#thats just my two cents :) thank you for this ask anon
tastesoftamriel · 1 year
I'm sure you're entirely sick of talking about this bc that initial anon was... dumb as hell and I too would like to forget about it if I were you lol, so feel free to ignore this ask!! but I just wanted to throw in my two cents as a fellow non-white non-American fantasy writer. cause fantasy as a genre is so insanely whitewashed, and even in settings like TES that have multiple different fantasy-cultures that are meant to draw inspiration from lots of different real-world-cultures, they tend to be shallow and lacking and let's be real, TES isn't getting any awards for being politically correct. I for one always get insanely hyped when I see more diverse takes on fantasy, whether thats in original fiction or fanfiction, cause 1) it just vastly improves the quality of the world building and 2) it creates more welcoming spaces for other bipoc to create more cool stuff. and also, it's just fun as hell to project your own culture into dope fantasy settings. I do it all the time and I fuckin love when other people do it.
I feel like that anon was just looking for a fight and intentionally trying to interpret your comment in the most bad faith way possible (classic tesblr behavior ngl). and like I get it, orientalism sucks ass, but I've followed you for a couple years now and I've only ever known you to be a super chill, super respectful person who (like I said before) creates a welcoming space for other bipoc in the fandom.
tldr: anon is a clown, representation is fun, your blog slaps
❤ from @reachfolk
Yes yes YES I could hug you! Inclusivity and breaking away from whitewashed fantasy is one of my main goals with this blog! My recipes and worldbuilding have me neck deep in exploring global cuisine and culture, but as soon as it's a picture then people go off about cultural insensitivity. Because reading comprehension is low here so most people barely glance at the worldbuilding posts.
Growing up in the 90s and early 2000s, as far as Asian actors in Hollywood went, you had Lucy Liu and Jackie Chan. There was that show about Imperial Chinese cats called Sagwa (傻瓜 shagua literally means "dumb melon" which is what you call a certified idiot). Mulan (forever my favourite). Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? But that's it. Seeing Michelle Yeoh winning everything recently makes me feel proud to be Asian. I cried when I saw Over the Moon.
If just ONE person looks at this blog and goes "cool, I learned something" or "cool, my culture is being recognised and represented as a form of inspiration", then I have done something right. Other Chinese/East Asian people in the past have applauded me for bucking the western "Asian" stereotype, simply because I express my love for my culture differently.
I'm no less Chinese for being fluent in English (which is actually my mother tongue btw thanks colonialism), or being a goth, or an author who happens to be atrocious at math. I just am. And I want everyone to just be too. To embrace their otherness, to rejoice in the diversity of the human experience, and to learn to live together. And most of all, I wanna see more awareness in writing (especially fantasy) about non-Global North cultures and the people who represent them. I'm sick of being a media cliché.
If you're a POC and you're looking for your sign to delve into fantasy worldbuilding, this is it. Go write. Create. Destroy. Build the world you've always wanted to see through the lens of your heritage, use your history as a lesson, use your language as a weapon. ~Tal
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fuck-customers · 1 year
🪐 craft store anon again
this will be a long one because I've had A Week.
idk what it is with old ladies this week but theyre all being fucking awful.
this one lady brought up 3 of the same fake plants, telling me they should be $5.99, but they rang up $16.99 each so u can imagine the lady was not happy. my manager was at the registers with me at the time so I was able to walk back with the lady to go see where she found them, bcuz they also should $16.99 on my handheld.
so we go back there, and the place she "found them" is completely different where it shows that they go. cuz as it turns out these are spring collection specific plants. but still she goes "well rules say you have to still give them to me for $5.99 bvuz thats where I found them" like the fuck?? no we don't. cuz for all I know you couldn't be completely lying and just have stuck them there judt cuz you don't want to pay full price.
so we go back up to the registers and she's still complaining, my manager hears and says "just let her have them for the 6 bucks." ok fine whatever she shouldn't get them bcuz she's being so annoying about it and also THATS NOT THE FUCKING PRICE but whatever.
she gets them for $5.99 each and leaves, hope I never have to see her again :)
not 5 minutes later this other lady comes up saying she's exchanging these two t-shirts. now, my store is pretty far behind on any "technology shit", so for us we have to do a return AND THEN process the buying transaction. YES IM VERY MUCH FUCKING AWARE THAT EVERYWHERR ELSE LETS YOU DO BOTH AT THE SAME TIME OK THANK YOU MOVE ON WITH YOUR GODDAMN LIVES. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE US AND THEM IS THAT IT TAKES LONGER. YOURE NOT LOSING MONEY BCUZ OF THIS OKAY.
ok anyway. so for the return her shirt rings up as a little over $4 because she used a rewards thing on that transaction. (she wouldn't stop going on and on about what I wanted about just more in the caps and literally wouldn't let us move on until MY MANAGER SAID THE EXACT SAME FUCKING THINGS I DID) but WHATEVRR.
so we finish the return. starts the buying process. her new shirt rings up the regular price of $4.99. there was like a 50 cent different between these two transactions mind you. but this lady starts getting Even More aggressive about how "theyre not the same price!!" bcuz you used rewards. "im losing money now im not paying that why aren't they the same price!!" you used rewards which takes a certain amount off the price.
my manager again goes "just give it to her for the $4 whatever price" fine. whatever. lady goes "thak you oh my god was that so hard?" LIKE FUCK YOU LADY GET OUT OF MY STORE
I like my manager, she's a really fun person, but she definitely hates confrontation with customers and is a stick up to them alot and I hate that.
anyways sorry for the long ask
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hannieehaee · 6 months
i’ve stanned svt for a while and i just wanted to build on what the other anon said ^^
i highly doubt any of them will leave!! they’ve said many times in the past esp seungcheol that the members are more important than the company. if one of them was to leave i imagine all of them would follow.
unfortunately pledis is really fucking useless 😭 they almost never handle things well and within the industry most companies only care about what kfans have to say. majority of ppl getting on joshua for possibly dating someone are kfans and no matter how much we ask them to protect the boys better if it’s not kfans asking for it then they just won’t do anything :/ but joshua’s situation rn is not comparable at ALL to the shit lucas did - shua hasn’t done anything lmfao.
as for the hao/hoshi/dk thing.. ah it’s hard, but out of context or not, i don’t think that acknowledging that what they said was wrong or understanding why a lot of people were upset makes you a bad fan or them bad people etc etc. you can love people and still criticise and disagree with them. as cliche as it sounds, they’re human too and they won’t be perfect all of the time. it’s good to remember that, and that goes for any group or person you stan.
sorry for this rant.. tldr: the guys love each other, no one is leaving anyone; do not worry! focus on the present. i understand the worry, but constantly thinking about the possibilities of everything that could happen is just so draining imo. i’m gonna go now LOL. much love 🫶
i completely agree with u! pledis is fucking useless i knew this before even getting into svt bc my older carat friends would tell me 😭 and yeah i absolutely dont see any of them leaving. theyre the literal definition of found family i dont think theyd ever wanna continue if even a single member had to leave.
pledis rlly only cares for kcarats. maybe for jcarats too since they bring in the most revenue to them. and since they dont seem to care for the shua situation i doubt pledis or hybe will ever do anything :/
i also agree abt the dk minghao hoshi thing. it was very disappointing to see as it happened but sadly thats just to be expected from idols :/ but as u said its still completely understandable for people to be hurt and angry at their actions.
thank u for coming in to give ur two cents anon ily <3
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hehe im the muslim anon here again!! [waves] we have a few similarities with good omens :0 there's the story of job! we call him ayyub and he's a prophet, not just a devout worshipper, but its functionally the same story. islam and christianity share a lot of stories because we have the same important people so to speak and so there's a lot of overlap in the biblical stories we see in good omens :)
what you said about aziraphale potentially being raphael really interests me though! especially since metatron (who in islam is called the guardian of the veil and is the only one who knows about the beyond - sounds godlike but is decidedly Not.) said "we need an angel of your talents [to bring about the second coming]" so the dots.. they are connecting...
though i will say that israfil doesn't bring about the second coming in islam; he blows the trumpet (twice) to bring about armageddon. we also have a version of the second coming, but our jesus/isa lives at least 40 years on earth and dies before the world ends. (i do not think thats the same in christianity uh but. my two cents! not sure what they are worth, but you can have them anyway) - 🌙 (is it ok if i sign off with that? just because i feel like i might want to say more things in future heh)
hello again, lovely!!!✨ welcome back! (and of course, sign off with whatever you like!!! thou shall be my 🌙 anon - im curating a little group of specific anons, it seems!!!💕)
also, i hope it's okay that i might ask a few more questions - i promise i will do my own reading, but i find personally it's easier for me to have some general context, and then go into more detail in my further research, and helps me not fall down the dreaded research rabbit-hole... so hope that's alright with you!!!
re: book of job, etc: that's again really fascinating (and just shows my complete ignorance of religion in general tbh) - to learn that there is indeed that level of crossover, but given they're abrahamic actually it should have been a bit more obvious to me (bit of a duh moment, there!).
metatron: now that is... intriguing. so, if metatron is definitely not at any deific level, does his knowledge of (from what im understanding?) the state beyond death make him omniscient? does Allah also know what lies beyond the veil - and if so, is Allah considered omniscient too? because from your previous ask where Islam (again, please correct me if im entirely misunderstanding this) encourages free will, wouldn't that potentially conflict with omniscience? or is Allah omniscient but resolutely 'hands-off' in letting humanity make choices and ergo mistakes?
so sorry - barrage of questions there! free will is a very interesting philosophical concept for me and one ive ruminated on a lot, so to have an alternative view is really helpful!!!
re: israfil: aaaah i just read back my previous answer; i had meant the day of judgement, not resurrection, my bad! but cool, thank you for clarifying about the second coming anyway!!! so if the second coming does somewhat exist in islam, does it not in fact precipitate the day of judgement? if not, is there any particular trigger (ie an equivalent of the second coming) that triggers israfil to blow the trumpet? or is it simply the order from Allah straight into the main act, so to speak? and actually, just out of curiosity, is there significance attached to two trumpet blows, as opposed to - say - just one?
thank you so much again 🌙 anon, im really enjoying learning from you!!!✨ (and feel free to nope out if you get fed up with the questions, totally understandable!!!)
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I saw your fictionkin post so I'd like to give my five cents!
Mine is quite specific because I don't label the kintype as spiritual or psychological, as it is some sort of mix+neither situation. Surely not a past life, that is the only thing I'm sure of. I'm just haunted by it, like it's a ghost that one day suddenly decided to enter me and didn't leave.
One day I just realized the phantom stuff I felt and the shifts that happened were a xeno after I described the sensations in a notebook. Suddenly my brain went 'wait thats just like the xenomorph-' and then I realized.
Basically I am fictionkin of a "cousin" strain of the xenomorph from the Alien franchise, as in I am not exactly any of the canon species of xenomorphs, more like a "missing link" between two of them. (Normal one (XX121) and deacon from prometheus)
Being fictionkin of a species that is not actually even shown in the media is... something else, feels a little bit invalidating, especially when the media is so inconsistent with its biology, but I don't complain.
It's just funny when I see any source stuff and instead of going 'look that's me on the screen!' I go 'omg that's my cousin!'. (I am shooting my shot in the dark; but if something similiar to me appears in the next installment of the series I will seriously flip)
The most funky part of the kintype is that I get phantom pharyngeal jaws.
(No anon because. I never shut up about it and, if you search xenomorphkin, all posts from the last ~year are only me XD)(sorry for the longish ask, special interest activated)
That's really cool! Man, lotta kintypes from stuff I haven't seen 😅 (or at least don't remember much of). The phantom pharyngeal jaw thing sound wild, but somehow I can kinda imagine how that might feel. Very cool kintype in general, even if it doesn't really show up in the franchise itself (or at least hasn't yet 😉). Thanks for sharing!
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Hiya! I was browsing the doors tag, and noticed your youngster AU! Yaknow, the guiding light *does* count as an entity…so my inquiry is: Would GL be of any help? Maybe as a babysitter, or tutor/teacher or mentor-figure? Or be somewhat of a youngin’ themselves? :00c
Also, hey anon who came up with the idea- mind puttin in your two cents as well? Thanks!
-🐝 (If it hasn’t been claimed already!)
Oh!???? Thats really cool! I didn't know! (another entity to add to the gang!!)
I FOUND IT: (and if you wanted to read it as well leaf sheep anon!)
Children! Doors Gang x Caretaker! Reader
[PART 2] Children!Doors x Caretaker! Reader + Caretaker! Friend
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
It would be so cute to see GL as a teacher/tutor. Like you round up all the little ones to GL's classroom :sob: The room is decorated in all things that are the similar colour pallet to itself, and to find the room they follow the doors with guiding lights (like in seek's chase scenes)
It would probably be the smartest- even with adult!doors gang, they just like an all knowing power, who teaches the kiddos! Personified!GL would probably be like Curious Anon, and how they are a fog like creature? Or a ghost of some sorts!
And yeye Knobs (or any anon who asked for young!doors!) anon, what is your take on it?
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awsugar · 3 years
Hellooooo I just saw your recent text posts re: pronouns at work and as an Elder Trans I wanted to offer my two cents. I'm currently a he/him who passes as male everywhere but the doctor's office but I obviously wasn't always and I have run into similar predicaments as you are right now where I went by either she/they, they/them, or he/they but was in working/social environments where I wasn't sure how ok it was to be out or in what capacity. My experience has been: if you're in a space where you aren't sure it's safe to be openly trans/nb AND you can stand being misgendered without it causing you to lose your mind, AND it's a place where you know you're at temporarily, like there is an end date to your tenure there, then yeah it can sometimes just be easier to let people assume your birth gender and then go home and know that it doesn't fucking matter. But if it's somewhere you anticipate spending a lot of time in the foreseeable future, especially if you anticipate a time when you will no longer be able to easily pass as your birth gender, and it feels safe to do so, it can actually save you a lot of grief to just come out swinging with "no actually i'm a dude, i know i don't look like what you expect a dude to look like right now, but trust me i am." People can surprise you with how okay they are (not everyone will--some people are assholes), but my experience has been it's WAY easier to just tell people who you are straight away rather than having to correct them at a future date. If you wanna talk more about this just say the word and I'll DM you, again i'm an Old Transsexual at this point and I'm happy to share my experiences with anyone who wants some advice.
hi thank you for this ask!! it does make me lose my mind to be called she/her everyday but at the same time i'm used to it and i had resigned myself to being seen as a girl at this job, partially because i'm not out to the people i know irl so like my family and family friends misgender me every day. but at the same time, i do see myself working here or for this company for a long time so it would be nice to be out as nb. the complicated thing is that i like he/him pronouns and i would like to transition although i would still wear makeup cause thats just Me but i don't think i would ever actually be able to transition physically or come out to my family as a guy. possibly i would like to be out as nonbinary they/them but i really don't see myself being able to go "all the way". and i've like. come to terms with that. so. the most i can hope for is people using they/them for me and i'm ok with that but i'll continue to go by he/him online bc it makes me feel good and i know people will accept it (mostly. i get transphobic anons here and there even so,.)
so anyway. i appreciate this advice. i think it would be nice to be referred to as they/them at work but i don't know how to bring it up and my coworkers hardly even introduce themselves to me when we work together so idk. maybe i can tell the old hot topic coworker that yes i DO go by they/them and my other coworkerts will absorb it by osmosis lmao...
also you can dm me if you want! i would like to talk more about it tbh. this shit is so hard and confusing.
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meruz · 4 years
replying to some asks - lots of weird preachy art advice. just trying to cram every sophomore year art school lecture into my blog
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ANON, PLEASE SEND ME A PICTURE OF THIS..........................
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glad to hear it!!!! I always love to see sketches from other artists but somehow when I post mine I feel like it’s just...cheap? like its not ““Real content”““ LOL... but if even one person likes to see it thats all I need to hear
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very interesting question, thank you for being specific because that makes it a lot easier to answer. This is going to kind of sound like what every other artist tells you but
1) Go to figure drawing classes/sessions! I know we’re in the middle of a pandemic right now but actually that might even make it easier to find because a lot of figure drawing sessions are being held online atm! Anyways, I cannot possibly overemphasize the importance or studying the human form from life. It’s something that artists spend their whole lives studying and still learn new things about. Nude figure sessions are far preferred over clothed ones especially for beginners but, really, any practice from life helps. Whenever you draw from observation, make sure to step back and really look at your model and then your drawing. What discrepancies do you see, what feels like its missing, where do you think you can improve, etc etc. developing a critical eye is crucial.
I think figure drawing classes are the best method by far but theres plenty of other ways to get the practice in. I do a lot of cafe drawing and drawing on public transport, personally. Drawing from life is vastly preferred over drawing from photo reference because the human body is a living thing and conveying it properly means understanding 3D space and gesture and movement, all things that are easier to perceive irl. A lot of artists draw from dance videos on youtube to at least get the idea of movement even if it’s ultimately from a 2D screen. Recently, I’ve been drawing a lot from rock climbing videos on youtube!
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because they’re climbing you actually get a lot of interesting angles LOL... good study of pose-to-pose relationships too, actually..
2) Practice dynamically. If you can develop the eye to figure out where your drawings are lacking, you can practice with those weaknesses in mind. If you realize you don’t really understand the structure of a foot or the back of the head or the back when it’s arched, look up references and practice those things specifically. Sometimes it’s not in the specifics but the general - if you realize you have a hard time proportioning out the figure, draw guides for yourself and set goals to draw proportions before details. Stuff like that.
3) Box Trick. This is just the simplest way to get a set of guidelines down for perspective on the human body the same way you put down guidelines to figure out where the eyes sit on the head LOL.
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but here’s something to keep in mind regardless: perspective is a game. You’re tricking the eye into thinking something is close or far when actually its just sitting on the same 2D plane as everything else. You can do the math and make all the guides you want but at the end of the day its either going to look convincing or its not. And being convincing is a lot less about being accurate and a lot more about confidently selling your point. So don’t sweat the calculations of proportions, make hands or heads or feet as big as you feel is right and trust your eye and your gut over your brain.
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Hi, yeah sure go ahead! As long as you link+credit me, I don’t mind my work being used for non-profit purposes. Especially fanart like.. I don’t even own these characters LOL. Just, if you edit my art, please don’t use it to perpetuate like...hate speech or even edgy politics... unless they are edgy politics I have explicitly endorsed LOL. If you’re ever on the fence abt it feel free to ask, of course!
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TYSSMMM yeah ideally I guess its just ? group therapy LOL? I feel like actually Ryuji, Akechi, and Haru are characters we see very rarely interact and when they do they seem very alienated by each other?? So I think it would actually be great for them to chat LOL they have a lot in common especially the fondness for direct action.
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I guess since I was old enough to hold a crayon? Doesn’t every kid draw? 
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But if you mean when I started seriously drawing and trying to get better.. I guess I started carrying a sketchbook when I was 12-13 years old and I’m turning 25 in a couple days so it’s been 12-13 years about. I don’t believe that years have any huge bearing on art progress though. You can be drawing for 50 years without ever deepening or widening your skill set, if you stick to the same old patterns day in and day out. Similarly an artist who is proactive with learning new skills and targeting their weaknesses can improve in leaps and bounds in a matter of weeks.
The style I currently use for painting, I only really started using.... about 3 years ago? When I was a senior in college.
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but i wouldn’t say I’ve “““mastered”““ it and I doubt I really ever will because I don’t think that’s the point... I’m constantly changing things depending on how I want a painting to look or the way I want it to feel... or how I feel on any given day LOL
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the thing about art style is I don’t think it’s actually something you have to work on or “find”. An artist should change the way they draw depending on the subjects or techniques they want to explore. If I wanted to convey comedy, I’d draw characters differently from how I would if I wanted to portray drama. And if I wanted to focus on lighting I’d paint differently from how I would if I wanted to focus on the details of the human form. When I was drawing a lot of digimon fanart earlier this year I drew differently from how I’m drawing now while putting out a lot of persona 5 fanart LOL - even when the content is similar the characters have different gestures and different tone that I convey through any number of things, proportion, rendering, edge definition, color range, etc etc.
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as you experiment with techniques and approaches undoubtedly there’ll be some you’re naturally better at or more interested in than others. and i think that’s what a person’s “art style” really is, the stuff that you gravitate to and come back to over and over even as you transform and explore.
not sure if that makes sense but.. that’s my two cents, anyway.
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yea hit me uppp dude [email protected] lmk what you want and I’ll give you a quote
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nobody knows your accs thats why i didnt go to ur other one if you didnt comment on ur friends page i wouldnt have even batted an eye, thats your fault
Well here's something interesting anon. You're the one who took the time to go onto my account. You're the one who took the time to send me stupid anon notes about being mean to my friend. You're the one who started all this shit.
And yeah, I put my two cents in by being supportive and telling Pri it's okay to get angry when people are being rude. But you're the one who went "oh someone commented on the post I sent filled with hate" decided to click on my name, make your way to my ask box, click on the anon option (like a true coward does) and press enter on these pathetic posts.
Oh, and when you say nobody knows me and my accounts, just a small brag but I'm sorry, you're quite wrong on that front. Maybe talk to my 2k followers first on my 3 accounts before you start making wild claims like that just to try and justify your uncesscary hate that makes you look childish and dumb.
If you send another post, I'm gonna block you and have no regrets. Thanks, Will!
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faemytho · 4 years
hi! i promise im not looking to start discourse, just a bit confused on what to think right now. a blog that i follow is /really/ anti-hazbin hotel (fallenautte, i think they were in the utmv fandom a while back) for reasons that i can understand but you seem fine with it, and i wanted to hear a hazbin hotel fan's side of the story? (if this bothers you or will be too discourse-y for your blog i dont mind if you ignore/delete. have a nice day/night!)
thank you for asking me politely, i really appreciate it. kindness will always get you further with me.
i should probably address my thoughts on this, because ive already got some kids and randos in my dms and inbox harassing me over the show (something ive never had to deal with in the UTMV fandom).
by the way, if you do this, you will be blocked on sight because i literally do not have time to deal with you and have better things to do than give you my time. any weird, foreboding anons will be blocked as well, whether or not its "a joke". go outside. sit in the sun. read a book. damn.
okay, so, i only got into hazbin hotel when the pilot dropped - as far as i can tell, hazbin hotel's had an active fandom since much before then. i cant tell you details on drama, but my thoughts? its stupid.
apparently, there's a lot of misunderstandings and rumors flying around - people are fearmongering and lying about things as well, im willing to bet, because yes. people do that.
all about the creator, vivziepop, and ive heard that they're attacking the crew as well.
im gonna be straight with you here (for once in my life lmao): i have no idea what people are saying she did, or if she even did anything. thats not my business.
i dont care about it. i really do. not. give. a. shit. i dont want to know, nor do i care to know.
i dont care about it - why? why, mae, they scream, holding up their lengthy list of receipts to perpetuate cancel culture because they have nothing better to do.
because im not friends with vivzie. its not my fucking drama, so im not gonna put up with it. why should i have to??
anyways, whether or not vivzie + crew are "problematic", im gonna sit here and enjoy a fantastically written show because i dont have time for drama in my life, and its NOT a crime to support something you enjoy, whether or not the people who made it did something wrong or not. its not your responsibility to deal with and put up with their drama, whether its real or not.
yo i like a lot of modern medicine and scientific discoveries but i sure as hell don't condone the fucking nazis.
while that's a much heavier weighed comparison, its still true and i will stand by it. i do not support anything vivzie + crew MAY or MAY NOT have done, and i dont care to know if they did something or not.
despite any actions that may or may not have happened, just because i support a show i like does not mean im saying i condone those actions (whether they happened or not).
to be honest, most of the UTMV fandom is doing what i am doing with this.
remember dreamtale? remember who made it? yeah? remember how we separated her creation from the fact that shes not a good person in the slightest?
i like dreamtale, but i dont condone the creator being a pedophile nor do i condone pedophilia. thats not going to stop me from loving the shit out of dreamtale, without attributing any of that love to the creator of it.
im just here for the show. i dont give a shit about anything the creators may or may not have done because its not my business and i dont see why i should have to deal with it when i have so many other things to deal with in my real, offline life. i participate in fandom to get away from drama. why should i have to let drama invade my fandom life as well?
that's my two cents. hazbin hotel is a fantastically written show, and im looking forward to seeing what's next with the show and the show only. i do recommend you watch the pilot episode. do your own research and form your own opinions about what you want to do concerning the show.
like i said, its not my business what other people do.
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shiningliive · 5 years
Hi friend! Just saw the tags about your asks. Personally, I love to hear from blogs I follow and the more content, the better. Especially if it's interacting with the community. I'd say go for it. Also, you have very clear tags on your posts and many users have XKIT or other ways to minimize your appearance on their dash if it's a little too much for them. You could also queue the asks? Just my two cents, but at the end of the day it's your blog and you should post what you like!
Heyo! Using a queue when I have heaps of asks is something I’m going to test out for today. It might take me a while ot get used to the settings, but I’ll try it. I love interacting with yall, but I get worried about spamming dashes, so dont mind me while I test using a queue for a little bit. 
It can be a bit hard for me to find a balance, because if I answer a lot of asks at once, people see that I’m active and I just get more asks that replace them instantly, but if I put them off and answer them slowly then people have to wait for a long time to get answers. I have also turned off anon temporarily before to give me a chance to catch up, so I guess thats an option too. I do absolutely love the interaction, but I also want to keep this blog at least 80% Shining Live centric, so as fun as some tangents are I have to cut them off at some point. 
I try to use very clear tags whenever I can, so thank you for noticing! xkit really is a lifesavor for this goddamn website, so I recommend everyone downloads it if they havent already. I always tag asks as ‘ask’ so if you only want to see official content feel free to block the tag or use xkits “Limit People” function which will still allow you to see my posts but won’t clog up your dash.
Thanks for the suggestions! I’m going to test the queue a bit more today for some asks while I try to clear out my inbox.
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corvusthecryptid · 5 years
excuse me sir, may u pls tell me how that one thing person whatever was transphobic? im genuinely curious bc im new 2 this kind of stuff and i didnt see it personally but i usually only realize it w/ extreme stuffs anyway :(c also can i virtually sock them in the mouth for u? asking ahead of time bc!! already kno u gonna have a lit response!! ^w^
first off, no. no violence, not if it’s just because someone is being unknowingly ignorant. knowingly, actively transphobic, sure, go fight a transphobe. but i dont think this person really knew it was transphobic. doesn’t make it okay but it does mean we shouldnt go punch them or some shit. also if you’re gonna punch someone in my honor, id rather you punch my ex, he sucks way worse than some random dork on the internet who doesnt know better.
secondly, as far as why it was transphobic. strap in fuckers because i think this is gonna be a long one. i’ll put a tl;dr here because uh. it’s really long.
TL;DR It’s a harmless headcanon, and we all know it wouldn’t be a big deal with any other headcanon, so it shouldn’t be with trans headcanons.
(edit: also thank u anon for calling me sir. i know my pronouns are listed in my bio but it makes me really happy when people call me the right thing so thank u so much for that.)
so. imagine that headcanon had been about ANYTHING else under the sun. we’ve had headcanons about roman fucking/being fucked by his sword. we’ve had headcanons that logan eats books. we’ve had headcanons that logan fucks/gets fucked by literal jam/jelly.
but… somehow, its just too fucking far that the sides would be trans.
no. fuck that. the only reason people argue against the headcanon is because they are, either consciously or subconsciously, uncomfortable with trans people. and that, my dears, is what we in the field call “transphobia.”
because! you wouldnt do it with any other headcanon. if someone said “i bet virgil likes soft clothes because they’re calming” then… that would have no basis in canon, aside from virgil gets anxious and needs to calm down sometimes. in reality, its someone projecting what they find calming, saying “i relate to virgil, he probably does this too!!” and thats good!! putting yourself in the place of characters is good!!
but when it comes to certain things, someone always has to argue. whether it’s about body size (and im aware i’ve given my two cents on a topic about that, but my argument was simply to tag things properly, not that the chubby sides headcanon was bad somehow) or about being trans or about being a person of color in some way, if it’s basically any marginalized group other than specifically being gay(particularly a gay guy, but that isnt a topic for this post, this thing is already too long), EVERYONE has something to say about why it WOULDN’T work.
and this is true in most fandoms tbh. like if right now, i went into the fandom for the vampire diaries, and said “yeah i lowkey headcanon elena as trans” then EVERYONE would jump at me about how that doesn’t fit into “lore” or whatever.
and that’s shitty!!! because nobody would say a damn word if it was about something else, like damon dying his hair purple or something. there’s no way it would actually happen, but people wouldn’t care because it’s a harmless headcanon and it’s kinda funny.
the same thing occurs in the sanders sides fandom, and any other fandom. any headcanon is fine, as long as it’s not about making the fandom faves any form of marginalized group. and in the sanders sides, ALL the characters are the fandom faves because we have six character.
arguing with a harmless headcanon about being trans only happens when you have some level of transphobia. otherwise, it wouldnt bother you in the least to see someone making the headcanon. let me repeat that: it would not bother you AT ALL if it werent for transphobia.
so that, my dear anon, is why it’s transphobic. because it wouldnt be an issue in the first place if the people arguing it weren’t transphobic to some degree.
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bbycal · 6 years
to the anon who asked about the asexual dare plot: asexual means not being sexually attracting to someone/not being sexually attracting to anything in general. An asexual can (and often does) still feel romantically attracted to a person. aromantic is a person who experiences no romantic feelings for a person (which in the case of the plot that you suggested would work better, however you can't just dare an aromantic to fall in love it doesn't work like that... sorry thats just my two cents)
Thank you for this!
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bruhnushka · 7 years
did you really not know (anthony ramos x reader)
request: anonymous: *slides u 10 bucks* heyo bud! Can i request a anthony ramos x reader where reader is an understudy in Hamilton and has a huge crush on ant & some of the other castmates have a running bet about when the reader will finally talk to him. And one day the lin and daveed are teasing the reader and ant's like "who ya talking about" and yeah, fluff (sorry if its confuzzling + thank you<3)
Summary : fluff betweeen you & anthony bc u 2 belong togehter and people teasing and jfakdsfj;adskjf
Warnings: hardcore fluff, embarssment, cussing, u getting EXPOSED, you kissing daveed, anthony being dumb 
a/n - lots of these r in my inbox im working my way though them and hello anon i will gladly take that ten dollar foudning father without a father out of your hands.
Oh, he was cute. You were an understudy for eliza schuyler-hamilton, and you had just glanced your first view of john laurens/phillip hamilton. your heart started to race and blood rushed up to your cheeks as you slowly counted back from ten, the seconds it would take for him to realize that you were staring. you weren't just ‘oomf, oops, sorry for just glancing at you i spaced out’, you were staring staring. and then he looked up, and blushed, and you feel straight into daveed. 
“woah there pony boy” he laughed, as he extended a hand to help you up. you shyly glanced at  your feet as you stumbled onto your bearings. 
“so-sorry” you muttered. daveed laughed again, a roaring, loud, laugh which made a hint of a smile ghost your lips. 
“there’s that beautiful smile i was looking for! hey, aren't you the new eliza understudy?” he asks you, grinning widely. you look up and nod, starting to feel more comfortable. 
“let me show you around!” he volunteers. you nod again, and he grabs your arm, and drags you around. 
“thats our national treasure, aka, oakierite onadowan.” daveed laughs. oak turns around and gives him a deadly ‘are you fucking serious’ look. 
“you literally could not have pronounced my name worse” he rolls his eyes, laughing. you couldn't help but chuckle, and daveed continued to show you around. during lunch, phillipa caught you making heart-eyes to anthony, who was across the room, laughing with daveed about something. 
“so, you caught the anthony-fever too?” she asks, nudging your elbow slightly. 
“whaaaat? i have absolutely no idea-” you look at phillipa, rolling her eyes, “ok yeah i may have a little bit of a crush on him.” she laughs, and slugs her arm over you. 
“its like destiny or something, every eliza understudy ever falls for him. unfortunately though, anthony’s a huge player and your heart couldn't have fallen in a bigger hole than it just did.” she teases. 
“hey- you never know, i just might grow out of it.” you shrug hopefully. 
“sure you will.”
it had been about three months since  you came officially on the cast. they were absolutely wonderful to you. but you avoided anthony like the plague. almost your second week of the third month, you stumbled upon a piece of paper left haphazardly on one of the couches. 
pippa: 6 months 11$
daveed: 4 months 10$
lin: 8 months 8.56$
oak: 10 months 9$
groffsauce: a lot of fucking time 20 cents
ariana: i believe in my girl, ill go with 5 months 15$
the list went on and on. you had no idea what this paper was about, but you stuffed it in your back pocket and grabbed your backpack from the side of the couch. you had left it there yesterday on accident. it felt heavier than usual. suspiciously, you looked through the bag to find about three of anthony’s shirts, you'd know since you'd memorized his work closet, stuffed inside your backpack. rolling your eyes, you looked for anthony. you knocked on his door when you spotted it. 
“come in!” he yelled, and you carefully opened the door. a shirtless, confused anthony came into view, making your breath catch and all planned words fall into a stutter.
“u-u-uh i-i ha-v-ee-ve- yo-u-ur sh-i-i-i-r-rt” you barely got out, and anthony’s eyes widened in surprise. 
“ohmygod! y/n what are you- ahhh” and he let out a string of incoherent words in spanish. 
“uh-oh god- sorry for barging in on you but those dumbasses put your shirts in my bag. 
“thats where they went! jesus christ I've been searching for them for like an hour and a half now. how'd you know it was mine?” he asked as he took them out of your hands. 
“you literally wear the same five shirts everyday of your life.” you laugh, as he slips one of the shirts back on.  “anthony i-” you start, thinking about asking him out, but then was interrupted by a phone call. 
“sorry got to take this, one second.” he says, and picks up the phone. 
“hey babe!” he grins, and your heart and smile drop. “nothing, im on my way right now love you too!” and with that he leaves, no good bye or anything. you were startled, and in shock you go back to your dressing room couch and sit down. 
“surprise! did you do it? did he ask you out?” your friends all jump out from behind the couch and yell.  “wait- somethings wrong. y/n?” phillipa stopped them and sat down beside you. you started to cry into her jacket and they realized what had happened. 
“that son of a bitch-” “he has a girlfriend, i cant-” you start but phillipa shushes you and you cry. the cast comforts you as they glare angrily in the general direction of anthony. 
anthony furrowed his brows as he saw you laughing with daveed about something. he didn't feel particularly jealous or anything, just there was something boiling at the pit of his stomach and he couldn't knock that feeling off. he needed to get a breath of air, so he walked outside. meanwhile, daveed was teasing you about anthony. 
“honey, it is so obvious. he's not even dating anyone anymore!” phillipa pointed out, waving her finger around. 
“can we not talk about him for once? all we do is talk about him. everyday.” you sighed, and picked up a fry from the bowl in front of you, munching on it with a pout. 
“aw, ok fine. what do you want to talk about? we have no shows today and everyones free.” jonathan asks. you look at him and furrow your brows. 
“lets go to chipotle.” you suggest, and everyone whoops. so there you guys were, everyone in their full costumes, walking to chipotle. anthony was outside, talking on the phone to someone. daveed saw him and leaned over to snake his arm around your was it. you looked up at him quizzically, and he whispered “just go with it” to you. he nodded his head towards anthony and suddenly you understood. you snuggled into his arms and crossed the street. people started to take photos of all of you guys and notifications on your phone started buzzing. you echoed instagram, looking at the photos people tagged you in. 
@ brownmagiic ((my instgram self promo)) [photo] my mans @ daveeddiggs   is cheating on me!!!! but i would too if i had the option to date someone like @ y/u/n 
@ hamleton [photo] CONSPIRACY THEORY TIME!!!!! 
you rolled your eyes and laughed, occasionally glancing towards where anthony slugged behind you. he glared at daveed and you couldn't help but laugh more. as you and saved ordered your food, anthony sulked in the corner booth of chipotle. 
“what is it?” phillipa says , and anthony rolls his eyes. 
“nothing.” he huffs, turning away from her. 
“is it y/n?” phillipa laughs. anthony shakes his head vigorously. 
“what? no! i could never like-” “oh shut up” she laughs, “we all know it. man up. ask her out.” 
“but shes-” “with daveed? no-” “then explain that” anthony points at daveed kissing you square on the lips. 
“wha-wh- w- what” she stuttered out, confused. anthony storms out, face red. 
phillipa graciously stomps over to the two of you. 
“what was that?” she growls. 
“we just kinda got into it and then leslie was like you two should kiss so we did and-”
“go apologize to anthony! he was about to ask you out! go! now!’ phillipa pushed you out the door to meet anthony, sitting on the curb. 
“anthony?” you asked him, eyes pleading him to answer.
“what happened?” you shyly asked, taking a set next to him. 
“nothing-nothing really. uh. just, theres this person i like. and they uh- they like someone else. and its really hard.” he says looking up at you. 
“i can assure you that person does not like who you think they like” you laughed.
“wel, then who do they like? because they've been avoiding me.” anthony says with a breath. 
“they havent been avoiding you. they've just been scared to confront you because if they do-” you stopped yourself. 
“what? what will happen if you do?” anthony turns his whole body towards you. 
“then id have to admit to myself that i really do like you. anthony, i really like you.” you let a sigh esca[e and he spends a few seconds just looking at you. suddenly you both are kissing and cheers are  heard from all around you, several cameras on. 
“fi-fucking-nally!” daveed yells.
you guys laugh as anthony holds you close. 
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hprse-moved · 7 years
@ the anon that asked for all 100 (why?? Do?? You?? Hate?? Me??)
1. ??? i dont know what those are
2. Messy as fuck 
 3. Hazel 
 4. Ehh?? No. I just dont like it in general, wish i could have either a more gender neutral name or just a guy one lmao 
 5. Single and would like to stay that way :vv 13 imo is too young for dating lmao 6. What the fuck 
 7. I dont even know anymore 
 8. I am 13 i cant even start a car 
 9. Shopping isnt my thing because i dont have money but i go wherever my mom or step mom take me lmao 
 10. Anything i have readily available, glasses with sunglasses over them because i like it
11. Does tumblr count? i have instagram and facebook but havent opened them in a while (facebook being like 2 years lmao, if ive opened it recently it was because i wanted to play farmville)
12. Twin at my dad’s and idk what at my mom’s, its just a mattress under a table (dont worry i chose that lmao, its like an inverted loft bed!! :DD)
13. 2 brothers at my mom a sister at my dad’s and a step sister im only related to through my brothers because she was my ex-stepdad’s daughter
14. Canada because its cool and theres snow and stuff. It has its shit together.
15. I dont use snapchat, too confusing.
16. I would rather drown myself than wear makeup, sorry.
17. Whenever parents tell me, otherwise once every few days rip
18. If cartoons count than SU and if not cartoons than probably?? Idk?? I dont watch tv often lmao
19. I think like 8 or something
20. Under 5 feet, I believe about 4 foot 10 inches
21. sandals
22. no
23. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ how many questions does it take to get to the center of my question evading? the world may never know
24. probably a dollar and a few cents
25. im not wearing socks
26. 1 at my dads and 2 at my moms, 3 if i steal one from my brother
27. school is, according to teachers and my parents, my job and i wish i could quit :v
28. i dunno man, i have two across the country+their siblings (i count them because i hang with them too) and then yeah i think thats it lmao
29. bro i dont even know
30. i dont like the scent of candles, and have yet to find one that appeals to my senses. i also cant be in the candle section of stores because the scent is so strong that my eyes burn and i get overwhelmed
31. leo, oscar, and idk
32. alyssa (idk how most spell it), abigail, and idk
33. ???
34. ???
35. no.
36. hhhhh probably like,,, oceans 11
37. not recently, no. my favorite book?? im not sure? i dont like picking favorites of things that have such a vast variety (ie. colors, books)
38. what now?
39. not that i know of lmao
40. never been hospitalized but ive been to one like 5 times
41. fuck no
42. no
43. dry, rough. i need to use lotion but no thanks i cant open doors when i do because a. lotions too greasy and b it gets all over stuff and i hate it. i dont feel like i need to but everyones always telling me i should and i just ugh
44. dolls, heights, loneliness, and being jumped in the dark lmao
45. i dont like kids
46. short.
47. well with my dad its big, because we live with my step mom’s parents who have lived in this house for like 20 years and with my mom in a cozy little appartment
48. eh
49. ?? i dont remember
50. “ok”
51. i dont know if i ever really believed, and if i did i just slowly stopped believing it through time lmao
52. a bike
54. not yet
55. im not sure
56. ?? idk
57. i havent been to a hotel in like 7 years
58. yes, but only a few random ones in spots like my hip, my hands, my fingers, and the gay freckle on my wrist.
59. no i just make a dumb face because if i smile with my teeth they stand out a lot and without teeth i just look dumb
60. 429, most of which are random tumblr text posts, jane crocker, and steven universe
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