#miu irumi
tumbleweedmemethemes · 11 months
It’s finally revealed…!
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Oh oh how about V3 Classpects?
Little known fact about me, I used to run a classpecting blog
Kokichi - Sylph of Void
Void players are secret-keepers, people who don't see a blank space, people who see potential. Void players like mystery and the unexplained, casting doubt upon what is already known, and would rather live in states of confusion then bow to an authority, Void players raze the old to create the new.
Meanwhile Sylph's are meddlers, some refer to them as healers, but I prefer meddlers, leaves more room for nuance. They meddle and prod and poke and have a tendency to believe themselves an authority on their aspect or parts related to their aspects. They can use their aspect to manipulate and change things, often under the guise of helping, even if it's really for an ulterior motive.
So a Sylph of Void can be translated to "one who meddles through the uncertain" and if that doesn't fit our lying leader to a tee I don't know what does. He constantly uses misinformation and misdirection and lack of information to meddle and confuse people, leading people to what he wants through not giving them the correct information, or any information at all. He helps but it's impossible to tell if the help is out of a desire to genuinely help or a desire to get something out of it.
Plus with the electrobombs he enables the creation of Void, by cutting out cameras and microphones, he creates pockets of places where no one can ever know what happened inside, which is a well known trait of Void players in homestuck, their presence makes surveillance tech glitch out.
Kaito - Knight of Heart
Heart players are obsessed with ones sense of self, of their image, their look, how others perceive them and how they perceive themselves. A sense of identity is VERY important to Heart players, they want to build a narrative of their own story. They tend to think others are just as into placing people into roles like 'hero' or 'villain' or 'sidekick' as they are. Heart players while a bit self obsessed are often very good at helping others with their own sense of identity and encouraging positive growth. Heart is an emotional core.
Knights are fighters, people who naturally understand their aspect and can easily use it to fight and protect those they care about. Knights are known for their masks, often pretending like everything is completely fine and they are okay while in reality having a much deeper and tumultuous inner core of doubt or insecurity. They hide their true feelings and pains to put on an image people can rally around. Knights often feel like they have some great purpose they need to sacrifice themselves for, to great inner conflict an distress, knights need to learn how to step away and let themselves have peace.
So a Knight of Heart could be translated as 'one who fights through ones self" which if that isn't Kaito Momota "im fine im definitely not coughing up blood im a hero you can use me as your reason to live" I don't know what does. Constantly fighting both villains and his own ego, Kaito wants to do good, but fails to truly grasp the nuance between villain and hero until the very end.
Ryoma - Rogue of Doom
Doom is a class of suffering, said to be fate's chosen sufferers. Doom plays go through great turmoil and misery but in turn learn a deeper sense of wisdom and empathy. A doom player isn't a healer, but a Doom player is one you can lean again, one who'll agree that the world sucks and give you a shoulder until you can move again. They take on hard burdens so others don't have to, if they even had the choice to not take it on in the first place. This isn't to say they're complacent martyrs, Doom players tend to be quite annoyed and frustrated with their lots in life.
Meanwhile Rogue's are an outlaw class, they take upon their aspect and the divide it up amongst the people around them, very much Robin Hood figures. They often struggle with dealing with their aspect, finding it overwhelming and trying to distance themselves, however once they come to terms with it, they're quite powerful and able to do immense feats of stealing from their aspect itself to better help those around you.
So a Rogue of Doom can translate to "One who steals Doom for the group" Taking destruction and death from someone and dividing that pain amongst their enemies. For instance if say someone killed a Rogue of Doom's family, a Rogue of Doom can take that Doom and then divide it up against everyone who's wronged them. As you can imagine this is a very dangerous combo, but due to Doom's inherent lean towards apathy, it can be hard for a Rogue of Doom to realize they can use the Doom they collect, instead of just taking it all on their own head. Ryoma fails to reach an understanding with his classpect, and so takes on the Doom of his death, failing to realize he can reach out and divide the burden into something much smaller amongst his classmates.
Kirumi - Witch of Space
Space players are patient, and tend to wait for a bigger picture. They can stand their ground firmly, but tend to act second to better pick and choose battles. Space players are innovators, recycling the old to create the new. The journey is very important to a Space player, wanting to ensure the journey is as beautiful and well meaning as the destination itself. They are masters of creation, and have one of the most important tasks in the game of frog breeding because of it. Space players can create matter from nothing, or manipulate matter that already exists.
Meanwhile Witch's are rule breakers, and one of the most powerful classes. A Witch rejects the rules if they do not like the rules, changing them to rules that better fit their own visions and styles. If something of their aspect is not as a Witch likes it, they have immense power to change and twist it to their own vision. As such a Witch needs to learn to control this ability, to not assume they simply know better then others and act as such.
A Witch of Space can translate to "one who changes and manipulates through creation" Able to change sizes, and shapes of any item, and create what they desire from just their power alone. They're likely rather smart, able to identify details like material about something just by seeing it or observing it. If someone says something can't be done or its impossible, a Witch will find a way to get passed that barrier, even if they really shouldn't. Nothing stops a Witch with a mission, not even death in some cases. Kirumi may act like she's a servant, but Kirumi is also rather bossy and tends to feel like she knows best. Willing to do terrible things to do what she thinks is the correct move. Kirumi breaks the rules of the game as well by actively running from her execution, something no one else dares to even try.
Shuichi - Mage of Mind
Mind is a bit self explanatory, as it's well, the mind! Mind is an aspect of thinking, rationality, very aware of their own mind and the minds of others. They can see choices laid out in front of them, often freezing Mind players due to just how many choices are possible from so much as a small conversation. This does however mean when a Mind player does act, they tend to know exactly what they're doing, moving with intense precision that required knowing dozens of moves in advance. Logic is more important then a sense of self, so they tend to have a more fluid identity, adapting different masks from even so much as thought to thought. This can however leave them lacking a sense of identity and may attach onto people with stronger senses of identity to build their own identity around.
Mages are a bit of a mystery class in homestuck, we only ever meet two and neither ever actually...elaborate on what it means to be a mage, and one of them's a very minor character that I actually forget is even a Mage half the time.
However from observing these two we learn that Mage's are a class about information and miracles. Doing things that seem impossible without even fully realizing that what they did was supposed to be hard. They have massive knowledge banks, but that knowledge comes at a great cost. Mage's are often at the complete whims of their aspect, experiencing intense highs, but also intense lows. All their information comes from first hand experience, for better or for worse. They tend to be very familiar with the whiplash of their aspect, being like a rollercoaster that constantly goes up and down and up and down. This brings understanding, but also pain and suffering, that can lead to the Mage reaching a sense of burn out or apathy. They have great power from their knowledge to a point of being associated with miracles, but the great cost it came at scars their soul.
So a Mage of Mind can translate to "One who understands logic through experience." which...yeah! That's Shuichi! That's Shuichi "I didnt even originally want to be a detective but i did it to pay back my uncle oh hey im good at this i like finding lost pets oh no im involved in a murder case oh yay i got the guy oh no his hate and everyone saying he was justified in that murder has scarred me for life"alright! It's a constant up and down up and down for him, he learns how to use logic and reasoning and masks to get what he wants, to learn and grow and win, but it always comes at a cost, a cost that traumatizes him and leads him spiraling. He's very smart, but he learned the skills he needed to be a detective at great personal costs.
Tenko - Page of Rage
Rage players are chaos bringers. They hate lies or false ideas, and hate fake stability. The truth is important to a Rage player and will tear down a system if it's built on lies and obedient masses. They are impossible to convince otherwise once they have an idea in their heads. A Rage player often sees the story they are within, and almost always loathes that story.
Which if that doesn't sound like Tenko let me explain what a Page is. A page is someone who does not understand their aspect at all but BELIEVES they do. They're capable of IMMENSE power that eclipses even a Witch's power, but the journey to get their is long and tedious. Having to learn the truth of their aspect, and how to actually understand and use it. A Page confidently asserts they understand their aspect, but will constantly fail at and misunderstand it. Slowly learning more and more with each failure over a very long course of time. It's incredibly hard to hurry a Page along their path, as they need to come to terms with all their failures and misunderstandings on their own, denying other peoples thoughts on it or simply twisting it to fit what they already believe. This often leads to Pages being exploited and used by those around them, because they're misunderstandings or false ideals can be in turn twisted to benefit people of more dubious morals.
So you could translate Page of Rage to "One who has potential to understand the truth of the world." Tenko throws herself into what she's been taught Rage is, Tenko has been taught that Rage means men are unworthy and that women are to be protected. Which she takes to an intense zealous, taking this as gospel and the truth that society is built on hurting women with little other room for nuance. It's extremely hard for anyone to get through to her and explain how that isn't fully true, how the story she's been told is a very dangerous mindset. Nothing really gets through to her, and when Shuichi thinks he does in the free time events, Tenko just twists Shuichi into being an exception who should get a sex change to fit into her views of the world.
She flips and attacks those who try to change how she thinks. However Tenko cares deeply for those around her even so, and actively goes against Angie and tries to take down her cult when she realizes it happening, hating what the lies and complacency is doing to people. Over the game, she starts to understand more and more about the real story she's in and that her understanding of Rage keeps failing and thus must change. Unfortunately before she can finish her journey, she is killed. Tenko has immense potential, but it's a slow burn to get to her true power.
Rantaro - Heir of Blood
Blood is the aspect of connections, bond. Blood is thicker then water after all. While Blood players rarely take on a commanding role, they inspire those around them, giving other strengths and stopping or start conflicts between people. Very "do as I say not as I do" types. Their power comes from others, and how they can understand and use those bonds to strengthen or weaken bonds to better know how to act and fight. They are ralliers, prophets, those who bring others to their cause through inspiration, giving them motivation and strength. A blood players specialty is the bonds between others and the bonds they have, which is often represented through chains. They make bonds, and mediate those around them. The bonds they make are deep, which can lead to a smaller circle then one expects from an aspect about connections, because when a Blood player makes a connection, its going to be an intensely deep one.
Heir's are loved by their aspect, they subconsciously understand their aspect and their aspect in turn actively protects them from harm or saves them from danger. They tend to do their own thing, not fully realizing the effects it has on others and inspiring them with their aspect without even realizing it was happening. They can even physically become their aspect which lets them escape danger and move around more easily, which for a Blood player is admittedly, kinda alarming! They tend to be drawn to their aspect without even realizing it, which can lead them to becoming stuck if they don't start to look outside themselves.
So an Heir of Blood translates to "One who invites change through their bonds." While Rantaro dies pretty quickly, we know Rantaro is very driven by his bonds, whether it be his sisters or protecting his classmates. When put into a corner he cant trust people in, Rantaro becomes weaker, less able to act, and becomes unable for Blood to be able to protect him. Even when he can't trust the people around him Rantaro is drawn to protect them and stop them from acting rash, stopping arguments and stopping Ryoma from killing himself. Despite being around for so long, the bonds he has and knowledge he holds make people remember him, to try and bring him back to life or to keep his effigy around as a reminder...or whatever the hell Kokichi was doing with that thing. Even while dead, bonds and connections are drawn to him.
Himiko - Maid of Breath
Breath players are independent, often seen as not fully being there, or simply going where the winds take them. Breath players are hard to tie down, going where they please simply on their whims. However this can lead others into following them, as Breath players follow their own goals, they leave impacts that make people wish to follow them. However Breath players don't tend to understand why as they just kinda do their own thing or have low self esteem. Breath players are as flexible as wind and air, but this can lead them struggling to make connections or come back to earth. This isn't to say they don't make friends, they actually tend to be quite friendly due to an easy going nature, but they can struggle to make stronger bonds and not just fair-weather friends as they can accidentally leave those they care about behind as they wander off.
Maids are pushovers, they tend to simply go along with what others say their aspect and thus they should be. They are often dismissed or underestimated as they struggle to learn how to trust themselves and their own perceptions. Once they do though they tend to be very strong, being as close to a literal embodiment of their aspect to the point of being jokingly said to be "made" of it. While still subservient to the aspect itself, once a Maid trusts themselves, they truly become one with their aspect, answering it's call to duty, and using it to better achieve their own goals.
So one can translate a Maid of Breath into "one who is made of freedom and detachment" Himiko is very spacy, caught up in her own world, but not doing much and simply letting others lead her around. She shrugs and simply lets others do as they please as she's caught up in her own world, getting confused by the bonds people try to make with her. However once she rises to the task, while still in her own world she manages to channel her magic and views into her goals, moving forward and no longer detaching from herself as completely to come a bit back to earth but on her own terms. Able to use her skills and view of the world to adapt and change things. Giving herself the more difficult true freedom instead of the easier pretend freedom of before. Nothing can chain her down, but she's awake now, and she's aware of how to come back down on her own will to those she loves and help them out.
Miu - Prince of Light
Why is their so many students I'm suffering
Light players are as mentioned in the Void portions, the aspect of knowledge, good fortune, scholars. They are able to take information from multiple sources and combine them into something even bigger. Light players go after information and knowledge like hungry hounds, getting hands dirty and ignoring pesky things like "laws" or "ethics" or "oh god what have you done you've doomed us all what have you unleashed" that get in the way of their search of knowledge. Light also has its ties in luck and good fortune, this is probably a pun on Lux which means light and sounds like luck.
Prince's are destroyers, people with great sense of importance that use their aspect to destroy or get their way. This can cause a struggle with their aspect as they both destroy through their aspect, and destroy the aspect itself, letting in it's opposite in the aspect's absence. They tend to stubborn and opportunistic, and willing to go to extremes to get what is rightfully there, even if they might regret it later or not think it through. Prince of Light can then be translated to "one who destroys with or through knowledge"
Miu has a very abrasive personality, she acts at least like she's better then everyone else, that everyone else needs to observe and worship her knowledge, that her inventions are the light of the world and the most important things. However her own self doubt leads her to hide all the details from people, but her skills of observation and deduction cannot be underestimated, like how Miu constantly calls out the killer rather quick in a trial even if no one believes her at first. She then tries to destroy an embodiment of Void, Kokichi, but fails because in doing so, she needs to destroy the Light, the truth, of what happened on that rooftop, which inherently gave someone who knows Void better then anyone else the upper hand. She destroys people through light, but by trying to destroy light, of the truth of her plan, she is in turn destroyed as she let in Void to her secrets. By her own feeling of being the most important bringing of knowledge, she brings in her downfall. Pride comes before fall.
Korekiyo - Page of Heart
We've covered both Page and Heart so thank Skaia I can just skip to the analysis but Page of Heart can be translated as "one who has potential to understand ones self"
Korekiyo thinks he understands himself, that he understands love and masks and a sense of self. He however does not and has very little sense of self, being manipulated and led into everything he does by his sister and nothing can really shake that view point. However, what he does do he basis his entire identity around, slowly very slowly it would take Korekiyo to come out of the shell that was built for him and find his true self, but if he could do it, with his skills and abilities, I wouldn't get in his way of figuring out just who Korekiyo is. He even wears a physical mask that he takes as part of his identity, but is actually an identity literally put onto him by someone else. Korekiyo isn't truly anyone yet, just an extension of his sister, but when he gets there, when he becomes truly Korekiyo, and just Korekiyo, now that'd be a sight to see!
Kiibo - Maid of Hope
Hope players do what's right, and will come to the help of anyone who needs it. They're heros, driven by their morals and convictions no matter the push back. However they can have a black and white view of things, something is bad, or something is good, and it can be a struggle to find the nuance. Hope players tend to be quite imaginative, dreaming of better worlds, of beautiful futures, of a place where things are good and kind and happy. This doesn't mean they're pacifists though, if a fight will help them make things better, they won't hesitate to blow everything up to shit.
We know what a Maid is now, so skipping straight to Kiibo. Maid of Hope can translate to "one who embodies belief"
Kiibo is constantly concerned about a better world, about robophobia and injustice. He dreams of a better world, a kinder world, where he can be equal to his friends. However the outside world keeps him from truly acting on these, feeding him a fake view of hope of complacency. When he comes into his own though, he is finally able to see that complacency and pretending to be human are injustices and he should have acted sooner. Ready to destroy everything, and risk killing everyone, just to finally get rid of the evil, to destroy what is bad and cruel to let in a potential of a future kindness. He tosses away meaningless words and fights against those who want to let injustice continue. While he never fully breaks away from black and white thinking by the end, he has come to understand that hope, that goodness, that morals, cannot be given to him, and are things he must come to find and understand on his own, and in turn, create a better world through them.
Kaede - Sylph of Time
Time players are always moving, always fighting. Time players refuse to just let things be as they are, they need to make things better, they refuse to sit still when there is work to be done. They tend to be goal focused, not caring about the how as long a they accomplish their goals. However just because they're goal orientated doesn't mean they will go the straightest path to that goals, they will instead often find a path more outside the box that ensures they get their victory. Impossible is just a word to a Time Player. They are also very aware of the passage of time, and the burdens that can put upon someone, after all, time is always ticking down.
We know what a Sylph is, so straight to the analysis, Sylph of Time can mean "One who meddles through immediate action"
Kaede is very aware of the countdown, of all the factors going on, she never stops, even when everyone else is tired and defeated, Kaede keeps pushing past those limits, because she can't bare to do anything less. She doesn't care if the mastermind dies from her trap, that's the point even, because the death of the mastermind is the best way to get them all the hell out. Kaede does not wait, Kaede does what can be done at that moment, and nothing less. Pushing and pushing and pushing until eventually her impatience catches up to her and catches her in a trap. Kaede is forceful and will do what needs to be done, for better, and for worse.
Tsumugi - Thief of Void
We've established what a Void player is with Kokichi, so I'll skip straight to Thief
Thieves are outlaws, they well...they steal! It's a bit on the nose their. They take their aspect from other and use it for purely their own gain. They tend to have high egos an airs of superiority, they have no care for rules unless they can use it for their own gain. They don't particularly like being looked down on. However at first they tend to be at the whims of the worst of their aspect, they very very quickly learn how to adapt and instead steal from their aspect, to never have to experience the worst of it again. While an inherently selfish class, a Thief determined to do good can instead steal the bad, and take it on themselves.
So a Thief of Void can translate to "one who steals from secrets" Tsumugi puts on an air of Void, of not being seen to watch and steal secrets from others. Her cameras are impossible to see, and even when you think you have privacy, Tsumugi is stealing that privacy so she knows exactly what happens while using what she's stolen to better hide herself. She steals the privacy and secrets of others, leaving it wide open for the world to see each and every little secret they have, all while using it to hide her own secrets and fade a bit more into the background. She steals away the Void aka lies and secrets for herself, leaving everyone else open to the harsh Light aka knowledge and truth. Kokichi can counter it with his own Void powers to bring back Void around him specifically, but others aren't so lucky.
Maki - Bard of Life
Life are healers, those who march forward with progress and tend to have an intuitive understanding of the people around her. They put others needs before their own, but can become bitter from it as they put their own well being into danger to protect others. Life players often have an association with nature and all life around them from animals to plants to fellow people and they care for it all. Life players tend to also be pushy, assuming everyone needs or even wants their cure. Doing what they think is best for a persons well being, even if it is actually at it's core a fake cure or would do more harm then good.
One may find themselves confused on why Maki is a Life player then, but she's a Bard, which is...one of the hardest classes to explain honestly! How the HELL do you explain a bard?? A bard is someone who rejects their original aspect, and instead embrace the opposite, which in this case is Doom, they're capable of INTENSE destruction to the point some people view any Bard as being too unstable or destructive to be anything more then a detriment to the game session. They tend to be avoidant of their original aspect, burying their heads in the sand until an incident forces them to embrace their actual aspect and destroy whatever made them do it. Often getting such a rush of power and understanding of the universe or otherwise nasty mental spiral they'll go further then they ever intended, becoming a threat to everyone around them. A Bard MUST learn control or they become essentially a ticking time bomb.
So a Bard of Life can translate to "one who can bring great destruction to and with nurturing" Which as Maki is an assassin, who became an assassin to protect someone else and then grew bitter, rejecting all forms of healing and eventually when she does realize she does want to protect someone and help them does the MOST DESTRUCTIVE MOVE POSSIBLE and then spirals further to try and do MORE destruction when she believes that FAILED. Luckily she's able to pull herself together, but Maki very much almost got everyone KILLED from her spiral. Now that she's got help she can control her bard powers to help and aid those she cares for, but BOY was that a close one.
Gonta - Seer of Life
We just covered Life it's fine
Seer's have an inherent draw towards knowledge, but unlike Mage's who grit their teeth and learn through experience, Seer's tend to find knowledge freely coming to them. Easily finding information to a point it becomes too much information, and they struggle to figure out what information is true, and how to even apply that information. Due to having so much knowledge they can be hard to understand as they speak in strange ways that make perfect sense to them, but less so to others. They struggle to understand what their aspect actually means, and how that applies to them, and what the means to them. What does Life mean, does someone have more of a claim to Life? What Life can be saved? what Life should be tried to saved? What is the meaning of life? Many questions. Seer of Life can translate to "one who tries to understand nurturing"
Gonta is constantly full of questions on lots of things from society, to what it means to be a gentlemen, who lies and who tells the truth. Who is nurturing and who means harm. As the game progresses, Gonta has to question what does it mean to be alive, what meaning does life have when everything is destroyed? is it better to die happy or live in despair? He cares deeply for nature, for his family, for even the smallest creatures but he never truly knows what is true, and what is false, constantly looking for more answers, he understand nature, he understands healing, but with so many contradicting forms of it, what can be done? What should be done? Gonta just doesn't know, but he'll keep searching for that answer, even if it kills him.
Angie - Witch of Hope
Oh thank jegus we know what a Witch and a Hope player is because this is SO MUCH classpect analysis, Witch of Hope can translate to "one who changes and manipulates through belief"
Angie wants to create a world that is better, kind, happy, and she does so by breaking rules, the rules of the killing game, the rules of morality her followers held before. While she doesn't mean harm, she twists others views of a good society, of god, to what her views are in the desire to help them reach a good end. She breaks the rules of Hope and the game to get what she thinks is good and right and just. Indoctrinating others into her views and beliefs, makes them see her hope as their hope so they can all come together and live in harmony.
She genuinely wants to help, but she only knows HOW to help by bringing people under hand, to see things as black and white and orange as she does. Angie needs to learn that she can't control the world, that she needs to let people find their good ends without her pushing them towards it. She want's to help, but she needs to learn to take a step back as well.
Feel free to ask me questions or have a discussion with me but if you're actively rude about my classpecting then don't expect me to respond or be nice if I do.
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Thought it’d be fun to do another one of those "Wheel Rolled Casts” selects. Here’s our end result. 
Reblog this post with your headcanons/scenarios of how you think this game plays out. Here are your characters to work with.
Miu Irumi - Protagonist
Gonta Gokuhara
Tenko Chabashira
Peko Pekoyama
Byakuya Togami?
Toko Fukawa
Maki Harukawa
Korekiyo Shinguji
Sonia Nevermind
Aoi Asahina
Leon Kuwata
Shuichi Saihara
Akane Owari
Gundham Tanaka
Byakuya Togami
Kyoko Kirigiri
Happy Killing Game everyone!
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apollotronica · 9 months
one and threee ^_^
1 - who is/are your comfort character(s)?
i have many . my long term blorbos are john egbert vflower shuichi saihara kiibo kaede akamatsu miu irumi (sorry lots of drv3 im crazy) yashiro nene kou minamoto erm who else these t slightly more recent blorbos . riddle rosehearts xander matthews teruko tawaki tsukaa tenma tsumugi aoba denji aki hayakawa atsushi nakajima ryuunosuke akutagawa chuuya nakahara sigma fyodor dostoevsky At this point im gonna list all the bsd characters so ill stop . and so on
3 - do you leave the window open at night?
hey why are you asking me this . No . sometimes . but No
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nenchaarts · 7 months
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Happy birthmas to Miu Irumi, the baddest bitch around
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Oh! If it isnt Kaeidiot Fuyushitko And TeruTeru Cummymura
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What do you Fat tiny titty people want from Moi!!
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Hey!!! My Boobs Are huge Compared to your Bean Shaped Tits!!
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Miu..Can you confirm something for us??
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you want me to Confirm that Fuyushitko Is a Gay Turd??
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Awww Jeez Can you or can you not Confirm Keebos Alibi!! have you been Upgrading him did he go to hotel mirai At 11:25 to get you a snack Can you confirm it Miu!?!??!
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gosh...why didnt you say that Sooner...
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...can you just tell us what you know...
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Yea yea..He went to get me a Snack at 11:25 I also Remember seeing Hiyoko Shitonji following him from Behind So if you wanna Suspect My Man you gotta suspect that little Shitface
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Yeah ok let's just go find Hiyo right now before another body is discovered.
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No need to sense I here all ready.
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Miu I wasn't following Keebo. I left my gummies in the hotel restaurant. Kazi can confirm it.
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Well lets get out of here and find him before we have to listen to Miu speak again.
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Wow Papa Teru. You really don't like Miss. Irumi huh?
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She can be... a bit much.
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woorenergy · 3 years
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danganronpa characters as dumb shit i’ve said on my pv account, expect more in the future because i talk a lot
(translation of the french one : “WHAT DO YOU MEAN DAVID GUETTA IS FRENCH”)
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sweetandsourpistol · 3 years
ᴡʜᴇᴇʟs ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴜꜱ~
Shuichi x reader.. Song fic series… Melanie martinez..
warnings: Miu is mentioned so there will def be vulgar language. The word “Whore“ is used towards the reader please refrain from reading not comfortable. (Reposts help a lot)
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Wheels on the bus ♥
”I’m Y/n L/n.. It’s a normal school day, inappropriate Kids left And right..” You said getting off the bus and Leaving when you feel Someone mysteriously Tap your shoulder, You look at their Shoulder of the organization that they’re from, Ultimate Hunt?.. but be you could get a closer look they tied something around you mouth as you cried for help but no one came, You were then knocked Unconscious and woke up in a very tight space, It’s suddenly opens and you fall out not remembering anything before hand..
”Ow… Shit..” you mumble. You walk outside the room and into a massive room full of a bunch of high school students about your age.
”Make that 16.” A student with light green hair said. You walked up to them.
”who are you?” You said with confusion. And after all their Introductions You decide to introduce yourself.
”Y/n L/n, Ultimate ____(Insert Talent)____.” You said and a Blue haired boy walks up to you.
”I’m Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective. Nice to meet you Y/n.” He said a little Taken back by your stunning appearance. His cheeks were a little flushed pink. He stepped back observing your Figure. You looked a little creeped out by him.
🔍ꜱʜᴜɪᴄʜɪ ꜱᴀɪʜᴀʀᴀ: ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴅᴇᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ🔍
”Uhm? What are you doing?” You asked and he stopped looking at you and looked away.
”Sorry! I just thought you looked really attractive!-“ He said not realizing what he just said until after.
”Oh my god! I’m so so so sorry! I didn’t mean to say that it just slipped out a-and-“ he got cut off by an Unfamiliar voice.
”WELL I’LL BE DAMNED! GET A ROOM! AND MAKE SURE YOU LITTLE WHORES USE PROTECTION!” A Female with Blonde hair said. A fainted blush appeared on both of your faces stunned at the words she just said.
🛠ᴍɪᴜ ɪʀᴜᴍᴀ: ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ɪɴᴠᴇɴᴛᴏʀ🛠
”Anyways how did you get Here?” A kinder blonde haired girl said.
🎼ᴋᴀᴇᴅᴇ ᴀᴋᴀᴍᴀᴛꜱᴜ: ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴘɪᴀɴɪꜱᴛ.🎼 “I remember..”
ɪ'ᴍ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪɴᴅᴏᴡ ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴄᴏʟᴅ ᴏᴜᴛꜱɪᴅᴇ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛᴡᴏ ʙᴏʏꜱ ʏᴇʟʟɪɴɢ ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ'ᴍ ᴛᴇʀʀɪꜰɪᴇᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʀᴇᴇꜱ ᴀꜱ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴘᴀꜱꜱ ᴍᴇ ʙʏ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ'ᴍ ᴛʀʏɪɴɢ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴀᴄʀᴏꜱꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀɪꜱʟᴇ 'ᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴍᴀʏᴀ'ꜱ ʟᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ᴅᴀɴ ᴘᴜᴛ ʜɪꜱ ʜᴀɴᴅ ᴜᴘ ʜᴇʀ ꜱᴋɪʀᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱʜᴇ'ꜱ ɢᴏᴛ ʜᴇʀ ʜᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ʜɪꜱ ᴘᴀɴᴛꜱ
ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅʀɪᴠᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴇꜱ ɪᴛ ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʜᴇ'ꜱ ᴘᴇᴇᴋɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀʀᴠɪᴇᴡ ᴍɪʀʀᴏʀ ʜᴇ ꜱᴀʏꜱ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛʀʏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ɪɢɴᴏʀᴇ ɪᴛ, ɪᴛ'ꜱ ꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ʙᴏʀɪɴɢ ɪ'ᴍ Qᴜɪᴇᴛʟʏ ᴏʙꜱᴇʀᴠɪɴɢ, ɪ'ᴍ ꜱᴀʏɪɴɢ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ
ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇ'ꜱ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴜꜱ, ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴀ ꜰᴜᴄᴋ ᴡʜᴇᴇʟꜱ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴜꜱ ɪ'ᴍ ʜᴏʟᴅɪɴɢ ɪᴛ ᴅᴏᴡɴ, ᴜᴘ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰʀᴏɴᴛ ᴡʜᴇᴇʟꜱ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴜꜱ
ᴏᴏʜ, ᴏᴏʜ, ᴏᴏʜ
ᴡʜᴇᴇʟꜱ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴜꜱ..~
The hopeless memory replayed as you spoke.
“After that i was kidnapped and That’s about it..” You said and everyone looked stunned.
“Wait, I had something similar!“ kaede said. Everyone looked at her in confusion.
”You were on a bus full of whores?!” Iruma shouted surprised.
”What! No, I was also Kidnapped..” Kaede said walking up to you. “I think that happened to everyone correct?” you Said. Shuichi walked up to you holding onto your shoulder.
”we can’t be to sure yet.” He spoke you heart fluttered and you blushed deeply.
(I don’t want this story to be so long so Timeskip Shall we?)
Timeskip.. Loading.. Chapter 6… End of Game..
You got out the small crawl space you were hidden in perviously with Maki, Yumeno, And Shuichi.
“Were Alive?” Maki asked. You shrugged your shoulders in confusion. You looked around for Kiibo and realized he had gone with everyone else too. to save you and the Thought made you tear up. Maki patted your shoulder.
”I know this is a good time and You should tell him about your little crush now!” Maki said. You looked at Shuichi who was admiring the light of day again. You thought it is time you’ve liked him since you first met him so It’s time..
”Shuichi Saihara.” You said and he turned around to look at you.
”Hm?” He responded.
”My best friend, My partner.” You said and his cheecks flushed red.
”My first friend in the chaos we’ve been through but,” you continued and he was confused. maki and Yumeno were cheering from the sidelines silently.
”They’ve really out done they’re self.” Yumeno said and Maki nodded.
”I can’t think of you as a friend anymore. i want more from you Shuichi and if i can’t have it.. I don’t know what i’ll do.. Please.. Let me be with and Your best friend, you first friend and.. Your lover..” you said holding shuichi’s hand. He pulls it away in a slow manner and cups your face and kisses you. You were surprised but soon after kissed back. You guys pulled away and hugged.
”I love you too.. Y/n L/n..”
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓃𝒹
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if anyone here is into musicals, can someone assign the V3 girls favorite musical characters? thank youuuuuu
c-c-c-c’mon, c-c-c-c’mon, yo! Yo, I’ve got you covered. While I haven’t seen a lot of musicals, I can definitely assign them some good favorite characters.
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V3 girls and their favorite musical characters
Angie Yonaga would like Heidi Hansen from Dear Evan Hansen. Such a ray of positivity for people who need her, she ends up doing her best to make sure the day goes well. She’s there for the people who rely on her, even if she’s busy doing other things. Heidi Hansen is the embodiment of a comfort hug, and she’s all for it.
Himiko Yumeno would like Jenna Rolan from Be More Chill. Jenna goes down as an underappreciated character with her own problems that often get overlooked, and she can’t help but resonate with that.  She finds strength through others just like Himiko, and is basically unable to grow without those interactions.
Kaede Akamatsu would like Veronica Sawyer from Heathers: The Musical. What’s more fitting than a protagonist in a musical who messes up and just tries to do her best in the end? The only difference is that he detective boyfriend would never kill someone for what they had done, but that doesn’t stop her from learning freeze your brain on piano and finally getting Shuichi to learn the words so they can play together.
Kirumi Toujo would enjoy Richard Goranski from Be More Chill. While he certainly is… a problematic one, to say the least, she would most certainly pick up on his potential to be a successful and sweet boy. He’s more than what his squip could ever amount him to, and she just wishes she could meet someone like that in the real world to take under her wing so they could prosper as a person. (Also, the way they break down under pressure is quite similar.)
Maki Harukawa would absolutely have a soft spot in her heart for Martha Dunstock from Heathers: The Musical. A girl who’s the exact opposite of her, she radiates happiness around those she cares about. She was able to be absolutely carefree growing up, and clung to the childhood Maki wishes she had. She gets really upset when Martha tries to kill herself, muttering how people like her should never have to become that sad in the first place.
Miu Iruma would have an undeniable attraction to Heather Chandler from Heathers: The Musical. From her iconic “Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw” line to how she seems to have power over everything, she can’t help but love her. The beautiful blonde locks of hair she has also helps grab her attention. After she watches the musical, she would go out of her way to purchase herself a bright red scrunchy and temporarily ditch all the pink for red and plaid.
Tenko Chabashira would find refuge in Alana Beck from Dear Evan Hansen. Another underrated female character in the realm of theater, she has so much to say, but never really gets listened to. She always seems to want a friend, yet can never reach out to anyone, thus having so many “acquaintances.” Tenko would never tell anyone that she sympathizes with Alana, a girl who just constantly tries her best only to get ignored by her peers.
Tsumugi Shirogane is a toss up between two characters. First off, she would love Jeremy Heere from Be More Chill. Another protagonist, he’s probably the plainest of them all. He’s just doing his best to fit in, and is just nerdy enough to be the topic of stories. For such a plain girl, she yearns for that attention.
The other prime candidate is Zoe Murphy from Dear Evan Hansen. She’s talented when it comes to catching Evan’s eye and jazz band, but… she seems pretty plain. She’s cute and nice, sure, but not enough for everyone to be falling head over heels for like Evan thinks they are. Tsumugi would resonate with her plain appearance, and appreciate how easy she would be to cosplay as.
These are all just opinions so I hope no one gets mad
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animacy-art · 5 years
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added some buttons to my etsy shop!! i’m obsessed with making them <3 https://www.etsy.com/shop/AnimacyStore
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Hey everyone guess who updated her fanfic!!! (me. i did)
Pairing: Iruma Miu/Toujou Kirumi
Wordcount: 7k+
Genre(s): Comedy (Some Crude Humor), Fantasy, Slow Burn, Kirumi Being Very Smart But Not The Greatest At Socializing, Miu Iruma Being Herself
Read it here!
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wishmelxck · 7 years
I made a list of my theories for who will be the victims, the killers, my reasoning for it, and who I think the survivors will be!
Case: 1
Victim: Shuichi Saihara Killer: Ryoma Hoshi Reasoning: Ryoma is shady af and Shuichi has been shown off way too much. I think Ouma is way too important to be a victim since he’s new, whereas we already had Kirigiri and Chiaki who were detective-like characters. And as far as Ryoma goes, if past Danganronpas are any hints (aka Hifumi, Teruteru and Daisuke) than dis bitch gon die.
Case: 2
Victim: Korekiyo Shinguji Killer: Tsumugi Shirogane Reasoning: Because I am 100% certain that this guy ain’t a killer. He’s way too beautiful and lovely and shady but I guess too shady to be a killer? Idk man. Also his cosplay would be bomb af and as ultimate cosplayer, I can see Tsumugi going all out. Her talent is way too good for her not to be a murderer, and if she’s true to form, she should be able to pull off Korekiyo.
Case: 3
Victim: Kaito Momota and Himiko Yumeno Killer: Rantaro Amami Reasoning: Kyoko and Nagito’s lovechild is bound to die. No strong reason for picking these two as victims, aside from it being the third case so definitely getting two victims, and I’m guessing Rantaro is gonna be gritty af.
Case: 4
Victim: Maki Harukawa Killer: Tenko Chabashira Reasoning: Complete accident. I think Tenko will either get tricked into it, or it will be a horrible accident. So Tenko either doesn’t know about it fully, or she’ll be so ashamed and upset that she tries to cover it up. I do not think Tenko will be the killer of a man, because that’s way too obvious, and it’s much better for it to be a heartache moment when she accidentally kills another woman. I thought Maki would be a perfect candidate for this, since she is definitely a fan favorite so it would be that much more heart wrenching.
Case: 5
Victim: Gonta Gokuhara Killer: Kirumi Tojo Reasoning: Though I doubt that there will be more than four ordinary cases with no huge twist, per usual, I really do see Kirumi as one of the killers, and Gonta as a victim. I don’t see either of them making out of the game alive, so I guess they’re just expendables.
Survivors: Kaede Akamatsu, Ouma Kokichi, Angie Yonaga and Miu Irumi, and Kiibo. Kaede, because duh,  Ouma because he’s way too important and new. I think either Ouma will be a survivor, Togami-esqe style, or he’ll be the last victim. Miu, because she’s my favorite character, damnit! Angie because there’s always a weird one. Kiibo because even though I doubt he’ll live, I ran out of ideas and I really do want my robot son to live.
Mastermind: Junko Enoshima, because when isn’t it? Or a crazed Junko fanatic. Perhaps Nagito Komaeda, trying to recreate the same despair and hope that he once felt. Maybe Monaca is back from space. Who fuckings knows, man. It has got to have something to do with Junko, though. There’s no way in fuck that it doesn’t.
Anyway, this is all speculation. Can’t wait to see if I’m wrong or not!
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ultimate-aesthetics · 7 years
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Tenko x Miu aesthetic with bright colors for anon!
-Mod Hajime
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mayoiayasep · 3 years
Youve probably already done this but drop your kin list
top three (no particular order)
Haruki Nakayama (Given)
Kenma Kozume (HQ)
Atsushi Nakajima (BSD)
Literally everyone else
Ash Lynx
Oikawa Toru
Hori Kyoko
Nagito Komaeda
Byakuya Togami (drv1 version)
Chiaki Nanami
Miu Irumi
Shuichi Saihara
Reki Kyan
Langa Hasegawa
Miya Chinen
Bakugo Katsuki
Shinobu Kocho
Megumi Fushiguro
Dazai Osamu
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Chuuya Nakahara
Tsukishima Kei
Akaashi Keiji (? maybe?)
Kageyama Tobio
Leo Valdez
Someone from Stars Align but I really dont want to know who
yeah so i need therapy :)
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unnaturalleaf · 4 years
⚠️ Potential spoilers for Danganronpa V3 and Mekakucity Actors! ⚠️
Before I start on anything, I just wanna say that I'm sorry for some of the awful designs here. We're getting to the more secondary characters, who will only show up in pictures or in flashbacks in the comic.
And, yes, comic! I decided that I'll make a comic out of this! It won't be updated on here as often as it will be on Instagram, as it will be semi-interactive on Instagram, but I promise I won't forget to post here!
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Anyway, moving on with our characters. First up is Kiibo, taking the place of Konoha!
He kills me. I seriously do love both Kiibo and Konoha.
Honestly, I really just made the connection at first because Kiibo is a robot and Konoha is Haruka's video game persona, but yeah. Taking another look at Konoha, he does kinda remind me of Kiibo (or at least, part of my pre-game headcannons of him) in a way.
While he does like both Rantaro and Miu, he seems to show slight more interest in Rantaro. Miu is somewhat annoyed by this, but she never says anything about it.
Because of his amnesia, Rantaro and Miu usually don't let him out alone, so he doesn't get lost. However, he does like to offer to run errands for the two of them.
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Next we have Kaede as Ayano. Kaede might not be my favorite protagonist, but she is still an amazing character so yeah-
Fun fact: I had Ayano's Theory of Happiness on repeat when I drew this. Why? Bc it's a good song, okay?
Moving on from that, I'm kinda really happy with this design. I know all I did was give her different hairpins, give her a scarf, and ma!e her shirt slightly longer, but shh. I still like it.
I see a lot of people putting Kokichi as Ayano because of him being the leader of D.I.C.E., but I fee like the loss of Kaede had a similar impact on Shuichi as the loss of Ayano did on Shintaro. They both had a big impact on the people around them, and I find their personalities similar, in a way.
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Moving on from that, we have a, uh... Male Tsumugi as Kuroha (this is where the spoilers really come in, guys).
I know the two look really different. Sorry for that. Though, I suppose it does make sense in a way, as Kiibo's power does allow him to change his form to be more ideal to him, so I guess the Snake could use that to his advantage.
Yes. The only reason I used Tsumugi for this is because she's the Mastermind. That's also why Junko is Azami (You know, because she's really just a character designed by Team Danganronpa? I dunno, I guess Tsumugi, or someone else working for Team Danganronpa, technically "told" her to to start the killing game, like how the Snake told Azami to make the Heat Haze Daze).
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Now we have the girl genius, Miu, as the one and only Hiyori.
There really isn't much to write for her. The descriptions will start getting shorter from here on out. Basically, it's just Miu, but more child friendly. But she still swears a bunch, because:
1. She's Miu.
2. She's a middle schooler. And if I know middle schoolers (at least where I went to school), they swear a lot.
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Finally, my least favorite design of this group, is the mom Kirumi as the mom Shion (plus some more about Himiko!)
I don't have much more to say about !irumi, but here's more on Himiko.
Basically, she was traumatized after her mother's death. She adopted a new last name because the idea of her mother hurt her far too much. She refused to leave the house after it, and instead got attached to books. Because of this, she developed an obsession with magic.
That's about all I have for now. There's five more left to finish before I start on the comic! Now, my wrist is hurting from holding up my tablet and I'm tired of typing, so I'm gonna stop now.
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brightstarblogs · 5 years
I now Pronounce you Liar and Detective (Danganronpa V3 - Wedding one shot)
Please click here to read!
Rating: Teen and up Relationships: Saihara Shuichi/Ouma Kokichi Characters: Saihara Shuichi, Ouma Kokichi, Akamatsu Kaede, Momota Kaito, Harukawa Maki, D.I.C.E, Rantaro Amami, Miu Irumi, Angie Yonaga, Tsumugi Shirogane, Kirumi Tojo
Summary: Kokichi decides to be traditional and disappears on the day of the wedding so that the first time Shuichi sees him is at the alter. Will the wedding go off without a problem with D.I.C.E organising it? And how will our boys cope with their nerves?
Congratulaitons to @achiouma for coming second place in my giveaway! I hope you all enjoy this one!
Also @linabigface, you love married Saiouma so I also dedicate this drabble to you too! Enjoy!
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