#the acting is amazing and i've barely heard any of the cast yet
afoxdoeswrite · 11 months
I tend to listen to music when I'm going on walks, but Spotify recommended me that Dracula Daily audiobook version, so I figured I've have a listen. Dracula's pretty cool and all, but I always remember it being super long and kinda hard to read through in anything more than little bits, so I figured 'hey, a daily mini thing might be neat to try'.
It is incredible how that team is able to make things scary. I was walking around in broad daylight on a main road, there were dozens of people all over the place, and somehow I felt so alone listening to it that I got chills. Genuinely brilliant, I'm really impressed and this is definitely going to be my background audio for going on walks for a while now.
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Rating: G cuz I got nothin.
Word count: 873
Summary: Winry wheedled Ed into trying out for the musical with her. He agreed, assuming he could back out after auditions. And then he got the lead. OR Putting the drama in drama class, ft. pettiness, stage kissing, and applying stage makeup for friends that are totally just friends
Winry ran up to Edward, gasping for breath and grinning. "Ed! Did you see the cast list yet?"
Ed frowned. "Cast list? I thought I'd be able to back out after the stupid audition."
Winry groaned and rolled her eyes. "Back out? No, dummy, if you audition, you're asking to be considered for a role, and you take what you get. Now are you going to look or do I have to give you the news myself?"
"What do I care? It's not like I got anything special. I wasn't even trying that hard."
She put her hands on her hips. "So you're telling me that you weren't even trying at the audition and somehow got the lead?"
"I what?!"
"You got the lead, Ed! You're Curly!"
"No! This is all a big mistake! I don't know how to act! And who wants to play a guy with a stupid name like Curly, anyway?"
"Like, every guy that tried out," Winry said bluntly.
"Ugh, this is gonna be a nightmare. What about you, gearhead? You're the one who actually wanted to try out. Did you make it in?"
"Oh, I'm just one of the extras, but I'm not complaining too much. I've got so much homework from my A.P. classes, I hardly even know left from right anymore. Having that many lines to memorize probably wouldn't be good for my health," she said with a laugh.
"But you were actually trying out seriously! And I've heard you sing. If I had any say in it, you'd get the lead role, not me," Ed huffed.
"I'm not that good, Ed. Besides, it's way harder to get any kind of lead as a girl."
Winry sighed. "You know nothing about theatre, do you? Barely any guys ever try out, but there are always a ton of girls."
"Their loss, then. You're going to be an amazing whatever-you-are."
"Well, I think you're going to blow everyone away as Curly. At least, as long as you actually try to do a good job," she said, raising an eyebrow.
"I still can't believe Brother is actually in the musical. I didn't think he'd touch the theatre department with a ten-foot pole," Alphonse remarked. "Have you gotten the scripts yet?"
"Yeah, we just got them yesterday," Winry said. "I take it he hasn't even looked at the script yet?"
"If he has, he hasn't told me," Al sighed. "So...I don't know about the stage version, but I know in the movie for Oklahoma!, they kiss. Are we gonna tell him or just let him find out when he reads the script himself?"
"They WHAT?!" Ed screeched as he whipped open the door. "Nope, I'm not doing it. I don't care what Ms. Catalina says. I'm not kissing some random girl!"
Winry dragged a hand over her face. "Ed, can you not be stubborn for once, if that's all it is? Ms. Catalina's got enough on her plate as it is without you making the rehearsals more complicated. It's not like this is the only class she teaches. I know it's not ideal, but it's just a quick peck. Unless...are you nervous because it's your first kiss or something?"
"No! It's not my first—ugh, fine, I'll do it. But it doesn't mean I'm not gonna wanna vomit afterwards." Ed averted his eyes as the color on his cheeks betrayed his feelings.
"As long as you stay in character, no one's going to complain." Winry shrugged, then fully processed what he had said. "Wait a second, what do you mean it won't be your first? Who else did you kiss?"
"Don't—dont worry about it. I said I'd do it. Anyways, I've got a lot of calc homework. I'll be in my room," Ed stuttered out.
If Winry didn't remember, Ed sure wasn't going to tell her. It's not like it counted for much, anyway. They were only seven, after all. At seven, no one can turn down a double dog dare, and Russell laughed at Ed right after he did it. But even so, Ed couldn't help but kiss her softly.
He vaguely remembered Russell sneering in the background, "Oooooh, I knew you had a crush on Winry! Wait till I tell Fletcher!" Ed would have chased him down and tackled him, too, if Winry's face hadn't made him pause.
Even ten years later, Ed couldn't forget how her little mouth formed into an 'o' as her eyes opened wide and her cheeks that were still a little chubby turned pink. Of course, he'd been a coward and run away right after that, but he remembered it all the same.
Did he want to kiss her now that he was in high school? Of course not—probably. Well, it'd at least be better to know what he was dealing with. Known factors and all that. What if the girl who played Laurey was a super slobbery kisser? Yuck. Even worse, what if he was the bad kisser? Maybe he should research how to be a good kisser… So that he would be good at his role, of course. Yeah. It was going to make for an awkward browsing history, though. Maybe he should go incognito…
A/N: It was supposed to be short. And then I finished this part and stopped and said "this is almost scratching 1k and I've barely even started it yet. This is just gonna be a multichapter now." Might only be two chapters, but we'll see...
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emma-what-son · 4 years
(Echee post) Emma Watson gets drunk and scales a fence naked
Posted on March 20, 2014
In her new interview for Elle Emma admitted something that correlates a tweet from a witness from in July 2011 on location filming Perks of being a Wallflower From snitchseeker.com May 2014, "Among her exploits: She dated a costar Johnny Simmons, and she broke into a swimming pool at 3 A.M. "It was at a hotel," she reports happily. "It had a gate around it. My friends turned around and basically, I was gone. And the next thing they saw was me seven feet up in the air, scaling this fence." This, apparently, is not as out of character as we might suppose. Watson says coyly: "I shouldn’t be able to get away with what I’m getting away with." Here is the tweet from July 2011 and here is a POST I originally posted it in at the time "@_MarieChristine $*MarieChristine; Saw @EmWatson get so drunk that she got naked n climbed the fence to go into the swimming pool at my friend's hotel......http://twitter.com/#!/_MarieChristine." So it was true. I'm not posting the quotes here (I'll link the posts with them below) but to generalize this is a girl that claims to be shy and doesn’t like to party and doesn’t drink to have a good time because it makes her really sleepy and she’s just so boring she says and blah, blah blah. She sucks people in with these statements are herself that makes people like her. It's not just about drinking and getting drunk but everything. Nothing about her is genuine in any shape or form. She is a fraud.
In a recent interview for Wonderland Magazine Emma admitted like she always has which has been one big lie that she's boring and doesn't like being the center of attention.
So in her Wonderland magazine Emma says she shy, socially awkward and a introverted person. For some reason I don't believe her. There are certain things about her that leads me to believe she is not shy or the least bit introverted. The first part of this question asked her straight out as she ever wanted to go off the rails and get drunk and she talked about getting a tattoo but never fully answered that question. The follow up question which is split below in two parts was, "But you’re not as puritanical as that, Emma" So let's look at some thing 1.) From wonderlandmagazine.com Feb 2014, "The truth is that I’m genuinely a shy, socially awkward, introverted person." Posing half naked
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For years Emma has said she was shy. From topcelebrityheadlines.com June 2011, "I’m shy." From zimbio.com May 2011, "It's really hard to have a love story for me. I'm a famous actress. And I'm shy." From digitalspy.com October 2010, "Actually, I'm quite shy. I've never liked attention." From iheartwatson.net June 2011 “I still feel shy, but I feel more like I can accept it.” Her come hither looks which I limited for space reasons. There are many and I left out new ones from the Noah premiere. This is not a trait of shy and introverted people.
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I doubt a truly shy and introverted people are going to say they'll strip to gain approval for anything. From mtv.com November 2010 (NYC Deathly Hallows) When we caught up with Watson just before she ducked into the theater, we informed her that 90 percent of our viewers had given her wardrobe choice — a specially made Calvin Klein gown — an enthusiastic thumbs-up in an MTV News online poll "Awww, really? Wow, that's such a high percentage!" she exclaimed. "Wow, I aced it, obviously. That's great." While 90 percent is definitely a high number, what might she do in order to get the full 100 percent of viewers' approval? "I don't know, take it off?" she quipped. Then there is her modeling which doesn't strike me as someone that is shy or introverted.
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So shy and introverted she can tell a radio host some guy thinks she looks good naked From nudography.com 2008 'Harry Potter' film actress Emma Watson has said she would do a nude scene in a future film or stage role if the script called for it. Watson got on the topic of getting naked on BBC's Live Five radio "I think it's wonderful that Daniel is willing to be so brave for his craft. It's a big risk doing something like this while being so internationally known, but he's a true professional". When asked if she would ever bare all for her art, Watson replied, "Yes, absolutely. I would do it if the script called for it. I guess I would be a little nervous, but I've been told I look good naked, so I guess I've got little to worry about". When Shaffer asked Watson who thinks she looks good naked, she playfully said, "Now, now! I won't say. But I trust his expert opinion." Then there is her attention seeking along with her sultry poses and outfits she sometimes wears. Below is a series of photos from the Cannes for TBR. Everyone is walking up the steps arm and arm but Emma stops to grab the spotlight. Once she takes the arm of a cast mate she can't stop turning around smiling, giggling and waving. Once she gets to the top she hooting and hollering and then blows a series of kisses as her cast mates walk inside. This is not someone that is shy and introverted.
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Claiming she wished she did more naughty things is yet another example of what a shy and introverted person would not say. From harrypotterfan.net Nov 2010, "I wished I’d done more naughty things. Three months ago I cut my hair and at that moment I felt I became a woman. I’m ready to start taking risks. I feel less girlish than ever." ... cough ... cough... From emma-watson.net September 2013 (GQ awards), “Given the perilousness in the journey from child star to adult, any award with ‘Woman’ in the title is frankly a relief!” <---- thought she, "I’ve never been in a terrible rush to be seen as a woman.” Then there is the choices of some of her outfits. If you're shy and introverted you're not going to show some flesh and you're certainly not going to show some flesh on TV or at a strip club. The last thing you want to do is draw attention to yourself. You'd be more than happy to dress modestly. There are just a few and I limited them for space reason as well. I left out her recent plunging neckline outfit from the Noah premiere in Madrid and many others like her famed 2009 HBP premiere wardrobe malfunction outfit.
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From Elle magazine April 2011 iheartwatson.net, "Does having short hair make you dress differently? ’I think it’s made me bolder in my fashion choices. It’s allowed me to dress more sexily.’” cough ... cough... From omg.yahoo.com W magazine May 2013, “I’ve never wanted to grow up too fast: I wanted to wear a sports bra until I was 22! The allure of being sexy never really held any excitement for me. I’ve never been in a terrible rush to be seen as a woman.” Never heard of a shy and introverted person want o dress more sexually because of a haircut. Then there is her constant blowing of kisses which she does a lot of which all the classic pin ups like Marilyn Monroe ands other used to do. I guess it has nothing to do with shyness but introverted people are not going to go around blowing kisses at people or into the camera.
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Then there are moments like this. Who does this? Shy and introverted? I think not. This is begging for attention and just plain weird.
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Blowing kisses, posing, giving that sultry look and just enjoying all the attention is not the trait of a shy and introverted person.
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Now the only thing I believe her on is the socially awkward part.
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Now to the second part of that quote 2.) "At a big party, I’m like Bambie in the headlights. It’s too much stimulation for me, which is why I end up going to the bathroom! I need time outs! You’ve seen me at parties, Derek. I get anxious. I’m terrible at small talk and I have a ridiculously short attention span." I doubt this is true. She loves to be the center of attention on red carpets. She loves the attention. So why would parties be any different? At Coachella (bottom left photo) she was moshing at some points on stage.
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This video shows her dancing on stage but there is another I lost of a video shooting down from the stage over Emma's head and you can see she's in plain view of the thousands in attendance. When I find it I'll post it. Shy and introverted people that can't take all the stimulation like she says would not put themselves out there amongst strangers and onlookers. If so, what kind of shy and introverted person is that? To see her drunk/leaving clubs and to read her contradicting quotes about drinking click these links below Emma doesn't like to party Emma never goes clubbing Emma can drink like sailor Emma lied about not drinking at Brown So basically like so much I covered on this blog by exposing her BS this is yet another example One more thing and it's a quote I've posted many times but she keeps on changing her tune In this new interview I started this post off with she also said From snitchseeker.com May 2014, "I was being offered roles that I didn’t feel were very complicated," she says. "Women that were a bit one-dimensional. Roles that required me to be one thing. Real women never are." So, rather than embrace mediocre work, she hid out in Providence, Rhode Island, emerging only for projects that would both stretch her muscles and challenge her public persona." But yet she said something different during her time at Brown From aceshowbiz.com November 2010 She tells U.S. magazine Parade, "I get some amazing offers to act, and sometimes it's hard to say, 'No, I'm going to stay here and do my homework.' People are like, 'What do you mean she's not available?' This college experience is really important to me, and I won't give it up." And yet it was not about roles at all two years ago. It was about her studying From nytimes.com September 2012, “Why hasn’t she done more films before now? “I think at first I didn’t because I was always either studying or filming, I didn’t have time to go off and do other films or other things to sort of show people that, Oh, she is not just Hermione, she is an actress and she can go and do these other parts and roles." So which is the truth and which is the lie?  So Sam in Perks and Nicki in TBR were complicated roles that she ended up leaving two Universities for? How about her small role in MWWM that took her a little over a week to film?
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buddha-in-disguise · 4 years
I'm not going to review the season finale in quite the same way as I've usually written something afterwards. I'm ultra tired due to distinct lack of sleep. So it is more truncated than I'd intended. Also unedited so advance apologies if something makes no sense or is misspelled etc.
The episode was facing the challenge of not only being edited after COVID-19 shut down production, but what was intended to be the penultimate episode became the finale. So I'm trying to take that into consideration.
First part in Kara's loft. It was choppy. Don't get me wrong, I had nothing against the humour, or the scenes in general. Although they missed the glaring opportunity to place a "flew here on a bus," moment! It felt pretty disappointing they didn't recognise what has become an iconic line within the SG fandom, and made it even more iconic.
Before the bus though, back at the loft, considering that Lena had literally only just arrived at Kara's, with all that entails, it felt completely out of place for that context. Did it have been overwhelming heavy at that point? Absolutely not. But it was too close to slapstick at times for me and internally I was cringing. I admit, I'm not sure where they could've put it in, but perhaps if they'd just lowered it a fraction, made it a little more subtle a couple of times, it would've helped for me.
Some of the dialogue (especially early on) was also all over the place for me. It did get better as the episode wore on, but I wonder how much was the need to redo parts of the episode because of COVID-19? Unless they think to put an episode as intended in a future season DVD (perhaps S6 DVD), or someone gives us full details via an interview we will probably never know.
Which brought me to one piece of dialogue that I wish they'd not put in at all!
In 5.18, as I've spoken about a lot on Twitter especially, the way Lex screams into Lena's face, and Lena's flinch, and how that had been me 20 odd years ago. They then had the line as Lena talks to Kara; "Go ahead. Scream at me if you have to, I know I deserve it."
I know for many, they'd just see it as a line to use, but .... for many of us who have suffered abuse, who recognised (& in some instances were triggered) by last weeks episode, to not have acknowledged why that line was so problematic is worrying. It heavily suggests they're not going to address Lena's trauma and abuse because they really don't understand it (& again, if anyone believes she didn't suffer trauma and abuse, but accept others in SG do, go away with your bias from my page), but considering they haven't addressed much of Kara's trauma, particularly watching Argo destroyed again, being stuck for months during Crisis like they were, etc - then I guess it isn't a surprise.
But it is uncomfortable as hell to watch a line like that glossed over.
Overall though, I did enjoy the episode. Once that 1st half was over, especially (baring a few moments, including watching Alex do her badass Mission Impossible meet Cirque du Soleil moment because that was awesome) it felt much more like SG of previous seasons. So that was great.
Watching Lena as she watched Alex and Kara hug behind her was so emotional. Watching siblings love unconditionally. Something she thought she had with Lex, only to realise he hadn't changed at all. Lena didn't need to say anything, as once again Katie's acting brought all the emotion Lena was feeling to the fore.
Having Lena and Alex mirror they choice of words in regards Kara was pretty iconic. Then having Alex whisper, "Jinx." really made it work.
Seeing Dreamer in her element, including some great lines again. "I can't believe you left to fight Earth, Wind & Fire without us." "Guess they didn't take the bait? Maybe you should've been meaner?" As they begin the fight with J'onn, M'gann Alex and Dreamer - Alex to Dreamer: "You ready?" Dreamer. "Nope." Alex. "Me neither." Dreamer at her best imo.
Kelly going all, damn my girlfriend is hot & I want sex right now despite the circumstances was pretty cute and funny.
The Kara and Lena monologues being in unison. Now that was pretty amazing and one of the best parts of the whole episode imo.. But again, you feel as if they're matching Lena and Kara together with those scenes as a couple.
Lena not only protecting Kara, but stopped Andrea from going down a dark path as Acrata. Was also great.
Last frame of Lillian. Does it turn out she is the head of Leviathan? Because again they laid out more than once the leader was a woman. It has been noted several times now in different episodes. I was hoping Lena's biological mother, considering she knew of the legend of Acrata, but it is now looking more likely this reincarnation of Lillian is who it is, unless it is a character we've not been introduced to, but I highly doubt that.
The 2nd half of the episode was what we missed so much this season. In fact aspects throughout the episode were missing for too much this season.
This includes the women being the focal point of it. Brainy though absolutely rightly taking a strong subplot to what else was going on. J'onn ably supported by M'gann. M'gann who managed to advise Nia on embracing her dreams and not trying to avoid part of them. Dansen actually working together and both being badass in their own way (after all, this is something I've advocated for much of the season, & while fantastic to see, it never should've taken this long. Now where have we heard that before?)
But we still have glaring unanswered questions that I can't imagine would've been answered in 5.20.
Every indication since 5.17 is Kelly knows Kara is Supergirl. Yet we don't know for certain, because they've failed to show us how or when. I've said before, considering every other person who knows Kara is Supergirl, we had them tripping over themselves to explain to the audience how it happened. I'm pretty annoyed that we as the audience don't get given the same courtesy with Kelly. This is why so many of us feel short changed on some characters this season. The really aggravating thing is would only take a few lines to clear it up!
Now onto Alex. This ties in with J'onn. Where are they getting the money to survive? Did J'onn manage to accumulate enough over all the years he was on Earth to finance everything & pay Alex a wage? No clue.
Also, are Kelly & Alex living together? Or do they have keys to each others apartments? Yes, Kelly was at Alex's in 5.17 so the answer is pretty much yes, but nothing has been said! We knew more about Brainy & Nia's living arrangements from 5a than we do Kelly & Alex.
Kara's trauma. Lena's abuse & trauma. See above.
Lastly, the one most I know want (except a few vocally against), leaning towards Supercorp becoming canon. Again for another season, we end up with the, 'Maybe they'll do it next season.' being said. Particularly as in 5a they really went all out on Supercorp parallels to Clois and at times Dansen, plus even a little on Brainia. But unless something pretty fundamental changes behind the scenes, they're going to recognise what their biggest draw is, keep baiting but never fully go into it. And that is what I fear the most. When you've got media, even non-Supergirl fans saying it, but the show refusing to acknowledge it - that could be their legacy, and it will not look good or have a lot of fans look back kindly on them for it.
The 4 seasons it took for Lena to find out Kara was Supergirl was, in the end, terribly executed. This waxing and waning as well of; is Lena good or bad? Will she follow in the Luthor footsteps?
She is flawed. She's made some pretty awful mistakes. But now they're said she is good. She isn't evil or a villain. So now that line they've drawn needs to stay there! No more ambiguity on her character being a villain.
But you know what's not good? Feeling you can't trust the show to draw a line under that aspect of the character. That doesn't mean you have to have any one of them not be flawed, or to even cross some lines (they've all done it at some point, some moreso than others, but not one character is innocent).
When the show is now generating that level of mistrust on how they could handle future events, that is a problem.
Season 5 overall (particularly 5b) was absolutely horrendously bad. It had some moments of sheer brilliance (either individual scenes, or some episodes), but the rest was just flat out awful. Irrelevant. Messy. No cohesion. 5b became too much of the Lex Luthor show. Certain character additions were vastly unpopular and definitely caused down turns in viewer numbers (& again, from far more than a section of fandom). As did keeping Lena away from everyone for so long.
To sum up. Season 5 was a disaster.
Season 6 needs to have considerably different direction to even try & pull back some viewers (if they can at all). Distrust is rife.
The worst is no-one in the cast deserved this, especially as they're so talented. Some of the performances, even with how poor much of the season was, have been magnificent. But as the saying goes, you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
I've never been so relieved a season is finally over. We'll watch our favourite episodes for sure, of which there aren't many, but a full rewatch of the season we normally do will not be happening. Some episodes were better off consigned to the trash.
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emeraldskulblaka · 5 years
Les Mis Concert Cast Review
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I saw the show on Monday, September 2, 2019.
First up, the show was absolutely amazing. I read a few mixed to negative reviews before I saw it and therefore was sceptical. No need for that, though - this was an excellent Les Mis concert. It reminded me once again just how much I love this show.
I'll write a detailed review some time in the next few days/weeks, but for now, here's a review of the cast:
John Owen-Jones (alt. Jean Valjean):
Incredibly good, just as expected. I chose Monday for a reason, and it was a good one. Amazing acting and sublime vocals. I can't name any highlight in particular because he was constantly great, and no negative things either. He's JOJ. You expect the best, and he delivers. Also kudos to him for doing the whole stage door line! He was the last one to come out, and I think it took him almost 15 minutes to get to the end of the line.
Michael Ball (Javert):
I'd read quite a few negative things about his portrayal of Javert before, so I didn't know what to expect. He's obviously a great singer and actor and I love his voice dearly, but I had my doubts about the role and if I could see Javert instead of Michael. Well, you see, it was clearly Javert. No doubt. It wasn't Michael just singing his songs. No, he's not the best Javert out there, but he gives a solid performance (acting-wise; vocally, he's brilliant ofc). I liked him throughout the show, and Javert's Suicide was superb. Seriously, that one was unbelievably well done and I was wrecked afterwards. Michael's is a Javert who keeps it together, always, is very collected, but then just explodes at the end.
Carrie Hope Fletcher (Fantine):
Ah, yet another one I was sceptical towards because of reviews. She's such a sweet Fantine though, very introverted and less emotive than most others - which makes her different. However, I like her interpretation, and I suppose most people who criticise her are just too used to actresses clearly showing their character's emotions or can't personally relate to her version of Fantine. Hers is the inner turmoil - she just can't believe all those things are happening to her of all people, and thinks she's dreaming. And her voice, gosh, Carrie's voice is so beautiful. Sublime. Most beautiful rendition of I Dreamed a Dream that I've ever heard. Again, I can relate to her, but it might be difficult for others and I get why people are saying things like she's 'hardly there' etc. She also signed my copy of 'When the Curtain Falls' for me <3
Rob Houchen (Marius):
Just as expected, he was fantastic. I'd fall in love with his Marius at first sight as well, I think. He's so gentle with both Ep and Cosette. I cried a bit during Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, couldn't help it. The only thing I'll criticise: he didn't really seem to fit in with the Amis. I don't know if it was the director's choice, but he barely interacted with any of them beyond the necessary for the songs.
Bradley Jaden (Enjolras):
Holy shit that guy is good, he reminded me that I'll automatically fall in love with whoever's portraying Enj if he's any good. And wow, he was beyond perfect. I'd have followed him to the barricades as well. He's THE personification of a stage!Enjolras imo, and master of running-up-stairs-in-a-revolutionary-way.
Shan Ako (Éponine):
A real highlight among the cast - she's so unbelievably talented, and this star-studded concert is a great way to show your qualities as a performer. Reminds be a bit of Lea Salonga vocally, but I think I prefer Shan to Lea. You know the way you build you 'perfect' On My Own from various different performances, the version no single person is able to reach? Shan sang my perfect version of the song. She did that. Just wow, I hope her career flourishes and we'll get to listen to her more often!!
Lily Kerhoas (Cosette):
Cosette is so difficult to get right in my eyes, but I liked Lily, I really did. Her voice wasn't one of the (imo) 'annoying' musical theatry soprano voices, she is very pleasant to listen to. Acting-wise I loved that she didn't go for the childish Cosette that's pretty common, but rather for a mature and comforting one (esp when it comes to In My Life and Every Day). It was great to see a French lady playing a French lady!
Matt Lucas & Katy Secombe (the Thénardiers):
Vocally brilliant, Matt was so much better than in the 25th Anniversary, but they were so over the top with their ad-libs. They drowned out Valjean completely when he came to get Cosette, which I didn't like a bit, but the audience absolutely loved them.
Raymond Walsh (Grantaire):
Just a big YES. THAT'S a Grantaire. He had great chemistry with Gavroche, and wasn't too annoying or provocative, just the right amount of everything. It shows that he's played R for a year before the concert imo.
Kayleb Rene-Gray (Gavroche):
So CUTE! I can't even. Reminded me a lot of BBC Gav, very sassy. Totally E and R's adoptive son in barricade heaven.
Go see this concert if you can - it's not a mere 'cash-grab' like I've seen it referred to! It's beautiful, timeless, gorgeous LES MIS!
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Friend. I need/want a fresh list of musicals to listen to the soundtracks to. I've got a music theater background so I'm familiar with most of the Big Name things from the last 10 years or so but there's always ones I've missed and ofc older/newer-than-2014 shows I haven't listened to. Recs please?
Dude I don’t know what you’ve actually seen tho omg uhhh
- I saw American Psycho on Broadway last year and I’m still shook. Highly recommend, especially if you’re familiar with the book/movie it’s based on (but it’s still great if you’re not, like my mom still talks about it every day lol)
- Dogfight (also based on a movie I think?) is about a soldier about to get shipped off to Vietnam who has to bring an ugly date to a party to win money, but like…it gets past that. Very emotional like I was not expecting to love this show but I cried a few times and the music is great
- There’s like a weird amount of people I’ve come across who just aren’t listening to or seeing Something Rotten???? This is a mistake,
- I’m currently obsessing over the new Lightning Thief musical even though I’ve only heard exactly one and a half songs from it lol
- You know that weird movie Xanadu about ancient Greek muses on rollerskates in the 80′s???? It’s a one act musical and it’s simply ridiculous I had to do a few songs from it back in high school lmao
- The Drowsy Chaperone! I never hear anyone talk about that but it’s LITERAL GOLD
- Any starkid musical ever written and filmed
- Bare! Gays in Catholic school! So good omg
- Heathers the musical!!
- 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee is a gift to mankind
- American Idiot the musical. I’ll admit than when I saw it I found it a liiiiitle hard to follow but everyone was so overwhelmingly talented and there was a lot of raw power and emotion in the show
- Working has some really good songs but like…I wouldn’t personally wanna sit through the whole thing lol
- Have you listened to or seen Dear Evan Hansen yet? Because…you need to.
- I feel like How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying never gets any attention or hype but it’s WONDERFUL. If you listen to it I def recommend the 2011 revival cast tho (with Daniel Radcliffe and Rose Hemingway) bc they were AMAZING
- 13 is always super funny, even though I’m no longer a teenager lmao
- Once On This Island
- City of Angels!
- The Wild Party
- HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH. Listen to the official show soundtrack before watching the movie, though, because among some of the changes made for film was the tune of some of the songs sadly (Like, I love the movie, but I just refuse to accept Sugar Daddy as a weird country tune lol)
I��m running out of ideas right now but I hope you find something out of this to listen too ahahah
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