#the Starsingers
thanatosaria · 2 months
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can you take the heat of the Supernova? ✨
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morningstarrituals · 3 months
I DO like the idea of Quintessence Ghouls having to do with space though...
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Post Order 66 part 12
Conversations happen regarded the identity of Darth Vader. The crew tries to come up with a plan for dealing with the Empire. And a new mission comes in. Tagging: @starrrgazingbunny, @thestarwarslesbian, and @xylionet
Fox stepped into the bedroom he shared with Kanna and Wolffe, and immediately leaned against the door frame. He knew that she knew that he was there. But he was content to watch her, for the time being.
He's known her for years now. He's seen her on good and bad days. He can read her as well as he can read his own brothers. Which is why he knows that she's anxious. He watched her for a moment longer, watched as she folded, and refolded his, and Wolffe's, clothes.
He crossed the room and sat on the bed, and he just waited.
"I didn't know." Kanna said, after a whole 10 minutes of silence. "About Anakin."
"I believe you." And he did. Kanna would have never kept that secret from him, no matter how much it might have hurt her to admit it.
She paused, "I could be lying to you."
He let out a quiet laugh, "Cyare," He sounded so very fond, even to his own ears, "You've never been able to lie to me. Not since the day we met. Plus, I trust you."
Kanna's shoulders slumped, "I don't know why. All the Jedi have done is make the lives of you, and your brothers, miserable."
"I disagree. And, since it's my life, I think I have some say in the matter." Fox countered. He reached out and tugged her onto his lap, tugging the shirt out of her hands at the same time.
"...I was folding that." Kanna muttered.
"Shush. It's my turn to talk," Fox replied, as he tightened his grip around her waist and buried his face in her neck, "You made my life infinitely better, just by being in it Kanna."
She made a noise of disbelief, though she didn't say anything as he tightened his grip a little more. "Let me talk," He murmured against her neck. "Do you remember, about a year after we met, I was having a bad day."
"You had a lot of those, near the end of the war," Kanna replied, quietly.
"I did. But this was the first time I had a bad day and didn't try to hide it from you."
Kanna was quiet for a moment, "I remember. It was the first time you touched me without me instigating it."
"Hm. I pulled you onto my lap, and I just held you until I could handle the rest of the world." Fox continued, "It...helped. Everything seemed so much easier when you were there." He let out a quiet laugh, "I sent a message to your Master after that, asking for permission for you to come to the barracks for an hour every day. You helped. You helped so much."
"I don't-"
"Stone used to joke that you were our emotional support Jedi." Fox interrupted, "You helped stabilize us, helped us remember that we were people after long days. You were ours, Kanna. And we, I, love you for it."
Kanna pressed her cheek against the top of his head, "Dusk-"
"Dusk has been a dumbass since the day he was decanted, and fatherhood only made him an overprotective dumbass." Fox said drily, "He didn't mean to scare you. Or Obi-Wan."
She laughed weakly, "For a moment I thought he was going to shoot us,"
"I know." Fox murmured, "And he realized it as soon as he stopped yelling. The Jedi have every reason to be afraid of us. You included."
She let out a quiet sigh, "Yeah, maybe."
They fell into a companiable silence for a moment. And Fox was relieved to feel the tension drain out of her body as she clung to him.
And then she sighed happily, "Did you know," She murmured, her voice soft and familiar in a way that sent shocks up his spine, "That I love you?"
It was the same way she told him she loved him the first time, all those years ago in his office. With her curled up on his lap and her gentle fingers tangled in his hair.
He let out a quiet laugh, "Yeah, cyare. I know." He shifted her so that he could bump his nose against hers, "Did you know I love you too?"
A brilliant smile crossed her face, and Fox, for a moment, thought he was going to melt, "Well." She said softly, "You did adopt my son."
"True." He allowed his lips to brush against hers. "You know, I think I want to be selfish for an hour or two. Lock the door, sweetheart."
Kanna laughed lowly, "As you wish, commander." She teased, gently. And, for a moment, Fox didn't even breathe. Not until he heard the click of the lock sliding into place.
"So...Anakin." It had taken Cody hours to get Obi-Wan into a good enough place where they could talk about Obi-Wan's first child. And even then, he flinched like Cody had just brandished a knife at him when he said his name.
"I didn't know, Cody. You have to believe me."
"I do." He leaned back slightly, Obi-Wan hadn't wanted to be touched, which meant that they were having this conversation in the kitchen, rather than in their bedroom. "From what you told me, it sounds like his injuries should have killed him."
Obi-Wan frowned, "I don't want to talk about this."
Cody watched him curiously, "Alright, then we won't." There was no way he was going to intentionally hurt his riddur, especially not over Anakin Fucking Skywalker.
He scowled at the table. Now that he was thinking about it. It made sense. Vader intentionally kept Cody around. Made him his own personal guard. Tortured him the least, even though he was always there. Was it his way of keeping his Master close? Or just another way to torture Obi-Wan?
It didn't matter in the end. Anakin Skywalker had been a fuck-up since the day he met him. And him becoming Darth Vader was just one more fuck-up in a long string of fuck-ups.
He just regretted that he ever trusted his brothers to him.
And he hated that Skywalker led his brothers on the march of the temple.
The door to the kitchen slid open, and Wolffe walked in with Luke and Leia in his arms. "I got locked out of my own bedroom," Wolffe said with a sigh, "Also, these two didn't want to take a nap. Even though it's good for them."
"No nap!" Leia shouted.
"No nap!" Luke agreed.
"Here, take this," Wolffe dropped Leia into Cody's arms, pulling a delighted giggle from the little girl, and then he dropped into a seat across from Obi-Wan, "Everything okay in here?"
"Yeah." Obi-Wan smiled weakly, "Just...hard conversations, is all." He paused, "I'm sorry you got locked out of your room," he added solemnly.
"Yeah, yeah. Fox has always been a greedy asshole," Wolffe paused, and then pointed at Luke and Leia, "Don't repeat that."
Luke nodded solemnly, and Leia just giggled.
"Anyway," Cody said, looking amusedly at his brother, "We need to decide on what we're going to do about Vader. Clearly just running around freeing vod'e isn't going to be enough before long."
"When...Vader," Obi-Wan said hesitantly, "Isn't playing enforcer, where is he?"
"Mustafar," Cody replied immediately, "It's where his palace is located."
"...that's..." Obi-Wan sighed, "He built a palace on the same planet he lost both his arms and legs, and his wife? That's...the most in character thing I've heard about Anakin that I've heard in years. Is that where the 501st is located?"
"No. They have their own ship." Cody replied, "Their own Star Destroyer." He added with a roll of his eyes.
"Does Rex know?" Wolffe asked.
"Yeah, I told him." Cody said with a nod, "We're in agreement that we're not quite ready to take on a battle cruiser."
"Pity," Wolffe muttered, "A destroyer would be nice to have on our side." He shook his head, and adjusted Luke, who had slumped against Wolffe and drifted to sleep, "Are there any other Jedi around?"
Obi-Wan looked grieved, "Not that I know of."
"Kanna might know. She implied that there are a lot more Jedi around than it might seem like," Cody pointed out, "Shadows and people like that."
"Hm. I'll ask her later," Wolffe said, "But, for the moment, it sounds like we have to focus solely on the vod'e before we try for Vader or the Emperor."
"Ugh. Depressing," Cody muttered.
Later, after most everyone decided to gather in the sitting room, Obi-Wan nervously started wringing his hands. "So..."
Dusk rose a single brow, "So what?" He asked, before he carefully redirected Rhawl's paint covered paws away from his armor and back towards the massive roll of paper on the floor.
"Master Yoda's still alive," Obi-Wan blurted, "After...everything. He went into hiding and so did I."
The room fell silent, aside from the sound of the toddlers playing in the paint. "You're shitting me." Wolffe said blankly, "Where is he? Why isn't he, you know, fighting?"
"I don't know, not for sure, and he's almost 900 years old." Obi-Wan replied, "I intentionally don't know where he is. Just in case someone managed to get me."
"Do you think we should look for him?" Cody asked.
Obi-Wan opened his mouth to reply, only for him to shut it again. "I'm...not sure. He's very old, after all. It would be kinder to let him rest, wouldn't it? He tried to fight the emperor, and he lost after all."
"So...to beat the Emperor, we need someone stronger than Yoda?" Dusk asked, "Then we're screwed. Maybe he'll die of old age or something?"
"Not likely, he was already an old man when I was 25," Obi-Wan pointed out. "We just need to think. Come up with a strategy."
"Right, so we're screwed," Dusk repeated.
"We'll focus on finding vod'e," Cody said with a frown at Dusk, "once there are enough of us, it won't matter how powerful the Emperor is."
Wolffe went to reply, but was cut off by the holo flashing. Obi-Wan, the only person already standing, walked over and hit the answer button. Rex's face filled the screen, "Hey listen," He said, without a greeting, "I just heard a strange rumor I was wondering if you would look into."
"What kind of rumor?" Cody asked.
"There's a rumor about a Clone wandering around Ryloth. He's not hurting anyone, he's just...wandering. Like he's looking for something." Rex said, looking away for a moment, and then back at the screen, "The people are getting antsy about him being there, but since he's not hurting anyone-"
"So, what, they reached out to the Rebellion?" Wolffe asked.
"Not so much. I heard a rumor while I was on Corellia. And then I heard the exact same rumor while I was on another planet. If it is a vod, then he probably needs help. And if it isn't, then he still probably needs help."
"You said Ryloth, right?" Dusk asked, as he carefully got to his feet, pointedly ignoring Rex's snicker when he saw how colorful Dusk's armor was now.
"Yeah, vod."
"Alright, we'll check it out and see what we can figure out."
"Awesome," Rex looked over his shoulder again, and swore, "I have to go. Fives is about to beat the ever loving shit out of Crosshair, and Echo is going to let him. Let me know what you find."
The holo cut off as suddenly as it began, and Cody looked amused, "Sounds like Clone Force 99 decided to hang out with Rex."
"It's nice to hear that Fives has recovered nicely," Dusk added cheerfully.
He couldn't feel his legs anymore. But then, he had been walking for ages, or so it seemed.
He couldn't remember who he was. Or where he was. But he knew he was looking for...something? Or maybe it was someone? He was sure he'd recognize it when he found it.
Or would he?
He supposed it didn't matter. Maybe the thing (or person) would recognize him when he arrived. He hoped so. Whatever he was looking for was important. Had been important? Would be...?
He sighed and took another grudging step and then another.
His head hurt. His legs hurt. His feet hurt.
It felt wrong to be walking alone. Like there should be other people with him...or another person? Sometimes, if he focused really hard, he could see people in white armor walking alongside him.
Other times, he would hear a soft laugh in his ear.
He grunted as he tripped over a raised root, and fell into a small stream. The water felt nice against his over heated skin. He had armor once, hadn't he?
Oh, right. He had. He took it off because people kept running away from him. Now they just kept their distance, and watched.
It was better, he decided. They running from him felt...wrong. Wrong in a way that made his skin feel too tight.
He pulled himself out of the stream, and absently plucked a leech from his arm as he started walking again.
Maybe he would find who, what, he was looking for if he went just a little further.
CC-5052 exhaled slowly through his nose, and took another step. He wouldn't stop until he found what he was looking for.
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theincediblesulk · 6 months
I saw your blog pop up and was abruptly smacked with the memory of someone saying they had been misreading it the whole time as incredible xD
lol yea that happened and continues to happen pretty consistently 😅
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murderandcoffee · 1 year
Completely separate from the other ask. Hello, I have come from tumblr, then ao3 xD The fuckin line "i desire him carnally" lives in my head rent fee all the time now and I am blaming you
hello hell0!! I'm sorry/you're welcome for that phrase lmao
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hqmillioncorn · 1 year
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FFXIVWrite Day thirteen: Check
Babycorn looked up at the night sky above them. It was harder to see it in the Black Shroud than in other places. The trees were too big! They were blocking her way! “Cold…” Babycorn shivered.  It was a cold night and the only blanket they had she used to cover Cherrypit. He was taking one of his rare naps and Babycorn didn’t want to risk waking him up just to feel a little bit warmer. Besides, she’d learned by now that sleeping next to Cherrypit just made her colder. As if the cold wasn’t enough, there was also the feeling they were being watched.  “Just leave us alone!” She yelled to someone.
Aleria let out a loud yawn as she laid back on her chair. 
They had all just returned from another busy day in Drybone, selling and buying produce all at the same time. Her and Lalatov might not have as much experience in being vendors but they did have a secret weapon at their side.
Said secret weapon was being tucked into her crib right at this moment by her beloved husband. 
Aleria turned her head to look at how he was doing. She didn’t really need to. Out of the two of them, Lalatov was the gentlest one by a malm. Chelinka never stirred whenever he was the one putting her down for a nap or picking her up while she slept. 
“How’s our little babycorn?” Aleria asked. 
Babycorn was Chelinka’s cute little nickname that she had come up with one day, to match her parent’s fake aliases. While Lalatov and Aleria were known as Cocorn and Elelote out in public, they had decided to just altogether avoid mentioning their daughter’s name to people. 
Lalatov slowly walked backwards from Chelinka’s crib, making sure that his steps made as little noise as possible. When he was sure that he was far away enough he turned back around. “I’d say that's a successful mission!” He gave Aleria a thumbs-up and a wink. 
“Just like always.” 
Then tomorrow they would go out to sell some more things and Lalatov would do and say the same thing. Some people might have thought of it as mundane but to Aleria it was a dream come true.
Lalatov picked up a chair and placed it next to Aleria, he sat down next to her and leaned into her shoulder. It was one of the rare advantages of being so short that he had. “So what do we do now?” He asked. “I was thinking maybe we can throw a huge party.” 
“And invite everyone we know?” 
“Yeah!” Lalatov smiled, “We can invite Meeth and Al!”
“I think that’s everyone we know” Aleria wasn’t that far off.
Aside from Meeth and Al, who had both helped them when they had needed it most, they hadn’t made any other connections. 
Lalatov thought to himself for a while. “Then how about we invite my classmates back at the conjurer's guild?” He had told Aleria all about his days back then.
“You mean the ones who were ready to let you die when you accidentally angered the elementals?” 
“Yeah! Them!”
Aleria crossed her arms. “Sure you can invite them! So I can fly them up in the air and juggle them until they beg me to let them down.” She could have come up with something worse but she didn’t want to take the chance that Chelinka was listening.
“Aww…It’s so cute when you threaten people.” 
“So I’m always cute?”
“Mmmmmmaybe!” Lalatov stuck his tongue out and laughed. 
Aleria laughed along with him and both had to remind the other to quiet down for Chelinka’s sake. 
They were silent after that, just taking in the fact that they were together and safe. 
Aleria looked forward, at the crib where her daughter lay sleeping. There were no words that Aleria could come up with to explain to someone how much she loved her. How much she wanted to make sure that Chelinka would have the best life they could possibly offer her. 
She knew that Lalatov felt the same way, he had told her the same before. 
According to everyone that had ever seen Chelinka, she was the strangest baby they had ever met. She cried and whined just like almost every baby out there, but there was just something about her that wasn’t right. Whenever she stared at someone, it felt like she knew more about them than she let on. 
To new parents, with not much life experience anyway, Aleria and Lalatov however, none of what anyone told them really meant anything. 
They were both well aware that their children would be a little different than most, when taking into account both of her parents' special little attributes. 
Aleria was hoping that Chelinka would stay that way, for her own sake. A life of constantly being on the run was not the life she wanted for her daughter. 
Aleria let out a sigh and Lalatov instantly knew what she was thinking about. 
He sat up straight and took her hand in his, “No one will come for her. Or you. I promise.” 
“What if they’re still out there? Looking for me?” Aleria’s leg was shaking, “They’ve come before.” It had been a long time ago but there had been a few Garlean soldiers that had come through asking if they had seen someone matching Aleria’s description. 
Aleria turned to look at Lalatov, tears in her eyes. “What if they take her?” 
What if her daughter was a Starsinger, just like she was. Would she be ripped from her mother’s hands just like she had been? Separated from everything she knew and with almost no memories of the life she had been taken from? 
It was much too late for her but she wasn’t about to just let it happen to her daughter too. 
“That’s not going to happen.” Lalatov’s voice was firm, he was confident. “Ever.”
Aleria knew that Lalatov was serious when he said that. He had been there for her when the Garleans had shown up looking for her and he had a large part in the reason that none of them were ever going to be able to tell anyone else where she was hiding. 
“You’re right.” Aleria felt her worries quickly fade away, looking at her husband’s determined expression. “We’ll protect her. Won’t we?”
Their conversation was cut short when a rush of cold air blew at them, almost knocking both of them to the ground.
“Chelinka?!” Aleria’s first instinct was to see if her daughter was safe, or even worse, had been the cause of the wind. It took Lalatov a few more seconds to collect himself but once he did, he followed right behind Aleria. 
Aleria stopped in front of the crib but did not look inside it. 
Lalatov did. He found it to be empty.
He didn’t even get the chance to freak out about it before he felt someone tap his shoulder.
“Uwbauwa??” Was his only response. 
 He turned to look at Aleria. She was standing there, her mouth open and looking up at the ceiling. Without saying a word she gestured to Lalatov to look at the ceiling above them. 
There above them, was their daughter, crawling on the ceiling without a care in the world.  
Chelinka let out a giggle and sat down. Still on the ceiling. A fly flew by her and she curiously swiped at it. Then a pair of long pincers came out of her mouth and snatched the fly from the air. Chelinka happily babbled to herself before starting her crawling once again.
Aleria and Lalatov followed under her in shock.
“...Did she get that from you?” Lalatov asked.
“Funny…” Aleria watched as Chelinka let out a small burp, which she could have sworn caused her to spit out a little fireball, “I was about to ask you the same thing.” 
In retrospect, any chance of Chelinka being normal had already been thrown out when her mother was part-voidsent and her father (possibly) part-dragon.
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lathrine · 1 year
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i never wanna post anything until its Done, but i dont really do finished pieces, so i just simply never post anything. so today im posting a couple of WIPs taking up my brain space!
anyways i have had so many iterations of this in my brain for the last two years, and it finally feels like its starting to coalesce into something Real.
i found the song around the same time i dropped WoW due to the ongoing horror show that is blizzard. whenever i step away from the game i determine the in-universe circumstances that would make Lathrine no longer active, and honestly mid-expansion Shadowlands gave me lots of good reasons lmao.
but Lathrine has been active military for a long time (i've played since before the opening of Ahn'Qiraj), and experienced a LOT of loss in that time-- both in terms of NPC loss, and in terms of people and characters i played with who are simply no longer around. and then, of course, in recent WoW history you have the War of Thorns, the burning of Teldrassil and genocide of the remaining night elf population. you have the alliance blatantly refusing to offer real humanitarian aid. you have the Night Warrior, and the rock-solid faith of the night elves being shaken to its core.
there's the discovery of the Ardenweald, the literal perfect afterlife the night elves are destined for. the realization that it is actively dying and taking all of the sleeping spirits (including the night elf deities) with it. the discovery that every night elf soul that died in the War of Thorns was sent to super hell. learning that Tyrande is losing to the Night Warrior and there is no cure for Elune's fury; that it will kill her.
(unless, of course, she chooses to stop being angry and hurt that something like 95% of her people were horribly murdered-- some by people they had JUST called allies-- less than four years ago. wanting revenge against those who advocate for and enact genocide is Bad, after all)
so! i started kicking around this concept of Lathrine retiring because she had lost faith in all of it-- in the Alliance, in hope for unification between the factions, in her leadership, in Elune. in herself. that was about when i found Bones in The Ocean, which had an instant impact on me and gave me direction: Lathrine succumbed to despair in the Maw, tried to kill herself, gained that last-second 'my misery is fixable' clarity and was, ultimately, saved by Hati (who is soulbound to her). and from there she retired. from there she went back to Azeroth and her hearthealer and her family. she left the military and found friends to move in with, somewhere far from the politics that see her as expendable. somewhere she can raise her children.
until very recently i still struggled with how the scene in the Maw looked, how everything went down. but recently i remembered the River of Souls, and how its filled with an absolutely unbearable misery which is not meant for the living.
now the scene goes: while on a quest, Lathrine gets stuck in the River of Souls. the weight of misery and anger and sorrow weighs her down, amplifying her own, until she is literally unable to escape. she is confronted-- real or imagined-- by the ghost of every loved one she has ever lost. every NPC she failed to save, every PC who vanished off the face of the earth. (the one in the sketch is Drakuru, whose questline has stuck with me for fourteen years.)
ultimately Lathrine is saved by Hati, who found a familiar paladin (Korian) and warlock (Fwoosh) questing nearby and who fished her out of the River. the Alliance military asks for her to be released back to active duty; her hearthealer just about has a conniption.
this is a VERY rough sketch, obvs. i want to finish this for the sake of finishing it, but my ultimate intention is to rough out the whole thing in an animation. so maybe i'll have that to share someday, too
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
Came here from the soulmate au fic since I was curious. Now losing my mind over Archivist!Percy. Tma is my current like super hyperfixation and vox machina is a more recent one with the series, so that caught my attention.
I'm glad you're enjoying the Soulmate AU! I'm a bit brainmelty from work and it being Far Too Hot Here, so I'm afraid I have no secret snips to offer you, but you can find some of the past excerpts and details of the Magnus Archives AU in my tag for it!
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countessofbiscuit · 2 months
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Commission for @anxiouspineapple99 💙 Fives and their OC Kyla Starsinger 💜 thank you so much for letting me play with her!
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skelizard · 1 year
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VS Art Party doodles! As always too many cool charr to doodle. Starsinger Kattya: (If you see this lmk so I can link back to ya) Sparrow Dragonheart: @bidilfs Boltyderp: @legionnaireintraining Marrow Gravesong: @rightpaw
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tss-storytime · 2 months
TSS Storytime 2024 Posting Schedule
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August is rapidly approaching and we're excited to share the amazing works Fander writers and artists have been working on this year!
Week 1
Aug. 2 - A Swallow's Symphony in Spring by @prince-rowan-of-the-forest with art by @ax3-e0ns
Week 2
Aug. 7 - Incomplete Puzzle of the Soul by @c-swirlz with art by @greymillieattheball Aug. 10 - Hearthfire by @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat with art by @canvas-the-florist
Week 3
Aug. 12 - Jenga by @glacierruler with art by @thebestworstidea 8/13 - Story #15 @Willow and @S.H. Artistry Aug. 14 - The Carousel Kingdom by @logarhythm-bees with art by @prince-rowan-of-the-forest Aug. 15 - Title to be announced by @wolfprincesszola with art by @thebestworstidea Aug. 16 - Have You Ever Considered Killing Your Title by @infinitesimaldna with art by @logarhythm-bees Aug. 17 - The Imitation Game by @canvas-the-florist :) with art by @tastic-in-its-finest Aug. 18 - Petrichor by @sleepy-nova-tea with art by @BillieGean & Title to be announced by @emoprincey with art by @thegoldenduckie
Week 4
Aug. 19 - A Wish Your Heart Makes by @nandysparadox with art by @bitterpoison Aug. 20 - title to be announced by @annaizscribbling with art by @onthevirgeofdestruction Aug. 21 - title to be announced by @katelynn-a-fan with art by @incognetomisquito Aug. 22 - title to be announced with art by @ax3-e0ns (writer had to drop) Aug. 23 - The Last Experiment by @typically-untypical with art by @starsinger Aug. 24 - title to be announced by @greenninjagal-blog with art by @dragonsarecats
Week 5
Aug. 25 - If Disney Were Gay by @thewickedcompanion with art by @bitterpoison Aug. 26 - Three (Hundred) Days til Christmas by @not-sure-what-im-feeling with art by @lighthousechronicles Aug. 28 - Penumbra by @shadowling-guisticaland with art by @thegoldenduckie
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warrior-of-waistbands · 5 months
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do you ever find it funny that magic exists in Ben 10 lore? Anyway, here's an episode concept:
- I imagine "Dressy" shows up at Jerome Horwitz one day as the mysterious transfer student with a hidden agenda; naturally George and Harold decide to track her and eventually, after an episode-wide series of misunderstandings and confrontations, they learn that Starsinger is actually an amateur sorcerer drawn to the school by a mysterious energy source.....
- Her alias is based on the Hypnosinger
- I ran out of alien species so here's something roughly based on Crackers. The species name is a combination of "quetzalcoatlus" and "azhdarchid pterosaur."
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spawnastarion · 3 months
Some of my recent Tav’s and their significant other, I have an unhealthy attachment to a certain pale elf. I have completed all the romances on a poly run… it was too hard otherwise. I’ve lost count on how many runs I’ve played and completed, more than any game ever. 1,200 hours in and I’m still romancing my pale boyfriend. This isn’t even all of my runs as I could only add ten!!
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Name: Violet Bhaalspawn, nickname Violent.
Race: Tiefling
Story : Chosen of Bhaal, vampire spawn, in her name.
Class: Rogue/Bard
Partner: Ascended Astarion, vampire lord. Just let them destroy the world together.
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Name: Tamsin Greentree
Race: Wood Elf
Story: Druid with no circle, loves nature but has a soft spot for the unnatural.
Class: Moon Druid
Partner: Spawn Astarion.
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Name: Paige Morningstar
Race: Human
Story: Teacher at a sorcery school in Baldurs Gate.
Class: Sorcerer
Partner: Spawn Astarion
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Name: Py’ra
Race: Githyanki
Story: Cast out by her Creché, exiled for saving a human child from a Gith blade.
Class: Fighter
Partner: Spawn Astarion
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Name: Liliana Szarr
Race: High elf / Vampire Spawn
Story: Sold to a vampire by her uncle Cazador as a slave for being against his ambition and bloodshed. Vampire for 202 years. Had met Astarion multiple times at annual vampire balls held by true vampires.
Class: Oathbreaker Paladin/Fighter
Partner: Spawn Astarion
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Name: Kira
Race: Tiefling
Story: Was part of the refugee group from Elturel.
Class: Warlock/Sorcerer
Partner: Ascended Astarion.
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Name: Akta
Race: Tiefling
Story: Slave of Zariel, escaped hell on the nautiloid.
Class: Gloomstalker/Fighter/Assassin
Partner: Spawn Astarion
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Name: Crimson Bhaalspawn
Race: Seldarine Drow / Bhaalspawn
Story: Kidnapped by Sceleritas Fel as a child, reborn again as a Bhaalspawn. Redemption arc.
Class: Storm Sorcerer/Tempest Cleric
Partner: Spawn Astarion
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Name: Nova
Race: High Half Elf
Story: Attended the school of magic, loves astrology.
Class: Lightening and thunder witch.
Partner: Spawn Astarion
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Name: Sparrow Starsinger
Race: High Elf
Story: Playing music in a Baldurs Gate Tavern when he was taken by the mindflayers, enjoys Sharess’s Caress more than most. Petras tried to pick him up in Rivington a few years back, was clearly unsuccessful.
Class: Bard
Partner: Spawn Astarion
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transtundras-fr · 8 months
places starsinger here
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Hi your honor I’m in love
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murderandcoffee · 1 year
congratulations, you have been assigned…
enjoy your new allegiance!
(send me a 👁--or 👁👁 if you want two!--and I’ll roll a d20 on my randomized chart and assign you a fear entity!)
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hqmillioncorn · 1 year
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FFXIVWrite Day twelve: Dowry
with coco cocoda (and @windupnamazu) whos coco cocoda
“Whoopsie daisies!!”  Babycorn tripped her way into the weaver’s guild again, spilling her supplies all over the floor in front of her. Bolts of undyed velveteen and several other cloths fell upon everyone at the guild. One sewing needle fell into someone’s coffee cup as they stopped drinking to stare at Babycorn. Redolent Rose watched as Babycorn scattered and ran around all over the place to pick up her supplies. Most of which she placed in her mouth to carry and not in her now empty bag.
No one had really known what to expect when Babycorn joined the weaver’s guild. 
Some hoped that she would finally stop wearing bright yellow clothing with clashing colors all the time. Or actually wear socks that match. Perhaps her fashion statement of always wearing oversized baggy robes would finally be challenged and she would expand her fashion-istic  horizons. 
Whatever anyone’s opinions of Babycorn’s new adventure would take her, it was nowhere near as horrible as what actually happened.
The moment that Babycorn opened the door and stepped back into the mansion after a few days of training, everything changed. 
Babycorn had decided that the best use for her talents would be to make a bunch of fancy new clothes and accessories for all of her best best friends!!!!
And the best part would be that she wouldn’t tell them at all!! It would be a surprise! Yippee!!!
That was how Hanabi ended up with a big pointy hat covered in buttons and a stick for flair. 
How Vertical got a pair of oversized and undersized gloves that were covered in glitter. 
B’ig Nunh received a vest covered in bows and ribbons and paint splatters. It was three sizes too small. 
Khaljan had gotten a pair of pants that looked actually more like shorts but Babycorn insisted they were pants. Anyway they were covered in grass. 
Himbo got an apron that Babycorn glued fire to, so the apron was on fire and very gaudy.
And Viggo got an ugly shirt that didn’t fit him. 
Everyone who had not yet received a present from Babycorn continued to live in fear that they would be the next victim of Babycorn’s sewing rampage. Compared to her first few popoto sacks for clothes she had made, her newest creations were admittedly better than those had ever been. 
But it was clear Babycorn had no fashionable bone in her body. 
Lunya (who had inspired Babycorn in the first place) was of the opinion that Babycorn just needed someone to sit her down and tell her that she needed to tone things down a bit. It was pretty clear that she was just a little too excited to learn how to make things herself. That’s probably why she hadn’t been kicked out of the weaver’s guild yet. 
Today in particular was a very risky day for everyone, as Babycorn was due to return from Ul’dah at any moment now. Though most of the residents were just living their lives. The worry of Babycorn’s fashion dangers far from the forefront of their minds. 
Many thought this, but specifically this is what Coco Cocoda thought to himself as he confidently walked out of his room. Wearing his signature hat with a poofy poof on his head. 
Lunya nonchalantly walked by him, sipping a juice box. She almost squeezed it in shock after she caught sight of Coco. “Coco!” She suddenly yelled out. 
“AAAAA?” Coco screamed. Jumping in the air much like a cat would. “W-What is it?!”
“There is a hole in your hat!” 
“A what?!?!” 
Lunya did not even have the time to even offer to fix it for him, because who decided to show up at the very same minute that Lunya made her discovery? Why it was everyone’s favorite lalafell that was associated with kernels, Babycorn Corn! Hooray! Also Cherrypit is here too, never forget about him. Please cherish him. 
Babycorn had heard what Lunya had said and jumped into action. Literally.
She leapt all the way from the front door to where Lunya and Coco were talking to each other near the stairs to the basement and snatched Coco’s hat right off his overly sized head. 
“I’ll fix it for you!!” Her overconfidence was palpable and she twirled Coco’s hat on one finger.
“Fix! Fix Coco hat!!” Cherrypit cheered along.
Then before either Lunya or Coco could even say anything, the pair of siblings took off running towards their room. Coco could have sworn that he heard them laughing maniacally as they ran farther and farther away from them. It would fit, with the no doubt evil things that Babycorn was about to do to Coco’s hat.
Wait. Coco paused.
That was his hat!
The hat he was going to wear tomorrow!
Tomorrow was the day he was going to meet with Melmeltan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There was no way he was going out there dressed in whatever monstrosity Babycorn was going to create using his hat!! If history was proof of anything she was probably going to attach a bunch of tomatoes on it and call it a day. 
Or worse!!!!!!!!!! 
“I have to get my hat baaaaaaaack!” Coco dramatically declared before running after Babycorn. He was crying. 
Lunya was left to stand there alone and reflect on the events that had just occurred in the last few minutes. “Doesn’t he have ten other hats that look just like that?” She wondered out loud to herself before making her way to the marketboard to buy some specific things just in case Babycorn’s newest venture left Coco’s hat an unrecognizable mess. 
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Babycorn happily opened the door to her room and skipped all the way to her work table. It was an all-purpose table, as she liked to refer to it. She made food there, worked on crafts there and sometimes even slept on there!
She dropped Coco’s hat on the table and examined it closely. “Yup! That’s a hole!” Confirming what everyone already knew. Cherrypit floated up on top of the table to look at the hat with her. “Hole! Hole!” He flapped his arms up and down to let his sister know about the hole in the hat. Just in case Babycorn hadn’t seen it.
“Yeah!” Babycorn grabbed Cherrypit and set him back on the ground. “But don’t worry! Babycorn! Master Weaver is on the case!!” She gave Cherrypit a thumbs up and a wink. She had given herself that title. 
Cherrypit closed both his eyes and gave her a thumbs up back.
Babycorn left to rummage around her closet for her usual weaving equipment. Normally she would keep it on hand but Cherrypit had this habit of eating her sewing needles and other bibble-boobles she had. It was a little frustrating. Just where had he picked up this habit? Babycorn wondered. 
Babycorn was so busy wondering that she missed the door to her room slightly opening then slamming shut. 
But Cherrypit noticed.
“Amama?” Cherrypit tilted his head to look closer at who had entered his room. He didn’t sense any danger, so everything was probably okay. Maybe it was a funny little animal again? Last time Babycorn had left the door open one of them had run inside and run around screaming until Cherrypit grabbed it in his mouth. 
That had been fun!
The mysterious intruder that Cherrypit had seen was very much not a funny little animal and was instead a very determined Coco on a mission. He expertly dove (not really) into a pile of soft pillows that Babycorn had left lying around. 
Because Coco knew that diving into a pile of plushies would surely spell out an early demise. 
Under the cover of several soft pillows Coco quietly shuffled his way closer to the table where Babycorn had placed his hat. It still looked untouched, he really lucked out. 
Suddenly, Coco felt a pair of eyes on him. 
Cherrypit was standing right in front of him, looking down at Coco with blank white eyes. From those eyes, Coco saw his own fearful gaze reflected right back at him. It was very unnerving. As most of Cherrypit usually was. 
Cherrypit pointed right at him.
Babycorn must not have heard him because instead of wondering what Cherrypit was talking about, she just kept humming her little song to herself while looking through the closet. She must have thrown out a hundred things by now while looking for whatever she was looking for.
Coco tried to make his way around Cherrypit but was stopped at every opportunity. Cherrypit just kept appearing in front of him and laughing. At some point Coco was convinced that Cherrypit had materialized little clones of himself just to stop him. He wouldn’t be entirely wrong.
Coco quickly came to terms with what he had to do.
“Cherry I promise I’ll buy you all the candy you want if you let me through.” Coco pleaded, “Pwease…” 
Cherrypit stared at him. “Lollys? Lollys!!” 
“Yeah! A bunch of lollys!”
That was all that Cherrypit needed to hear and in the blink of Coco’s eyes, he was gone. Coco blinked again just to see if Cherrypit would come back. When he didn’t, he decided that it was safe to move forward again. “I’m starting to suspect Cherry isn’t a regular baby…” Coco thought to himself.
“Of course he is!” 
The pile of pillows that had been hiding Coco’s presence collapsed to the ground in a mini avalanche. “Ah.” Coco looked down, Babycorn was smiling at him, a star shaped pillow in her hand.
“Wow! I didn’t even have to call you to tell you I finished fixing your hat!” She threw the pillow onto her bed and reached behind her to grab Coco’s hat. “Can you read minds like Cherrypit or something?”
Coco closed his eyes. Babycorn must have worked on his hat while he was busy trying to get away from Cherrypit! He was not prepared to see what she had done to it. Unfortunately, Babycorn mistook him closing his eyes as something else.
“Okay! You can open your eyes now!” 
Coco opened his eyes and saw that his hat looked…remarkably the same. 
“Tada! I fixed the hole!” Babycorn proudly turned his hat around and displayed her handiwork. The hole was indeed gone, she had sewn it shut using bright blue string she had bought a long time ago because she thought it was blue flavored spaghetti. 
The stitching was uneven and looked a little loose but the hole was gone. 
“Wow!” Coco took his hat back and looked at the place where the hole used to be. It honestly didn’t look like it would hold for more than a few days. As long as there weren't any sticks on it or glitter he was fine actually. And if his hat ripped again he would ask Lunya to fix it for real this time.
Not that he didn’t appreciate Babycorn’s quick fix. “Thanks!” Coco beamed. 
“Anytime Coconut!” 
Coco placed his hat back on his fluffy head and-
Coco froze. 
Babycorn jumped in the air with a cheer. “Surprise!! I sewed a cream paff on the inside!!” Babycorn smiled, “So you can have a snack for later! Yippeeeee!!!!!!!” 
“Cream pafffu!!!” Cherrypit cheered along.
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