#the Archdevil Supreme is not amused
cherriesandsulphur · 8 months
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reallyhatethiswebsite · 7 months
Samael (Raphael x F!Tav)
Dad Raphael fic, a little bit fluffy and a little bit dark
Read on AO3
Tav’s body woke her. Her breasts ached, her biological clock wired and telling her that her baby would probably be getting hungry right now, even if he hadn’t yet made a sound. She expected to hear his cries shortly, but her son wasn’t in his cradle, and her husband wasn’t in their bed. The space where he’d been sleeping was still warm. For a moment, Tav simply lay there, soaking in the peace.
Her baby was not a tiefling, but a cambion, meaning he slept in odd fits, and his behaviour was often unpredictable and so unlike a regular infant his age. He’d been born with tiny fangs – something Tav’s nipples did not appreciate – tiny wings, tiny claws, and a tiny ropey tail. Bumps on his forehead indicated where his horns would eventually grow. Tav loved him desperately. He’d also almost killed her on his way into the world, but Tav would give her life a thousand times over for him.
Eventually she dragged herself out of bed, deciding to look for her boys. The House of Hope’s halls were quiet and empty, most of the wandering debtors being banished after the birth of the little prince. His father deemed their ilk unworthy to look upon his offspring; Tav was just glad the creepy bastards were finally gone. It made hearing baby babble and the low, dulcet tones of her husband much easier, and from there Tav simply followed the music.
Raphael was in the archives, their son on his hip. He was wearing his soft red velvet dress robe – Tav’s favourite – and his feet were bare. She noticed with amusement his big wings were held further out from his shoulders than usual. They fascinated their son, and he had a habit of pulling and chewing on them. It didn’t hurt, but Raphael was sick of being covered in baby slobber.
“So you see, Samael, when drafting a contract, one must always ensure the clause has enough wiggle room for the recipient to believe they can hold the upper hand against you,” said Raphael, matter-of-fact. “That way, when the curtain falls, they fail to notice just how tight your grip has become. It’s something of an art form, I believe.”
“Abababa!” Samael gurgled, waving his pudgy red fists at his father.
“Precisely,” Raphael nodded. It appeared they were having a serious discussion. Heart warmed, Tav just stood there and watched them. Samael got stronger every day. He could already spread and flex his wings, and his control over his tail muscles constantly improved. A few months old and he was able to delicately curl it around the arms and wrists of his parents – something he was attempting to do right then, but Raphael made a game out of evasion. He’d wait until the last moment before gently snatching Samael’s tail, commanding the boy to try again. Samael giggled every time; Tav wasn’t blind to the fondness softening her husband’s gold eyes at the sound.
He was every bit the scheming, opportunistic, terrible devil she’d met so long ago, but there was so much more to him than that. He’d spent countless nights reading novels, plays, and poetry to Samael while he was still in her womb; he’d rubbed her swollen feet whenever she asked and weathered her terrible mood swings with grace; he’d shed tears, silent and stoic, when his wailing and bloody newborn was placed in his arms for the first time. Looking at him now, Archdevil Supreme Raphael, holding and teasing their son, Tav wondered not for the first time if concepts such as good and evil were too broad to truly exist.
Samael turned his head and spotted her watching them. A fanged smile lit up his face and he wriggled with excitement, reaching for her. He cooed unintelligibly, noises far too sweet to come from hellspawn, surely. The jig was up, though of course, Tav had no illusions that her husband was unaware of her presence. She approached them. Raphael offered the boy with little resistance, and Tav sighed at the feeling of completeness when he was snuggled against her chest.
“Hello, Sammy,” she murmured, pressing a kiss to his soft chestnut-coloured hair.
“What woke you?” Raphael asked, his voice rich and quiet. “I thought to let you rest.”
“My body,” Tav huffed, amused. “Telling me to feed my baby.”
“Yes, alright, I know,” Tav said when Samael began fussily pawing at her breast. “Give me a moment.”
She let her loose sleeping shirt slip enough to free one breast. Samael immediately latched on and began suckling, his miniature claws finding purchase. Raphael’s expression was like simmering magma: dark and primal satisfaction, possessiveness, desire, hellish adoration. He always took in particular delight when she nursed Samael. Fed their little cambion. For him, Tav knew, it was the truest acceptance of his nature – the same undeniable nature of their son. She knew she had bonded herself to Raphael far beyond the promises between husband and wife, mother of his child; he would never let her, or Samael, leave him.
Sometimes, the depth of love and obsession she saw in Raphael’s eyes scared her. He would do unspeakable things to keep them safe. To keep them. Sometimes, when Samael would deliberately bite her nipple to sample her blood as well as milk, she wondered what kind of monster she had brought into the world. If he would grow into a fiend more than a man. Sometimes, she wondered when her old friends would finally act upon their threat to destroy her and her Archdevil lover. If Raphael would make their deaths swift or slow. But never did she wonder if she’d made the wrong choice. Raphael tugged her close, shutting his wings around them. He purred when she leaned into him. Samael’s tail encircled her arm. Tav was content.
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atrueneutral · 7 months
I had an idea for a cute scenario for Raphael x Tav involving Scratch and the baby owlbear. Now, Raphael probably wouldn't be a fan of the two, but Tav either comes with the fur-babies or not at all. However, one day Raphael (and, to a lesser degree, Tav) are tricked into a trap by other fiends - maybe implying a desire to negotiate with Raphael - where Raphael ends up being drawn away and separated from Tav while other fiends/warlocks ambush his little mouse, either to kill or maybe use as a hostage, (a 'If you're here, Raphael, then who is watching out for your little mouse?' kind of situation) and the only reason the scheme fails is because Scratch and the owlbear intervene to fearlessly protect Tav until Raphael arrived and could help Tav put the attackers in their place.
Judging by their protective body language and their overall wariness of their surroundings, the owlbear cub and the mongrel didn’t trust the devil Mez’gal.
They were smart creatures, at times, but they were also filthy, malodorous, and an unfortunate, bothersome consequence of his… partnership with Tav.
“I was summoned to hear you grovel, and yet I hear none,” Raphael said with a sneer and a gesture to the pit fiend.
Mez’gal had ‘surrendered’ to his little mouse as soon as she and her four-legged hunting party had found him outside a village, and she aptly called a mortal appearing Archdevil Supreme to hear the fiend's final pleas.
“Might we conduct business within your House of Hope, my lord?” Mez’gal proposed. His large fiendish body bowed - a sign of desperate submission.
“I’d sooner let that dog step foot in my House than you, but, seeing as how eliminating you here would only send you back to the hells, and I desire to end you completely...”
Raphael looked back to Tav. She gave him a nod and a small smile, and he raised his hand in preparation to snap. 
It was at the last second, just as friction was applied to thumb and middle finger, that he caught a malevolent glimmer in Mez’gal’s infernal eyes.
They materialized in the entrance hall, and Raphael shed his mortal visage.
“Grovel,” the Archdevil Supreme demanded.
Mez’gal smirked.
“I was under contract, my lord,” he spat. “And by bringing me here, I’ve just fulfilled it.”
“By bringing you here… I’ve guaranteed your death.”
Mez’gal's face turned mocking as his arms opened wide. “I’ll be a martyr - by the time you kill me, your little pet will be dead from the ambush.”
Rage boiled, spilling over, and Raphael ascended - to rip and bite and tear the pit fiend asunder as quickly as possible.
When he reappeared, no longer ascended, there was nothing but the scent of bloodshed; the bodies of three warlocks were scattered about with gashes in their clothes, bite marks in their skin, and arrows embedded in limbs.
The two remaining enemies were busy throwing panicked spells at the filthy, malodorous animals coming for them.
Hellfire consumed the warlocks - their screams deafening as they instantly fell to the ground.
The two creatures watched, growling and posed defensively as they waited for the last breaths to leave the warlocks. When death came, smelling of burnt flesh and blood, Tav went over to the cub and mongrel. Raphael was somewhat irritated to see how non-plussed she appeared - as if attempts on her life were an amusing everyday occurrence.
And she was ignoring their true savior!
“My two good boys, yes, you are!” she said, giving them pets and scritches that delighted the animals greatly. Tav then leaned her ear towards the mongrel’s head. “What’s that, Scratch? Why, yes! I do think Raphael owes you both a ‘thank you’!”
Raphael’s irritation increased; he knew she could not speak to animals.
She was grinning at him, and he was weak for loving her smile so.
“Thank you,” he bit out.
Tav grabbed the mogrel’s muzzle , and the mongrel allowed her to move his jaw as one would a puppet.
“Rawrrororor,” went the mongrel.
“You’re most welcome, Saer Raphael,” said Tav as the mongrel.
Yes, filthy, malodorous, and sometimes helpful creatures they were.
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hopeforkitten · 10 months
Raphael and his warlock Tav meet at Sharess's caress.
Part 1
The warlock of Raphael was delighted as soon as she crossed the threshold of the Sharess's Caress. Seeing the familiar black curls of the little woman, her colleagues. Korilla kindly talked to her and informed her that the owner had rented a room upstairs and wanted to see her. Tav made sure that her companions were busy drinking on the ground floor and went to the devil's den.
Glancing around once more, the girl slipped out the door. The girl adjusted her posture, folded her hands behind her back and exhaled.
"Greetings, Master,"
Raphael stood with his back to the door next to the desk,  examining his nails. When he heard her voice, he turned around, a rare smile on his face that Tav had missed.
After you were kidnapped by the Illithids during the mission, your reputation dropped somewhat, but recently you dealt with his enemy, it definitely improved your position somewhat.
"My, my, my dear warlock, I've been waiting for you,"
Raphael even bowed theatrically, spreading his arms to the side. Tav bowed back in confusion, eliciting a sly grin from him.
"I'm glad to hear that, and what do you want to tell me?"
"Your unpleasant problem with the tadpole is finally combined with my interests. As long as you solve your problem, you can bring incredible benefits to me."
Raphael spoke enthusiastically and this inspired a lot of hope in Tav. Raphael was so cold to you, even a little brash when talking about the maggot, and it hurt Tav. Now, the clouds above her seemed to be dissipating, letting in sunlight.
"If she's so useful, maybe this will be the price for her freedom from you, eh, devil?"
It was like being doused with cold water when you heard the familiar voice of the Tiefling behind you. Tav turned sharply to her, the barbarian stood in a belligerent pose in the doorway.
"Karlach!" Tav snapped. "I told you to wait downstairs."
The sorcerer pushed the uninvited guest out the door with difficulty and closed it with a sealing spell.
"I'm sorry about my partners."
"Well, I'm even amused by the tenacity of your ardent friend. Now we won't be interrupted, have a seat."
Tav did not expect such a courtesy from the devil, but she did not want to refuse it. Raphael pushed back his chair and Tav carefully sat down with her back to the pool and facing the room.
Raphael walked around her and positioned himself in front of her in the room. The devil told her a long story about the Crown of Karsus and all the possibilities it would open up to him.
"Oh, so now I'm going to be the warlock of the supreme archdevil, that sounds cool."
Tav thought she would collapse from fatigue in the chair, but Raphael's story inspired her.
"Cool, honey, that's not the right word. Who would have thought that your unpleasant problem would open the way for us to such heights that we could only dream of before."
Raphael finished his story and came closer to Tav. The girl continues to watch his movements with interest.
Raphael's gaze is getting softer, even smacks of love. He grabs her chin, stroking it with his thumb, his hand moving to the side, stroking her cheek.
"Could I have imagined that such a useful and obedient sorcerer would fall into my hands."
Tav seems to be drowning in Raphael's chocolate eyes and can barely restrain herself from opening her mouth from overflowing with familiar emotions.
The devil straightened up and walked to the edge of the table, adjusting the sleeves of his doublet.
"I am ready to close my eyes to your tentacled friends and welcome you back to the House of Hope. After fighting with the chosen ones, contact me or Korilla."
Tav smiled sincerely, remembering the familiar house. Raphael materialized a bottle of healing water on the table. The girl was delighted and finally got the familiar taste of sweet treatment, and not disgusting potions from unfamiliar alchemists.
"I'm waiting for good news about your victories, pet"
Raphael said softly and followed Tav with his eyes out the door.
The satisfied girl galloped down the stairs. She even intended to drink something delicious with Korilla, in honor of such good news from their master.
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mrfancyfoot · 8 months
Plots & Prosody: Requests Open!
Raphael x Evie (f!"human"OC) | Rating: E/varied
With the nature of Plots & Prosody being a more 'slice of life' series interspersed with drabbles and snapshots, I am quite happy to consider requests!
ETA: this post works in general for Patchwork Plots, as well. Astarion x Evie (f!"human"OC) | Rating: E/varied
Just hit the Ask button on my page. :)
Depending on timing, I may throw fills up on Tumblr first since Prosody will be divided by game events, post-game events/once Raphael has the Crown of Karsus, and after they're together (there's a vague overarching plot). Smut won't happen until later in the series once they're together, but I'm still open to writing and posting it for Tumblr before then.
I'll write most things as long as they fit the general characterizations and my universe for Prosody, which is fairly broad and detailed some below (feel free to inquire!). Depending on the request, I may stick with feminine pronouns/parts or write with gender neutral terms.
There are spoilers below for those who may be reading Prosody.
Raphael x Evie (f!"human"OC) | Rating: E/varied
(These lists are non-exhaustive)
Things I love:
Worldbuilding and exposition
Domestic fluff
Slice of Life
Weird/unusual topics
Will Write:
Any rating/SFW, NSFW
Violence, gore
Smut (both are bi/pan for the interest of including others), Kinks; Non-Consent is a grey area
Interactions with other characters
Various AuDHD topics/behaviors (as long as I feel comfortable depicting them - I mostly write these to my own experiences but am willing to discuss)
Unbound by BG canon/lore and DnD rules
Head canons
Won't write:
Stuff that's going to make me super sad or uncomfortable (death, certain forms of cruelty)
Things that are way Out Of Character without good reason
Some extreme kinks
Pregnancy/babies/children (breeding kink is an exception but already in the works as part of a later chapter, haha)
I'm ignoring a lot of established lore regarding Asmodeus and Raphael probably flying too close to the sun with his aspirations for Archdevil Supreme, lol
Quick characterizations and Prosody plot points:
Raphael: cunning and strategic; ambitious; prideful; pretty classically Lawful Evil; Not Bad in Bed (I'm firmly Team 'Haarlep's a fucking incubus and they hate each other but Raphael can't get rid of them due to circumstances with his father'); totally a Bard; will use the rules and others to get what he wants; intellectually curious; isn't needlessly cruel (in most circumstances); will use sex and sex appeal in pursuit of what he wants/his contracts if most convenient, but more often uses the seduction of power and luxury; honorable; respectful; nosy (he's an information broker); manipulative but doesn't lie; possessive; domineering; trends towards obsession with his interests
He mostly just thinks Evie's weird and kind of annoying at first but she grows on him in part due to that weirdness. He believes her 'modern' knowledge and technological drive to be very useful to him/his goals, so pursues trying to get her to join his side, which triggers that obsessive drive he has. Very interested in her and Astarion's efforts to transform Baldur's Gate. He tries to genuinely court her in post-game (and sabotages the efforts of others - much to the amusement and consternation of Astarion). Morphs into a kind of marriage contract. He does have a soft spot for her but sees having her as his consort/Archduchess politically advantageous. He's supportive of her ambitions (because they align with his own) but also kind of a hard-ass. He chooses to trust in her loyalty to him when he allows her to retain a lot of personal freedom. Doesn't quite realise (but thinks he does) what chaos he's brought into his life/House (maybe make sure you fully know someone before you make them marry you?).
Evie: she/her pronouns; human 'modern girl'; Chaotic Neutral and morally grey; made a deal with a book-bound nature spirit to be given fox ears and a tail in exchange for traits/magic/spells; worshiped by Kuo-toa (and takes her unwitting godhood over them very seriously); AuDHD; friendly; slow to trust but generally presumes the best of others; polite and respectful; can be overly (though usually tactfully) blunt; can be both very socially apt and oblivious/awkward in turn - not great at recognizing flirting towards herself but can see it between other people; prone to daydreaming/getting lost in thought; frequently impulsive and tightly self-controlled in turn; hyperfixative; introverted but 'takes charge when forced into social situations'; strategic; very intelligent but the ADHD gets the best of her at times (will totally channel 8 INT Tav); will rant about politics and culture; modern girl = modern knowledge (+quite technologically savvy); has special interests; very musically inclined; afraid of disappointing others or not being 'useful'; sexually experienced/knowledgeable
She is fairly neutral about Raphael and uninterested in his deals (she isn't the one who gives him the Crown), but they do end up becoming fairly friendly during game events. They bond over shared interest in theater/music, literature, politics, etc. Feels no fear of him and will stand up to him. She grows to see him as a friend by post-game and isn't personally terribly concerned about him having the Crown even though she wanted it destroyed. Her focus is mostly on her inventions and business ventures and helping Astarion manage his political career post-game, though starts exploring the dating scene of the City. Due to his status and ambitions, she mentally puts Raphael in the 'off limits for sex/romance' box and doesn't see any reason he'd be interested in her that way. Becomes very 'they're dating but she doesn't realise it.' Very salty when he forces her into a corner to marry him but ultimately accepts it as his interests require that much stays the same and she's acknowledged to herself by then that she is attracted to him. Makes her problems, his problems as a form of retaliation. Then becomes 'they're married but now need to actually date.'
In Prosody canon, Evie never sleeps with Haarlep for ~reasons~, so I lean towards not involving them in smut, but will write them non-sexually. They don't have the most positive relationship, however, so most interactions between them are a bit catty/antagonistic.
Evie and Astarion (who chooses to ascend but retains a softness due to Evie) have a very strong platonic relationship (and past, very brief sexual one) in post-game events. Evie's on friendly terms with the rest of the crew, especially Karlach (who goes the Avernus route with Wyll).
Some Prompt Lists for Inspiration:
Make 'em Swoon
Good Traits Gone Bad
Seeking Out Physical Attention
Kinktober 2023
Subtle Suggestive Smut Prompts
Tav Asks
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