What...just happ-oh they burned it TyDrift: [continues to side-eye] can I help you? Sideswipe: Not really. [chews on another snack ] I'm Sideswipe. Wing: *tired frown* A113N: *pats Wings hand* B l u r r: Oh for pit sake, why do these people always choose the wrong time to eject the parasite? TyDrift: [looks over at sunstreaker] and that's your... brother, I'm assuming? TyDrift: Why don't you go sit with him. Sideswipe: Yeah. He's my twin. [ frowns a little ] ... I dunno. We've been split apart for a long time hiding, so. Sideswipe: Being close together again is a little... overwhelming. TyDrift: [aand he's covering his mouth again] Wing: *here just let him curl his fingers around that hand because it's good to have someone near, even if he's tired as all hell* boomtank: oh that's not good TyDrift: [sideswipe] alright. Just... don't chew too loud TyDrift: (or maybe do this, is stressful) Sideswipe: [ light chewing ] So... You're from Tyran, right? You look like it boomtank: That sounded more like a threat TyDrift: Yes. Were you on Earth? TyDrift: [covers his mouth] TyDrift: Primus just do it or don't boomtank: They're getting information Sideswipe: ... Still am yeah. Sideswipe: On Earth, I mean. TyDrift: Oh? Where? boomtank: .... Sideswipe: Hiding, honestly. Sideswipe: I move around. Waqs alone for a while. TyDrift: is he B l u r r: What in the pits... B l u r r: Look, maybe people shouldn't have parasites. B l u r r: Look at the drama it causes. TyDrift: I think the problem is more the TIMING, Blurr... B l u r r: They're disgusting. B l u r r: And come at the most inopportune moments. boomtank: Oooookay no A113N: DDDD::::: A113N: zombie babaies!!!! Wing: ((how did she not feel that)) boomtank: That's just nasty TyDrift: [no more words, just blank, wide eye staring] A113N: organics are sick and gross. imagine them putting some nasty undead thing in side of your frame! B l u r r: See? Disgusting. Wing: *soft little sounds of oh no* boomtank: Allen, please don't make this worse A113N: *chuckles* A113N: /that/ would be a horror movie~ A113N: sick B l u r r: / eiugh... he's going to focus solely on his maps / TyDrift: I'm in hell boomtank: Yes, it would be. Now. Do...ohPrimus Sideswipe: Really? Sideswipe: That's what your idea of hell is? boomtank: Yeah, no TyDrift: Pretty close TyDrift: ((omgv no odn'yt cut the *** stomach)) A113N: that is one ugly SOB Sideswipe: I dunno. I've seen worse hells. A113N: what the slag? Sideswipe: Dude just swing the axe. Sideswipe: Tch. First mistake, you left your weapon. TyDrift: Why did you leave the ax, why boomtank: So. Yeah. This is messed up Sideswipe: Axe is second to a sword, but you had something good there. Sideswipe: Humans... boomtank: But I really don't know what is going on TyDrift: Mmm TyDrift: See?! You left it, and now they have it Wing: ((not gonna lie, I'm gonna be pissed if she lives)) boomtank: . . . boomtank: Nope. boomtank: Nooooope A113N: ???? boomtank: That is disgusting TyDrift: ... B l u r r: See? That's what having those parasites do to you. B l u r r: Disgusting. Sideswipe: ... Hatchlings aren't even that bad. A113N: Oh, come on, Blurr. You secretly wanna have one of those things in your tanks~ *snickers* Sideswipe: They can be pretty entertaining... when they're a little older. B l u r r: ... Ew, no. boomtank: What the....? A113N: heheheheh boomtank: So, he's the only one left alive? Wing: *well, he had been drifting off until Allen said that*... Can you? TyDrift: The girl who left her weapon is somehow still alive... A113N: Can I what, Wing? boomtank: ...how? B l u r r: This girl is annoying. Wing: Create life like them. A113N: well, probably. not organic in our case... unless theres some way you can make on in a test tube... which they probably can boomtank: Um.... A113N: but i hear some cybertronians can have younglings A113N: that cop dude should have went to the other hospital Wing: *curious look. but he's still too tired for this* So had I... Remind me to ask you about it later. A113N: :O TyDrift: What... boomtank: -scooting back into the seat- A113N: ugliest thing ive ever seen boomtank: YEAH boomtank: What...what was that thing? TyDrift: But... that other girl... boomtank: Actually. Never mind. I don't want to know. TyDrift: ... Is she going to be revealed as a creature too? B l u r r: If you're going to murder someone, murder them right. B l u r r: Clearly, you've never murdered someone, Daniel. Sideswipe: Humans have no problem murdering people... [ chews another snack ] Just so you know. TyDrift: [ he wpm boomtank: So...um....what just happened? TyDrift: [he won't agree or disagree with that statement] boomtank: Are....all the bodies going to pop up like that? boomtank: Oh, she got her ax back Sideswipe: I dunno who to root for, honestly. Sideswipe: Kinda rootin' for the monsters. A113N: root for the trees! :D TyDrift: ... but boomtank: Well then. I still have no idea what was going on in that movie. TyDrift: that's it? TyDrift: I came into this movie with questions, and left with many more unanswered boomtank: Think so? B l u r r: I'm sure that means the monsters won B l u r r: Which means a point for me! Kyeheheheh. TyDrift: Well I guess that means you got what you wanted B l u r r: Of course! I love when monsters win. boomtank: M'kay boomtank: That was interesting Sideswipe: Wow, for once the infamous dog wins. TyDrift: [he has to go walk this movie off] Wing: *streetches. he really needs a berth* Sideswipe: Wait uh... Drift, right? TyDrift: [forget all the human... dismemberment] TyDrift: Mhm boomtank: I'm...gonna go now. Thanks for the movie, g'night Sideswipe: ...Is your place safe? B l u r r: / waves claw at / boomtank: ((thanks for the stream, I gotta sleep now, g'night! B l u r r: [[ ni ni ! ]] TyDrift: ((night!)) TyDrift: I haven't had any troubles yet, if that's what you're asking. Sideswipe: [ nudges wheel against the ground ] Huh... Must be peaceful where you're at. TyDrift: Mm. Hardly. A113N: night night guys. thanks for hte movie, blurr mun!)) B l u r r: night! ]] Wing: ((niiiiiight fuzz)) TyDrift: ((waves ♥)) Sideswipe: Yeah, here either. [ huffs ] You got other Autobots with you? TyDrift: Yes, three... And I'm assuming you travel with your brother? Sideswipe: Until recently, I was alone. But, I met Sunny up again. Wing: *aaaand he needs to be gone* Thanks again... And take care of yourself. Sideswipe: I had a group with me, but... [ shrugs a shoulder ] You know. Humans get what they want. B l u r r: / waves at Wing / Oh, take some snacks with you. Wing: *blink* Are you sure? *he doesn't look sure* B l u r r: Of course. TyDrift: I'm sorry to hear that. We must endeavor not to judge all humans as a whole though. As frustrating as it may be at times... TyDrift: ... If you ever need a place to hide, I can give you and your brother some coordinates. Sideswipe: ... Yeah, I'm not really gonna do that. I'm gonna judge 'em all. Sideswipe: [ scoffs and moves to stand ] They're all scum unless their names are Lennox, Epps or Sam. Wing: *he looks over those snacks and... eventually caves* Thanks. *he won't take many though. maybe two or three* B l u r r: / smirks and nods / B l u r r: See you next time! B l u r r: and... take care of yourself, too. Wing: *little wave and out he goes. for slep* TyDrift: [narrows optics] And I suppose you are free to do that. But you will lose out on many allies if you keep to those ways. Sideswipe: My allies are dead, mech. You're lookin' at the last of the Autobots. Sideswipe: That and Jazz. [points at Blurr ] Who that one is keeping locked up. B l u r r: He is /not/ locked up. He's free to go back to his destroyed Earth any time. TyDrift: [exasperates sigh] b l u r r B l u r r: Leave me out of that. TyDrift: Fine [stands to leave] B l u r r: Don't be so sour. B l u r r: You're always so quick to judge. TyDrift: [pointedly ignores in favor of speaking to sideswipe] TyDrift: Hopefully next time we meet it will be in better company B l u r r: / smirks and moves to stand./ Sideswipe: ... Oh, I'm usually the worse company. I just show up to make myself feel better. B l u r r: What a pity. He doesn't like me. /mock sadness/ What's the matter, Drift? You don't remember what great pals we are? TyDrift: [still ignoring him] You can't be any worse than the mechs I already have to deal with. Sideswipe: [rumbles engine a little ] I guess so... [ tilts helm ] Sideswipe: Maybe we can meet up ome other time... [ gritting denta a little ] Sideswipe: *some B l u r r: / reaching over to flick claws by Drift's helm / TyDrift: Yes, I think that would be for the best [narrows optics and swats blurr's claws away, refusing to look at him] Do you want I should link you my contact? Sideswipe: Sure. Yeah. Sideswipe: [ narrows optics and vents steam out of his nasal ] B l u r r: / smirks and just hovers behind Drift / TyDrift: [sends sideswipe a brief soft range comm, enabling him to save the link for long range later] It was nice meeting another from my universe. I hope to see you again sometime. Hopefully soon. TyDrift: [ and hopefully without a certain hovering mech, ruude ] Sideswipe: ... Yeah. [nods helm ] I'll share it with Sunny. He might need help more than me. B l u r r: / is not rude. Iswaiting impatiently for his turn / TyDrift: My allies and I will do what we can to help, regardless. [glances to the side] Now, if you'll forgive me, I have something that need my attention. It was nice talking with you. TyDrift: Don't hesitate to comm Sideswipe: ... Thanks, Drift. [huffs at him a little ] Yeah, I can see that. Good luck with that. [ turns on his wheels and yanks his brother out with him ] TyDrift: [ turns to blurr and just... stares, disapprovingly ] TyDrift: [crosses arms] did you have something to say or were you just hovering for the sake of hovering B l u r r: / smirks in his face / I'm surprised you came over. TyDrift: [rolls his optics]  was I not supposed to come? B l u r r: Oh no no, you can come. I'm just surprised. /lifts claw and nudges him with index digit/ B l u r r: See how I didn't arrest you? Isn't that so NICE of me? TyDrift: [pushes claw away] Yes, it would have been very rude of you to ARREST one of your GUESTS. B l u r r: / snarls and gets in his fac/ Listen, mech, I can be very good to you or I can be very mean. I was a guest to your precious base before you attacked me. TyDrift: [glares, not backing down] I brought you to our base to have a threat assessmnet. You invited me to see a movie. TyDrift: Those are two vastly different scenarios B l u r r: Maybe they are, but I still could have eaten you alive here. /licks sharp denta / I bet you'd taste fantastically conflicted. TyDrift: [NOW he backs away, optics still narrowed disapprovingly as he gets some much needed space] 'Conflicted'? Over what? You, attacking me? B l u r r: K-Kyehheeheh. No, not necessarily. /laces claws together/ Listen, Drift... you and I have a good chunk of history at this point, don't you think? TyDrift: [yes, they do, he can't argue that] You're point, Blurr? B l u r r: So stop being so tense, mech. /smirks and sliiiides an arm right on that shoulder / I'm playing with you. TyDrift: [doesn't shove the arm off, but only just so Drift can spite him by; he's NOT tense] Threats count at playing to you? Forgive me for not wanting to know what ELSE constitutes 'play' to you. B l u r r: /snickers and lifts a claw to poke his crest / You need to learn about me more, mech. B l u r r: A lot of things are playing. /smirks and snaps denta at him a little / I like to play with my food. TyDrift: [he honestly can't say anything to that, just stares at him, equal parts confused and unamused] Who said I was your 'food'? B l u r r: / snickers at him and just flicks his helm / K-Kyeheheh. Don't worry about it yet. You're not ripe. TyDrift: [cringes, and untangles himself from blurr's arm] Right... I think I should be going now TyDrift: It was... an interesting movie B l u r r: /snorts/Yes, I'm sure it was. /flicks claws at him / Come back again, Drift. /smirks/ I'm starting to think we can get along. TyDrift: [sighs and waves behind his back as he leaves, if only to humor him] And what a relief that is... B l u r r: K-Kyeheheheh. Bye byeee, Drift. Bite you next time. TyDrift: [walks faster] B l u r r: / leans over to yell out the doorway/ DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE WAY OUT!
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