jacenotjason · 2 months
did you guys know i cant play a lot of roblox games properly
not bc i CANT, i just literally cant play them right because i spend too long just geeking out about the 3d models
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yuseirra · 3 months
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**persona 3 reload spoilers**
Ryoji is honestly too cute(and sweet) to come off as threatening
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pianokantzart · 3 months
Not me thinking thinking about how good of a brother Mario is and how there's literally nobody better that Luigi could've clung to while he sorts out his own anxiety.
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Mario acknowledges that Luigi is a fearful person, but doesn't think any less of him for being scared. He doesn't see Luigi's bad luck as a burden, even when he tries to make sure he's safe and protected at every turn. Mario gets annoyed by his brother on occasion, but doesn't degrade or talk down to him– not even jokingly. He just puts up with it and forges ahead without drawing attention his brother's mistakes. Then when it comes to Luigi's victories, even small ones, he dwells on them and gets excited without an ounce of insincerity or exaggeration.
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The worst thing Mario does is get a little too caught up in his impulses and emotions to listen, but otherwise he's so rock solid, even apart from his three-day adventure solely focused on saving Luigi's life.
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fobosfear · 6 months
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I'M BACK. As promised, I bring gifts.
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nevarroes · 7 months
How do you come up with such great poses, what is your process like? I am in love with ur art.
thank you so much🥺💖
as for the poses... referenced… theyre ALL referenced in some way or another really, honestly I spend more time looking at pictures than actually drawing at this point fuck me....
generally though I have three approaches when it comes to choosing or making poses. The first is literally just referencing some image directly because its a great pose + angle, it happens, rarely, but it does happen gd bless
Second (what happens most of the time) is photobashing the shit out of a pose where I kind of just badly cut together 2-3 photos to get what I want. Then I usually add my 3D face model (I make these unless its like... ingame character then i just yoink it) because I tend to choose more flattering angles for my own sanity and…. yeagh You probably need to get a little bit of a feel for this one and I tend to even liquify the image (to fit stylistically and propertionally to what I want) because it’s gonna look horribly pieced together but if you squint you’ll see if the pose works out in the end iykwim😭 (on a side note I do this for painting references too, even vaguely photobashing and learning rough photo editing will save your ass I'm so serious)
Third one is if I like the pose in some reference but not the angle so I replicate the pose in (usually) MagicPoser so I can make it work in a different angle. but i try to not do this TOO often because in my honest opinion while posing apps can be insanely helpful they also tend to make my own art a good bit stiffer than when I directly reference photos and its like… personally it requires me to actively think about everything I’m drawing way more since stuff like muscle twists and creases etc will never quite be accurate when you reference psoing app so you'll need a good bit more prior knowledge
I hope this helps at all!
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tonguetiedraven · 5 months
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arisenreborn · 3 months
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"My mind is apt to stray, even here."
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cr1ms0n-d1am0nd5 · 4 months
A Tennant I never got to finish (forever wip)
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dreamsrunfaster · 1 year
Nimona (2023) rly said "hey! Scholarship kid! You can be whatever you want to be! (So long as what you want to be is a perpetuator of and living excuse for an oppressive system) (also you will be 1st in line for any scapegoating sacrificing or literal maiming we need to do along the way)"
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secondary-colorentimy · 5 months
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i dont like how big her eyes are on her model so for my own sanity i have to keep drawing my wife and fixing that 🗣
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3-aem · 5 months
i would be such a good monk or something or idk, just that my ability to ignore hunger in favor of whatever i am hyperfixating on is unparalleled at least within the sample size of my social circles
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boag · 1 month
I’m so glad we moved where we did omg…. We lived in this neighborhood before when we first moved to Philly but like on the other side which is technically a ~better~ area but we got in touch with these landlords through one of my mom’s best friends Shawn who lives across the street and knows the owners and was like “yo they are cool as hell and are planning on moving out you guys should rent from them” . And we’ve been going over Shawn’s house and hanging out with him and his friends for over a year now bc they’re all just great, genuine, fun ass people so we’ve gotten to know a lot of them. And now we live on their block and it’s the best vibes ever and we always know we’re surrounded by a whole group of SUPER cool/trustworthy people and we’re so often just outside at night hanging out on each other’s front stoops having some drinks and smoking some and having the best conversations and I just love it sm . I’m so done with the messy toxic drugged up bullshit of my past so it’s really awesome to have people around who are just kind and honest and have their shit together but can still have fun like it’s just an amazing group of people to be a part of
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firstfullmoon · 4 months
does anyone have an ereader and read lots of poetry and/or pdfs on it and if so which ereader would you recommend
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135crow · 1 month
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somegrumpynerd · 10 days
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I've been really missing my brother lately, so I tried to draw him
Pics of what he actually looked like under the cut for comparison:
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