#the NCR hates him and they should
deadskink · 5 months
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Courier 6, reaper of the Mojave
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malwaredykes · 3 months
honestly tbh leigh's relationship with the ncr is REALLY funny because. she hates them. she has 0 allegiance to them. she doesnt help THEM she resolves matters in ways that often happen to benefit them in some way or simply prevents needless loss of life, but it never is about them and aside from that shes always stealing, sabotaging, disrespecting them, turning people against them, encouraging members to desert, putting their legitimacy into question, especially the legitimacy of them being in the mojave in the first place, and exposing their ineffectiveness. she has 0 intention of venerating The Republic that she comes from. she thinks its hilarious that anyone should take that stuff seriously.
but she ends up being a celebrity to them. because crocker likes her despite everything, and hsu likes her, and because shes from new cali but important in the mojave, and because shes done stuff like calm things down in the freeside and help at refugee camps and retake nelson. which makes her even more of a problem in a way. if she were Only a nuisance thatd be one thing, theyd just put a bounty on her. but shes a celebrity. she has a status in new vegas and in the ncr. shes kind of untouchable. and her crimes and sabotage can never quite be proven. of course to the higher ups theres having proof and theres Knowing. shit only gets worse when she and her buddies storm the legion fort and kill caesar and free a bunch of slaves because like. this strengthens her vip status AND is absolute humiliation to the ncr. like they cant take the credit and instead they have to live with the fact that what a lot of them dismissed as some upstart with a bunch of clueless locals backing her did something they never couldve achieved. "oh this was pretty much an angry mob of townies and misfits" yeah and they got caesar in his own fortress. shes out there making the ncr look like shit and pointing people to seeing the ncr as the problem and yet she never does it in a way that she could be prosecuted for. by the time the ncr realizes shes a lot of trouble they also know they would lose a TREMENDOUS amount of support if they did something to her
like shes never openly hostile. she never provokes open hostility. shes not Openly Antagonistic to the ncr but its not exactly a secret shes got something planned and would like them to leave. young ncr recruits seeing her are like Omggg ma'am its an honor!!!! ^_^. there are officers and rangers whod be REALLY appalled if you said anything bad about her because Well she sure has done a lot more for us here on site than any of you government people. and that was her goal. that is the game shes playing. folks youll eventually realize its not the ncr that has done good in the mojave despite its flaws, but yours were the hands doing the work, and all the reasons one might consider ncr good or necessary are within you, Are you, the people who joined hoping theyd make a difference. folks youll realize that the ncr has to lie and obfuscate and make bullshit orders and directives to maintain claim over that good work and whitewash its own crimes. folks, i have this ex-ncr friend here. do you know what the ncr got him? complicity in atrocities (lyrical miracle), ptsd, apocalyptic thinking, countless biases to unpack, hopelessness, enemies where he shouldve made friends. and so on. and do you know what he got from *me*? a chance to actually do good. a chance to question those false beliefs of his. a friend. new opportunities. 40 rolls of duct tape. new rifle. lots and lots of soda. TWO toy trucks. and an apple. just ask him
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Any thoughts on how companions would react to being in a Big MT facility (After Courier get his brain back)? Like, Arcade and Veronica would be more interested than others since their factions are the most technologically advanced in America Wasteland?
FNV Companions Reactions To Being Taken To Big MT
➼ Word Count » 0.9k ➼ Warnings » None
Boone gets incredibly defensive when he hears the Cazadores buzzing around or catches the slightest glimpse of any wild robots roaming the crater. He doesn't fully understand the technology or how it was created, but he doesn't like it. Everything that's been stashed away in Big MT leaves him on edge and he can't help but distrust every little item in the extensive facility. He hates being inside any of the labs out of fear of traps or experiments gone rogue. He'll want to spend the majority of his time in the Chinese prison camps as he believes the technology there could better help the NCR gain the advantage over the legion, especially if they can learn more about the collars being used.
Arcade is astonished by the sheer amount of energy weapons that are being held and experimented on in this area, but he’s especially interested in the vault tec experiments that are running rampant, however, these interests are quickly shot down when he recognizes how many lives were ruined because of these experimentations were condoned by the government to continue. It breaks him every time he sees a lobotomite running around in pain and confusion about where and what they are. He'll search the labs for cures or any other pieces of information that could help him improve and advance the Follower's impact on the Mojave. He might not be able to do much to help these victims now, but he can help prevent it from happening again. He'll do his best to seal Big MT off from the rest of the world, bandaging it up until someone can find a genuine solution on what should be done with everything uncovered here, but for now, he'll just try to reap as many positive outcomes as he can from what he's been given.
Raul thinks the whole place is sketchy, but he's followed you straight into Legion camps before, this shouldn't be too different. The scientists at the Think Tank don't like that he's all rotted and will most likely lock him out, out of fear he'll contaminate everything. It doesn't bother him too much, though, he'll just shove his hands into his pockets and follow you over to Mobius' place, where the two begin talking like old friends about their pre-war lives (or what Mobius can remember of his). Raul isn't a sciencey guy, however, he can appreciate the amount of scrap metal and resources this place just has laying around, and will gladly put it to better use than whatever happened here previously.
Lily adores the stealth suit in the X-13 Research Facility and thinks it looks lovely on you! Especially since it can help the two of you stay hidden more. She's so polite to the scientists in the Think Tank, even when they refer to her as a "failed experiment" and tell her she's not allowed to touch anything. She doesn't mind though, she'll gladly sit down, drink some tea, and watch as they work. Speaking of tea, Muggy is obsessed with her because she's the only one who actually uses mugs and dishes for anything. (She's always knitting him little hats too). The more time she spends here, the more she starts to realize how similar it all is to what happened to her in California. It'll begin to make her sad and she'll eventually want to leave and ask to come back and visit another time.
Cass takes one look at the place before shouting threats at the scientists. To her, this place is no different than what the Legion did to countless nations and tribes across America, and she hates that you didn't take any action sooner. It's honestly best just to not take her here unless you want her or everything else to be slaughtered. She doesn't understand the science behind any of it, and quite frankly, doesn't care. She just wants to take a torch to this place and never think of it again.
Veronica finds The Sink to be strange and spends a lot of her time invested in the different personalities before she really starts exploring the surrounding areas of Big MT. She thinks the bunker needs objects that speak, it might just make everyone less serious about everything. She gets a lot of enjoyment from being able to wander around freely and investigate all the technological marvels, although, the second she catches wind of Christine and Elijah being here at some point, her mood drastically changes. Her smile disappears, her shoulders slump forward, and her eyes open to the damage that was caused here. She's not as excited as she used to be and just wants to quickly pocket what they can and go back home.
Rex is excited and extremely confused about being brought here. On the one hand, there are tons of new things to sniff out and wander through, but he can't shake the feeling that he's been here before, and that freaks him out. He'll start whimpering with the uncertainty that starts to flood him at seeing the place where he was created. It tires him out to think about it.
ED-E has so much fun zipping around the place. Everything here is so new! He's never seen anything like it before and that excites him! You'll find that he's naturally inclined to go toward the places Ulysses' was, making beelines to all of the American flags graffitied along the outsides of a few of the buildings. He'll happily be beeping at you as he follows you around the crater.
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ezekiel13 · 6 months
Tell me everything about Boone that you feel everyone gets wrong
This is probably not going to be well formatted so I apologise for that in advance!
Also. Spoilers for One For my Baby, and I Forgot to Remember to Forget (Boone’s companion quest)
1) Carla! I saw this post like “I hate Boone for shooting Carla because she could’ve escaped.” But
- There is no precedent for escaping the Legion. In fact, the NCR trains their snipers & rangers to perform mercy killings, as death is deemed a better fate than the Legion. You find this out at Nelson, if you talk to Ranger Milo, and then what Boone says after your free/kill the crucified soldiers.
- Boone would have assumed that Carla would not be able to escape. Boone also is a soldier who was trained to mercy kill, as a better fate to being a Legion slave/captive
- Boone tells you he did not have the gear to take out the entire camp of legionnaires. He wouldn’t have been able to rescue Carla, and it’s probable to assume that Carla would not have been able to escape (from what we know of the legion)
- Also. I would personally choose a quick death by a sniper rifle over being a legion slave
2) Boone is irredeemable for Bitter Springs. But…
- His entire thing after that is you tell him. You decide whether he should move on without forgetting, or become a vengeful killer. Neither option does he forget what happens- his whole plot line is helping him move after
- He is undoubtably in the wrong. He accepts this, and in the game all of your options are saying “that was bad of you. Here is what you should do next”
- If you read any works on PTSD & soldiers (such as Remains by Simon Armitage), it gives a better view of how Boone & other soldiers feel after killing those who may have been innocent
3) Boone is my husband and I love him. That’s the point he’s just really iconic and very loveable
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mojave-express2287 · 2 months
I got hired by the NCR to transport letters or packages to their various outposts.
Stable pay, typical courier conditions, they even pay for my expenses.
Sadly, I don’t get an escort, thought they would give an extra soldier as the legion hates me for grabbing fox boy and attempting to throw him into space.
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bigirlbased · 4 months
fallowl au time!
second post in like 10 minutes lol anyways luz king and eda time! as ive said in the initial couple post luz king and eda are taking the place of the courier/mc. They all three travel together delivering packages acrose the wasteland, but one day they are interecepted by a gang and they are knocked out and burried alive, the platnium chip they were delivering to the strip taken They wake up in doc Mitchel's house in goodsprings and are told they were found by a securitron in three shallow graves, they are given some supplies and sent on there way and the story goes form there but in this post were talking backstories!!!!!!!!!! Eda: Eda grew up in a little town called bonesburrow in california, she was raised with her sister Lilith and together they both dreamed of one day joining the ncr, but life happens and dreams change. Eda went on to become a courier for the mojave express and Lilith joined the ncr and ended up becoming a high ranking member eda spent her days delivering mail and adventuring across the mojave, until one day she met king... (not going super in detail into eda as 1. i wanna save some for later and 2. im still figuring some stuff out) king: One day while eda was exploring an abandoned vault for treasures and supplies she found a young king, he had been abandoned and Eda had decided she would care for him, it was unclear what king was exactly but it didnt matter to eda,she took him in king has the same personality he has in cannon and is overall the same charecter, just edas companion/adopted son on her adventures Luz: Luz grew up in gravesfeild, a small farming town on the outskirts of the mojave, her father died when she was 7 and she never got to know him super well. She was close to her mom and she loved reading pre war fantasy novels, none of the other kids in gravesfeild never really got her, she was soemtimes mocked and ridiculed but her mom was always there and while it hurt to have no one understand her but she got threw it that was, until the legion attacked when she was 12 the legion attacked gravesfeild and burned it to the ground, her and her mother tried to run but Camila dies trying to defend Luz, and she was left alone. She hid in a secret room under one of the houses until they left, and when she leaves she finds the town burned to the ground and everyone gone, until a woman and her companion stumble into the town and find her Luz has been traveling with eda for the past 4 years and has become part of there little family and they have gone on plenty of adventures together sdie notes: like i said in an earlier post i decided to age up the hex squad just a bit in this au, just cause fallout is a pretty violent series and i thought they should be at least a bit other before getting into shootouts lol anyways the stuff with luz is new lore, like i new i wanted to do the whole orphaned by something happening and eda taking her in type story for luz but the specifics about the town and the legion are new, also gives her more reasons to hate belos, also i just kept the names of towns from the show for any new settlements i add to this au cause i think its neat anyways hope yall enjoyed
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newcaliforniadreaming · 4 months
A starter for the wonderful @the-expatriate!
His NCR armor looks pretty good on him - he was never one for really staring in the mirror and seeing how he looked... but god damn, he thought he made this outfit his bitch!
A young tanned tanned-skinned man of eighteen years stood dressed in trooper fatigues with his facewrap covering a good portion of his jaw and mouth. Even with most of his features hidden, his soft features made it clear that he was a youthful soldier. And of course... the rank patch on his shoulder also kinda gave that away.
The Commonwealth. A place that Rose never thought in a million years that he'd be in. A place with Brotherhood Airships, Ferals up to the ass, and god knows what else. After Shady Sands was destroyed, the NCR needed to cover as much ground as it could before being able to launch a new offensive down South against the Brotherhood or any other threats that wanted to take a shot at them.
It seemed working with the Sole Survivor currently was his only shot at finding the rest of his separated platoon. Hence why she's allowed him and his squad to take shelter with her in the sprawling town of Sanctuary. Holding his Service Rifle with the top of both arms to relax himself, the red-haired trooper walks into the Vault Dweller's residence and pulls down his face covering to reveal a handsome face.
Red locks peek out of his helmet. A small smile forms on the young man's face. "Uh - m'am?" he hates putting on a soldier voice, but he thinks it's the best thing to do in this situation. "I just wanna say thank you for letting us stay here for the night. We should be able to reconnect with our platoon and get out of your hair soon. I promise we won't cause any trouble" He realizes he hasn't introduced himself. "And oh - I'm Private Cassidy. But uh... you can just call me Rose. I prefer that."
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lizardperson · 4 months
come all sufferers
part 7: a habit of bleeding out [on ao3]
fandom: fallout new vegas characters: female courier/original male character rating: m cw: lots of blood, slavery mention wc: 835 prompts: "that's a lot of blood" + fainting for @sweetspicybingo
[hurt/comfort bingo masterlist]
"You're hit."
Mika pressed her scarf against her side, trying to play it off and hide the pain. "It's no big deal."
Even in the low light of dusk, Gabriel could see how the piece of cloth quickly turned darker. "Mika, that's a lot of blood."
"Probably got enough of it."
"Let me take a look," he pleaded with her.
"We don't have time for this now, we're going to lose them," she objected with a shaky voice, already in the process of continuing their pursuit while still trying to put pressure on her very evidently bleeding gunshot wound.
"We're going to lose them anyway if you die on the road."
Mika and Gabriel had been tracking this group of raiders for almost a week now - a strange offshoot of the Fiends, who had made it their business model to snatch people from their homes, drug and brainwash them in some way, and then sell them as docile slaves. And because the NCR in the region somehow was too busy with more important things, Mika had taken it upon herself to put an end to this whole operation. They still hadn't found the raiders' hideout, and unfortunately had been spotted by the small group they were trailing, which ended in a firefight among the ruins of an abandoned settlement. The raider group had split, with one half still on the run, and the other half now dead at their feet. But apparently Mika did not come out of this fight unscathed.
"I said it's fine!" she insisted, trying to walk away with unsteady steps. By now, she was holding herself up solely by her own stubbornness.
Gabriel was out of patience now. "You sit your ass down right now." His sudden assertiveness startled her, and she leaned her back on a decaying house wall and slowly slid down, still desperately trying to hide the pain. "Let me see, please," he asked gently, crouching down next to her.
"I feel weird," she informed him, her voice starting to sound slurred.
Now that Gabriel was so close to her, he noticed how pale she was. Mika suddenly slumped to the side and fainted into his arms. Damnit.
"Oh, for fuck's sake, Mika…" he murmured, carefully laying her down and getting to work on her wound immediately. That night had not gone as planned, far from it.
A few hours later, Mika woke up on an old mattress in one of the abandoned houses, Gabriel sitting by her side.
"Hey. How are you feeling?"
She rubbed her face. "Weirdly fuzzy. And… hungry, I think?"
He handed her a pack of Brahmin jerky. "Stimpack."
"Aw shit, was it that bad?" Stimpacks were only for emergencies, when bandages and healing poultices weren't enough. Not only were those Old World meds rare and expensive, their mode of action was basically just to ramp up the natural healing process of the body by quite a lot - which, of course, burned a lot of energy and was exhausting. Mika hated them. Most people did. She would be eating triple her normal amount for the next few days.
Gabriel raised an eyebrow, not even bothering to answer. Obviously it had been that bad. "You're in any pain?" he asked instead.
Feeling around on her injured side, she shrugged. "A little, but it's okay." Then she suddenly remembered why they were even here in the first place. "Ah fuck, how long have I been out? We'll never pick their trace back up again!"
Gabriel gently held her down to stop her from getting up. "We will, but not tonight."
She sighed, lying back down. "You should have just stabbed me with the stim and followed them. I would have been fine." He looked at her silently for a few moments. "What?"
"Mika, this was a really close call."
"Don't be so dramatic," she muttered, rolling her eyes at him.
"Just not a fan of you bleeding out in my arms, that's all."
Another eyeroll. "You make it sound like I do that all the time." It had happened once before, and he would really prefer if she didn't make a habit out of it. Stubborn brat. "We're never going to find them again," she pouted.
"Then so be it." Gabriel looked at her all serious. Those people were strangers, he didn't care about them - not in the way he cared about her. Her self-sacrificial ass might not like it, but he would never leave her behind when she's hurt, no matter what.
His face got a bit softer when he saw how dejected about the whole thing she was. "We'll figure something out, okay?" he promised, gently caressing her face. "But I need you to rest for tonight, please."
Mika let out another sigh. "Fine. But only because you're asking so nicely."
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renoxvated · 5 months
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@aamusedly (for Boone)
❝S’alot of Legion fucks supposed to be here, I can stir em’ up— like a cazadors nest, they’ll all come out. You could shoot em’ pretty easy that way and I could distract them. Well, unless you want to do things more quietly…I think balls to the walls gunfire would be pretty fun.❞ Roy grins, there’s a playful tone mixed into the seriousness of it all. He knows they need to get those soldiers out of the Techatticup Mine, he knows they will, get them out of there, alive. Promised Renolds they would, and Roy may have been many things but a lia-okay, so MAYBE a liar was also one but only sometimes, he was usually painfully honest.
He wasn’t lying though, he meant it when he said he’d do something, that much he always followed through with. ❝I see a couple outside now, we should probably take em’ out first.❞ He finally adds, eyes scanning the distance and the opening to the mines, the big wooden door was closed– which was good because it’d cover up some of the gunfire if need be. Roy hated The Legion, felt like they exuded a lack of personal freedoms he couldn’t abide by– sure to some degree the NCR could be like that but…that was a personal choice to take up the mantle of a soldier, not a slave. Roy would be neither, the difference between his allegiance laid in the fact he could respect the soldier and not the slaver. He supposed that’s why he liked traveling with Boone, respect. Roy honestly didn’t respect a whole lot of people, trusted even fewer but the sniper had proven time and time again to have his back even from a mile away– as long as he stayed on course, revenge.
It wasn’t just about that anymore though, was it? Just like now, it wasn’t about giving the legion what they deserved, it was about saving folks along the way. Roy snorts at that notion, he wasn’t a hero, wonders if Boone ever thought this sort of thing was heroic; he thinks it’s just what people do, even if they don’t. They usually didn’t, maybe most just couldn’t– Roy was weak all those years ago, prayed that someone would come and save him, god, man, it didn’t matter and yet nobody ever came as far as he knew. ❝Whatcha wanna do?❞ He asks, brown eyes side eyeing his companion while still trying to keep a look ahead. 
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delafiseaseses · 1 year
I thought about the NCR Sharecropper Farms and Concluded they should not Exist.
Strong opening line, 'ey? How's ol' Delafiseaseses gonna justify that?
Quite easily, actually. Y'see some people misunderstand the NCR Sharecropper Farms, they think it provides food to the Mojave. Not true. It provides food to the NCR, clues in the name, really. Its a Sharecrop, the NCR gets some of the crop and the sharecroppers get the rest of their crop as payment, the portion the NCR takes goes to NCR Military bases. As Romanowski says 'A lot of the crops grown here support the various NCR camps in the region - McCarran, Golf, and Forlorn Hope, to name a few. We can't have wastelanders popping in here for a free meal, so my squad and I are assigned to keep things from going to hell.' and when Romanowski says 'Wastelanders' he means 'people from the Mojave Wasteland' of course.
Do the sharecroppers sell their crops to Mojave citizens? Possibly, but remember all the sharecroppers are NCR citizens brought over by the 'Thaler Act', nobody from the Mojave directly benefits from this arrangement.
You may think 'Well, not like anyone in the Mojave before was using the land.' possibly wrong. While he's not from the Mojave (and is an unrepentant Enclave fascist, but that's irrelevant) Orion Moreno has this to say 'I came out here to get away from them - didn't work out so well. Next thing I know, I'm squatting in "their" land. Never mind that I'd already been living here for years.', and when he says 'years' he could mean up to over 3 decades. So we've got to wonder... was the land unoccupied? Moreno is a stubborn old Enclave soldier, he wouldn't scare easy, he gets harassed by the NCR, as he says when you first meet him 'Bah. Looks like I forgot to lock the doors again. If you're with the NCR, get out. This place is mine, and I'm not leaving.' or, if you am in NCR faction armour 'Look, trooper, I was living in this house long before your farms got set up. Don't even think about evicting me.' most people would be forced off by these tactics. So it is entirely possible the NCR has displaced Mojave residents to set up their precious farm.
Both quests involving the Sharecropper Farm also include a backdrop of NCR vs Mojave Locals. The most obvious is, of course, The White Wash. The Westside Co-Op, an actual local community farming effort (which does have some New Californians, but they're unaffiliated with the NCR), is only surviving because of the syphoning of water from the Sharecroppers by Tom Anderson. The water from the local water system that the NCR took over, I might add. Why do they get to claim ownership of Lake Mead's water and the Vegas water system?
And the second, Hard Luck Blues is more indirect. The NCR isn't at fault at all for this, the Vault 34 Civil War damaged their reactor and that was entirely on them. But the final choice between saving the Vault 34 Survivors or dealing with the radiation leak caused by the Vault 34 Civil War killing the survivors. So it is literally saving an NCR Asset or saving people who for over 200 years have lived in the Mojave.
Now, I'm not saying the Sharecroppers themselves deserve to suffer lower than needed water rations or radiation in their soil. They didn't set this up, they're just working class NCR citizens trying to survive, but, the thing is, the Sharecroppers can just... leave. And they do if these quests are resolved in ways that hurt the Farms.
After the White Wash siding with Anderson/Westside the affected sharecropper Trent Bascom says he's quitting because 'I wouldn't be able to meet the quota, and the NCR would kick me out of my job, anyway. Nah, it's better I get out on my own terms.' and he's even got a plan for his future 'I hear the Brahmin ranchers out in Redding are looking for some hard workers, so I might try there first. I hate working with Brahmin, though.' so, yeah, that sucks for him, but he's got a future. He may not like that future, but its more of a future than the Westsiders have if they lose their Co-Op.
And after Hard Luck Blues you can find some Sharecroppers out front of the Big Horn Saloon in Boulder City. The named member of this group is a woman named Anne, she has this to say 'We're heading back home. I hope our troops do the same. This land can't be saved. Trying to grow crops in this heat, with so little water, is bad enough, but now we've got radiation seeping into the farmlands east of New Vegas. We're done. Let the people of these hell-hole deal with their problems, I say.' and, y'know, I agree. Maybe the people of the Mojave should deal with their problems and not have a military force from somewhere else claiming their land and water? Especially since the area is still disputed at this time. They're literally fighting a bloody war which they have a 3/4 chance of losing during all of this.
To put this all in a shorter way: The NCR Sharecropper Farm's existence is an example of NCR colonialism.
Like, it's textbook fucking colonialism. They forcefully took over part of a land that's not theirs, brought in their own people to 'settle' the land and violently keep the locals out of it all, who suffer because of it. I've said before that the NCR playacts the USA and they certainly playact it accurately.
So, unless you're doing an NCR playthrough, I'd say its probably best to side against the Sharecropper Farm in every instance because the NCR Sharecropper Farms should not exist. It sucks for the Sharecroppers, but they'd be out of the job when the NCR withdraws anyway. Probably best for everyone if they get out before the NCR Military does.
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viilpstick · 9 months
Soo since i dont want to give spoilers on boom 7 and we dont know everything on the story, I will go very previous on their meeting as kids (why do the take so long to release a goddamn chapter.)
Adeline was known to be the ugliest kid on the village close to Briar Valley. And her father never helped her to think otherwise, so one day crying at the forest, she hears a small noise on the brushes awhile she cries outside the cabin she leaves in. Then, BAM! Little Malleus comes to her with a curious face (either dragon or not), they become friends.
Once they are teens, Adeline goes to RSA and Malleus to NRC. The problem, Adeline made clear, she doesn’t want Malleus. She doesn’t love him. And he is lucky that she stood with him for so long. I think I should sayy, it’s not her fault, like said, Adeline has attachment issues, and she is pretty sure he would be the death of her. But still, Malleus didn’t gave up, he would constantly go to RSA to visit her. So she eventually gave in, and both agreed to be friends.
On the second year, Adeline overhears people saying that “Adeline is lucky she has personality, otherwise Isabelle would left her. And Malleus should have did the same a LONG while ago.” So, one day, she releases her inner beauty to the outside as well, she changes in less than a week, and for others treating her differently. Malleus kept the same, he stood the same. I think this was realization to “this may be the one, but why him?” He would always try to somehow win her heart (little did he know he already did).
On third year, Adeline overblots (between book 1 to 2), her overblot was caused by Adriano making fun of she used to look and saying this why their father left her (a/n: ADRIANO WILL HAVE HIS REDEMPTION ARC, BUT FOR NOW U ALL MAY HATE HIM). So she has an overblot because, it didn’t matter what she could offer her appearance was all that mattered. Malleus waits for her, every single day. Until she wakes up and recover. When she wakes up, he is there fixing the roses and daffodils on the side of her bed, the moment she opens her eyes, she sees the glow in his. This is the moment she accepts she is in love with him. And they date! :3 (dont be happy for so long)
Before Malleus’ overblot, Adeline finally receives a message from her dad: “Meet me, leave everything behind, we can be together as a family again.” And… Well, she does so. She breaks up with Malleus, saying she is going back to her stepmother’s village (which is far away from both RSA/NCR AND Briar Valley) and she doesn’t want him to follow her, bc in her head it was only when she stopped trying to take her dad back he actually came back for her, so probably if Malleus did the same, yk- He overblots on the last night of Adeline in the area, and when everything goes back to normal, she runs back to him. Promising that this time she was going to stay, for their own good.
Adeline didn’t wanted to leave, she would do everything to stay with Malleus, but her inner child needed the healing from her father… Lilia adopted her now :D/j
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deepest-dope · 5 months
thinking about it my mental image of carla being a woman who sublimated like every part of her being in pursuit of an idea of potential happiness and ended up just making herself miserable in the process. shes the most repressed person alive. she didnt even like vegas she just hated novac because of jeannie may and how understimulated she was there. she mistook not completely hating boone for love and married him because he was more tolerable to her then any other man(he barely ever talked before their relationship even. he talked to manny more then he did her) he didnt really bother her until she was locked in a room with him 24/7 all year with her only other options being boone's best friend who hates her, a nosy old lady, a cooler old lady in comparison to the first one, the general store owner, an old couple running a ranch, some guy who is obviously hiding from something, an old ncr ranger and no-bark. i dont think she wanted kids either i think she just got pregnant and didnt know what to do about it and did NOT trust ada straus anywhere near her vagina. she suffered more then christ. i think i should make an au where she survived like papakhan did. maybe ill write her into the cave fic.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 3 months
CHP.4 Daily Life (spoilers):
--- Start of Chapter:
Rat-Hoe what are you doing here bbg?
"This isn't your first-" <- erm what...? First kg?! Are they all survivors?! Was Rantaro the only one who had his memory kept???
(Rat-Hoe = Rantaro btw)
--- Exploration!
TSUMUGI MAKING ME A SMOOGIE (<- Smoothie/cocktail/mocktail)
Yes Tsumugi I will cosplay with you pookie.
She's my favourite surviving character, she better live to chapter 5-
Himiko is standing infront of Tenkos dojo...
"I should just leave her alone" *KIYOTAKA FLASHBACKS* please don't :,)
--- FTES:
Even if you're plan Tsumugi, I love you so very much :3
You know what? I have energy, Im doing 100 situps with them!!! Crunches actually, I'm not THAT fit...
I gave up at 50 what the fuck Maki how are you so fast. I'll do my next 50 next training ig lol.
--- Kaito comes at the perfect time:
Maki (to Shuichi): "Did you... like Kaede?"
Kaito 5 seconds later: "Hey, were you guys making out while I was gone :D"
Okay I feel like crying that was so hard. But if I do it every time they train I'll become fitter and it'll get easier... I hope.
I need some Mtn.Dew-
--- Incest doesn't exist... PLEASE DON'T DO THIS RN-
--- Himiko Interaction P1:
Danganronpa try not to kill off characters getting development impossible challenge.
Himiko watch your back bb you might be next, they can't let you live. Danganronpa hates giving characters development.
Wait, Shuichi should invite Himiko to train with Maki and Kaito! Oh that'd be so cute I love Himiko, my views on her have changed since last chapter.
--- Himiko Interactions P2:
Himiko training time! She's so cute, I'm so glad that she's becoming a better person.
*Danganronpa taking notes for Hiyoko and Ishimaru.*
Gonta is such a sweetheart, I love him.
Awe bb I love you Himiko.
"Hey, Tenko... can you see Himiko from wherever you are?" Oh my god I actually started crying y'all. Im bawling.
"You've reached her Tenko..." I'm crying. Oh my god I'm crying. Oh my god I'm crying.
--- Being so cool w/ NCR:
So yk how in Korekiyos execution, we have the ending, which is this scene with Korekiyo's sister and Monokuma:
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He was happy to see her because he was a ghost, as was she, then she betrayed him and threw salt on him. This means Korekiyo is no longer a ghost, yes?
But if he became a ghost, ghosts do exist! So this means thaaaattttttt...
Tenko, Angie, Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, and Kirumi are all also ghosts, either haunting the academy or flying off into space or at their favourite places (as seen in the image above, a temple possibly in Korekiyos village) but Tenkos favourite place was with Himiko. So she's a ghost watching over Himiko.
Guys take notes, this is Ghost AU type shit.
That's quite comforting knowing that the ghosts are there, Kaede playing her song on the piano when Shuichi walks in.
Also: Himiko in Angies lab for her FTEs is just... awh :,)
Tsumugi... are you... referencing somebody here...?
"But... the worst ones (*cosplayers*) just use the characters as stepping stones."
"Stepping stones?"
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--- Smooth going Kaito:
"What blood type do you like?"
Oh, Kaito, I actually eat blood like the pirhanas that ate Ryoma, yeah, 100%, and I also enjoy the pink type, specifically at the thickness of ranch dressing, so that when I attack my victims of the blood gets on my clothes my fit looks aesthetic when splattered with blood. Any other questions you have for me man? No?
--- Idk what to title this:
Kokichi scary sprite ahh oh no :(
And then her death cutscene came on and he just laughed and said "fuckin' moron" IN HER ACCENT HELPPP OH MY GODDDD BAHAHA
That's all bye lol I'm tired :3
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skull-bearer · 4 months
Spoilers for the Fallout TV show. A bit more on my old Nate saga from Fallout 4
Goodneighbour is working on getting longer range radio and they start getting the NCR. It's a revelation to the people there, imagine hearing about part of the world being- whole again. Like the old world, the way it used to be.
Nate hates it. He remembers the old world, and it's nothing to be emulated. Atom wiped it from the world for a reason. "It'll end badly." He predicts, and won't be in the same room as the radio when it's on the NCR station.
Everyone is like, well it's mad Nate. They turn off the radio when he comes in, but don't pay him any more mind.
Then one day, Nate comes into the Third Rail, the radio is on to NCR. Hancock moves to turn it off. "Don't bother." Nate sighs, "I'm just leaving." The radio turns off.
"I said I'm going."
"I didn't touch it." Hancock glares at the radio, thumps it.
"Oh Atom, I'll go check the dish." Nate goes out, and fiddles with the receiver, but- nothing. No response. But the radio's getting Diamond City okay. Nick turns the dial, trying to get something else-
And they hear the screams, the panic. A radio station just outside Shady Sands, watching the mushroom cloud go up. Shady Sands is gone. The heart of the NCR, gone.
And Nate- feels the world stop around him for the second time in his life. Watching another world- a smaller one, but a world all the same, go up in a mushroom cloud.
It's one thing to believe in Atom. It's another to see His hand, crushing the life out of what should not have been- but was, and was home to so many-
Nate flees in a panic. Throws himself down beside a radioactive pool, and prays like he has never prayed in his life.
Atom guide us. Atom have mercy. Atom oh Atom they didn't deserve this-
But Atom doesn't care. Atom is something like the thing at the bottom of Dunwich Borers, endlessly old and impossibly powerful and unimaginably huge. The one vision Nate has had of Him had Him dwarfing the sun. What are humans to him? Ants, to a gardener. And the gardener has gotten sick of this hive of ants and broken out the poison and the flamethrower.
Nate retches.
He only said Atom was a God. He never said He was good.
Slowly, Nate becomes aware he isn't alone by the pool. There are more and more people there, joining him. Some of them are trying to pray, most are looking at him, with terrified, shattered faces. Because he saw it coming. He alone saw how it would end. They want to understand what happened, and Nate alone can give them answers.
He is a prophet now.
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666prophet · 5 months
Fallout S1:E6 - The Trap
This one is okay. It showed more of the Vault-Tec(pre-bombs) and The Ghoul. Did feel like Lucy and Maximus were just kinda there. Not really adding to or involved in what was going on. Its another flashback heavy one. Which is getting to the point where it feels like they are trying to make two shows at once.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spoilers and Deep Dive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ok so the Hawthorns are scientist who are running Vault 4, that means that Lucy and Maximus are in the shit already. So it really feels like Coop isn't big on Vault-Tec. He seems to be going through the motions for his wife, who we still really don't know what she does at Vault-Tec. I think this wrap party really drives home that Vault-Tec is causing Coop to see his wife in a different light. Not losing love, but more of a confusion as to who she is seeming to become. Classic Matt Berry, love the man. This kind of set the reason as to the confusion at the birthday party in the first episode. WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T THEY NEED A KEY? Also you can move without a fusion core, you are just slow and are limited on the functions of the suit.
I'm not surprised that an R&D scientist lead vault would take in wastelanders. You need test subjects and its easier when they are willing to walk through the doors. Or in this case fall through a chute. Alright so Maximus is a virgin. Since when has there been a celibacy rule in the BoS? Veronica's(FONV) parents were both BoS members. Hell you could romance Danse(FO4), so this is new information. I also really hope a love story isn't brewing between them. It just feels weird, like she is someone who is nice to you and now you fall head-over-heels for her after spending time with her for a coupe of days? Whelp, there's a chance they slipped them something after seeing that sign. Cyclops overseer Benjamin seems nice, albeit a tad goofy. There's a lot of mutated people in this vault. The question is did they come in mutated or this was an after effect.
So is this a general flashback or The Ghoul having a bit of a moment? Um hold up Barb. "One of the good vaults?" Ok so Barb is full Vault-Tec at this point. Also with a statement like that, it means that she is someone who is in the upper echelon. Hey, its William Knifeman. Ahhhuh Ahhhuh Ahhhuh. This argument between Coop and Barb is great. It highlights how she is trying to deflect and he is trying to probe seemingly innocuously. It's showing the two sides of how people respond to fear. I feel like she kept using their daughter in order to guilt and "win" the argument/discussion.
So that kind of confirms that the would take in people to experiment on them. Though it seems the overseer is completely clueless. Alright you can hate me but in a gallows humor kind of way that is a funny joke. This is strange that they will talk about level 12 but not what's on that level. Also that comment is strange, "you should know that". So he has to know that vaults mostly all had some nefarious motives. They are really selling the fact that Maximus is falling for the idea of being in a vault. Which really shows that no one knows the purpose of the vaults still. Only those who are in high level positions. Hold up, Shady Sands couldn't have been destroyed in 2277. It is Explicitly mentioned in FONV, which is set in 2281. So there is no way that the NCR in the Mojave wouldn't have known for four years that Shady Sands was wiped off the map. The only other thing is they mean fall as in decline(the fall of Rome). I hope its that because of the small extension of the timeline arrow then a mushroom cloud. If not this is another example of Todd/Bethesda milking the fuck out of FONV but not wanting to recognize it.
Sorrel Booker? As in Sorrel Booke aka "Boss" Hogg? Also that super mutant wanted poster looked a lot like Strong(FO4). Which would be crazy for him to go from the east coast to the west. Well that's an obvious sore spot for The Ghoul. Now the question is who was the "her." Does that mean that Barb or Janey are still around somehow? Meeting at a public mausoleum feels a little odd for a group trying to hide "communist" views at that time. OK so we really are a cult got it. So Moldaver is from pre-bomb, was at Sandy Shores and is the mystical Flame Mother. How did she survive 200 years and two bombs?!?!?!?!
So Maximus is absolutely on board with staying after having caviar and oysters? Two things he has probably never seen on the surface and being a part of BoS. I mean on one hand I can see his change of heart, seeing as this is a dream compared to the wasteland. Though that's a really quick 180 from, what appears to be, a few hours ago. OK. OK. So we're just diving into the deep end of body horror with this huh. Like yes there is the Master(FO1), robobrains and even Rex(FONV) but nothing like this. This is some Cronenberg-esque stuff.
Well this was a definitely a wild one. Definitely showed how intertwined the story of Coop/The Ghoul are to Vault-Tec. It also helps give people(specifically newcomers to the Fallout universe) an idea of just how fucked up and all controlling Vault-Tec was. Hoping to maybe see something like this done for Maximus.
Final Score - 7/10
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lambsquatch · 1 year
I feel like actually making my own post instead of being annoying in the tags of someone elses
I feel like much of the fallout fandom has a very “my way or the high way” line of thinking. its either “this incredibly flawed faction is actually based for everything they do, no question” or “if you like this incredibly flawed faction for any reason and play their ending you are a terrible person”
but to truly understand a fallout faction in order to break down what makes it the way it is, you should play through their ending. even if your opinion on them doesnt change in the end. its important to know about how they work, how they think, what they do and have done.
because no matter which way of thinking you are, you get to see All Sides of the faction. the good and the bad. for instance legion fans will always say the ncr is bad because taxes and bullying local towns into joining their territories etc. but like. the legion commits daily cultural and Actual genocide. AND they have tribute, which is just their fancy word for legion taxes.
or the lyons chapter of the bos. they are nicer most of the time, they are more helpful than other chapters, but they still have GLARING issues. elder lyons is so focused on eliminating super mutants that it becomes an obsession that blinds him to the other ways he could help the capital wasteland. the fact that the bos wasnt interested in helping the people dying of thirst and radiation poisoning from the water until doctor li showed up and said james had done all the leg work for them. but even then lyons was hesitant, and only jumped into action when she said the enclave controlled the purifier now. and then STILL sends the lone wanderer for the geck with no backup unless the player actively seeks out star paladin cross.
you have to read into these things. blindly following a faction and ignoring their problems is why the old world was so shit leading up to the great war. the government cracked down on free thinking, unionizing was illegal and was considered literal treason. chinese americans were treated like shit and some were put into concentration camps. all the fear, all the propaganda, all the racism and hate and scummy corporations brought down the old world and left us with the wasteland we all know today.
and yet so many fans these games have somehow attracted completely miss that message and repeat the same line of thinking that blew the world up in 2077. its nuts. the whole franchise and its lesson. right over their heads. they are willing to ignore it because wow cool giant robot! wow cool guns that turn people to goop! wow based mummy man! wow cool ranger armor!
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