#the Unseelie Court
slippinmickeys · 3 months
I got tagged by @wexleresque to post a snippet from a WIP. (Thanks for the tag, btw!) It’s a casefile that I’m pantsing called The Unseelie Court. Will probably take me forever to finish it, as it’s been in my drafts…also forever. Not tagging anyone because I’m terrible at it.
“I thought you’d be half done by now.”
“I got a late start,” she said, pulling the mask low. “I take it you’re still married to this fairy idea?”
“Personnel file lists me as Single, Scully, you know that.”
“Cute,” she said humorlessly.
“My mother always said so.”
She gave him a look, her mouth a long, thin line.
“The fae, or people like them, exist across nearly all cultures,” he finally said, tipping his cards so she could see his hand. “That kind of prevalence usually indicates at least a foundation in authenticity.”
“A version of Santa Claus exists in many cultures, Mulder, and I think we can both agree he’s not real.”
“I don’t know,” he replied, his voice a little husky, “I finally got what I wanted.”
Scully felt a flush rise up and spread along her collarbones. For a moment she could feel his rapacious mouth clamped over her vulva, his long, thick fingers curled into her, three knuckles deep. She leaned against the metal countertop behind her and inhaled before speaking.
“There is a theory that fairy folklore evolved from folk memories of a prehistoric race,” she said. “Newcomers superseded a body of earlier human or humanoid peoples, and the memories of this defeated race developed into modern conceptions of fairies.”
A slow, impressed smile crept up the corners of Mulder’s mouth. “…you’ve been doing some research,” he said.
“I may have spent a little time on the computer, yes,” she said, trying not to appear too pleased. “I think I pissed off my diener.”
“He’ll get over it,” Mulder said with a dismissive wave. He shuffled his feet and leaned back against the wall with an eager look on his face. “Hit me with it.”
Scully licked her lips before continuing, feeling a surge of sensual energy.
“Proponents of the theory find support in the tradition of cold iron as a charm against fairies, viewed as a cultural memory of invaders with iron weapons displacing peoples who had just stone, bone, and wood at their disposal, and were easily defeated. In folklore, flint arrowheads from the Stone Age were attributed to the fairies as ‘elfshot,’ while their green clothing and underground homes spoke to a need for camouflage and covert shelter from hostile humans, their magic a necessary skill for combating those with superior weaponry.”
“It’s a decent argument, but it’s not much fun,” Mulder said.
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jjammy-skies · 3 months
God isn't on our side or maybe She is; We could all just be a rock in Her shoe; Pray all you want but there's no guarantee She'll come through; 'Cause there's only so much that one girl can do.
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Reference for @the-unseelie-court-official's character, Quean Bean for The Unseelie Court SMP! This was so fun to draw.
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magioffire · 1 year
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“By Fortune's adverse buffets overborne To solitude I fled, to wilds forlorn, And not in utter loneliness to live, Myself at last did to the Devil give!”    ―      Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,  Faust
art by the lovely @aanthonyvb of valeriu and aeshma!
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witchqueenofthemoon · 2 years
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Phooka, Brian Froud & Alan Lee.
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kelpywheat · 2 years
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Mackenna Thorne. Changeling. Halfling.
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tesnuzzik · 7 months
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"Each leaf, a part of the story. Coloured in their orange beauty, the cold winds shall soon carry them off..."
Faerie Court Hwei concept - Unseelie Autumn Court original take
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everyone give it up for knickolas pterodactyl hob. rue certainly has
[id: Two digital drawings depicting a scene from A Court of Fey and Flowers; Hob, Andhera, Binx, and Rue meet in the abandoned tailor’s shop. In the first image, Andhera and Hob stand side by side, with Andhera touching the back of his neck and smiling at Hob as his stormcloud brews, and Hob standing with his hat tucked under his arm, nervously saying, “The K in K.P. stands for Knickolas.” In the second image, Rue rests their face on their claw and above their head in cursive script, surrounded by hearts and peonies, are the words, “I Love Him.” At their side, Binx looks confused, with question marks gathering around her head. /end id]
more detailed description under the cut
Andhera is a young Unseelie faerie with dark plum-coloured skin, extremely long pointed ears, and ember-red irises on black sclerae. His hair is in messy curls flopping down to the side, and streaked with dark grey. He is wearing his usual gold and black robe, exposing his chest, which is shiny from the drizzle raining down from their cloud. He is wearing a gold circlet on his head and several matching earrings in their extremely long ears. He is smiling gently with his eyebrows raised, looking in Hob’s direction. Their cloud is dark, subtly cracking with pink-purple lightning, and some of the peaks look like the tops of hearts.
Hob is a fluffy brown bugbear with large fangs and tall pointed ears. He is dressed down, wearing a plain navy-blue greatcoat with his cavalry hat tucked under one arm and his other behind his back. His brow is furrowed, and he is looking towards the ceiling, with comical droplets of sweat jumping off his forehead. His eyes are luminous yellow in the dark.
Rue is a gigantic owlbear (bipedal, top half owl and bottom half bear) with a barn owl’s face and dark talons. They have yellow-green-tinted feathers that become dark khaki as they get longer. They have big, shiny black eyes, and pink speckles around them. They are wearing a multicoloured quilted jacket over an ornate red doublet, and a single-shoulder forest green cape with a leather pauldron. The pauldron is engraved with golden peonies, and pink peonies also bloom around their thought of “I Love Him.” They are also wearing a dark pink floppy cap with a peacock’s feather stuck in it.
Binx is a very short moth faerie, with brown moth wings folded at their back. She has dark purple, short-ish messy hair and purple eyes. She is dressed in dark purple and bronze, with detailing like damselfly wings. Her ears are medium-sized and pointed, and she also has fluffy moth feelers. She is covered in pinkish blotches on her cheeks and shoulders, and her skin is otherwise light brown. Their eyebrows are styled in dots, and they are wearing purple lipstick and a paperclip as a hair clip. The question marks around them are purple, and resemble streaks of paint.
The tailor shop is darkened, cast in a blue hue with only vague shapes behind the foursome. Shafts of light come through on Hob’s and Rue’s sides, leaving Andhera and Binx in shadow.
/end id
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nightfaeses · 2 years
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[ wip ] textured lineart is the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires
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poppiee-s · 2 years
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This campaign is everything I love about D&D and I’m going FERAL waiting for the next episode
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scorple · 2 years
thinking about how andhera said they got in trouble for making “mouth sounds” and everyone thought it was funny but in reality the “mouth sounds” were laughter and he was punished for it
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fuchsimeon · 2 years
I have brought it up in reblogs but man:
Brennan LOVES Paladins, he has said multiple times they are probably his favorite class. One of the most knight-ly ones out there
When Andhera says "I pledge myself to your cause" you can hear Brennan gasp
Not just because that scene is powerful and romantic but also because this is what Paladins DO
A Paladin's oath is their life, their devotion, their raison d'etre, their everything
What Andhera does is turn to Binx and say "Take my hand, take my whole life, too"
"I swear an oath to you" / "I pledge allegiance to whatever you will me to do" is Andhera placing their entire life and all that comes with it in Binx's hands because he knows it will be cared for and treated well and respected.
"I would die for you, I would kill for you. Either way, what bliss"
It is "everything I am and do is now devoted to your life" and Brennan KNOWS that one, knows the entire weight of that and what it means for Andhera and to see it so freely given because it is the Right choice and the Good choice is whitnessing peak paladin behavior
I think he got an extra kick out of that narrative on top of the bond Binx and Andhera are forging because this is a knight swearing an oath of lifelong devotion and servitude to someone and something they believe in and it is DELICIOUS to watch!
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nymphofnovels · 2 years
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I saw @gendercents ‘s post and well... here we are
[image descriptions in alt]
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lavenderskye29 · 10 months
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We would like to take a moment from our usual monkey business to introduce Fae!Konig.
We will now get back to it.
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margareturtle · 5 months
I can see The Last King of Faerie giving City of Ashes like:
Ash: hey, Shadowhunters, despite having no reason to trust you at all I wanted to warn you that there’s some shady stuff going on in Faerie
Clave: sebastian morgensterns evil son grrr
Alec: *is too busy trying to keep the clave running and trying to negotiate the cohort system to pay attention to Ash*
Clary+Jace: *too busy being kidnapped by janus*
Simon+Izzy: *off on their honeymoon or smth*
Ash: idfk who your little brother is
Ash: *gives up and goes back to faerie with Dru + Thais, who willingly go with him*
Ty: *at the scholomance sighs and adds more names to his list of ppl to find which now includes: the first heir, Jaime, Dru, and Ash*
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loki-nightfire · 3 months
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Unseelie court AU: Magnus Oberon
This is the illustration for fic by Mikky, written due to Samhain. Magnus Oberon as a king of the Unseelie court. Alec as Puck is following I hope. Read and enjoy here
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tesnuzzik · 1 year
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The Seelie and the Unseelie
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