#the Eggman robot that I can't remember the name of and like? and in the cannon version that really implies two kinda fucked options?
trashcreatyre · 2 years
I know he's canonically dead, but ignore that, what do yall think happened to Infinite after forces? cause I think he got sent to cube hell, and maybe that's just a kind of limbo, so does that count as being dead? idk. cube hell tho.
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bumblekastclips · 8 months
KYLE CROUSE: Next, Murdercide626 has a question. "How would you go about adapting Naugus into the games? What changes might you make to the character? Classic or Modern? And what kinds of interactions would he have with Eggman, if any?"
IAN FLYNN: Okay, hear me out, 'cause this is... I'm alone on this hill for this idea, okay? I freely admit that this is- this is the bonkers take, but hear me out: completely remake him as a Zeti. Okay? KYLE: Uh... y'know... y'know... IAN: He's already some weird monster man, it wouldn't take a whole lot to adjust him to still be familiar but be more Zeti-like. And instead of him being able to use his EM powers to control machines, he uses it to mess with the bio-electrical signals in your brain, so he has the mind control angle. KYLE: Hmm... okay, so he would be a modern character then, huh? IAN: Yeah. And all you gotta do is turn that 'N' sideways, and he's Zaugus. KYLE: [laughing] Zaugus! Well, I think you've done it, Ian. You have done it. Good old Zixis Zaugus. [chuckles] What kind of interactions would he have with Eggman, then? Would he manage to mind control Eggman? IAN: Yeah, like maybe Eggman's comin' in to invade and he's, y'know, EM-shielded all of his robots and gloatin' over the fact that the Deadly Six can't take control of them. Zaugus saunters on up, and is like [Ixis Naugus voice] "I may not control them, but I can control you!" Zoop! Mind-grab. KYLE: Boy, that-- IAN: [Mentok from Harvey Birdman voice] "That's taking the mind, Kyle!" KYLE: [laughing] That is horrifying! That's like... that is very- that is scary! Like, I think he might actually take over Eggman in terms of villainy in the series at that point. Hm. IAN: Like, maybe limit it to, like, it's gotta be within eye contact, it's gotta be point-to-point... maybe he can only really control one person at a time. But if you've got the keys to Eggman's Empire, or if you're using Sonic as your personal RC combatant, you can do some damage. I don't know, I think it could work. I think it could be neat. I- I also know it's a big ask of the SatAM crowd, but I don't know. I like it. KYLE: I- Someone- you could make it work! It could work. Someone's going to draw this, Ian. You know they will. IAN: Oh, go for it. KYLE: Let's see it! IAN: Even- you can keep, like, the mutant crab claw on the side as like, just extra weirdness. KYLE: Sure, sure. IAN: Give him back his old tail from SatAM that got forgotten in the Archie books. KYLE: [chuckles] Nice.
--- TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun! ----- This question was requested by @nintendoni-art! Do you want a specific question transcribed and posted? Send the question and the episode date to my ask box! Or if you just want questions about a certain character, send me their name and I will see what I can do!
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scentedcandles · 18 days
i came up with a new design and info for sting hAaha ,, it's long sorry. but hey enjoy this SA attempt again.
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Dr. Eggman had been planning to create a strong and powerful weapon for about a year or so in order to be able to defeat Sonic and his friends. Once that time came, he got to work and created a weapon he believed would finally help him in defeating Team Sonic, and that weapon would be called 'Project Kyo'. His name would then eventually be changed to Sting, as a result of the electric powers he held.
Sting was created using hedgehog DNA as a base, energy from the Master Emerald, and spare DNA from Black Doom/Arms. Eggman was certain that this would result in a powerful creature, more powerful than the Master Emerald itself. However, Eggman was soon mistaken, as Sting wasn't exactly what he wanted. Eggman wanted something "perfect", something powerful, and something that would obey his every rule. Sting "failed" to do any of these, and because of that, Eggman deemed him useless to his plans. Sting didn't like the fact that Eggman didn't appreciate him and the fact that he was considered "useless". The hedgehog would scold Eggman for downgrading him and eventually left the lab, leaving the scientist hopeless. After that, Sting held a disdain for Eggman for making him feel like he was useless and a waste of creation. Eggman also thought Sting was "too friendly" to even be considered a dangerous weapon.
Sting is usually calm, blunt, childlike at times, obedient (not to Eggman or any other villains), and independent, but he does enjoy being around people. He is friendly and kind-hearted, but has a slight short fuse and can explode before returning to his calm and friendly demeanor. Sting can also sometimes be snarky and sarcastic at times, especially if he's annoyed about something. Sting can also get frustrated at himself if he can't do certain tasks right or if he isn't strong enough. While he's usually calm and friendly, there are times he can be very grumpy and not wanting to be bothered. Even then, he still has the friendly charm. Regardless of the situation, Sting would never truly give up and try to look on the bright side of things.
Sting doesn't react to many things, and if he does it's either delayed or very little. For example, being threatened does not ALWAYS faze him, and he'll just stare with a bored expression on his face or a smile. While it's not to say he can't express fear, it's very rare, and he's usually seen smiling even in dire situations.
Sting also isn't quite used to affection, such as hugs. If he's greeted with a hug, he won't push away or anything, but he'll kind of just stand there with a confused look and just let you hug him. Then after the hug is over, he'll probably just give you a little smile.
His memory isn't the greatest. If he's told something complicated, he'll easily forget at least 50% of whatever the topic is. He'll also get frustrated with himself if he can't remember and do anything he can to make the topic come back to light.
Sting has powers and abilities that carry on from the Master Emerald, Black Arms, and some that Eggman implanted, such as laser eyes, and robotic teeth, that only show when he's extremely determined. He is able to access the Master Emerald powers, such as being able to nullify the Chaos Emeralds. Sting can also teleport and is able to levitate/float. He can also use certain Chaos powers.
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The Sonic franchise did not have to go so hard exploring dynamics and types of alternate/evil versions of characters BUT THEY DID
Like some media will give you an evil version of a character and be like, "Yeah he's from a mirror dimension so he's evil *le gasp*" and that's fun and all, but there's no depth or intrigue.
And then we have Sonic.
The Sonic franchise has alternate versions of Sonic, Shadow, and other characters. We have freaking SONIC PRIME who's whole premise is exploring alternate versions of characters (beyond just Sonic) and it is absolutely AMAZING. I'm not going to go into Prime right now cuz that's another post or twenty, and I just wanna focus on how each alternate version of Sonic has their own dynamic, personality, and relationship with Sonic. I've never seen another franchise that does THIS MUCH with alternate versions.
(Long ramble and some spoilers under the cut)
To start with, we have the big one, Metal Sonic. Made by Eggman to be able to defeat Sonic. They could've just gone with a basic, "Oh look a robot version of the Main Character now they fight" and not given him any depth, but he hits HARD (without even having a voice box or mouth to show emotions or anything). The fact that he's programed TO SEE HIMSELF AS THE REAL SONIC and has to deal with that, him slowly discovering that he's not, but not being able to break free from his programming so he can create his own destiny, his father/son dynamic with Eggman but also being nothing more than a weapon to him is just MMMMMM YEESSSSSS. And the whole "Strange, isn't it?" and "There is only one Sonic" thing from the OVA is INSANE!!!!
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And there's Mecha Sonic, whose backstory I don't really know a lot about, but his arc in the Scrapnik Island miniseries is EPIC and he's showing the potential arc that Metal Sonic could have. After getting thrown away by Eggman, he finally has the chance to start over and has an epic moment that parallels the OVA lava scene.
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And then there's Shadow. He's not actually an "alternate" Sonic, he came first and has no actual connection to him. But the fact that when he shows up the first thing Sonic does is call him a faker, and his identity issues won't let him let that go. Because he has to prove he's not a fake, but is he? His memories are real, aren't they? But he remembers "dying" and he sees his own robot versions and a god of darkness taking his form and Infinite creating a fake army of hims, and he can't be a fake himself, right? He has to be the real Shadow. Cuz that name, that identity is all he has. But what is that identity? Ultimately, he is all of him. But even with all of that he still wrestles with who he is and he has to keep calling Sonic "faker" because no matter what the world still sees him as "the edgy version of Sonic," but he's not, he's so much more than that. He has his own arcs and growth and potential.
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And there's Scourge, who's the typical "evil Sonic from another dimension", who I know absolutely nothing about since I haven't really read the Archie comics yet, but I saw this panel:
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And like I don't care if he has zero other depth besides that because that IS INSANE. Sonic having to wrestle with his own potential for evil, but at the same time, Scourge's potential for good, and and it's literally just the matter of a few choices. This is the battle we all have to face within ourselves every day, even if we don't realize it.
And speaking of Sonic's potential for evil, DARK SONIC??? THE OPPOSITE OF SUPER SONIC? WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU LET THE CHAOS ENERGY FEED ON YOUR DARKNESS RATHER THAN YOUR LIGHT??? and I know it's only one scene but oh my goodness!!! Cuz yes, your best traits can become your greatest weakness, and loving your friends can turn into doing unspeakable horrors if someone hurts them, and maybe the person that has to bring you back to yourself is your arch-enemy, because they of all people know who you really are and that if you fighting from righteous motives is undefeatable, you fighting from RAGE is noting short of terrifying.
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And Surge from IDW, whose arc is literally called IMPOSTER SYNDROME??? Again, created to be the Anti-Sonic, to be the one who can finally take him down. And she knows she's not the real Sonic and doesn't want to be, and she knows the only reason she hates Sonic is because her abuser gaslit and hypnotized her into hating him, but she can't escape that programming any more than Metal can. And maybe she doesn't have a reason to hate Sonic but she'll create one because she literally has to have a reason, and maybe she's not the real Sonic but he's the only reason she exists, and he's the only reason she went through all the suffering she went through. And no I can't reach for your hand pulling me to safety because that would be admitting that I don't really have a reason hate you, that I can't escape without your help, that your philosophy of giving villains a second chance is valid.
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Anyways that was a lot of rambling but UGH it all just so good and intense and the depth and effort in this franchise is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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ubtendo · 6 days
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Wait an AU in my AU? Nooo never! Unless...
OK so this is dumb but I literally couldn't get tge Villan Kids AU out of my brain the whole day at work, you can literally ask me questions about the AU I wanna talk about it so much it not normal😫😭
And since I can't write up a coherent story right now and I don't know if I'm ever motivated to write about this again, here are the usual bullet points:
• Basically Eggman attacked Sonic & Co when Soda was still a very young child, causing a buch of explosions and crumbling, they lost sight of Soda who escaped fairly unharmed but that means she lost sight of everyone else too, she did find a weird flying ship tho
• Turnes out that this was actually Eggmans ship, oops
• He finds that weird child, and obviously wants to cast her out immediately, but he isn't that heartless to throw out a baby in the middle of nowhere, so he decides to let her staiy just till she can fend for herself
• Eggman obviously doesn't know Sodas name and she isn't that good at talking yet, all he understood that her name starts with an S, so Eggman decides to call her "Sola" conveniently (and correct me if I'm wrong but I think to remember that "sola" as an adverb was the female version of "solo" and ment something along the line like "alone" and/or "lonly", and I think that's really clever)
• in the regular AU Soda doesn't really realise her potential as a mechanic and engineer way later, (Earth time till back to Mobius kind of later) with nothing else to do tho "Sola" impresses Eggman with a robot she built out of spear parts
• seeing this Eggman sees her potential as a possible underling to help him construct his Eggman Empire
• since Scout isn't born in this AU the robot replaces him (tho I think regular Scout would be thrilled to find out that he is a robot in a different universe), still "Sola" gave him his name just like in the original AU
• She didn't have enough paint to make the Scouting Unit fully black, and also accidentally switch up the LED lights for the eyes while changing them, since then Metal Sonic had Scouting Units red eyes and vise versa
• "Sola" actually wanted to give Scouting Unit red eyes so that they would match hers
• due to an programming error Scouting Unit sees "Sola" as the main command giver and only follows her commands
• since "Sola" never got stuck of earth her quills and marks developed at a normal speed, she is 14 in the drawing
• Due to an accident at the construction from a ship her hands are partially paralysed, her gloves give her electric stimulations so that she can use them normally (these are gloves she would design for Scout in the regular AU, where she would be the main strength of the team but can't always go with Scout on adventures due to her job at the scrap yard, they would give Scout strength from the electric stimulation, she gave them to him as a birthday present)
• tho neither Eggman nor "Sola" see each other as family they have a deep mutual respect for each other, Eggman even making her second-in-command
• "Sola" still has her bangs but she combs them back to look more serious
• in reality she still would be sweet, but she is deeply misguided and trusts in Eggman and his goals
• she doesn't remember her life before being a part of the Eggman Empire, that includes her parents
• when/if redeemed "Sola" still wouldn't see Sonic and Shadow as her parents, she takes true to her name
• sometimes "Sola" wishes she had more friends than robots
(How did I do more character building for this than the main AU😫)
(Also here is a version without "Sola"s outfit, I didn't know which looked better)
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the-sprog · 1 month
I'm watching Sonic prime because you can't give me multiverse and unlikely allies and think I won't watch it.
But this is the first piece of Sonic media I've ever consumed (sonic underground doesn't count cause I remember nothing of it, and neither do the films) so. Live blog lmao.
-"Shadow is... Complicated. More on that later" can't wait bro
-Ok rouge the bat is a good guy? I thought she was vaguely anti hero ish.
-what the fuck is a paradox emerald. I stopped at chaos emeralds. What's the difference? How are they created? This one was just... In a cave???
-"sonic boom of a headache" ah ah I see what you did there.
-whats with the knuckles slander!!!
-so they're not allowed to talk to other people I guess?
-why are they making it seem like it's his shoes that make him fast????
-are rings currency? I was under the impression they were currency. Why is he looking for cash rn
-he knows what smog is. How does he know what smog is. He lives in a forest.
Does he live in a forest? It's like... All green.
-What is the prism shatter??? Do they mean the paradox emerald? So sure they called it the paradox emerald and not the paradox prism.
-Yes I know he insulted sonic as well but I think sonic deserved it in that moment.
-ok shadow was just. There. Dudes not even helping. You live here you asshole! Do your part!
-"Tails never gets upset" that's unhealthy!
-is 1992 the year the first sonic game came out? Something tells me that's the year Sonic's first game came out.
-...what's the difference between a trap and a trick?
-why Rouge! The only thing I know is that you're a cat!
-the fact the place IS called "the loop-de-loop" and it's not just what Sonic calls it is. Priceless.
-ngl I thought sonic was gonna be more... Sassy? Clever? WITTY! but no. He's a lot more like how I imagined Knuckles to be. Knuckles is my favorite btw. I know nothing of him other than he's vaguely mean and dumb. But not like Shadow's angsty edgy mean. More like a jock kinda mean.
-also no one explained why it's called the paradox prism. Or why Rouge knows what it is/that that's what Eggman was looking for.
-oh there you go end of flashback. Also where the FUCK is shadow. How later sonic? How much later?
-Rusty Rose?? That's Amy isn't it? Like Evil alternate universe Amy.
-i don't know who Babbles is.
-Ok no it isn't.
- I don't understand what the shoes malfunctioning means. Is his speed artificial??? Are they like Spider-man's web-shooters?
-Also Rose said there were other rebels. Wonder if it's the same squad- oh they answered my question. Rouge is not Rebel. And I guess Knuckles is also a rebel. Don't know if Tails is gonna be good or not. Cause I remember seeing something about a Tails with robot... Tails.
-ok I was right. His name is... Nine? Also these episodes are really long.
-oh he still has the regular tails. It's more of a doc oc situation. I thought they were prosthetics.
-GEEZ "I was trained by the misery of life and this dark and heartless city" GEEZ
-gonna assume he's gonna be like "why'd you save me??? Why would you do this for me??"
-oh lord game footage that's cool as shit.
-sonic is not gonna pierce this together is he? And Nine is not gonna be like "yeah alright this guy is insane"
-MR.DR.EGGMAN. that's... Too much.
-Aww they're doing a little Tails bragging moment. Talking about how they're friends that's sweet.
-CHAOS COUNCIL? We're back to the chaos nomenclature??? what happened to the paradox shit? the hardest part of this is not that I don't have any sonic knowledge, it's that I have SOME sonic lore knowledge gained through osmosis and it's clashing with the lore that they're trying to establish in this cartoon.
-Nine is going for the full spider aesthetic huh?
-yeah. the tails are cool. I've always liked tails too, he's just too smart for me and i feel awkward when i don't understand him.
-COOL SHOES UPGRADE. Ok so the shoes are like... making it so that he doesn't explode due to the natural energy in his body, which i assume is what makes him fast. and that he'd be faster if he didn't have them, but also... more explode-y.
-Oh the baby is back. I don't know how to feel about the baby.
-Ok that's an pixar's incredibles looking trap.
-OH SHIT SHE'S A ROBOT? oh not a robot. Rose is a cyborg and the way she talks about it amkes me sad.
-Nine??? is good or?? confused about his alliances.
-What. who. what. there's a whole family??? is... eggman their dad or?? who's the mom?
-of course he has hair in this "perfect" universe.
-are they like the chaos emeralds that can fuse to become the master emerald? and part of a whole??
-what's with casual dehumanization
-gosh he's such a dumbass but like an annoying one but also like indearingly so?
-I'm never gonna remember which eggaman is which. except babbles cause. yknow. toddler.
-omg the lasers effect is so ucking cool!! thay's a real nice scene ahhhh-
-they're like video games levels. alright. for now I'm really enying the visuals and the storytelling methods. on the story itself i'll see when it really gets going.
-oh no.
-ok I like the baby.
-OH THE PLOT THICKENS! the same energy as what powers the city? is the city powered by the emeralds? or by like- SHADOW??? IS THAT YOU-
-oh flashback 2. I don't know why but somethign about Tails' design looked... off. he felt naked. does he usually have like a scarf? goggles?
-Knuckled is just... hanging on the plane oh lord i'm dying.
-WHAT DO THE RINGS DO??? "in case eggeman gers in a lucky shot: rings" what??
-DOES SHADOW HAVE ROLLERBLADES?? ok he's raising on my list of favourite characters.
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semi-sketchy · 9 months
I need more patience to get through SatAM this is boring.
I remember liking this show when I was younger, but I think that's because I was edgy and a dystopia was dark and edgy, too. Thing is, I think this concept has potential, but nothing compelling is actually happening.
Every episode so far is so run-of-the-mill and they even have a Robotnik fakeout death. Like yes I am totally going to believe the main villain in this show dies in episode 4.
Which dude does NOTHING here. He just sits in his chair and threatens Snively like "oh this trap better work for your sake" BUDDY DIDN'T YOU MAKE THE TRAPS??? AREN'T YOU THE GENIUS???? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IF YOU'RE NOT RUNNING THE SHOW??
Also this has really made me realize how stupid the entire "turning people into robots" thing is as a concept for Eggman. It worked really well in Xenoblade 1 but of course they had a strong reason that was baked into the narrative. Why does Eggman care about turning people into machines when he can simply build AMAZING robots himself? On top of that, why have a living servant when he can just BUILD one that will be EVEN BETTER than any organic life? Like any time he values another person (like Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow) it's because he can GET something out of them. This man has such an ego, he can create ANYTHING, so why does he need a being with free will to push buttons for him?
I know, I know. This is a "Sonic in name only" show. There wasn't much to go on back then, but even so the things they did have were so ignored. Like Sonic is weak as shit in this cartoon, but it's also something they can't be bothered to be consistent with.
Legit dude is used as a distraction because oh no, he can't take down two robots, that's too many! Even though he rolls through them effortlessly in the games... But in an episode he just spindashes STRAIGHT THROUGH and completely destroys a huge one. So is he weak or not? And he needs ring power to reach top speed? Did...did they predict boost gameplay?
I'm also slowly remembering why I used to hate Sally. Girl might be worse than Chris at hogging screen time.
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bluebunnyears-08 · 2 years
No Matter How Sweet and Nice
A fight with Eggman leaves Sonic and the others thinking Tails is dead. However, that's not exactly the case as they find out 6 months later when Tails is still alive...but working for Eggman. And worse, he didn't know who they were, believing them to be intruders, leading to a fight between robots and animals, which leads to Tails being knocked out and kidnapped, taken to what was once his home. It started with just constant eyes on him and constant coddling by strangers telling him they're his "friends". When he tried to leave and became much more violent in hurting them to free himself, he found himself in even more watchful eyes and needles that force him to sleep when he becomes too harmful, becoming a prisoner to them in his eyes no matter how much they try to deny it.
(basically an angsty Tails fanfiction because I can't get enough of these)
He hated it here.
There was nothing more horrible than a place like this, Tails was sure. They keep constantly following him, watching him, making sure he wasn't trying to leave. They said it was to make sure they knew where everyone was in case of emergencies, or because he "looked lonely and needed a pal", or because of another lie they thought of on the spot; he knew better though. It was annoying, and frustrating because he was aching to leave. But every time he was caught and the escapes he recently did was now blocked off. Trying to leave through the vents, doors, and windows, they make sure someone was with them at all times, a constant guard to make sure that he stays within the walls or to notify them if their prisoner escaped. Tricking them into leaving him alone caused everyone to now not let him be alone no matter what he did or said. 
Yes, He was referring to himself as a prisoner. Because that's exactly what he was here. Being constantly monitored, never allowed to move out of the area, and not being allowed to go back home. His true home. Not this fake one they insisted was. If it was he wouldn't have had to be brought here, he wouldn't feel like this in the first place, and they certainly wouldn't mind if he was left alone for five goddamn minutes! No this was a prison, not a home. It might be their home, but not his, never his.
He wanted to go back home. Sure, it wasn't stable, at all, but at least there he wasn't constantly coddled and watched over like a baby. At least there he was respected and left alone to do his own thing. Here he found none of that. Here, he was constantly monitored and made sure not to go out of line, his accusations were ignored and denied; being told the complete opposite of what he knew. They showed him pictures, that could be photoshopped (it was easy to do), told him stories (lies), and tried to get him to remember the things he "used" to do. It never worked, mainly because to him it never happened. He never understood the emotions that formed on their faces, ones of sorrow and anger, or the utter heartbreak in their eyes.
He knew about some of them, and those were the ones who monitored him the most. There was a pink hedgehog named Amy, very kind and understanding, however, she coddled him the most, and acted as if he didn't know some things. It didn't come off that way at first, but over time he began to realize she thought that way when she constantly assured him simple things; snow, food, and other things he KNEW were harmless weren't going to hurt him. It came off as a tiny bit reassuring, but now it was just annoying. He didn't like that, while he wasn't rude or cruel to her, they weren't friends as she insisted.
There was another one, Knuckles, a red echidna, the "last one of his kind". He could see it being true, he hadn't ever seen any other echidna anywhere. With the lies he's been told, he doesn't know what to believe about them. He felt intimidated by the echidna, the rough and aloof behavior towards him not exactly helping measures. Knuckles always seemed angry around him. It was never at him, but something must've happened for Tails to change his attitude when the fox would enter the room. Going from being in a conversation to suddenly go quiet, the fox could always feel his intent stare on his back until he left. It was odd and creepy in the fox's opinion, so he tried to keep his eyes on the echidna at all times in case he tried something.
Then there was the one who visited and monitored him the most. A blue hedgehog; Sonic. Tails never understood him. The hedgehog was very friendly and always wanted to spend time with him. Tails didn't understand why. However, the hedgehog's ability to break the sound barrier was something the fox found fascinating. It was impossible, but the speedster managed to do it somehow. His fascination with the blue mammal's power did not deter him from eyeing the hedgehog with caution, no matter how friendly and caring he was towards him. He never understood why the urchin was so caring towards him. Why he cared when Tails stayed up later than the others, or when Tails didn't eat or drink water, or when the fox didn't bathe himself, and so much more than the fox, who didn't think those things were important. The kitsune found it weird, and as a result, he maintained an aloof and distant attitude toward what was stated to be his "former big brother".
It was Sonic who brought him here, in this godawful place that it is, as stated by the others to refuse to leave without him. The hedgehog was also the most against letting the fox go back to Robotnick. Tails never truly understood why, but he gave up trying to understand, now all he was, was frustrated at the rodent.
The fox was currently walking alongside the hedgehog around the village, amongst the scenery he found himself fond of. The only good thing in this awful place. It was a beautiful forest, trees scattered with emerald green leaves, birds singing their songs within, below critters scampered across the dirt ground, hiding or running through the many bushes. It was peaceful and calm. A perfect place to relax and listen to your thoughts. Unfortunately, he couldn't exactly relax with a prattling hedgehog beside him, constantly asking him things he didn't care about. The two-tailed canine only responded with short answers and nods. He didn't bother to try and leave, nothing the hedgehog would catch him in a heartbeat. Literally.
The only way he spoke to them, was not to share any information with them that they could use against him or the doctor but to respond with a simple yes and no what whatever stupid question they have.
He soon found himself trailing into thoughts of the doctor. What was he doing now? He probably already found out the fox was missing, but probably never figured out that he was kidnapped. Maybe he thought the fox ran away, or worse maybe thought the fox was betraying him. The fox found a multitude of thoughts that begins to fill his brain.
What would he do if he thought of the latter?    Would he hunt him down?                       
What if he found him?                  What would he do?
 Would he listen if the fox tried to explain that these crazy people kidnapped him?                                 
What if he didn't believe him?
What if the doctor disowned him?                         
Where would he go?                           
If he was kicked out what if these psychos find him again?
And if he escaped again what would he do next without anywhere to go?       
What if he never got out of here?     Why won't they let him leave?
  What about his inventions?       Would he be able to keep them?             
Would the Doctor destroy them?     
 What would he do if he does?
    Or what if the doctor kept them?     
 Would he take the credit for them?       
 What would Tails do if Robotnick used them on him?     
What if he died, then all of this would-
"Tails? Are you alright?"
The young canine was snapped out of his anxious trance by a soft call of his name and a gloved hand on his shoulder. The fox snapped out of his thoughts and met the worrying green eyes of his monitor. He noticed he was breathing rapidly, frozen on the path. He placed his hand on his chest as he began to inhale and exhale deeply, calming himself. The blue hedgehog eyed him with concern, asking once more.
"You ok buddy?"
The fox was about to snap at the hedgehog to not call him his 'buddy', but refrained. Instead, he simply nodded.
The hedgehog frowned.
"You sure? You just suddenly stopped walking and started breathing like that. Have something on your mind?"
The fox's lips drew into a straight line. An unreadable expression formed on his face as he shook his head. Didn't want to deal with having to talk out his feelings and "trauma" with Amy again. He turned to keep walking, only to stop when the hedgehog responded.
"Was it about him again?"
The kitsune clenched his teeth in a mixture of emotions, mostly frustration at how the hedgehog could somehow read him like an open book. He turned back to the waiting azure mammal, shaking his head once more. It was now the hedgehog with an unreadable expression on his face, and once again Tails couldn't see what he was thinking. He previously found out pretty soon that the urchin had a rivalry with the doctor for a while. When the fox couldn't "recognize" him or anyone who mentioned Robotnick he saw a mixture of emotions form on the hedgehog's face. Sorrow, sadness, anger. Tails couldn't understand what all that meant.
That mixture of emotions was still present on the speedster's face. Sad and heartbroken, with a deep undertone of anger and self-blame. He never understood why he made that expression every time the doctor was mentioned by him and anyone else. But he did know two things: It made him hella uncomfortable and he was tired of it.
"Stop it."
The hedgehog's eyes widened at his usage of words other than 'yes' and 'no' but soon melted into one of confusion as he tilted his head.
"Stop what?"
"Stop looking at me like that."
"Like what?"
"Like...that! I don't know! Being all sad or angry or...whatever when ANYONE mentions him or I don't remember something you guys think I ever did. It's freaking me out!", The fox's gloved hands waved in the air as he spoke, lead on by a rush of adrenaline. The blue blurs face changed as he spoke, becoming one even more sad and regretful, scratching behind his quills as he spoke.
"Sorry, bud. It's just...what he did to you...it's not right. He shouldn't have messed with you in the first place. I should have been there to-"
"No no no... I'm not listening to you go 'I should have done this' Or 'this wouldn't have happened if I had...' because none of it happened in the first place. Me and you aren't best friends, we never were. Because if we were wouldn't have I remembered you?!"
"Yeah, you would have. He changed your memories buddy. He made them all wrong and-" The young kit grabbed at his head as he said those stupid words again. Gloved hands began to grasp at the orange fur, covering his ears.
"Not this again! My memories are fine! There's nothing wrong with them. You're the ones who need to get your brain checked because I'm not who you think I am!"
"No Tails, I KNOW what I remember. You're the smartest kid on the planet. You've stopped Ol' Egghead a million times with machines he couldn't dream of building. You're a friend to everyone here. You're my best friend, my little brother."
The grip on his fur became harsher.
"No No! Stop it! My memories are fine! You're the ones trying to change them, you all are. I was fine where I was before you had to drag me here where I don't belong! I was home with my family-"
"No. Eggman is NOT family, and that was NOT home. This is your real home, me and the others are your family Tails.", gloved hands moved to gently pry the fox's hands from ripping his fur out. Pulling the distressed child into a hug he continued to speak.
"Me and the others are your family. You're home. We'll make sure you get your memories back to normal, and we'll never let him get his hands on you again. You're ok here little buddy. You're safe. I promise." The blue hero gently stroked the fox's head, trying to get him to calm down. The kit continued to sob into the hero's fur, denying those things, murmuring about how he's a liar. There was a moment of calmness, before the fox's eyes widened and he suddenly ripped himself away from Sonic, beginning to scream and hyperventilate.
"No!-You-Y-your lying-You're a l-liar! My memories are f-fine, y-you're the one trying to ch-cha-ange them! I-I don't w-wanna be here anymore. I n-never wanted to be-e here! I want to go home...I want to go home! I wa-ant to...", the rest became nothing more than broken sobs, shrieks, and incoherent blubbering. The hedgehog tried to move closer to the kit, trying to calm him down, only for the child to bite into his arm and began to scratch him, his yelps and pleas for the fox to calm down went unheard by the manic person addressed. The others began to crowd around them, hands grabbing onto Tails as they attempted to pull him off, the fox's claws digging even further into the rodent he had trapped underneath him. Blood stained his gloves, and more of the ruby-red liquid was around his muzzle and in his mouth, leaving a strong metallic taste on his tongue.
He continued to shriek and cry in his state of hysteria until a needle was dug into his arm and he began to lose consciousness, his struggles getting weaker...
and weaker...
...and weaker...
Until everything went black...
The fox thumped his mitts together in boredom. Now they restrained his hands again. Great. Having his hands restrained meant that he now couldn't manage to pick up anything, not even utensils, having to ask someone to help him eat or to ask someone to take them off, meaning the person would stay in the room with him. They said it was temporary, and that they would come off when they were sure Tails wouldn't attack anyone else. This wasn't his first time doing this. He had bitten and scratched others in this place before, he can even still see the leftover bite marks or scratches that haven't healed yet on their arms and, for Knuckles, left ear.
It had happened when Knuckled was monitoring him, Tails didn't exactly remember what he said, but it cost the echidna a part of the left ear, not enough to make him go deaf, but enough that it was noticeable. It caused the echidna to be warier about what to say to the fox from then on. Amy had two bite marks on her right arm, and scratches coating the back of her hands, hidden by fresh gloves. Only she, Tails, and the people who were there when he attacked her knew they existed. She had tried to calm him down from his usual hysteria using one of those horrible syringes, saying something about a seizure. Saying she was sorry. She also became more cautious toward him. They both didn't monitor him that much after that.
Sonic had the worst of them. Bite marks and scratches coated his arms, one bite mark on his left shoulder and his legs were slightly bruised when the fox kicked against him one time.
But even though Tails did that he continued to spend time with him, acting like none of that happened. He didn't understand why the hedgehog ignored his attempts to shove him away. He found it a little insulting, but over time his anger and hatred towards this prison and everyone in it gave way to defeat and an overarching depression formed that made everything slower, it made him care less and less about what was happening around him. He couldn't bring himself even try to escape. They were just going to catch him over and over. What was the point?
There was hardly anything of his interest to do here. He couldn't tinker and build anything because someone had to be with him all the time, he didn't like it when people watched him work, made him anxious. The things he wanted to build would've gotten him out of here, so they'd probably stop him anyway. The thing he hated the most was how...nice they were.
Honey-coated words assuring him, comforting him, telling him everything was ok, and the one they repeated the most; we'll get your real memories back. What were they trying to do to say that? His memories were perfectly fine! He lived with Robotnick, not Sonic, like everyone else, including the rodent, wants him to believe. He's not going to let them win. 
No matter how sweet and nice, a cage is still a cage to the one trapped.
However, he's not sure what to truly believe anymore. He thinks he doesn't belong here but...he doesn't think he lived with Robotnik anymore either. The memories he had of the doctor didn't feel real. The picture's the people here showed him can't be real either. It...just doesn't feel right.
He sighed as he gazed outside, currently laying in his bed. Sonic was in the other room, bandaged and snoring away. He doesn't know the hedgehog keeps lying to him, telling him he's his brother. He was the one who took care of him. He was the one who took him under his wing. But...Tails just didn't know anymore.
Didn't know which past was real or fake, didn't know what to believe, and didn't even know if he was right at all. 
He hated this.
He hated Robotnick, always stealing the credit for the machines HE made. For destroying "failed" inventions.
He hated his old home, always so cold and empty. Wanting someone to talk to.
He hated this stupid place, everyone's eyes on him. Making sure he never stepped out of line.
He hated everyone in it, never letting him leave. Making him stay in this prison.
He hated Sonic, for bringing him here. Never leaving him alone.
He hated himself for being so easily fooled by everyone. Letting them confuse him.
He hated his mind, for never being clear on what was real. Which memories were fake.
He hated everything, for not making sense. Nothing ever did anymore.
The kit moved away from the window and curled up into his bed. There was no point trying to get out the window, the hedgehog was a light sleeper, and would wake up to the slightest creak of the floorboards. Even if he did get out, someone outside the village would tell them where he was and keep him there until they came and got him, reassuring him, telling him they weren't mad. These maniacs probably told everyone in this zone. He brought the covers over his body and tried to relax.
Tomorrow was another day.
He didn't know what to think of this place anymore.
It probably wasn't true anyway.
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this isn't perfect (what is though?) but ii thought ii would share the thing ii wr8te last night
i gotta put it in text f8rm because it's too long so it will be under a read more
tw: this bit of writing includes MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, BLOOD, references to BONES BREAKING, a big ol FIGHT SCENE, a character being STABBED, and probably something else ii am f8rgettiin (if you see anything tell me)
anyways, without further ad8... here's the unbreakable arc wwiith a scene ii wwill pr8bably change a l8t later down the line
Every single badnik in Robotnik's "special fleet" went down in only a few hits. Sonic laughed a bit as he spindashed into the last one.
"Is that all you've got, Egghead?" Sonic gestured around at the broken robots littered about the ground. "C'mon I know you wouldn't just call anything a special fleet!"
A few more badniks landed on the ground around Sonic as Eggman's ship floated down towards Sonic.
"Oh not quite, Sonic." Eggman grinned. "I have one last trick for you."
"Three more badniks? Doesn't seem like a really good trick."
"Not them." Eggman groaned. "I wouldn't expect a puny rodent like you to get it."
Sonic cracked his knuckles and tightened his eyes. Running at light speed, he zipped in a blur, destroying every badnik around Robotnik. "Alright, where's this trick of yours Egghead?"
"It is a creation of sheer magnitude whose magnitude and power you could not even imagine with your infinitesimally small brain—"
A zap of blue energy.
A familiar face.
"Not quite."
Yet, the figure before him was most definitely Shadow the Hedgehog. The quills, the eyes, the fanged grin, every bit of him, almost picture perfect.
Sonic looked closer. Something was wrong.
Next to him was Metal Sonic.
"But Metal can't—"
The flashes continued until Sonic was surrounded by enemies, some former, some current and all slightly wrong.
"What is this?"
"The trick." Eggman smiled. "I planned for so long how to annihilate you and now it's here."
"What's here though?" Sonic gestured at the assorted figures. "A gallery of all the people I've defeated?"
"No, something better." Eggman smiled. "I'll leave him to it."
A figure descended from above. Sonic could barely see him, the purple energy surrounding the figure obscuring him.
A low and distorted laugh crackled through the air like radio static.
"Alright, who are you?" Sonic lunged forwards at the figure.
And suddenly he wasn't there anymore. Sonic stumbled as the figure materialized behind him.
"Your worst nightmare."
"Really?" Sonic laughed. "And my nightmare doesn't have a name?"
The figure disappeared as Sonic turned around, fist ready to connect with face.
"You may call me Infinite. Not that you'll have much time to use that name."
"Oh yeah?" Sonic grinned. "Bring it then. I'm the fastest creature on Earth, the blue blur, the hedgehog no one can beat. You can't stop me!"
"Those make fine last words." Infinite snapped his fingers and the enemies around Sonic started to edge towards him.
"Last words?" Sonic looked around at the assembled figures. "Bold words from an Eggman crony. He's never been able to defeat me."
"Well, Sonic, since you seem to fail to comprehend the stakes here, I think it's time we get one thing straight.
"I am more than an Eggman crony. I will cut you down in a second.
"You won't know what's real.
"Your end will come after pain and suffering and fear.
"And that's the word I want you to remember.
Sonic looked around at the assembled figures. They were a lot. He could handle them though.
"Sonic, I don't want to defeat you."
The world fell silent.
"I want to kill you."
"Kill?" Sonic looked around. "Are you sure that's allowed?"
"We'll find out, won't we?"
Everything felt suddenly more. Eggman had never said this. Shadow, even at his darkest hour, had never said this. It was almost unthinkable.
Another snap of the fingers. Zavok came towards Sonic. He shrugged it off. He was faster than every single one of these guys put together.
What he didn't notice was that Chaos was right where he had dodged to. A quick punch from the watery creature threw him backwards, skidding along the rough ground.
He looked up. Shadow stood above him and in a blink, he was picked up by the scruff of his neck and thrown towards another foe.
"Hold on!" Sonic shouted as he flew from Shadow's hands. "I thought we were friends!"
"Oh, poor naïve, pitiful creature." Infinite's voice shook the air. "Things are not what they seem. Look around yourself. Tell me what you see."
The world spun as Sonic ran straight into Knuckles' pointed fist, the shock shaking him. Something felt broken.
"What of this is real?" Infinite asked. Sonic ran into the ground after a swift kick to the back from Metal Sonic.
"And then again, does it matter?" The fire of Solaris burned behind him and he could feel the tips of his quills burn in the heat.
"You can still feel the pain." Sonic was being flung from former enemy to former enemy.
"Still feel the crack of your bones breaking."
Sonic winced as his leg flared with pain.
"Help…" he whimpered from the ground. Everything hurt. His arms struggled to keep him upright.
"Help?" Infinite laughed again. "What makes you think anyone can help you? There is no one left. It's only me and you, exactly who do you think is going to save you now?"
Sonic looked up at Infinite. He hated being down here, weak, useless, unable to even prop himself up.
"What are you going to do to me?" Sonic's arm fell out from under him with a pop and a sickening crack.
"Your fear is delicious…"
The edges of Sonic's vision were blurring.
"Perhaps pain has made you forgetful. I told you already.
"I am going to kill you."
The words felt so much realer now, red and bloody in the air.
He had barely lived life.
He was just a kid.
Everything was crumbling.
Sonic could hear sword blades being pulled out of their sheaths. He knew what was coming.
This was the end.
"Futile. You will die by my blade. I already went over the steps of how this was going to happen. You suffer, you fear me, and then if you're lucky you die quickly."
The blade hovered above Sonic's heart, just a hair's breadth away from killing.
"Please." Sonic could feel tears welling up in his eyes. "I can't. My mother. My friends. My sisters. You—"
"Your family and friends. How noble of you to remember them." Infinite moved the blade further down.
"Stella is only five. She can't— Please." Sonic's voice was breaking. It was all so real now.
He didn't want to die.
Infinite was wordless. The blade went through Sonic's stomach with a sickening noise. He winced.
Blood was already starting to pool around him. He could see the weird fake Shadow watching.
He remembered when he had outstretched a hand for Shadow as he plummeted from the ark. How pointless it was. How much it hurt.
"I— I'm sorry." He murmured. There was so much. He wasn't ready.
A second blade slotted into his heart with a squelch and a sharp pain. Everything hurt.
"Goodbye, Sonic the Hedgehog."
The glint of a red gemstone shone above him, phantom waltz playing as the light hit its faces.
Everything hurt so much. If he could just—
It was almost like falling asleep. Everything just started to fade. The waltz almost slowed to a crawl. Everything was disappearing.
It was just all too much.
It hurt so much.
And then suddenly, it didn't hurt anymore.
And then, everything became nothing.
He was gone.
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I’m sorry if this comes off as a noob ask but who’s Regina Ferrum?
She was a one shot character in early Archie Sonic, but came back yeeears later. She's like a wizard, but only for like tech stuff. (oddly similar to Lazar from SatAM)
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Well she's also a queen, who's married to the Iron King, who's just this huge bull guy. Icr his name. I don't think she really likes the monarch society she has herself in, something of the sort, I need a refresher on her motives, but she goes online and meets Snively. We only know they've been talking because a couple panels, and then Dimitri (the octopus in a jar echinda) finds his dms.
So like. They get together. Snively steals a whole queen from this bull I still can't remember his name. Basically he has an Egirl now. Their relationship is far from healthy. It's all mutual hatred and the fact they're neglected. I mean they genuinely love each other, but Regina is really just using him as leverage for her own revolt.
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Iccr what exactly happens, but the "good guys" catch Regina, and Eggman won't let Snively go and save her, so she's just trapped at the bottom like a well or something for who knows how long.
Snively eventually pulls his grand escape scheme to round up the only two people to ever show him kindness. (Hope his stepsister, and Regina) Hope's scene sucks. I mean that by it's really depressing. She's hero coded, and Snively is villain coded.
He woos Regina back on his side by stealing a mech from wherever she's from, and they have a robot mech dual with Eggman. They don't stand a chance. They're both knocked out.
Eggman gives Regina a clone of Snively. These are just bomb look alikes that Snively made as a diversion for his escape. Regina can control him, because techno magic. But she doesn't notice it in the last issue she's in. Meanwhile, Snively...he's in one of those animal pod things from the games. Yeah Eggman just left him to rot in there and taunts him about it. And that's the last time you ever see him before the reboot where he looks like Walter White. It makes me comically steam from my ears and make train whistle sounds.
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To makes things a little better, Ian Flynn wanted to bring him back, but the reboot stamped out any other chances of any loose ends being tied. Thanks Penders.
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scribblestatic · 1 year
He stays around the little town, though he doesn't stay in the shelter. Getting food is easy from the forest, but he also does little helpful things to get money for weiners-on-a-stick. Though, recently, he's been affording enough to get hot dogs. They're better.
His shoes have a problem. They can't stand up very well to his speed, so he's constantly needing to tape and repair them. There's not much else he can do to help the situation, but it's fine
...Just to kinda speed through things:
He sticks around town but goes into the forest for days at a time to enjoy openness and freedom
During one of these runs, he comes across Dr. Robotnik causing trouble
He uses his super speed to destroy the robots, much to the doctor's irritation
Noticing that the man is rather egg-shaped, Sonic starts thinking of him as Eggman
During another run, he comes across Miles getting bullied
He stops the bullying and Miles decides to follow him around
Miles asks what his name is, and after hearing Miles talking about his "supersonic speeds", he calls himself Sonic using nonverbal language
Miles sees that Sonic refers to him by spinning his fingers, and realizes Sonic's maybe calling him Tails
Considering how positive Sonic is about his tails, he accepts the nickname with pride
Sonic and Tails go on several adventures together from then on
Sonic has no memories of the ARK. While looking at Eggman makes him think of someone he once knew, it doesn't trigger much in him other than the desire to be careful around this strange person.
And talk.
He really wants to talk to him for some reason. But his muteness is persistent, so he doesn't try yet. Instead, he uses his body language to communicate with him, teasing the doctor, gleeful at his responses.
Tails is helping him after a while, too, and they both help the town and get rid of Eggman's bots. Eventually, Sonic gets enough money for new shoes, but they break while Sonic is battling Eggman.
Much to his surprise, during the next time they meet, Eggman gives him shoes.
"You're my enemy, but you should at least be able to fight at your strongest! I won't beat someone who is already down. That makes me look weak!"
Sonic puts on the shoes, and indeed, after running, they don't break. Sonic smiles up at Eggman.
"Thank you."
His voice is rough, soft, and whispery. Dry from disuse.
But Eggman hears it all the same, harrumphing after a bit before he tries to take Sonic down once again.
After that, Sonic starts speaking in bits. Not much, but getting used to his voice.
Eventually, he can hold full conversations, using a snarky, cocksure attitude.
Over the years and over the adventures, he becomes Sonic the Hedgehog, the hero who runs faster than the speed of sound.
He gains friends from the future, from other dimensions, from around the world.
He gets killed, comes back to life, then kills god (something no one but he remembers). He becomes a king, becomes a powerful djinn, becomes the savior of planets and worlds alike. He fights, and sometimes kills, other creatures and beings that threaten his home, rehabilitates those who change their ways, and befriends people who might have a different way of doing things, but mean no harm at large.
Like Knuckles, who doesn't really need rehabilitating, he was just mistaken. And now, he's one of his best friends.
Like Rouge, who has a thing for theft, but hey, he's broken into G.U.N. bases before to take back the Chaos Emeralds, so pot, meet kettle.
Like Jet, who is a grade A for asshole, but can be reliable when the time is right.
Like Shadow, who he manages to convince not to destroy the whole world in the name of Maria.
Sonic doesn't dwell on that name much, not around others.
But in his private time, sitting out alone or on his runs, he does think.
The name sounds familiar.
A bit infuriating. A tad frustrating.
He's not sure why. It's not like he's met the girl, and what he does know of her from Shadow's accounts and videos of the late Professor Robotnik, she was a wonderful girl who loved an earth she could never live on. If anything, it sounds like Sonic would've gotten along with her. That they could've been friends.
But there's a muddy feeling inside of him whenever he thinks of that name. So, he doesn't think about her often. Nor of her grandfather, whose name also brings a strong sense of discomfort.
And so, Sonic ignores these things that, in the end, don't mean much at all.
He ignores it until he can't.
Until Dr. Starline forces Eggman back into evil after he was so, so close to being good.
After the Metal Virus starts.
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flamechar33 · 1 year
I am only posting enough about some Sonic AUs I've had in mind for context for an image I've come up with that I don't think I can just Not share: This entire chain of AU ideas started when I was in my mid/late teens when I started reading Ghosts of the Future (that Future AU written by Ian Flynn Evan Stanley, don't know how I got that wrong ) and after catching up I ended up thinking up a Future AU of that set after GUN's been defeated. All that's relevant of what I called GofT Whirlwind is:
The 'main' character who I'll refer to as the originally planned last name Hunter is a descendant of Infinite and son of a famous Extreme Gear racer known as the 6th Black Baron, who originally was a member of GUN before a whole Plot happened and ended up on the other side and taking up the mantle of his dad's opposing racer the Red Rider. (He was a faded green wolf originally but now I'm thinking that Hunter and his dad should be Jackals. Also I could go into depth about his suit as the Red Rider and how it isn't necessarily red. Also I can't remember if the notion of Chaos Powers was introduced in GotF or if I just expanded/made it up from somewhere, but his ability was Chaos Sight which gave him...essentially Eagle Vision from AC? idk I was inspired by the tracking mechanic from Lego Lord of the Rings. There's also just too many OCs from this to talk about Just in this post so, like, ask I guess.)
The only other OC I will mention is sleeper agent murder android fox who very much does not like 4 of those 5 words and ends up defecting before Hunter. She's called Sabina, probably more of the protagonist than Hunter is at first.
Tails uploaded his mind immediately post death to become an AI. He gets a robot body after being stuck inside the Tornado up until (reads notes) Story Chapter 2 of...5? (the entire Plot I mentioned earlier? That's just Chapter number 1)
Also there's another noteable part of this AU which is that Infinite had a sister who survived/left, who had a son who ended up as a part of the batch of Rookies and the main one's best friend. Remember this later
Then I ended up making an AU of the Dark GotF AU (where Shadow died instead) with Hunter having things A Lot Worse. His family died in a resistance raid and he nearly burnt to death, only to be taken by the GUN higher ups and made into a living chimera weapon who could absorb Chaos powers through absorbing blood. His deal in this AU is that when he gets introduced he pretty much only likes Silver, and that he disguises his nature with a longcoat, gloves, orange tinted glasses and a lot of other things to hide the wings and tail...and pretty much everything but his head.
That's the past context: onto this year, where Adult Me is looking back and brainstorming/rethinking again, while I'm also looking at IDW comics - especially Surge. I looked at Surge and Kit, I looked at Dark GotF Hunter, and said "yeah this could be fun" So onto the last AU of this, this time of IDW. A bad future ends up happening with Eggman Empire in control because Surge ended up killing Sonic, so Silver ended up going back in time to help Sonic. Hunter ended up going back in time as well to also stop Surge but meets them and goes "wow ok these guys need help." Sabrina also comes back in time but everyone thinks she's here to stop them from Preventing Sonic's death.
Long Story Short Surge ends up unable to kill Sonic, Sabrina finally gets to reveal that No she's here to stop Hunter because he gets all the Chaos Powers and ends up getting a vision that Maybe drives him insane/is him being possessed. I would have kept that as a surprise but Hunter going and releasing Infinite from the Phantom Ruby as his right hand man is important. But eventually everyone (except Sonic) wins and the future is changed again with only the timetravellers remembering the whole deal.
A later incident ends up with the planet from two different times (present and Silver's future) being in each other's sky. Another long story but basically Infinite joins Eggman and the future villain because he learnt from last time that he has surviving family, and basically Hunter redeems himself during this whole thing and takes Infinite to go see his sister (leading to him retiring). AI Tails also appears from the future world.
Then there's story set exclusively in the future, which I'm Not going to spoil since If I write it well it's going to have some really good twists, but I ended up thinking about in this future Surge and Kit being immortal due to whatever Starline did to them (Kit's also taller now) and them being part of Gun, and a bit where Shadow and Robo Tails meeting up with them (Tails is not allowed in Kit's stuff) ended up during the thinking process having Surge say something along the lines of "the hangout's not today".
So yeah, the image: Shadow, Surge, Kit, Robo AI Tails, Infinite, Metal and Mecha Sonic all sitting around at their usual immortals hangout session.
That's it, that's the entire reason I've released the knowledge of 3 of my Sonic AUs out into the wild. dropping this and seeing what happens overnight
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ragingphantom666 · 3 months
My idea for a Sonic film franchise
Note: First, I'll say that I'd make it a 3-D computer animated like the Mario movie. It would be set on a planet that I can't call Mobius because Sega banned that from being officially used.
Sonic the Hedgehog
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A mysterious human called Eggman arrives through a portal and sends waves of robots called Badniks to attack and conquer the world. Characters like Tails, Knuckles, and Amy Rose fight them off, but get helped by a nomadic dogooder named Sonic. Together, they defeat Eggman
Shadow the Hedgehog
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A thief named Rouge sneaks on board the Egg Carrier to steal treasures belonging to Eggman. Instead, she finds a dormant Shadow the Hedgehog. He is amnesiac and has no memories of his past. It ends with him remembering who he is and teaming up with Eggman, leading up to the next movie.
Gamma (short film)
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A little short exploring the brief life of the Badniks known as E-102 Gamma as he achieves peace.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
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Shadow has been causing havoc on the planet as he searches for the fabled Chaos Emeralds. Although Eggman believes it's because he will get a weapon of mass destruction, it is so that he can avenge his friend Maria. Sonic's friends go to the Earth dimension to stop Shadow from destroying the planet. He reforms and makes amends with Rouge.
Shadow: Team Dark (TV series)
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Shadow and Rouge, now accompanied by the battle-ready E-123 Omega, face legions of Shadow creatures sent by the Council of Doom. They must work together to stop this new threat targeting Shadow. Along the way, they learn more about Shadow's origin.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
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Meddling with the dimensions has brought Sonic to the attention of Blaze the Cat. Meanwhile, Eggman has created Metal Sonic and teamed up with the extra dimensional beings Mephiles and Iblis, who seek chaos across all dimensions.
Tangle & Whisper
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The unlikely team of Tangle the Lemur and Whisper the Wolf go on a quest to go capture the villainous Mimic. They bond along the way and more of Whisper's past is unveiled.
Note: This one is the most unlikely because I don't know if these characters be allowed in a movie.
Sonic the Hedgehog 4
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The heroes meet Silver the Hedgehog, who has come back in time to prevent the destruction of his future. They have to team up with Eggman to stop Neo Metal Sonic and his Badniks. This is the end of the franchise and ends suggesting there are more adventures left to tell off screen.
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transneonneko · 3 years
Things from Archie Sonic that I would love to see return in the Mainline Games and/or IDW Sonic!!
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Recently, I decided to read some of the Archie Sonic Comic, from like issue 186ish up until the first MegaMan crossover and the reboot, mainly because there were some gaps in my knowledge of those stories. Mainly Issues 198 till 235, which I never got to read as a kid and, I have to say, there were a lot of really interesting concepts during Ian's run of comics before the reboot that I really loved. There was a lot of really interesting concepts I love after the reboot too. I wanna celebrate that. A lot of these concepts and story idea I feel really deserve another chance.
So I wanna make this list of stuff I wanna see return in either for stories in the Mainline Games or the IDW Sonic comics. Before we start, I do wanna add somethings. This post isn't meant to be shitting on IDW and being like "IDW would be better if they did this". I really love the IDW comics and universe. I also know that some of these concepts likely can't be done due SEGA Mandates and I'm not gonna include stuff like "Bring back the Freedom Fighters" because I feel asking to bring back characters isn't gonna be very productive, as much as I would like to see their return. Anyways, let's begin.
The Fate of the ARK
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One thing that really inspired this list was this scene right her. We'll talk more about Silver's Future later but for now, let's focus on the ARK. I'm gonna assume anyone reading this knows the story of the ARK from SA2 and Shadow. Sadly, the ARK hasn't really been revisited in the main canon since Shadow, despite how iconic of a set piece it is. In the Archie Comics, we get a look at Silver's future and one of things that may have been the cause of how bad things are is the ARK crashed. Sadly, Archie got rebooted before the writers could go more into it but, from SA2, we know that the ARK was set to crash into the planet if all 7 Chaos Emeralds are placed into it, wiping out all life on the planet. This could be an excellent premise of another Silver adventure, whether it be in the comics or games, where Sonic, Silver and some friends have to stop someone from making the ARK crash into the planet.
Expanding the Eggman Empire/Egg Bosses
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Something I've always found a bit lacking in the game canon is how the Eggman Empire itself has been presented. In the games, the Eggman Empire is usually just made up of Eggman, Metal Sonic, Orbot, Cubot, a bunch of robots and (recently) Infinite. It's not really an Empire if it's just one guy and a bunch of robots. The main goal is the conquer the world but we hardly see Eggman actually see what happens when Eggman conquers a place, like what happens to the people who used to live there, besides like Colours and Forces, where the Wisps and Mobians are usually just seen being imprisoned. The Egg Bosses are the perfect solution to this and adds so much to Sonic's World.
The Egg Bosses are Mobians who, either willingly or unwillingly, aligned themselves up with Eggman for whatever reason, becoming commanders of the Eggman Empire. This usually comes about when Eggman has taken over a part of the region and the people living in that region have no choice but to join the Eggman Empire, for their own safety. Not only does this make the Eggman Empire feel more than just one person but it also makes Eggman more a villain himself. It able to portray Eggman as someone to be feared and, I mean, this is a dictator and genocider who is pretty much declaring war against the world.
It also brings up some interesting thoughts about the world. Characters like Maw, Thunderbolt and even Nephthys to a degree joined up with Eggman because they felt it was the right thing to do for the sake of the world, or in Nephthys case, to stop things getting worst later on, meanwhile characters like Grand Battle Kukku are plotting to usurp Eggman, with Clove and Beauregard only working for Eggman to protect family or close ones.
As I said before, having these Egg Bosses also makes Eggman look more threaten, both because he's able to look like a "bigger bad" next to these villains he has command of and, because almost all the Egg Bosses hate Eggman's guts, they are cyberized, a terrifying process in which those who work for Eggman are focus to have parts of their body replaced with cybernetics, with either bombs which will blow if they decide to leave or a locking mechanism that will paralyze their entire body, ready to be locked up.
If either in the game or the IDW comic, I would like to see the Egg Boss concept return. It doesn't even need to be the same characters or use the name "Egg Boss." It would help expand the army of the Eggman Empire, as well as provide some fun bosses for the games I think.
Mobians and Humans living together
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This was always a weird hangup I felt the series had. In the case of games between Sonic Adventure & Unleashed, Sonic and friends were the only Mobians, humans made up the NPCs while Mobians were reserved for main characters. Then in Forces and IDW, Mobians made up the background characters, so then Eggman is the only human. I really prefer it when they have the two living together, it makes it seems more normal and, honestly, a better solution than the whole "Two Worlds" explanation.
Eggman Seemingly Defeated
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Can I just that I love Issues 198-200? In these 3 issues, Sonic and friends Eggman's main base, the Egg Dome. This including fighting on the outside of the base, involving fighting hoards of the Dark Egg Legion soldiers and Eggman in the Egg Phoenix. After dealing with the outside, Sonic and friends raid the Egg Dome itself, taking different directions, with the Dark Egg Legion seemingly retreating, until they reach the center of the base, where they are blocked off by a barricade, which only Sonic can pass through, giving a "Point of No Return" vibe, Dark Egg Legion soldiers lining up and saluting Sonic. Then Sonic reaches the center and finds Eggman in the Egg Tarantula, starting their final battle which Sonic wins. This defeat is enough for Eggman to lose his sanity, seemingly ending the war Sonic and the Freedom Fighters have been fighting their entire life.
Of course Eggman returns but, god, it's just such a memorable couple of issues. There's a real sense of finality to it. I would a sequence like this in the games, something that feels like truly ending the Eggman Empire and defeating them once and for all. Of course, it wouldn't be the end, Sonic games are always needing to be made which would lead to...
The New Rulers of the Eggman Empire
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In the comics after the defeat of Eggman, the Eggman Empire is taken over by some of it's Commanders, the Iron Queen and Iron King, who rules the Empire as their own until they are defeated and Eggman's return.
I love the idea that even if the Eggman, there will always be someone there to take his place. The games could do this by having Neo Metal or Infinite take his place. Hell, IDW did have Neo Metal take over but I think what made that less interesting was that Neo Metal wasn't doing it for himself, he was doing it for Eggman. I think this would work well if a concept like the Egg Boss was introduced in the games, maybe have one of the characters part of that group take over OR have a lot of the more ambitious Egg Bosses war against each other to take command, until eventually Eggman returns and puts them in line.
Silver's Future
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Silver is one of the most recurring characters, who always joins the gang when his future is in trouble. The problem is that we never see his future besides 06. We have no idea what Silver's future is currently until it's in danger and, even then, we never see it.
We see Silver's Future in both continuities of the Archie Comic, with two different takes. Pre-SGW has a destroyed city vibe, like 06 but less lava. Post-SGW brought a whole new take where people are ruled by a corrupt council where people are put into class groups, and security robots will arrest if you are not at your job at the right time. They even re-contextualize Silver's bracelets as cuffs that the robots can activate. With Silver being my favourite character as a kid, I remember being obsessed with this new world and story, wanting to know more.
I'm not saying they would need to copy this world exactly but it would be nice if they gave us a concrete and consistence look for Silver's Future.
The Heroic Metal Sonic
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Right before the SGW, we were introduce to Shard the Metal Sonic. His story is that he was the original Metal Sonic, the one that raced Sonic in Stardust Speedway. He appeared later in the comic, where Sonic made him realized there was more to life than just being Eggman's killing machine. He seemingly died, but was rebuilt to serve as a member the Secret Freedom Fighters.
This one would be tricky to be included. It worked in the Archie comic as they had been many Metal Sonics throughout the series, each one getting destroyed. Meanwhile, there's only officially been one Metal Sonic in the games made by Eggman (two if we count Classic and Modern). Admittedly, Gemerl fits Shard's personality and does need to be used more in the games but having it be Metal Sonic is just a cooler concept.
I think a solution to this is that we have Metal Sonic 1.0 made by Eggman and, in Rivals 2, we have Metal Sonic 3.0 by Eggman Nega from the future. But what about Metal Sonic 2.0? I think we could have a game where after Metal Sonic fails, Eggman builds a replacement, being 2.0, which would give reason to Metal Sonic wanting to revolt, which could lead to a redemption? While I am loving the IDW comics, I do really miss a lot of what both Archie continuities offered. I haven't mention the some other concepts and stories I liked that really focused on certain characters such as Naugus, Geoffrey St. John, Dimitri etc. Maybe I'll talk about that another day...
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hookahmancer · 3 years
Coldsteel: Hot and Cold Part 3
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Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles are playing Mario Party as Amy gets salty saying everyone is targeting her because she's a girl. Sonic is winning and mutters "it's not cause you're A girl, it's cause you're low hanging fruit."
"What are you calling me ugly? Like I'm some rotted apple?"
A familiar crass voice says behind her "he's saying your weak"
Everyone looks and it's Shadow with his arms crossed exacerbated at their activities. Sonic jumps "What are YOU doing here Shadow? You come to fight?!"
"Unlike you, I don't waste my time with low skilled welps. You wouldn't be ready for a REAL danger with all this leisure activity."
Knuckles tells him to chill out and that he should play. Maybe pick Boo the ghost since he's all dark and brooding.
"I just came here to warn you about Coldsteel. He's up to something, I just don't know what." Sonic sits back down and grabs his controller.
"Oh is that all? That guy is even less of a threat than Eggmud..."
Tails interjects while playing still that Coldsteel is a cunning and ruthless guy, and his heart of gold only makes him more of a threat because he has passion and a motive behind his actions making him a superior villain. Sonic just mutters "are you still on that fanboy crap?"
Knuckles coughs and waves his hand. "Shadow put out that minty cigar or whatever you're smoking! It reaks! Shadow?"
Shadow isn't there and the smoke gets thicker where no-one can see what's in front of them. A hedgehog like figure emerges and grabs Amy who screams as the others realize they can't move or speak.
Unbeknownst to the others, her captor is Coldsteel. Who in her paralyzed state he ties to a chair.
"Nothing person-el kiddo. The paralysis should wear off soon... I just didn't want those losers getting in my way."
"What's this all about Coldsteel? Sonic is gonna destroy you when he finds me! Even a DNA test wouldn't be able to recognize you!"
"Oh wow it's already wearing off, that was fast..."
"That's right. I'm A strong, independent woman with an even stronger immune system!"
"Well, this ain't A controlled substance girly... I'll keep ya paralyzed as long as I have too to get what I want."
Amy blushes but pretends to oppose
"Wha...what?! Are you going to have your way with me?! But I'm Sonic's girl! I will scream until your ears bleed as you...ravage me like some sorta primitive Neanderthal!"
"I know a petite, sophisticated, WAY OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE girl like me must be irresistible to your savage instincts but when Sonic finds out you won't be going to normal bad guy jail. You'll be going to hardcore bad guy jail where like, subreddit mods go!"
"Nothing person-el kid, but no. I'm just gonna keep you here until the Stockholm syndrome kicks in."
"Oh...so I'm not good enough for you is that it?! You think I'm ugly too?! Well look at you, Barney the dinosaur looking ass mother fucker!"
Coldsteel has an annoyed bored look on his face and inhales his vape, breathing it over Amy's face to paralyze her again.
Meanwhile when the others come too Sonic goes running around looking for Amy before Knuckles and Tails can even say anything. Knuckles and Tails get in Tail's airplane to scout the skies for Sonic and see the blue blur heading toward Dr. Eggman's lair who is bossing around his robots to adjust this giant golden statue of him while he drinks lemonade and says "no no, over there! Stupid robots..." Sonic tackles Eggman and starts wailing on Eggman.
"Where is she?!" "What are you blathering about hedgehog?!" Sonic continues to pummel Eggman as Tails and Knuckles yell at Sonic to stop from afar. As Tails lands, Knuckles jumps out and pulls Sonic off of a crying and battered Eggman.
"Stop going Christian Bale on him Sonic, we know this had to be Coldsteel's doing!"
"Don't you think I know that?! But Eggturd here is the one pulling the strings!"
A tear of pain rolls down Eggman's swollen black eye as he turns to his side whimpering and pees himself.
"I somehow doubt that..."
As this goes on. Coldsteel is just sitting there glaring at Amy. Amy can talk again and snide remarks "you know... Kidnapping is a pretty serious crime! Those real super villains are just gonna love your Lilac color tone!"
"Well good thing you're not a kid huh?"
"I...you call everyone a...SONIIIIICCCCC"
He gets up furiously "What do you see in that dumb ass anyway?! I'm way cooler than he is!"
"Is that what this is about? Jealously?" "Kinda"
"People like Sonic because he's a kind, caring hedgehog who shows mercy even to those who don't deserve it."
Sonic is punching Eggman again "I know you did it! I know you did it!" Tails crying like the Simpson's meme "stop STOP! HE'S ALREADY DEAD!!!"
"He's also smart. He's like a Sherlock Holmes who can get to the bottom of an unsolvable mystery and have the answers to everything!"
Sonic puts down Eggman and says "Shadow!" Knuckles just mutters "Why would Shadow have warned us about Coldsteel if it was him?"
"And most of all he is selfless! He puts others before his own well being, especially his friends!"
Sonic shrugs and says "Enh, I never liked Amy much anyway..."
Amy glares into Coldsteel's eyes
"YOU are a petty little man who bullies everyone to get your way! You have no friends, and you suck as a villain! You're like..."
"What? Like Eggman?"
"Like Kevin..."
Dramatic music plays and lightning strikes. And Amy whispers
"Nothing person-el kid..." Coldsteel slaps her hard enough where she falls over still tied to the chair.
"Harder daddy!"
"What the fuck is wrong with this girl?"
The heroes are back home playing Mario Party without Amy and Tails sighs.
"It's not the same without Amy..." Sonic bored too responds
"You're right Tails. We need that fourth player... Your thumbs still work right Egghead?"
Sonic poking Eggman's nose with the controller while Eggman is in a full body cast muffling "I hate that hedgehog..."
Coldsteel sets Amy back up and she's still sassing
"Why do you even like me?!"
"I'm asking myself the same question..."
"You don't even know my name!"
"Yeah I do! It's, uhh..."
"You don't even know my name..."
"Sure I do! It's... Daisy?"
"Annie. Little Annie!" Coldsteel starts singing it's a hard knock life.
"I hate you."
The protagonists still playing and they just lay Eggman's controller on his chest, Knuckles says "maybe we should try harder to find Amy..."
Sonic tapping ferociously "She's fine..."
Coldsteel is in a scary clown mask revving up a chainsaw to her face "LOVE ME YA STUPID CUNT!"
"Learn my name ya stupid garbage person!"
Tails eating some chips "Amy could be in real danger..."
They're boxing and Amy knocks Coldsteel down in one blow reinacting Mohammad Ali's fight "WHAT'S MY NAME?!"
Knuckles goes to take a sip of soda, but stops before it reaches his lips when Shadow says "are you guys just gonna sit around and let this happen?"
Amy is singing Karaoke of Eminem "HI my name is, huh? My name is, who? My name is dikki dikki..." She puts the Mic up to Coldsteel's mouth
"Uhh... Tammy?" She pokes him in the eye with the Mic.
Shadow scolding these bunch of lollygaggers "Coldsteel is doing God knows what to your friend and you guys are just sitting around playing video games!"
Eggman is screaming under his bandages struggling and Shadow strips the mouth part so he can talk. "You fools do not have the faintest idea how serious this whole situation is! What those two are doing together is worse than any evil scheme I could come up with!"
Knuckles snorts "What? Some kind of fetish fanfic?"
"Arby. Omg your parents named you Arby's?! I love Arby's! We should get Arby's!"
Amy hits him in the face with her hammer.
"Oh my GOD how can you obsess over me when you won't even learn my name?! You're insufferable! How could anyone stand someone who is an obsessed little worm in a completely one-sided infatuation and tics all the cringe tropes of a gendered stereotype?! I...oh...oh no. I'm everything I hate..."
"Arby's? But the twisty fries..."
Coldsteel's hiding place rumbles as Eggman's grounder robot drills from the bottom and Eggman, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles jump out.
"Oh cool. Grindr! I remember you from the old animated..."
Eggman yells "Its grounder!"
The grounder robot says "naw naw, he's right... My date is just a block from here. Seeya boss." Grounder digs back down.
Sonic goes up to Amy "it's ok now Amy...you're safe."
"Don't touch me!" "What's gotten into you?!"
Eggman mutters "Coldsteel probably..." Tails, Knuckle, and Coldsteel do the black guys rap battle meme
"What's gotten into me?! I have wasted too many nights pining over an ungrateful, selfish, egotistical toxic masculine man whom barely even notices I exist!"
"Why are we here again? Oh hey Amy..."
Coldsteel walks up and puts his arm around Amy sneering at Sonic
"Heh...nothing person-el kid!"
"And YOU... You are a reminder of why self care and confidence are so important! Did you honestly think if you just kept me here long enough I'd fall in love with you? You still don't know my name! You're like those dudes who send money to egirls but tell your friends you have a girlfriend!"
Eggman yells BETAAAA in the back like Jesse Lee
"I'm done with all hedgehogs. I don't wanna see any of you ever again. ESPECIALLY you Sonic!"
Amy just walks out. And Sonic says "geez what a bitch"
Coldsteel remarks "I hate to see her go, but I love to watch her leave..." Knuckles and and Eggman fist bump Coldsteel.
Everyone just decides to go home and Tails walking by Sonic
"So wait...does this mean Coldsteel never had any feelings for me?"
Eggman walks pass Tails "BETAAAA"
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semi-sketchy · 5 months
I watched Sonic Underground, over a year ago, and whilst I remember the big things about episodes, I may be off on some small things.
My point on the episode still stands, Robotnik is commonly used for humiliating slapstick that makes it hard for the audience to take seriously and raises the question about why the Sonic Underground doesn't just overthrow or incapacitate him.
Fairy or elf, it doesn't change that Sonic was offered a wish from a magical being and instead of using her power to arrest/oust Robotnik, he just uses her to make a Robotnik-faced monster to play pranks on his nemesis.
Also I remember in the Hairdresser episode, the robot could hypnotize people and did indeed hypnotize Robotnik, Sleet and Dingo into the Sonic underground's bidding. There was no reason not for the Sonic Underground to just tell Robotnik & his flunkies to arrest themselves.
There are plenty of opportunities, but it seems the Sonic underground doesn't do that because the show doesn't want to end.
The premise of the hairdresser episode was also nonsensical. Robotnik was hypnotizing loyal taxpaying rich people that supported Robotnik's slavery of the lower classes into revealing they think he's fat or egotistical.
In other words, instead of going after all the nobility that are secretly supporting the rebellion against, Robotnik is instead going after his own supporters simply because they hurt his feelings.
Similarly Masquerade still has the Swatbots not immediately contact Robotnik and roboticize manic, instead putting him in a regular cell. They also focus on arresting Sleet and Dingo over chasing Manic. Again the whole thing makes no sense with the basic premise of the show.
Swatbots in particular have "Hedgehog alert, Hedgehog Alert" as their whole catchphrase, so it makes no sense they would react to Manic by treating him like an ordinary thief or give up on arresting him in favor of going after the real crooks.
I actually really liked how they handled the hypnotism because it is the power of suggestion. It's not magic and can't make you do something you wouldn't normally do, unlike how many other shows portray it. The characters wouldn't simply "arrest themselves" or stop being mean. Hypnotism can't make someone forget, but they don't push the bounds of it too far into ridiculous territory and that's something I appreciate.
Saying it was also non-nonsensical misses the point. Yes, these were people paying Eggman, but anyone who speaks negatively of him is punished. He's a dictator. This type of stuff happens in real world countries. People go missing for saying they don't like their government to set an example. Also, Eggman is very egotistical, like that's one of his defining traits, so yeah him robotizing people for calling him names is totally on brand.
I don't really have a problem with taking Robotnik seriously in Underground. If anything, he seems like the most in character out of all the old Sonic cartoons. Like he's evil and egotistical while having some goofy scenes that don't make him a total buffoon.
It's okay if you have a different interpretation of the show or simply prefer SatAM. If the tone isn't for you, that's fine. Even with me, I love Xenoblade, but I just don't like 3 and I made a huge essay covering my problems with it. People are still allowed to like 3 and think Mio is the best character in the series, even if I staunchly disagree.
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