#thats not counting the ones in my 'abandoned' folder
blairsanne · 2 years
Obviously I'm not allowed to post anything but Lofn 12 next or Laur will murder me, but I have so many WIPs:
Lofn [Anders x fReader]
A.A. [Anders x OC]
Untitled [Anders-vs-Ty x Reader]
Untitled [Anders x Dawn]
Barnaby [Barnaby Buchanan x Reader]
Chels [a fic nobody asked for]
Dawn x Ty
Fancy Lunch [sequel to Uncle Bragi]
Feral [Anders x Reader smut]
Goddess of Sex [Anders x OC]
Harbour [Hobbit]
Iolaus x OC
Misery Loves Company [Rise of the Guardians fic]
One(s) [Hobbit]
Pirate AU [Hobbit]
Bad Day [Anders x Reader]
Soulmates [Anders x Reader]
Warm (continuation) [Ty x gnReader]
Countryside [Will Johnson x Reader]
Wolfy [aka 'In the Cards' my BWOC fic]
An Unexpected Blue Wizard [Hobbit, Bagginshield, Kili x OC, Fili x dwarf!OC]
...kinda wanna bang a couple off lol.
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 8 months
(thank you for the tag, lovely, @blitheringmcgonagall <3)
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
nine. small but mighty <3
2. what's your total ao3 word count? 585,789
3. what fandoms do you write for?
HP and only for the marauders
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos
ten reasons (to go to michigan): my beloved midwestern child. where remus is divorced and meets sirius in the upper peninsula
No Matter the Wreckage: my love letter to sirius black
Carry Me Away: sirius is a sheltered posh boy on his first bit of rebellion; meets remus; summer lovin'
From Fire to Fire : oh we don't talk about her, but read at your own risk!
Fault Lines : divorced wolfstar AU
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
So, sometimes, but not usually. I read all of them, i promise! i just never know what to say, and replying to everyone "thanks so much for reading!!!" feels like a social pleasantry more so than a genuine response...and so i just don't. But if a comment is particularly long, or asks a question, or invites more of a dialogue, i will respond!
6. what is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm going to go with Fault Lines. because thats the only fic i have that doesn't have a "happy ending". After i first posted this, about 80% of my asks were "how could you" or "fuck you???"
7. what is a fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They're all happy endings! I really do love the ending to ten reasons though.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I did once lol. a few times! 1% inspiration 99% perspiration is the smuttiest i've ever gone in a fic. i also wrote a very brief one-shot here for tumblr called "Team Players" ft. football player sirius and remus watching him change in the locker room so....have fun finding that! but largely, i write fade to black, or avoid writing it at all.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
A fic directly stolen? No. Ideas/headcannons from my fics and dropped elsewhere? Yes (e.g. james saying inspirational quotes while having sex from my moonchaser fic being repurposed in the jily fandom... to name something specific.). More than once!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
I have had a few people ask, but they've always wanted to publish it outside of AO3 and thats a no from me dawg.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, though one day, if we ever get around to it @femme--de--lettres and i have a great wolfstar fic idea.
14. what's your all time favourite ship?
Wolfstar duh. I am also starking trash.
15. what's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't start fics that I don't finish! I'm not a person with a WIP folder on my desktop or a million half-baked ideas and paragraphs scattered. I just have one that i work on and thats it. so my current WIP, i will finish!
I have abandoned/deleted fics that i started in the past, and thats typically because i dont imagine myself finishing them ever.
16. what are your writing strengths?
i...i am...good at the little things. like little tuesdays and random thursday afternoons.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
world. building. i simply do not. also punctuation. what is that? who knows. not me!
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
look, i would love to one day write a telenovela marauders fic in spanish, but this is not the time (also would love to write latinx black brothers). thoughts is that its great if you speak the language and/or have someone who does speak it who edits its for you!
19. first fandom you wrote for?
This one. this is it. HP and marauders.
20. favourite fic you've written?
i'm currently very much enjoying clear eyes, full hearts and the simplicity of it all so. i'll go with that <3
tagging bestie @femme--de--lettres and @maybebabyplease (sorry if you've been tagged!)
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leclercenjoyer · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
helloooo i was tagged by my darlings @boxboxbrioche @vicsy and @golden-fairylights
1. How many works do you have on ao3
12 total, including 1 on anon! (anon because it is unfinished and so no one can hold me acountable)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
36,202! im baby
3. What fandoms do you write for?
formula one babyyyyyy
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
something borrowed (265 kudos)
no poor substitute (261 kudos)
tip of the tongue (252 kudos)
treat with care (216 kudos)
helping hand (143 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i want to but i never know what to say 😭😭😭 somebody please help me.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably muscle memory, i think thats the only one ive written that doesnt have a happy or hopeful ending
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
almost all of them are happy ending but i think anything, everything might be the most explicitly happy ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i havent thus far but this may change
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do!! most of what i write is in the realm of what i would call "tenderhorny" because thats what i enjoy writing, porn with feelings. thats the most fun thing to write for me.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i havent!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of 😭
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not yet!!! if anyone... wants to... hit me up...
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
NO BUT I WANT TO SO BAD im planning a very special fic with a dear friend, for when i am freed of my school obligations... and possibly another with another dear friend... i wanna play in the sandbox with people...
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
i am a pierresteban girlie through and through. they gripped me by the throat when i was less than two months in and they havent let go
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
well. my unfinished anon wip sdjhkjsd but there are... so many wips in my folders that ive started and abandoned that i doubt will ever see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
ive been told my writing feels very grounded and in-body, and im very deliberate with my word choices when im trying to create a mood
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
once again being deliberate with my word choice means i agonize over the smallest sentences 😭 and i have "say as much as possible in as few words as possible" disease so i often struggle to like. Elaborate. and i am the slowest writer on this planet i think.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
if the POV character doesn't understand what is being said, keep it in the language its said in. if the POV character understands what is being said, just say "blah blah blah," he says in [language]. thats my hot take. i dont know if its particularly hot. is this even what is being asked? i have holes in my brain.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
ive written assorted snippets for many but f1 is the first fandom where ive written and actually finished and published fic.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
its a tie between muscle memory and something borrowed, the former because it took me forever and im so proud to have finished it and how it came out, and the latter because it was my first fic and my baby and i could not have dreamed of the reception it got, its so special to me and everyone was so kind to me and made me believe i could actually Do This
i dont know who all has done it already 😭 if you see this and you want to do it consider yourself tagged
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i didnt wanna put this in the main tag so heres the blurb i cut out (expanded a little bit) where my autism, adhd, (ESPECIALLY) maladaptive daydreaming, no job, no school, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, and isolation all combine in an unholy cocktail and make jason todd my go to coping mechanism and what gets me thru the day and this is actually concerning:
this man is mine. just like, so completely totally. hes so important to me. you dont understand how much i love him hes all ive been thinking about for the past nine months. anytime im not doing something (90% of the time) i am thinking about him. i am so mentally ill about him he is everything to me. i am so obsessed i dont want to get out of bed i just want to think about him. i have 9 works in progress where hes involved and i never finish them bcuz i cant think thru a story about him if im writing about him. by the time im half way thru a story my brain is begging for a new one. sometimes hes mean and callous and hates me. sometimes hes the nicest thing ever and defends me from even mild criticism. sometimes were by ourselves, sometimes roy is there, sometimes roy and kori are there, sometimes we have daughters (im so unhealthy about them too but that's bcuz i dont have a lot of faith in actually being able to be a parent in the future so for all intents and purposes they will be my only kids)
hes. so important to me. hes so important to me. i have cried from thinking about him too much. hes literally the only thing getting me thru my days right now i dont have anything in common with my family except some politics. all i want to do is lay in bed and think about him. if im in my room im thinking about him if im in the car im thinking about him if im walking around im thinking about him.
i keep wanting to actually read comics but i cant bcuz then i cant think about him as much as i want. i have to take attention off him to go find comics and read them. i have to put down my ipad while reading fics ABOUT HIM so i can think about him. i can be reading an x reader fic and need to stop so i can self insert even more than i already am. i have almost 68 tabs on my ipad alone dedicated to specifically nsfw fic with him, thats not counting whats open on my phone and on my laptop. i have folders on my phone dedicated to fandoms and im thinking i need specifically a jason todd one.
he is absolutely ruining my life and i an letting him. there is nothing is like more than to lock myself in my room and think about him and never leave. if abandon everything to just think about him. my hobbies that i want to do are a chore bcuz i have to give my mind a break so i have the brainpower to think about him.
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cruecifymesixx · 3 years
Love and Leather /part eighty nine/
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: Hi! Enjoy the update!
Warnings:major angst
Taglist:   , @miserablecunt , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, ,  @a-simple-salmon,  @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @awesomealmostdopestudent, ,  @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill-blog @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls-blog,  @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, , @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream,  @broke-n-bitchy​,  @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @herbertweeest, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001,  @waywardprincess666, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @nassauartist  @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe,  @kellysimagines @thoughtsoftheantagonist @marvelismylifffe, @sleepyjunhong  @meetthesixxter @sparxx27 @gingerspicetalks @kaitieskidmore1 @unknownoblivion @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @sublimeprincesswasteland @kylieinwonderland @haileynicoleseavey17 @lavendersoundbarrier @xxisxxisxxis, @dogmom2014, @cruesixxlover1991,  @m0rnlngstar,  @findingmyths,  @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @arianareirg, @fentitrbl, @patheticgay69 , @redlipscrystalskies14, @samanthadegaro @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @thechangingme, , @makaelahdelvalle
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*Nikki’s POV*
I sighed heavily through my nostrils, resting my head against the couch as I sucked on a hard piece of watermelon flavored candy. Dr. Peterson left a few very persistent voicemails on my phone as well as pages on my pager, attempting to get me to come to the therapy office. Reluctantly I agreed, but I wish I didn’t as I assumed Vanity would be here too, however she’s not.
“Hey Doc…” I speak lightly when she walks in, sitting directly across from me in the leather chair as she crosses one knee over the other.
“Thank you for coming in Nikki, I’m sure you are a very busy man.” She eyes the handful of empty candy wrappers on the oak coffee table, “It’s new candy, I just put it there today…and looks like I have to add more.” She smiles as she jokes.
“I like the strawberry ones better…and it’s okay, I wasn’t super busy today. Sorry for taking long to get back to you.” I sit up more in the chair as she opens up her folder and takes out the good ‘ol notepad.
“So how’ve you been? Anything new?”
I shake my head, “I’m okay, just been busy. We finally wrapped up the album, then we do some promoting and then we hit the road for tour.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that it’s hectic and time consuming. Have you taken anytime for yourself to relax recently?”
My lips pull into a small grin, “Is this where you poke my brain and tell me I’m putting myself into work too much?”
Crystal chuckles a bit, “Do you think you’re putting too much of yourself into work?”
“It’s my job? I kinda don’t have a choice. Not like anyone else is writing songs, well good ones for that matter.”
She nods, “So you’re the one in charge? excuse my ignorance, I don’t really follow your music. I’m sure that’s stressful having everyone depend on you. Do you deal with stress well?”
I shrugged, “I don’t have to write all the songs, it just happens that way.” I chuckle a bit under my breath, “Too loud for you? I mean, yeah it’s stressful. I used to go out and get high, but then that overtook everything. Now I just work out or take my camera out or write more songs to relax.”
“Just not my cup of tea, Nikki. Have you done any of that recently? Vanity mentioned shopping helps her relax.”
I roll my eyes and laugh, “Anything that revolves around spending money sounds good to her. And no, I haven’t had the time. Stuck at rehearsal with the band and when I’m not at rehearsal I’m hanging out with the band at a bar.” I stare when she writes something down, “Taking notes already?”
She glances at me, “I do it with everyone, you know that. So you only hang out with the guys? The same guys you’re around all day? You never really escape work, do you?”
“Well…I mean no…but I have fun when I’m with them. Tommy and I are like practically married and Mick is fun and John is cool too. I see Tommy constantly cause Van and Clementine are best friends. Sometimes it’s a little much. At times I just want to take a break but I know I can’t because it’s my music and it keeps the nice things flowing and Arianna’s school.” I explain to her, “I mean…I would have enough to take a break for a long time but still…I don’t want too.”
“Tommy, right…Vanitys mentioned him a few times, same with Clementine. But why are you so worried about money? Vanity has money does she not?”
“Yeah…god mother of the year.” I roll my eyes, “Yeah, yeah…Van has plenty of money for her, she’s a great mom. I missed out on a lot the first few years of Arianna’s life so I just want to make up for that.”
“Well…as you know, everything you missed could have been prevented. Kids don’t remember a lot from their childhood anyways, with the exception of a severe traumatic even happening. They usually won’t start remembering moments until the ages of 7 and 8.”
I glare a bit, “I don’t need to be told the same thing I already know. If I had kept my dick in my pants I wouldn’t have missed anything, I know.” I lean forward reaching for another piece of candy and shoving it in my mouth.
“Theres no reason to jump to the defense Nikki. We’re just talking.” I would think she was being condescending if she wasn’t a damn therapist.
“Right-“ I roll my eyes, “Talking? You’re blaming me for it.”
“Well who is to blame them? Vanity? You’d be surprised to know she never wants to talk about this.”
“Wait-no, no. You’re twisting my words. No, it’s not her fault, it’s mine. But still, she could have called or retuned my letter letting me know.” I defend myself as she looks at me.
“Nikki, we can spend all day talking about the things Vanity, should’ve or could’ve done differently. We can talk for hours about how things were suppose to go differently.”
“Then why the hell did you bother me? What could you possibly want to talk about if it’s not that?”
“How are the dates going? Let’s start there.”
I stare at her a moment, rubbing my knees as I take a breath, “I don’t know…Donna, she’s great but she’s just…she’s just not Vanity.” I look away feeling disappointed, not because it wasn’t working, but in myself. That it took me seeing someone else to figure out what I wanted, “Donna’s hot and funny, well tries to be funny. But she hangs on to every word I say, thinks I’m right about everything, doesn’t ever disagree with me…it’s…it’s boring. I don’t know if it’s just because I’ve been with Vanity for so long, that nobody else can compare or what. But I just…it’s not working. Donna’s too clingy anyways.”
“Really?” Crystal sounds surprised, “You were so vocal about seeing other people.”
“Well…I wasn’t excited about it. I did it because I thought thats what Van wanted. I just wanted to help fix us. I would do anything for us, for her.” I sigh as I lean back against the cushion.
“You thought.” She pointed out, “You assumed and didn’t really ask what would have helped, did you?”
“Well…I-“ I stumble over my words before sighing, “No, I didn’t. I just took the first suggestion that was brought up. I wanted to get out of the office before I was ganged up on.”
Crystal chuckles, “Nobody thought about ganging up on you Nikki. You just don’t like when you aren’t in control, that is both of your issues.”
“I don’t have control issues.” I glance at Crystal as she stares at me, “What? I don’t.”
“Yes you do, wether you like to admit it or not. You mentioned earlier it’s always you writing songs because nobody else will do it.” She says, using air quotes might I add as I glare in return, “I’m sure they would if you backed off and gave them a chance.”
“I just like to make sure things are perfect, there’s nothing wrong with that. Mick isn’t interested and Tommy wouldn’t even know where to start.”
“Nikki, maybe if you gave them a chance they would shine and pressure would be taken off your shoulders. Nothing has to be perfect, there’s no such thing as that.”
I roll my eyes, “Okay, so maybe I have a slight control problem but this, the band, has been the only thing in my life I actually have control over.”
“And the other parts you don’t? Can you tell me about it?”
I groan in annoyance, “Oh come on. I’m sure Vanity has mentioned a thing or two about me. I’m sure she’s told you all about the reason why I’m fucked up is because of my childhood.” I reach for a candy disk, unwrapping it before popping it into my mouth.
“The subject has came up once or twice but Vanity never dived deep, she said it wasn’t her place to talk about it. Do you want to talk about it?” She asks softly, like how every other therapist in the past has done.
“No, not really. But I just moved around a lot as a kid…”
“Oh, well I’m sure that had an affect on you. Always being the new kid and what not. Are you parents still together? They must be so proud of you.”
I laughed, probably a little too loud “God no. My dad split when I was a kid and my mom and I don’t talk, at all. Every time we do it explodes into something bigger.”
“I’m sorry for that, I’m sure it was hard without a dad in the picture. So your mom raised you?”
Again, I laugh, “Here and there when she wanted me. Half the time I’d be with my grandparents.”
She glances at me, “Is this why you’re so scared of failing as a father?”
I stare at her a moment, “I’m not like my dad. I didn’t just abandon the girls. I begged her to move here so we could be a family.”
“So…they had to uproot the life Vanity had built for them in New York to make you comfortable? Which is essentially what you had to do every time you moved as a child?”
I shake my head “You’re twisting my words. I just wanted them close. Vanity hated New York, she basically stayed for Clementine.”
Crystal shakes her head, “Are you assuming she hated it because she told me she loved it there.”
I chuckle l, “Loved it? Of course she loved it! She was nose deep in fucking coke when I got there.”
“And that’s a problem she’s been working on has she not?”
I sigh, “Yeah, yeah. And I’m proud of her. I know it’s not easy. But I’m not like my parents alright? I’m not just leaving Arianna high and dry nor am I leaving her alone in a run down fucking house okay?”
Crystal looks at me, her head slightly turning to the side, “If you know that, then why are you so worried about messing up? You sound like such a great dad Nikki, from what Vanity tells me. That little girl is lucky to have you.”
I exhale deeply as I nod a bit and lean back against the chair, “Because something always happens…”
“If you spend all your time waiting for bad things to happen you’ll miss out on everything life has for you. Can you give me an example of something happening?”
“I don’t know…I could relapse, Vanity could relapse. We could break up, she could fall in love with someone else and leave me…” I mumble the last part “..and I don’t want her to leave me.”
“You both work hard on your sobriety right? Then what is the worry?” Crystal looks at me, taking off her glasses as she leans forward a bit, “I think you need to spend less time worrying about her being with someone else and only worry about her being with you. Like I said earlier Nikki, we can spend all day talking about the what if’s but it doesn’t help anything or anybody in the long run.”
I frown a bit, “I guess you’re right…it doesn’t do me any good, just drives my anxiety up the wall.”
She smiles a bit, “See…I knew I could get through to you. Is there anything else you want to discuss? You said the dates you’re going on aren’t fulfilling?”
I nod, “Yeah they aren’t. I’d rather be at home with the girls.”
“So…now I’m gonna assume you and Vanity are going to sit down and talk? If this is how you’re feeling, plus with how she feels..”
“I want this to work with her. I need it to work. I can’t picture myself with anyone but her. I hated my ex wife because she wasn’t Van. I just forced myself to pretend that I tolerated her, let alone love her.”
“Then I think you two need to sit down and discuss what you both want from each other and what it will take to make it work. You can’t always blame your issues on your childhood, just like she can’t blame everything on her temper and how she reacts to stressful situations.”
I laugh under my breath and grin “Yeah, she does get mad at the slightest thing.”
She cracks a smile and nods, “That she does. But just like you, Vanity also needs the control. I think you two need to find a solid ground and share it evenly, 50/50. Not 25/75 or 60/40. But right down the middle.”
“And what if we can’t?”
“Nikki.” I sigh and let my shoulders fall back, “As long as you two actually talk about your problems instead of holding onto the anger and grudges. I think both of you also need to learn how to let certain things go.”
“Like the cheating?” I look at her, “She throws that in my face any chance she gets. I just don’t know how many times I can say sorry for it.”
Crystal nods, “I understand Nikki, I do. But put yourself in Vanity’s shoes okay? It’s a traumatic situation for anyone. Just think if the tables were turned. How would you feel? How would you’ve reacted? I believe what bothers her is the principal of it, if you being with someone else. She didn’t want to see it, just like mentioned earlier, you don’t want to see her with another man.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll work on being understanding and sharing control. I need to be home more, hopefully after this album I can take a break for a while and we can get to know each other again.”
“It’s not a bad thing to get to know one another again, you aren’t kids anymore.”
*Vanity’s POV*
“It’s okay Ari! Just brush it off and keep going!” I yell, cupping my hands around my mouth as I sit back down on the folding chair. I wince when I see Arianna trip over the soccer ball again and get a mouth full of dirt, “You’re doing great, sweetie!” I give her a smile when she looks over, glaring as she brushes the dirt off her knees.
“Come on Van, she can barely kick the ball without eating shit. Maybe soccer isn’t for her.” Nikki states, flicking a peanut shell at me. I glance down, seeing him laying on his side on the blanket, “We could try gymnastics. Or cheerleading.” He points in the direction of coaches surrounding a little league team.
I sigh as I slump back in the chair, groaning when Arianna falls again, “It’s only the first day of practice, Nikki. She’ll get the hang of it.”
“Or she’ll get kicked off the team.” Nikki laughs before sitting up and leaning against my leg, “However, it is pretty entertaining to watch.”
I roll my eyes and tap the back of his head, “She has to start somewhere, she can’t just be great over night. I know it took you some time to get good at bass playing.” I smirk a bit as he tilts his head back to look at me.
“Don’t go there. She clearly has no coordination at all and she’s kicking way to hard at the ball and that’s why she keeps falling.” He shakes his head when Arianna kicks the ball and hits another kid in the gut, “See? And she’s being a ball hog.”
“A ball hog? Maybe you need to coach this team instead, Sixx.”
“Well I do look good in stripes.” He laughs but it quickly stops when his phone starts ringing. I watch him dig it out of his pocket as he shakes his head and shoves it back in his jeans.
“If it’s a work call then take it.”
“No, no it’s fine. It’s just Donna, she can wait till later.” He tells me, glancing in my direction as we look at each other for a moment. I watch as he scratches the back of his neck before he looks back at the field, mumbling something under his breath.
I chuckle to myself when his phone starts ringing once more, he digs out of his pocket again before shoving it away, “I’m sure you wouldn’t want her upset with you since you’re ignoring her calls. It’s okay Nikki, you aren’t missing much, it’s just practice.” I explain to him as I see his back raise with a deep inhalation of a breath before he exhales.
“No. This is important, unlike making plans for another expensive restaurant or some stupid high end club.” Nikki spews out, I can hear the annoyed tone.
I clear my throat a bit, “Is everything okay with you..and her?” He side eyes me from the corner of his black shades as I see the corner of his mouth pull up a bit.
“Just...she’s...she’s just making it complicated. She’s asking for too much. Always wants to talk on the phone or hang out or meet up for coffee. She doesn’t grasp the idea of space. Donna wants to be a girlfriend and she’s not girlfriend material, at least not for me.” Nikki leans back on his hands, his legs stretched out on the blue and black flannel.
“Girlfriend material?” I question him as he turns his head to look at me.
“Yeah? You know...girlfriend material? She’s a great women but she couldn’t handle being with a rockstar. Grew up catholic and has all these beliefs that just make me want to gag. She’s hot but she can barely talk about anything other than the modeling and acting. I like someone that can at least tell me what they’re thinking at any given moment.” I feel him nudge my leg as he rests a dandelion on my knee, “I don’t know...it’s just fizzling out.”
I fumble with the yellow flower between my fingers as Nikki cheers for Arianna. My eyebrows pull together in confusion. He was just spending this whole past week with her so I wonder what could have changed. I was still thinking about everything Dr. Peterson had told me last week, I was nitpicking the pros and cons of the situation. Nikki had apologized the next day after our fight like always and then that turned into me being under him...like always. And then it was back to ignoring the problem.
“Hey Nik? Can we talk-“
“Mom! Mom! Did you see how good I’m doing?!”Arianna runs to me, exuberant as always before she’s taking the juice box Nikki hands to her.
“Of course baby! Daddy and I are so happy you’re enjoying it.” I smile at her, smoothing her hair back and wiping some dirt off the side of her cheek, “Just try to be careful okay? And let some of the other kids get the ball.”
She nods feverishly, “But coach Taylor said I’m doing a really good job!”
“And you are princess, but it’s a team sport. So you gotta let the others play with the ball too.” Nikki tells her as he ties the laces on her cleats and tucks them into her shoe, “Sixx’s always play as a team babe.”
“But Blackwoods know how to get the job done themselves.” I wink at her as she giggles and hands me her juice box, “Go finish and then we’ll grab some dinner and maybe ice cream.” Arianna nods before she gives me and Nikki a hug and runs off to the field again.
“So...how are you and Jon?” Nikki questions, almost uncomfortably as he glances at me for a split second.
I shrug, “He’s been busy with studio stuff so
I haven’t really talked to him that much. He calls every few days or so just to see how I’m doing.”
Nikki nods as he leans back on his elbows, “Oh…well that’s good at least…”
“Yeah, I guess?” I chuckle a bit and shake my head, “It’s not like you really care.” 
“Yes I do..” I glance when Nikki mumbles, picking blades of grass and flicking them away. I chuckle at his words and shake my head, my eyes going back to soccer practice.
“Yeah, okay Nikki.”
“I’m gonna go get a drink at the concession stand.” He mutters quietly, getting up as his bangs fall over his eyes. I glance at him as he shakes his head and runs his hands through his hair as he walks across the field. I look down, noticing the unopened bottle of Coca Cola from earlier.
*A few days later*
I took a deep breath in and exhaled as I paced nervously outside of Nikki’s office door. Why was talking about how we felt so scary for us? My heart was racing as I hear the light hum of bass strings being pulled. Nikki had came home from having lunch with Donna an hour ago and slammed every single door he went through, so I wasn’t sure what had happened. I said hi to him but he brushed me off and went straight up the stairs.
I crack my knuckles as I try to find the courage inside of me to knock on the door. I just wanted to talk and I figured with Arianna being at school still, it would be the best time to do so. Ya know, in case of it getting ugly.
My lips puff up as I exhale deeply, glancing at anarchy as she’s sprawled out on the floor watching me, “Wish me luck.” I knock on the mahogany door, not hearing any response to come in. I wait a second before reaching for the doorknob and slowly cracking it open, seeing him hunched over in the usual position when he plays his bass with headphones on. I watch him for a moment as he reaches for his journal and writes something down. He notices me through the reflection on the blank computer screen.
Nikki turns around in his chair as he takes off the headphones and smiles “Hey sorry. I just had an idea and I wanted to play it while I had it.”
“No, no it’s okay. I get it. I uh just wanted to talk but you’re busy so we can just talk later.” I stay by the door, gripping the handle as I swallow the lump in my throat.
Nikki stares at me for a moment “No, come sit.” He motions to the futon, “What’s going on?” He sounds concerned as he rolls his chair closer.
“Okay..” I mumble as I sit criss cross on the cushion as I hold the pillow in my lap, “I went and talked to our therapist the other day to get some things off my chest and now I want to talk to you about them.” I take a breath as I look at him, he looks as worried as I feel, “I-I just feel like we aren’t getting anywhere. That this-“ I motion between us “..isn’t going anywhere.”
“You think that?” I notice the slight frown playing on his lips “I took the advice the therapist gave, Van. I didn’t want too….is this about me locking you out? If it is I’m sorry, I was just messing around.”
“Yes, I think and feel that. Like we’re just not letting go and we’re trying to stay together for the sake of Arianna. No, no it’s not because you locked me out. I’ve been feeling like this for a while now..”
“Is that what you want? For this to be over?” Nikki stares at me as he gnaws on his bottom lip, “Are you breaking up with me?” It’s faint but I hear it and it makes my heart heavy.
“I-I I don’t know..”
“My dates with Donna haven’t been that fun, not like how they are with you.”
I smile a bit before it fades, “I just feel like it’s me that’s trying to save our relationship, or what little is left to save. I’m just confused Nikki.”
“What’s there to be confused about Van? You either want to be with me or you don’t.” I stare at him, I wish it was as simple as that but it’s not. 
“Do you wanna be with me?” I ask him as he chuckles a bit and rolls closer to me.
“Vanity, of course I want to be with you. You should already know the answer to that. It’s always going to be you every time.” I look away at the painting on the wall as he touches my knees, his thumb gently rubbing back and forth.
“I just feel like our relationship is one sided now. I told you from the start I didn’t want to do this, seeing other people. I vocalized how much I was against it and you still wanted to do it anyways.”
Nikki nods as he lets out a deep breath “I know, I know. I should have listened to what you were saying. It put an even bigger strain on our relationship. I broke things off with Donna today. She was just getting on my nerves. I was only going out with her because I saw how much fun you were having with Jon and how happy you looked. It made me jealous because the whole time I was miserable.”
“You didn’t seem like it..I don’t want to break up. I just wish it wasn’t so hard all the time. We aren’t kids anymore, it feels like how it did 10 years ago and I feel like it shouldn’t be. It should be easy for us by now. Do you think other couples have it this hard?”
Nikki chuckles as he gets off the chair and sits down next to me, “No baby, I don’t. Because not everyone is as complicated as you and me. What do you want from me Van? You want me to actually work on us instead of finding excuses not to?” I glance at him as he smiles at me.
“But that makes me feel like a bitch when you say it like that. I feel selfish. Do you want this?”
“Vanity, you may be a temperamental brat and a pain in my ass sometimes, but you aren’t selfish. You’re far from it.” He reaches for my hand as he brings it up to his lips “I want this. I want you and only you. We shouldn’t be doing this because of Arianna, we should be doing this because we love one another and cause we want this to work. I do love you Vanity.”
“I know you do and I love you too.” I feel him kiss my knuckles again as he’s gently pulling me closer and into his lap. I feel him wrap his arms around me as he lays his head against my shoulder. I sigh as I lay my cheek atop of his head and let my nails run over his neck and back.
“I’m sorry for making you feel this way. Like we weren’t gonna have a chance. I never wanted to do that.” He tells me as I nod and kiss his temple.
“I know you didn’t do it on purpose, it’s okay. I just worry and overthink sometimes because you’re you. You’re Nikki Sixx. You could literally have anyone you want and I could be so easily replaced at any moment. It just scares me.”
Nikki looks up at me and laughs, “You? Oh come on you’re joking. Doll I love you just the way you are. Sure, models and playboys are hot but they couldn’t even touch you. They’re not the ones running out of the house applying make up and dragging a kid behind them because they’re running late. Or throwing water on dinner because they forgot they were even cooking. They don’t have eyes that remind me of the ocean when the sun shines. They don’t have soft lips for me to kiss, even when my breath is so fucking rancid in the morning.”
“Hey I haven’t set dinner on fire in a few months alright?” I laugh a bit as I lean forward to give him a kiss, “Thank you for saying that.”
Nikki licks his lips as he leans back against the couch to look at me, “Plus who else on this planet is able to make me cry? Besides Arianna, she’s just harsh.”
“Yeah she has been pretty mean to you lately hasn’t she?” I chuckle as I move pieces of hair back and out of his face.
“Yeah all because I wouldn’t let her crawl into the that claw machine at the arcade a few weeks ago. You know she put her blue goo in my boots? That’s not something I ever want to feel again.” He shudders as he looks at me and smiles “I’ve also been trying to meditate and write my feelings out instead of keeping them inside.”
“Oh! So that’s why you’ve been sitting at the pool every morning? I thought you were just having a mid life crisis or something.” I grin and laugh when he pinched my hip.
“Hey just because I’m getting closer to 40 doesn’t mean shit.”
“Kinda does a little bit, Nikki.” I lean forward and squint “is that….is that a grey hair?” I tease him as I pretend to pluck it out of his hair.
“Oh shut the hell up. You have them too probably.” He rolls his eyes as he pretends to pout.
“Oh no no baby. Not on this head of hair, you won’t find a single thing.”
Nikki leans forward as he gives me a quick and simple kiss, “Well whenever it happens, I’ll still love you when you’re old and grey.”
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whichie · 6 years
Class Ghost, Ch. 7
Shouto roams the halls of UA as a ghost, lost to who he was before and how he got to be who he is now.
Izuku feels like there's something missing from his life at UA, and he doesn't know what. But this ghost boy looks awfully familiar, and it's just not in him to let a poor soul wander forever without figuring out who murdered him first.
Together, they thwart bad guys and somehow fall in love along the way.
(the ghost/murder mystery au that nobody asked for)
a/n: :)))))
read it on ao3
It's been a week. A whole week, and no sign of Shouto anywhere. Izuku was running himself sick with worry, and the others have started to notice. He lost count of the amount of times he's been asked if he needs to lie down, or if he didn’t feel well. Goodness, if he had one dollar for every pitying look he got from his classmates, he'd be able to buy a mansion the size of Endeavor’s.
And so Izuku had had some thoughts, and feelings, and he really wished Shouto was there so he could relax and say what he had been wanting to say for a week. Which was, please don't ever leave again.
(and also, were you about to kiss me? Did you want to kiss me, or was that my imagination? What was stopping you? Why didn't you do it? Why didn't you?)
He didn’t know if Shouto needed his help right now, or if he felt lonely, or if he was mad at Izuku, or mad at himself, or a multitude of other things that could be happening to a ghost with the tendency to go rogue.
He's also taken to wandering the campus alone in his free time, half looking for Shouto, half giving himself something to do. Izuku hadn't realized how much time he spent with him until Shouto was no longer there.
(he refused to say no longer in his life, because there's still a chance of him coming back. It's only been a week, Uraraka.)
All week, he's felt off kilter, and he suspected it's not just because of Shouto. The nagging feeling that there's something he's missing had been following him and growing since the records room, and he found himself going back to that empty file folder again and again in hopes that it will give him answers, but it never does. He's tried showing it to the rest of 1-A, but they didn't recognize the name Todoroki Shouto either.
The strange thing about it all was that the feeling went away when he leaves campus. When he’s there, he's always confusing himself when he runs into a wall because his feet took him on auto pilot, and he thought there was a door there.
There was never more than four doors in his hallway, but his brain had other ideas.
He found himself turning around in class to say something to the empty desk in the corner, too. No one had ever sat at that desk all year except for the few times Shouto joined them for a lesson, so he always just closed his mouth and turned back around.
No one's ever in the chair, no door was ever in the hallway, and yet he still felt like there should be.
There should be.
Fuzzy memories of walking into a fifth room flitted through his mind, and now he had a suspicion. If he's right (he hoped he wasn't) then there were going to be more questions than answers. Izuku liked answers, they made everything make sense.
It's the end of the day when he finally got the courage to walk up to his floor. The long stretch of hallway seemed foreboding, but he ventured on until he passed where he gets those odd feelings, and he concentrated as hard as he could. At first nothing happened, and he almost gave up, but then remembered.
There was definitely supposed to be a door there, this he was sure of.
And now he's standing in front of where the door wasn't, staring at a blank wall that spanned between Kaminari’s door and Kirishima’s door. Which now that he looked at them, were too far apart for the small sizes of the dorm rooms. It was like they built an entire room between the two and forgot to put an entrance, the floor plan just didn't add up.
Which was ridiculous, because he remembered being in that room, and that freaked him out more than the existence of ghosts ever did.
He ran back to the lounge, collapsing onto the couch and making Mina startle. “How many dorm rooms are there on each floor?” he asked his classmates, who were hanging around watching tv or making dinner in the kitchen.
Kaminari spoke up from Mina’s other side, giving him a quizzical look, “Uh, I think there's twenty in total, so five.”
“That would make sense, right? There's twenty people in each hero class, so five rooms on the four floors. But there's only eighteen of us after Mineta got kicked out. We started with nineteen people, and we have nineteen rooms.” Izuku could see the lost stares on his friends faces, and so he started again. “Why would the other classes get twenty people while we get nineteen?”
“I dunno,” answered Jirou, “not enough people got accepted, maybe.”
Bakugo scoffed in the corner. “What Deku is trying to say is that we’re 1-A. If there wasn't enough people, we’d still have twenty students because our class would fill up first.” A collective ‘ohhh’ sounded around as everyone understood, and he rolled his eyes and spread his hands like he was saying, duh.
“See?” Izuku said. He was sure that he looked crazy, but at that point he was done caring. “Putting aside the fact that we should have had another classmate. Why would the other classes have twenty dorms and we only get nineteen? What's the sense in that? They might as well add one more room for the future classes who will have twenty kids, but that's not the case.”
Mina stepped closer to him, her hands up like she was approaching an unpredictable, wild animal. “I think this whole Shouto thing has kept you up too long. You need some sleep, you're not making any sense,” she said gently.
“Think about it,” Izuku barreled on, ignoring the looks his classmates were giving him. “There's five rooms on the first and second floor, four on the third, then five more on the fourth.”
Kirishima abandoned the sandwich he was making in favor of walking towards them and leaning his arms on the back of the couch. “Okay, thats a little weird, design wise, but I still don't get your point.”
Izuku was getting frustrated, trying to simplify it as much as he could so they could understand. “I'm saying there should be a fifth room. I remember it at the beginning of the year, but there isn't.”
His friends were silent as they thought about it, and then Jirou hesitantly piped up from her position at one of the tables to his right, “I can look at the layout of the building, if you want.”
It was like a lightbulb suddenly lit up in his brain. It was so obvious, why didn't Izuku think of this before? “Yes. Please. This is driving me crazy.”
He was too busy bolting to the elevator in his haste to catch the murmured, “A little too late for that,” by Bakugou, and the resulting nods of agreement from Mina, Uraraka, and Kaminari, who were the only ones to follow.
The way the other floors are laid out is this: the stairs and elevator are at one end of the hallway, on the same wall are two bedroom doors, and on the other wall are three. That's not the case for floor three.
As they exited the elevator, Izuku had time to take in how bizarre it was. Right across the hall from the elevator was Kaminari’s room, then at the end of the hall was Kirishima’s room, and the place where the third room should be between them was blank, empty space.
“Okay, I see what your saying,” Mina agreed as Jirou walked up to the expanse of cream colored wall and stuck her ear jacks into it. “Definitely weird.”
The look on Jirou’s face went from quietly skeptical to down right freaked out in the three seconds it took her scan the layout. She glanced at the four of them waiting for her verdict, then back at the wall, eyes wide and her mouth a thin line. “There's… a whole fucking room on the other side of this wall.”
“No way. That can't be right,” Kaminari exclaimed, but even he didn't believe himself. They knew Jirou’s abilities, and getting building schematics was something she could do in her sleep. She was never wrong.
Suddenly, Izuku got the feeling that they weren't supposed to find this out. This felt like the beginning of a conspiracy, and being the one to uncover it didn't feel as fun as he thought it would be. It felt fatal, like a live wire, and they were dangerously close to crossing the line of no return.
Fortunately or unfortunately for him, Izuku was never good at leaving well enough alone.
“Can you find out anything more?” he asked Jirou, but she shook her head almost immediately.
“There's something blocking me. I can only get the general imprints of things, nothing else.”
Uraraka sounded rightfully nervous as she suggested they leave it alone, maybe mention it to a teacher, and the others quickly agreed, not wanting to be there longer than they had to.
“Man, why’d you have to point this out, Izuku? I don't think i’ll be able to sleep tonight.” Kaminari, complained.
“I don't think you’ll have much trouble. You sleep like a rock,” Mina shot back, which started an insult war that lasted well after the doors to the elevator closed, casting the hallway in lonely darkness.
For all Izuku knew, that could be their undoing. It wasn't a pleasant thought to have.
Izuku went back there, well after everyone left, staring at the wall like he could bore a hole through it to see to the other side. He was hesitant to break it down, and he got the feeling that whatever was blocking Jirou’s sight wasn't going to like them sticking their noses further. So there he was, left wondering and still confused, with less answers than he wanted and exactly as many answers as he knew he was going to get.
But still, it nagged at him.
But still, it evaded him.
But still, it couldn't last forever.
Even now, whatever hold it had on them was weakening. First, it was the vague feelings of unease, then the flashes of memory, then his conviction that there was a missing room even with evidence to the contrary. And now this, the proof. The undeniable truth that something was at play here, or more frightening, someone.
With everything that had happened to 1-A, Izuku wouldn't be surprised if this was the League of Villains, or another shadowy organization trying to ruin them. He should talk to All Might, or Aizawa, but he knew they would see the timing of Shouto’s appearance and the discovery of the hidden room more than a coincidence. Izuku couldn't have that, so he’d have to figure it out himself.
The unease grew, and he wished Shouto was here, if only to know he was safe.
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r3dh00d · 7 years
The Bullet (Hawkeye and Black Widow)
Story By: r3dh00d
“Barton…Barton…BARTON!!!!” Agent Clint Barton aka Hawkeye quickly snapped his head to the man with the eye patch glaring at him. Nick Fury stood over Clint in a small conference room looking down at his so called “best agent” who was half paying attention to what he was saying. “Good, I’m glad to have your attention. Now as I was saying, your next mission will be in Moscow. We have intel on a Russian Spy named Natasha Romanoff aka The Black Widow.” Clint stood up a bit more in his chair at the sound of her name. “Romanoff… The Black Widow?” “Yes, she is a deadly Russian spy. Killed more men then any other female assassin our intelligence has ever seen.” Fury lays down a folder in front of Clint as he continues briefing him. “It seems that Romanoff is carrying a small hard drive containing valuable information on a new Russian prototype weapon that could be a major problem for the U.S. and the rest of the world.” Clint stared down completely mesmerized but the stunning red headed woman in the photo. Clint whistled “Wow, if you had shown me this photo earlier I probably would have been paying better attention.” For the second time during this meeting Fury glared down at Agent Barton. “You need to be extremely careful with this one Barton. They don’t call her The Black Widow for nothing.” Clint shifts in his seat folding his arms across his chest. “I understand Commander Fury, so get to Moscow find The Black Widow, apprehend her and get the hard drive. That seems easy enough.” Fury lays his hands on the table and leans in close so that Clint can see how serious he is. “You will have to kill Romanoff, she is far too deadly to be kept alive. This is for the best. Do you understand me Agent Barton?” Fury leans back up to give Clint space so he can take in everything he was just told. “….You can count on me Commander Fury.”
18 hours later and suffering extreme jet lag Clint Barton found himself in a hotel room located in Moscow on the 10th floor. Walking out of the bathroom after taking a long awaited shower he sits on the bed facing the mirror in front of him. Clint stares at himself observing all of the bullet wounds, knife stabs, burn marks and other different scars all over his body from past missions. Being in the line of work he was in this kind of thing came with the territory. So why now did he feel so strange about this particular mission? He quickly shook off the thought and slipped on a pair of black cargo pants and pulled over a chair. He grabbed two large black cases off the floor and laid them both on the bed and popped the latches flipping the tops of the cases open. Sitting down in the chair Clint looked over his gear. In the first case One 12 inch long hunting blade, 9mm Beretta with 3 loaded magazines, a tactical belt containing small medical supplies, 2 smoke grenades and one flash bang grenade. And In the middle of it all a long black and dark purple quiver with a black secure strap. Clint then turned his head to the black case on his left, a small smile twitched over his lips as he looked down. A long solid black beautiful recurve bow with a red sight above the grip handle. Clint picked up the bow holding it in his hand observing its craftsmanship. “Oh darling holding you never seems to get old.” Clint looked back down at the case still holding his bow. Attached to the underneath top of the case were 30 arrows, some with regular pointed tips, others with specialized tips to them. Containing electric shock tips, net tips , knock out gas tips, and whatever else He found exciting. Standing up he looked over to the file Fury had giving him. Staring at the photo peeking out of the folder Clint smiled. “all right, time to catch a spider.”
“Fuck it’s cold out here.” Clint shivered as he zipped up his black and dark purple cargo jacket all the way. The night was beyond cold and even worse the wind was brutal. He knew that he would have to calculate his arrows just right in this weather. He leaned over the edge of the building he was perched up on looking through binoculars down across the street two buildings over waiting for “her” to show up. SHIELD intel has come through 2 hours earlier revealing that Romanoff would be showing up at this location to hand off the hard drive to a very powerful Russian government official. A man by the name of Hugo Petrov. From what Clint had read about Petrov he quickly learned that he was a dirty untrusting man in Russian politics. And that he planned on using this new prototype weapon to rise up farther in the political branch through pure fear. Just then 3 dark blue suburbans pulled up down the street. Clint adjusted the binoculars into focus. The doors of the two vehicles in front and in the back swung open and in each car 6 men stepped out all decked out in black Tactical gear each carrying M-16’s. Then the doors on the suburban in the middle open up and out stepped 5 more men. Clint looked intently waiting for Romanoff, and then there she was. She was the last one to slip out of the car. Clint slightly gasped to himself looking at her. She had been beautiful in the picture he had seen, but seeing her now in person he realized that the photo didn’t do her true beauty justice at all. She stood there in black commando boots, tight black pants, a tactical belt with two holsters on the side holding FN-5.7 handguns. And a sleek black top with long sleeves and what looked like a bracelet of bullets around her wrist. Including Romanoff there was 18 of them all together. Clint placed down his binoculars and reached down to grab his bow. Making sure his quiver and arrows were secured he took about 8 steps back to get a good running start. He leaped off the first building to land safely on to the next building putting himself closer to the men and Romanoff. “Okay let’s here some chit chat boys.” Clint pulled out an arrow from his quiver which had a small magnet round end to it. Leaning up quickly with his arrow notched he fired. It soared with the wind curving it left. This is what Clint wanted actually, the arrow was above the men being undetected and once it was right where he wanted it to be he pressed a button on the handle of his bow which sent a signal to the arrow to detach the tip. The magnetic part fell down attaching its self to the bumper of the third car. The rest of the arrow glided out of site never being seen. The small magnetic piece was a listening device. Clint put a small ear piece and prepared to listen.
“Petrov is waiting for us inside we need to get him this hard drive now. I have a strong feeling we aren’t a lone out here.” Romanoff looked around above the buildings before turning around to head inside. “Come, there is no time to waste.” The men followed her inside some chatting to themselves about Petrov and how it’s best not to cross him, but even more stupid to cross Romanoff. Clint waited until the last one was inside with the door shutting behind him. He stood up notching a grappling hook arrow and shot it across the street to the other roof. Taking his bow Clint glided down landing on the ground his boots crunching in the snow as he slipped cautiously through the door. The inside of the building was an old abandon factory with 3 floors to it. The bottom floor had large machines placed through out. To Clint’s best guess he assumed steel rods and other types of metal parts were once made here judging by all the equipment. Clint quickly ducked behind one of the machines as he saw Romanoff and 3 of the men walking up the stairs to the third floor where there looked to be an office. “Thats where Petrov will be.” Clint thought to himself. The rest of the men positioned themselves on the second floor which was a long railing looking down on the first floor where men were also positioned. Clint looked around at all the men, he knew he had to get to Romanoff before she made it to Petrov. Whispering softly to himself “Okay Barton it’s time to do what you do best.” “Who’s there!?!” “Ah shit…” Clint hadn’t been as quiet as he had thought. Two of the men started walking towards the area they had heard the sound. Clint knew that sneaking was no longer an option and that he would have to go in with a bang, but that was how he preferred it anyways.
“BANGARANG FUCKERS!” Screamed Clint as he threw a flash bang grenade into the middle of the floor which exploded in a blinding light. “My eyes!” “dammit!” The men put there hands in there faces shaking there heads in frustration. Clint took advantage of this smacking the two men closes to him in the jaws with his bow. Before there bodies could even hit the ground he twirled around firing three arrows at the same time striking the vulnerable necks of three men. “Five down, 13 to go.” 5 more men begun firing rounds at Clint. “Oh fuck!” He quickly dove behind another machine. “You assholes’s don’t seem to realize who you are dealing with!” Clint looked above him seeing a beam to bounce his arrow off of. He fired high in the air watching the arrow ricochet off and shoot towards the 5 men. The arrow struck the ground by the men’s feet. “Hahahaha! Is that the best you got Robin Hood!?” The men teased him “your little arrow didn’t even touch us!” Clint pressed the button on his handle again. “5 more down.” The arrow explodes blowing the 5 men backwards.
“What the hell is going on down there?” Screamed Natasha Romanoff as she looked down to see 10 of her men down and out. “Oh hey gorgeous! I’ll be right up there okay!” Clint looked up smiling at Natasha. She looked at the American man with the bow in complete disgust. “Kill that American now!” She ordered her men. They started running back down the stairs as Clint made his way up. With such quickness Clint fired 4 more arrows back to back taking out more of Natasha’s men. “Running out of goons there.” He said looking back up at her. Only Natasha was no longer there. “Where did she get off to?” He wondered as he fired 3 more arrows into the last 3 men without even looking at them.“ Clint turned to his left to be met with a hard kick to the chest which sent him landing on his back. Natasha stood in a primal stance ready to strike again. “What is it you want American!?” She spat out glaring at him. “I want that hard drive you got on you and if you hand it to me nicely I won’t kill you…actually yeah I am going to kill you. After all it’s my job.” She gave a small chuckle. “ I am the infamous Black Widow, no man is going to kill me.”
Before Clint could get up Natasha kicked his bow off the railing. “You won’t be needing that anymore.” Natasha flips herself on top of Clint putting him in a deadly leg lock. He could feel himself slowly losing consciousness as she squeezed tighter. As a last ditch effort Clint raised his arm up flicking her in the eye. “Ugh you bastard!” It wasn’t his proudest moment but it did just save his life. While she was distracted he came at her with full force hitting her hard in the stomach and sweeping her leg out from underneath her. He jumped on top of her pulling out his knife and putting it to her throat. “I will kill you!” He shouts in her face. “I…I have to kill you, it’s my mission.” Natasha struggled under his weight trying to free herself. “Then why don’t you? Huh? Kill me now American take the drive and go! What are you waiting for?” Clint pressed the knife closer to her throat clinching his teeth. “I should, but there is something about you I can’t shake off my mind.” His grip on the knife losing slightly as he continued talking “My gut keeps telling me you aren’t as bad as you seem that you can still make the right choice in what you are doing.” Natasha looks up to meet Clint’s eyes. “I’ve never had a choice in my entire life I was trained and bred to be a killer from birth!” Natasha felt Clint’s grip on his knife losing even more and she took her opportunity. She grabbed his jacket and pulled him down head butting him hard and flipping them both over where she was on top of him.
She pulls out one of her guns from its holster and presses it to Clint’s forehead. But just like before when Clint couldn’t kill her, she now finds herself struggling to pull the trigger. Why? Why was this loud mouth American getting to her? She was only doing what she was always told to do, and that was obey. She only knew the Life of an assassin, this is what she did best. In those few seconds her mind was going crazy with what to do. No one had ever told her she could make her own choices before. “Natasha.” She snapped out of her thoughts to look down at the man who had just said her name. “Kill me or don’t kill me I don’t really care anymore. What matters is that it will be a choice you made on your own. Not someone else making it for you." Natasha pressed the gun harder onto Clint’s skull. “This is my choice.” She lifted the gun and brought the handle down on top of Clint’s head knocking him out. Natasha stood up making her way up to Petrov.
Natasha entered the door to the office. “Petrov coward under the desk as she walked in. “What the hell happen down there!? I heard gun fire and explosions! This was suppose to be a secret meeting!” He stood up shaking a finger at Natasha. A heavy set man in a business suit with a large mustache and a bald head. “It was taking care of no need to worry anymore Petrov.” “I COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED YOU STUPID BITCH!” Petrov was turning red as he screamed. Natasha was balling her Fist so violently. Petrov leaned back on the desk to catch his composure. “Do you have the hard drive with you still?” Natasha popped open a pouch on her tactical belt and held it in her hand. Petrov clapped his hands in delight. “Ahh excellent! Now please hand that over to me.” Natasha stepped forward and then hesitated. The American’s words from earlier played Into her head “you can make your own choice.” Petrov reached his hand out “Well? What are you waiting for hand me the damn drive!!!” Natasha placed the drive back into her pouch. “No, I don’t think I will.” Natasha turned and started to open the door, BANG!!!! a bullet hit her right in the shoulder. Natasha fell against the wall holding her shoulder wincing in pain. Petrov stood over her picking up the drive. “You stupid whore! How dare you try and double cross me!” Petrov aimed the gun he had been concealing behind his back Into Natasha’s face. “It’s a shame to kill such beauty, but you aren’t the first woman I’ve killed and you certainly won’t be the last. Goodbye you poisonous widow whore!” But before Petrov could pull the trigger he heard what sounded like someone whistling behind him. Turning his head to the left he saw a man standing in front of a sliding door that Petrov hadn’t noticed. “You really shouldn’t talk to a woman like that.” Petrov turned his gun towards Clint, but Clint was too fast. He threw his knife hitting Petrov right in the forehead killing him.
“Hey you okay?” Clint leaned down examining Natasha’s wound. “Believe it or not I’ve had much worse” she said holding her shoulder. Clint stood up reaching out a hand. “My name is Barton, Clint Barton.” Natasha looked up at him, staring at the man who had just saved her life. She reached out and took his hand as he pulled her on her feet. “I made my own choices tonight.” She said leaning on to the man smiling at her. “Yeah I must say I’m impressed, though my head is still killing me from when you smashed it.” Natasha leaned down picking up the drive and handing it to Clint. “I’m giving this to you, I have no need for it.” Clint took the drive from her and placed it in a pocket of his jacket. “Now that you have the drive you probably have no need for me now.” She hesitated before asking her next question. “What do you plan on doing with me?” Clint let out a sigh “Well, I think you should come back to America with me.” Natasha looked in shock at Clint’s words. “What? But why?” “We could use someone with your skills at the agency I work for. You would be fighting for a better cause to bring peace to the world. And my commander, Nick Fury will be very impressed I think if he knew you chose not to give the drive to Petrov but to me instead. So Natasha Romanoff what do you say? Want to become a SHIELD Agent? It’s your choice if you want to.”
8 hours later Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff were on a plane making its way to New York City. Natasha places something in Clint’s open palm. “What’s this?” He says looking down. “That’s the bullet that was in the chamber of the gun when I all most pulled the trigger on you. She gently reached for Clint’s chin turning him to meet her eyes. “You told me I had choices, you were the first person to ever tell me that. I wanted you to have this.” She took his hand closing it over the bullet with her hands. “I owe you a debt Clint Barton, let that bullet always be a reminder of how you set me free.” Clint held the bullet in his clinched fist gazing down at Natasha’s hands on top of his. He placed his other free hand on top of hers and looked back up at her with a smile. “You don’t owe me anything Natasha Romanoff.”
The End.
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