#the actors in that show look like real people
misstwisted · 3 days
raaaaant time
so, I am very upset over the new Menéndez brothers series that came out. If you’ve seen it, you probably know why. Before I go into this, if you don’t know about this case, the menendez brothers had murdered their mom and dad in 1989 as self defense, fearing of them soon murdering them themselves, after suffering years of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse by their parents hands.
for context I am a long time supporter of these men. I’ve known about this case since I was around 12 (unsupervised internet access, lmao) and I supported them then and I support them now.
This series is fucking disgusting. And not just because of the atrocious, disrespectful, and weirdly comedic relief portrayals of these traumatized men, no no no, it also of course just had to include sexualization and Incestuous fetishization of them. I was SO EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE watching these scenes. I’m sure it’s all supposed to show how their father had fucked up the brothers relationship and how he blurred the lines for them of what’s appropriate and not appropriate to do with your family, but this crosses a god damn line. It’s possible I’m also giving this dumb fuck director too much credit. Idk if it’s just me, but this feels like a writers barely disguised fetish moment. So many scenes felt like the start of a porno, and at times DID BECOME A PORNO!!!!!
I remember so many times of me yelling out loud in shock “WHAT IS THIS SHOW????”
the dialogue is trash, the pacing is trash, the portrayal is trash, etc. The only part I personally think was great was when they recreated the footage of Lyle and Erik walking into court. When I was watching it I felt they really looked and acted like the brothers at that moment. And the fact it’s surrounded by such garbage is sad. It really felt disconnected from the other episodes and scenes because of how much I enjoyed that little moment. And they weren’t even talking or anything.
There’s only like one word I could use to describe a lot of the scenes, especially the sexualization scenes, which is: unnecessary.
Gotta be honest, I really wanted to like this show! Thought it could bring back attention on this case again. Show empathy towards them. But no, I had to watch two actors portraying real life traumatized brothers kiss each other.
I am seriously wondering now if Ryan Murphy wanted two actors with romantic/sexual chemistry casted on purpose for what seems to be some sort of fantasy of his.
I started this show YESTERDAY, I am halfway through episode 7 right now. I wanted to see if it’d get better, and it just never did. But honestly? It’s my fault. What did I fucking expect from a Netflix series that’s directed by the guy who made GLEE? I’m still mad now, but I can’t even describe how even more upset I was yesterday watching it.
I legit could probably go on for days about how disrespectful this show is, and good on Erik for not being afraid to call it and the directors out.
It’s in vain to say this, because obviously they’ll never see it, but: Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan you two are pieces of utter dogshit. What about any of this was a good idea? You guys deserve to be sued for thinking this was okay. You deserve it for making Dahmer, and you deserve it for making this. I don’t even wanna SAY all the horrible things I think about you guys. All i hope is nobody ever hands you two a god damn camera again. Sincerely go fuck yourselves.
I know I’m being a dramatic little bitch again for the 100th time but this is truly horrendous. This isn’t just a story you can add shit to and get creative with, guys, this is their LIVES. These are real human people with dignities and families that care about them. They’ve been disrespected enough, the fact that they were sentenced to life in general just shows how little people empathized with them.
This audacity of this being made. This very serious story of trauma being turned into this weird comedy show.
what is this RPF, Ryan Murphy? ARE YOU BORED??? How about you go make a actual fucking difference? Cause you know what, Erik and Lyle are, and they’re the ones who’re incarcerated!
that’ll be all.
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 day
I know Jacob and Assad said Loumand's sex scenes were 'protected' bc of Armand's past etc, and that may well be a factor, but I think there's more to it. The way some fans react to the ep6 not-quite sex scene (i.e. focusing on how 'hot and sexy' it supposedly is instead of what we're actually being told) made me realize that once you depict sex onscreen it eclipses everything else in a lot of viewers' minds.
I could be way off here, but imho the show dwelt more on Loustat's physical intimacy bc there's real passion between them & it's vital to the story. Whereas Loumand...I'm not saying there's zero lust but it isn't the main basis for their relationship. It's somewhat transactional and performative, even early on. And I wonder if by not showing the sex they were trying to draw a contrast with Loustat and force the audience to see that Loumand are together for different reasons & their sex is more of a power-play than an expression of raw desire?
I'm not exactly justifying this choice (not really criticizing it either, idek how I feel about it) but I do think they successfully distinguished Loumand from Loustat & established why the latter is more authentic & passionate, for what it's worth!
It was certainly intentional, and Jacob also commented on it that they didn't want to try to echo Loustat after all.
For what it's worth, these actors (and the cast/crew etc) know what they're doing.
As such, and with the (few) comments we got here, and the set design... the picture is quite clear - if one wants to look, I guess.
Given that Louis also had Daniel as a "lifeline"... (and the whole running away regularly comments in and outside the show) as well as the more than... dead passion shown in their bed, especially in contrast to what Louis told of his sex with Lestat, I think it's safe to say that this wasn't really Louis' thing.
Which likely contributed to the relationship going down (on top of everything else...), because you have to match your others "freak in the sheets" to an extent at least for it to be satisfying in the long run. For most people sex is a very important part of their lives, and these vampires were shown to engage in it, too, after all. (This is not to say there are no asexual etc vampires, but the main cast ones we were shown so far all had sex at least).
It will be very interesting to see what they choose for the upcoming pairings... if I were to guess I think we will get a drunken sex scene with Nicki, and a bordering-on-uncomfortable with Gabrielle after her turning in s3.
But they definitely chose to include the sex and how they portray it to tell their stories, and of the relationships themselves.
In the upcoming seasons, that will include (more) sexual violence, too,... they very carefully laid out the groundwork there as well. -.-
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good-night-space-kid · 7 months
Actors in shows don’t even look real anymore :/
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sonknuxadow · 7 months
sorry not to be negative or anything i think a lot of the jokes about maria dying are funny but am i the only one who thinks that its taking it a liiiittle too far to flood the comments of the live action actors posts with stuff about how shes gonna get shot or you cant wait to see her die (and yes this is actually happening im not making up a guy to get mad at)
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6vaguebook · 9 months
After watching this first two episodes of the Percy Jackson Disney+ show, my main takeaway (outside of Percy taking on THREE Ares kids with no training and not even being wet) is that Luke was done so, so well.
The actor EMBODIES him. Even before I saw him acting, one picture was enough to convince me that this man WAS Luke, despite looking nothing like him. His friendship with Percy feels so much stronger. I'm already feeling the devastation from the inevitable betrayal. Just. He's so well done.
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thefirstflowers · 3 months
at this point you cannot convince me that bucktommy fans aren't experiencing mass hallucinations
like what do you mean ’tommy is buck's last love' 'tommy is buck's one, great love’ ???
where are you people even getting these things from? i know we make stuff up about buddie too, but at least we pull from source material
the only thing that makes tommy different from buck's past love interests is the fact that he's a man. and while, obviously, buck realizing he's bi and getting to be more fully himself is a good thing, it doesn’t change the fact that being with tommy means that he’s still stuck on that hamster wheel. you know, the one where he throws himself fully into a relationship and gives it his all, and the other person just doesn’t match that
i can’t comprehend the lack of media literacy you have to have not to see what the writers are doing when they have tommy leave buck on the side of the road after their first date or not bother to follow the theme for the batchelor party
and you like to justify his actions by saying he's older and more mature, but at what point do you becaome too old to put a little effort in to make your partner happy?
he certainly had no problem putting in the effort when it came to eddie..
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haomnyangz · 3 months
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Thank you all for fulfilling our high school lives. I hope you're being fulfilled, too. Are you guys ready? Before we get to the final song, I'd like to take this chance to remind you all that prom is your last chance - to express your feelings to the one next to you. I know that many of you are afraid. I get it. I've been there. It's not easy, as some people are just beyond our reach. I want to dedicate this song to everyone who needs courage. MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT (2022) DIRECTOR; AU KORNPROM NIYOMSIL
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itwoodbeprefect · 7 months
so for various reasons on certain planes the procedure is that both pilots put one hand on the thrust lever during takeoff, and this can be practical and safe for many reasons, but in some of the classic dramatic mayday/air crash investigation/air disaster reenactment scenes they don't explain this because it's not very relevant but they still have their actors act it out, so you get things like this bewildering little one second shot mid takeoff routine of a (clearly married!! scandalous!!) co-pilot suddenly reaching over to hold his captain's hand, and divorced from all context it's just very. what if we held hands in the cockpit 😳 (and we were both pilots)
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haha just kidding. unless....
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aurantia-ignis · 1 year
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"Can I have this dance~"
Doodled this for animation practice. Also I miss them.
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the-busy-ghost · 2 days
Me normally: Let people love what they love
Me, after a Test Match Special commentator expresses their belief that the new All Creatures Great and Small is somehow "better" than the 1978 version: This is pure insanity and TMS can no longer be trusted on anything, how can they even be trusted to know about cricket, do they have no TASTE
#Look it's fine that this show exists and people will watch it and like it and that's ok maybe it's just not for me#But that was like a statement purely designed to piss me off#There were lots of issues with the 1978 adaptation! I still vastly preferred the books any day!#And I actually initially had high hopes for the new one because they at least cast a Scot (albeit a Highlander not a Clydesider) as James#And the actors at least looked a little bit younger than Christopher Timothy and Robert Hardy#And thank god Helen actually sounds like she's a farmer's daughter and doesn't speak RP!#But from the half hour I've seen of it I've had to write off this new adaptation#For two major reasons#First of all there's Siegfried#Siegfried is one of the key central aspects of the vibe of the books and therefore key to any adaptation#Robert Hardy was too short and too old for the part but he lived and breathed the character#The twinkle in the eye bouncing off the walls and in and out of rooms followed by half a dozen dogs utterly full of life even when angry#But this new Siegfried is just sort of... Eeyore-esque; he comes into a room and you can see the flowers droop and the set turn grey#Siegfried was angry Siegfried was happy and the historical character he was based on was no stranger to melancholy#Since Donald Sinclair did commit suicide or rather self-euthanasia after Alf Wight and his own wife Audrey died#But this slow grumbly figure in the new adaptation is not Siegfried Farnon- the book character didn't grumble more often he exploded#And why did the adaptation give him a dead wife that's so weird? What could that possibly add to the source material?#And this brings me onto my second problem which is to do with women and age#Firstly I have no idea why they aged down Mrs Hall or at least made her look younger than a woman her age would have back then#But what really drove me mad was when Heriot goes out to see some old woman hill farmer in the episode I saw#And this woman is far too clean and young-looking and you can see that she's wearing 'natural' look make-up#And a perfect set of clothes that looked like they were straight out of the House of Bruar autumn collection catalogue#Say what you like about the 1978 adaptation but old women looked like old women regardless of whether or not they wore make-up#It may be that the better quality of television screens means that the 'natural look' shows up on screen more clearly than it would have#But natural look make-up was not really a thing in the 1930s and for old women Yorkshire hill farmers I doubt they'd have much on at all#They just don't seem to be capable of allowing people to look old and wrinkled and real or have bad teeth or unattractive clothes#And everything is far too tidy- everybody looks far too perfectly country and quaint#Anyway the moral of this story is of course that I always recommend reading the books because they're much better#than any tv adaptation; but if forced to choose at least the 1970s one felt real and yet didn't have to be grim either#Ok that's my rant over please do feel free to enjoy the show I just got annoyed because the opinion was expressed on TMS
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navree · 9 days
I saw your post and got super worried because I assumed it was the artist I've loved since they started here on tumblr. So, I went on the dreaded 🐦 app and low & behold, stan culture ruins things once again! Kinda glad I wasn't around during the heyday of GOT because it must've been absolutely insufferable! 😖😖😖
Fandom during GOT's prime must have been insane already, but I do think it's gotten worse in recent years. There used to be the unspoken rule of "if you've got nothing nice to say don't say anything at all" that appears to have completely vanished from fandom spaces. Cuz if I see a post with an opinion I don't like/agree with, or fanart of a character I don't care for, or fic of a ship that I dislike, I'm not gonna leap down OP's throat about it. I'm just gonna scroll, maybe vague post about it on another app (I've vague posted about some dumb Twitter opinions on here on occasion), and then move on. But this idea that, if someone doesn't like the same things you like, they're not only morally reprehensible but personally committing some kind of wrong against you specifically is insane. It's more than that trend I've mentioned about trying to equate fandom with morality, it is, as I said in the tags of that post, something that reeks of insecurity. There's a bunch of people in varying fandom spaces that feel that their own opinions simply must be validated, because their opinions are correct, but it's not enough for them to think it, other people need to think it too.
And it's an issue that has dominated Team Black in HOTD specifically. Cuz I'm not seeing it from Rhaenicents, from Greens, even from show casuals. It's diehard Team Black and primarily TB book purists at that who find Rhaenicent fanart (especially ones that take Emma D'Arcy's actual appearance into account), or Team Green posts, or even regular posts expressing any sort of appreciation for Team Green actors or sympathy for some of the characters (especially Alicent or Helaena) and just lose their minds. Insult the poster or the artist, deride actor's appearances, weaponize actual political language to support their point despite no real tangible thread of connection ('killing Lucerys is basically femicide' omegas aren't a real thing and killing that boring ass boy is not, in fact, femicide, there are actual femicides happening in the real world right now, focus on those), and get hopping mad at the fact that these varied posts exist. It's greed to an almost biblical proportion tbf, it's not enough that most show casuals agree with their opinions, that most people with both book and show knowledge are on their side, that the narrative of the show supports their views (in the Jaehaera art thing specifically, that canon dictates she's gonna die and that Daenaera and Aegon are gonna be married and have a reasonably happy married life). Everyone needs to be on their side, nobody had better dare have opposing views to their's. And if those opposing views exist, well then those people have earned all the nastiness that's gonna get thrown their way for having those opposing views.
Like, you're that insecure? You need everyone to agree with you in order to hold fandom opinions? You can't just like something for your own reasons and ignore people who don't agree? Other people, people who don't even know you exist, hold that much power over you? Team Black, are you guys really so pathetically weak?
Anyway, fuck people who tag butch Rhaenicent art with snippy "Daemicent!!!" quote tweets, fuck people running TG fanartists off of social media because you can't handle drawings, fuck people going up to actors and saying vile shit to them based on their characters, fuck everyone who tries to be an asshole about Olivia's looks or TGC's looks or Phia's looks, and fuck stan culture. Everyone's who's so deranged about their fictional opinions that they act nasty to real human beings should simply find the nearest noose and hang themselves by the neck until dead, the world will be an infinitely better place and no one will miss them.
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mayomkun · 23 days
Finally done with teen wolf rewatch. Phew
#took me like 3 months#thought I was gonna watch a few eisodes I like because I was feeling nostalgic one evening now I finished the whole thing lol#not the movie tho I don't vibe with it#one of a few things I noticed is that scott smiles fondly at stiles' remarks a lot :')#anyway thinking about how each character change along the way#lydia is like a completely different character from the first seasons#since I'm biased I love the dynamic change with scott and stiles#like they kinda swapped roles a bit but still remain themselves??#scott develops from an awkward teen only caring about living normal life when he has more people to protect and learning to become a leader#he's almost unrecognizable from the first ep too#for stiles. he has character development of course but I think he himself hasn't changed much#even if he said they're not kids running in the woods anymore#he's still the mischievous sarcastic lil guy we know showing up at scott's house. running around looking for trouble & helping people#he always has that dark & anxious side#it's us that know more and more about different sides of him as the story goes on#from the start it's just the two of them against the world. now they're holding hands with their friends facing the world#anyway this show did get a little weird and inconsistent which is not surprising consider how long it went#the scripts also revolve around actor/actress availability also#so many characters with interesting dynamic what wasn't given time to explore#free real estate for us fans
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peppermintpegis · 10 months
netflix one piece live action feels a little like fanfic in that it makes sure it hits all the important notes but doesnt do all the work to make them hit which works in fic where the reader is supposed to bring all the emotional story investment from the original but doesnt work in a multi million adaptation that is supposed to be able to stand on its own or even serve as an intro to the series. it even does this in service to have more koby and helmeppo gay moments in this essay i w
#one piece#opla#the fleshing out of koby and helmeppo is like honestly good its a beacon of light its truly really fun#and all the actors are great it is just what they are given .#they didnt let nami do any real betraying. they didnt even have her steal the merry!! she just stole the map that they added in!!!!#ddont get me started on the gutting of sanjis intro. i dont give a shit about if don krieg appears or not i need to see this guy fuckin#feed the hand thats about to kill him im going to start shaking like a dog.#im almost madder krieg appeared for just a little id rather have that time be used for. anything else really.#like have one of arlongs guys starved half to death when they get to arlong park!or idk anything! no gin appears look its gin! you know him#sanji doesnt even get to beat the shit out of a shitty guest. like i guess he does a little but it feels so blink and you miss it#+the first like two eps were good!! buggys great hes scary and weird and fun. i dont mind that he sticks around longer in theory#but the way he is comedic relief instead of basically every character having funny bits is like. ahghhhgggg. its a symptom of this really#mean and edgy feeling the whole thing has. like the removal of people missing usopps pirate calling :( and how cocoyashi didnt know#nami was working to help them. like p. please. can we have caring and bonds in this world?? trust and love???#anyway. sorry for having expectations of a netflix show im so close to putting this into a more proper form rather than tags. just to get i#all out of my system cause fuck man.#anyway solid 7/10 not as bad as it couldve been
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james-p-sullivan · 11 months
shipping real life people is creepy and weird and im not sorry to say it
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Look, I love 9-1-1 so very very much but coming at it objectively (and as someone who works in TV, and has done for several years), I would not be surprised if this was the final season. I would be gutted if it was canceled but not surprised. Shows which I never thought would be cancelled have been left to dry up, over a decade of production has ended. I worked for two and a half years for a flagship show on a major global network (not giving specifics cause I ain't gonna dox myself when I've seen the behaviour of some people on this tag) and they are really struggling at the moment.
911 simply does not have the viewership it once did, the actors are all getting more and more famous (thus more and more expensive) and the hugely negative reactions online are super damaging. It's one thing to have people complaining about the show while still watching but the drop in viewership combined with bad press, and review bombing (literally what the fuck guys... If you didn't like it, you don't need to ruin it for everyone else? How vindictive and nasty can you be?) can be seriously damaging.
Channels are leaving things to the last minute to renew shows because they are running out of money and this uncertainty can be seen in the writing - season five ended in a way which would be a reasonable final ever scene - and there is only so much that you can do when every season ends with the same vibes of "this could be goodbye forever".
Also, the show is just changing - which is natural over time. Whether you are a buddie fan or not, the Buck & Eddie relationship was a huge part of the show and the writers have basically nuked their screen time for whatever reason which is causing a lot of issues with fans. The human stories are just starting to struggle as storylines aren't being explored and the repeated refusal of the writers to ever have on screen make-ups after issues leads to a lack of trust. If two characters have problems that are a huge plot point, you cannot simply have all make up and big moments off screen (see chimney punch, madney breakup, buck parents make up etc). Characters are making increasingly OOC decisions for reasons which are never explained which leads to the conslusion that either the writers are trying to desperately avoid certain situations with specific characters, or they simply do not understand their characters and aren't willing to try and explain things that don't make sense.
They're running out of storylines too as we see with them getting frankly more and more ridiculous. Now I for one don't mind this, it's a fictional show and I've read fanfic much more bonkers than canon, but for a casual viewer, there's a limit to how much people are willing to let go. (I will take literally anything because I am long past the point about caring about reality in fiction. I like liking things and you're not gonna stop me).
This isn't meant to be a negative post (although it's come out more depressing than I thought) but realistically, I'm not holding out hopes because TV is a numbers game and bad ratings and bad reviews lead to cancelled shows. If you don't like an episode, don't rate it. Would you genuinely prefer the show cancelled because your fave didn't have a big role in an episode? It's literally an ensemble cast so everyone gets their own big storylines.
Anyway, here's hoping I'm wrong and I can joke about this miserable post in the future. I'm off to read 911 fanfic 🤣
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evilkitten3 · 2 years
idea for a cartoon/anime/tv show/whatever:
starts off as typical rpg-esque fantasy story BUT the narrator is just a little too invested/vindictive, a lot of the npcs sound really similar, and every now and then the characters fuck up something they should've aced/do something so well it seems like the rules of the universe broke for it to happen.
finally at the end of the first season, the group has beaten the big bad du jour, and the scene goes black on them celebrating in a bar/angsting over some new horrible realization/something suitable for a season ending... and then instead of going black all the way, it zooms out and the viewer learns that it actually is an rpg being played by a bunch of kids in an after-school club/a bunch of grown-ups on their off-hours/something else like that, and that the "season" has ended bc the players are about to go on break or something.
the next season takes up roughly where the last one left off, this time beginning with the players reuniting and vaguely referencing what they did offscreen, but once the gameplay starts up again, the story has a few minor inconsistencies due to the players having forgotten some things. and since the audience is now aware that this is in fact an rpg, there are scenes where the characters do something and then the players realize they forgot to factor in some rule or other and have to backtrack (maybe there's a rewind effect, or maybe the characters just restart their conversation from scratch and act like the first bit never happened
as the game/show continues, we continue to learn more and more about the players' characters via their backstories coming into play, but the details of the players' lives remain incredibly vague– none of them are ever named, although they occasionally name other people, and the players age between seasons (more dramatically if they're students). one of the seasons ends on a rather disappointing note: no final boss, no dramatic revelations, no sign that anything major occurred irl. just a very sudden, abrupt ending in which the players say goodbye like they usually do. the next season begins after a significantly longer time gap than usual, with something major having happened offscreen (maybe the students graduated or one of the players lost their job or maybe one of them even died suddenly).
nonetheless, they all attempt to pick up more or less where they left off– only bc they've grown and changed so much, they have a much harder time connecting with the mindset they had when they started playing as that character. slowly, the story begins to shift focus from the fantasy characters to the players and we begin to learn more about them as people (still not their names tho (unless one of them died, in which case we learn that one's name)) as they continue to play, and emphasis is put on the difference between the complex natures of the real players vs the simpler ones of their fictional characters.
finally, in the last season, the gm pauses the game after some mildly important battle or other and admits that the end goal they had in mind when the game started all those years ago no longer seems to fit what the game has become or who any of the players are. the group decides to continue the game anyway, but as the game/show continues, the art/set for the irl-game parts gradually becomes more realistic and lifelike while the in-game parts start looking more and more... flat, for lack of a better word. eventually, the game ends, and as the gm said, the ending isn't great. it's not awful, but it's not particularly good either. the gm and the players ponder what they maybe could change to fix it, only to slowly come to the realization that they've been losing interest in the game for a while now, and were only continuing to play out of habit– what they really enjoyed was spending time with one another. one of the players hesitantly suggests that they meet up again the next week like usual, only this time somewhere else, to try something completely different. the group agrees, and they all pack up, say goodbye to one another, and go home. as the last person leaves the game room, they turn off the lights and close the door, thus ending the story.
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