#but listening to it as a podcast is actually working quite nicely
afoxdoeswrite · 11 months
I tend to listen to music when I'm going on walks, but Spotify recommended me that Dracula Daily audiobook version, so I figured I've have a listen. Dracula's pretty cool and all, but I always remember it being super long and kinda hard to read through in anything more than little bits, so I figured 'hey, a daily mini thing might be neat to try'.
It is incredible how that team is able to make things scary. I was walking around in broad daylight on a main road, there were dozens of people all over the place, and somehow I felt so alone listening to it that I got chills. Genuinely brilliant, I'm really impressed and this is definitely going to be my background audio for going on walks for a while now.
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months
HI AGAIN. Ever since I found your blog and also sent a totally normal ramble abt cannibalism I've been just. Gently tossing your guys back and forth in my head. You're a wonderful writer and I'm always excited to see you on my dash!!
Gonna throw my hat in as asking an actual question- How would your guys fare if their obsession had a particularly weird or morbid interest? I get the vibes that some of them would most certainly encourage it but I also feel like Vinnel would hit me with a hammer if I panic infodumped about ebola-
[Hellow, glad to see you again! Also, I know you probably just forgot, but "your guys" encompasses way too many characters to talk about at once, so I'll assume you were going for TCE staff.]
Morell especially likes hearing about your cannibalism infodumps. They're actually useful to him, since he's going to be living with you, and he needs to know what he can and can't feed you, as well as a possible child between you. It's actually interesting stuff, he'd like it if you talked about it to his family too, you're a smart piggy. Any other topics are usually met with less enthusiasm (unless kitchen/food related), and he'll ask you to quit it if you start talking too much about mushrooms. Overall, it's nice background noise to work to.
Patches is all about infodumping. In fact, you're subjected to it often too, even if he doesn't always stop to explain basic concepts you'd need to understand his rambling. He'll give you a recorder he has, so he can keep the sound of that boundless enthusiasm in your voice forever. He's much more participative than the others, asking various questions and tossing random scenarios at you that'll prompt you to learn even more. There's a potential he'll get distracted and stop working to just research this with you the whole day.
Gallon loves a weirdo -No offense- Feel free to dump all that morbidity on him, he soaks it up like a sponge (so does Martin, be careful). Although he prefers to let you speak unhindered, only egging you on when it seems you're getting passionately angry about things, there's a chance Gallon may begin his own little tidbit sharing regarding a variety of poisons and toxins. He's selective with what he lets slip, but figures it could interest you.
Santi likes listening to you. Doesn't matter what it's about. There's only one thing he doesn't want you to morbidly talk to him about, anything featuring kids. Other than that, you think a rant about the intricacies of cannibalism's effects will kill his mood? Hah, nice try. He usually doesn't have anything smart to say, but may actually pitch in with some first hand details if you mention something sexual and morbid.
Let's face it, this is going in one of Grimbly's eardrums and out the other. Unless, you can talk like you're in a true crime podcast, then he's all ears. Grimbly typically responds to these interests by bragging to others about how his Mommy's "so smart" and "cultured" and he learns so much with you! You should start a YouTube channel!
Nebul likes to hear what you think is morbid. He'll let you ramble when you've been good enough to earn his attention, or if it allows you to keep obeying him. He has his own morbidities to share with you, as a wraith who has seen the darkest parts of many a mind. Surely, you of all people would be fascinated to know how the brain reacts to very invasive types of trauma only some monsters can inflict...
Vinnel will use this to his advantage during shows. You're placed in dangerous games where the whole goal is for you to explain said morbid concepts to the audience while Vinnel or Jingles try to destabilize you so you'll fall into painful contraptions or get cut/bruised/undressed. Sometimes Vinnel pays attention to your infodumps, other times he openly doesn't, it's a coin toss.
Belo sincerely discourages you from seeking such dark information in your brain. A lesser's mind is like a canvas, and it shouldn't be furnished with such desolate knowledge... If your morbid interests somehow can shine a glimmer of positivity or utility, the angel will be a little more inclined to letting you keep pursuing these topics. Otherwise, Belo actively attempts to distract you.
Sybastian doesn't understand about 80% of what you're about to tell him, but he has all the time in the world to sit and listen to his favorite person spit words. He's not verbally communicative during these episodes, but he may clap depending on how impressive the information is, and he remembers things you say enough to sometimes present you with paraphernalia vaguely related to the topics of your morbid interests.
Fank-e is a good bet because he can add onto your information in real time, or correct small detail you may get them wrong. He's generally happy to give you links to more information sources and try to match your level of knowledge, uncaring of how dark the subject theme may be.
If there's one thing you can infodump to Krulu about, it would be diseases. Plagues and ailments of several types are his specialty, the chances of him imparting bits of knowledge you absolutely should not possess on this matter are high. Another thing you may infodump to him about is corvids. It gets him in very favorable moods, surprisingly.
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borntogayz · 4 months
I dont listen to Dax podcast too because I find him very… annoying and lowkey sexist. I dont know. Just something off with him. I only did because of Oscar. And even in his interview with Oscar, he was sort of leading Oscar into the “f1 driver fckboy” stereotype with his questions but Oscar navigated them quite nicely. I only learned about Lily’s coursework in Singapore. I had a paddock pass courtesy of my grandpa and I was able to talk to her during the paddock tour. A few fans were actually able to talk to her. She was nice. I told her jokingly that I’d be failing my courses because I’m at the gp instead of doing my coursework and she laughed and said that uni is also killing her but she brings her coursework to the races so she is not so behind. Then I told her that I could never because I wont be able to focus and etc. and she said yeah it’s hard. I told her that I’ll take a year off before I do my masters and she was confused because I guess in England some degrees have the option of a joint masters with them? I dont even know. But I guess her program already includes masters studies because she’s talking MEng which is 4 yrs instead of the regular BEng which is 3 yrs. But yeah, judging from that brief talk we had, what I gathered is that uni is stressing her out (normal cause same) and that her schedule is sooooo stretched it’s crazy. I genuinely dont know how she does it. I’m out here fighting for my life in school and sometimes it really feels like it’s defeating me.
Yeah I’m not too fond of Dax either lol. That’s incredibly impressive about lily. I can barely work on an essay when I’m in a silent library let alone an entire f1 paddock😭 once again it’s not my business but damn she must not have mental health problems because how is she juggling all of this LMAO. I’m sorry school is hard for you I can relate but I hope it gets better ❤️❤️
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zabala0z · 8 days
Sorry for not posting, school has been wild and I got accepted into an acapella group!!!! I’m at the sleepover for it rn, I got kidnapped
MAG 121: Far Away
OLIVER BANKS??? Okay but this confirms my theory that Oliver Banks was like the same guy from MAG 32 and MAG 42, like I PREDICTED it guys. I SAID IT. He’s actually quite nice and one of the few avatars who doesn’t wanna kill Jon which is a plus. Also best power cause holy shit. GEORGIEEEE 🫶🫶🫶
MAG 122: Zombie
Glad Jon’s awake but he sounds like hell. Can he like sense tapes now? Is that now one of his abilities??? Not very useful but maybe later it will be.
Anyways, creepy ass statement. Is this The Stranger? I’m going to say it is. They haven’t found Daisys body which is making me think…👀👀👀 who knows. But I’m emotionally attached to every character. AND WHAT IS MARTIN DOING WITH PETER LUKAS??? Bro???
MAG 123: Web Development
So Melanie is not super happy and I can’t even blame her. Like she’s so valid cause I’d be suspicious on Jon after 2 people died and he lived. Although she sounds like really pissed and it’s worrying. I need to see a statement about The Flesh because how did it attack everyone??? Sent mangled pigs??
The fact if u don’t follow Peters orders, you go woosh, makes me nervous. Like I can’t tell who’s the worse boss. If you work there, you gotta either have your trauma be resurfaced or disappear like come on 😭😭 fun that the tape recorders keep coming up. Not. Fuck them.
Yay!! the web!!! Don’t like it!! I wonder if Brian from MAG 100 was in the text of code.
MAG 124: Left Hanging
Oh surprise, surprise, it’s Simon Fairchild. AGAIN. At his old ass age. Again, very The Vast core cause duh. He seems like…a nice person to talk to. Like if he didn’t send people to the emptiness of the ocean, space or the sky, I’d have a decent conversation with him. Who was the cable car monster wtf.
MARTINNN :( bro. Get out of that situation, I don’t have a good feeling about it. Peter Lukas already deals with The Lonely like come on. Their conversation was so awkward. Made me awkward. Jesus. I just need them all to be okay.
Okay I think that’s everything! Posts might be slower since I got so much going on this year like my god. But, I’m definitely going to set aside time to still listen because this podcast sustains me. I live it. Anyways!
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starshower1215 · 2 months
Hange Zoë and the Vets Headcanons: University/Modern AU
Though many are unaware, Hange is an artist. They like to go out and find interesting buildings, sit down for a good view and sketch it into their sketchpad. They do this for other things as well; a nicely shaped leaf, a lost shoe, an interesting rock.
Sometimes, they collect cool stones or sticks off the paths on the way to class and then gives them to Mike for a sniff test.
Walking to and from classes, Hange plays podcasts or listens to the audios of various educational videos.
They have a very cool room/dormitory. Yes, it is messy almost all of the time, but it is an organized mess. Hange has plant shaped pillows, terrariums, a touch-activated moon lamp that they use for late nights, walls of shelves filled with the textbooks and novels collected over the years, pinned up sketches of the things they see, plants hanging from their ceiling, a soft carpet because they love working on the floor, a corner desk... just a lot of stuff.
I imagine Hange is actually quite fond of stuffed animals as well. They find them useless, yes, but they make nice friends and study buddies. (I think Erwin would have gifted them a stuffed lizard). They line them up on the bed so that they can watch them study, and sometimes they practice their speeches, verbalize their essay outlines, or simply present their discoveries and ideas to the pretend audience.
On Friday nights, Hange is dragged away from their work by Nanaba and Mike to then go drag Erwin and Levi to go drinking.
Levi hauls Hange back to their dorm room every Friday night, where they pass out on the stuffed animals. Levi tries to sleep there, too, sometimes, if it is too late to get back to his place. Unfortunately, the stuffed animals' eyes disturb him. He may make a late night call to Petra for company, since they're usually the only ones at least a little bit sober. Petra complains to him about Gelgar vomiting on her shoes.
Hange takes a lot of pride in keeping their lab coat in good condition. The more surprising fact is that it is in good condition, and affectionately adorned with colorful pins and brooches.
While prodding from Levi to tidy up their room usually results in fondly irritated sighs and grumbling, Mike's invitation-like demands for them to tag along with him to the gym are met with much more positivity.
Every now and then, a full group hangout is called and they — Hange, Erwin, Levi, Nanaba, Mike, Petra, Oluo, Gelgar, Nifa, Moblit, who am I missing? — pick somewhere to go for the day. Usually it's the park or the beach, because few public places can handle their level of chaos and volume, so they kick a ball around, race one other, arm wrestle one other on park tables, and just enjoy the sun.
Hange's shoes always wear out quickly from all the walking around that they do. Their clothes always end up being torn or stained by the things they pick up, and they spend an unnecessary amount of time trying to clean them. They've taken to wearing Erwin's shoes when they're waiting for theirs to be delivered (much to his distaste).
Speaking of clothing, the heavy duty of being Fashion Police falls upon the capable shoulders of Mike, Levi, and Nanaba. Levi likes to check the material of the fabric for quality, Mike likes to make sure the outfit is coordinated by style and in style, and Nanaba likes to coordinate the colors, finding the things that compliment eyes and complexion. They are scrupulous with this, they'll take Hange and Erwin around the stores, have them fitted into clothing, turn them around and around in circles to scrutinize. Hange appreciates the help, and probably just reads while they make comments to one another. Erwin does not need the help, but finds it amusing and indulges them.
While Hange draws still life, Moblit loves drawing people. He follows his friends around and sketches them from life— the motion of muscle beneath Erwin's skin on a run or during a workout, the subtlety of the shifts in Levi's expressions during classes from confusion to intrigue to awe, the swift movements of Hange's body when they're excited about something. He also likes to sit at cafes and sketch strangers.
Levi has a part time job at a cafe. Hange often stops by with Erwin and Mike, and the three of them tease him at the counter before buying their morning drinks and breakfast. I feel like Hange and Erwin would like blueberry muffins.
Nanaba does not indulge their teasing for oddly private reasons, and goes to say hello to Levi on her own. They chat at the counter for long enough to make Levi's coworkers curious about the nature of their relationship, and then Nanaba buys herself a coffee and Levi a cup of tea and a pastry. He likes to slip her a free cookie or pastry puff every now and then, too, and if a bit of his money ends up in the cash box, well, it's no one else's business.
Hange is overwhelmed a lot, and easily. They are a free spirit, not to be held down by the demands of school life, but alas, society calls for discipline in order to obtain survival. Therefore, Grandmother Levi made them a quilt to use as a picnic blanket/meditation mat on the grass to protect their pants from grass stains. Hange uses it every day, between lectures to eat their lunch, to watch the sunset, to stargaze, to just feel the earth beneath their back and watch the clouds float by.
When all the other veterans, ahem, graduate from the school, Hange lies beside Levi on the quilt and, to cure their sudden, mutual dislike for the new quiet of their days, invites him to share an apartment with them.
Hange is terrible at checking messages. They are the most inactive member in every group chat and they respond maybe once every couple of days. Not only because they're busy often, but because of the overwhelming factor as well.
Erwin likes to ruin his outfits by wearing crazy socks. He may have on the most elegant, dapped outfit ever known to mankind, but the moment he sits down and the ankle of his bottoms ride up, there are his cup noodle print socks, or his frilly strawberry socks from Mike the Bully, or rainbow socks that everyone looks into a bit too much. He has a collection, mind you, an entire display of silly socks and an abundant lack of shame.
This was much longer than intended, but my favorite one of these was definitely the one about Levi and Nanaba.
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sirianasims · 7 months
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I listened to Myra’s slow breathing. Her mom had taken us out to dinner at a fancy vegan restaurant to celebrate Myra’s birthday and then we’d watched a movie. It was tradition. It had been a nice day until we were in bed and Myra started another tirade against the popular kids in school.
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I didn’t know what to say. She still didn’t know about the party last weekend, and I didn’t want to argue with her but I couldn’t quite bring myself to agree with her anymore. She ended up giving me the silent treatment until she fell asleep.
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I quietly got up and went to the bathroom. It was dark, but Myra and I had been best friends since kindergarten when her parents moved to Copperdale so her dad could work with my dad. I knew their house like it was my own.
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I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror. Was it really so bad to want more friends? To be a part of a group? Maybe I really was just a superficial person who wanted everyone to like me. I definitely wanted Oscar to like me. We hadn’t kissed since the party but we were messaging on Social Bunny every day, and yesterday we’d locked eyes across the hallway and I had to look away before Myra noticed.
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The lights were still on downstairs. Myra’s mom never went to bed before her dad came home from the hospital. My own mom did the same.
I quietly walked down the stairs and Daria looked up from her laptop.
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“Can’t sleep? Is Myra snoring again?”
“No, I’m just thinking a lot.”
“Want to talk about it?”
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I told her about the Spooky Day party. Somehow it had always been much easier to talk to Myra’s parents than to my own.
I did leave out the part about Oscar though.
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“So since then I’ve been posting a few pictures of other costumes I’ve made. And now some people are asking for tips and I thought it would be fun to maybe make a channel and stream the process or something. Or make tutorials and post them online.”
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“That sounds like a great idea! I’ve always been impressed with the stuff you come up with.”
“But what if Myra sees it as me just trying to be popular?”
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“And what exactly is wrong with being popular? She should be supporting you in whatever makes you happy. Myra has a lot of strong opinions, Griffin stubbornly insists she gets it from me. But don’t let her hold you back.”
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“Myra says having people like you online is dumb because they’re not real friends anyway.”
“Sometimes I think my darling daughter forgets what I do.”
Daria gestured towards her computer.
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“My podcast has a couple hundred thousand listeners. Are they all my friends? No. But some of them have actually become friends, because sharing what you love with a community that likes the same thing is a great way to meet people. You can even teach others and inspire them to share their own passions. I think you would do great, and I know you’re talented. But don’t take it from me, take if from those girls at school, because I’m probably too old and hopelessly uncool to listen to.”
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I couldn’t help but smile. Daria was the coolest person I knew, second only to my grandpa Conrad. They didn’t care what people thought about them, but unlike Myra, they also didn’t spend hours talking about how little they supposedly cared.
Daria was telling me all about her podcasting gear when Myra’s father, Griffin, came home.
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“Evening, my love. Oh, hey Julia, you’re up late.”
“Hey Griffin. You’re right, I should probably go to bed.”
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“Alright, let us know if Myra’s snoring gets too bad, we still have spare earplugs.”
He winked at me.
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“And remember, we love to see what you do, Julia. So you’re guaranteed at least two followers who are also real friends.”
She stood, but then leaned down and kissed my forehead, just like she used to do when Myra and I were little.
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“Goodnight, kiddo. Don’t let anyone tell you how to live your life, OK? Not even my dear daughter. Always be yourself. And if you want more tips on getting a proper recording setup, just ask me.”
beginning / previous / next
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Central, my new favorite internet homie, do you listen to Dan Carlin? I am listening to his 400 million hour segment on Japan leading up to, and into, WW2, and it is FASCINATING. Its on Hardcore History, and it is called Supernova in the East. I am absolutely blown away, learning all kinds of new shit. It seems right up your alley
I do not! Right now I am actually not listening to any history podcasts - not through choice, just inertia, I need o find more context.
Dan Carlin does seem pretty cool and I definitely think his work is good and pretty accurate, and I have listened to some of his stuff. My "issue" is that on a topic like Japan in World War Two, I am probably too high context for those podcast? I will know most everything they cover ^^ This is just one of my areas of specialty!
Part of my struggle with podcasts is that right now I kindof want to go deeper on my current areas, versus broader on new topics, which means you gotta find really specialized people making content on the niche stuff. Its hard, which is a bit of a gap for me because I don't have the reading budget I used to so audio content would be quite great, if it was designed well. I do find some academic lectures at times, I do have a few, its just a hard market to fill.
I certainly encourage everyone to study Japan's build-up to WW2, its an amazingly complex political, social, economic, and military history. A good reminder to finally write my essays on Japanese strategic decision-making ^^
(And I am glad you like my posts! I appreciate your questions, its nice to talk to internet friends <3)
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thenightfolknetwork · 2 months
Hello, I wrote in a while ago about my son, and I think you should be made aware of everything that has happened since our letters aired, as you aided him in opening up about his true troubles at the time.
I did give him the privacy of not listening to his letter as it came on that night, which he probably would have quizzed me about if he’d still been awake when I got home. He’s still my son and several of my more, let’s say family oriented former colleagues, did heavily impress on me that I should respect whatever boundaries he draws, no matter how silly. That did partially lend me to think his sullenness was a new boundary that I didn’t dare directly cross.
I did also say former colleagues, as I took your advice and left my old line of work, completely severing any ties to it and giving up any nemesis statuses I might’ve racked up over the years,and opened up a small Etsy shop where I sell custom hand sewn clothing items. The patterns I remember from my youth are actually quite popular amongst longer lived genuses who are nostalgic about late 18th and early 19th century fashion, and sapio historical reenactors and fashion history enthusiasts. And who knew that the sleight of hand I developed during my old job would lend itself so well to hand sewing!
My son is also doing well. His bully issues have been solved with minor feather loss on her end (mostly due the stress from her actions making its way back to her convocation), and the school councillor has regular meet ups with her last I heard. I’ve also met my son’s boyfriend! A lovely young merman, who’s so very sweet. I’m glad he found someone nice and only begrudgingly understand why he kept them a secret from me. I do agree that I have the potential to be very intimidating to new people, especially those who have a real way of hurting my son.
I still listen to your broadcasts, especially the agonies section, but nowadays it’ll be when I’m up late felling the edges of my projects rather than hunting down whoever was on my list for the night.
May you have a wonderful week. Good night.
I'm so glad to hear you and your son are seeing eye to eye once more! I remember both your initial letter and his own, and recall how evident it was that both of you cared very much for one another, even as you struggled to find a way to communicate.
Well done on leaving your old job. I know it couldn't have been easy for you, but I admire your willingness to make difficult choices for the safety and happiness of your family.
As I said in my response, I never wished to shame or blame you for your son's forcible turning. That responsibilty lies firmly with the individual who attacked him.
But that individual was acting in response to your chosen career, and I am very glad you took my advice and have taken up a less dangerous profession - for yourself, and your loved ones.
You've demonstrated real care and consideration for him during this difficult period, and it's good to see that paying off in his newfound trust in you. I wish you all the best in your historical costuming endeavours.
It is always difficult as a parent to discern the line between respecting your child's privacy, and keeping them safe. But just as it was inappropriate for you to expect your son to defend himself against an attacked, it would have been inappropriate to disrespect his autonomy and independence.
I can't pretend I don't feel some small satisfaction at hearing his school bully has been suffering from the consequences of her behaviour. May her suffering be short-lived - but educational.
It sounds as if you've done a very good job of walking that line, making sure your son feels supported while also demonstrating that you can be trusted not to cross his boundaries – even those you may consider “silly”. You have more than risen to the challenge, and I wish you and your son all the best in the future.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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the---hermit · 1 year
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I know the first picture is almost ideantical to yesterday's but I like how the light looks so much.
I am still quite sick, but I have a feeling it's slowly getting better. Maybe I am just trying to convince myself, but that's good enough. Today was again a quite tiring day. I had to wake up super early to go to work and I also had to walk there since my brother (with whom I was working this morning) wasn't home. It was actually nice to walk under the night sky, but I was glad when my brother showed up mid-way into my walk to pick me up with his car, mostly because the morning air is quite chill and although I was wearing a scarf I was a but afraid I was going to make my health worse. It was nice of him to that. We actually had a super busy morning, but we also had fun. We joke so much while we work that I cannot feel being tired until I stop, and that is the best sidr of working with your family. In the afternoon I tried to study a bit, and I surprised myself by actually reaching my goal, which was to read an entire act of the play I am studying. I am now longing for a cup of tea and a podcast to turn off my brain,especially since the past coyple of days have also been quite hard on me emotionally. I am dealing with this emotional troubles much better that expected, and to I am trying to focus on how proud of myself I am for how I am dealing with things.
Cozy hobbit autumn activities and productivity:
Woke up early
Took a walk very earaly and found myself looking at the stars while listening to misty mountains and holding my heated mug full of my morning tea blend, and let me tell you it felt like a religious experience (also it's incredible to me how stars look so much brighter in the early morning when it's still night than on late evenings. Am I imagining this? Also the moon looked so pretty, I am glad I got to start my day with this quiet moment)
Worked in the morning
Had lunch with my brother
Read the whole second act of The Merchant Of Venice
Looked into the articles I have to choose from for my English lit, had an existential crisis about it, and picked the article I will attempt working on solely on vibes
Podcasts and mindless games for my tired brain
Daily Irish practice on duolingo
Did the tiniest bit of planning on my bujo
📖:The Merchant Of Venice by William Shakespeare
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sshbpodcast · 1 month
Character Spotlight: Kes
By Ames
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Star Trek: Voyager may have only had Kes on the show for three seasons, but that’s actually a pretty large percentage of her Ocampan life! And in that time, she definitely made her mark. It was just a mark that struggled to hold a candle against the character who swoops in and takes her place (more on that next week!). But we here at A Star to Steer Her By came to really appreciate the short show life of the short-lived character, even if the show rarely gave her much to do.
Kes is one of those nuanced characters (boy, Voyager sure is full of those), who you may not notice unless you’re looking for her. She’s compassionate, curious, and clever, and her eidetic memory really makes sense for someone who needs to grow up licketty split. Was the quick lifespan a good idea or a terrible one? You decide as we compile our Best and Worst Moments for Kes below and listen to our chatter on this week’s podcast episode (jump to timestamp 1:32:15). YOLO!
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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I’ve learned very well. I saw the sunlight. The very first thing we learn about Kes (other than the fact that she’s dating Neelix) is that she’s left the safety of the Ocampan homeworld, a stagnant culture subsisting almost entirely under the eye of the titular “Caretaker.” This young prodigy has greater ambitions though, and she seeks to encounter more of the universe while she’s got the chance, and we give her credit for it!
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What crop has sprung from the seed you planted today Immediately after joining the Voyager crew, Kes shows some initiative and starts up an airponic garden to supplement the ship’s rations. It’s only her second episode in “Parallax” and already we start to see her not only as a nurturer and someone who shows compassion to her fellow shipmates, but as someone who can take charge of a task and handle herself.
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One lung to give While overall our opinion on the Kes-Neelix relationship is that it’s cringey, the two of them clearly care for each other. So Kes’s offer to donate her lung to Neelix in “Phage” is quite touching. She doesn’t even hesitate in the moment of crisis when the EMH is floundering, and then gets to carry it through when the Vidiians are able to perform the procedure.
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He’s your Medical Officer. He’s alive. The EMH may complain and complain that no one gives him the credit he deserves, but Kes has always had his holographic back. We get to benefit from her outside perspective in “Eye of the Needle” when she requests that the crew treat him more nicely. And she also advocates for his existence in “The Swarm” before they risk losing him by restarting his program.
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Someone was walking your grave When the show remembers that Kes has telepathic powers, she is frequently at her best. The way she learns whatever the hell was going on in “Persistence of Vision” depicts how she’s learning to master her mental capabilities while also keeping firmly in reality. Everyone else has succumbed to their delusions, and Kes is able to save the day by keeping a cool head.
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Get down with the sickness Like how Torres insists the Doctor not take shortcuts in creating his holo-family in “Real Life,” Kes makes sure his Levodian flu is just as unpredictable as normal illnesses in “Tattoo.” How is the Doctor supposed to feel vulnerable if he always has control over his virus? Kes sneakily adds two hours to the ailment to show him how uncomfortable and stressful working while ill can be.
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Use the Force, Kes! It was obviously too good to be true when Kes met a batch of hyper-powered, slightly longer-lived Ocampans like Tanis in “Cold Fire” offering to teach her their ways. When their caretaker, Suspiria, is trying to destroy the ship, Kes uses her new abilities back against Tanis in a display of defiance against their corrupted ways because she’d never hurt others willingly.
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I don’t know how to say goodbye to Neelix and Tuvok No matter which side of the “Tuvix” debate you fall on, you’ve got to admit Jennifer Lien nails the scene with Janeway in which she breaks down over being caught in the middle of things. Even if you’re pulling for Tuvix to keep existing, you feel for Kes. She’s put into such a devastating position, admitting that while she doesn't want Tuvix to die, she wants Neelix back.
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I can’t wait to see if Blaine’s twin brother is the father of Jessica’s baby She may barely be in any of the two-parter “Future’s End,” but Kes might be in the funniest moment. She and Neelix are scrutinizing the televised feeds from Earth in the past, and they immediately get addicted to soap operas. It’s quite a cute little moment. As Kes says, “There's something to be said for non-interactive stories like this, being swept away in the narrative.”
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I walk through mindfields Jennifer Lien doesn’t get a ton of episodes to stretch her legs and show her range, especially since Kes herself is typically such a reserved character. So it is a delightful surprise to see what she can do when Kes is possessed by Tieran in “Warlord.” And it’s an even better surprise to see Kes fighting back in her own mind with a ferocity we’ve never seen from her before.
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Kes has become unstuck in time Every so often, you get glimpses of just how intelligent Kes is, as Ocampans need to have eidetic memories and amazing deductive reasoning to develop mentally as quickly as they develop physically. So when she’s traveling backwards in time in “Before and After,” Kes is able to put together the out-of-order puzzle and keep from getting winked out of existence.
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Something to remember me by Kes’s final episode with us (or really, what should have been her final episode with us, as you’ll see in our next section) sends her character off in a very satisfying way. “The Gift” does a great job completing her arc, as Kes’s mental powers improve off the scales until she uses them to send the ship ten years closer to home. It’s yet another selfless act from the ship’s sweeting.
Worst moments
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Chekov is finally redeemed Firstly, is the wig we see Kes in for early episodes like “Parallax” worse than the one they put on Walter Koenig when he first joined TOS? We’re willing to give Walter the benefit of the doubt since it was the 60s and wig technology wasn’t where it was in the 90s. So what’s Voyager’s excuse then? Why does Kes look like she’s wearing a lhasa apso on her head?
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I saw them burn. Their bodies ashes where they stood. The main complaint I can muster against the Kes character is how criminally underused she is throughout Voyager. The couple of times we lauded her mental powers above are just that: a couple of times. Most of the time, like in “Time and Again” when she senses Janeway’s presence in the other timeline, exactly nothing comes of it and it’s a huge wasted opportunity!
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I felt like there was someone in the room with me Another episode where Kes’s telepathic powers could have benefited the story is in “Cathexis” when Tuvok is being possessed by the Komar. The entity sees that she could pose a threat and knocks her unconscious for the whole episode. It feels like such a tease! Remember how Kes has superpowers? Well, we’re not going to actually use them for literally the whole first season.
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Then I guess our marriage is over Look, I’m grasping at straws because Kes doesn’t get to do much, let alone bad stuff. So it’s not technically Kes as the Doc’s wife in that weird fakeout scene toward the end of “Projections” – it’s another layer of holodeck malfunction. But I still don’t like it because it’s an unnecessary twist. And when the EMH is back to reality, it’s just as weird that Kes acts like maybe he’s not?
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Kes, you’re baby crazy Can we just say all of “Elogium” here and be done with it? No? Ugh. While we can’t blame Kes for experiencing Ocampan heat, we sure can blame her for how she acts during it, hormones or no. And we also can blame the writers for making this forced pregnancy plot a thing in the first place because it turns a huge personal decision into a cringey couple’s squabble.
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That green-eyed pus hog called jealousy It’s been said on the podcast so frequently that you’re probably over it that Kes and Neelix would have made better friends than romantic partners. But you love who you love, so who are we to judge? What we can judge is how Kes stayed with Neelix during his jealous, clingy phase, and barely even spoke up in “Twisted” when he basically accused her of being the town pump.
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A watched Tuvok never boils As one of a couple episodes that remembers Ocampans have mental powers, “Cold Fire” really gives Kes a lot to do when Tanis and the other space-venturing Ocampans try to teach her their ways. And in the typical Kes fashion of someone who barely has any experience in the world, our girl immediately goes and boils Tuvok’s blood. Slow down, girl!
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Help people, hurt them, give life, kill, it’s all the same Even when she’s gotten a [slightly] better handle on her powers later in “Cold Fire,” Kes still plays the innocent as she trusts these rogue Ocampans. Anyone watching the show could tell you right away they are trouble. But this young emancipated woman becomes so obsessed with her newfound powers that she nearly leaves with Tanis and crew, whom she’s only just met!
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Caution: No Kes Allowed What on earth, or whatever stupid planet this is, makes Kes think she can wander off from her tour group and go trespass in these people’s sacred temple in “Sacred Ground”? Even though she didn’t know it would knock her into a coma, you’ve got to think someone as respectful as Kes usually is of other people wouldn’t think to go anywhere without asking permission first.
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I think we should be possessed by other people Like last week when I included the omission of a scene that we desperately needed for Neelix to not seem like an asshole, we’ve got another scene that never happened for Kes. Kes never actually breaks up with Neelix! Tieran does it while possessing her in “Warlord,” and that guy’s an asshole! So why do we never actually get acknowledgment from the real Kes of what their status is?
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Suffering from severe FOMO Kes is indeed back on the market after that nebulous breakup, and she’s already found herself a new boy in “Darkling.” Zahir seems perfectly nice as far as Mikhal Travelers go, but Kes is ready to pack her bags and get whisked away right after meeting this guy! I guess when you live as short as she does, you’ve got to follow your heart. But Kes is too quick to trust cute strangers.
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You blame Captain Janeway, but the choice was yours But possibly the worst moment for Kes is whatever the hell happened in “Fury.” The episode feels like a “fuck you” to Jennifer Lien for leaving the show. Instead of the character we loved, the Kes who returns has been rewritten as a bitter, jaded, apathetic husk. And worse, there’s no good reason for it except that she forgot how good she had it on the show- I mean the ship.
And we’ve reached the end of our very short Ocampan life, so let’s hope we transcend into energy beings or whatever. Next week, we’re replacing our Ocampan sweeting with the show’s sex symbol, and I don’t mean Sandrine! So keep tuned here for more character spotlights, finish off our watchthrough of Enterprise with us over on SoundCloud or your favorite podcast app, reach out to us with your minds over on Facebook and Twitter, and thank you for changing out that wig!
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zroqravity · 4 months
no you are literally so right about the patreon thing though
i don't wanna be a hater on my blog so I'm gonna be on anon, but it is genuinely a stupid financial decision.
also like.
why the fuck was the update on patreon only??? if it concerns riptide, their main campaign??? like at least make a community post (they didn't have a problem making community post for merch for an exclusive campaign but they can't talk about hiatus on there??? weird)
also a thing that annoys me is the fact that they still have ads and shit on episodes, they have sponsorships. and it's not weird, every single podcast with a patreon I listen to has that (dndads, which they actually made a reference to once in an intro, naddpod) but they're the only ones that have activity on patreon and NO activity on main feed. it's weird!
and those podcasts manage to have active main campaigns while also having successful patreons! i understand that for the boys it's like a main job and so the pressure to have it pay off is high. but it's just not gonna if they move to patreon completely. it never works! I've seen people try so many times and it never works because patreon just doesn't work like that. it literally advertises itself as a place for exclusive content and it ain't exclusive if it's The Only thing that exists.
anyway I think they should have prioritized getting wanderlust out first (if they make it like the suckening I swear to fucking god I'll explode), THEN doing a patreon mini-campaign and then coming back with riptide. or better yet, posting the mini campaign along with riptide coming back to lure people in. would work on me if patreon wasn't locked away from regionally
they're just managing it all rather poorly tbh. like I get it? they're making money and I would also prioritize that shit, I understand. but at this point some of it just feel disrespectful. like posting the update on patreon of all places (not even fucking twitter???? or smth?)
anyway anyway. sorry for getting all of this off my chest in your askbox I just. most people I follow and/or am mutuals with for jrwi have patreons and i just feel like I can't complain about it. yknow? it's probably just in my head but yeah. you're so right
THE UPDATE THING YEAH I DIDNT KNOW I COULD ACTUALLY WATCH IT FOR FREE FOR QUITE A WHILE! It'd reeallllly weird to only put it on patreon especially when they have posted things of this sort on twitter in the past and at least made a community post abojt it on youtube, I can't think of exactly why they did this honestly but just the fact that they did it makes me suspicious despite there not being anything technically wrong with it and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
also they have ads enabled on patreon stuff?? Yeah that is kinda weird and something I've never thought about before. Also a big fan of dndads here, in my original repay to the ask I actually mentioned them as a podcast who uses their patreon well but decided to delete it.
yeah they are handedly this shit very poorly, I'm glad my asks could be somewhere for you to talk about this bc I know how frustrating this is, I'm really glad I finally got the guts to speak more about this bc its something I've had a big problem with for a while and it's really nice to see that it's not actually all in my head and I'm not just being a hater unreasonably like I tent to think i am
Sorry for the late reply, my reply to your other ask will come even later, sorry again o7
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swashbucklery · 2 years
Hi! What was the podcast on fabric sustainability that you've been listening to? Thanks!
OKAY it's called Weaving Voices, it's a 10-episode fixed run podcast series and 1000% worth listening to.
I will say, I went in expecting - like I listen to a lot of textile podcasts, ok, and there's often a formula of like. Soft-spoken (white) female host, guest is soft-spoken (white) female speaking gently about how she has disengaged personally from society/destructive textile systems and now owns four chickens and designs knitting patterns or weaves little jackets for rescue donkeys or whatever. (Which: I have criticisms of because they're lovely and soft to listen to but create the veneer and feeling of like. I can opt out and personally be sustainable even if the planet is burning, and while that feels very nice to listen to, your small scale chicken farm will do nothing without you engaging with the rest of society and advocating for changes that will prevent the planet from burning.)
(Which: I would encourage you to consider reading Homeward Bound by Emily Matchar, which touches on the concept of the homesteading movement as creating the illusion of being able to opt out from society and is an interesting critical lens.)
BUT ANYWAY the first episode of Weaving Voices is actually not about fiber at all, it's an interview with a guy talking about how we have to dismantle modern economics or society will crumble, so you have to kind of know that going in.
However. It is a very, very good podcast, and rather than just focusing on tackling the problems with our current fast fashion model it really digs into solutions, which is refreshing. The other thing I love is that it talks about system-wide solutions and reform, rather than "here's a pair of pants you, the listener, can buy to personally solve textile sustainability." It treats the responsibility for this as collective which I don't often see, and examines in more detail things like:
the politics of the current 'fabric sustainability' grading system and why they're inexplicably biased towards plastic fibers
rebutting some of the anti-sustainability arguments against genuinely sustainable textiles like silk and alpaca
examining the fallacy of "donating clothes" in a fast-fashion world where so many of the RTW garments are meant to be disposable, and speaks to people working in textile markets in Ghana where bales of waste clothing from the western world are shipped, for some reason
and then quite relatedly a really good examination of how the three R's are reduce/reuse/recycle but we've focused so hard on recycling that we've forgotten the other two, and why that's uhh not ideal
microplastics!! in everything!! and there's a super cool interview with a scientist tracking how microplastics move into soil and water systems as a consequence of laundering plastic clothes
also there are some profoundly moving episodes speaking to indigenous textile producers that are examining, effectively, what pre-industrial textile systems looked like as both a lens to consider the impact of colonization on these systems and also how different current textile production and consumption has become.
a really moving episode on the garment worker labour movement in LA and how they're advocating for national legislation after being successful on a state scale (!!!)
It's really special and cool, and what I find is that like. The episodes themselves were interesting, but what I'm really loving is that the more I let the series marinate, the more thoughts I have and the more I realize I've learned. It educates in an indirect way but did a really good job.
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sapphyreopal5 · 9 days
Sapphyreopal5 Index 5
This Index page is dedicated to my anti Gen and anti Jarevieve posts. I'm anti Genevieve for multiple reasons, which has nothing to do with jealousy or some other silly emotional reason like this.
She is extremely inconsistent in what she stands for. Are you an environmentally friendly homestead mom, wife and actress (definitely is one but not as much on TV anymore), or are you an influencer who encourages people to buy "environmentally friendly" brands to line your pocket?
I am 100% certain she's into witchcraft and has conjured for Jared and to have his children from the beginning, please see the posts I've linked to of mine below explaining why this is. I don't think witchcraft is evil so to speak but if you ask me, when you start conjuring to gain a specific person as your spouse, that's black magic territory.
There's no way I can take her seriously as a so called influencer. She tries to make herself out to be quite relatable as a busy mom... but in multiple ads and posts you can see a nanny showing up. Don't sit there and tell me Gen does all that laundry herself or cleans that giant house herself, because I can guarantee you she barely lifts a finger to keep that house clean.
I also can't take her seriously as an influencer because she has no sense of brand loyalty. She makes her ads making you all believe she actually uses these products on the regular. All you gotta do is go look on her Instagram and go look at her Wellness and Beauty Instastories she archived on her page. You will see the lack of brand loyalty she has. Sorry honey, you can't convince me you use any of those products on the regular. You rotate what ones you do and don't use on the regular. Show me some brand loyalty and prove you look great without filters, then I'll be more convinced the products you use actually work.
I think she overshares things with her kids. I don't care about an occasional school first day picture or whatever. I do care when kids get involved/exploited for any influencer's ads or shares photos/videos when they are at a low moment or feeling vulnerable. I have a lot less respect for most of these mommy blogger types who have nothing else to talk about (and spend most of their day on social media). Don't make being a mom your entire personality for God's sake, have other interests besides your children!
She comes across as fake nice to me. I don't believe she cares for Jared at all based on analyzing body language between them in panels, interviews, etc. (especially clear on her part). Listen, I wish I could believe they're happy. I wish I could believe everyone was happily married, I REALLY DO! But, I don't for good reasons.
I will say this. If you don't like my stuff or even me, that's totally cool! We can't all like each other or even agree with each other. I do ask if you are going to debate my stuff, stick to the point. No need to be an asshole and turn mean about it. I've been blocked by some people for calling them out and I'm fine with this. I don't really attack people, I attack their arguments. Have fun reading!
Anti Jarevieve
She likes to be married for the perks, that's it guys!
And it's for their status
Warning Gen & Jared Tarot Reading
Jared Gen Questions (Warning Tarot Reading Pt 2)
Apple Podcast Bathroom Chronicles- Thoughts
No longer soulmates
I've Never Said This Before Tommy DiDario Podcast Episode 48
Jared thinks he doesn't deserve real love?
Is it parenting great though?
Wolves, 3, 4, 11, Walker and The Prophecy
2024 Belgium Trip and Witchcraft: 2015 History Repeating Itself?
Did Gen possibly tell the press over 9 years ago Jared went to the clinic?
Body Language Guys
Pulling away kisses/misses
Who gives the donkeys all this extra attention?
"In this moment, my daughter, Jared's girlfriend, is hugging his wife", Arlo the therapy dog steps in as Jared is clearly uncomfortable after overbearing, creepy mom's comment
What do we have here???
Sandy and Gen My Ride or Die: Copycat?
Nanny speaks out
* fake or "fake" because you don't like it?
Italy 2024 "Family Fun Vacation"- Stuck or What?
Jared in Geneva while Gen in Venice
Met up a day earlier than I expected
Hooters 2021 LOL
Anti Genevieve
Atlanta Comic Con Panel Reading Answer Criticism
Dave Hollis Episode 119 Podcast
Gen profits off of Jared's face (but we already knew that!)
Gen "wants to represent the family well" but "we take on different kids on different schedules"
Just can't with the crunchy mommy blogs exploiting their children
Gen oversharing Shep and Jared moment
was Shep upset here?
Can't handle sister's crisis, so makes pregnancy status her crisis
Does Gen read the blogs (including mine, oh my!)?
Sure seems like she's reading them
Liar Liar, Pants on Fire (Inconsistencies!)
July photoshoot at the ranch ('cause your hair ain't long anymore sweetie)
TOWWN post 9/14/2024 "Don't Buy Shit You Don't Need" No. 4 (Skincare haul, 'cause Gen likes to have a 7 step skincare routine)
But are you actually grain free?
Cancelled Dragon Con 2024
Is she sick?
Working out hard less than a week after announced being sick
No clue how to resolve allergy face my ass! Zyrtec allergy ad from 2018
Mono vs Flu
Gen into witchcraft?
Astrology Chart Partial Analysis (Black Magic)
Nice try, this No Nom ad was shot weeks ago 'cause your hair was just done sweetheart, remember?
Sexual libido supplement showing up yet again (want me to redo your astrology chart Gen?)
Black Magic Confirmed
Seems time is coming up
Fowl Play?
Please do a video on her and Dee doing black magic?
Apophis Asteroid: 4/13/2029 Payment Due Date for Black Magic?
Liar, liar, pants on fire
Why I don't like HER doing witchcraft
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upthewitchypunx · 1 year
I’ve had a few questions about the rooms in our house, so for those of you actually interested in the rooms, here’s some info ...
We are two punks in our 40s (pronouns: he and she/they) I own the house in North Portland a few blocks from the Yellow Line Killingsworth Max stop. I’m vegan and my partner is an omnivore so our kitchen is a vegetarian compromise and that is non negotiable. No cooking meat in the house or storing meat in the kitchen. Eggs, honey, and milk are okay just no on my favorite well seasoned cast iron skillet.
The house is 120 years old and while we have replaced the wiring, windows, heater, sewer, etc.The kitchen and baths need updates. It also has has old house issues like no AC, few electric plugs, weird doorknobs, etc.
There are bands that practice at least two nights a week in our basement so it would not be a good option for a student or someone who needs quite. The practice space could also be used by you if you make music. We live by the freeway which creates a nice ocean sounding white noise, at least I think so. It also makes the sound of band practicing drown out.
Pre-pandemic we hosted a lot of house guests from all over the world from trusted travelers, zine friends, or musicians. Not so much currently, but maybe in the future. That's just something to keep in mind.
We are not neat freaks. My partner washes most of everyone's dishes and will tidy up the kitchen for everyone, but there are often piles of neglected projects on the dining table, and dust that needs to be swept off the stairs and stuff like that. If something bothers you, clean it, don’t complain about it.
We work from home and cook most of our meals, we are here a lot and we listen to a lot of podcasts. Customers also come to our home to pick up orders.
There are two bathrooms, one we are planning on doing some work on this year and the upstairs one has a giant clawfoot tub. We also have a gas stove, fire place, porch, washer and dryer in the basement, small yard jam packed with lots of plants and veggie garden boxes.
Both rooms are upstairs. The big room is $750/month including all utilities (water/sewer, gas, electricity, internet and some other stuff like toilet paper, dishsoap, sponges, etc) our friend from Utah might take the room in autumn so we might have a short term space available. The smaller room is $650/month including all utilities and is strange but kind of charming because someone tried and failed at turning it into a kitchen at some point in the 70s and it has a build in retro kitchen counter and cabinet situation that makes for nice built in shelving.
We are old punks but we are pretty chill, not interested in drama and would prefer someone over 25 and even more preferred would be someone over 30. (You know, through your Saturn Return). We are queer and trans friendly. We hate racist, nazis, fascists, and terfs. Also, we are up to date on COVID vaccinations and expect you to be too.
No dogs, but well behaved cats are a possibility. We might be interested in someone who needs a place to land for a few months when they move to Portland, or someone who just wants to spend a summer in Portland or a couple months, or someone who wants to rent one room and share the other a studio space as it is currently or greenhouse/backstock for the shop.
Oh, hey also, I’m an agnostic secular witch and soft animist. This house has a name and is heavily warded so you would need to be alright with that.
Room will be open July 1 or a bit earlier or a bit later if it works out better for new denizens.
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suzieb-fit · 26 days
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Here goes another "detox day one", lol.
Today started a little better. I think the biggest "antagonist" was likely eggs. I cut them out when I got the allergy results.
Egg whites was the only thing high on both the allergy AND intolerance results.
It kicked in quite hard after breakfast, but it usually hits earlier than that.
Have to get the milk reaction out of my system now.
Got up and out for a lovely little morning walk. That half hour first thing from getting out of bed does me so much good.
New breakfast idea. Got a bit fancy with the few ingredients I have, that I'm still allowed to eat.
Chia seed protein powder, plus actual chia seeds, cacao powder, coconut "flour", mixed with olive oil. Apple, cinnamon and walnuts. Liquorice root.
I usually just have the apple and a bigger portion of nuts, but I felt like trying something a bit unusual.
Black coffee blended with more olive oil, collagen peptide powder and inulin.
Feels good to have breakfast outside. Autumn is almost here, but I'm going to enjoy the remains of good weather for as long as I can.
I got into sme fabulous weight training before lunch.
Upper body today.
Chest press, wide grip rows, bench pullovers and seated shoulder press.
I'm refocusing on strength. But still staying away from bicep work. Need to try keep the bulk to a minimum!
I ended with a brief "sprint interval". I'm researching different things, and this is the latest one to take my notice.
Just a few minutes of all-out effort to finish a strength session.
I'm all about Stacy Sims right now. Her tag line is "women are not little men". And sprint intervals are her recommendation for menopausal chicks like me.
I've been listening to podcasts with her over the last couple of weeks. Love her ethos!
And I started her book last night.
I'm on it, Stacy! New focus - Get strong. Get hormonally healthy. Get back to my best!
I used plank jacks for that "finisher" today.
Five fast intervals, longer rest intervals between. Oof. Yeah.
The end of that little vid? That's how full effort intervals are supposed to hit you!
Feel great! Definitely appreciated a nice coffee (insrsnt with oatmilk) and a bit of a chill before making lunch.
And it was a good lunch, of course.
Chicken and avocado salad with grapes.
Fresh ginger, paprika and turmeric.
Herbs and spices are so good for us. Full of beneficial polyphenols. And they taste great!
Another lovely walk. Longer this time. Forest trails with the boss-man 😊
Today has been pretty good all round.
If the combination of intolerances and allergens were the cause of the mucus problem, it's no doubt going to take a while for everything to clear out of my very clogged up system! Have to remain optimistic.
Good day for an average fast, food and fitness. Feel better than I have in quite a while!
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'Well gosh, that was nice, wasn’t it?
More than anything, I’m just delighted that Davies bothered. Like, the three specials structure could have been all big ones. This slot could have been a big scary Cybermen one or something, and the Fourteenth Doctor era would still feel complete and varied across the three. By most reckonings that would have even been the better idea. But no, instead he decided that this should actually feel like a season of Doctor Who and have a weird one in the middle. There’s something absolutely decadent about spending a third of your big Tennant-Tate reunion trilogy doing something that feels as though it’s overtly striving to be described as “proper Doctor Who.”
I remember, way back on the Forest of the Dead podcast commentary, which is legitimately one of the best forty-five minutes it is possible to spend on being terminally That Sort of Fan, Davies, Tennant, and Moffat enthusing about the first episode of The Ark in Space and how you could just shoot it with no changes to the script and it would still sparkle. And now here we are, with Davies doing an episode that begs for comparisons to Heaven Sent and Listen in its “a cheap one proving I can still write” ostentation—a weird spooky two-hander on a spaceship.
Well. “Cheap.” Obviously this continues to luxuriate in the stupidity of its budget from the moment they step out into that corridor set, which of course looks fantastic. The CGI body horror is genuinely startling. You suspect it still did come out cheaper than The Star Beast, but it’s still being ostentatious in its quality across the board. There’s ambition and confidence in every shot of this, and like Isaac Newton it’s frankly sexy as fuck.
What shines for me is the character work. The parallel scenes of the Doctor and Donna trying to figure out who the fake is (and note the very sly decision to do a deceptive shot-match so that the fake Donna comes out of a green corridor like the one we just saw Donna in) in which Donna gets it and the Doctor doesn’t, which sets up the subsequent beat of the Doctor IDing the fake Donna based on the fact that she volunteers to insult her own intelligence. Or even just the ways in which the not-things (as the subtitles charmingly call them) work—the grinning sadism with which Tennant delivers “when something is gone it keeps existing” is beautifully chilling. Davies has always been strong when he lets his nihilistic streak shine, and he uses it here—along with two phenomenal leads—to make cosmic horrors feel at once convincing and charismatic.
It feels significant, then, that it’s the not-thing version of Donna that relates so emphatically to the devastation Flux. And I don’t mean that as snark about Chibnall. For all that I deadpanned “yeah man, I felt that way about the Chibnall era too” during the Doctor’s frustrated tantrum, the thing that’s really striking about Davies astonishingly gracious salvage job on the emotional desolation of his predecessor’s tenure is the not-thing’s awed “you have owned it” and the way it sells the horrified tumult of this new version of Tennant, reeling from a trauma to rival the Time War. It works, right down to giving the Doctor a reason to seek the comfort of returning to this face. And it’s a point that’s clearly going to carry through into The Giggle given the precise structure of the cliffhanger, the TARDIS landing just in time to get the Doctor out of talking more about it. You can just about see the precise contours of the line that’s being drawn under all of this. More to the point, the ones that aren’t quite clear yet feel terribly compelling.
Which brings us back to the sense of relief that Davies is actually trying. The thing about the late career Moffat stories this is trying to edge out in the 2033 Doctor Who Magazine poll is that they’re the creative renaissance of a man who’s decided that he has something to prove. And frankly, that remains the only reason any of this would be worthwhile. For all that I’m insistent that Doctor Who should be forward-looking, that’s never only meant new voices, and it’s never precluded skilled veterans. I mean, for heavens’ sake, that kind of thinking would have meant no Caves of Androzani. Fifteen years is more than enough time to become a new person with new ideas on a topic. I’m certainly not the same person I was when I started writing about this show, and that wasn’t even thirteen years ago. Once the hazy bliss of novelty fades away and it’s not enough to just have competence again, what this is going to come down to is whether or not Davies is still hungry for it. And frankly, this isn’t the episode you make if you’re here to fuck around. If Davies is willing to push himself this hard during the big frothy nostalgia tour—the part of his return that’s aimed at a BBC One audience that fondly, if vaguely, remembers Journey’s End (where it’s a smash hit, btw, with overnight ratings on The Star Beast rival the +7s for Power of the Doctor)—then one shudders to imagine what he’s going to do when he’s aiming for a Disney+.
* If you’re not one of my Patreon backers, the bonus podcast on The Star Beast has gone up for them. This one’s got Sean Dillon and Ritesh Babu, and is a good time. We manage to get off topic and into Phineas and Ferb so early on that it might be in the five minute preview. Next time I’ll be joined by Christine and Jack, who should be a grand old time for this one.
* Obviously the “superstition at the edge of the universe” thing is about letting the Toymaker in, which will also surely hinge on the fact that Rose makes toys. And I assume they’re going to pay off the otherwise inscrutable “Wild Blue Yonder” thing. But I honestly can’t tell whether “mavity” is supposed to be setup for something or is just Davies shitposting, nor can I decide which one I hope.
* I can’t say I’m especially persuaded that a non-white Isaac Newton is meaningful or productive representation, but it’s hard not to enjoy the trolling. And I suspect that making “Doctor Who is woke now” old news before Gatwa shows up is a savvy approach.
* Speaking of the promotion of the show, interesting that this is the episode where Davies adopted a sharp no-spoiler policy—something I’m on record as not usually being a fan of. In one sense there wasn’t actually anything to hide, and there’s surely a chunk of jilted fans upset that we didn’t get Matt Smith or whatever. (Which, of course we didn’t—David Tennant is the past Doctor here.) But there wasn’t anything to promote either—none of the headlines are here. Knowing it’s a two-hander with evil doppelgangers wasn’t going to bring anyone new to their television. More to the point, this is an episode about exploration of a mysterious place—one where real effort has been expended on the procedural aspects of the Doctor and Donna figuring it out. It invites the viewer to play along—to see when they notice that something’s wrong with the Doctor that’s just come in to talk to Donna, or that the Doctor’s real plan is to get the TARDIS back. That’s one of the things that actually does benefit from secrecy. The opening sequences would be robbed of something if the entire audience knew that the thing peering at the Doctor and Donna through the grate is a shapeshifter from outside the universe. Which is to say, hats off to Davies for writing something that was actually worth avoiding spoilers for.
* I quite liked the way the episode follows the by now cliche “no sonic screwdriver this time” as a way of flagging “the Doctor and Donna are on their own with nothing but their wits” with taking the TARDIS translation away too.
* Hats off to Chrissie at chakoteya.net—a resource I have used countless times for countless things—who is going to have an absolute time of it getting the transcript of this together tonight.
* Delightful to see that, however poorly he may have been faring, Cribbins was still clearly sharp and able to play his character to a tee. It sounds like this is all we get of him, alas, but it’s a solid use of him—a comforting delight that goes eerily wrong, nicely setting up next week. * Which… so, we’re the Toymaker. I note that we’ve dropped “Celestial” from his name in all the promotion, along with the Mandarin trappings. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious what Davies is doing with him. And, for that matter, if I said “evil clown played by Neil Patrick Harris” wasn’t a compelling option. But more on that next week.
* We all knew Davies was adapting “The Star Beast,” but who saw “Tlotney Throws a Shape” coming?
1. Wild Blue Yonder
2. The Star Beast'
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