#thats some Nice Lesbophobia there!
wotw round 1
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propaganda under the cut!
shes a companion in the first game and a major character in the third. between these games she becomes the spymaster for the girlpope and actively aids in and supports its various atrocities. this is NEVER EVER AKNOWLEDGED BY THE FANDOM. this isnt a bit! i go through her tag on ao3 and tumblr regularly and NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THIS??? all her content about her romance is fluffy and nice (which. Um. Yeah im sure thats not due to lesbophobia at all. (shes bi, but the majority of people who romance her do so as a woman)) EVEN DURING THE TIME PERIOD WHERE SHE IS APART OF THE ORGANIZATION THAT IS DOING LIKE SIX SEPARATE GENOCIDES AT ONCE AND IS ACTIVELY DISENFRANCHISING THE PEOPLES THAT HER LOVER CAN BELONG TO???? HUH??? just because she Says she supports certain things (and to her credit she does later. just way after the helping with genocide) does not erase her active role in furthering the oppression of various peoples in thedas. this isnt even getting into all of her other more minor flaws people erase all the time(i am very tired but otherwise i WOULD) if only because this is enough. Can people please please like women without pretending they dont have flaws come the fuck on
martin blackwood:
listen my memory of this podcast is so loose BUT in canon he's a cunning and competent person, he actively works to sabotage the evil organization he's forced to work for, he gets trapped in a sort of limbo-state version of reality meant to isolate him from the world and decides on his own to try to get out instead of submitting to it, he was literally theorized to be working for the Web by some people and YET everyone just sort of takes the way he was in s1 (in love with the main character, very timid, etc) and ignores all of his character development 👍 there are some major martin soldiers who could explain this better
he's great actually he's committed minor arson. he killed his boyfriend (necessary). he's got incredible mommy issues. he's manipulative. he's angry and wonderful and kind and the fandom has dumbed him down to this uwu chubby tea lover softboi and i HATE IT
Hated by his sick single mother, but still cared for her till she died. Spent two weeks trapped in his apartment by a worm lady and didn't lose his head. Always tries to be kind and give people tea, but beware the nice ones. He will murder you once the apocalypse comes around. Especially if you hurt him or his boyfriend. The fandom may sometimes only remember the tea and the meekness but don't be fooled!
so many things. mainly a shitty mom and Spooky Depression though
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redheadbigshoes · 7 months
Ugh lesbianchemicalplant...
I've read a bunch of her posts on transmisogyny before, some of them are fine but her views on lesbian stuff is so... really strikes me as someone who hasn't actually faced lesbophobia before.
I'm a transfem lesbian too and I've gone through enough comphet conversion therapy bullshit that I have no patience for anyone who doesn't respect the strict boundary of No Men in lesbian identity, I have been pressured and forced and chained to men my whole goddamn life and to say "oh its just bi women saying Yes they really are attracted to women" thats biphobic to think that that needs to be said rather than taking bisexual identity seriously and not making assumptions that a bi person is barely attracted to the same sex.
Like she referenced 'political lesbianism' as a keyword without it being in any way involved and 'lesbian sepratism' which I just take as a keyword to mean someone doesnt give a shit that we want an identity seperate from trans men and bi women.
If you can't empathize with the fact we are alone against a world where almost every fucking one else (aroace women i see you) in some way is a man or is attracted to them and every fucking thing in this world expects you, tells you you should care about them, be interested in them, everything fucking involves men in some way and they whine when it doesnt, if you can't empathize with the fact we want some goddamn respect for the struggle that is to live in this man-centric world? Then you're blind to why we're upset, why it hurts, why it makes us feel alone.
So yeah, it's not a 'cis lesbian seperatism' thing there's plenty of trans lesbians who want our goddamn independance from men to be respected.
...phew okay got all my feelings out lol have a nice one ya'll
I am pretty sus of lesbians who support the inclusion of cis and trans men in lesbianism. They either (like you said) have never faced lesbophobia, or they’re not actually lesbians.
If you’re supporting the inclusion of cis and trans men in lesbianism there’s a big chance you call yourself lesbian while being attracted to cis and trans men so you’re not actually a lesbian.
These people really don’t realize how they’re reinforcing bisexual stereotypes of being deep down straight or gay/lesbian. They completely erase the years of bisexuals fighting for respect and for recognition so people start thinking bisexuality is an unique and separate identity and not being half gay and half straight. They completely ignore history while trying to use history to include men in lesbianism.
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thisaliennerd · 3 years
every time i pick up a new hyperfixation i also end up adding a new man to my comphet list 😔
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carpsurprise · 3 years
Can I get the bachelorettes helping you cope with lesbophobia? <3 (your choice is it’s directed at the bachorette too, I just have a lot angst from being a former rural lesbian myself)
the bachelorettes helping you cope with lesbophobia!
i hope this is okay,, i didn’t know much else to write but i hope this works!! i kinda wrote this as a mix of assuming it’s directed at both of you (probs cus i headcanon like almost every bachelorette as a lesbian im not sure why) but i went through and tweaked it to be more like ambiguous !!
-yup homegirl is absolutely ready to fight whoever is being rude to you!
-if she had sleeves she’d roll them up
-if you chose to pull her back she’s probably gonna be grumpy for a bit for your sake
-but later on she’d be cheerful again to cheer you up and she’d talk to you about her experiences with her parents and stuff in hopes of comforting you!
-platonic (or romantic, depending on what u want) cuddles and physical comfort too!
-i think emily would be focusing more on you than anything!!
-she’d probably brush it off bc she knows some ppl just suck and focus on making sure ur dealing with it well!!
-emily would be good at just letting stuff go (its just her nature)
-she’d probably just try to get ur mind off things and remain positive to try to help lighten your mood!
-emily would def up the goofy to make you laugh
-also ready to fight, but more so verbally than physically like abi (though don’t get it wrong, haley can FIGHT with the right motivation)
-she’s absolutely telling them off with words like venom 
-afterwards she’d turn to you and make sure you weren’t crying or upset to any degree, returning to her normal, sweet self!!
-but rest assured that person is NOT gonna mess with you again (especially if haley is near)
-leah would probably remove you from the situation, wanting to be mature about it
-you two would talk it out, she’d allow you to just pour out your emotions while she’d support you!!
-she’s a great listener!! exactly who you’d want to spill your emotions to
-you two would go for a walk in the forest to help clear your mind and get some fresh air! she’d leave any negative talk til after bc she wants to give you some time to clear yourself!!
-i think maru would be a mix of super mature but also pretty tempted to tell someone off! 
-a good mix of “hey fuck you” and “this is why you shouldn’t do this”... some mix of respectful but definitely making a point of hey!! don’t invalidate someone bc you’re dumb
-she’d remind you that not everyone’s gonna be great all the time, and to focus on the good people in your life bc sometimes ppl just suck!! especially in a lil rural area
-there’s plenty of people that do support you and will always accept you! she’d def make a point of this and her support, ending with a sweet hug and a lil kiss on the cheek (platonic or romantic, i headcanon her as a naturally affection person even to her friends!!)
-penny would probably get upset too honestly :(( 
-but you two would be there for each other!! and she’d eventually try to remind herself that nothing’s wrong with you (and/or her) and try to move forward
-i think she’d silently comfort you, whether you two just take some time in silence while she reads to collect your thoughts to figure some stuff out, or if you two just kinda spend some time together in company!
-maybe some nice tea or something else thats warm and comforting!!
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dickgreyson · 4 years
ladies, crimes of passion was bad for me personally so now ur all gonna hear abt it. i feel like it was the nail in the coffin for kate and maggie’s relationship, and as opposed to paying tribute to the original material the author so admired, i really feel it trivialised it. kate and maggie are women. they had an adult relationship, and though it ended on unfortunate terms, it was still adult. and i dont know, but a kiss on the cheek and some yelled confessions and a ‘call some time’ felt so high school to me. it didnt feel genuine.
i want to first say that the art was bad and i didnt like it like sorry to whoever did that but like comparing this book w what we got from n52 like. they arent playing the same game. why did maggiekate get such a lacklustre storyline and such bad art. lesbophobia? never.
ok so. the immaturity that this kate expressed was kinda insane. a huge part of her arc both in n52 and rebirth was her reflecting on her past relationships, her experience, everything that has made her strong and mature. her coming to see why life is worth living, and why she has worth. thats why n52 ends with her knocking on maggies door. their break up was messy and painful, for both of them. neither of them wanted the relationship to end, and it was because of maggie’s husband threatening a custody battle that it did. its unfathomable how painful that would have been, to choose between being with the person you love, and seeing them happy with a child. thats why at the end of n52, when kate was ready to settle things with maggie, she did
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i hate this ending, but at least it’s some form of emotional finality. they hashed things out here. crimes of passion feels like a budget version of this, it presupposes that none of this happened, like they didnt conclude their relationship maturely and amicably. 
then we have rebirth. whilst their relationship was well and truly over by then, the finale of the run again rehashes kate’s emotional maturity when reflecting on her time with maggie. both times, when she thinks back on her life, or the ‘unknowns’ going forward, theres always a credit to maggie.
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so it doesnt sit right with me reading through this snippet in crimes of passion! the sniping and coldness. i cant place it. i dont know when in the timeline this is happening. it has to have been after their talk at the end of n52, and if it is? it retroactively makes that ending hollow and meaningless. because obviously their talk wasnt effective, and they parted on bad terms. 
like whilst the ending, the ‘youll always be that source of calm for me’ and the ‘i’ll always love you’s seem nice on paper, they trivialise the finality of every other run as far as im concerned. because theyve had this conversation. kate had already emotionally gotten to this place. the ‘until next time’, like finally at that meeting theyll be on good terms, is bad. because they had already been there all along without this comic.
all of this just feels irrelevant and like a budget rehash of their relationship. it didnt add anything, in fact i feel like it took away from the source material.
and fuck me this was supposed to be a valentines special, and there was absolutely no romance. i want a refund.
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longinglook · 4 years
Hi Anna. First of all let me say that your post was brave to tell your opinion and a part of you. the other anon clearly didnt care abt what you had to say apparently - - ' [ im not english ther will be mistake sry ] Anyways i wanted to share My opinion too if thats ok. I agree completely that internalized homophobia (isnt) shouldnt be a trope, but sadly for me some or most bl shows "use it" a lot and in a "bad way". at least it used to be a loooot like that. like EVERYTIME a guy start to have
[2 / 4 . feeling for anothr, he uses violence! they all do! im so sick of it! people have so many layers and just punching someone for two episode and then getting with him for me thats not it… So i gues thats why some people are “fed up” abt this éstoryline’ its bc sadly its always done the same way. And on my part, I relate much much more to Tine (at laest at where we r now on the show). Bc for ones I feel like Im reliving the same emotions as him.]
[¾ . And its not happening right off the bat, its sllloowly and confusing and lots of interogation and curiosity. Bc yes bls are…what they are. *usually “StRaiGHtss” who suddenly fall for other guy, and all his friends too psshhhh. But with Tine (or 2gether) I feel its defferent. like i really see the process and its just just…wonderful?how it feels so reel bc i get it? bc he is the only one that doesnt beat himself up/disgusted. So i like this progress(???) in this bl bc it shows finally]
[4/4 . an OTHER WAY to deal w/ discovering urself. lol for me it took 7years to accept/understand that im not straight and my mom beeing a homophobe didnt help lol buttt… i still see myself. Take care of you. and if its not yet the case i really hope one day youll be proude of who you arethats why i didnt like bls at all. or ig just thai ones i guess? bc i watch other queer shows and i find them fine.] yes, straight people sometimes do really ruine things dont they xD (lol jk no offence)]
Hello!! Thank you for sharing your opinion with me! 
I am also 100% against shows going the “violence” route as a response to confusion and internalized homophobia because it just makes no sense and it’s not fair that the two things get linked as if abuse would be a normal reaction to it. If you are confused about your feelings/sexuality and decide to take it out on someone with violence, that’s a big no no. Sadly some dramas have done that and it has always bothered me so much because it feels way too over the top and unrealistic. It’s a huge step from feeling grossed out with youself for being attracted to same sex people to deciding to beat someone up for it, one that most people wouldn’t make because normal decent humans don’t go around hurting people like that.
One point that I really wanted to make is that having and feeling internalized homophobia doesn’t make you a bad person. For example, Tine being so open and accepting of himself doesn’t make him any better than a character that would need some time to sort out his emotions and be okay with them. It’s not the same thing as being homophobic, which would entail being prejudiced and closed minded. As I said before, if the confused character decides to get violent with it then yeah he’s an asshole, but being confident and calm about your sexuality just makes you luckier than someone who isn’t, not better.
It is nice and refreshing to watch Tine slowly come to the realization that he likes Sarawat, he feels jealous when he’s surrounded by girls, he likes his company and he’s used to his flirting and welcomes it at this point. It’s nice that we haven’t seen him panic, he hasn’t needed any advice or consultation, he’s acting the way he would if he had found out he had feelings for a girl. I do like this because it makes the show feel lighter and more positive, and so far it’s not overdone to the point of being unrealistic. If all of his friends end up with boyfriends by the end of it I will be a bit annoyed though lmao. For example I think theory of love did a great job with balancing out the straight/gay relationships. I’m not saying I want a straight relationship in every show because that’s boring and unnecessary and if I wanted straight rep I’d watch literally any other show, but they just don’t need to make every single male character gay by the end of the show. Also give us lesbians I am begging you please
My experience with internalized homophobia is specific to being a lesbian, I identified as bi for a really long time and was completely fine with it, but would get extremely annoyed and defensive if someone questioned my attraction to males. I had to work a lot on it to realize that I have tons of internalized lesbophobia to the point where I can’t say I am a lesbian out loud (I’ve come out to a lot of my friends but I was never able to say it, I would have to use words like “I like girls” because the l word still makes me feel nauseous). All of this to say that I’ve known I’m not straight for over 10 years and yet I still can’t get past some stuff, and I’m tired of people acting like it makes me worse than people that are completely chill with it right off the bat. 
I hope this was clear enough and didn’t offend anyone 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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solskens · 5 years
Do u have any f/f book recs??? I really need some bc i think im bi and I literally cant find any books that are not white m/m romance 😔😔
i am in desperate need of f/f books too, especially ones that aren’t YA! i have some recs down below, but most are YA i read a few years ago (when i was 14-18). here’s my book rec tag, which has masterposts on mostly lgbt books. and here's a list of the books i’ve read the last years, and you can sort by gay and see.. both mlm and wlw books, but there are some wlw books there that i won’t recommend bc they aren’t worth spending time on. anyways. here’s a list! and bolded are extra recommended! hope it helps a little
black iris - elliot wake, a dark book about lesbians and revenge. full of lesbophobia, but i loved it when i read it a few years back. 
far from you - tess sharpe, also sort of dark, way less lesbophobic but it starts with death and addiction. 
we are okay - nina lacour, deals with loneliness in college and love between best friends . nina lacour has other cute but not amazing wlw books too!  
it’s not like it’s a secret - misa sugiura, high school romance, discusses racism, i remember it as a book you felt good after reading? 
leah on the off beat - becky albertalli, the wlw from love, simon 
the upside of unrequired - becky albertalli, the main character’s twin sister is a wlw and relevant throughout the book, a sweet story though but the main character is not a wlw as far as i can remember
far from the tree - robin benway, three siblings adopted to different households get to know each other, one is a wlw. deals with family themes, feel good storyline, really cute and nice! 
lies my girlfriend told me - julie anne peters, i listened to this earlier this summer, and i’ll be real it’s not the best book? but quite good? a dead cheating gf and the girls she cheated on get to know each other
the dark wife - sarah diemer, a free ebook if you google it, hades/persephone wlw story where hades isn’t like... gross, it’s just zeus being a rumour spreading bitch. really well written. 
tipping the velvet - sarah waters, in the... 18..19.. hundreds? a woman acts like a male prostitute until a rich lady wants her to give her the strap. i am really tired. but thats the plot i remember from this book. it’s really good, just tough to get through and really depressing at times
oranges are not the only fruit - jeanette winterson, a lesbian grows up in a reeeeally christian household. full of homophobia and negative religion, but quite... okay? like i’ll be real i felt like shit listening to it but it was good, just very feel bad! 
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fungaloids · 5 years
big yikes @ lesbophobia tw for this and some other freakshit. also rly rolling over and exposing my soft underbelly online for no reason. but i had a dreame where i had like . electricity powered and dr. evilbitch or whom ever was like fuck you. you are going to my people with powers jail forever so i can get free electricity while youre chained to a wall 24/7 and also because i have horny depression or some dumbass shit. 
there was a nice bit at the beginning where i got 2 hang out with friends and family and like my moms friends who were trying to help me out but i kinda decided i was gonna go peacefully and hope someone was able to break me out soon. bc they were like making plans and shit and i was like sick of being terrified constantly
weirdly chill in the jail like overall but the guy who took me there did rip two car doors off their hinges to get at me for literally no reason. like right before i was just going to Go. anmd also . the warden lady kept doing shit like . i am going to giev you a feminine haircut and chain u to the wall by the nose (literaly give u a fuckig.nose piercing with some Copper Fucking Wire. and a nonfunctional pearl thing.) because you dont conform to femininity hard enough and its threatening to me.  but she left the scissors so i fixed the hair at least after ggdsjfjdgkj
also i was trying 2 at least not be A Problem and get the shit beat out of me for not doing good enough and so i was giving her suggestions so it would at least make the electricity thing work and she was just like fuck you. i dont actually care if it works youre actually supposed to be bending to my will regardless of what the boss wants and also im going to use this as justification to do whatever the fuck i want to you like uuuuuuuuuu
also it was implied that if nobody came for me i’d have to seduce dr. bitchman or like be his perfect little lapdog and cure his depression with lové to get out of jail eventually and hmmm dont like that ! 
like this dream really just dissected my entire fear of authority and existing in heterosexual culture and how i tend 2 play along with shit thats really bad for me huh. mr brain you NEVER
also they were really trying to get me to power the whole complex with puny little copper wires huh. like little baby bitch awg #16s. those babies would explode into a fine mist with the power needed 2 supply an entire evil lair they didnt even have insulation oh my god who the fuck did this
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karnalesbian · 5 years
gumshoe seems like hes a genuinely nice guy but also has some like, really really weird shit thats not really, malicious? but still weird as fuck goin on, like a really weird fascination with vintage jams and jellies
i dont know anything about them beyond posts i see and some vague memories of lesbophobia or some shit they said but uh im not factoring any of that in, this is purely based on the image i get from the posts and how other people discuss them
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