#thats the FINAL change to the OG
howler-entertainment · 3 months
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welcome to my crack idea. I was watching TMNT 2003 and got to season 4 episodes 20-21 "Return of Savanti", when the idea came to me. What if the turtles failed to stop Savanti's plan, and he succeeds in stopping the extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs, but they where able to destroy him.
The rest is based off this theory I heard once that if raptors continued in their track of evolution they would be where we are today. And thus my crack was born! the only difference is every human is a raptor, and the turtles and splinter are different species lightly inspired by prehistoric turtles and rats. (rise really hit different) Other then that every thing is the same.
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Me talking to a classmate I discovered loves Final Fantasy: I’m really disappointed Cloud didn’t beat the crap out of Aerith
Classmate: …Do you not like Aerith?
Me: I do! I just wanted them to keep the integrity of the original game
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Real quick PSA for the followers, just to make sure my positions are clear on some issues and to make sure I am not causing any unintentional harm (that devolved into a minor hiatus):
-If I'm intending to talk about something specific, I'll mention it, I promise.
-I do be forgetting that you all recognize me on both my A03 and my tumblr. It is surprising to me every time. I tend to be vERY flippant on here, especially in my tags. I think we have reached a point where I should be more careful lol. I am not used to having an actual effect, so if I have an effect you don't appreciate, or I say something hurtful, please please bring it up to me! Dms, anon, replies; idc, I'm always down for a conversation.
-I am not in the business of apologies I do not mean, and I certainly do not back down from my opinions, I think that's been fairly clear. So, if I apologize it's because I mean it, and that won't change.
-I make a lot of posts that are critical of fandom culture in a lot of different fandoms, and culture around specific characters as well. I want it to be very clear that unless I am directly interacting with another user, then the criticism should never surround anyone specific. I never want to direct hate ever, unless I'm tagging.
-If there are questions about the appropriateness of my headcanon posts in response to asks, that can be changed. I would really hate to be making my very small community uncomfortable. I had thought I was fairly clear on the blogs boundaries and what I think is appropriate, but perhaps I haven't been careful enough. Please feel free to address issues with me, or to block me. That is always an option of course.
Uh, that being said, I might take a couple days. I have used this blog for fun and friends since 2015, it's not my first time fucking up nor will it be the last. But, it's upsetting to me that my blog might be harmful to some (who I hadn't intended it to be harmful to, it's always been an active warzone for irredeemable character excusers lol, since 2015). The queue will go on as usual but no new posts for a bit while I figure out if things need to change. I'll respond to DMs tho, probably, bc I'm obsessed with my mutuals.
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ruairy · 1 year
#that post thats like i could fix him but as in i could write him better than the og plot#is ME with the totk plot#look....i love the game...truly and really.....but i would do the plot so differently#especially ecerything to do with ganondorf#and everything with the whole Zelda is going to be forever changed and loae herself when she becomes a dragon!its irreversible!!!!!!!#and then its magically reversible bc.....Reasons#look as painful as it would have been i think zelda shoud have stayed a dragon#i also think ganondorf should have stayed a dragon#saw a post that was like ganondorf upon becomeing a dragon shpukd have actually lost himself and just fuckin floated off#just be forever flying around hyrule like the other dragons bc hes no longer Ganondorf hes just a dragon now#the finality if the memory of zelda deciding to become a dragon and the emotional impact was just....ruined#also the dragons are immortal so why was dragondorf killable?#also everything with the fifth aage felt so rushed and crammed in#u get no time to spend really getting to know mineru its just here she is ok go fight ganondorf#like ok!!!!! i guess!!!!!!!#and sonia..... ganondorf sonia mineru all holding hands and in the middle it says deserved better#frankly i think rauru should have been evil or at best morally grey#also while i like the mystery that is connjured about the three dragons when u find out how dragons originate i really wish they had touched#upon who tf those three dragons were#like farosh gets the most attention in this game and its like...but why#also the lack of recognition of botw#llike okk ik the champions technically died 100 years ago so ur average hylian in totk has no idea#come on man...revalis only mention is an easily missable place name .........
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taeminniemin · 1 year
+ INTRODUCTION (finally) +
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hello everyone!! welcome! I know this intro is extremely late, as I have already been on Tumblr for 4 years now.. but let's ignore that-
ʚ Everything about this blog, including roleplay are SFW. No NSFW please, I beg. Let's just respect each other's wishes :(
ʚ Obviously, I'm totally 300% ler
ʚ pets names are alright as long as they aren't offensive or just rude in a way.
ʚ My worst spot is honestly pretty well known, so let's just not expose myself hereㅜㅜ
ʚ I do better with roleplaying with male idols, but Im open to roleplay with female idols.. I just might be a bit shy and awkward, so sorry in advance.
ʚ I get shy easily, dont mind me. ☻
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♡ Im zero, hello hello :]
♡ Im between 16-19 years old.
♡ all interaction must be kind, I get hurt easily unfortunately so I'll probably feel terrible if we get on the wrong foot.
♡ Most of you already know me, so I dont have much to say honestly.
♡ my main blog is @minsungii
♡ you can find my writing blog on my main blogs introduction
♡ triggers are all the same, please read it agajsjrkfjrh
I love you guys!!
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mbat · 2 years
watching a show where a major character gets recast is so weird
ive only watched a few shows where its happened and it always ends up fine but its just so weird lmao
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chisatowo · 2 years
I should rly draw the snake triplets more I love them sm but also grrrrr human
#rat rambles#oc posting#maybe I should just doodle shoe and sock over and over again and just pretend snek doesnt exist /j#I did actually do that a lot with them after I finally figured out how to draw them looking more like actual snakes#I drew snek plenty too though she used to be one of my favorite of the eternal gales kids to draw#and just one of my favorites in general she very much used to be the favorite child lol#I think at this point shes probably one of the human kids whove gone through the least design changes#although dodie and bloom are probably a lil bit ahead of her there but thats largely because they were some of the last properly designed#while the snake triplets where like. the second to be designed of the human kids fgndjfnd#shoe and sock have gotten plenty of changes over the years since their early designs were all uglyyyyyy#I did NOT know how to draw snakes in the slightest lol#come to think of it Im bot even sure if bloom has ever gotten any more major redesigns#I thinkkkk her pants and shoes might have been different at some point? and I know it took a lil while for me to stylise her hair like now#but the hair thing applies to plenty if characters of mine and I more so consider it me refining how I draw them as opposed to a change#but yeah asside from those three pretty much every eternal gales character has had some sort of design overhaul at some point#I believe fydd was the first one like way way back when I made him birb and I rly havent touched his design much since#you can probably find his old design on the internet somewhere but yeah I had good reasons for changing it lol#but yeah other than him I believe most more major redesigns were done during tge timr of this blog's excistence#not counting the staliens most of them got their big redesigns long ago#their og designs were ugly and samey as fuck I did not know what I was doing fhfnsjdbd#well not all of them busy and dancer for example have barely changed#helmet also isnt that different asside from minor details#most of the others at least had some major color overhaul#oh except for softie ofc but thats just because of how recently I made them lol
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googiekitsch · 6 months
i saw someone in a post i made about wdw parks history lamenting the 20000 leagues under the sea ride that closed down and i have GREAT news i have been WAITING for a chance to talk about this
i would love 2 take this chance to bring to the wider public's attention TOKYO DISNEYSEA, aka the best disney park objectively- at this park, they actually have a modern incarnation of 20k leagues but updated with a lot of very clever engineering tricks and a gorgeous steampunk-adjacent aesthetic but one with a lot more whimsy. its aesthetically a lot like the tommorrowland at disneyland paris, actually
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they even have the kraken still in there! updated to seem a lot more visually menacing. i believe the eye on it even moves!
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and hey you know how 20k leagues in its original incarnation had a lot of issues with people finding the design of the subs claustrophobic since the seating was so cramped? that's been updated too! you can clearly see that this ride vehicle was designed with the comfort of larger groups in mind, while also still feeling like its a rusty old submarine.
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ok this is cool right. like surely thats cool on its own-
yeah no this ride is also connected to a journey to the center of the earth ride. and not a dark ride either this thing is almost comparable to a roller coaster combined with a dark ride. its a really unique ride system.
also the ride itself is built into a volcano structure with a beautiful waterfront in front of it (beautiful waterfronts are disneyseas whole thing actually)
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ALSO the ride is really notable for having this GIANT CREATURE ANIMATRONIC in there thats REALLY reminiscent of the alien encounter animatronic! (or at least the documented records of it)
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and the coolest thing is the entire park is brimming with this amount of creativity. you see, disney doesnt actually own the tokyo resort. they dont have complete control that they do over, say, the orlando resort. the oriental land company owns it because they own the land it was built on. so instead of disney mandating them to put certain things in, they license their properties to them. i assume that because disneys grip is a lot more loose on this park, the designers are able to take a lot more creative liberties and experiment with this sort of stuff (not entirely sure on that, but given just how different this park feels from anything else disneys ever made i can only assume that'd be the case. if anyone knows any other details on how this park turned out like it did aside from this, lmk!)
like, even the areas that are licensed have very creative things going on with them - look at this little mermaid area thats designed to resemble the architecture of the castle from the film
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and even the area for the toy story ride is gorgeous, its designed to resemble coney island era carnival boardwalks!
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this whole park is so fascinating to me because its very evident that the designers for this park repurposed a lot of the concepts they never got to make. even the parks name is a reference to a cancelled west gate to disneyland called disneysea, which is, like the one in tokyo, a sea/maritime themed park. and even outside of that, if youre at all familiar with disney history you can clearly tell which cancelled projects the designer of this park were inspired by!
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this is concept work of the og disneyland disneysea^
i dunno, this whole park has captivated me a lot when i was younger because its like a bunch of these crazy passion projects the engineers were rooting for for years that only existed within concept art finally brought to life after years, maybe decades. ive always found it really beautiful that the creative team behind these parks found a way to make their ideas truly work in a park. i think its a shame that more disney park history enthusiasts straight up do not know that this park exists just because it's not one of the US resorts since those always get all of the attention in discussions of wdw history. hopefully this post can change that!
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artoutforblood · 15 days
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Bishop Moses!!
Notes: limbs have grown longer, more muscle mass, horns and hooves have darkened, so have their extremities. The scars left over from their time in chains before their first death have turned crimson at the extremities as well. Horns have grown and curled, and we have a smaller extra pair directly below the og horns
They've also grown taller. They can and do shrink themselves to whatever height they'd prefer, but if their "natural mortal height" would be a full head taller than Narinder.
The robes are based off traditional hebrew robes, my biggest inspo coming from the Prince of Egypt, as homage to their name and also the Shepherd persona.
Lace and cloth flowers are a staple of lamb fashion in my head, so i incorporated those. White flowers and Chrysanthemums are traditional for funerals. The camellia flower on their sash is actually a pin to keep their robes in place and for the golden chains to hang from. It is a camellia and kept red because its a symbol of the Red Crown, which they named Camellia early in their adventure.
They had grown more at ease with their scars and had eased up on hiding them. Then, they changed from dull pink to so red it looks like they're still bleeding. They've taken to covering them up again with gloves and legwarmers made of gossamer fabric.
The heavy golden bands on their wrists and ankles serve as reminders to themself of their origins. They'd really hate to become like the Bishops of the Old Faith. Best to stay humble before the fates decide your ego's gotten too big.
Their wedding ring is made of a mix of Narinder's ichor and resin. (idea originally from bamsara) It's black but shines a toxic green and red when the light hits it. Narinder is the one who made it by hand and gave it to them. Moses made a similar one of their own ichor but dried into a design on a gold band.
While Narinder wears white, Moses wears black. That way they're wearing each other's colors <3
I'm still a little up in the air of what god they are, exactly. They are the god of death, but theres many ways to describe that. The One Who Waits/The One Who Waits Below is a title descriptive of a patient stalker who lurks at the corner of any unfortunate turn. But Moses is more of an old friend waiting at the end of a long journey, thats the sort of god they want to be.
The God of Death and Rebirth/God of Final Rest/God of Eternal Peace/ idk.
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Luis’ ‘Secret’ Death Cutscene
I don’t actually know how many people here on Tumblr know about this, so I figured I’d make a post- But in Seperate Ways during the part of the game where you have to rescue Luis from his burning lab, if you stand juuuuuuuuust outside of where he is but don’t actually go IN to save him, you get this special cutscene!!!!!!!!
And I just find the whole thing S O INTERESTING. Like,,,, first of all, we technically have a second (or third if you count the OG (and I’m not sure if there are any other cutscenes like this so correct me if I’m wrong!!)) Death for Luis!!!!!!! And it’s a goddamn poignant one at that too!!!!!!!!!
Like,,, first off; obviously, we have the paralells to his Grandfather burning in his childhood home. The fact that if it weren’t for Ada, there would’ve been a VERY REAL chance that Luis dies the same way his Grandfather died is just,,,,,, S O HEARTBREAKING TO ME?????????? Like Luis has a pretty repetitive theme of him almost dying in significant locations (If it weren’t for Leon, he would’ve died in a body bag underneath his childhood home) and unlike his Grandfather, who at least got to WRITE him a LETTER, he would’ve died in the exact same tragic way too!!!!!!! MAN!!!!!!
And then there’s the whole scene in general; A core part of Luis’ character is that he wants to do ANYTHING to survive. Not in a, ‘save your own skin’ kind of way, but he wants to survive because he wants to CHANGE. He wants to make a POSITIVE IMPACT and atone for his actions; he wants to get out so he can show the world he isn’t a monster and he wants to find love and meaning in life. Hell, he was even about to FISTFIGHT THE DAMN MONKS in that prison cell- THATS how desperate he was to get out and live and thrive!!!!!!!
Yet here he is, literally throwing himself into a burning building and- in this case- DYING without a second thought. He has to literally tear himself away from Ada to run into the lab
Because goddamnit he CARES SO MUCH ABOUT LEON AND ASHLEY AND ADA!!!!!!!! He would LITERALLY DIE for them!!!!!!!!!! He is NOT in this to save his own skin, CLEARLY- he sees his chance to finally show SOMEBODY he can do good and to HELP S O M E O N E for ONCE in his life, and he sees that goodness and that love in Leon and the rest of them- and he would do ANYTHING to help them get out, even if it meant throwing away his chance to live and escape Valdelobos.
And he doesn’t even hesitate, either?????? Like I said he literally has to rip himself away from Ada to run into the BURNING DAMN BUILDING cuz he’s that desperate and that was his first thought!!!!!!!!!!
And if Ada hadn’t gotten there in time, he WOULD have died. He would have died exactly like his grandfather; and he would have died with the world thinking he was the villain. He would have died having his actions only ever do bad. Even if he didn’t mean them to. He would have died in the middle of nowhere with no legacy to his name-
And worst of all, he wouldn’t have figured out to get the suppressants for Leon Ashley and Ada. He would’ve died, and Leon and Ashley would have had no idea. They probably would’ve thought he just,,, run off. They’d have no clue how hard he fought to help them.
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rox-of-iu · 7 months
heyoo here are the promised bonus concept doodles for the covers ( ´ ▽ ` )b (finally dug them out lol)
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(these first two were the ogs that i made back in june. i was lying in bed unable to fall asleep before my entrance exams and had sudden thought hey what if i made cultivate covers haha jk unless- and then the very next day these two were made hjkd)
as you can see i didnt listen to my own sketches tho and most of these underwent more changes as i went hahha
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and here are the ideas for the beautiful spouses of bai zhan and taoren mountain <333 matching when theyre on each others peaks so that everyone knows theyre a package deal hahha i have modified them quite a bit for the final piece but that was simply because it better fit into the composition that way (but low ponytail lqg is still very dear to me even if it didnt make it into the final version hahha)
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(sy has a willow branch hair pin and lqg has peach blossom hair adornments) yea also i know the taoren outfits are too fancy but shh they can dress up properly to their status for once cuz i said so and wanted to draw it hfjhgkdfh. also they deserve many outfit variations also because yes.
i also thought about making bonus content that you get with the special editions of the final books, like the stickers and posters ykno. so i started doodling stickers but ran out of time hahha so thats that xD (but if anyone else feels like doing cultivate stickers instead pls feel free the more the merrier and stickies spark so much joy to look at hkjghkdf)
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speaking of running out of time. i am the biggest procrastinator so i went "oo i got pleny o time" and then the chapter count started catching up with me so i went "panik!!" and then it went up so "hm kalm again." and then again and again hdfkjhdfg
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hatsalad · 6 months
I think there's a really interesting concept that the 2007 bayverse film had going on in the first like half to 3/4's of the film that it and the rest of the franchise completely forgot about. Which is a lil funny to me cause this concept kinda has a domino effect for the franchise and even outside the movies with MECH from TFP and Ghost from Earthspark. And it's mainly about Humanities relationship with Cybertronians/Autobots and the creation of NEST, the og MECH/Ghost.
The 2007 film kinda broke the usual patterns for how humans are introduced to the Autobots. Usually either humanity meets the bots first and so when the cons arrive, the Humans already see the bots as friends and allies. Or, they meet the cons first and are almost immediately helped and saved by the bots. Meanwhile bayverse starts with a Decepticon destroying a military base, killing a ton of people...and the bots don't show. The autobots don't show until half way through the film and even then, they don't actually fight the cons until the final act. Like Optimus in the films opening of the Cube floating through space literally says "but we were too late." The Autobots were too late and now the conflict of the first half of the film isn't decepticons vs autobots. Its Decepticons vs Humanity.
It's Humans having to save Human survivor's from Scorponok. It's Humans having to predict the cons next move, all the while not even knowing what the cons even are. It's Humans having to deal with and stop the cons hacking and stealing information. The Autobots were <i>late</i> and so the larger Human characters, for a moment, had to stand alone and defend themselves from the cons. And this has the lasting consequence that the Humans in bayverse do not look at the Autobots and see friends. Humans in other continuities who have met the bots first or were saved by the bots around the same time that they're introduced to the cons are able to easily be like "ah okay, theyre the good robots and those are the bad robots." But because bayverse has Humanity dealing with the cons before they ever meet, when the bots do show up it's more of "these are the bad robots and those are *looks at Autobots*... the other robots".
And thats the concept that I find so interesting. The Autobots were too late and thus were too late to save their relationship with Humanity.
Now, saying that, I will acknowledge that a lot of bayverse has the vibe of "ugh 🔫🇺🇲AMERICA🇺🇲🔫" and for Bays fetish for the military and explosions. And so a lot of the choices and writing made for the 2007 were probably surrounding that. And Humanity turning against the bots and just not being really friendly with the bots at all was probably just for the drama and just to add more conflict rather than any sort of exploration of Humanity's relationship with the bots.
However, I think you can acknowledge that way something is in a story is influenced by the creators in real life and still be very interested in how those influences actually look in the universe and how characters are influenced by it. So yes, the 2007 has a unique focus with the Decepticons vs American military because of Michael Bays personal interests but that doesn't change that in universe, the Human characters are forced to stand against the cons without the bots in a way that Transformers continuities don't tend to do. And how that change will effect the Humans relationship and dynamic with the bots.
And when the Autobots do finally show up and fight the cons, it's not outside a small town or in a field or somewhere else isolated. It's in a heavily populated city. This is Humanity at large's introduction to the Autobots...and it's to the bots and cons completely decimating a Human city where very clearly, a lot of Humans are killed. So of course the Humans of bayverse are extremely cautious, theyre distrusting and even outright hostile. Like...I want you to think about every bayverse film and how in every one, a Human city is destroyed. How many Humans lives are lost collectively in these movies.
"Oh but all the Humans that the Autobots have to deal with aside from Sam and his current love interest are selfish and greedy backstabbers, so clearly it's the Humans at fault here." The majority of Humans that the bots have to deal are not a good representation of Humanity of a whole. This is why I think the introduction of Cade Yaeger and his friendship with Optimus could have been so interesting because unlike the politicians and businessmen and military men, people is high positions of power that can be used to manipulate that Optimus has previously been working with. Cade is a random smuck who lives in the middle of nowhere, he has no power or influence to his name and everything he knows about the bots has been things he's read and seen in the news. He had the initial introduction to Cybertronians as a whole that the rest of Humanity had. And that would have been the events of the 2007 film, mainly the final big fight in the city.
Sam does not and should not count. In the first film he was attacked by Barricade and almost immediately saved by Bee, he has the more traditional introduction to the bots. Sam is an outlier and so an inherent bias. And so after going through these films with Optimus thinking that Humanity is ungrateful for the sacrifices his friends and comrades have made and for the work they have done. He meets Cade and he finally gets that outside perspective and how they're introduction actually really looks to the rest of the world. And I just think this is a completely accidental concept that the film didn't mean to introduce yet here I am unable to not think about it and am going a huge rant about.
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desire-mona · 2 months
Could I ask for a mini ramble on why Keating is your favourite character? Poised with a notebook and pen to take down notes haha
so like. keating; let's talk about that
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we desperately need to acknowledge that keating is an amazing man right down to his core. he is so passionate about living life in a way that makes him feel fulfilled that he makes it his main goal to teach others how to do the same.
he experienced the same exact thing as the poets, remember, the movie makes a big deal of how nothing at welton changes. he had the same exact oppressive environment growing up as they did, so he knew exactly how to connect to these boys.
every single one of his peers and superiors fully believed that neil's death was keatings fault, and actively shunned him for it. not a singular person that wasnt a Teenager in his community understood what he was trying to do. welton painted the narrative that keating taught these insane useless lessons about breaking the rules BUT NEED! I! REMIND! YOU! HE MADE A PRETTY BIG EMPHASIS ON THE FACT THAT U GOTTA BE SMART ABT IT! he called out charlie for the call from god thing for a reason!!
another crazy devastating thing abt keating + neils death is the fact that neil was understanding exactly what carpe diem mean's IMMEDIATELY. AND WAS ACTING ON IT!! he pursued things that he knew would make him happy and fulfilled in the long run, he knew what he wanted to do with his life and he took the first opportunity to get it. the exact fucking definition of seizing the day. keating was REACHING THIS KID SO WELL!! HE WAS UNDERSTANDING EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS SAYING!!! AND THEN!!! AND THEN!!!!!!!!!!
so imagine this. you grow up in the most rigid, boring, unchanging environment and decide fuck it, im gonna Do Something for Myself for Once. you start to think oh, this is actually kinda sick, doing things that make me happy. you escape the environment that aims to essentially make these Children into what their idea of successful is. (quick reminder that there are actual children also attending welton. like kids. like 9 year olds n shit.) you actually chase after every opportunity to be what your idea of successful is, and were so passionate about that way of living that you learned how to teach others how to do it. and also poetry and stuff.
so youre doing exactly that, you finally got to a point where youre doing exactly what you wanna do, and teaching these kids in a situation just like yours. and its going SO WELL! there's this one kid who just GETS IT and is doing it flawlessly and then - oh !
keating is my personal description of raw devastation. all of who you are and what you wanted to be is in shambles because of something that isnt your fault. but almost everyone around you thinks it is your fault. and we're just gonna move on from that? thats it? thats the end of the story? no more keating after that?????? downright evil. more people gotta talk about this wonderful man!!!!!
also very sorry if this makes no sense, im quite high. but also shameless self promo pls interact with my ask blog @ask-captain-keating bc i lob running it. pleags. ily for asking this btw!!!!
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visionthefox · 2 months
sams- is Eclipse mad Solar is Dead? is Eclipse healing? This is a ramble, may have errors and not make much sense but wanted to let it out maybe is me but.. I think Eclipse is also pissed off Solar died.. something on how he says it over and over, is not even to Just mock Moon, try to make him angry like is hold self would.. at first? sure - "isnt he the reason Solar died?" was asked in a more mockery tone.. but as the video keeps up, something on his voice just seems off.. and I know damn well davis KNOWS how to act with his voice, most times his tones arent a mistake.. no no he's been doing this for a long time now.. he knows.. but I feel he maybe does miss Solar? apparently they used to talk? in Eclipse has Returned…ALREADY!!! in VRChat- in the last moment Eclipse mentions Solar can and is better! he can do so much. Maybe is proyecting himself, maybe is hoping to get an ally? maybe .. just maybe he is deeply jelous on how Solar got more lucky and got Moon to see him as an equal.. something any OG fan know was the first thing Eclipse wanted from Moon.. old Moon.. YET also, had him hoping he could learn from Solar? he is mad the person who is supposed to be his better self is now dead, and he doesnt even get to revenge him and himself for now being left without purpose.. AGAIN ok hear me out, as much co co he's been so far. at moments Eclipse seems to actually understand he is the bad guy and seems to regret it, at times he admists he never HATED Lunar- we can assume he was mad for be backstab and thats it- at times he acts like he NEVER cared but soon that mask slip off.. is it wild to assume Eclipse is mad Solar is gone because he maybe finally found someone "like him" but not like him ? an Eclipse- a mistake- a broken AI but who got lucky? and this dude does listen to him and is kinda the reason Moon didnt do worst things ? idk why- I get the odd feeling the more Eclipse mentioned Solar death. it was more in angry tones - when Ruin mentions his data could be usefull, Eclipse does stop to listen- yet soon does attempt to kill him and is here when he does mentions in more angry tones Ruin is the reason Solar is dead.. is odd how is THAT the reason he is mad is not even
"this IDIOT bring be back to do THIS STUPID PLAN!" not a "he play me like a chess piece , just for this idiotic plan!" is odd for me- Eclipse was mad he was back alive- used like a puppet but when faced to the man itself- this motive is slighty pushed away ....... maybe is also how Moon is acting that also set him off? as much eye roll he does to Moon, maybe is him having to hear a bit of reality check that finally makes him NOT kill Ruin - he does finally LISTEN to Moon and does as told of course he will be pissy sassy bastard everytime they talk- he not only is the personality copy, he hold memories too.. at least few enough to hold some anger to Moon, specially after that therapy, Eclipse maybe still dealing with his old wounds .. but as much shit talk he does , he seems to be more open to listen to Moon. and eventually do as told without much fight.. there IS a Change- SLOW- and I want it this way.. so slow may be hard to see but is there..
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seokjinnie-ah · 2 months
read: playlists are super down below so keep scrolling!!
Our Life: Beginnings & Always.
Hello Hello! Welcome to my first ever post on tumblr that just had to be about my ultimate top tier favorite visual novel of all time..Our Life: Beginnings & Always or OL:BA for short.
This game has such a special place in my heart that im afraid I’ll forever be attached to it because at this point it’s not even a phase anymore lol. I still remember that heated summer day of scrolling down on my steam shop out of boredom and i kept getting recommended OL:BA but back then i really couldn’t care less and would not even spare a glance on it until i got so fed up of it popping up in my recommended for the next few days that i decided to finally check it out.
Reading what it was about made me curious but what really got me downloading it was because of the customization of our character/characters.
And finally into the game i was! I remember when the story started, i was very surprised already by the environment, narrative and world building of the game. It truly felt like i was part of it and i didn’t get bored at all. In fact right from the start i was hooked already!
I loved ALL of the characters that was introduced, i love the fact that it was SO multiple choice that it felt like you were really integrating yourself/oc onto the game and that you’re not just forced to say the same thing as a different choice or feel as though your options are limited. Its definitely a game that you’re supposed to replay over and over because its just that fun!!
And as someone who has never had a great childhood and adolescence, absentee parent, chaotic household, unsupportive friends, want to be understood (you know…this and that) i was so happy that this game was doing that and it genuinely gave me hope to live despite going through the darkest of times in my life :)
This game has changed me into a better person and made me want to be the best version of myself that i want to be in the future! I will infinitely recommend this to anyone who wants to have a feel good game/read (+1 it will make you cry!!)
Anyway enough yapping 💀 Time to get to the point.
Here are some playlists i made dedicated to the lovable characters of OL:BA that i personally listened to during my walkthrough and may relate to their route/lore ;)
read: playlists are super down below so keep scrolling!!
the og love interest!
summer with cove holden.
this playlist is the epitome vibes of the game (growing up with them and having fun, making memories.)
from beginnings to always with cove holden.
spoiler alert!! MARRIAGE DLC WOOOO!! really love this one cuz its all full of cute romance and wedding songs. i also put some songs that i think mc and cove would have when they get kids :3
DEREK IS JUST SOOOO AAHHHH He’s my ideal man and i KIN him so bad you dont even know!!!
derek suarez crushing on you.
THIS PLAYLIST. IM TELLING YOU. one of the FAVES i made!! the pining, secret crush on mc for a loong time, the angst GOSH. so cute. every song in this plays a part on each moment with him i swear
5 years after baxter ward.
one thing i noticed about our life is it lacks certain angst aspects when the baxter dlc didn’t exist YET back then. like i LOVED the fight between mc and cove in mcs room and i wanted it to escalate more ngl just cuz i LIVE for angst! but if you want to get real hurt you should choose baxter. this playlist focuses more on the last step of his dlc and its full of taylor swift songs.
baxter ward.
honestly this playlist is catered more to his vibes, his character (i listen to this playlist and i imagine edits of him lol) but i guess some songs are related to his story/lore? i made this waaay before 5 years after baxter ward and when the baxter dlc didn’t exist yet and we all just knew him to be as the new neighbor in sunset bird but people like it i guess so here it is xD
anyway thats all for OL:BA series! GB Patch is cooking up Our Life Now & Forever and it’s not released yet! just on demo on steam and itch! i already have a playlist for it but so far i have only made Qiu Lin (one of the leads of the game) i also have a privated filo inspired playlist for baxter if you want to listen to it let me know so i can put it up in public!
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I remember your headcanon that if Francis was forced to draft in the army, he and Steven would meet. What happens if Mr Mosses did end up enlisting his son in the military? I don’t think Francis would be the type who’s good at fighting. Perhaps he’d be stuck as a low ranking soldier or something. How would Francis and Steven meet and how will their relationship go? How does Francis feel about being in the army, especially when his life is put on the line. Would Francis’s relationship with his father change in this timeline?
Okay admittedly its a bit hard to guess this because I'm not 100% sure on the timeline and what not (tbh I kinda feel like Steven is YOUNGER by a few years than Francis so...??) or when they both enlisted or how the US military even works.
Okay lets do this one at a time- if Mr Mosses went through with his decision (his wife is distraught) I agree that Francis would have a hard time dealing with the situation. He is NOT a fighter, not the way Steven is, and training would absolutely be hell for him. HOWEVER, I do think he would still do his best to adapt and while he's absolutely not the best, he still survived training. He'd def be a low-ranking soldier though but at least he's still alive.
Now in come Steven who I think arrives a year or so after Francis. Again its kind of hard to guess this because they're in completely different group (Steven I'm sure voluntarily joined the army and obviously enlisted for the pilot training) and again I have NO idea how the military works but fuck it they still meet somehow. They meet up in a group one night and got to talking about their lives and home. Francis doesn't spill about his home life right away of course but Steven is a friendly and mostly open guy so he talks about his family and his ma and his pops who's insanely proud of him (Francis is kind of envious about this) and how he'd always dreamed about being a pilot and how great it is to be able to fly and see the open sky and everything he wants to do after he finally gets the position and Francis is. Enamoured. Steven is open and adventurous and brave and they continue to meet each other throughout training despite not having much time for that but they made it work. Francis eventually opens up to Steven about his homelife and Steven comforts him which made their friendship grew stronger.
After Steven finally graduates as a high-ranking pilot and sent for missions they still keep in touch through letters and photos. They both talk about wanting to meet each other's families and get to finally spend time with each other outside of missions and trainings after all of this is over.
Okay this is where I'm really just BUTCHERING logic and timeline I'm SO sorry- but eventually Francis got out of the army (after surviving the war) and went back home. Do you remember the Moral Orel talk earlier about Clay? I imagine Francis and Mr Mosses relationship is similar to how Orel feel about his dad after Nature. He no longer cares about pleasing his dad or making him proud. Mr Mosses's actions proved that he doesn't care at all about Francis and he was done with him despite Mr Mosses for once finally showing approval at his son for being a soldier (a position that HE forced on him). Francis stayed around in his town for his mother but then left and cut off contacts with his father. This time because theres no lingering shame or guilt Francis regularly visited his mother and was there when she died so og!timeline pain where he didn't get to be there during her final moments is erased.
(another thing thats erased is him meeting Nacha but uhhhh thats for another day MEKDKDK)
Okay so we're back to where things are supposed to be but with a completely new timeline. I can't see Francis continuing being a soldier so after his contract was up he just went and got odd jobs rather than go back to the military. I'm not entirely sure WHAT he does for a living (I'm sure soldiers get pensions or smth??? but idk) but its a little bit like the og timeline with the addition of military experience and ex-soldier in his list. While Steven is off on missions Francis also visits Mclooy who Steven talked about a LOT and who he always wanted to meet and he became the father figure that Mr Mosses never was.
(also sidenote but about Mclooy's wife- I kind of feel like she's dead before the game began and he's a widow?? Idk it just feels like it to me the only thing I'm unsure of is when she died but I also have this headcanon that Steven and his dad only started living in the apartment after she died)
Back to Steven. Again, we circled back to how canon went with him continuing being a pilot for the military. He still does live with his dad, the only difference is that he and Francis are much closer because they've known each other for years through hell. I like to imagine after the war is done they regularly visited each other and Francis spends a lot of night at the Rudboys's house before they moved into the apartment. They're best friends and have the strongest bond out of all the residents (besides married couples and families)
(also off topic BUT if you want to see a Francis who enlisted in the army check out @/phatkochi's Milkplane swap au where Francis is in the navy! just a suggestion cuz I can't draw or write any of my headcanons down, at least not something this detailed)
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