#the Americans always confuse that
clonerightsagenda · 3 months
One of my professional nemeses is a guy who does not know I exist who consistently posts god awful takes on Inside Higher Ed but today he posted one bitching about the decline of Western culture being taught in schools and how "It’s no secret that today’s kids have much less exposure to those Greek, Roman and Norse myths, legends and sagas" which is a bold take in the age of Percy Jackson, but he then went on to cite Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia as newer cultural touchstones that "reflect more modern sensibilities, values and concerns, including themes of diversity and inclusion and environmental awareness. They’re crafted with contemporary language and settings, even when set in fantastical worlds, making them more immediately accessible to today’s children than the sometimes archaic language and unfamiliar settings of ancient myths" which ???? Yes Lord of the Rings, infamously written with accessible language.
This is the same guy who wrote a post about how we no longer produce the same caliber of intellectuals as... and then listed off 15 people, all white, 1 woman, and two Georges, so I honestly think he may have been cryogenically frozen for a few decades and they thawed him out to write terrible thinkpieces.
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maddy-ferguson · 9 months
people on twitter falling to their knees because celebrities are posting pro-israel insta stories how old are you that this matters to you
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aroaceofthesea · 3 months
Feel free to talk about how you feel about this in the tags!!
*vote for what you feel is a normal time, not necessarily what you usually do. Idk use your own definition of normal
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burtlancster · 1 month
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apparently all mike wallace had to do to get him to answer this question was play truth or consequences
#there’s more than one story in the buford biog about him losing his temper and then breaking down afterward#bc he was upset with himself and also confused about why he always exploded like he did#but this interview was in 1948. he was aware that it was a problem from the beginning#it’s his irish temper + the emotional inheritance from his mother#but also i think he was massively insecure about certain things#like when they were filming ssos (from tony curtis’ memoir american prince) sandy mackendrick wanted burt to#slide down the booth in jj's first scene so falco could sit next to him and therefore it could be more intimate but#burt was adamant that jj hunsecker wouldn't slide down for anyone nor would he let himself be boxed in at a table without an escape route#but sandy had his own vision so they butted heads and the second sandy raised his voice burt upended a table#a disproportionate reaction to a creative conflict and probably (like he said) about a culmination of things not just that#financial liability and the fact that odets was writing scenes they were filming hours beforehand for one#does he want the push back bc the conflict breeds better ideas and he just doesn't know how big and scary he is? so it comes off worse than#what he intended?#or is he exploding bc he's sensitive about sharing his creative ideas and doesn’t want to be judged harshly#probably a combination of creative conflict and resolution being a part of his process and needing to feel like the bestest boy#but hes so fucking hard to pin down bc there's examples that contradict all of this#photoplay magazine#1948#1940s#clipping#i should just post this whole q&a
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rivalsilveryuri · 3 months
Do you say chewsday
I do. Sorry for being british.....
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me trying to look for inspo:
hey google whats that one building in NewYork thats in every superhero/modern fantasy movie and they all stand on the top of it contemplating and it has gargoyle status that sometimes talk to them i think
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frereamour · 2 days
Misleadingly, one of Liam's is called "Guess God Thinks I'm Abel," suggesting Noel is Cain -- that is, the killer brother. But the song's not about brothers; it's about lovers.
Source: The Washington Times, May 2005
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novumoru · 11 months
american friends, please help me, is it really such a hugely ~mystique~ thing as to why people would sacrifice themselves for a lost cause? are there no examples of people doing that in public consciousness???
i am reading so much about the mystification and glorification of kamikaze by americans but i also keep encountering white authors who are saying that they were only enlightened by Ivan Morris' nobility of failure because they could've never grasped the concept of heroes who fail without him and that's just... so unbelievable to me...
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hotmess-exe · 1 year
i fucking hate US government form standards so much. why on earth is every race that is not "Hispanic or Latino" listed with "(Not Hispanic or Latino)" next to it?? literally what the fuck does this mean??? what am i, a HISPANIC AFRICAN AMERICAN, supposed to put down exactly???
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lazaruspiss · 7 months
used day-month-year format too much and forgot when 9/11 was the other night. still embarrassed. this was before i got drunk even like im so dumb
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running-in-the-dark · 6 months
watching Buffy with my niece (11) and just had to explain what it meant when Xander said that Willow's phone was ringing, so she wasn't online. I feel old 😬
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izzy-b-hands · 9 months
On a random fic related side note, just saw I'm at nearly 80 fics written for our flag, and can only think to myself
'wow bud, you had like. over 100 for the Pacific probably even faster than this. You've really lost steam, huh?'
and like. Brain. could we just enjoy the number go up, even if number go up SLOWLY
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rowanhoney · 8 months
Man Americans weird me out so much
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britneyshakespeare · 2 years
It seems hard to me when I look at her sometimes, and think how many without one tithe of her genius or greatness of spirit have granted them abundant health and opportunity to labour through the little they can do or will do, while perhaps her soul is never to bloom nor her bright hair to fade, but after hardly escaping from degradation and corruption, all she might have been must sink out again unprofitably in that dark house where she was born. How truly she may say, 'No man may care for my soul.' I do not mean to make myself an exception, for how long I have known her, and not thought of this till so late—perhaps too late. But it is no use writing more about this subject; and I fear, too, my writing at all about it must prevent your easily believing it to be, as it is, by far the nearest thing to my own heart.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti writing of Lizzie Siddal's health in a letter dated 23 July, 1854
#european date orientation even tho it feels unnatural to my american brain#quotes#pre raphaelite#dante gabriel rossetti#rossetti#lizzie siddal#elizabeth siddal#elizabeth eleanor siddall#he really did admire her. not just the vague and vain concept of 'love' but he truly respected and appreciated her.#as much as a young victorian man could anyway......#this book by jan marsh is so insightful. it's truly flipping a lot of my expectations and previous assumptions#i didn't realize how deeply he cared for her in all the years they were just courting. ppl made it sound like he encouraged her only a bit#in her artistic pursuits but he gave her all the credit and praise for everything.#lizzie could make one stroke on a canvas and he'd start crying#i think ppl confuse his later lurid affairs as a widower w him being a playboy in his 20s. which doesn't appear to be the case.#i remember reading somewhere years ago that there was no evidence he committed adultery in their (albeit short) marriage but ppl assume#based on what they know about him. but he and lizzie were still very young when she died and he was much more bright-eyed and bushytailed#it seems in her very early adulthood.#didn't yeats also lose his virginity when he was like 40??? and he of course got around w a lot of women once he did.#ppl always make assumptions of what historical figures must've been like based on their modern assumptions of how ppl behave#jan marsh is smashing my entire schema of dgr as a young man and im kinda here for it#the girlies are gagging for guggums
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opisasodomite · 8 months
I only ever check Facebook to see what my elderly (soon to be) father in law posts (mostly to shittalk it to my fiancé) and one college friend, but somehow facebooks algorithm got royally fucked for me and now I’m only ever getting served posts for Indians learning English that are just big infographics of vegetable names and such things
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locketdropet · 9 months
Seeing people in all-red or all-white outfits gets confusing when you’re multi-cultural
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