#the audio of his radio from the end of qualifying
adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Moral Orel #34: “Alone” | October 22, 2008 - 12:15AM | S03E04
Dino likes to tell a story about this episode. When Mike Lazzo read the script, he complained to Dino that there was only one joke in the whole episode. Dino asked Lazzo to show him where it was so he could take it out. 
There actually are jokes in here. Hell, there’s a fair amount of jokes in this for this to solidly qualify as a comedy (how’s that for a pull quote?). But this episode is also a psychodrama about three lonely women going mad in their apartments. They all live in some kind of apartment building for spinsters.
There’s the story of Nurse Bendy, who approaches adulthood like a game of make believe that a child might play. This seems to be a trauma response to being objectified (and worse) by the men of Moralton (mostly Principal Fakey). She has a husband and son, who are actually just teddy bears she arranges around a dinner table. She adores her teddy bear husband until it falls out of it’s chair and lands on her rear, causing her to react as if he’s advancing on her sexually. She’s doused with milk, and she reacts in horror. Technically, this could be seen as a joke, but it also seems like it’s not supposed to be funny. The character is going through genuine anguish. And that’s where we leave Nurse Bendy. 
Miss Sculptham is one of the other women we see. She’s been raped by Cecil Creepler, who we might remember from the episode Courtship. It’s interesting to note that in that episode, he tries to molest Doughey in a misguided love-triangle while Doughy looks for a parental figure in Sculptham. In this episode we find out that Sculptham had an abortion, which she seemed to carry out herself in her apartment. Thematically it’s interesting, but I’m not sure what it means. The reason she had an abortion is because she was impregnated by her rapist. We learn through news clippings and radio broadcasts that she aided in his capture by dying her hair black (he didn’t like blondes!). She seems to have experienced gratification from being raped, and maybe even sorta courted his assault. Funny!
Also in the apartment building is Miss Censordoll, who eats eggs and talks to her mother and also talks to a guy on the phone about securing fertilized chicken eggs to eat (gross!). This echos back to Offensiveness. She’s plotting to take over Moralton, and refers to having the mayor in her back pocket. She also refers to the fact that her parents had her sexual organs removed when she was an infant, another sick-and-twisted way to get laughs on Adult Swim. 
This one feels sorta inessential? It’s all sorta setting up future episodes that don’t really require this episode to set them up, except for maybe the exception of Nurse Bendy, who winds up with a somewhat happy ending after this. There are also scenes with her and her teddy bears in that upcoming episodes, and it’s probably a little helpful getting this primer. Miss Sculptham’s story doesn’t pay off, but that’s because her episode winds up getting cut. Also, they try to tell her story without her speaking, so we rely on news clips and radio news, and it's a personal pet peeve of mine when we see text and hear audio at the same time. I feel like I didn't really read or hear any of it. This might be a personal shortcoming on my part, but it's my blog, and I am writing this, and I agree with myself.
On the radio there is a “puff piece” about Orel going hunting with his dad, and he refers to practicing shooting. Those events will be the focus of an upcoming episode.
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They only aired one episode before this one: Repression, which deals with Nurse Bendy and Principal Fakey's relationship. A little odd that they didn't air Offensiveness as well... to say the least!!!!!!
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f1 · 1 year
Verstappen keeps pole position as stewards clear him of impeding Magnussen | 2023 Austrian Grand Prix
Max Verstappen has kept his pole position for the Austrian Grand Prix following an investigation by the stewards. The Red Bull driver, who claimed his fourth consecutive pole position in today’s qualifying session, was summoned to the stewards over an incident in Q1 in which he appeared to impede the Haas of Kevin Magnussen. However after speaking to both drivers and reviewing data from the incident, the stewards decided not to take any action. The incident took place with just under six minutes remaining in Q1. Verstappen had just begun his second consecutive cool-down lap having set the quickest time of the session up to that point. As he rounded the first corner at reduced speed, he remained on the racing line at the left-hand side of the track on exit, keeping onto the kerb. Behind Verstappen, Magnussen was beginning a push lap. The reduced speed of the Red Bull meant that Magnussen was shown a white flag on his approach to turn one, indicating a car ahead was running significantly off the pace. The Haas driver caught the Red Bull on the exit of turn one, with Verstappen moving further to the left to try and leave space for Magnussen, who passed him at racing speed on the right. “Max Verstappen was completely in the way,” Magnussen complained over team radio. Magnussen went on to complete his lap, setting a personal best time that moved him from 14th up to ninth place at the time – before his lap was deleted for exceeding track limits at the final corner. Although Magnussen told the stewards he lost time avoiding Verstappen, the stewards did not agree, noting he clipped a kerb on the way out of the corner. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free “The driver of car one [Verstappen] stated that he saw a car approaching after he crossed the line at the end of his push lap and moved to the left of the track after the exit of turn one. The driver of car 20 [Magnussen] stated that he had to move to the right to avoid car one and hence lost time on his fast lap. “The stewards determined from the video (and audio) evidence that car 20 had clipped the kerb in turn one and that this subsequently caused a slight change in acceleration which in turn resulted in a slightly slower time on the next mini sectors. The stewards further determined that car 20 did not have to take significant evasive action.” The time Magnussen set on that lap ultimately proved irrelevant as it was deleted due to a track limits violation, but the stewards said this had no bearing on their decision not to penalise Verstappen. “The fact that the lap time of car 20 was subsequently deleted (due to exceeding track limits at turn 10) was irrelevant to this decision. Any incident is always investigated independently of other incidents or penalties.” Had Verstappen been penalised it would likely have cost him pole position. Four drivers were penalised for impeding at the Canadian Grand Prix two weeks ago and all received three-place grid drops. Become a RaceFans Supporter RaceFans is run thanks in part to the generous support of its readers. By contributing £1 per month or £12 per year (or the same in whichever currency you use) you can help cover the costs of creating, hosting and developing RaceFans today and in the future. Become a RaceFans Supporter today and browse the site ad-free. Sign up or find out more via the links below: Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free 2023 Austrian Grand Prix Browse all 2023 Austrian Grand Prix articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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rendtion · 2 years
George deserves all the love in the world and I exist for nothing more than that
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smokeybrand · 2 years
Sh*t the Bed
I’ve been following this Johnny Depp/Amber Heard situation since 2016 and it’s wild to see how far it’s come. This defamation trial is really exposing Heard’s absolute awfulness to the entire world. Cats who used to staunchly be in this dizzy b*tch’s corner, are bailing in droves. The rats are abandoning the ship. Musky hasn’t said sh*t about his Unicorn on his newly minted Twatter. James Franco opted not to testify on her behalf after that video of him with an overnight bag, heading into Johnny’s apartment for the weekend, was shown during the trial. Every witness and deposition testimony is saying the exact same thing: Johnny was never the aggressor or abuser, it was always Amber Heard. Now, for me? This is sh*t I've always known. I’ve know for years that Amber Heard is a violent psychopath and my confidence in that assertion stems from the fact that she told us so, herself.
Long before Johnny had his midlife crisis and decided to stick his wick into a beehive of nutso, I enjoyed looking at Amber Heard. Ma is wildly attractive. She riddles this blog because, and i cannot stress this enough, she is f*cking gorgeous. I know that. I admit. I don’t begrudge Cap’n Jack bailing on his family to get a piece of that. However, i knew Amber was damaged goods. I didn’t know what happened to her but i was sure it happened when she was a kid. That level of anger, that level of aggression, that sh*t runs deep and so does Heard’s resume of violence.Years before she was Mrs. Depp, Amber had beaten up a girlfriend in the Seattle Airport or some sh*t. I remember that happening. I remember TMZ flashing arrest records. Around that time, i remember hearing a clip on the radio of Amber basically saying that she’s from Texas and they solve problems with their fists out there. When she started talking about Johnny beating her, i was like, “Nah.”
Depp has experienced trauma in his life. It’s why he does drugs and stays weird. We learned a lot of those triggers during this trial but i was privy to most of them beforehand. I knew Johnny was very devoted to his mother. I knew he was a very sweet man. I knew he had issues with suicide and death because of certain people in his life. I knew when he started dating Amber that it would end terribly. I did not anticipate “sh*t in a bed and a severed finger” terrible. It was bizarre to me that so many people piled on Depp and believed in Heard’s lies when it was so very obvious she was full of sh*t. Well, not full. She left a good amount in Depp’s bed but you know what i mean. This chick was notoriously awful to people in her circle, even before this slander of Johnny, and everyone just assumed she a was a victim. Like, word? Have you been paying attention?
Depp has been in the industry for, like, four decades and, with the exception of maybe Kate Moss, no one has ever had a real problem with this dude but he’s a violent abuser? Jack Sparrow? The man who still dresses up as the Captain of the Black Pearl to bring joy to kids in the hospital even though the Mouse House fired him and most definitely threatened legal action for infringing upon their intellectual property? That guy? He brought scarves and scones to the people waiting for him, friend or foe, outside of the Sun trial, man. You expect me to believe that THIS dude beat up Amber Heard? Regularly? Repeatedly? And not the other way around? Like, is it really a stretch that the b*tch with a record for domestic abuse, is a lying abuser? Isn’t that what abusers do? Gaslight and deceive their victims? Well, Amber Heard gaslit the entire goddamn country for six years. Not so much anymore.
The entire country got to hear the audio i heard years ago. They got to hear Amber admit, in her own voice, that she beats Johnny, that she just gets SO mad when he “runs”. Johnny qualifies this, too, stating he splits so he doesn’t “smack the wife.” Amber calls him weak for this. Johnny is weak because he won’t hit her back. Right there, Depp won his case. Heard admits he runs from the conflict. It frustrates her when he does so. If he runs, then he’s not hitting you and if he doesn’t hit you, then you lied about being hit, right? Those lies have damaged Depp’s reputation. They have defamed him. That one tape proves his case. Everything else? Icing on the cake exposing how toxic and rancid and cruel and disgusting Amber Heard is as a whole person. She literally ridiculed him for letting her abuse him. Told him to tell the world that he, Johnny Depp, was being abused by her, Amber Heard. So he did. That’s what this trial is. F*ck a defamation suit. F*ck a hundred million dollar payout. F*ck all of that. Depp is telling the world that Amber Heard abused him for years and she deserves to be held accountable for those sh*tty actions. I’ve been team Depp since the very beginning of this sh*tshow and now, with how much is coming out in this trial, it’s really hard for anyone else not to be, especially if you were supporting this lying tramp before. If you still carry a torch for Amber Heard, that’s fine. B*tch is hot. I get it. Maybe she can sue you next, after ruining your life and career, yeah?
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 30
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A/N:  Okay, so, special announcement.....
The President Wears Prada is ending at Chapter 35.
I know a lot of you weren’t expecting this, but that is where I have planned it to end.  It’s a natural end.  Nothing will be forced.  There’s still a lot left to go, a lot to happen with Aberdeen, Willy, and everybody else, and a lot to write about.  I haven’t written up to it yet, but I know exactly what is going to happen.  I didn’t want the end to come as a shock to you, which is why I’m announcing it now.
In the meantime, enjoy this chapter!
July 1st, 2020
Aberdeen Bloom was with William on the rooftop of his condo building.  
She’d spun a wild web of lies to make sure she could be with him after he begged to see her for Canada Day.  It was a bit awkward this year, because it landed on a Wednesday, right in the middle of the week, but she’d managed.  She’d told Kasha she was with her family.  She’d told her family she couldn’t stay the whole day, and because they spent the morning and the afternoon together already, they were okay with that.  
She was getting too good at lying.
“What are you thinking about?” William asked as they lay together on a recliner they had dragged from underneath pergolas so they could see the night sky.  Though there was too much light pollution in Toronto to see a sky full of stars, there were still some bright stars in the sky along with the glowing moon.  From all the way atop the building, they could barely hear the noise from the city below.  
She smiled.  “For the first time, nothing,” she said, cuddling her head onto his chest even more as he held her hand against her heart.  “My mind and my heart are at ease right now.”
She could feel him smile.  He liked how she felt so at east with him.  He liked how he could make her feel that way in between the stress of her job and moving forward in her career.  He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it.  “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Can I show you how much I love you?”
She raised her head from his chest to cock an eyebrow up at him.  “We’re not having sex on the roof of your condo,” she deadpanned.  
He snorted.  He didn’t blame her for thinking that’s what he wanted.  Ever since he got back to Toronto, they fell back into the habit of sneaking around.  Most of it happened at his apartment now, in between skating at Scotiabank Arena and Aberdeen telling Kasha she’d have to be there the whole day and not just the few hours when they boys were in.  “No, minskatt.  Something else.”
“What something else?”
William shifted his body so he was sitting up more, causing Aberdeen to shift too, straddling his lap to face him instead.  She ran her hands over his chest quickly before he took them, kissing them both, before she watched as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.  “You weren’t the only one I was talking to during quarantine.”
She furrowed her brows at him.  She knew he wasn’t cheating – he wouldn’t be risking her career and her reputation if he was just going to cheat on her – so she had no clue what he meant by that.  “What does that mean, exactly?”
“I thought you deserved some good news during the lockdown…quarantine…whatever,” he began.  “So I got Kyle to send me Max’s number.”
“Who’s Max?”
William rolled his eyes and giggled.  “Max Kerman, minskatt.  From the Arkells.”  He watched as her face lit up before he continued.  “He told me to tell you they’re coming out with a new album.  Well – new.  It’s, like, an acoustic album.  They’re re-imagining all of their songs as if you’re singing them around a campfire,” he explained.
“Really?” Aberdeen was excited by the news.  “That’s so cool.  I love when they do acoustic sets.”
“Mhm,” William nodded.  “They’re releasing it in August.  But they’re actually including one new song.”  He paused for dramatic effect.  “Want to hear it?”
Aberdeen’s eyes bulged out of their sockets.  “What do you mean want to hear it?  You have it?!”
William nodded.  “Max sent it to me.  I told him about how much of a fan you were, and he remembered you from the mentor’s trip, so he didn’t mind so long as we were the only ones who heard it.”
He could see her eyes light up like fireworks.  “Well—well of course!  I’m not gonna leak it!” she said as if Max were standing in front of them.  “Is it acoustic too?” she asked.  William nodded.  “What’s it about?”
“Let’s see,” he smiled, fiddling around with his phone, shaking slightly.  “I’ve listened to it once or twice.  I think it’s a love song.”
Aberdeen waited impatiently as William found the song.  He turned the audio up on his phone to the highest level as she heard Max’s voice count the beat in.  When the acoustic guitar started, she automatically fell in love with it.  Melodic, as always, sounding like a perfect Arkells song.  She swayed back and forth gently, and at that point, she saw William staring at her.  
I think about you all the time I can’t get you off my mind
Aberdeen’s body seized up immediately.  I think about you all the time.  I can’t get you off my mind.  I think about you all the time.  I can’t get you off my mind.  I think about you when I’m not even thinking.  I think about you when I’m not even thinking.
A rush of emotion flushed her entire body.  “Willy—” she tried to get out, her voice strained as she pushed away from him.
“Minskatt—” he grabbed her hands on his chest as she pushed away so she couldn’t push away any further.  “Minskatt, come on—”
“—Willy what did you do—”
“—Minskatt, minskatt shhhhh,” he cooed as he saw tears begin to fall down her cheeks.  “Minskatt, listen to me—”
“Willy,” she stressed, looking him in the eye.  “Willy, is this song about me?  About us?”
He nodded softly.  “I got him to write a song about you.  Like your dream.”
Aberdeen burst out into tears, covering her face with her hands as she sobbed into them.  William stopped the song and leaned forward to wrap his arms around her, bringing her into his chest to cry.  He held her tightly and placed a kiss on the crown of her head.  “Why are you crying, minskatt?” he asked.
She didn’t respond at first.  But when she lifted her head from his chest and wiped her eyes to be able to see him clearly, she finally did.  “Are you joking?  Why am I crying?” she asked rhetorically.  “My boyfriend just got my favourite band to write a song about me!” she exclaimed.
“But you like that I did that though, right?” he asked.
She rolled her eyes.  That at least made her smile.  “Of course I like it, you Costco hot dog,” she said, making him chuckle.  “But I don’t – how did you – I mean what – how—”
“I called Max, and I told him about how there was this girl,” William said.  “I didn’t tell him too much.  Don’t worry.  I didn’t tell him it was you.  But I told him what was important, and some things to include.  And he wrote it, and sort of filled in the rest with his own stuff.”
Aberdeen couldn’t believe what she was hearing.  William had gotten Max Kerman to write a song about her.  About them.  Without even revealing their secret.  And he’d recorded it.  Mastered it.  Put it on an Arkells album.  Would tour with it.  Sing it to crowds—
“The best part about it is whenever we hear it on the radio, we’re the only two people in the world who know it’s about us,” William said softly, looking her in the eye.
Aberdeen started crying all over again.  She let her face fall back into his chest as he held her again.  She cried her eyes out.  This was, bar none, the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for her, let alone a boyfriend.  She was so overwhelmed with emotion that she almost couldn’t handle it.  William, for his part, let her cry until she was all cried out – until she lifted her head again and wiped her eyes again too look at him.
“Can I play it?” he asked.  
She nodded her head, preparing herself.
I think about you all the time I can't get you off my mind If they only knew Who I've been talking to You got a place off the park I'll come on by after dark Was nervous then When you let me in
We were hanging at cross town parties, oh Just killing time until the main event
And it hurts All throughout my insides I couldn't stop if I tried Loving you I'll never learn So I'll call you when I'm outside You said, "The key's behind the porch light for unit two" I thought of maybe quitting But there's no quitting you
You said that the fridge is dry But you got some red, you got some white The drunks outside Singing lullabies Slow dance swaying back and forth Whispering "What's mine is yours" When you say my name Hits in a different way
You call me out when I'm talking nonsense, oh And I'll kiss you when I got nothing to say
And it hurts (oh oh oh) All throughout my insides I couldn't stop if I tried Loving you I'll never learn (oh oh oh) So I'll call ya when I'm outside The key's behind the porch light for unit two And I thought of maybe quitting But there's no quitting you
My whole life I'm scanning for the exits, oh Lying next to you I don't wanna leave
And it hurts (oh oh oh) All throughout my insides And I couldn't stop if I tried Loving you I'll never learn (oh oh oh) So I'll call ya when I'm outside The key's behind the porch light for unit two And I thought of maybe quitting But there's no quitting you There's no quitting you
By the time the song finished, Aberdeen had stuffed her face into the crook of William’s neck.  She let some last tears fall.  “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” she said in his ear.  
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, minskatt.  Jag tänker på dig när jag inte ens tanker.”
“Jag tänker på dig när jag inte ens tanker.”
July 10th, 2020
The NHL announced its Return to Play Plan on May 26 with 24 teams in competition for the Stanley Cup.  The tournament begins with the Stanley Cup Qualifiers, which include 16 teams paired in eight best-of-5 series and a round-robin among the top four teams in each conference to determine seeds for the Stanley Cup Playoffs. "I want to make clear that the health and safety of our players, coaches, essential support staff and our communities are paramount," Commissioner Gary Bettman said when announcing the Return to Play Plan. "While nothing is without risk, ensuring health and safety has been central to all of our planning so far and will remain so. "Let me assure you that the reason we are doing this is because our fans have told us in overwhelming numbers that they want to complete the season if at all possible. And our players and our teams are clear that they want to play and bring the season to its rightful conclusion." The format was determined in meetings of the Return to Play Committee, which included executives from the NHL and NHL Players' Association, and five players: Ottawa Senators defenseman Ron Hainsey, Edmonton Oilers center Connor McDavid, Winnipeg Jets center Mark Scheifele, Toronto Maple Leafs center John Tavares and Philadelphia Flyers forward James van Riemsdyk. The qualifiers are being held at two hub cities: the 12 Eastern Conference teams are in Toronto, and the 12 Western Conference teams are in Edmonton, also the site of the conference finals and Stanley Cup Final.  A comprehensive system for testing is in place in each hub city, and each team was permitted to travel a maximum of 52 personnel, including players, coaches and staff. "Obviously, we anticipate playing over the summer and into the early fall," Commissioner Bettman said in May.  "Obviously, these are extraordinary and unprecedented times.  Any plan for the resumption of play, by definition, cannot be perfect. And I am certain that, depending on which team you root for or which team you cover, you can find some element of this package that you might prefer to be done differently.  But we believe we have constructed an overall plan that includes all teams that, as a practical matter, might have had a chance of qualifying for the playoffs when the season was paused. And this plan will produce a worthy Stanley Cup champion who will have run the postseason gauntlet that is unique to the NHL."
This was Aberdeen’s second training camp for the same season.  She never thought she’d ever experience a professional sports team’s training camp in her entire life, let alone two.  But her life had taken a turn one year ago (thirteen months now, if we were really counting) when she met William at that bar and had slept with him.  Everything she had experienced this year was…surreal, to say the least.  And that was just in her personal life.  Never mind her professional life.
Although the lines were blurred these days between her personal and professional life.
At Scotiabank Arena, she knew the entire team was on the ice a few floors below Brendan’s office.  She knew Sheldon was putting them through drills, making them skate laps around the rink, shoot at the net – whatever they needed to do to feel like hockey players again.  Whatever they needed to do to go all the way.  Whatever they needed to do to win the Stanley Cup.
“Aberdeen,” she heard her name being called by Brendan.  She shot up from her seat and made her way into his office.  He looked up at her through his glasses as he continued to focus on his laptop screen.  “Close the door behind you, please.  And sit.”
Suddenly her nerves got the best of her.  He never usually needed her to shut the door unless they were talking about something confidential.  “Is everything okay?” she asked, sitting.
He sighed, taking off his glasses and laying them beside his laptop.  He took a good look at her before he began speaking again.  “Aberdeen, I’m going to ask you a serious question, and I need you to think about it before answering me.”
She gulped.  “Okay…”
“Do you want to come into the bubble?”
She was shocked.  He hadn’t spoken to her about the bubble yet, and on the first instance he did, he was asking her to go into it.  This was a grand total of three days before the clubs had to submit the final list of the 52 personnel who would be going in, so she was sure she wasn’t being considered anyway.  “Me?”
He nodded.  “You’d fulfill roles for both Kyle and I, and you would be helping the content creator with the social media aspect of the bubble,” he explained.  “But Kyle and I were speaking, and as we were going through the list of employees to bring, your name came up.”
“You’re reliable.  Your hard-working.  We know you’re not going to break any rules.  And fuck, there’s some extensive rules,” he picked up a heavy duotang, wagged it at her, before plopping it down on his desk again.  “But it’s going to be tough going in there.  Psychologically.  It’s not going to be easy.  Especially if we go all the way.  And believe me…we want to go all the way,” he stressed.  “That’s why I want you to think about it.”
“Brendan asked me to be in the bubble.”
Aberdeen and William had a bad habit of asking things or blurting things out after sex while they were lying in the bed, she with her tits out, trying to catch their breaths.  When she looked over at him, his eyes were bulged out.  “What?”
“Yeah,” she nodded her head.  “He wants me to fulfill my role and help the content creator with the social media aspect.  But yeah…he wants me in there.”
Aberdeen didn’t know what she was expecting to hear from William, considering the information they already knew about the bubble and knowing that much more information was to come, but it definitely wasn’t a decisive, stern, “No.”
It was her turn to whip her head to look at him.  “Excuse me?” she asked.  “No?”
“No,” William shook his head.  “I don’t want you in there, Aberdeen.”
Aberdeen furrowed her brows, not understanding why William was acting like this and saying these things.  She shifted so she was propping herself up on her elbow.  “William…I…what?”
“You…I…listen,” he began, sighing, “as much as I love you and as much as I’m gonna miss you when I’m quarantined in there, I don’t…I don’t know if I want you being in there.  I don’t want you to experience that.”
“Why not?”
“We’ve already gotten the rules.  We can’t be in each other’s rooms.  Aberdeen, we can’t even speak in the elevators.  It’s…I don’t know if I’d be able to do all that knowing you’re there too.  But even more important than that, I don’t want you to risk anything.  Your safety, your health.”
“Willy…” she cooed, bringing an arm up to drape around him.  In turn, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close, placing a quick kiss on her shoulder.  “I know you want me to be safe, but I’ll be safe in there.  If you’re safe, I’m safe in there too.  What’s the difference?”
William continued to shake his head.  “I don’t want you to have to go through, psychologically, what I’m gonna have to go through.”
She brought a hand between them to cup his face.  “You don’t have to be the martyr here, Willy.  It’s not like I want you to go through it either.”
William sighed, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.  She could feel his lips graze her skin on her neck and shoulder, but he stayed silent.  He didn’t say another word.
July 12th, 2020
“I’ll do it.”
“You’ll do what?”
“I’ll come into the bubble.”
Brendan looked up from his desk, finally.  He took off his glasses.  “You’re sure about this?”
“Because once you say yes you can’t back out.  We have to submit the names to the NHL officially tomorrow.  And once you’re in the Royal York, you can’t leave unless it’s a family emergency – death, birth of a child—”
“I know.  I read the package,” she nodded her head.  “I understand what I’m getting myself into.  I’ll do it.”
July 16th, 2020
Aberdeen walked gingerly into the coffee shop Brendan had sent her to.  In the middle of a pandemic.  She understood cases were now fairly low in Ontario, but she was still apprehensive.  People shouldn’t just be…going places.  Walking into offices that weren’t their places of work or coffee shops that weren’t their regular coffee shops or grocery stores that weren’t their regular grocery stores.  Places that they didn’t know.  That they weren’t used to.
Yet here she was.
She stood at the door awkwardly.  There were exactly three spaces for indoor dining when, in regular times, she knew there would be much more.  At one table, a couple sat with masks on and coffees in front of them staring at their phones.  At another, a girl who couldn’t have been older than here was sneakily taking a Snapchat selfie.  At the third—
“Aberdeen Bloom?” the woman sitting at the table asked.  Her eyes crinkled slightly, signaling to Aberdeen that she was smiling behind her mask.  “Please, sit!” she motioned to the chair.  
“Hi,” Aberdeen said awkwardly, extending her hand but then pulling it back violently before half bowing as a form of saying hello.  She was so fucking awkward.  She didn’t even know what this was for.  “That’s me, Aberdeen Bloom.  I’m Brendan Shanahan’s personal assistant.  And your name is…”
“I’m Beth Zadakis, the major features editor of Toronto Life magazine.”
Aberdeen’s breath hitched in her throat.  She was going to fucking kill Brendan.  She was going to go back to the office and murder him in cold blood.  “It’s so nice to meet you,” she said politely, thinking about the gold-plated envelope opener in Brendan’s desk she could use to stab him.  “You’ll have to forgive me, but Brendan didn’t really give me any information about this…uh, meeting,” she said.  “What is it that he needs from you?  Or you from him?”
“Nothing, actually,” Beth’s eyes crinkled again.  “It’s actually more so about you.  Brendan tells me you’re a writer.”
Aberdeen gulped.  “I’m definitely trying to be.”
“Have you submitted to us before?”
Aberdeen nodded.  “Just to the memoirs section.  I think it was Sandy who read my work, but it was ultimately rejected.  At least, that’s who I got the email from.”
Beth nodded.  “Sandy’s actually left to take a job with The Globe and Mail.  And due to some promotions and transfers, there’s actually an opening for a contributing editor – it’s what we call our writers.”
Aberdeen knew very well what Toronto Life called their writers.  She had dreamt of seeing her name on that list for years now.  “Why…I mean—how do I factor into this?” she stuttered out.
“Brendan tells me you’re going into the NHL bubble.”
“I am.”
Beth leaned in slightly.  “We’d like for you to write a feature for the magazine about life in the bubble.  The hotel, the boys, the games – everything.  Hockey in a pandemic.  A full feature, anywhere between five to ten thousand words.”
Aberdeen’s body felt like it was on fire.  She was sure her eyes were bulging out dramatically, but at this point, she didn’t care.  “I can do that,” she said, nodding her head.  “I can do that.”
“If you can pull it off, Aberdeen, you’ve got a job with the magazine.”
Her heart fluttered in her chest.  “I can do it.  I won’t let you down.”
Beth shifted slightly in her seat and took out a piece of paper.  “I’m going to write you the name and contact information of my senior editor, Alec,” she said.  “He’ll want to meet you and speak to you about the piece.  But it’s a go, Aberdeen.”
“A major feature, minskatt?” William’s eyes lit up at the news Aberdeen had just shared, her giddiness and excitable energy rubbing off on him quickly.  “That sounds important.”
“Is is important!  It’s the longest feature of the magainze!  Willy, it’s usually the cover!” she exclaimed.  “The—the cover!  Do you know how much of a big deal that is?!”
“I can tell from how much you’re freaking out about it,” he smiled.  He reached to grab her hands and intertwined their fingers.  He pushed them and crossed them at the small of her back before moving closer to her body and giving her a quick kiss.  “Look at you, minskatt.  I’m so proud of you.”
“Well, I haven’t written it yet.”
“Yeah, but you’ve shown me your writing.  And it’s fantastic.  So you’re gonna knock this one out of the park.”
Aberdeen knew how lucky she was to have someone like William in her life, always supporting her and always being her biggest cheerleader.  While other people had told her to pursue other things, he was there encouraging her – the silent support she always wanted and needed.  “I love you.  D’you know that?” she asked tenderly, looking up at his big blue eyes.
He could only smile.  “Not as much as I love you.”
She chuckled slightly.  “You realize if I knock this out of the park, that means I become a contributing editor at the magazine.  I become a writer.  My dream.  And that means I leave the Toronto Maple Leafs.”
“That means I can finally kiss you in public.”
Aberdeen smiled.  It did mean he could finally kiss her in public.  It meant a lot of things.  They could finally be open with their relationship.  They could go out on dates publicly.  They could go out to dinner.  She could bring him to San Remo Bakery.  They could have picnics in the park.  They could walk along the lake.  They could post on Instagram about each other.  She could finally have the name set as ‘William Nylander’ on her phone as opposed to ‘Head Empty’ (maybe she’d keep it that way).  They could do so much.  So so so much.  “It would be bittersweet leaving…” she bit her lip.  “I mean…I love my job, Will.  I love all the guys.”
“Brendan wouldn’t have put you up for the job if he didn’t think it would be a great opportunity for you,” he shrugged his shoulders.  “The guys would miss you but they know you want to become a writer.”
“But what if I can’t deliver?”
William shook his head.  “Brendan wouldn’t have put you up for the job if he didn’t think you’d be able to deliver, either, minskatt,” he said.  “I know you can do it.  We all do.”
July 17th, 2020
“You must be Aberdeen Bloom,” Alec Young said with no hint of any emotion in his voice as Aberdeen stood in the doorway of his large, expansive office.  As per COVID-19 protocols, there were very few people in, but apparently Alec was important enough to be in the offices working instead of working from home.  She imagined he had piles and piles of articles to edit for future issues.  She was surprised he even had time for her – granted, it was a quick lunchtime visit, but still.
“Yes sir, that’s me,” she nodded quickly, clutching her purse handles in her hands.  
“Beth tells me you’re going to be writing a feature for us, possibly,” he said.  “About the NHL bubble.”
“That’s the plan, sir, yes.”
He eyed her.  “Sit.  And close the door behind you.”
Aberdeen did as she was told, sitting in the plush chair more than six feet away from his desk – his office was that big.  She settled in but he made her wait as he typed away furiously into his laptop before he finally stopped and turned towards her.  “She told you the length?”
“Yes.  5,000-10,000 words.”
“And what we’re looking for?”
Aberdeen furrowed her brows slightly.  “I…I assume about life in the bubble.  Playing professional sports during a pandemic,” she said.
That was when he smiled.  “No Miss Bloom.  We’re looking for…more.”
He clasped his hands together on his desk.  “We know what hockey players are like, Miss Bloom.  You’ve been working for the team for about a year now, right?  I’m sure you’ve seen the shenanigans they get up to.”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.  The booze, the drugs, the women.  They’re professional athletes,” he said.  Aberdeen thought back to a hotel visit in Calgary where she found Mitch Marner and Jake Muzzin playing mini-sticks in the hotel hallway like they were a peewee team on their first-ever road trip; she also thought back to the snowball fight a bunch of them had in Montreal where they were giggling like schoolgirls while also deliberately aiming for each other’s nuts.  If Alec only knew.  “That’s what you’re covering for us.  The shenanigans.  Sneaking women into the bubble, the fights, the booze – everything.”
“I…” she began to protest, not knowing which words should come out of her mouth first.  “They’re…they’re nothing like that anymore.  They’re just not,” she said.  Alec looked unconvinced.  “These are guys that are bringing their gaming consoles into their rooms at the Royal York.  They’re worried about the wifi being too weak when everyone’s gaming that it’s gonna lag or something.  They’re not sneaking in women—and drugs?  I don’t even know where to—”
“Listen,” Alec said firmly, holding his hand up to get her to stop talking.  “Either you get us the scoop, or you don’t.  If you get it, you have a job here, and the guarantee that your article will be on our cover and be front page on the magazine racks and newsstands.  If you don’t get the scoop, you don’t get the job.  It’s up to you.”
Aberdeen thought back to when Mike Babcock got fired.  She thought back to getting called by Brendan late at night and less than an hour and a half later she was on the MLSE private jet.  She thought back to just before going into the locker room, and what Kyle had said to her.  “You know Aberdeen, Brendan trusts you.”  She thought back to what he said after he thanked her for not leaking the information.  “You could have sold that information to any newspaper or reporter and they would have offered you a job.  But you didn’t.”
She remembered what she told him.  “I would never burn this bridge.  I’d never sell Brendan or the team out like that for personal gain.”
And then, what Kyle followed up with.  “This city is rife with opportunity for people who take advantage of others.  But you’re not like that – at least yet.”
That was before everything.  Before she had sex with William.  Before she carried on a secret relationship with him behind everyone’s back.  Before she started lying to everybody.  Had she changed?  Was she a person, now, who would take advantage of others?  Would she take advantage of the organization that had given her so much for her dream job in writing?  Was she that person?  A person who would lie to get what she wanted?  Fabricate entire stories just to secure a dream job?
The answer, to her, was immediate.
But she looked at Alec.  “I understand,” she said instead.
He smiled.  “Good.”
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mobilemechanicsabq · 3 years
Best Car Stereo Installation Service and Cost in Albuquerque NM |Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque
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Are you looking for the Best Car Stereo Installation Service near Albuquerque NM ? Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque,Our licensed and insured car stereo installers will ensure that you get the right products for your needs and then make sure that your equipment is installed professionally.Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Car Stereo Installation Service around Albuquerque NM. We serve Albuquerque NMand other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Car Stereo Installation At Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque
Car Stereo Installation Service near Albuquerque NM:Looking to enhance your driving experience? Then a new car audio/video system from Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque is just what you need! Whether you want to upgrade your factory car audio system or build a custom car stereo from scratch, our team is the answer you’ve been looking for. We provide professional car audio electronics products and installation for drivers in and around Albuquerque NM, and our qualified technicians are here to make sure you always have access to awesome tunes while you’re behind the wheel. With over years of experience to rely on, we’re your source for the best in car stereos and mobile audio equipment. Call us today to learn more!
When you turn to Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque for your mobile audio system, you can expect nothing but amazing results. We can outfit cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs, and even boats with high-quality mobile electronics. While we’re an authorized dealer for many types of components, we’re also happy to install products that you’ve bought elsewhere. Providing service that’s above and beyond most car audio shops, Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque is here to make sure our customers benefit from careful, correct installation workmanship.
Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque ,Our licensed and insured car stereo installers will ensure that you get the right products for your needs and then make sure that your equipment is installed professionally using 100% copper wire. If you don’t have enough outlets for the number of speakers you want to install, we can create a beautiful, custom fiberglass panel that will house additional speakers. Customized solutions to meet your in-car audio needs is the name of the game at Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque.
We don’t cut corners to cut costs; instead we work hard to provide our clients with first-class craftsmanship and materials at highly competitive rates. From amps to speakers and subwoofers, we have everything you might need for a stellar car audio/video system.
Your car came with a stereo, right? Maybe it’s fine and it does a decent job, and maybe you’re ok with it. But ask yourself this: Don’t you deserve better than fine and decent?
As a San Diego County resident, you spend hours in your car every week.Back and forth to work, to the grocery store, out to dinner, and now that the holidays are here, to the mall, to the airport, and to holiday parties.  In fact, doesn’t it sometimes seem like, aside from the hours you sleep, you actually spend more time in your car than you do at home? So then why not make the experience as pleasurable as it can be?
This holiday season, give yourself the gift that keeps on giving: a high-quality car audio system.  And just in case you need more convincing, here are five benefits to upgrading beyond your “fine” and “decent” car stereo:
Better Sound From Your Car Audio With A Premium Sound System
Car Stereo Installation Service near Albuquerque NM:Let’s face it. Your car manufacturer doesn’t care as much about your aural satisfaction as you do.  Sure, factory systems have gotten better, but many of those premium systems still use relatively weak speakers and amps that deliver less-than-satisfactory sound. Even if all you do is upgrade your car’s system with high-quality aftermarket speakers, you’ll experience tighter bass and more overall clarity in your tunes.
Better Control Of Your Car Sound System And Speakers
When built to your specifications, a high-quality stereo system has the potential to give you optimal control over the way your music sounds. Most car receivers provide treble, mid-range, and bass control, which is fine for overall sound. But when you build your system with an equalizer, you have multiple points for adjusting your frequency response and ironing out problem peaks. In other words, a high-quality stereo system gives you the ability to fine-tune your tunes.
Better Car Commute In San Diego With A Premium Car Stereo
Remember back when those little tiny Walkman speakers made it possible to pipe the music from your Walkman into your bedroom or dorm room? Sure, you could hear the general idea of the song, but it was nothing like having your headphones on and the music all around you. Well, the difference between your car’s factory system and a high-quality aftermarket stereo is kinda like that. A great system plus Dynamat or any other sound-deadening material to lower interior noise levels will greatly enhance your listening pleasure.  When you’re lost in your music, you might even cease to care that you’re in standstill traffic on northbound 805.
Better Communication On Your IPhone Or Android From Your Car
If you spend a lot of time in your car, there’s a good chance you also spend a lot of time on speakerphone. We hate to break it to you, but if you don’t have a decent Bluetooth-equipped system, you are probably annoying everyone on the other end of the phone.  Think about it. When you call someone, and you can tell they’re driving because 1) there’s a ton of extra noise in the background, and 2) they sound like they’re shouting over the noise, don’t you hang up sooner than you might otherwise? Want better communication with your wife/husband/mom/kids/boss? Upgrade to a high-quality, Bluetooth-equipped stereo system. Everyone on the other end will thank you for it. If you get one with a simple interface, it’ll also make for safer driving.  
Better Reputation With Great Sounding Car Audio In Albuquerque NM
Let’s be honest here. When it comes to our cars, we can be a little…vain.  We spend money to make them look good and sometimes even to inspire envy as we race up the 163 or pull up to the valet stand at a downtown restaurant. But a good-looking car with a crappy stereo system is as disappointing as a good-looking man/woman with bad teeth. Your beautiful car deserves a beautiful sound system. Whether or not you care about sound quality when you listen to NPR during your morning commute, you’ll certainly appreciate the way a high-quality stereo system inspires envy in your brother-in-law.
Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque Has Top Of The Line Car Audio & Stereo Installation
Now that you know why you need to upgrade your car stereo system, it’s time for the which, the who, and the when. At Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque in Albuquerque NM, we can help you with all three. We carry all the best car audio brands, so we can help you determine which system is best for you, your car, and your needs. Our professional installers are who you can count on to set up your new system so you can drive away knowing it’s been done right. And when? Well, we’re here anytime you’re ready. Check some of our amazing specials to get a great discount!
 How to install a car stereo
Car Stereo Installation Service near Albuquerque NM:Remove your factory stereo and install a new one Car stereo installation basics In this article, we'll walk you through the process of installing a new car stereo. We'll cover:
●      How to remove the factory stereo
●      How to wire the new receiver what you need to know to connect it right
●      How to install the new car stereo
Please read over these guidelines before beginning the installation so you'll know what to expect.
Installing a new car stereo can often be simple enough to do yourself, and his article will provide you with a general guide on how to do it. Keep in mind that some cars and systems are more complicated than others and that every car and stereo system will be different, so some specifics may vary. Be sure to read any instructions that come with the new car stereo before attempting to install it.
How to Take Out the Old Stereo
Car Stereo Installation Service near Albuquerque NM:
Set the parking brake and disconnect the negative cable from your car battery. Be sure to do this to avoid short-circuiting the electrical system during the installation, which could lead to fire or physical harm for you.
Unscrew any screws that are securing the trim in place. Be careful to remove all screws before trying to pry off the trim or you may break it.
Remove the trim. For some cars, you may need to remove several pieces of plastic trim, usually working from the bottom up.[3]
●      If you need to remove trim that includes any knobs or drawers, remove them before trying to pry off the trim.
●      Use your hands or a pry tool to pry off each piece of trim. Pry tools are specifically for this purpose and will not damage the trim pieces.
Pull out any necessary components. If you need to remove any components before being able to access the stereo, do so.
Disconnect components that are wired to the car. Take a picture of how each is wired for later reference.
Loosen the stereo. Different cars may have varying elements securing the stereo in place.
●      If the stereo is held in place by screws or nuts, loosen them with the appropriate tool (screwdriver or nut driver, respectively).
●      If the stereo isn't held in place by screws or nuts, you'll need to use a radio-removal key. This tool is commonly necessary in Ford vehicles. Radio-removal keys (sometimes also referred to as radio-removal tools) will typically either be in an elongated horseshoe shape or will have a circular shape at one end and a notched shaft at the other. They’re available at most auto-parts stores.
●      Insert the keys into the two small slots in the face of the stereo. You will release a mechanism holding the stereo in place. Slide the radio-removal keys into each slot again until you feel the stereo loosen from in its housing. You should then be able to pull out the stereo relatively easily.
Pull the stereo out of the panel. You may want to use needle-nose pliers to grip the edge of the stereo and help you pull it out.[4] Pull it gently, and if the stereo doesn't come out easily, double check that you haven't missed any components that may be holding it in place.
Take a picture of how the stereo is wired. This is an important step because the photo will serve as a reference later when you’re wiring in the new stereo.
Unplug the stereo connections. You’ll see a series of wires connected to the back of the stereo, and you’ll need to disconnect each of them.
●      First unplug the antenna wire, which will typically be a thicker wire plugged in separately from the rest. Once it’s unplugged, you should be able to move the stereo around more freely.
●      Next unplug each of the wire harness connectors. There will typically be several of these and you can recognize them because a series of wires will feed into each one. The plastic piece into which the wires are fed should have either a tab or a button you can push, which will release the harness.
How to Install the New Stereo
Match up the wires. Match the wires of the car’s harnesses to the new stereo’s harnesses. Each harness connector is unique, so it should be easy to figure out which ones fit together.
●      To be safe, check the wiring diagrams for both your car and the new stereo to verify you’ve connected them correctly.
●      If your car's stereo doesn’t use wire harnesses, you’ll need to match up each wire manually. The wires are color-coded; however, the wires on an after-market stereo may not match with the color-coded wires in your vehicle. It's best to study and follow the wiring diagram that came with the stereo.
●      Connect the matched wires. There are two options for connecting the wires, crimping or soldering. Crimping is faster and easier, but soldering will provide a more stable and secure connection. Be sure to use the proper size crimper and don’t try to bundle the wires with tape it will eventually dry out and fall off. Bundle wires using zip ties instead.
Assemble the mounting kit. If your new stereo came with a separate mounting kit, assemble it according to the stereo's instructions (it will often mean fitting a metal housing sleeve into the mounting frame).
Push down on the tabs located around the metal sleeve with a screwdriver to secure the metal sleeve in place.
Connect the power source. Typically, if you have a wiring harness, this connection will be made when you connect the new stereo harnesses to the harnesses in the car.
If you aren't using a wiring harness, you’ll need to manually connect the power. Determine whether your car has a switched power source (typically a red wire) or a constant power source (typically a yellow wire). Some vehicles even have both types of power sources. For more information on switched versus constant power, go here.
Ground the stereo. If you're using wiring harnesses, this connection will be made when you connect the harness pieces.
If you aren't using a wiring harness, you'll need to locate the bolt, wire, or screw that connects with the car's bare metal chassis. Loosen the bolt, wire, or screw and slip the stereo's ground wire (usually black) underneath, then tighten.
Note that the ground connection is important to the optimal performance of the stereo. If the ground wire doesn't connect to the bare metal, it won't work. And if the ground wire connection is loose, it could result in poor audio output. Sand down the area with sand paper to ensure a good connection.
Connect the remaining wires. Plug in the antenna cable and connect the stereo's wiring adapter to the car's wire harness. Connect the output converter if one is needed to make the new stereo compatible with the car's audio system. Have in mind that all wires should be connected in the end and there should be no single one hanging unattended.
Test the stereo. Turn the power on and test the AM, FM, and CD components. Test the fade and balance settings to be sure the speakers are working properly. Turn the power back off.
 How to Finish the Installation
●      Push the stereo into place. When the stereo is fully in, you should hear it click into place.
●      Reconnect the components. Fasten in any screws that are needed to hold the stereo in place, reconnect any wired components, and replace any knobs or drawers that were removed.
●      Snap all the pieces of trim back into place over the stereo. Double check that all screws and trim pieces are securely in place.
●      Try out the new stereo. Turn the car power on again and play around with the stereo and its settings to be sure everything is in working order.
Car Stereo Installation Service near Albuquerque NM:A car can be a great place to enjoy music, but many commuters still put up with marginal sound quality that they'd never tolerate at home. Others assemble sophisticated sound systems for their cars, then make common installation mistakes that keep the system from reaching its full potential.
The best car sound systems rely on decent gear and a little know-how. I've put together some suggestions on how to improve the sound in your vehicle, with tips for both simple factory systems and more sophisticated setups. You don't have to live with bad sound in your car. Even the simplest improvements to your car sound system installation can yield noticeable results.
●      Replace your car's speakers
●      Select higher quality for your music files
●      Bypass your music player's built-in digital-to-analog converter
●      Use sound deadening material
●      Add a car amplifier
●      Add a signal processor or an equalizer
●      Build a better sub box. Or buy one.
●      Your crossover can really improve the sound of your system
●      Set your amp gains properly
●      Don't max out your tone controls
●      Add a subwoofer and hear what you've been missing
●      Use a capacitor if you're going to push your subs hard
Car Stereo Installation Service near Albuquerque NM:We are pleased to provide professional car audio and video installation at our workshop. Whenever you pick up a normal head unit, choose a multi-media player, require a powerful sound system, our experienced technicians are here to help.
If you are looking for a place that offers top notch service, low cost but fantastic quality, you've found the right place. With our 16 years of experience, we guarantee full customer satisfaction on all our jobs. This confidence is assured with each and every transaction you'll have with us.
 The Cost of Car Stereo Installation
For a normal head unit you purchase from our company, the cost of installation is from $50 incl GST; if the head unit is not purchased from our company, the cost of installation is from $60 incl GST.
For a multi-media player (DVD/CD/MP3/USB/SD player with GPS & Bluetooth) you purchase from our company, the cost of installation is from $70 incl GST, if not, the cost of installation is from $85 incl GST.
For connecting an exist camera to a new stereo, the cost is from $60 incl GST.
For a pair of speakers you purchase from our company, the cost of installation for 2 door speakers is from $55 incl GST; backseat speaker installation is from $70 incl GST. If the speakers are not purchased from our company, the cost of installation is from $60 - $80 incl GST.
For an amplifier and subwoofer you purchase from our company, the cost of installation is from $110 incl GST; if the amplifier and subwoofer are not, the cost of installation is from $130 incl GST.
Shop car electronics professional installation
Entertainment                               Regular Price          Total Tech Support Member Price 2
Standard Speaker Installation                $64.99                      Included
Component Speaker Installation           $99.99                      20% discount
Rear-Seat Video Installation                    $119.99–$199.99 20% discount
Subwoofer Installation                             $19.99                      Included
If I install a new stereo, can I still use my steering wheel controls?
You sure can if you install a special adapter. And when you buy any stereo from us, you'll get a deep discount on the steering wheel control adapter for your car. See our article about Steering Wheel Audio Control Adapters for more information.
 Why should I get a new car stereo?
Sound and features are the two best reasons for getting a new car stereo. Aftermarket car stereos typically have more powerful amplifiers and better sound-shaping controls than factory stereos. And you'll find plenty of cool features, like Bluetooth® and smartphone compatibility, USB and aux inputs, touchscreen controls, navigation, satellite radio compatibility, and much more, depending on the type and model of car stereo you buy.
 How do I know what'll fit my car?
Don't worry, we've done the heavy lifting! Our vehicle research team has checked out thousands of cars and trucks to find out what will (and won't) work in specific vehicles.
 Can I keep my steering wheel controls?
You sure can but in most cases you'll need to install a special adapter. And when you buy any stereo from us, you'll get a deep discount on the steering wheel control adapter for your car. See our article about Steering Wheel Audio Control Adapters for more information.
 Will a new stereo work with my existing factory options?
Your car may have come with factory-installed options, like satellite radio, navigation, or Bluetooth. In most cases, these are built into the existing factory stereo, or use proprietary protocols which aren't compatible with new aftermarket car stereos, so these features won't work with a new stereo. This can be a complicated issue though, so call or chat with us and we can check out your specific vehicle and features.
 Can I get a stereo that will match my dash illumination?
We love it when a new car stereo really looks like it belongs in your dash, and matching the existing dash illumination scheme is a big part of that. To really hone in the color match, look for models that let you adjust the color for different parts of the receiver for example, white for the display and red for the buttons. You'll also find models that let you adjust specific RGB color levels for a perfect match. Search for stereos that feature variable colors to see your options.
 Will a new car stereo work with my smartphone?
One of the most exciting things about new car stereos is the way that they integrate with your smartphone. Almost all models offer USB connection to your phone, letting you access your music files or other stored media from both iOS and Android devices. And if your new stereo has Bluetooth, you'll be able to access your music or streaming services that way too.
 Will I have better bass with a new car stereo?
Great bass depends on a lot of factors, including what you define as great bass. Generally though, the increased power of a new car stereo will improve the punch of the low end in your system.
 Is it hard to install a new car stereo?
Helping you install your own gear is our specialty. Since 1974, Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque has helped hundreds of thousands of first-time installers put a new stereo in their dash, and get the job done right. With your purchase of a new stereo from us, you'll receive our exclusive, free step-by-step instructions for your vehicle. For most vehicles, we also offer mounting kits that let you install your new stereo in your dash with a professional look, wiring harnesses that plug right into your factory wiring, and, in some cases, specialty adapters that let you retain certain factory features.
●      Car Stereo Installation Service Near Albuquerque NM
●      Car Stereo Installation
●      How To Install A Car Stereo System
●      How To Install Car Stereo Wiring
●      Car Stereo Installation Cost
●      How To Install Car Stereo Without Wiring Harness
●      Mobile Car Stereo Installation
●      Free Car Stereo Installation With Purchase
●      Walmart Car Stereo Installation Near Albuquerque NM
●      Android Car Stereo Price
●      Car Stereo With Speakers
●      Second Hand Car Audio System For Sale
●      Best Car Audio System
●      Car Music System With Bluetooth And Navigation
●      Sony Music System For Car
●      Car Stereo System
●      Car Stereo Touch Screen Near Albuquerque NM
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Canucks Twitter has never been more passionate, divisive and heavily opinionated; let’s go with an all-encompassing—vibrant. Any fan base is a community of people with thoughts to share, and luckily for others, content to create for a wider audience. I have to admit, I’ve been largely on the outside of Canucks Twitter, merely because I tend to direct my opinions to a TV screen rather than on social media. That being said, lately my sister, Pass it to Bulis contributor and Botchford Project recipient, Natalie Hoy, has been encouraging me to listen to more Canucks-centric podcasts. It’s been a fun time.
2010s: Does Vancouver really need two all-sports radio stations? 2020s: Does Vancouver really need 741 Canucks podcasts?
— Jyrki21 (@Jyrki21)
June 9, 2020
The world of ‘audio blogging’ has only grown over the past few years. Listeners are able to multi-task - exercising, cooking, cleaning, driving or on public transit - while plugged in to a new episode on practically any personal device. It’s a form of entertainment, often interactive, and a perfect creative outlet for amateur (and experienced) broadcasters looking for a new project. There is no shortage of podcasts courtesy of Canucks Twitter, a testament to the commitment and drive of fans, and the accessibility of the art form. With the Qualifying Round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs just about underway, there is much to be talked about. Let’s take a look at what’s out there.1
C4 Podcast
Founded: July 2013
Players: Chris Golden (@lyteforce), Anna Forsyth (@aforsyth03),Matt Lee (@mattlee_61)
Premise: The longest-running, active Canucks podcast (birthed from Canucks Hockey Blog) has been on-air for 7 years! Originally co-hosted by Chris and parody song creator Clay Imoo (@CanuckClay), the podcast offers commentary about current Canucks and NHL affairs, prospects, expectations, reminiscing on the team’s past (memories of the retired taco lover Eddie Lack and past playoff runs), and features interviews with guests. This past season, they’ve had Patrick Johnston (The Province), Satiar Shah (Sportsnet 650), Cam Robinson (Elite Prospects, Dobber Prospects) and Dan Murphy (Sportsnet) in the hot seat.
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In the "longest-running" #Canucks #PodcastLikeThat, @risingaction joins @aforsyth03 @lyteforce & @mattlee_61 to talk about the summer training camp so far, how the Canucks match against the Wild, Rathbone, Tryamkin and so much more! https://t.co/ACreWPcPWC
— #PodcastLikeThat (@TheC4Podcast)
July 21, 2020
Area 51
Founded: December 2019 (relaunch)
Players: Sean Warren (@SeanyeWest234), Samantha (@samanthacp_), Malcolm Ert (@malcolmert), Bradley Thomas (@bradthomas_96), Eric (@breakawayeric), Bailey Broadbent (@baileybroadcast)
Premise: Area 51 celebrated a relaunch last December since their inception in July 2019, and in May welcomed a team to join host Sean Warren. Aside from their cool, alien conspiracy branding, at the mic they cover a broad range of hockey talk with notable guests (writers and broadcasters in the media, content creators, musicians, WHL players, fellow blog/podcast owners, Canucks Autism Network). I love that they’ve started to cover important topics beyond the gameplay, like anti-racism, inclusivity, and diversity in sports, and have actively sought out the guests to do so.
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HERE WE GO! @CanuckClay enters A51 in GLCPC to discuss: -Sports debates -Being a hockey media creator -Plan a Vegas trip -Drinking and Parenting tips And complete the famous Guest Shootout! Find out whether Clay is responsible for the Luongo trade!https://t.co/Zg629tWvLG
— Area 51 Hockey Podcast (@Area51Hockey)
July 24, 2020
Cap Space Wins Cups
Founded: February 2020
Players: Hassan Ahmed (@_hassanahmed9), Ahsan Ahmed (@ace103196), Hussain Ahmed (@hussain11ahmed)
Premise: The newly formed podcast has a light, humorous tone - evident by their inaugural episode introduction about their lack of social media followers. They cover quick hits of the Canucks week, roster situations, hockey culture, and of course, cap space. They’ve hosted fellow podcast hosts and media (Satiar Shah, J.D. Burke, Matthew Sekeres, Jeff Paterson), and even a fellow Burnaby kid, Massimo Rizzo. Rizzo was a 2019 Carolina Hurricanes draft pick. It’s clear they have a lot more to share, including takes in on their corresponding blog – see: How the Canucks Can Acquire Dougie Hamilton & Build a Cup Contender. I’ll read anything related to Dougie Hamilton.
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🚨🚨Another HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT the boys have their own website 🚨🚨https://t.co/JfQXqiXcz2, the site has all the podcast epidoes and links to all their social media. The boys have also started blogging and have 2 big article out already! It’s 100% free sign up on the site to L&C!
— Cap Space Wins Cups Podcast (@capspacecups)
June 21, 2020
The Broadscast
Founded: July 2020
Players: Vanessa Jang (@vanessajang), Georgia Twiss (@georgiatwiss), Samantha (@samanthacp_), Mallory (@sports_lesbian), Danielle Huntley (@danihuntley)
Premise: Your ‘local hockey girl gang’ talks Canucks, sports culture, and soap operas. All 5 hosts have a significant following on Twitter and are bold and uncompromising, which makes for great statements and table chatter. This was written with only their Teaser episode released, but you can expect no shortage of pop culture references, fashion discussion, NHL wives and girlfriends (WAG) and pet content, along with team analysis. It’s trailblazing for a group of females in Vancouver to start their own podcast that’s hockey-focused, meant to be a casual chat amongst friends. They know the team, know their media, can gossip, and are having fun with it.
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The Broadscast is officially LIVE!! 🎙 Just 5 girls and some light-hearted hockey talk with a soap opera twist. Catch our teaser episode NOW on your podcast medium of choice!https://t.co/91KE8LnOJE pic.twitter.com/XH0fIfhmHy
— The Broadscast (@BroadscastPod)
July 27, 2020
Founded: September 2013
Players: Ryan Schaap (@schaaptop), Geeta Reddy (@geetanjalireddy), Paul McLellan (@McLellanPaul), Dave McPhail (@PucksOnDave)
Premise: The group of 4 has created a casual, honest atmosphere with their roundtable conversation. They’re good friends, which equates to great camaraderie. They run a ‘contradictory’ fantasy hockey league and don’t talk ‘fancy stats’ (while still being very knowledgeable). I think they’re engaged with their listeners, and relatable as human beings amongst their talk of Tim Hortons NHL trading cards, player safety, current signings and acquisitions, and Green Day at the All-Star Game. Reaching 7 years of consistent hockey talk and recapping the team’s evolution is a feat in its own.
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And on Sunday, Ryan sat down with his old man for Father's Day to talk about growing up playing minor hockey in Calgary, bonding over the Vancouver #Canucks and even his words of wisdom when it comes to talking to your kids about drugs.https://t.co/BaQFM53Yws
— PUCKS ON NET (@Pucksonnetca)
June 24, 2020
The Canucks Conversation
Founded: November 2018
Players: Chris Faber (@ChrisFaber39), David Quadrelli (@Quadrelli)
Premise: Faber was joined by Quads in 2020, and the pair has perhaps the most praised local podcast so far. They’re both BCIT Radio Arts and Entertainment students (and writers for CanucksArmy), and their dedication, preparedness, branding and reporting level are top notch. They break down topics with great chemistry and perception - roster moves, Nikita Tryamkin, Olli Juolevi, and the Judd Brackett situation. Some of their notable guests include Utica Comets Kole Lind and Brogan Rafferty, and ‘bionic’ Finn Sami Salo.
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🎉SURPRISE! 🎉 Episode 91: “Jake Jets out of the lineup” ft.@CraigJButton We dropped our episode early! Craig Button stops by to chat about the NHL and #Canucks prospects. We breakdown the exhibition game against the Jets & some exciting news at the end!https://t.co/NMWBVOU7ko
— Canucks Conversation Podcast (@CanucksConvo)
July 30, 2020
Canucks & Pucks
Founded: April 2019
Players: Matthew Zator (@MatthewZatorSC)
Premise: Matthew Zator, writer for The Hockey Writers and Hockey Ops Director at Overtime Heroics, made a return to the airwaves this past July (after a lengthy regular season hiatus). Since getting back up and running, it’s full steam ahead – Zator has been joined by contributors from The Hockey Writers, The Canuck Way, college hockey newsletter Fresh Ice, and fellow podcast hosts. He has good insight and as a writer who goes into depth about NHL draft picks, the Vancouver Giants, and both the Nucks’ positives and negatives in his work, it gets noticeably transferred to the on-air conversation.
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🚨 NEW EPISODE 🚨 Episode 7 ft @CanuckClay, @JDsays2much, and @BaileyAJohnson_! - #Canucks & #mnwild with Jack & Clay - Will Lockwood and Quinn Hughes with Bailey - The Mailbag segment debuts and of course news from the #NHL and @TheHockeyWriter! #THW https://t.co/lW9FQms35P
— Canucks & Pucks Podcast 🏒🎙️ (@CanucksPucks)
July 28, 2020
Canucks Speakeasy
Founded: August 2019
Players: Pete Edwards (@pete_gas), Doug (@dougvenn)
Premise: Pete and Doug are 2 “mildly educated Canucks die-hards” who chat about current team news and trending topics. They’ve covered trade talk, the Collective Bargaining Agreement, prospects at the World Juniors, scouting, and the BLM movement. They’re occasionally joined by guests including podcast friends, and fellow fans/Tweeters Chris Conte, Jenna Fabulous and Ray Hatt.
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We're back with Episode 37: Powderkeg. Playoffs, play-ins, Judd and BLM are all discussed. Give'r a listen!https://t.co/dwoEQVNudThttps://t.co/7ZSogAjWsuhttps://t.co/r5HqX26czU pic.twitter.com/QKScnR9Q6G
— Canucks Speakeasy (@CanucksSpeak)
June 4, 2020
The LarschCast
Founded: June 2019
Players: Tej Dhaliwal (@DrTejDhaliwal), Sat Oberoi (@SatOberoi), Nav Dosanjh (@NavDosanjh1983), Ryan Cassels (@cassels_music)
Premise: The Larschcasters are known for their entertaining banter and debates, mostly on hockey and a little NFL. They’ve picked the minds of seasoned media (Scott Oake, James Duthie, Joey Kenward), legendary broadcaster Jim Robson, and former Canucks Kirk McLean, Chris Higgins and Shane O’Brien. They’ve been generating healthy content during the pandemic, including a spirited debate with Minnesota Wild podcast hosts, discussing media personnel moves, prospects, NHL Award contenders, and the toxicity in the Vancouver Canucks market. In June, they released a special with hockey coach/trainer Jennifer Chefero, sharing her story facing sexual abuse and harassment in her career, while candidly discussing women’s rights and sports culture.
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Episode 61 ft. @hustlerama!#NHLJets centric epi, with an outlook of the Jets vs #flames. Not a lot of love for Calgary in this one😬. Also insights into the #nhlbubble, before ending with #Canucks talk & Rapid Larsch! 🍎:https://t.co/vZ2lyQ9zoO Spotify: https://t.co/XdV1y3ls7V
— The LarschCast (@larschcast)
July 29, 2020
The PP1 Podcast
Founded: October 2019
Players: Brayden Ursel (@bkursel23), Ted (@tee3ree), Ryan Hank (@always90four)
Premise: A tagline like “three guys from Kelowna bringing the heat and spitting the takes” doesn’t need further explanation. Appearing at the beginning of this season, the podcast (which features writers from The Canuck Way and CanucksArmy) has had some nice guests like the Canucks inaugural captain Orland Kurtenbach, retired centre and current Kelowna Rockets Assistant Coach Vern Fiddler, and Paul “Biznasty” Bissonnette. They’ve been nominated for Kelowna Now’s Best Local Podcast, and have a ‘Dudes and Guys’ segment where they pit 2 players against one another and talk it out (criteria is debatable).
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Episode 46: Bouncy Castles, Boeser Bombshells, & Backchecking w/ @mattsekeres. We chat Boeser rumours, cap crunch, Rathbone, Tryamkin, Markstrom, Sundin vs. Vanek, the best cold-open since Nikolay Goldobin, and how you can win a #Canucks jersey. https://t.co/KouGJr6GKH
— The PP1 PODCAST (@ThePP1Podcast)
July 15, 2020
The SCT Show
Founded: September 2018
Players: Nam Mann (@CanuckAgent007), Tanbir Rana (@TRana87)
Premise: SCT is Strictly Canucks Talk. Aside from reminiscing about ‘where were you when’ pivotal moments in franchise history occurred and the regular shop talk of performance and #NamStats, they draw in guests to talk about trade value (The Athletic’s Harman Dayal) and stickhandling (specialist/trainer Pavel Barber). They’ve also hosted local defenceman and last year’s 4th overall draft pick Bowen Byram, and hockey analyst/retired winger Anson Carter for a chat about the pressure of the market in Vancouver and the Sedins. Like any good heated debate, there are also trade and Team Tank vs Playoffs scenarios.
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.@CanuckAgent007 has a proposal to get Loui Eriksson off the #Canucks books 🤔 EP 14 - Links below ⬇️ 🍎 https://t.co/Z9snNdSuI1 📱 https://t.co/AJILh0IaWJ pic.twitter.com/LZblDE8GLW
— The SCT Show (@SCTShow)
July 17, 2020
Johnny Canuck Talk
Founded: August 2019
Players: Adrian J. Haug (@adrianjhaug), Roy Styles (@roy_styles)
Premise: Takes from 2 arm chair GM’s, the pair discuss a wide variety of topics like losing streaks, hockey safety, report cards, line-ups, and trade deadline. They’ve also shared an insightful chat with Harman Dayal (The Athletic) about his career and the late and great Jason Botchford. It’s laid-back and conversational, with mentions of farmers’ tans, celebrating birthdays during quarantine, and the school system strung across introductions. What’s cool is they record the podcast from near and far away places – Kamloops, BC and Germany (!).
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(1) Episode 37 is uploading now! @roy_styles and I talk #Canucks #hockey and @Canucks topics, issues, news, etc. We also talk about the incredible impact our Jim Carey impressions have had on our wives. Yikes. Featuring tweets from: @Canuckgirl20 @TSN1040 @DanRiccio650 pic.twitter.com/6oA7mZh6jb
— Johnny Canuck Talk (@JohnnyCanuckPod)
June 28, 2020
1 This list is not exhaustive, but there is something for everyone and I hope you find your Canucks fix. There can be an argument made that the podcast market is oversaturated, but I like to see it as an opportunity for any fan or audio bird to let their voice be heard! So, don’t be negative about it.
Posted by: Chloe Hoy
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kplr-radio · 5 years
Broadcast: Angelo Divine, 01/09/19
[Live a Little Kenny Chesney]
Angelo: Good morning Kepler, that was Kenny Chesney’s “Live A Little,” and what a mood to start the morning on! This is 103.5 KPLR radio, and we’ll get to the news after this word from our sponsor.
[Audio advertisement transcript: [haunting orchestral music] Have you ever heard a true story that couldn’t possibly be real? Or maybe seen something you couldn’t believe with your own two eyes? No? [music cuts off] Then you’re not living, my friend! Come on down to the Cryptonomica, we have centuries of hidden knowledge of the arcane and the mystical! Stories beyond suspicion, creatures beyond compare! We’re just off State Route 16055. The Cryptonomica: a museum for the mysterious.]
Angelo: Big thanks to the Cryptonomica for sponsoring us this week! And don’t forget to check out the Lamplighter, this week’s issue talks about Krampus and the history of goat creatures in horror. It’s a really good read even if you’re not into the supernatural side of it. Now let’s get to the news. Traffic is as uneventful as ever, and weather reports say we’re looking at clear skies for the rest of the week. Do be sure to watch out for ice on the roads, though. It’s still pretty chilly, so be sure to grab a coat before you head to work. There’s not a long going on this week, that cold weather is kinda pushing everyone inside, but the Kepler Cup is running down the last of their Christmas stock so be sure to get all that before it’s gone. I myself have a peppermint mocha right here, actually, it’s keeping me warm while I wait for the heater to get going. Let’s get back to the tunes! This is “I Want A Cowboy” by Reba McEntire.
[I Want A Cowboy Reba McEntire] [Take Me Home, Country Roads John Denver] [Personal Jesus Johnny Cash] [Islands in the Stream Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton]
Alright, since there isn’t so much official news today, why don’t we look into some of the more extraordinary stuff? If any of you saw something noteworthy, why don’t you call in and tell me about it? Oh! Here we go. You’re on the air!
Caller: You know, I thought I saw Bigfoot but I got a bit closer and it turned out it was just Barclay from the lodge. He’s so ******* big . I asked him what he was doing in the woods and he said he likes night walks, and honestly yeah same I was doing a night walk too. And I said “Hey Barclay! Holy ****! I thought you were Bigfoot!” And then he choked on his own spit or something. I think he found it pretty funny. He was laughing a lot? I think? Anyway like holy ****! It’s so weird, he’s so tall and hairy, how many times have people seen Barclay and thought he was Bigfoot? How many sightings are just Barclay?
Angelo: Oh yeah, I wonder. Seems like half the sightings around here turn out to just be someone from town! What a strange place Kepler is. We’re still taking callers, if anyone else has any noteworthy sightings to report. Oh, looks like we got one! Hey!
Caller: Hello! It's great to be on the show, big fan! I ran into one a' those... Whaddya call it, hoke-mons? Okie-bombs? Somethin' like that. Saw a big monstrous lookin' one down in the park. Crazy what y'all can do with all them new-fangled technologies these days. Also Richard, if you're listenin', I love you!
Angelo: It’s great to have you! You might have seen a Pokémon, maybe? Strange that you would see one, uh, out and about. Maybe I’ll have to go down to the park sometime and check it out. Thanks for the info! Anyone else?
Caller: Angelo! Hey, Bonnie here, and I’m in the mood to be scared! You got any ghost stories?
Angelo: Well, uh, usually it’s y’all giving me the ghost stories, but I’ll do my best. [papers rustling] Here we go. This isn’t so much a story as a sort of summary, but I’ll read off my notes on the Nachtkrapp, an old Germanic bird monster. Shoutout to my coworker for helping me translate the information on this, not sure how he knows Old High German but we all have our hobbies, right? Anyways, the Nachtkrapp or “Night Raven” is described as a large raven, roughly the same size as an adult man, who acts as a boogeyman-type figure to scare children into going to sleep. In some versions of the legend, it imitates a human scream to either terrify them or lure them outside. In others, it has holes in its wings and no eyes, and just looking at the creature could make you sick or even kill you. There aren’t any recorded sightings of the creature as far as I can tell, but who knows? There’s a lot of area in northwestern Europe, it could be out there somewhere. Thanks so much to everyone who called in, but my producer says we gotta wrap this segment up. Hold onto those stories though, ‘cause I’m here every weekday and I love hearing them. This song up next is “Thank God I’m A Country Boy” by John Denver.
[Thank God I’m A Country Boy John Denver] [High Note Mavis Staples] [God’s Gonna Cut You Down Johnny Cash] [A Working Man Can’t Get Nowhere Today Merle Haggard]
Angelo: Some excellent songs on the rotation this week, though I might be biased. Anyways, it’s time for what I’m sure is everyone’s favorite, Angelo’s Advice Hour. As usual, if you’re in need of some advice, call in! As a certified expert I can and will solve your problems for you.
[Disclaimer: Angelo Divine is not qualified to answer most questions definitively. All answers are purely conjecture and Angelo Divine is not liable for any negative results that may come from following his advice.]
Angelo: We got our first caller! Hello, listener!
Caller: What should I do if I have a crush on one of my sisters friends?
Angelo: Aw, I’ve been there. I mean, it really depends on how well you know that person. If you’re friends or you think they might like you back, definitely go the “secret relationship” route. Not because you should lie to your sister, but because it is very fun. If you don’t know them too well or they don’t know you enough, get your sister to introduce you! Unless your sister is a jerk, in which case you should definitely be obnoxious about it. Hope that answers your conundrum! Who’s next?
Caller: I think I might have joined a gang? How do I say I don’t want to join but I like the jacket?
Angelo: The classic “accidentally joined a gang” problem. Those Hornets are wily, huh? Here’s what I’ll say: stick with it for a little bit, and you might have fun, I dunno, I have no idea what kids are doing these days. If you don’t like it still, stop wearing the jacket and hide it away so they can’t steal it back, and then just kinda ghost on ‘em. They’ll definitely find you, but it should buy you some time to come up with a good excuse. It’s a great plan.
Caller: I’m stuck on the roof, can you help me?
Angelo: I know who this is and the answer is: you know I can’t. Also you aren’t stuck. Get down before station management goes looking for you. Consider that my official advice.
Caller: So, uh, listen, I know this isn’t really your thing, but your coworker, uh, Rob was his name? Whoever does the overnight. He mentioned that he was looking for someone, and I think I can help him.
Angelo: Oh, uh, alright, I’ll— listen, come by the station when you can, if I’m not here then Rob definitely will be. Does anyone out there have actual advice questions?
Caller: Yeah, so, uh, I got a lotta people coming through my store, and I try to be real friendly, but I’m gettin’ old and I can’t remember everyone’s names. Do you have any tips for remembering names?
Angelo: Yeah, for sure! I’m still getting the hang of everyone’s names here at the station, haha. The trick is associating that person with something, so when you see that thing you remember their name. Like my coworker J— Rob, he’s got this cool jacket so when I see his jacket I think “that’s Rob!” It doesn’t always work, sometimes you end up calling him “jacket guy” but it’s better than not addressing them at all! I do think that’s it for today, folks, my airtime’s almost up, so let me leave you with “Jolene” by Dolly Parton.
[Jolene Dolly Parton]
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trespeak · 5 years
What's your favorite house album?
Wow, that’s a toughie. Might just have to give you a list instead.
This ended up being pretty long so I’ve put all the big descriptions I wrote for each of ‘em under the cut, but here’s the gist:
Daft Punk, Discovery (2001)
Kaskade, Fire and Ice (2011)
deadmau5, For Lack of a Better Name (2009) and 4x4=12 (2010)
Phantoms, Phantoms (2017)
Justice, † (2007) 
Lazy Rich’s singles
Porter Robinson/Virtual Self – Spitfire (2011) and Virtual Self (2017)
I like a lot of deep house and electro house, so most of my picks here are within either or both of those subgenres (as well as progressive house, in deadmau5′s case).
For more of my thoughts (and there are many!), see below.
Daft Punk, Discovery (2001)
Accept no substitutes. For Guy-Manuel de Homem Christo and Thomas Bangalter, making quality tunes seems to just be second nature. Their second album replaces the underground, city-street feel of Homework with a shiny, discotheque-ready sound that stands on the shoulders of giants but does so as a means of updating and widening the reach of their own influences (with “Harder Better Faster Stronger”’s use of “Cola Bottle Baby” as a perfect example thereof). My favorite track on the record, “Digital Love,” perhaps only barely qualifies as house, but between the earnestness of the vocoded lyrics and the heart-stopper of a guitar solo, I don’t even mind – who cares about genre conventions when you’re a smitten robot? It’s utterly brilliant and its era exists as the gold standard for many DP fans, myself included among them.
Kaskade, Fire and Ice (2011)
Ryan Raddon’s seventh album and the one I hold the most nostalgia for. An ambitious effort on Kaskade’s part, Fire and Ice is a double album, with original tracks on one side and remixed, chilled-out versions of the same songs on the other (geddit?). The ICE mixes are something of a mixed bag, with some having more reason to exist than others, but the Fire side of the album earns it a place here on its own, with Skrillex and Raddon giving us their own brilliant take on a classic track from Guy Manuel de Homem Christo on “Lick It,” as well as the smooth vibes of Ryan’s collaboration with his band Late Night Alumni and Inpetto on “How Long.” Another standout track: “ICE,” a big, bumping jam Ryan made with Dan Black and Dada Life.
deadmau5, For Lack of a Better Name (2009) and 4x4=12 (2010)
Oh, Joel. These days he’s earned a controversial status as full-time internet troll alongside his career as a musician, but he’s still had a palpable impact on the industry at large (pop juggernaut Marshmello more or less owes his entire career to the allure of the man in the cute mask, and while Daft Punk did it first, Mello’s own interpretation is particularly and explicitly influenced by the way deadmau5 did it). These two albums dropped when I was twelve/thirteen and still opening my eyes to the wide world of electronica, and I think they’re particularly significant as the point where I went from being a casual fan of it to a devotee, sparking an investment in the Scene® that I still have to this day. The degree of control Joel flexes over his work at its peak was unprecedented for the time and still holds up now – “Strobe,” the album closer on For Lack Of, is particularly notable in how it makes ten minutes feel like no time at all in how it builds and shifts with just a few simple, powerful elements in play at a time. “Ghosts ‘n Stuff” earned Joel and vocalist Rob Swire a crossover hit, and “Raise Your Weapon” stands as an early illustration of what the North American take on dubstep would sound like in the years to come. 
Phantoms, Phantoms (2017)
Kyle Kaplan and Vinnie Pergola’s debut record is a clever mission statement for their work. Their deep house tunes are infused with pop sensibilities, placing them in company with contemporaries like Jamie xx and Disclosure as house DJs making an effort to bridge the gap between the radio airwaves and the dance floor. My favorites include “Just a Feeling” with Verite, a modody track called “Downtown,” and the utterly brilliant “Need You Closer,” a collab with Hayley Kiyoko that easily converted me into the Church of Lesbian Jesus. (Their recent work is also worth a nod as well – they’ve been building up singles to drum up interest in a new EP, including one of their best tracks to date, a driving progressive house tune called “Designs for You.”)
Justice, † (2007)
Gaspard Auge and Xavier de Rosnay’s debut record remains their best. There’s so many iconic tracks on this one: The slick vibes of “Genesis” and “Newjack,” the ever crowd-pleasing “D.A.N.C.E.,” the pumping “Phantom” and its sequel, the nu-disco sleaze of “DVNO”, and the ear-splitting delight of “Waters of Nazareth.” The record earned them a positive, if daunting, comparison to fellow French house pioneers Daft Punk, and while their work on it shares an obsession with taking diverse samples and reconfiguring them into their own image, Justice’s fascination with the macabre aesthetic of 70′s horror films and the rock ‘n roll ethos of T. Rex earned them a distinct spot in the pantheon of electronic acts with this record (as well as its followup, the different-but-still-great Audio, Video, Disco).
Feed Me - Feed Me’s Big Adventure (2011) and Calamari Tuesday (2013)
Jon Gooch was one of the earliest musicians to emerge under deadmau5′s mau5trap label, and still shines as one of its leading acts today (High Street Creeps, released earlier this year, has jams for days). While he started his career making drum ‘n bass tracks as Spor, the bulk of his work since 2009 has been under the Feed Me alias, where he’s dabbled in all manner of electronic but mostly hews close to the realm of electro house. Gooch’s experience in making complex tunes meant that Feed Me came out swinging, with tracks like “Grand Theft Ecstasy” and “Muscle Rollers” exhibiting a confidence and technical skill from the outset that most producers would kill for on their first record. By the time his first proper full length released two years later, he’d developed a consistent feel that made collaborations with indie bands (”Love Is All I Got,” with Crystal Fighters) and soulful singers (”Last Requests,” with Jenna G) feel as natural as hard-hitting bangers (”No Grip” and “Death by Robot”). Mix in a little bit of both and you get “Ophelia,” a anthemic ballad made with YADi – my favorite song from the record, and a earworm that still sticks with me six years on. Love, don’t let me drown…
and some honorable mentions!
Lazy Rich’s singles! Richard Billis is a Canadian DJ who retired from producing tunes in 2017, but for the decade or so he was releasing music, the electro house singles he released were nothing short of iconic. Songs like “Blast Off” (with Hirshee and Lizzie Curious) and “Flash” (with Hot Mouth) are energetic, breezy and danceable. There’s nothing quite like a good Lazy Rich drop; his beats hit the dance floor with the weight of a truck, and have a sonic diversity among them that would predict the electronic scene’s shift toward the dynamism of future bass. It makes me sad that we won’t get any more of them, but Billis left behind such an evergreen catalog of singles that it’s hard to be down for very long. (I used to use his remix of Zedd’s “Stars Come Out” as a theme song of sorts on an old website where you could be a DJ with your friends. The fond memories are strong with this one.)
Porter Robinson/Virtual Self – Spitfire (2011) and Virtual Self (2017) – Leave it to Porter Robinson to carve out a completely separate musical persona just to hearken back to his halcyon days as a young producer. My initial introduction to him was just after he’d emerged from the hands-up scene, while he had his eyes set on stardom through what he called “complextro,” and it was surprising to find that his work not only lived up to its genre classification but actively carved out a market for its sound, even before Porter had dropped an album. If the dubstep and house feel of Spitfire was a revelation, the DDR vibes of the Virtual Self EP are a revitalization; similar in ethos, but with an owned, Serial Experiments Lain-styled technological aesthetic. Porter does a lot of work to keep the two projects separate (even going as far as to delineate live shows between the aliases), but rather than fragmenting his work the distinction only ends up strengthening his catalog, in much the same way Jon Gooch’s work as Feed Me complements his earlier collection as Spor.
JOYRYDE’s singles and upcoming album - John Ford Jr. is an English DJ who knows what he likes: fast cars, bumping house beats, mean-muggin’ rap jams, and making tunes that blend all of the above in one way or another. His JOYRYDE project is only a few years old, emerging in 2016, but it’s very much the culmination of years of diggin’ in the crates and building a sound that blends the hip-hop influences of trap with the boogie-bounce sensibility of house. No sooner is this evident than the “parental discretion is advised” warning (and subsequent punchy opening bars) that welcomes you into “HOT DRUM,” though his other tracks (including “MAXIMUM KING” and the Rick Ross-assisted “WINDOWS”) share that kinetic energy. He’s one to watch!
Also worth your time:
Oliver’s Mechanical EP and their album Full Circle
Mord Fustang’s All Eyes On… compilations
Botnek’s singles from 2016 onward
Chris Lake’s releases with his label Black Book Records
Self Help by Walker and Royce
pretty much everything by Ellie Herring and Chrissy (Murderbot)
Fantasmas by Zavala
anything Wolfgang Gartner has made (particularly his early 2010s singles)
That’s all I got for now. If you made it this far, you’re an angel. Thanks for indulging me :)
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loadja131 · 3 years
Virtual Appointmentsmac Guidance Services
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The Medicaid Services System (MSS), the Cost Projection Tool (CPT), and the Payment Authorization for Waiver Services (PAWS) system, however, will not be able to be utilized to authorize these services for approximately four to six weeks. Therefore, these services will need to be authorized outside of those systems during this time period. TRICARE covers the use of secure video conferencing to provide medically necessary services. You connect securely with a provider using a computer or smartphone. This includes for certain: Office visits Preventive health screenings Telemental health services (individual psychotherapy, psychiatric diagnostic interviews and exams, and medication management) Services for End Stage Renal Disease. Our comprehensive approach to the delivery of information, tools, resources and expert advice helps people navigate the broad spectrum of life issues. GuidanceResources is our integrated, comprehensive approach to addressing employee issues that combines the best in EAP, behavioral health, work-life, wellness, HR and absence management services. This guidance follows revisions to the FATF Recommendations in October 2018 and June 2019 in response to the increasing use of virtual assets for money laundering and terrorist financing. The FATF strengthened its standards to clarify the application of anti-money laundering and counter- terrorist financing requirements on virtual assets.
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HIPAA flexibility • Waivers from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services • Cost-sharing for patients in federal health care programs • Billing and reimbursement • Additional flexibilities
During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, HHS has taken steps to make it easier to provide telehealth services. Telehealth — sometimes referred to as telemedicine — describes the use of 2-way communication technology for certain health care services.
We encourage health care providers to adopt and use telehealth as a way to safely provide care to your patients in appropriate situations, including: routine health care, like wellness visits; medication consultation; dermatology (skin care); eye exams; nutrition counseling; mental health counseling.
Visit telehealth.hhs.gov for helpful information about telehealth for patients and health care providers.
>> Watch the video
HIPAA flexibility during COVID-19
The HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has issued guidance to empower health care providers to serve patients through telehealth during the national public health emergency.
HIPAA-covered health care providers may, in good faith, provide telehealth services to patients using remote communication technologies, such as commonly used apps – including FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts, Zoom, or Skype – for telehealth services, even if the application does not fully comply with HIPAA rules.
However, providers should not use any platforms that are public-facing — for instance, Facebook Live, Twitch, and TikTok — to provide telehealth.
Online mac cleaner. For more information on HIPAA flexibility for telehealth services during COVID-19, read:
Notification of Enforcement Discretion: Telehealth and HIPAA during COVID-19 Emergency | Notificación de discreción para telemedicina
FAQs: Telehealth and HIPAA during COVID-19 | Preguntas frecuentes sobre telemedicina y HIPAA
Telehealth waivers from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Temporary policy changes during the Coronavirus pandemic
CMS has issued temporary measures to make it easier for people enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to receive medical care through telehealth services during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
Some of these changes allow providers to:
Conduct telehealth with patients located in their homes and outside of designated rural areas
Practice remote care, even across state lines, through telehealth
Deliver care to both established and new patients through telehealth
Bill for telehealth services (both video and audio-only) as if they were provided in person
Temporary expansion of telehealth services during COVID-19
During the public health emergency, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) may serve as distant telehealth sites and provide telehealth services to patients in their homes.
Virtual Appointmentsmac Guidance Services Llc
Fact Sheet:Flexibilities for Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) during COVID-19
CMS significantly expanded the list of covered telehealth services that can be provided in Medicare through telehealth to include:
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Emergency department visits
Initial nursing facility and discharge visits
Home visits
Therapy services
For more information about changes to CMS policies during COVID-19, read:
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Fact Sheet: Medicare and Telemedicine for Health Care Providers during COVID-19
FAQs: Medicare and Telehealth during COVID-19
Video:Common Questions about Medicare Telehealth Services during COVID-19
Toolkit: State Medicaid & CHIP Telehealth Toolkit
FAQs: State Medicaid and CHIP Flexibilities for COVID-19
Fact Sheet: COVID-19 Emergency Declaration Blanket Waivers for Health Care Providers
Virtual Appointmentsmac Guidance Services Ppt
Cost-sharing for patients in federal health care programs
The HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) is providing flexibility for health care providers to reduce or waive cost-sharing for telehealth visits and other virtual care paid for by Federal health care programs, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), during the public health emergency.
Vrchat for macbook. For more information on OIG’s flexibilities related to cost-sharing for telehealth visits and other virtual care during COVID-19, read:
Policy Statement: Cost-Sharing Obligations and Telehealth for Practitioners during COVID-19
Fact Sheet: Cost-Sharing Flexibilities for Telehealth during COVID-19
FAQ: Cost-Sharing Flexibilities for Telehealth during COVID-19
Billing and reimbursement for telehealth services
Private insurance
Check to see if the insurance plans you accept cover reimbursement for any telehealth services. Most health insurance plans cover at least some telehealth services.
FAQs: Telehealth and Private Health Insurance during COVID-19
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Medicaid and Medicare
Medicaid covers some telehealth services, but coverage differs from state to state.
Medicare provides coverage for telehealth under certain conditions, some of which are temporarily different during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fact Sheet: Medicare and Telemedicine for Health Care Providers during COVID-19
Additional flexibilities for telehealth during COVID-19
Federal and state governments are taking actions to remove barriers to telehealth services during COVID-19. Check with your state public health officials to see what flexibilities apply to where you live or practice.
For more HHS guidance on telehealth during COVID-19, read:
FAQs: Telehealth and Rural Health during COVID-19 (HRSA)
Letter: Caseworker Visits via Videoconferencing during COVID-19 (ACF)
Bulletin: Rural Health Care, Medicaid Telehealth Flexibilities, and Guidance for SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act via Telehealth (CMS)
Guidance: Veterinary Telemedicine during COVID-19 (FDA)
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0 notes
bestmechanicaustin · 3 years
Best Car Stereo Installation Service and Cost in Austin TX |Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin More Information is at: https://mobileautotruckrepairaustintx.com/car-stereo-installation-service-near-me/ Car Stereo Installation Service near Austin TX: Are you looking for the Best Car Stereo Installation Service near Austin TX ? Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin,Our licensed and insured car stereo installers will ensure that you get the right products for your needs and then make sure that your equipment is installed professionally.Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Car Stereo Installation Service around Austin TX. We serve Austin TXand other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Car Stereo Installation At Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin Car Stereo Installation Service near Austin TX:Looking to enhance your driving experience? Then a new car audio/video system from Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin is just what you need! Whether you want to upgrade your factory car audio system or build a custom car stereo from scratch, our team is the answer you’ve been looking for. We provide professional car audio electronics products and installation for drivers in and around Austin TX, and our qualified technicians are here to make sure you always have access to awesome tunes while you’re behind the wheel. With over years of experience to rely on, we’re your source for the best in car stereos and mobile audio equipment. Call us today to learn more! When you turn to Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin for your mobile audio system, you can expect nothing but amazing results. We can outfit cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs, and even boats with high-quality mobile electronics. While we’re an authorized dealer for many types of components, we’re also happy to install products that you’ve bought elsewhere. Providing service that’s above and beyond most car audio shops, Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin is here to make sure our customers benefit from careful, correct installation workmanship. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin ,Our licensed and insured car stereo installers will ensure that you get the right products for your needs and then make sure that your equipment is installed professionally using 100% copper wire. If you don’t have enough outlets for the number of speakers you want to install, we can create a beautiful, custom fiberglass panel that will house additional speakers. Customized solutions to meet your in-car audio needs is the name of the game at Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin. We don’t cut corners to cut costs; instead we work hard to provide our clients with first-class craftsmanship and materials at highly competitive rates. From amps to speakers and subwoofers, we have everything you might need for a stellar car audio/video system. Your car came with a stereo, right? Maybe it’s fine and it does a decent job, and maybe you’re ok with it. But ask yourself this: Don’t you deserve better than fine and decent? As a San Diego County resident, you spend hours in your car every week.Back and forth to work, to the grocery store, out to dinner, and now that the holidays are here, to the mall, to the airport, and to holiday parties.  In fact, doesn’t it sometimes seem like, aside from the hours you sleep, you actually spend more time in your car than you do at home? So then why not make the experience as pleasurable as it can be? This holiday season, give yourself the gift that keeps on giving: a high-quality car audio system.  And just in case you need more convincing, here are five benefits to upgrading beyond your “fine” and “decent” car stereo: Better Sound From Your Car Audio With A Premium Sound System Car Stereo Installation Service near Austin TX:Let’s face it. Your car manufacturer doesn’t care as much about your aural satisfaction as you do.  Sure, factory systems have gotten better, but many of those premium systems still use relatively weak speakers and amps that deliver less-than-satisfactory sound. Even if all you do is upgrade your car’s system with high-quality aftermarket speakers, you’ll experience tighter bass and more overall clarity in your tunes. Better Control Of Your Car Sound System And Speakers When built to your specifications, a high-quality stereo system has the potential to give you optimal control over the way your music sounds. Most car receivers provide treble, mid-range, and bass control, which is fine for overall sound. But when you build your system with an equalizer, you have multiple points for adjusting your frequency response and ironing out problem peaks. In other words, a high-quality stereo system gives you the ability to fine-tune your tunes. Better Car Commute In San Diego With A Premium Car Stereo Remember back when those little tiny Walkman speakers made it possible to pipe the music from your Walkman into your bedroom or dorm room? Sure, you could hear the general idea of the song, but it was nothing like having your headphones on and the music all around you. Well, the difference between your car’s factory system and a high-quality aftermarket stereo is kinda like that. A great system plus Dynamat or any other sound-deadening material to lower interior noise levels will greatly enhance your listening pleasure.  When you’re lost in your music, you might even cease to care that you’re in standstill traffic on northbound 805. Better Communication On Your IPhone Or Android From Your Car If you spend a lot of time in your car, there’s a good chance you also spend a lot of time on speakerphone. We hate to break it to you, but if you don’t have a decent Bluetooth-equipped system, you are probably annoying everyone on the other end of the phone.  Think about it. When you call someone, and you can tell they’re driving because 1) there’s a ton of extra noise in the background, and 2) they sound like they’re shouting over the noise, don’t you hang up sooner than you might otherwise? Want better communication with your wife/husband/mom/kids/boss? Upgrade to a high-quality, Bluetooth-equipped stereo system. Everyone on the other end will thank you for it. If you get one with a simple interface, it’ll also make for safer driving.   Better Reputation With Great Sounding Car Audio In Austin TX Let’s be honest here. When it comes to our cars, we can be a little…vain.  We spend money to make them look good and sometimes even to inspire envy as we race up the 163 or pull up to the valet stand at a downtown restaurant. But a good-looking car with a crappy stereo system is as disappointing as a good-looking man/woman with bad teeth. Your beautiful car deserves a beautiful sound system. Whether or not you care about sound quality when you listen to NPR during your morning commute, you’ll certainly appreciate the way a high-quality stereo system inspires envy in your brother-in-law. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin Has Top Of The Line Car Audio & Stereo Installation Now that you know why you need to upgrade your car stereo system, it’s time for the which, the who, and the when. At Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin in Austin TX, we can help you with all three. We carry all the best car audio brands, so we can help you determine which system is best for you, your car, and your needs. Our professional installers are who you can count on to set up your new system so you can drive away knowing it’s been done right. And when? Well, we’re here anytime you’re ready. Check some of our amazing specials to get a great discount!
How to install a car stereo Car Stereo Installation Service near Austin TX:Remove your factory stereo and install a new one Car stereo installation basics In this article, we'll walk you through the process of installing a new car stereo. We'll cover: ● How to remove the factory stereo ● How to wire the new receiver what you need to know to connect it right ● How to install the new car stereo Please read over these guidelines before beginning the installation so you'll know what to expect. Installing a new car stereo can often be simple enough to do yourself, and his article will provide you with a general guide on how to do it. Keep in mind that some cars and systems are more complicated than others and that every car and stereo system will be different, so some specifics may vary. Be sure to read any instructions that come with the new car stereo before attempting to install it. How to Take Out the Old Stereo Car Stereo Installation Service near Austin TX: Set the parking brake and disconnect the negative cable from your car battery. Be sure to do this to avoid short-circuiting the electrical system during the installation, which could lead to fire or physical harm for you. Unscrew any screws that are securing the trim in place. Be careful to remove all screws before trying to pry off the trim or you may break it. Remove the trim. For some cars, you may need to remove several pieces of plastic trim, usually working from the bottom up.[3] ● If you need to remove trim that includes any knobs or drawers, remove them before trying to pry off the trim. ● Use your hands or a pry tool to pry off each piece of trim. Pry tools are specifically for this purpose and will not damage the trim pieces. Pull out any necessary components. If you need to remove any components before being able to access the stereo, do so. Disconnect components that are wired to the car. Take a picture of how each is wired for later reference. Loosen the stereo. Different cars may have varying elements securing the stereo in place. ● If the stereo is held in place by screws or nuts, loosen them with the appropriate tool (screwdriver or nut driver, respectively). ● If the stereo isn't held in place by screws or nuts, you'll need to use a radio-removal key. This tool is commonly necessary in Ford vehicles. Radio-removal keys (sometimes also referred to as radio-removal tools) will typically either be in an elongated horseshoe shape or will have a circular shape at one end and a notched shaft at the other. They’re available at most auto-parts stores. ● Insert the keys into the two small slots in the face of the stereo. You will release a mechanism holding the stereo in place. Slide the radio-removal keys into each slot again until you feel the stereo loosen from in its housing. You should then be able to pull out the stereo relatively easily. Pull the stereo out of the panel. You may want to use needle-nose pliers to grip the edge of the stereo and help you pull it out.[4] Pull it gently, and if the stereo doesn't come out easily, double check that you haven't missed any components that may be holding it in place. Take a picture of how the stereo is wired. This is an important step because the photo will serve as a reference later when you’re wiring in the new stereo. Unplug the stereo connections. You’ll see a series of wires connected to the back of the stereo, and you’ll need to disconnect each of them. ● First unplug the antenna wire, which will typically be a thicker wire plugged in separately from the rest. Once it’s unplugged, you should be able to move the stereo around more freely. ● Next unplug each of the wire harness connectors. There will typically be several of these and you can recognize them because a series of wires will feed into each one. The plastic piece into which the wires are fed should have either a tab or a button you can push, which will release the harness. How to Install the New Stereo Match up the wires. Match the wires of the car’s harnesses to the new stereo’s harnesses. Each harness connector is unique, so it should be easy to figure out which ones fit together. ● To be safe, check the wiring diagrams for both your car and the new stereo to verify you’ve connected them correctly. ● If your car's stereo doesn’t use wire harnesses, you’ll need to match up each wire manually. The wires are color-coded; however, the wires on an after-market stereo may not match with the color-coded wires in your vehicle. It's best to study and follow the wiring diagram that came with the stereo. ● Connect the matched wires. There are two options for connecting the wires, crimping or soldering. Crimping is faster and easier, but soldering will provide a more stable and secure connection. Be sure to use the proper size crimper and don’t try to bundle the wires with tape it will eventually dry out and fall off. Bundle wires using zip ties instead. Assemble the mounting kit. If your new stereo came with a separate mounting kit, assemble it according to the stereo's instructions (it will often mean fitting a metal housing sleeve into the mounting frame). Push down on the tabs located around the metal sleeve with a screwdriver to secure the metal sleeve in place. Connect the power source. Typically, if you have a wiring harness, this connection will be made when you connect the new stereo harnesses to the harnesses in the car. If you aren't using a wiring harness, you’ll need to manually connect the power. Determine whether your car has a switched power source (typically a red wire) or a constant power source (typically a yellow wire). Some vehicles even have both types of power sources. For more information on switched versus constant power, go here. Ground the stereo. If you're using wiring harnesses, this connection will be made when you connect the harness pieces. If you aren't using a wiring harness, you'll need to locate the bolt, wire, or screw that connects with the car's bare metal chassis. Loosen the bolt, wire, or screw and slip the stereo's ground wire (usually black) underneath, then tighten. Note that the ground connection is important to the optimal performance of the stereo. If the ground wire doesn't connect to the bare metal, it won't work. And if the ground wire connection is loose, it could result in poor audio output. Sand down the area with sand paper to ensure a good connection. Connect the remaining wires. Plug in the antenna cable and connect the stereo's wiring adapter to the car's wire harness. Connect the output converter if one is needed to make the new stereo compatible with the car's audio system. Have in mind that all wires should be connected in the end and there should be no single one hanging unattended. Test the stereo. Turn the power on and test the AM, FM, and CD components. Test the fade and balance settings to be sure the speakers are working properly. Turn the power back off.
How to Finish the Installation ● Push the stereo into place. When the stereo is fully in, you should hear it click into place. ● Reconnect the components. Fasten in any screws that are needed to hold the stereo in place, reconnect any wired components, and replace any knobs or drawers that were removed. ● Snap all the pieces of trim back into place over the stereo. Double check that all screws and trim pieces are securely in place. ● Try out the new stereo. Turn the car power on again and play around with the stereo and its settings to be sure everything is in working order.
TIPS Car Stereo Installation Service near Austin TX:A car can be a great place to enjoy music, but many commuters still put up with marginal sound quality that they'd never tolerate at home. Others assemble sophisticated sound systems for their cars, then make common installation mistakes that keep the system from reaching its full potential. The best car sound systems rely on decent gear and a little know-how. I've put together some suggestions on how to improve the sound in your vehicle, with tips for both simple factory systems and more sophisticated setups. You don't have to live with bad sound in your car. Even the simplest improvements to your car sound system installation can yield noticeable results. ● Replace your car's speakers ● Select higher quality for your music files ● Bypass your music player's built-in digital-to-analog converter ● Use sound deadening material ● Add a car amplifier ● Add a signal processor or an equalizer ● Build a better sub box. Or buy one. ● Your crossover can really improve the sound of your system ● Set your amp gains properly ● Don't max out your tone controls ● Add a subwoofer and hear what you've been missing ● Use a capacitor if you're going to push your subs hard
COST Car Stereo Installation Service near Austin TX:We are pleased to provide professional car audio and video installation at our workshop. Whenever you pick up a normal head unit, choose a multi-media player, require a powerful sound system, our experienced technicians are here to help. If you are looking for a place that offers top notch service, low cost but fantastic quality, you've found the right place. With our 16 years of experience, we guarantee full customer satisfaction on all our jobs. This confidence is assured with each and every transaction you'll have with us.
The Cost of Car Stereo Installation For a normal head unit you purchase from our company, the cost of installation is from $50 incl GST; if the head unit is not purchased from our company, the cost of installation is from $60 incl GST. For a multi-media player (DVD/CD/MP3/USB/SD player with GPS & Bluetooth) you purchase from our company, the cost of installation is from $70 incl GST, if not, the cost of installation is from $85 incl GST. For connecting an exist camera to a new stereo, the cost is from $60 incl GST. For a pair of speakers you purchase from our company, the cost of installation for 2 door speakers is from $55 incl GST; backseat speaker installation is from $70 incl GST. If the speakers are not purchased from our company, the cost of installation is from $60 - $80 incl GST. For an amplifier and subwoofer you purchase from our company, the cost of installation is from $110 incl GST; if the amplifier and subwoofer are not, the cost of installation is from $130 incl GST. Shop car electronics professional installation Entertainment Regular Price Total Tech Support Member Price 2 Standard Speaker Installation $64.99 Included Component Speaker Installation $99.99 20% discount Rear-Seat Video Installation $119.99–$199.99 20% discount Subwoofer Installation $19.99 Included
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS If I install a new stereo, can I still use my steering wheel controls? You sure can if you install a special adapter. And when you buy any stereo from us, you'll get a deep discount on the steering wheel control adapter for your car. See our article about Steering Wheel Audio Control Adapters for more information.
Why should I get a new car stereo? Sound and features are the two best reasons for getting a new car stereo. Aftermarket car stereos typically have more powerful amplifiers and better sound-shaping controls than factory stereos. And you'll find plenty of cool features, like Bluetooth® and smartphone compatibility, USB and aux inputs, touchscreen controls, navigation, satellite radio compatibility, and much more, depending on the type and model of car stereo you buy.
How do I know what'll fit my car? Don't worry, we've done the heavy lifting! Our vehicle research team has checked out thousands of cars and trucks to find out what will (and won't) work in specific vehicles.
Can I keep my steering wheel controls? You sure can but in most cases you'll need to install a special adapter. And when you buy any stereo from us, you'll get a deep discount on the steering wheel control adapter for your car. See our article about Steering Wheel Audio Control Adapters for more information.
Will a new stereo work with my existing factory options? Your car may have come with factory-installed options, like satellite radio, navigation, or Bluetooth. In most cases, these are built into the existing factory stereo, or use proprietary protocols which aren't compatible with new aftermarket car stereos, so these features won't work with a new stereo. This can be a complicated issue though, so call or chat with us and we can check out your specific vehicle and features.
Can I get a stereo that will match my dash illumination? We love it when a new car stereo really looks like it belongs in your dash, and matching the existing dash illumination scheme is a big part of that. To really hone in the color match, look for models that let you adjust the color for different parts of the receiver for example, white for the display and red for the buttons. You'll also find models that let you adjust specific RGB color levels for a perfect match. Search for stereos that feature variable colors to see your options.
Will a new car stereo work with my smartphone? One of the most exciting things about new car stereos is the way that they integrate with your smartphone. Almost all models offer USB connection to your phone, letting you access your music files or other stored media from both iOS and Android devices. And if your new stereo has Bluetooth, you'll be able to access your music or streaming services that way too.
Will I have better bass with a new car stereo? Great bass depends on a lot of factors, including what you define as great bass. Generally though, the increased power of a new car stereo will improve the punch of the low end in your system.
Is it hard to install a new car stereo? Helping you install your own gear is our specialty. Since 1974, Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin has helped hundreds of thousands of first-time installers put a new stereo in their dash, and get the job done right. With your purchase of a new stereo from us, you'll receive our exclusive, free step-by-step instructions for your vehicle. For most vehicles, we also offer mounting kits that let you install your new stereo in your dash with a professional look, wiring harnesses that plug right into your factory wiring, and, in some cases, specialty adapters that let you retain certain factory features.
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thedivinefish · 3 years
TGIWednesday and Prayer Power!
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TGIWednesday News
  My mother, aka Granny Ruth was a prayer warrior.  I have no doubt she is now doing more for all of us on the other side than she could ever do here - that includes the latest Hurricane threatening Florida.  It was a Level 1 with all indications of hitting us directly in the Tampa Bay area.  After sending out an email prayer request blast to all of you with basic prayer/visualization/fishing instructions, Elsa was knocked down from Cat 1 to a Tropical Storm rating and in the words of our local meteorologist Denis Philllips, "the storm has moved further offshore and is starting to shear apart." Now we're safely on the other side of it and we're grateful to everyone that participated in Saturday's prayer request. And like our monthly Zoom call on the last Wed of the month, there is so much collective power in all of us praying/fishing together.  I appreciate you more than you know and as for myself and our crew here, we strive daily to help/contribute to all of you!
  TGIWednesday Download
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  ~ PRAYER POWER ~ I believe, think, know and feel that the power of prayer through fishing is heard by those powerful positive entities that will help/contribute to me.  I am ready, willing and able to reach that zero point field and fish out the negative while downloading the positive.  I know when where how and why to keep only the best and to release the rest! I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. May the rest of your life be the best of your life and remember to make progress every day!
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  Today is Ringo Starr’s birthday and his one birthday wish is for us all to pray/say out loud peace and love to all. We have tickets to see him in concert for next year here in Clearwater, Florida as Granny Ruth would say, “The Lord willing and if the Creek don’t rise” May we all look as fabulous as Ringo when we’re 80. PEACE AND LOVE TO ALL
  July 28th Zoom Event
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  NEXT SCHEDULED ZOOM EVENT Topic TBD JULY 28TH at 7:30pm ET (July 29th if you're in Europe/AUS) Browse all the past recordings here.  
  FREE Show Appearances
  Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from t he   Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show : https:// thejimmymackhealingshow.com/ A reminder to keep your eyes open... the fish signs are everywhere! 
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Sent in to us....This image showed up as someone's popsicle was dripping. 
  From the Fish Box
  AN INCREDIBLE PRAYER RESPONSE FROM ALL OF YOU! "I did the "exercise" and also imagined making Elsa smaller until it dissipated over the Atlantic BEFORE it hits land (neither Florida, or Cuba and the Islands) Stay Safe."   - Nikki "I just did my part - to the left, to the left, all of your non beneficial energies have been sent to the left. She's being drained of all of her non beneficial energies and Filled with Love!!"   - Amy "It’s working!!! Elsa has just been downgraded to a tropical storm. Keep going!!!!"   - Angie "I talked to Mother Nature and apologized for humanity's behavior and as I did, the hurricane begin to shrink between my hands.  I talked about where all of that power might be needed and how much the west needs rain.  The hurricane became the size of a sponge and I was able to squeeze rain equitably over western North America. Fingers crossed!"  - Sydney "On board. Dissolving/neutralizing  the energy feeding Elsa & shifting her to sea find peace & calm."   - Priscilla "Completed task.  Hope this helps. Sending love to all of Florida! Thanks for sending out the message with instructions!!"   - Gwenn "I have just finished listening to the replay of Your inner child.  Wow!!  That was powerful, it knocked me right out. Then I saw your email.  As I was already in a very relaxed state, I  saw myself bigger than the storm and I very gently pushed it to the left. I hope that helps!"   - Kari  
  Book A Session in Tampa
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions  The next opportunity to see Jimmy in Tampa office is FRIDAY JULY 30th - from 10-4pm  403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www. ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at    ☎ ️  (813) 873-7773  in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
  Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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  Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack JULY 7TH "Today I will not judge all books by their covers. I will not pass an opportunity just because everything is not lining up perfectly. I will move things forward down the field. I will not give up or surrender. I will press on and mold the clay in my hands into the vision I have in my head."  
  **Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
  Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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  Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and  make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day.  He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively    and you also have the option of selecting an  ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only .
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets!  Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
  Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
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  ​For those who aren't familiar,​ below is ​a​ list of the​ 30+​ audio​s in the MyBeliefWorks series.... Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family .
  Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark     Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms
Healing Body Disorders  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past   Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
  Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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  Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program  includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy   ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing"   and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary ! It includes   The Tackle Box  &   The Dowser's Handbook  ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition"  to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a   work-at-your-own-pace curriculum   that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time!   In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and   ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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  Jimmy Mack |   Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Access the My Liquid Fish ™  Starter Kit   (*Updated December 2020) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish ™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements  ​ http://www. jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2021 All Rights Reserved  
------------------------------ -------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 3 years
TGIWednesday and Prayer Power!
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TGIWednesday News
  My mother, aka Granny Ruth was a prayer warrior.  I have no doubt she is now doing more for all of us on the other side than she could ever do here - that includes the latest Hurricane threatening Florida.  It was a Level 1 with all indications of hitting us directly in the Tampa Bay area.  After sending out an email prayer request blast to all of you with basic prayer/visualization/fishing instructions, Elsa was knocked down from Cat 1 to a Tropical Storm rating and in the words of our local meteorologist Denis Philllips, "the storm has moved further offshore and is starting to shear apart." Now we're safely on the other side of it and we're grateful to everyone that participated in Saturday's prayer request. And like our monthly Zoom call on the last Wed of the month, there is so much collective power in all of us praying/fishing together.  I appreciate you more than you know and as for myself and our crew here, we strive daily to help/contribute to all of you!
  TGIWednesday Download
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  ~ PRAYER POWER ~ I believe, think, know and feel that the power of prayer through fishing is heard by those powerful positive entities that will help/contribute to me.  I am ready, willing and able to reach that zero point field and fish out the negative while downloading the positive.  I know when where how and why to keep only the best and to release the rest! I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. May the rest of your life be the best of your life and remember to make progress every day!
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  Today is Ringo Starr’s birthday and his one birthday wish is for us all to pray/say out loud peace and love to all. We have tickets to see him in concert for next year here in Clearwater, Florida as Granny Ruth would say, “The Lord willing and if the Creek don’t rise” May we all look as fabulous as Ringo when we’re 80. PEACE AND LOVE TO ALL
  July 28th Zoom Event
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  NEXT SCHEDULED ZOOM EVENT Topic TBD JULY 28TH at 7:30pm ET (July 29th if you're in Europe/AUS) Browse all the past recordings here.  
  FREE Show Appearances
  Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from t he   Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show : https:// thejimmymackhealingshow.com/ A reminder to keep your eyes open... the fish signs are everywhere! 
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Sent in to us....This image showed up as someone's popsicle was dripping. 
  From the Fish Box
  AN INCREDIBLE PRAYER RESPONSE FROM ALL OF YOU! "I did the "exercise" and also imagined making Elsa smaller until it dissipated over the Atlantic BEFORE it hits land (neither Florida, or Cuba and the Islands) Stay Safe."   - Nikki "I just did my part - to the left, to the left, all of your non beneficial energies have been sent to the left. She's being drained of all of her non beneficial energies and Filled with Love!!"   - Amy "It’s working!!! Elsa has just been downgraded to a tropical storm. Keep going!!!!"   - Angie "I talked to Mother Nature and apologized for humanity's behavior and as I did, the hurricane begin to shrink between my hands.  I talked about where all of that power might be needed and how much the west needs rain.  The hurricane became the size of a sponge and I was able to squeeze rain equitably over western North America. Fingers crossed!"  - Sydney "On board. Dissolving/neutralizing  the energy feeding Elsa & shifting her to sea find peace & calm."   - Priscilla "Completed task.  Hope this helps. Sending love to all of Florida! Thanks for sending out the message with instructions!!"   - Gwenn "I have just finished listening to the replay of Your inner child.  Wow!!  That was powerful, it knocked me right out. Then I saw your email.  As I was already in a very relaxed state, I  saw myself bigger than the storm and I very gently pushed it to the left. I hope that helps!"   - Kari  
  Book A Session in Tampa
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions  The next opportunity to see Jimmy in Tampa office is FRIDAY JULY 30th - from 10-4pm  403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www. ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at    ☎ ️  (813) 873-7773  in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
  Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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  Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack JULY 7TH "Today I will not judge all books by their covers. I will not pass an opportunity just because everything is not lining up perfectly. I will move things forward down the field. I will not give up or surrender. I will press on and mold the clay in my hands into the vision I have in my head."  
  **Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
  Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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  Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and  make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day.  He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively    and you also have the option of selecting an  ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only .
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets!  Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
  Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
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  ​For those who aren't familiar,​ below is ​a​ list of the​ 30+​ audio​s in the MyBeliefWorks series.... Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family .
  Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark     Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms
Healing Body Disorders  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past   Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
  Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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  Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program  includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy   ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing"   and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary ! It includes   The Tackle Box  &   The Dowser's Handbook  ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition"  to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a   work-at-your-own-pace curriculum   that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time!   In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and   ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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  Jimmy Mack |   Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Access the My Liquid Fish ™  Starter Kit   (*Updated December 2020) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish ™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements  ​ http://www. jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2021 All Rights Reserved  
------------------------------ -------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and Prayer Power!
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TGIWednesday News
  My mother, aka Granny Ruth was a prayer warrior.  I have no doubt she is now doing more for all of us on the other side than she could ever do here - that includes the latest Hurricane threatening Florida.  It was a Level 1 with all indications of hitting us directly in the Tampa Bay area.  After sending out an email prayer request blast to all of you with basic prayer/visualization/fishing instructions, Elsa was knocked down from Cat 1 to a Tropical Storm rating and in the words of our local meteorologist Denis Philllips, "the storm has moved further offshore and is starting to shear apart." Now we're safely on the other side of it and we're grateful to everyone that participated in Saturday's prayer request. And like our monthly Zoom call on the last Wed of the month, there is so much collective power in all of us praying/fishing together.  I appreciate you more than you know and as for myself and our crew here, we strive daily to help/contribute to all of you!
  TGIWednesday Download
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  ~ PRAYER POWER ~ I believe, think, know and feel that the power of prayer through fishing is heard by those powerful positive entities that will help/contribute to me.  I am ready, willing and able to reach that zero point field and fish out the negative while downloading the positive.  I know when where how and why to keep only the best and to release the rest! I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. May the rest of your life be the best of your life and remember to make progress every day!
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  Today is Ringo Starr’s birthday and his one birthday wish is for us all to pray/say out loud peace and love to all. We have tickets to see him in concert for next year here in Clearwater, Florida as Granny Ruth would say, “The Lord willing and if the Creek don’t rise” May we all look as fabulous as Ringo when we’re 80. PEACE AND LOVE TO ALL
  July 28th Zoom Event
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  NEXT SCHEDULED ZOOM EVENT Topic TBD JULY 28TH at 7:30pm ET (July 29th if you're in Europe/AUS) Browse all the past recordings here.  
  FREE Show Appearances
  Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from t he   Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show : https:// thejimmymackhealingshow.com/ A reminder to keep your eyes open... the fish signs are everywhere! 
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Sent in to us....This image showed up as someone's popsicle was dripping. 
  From the Fish Box
  AN INCREDIBLE PRAYER RESPONSE FROM ALL OF YOU! "I did the "exercise" and also imagined making Elsa smaller until it dissipated over the Atlantic BEFORE it hits land (neither Florida, or Cuba and the Islands) Stay Safe."   - Nikki "I just did my part - to the left, to the left, all of your non beneficial energies have been sent to the left. She's being drained of all of her non beneficial energies and Filled with Love!!"   - Amy "It’s working!!! Elsa has just been downgraded to a tropical storm. Keep going!!!!"   - Angie "I talked to Mother Nature and apologized for humanity's behavior and as I did, the hurricane begin to shrink between my hands.  I talked about where all of that power might be needed and how much the west needs rain.  The hurricane became the size of a sponge and I was able to squeeze rain equitably over western North America. Fingers crossed!"  - Sydney "On board. Dissolving/neutralizing  the energy feeding Elsa & shifting her to sea find peace & calm."   - Priscilla "Completed task.  Hope this helps. Sending love to all of Florida! Thanks for sending out the message with instructions!!"   - Gwenn "I have just finished listening to the replay of Your inner child.  Wow!!  That was powerful, it knocked me right out. Then I saw your email.  As I was already in a very relaxed state, I  saw myself bigger than the storm and I very gently pushed it to the left. I hope that helps!"   - Kari  
  Book A Session in Tampa
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions  The next opportunity to see Jimmy in Tampa office is FRIDAY JULY 30th - from 10-4pm  403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www. ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at    ☎ ️  (813) 873-7773  in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
  Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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  Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack JULY 7TH "Today I will not judge all books by their covers. I will not pass an opportunity just because everything is not lining up perfectly. I will move things forward down the field. I will not give up or surrender. I will press on and mold the clay in my hands into the vision I have in my head."  
  **Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
  Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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  Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and  make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day.  He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively    and you also have the option of selecting an  ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only .
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets!  Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
  Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
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  ​For those who aren't familiar,​ below is ​a​ list of the​ 30+​ audio​s in the MyBeliefWorks series.... Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family .
  Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark     Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms
Healing Body Disorders  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past   Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
  Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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  Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program  includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy   ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing"   and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary ! It includes   The Tackle Box  &   The Dowser's Handbook  ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition"  to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a   work-at-your-own-pace curriculum   that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time!   In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and   ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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  Jimmy Mack |   Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Access the My Liquid Fish ™  Starter Kit   (*Updated December 2020) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish ™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements  ​ http://www. jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2021 All Rights Reserved  
------------------------------ -------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
Best Car Stereo Installation Service and Cost in Omaha NE |Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
 More information is at: http://24hourautotruckrepairomaha.org/car-stereo-installation-near-me/
  Car Stereo Installation Service near Omaha NE: Are you looking for the Best Car Stereo Installation Service near Omaha NE ? Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, Our licensed and insured car stereo installers will ensure that you get the right products for your needs and then make sure that your equipment is installed professionally. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Car Stereo Installation Service around Omaha NE. We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Car Stereo Installation At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
Car Stereo Installation Service near Omaha NE: Looking to enhance your driving experience? Then a new car audio/video system from Mobile Mechanics of Omaha is just what you need! Whether you want to upgrade your factory car audio system or build a custom car stereo from scratch, our team is the answer you’ve been looking for. We provide professional car audio electronics products and installation for drivers in and around Omaha NE, and our qualified technicians are here to make sure you always have access to awesome tunes while you’re behind the wheel. With over years of experience to rely on, we’re your source for the best in car stereos and mobile audio equipment. Call us today to learn more!
When you turn to Mobile Mechanics of Omaha for your mobile audio system, you can expect nothing but amazing results. We can outfit cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs, and even boats with high-quality mobile electronics. While we’re an authorized dealer for many types of components, we’re also happy to install products that you’ve bought elsewhere. Providing service that’s above and beyond most car audio shops, Mobile Mechanics of Omaha is here to make sure our customers benefit from careful, correct installation workmanship.
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha ,Our licensed and insured car stereo installers will ensure that you get the right products for your needs and then make sure that your equipment is installed professionally using 100% copper wire. If you don’t have enough outlets for the number of speakers you want to install, we can create a beautiful, custom fiberglass panel that will house additional speakers. Customized solutions to meet your in-car audio needs is the name of the game at Mobile Mechanics of Omaha.
We don’t cut corners to cut costs; instead we work hard to provide our clients with first-class craftsmanship and materials at highly competitive rates. From amps to speakers and subwoofers, we have everything you might need for a stellar car audio/video system.
Your car came with a stereo, right? Maybe it’s fine and it does a decent job, and maybe you’re ok with it. But ask yourself this: Don’t you deserve better than fine and decent?
As a San Diego County resident, you spend hours in your car every week. Back and forth to work, to the grocery store, out to dinner, and now that the holidays are here, to the mall, to the airport, and to holiday parties. In fact, doesn’t it sometimes seem like, aside from the hours you sleep, you actually spend more time in your car than you do at home? So then why not make the experience as pleasurable as it can be?
This holiday season, give yourself the gift that keeps on giving: a high-quality car audio system.  And just in case you need more convincing, here are five benefits to upgrading beyond your “fine” and “decent” car stereo:
Better Sound From Your Car Audio With A Premium Sound System
Car Stereo Installation Service near Omaha NE: Let’s face it. Your car manufacturer doesn’t care as much about your aural satisfaction as you do.  Sure, factory systems have gotten better, but many of those premium systems still use relatively weak speakers and amps that deliver less-than-satisfactory sound. Even if all you do is upgrade your car’s system with high-quality aftermarket speakers, you’ll experience tighter bass and more overall clarity in your tunes.
Better Control Of Your Car Sound System And Speakers
When built to your specifications, a high-quality stereo system has the potential to give you optimal control over the way your music sounds. Most car receivers provide treble, mid-range, and bass control, which is fine for overall sound. But when you build your system with an equalizer, you have multiple points for adjusting your frequency response and ironing out problem peaks. In other words, a high-quality stereo system gives you the ability to fine-tune your tunes.
Better Car Commute In San Diego With A Premium Car Stereo
Remember back when those little tiny Walkman speakers made it possible to pipe the music from your Walkman into your bedroom or dorm room? Sure, you could hear the general idea of the song, but it was nothing like having your headphones on and the music all around you. Well, the difference between your car’s factory system and a high-quality aftermarket stereo is kinda like that. A great system plus Dynamat or any other sound-deadening material to lower interior noise levels will greatly enhance your listening pleasure. When you’re lost in your music, you might even cease to care that you’re in standstill traffic on northbound 805.
Better Communication On Your IPhone Or Android From Your Car
If you spend a lot of time in your car, there’s a good chance you also spend a lot of time on speakerphone. We hate to break it to you, but if you don’t have a decent Bluetooth-equipped system, you are probably annoying everyone on the other end of the phone.  Think about it. When you call someone, and you can tell they’re driving because 1) there’s a ton of extra noise in the background, and 2) they sound like they’re shouting over the noise, don’t you hang up sooner than you might otherwise? Want better communication with your wife/husband/mom/kids/boss? Upgrade to a high-quality, Bluetooth-equipped stereo system. Everyone on the other end will thank you for it. If you get one with a simple interface, it’ll also make for safer driving.  
Better Reputation With Great Sounding Car Audio In Omaha NE
Let’s be honest here. When it comes to our cars, we can be a little…vain. We spend money to make them look good and sometimes even to inspire envy as we race up the 163 or pull up to the valet stand at a downtown restaurant. But a good-looking car with a crappy stereo system is as disappointing as a good-looking man/woman with bad teeth. Your beautiful car deserves a beautiful sound system. Whether or not you care about sound quality when you listen to NPR during your morning commute, you’ll certainly appreciate the way a high-quality stereo system inspires envy in your brother-in-law.
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha Has Top Of The Line Car Audio & Stereo Installation
Now that you know why you need to upgrade your car stereo system, it’s time for the which, the who, and the when. At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha in Omaha NE, we can help you with all three. We carry all the best car audio brands, so we can help you determine which system is best for you, your car, and your needs. Our professional installers are who you can count on to set up your new system so you can drive away knowing it’s been done right. And when? Well, we’re here anytime you’re ready. Check some of our amazing specials to get a great discount!
 How to install a car stereo
Car Stereo Installation Service near Omaha NE: Remove your factory stereo and install a new one Car stereo installation basics In this article, we'll walk you through the process of installing a new car stereo. We'll cover:
●      How to remove the factory stereo
●      How to wire the new receiver what you need to know to connect it right
●      How to install the new car stereo
Please read over these guidelines before beginning the installation so you'll know what to expect.
Installing a new car stereo can often be simple enough to do yourself, and his article will provide you with a general guide on how to do it. Keep in mind that some cars and systems are more complicated than others and that every car and stereo system will be different, so some specifics may vary. Be sure to read any instructions that come with the new car stereo before attempting to install it.
How to Take Out the Old Stereo
Car Stereo Installation Service near Omaha NE:
Set the parking brake and disconnect the negative cable from your car battery. Be sure to do this to avoid short-circuiting the electrical system during the installation, which could lead to fire or physical harm for you.
Unscrew any screws that are securing the trim in place. Be careful to remove all screws before trying to pry off the trim or you may break it.
Remove the trim. For some cars, you may need to remove several pieces of plastic trim, usually working from the bottom up.[3]
●      If you need to remove trim that includes any knobs or drawers, remove them before trying to pry off the trim.
●      Use your hands or a pry tool to pry off each piece of trim. Pry tools are specifically for this purpose and will not damage the trim pieces.
Pull out any necessary components. If you need to remove any components before being able to access the stereo, do so.
Disconnect components that are wired to the car. Take a picture of how each is wired for later reference.
Loosen the stereo. Different cars may have varying elements securing the stereo in place.
●      If the stereo is held in place by screws or nuts, loosen them with the appropriate tool (screwdriver or nut driver, respectively).
●      If the stereo isn't held in place by screws or nuts, you'll need to use a radio-removal key. This tool is commonly necessary in Ford vehicles. Radio-removal keys (sometimes also referred to as radio-removal tools) will typically either be in an elongated horseshoe shape or will have a circular shape at one end and a notched shaft at the other. They’re available at most auto-parts stores.
●      Insert the keys into the two small slots in the face of the stereo. You will release a mechanism holding the stereo in place. Slide the radio-removal keys into each slot again until you feel the stereo loosen from in its housing. You should then be able to pull out the stereo relatively easily.
Pull the stereo out of the panel. You may want to use needle-nose pliers to grip the edge of the stereo and help you pull it out.[4] Pull it gently, and if the stereo doesn't come out easily, double check that you haven't missed any components that may be holding it in place.
Take a picture of how the stereo is wired. This is an important step because the photo will serve as a reference later when you’re wiring in the new stereo.
Unplug the stereo connections. You’ll see a series of wires connected to the back of the stereo, and you’ll need to disconnect each of them.
●      First unplug the antenna wire, which will typically be a thicker wire plugged in separately from the rest. Once it’s unplugged, you should be able to move the stereo around more freely.
●      Next unplug each of the wire harness connectors. There will typically be several of these and you can recognize them because a series of wires will feed into each one. The plastic piece into which the wires are fed should have either a tab or a button you can push, which will release the harness.
How to Install the New Stereo
Match up the wires. Match the wires of the car’s harnesses to the new stereo’s harnesses. Each harness connector is unique, so it should be easy to figure out which ones fit together.
●      To be safe, check the wiring diagrams for both your car and the new stereo to verify you’ve connected them correctly.
●      If your car's stereo doesn’t use wire harnesses, you’ll need to match up each wire manually. The wires are color-coded; however, the wires on an after-market stereo may not match with the color-coded wires in your vehicle. It's best to study and follow the wiring diagram that came with the stereo.
●      Connect the matched wires. There are two options for connecting the wires, crimping or soldering. Crimping is faster and easier, but soldering will provide a more stable and secure connection. Be sure to use the proper size crimper and don’t try to bundle the wires with tape it will eventually dry out and fall off. Bundle wires using zip ties instead.
Assemble the mounting kit. If your new stereo came with a separate mounting kit, assemble it according to the stereo's instructions (it will often mean fitting a metal housing sleeve into the mounting frame).
Push down on the tabs located around the metal sleeve with a screwdriver to secure the metal sleeve in place.
Connect the power source. Typically, if you have a wiring harness, this connection will be made when you connect the new stereo harnesses to the harnesses in the car.
If you aren't using a wiring harness, you’ll need to manually connect the power. Determine whether your car has a switched power source (typically a red wire) or a constant power source (typically a yellow wire). Some vehicles even have both types of power sources. For more information on switched versus constant power, go here.
Ground the stereo. If you're using wiring harnesses, this connection will be made when you connect the harness pieces.
If you aren't using a wiring harness, you'll need to locate the bolt, wire, or screw that connects with the car's bare metal chassis. Loosen the bolt, wire, or screw and slip the stereo's ground wire (usually black) underneath, then tighten.
Note that the ground connection is important to the optimal performance of the stereo. If the ground wire doesn't connect to the bare metal, it won't work. And if the ground wire connection is loose, it could result in poor audio output. Sand down the area with sand paper to ensure a good connection.
Connect the remaining wires. Plug in the antenna cable and connect the stereo's wiring adapter to the car's wire harness. Connect the output converter if one is needed to make the new stereo compatible with the car's audio system. Have in mind that all wires should be connected in the end and there should be no single one hanging unattended.
Test the stereo. Turn the power on and test the AM, FM, and CD components. Test the fade and balance settings to be sure the speakers are working properly. Turn the power back off.
 How to Finish the Installation
●      Push the stereo into place. When the stereo is fully in, you should hear it click into place.
●      Reconnect the components. Fasten in any screws that are needed to hold the stereo in place, reconnect any wired components, and replace any knobs or drawers that were removed.
●      Snap all the pieces of trim back into place over the stereo. Double check that all screws and trim pieces are securely in place.
●      Try out the new stereo. Turn the car power on again and play around with the stereo and its settings to be sure everything is in working order.
Car Stereo Installation Service near Omaha NE:A car can be a great place to enjoy music, but many commuters still put up with marginal sound quality that they'd never tolerate at home. Others assemble sophisticated sound systems for their cars, then make common installation mistakes that keep the system from reaching its full potential.
The best car sound systems rely on decent gear and a little know-how. I've put together some suggestions on how to improve the sound in your vehicle, with tips for both simple factory systems and more sophisticated setups. You don't have to live with bad sound in your car. Even the simplest improvements to your car sound system installation can yield noticeable results.
●      Replace your car's speakers
●      Select higher quality for your music files
●      Bypass your music player's built-in digital-to-analog converter
●      Use sound deadening material
●      Add a car amplifier
●      Add a signal processor or an equalizer
●      Build a better sub box. Or buy one.
●      Your crossover can really improve the sound of your system
●      Set your amp gains properly
●      Don't max out your tone controls
●      Add a subwoofer and hear what you've been missing
●      Use a capacitor if you're going to push your subs hard
Car Stereo Installation Service near Omaha NE:  We are pleased to provide professional car audio and video installation at our workshop. Whenever you pick up a normal head unit, choose a multi-media player, require a powerful sound system, our experienced technicians are here to help.
If you are looking for a place that offers top notch service, low cost but fantastic quality, you've found the right place. With our 16 years of experience, we guarantee full customer satisfaction on all our jobs. This confidence is assured with each and every transaction you'll have with us.
 The Cost of Car Stereo Installation
For a normal head unit you purchase from our company, the cost of installation is from $50 incl GST; if the head unit is not purchased from our company, the cost of installation is from $60 incl GST.
For a multi-media player (DVD/CD/MP3/USB/SD player with GPS & Bluetooth) you purchase from our company, the cost of installation is from $70 incl GST, if not, the cost of installation is from $85 incl GST.
For connecting an exist camera to a new stereo, the cost is from $60 incl GST.
For a pair of speakers you purchase from our company, the cost of installation for 2 door speakers is from $55 incl GST; backseat speaker installation is from $70 incl GST. If the speakers are not purchased from our company, the cost of installation is from $60 - $80 incl GST.
For an amplifier and subwoofer you purchase from our company, the cost of installation is from $110 incl GST; if the amplifier and subwoofer are not, the cost of installation is from $130 incl GST.
Shop car electronics professional installation
Entertainment                       Regular Price      Total Tech Support Member Price 2
Standard Speaker Installation                $64.99                      Included
Component Speaker Installation           $99.99                      20% discount
Rear-Seat Video Installation                    $119.99–$199.99 20% discount
Subwoofer Installation                             $19.99                      Included
If I install a new stereo, can I still use my steering wheel controls?
You sure can if you install a special adapter. And when you buy any stereo from us, you'll get a deep discount on the steering wheel control adapter for your car. See our article about Steering Wheel Audio Control Adapters for more information.
 Why should I get a new car stereo?
Sound and features are the two best reasons for getting a new car stereo. Aftermarket car stereos typically have more powerful amplifiers and better sound-shaping controls than factory stereos. And you'll find plenty of cool features, like Bluetooth® and smartphone compatibility, USB and aux inputs, touchscreen controls, navigation, satellite radio compatibility, and much more, depending on the type and model of car stereo you buy.
 How do I know what'll fit my car?
Don't worry, we've done the heavy lifting! Our vehicle research team has checked out thousands of cars and trucks to find out what will (and won't) work in specific vehicles.
 Can I keep my steering wheel controls?
You sure can but in most cases you'll need to install a special adapter. And when you buy any stereo from us, you'll get a deep discount on the steering wheel control adapter for your car. See our article about Steering Wheel Audio Control Adapters for more information.
 Will a new stereo work with my existing factory options?
Your car may have come with factory-installed options, like satellite radio, navigation, or Bluetooth. In most cases, these are built into the existing factory stereo, or use proprietary protocols which aren't compatible with new aftermarket car stereos, so these features won't work with a new stereo. This can be a complicated issue though, so call or chat with us and we can check out your specific vehicle and features.
 Can I get a stereo that will match my dash illumination?
We love it when a new car stereo really looks like it belongs in your dash, and matching the existing dash illumination scheme is a big part of that. To really hone in the color match, look for models that let you adjust the color for different parts of the receiver for example, white for the display and red for the buttons. You'll also find models that let you adjust specific RGB color levels for a perfect match. Search for stereos that feature variable colors to see your options.
 Will a new car stereo work with my smartphone?
One of the most exciting things about new car stereos is the way that they integrate with your smartphone. Almost all models offer USB connection to your phone, letting you access your music files or other stored media from both iOS and Android devices. And if your new stereo has Bluetooth, you'll be able to access your music or streaming services that way too.
 Will I have better bass with a new car stereo?
Great bass depends on a lot of factors, including what you define as great bass. Generally though, the increased power of a new car stereo will improve the punch of the low end in your system.
 Is it hard to install a new car stereo?
Helping you install your own gear is our specialty. Since 1974, Mobile Mechanics of Omaha has helped hundreds of thousands of first-time installers put a new stereo in their dash, and get the job done right. With your purchase of a new stereo from us, you'll receive our exclusive, free step-by-step instructions for your vehicle. For most vehicles, we also offer mounting kits that let you install your new stereo in your dash with a professional look, wiring harnesses that plug right into your factory wiring, and, in some cases, specialty adapters that let you retain certain factory features.
●      Car Stereo Installation Service Near Omaha NE
●      Car Stereo Installation
●      How To Install A Car Stereo System
●      How To Install Car Stereo Wiring
●      Car Stereo Installation Cost
●      How To Install Car Stereo Without Wiring Harness
●      Mobile Car Stereo Installation
●      Free Car Stereo Installation With Purchase
●      Walmart Car Stereo Installation Near Omaha NE
●      Android Car Stereo Price
●      Car Stereo With Speakers
●      Second Hand Car Audio System For Sale
●      Best Car Audio System
●      Car Music System With Bluetooth And Navigation
●      Sony Music System For Car
●      Car Stereo System
●      Car Stereo Touch Screen Near Omaha NE
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
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kplr-radio · 5 years
Broadcast: Angelo Divine, 01/23/19
[Wide Open Spaces Dixie Chicks]
Angelo: Good morning everyone, this is 103.5 KPLR Radio, that was “Wide Open Spaces” by Dixie Chicks. I’m here in the studio, it’s actually been a pretty good morning, but I’m a morning person anyway so I’m probably biased. Anyway, I hope y’all are doing alright. It’s a clear Wednesday morning, we’re looking at sunshine all day, hopefully it’ll melt some of that ice. There’s a minor fender bender out on the main road, but it looks like it’ll be settled soon. That’s it for this morning’s news, let me play you a message from our sponsors.
[Audio Advertisement Transcript: Come on down to Whistle’s Auto, where our engine-uity will have your car back on the road in no time. Hear that? [drill noise] That’s us driving our point home. If you’re tire-d of your old vehicle, you can fuel your need for a new car at Whistle’s Auto! It’s the wheel deal! At the end of 5th Avenue.]
Angelo: Thanks so much to Whistle’s Auto for sponsoring us this week, we really appreciate it. I’ll play some music for y’all as I’m sure plenty of you are on the way to work. Here’s “Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver.
[Take Me Home, Country Roads John Denver] [Live a Little Kenny Chesney] [God’s Gonna Cut You Down Johnny Cash]
Angelo: That was “Live a Little” by Kenny chesney and “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” by Johnny Cash. And it looks like we’ve got some time, so how about an Angelo’s Advice Hour? Call in now and I can answer y’all’s questions on anything and everything.
[Disclaimer: Angelo Divine is not qualified to answer most questions definitively. All answers are purely conjecture and Angelo Divine is not liable for any negative results that may come from following his advice.]
Caller: I think I bought a haunted *** couch and I’m gonna cry into my ******* mac and cheese. I don’t want to deal with spirits I just need to study!
Angelo: Well, I don’t know what ghoulish side effects this couch is inducing, but I’d say invest in some anti-spirit protection. I believe the antiques store has some guides on that. Salt doesn’t work, television is lying about that. But there’s some basic sigils that should keep your home ghost-free. Who’s next?
Caller: I have no idea who knows I’m a lesbian and who doesn’t and I really hate the whole “oh hey by the way I’m gay” so uhhhh do I just casually say I love women’s hockey and plaid flannels? Start painting rainbows? Let the revelations happen whenever?
Angelo: Yeah, coming out is tricky. In my experience, it’s easier to leave it up to interpretation than try and announce yourself whenever it comes up. The people who need to know will get it, usually just by being around you. If you want to do those things, go ahead. And maybe try and surround yourself with other people who like those things, and people will make the association themselves. Like, when I bleached my hair and started working at the radio station, it became very obvious that I’m gay, y’know? I hope that helps! I’m gonna play some music for y’all but we’ll be back with more questions in a bit. This is “High Note” by Mavis Staples.
[High Note Mavis Staples] [I Want A Cowboy Reba McEntire] [Friends In Low Places Garth Brooks]
Angelo: We’re back, folks, on 103.5 KPLR Radio, that was “I Want A Cowboy” by Reba McEntire followed up by “Friends In Low Places” by Garth Brooks. I’ll be taking more advice questions, and it looks like we got a caller.
Caller: I’m gonna fight a raccoon. [click]
Angelo: Well alright then. Hopefully that wasn’t my coworker, although I can’t say I’ve never seen him try and fight off a raccoon before. Good luck, listener, I guess? Who’s next?
Caller: Hey it's Cat again what kind of coffee do you want? I forgot your order sorry. Also might be a bit late the cops are— ****! **** okay gotta run! Still answer though thanks I'm almost there!
Angelo: Uh, okay, can you get me a latte? Also why are the cops— nevermind just tell me when you get here. Any real advice questions? Hello, you’re on air.
Caller: Hello, I just have a quick thing and it's has to do with my birth mom who just showed up after 18 of no word, demands to spend time with me but doesn't respect who I am. I feel like I owe her something since she is my mom but honestly I don't know. What do you think?
Angelo: That’s tough. I definitely think you aren’t obligated to spend time with her. I think… it could be helpful to have a conversation on what caused her to leave for so long, but if you don’t feel ready for that then you shouldn’t have to. Especially if she doesn’t respect who you are. But definitely you don’t owe her anything. I’ll go back to the music now, but we’ll be back afterwards for more of your questions. This is “The Gambler” by Kenny Rogers.
[The Gambler Kenny Rogers] [Seven Year Ache Rosanne Cash] [Jolene Dolly Parton]
Angelo: That was “Seven Year Ache” by Rosanne Cash, and “Jolene” by Dolly Parton. Let’s get back to your questions. You’re on the air.
Caller: Hey! I was wondering if you could give me some advice? I have a huge crush on someone but I'm not too sure if they like me back.. Any tips for knowing?
Angelo: That’s the age-old question, innit? To be honest it varies so much from person to person, what their tells are. Some rules of thumb are if they go out of their way to be around or touch you, if they single you out in a group setting, and if they mention thinking of you at a point that you weren’t together. Still, those can be tricky, so I’d say having an honest conversation is the best way to go. Not that I can talk, but you know how it is. This is advice for you, not me. Hope that helps! [click] Hey, you’re live.
Caller: Ah yes hello, I was wonder if I could have advice one what sort of gift I should give someone to let them know that I'm attracted to them? I'm honestly hopeless about these kind of things. Any advice you have would be wonderful.
Angelo: Lots of romance stuff today. I get it, Valentine’s Day is coming up in less than a month. But this is a really good question. There’s two ways you can go with this, one of which I can’t really talk about on the radio. The sincere way is giving them stuff they like and/or need. If you’ve been paying attention when they talk, which is usually how getting a crush on someone works, you’ll probably hear what they like or what they would rather avoid. From there, it’s up to you. Alright, looks like we got one more caller on the line. Hello!
Caller: I’m in the mood to yearn. You’re good with music please and thank you.
Angelo: Today has been pretty yearn-y. Here’s a couple tender tunes, starting off with “Red River Valley” by Marty Robbins.
[Red River Valley Marty Robbins] [It’s A Sin Eddy Arnold] [If I Could Only Win Your Love Emmylou Harris]
Angelo: That was “It’s A Sin” by Eddy Arnold followed by “If I Could Only Win Your Love” by Emmylou Harris, here on 103.5 KPLR Radio. I’ll see y’all tomorrow morning, 6 AM sharp! Here’s “Achy Breaky Heart” by Billy Ray Cyrus.
[Achy Breaky Heart Billy Ray Cyrus]
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