#Nova adoption posts
dragonsorceress22 · 17 days
Ok I'm ready to move in with you~! 😸
Meet Nova!
Nova is a 9.5 month old shorthair tabby – male, neutered, and microchipped.
His current home situation is not good for him or anyone here - he needs a new home ASAP.
No adoption fees - love and care is all you need to take this little guy home!
Adopt him here: Nova's Adopt A Pet profile
Nova is playful and active, clumsy, doesn’t mind being picked up, and will happily sit in laps when he’s tired of playing. He’s social and friendly and loves open windows.
Nova will come with a nice carrier, all of his toys, a couple cat beds, his scratching post, a few blankets and towels, and all of his medical history.
Nova has digestive difficulties, so his dietary needs are particular, but his current regimen is working well for managing his symptoms and letting him live a normal kitty life.
Please share this as much as possible so we can find Nova a safe and loving home!
Nova's Adopt A Pet profile
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desultory-novice · 2 years
It'd certainly put Marx into the same boat as all the other Modern 2D era Kirby bosses, because boy did all of them end up eating some bad bargains. Taranza simply wanted a gift for his love. Haltmann simply wanted to find his daughter. I forget Hyness' motives off the top of my head, but his ambitions were also twisted. Even Magolor clearly bit off more than he could chew.
I like this, yes! Considering that Kumazaki invented Marx Soul, it's not out of line to assume he sprinkled some of that Kumazaki-style deep characterization dust on him!
As to Hyness, there's a bit in the "Nintendo Dream" interviews stating that he was always bad. Not to praise him with one hand and cross him with the other, but Kumazaki tells us Marx has an "evil soul" and signed off on Novel-verse Magolor, so I'd say there's room for interpretation on how evil "evil" is in Kirby?
Anyway,  looking at Hyness specifically with the same sympathetic lens we tend to view the Wave 3 + Marx gang, we can believe his prayers to Void were originally were about finding a way to help the Jamba diaspora. But that when Hyness thought about the awful hand they'd been dealt for, y'know, SAVING EVERYONE, his mind couldn't help but turn toward bitterness and hatred of those who'd cast them out, and his prayers morphed into a wish for vengeance - to deal that same bad hand to the entire cosmos.
More recent than Hyness even, we have Leon entering Lab Discovera because he wished to harness the power that allowed humanity the Ancients to flourish. And he found it, but THEY were no longer interested in being part of a one-sided bargain - one where they weren't on top. So Leon gets mind-controlled for his troubles.
But yes, I like "his hurt causes him to wish for the wrong thing in the heat of the moment and he gets looped into having to do it anyway and/or die" Marx + Marx Soul. 
At least, that would be my "Kumazaki-style Marx."
Speaking of Marx and his ties to the Kumazaki villains...
...I feel the script for a comic* building inside me...! (*that I don't have time to draw)
[Warning for excess sentimentality/everyone bad is good!]
[Comic Draft - "A Better Wish"]
:It starts on Magolor holding the Master Crown:
"That's right! My goal this entire time had been this crown!"
:he pauses: :his hands tighten around it: 
:cut to Taranza, his hands behind him: :holding the mirror wrapped up like a present:
"Joronia? For your birthday...I wanted to get you something you could look at and always see how pretty you are!"
:his nerves are going wild, but he fights them to speak:
"...But...what I actually want to do is... I really want to tell you that I think you're pretty! Because I...I like you, Joronia! And I always have!"
:he sets the mirror down and takes her hands:
:Susie, hand quivering as she's about to drop her visor: :she stops, drops her hands instead, and shouts:
"...Dad....DADDY, STOP IT! You've gone WAY too far! This whole thing has gone TOO FAR! Stop and look at me!" 
:Max pauses before donning the controller:
"You can't even remember me, can you?! But I don't care because I remember! I'm Susanna! Your daughter! And I'm TIRED of this life-wrecking machine!"
:He gulps, his mind struggling for some memory:
:Hyness on the altar before the Jamba Heart, in mid-rant:
"I'm-sure-they're-all-living-it-up-on-some-nice- planet-with-friends-and-family-but-when-the- dark-lord-destroys-everything-they'll..."
:His speech slows as he reaches Zan laying in his path: :Looking around, he see the other mage-sisters:
"...Destroys...everything...? Friends and...family...? Francisca...? Flamberge...? Zan...P-Parti...zanne...??  Why are you three laying there, injured...? Was it...me...? Have I become...the dark lord...?"
:Leon and Carol in the hallway before the Eternal Capsule:
"[We made it. We're here at last, Carol... Beyond here is what let the humans grow strong... ...and leave us WEAK! And once I have it..."]
:He looks over at Carol, finally noticing her expression: :She's looking afraid and worried for him:
"[...Once I have it...then what happens? What will I be leaving behind when I have that same power that they did...?]"
:cut back to Magolor, looking solemn:
"...Now that I have it, I realize, when I see the looks on your faces... it's not going to get me what I really want."
:pan over to the group, angry, hurt, wary:
"...I lied to everyone. This whole time. Except that... I wasn't lying when I said that...I wanted us t-to... ...t-that I hoped...we'd stay.......f-friends...!"
:he drops the crown, covering his eyes:
"And-I-know-that-after-everything-I-did-that- there's-no-way-any-of-you-would-actually-forgive...!" 
:Magolor stops mumbling as a hand touches his :Kirby's hand:
:Marx in front of Galactic Nova:
"I wish to co-....!"
:Flashback to Marx's life on Popstar: :People walking away from his shows, grimacing: :Everyone laughing and eating with Kirby: :Kirby turns around, offers Marx some food: :Marx, flustered and embarrassed that someone actually reached out to him, sneers and rolls away:
"(....I wish it was easier to communicate. To tell others what we're really thinking. To get the things we really want...)"
:Gritting his teeth, he ditches Nova (who is "???"): :He flies after Kirby, floating in space: :Marx catches his hand in his mouth, pulls him back: :The two orbit each other:
"...You're such an idiot, you stupid puffball! Why did you do everything I said without question?"
"Because I believe in you, Marx."
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maybe-arts · 11 months
37 for Beamee, Little Nova, and Cicero
37. Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)?
Beamee usually writes down notes for herself. In her old workshop back on Popstar she used to have a biiiiig corkboard taking up nearly whole wall where she would pin various stuff related to her current projects. She does have similar at Rem's place, but doesn't feel comfortable taking up too much space since it's not her house.
Cicero usually uses anagrams and mnemonics to remember some particularly complicated spells, but the only thing that helped with runes was methodical repetition (aka drawing them until he started seeing them in his sleep).
Nova seems to naturally have a pretty good memory, their issue is low attention span, on the contrary. They could've have some use out of melodic memorisation, if not for the fact that both they and their main caretaker (Kirby) are tone deaf.
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duskianfae · 1 year
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"you're so cute, I could just kiss you!!"
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ravens-dagger · 2 years
Why yes I love being not even a thought in people's minds who say they're my "family" that really makes me feel great after an absolutely dogshit day
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writerslittlelibrary · 2 months
Wandanat x adopted teen Hydra reader headcanons
a/n: this was the most chosen in both polls, so I figured I’d post this one first. I apologise for not being able to come up with a lot for this one, but I hope you still like it :)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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Wandanat who were both shocked when they found your broken and bruised body in one of the Hydra cells on their mission
Wandanat who didn’t hesitate to pick your unconscious form up and bring you to the quinjet to take care of you
Wandanat who immediately told Tony off when he suggested putting you in restraints until they knew more about you
Wandanat who stayed by your side until you woke up, and who reassured you after you had woken up that you were safe
Wandanat who stayed by your side while you were getting better, introducing you to the wonders of tv shows and take-out food
Wandanat who made sure you got a room next to theirs to make sure they could keep an eye on you and make sure you were safe and okay
Wandanat who helped you settle in to the best of their abilities. They wanted you to be as safe and happy as you could be, even though they knew it would be difficult for you to adjust
Wandanat who were the first to know when you accidentally unlocked your powers
Wandanat who helped you learn and control your powers, and helped you understand them and where they came from
Wandanat who brought you on your first ever shopping spree, buying everything you wanted, and who secretly bought everything you stared at for too long, while insisting you didn’t want it
Wandanat who bought you your first ever stuffed animal, one that you brought with you everywhere
Wandanat who nearly cried when you accidentally called them ‘moms’ one time
Wandanat who took you with them after the Avengers broke up, making sure you were safe and happy after another large change of surroundings
Wandanat who allow you to sleep in their bed with them when you get scared. You’ll be snuggling up to Natasha while Wanda snuggles up to you from the back, gently stroking your hair and back until you fall asleep, making sure you feel safe and secure in their arms
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @nova-kyle @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @tia-thesimp @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @hor1zond1ar1es @lorsstar1st @superlegend216
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tallsc · 10 months
Hello fellow QSMP Tumblr people, I would like to make a offer and would love to see if this can catch on.
If we're adopting A1, let's go all out. We're taking care of this kid.
At least three times a week, someone on Tumblr, under the "qsmp a1 tasks" tag, should draw or write something about A1 doing at least one of the official tasks for that day or the prior few days (cause I know it takes time to draw or write). It doesn't have to be huge, could be anything from a sketch to a full picture or comic, from a few sentences to a full short story, as long as it appears under the tag and has something to do with A1 and one of the recent tasks! (Please say somewhere what task you're doing and what day it was from.)
A1 doesn't mind what name you use - Ai, Aaron, Ivan, just A1, something else entirely - as long as you still use the right tag so everyone can see that there's been a task completed. They also use any pronouns and have a whole wardrobe of accessories, again as long as it's clear in the art or story that the egg is A1 and not one of the other eggs.
Feel free though to include yourself or your OCs or one of the QSMP members or none or all of them, this is just a series of writing/drawing prompts with a purpose, go wild and have fun!
Due to it being Saturday already, required tasks won't start until this Monday. After that, let's see how long we can keep our community's new kid going!
Updates account
If anyone would like to translate this into any of the other three languages, I will gladly add the translations to this post and credit you for doing so. I want to make this visible and accessible to as many people as possible.
Translations below (French by @lb1412, Portuguese by @aurora-bore-aura)
Oi pessoal do QSMP Tumblr, eu queria fazer uma oferta e eu adoraria ver se isso irá se espalhar mais.
Se a gente tá adotando A1, vamos com tudo. A gente vai cuidar dessa criança.
Três vezes por semana pelo menos, alguém no Tumblr, na tag "qsmp a1 tasks", tem que postar um desenho ou escrever sobre A1 fazendo uma das tarefas oficiais daquele dia ou uns dias antes (porque eu sei que leva tempo pra fazer arte). Não precisa ser muito, pode ser um esboço(sketch) pra um desenho completo ou quadrinho, de algumas frases para uma pequena história completa. Que precisa é ao menos aparecer na tag e ter relação com A1 e as tarefas recentes! (Por favor diga em algum lugar que tarefa se tá fazendo e que dia foi ela)
A1 não tem preferência com o nome ou pronome que você usar — Ai, Aaron, Ivan, só A1, algum outro que se faça — desde que você ainda use a tag dita pra que todo mundo veja que tarefa foi feita. Além de liberdade de pronomes ele tem um armário cheio de acessórios, então por favor deixe claro em algum lugar da sua arte ou história que o ovo é o A1 e não um dos outros.
Sinta-se livre pra incluir você, ou um dos seus personagens, ou um dos membros do QSMP, ou ninguém, ou todo mundo acima. Isso aqui é só uma série de sinopses para desenhar/escrever com um propósito, se solta e se divirta!
Como já é sábado, as tarefas necessárias não vão aparecer até segunda-feira. Depois da revelação, vamos ver por quanto tempo podemos manter a nova criança da comunidade!
Salut les fans du QSMP, j'ai une proposition à vous faire et j'adorerais voir si ça peut devenir concret.
Quitte à adopter A1, sortons le grand jeu. On va s'occuper de cet enfant.
Il faudrait qu'au moins trois fois par semaine, quelqu'un sur Tumblr dessine ou écrive quelque chose où A1 fait au moins l'une des tâches officielles du jour ou de l'un des jours précédents (parce que je sais que dessiner ou écrire, ça prend du temps), et le poste sur le tag "qsmp a1 tasks". Pas besoin de faire quelque chose d'y mettre énormément d'efforts, ça pourrait être n'importe quoi, d'un croquis à une illustration ou BD complète, de quelques phrases à une courte histoire complète, tant que c'est posté dans le tag et que ça a un lien avec A1 et l'une des tâches récentes ! (S'il vous plaît, notez quelque part de quelle tâche vous vous chargez et le jour auquel ça correspond.)
Peu importe quel nom vous utilisez pour A1 (Ai, Aaron, Ivan, juste A1, ou même un tout autre nom), cela ne lea dérange pas tant que vous utilisez le bon tag pour que tout le monde puisse voir qu'une tâche a été accomplie. Iel utilise n'importe quels pronoms et possède toute une galerie d'accessoires, tant, encore une fois, qu'il est clair dans le dessin ou l'histoire qu'il s'agit d'A1 et pas d'un autre œuf.
Sentez-vous libre de vous inclure vous, vos OCs, l'un des membres du QSMP, tous les membres, ou même aucun, ce ne sont qu'une série de prompts de dessin/d'écriture avec un but précis, faites-vous plaisir et amusez-vous bien !
Puisqu'on est déjà samedi, les tâches nécessaires ne compteront pas avant lundi. Après ça, essayons de voir combien de temps la communauté peut maintenir notre nouvel enfant en vie !
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matan4il · 4 months
Daily update post:
If you remember the Bibas family, they were all kidnapped to Gaza on Oct 7, the father Yarden who left their house first, to protect his family, and then the mother Shiri, 4 years old Ariel, and the baby, 9 months old Kfir.
It is now confirmed that they were not kidnapped by Hamas, but rather by one of 26 terrorist organizations in Gaza, each one so small that they're usually referred to as terrorist factions, rather than terrorist organization. This one specifically has adopted a pattern of always cooperating with one of the bigger terrorist organizations (like Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad), so we can assume that's what they did on Oct 7 as well. The first 45 seconds or so from the following vid is what it looked like when Shiri, Ariel and Kfir were being kidnapped, you can see how terrified she is...
Below is new CCTV footage that the IDF has uncovered from a street in Khan Younis, so now we know which city in Gaza the three (Shiri, Ariel and Kfir) were kidnapped to. Shiri is seen barefoot, Ariel's head is sort of visible, Kfir isn't, but it's assumed he's under the blanket, and Shiri holding him close to her body. Because this footage is from Oct 2023, there's so much we still don't know. Are they still there? What's their current state? Nobody knows, but the IDF spokesman has confirmed that there is grave concern for their lives.
Yesterday, a Hezbollah attack drone crashed into Arbel, the mountain on which Tiberias (one of the 4 holy cities in Judaism) is built. For some reason, the siren didn't go off. The drone crashed not too far from a kindergarten, but thankfully no one was hurt. In response, Israel has struck Hezbollah's weapon warehouses in Lebanon. To the best of my knowledge, they're still checking why the siren warning failed, and which country was the drone launched from, Lebanon, Syria or Iraq.
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A French report says that the terror tunnels Hezbollah has been digging for years on Israel's northern border are more complex and dangerous than the system Hamas has dug under Gaza. That's what Israeli soldiers will have to tackle if the northern front goes to a full scale war. The terror tunnels Hamas has dug since 2007 under Gaza are so much more developed, extensive, complex and dangerous than Israel has realized, and the IDF has had to develop new ways of fighting in and around them, which we did not have when the war in Gaza started. Hamas' terror tunnels were estimated to be bigger than the London Tube (underground train system) back in Dec 2023, and there have been more tunnels located since. Just to put things in perspective, London's size is 1572 square kilometers (607 square miles), more than 4 times bigger than Gaza, at 363 square kilometers (140 square miles), and has a smaller underground tunnel system, according to what we knew about Gaza two months ago. But people want Israel to sit back, and let these threats to the lives of Israeli civilians continue to grow freely... Just a reminder, on Oct 7, the way the terrorists got to the border fence, to destroy the cameras there, without being spotted on the way was thanks to their terror tunnels, and those tunnels allow them to hold Israeli hostages captives, and it allows Hamas terrorists a place to hide and strike from, and it's where some Israeli hostages were murdered.
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Today in our corner, "Suuuure, it's anti-Zionism, not antisemitism, but somehow it keeps targeting Jews and Jewish identity," we got two stories from the UK. One is of a Jewish family sending their baby girl's birth certificate to issue her a passport got the document back torn and defaced, with the word "Israel" under "father's place of birth" scribbled over.
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The second story is of how the Amy Winehouse statue, which has stood in Camden Market for essentially 10 years, has also been defaced, specifically the Star of David was covered with a Palestinian flag sticker.
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This is Elyakim Libman.
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On Oct 7, he worked at the Nova music festival as a guard. Survivors of the massacre there say he helped save quite a few people. At a certain point, he went back to retrieve the body of a murdered young woman, so it wouldn't be taken hostage by the terrorists, and that's when he ended up being kidnapped himself. He's been in Gaza for over 4 months, including during his birthday. The other day, he became an uncle. He was supposed to be his nephew's godfather, but didn't get to. His family said explicitly they want no terrorists to be released in order to free him, and that if Elyakim could weigh in, he would say the same.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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novalizinpeace · 5 months
Mind if I could ask of some help or advice in creating an SC oc? I've been wanting to think of my own smiling critter characters recently, but have been kinda lost on this. Partly due to lack in drawing capabilities
I actually have a lil' tutorial in how to think in a good powertag for your SC Oc, where i also explain a lil' about the creation process for a oc
If your problem is the drawing part, well
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I have commission open, and i also make things like custom characters, incluying SC Ocs, where i also help the client with things like powertags, personality, relationships with the rest of the critters, ect
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'm also working in some SC Oc adoptables, but 'm posting them in a week.
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katakaluptastrophy · 7 months
Has anyone looked at ritual scarification in the Nine Houses? Because it gets mentioned at least twice as a practice.
Isaac says:
“The Fourth isn’t cannon fodder. If we’re first on the ground we need to stay alive … wards were the first thing I learned. When we get shipped out next year, we’ll get them scarified onto our backs.”
Which would seem to suggest that both Fourth adepts and cavaliers are warded in this way. How does that work? We know when a necro wards a room or suchlike, it prevents others from entering or is otherwise repellant. Are these scarified wards like shielding of some kind? Early warnings? How does that work on a non-adept?
And in the Harrow Nova AU:
“Harrow,” said the skull-faced cavalier of frightful aspect—upon stepping down from his post five years previous, Mortus had scarified the skull into his son, when the adopted necromantic heir had confirmed Ortus for her cavalier primary; the cicatricial lines showed clearly beneath the paint"
Is this just a gruesome detail that Harrow has come up with for her dark and gritty AU? Is it actual practice that would have happened if Mortus had been able to do the usual handover to his son instead of dying with the Reverend Parents?
These are both mentioned almost in passing. Is this sort of thing more widespread? Are other Cohort soldiers warded like the Fourth? And what about other kinds of wards? Do the Fifth or the Eighth use ghost wards like this, given their close traffic with the River? Is the Ninth (at least historically) doing this sort of thing for aesthetic/sacramental reasons part of their reputation for being weird and creepy?
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Error x Ink (part 1)
Acrylic by @drawingerror
Acrylic by @drawsomeshet
Acrylic by @rats-inyourtrashbin
Adobe by ?
Aelis by @ari-cuno
Axel by @ari-cuno
Airbrush by @adorablemew
Amarant by @kotikaleo
Amour by @melody69dark-thelostboy-blog
Anti by @redcas121
Āto by ?
Binary by @azulsundertaleblog
Blank Canvas, or Black Page, by @help-im-a-gay-fish adopted by @ari-cuno
Blank Page by ?
Blur Color @arkangel-vidraws
Blurry Color by @bealdash12
Bonbon by @sosozsofieia
Book by @glitchy-post
Broomie by @pulpitava
Brushy by @uv_ruru (Twitter / Deactivated)
Caper Pen by @/lostorigin
Captcha by @bobateaboo
Canvas by @myta
Cartridge by @officialwretcheddarkness
Checkmate by @radio-y3n / @0zmodeus
Chroma by @autoartist
Clause by @lolXnota (twitter)
Color Code by @0tterLucy (twitter)
Contrast by @kurolini909
Copic Marker by @maple-and-pie
Copic by @bobateaboo
Crystal by @artybone (not a fanchildren anymore)
Cyclone by @nova-blues
Cyral by @nova-blues
Cytrait by @nova-blues
Dawning by @star-gamerxox
Defectum by @defectiveask
Delete File by @glitchy-post
Delette by @gvaries
Design by @pepper-mint
Despair by ?
Dexterity by @ginganinja
Digit by @llwandehll
Drop by @mini-shrimp14
Drop by @uyuni-poyo (deactivated)
Easel by @clearlyclueless
Ei by @pocketbonesstuff
Ekon by @ooyoichioo
Embree by @edinchik
Erin by @premiumsans
Erin by @supermidnightqueen
Errin by @verinel2
All Parts / Next Part
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dragonsorceress22 · 7 days
Nova has made it home!
To everyone who's put up with my daily spamming of this little monster's face with endless pleas for adoption - the search is over!
After a touch-and-go situation where we thought he might need dental surgery which left his one single interested party (after 600 uninterested views of his adoption profile) hanging in the balance, Nova was given the all clear this afternoon by the vet, and his adopter was so excited she simply couldn't wait.
Nova was sent home with his new mama earlier tonight. She's a super nice lady who has promised to stay in contact and let me know how he's doing. He doesn't have to be quarantined anymore, he doesn't have to be alone 22 hours out of the day anymore. He's got a loving family who are so eager to love and care for him.
Thank you so much to everyone who signal boosted for Nova during this painfully long journey. I've been crying literally all night cause I'll miss him, but his new home is going to be so wonderful for him 💖
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bookishdaze · 3 months
My too long theory post about Mae as Reverse Caesar? This is multiple theories, really...
My theories on Mae's origins have ranged from her just being a lone smart girl among feral humans, to her coming from an underground civilization living in a bunker (My personal favorite. I like Fallout, lol).
Here's one that came to mind recently. It's not my main theory for her, (I still think she's just from some colony of smart humans) but it's my most "creative" and "crazy" one, but if people are allowed their crazy astronaut theories, THEN I'M ALLOWED THIS ONE 🤪
I'm gonna be calling her Mae/Nova for this.
Feel free to poke holes in this theory by the way, hehe.
This theory came to me after watching the new trailer, where we hear her being called "Nova," and we also get a shot of her riding on horseback with Raka. It reminded me a lot of Nova from War riding with Maurice.
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So I thought, 'Huh, we're getting another blonde girl named Nova riding on horseback with an orangutan in the exact same way. It almost looks like the characters and plot for KOTPOTA could be a reworked version of what a plot could look like for a direct War sequel following a grown up Cornelius with Nova and Maurice and ohhhhhh-'
*puts on tinfoil hat* So my weird train of thought led me to this wacky theory: Mae/Nova is a human that was taken in by Raka as a child, and he has been raising and taking care of her. Just like Maurice did for Nova. She's kinda like Tarzan.
At first I had thought Raka met Mae/Nova because she was separated from her human colony and he was helping her get back home before they ran into Noa.
I also thought that maybe they come from a place where humans and apes already coexist, and I honestly still think either of these is the case tbh, but this part of a recent article made me think otherwise.
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The "rabbit-in-headlights" bit makes me doubt she comes from a place where there are intelligent humans. (It's still possible she could be. I'll get to that later). To me this sounds like she's smarter, but still has some "animal" behaviors.
As for why Raka took her in, it can totally just be coincidence that we have another friendly orangutan who adopted a young girl.
Or maybe it became some sort of, ehh, tradition? Him wearing a necklace with Caesar's symbol and talking about how apes and humans used to live side by side makes him sound like a religious person. Maybe somewhere along the line, it became custom for those who follow his faith to "adopt a Nova" to raise and take care of, like Maurice did.
There is a difference, though. Raka could have been taking care of Mae/Nova, but he still sees her as an...well, an animal. A very smart animal that he feels a responsibility towards. I know him viewing her as an animal sounds pretty harsh, but keep in mind that humans have regressed to be like animals at this point.
And there's also this scene where he just....tosses her some food. It's no different from the way humans toss a friendly animal some food, really.
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"But why does she seem frightened by the apes at the fireplace if she's been raised by Raka?"
I think she's scared of Noa here.
Orangutans are actually solitary creatures (I googled, lol), so it's very possible that it's just been her and Raka, and any newcomer makes her nervous.
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Ok ok ok, so he's a guy who has taken in an animal that shows signs of intelligence and has taken it upon himself to nurture and care for this animal because his personal beliefs tell him that in doing so, he could potentially make the world a better place.
Like Will did with Caesar.
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"So she's reverse Caesar." Yeah. That's pretty much what I've been trying to get at with all my rambling. Yay, parallels!
And we know Will cared for Caesar, but he always saw him as an animal. A very smart animal, but an animal nonetheless. He had him on a leash, and as much as he didn't want to, he still took him to the primate shelter. It wasn't Will being cruel, he just treated Caesar the way any human would have treated an animal, no matter how close they are.
Of course, like Caesar, Mae/Nova is gonna go through some changes. She's a young girl growing into adulthood. She'll have "needs and wants," as this article states.
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Those needs and wants could be many things. To be regarded as equal. No longer wanting to feel inferior. And if she truly is some lone smart girl among a world of feral humans, she's also gonna feel really really lonely. (Think about it. If she does not come from a colony of smart humans and she truly is the only one, that's tragic. I'd be depressed, man).
So she'll also want friendship and companionship. To have a friend or anyone she can relate with. She'll most likely find this with Noa, since the article says, "...there are far more parallels and commonalities between the two of them than they might have originally imagined."
Okay, one question came to mind when coming up with this theory.
Why is she smarter than other humans? I got a few theories.
Theory 1. She could still be someone who grew up in a colony of intelligent humans, whether it be a colony in an underground bunker or anywhere else. It doesn't matter. But something terrible may have happened, like her colony was killed off, or she was separated from them as a little girl. Then Raka found her and took her in. Like Tarzan!
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Theory 2. This one and the third one won't be as satisfying to fans, I assume. But maybe Raka noticed a lone child that was smarter than most, and he decided to take her in and help her intelligence grow.
Theory 3. She started off as an unintelligent feral girl, but being raised by an ape allowed her to slowly gain her intelligence back. I actually like this one. For starters, it's similar to the Planet of the Apes novel from 1963, where one of the astronauts became feral and unintelligent because of spending too much time in a cage with feral humans at a zoo, and Nova actually gained the ability to speak and became intelligent after spending a year or two in space with Ulysse, the protagonist.
Theory 4. She's like Megamind where she was launched into space from an alien planet as a baby while her homeworld burned all around her and she crash landed onto Earth. THERE'S YOUR ASTRONAUT THEORY.
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I'm kidding. That was a joke. I know April Fool's was two days ago.
As for her name, we've gotten three so far. Mae, Nova, and Echo. I like to think of her name as a sort of symbol or indicator of her character growth, where I assume she'll gain the ability to speak at the end, or will have grown into herself as a person.
She'll start off as Nova. A common generic name given to all humans, given to her by Raka.
Then Echo. A more unique name given to her by Noa, but still not her own.
Then, finally, Mae. Her true unique name that she was either born with, or she picks out for herself.
Aaaaand I think that's it. I'm done. I know that was long, but I wanted to gather all of my thoughts and theories on Mae/Nova somewhere before I watch the movie in a month. Whatever her story is, I cannot wait to see it unfold. Now it's time for me to SLEEP.
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pokeranger-kaveh · 22 days
Heyoo, I'm Kaveh! Had this app for a while so I decided I should make a blog! I’m a Pokémon ranger. I rescue hurt wild pokémon, abused domesticated pokémon, all of that stuff. I also babysit other trainers pokémon sometimes. [this means you can request your Pokémon to be drawn(babysat)]
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Extra stuff:
[they are allowed to have more than 6 pokémon since they aren't a Pokémon fighter and run a Pokémon business]
I go by any pronouns, whatever you see me as you can refer to me as.
@caiceytheadventurer -friend!! :D
@pokerescue-sunray -coworker!! friendo :D
@unowner -ALSO friend!!
@abby-thepokemon-comfinessexpert -Kaveh wants to befriend them!
[will update as this blog runs on]
I have seven Pokémon! a Rockruff, Snorlax, Houndoom, Galarian Meowth, Luxio, Garchomp, and a shiny Litten!
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Geode became mine one day when a "trainer" abandoned him at my house after asking me to babysit him for a couple days.
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I found chomper with an injured leg after a fight in the wild. I dunno how long she was there before I found her, but I was able to get her to a Poké-center in time. I would have released her back into the wild, as that is my job, but she got much too attached so now she lives with me.
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Saved this little guy from an abusive home. I don't know how some people can even think hurting animals is okay. I wanted to beat their ass so bad, but saving this little guy was enough I suppose.
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and these four, Neo, Nova, Sagun, and Rex, I just adopted! no tragic backstorys for these guys.
#Kaveh/Kaveh communicates- posts related to Kaveh (most posts)
#Geode- posts related to Geode the Rockruff
#Sagun- posts related to Sagun the Snorlax
#Chomper- posts related to Chomper the houndoom
#Rex- posts related to Rex the Galarian meowth
#pants- posts related to Pants the Luxio
#Nova- posts related to Nova the Garchomp
#Neo- posts related to Neo the shiny Litten
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ghostly-groundskeeper · 4 months
Welcome to the Official-Unofficial blog for Celestial Cemetery!
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Boss said a blog like this might put the cemetery in a better light (especially after what Plasma did), but let's not worry about that right now!
Name's Nova, I'm in my 30s and I'm a Unovan native! I use they/he/it pronouns~ My pokemon team is listed above on my card!
I live on route 7 outside Mistralton, and I'm one of the groundskeepers who work here (The others will be introduced later). My main job is keeping watch over the cemetery at night and watch over the pokemon who have made their home here!
That being said, when you visit, please do not automatically assume any the pokemon within the cemetery limits are wild and/or for catching! Some once belonged to the deceased, or are simply rescues. There are certain circumstances that I will allow adoption, so if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! Also If you disregard these rules, weeeeell-
You're gonna have to go through me.
(If you wanna learn about my two other friends who work with me, click here!)
(If you do nsfw, keep it off my blog thank you.)
Hey, mun Nova, here 30+ years old and I use he/they pronouns!
If you have any questions don't be afraid to contact me, my DMs are always open! Also this is an rp blog that takes place in the pokemon universe, so pls keep in mind I will be RPing as such! Also I will be using A LOT of personal HCs, so if you don't like them err... sorry?
>Friendly reminder that if you try to engage a plot with me without at least discussing it with me first, then I will likely not respond. Even if you do approach me with a plot in mind, there is no guarantee I will agree.
I AM A-OKAY INTERACTING WITH OCS. This involves: Fallers, Eebydeebies, sentient pokemon, hybrids, etc. If you're not sure just ask! I promise I do not bite <3
If you are looking to interact with my muse, and your muse is tied to some potentially triggering topics, I would prefer if you discussed potential interactions with me first. This is for my own comfort, so please keep this in mind.
This is a side blog, so I'll usually send asks on anon and sign off with either -Ghostly-Groundskeeper
I follow back from my main @galactic-mermaid
Check out my other Pokemon RP blogs!:
@piers-official (Piers/Marnie RP blog)
@thetravelingymleader (Pokemon OC)
@darkpunkrocker (Sidney E4 RP Blog)
@ragingwaters (Nessa RP blog)
@krazy-for-klara (Klara RP blog)
@a-gastly-trio (Pokemon Gijinka OCs)
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zecretsanta · 6 months
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To: @handsometimr
From: @juricha-art
Hello, @handsometimr ! 'Tis I, Juricha, your Zecret Santa this year and I bring to you some gifts and Christmas cheer!
Prompt 1: Anything Akane/Junpei, bonus if they adopted a baby Quark post ZTD and uncle Aoi shows up.
This one was the hardest to draw because I wanted it to as cute and cozy as possible, but couldn't for the life of me think of a proper way to do so. Christmas Eve. The tree and decorations are all put up, Junpei is finishing up the preparations, and Akane is trying to put the kids — their twins, Rei and Nova, and adopted little Quark —  to sleep. But they are all too excited, because they know that Santa is coming tonight. So the only thing to do is to snuggle together in a big armchair and tell them some magical stories. After they fall asleep, Junpei finds this idyllic scene and decides to not disturb them, covers them up with a blanket and kisses them all goodnight, his heart sewling with love and joy. And who is that at the door?..
Prompt 2: The first Christmas Sigma/Diana spent together in Rhizome-9. My heart will shatter even more if Sigma's first Christmas without Diana is touched upon. But for Christmas cheer there's always Sigma/Diana's first Christmas together post ZTD, with Phi! I picked the more cheerful version this time, so I hope it's okay! I did my best to touch upon the opther timelines a bit, though! 
Phi visits Sigma and Diana on Christmas and finds out that they are now engaged! They spend a nice evening together. But if one looks closely, one can see the sinister reflections of many a horrible end — and sometimes with some happiness found — they might have met sometime, somewhere. Thank goodness they could find a happy ending to their story! Prompt 3: Anything with Maria, any depiction is cool w me! We need more of Carlos' sister. I drew a festive portrait of Maria, because we never see her in-game. I kinda got inspired by Maria Robotnik, with all the terminal illness and somebody trying to save the poor girls and screaming "Maria!" stuff.  
And I now kind of headcanon her to be a fellow Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 enjoyer, watchnig Carlos play for her. After she was cured, she went to Kurashikis' wedding together with her brother and made friends with Akane and the others. She got so inspired that she roped Carlos into studying Japanese. Akane and Junpei are proud of her. I think the pearls and the purple-pink colors suit her.
All three artworks were done with a new technique I picked up recently — buying alcohol ink and splattering it across the page, hoping it would not go somewhere I do not want it to go. Then coloring the pictrues with the alcohol markers proper, then adding a bit of ink, acrylic markers and pencil (I really like the Cretacolor pencil that I used for outilining Maria, I think it goes well with the lighter colors and not as overbearing as the darker liners) and editing them a bit after scanning. This year was a rather busy one for me, and I didn't draw much (plus was sick through most of December), so I feel like I'm out of shape. I do hope that you — and everyone else — like the end results! Also, I cannot believe that I've been participating in ZEcret Santa for five consecutive years!, since 2019! Thank you for having me on board for so many years!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to @handsometimr , the ZEcret Santa crew and the entire Zero Escape fandom! May the next year be healthy and productive for everyone! Love and cheers, Juricha.
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