#i am a wasp in bees clothing
kezhke88 · 1 year
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Crowley's smug little head wiggle and smirk is definitely one of the top 10 best things of this season.
Look at them go.
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asixnfr0g · 1 year
" 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 "
I never understood
Playing hard-to-get.
Acting like you could love
Someone any less.
I never understood
Why they said
Love isn't for the
Faint of heart,
Or when they say
It's somewhere written in the stars.
You see, I am a thunderstorm:
I love in extremities.
And I shower my love on those
Whom I choose.
My strikes of lightening
Are the kisses I paint
Across your cheeks.
Just say you don't like the rain
Rather than blame the sky
For doing what it was made for.
Don't hold liable your fear of storms
On the earth for following orders.
I am the faint of heart,
And I love deeply.
Like those who faint at blood,
My heart swoons for love
In any of its many forms.
Maybe that's the problems
For those such as I:
The hard of heart tell us
Being like them
Is what'll make the sweetest honey.
Little do they know
There are such wasps in bees' clothing.
Who are you
That I should lock up my storms for?
My madness, my mania,
My garden of ever-growing roses
I am to gift you on the days of wilting?
Don't leave me in a drought,
For I have been in many before.
The desert is only beautiful
When it's not where you're digging your grave.
And to those who discard the honey
Made by the faint of heart:
We are acquired tastes.
And you'll soon learn
That you're a taste
That can't be acquired.
Bitter is what it is.
For what is attractive about indifference
When love is anything but that?
There is no love in violence.
Nor war with the mouth.
What is the point if love
When I am only supposed
To do it in darkness?
They say love is not
For the faint of heart.
But I say
Love was meant
For the faint of heart.
~ asixnfr0g
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alien-hybreed · 6 months
Trapped in honeycomb, deep within a strange cave. A man finds himself at the mercy of an unusual monster that taunts and teases him. With escape seeming impossible, his will to resist begins to erode.
With each visit from his wasp-like captor, the man is slowly tempted into submission and eventually, transformation.
My head is pounding as I wake with a start. Every muscle aches, I feel dizzy, disoriented. I have no idea where I am, I can't quite remember what last happened before I lost consciousness. I remember searching for my partner in the woods near our hiking trail. There was buzzing, a sharp pain in my neck and then I was here... wherever this is.
It takes me a moment to realise as I adjust to my surroundings that I can't see, not because I'm so groggy, but because I am in complete darkness. I can hear something wet and thick flowing down the walls of my surroundings. I'd think it was a cave of some sort, but it doesn't smell dank or musty. What I can smell is something incredibly sweet like syrup or honey.
I wriggle, trying to get some feeling in my arms and legs. Nothing moves, I seem to be locked in position by something hard around my ankles and forearms. Whatever it is, it's rock solid and  holding my arms outstretched above my head.
"H... help... help!" I stammer, tugging at my bonds. The only reply I get is my own echo and the dripping, sloshing sounds from elsewhere in the cave. Wherever this is, it must be a large opening for sounds to travel like that.
"Someone! Help!" I cry out, pulling harder at the strange material holding me on place. All to no avail, it doesn't even budge a little.
"Please... anyone..." my voice trails off as the pounding sensation in my head grows even stronger, I can barely keep my eyes open for whatever good that is doing me.
From somewhere in the cavern, I hear a low, playful chuckle followed by a soft buzzing. Both sounds seem to draw nearer. My head feels so heavy as I feel myself slipping into unconsciousness again. I can't be sure, but for a moment I could have sworn I heard a woman's voice whispering in the darkness...
* * * I wake with a start again, I don't know how long it's been. I instinctively pull at my arms but they don't budge, I could have sworn that whatever is trapping them was smaller before.
"Wherrre do you think you're going, little bee" buzzes a feminine voice from somewhere in the gloom
"Won't you be joining usss, little bee?" It hums with a chuckle
"Who... who's that? Who's there?" I cry out, frantically looking around as if I had any chance at seeing the source of the voice.
"Please, you've gotta help m-me, you-you've gotta... gotta get me outta here!" I stammer, continuing to pull at my arms and legs. There is silence. Then the chuckle again. Something buzzes briefly and I hear the voice again.
"Mmm nnno. No, little bee. You're nnnot going anywhere" it purrs
"W-what? Stop... stop calling me that, this isn't a joke! Please! You have to get me outta here!" I shout, my head getting dizzy again as I struggle not to pass out again. Again with the chuckling.
"You're begging for the wronnng thingsss, little bee" rasps the voice. I feel something wet and sticky splatter across my shoulders, I thrash within my restraints, desperately trying to see what's fallen on me.
"Hee hee, silly little bee! If you want that, you haaave to asssk for it!" Taunts the voice
"C'mon this... this is... isn't funny. Please" I stammer, my voice slurring as I struggle to keep awake, my eyelids grow heavier and heavier until I can't keep them open any longer.
"Sssoon..." purrs the voice as I drift off again.
* * * I slowly come to, feeling even messier than before, my shirt caked in a mixture of sweat and whatever dripped down my back earlier. My eyes are adjusting to the gloom a little, I can vaguely make out my damp clothes, the strange white resin around my arms and legs. There are shapes in the distance, perhaps formations and walls within the cave, yet in places it looks unnaturally smooth and straight. Almost instantly, I hear the buzzing again...
"Did mmmy little bee sssleep well?" Taunts the voice from the gloom
"Are you readyyy to be a good little bee for your queen?" It purrs, as if asking a question with only one answer it hopes to hear. That's not the answer I give.
"Get me out of here or f-fuck off!" I spit
"Oooh. Ssso much ssspirit" the voice playfully retorts
"That'sss going to ssserve me ssso well" it continues, it's voice dropping to a husky whisper. The buzzing grows louder as the voice draws closer.
"Seriously! Whatever this is! Fuck off or get me outta here!" I bellow at the top of my lungs
"Mmm nnno little bee. Not yet. Firssst I'm going to tame you. Make you aaall mmmine" huffs the voice
"Then you'll beg meee like you meannn it"
"Fuck!!!" I roar as I pull and tug my arms as hard as I can. They still don't budge at all. The only result is more chuckling from my unseen tormentor.
"Not yet, silly little bee"
Looking up, I can see a silhouette hovering in the gloom a few meters above me. The outline is distinctly feminine, yet it's legs are far too long for a woman's and become far too slim towards long claw like feet. I can see the curve of her hips, waist and bust, yet something large behind her. How she stays in mid air I can't tell.
"Wha- what are y-you?" I stutter, my breath catching in my throat as I struggle to adequately express my shock.
"Your queen, little bee" comes her reply, sharp and firm
"And you're going to address me as sssuch" She snaps
"F-Fuck off" I reply, my voice a harsh whisper
"Have it yourrr way, little bee" She growls
"But you will beg me sssoon enough" She snarls before vanishing into the gloom once again. I can't tell how long it's been since she departed, there's no real way to gauge time in here. It feels like forever and no time at all, at once. My eyelids are getting heavy again as another bout of drowsiness sets in. My stomach gurgles a little and I stifle a sad whimper as the realisation occurs to me I may very well starve and die here long before anyone comes to my rescue. My stomach growls again and I could almost swear I can hear a familiar buzzing sound approaching.
"H-hello..? Someone? A-any... anyone?" I mumble as I feel myself drifting off again. There is no answer. No buzzing. Only silence. The last thought to cross my mind as I drift off again is how badly I don't want to be alone right now.
* * *
The cold sweat running down my back makes me inhale sharply as I wake. There is more of the sticky slime from before, oozing down my back and over my shoulders. Compared to my sweat, it's remarkably warm and I hadn't noticed how sweet it smelled until now... my mouth waters a little at the scent and my stomach growls again.
"Are you hungry, little bee?" Buzzes a familiar voice
"I might have sssomething for you... if you ask nicely" I sigh heavily and shake my head.
"If you're keeping me here, just... just let me go already"
The voice laughs, it's shrill cackle reverberating throughout the cavern.
"Please... just let me go" I gasp as my head starts hurting again.
"Therrre. There it isss" She purrs, the sound of her voice drawing closer.
"Ask me againnn" She sounds so close that I start looking around in all directions, trying to spot my bizarre captor.
"Dammit, just let me out!" I shout.
"Not like that, little bee" She snaps, again her sickeningly sweet voice taking on a harsh and commanding tone, every syllable cracking like a whip.
I look up and see her, inches from me as she crawls towards me down the wall on all fours. I can see more of her now, the shiny, black carapace covering her body glistens in the darkness. Thick golden tufts of fuzzy fur line her wrists and collarbone and I can vaguely make out bright yellow stripes around her shoulders and back. Her body is shaped like that of a voluptuous woman except for the large, wasp-like tail protruding from her lower back, the length of her limbs and the four large, translucent wings sticking out from her upper back. Her face is also oddly humanoid in shape, almost beautiful with its sharp cheeks and soft pouty lips. Neat shoulder length black hair in a bob cut frames her features nicely. However two large antennae protruding from her forehead, enormous, black orbs where her eyes should be and a set of pincer-like mandibles running along her lower jaw make me certain that she is not human.
"When your queen commandsss you to beg, you'd best do asss your told, little bee" She growls as she stares down at me.
"Just let me go" I say, exasperated and exhausted. She reaches out and I feel the hard shell around her fingertips tracing around my chin.
"But you belong here with me, little bee. Don't you sssee?" She purrs softly
"Everything you want isss right here..." She continues, her face inching closer to mine.
"You can have it all... if you asssk for it properly, little bee" her face is so close to mine now. I can smell the sweet scent of her breath, like the first whiff of a fresh pot of honey being opened. My stomach cramps and audibly growls. I feel the soft flesh of her palm gently press against my cheek.
"Oh my poor little bee! You must be ssso hungry now" she gasps
"Ask me nicely. Say please. Say please and let your queen make it better, little bee" She coos softly in my ear.
"Get. Fucked." I spit between heavy, ragged gasps. Her hand on my face suddenly tightens its grip and forces me to look directly into her eyes. Her mandibles and jaw tremble a little before she speaks again.
"Not yet. First you do what I sssay. Patience, little bee" She growls slowly, again with the commanding voice. Her unblinking eyes boring into mine as her grip softens and her voice becomes gentle again.
"You want to ssserve me. I can feel it. You know it. Accept it" her face moves closer until our lips are almost touching, I try to pull away but her grip on my face tightens again.
"D-dont. Just... just let me..." before I can finish, she slowly runs the forefinger of her other hand across her lips, a thin veneer of honey trailing behind it. She then lightly presses her finger to my lips. It's like a static shock as I feel the trace amounts of her honeyed saliva on my lips. I gasp loudly at the rush of taste and sensations dancing across my lips.
"Hush, little bee" She chuckles "Beee good and ask your queen for more"
My lip trembles, I'm so hungry and whatever this taste is I'm immediately craving more... but I refuse to let her win. I won't give this thing the satisfaction.
"Itsss good isn't it? Jussst ask" She continues to croon in the softest buzz
"No. No, I just want out" I angrily retort. For the longest minute, she slowly moves her head around mine, our faces almost touching as if she is fighting the urge to force herself on me. The smell of her breath makes me want to press my mouth to hers and lick it until I've taken all the honey I can get, but I resist. Sensing my willpower remains strong, she huffs loudly before springing away and taking flight, vanishing into the cave without another word.
* * *
I dream of running through a forest. I'm chasing my girlfriend who I keep catching glimpses of in the distance. No matter how hard I try, I can't catch up to her. She's always just out of reach, always with her back turned to me. I can hear a buzzing sound growing closer and louder until it's almost deafening. Finally I catch up to her. But when I reach out to grab her shoulder, she whirls around to face me and reveals her face is that of a bee and I wake with a scream.
* * *
My breath comes in long ragged gasps as I try to calm myself from the sudden awakening. It's the only sound I can hear. Out of habit I pull at my arms and try to shift my legs, all to no avail. My muscles ache from the strain and it feels like there's more of the rock-hard substance around my ankles and wrists than before. After a few minutes of awkward silence, I can't help but wonder aloud
"A-are... are you there?" My own echo is my only reply. "If you are... just let me go... please"
I hear a flutter somewhere above me at that last word.
"That'sss more like it" rasps the voice of my insectoid captor "Will you beee joining usss at last, little bee?" I groan and shake my head.
"I keep telling... keep telling you. Whatever this is, just let me out. I won't say anything! I promise!" Bargaining is a stage of grief, right? I think to myself as I try to reason with her.
My pleading is met with a long buzzing sound as if she were sighing at me.
"No, no, no little bee. You're almost there but that's nnnot quite the promise I wannnt" I can see her above me, slowly coming into focus as she crawls towards me. She comes to a stop as her face gets close to mine. Reaching down toward me, she lays a finger on my chest and gently trails up to my collarbone.
"You know you belong to me. Accept it, little bee" She whispers "I am your queen. The sooner you realise this, the sooner you can enjoy thisss" her buzzing whipser becomes a moan as her finger moves to gently stroke my neck. I grimace with pain as my stomach audibly growls again.
"You don't have to go hungry..." She offers, her voice is oddly soothing with its gentle whisper. Her concern seems oddly sincere.
"I can give you what you want... all I ask is the sssame, little bee..." As she whispers her jaws and mandibles drip with honey as she slowly and deliberately begins to play with her saliva. She knows I can't help but stare hungrily at the amber strands trailing from her lips and mandibles, my breathing grows heavier as I recall the taste and sensation from earlier. I want to argue with her but no words come out. My jaw hangs open, quivering as I continue to stare. I barely even notice a little droplet of drool begin to fall from my bottom lip.
"It's ok to want this, little bee" She purrs with a hungry rasp as another strand of honey drips from between her lips. I blink and it's as if that buys me a moment of clarity.
"I... I want... you... to let... me... GO!" I angrily snap as I shake free of the bizarre fixation. She quickly goes from stroking my neck to squeezing it tightly.
"Yes, little bee... you do want me" She snarls before angrily snapping at me and tightening her grip. "Say it!"
"No! No..." I sadly retort, my head slumping as I begin to feel weak again. Her mandibles angrily twitch as she seems to take a moment to think. With a growl, she leans in close and whispers again.
"You're going to hunger for me, little bee. Hunger and crave until I am all you can think about. You're going to beg me, little bee. And you're never going to stop. You'll see." At that, she jerks my head to one side and runs her tongue down the side of my face, trailing honey from my temple to my cheek and all the way down my neck. The smell is overpowering, dizzying, intoxicating.
"But I am not a cruel lover, little bee" She snarls in my ear "I know what you neeeed" her mandibles spread wide as she opens her jaw and pulls me towards her.
"No, n-" my protests are abruptly silenced as she clasps her lips over mine. I'm instantly feeling like my body has been flung forward with tremendous speed as her honeyed tongue darts into my mouth. I try to scream but only a weak moan comes out as her tongue whips around the inside of my mouth. Her lips work against mine, prising them further apart as she spits a great glob of honey into my mouth. Without even thinking, I gulp it down, my eyes widening as it sends a warm flush through my entire body. I'm gasping as she pulls free and jeans my head aside to lick at the other side of my face.
"It's ok, little bee. I know you liked that" She purrs as honey drips from my mouth, both sides of my face now smeared with it. I shudder as I try to speak.
"P-please... no... noooo" I whimper as she chuckles to herself
"Almossst there, little bee. Almossst" She teases as she springs off the wall, once again vanishing into the darkness. I groan as my vision begins to blur again, the sickeningly sweet honey on my face making me nauseous as I slip into unconsciousness once more.
* * *
The dreams are more vivid and surreal this time. Again I am chasing my girlfriend through the forest, but I can see giant bee wings protruding from her back. I am slowing down, something thick and heavy is pulling at my feet. I look down and see the ground has turned to honey. I look up and see my girlfriend is still effortlessly running away but now thick tufts of yellow fur are jutting from the arms and collar of her jacket. I try to keep up but I'm sinking down to my knees in the honey. I cry out, I plead for her to come back as she disappears behind a turn in the path ahead. I try to pull out of the honey and as I strain my legs, I feel something flutter at back. Looking around, I see I also have wings like a bee. As I begin to panic, my girlfriend gracefully flutters down in front of me, her wings holding her aloft as she begins to strip. I feel my cock swell but when I look down, a giant bee stinger is emerging from the crotch of my pants. I look back up to my girlfriend and see instead my captor looking down at me, her hands roaming her body as she begins to finger herself. Thick strands of honey gush from her mouth and pussy as she begins to moan and buzz. The honey is falling all around me as she leans in to kiss me. I kiss her back and I thrust my stinger at her pussy, we both gasp as her warmth takes me in, gripping the stinger tightly. I feel a great pressure building in my balls as she begins to grind against me...
* * *
I wake spluttering and coughing. Everything feels wet. I'm burning up, my insides, my skin, everything feels hot but I barely notice that. It's the wetness that stands out to me, the amount of sweat pouring from me feels unreal. There is also another exceptionally wet patch in the crotch of my pants, wet and sticky...
I can only remember scattered fragments of my latest dream. But I remember enough to feel a tremendous sense of shame and embarrassment. The thought of what my brain conjured up in its delirium repulses me, yet there is a lingering sense of positivity. I don't want to admit it, but in the moment I think I actually enjoyed the fever dream.
My stomach feels like it's twisting into knots, as if I were stuck on a roller-coaster moving at breakneck speed. The acrid taste of bile creeps up my throat and I fight the urge to spew as best as I can. I gag and sputter as I struggle to hold back.
"Aww, is my poor little bee not feeling so well?" My captors buzzing voice teases in a sing-song tone as she hovers out from the gloom
"You were feeling very good a moment ago, little bee..." She hums with a wry smile. She then proceeds to make sexual moaning and groaning sounds, mockingly tossing her head around as if she were imitating how I'd slept. I scowl at her as she stops and grins at me, her mandibles trembling with excitement.
"It's ok to like it. I want you to like it, little bee" at that, she lays her hands on my thighs and gives them a playful squeeze.
"I'll let you do it if you ask nicely enough" her right hand moves up towards my crotch. At that, I let out a wet, hacking cough as I feel my bile begin to rise again. Her face creases into a playful pout.
"Oh little bee you're so close. We can be... ssso... close" her hand reaches for the zipper on my pants, slowly tugging it down. She leans her face close to my crotch as I try to protest without opening my mouth. Her tongue flicks across the damp spot near my cock and I shudder.
"You're going to give me what I want, little bee. I am your queen, I know you want this as much as I do." I'm keenly aware of her clawed fingers sliding around my cock and slowly pulling it out from my pants. I'm ashamed to feel it swell a little at her touch.
"There you go... that's not so bad? Is it?" She gasps as her thumb caresses the shaft of my cock. I tremble and try to look away.
"Oh little beeeee... little beeeee..." I can feel the warmth of her breath on my rapidly swelling member and I do my best to not look at her as she calls out to me.
"LOOK AT YOUR QUEEN WHEN YOU ARE SPOKEN TO!" She loudly snaps with a hiss, her hand angrily squeezing my shaft as she does so. Wincing from the pain I look down at her, angrily glaring as I stare directly into her black, expressionless eyes.
"Good, gooood" she gently croons, loosening her grip as she resumes stroking
"You'll find I am quite generous to my subjects when they do as they're told. You'll learn, little bee..." As she trails off, her lips slowly pucker before parting a little to let a thick glob of honey drop from her mouth and onto the head of my cock. Slowly she runs her fingers through the sticky syrup as it runs down the length of my shaft. I gasp and groan at the sensation, struggling within my bonds once again.
"See? Gooood isn't it?" She moans as her fingers clench around my cock. I shake my head vigorously, yet I can't take my eyes off her.
"Thank me, little bee. Praise your queen" Again I shake my head. Her grip tightens as her soft, waify expression hardens into a scowl.
"You will" She growls, leaning forward she slowly presses her lips to the head of my cock. She holds them there as her tongue slowly creeps down my shaft, almost reaching my balls before she suddenly pulls away.
"You will thank me, little bee" She states matter of factly, placing her hands on her hips in disapproval. My lips quivering as I try to muster a reply. Instead, a thin dribble of bile and honey drips from my mouth as I stifle a dry heave. My captor smiles and throws her head back as she cackles. Then just like that, she is gone again.
I feel profoundly unwell in body and spirit, grimacing as I stare down at my honey-splattered cock growing limp as it hangs outside of my pants. I can't even reach down to stuff it back into pants to salvage a semblance of privacy. Tears sting the corners of my eyes and yet... the reality is, I didn't hate what she was doing.
The longer I stare at the rivulets of honey dripping from my cock, I could swear I can smell it. My stomach growls as I try not to focus on how delicious it smells... I'm so hungry that anything seems preferable to starving any longer. The honey had tasted good after all... it brought with it a sort of comfortable sensation. That would make it easier to forget all the rest... I try not to dwell on it as I squeeze my eyes shut and try to force myself to sleep.
* * *
I'm standing in a field of honey, endless rolling fields of honey as far as the eye can see. I look down and see my girlfriend lying on her back in the honey.
"What are you waiting for?" She moans as she takes handfuls of honey and begins to lather it all over her body. I watch, fascinated as she writhes in the amber syrup, gasping and grunting with orgasmic delight. I reach for my cock and begin jacking it. I'm completely naked and there's noone else around to see us... She gasps as the honey drips from her body, her clothes melting off her and dissolving with it. She's so beautiful. I miss her so much. I want her so badly, seeing her enjoying herself stirs such a primal need within me. I jack at my cock faster as she begins crawling towards me on all fours. She sits on her knees right in front of me and runs her honey covered hands up my legs.
"See? Good, isn't it?" She says as she reaches for my cock. Her jaw opens impossibly wide as mandibles dripping with honey unfurl from within...
* * *
I wake with a sputter as I dribble bile and honey from my slackened jaw. The first thing I see is my captor perched over my waist, breathing heavily as she stares at my cock.
"Good dream?" She asks sincerely
"Fuck you" I angrily spit
"If you say please, little bee" She giggles "You know the rules" She snickers, idly stroking at my cock with her forefinger. I roll my eyes and try to look away.
"I know you're hungry" She gently whispers "I am too... we can feed each other... we will soon. It's inevitable, little bee"
"I don't need..." I try to pull as far away from her as I can but she just leans forward further, keeping her position.
"Of course you do" She whispers, biting her lip as she looks me in the eye. "Just ask, little bee. Ask nicely and you can have what you rrreally waaant" as she speaks, nuzzles at my cock, her lips and mandibles gently dragging up and down its length. Her breath makes it twitch involuntarily as I try to resist letting it grow erect again. She huffs impatiently as she slowly starts unbuckling my belt and tugging my pants down.
"You don't need these... I have what you nnneed, little bee" She promises softly.
"Nnno... no... no..." I stammer, slurring my speech as I feel her claws closing around my cock once again.
"I want you to feel good, little bee" She whispers as her left hand begins to slide up and down my cock. Slow at first, but her pace begins to quicken as she slowly clambers up the wall until we are face to face.
"I know you're getting so hungry for it" She buzzes softly while sliding her right hand over my shoulder, reaching up to cradle the back of my head. Much to my dismay, my cock has swelled, growing hard and rapidly nearing a full erection.
"I'm only teasing you because I know how badly you want it"
"Please, nnnooo" I wail meekly as I try to pull away. Her grip on me is gentle but too firm for me to budge in my weakened state. She nuzzles the side of my face and runs her tongue across my cheek. I feel the sticky honey clinging to my cheek, the intoxicating smell of it making my stomach growl and my eyes roll. God I'm so hungry, I could eat anything.
"You almost had it, little bee..." She purrs in my ear as her thumb strokes my shaft as she keeps jacking my cock.
"Please stop... please..."
She laughs and pulls my head back, running her tongue over my neck and lower jaw. Stopping at my chin with a deft flick that splatters a little more honey across my face.
"Ssso close now..." her mandibles gently scratch against my jaw as she speaks. It's getting harder to breath as the smell of the honey and the feeling of her hand around my cock continues to overwhelm me.
"Are you really going to keep me teasing you, little bee?" She leans back as if she were surprised by my unwillingness to comply. As her torso leans back, her grips shift closer to mine and my whole body shudders.
"That's very naughty, little bee." She growls, releasing her hold on my head and sliding her right hand back to my shoulder.
"You don't get to be Naughty unless I say so" her claw squeezes my shoulder while the other around my cock slows to a halt. I try to focus on what's happening and a gasp escapes me when I see how close my erection is to her vagina. I see honey dripping from it like the saliva dripping from her jaws and I groan longingly.
"You're going to be very naughty..." She continues to growl
"Youuu... meee..." her tongue licks at her lips and mandibles as she speaks, her voice dropping lower with each word until it is a sultry whisper
"But first. You beg. Beg for me little bee. Tell me you hunger for me. Tell me you crave meee" I feel her steering my cock towards her slit, I can feel it's syrupy secretion dripping on my engorged shaft and I'm sweating profusely again.
"Beg me and I'll let you be ssso naughty right now, little bee" I groan and shake my head, at this point trying to tell myself no as much as I am trying to tell her. Her hand moves back up to my cheek, slowly but firmly she pulls my head forward towards hers.
"I want to let you in, little bee. I want you inssside me. But first you have to realise I am your queennn" as she speaks, our lips almost meet. It is taking everything to not thrust my mouth or hips at her.
"Nn... nnno. No." I rasp through gritted teeth. To my surprise, she smiles and lovingly strokes the side of my face.
"A taste thennn, little bee. For nnnext time..." at that, she pulls me close and I feel the folds of her entrance sliding against the length of my shaft, my hips buck, sliding it up and down between but unable to press into her from this angle. I shake within my bonds and angrily cry out.
"N-no! No! AH! Fuck!" And just like that, the pressure in my cock releases. A thick burst of cum splatters against the hard black shell framing her unbelievably tender pussy. We pull away from one another, she playfully giggles while I shriek and groan, disgusted with myself.
"Yeah, little bee. Next time. Nnnext time we're gonna fuck. If you asssk nicely." As she speaks, she reaches down to wipe my cum from her waist. I watch in horror as she then brings her hand to her lips and licks the thick, white liquid from them. As she does, she smiles ferociously at me.
"No... no, no, no, no..." I whimper as I slowly pass out yet again.
* * *
I dream of the honey fields again. An endless sea of sweet, golden liquid moving like an ocean with tides and waves gently sloshing back and forth. The sky drips with it and as I look up, I see the sky is almost the same as the sea of honey I am stumbling through. Except the honey in the sky seems to be getting lower, closer. Or the honey I'm standing in has begun to rise. Maybe it's both. I try to run but the two surfaces collide and I am trapped in a roiling mass of honey. I'm buffeted around for who knows how long until I finally breach the surface. When I do, everything seems to change the moment the honey slides off. My arms are black and shiny with spots of yellow fur. My chest looks like a giant thorax, I have become a giant bee.
Beneath me, I see my girlfriend naked and rolling in the honey once again. I try to call out to her, to warn her, to beg her for help. Instead the only sound I make is harsh buzzing. My mind is growing hazy, I'm losing control of my actions within the dream as I reach out to pin her down by her wrists. I see her giggling and moaning, my abdomen darts forth and my stinger crashes into her stomach. She makes no indication of being hurt, instead she gasps and arches her spine as if I'd just caressed her g-spot. I sting her again. She groans as her legs spread and slide around my abdomen. I look down and see a human penis where my stinger should be as I thrust a third time, plunging the strange cock deep into her vagina. She writhes and thrashes, clinging to my enormous insectoid form as her hips gyrate, taking the cock deeper and deeper. We sink into the honey and begin to roll from side to side. As we do, I watch in fascination as her body slowly morphs into that of my captor.
"Who's a good little bee?" She howls as I bring her to climax. I buzz happily as I feel my cock emptying into her...
* * *
I groan as I wake up to the sight of my cock spurting another burst of cum as a side effect of my psychedelic wet dream. I rationalise that my captors honey must surely have drugged me, but I'm not sure that's completely true...
I've been sweating again and the muscle aches have returned. Remarkably, I think I can see more clearly than ever. My eyes must finally be adjusting to the dark, I muse to myself. Other than that, my chest feels like I'm being crushed and I can see several arteries in my chest and arms have turned black.
But my thoughts keep coming back to the dream of my girlfriend... or was it my captor? Is this Stockholm syndrome, I wonder? She is attractive in her own way after all... I shake my head as if try and dislodge the thought. Looking around, I can see a little further into the cave. Except only now am I realising it isn't a cave at all. The angles of the walls are sharp, perfectly straight and evenly spaced... like honeycomb. I feel stupid for only now entertaining the possibility this is some sort of giant bee hive.
I can still smell the honey my captor slobbered over my face and neck. Despite everything, it still smells amazing and my skin prickles at the sensation of it slowly dribbling across my skin. I bite my lip as I try to not dwell on how hungry I am.
It is quiet and there is nothing else to draw my attention, nothing to distract me from the delicious odor of the honey. Just me and my thoughts. I try to slow my breathing, focus on what to do when I get out of here. All the things I'll eat that aren't honey... but honey smells so good right now... no. No! I must not dwell on that, I tell myself. God, it's so hot in here, I'd do anything for a cool glass of water... but no matter how hard I try to visualise the water falling into my mouth... my mind keeps drifting to her and the sickly sweet gold dripping from her mandibles...
The heat is unbearable and I scream in frustration.
As a bead of sweat drops down my face, I feel it pass by the honey before dripping onto my lip. It's like an electric jolt hitting me as my tongue greedily laps at it, eyes widening with shock as the mixture of salty sweat with a hint of the honey stirs my hunger to an even greater height. I moan and groan as I try to catch more of it, any of it at all. I thrash my torso to try and shake any of it enough to move but it is all for naught.
My breathing is shallow and struggling, such a small exertion has exhausted me even more than before. Semi conscious, I'm aware of a thick layer of sweat forming across my entire body, slowly dripping down. More of the honeyed sweat drips into my mouth and I greedily gulp it down. I feel my cock twitch and begin to thicken as if the taste of the honey has taught it to anticipate my captor. I try to frown in disgust, but there's a part of me that would do anything to cum right now. I feel sleep taking me yet again and I can't tell if I'm already dreaming or the last thing I heard was my captor chuckling as more honey begins to trickle down over my body...
* * *
I do not rest easy. In my delirium, this is the strangest dream to torment me yet. Gigantic black limbs writhe and squirm around me, over me, against me. My buddy shudders as the smooth black chitin presses against my skin. Honey cascades everywhere around me and over me.
A naked woman presses against me amongst this. Our bodies roaming one another, stroking, kissing, kicking the honey from one another. I can't tell where amongst this the big, black insect legs are coming from. I know her, she is important, but I can't remember her name. I love her, she is my everything, but the more I try to remember her - the harder I try to meet her gaze, her face becomes blurred. I can't make out her features, it's as if they are melting away. It's getting harder to focus on her an not just because her features are becoming increasingly ambiguous. A terrible hunger gnaws at me as I voraciously gobble at the honey cascading around her shoulders, but it's not enough. I yearn for more.
I realise then that the insect legs are extending from both her spine and my own. I don't know when I'd begun to thrust my cock into her, but I feel it jerking as it ejaculates repeatedly into her. We claw at one another's bodies as I continue to release load after load into her. As we do so, our skin melts away like wax until there is only a pair of giant bees writhing in our place. I don't know who or what she is, only that she is my everything.
* * * I wake puffing and panting. Something slides along my thigh, eliciting a low guttural moan as my jaw hangs open, limp and drooling. I open my eyes to see my captor between my legs, slowly dragging her tongue and mandibles up and down my thigh. It takes me a moment to realise why she is doing this as I stare blankly at her and the thick white splatters dripping from my cock and smeared across my thigh.
"Ohhh... oh God, I... w-whyyy" my voice croaks
"Don't be ashamed, little bee" She purrs, slowly looking up at me, her tongue continuing to dart across my leg between sentences.
"Your queen nnneeded this. We've both been getting hungry... ssso hungry, you and I..." I could almost swear there was a mischievous glint in her eye as she slowly drags a thick glob of cum into her mouth, thick strands of honey and a little remainder of my cum trailing in her tongue's wake.
"Ugh, no... nnnooo!" I try to cry out, too weak to even recoil in horror like I want to. Instead, I slowly shake my head, my jaw barely working as I struggle to form the words.
"We... I can't..." I whimper. As if my weakness were fuelling her, she seizes my cock in one hand, chest heaving with every breath as if this were exhilarating for her.
"Yes! YES! Don't you see, little bee?" Her voice is strong, commanding, thrilled. She leans in to lick and suck at the cum dripping from my balls. I groan and squirm as my cock begins to stand up once more.
"See, little bee? See how you satisfy me? How you feed me?" She buzzes with excitement before licking at my shaft.
"You know I can feed you too. I know you need it. Just ask. Ask, little bee. Ask and your queen will take carrre of you" Slowly, her hand around my cock moves up and down between each word.
"Feed you... care for you... love you... you can have it... little bee..." I struggle not to cry a little as I struggle not to cum again, I look at how pale my skin is becoming, the dark lines where my arteries should be. There is so much I need to say and do, I need to get out, I should continue to refuse her... Slowly, a trickle of honey drips from her mandibles and my lips betray me.
"P-p-please" I whisper. Her lips curl into a wicked smile as her whole body seems to tense, like a cat about to pounce.
"Yesss, say it again..." She purrs, her fingers gently massaging the base of my cock. I try to fight it again but it's no use, I can't stop staring at the honey and the longer I look at it...
"...please" I squeak, neck twitching as I try to make myself look away yet my head won't budge. It's as though I'm locked in place, forced to watch as her mouth and mandibles open wide, plunging down on my cock until her lips reach the base of my shaft. She moves her hands to my hips, bracing herself as her jaws begin to close. I feel soft warmth closing around my cock and I shudder, involuntarily rocking my hips forward. I feel sharp points lightly pressing at my length as her tongue and mandibles gently massage me, pulling my cock deeper into her mouth and caressing my balls at the same time. The sensation is indescribable.
Slowly my head tilts backwards as my muscles begin to slacken. All of them save for my cock which she releases with a wet smack.
"See, little bee? See how good your reward feels?" She whispers before nuzzling my cock with her cheek. She moans and gasps as she brushes the mix of precum and her saliva over her face with her nuzzling.
"We can do more, little bee. We caaan haaave ssso mmmuch mmmore" She buzzes hungrily, her words slurring the more passionate she becomes.
"Beg me, little bee, beg me til I feed you" She purrs as a tiny droplet of semen starts oozing from the tip of my cock.
"Y-yes... alright. Alright." I say with increasing certainty. I couldn't be more at her mercy and I'm tired, so tired. Tired of pretending I don't need this...
"Yes! Yesss! Yes, little bee! Say it! Sssay it floor your queennn" She growls
"Please..." I rasp, throwing my head back as I feel my cock glide past her lips once more. I groan as I thrust my hips to meet her mouth's warm embrace. The warm flesh tightens around my shaft as she begins to suck at it, the hard points of her mandibles sting as they graze the soft skin of my cock and balls. A rush of cool, tingling sensation washed through me, spreading from my balls up into my body. It relaxes me, soothes me until I don't care...
The soft warmth of her mouth, slick with honey creates an overpowering sensation as it pulls tighter around me. I let out a long sigh as I feel myself climax. A quick spurt and my entire body slumps, hanging only by where my arms are bound and my captor holds me.
My vision is fading as I struggle to keep my eyes open. Blinking in and out of consciousness makes it hard to keep track of how long she keeps sucking at me. I'm almost asleep when I feel her arms slide around my torso. We're almost face to face as she moves closer to me, the hard surfaces of her chest gently resting against mine.
"Sssee? Good, isn't it That? That wasn't so hard was it, Little Bee." I try to reply but only garbled murmurings come out, my body is too weak for me to move my jaw enough to speak clearly. My captor chuckles.
"Poor, hungry, little bee. It's ok. Since you asked so nicely..." She barely finishes her sentence and I feel her mandibles clamping around the side of my face, her mouth opening wide and pressing against mine. I close my eyes and pray it will be over swiftly. I feel her tongue slide into my mouth and with it, a thick glob of honey. I feel my body twitch, muscles shuddering as the taste of the honey sends a delightful ripple of sensations coursing through me. I try to close my mouth but I'm too weak to push back against her, her lips holding mine apart with ease. She let's out a loud, prolonged 'mmm' as if my resistance is bringing her joy. Come to think of it, my failed attempt at closing her mouth must have almost felt like I was kissing her back...
Her hands cling tighter to my shoulders as she spews forth an even greater torrent of honey directly down my throat. I groan as my breath grows short, the thick syrup choking me. Out of reflex, I try to inhale and instead swallow several large gulps of the honey. Despite my panic, I can't help but Marvel at how delicious it is... the last few gulps are less involuntary. The honey is delicious, filling and oddly soothing... by the time she pulls her head back, I'm drunkenly gulping at the air between us as if hoping to catch even the slightest dribble I'd missed. I want more... no, I need it. I've been so hungry for so long and I finally feel a spark of nourishment... I have to have more!
"Sssee now? It's good to be my little bee, isn't it?" She whispers softly as she begins softly stroking my face. I want to stay awake longer... I'm disgusted to admit, but I'd do anything to kiss her again if it means having just a little more honey... but my eyelids are impossibly heavy and I'm tired... so tired.
"Rest now, little bee. It's ok, your queen has you..." She sings quietly, as if buzzing some bizarre lullaby. Powerless to be anywhere but where she wants me, I feel her rest my head in her bosom as sleep takes me once again
"Your queen has you, little bee"
* * *
The dreams are even less coherent than before. Flashes of my captor lathering my naked body in honey, her form dissolving into the honey and re-emerging from it as if she were more liquid than solid. Where I try to pull myself up, thousands of insect legs writhe beneath the honey where my body should be.
I can hear my girlfriend calling out to me as I try to sit up and crawl towards her. As I do, my captor grinds against me, pushing and pulling. I'm also dissolving, flowing into my captor only to emerge behind her or under her, cock thrusting into her pussy or mouth. I squirm beneath her, my body covered in honey and yellow fur and my girlfriend watches in horror as I give myself to my captor. I try to respond to my girlfriend, but my captor keeps pulling my lips to hers. The worst part is every time I look to my girlfriend, I recognise her less and less. Her features melting away as giant bee wings begin extending from her back...
* * * I'm woken by the soft stroking of my captor's claw running through my hair. My back is itching something fierce and my body is drenched in even more sweat. Despite that, I don't feel anywhere near as exhausted or disoriented as I had previously. While I'm still very hungry, I don't feel like I'm starving anymore.
"W-wha... howww..." I slur, my mouth still sore and numb, still not quite working as it should. Slowly, I open my eyes and can make out the shape of my captor huddled close to me. Both her arms are draped around my shoulders and her legs rest against me on either side of my waist.
"Little Bee... my little bee..." She whispers in my ear
"You're better now, see? I told you didn't I?" She continues, her stroking motion slowly working down the back of my neck.
"Y-yes... yesss... I think..." It's still a struggle to speak and I'm short of breath so easily, but it's the most coherent I've been in so long.
"I thinnnk... actually did, yeah..." She chuckles and softly kisses my neck.
"Does my little bee want more?" She happily hums, nuzzling my cheek as she does. I scrunch my face up as I think back to how ashamed I felt about letting her overcome me just before.
"Nnno. No. Just wanna..." I start to declare as I try to pull back from her. Her grip tightens, pinning me in place.
"Shhh... I wasn't asking, little bee" She states, her mouth hovering above mine. Instinctively, my cock stiffens and my mouth begins to salivate as I smell the sweet scent of the honey on her breath.
"But you will ask me, little bee. Won't you?" She teases before planting a long, passionate kiss on my neck. Her mandibles press against my neck and a cool, soothing numbness rushes through my veins. I shudder within her grasp as I try to protest.
"Can't... won't..."
"Mmm, so defiant and ssstrong. That's why you're mine..." She growls, kissing at my neck and chin. "But you are mine, little bee"
As the cool sensation spreads through me once again, I feel a similar light-headed bliss washing over me. My muscles relax and my breathing grows steadier.
"I... I am?" I ask, feeling myself opening up to the notion of embracing her affection once again. My captor has never hurt me, she has show me nothing but kindness and affection. She has fed me... pleasured me... it wouldn't hurt to let her do that again... would it?
"Yes, little bee. Alwaysss" She moans as one of her hands begins trailing down my chest, her claws gently pulling my shirt open. Her lips continue to peck at my cheek.
"Was... was I always... yours?" I stammer, confused by the implication.
"Yesss" She buzzes, sliding her hand from my chest to my waist.
"That...That's..." there's a word I'm trying to use, something about this situation... the harder I try to think the more it eludes me.
"Good?" She prompts, the soft flesh of her entrance deliberately pressing against my cock as she says so. The memory of her sucking me off washes over me like an intoxicating trance.
"I... I want to feel good" I feel horrible as the words leave my mouth, but it's true. I don't want to suffer and die here. If my captor can keep me a life then it'd be stupid to prolong my suffering, right? If it means experiencing some unusual pleasure along the way, is that so bad?
"Then ask, little bee" tuts my captor, as if playfully correcting me. Her hand on my waist moves to my cock, slowly closing around the tip, gently pushing back my foreskin.
"Ask your queen nicely. Beg, little bee" She commands, deliberately opening her mouth in long, drawn-out motions so that I can see the honey dripping from it. She knows how badly I want that. She has always known it would come to this.
"P-please" I whisper politely. My mouth is so dry and my tongue feels heavy as I fight to get the word out. I need this, her honey is the only thing that can make me feel good again... that and...
"I. Said. Beg." She whispers, squeezing the head of my cock.
"The more you beg to ssserve your queen, the better it getsss" She rasps as her hand slides up and down my cock. I groan and lean my hips forward.
"Now. Beg, little bee"
I close my eyes, one last futile attempt at resisting the inevitable. But it feels good. She feels good. I just want to taste her again.
"Please... pllleeease... let me..." I stammer
"Let you what? Little Bee?" She invites with a husky whisper as her lips nibble at my ear.
"Please... let me taste you. Feed... feed me... please" I ask, voice quivering and cracking as I hear myself.
"Ohhh? And why should I, little bee? What do I get?" She snickers, her tongue running down my cheek and neck, trailing a thin veneer of honey with it. The smell is wildly invigorating.
"M-me. Me. Do whatever you want. Please. I'll let you do anything, please" I rasp, my needs making me blatantly impatient.
"But I already have you, little bee" She giggles "But you're right. That is what I want... Your queen should reward you, shouldn't she?" She smiles as she pulls my head forward, passionately kissing me square on the lips. Her body presses against mine as she let's go of my cock and puts that hand over my shoulder again. Our lips furiously work against one another, her powerful jaws prising mine apart as she vomits a steady stream of honey down my throat. I hungrily gulp it down, our tongues dancing around one another as my arousal grows stronger with every passing moment.
Out of instinct, I flex my hips, trying to press my rock hard cock against her entrance. She laughs, pulling away and cascading thick ropes of honey down my chest and over my cock and thighs as she throws her head back and laughs.
"So eager now, little bee? How naughty. You haven't earned that yyyet" She chuckles. All I can do to respond is groan like a zombie, hips bucking at the air as if she were still close enough.
"Mmmore. Gotta... m-m-more... please" I stutter between coughs as her honey sticks in my throat.
"Yesss, yes you do, little bee" She purrs, running her hands down my chest, smearing the trails of honey across it. Slowly she begins lowering herself. I groan as I feel her entrance move away from my cock.
"Nnno... more..." I grovel, hoping she will move back and take me into her. My body is practically screaming at me, aching to be in her. I want her warmth around me, I want to rut, I want to climax...
"Not yet. Not yet, little bee." She tuts with a chuckle, taking my cock in her hands and leaning down to lick it again. "But until thennn..."
"Any... anything... please" I reply, imploring her to pleasure me further. I shouldn't. She's fed me, I don't need to indulge her. But I want to. Lust spurs me on, forces me to.
"Pllleeease" I gurgle. She laughs and her lips sheath my cock once again. The sensation is every bit as incredible as the first time. Her tongue lashes against my shaft while her mandibles gently fondle my sack. It's taking every ounce of willpower I can muster to not immediately blow my load, unlike last time I'm not afraid to admit I want this to last longer...
Her hands grip my thighs, claws clenching as she sucks harder and harder at my cock with each bob of her head. I notice that the black veins on my chest have spread down to my legs, slowly thickening and are visibly continuing to spread. I don't know if my captor is deliberately stroking these areas to speed this up or if it's just coincidence. I don't really care. I'll be horrified later, but right now I just want to enjoy her warmth. The motion of her tongue and mouth massaging my cock is genuinely sublime to experience, I've enjoyed oral sex but never like this before...
There is suddenly a sharp pinch in my scrotum and the base of my cock. A warm rush, I gasp as I feel my cock twitch. I'm keenly aware of my cum squirting into her throat before that entire area grows numb from her bite. Slowly she pulls away and I smile at the sight of all the honey and cum dribbling from her quivering maw. To my amazement, my erection doesn't seem to be waning. Could her bite have done that? I'm sweating profusely again. My cock is still rock hard and I want to go again despite how tired and lethargic the rest of me is.
"What'sss... howww..?" I try to ask. She simply chuckles before curling her fingers around my shaft.
"It gets better... stay with me, little bee. Your queen still hungerrrs" at that, her jaws close around the head of my cock once more. I try to thrust forward but her hands hold my waist in position. I strain against her as she teases me, desperate to bury my cock as deep as it can go. Nothing. I can't even so much as budge while she slowly licks and sucks at the head of my cock. Despite the numbness everywhere else, I feel hypersensitive to the sensation of her tongue as it teases my cock. I scream and my cock spasms as another load shoots into her mouth.
My captor moans happily as she pretends chew my cum, staring up at me as she rolls the white slime around in her mouth. My vision is blurring, I can barely focus on her as she growls a single command.
It's too much. I feel spent, awkward, ashamed. I need to sleep. I try to refuse but only incoherent mumbling comes out. She goes down on me a third time and I let out a long groan that becomes a wail as her tongue massages my shaft. Nowhere to go, pinned in place, there's nothing I can do but accept it. Maybe it's my consciousness slipping as I struggle to keep my eyes open, but it feels like I cum faster this time and with an even heavier load. I can't tell if I'm dreaming or there really is that much semen left for me to be cumming so much? Am I passing out between climaxes? My vision grows dark as I moan and thrash before finally there is nothing but darkness and warmth.
* * *
I'm trying to reach my love as she runs through the forest, her wings trailing behind her as I marvel at how her black carapace shines in the midday sun. My skin is heavy, slowing me down. I have to get back to my love, I want her, I need her, but she's getting away. She giggles as I strain to move faster. As I do, my skin begins ripping open to reveal my carapace. Black, shiny, lined with fur.
She turns and lays on the ground before me, spreading her legs, offering herself to me. I pounce on her and my tail moves to press its stinger into her vagina. She whispers encouragement as I ejaculate thick strands of honey all over her.
Looking at my arms, I become profoundly uncomfortable. They're not my arms, they're insect legs, that can't be... be... bee. I think I like being a bee... More honey pours over her from me and she starts too shriek. Her carapace peels away, falling off in segments as a naked human woman writhes in her place, pulling herself free of her bee-skin and trying to crawl away in a panic. I feel like I should know her but I can't remember anything about her. Her shrieks become more coherent and I can make out that she is horrified at what I've become. I try to reply but only buzzing sounds come out as I try to mount her again. She shrieks and cries as her skin melts away again, leaving my queen bee in her stead. She purrs encouragement and I thrust. I feel warmth engulfing me just before I begin to wake...
* * *
I can feel her claws stroking my chest, the hard tips of her fingers gently trailing along my muscles and collarbone. I'm breathing heavily, my back itches even more fiercely and there's a splitting pain in my forehead. As I strain to open my eyes, I try to speak. That's even harder. My tongue feels swollen and my jaw muscles feel numb. Could I have overdosed on her honey? Am I allergic? I hope not...
"Wha... happening..." I slur as I struggle to hold my head up.
"Oh little bee, don't worry. Your queen has you. You're exactly where you should beee" She whispers, her hand moves to my chin and lovingly caresses it.
"Seeee? This is good isn't it? Just you and meee, enjoying one anotherrr" She whispers with a playful growl at the end. I open my eyes just in time to see her pulling me into a big, sloppy, open-mouth kiss. The sensation of her honey hitting my taste buds is still every bit as electrifying and delicious as the first time. I feel my breathing grow steady and I kiss her back, my lips pushing against hers, our tongues dancing together as I gulp down a thick glob of honey. Slowly she pulls away.
"Very good, little bee... very good" She says with a gasp before kissing me again. I push back, lips prising hers further apart, my tongue tickling her as it darts into her mouth, lapping up more of the honey. I've already completely forgotten why I was worried about it. Gently, she pushes me back but I'm not done, I'm still hungry!
"M-more..?" I ask "Please?"
She grins ferociously.
"Well I do want my little bee to grow up... big... and ssstrong" She buzzes thoughtfully
"Then f-feed... please?" I beg, speaking easier now that her honey is invigorating me.
"Please...?" She retorts, her voice trails off as if to prompt an elaboration.
"Come now, little bee. You know to address meeee" She chuckles.
"Please... my queen?" I groan, already weakening without more honey. Her ferocious grin becomes even sharper, mandibles excitedly clicking as I address her.
"Yesss... yesss I am..." She whispers as if speaking to herself. She then begins to climb the wall around me until her waist is level with my head. At first I'm disappointed she didn't kiss me again, but then I see a thin trickle of honey oozing from the soft, grey flesh of her vagina and my jaw trembles with excitement.
"May I...? Please?" She cackles before I'd even finished. I feel a clawed hand on the back of my head as she gently presses me against her slit. I huff and gasp for air as my mouth immediately goes to work, hungrily devouring her pussy. Whatever revulsion I feel is fleeting, the hunger is all-consuming. I have to have this. All of it, no matter how much my tongue laps at her clit, no matter how much honey she discharges into my mouth, I need more.
My head is spinning and the pressure in my back feels ready to burst, yet her orgasmic moans and howls of ecstasy cut through the fog that clouds my senses. The sound of her bliss goads me on, driving me to suck, gulp and lick harder, faster. Thick streams of honey cascade from my mouth as I continue to eat her out. Her body shudders, hips pressing harder against my face. The dizziness is nearly enough to make me black out. Perhaps I did. I don't remember her turning around to suck my cock while continuing to make me eat her out, but she must have. There's no mistaking the sensation of her mandibles stuffing my cock down her throat. Thick ropes of my cum surge into her mouth yet neither of us so much as pause or flinch.
I have no idea how long this continues. My vision comes and goes as my mouth continues to work relentlessly, as if possessed by a will all of its own. The pain in back and forehead continues to grow to increasingly excruciating heights. The only thing that seems to soothe it in any way is more honey and the sound's of my captor's satisfaction. Eventually, I feel my cock spasm as my heaviest climax yet, explodes into my captor's mouth. At the same moment, something on my head and back bursts, instantly relieving the pain and pressure that been building up. I throw my head back and moan at the top of my lungs before passing out almost instantly.
There are no dreams this time. Perhaps I was only out a minute or two. Or I was so full and exhausted that I'd slept like a log. My eyes are sore as they slowly blink open. I feel my captor pressed against me, her body grinding against mine as she sloppily kisses my lips in-between vomiting thick torrents of honey down my throat. My chest itches something fierce and I moan softly as her claws gently scratch at my collarbone.
"Yessss. Soooo close now... My little bee. Alllll... minnne..." She buzzes softly, lovingly staring down at me as I gurgle and moan.
"Y-y-yoursss...?" I slur between mouthfuls of honey. The longer I'm awake, the stranger it feels. I can sense something isn't right.
"Yes, little bee. You're almost ready nnnow. So close to being what I rectally need..." there is a sincere admiration in her voice that wasn't there before. I notice she seems to be staring intently at my chest, so I muster as much willpower as I can manage and force myself to look down. The moment I see it, I scream. Where my skin itches it has become dry and pale, peeling away like a bad sunburn where she scratches at it. But instead of raw pink skin, thick yellow and black bristles are sprouting from my collarbone. Just below it, I can see the faint glistening of something hard, black and shiny beneath my skin.
"Wha! Wh-whatsss... happennn?" I shriek, a slight buzz creeping into my voice as I struggle to not hyperventilate.
"Easy. Easy, little bee." Whispers my captor, gently stroking my chest in an attempt to soothe me.
"N-n-n Ugh... no, no no, what have you done!?" I stammer, feeling something twitch above my shoulders as if in response to my discomfort.
"I told you little bee, like it or not. You would join me. You belong to me. Nnnow here we are. My little bee..." As she strokes me, I feel her hips bumping against mine and I can feel the primal urge to procreate slowly overwhelm the rest of my mind. Fear allows me to resist just enough to keep her talking.
"H-how? The... h-honey?" I stammer, desperately trying to distract her from arousing me any further.
"No, little bee. You were mine the moment I stung you and brought you here." She purrs triumphantly before reaching down to run her finger through the honey dripping from her slit.
"This just makes it faster, makes it feel betterrr" She continues, smearing the honey across my lips. Involuntarily, I hungrily lick and suck at her fingertip. "You do want to feel better. Don't you, little bee?"
"Unngh, uh.. ah... yes. Yesss." That's not what I wanted to say but it blurts out anyway. She grips my shoulders tightly and playfully bites at my neck, my cock almost immediately swells to a full erection.
"I think we've both earned a special treat, don't you?" She growls.
"Y-yesss." I rasp between ragged breaths, all other thoughts are but a faint echo as my impulses in my head scream for erotic release. She tightens her grip.
"No little bee. Like we've practised."
"Urgh... mmm... nnn. Please. P-please?"
"Please...?" She growls, expecting for from my grovelling.
"Please my queeennn..." I wail as a splitting pain lances through my lower jaw. She smiles and presses her lips to mine. I feel her throat convulse as a torrent of honey spews down my throat. I hungrily gulp it down without shame or restraint as I succumb to my hunger, knowing full well it will only doom me faster. Perhaps that's why I embrace it, to be over with sooner rather than later. Either way it doesn't matter. My hips buck up as hers press down and I loudly gasp as I feel her warm, slick pussy begin to engulf my cock. She tries to get her lips and mandibles over my mouth again as I gasp for air.
"Ah! Ah! Ahrgh! Mmm mhm ungh..." are the sounds coming from me as I struggle to clear my throat and breathe. I can't control myself, my hips gyrate against hers working my cock deeper and deeper into her. The soft, warm flesh of her insides flex in rhythm with my heartbeat, massaging the length of my shaft as I become embedded in her. I hungrily snap at her, trying to press my lips to her, drool trickling from my mouth, pupils dilating as I enter a trance like state where all that matters to me is her.
She gently pushes at my shoulders, keeping me painfully close yet unable to touch my lips to hers despite my best efforts to try and kiss her. She moans and giggles, marvelling at how I mindlessly rut against her. I groan like a zombie as her legs cross behind me, holding her hips firmly against mine as my cock continues to piston back and forth. My veins are on fire and I can hardly breathe, yet the sense of euphoria I get from continuing this is too good to let anything slow me down. I'm like a mindless drone, slaved to the sensation. I don't want it to ever stop.
I keep trying to kiss her. Not just for the honey I crave, I want to feel her lips and mandibles. I want to know she wants me as much as I want her right now. I want her to love me. Instead, she pushed my head toward her chest. Gripping the back of my head, she presses my face firmly against her left breast. As her arousal has grown, soft flashy nipples have begun to extend from the smooth carapace encasing her voluptuous breasts. Without even thinking, I suck on her tit, my tongue flicking against it as it stiffens at my touch. She leans her head back and hisses, her head rolling from side to side as the caress of my tongue pleases her.
I feel her pull my hair as she sharply inhales. Her inner walls contract, squeezing my cock and I let out a stifled groan as I feel my balls twitch and a surge of thick, hot cum gushes into her. I immediately slump against her chest, puffing and panting as my head spins. She cradles my head in her arms, stroking my hair. My lips tremble as my cock slowly slide free from her with a wet slop. My mind reels as the full horror of what just happened begins to cut through the brainfog that clouded my mind and senses.
"Oh... oh goddd..." I whimper, voice slurring as honey and drool drip from my mouth.
"No, little bee. No gods. Only me. Your queen." She cooes softly as she strokes me. I look at the thick tufts of yellow and black fur jutting from my collarbone and let out a whimper.
"No, nnno, nooo... I can't... I don't wannnt..." I mumble.
"Yes, little bee. Yes, you do" She replies, slowly tilting my head back to look up at her. I'm horrified by what's happening to me, the changes I'm undergoing, how utterly helpless I am to stop it. Perhaps even more frightening is how quickly that begins to abate once I look at her. How undeniably beautiful she is to me now. What terrifies me most is that I am beginning to sincerely enjoy this.
"P-plllease..." I rasp. She smiles and her mouth descends on mine once more. There is the tingle, the sweet taste of honey and my world goes dark.
* * *
I dream of honeycomb walls, rivers and waterfalls of pure honey flowing through the hive. Peeking inside the chamber's within the honeycomb, I see the shapes of human women coated in honey, wriggling and writhing within. In some of the pods I see the women in the throes of pulling themselves free from gigantic husks of what appear to be larval bees. They all look the same and yet none of them are the woman I seek, even though they look just like her.
The next thing I know, my captor is with me, massaging my naked body and licking at the honey she smears across my exposed flesh.
I can see the women emerging from their honeycomb chambers and I feel my body release, thick ropes of cum spurting over my captor as I climax. Except its not cum, instead torrents of honey gush from my grotesquely swollen cock. I can hear a buzzing chant build as the dream begins to collapse and the last thing I remember hearing is hundreds of feminine voices buzzing "More! More! More!"
* * *
I wake up groaning as my whole body protests. Every inch of my skin itches more than ever before. My muscles hurt from a combination of strain and what I can only assume is growing pains. My biceps are thicker than I remember and I can see my skin starting to peel where spots of yellow fur or shiny, black carapace are beginning to break through. I retch at the sight of it, but nothing comes up.
"What'ssss happpennn..." I slur, struggling to speak at all, let alone clearly.
"Isn't it wonnnderful, little bee? Do you not feel glorious?" Crows my captor from somewhere in the gloom beyond my vision. Despite my pains, she's not entirely wrong, I feel... invigorated, albeit disoriented.
"Gettinnng... ssstronnng againnn..." I rasp, my mouth hurting as I move it to speak, as though my jawbone were straining to pull apart.
"No, little bee. You're going to be ssstronger than everrr" chuckles my captor as she flutters out from the dark to perch on the wall beside me.
"Ssso much stronger, little bee. You're going to beee everythinnng I nnneed and so much more..." She purrs as she playfully runs her forefinger down my arm and across my chest.
"I... I am...?" I stammer, staring intently at her. The very sight of her makes my heart race. I wonder, was she always this beautiful and I just couldn't see it? Or are the changes I'm experiencing affecting my mind as well  as my body? She speaks again and the sweet melody of her voice banishes every other thought from my head.
"Of course, little bee... I nnneed you..." She buzzes playfully, her fingers trailing down my chest and waist.
"Y-you... do... I do... nnneed..." I mumble, more of a statement than a question. It's hard to think straight when her voice makes giddy with excitement and admiration.
"Yes, little bee." She chuckles. Her hand moves closer to my crotch as her voice grows husky.
"We exist for each other, little bee. You're mine nnnow... and I will never stop loving you, little bee... so long as you keep asking nnnicely. As long as you worship me, I will always be your queen and you will always beee mine."
My heart feels ready to burst from my chest. I feel something flap against my back as the muscles in my shoulders twitch with excitement.
"I-I... I'd... r-reallyyy lllike.. like that... wannnt... that..." I gurgle, the pain in my jaw growing even sharper still.
"Of course you would, little bee. That's why you're here" She assures me. My cock is stiffening once more as her finger traces around the base of my shaft.
"It... it is..?" I know I should be uncomfortable but my hesitation is rapidly waning. I keep thinking of how good it felt to be inside her... I want to be back there. I don't want this, I know I really must not... cannot. But all I can think about is letting her make me feel that ecstasy again...
"Yes, my little bee..." She moans as she gives my shaft a gentle tug. I look down and see that my cock seems to have somehow extended a full inch or two longer than it should have. My balls are bigger too, swollen like tennis balls and cries crossed with thick black veins spreading all over them. I'd be horrified if I weren't so mesmerised by the sight of her claw slowly gliding up and down my shaft.
"I like... I... I want... looove." I groan in a buzzing monotone. I know that's what I was looking for. That's how I got here, my love. But I'm confused. What did I love so much to end up like this.
"You knowww what to do, little bee. My love is yours... if you ask for it..." She purrs, playfully squeezing just below the head of my cock.
"Pleeease... my... queen... p-please... love me" I say with a throaty gurgle, struggling to  speak through the copious amounts of saliva beginning to accumulate in my mouth. Does that sound right? Do I want her to love me? Haven't we already? If not her, who else could I have been thinking of.
"Gooood little bee" She says with the biggest smile. My heart skips at how good it feels to see her so happy. She resumes jacking at my cock and leans over to me. My mouth hangs open in anticipation and once I feel her begin to passionately press her lips and mandibles against me, I enthusiastically reciprocate.
Her hand moves against my erection with an uncanny level of intuition. She is exactly where I want to feel her, precisely when and how I want her to touch me. Between that and the sublime taste of her honey cascading down my throat, I am in heaven. I don't understand how or why I was so frightened of her, how could I be so hesitant to someone who understands and loves me like this?
I groan softly as we kiss, feeling my cock continuing to swell while several bones and joints in my body audibly crunch and click. Oddly enough this seems to alleviate my pain rather than worsen it. My adoration for her continues to grow and I kiss her back harder and faster. As I do, I can taste a faint metallic tang amidst the sweetness of her honey. It doesn't bother me at all. As I continue to kiss her, I can feel the flesh on the insides of my cheeks beginning to tear as something hard begins pulling itself free from my jaw muscles. It doesn't hurt at all. If anything the honey seems to make it pleasantly tingle where the skin is breached. I want it more, so I kiss her more vigorously.
After what seems like a long time, she prises her lips free from mine and works her way down my neck and chest, gently kissing my body until she is close to my crotch. She slows her stroking and holds my cock against her cheek.  I can see the thick dark veins have spread through that as well, the head of my cock almost looks as if it is beginning to sharpen to a point. But it's so long and sensitive now... I think it's better now. I'm better now. I can't help but let out a low, orgasmic moan as my queen caresses it with her claw tips.
"Wellll... what do you say, little bee?" She moans, the feeling of her breath on my crotch makes my hair stand on end.
"Yesss... yes, my queennn. Please. Pllleeeease" I gurgle as honey drips from my mouth. She giggles as she keeps stroking my shaft as if expecting more.
"I... want this, I want youuu, please. Please love me..." I barely finish and she's deep throating my cock. I gasp and cry out as my whole body goes weak and numb. My legs buckle and I slump against her as she suckles on my length. I throw my head back and cry out unintelligibly as my body shudders. I don't even try to resist, I want release, I want the euphoria of feeling her take me there. I don't know how long this goes on for, nor do I care. I just now that I'm lovingly smiling at her when she pulls my cock free of her mouth and jacks it with both of her hands until I finally cum with explosive force. A harsh spray of cum shoots from the pointed tip of my cock, splattering across her face and over her supple body. She smiles to herself as I crumple further into a heap, or at least as much as my restraints allow me to. My breath comes in ragged gasps as I fight to stay awake, watching her intently as she licks my cum from her body. Slowly and deliberately wiping it from her and licking her fingers clean.
"Mmm. You're ssso yummy, little bee. I can taste your readiness. Nnnot long nnnow, little bee." She teases.
"Then... t-then wwwhat?" I mumble.
"Then you're going to give me what I really want, little bee" She purrs, slowly moving to snuggle up to me. "What we both rrreally want, little bee"
I don't even think about it before I say it, the word blurts out like an instinctive reaction.
"Breed" rasps my voice as something in my jawbone cracks.
"Yes, little bee. We're going to breed..." her voice trails off as I begin drifting into sleep. A tiny voice in my head is screaming at me to not give into this, to get out. But my queen loves me and I think I want to give her whatever she wants... that's sounds nice...
* * *
For the first time in a while, my dreams are nightmarish. I dream of a human woman beckoning to me, but she is not my queen so I try to fly away. Yet everywhere I go in the hive, she is there - arms outstretched, pleading me to come with her. I cry out for my queen to save me as the human woman backs me into a corner. I recoil from her and watch in horror as she strips down to nothing, revealing her soft pink body in all its peculiar human beauty. My mandibles twitch as she reaches out to touch me. Her hand grasp my shiny black forearms and I buzz and hiss as my carapace falls away at her touch, revealing a set of human arms in their place. I panic as she forces her way onto me, my fur and carapace falling off in clumps everywhere she touches me. I cry out, begging my queen to save me and make me whole again as the human forces my cock into her reproductive organ...
* * *
I wake up dripping with sweat again, breathing heavily as the fear from my nightmare slowly abates. I look down and see my queen nuzzling the segmented carapace covering my chest as she dozes peacefully, her arms and legs wrapped tightly around my swollen torso. This is good, this feels right and as it should be. But there is something off that I just can't quite put my finger on. I look over my shoulder and I can see a pair of enormous, transparent insect wings protruding from my back. There is more yellow and black stripes of fur running down my spine too. I know this means I'm changing, but I can't remember what I'm changing from, I just know what I have to become. Hers.
I look down at he queen and gently kiss her forehead. As I do, both halves of my jaw flare apart to let my tongue move forward. This seems new to me as I can't quite get the hang of all the moving parts that make my mouth. I could have sworn that was easier but maybe I'm imagining that. She stirs and squeezes me tighter.
"Mmmm... can't sleep againnn, little bee?" She mumbles, her hands idly stroking my back as she begins to stir.
"Chaaaange..." I slur through my mouth
"Mussst... chaaange" my voice is becoming monotone and words are hard to form with the extra appendages sprouting from my cheeks.
"Yes, little bee. You're so wonderful now aren't you?" She replies, I can feel how proud of me she is. She looks up at me with loving admiration and continues.
"And so loyal. Aren't you, little bee?"
"Yesss... love. Looove. My lllove. Only you." I buzz, the words come out without me even thinking it. There is a twinge of uncertainty to it I can't quite place, but as always My queen is quick to reassure me.
"Yes. Only ever mmme, little bee. Only me." She kisses me on my ruined lips and my heart sings as I feel her antennae brush against the vestigial stubs of mine as they begin to protrude from my forehead.
"Only youuu" I repeat before kissing her back. She brings her hands down to my waist as we kiss. My hips bump against hers, my swollen balls swaying with the movement while I feel my cock brush against her thigh, sending a rush of blood into the long, serrated phallus. I don't recall when it first sprouted the rows of barbs on the top and sides of my shaft but they are delightfully sensitive. I feel her hand brush against it and it twitches as it continues to stiffen.
"Mmm coming alonnng sooo nnnicely, little bee" She moans as our lips pull apart.
"Speaking of coming..." She snickers as her hand closes over the tip of my cock. "Your queen hungers, little bee"
"F-feeeed..." I moan
"You want to feed me, don't you little bee?" She ask with a soft sigh. I shudder as my cock continues to flush with blood, elongating and hardening.
"Yesss... pleassse..." I beg, my black, lidless eyes staring into hers as I begin to re-enter the now familiar trance-like state of arousal.
"Pleeease... mmmake me feed you, my queennn, my love!" As I implore her, she smiles and kisses me softly, our mandibles clutching at one another as we part sooner than I'd hoped.
"Wait your turnnn..." She purrs as she lowers herself to my waist.
"Turnnn..." I growl. I know she meant something else but the word stirs something in my brain.
"Wannnt... you... turn meee" I buzz, tired of this transitional state. I want to be complete, fully grown. Let me be the mate she has created me to be. Nothing else matters.
"You're nearly there, little bee" She says with a wry smile before plunging my cock into her mouth. I gasp and buzz as her mandibles stroke and pull at the sides of my shaft. I require no further stimulation and a thick stream of my seed begins pumping into her mouth, at this is a well-established routine for us. My body exists to give hers what it needs.
I let out a heavy sigh as she hungrily sucks on my shaft, her mandibles stroking and kneading at it as I continue to pump load after load down her throat. Though I am trained to cum immediately when she wants to feed, she still strokes the exposed flesh on my waist and thighs. A hint of pleasure for me is my reward for my service to her.
Eventually she slows her stroking and with a soft gagging sound, she pulls free of my cock, her mouth dripping with the last of my offering. Her tongue slowly licks at the residue and I am mesmerised by its motion.
"Good Little Bee. Nnnnnow..." She grips my shoulders and pulls herself up, grinding against my body until she can sit on my shoulders.
"Now it's your turn, little bee" at that, with both hands she presses my face into her crotch. "I have something ssspecial for you nowww..."
My jaw opens to its fullest, mandibles unfurling to clasps around the soft flesh of her entrance. My tongue darts in to press at her clit, my mouth dripping with saliva as it anticipates the sweet, delicious flow of honey I have learned to expect from my queen. Instead, something even sweeter and thick begins flowing into me. I shudder, eyes widening as an uncontrollable hunger seizes me. My queen hisses softly as I begin to hungrily gulp at the strange new substance, coughing and sputtering as I try to stuff it down my throat.
Her hands tighten around the back of my head, pressing me harder against her slit as more of the substance surges forth. I try to pull away to catch my breath but she holds me firmly in place. A searing hot agony is building in my spine and limbs. I can feel my bones cracking, rearranging... no, dissolving and flowing through me, becoming part of my carapace. My body shakes as new plates of bone form and slide into place, whole sections of my body rapidly changing as I feed on this wondrous substance.
Somewhere in the back of my head, a voice begs me to stop. It can remember reading about how larval bees would be fed royal jelly to cultivate a change in their physiology so they could reproduce. It begs me not to do this, lest there be no turning back. But the rest of me is exhilarated by the thought. It wants transformation, it craves reproduction, this is it! This is how I can finally perform the ultimate service to my queen! My tongue lashes into her vagina with greater vigorously, hungrily lapping up more and more of the substance.
As the pain and ecstasy continue to grow in equal intensity, I can feel myself growing strong once more. No, stronger. Stronger than anything I can recall. I tug frantically at my bonds, wishing for nothing more than to touch my queen with my own hands at long last. To my surprise, there is a series of loud cracks and I feel my arms move for the first time. My arms come free in a shower yellow honeycomb dust and snap to her thighs. I hear her gasp, pleasantly surprised at my newfound strength.
"Ohhh! Oh, Little Bee! Looook at yooou!" She rasps between heavy breaths. I feel the smooth carapace of my forearms and claws sliding against the carapace on her thighs and the sensation is electrifying. My fingers stroke and squeeze at her, the smoothness of her outer shell is every bit as delightful to touch as I'd dreamed it would be.
"Yes! Y-yes... yessss... take it all Little Bee. You're mine. Mine, mine, myyyy...ahhhh!" She rasps as I pull my legs free and slowly turn on the spot, carefully pinning her against the wall of my little alcove she'd kept me in.
Her moans turn to unintelligible buzzes and shrieks as I devour the royal jelly pouring from her slit. I feel her hands let go of my head as she throws her arms out wide, bracing herself against the wall. My hands grip her thighs tightly and pull them hard against me as my jaws work against her crotch to suck up every ounce of her royal jelly. My wings are twitching, fluttering as I barely contain my excitement. I feel my balls and cock swelling, carapace forming from them as my sack becomes more like a tail. All the while, I never stop gutting myself on her entrance as she shudders and shrieks with orgasmic glee. Still I lick and suck. I feel her go limp, ragdolling as she struggles to remain conscious, still I lick and suck. I can't even remember at what point she stopped secreting her jelly, still I lick and suck. I cannot, will not stop, not until she commands me to do so. She slumps in an exhausted heap, moaning as I gently set her down, still licking and sucking.
"Ohhhh... oh-k, Little Bee... that's... that's enough" She rasps. My jaw immediately releases her crotch and I slowly move to cuddle up to her. Released from my duty, I'm now keenly aware of how much my body aches and how exhausted I am. I don't even remember going to sleep, it happens so suddenly. I do not dream this time. Or perhaps all of this has been a dream and I was always her little bee...
* * *
Carly woke with a start, her mouth dry, her eyes stinging. Malnourished, dehydrated and with no measure of how long she'd been trapped in this cave. The darkness and silence was absolutely soul-crushing. The prospect of being rescued seemed to slip further and further away, yet that hope was the only thing keeping her sane. Her arms and legs were still bound tightly in the beeswax her captor had trapped her in and while her surroundings still had an obnoxiously sweet smell, she could tell her clothes were getting an awful stench from being worn for what must be days now.
It had been a while since she'd seen her captor. The strange insect woman had teased and goaded her for what felt like so long when she was first brought here. Carly had sworn the creature would regret bringing her here, that it would be sorry when her boyfriend came looking for her. It had made Carly profoundly uncomfortable when she realised the creature was provoking her to try and learn more about Rick. It became so attentive whenever she mentioned him. As uncomfortable as that had been, Carly couldn't deny it was preferable to the long stretches of nothing with only the occasional drip of honey somewhere in the cave to break the silence.
"You'll neverrrr guessss what I found!" Chuckled the now familiar voice of her captor from somewhere in the gloom. Carly scowled as the shapely insect woman sauntered into view. "I thought you should ssssee..." She crowed triumphantly as something enormous advanced behind her. Carly stiffened, heart racing with fear as she tried to make out what it was. Slowly, it came into view, an enormous bee the size of a car and yet, it's proportions and shape were all off. It's thorax was too long and upright, like the torso of an enormous muscular man mounted on the bee's tail like some sort of insectoid centaur and its head was far too small. "Now I have a loverrr tooooo" boasted the insect woman, reaching out to stroke the creature's chin. "Isn't he marvellousss?" She hissed with a wicked grin. The longer Carly stared at its head, her heart began to sink. Maybe it was her exhausted state, but it's face was so familiar. Ignoring its bulbous black eyes, the sharp tufts of yellow fur where hair would be, it was almost human. The jawline, the mouth shape... she knew it so well... there was no mistaking it, impossible as it may seem, Xarly was certain of it and her eyes were stinging with tears.
"No... no no no no, not you! No no! No, she can't have!" Carly mumbled, voice trembling and cracking as despair engulfed her.
"Oh sorry, have you met?" Purred the insect woman pulling the bee-man's face close to hers. "Is my loyal mate familiarrrr to you?" She chuckled. Carly whimpered as the creature nuzzled at the insect woman's hand.
"No... not Rick... not like this" She sobbed
"Finders, keepers" said the insect woman with a vicious smile before softly kissing the bee-man on the lips, mandibles unfolding from their cheeks and playfully tugging at one another as they kissed. Carly shrieked, her face twisted in a horrified grimace as she beheld the loving exchange between her captor and what had been her boyfriend.
As their lips parted, the bee-man stared at the woman with loving adoration, completely oblivious to Carly as she screamed and sobbed. The insect woman made a buzzing, chuckling sound as she turned her head back to Carly.
"I think he likes me, don't you?" She teased
"Fuck! FUCK! FUCK YOU!" wailed Carly, screaming herself hoarse and thrashing as the bee-man slid his hands around the woman's waist.
"I think my little bee has something for me..." purred the woman, reaching back to lay her hand on the creature's quivering tail. Carly shook her head in dismay as something long and fleshy began to extend from the tip of the creature's tail. Nearly a whole foot long, pink and lined with sharp barbs, yet there was no mistaking the phallic organ standing upright as the bee-man's tailed jutted out between his long legs.
"Don't get too jealous nnnow..." cackled the insect woman as she clambered onto her monstrous concubine, curling her arms and legs around his torso as her tail lifted to let her sit in his lap.
"Nooo, no Rick, nooo!" Sobbed Carly, unable to look away as the bee-man's phallus slowly moved into position.
"Pllleeeease" he rasped, his altered voice still sounding like Carly's beloved partner.
"Time to breed, little bee." Whispered the insect woman before looking over her shoulder to glare at Carly.
"Your queen commannnds it" She gasped before slowly lowering herself onto the bee-man's cock. The moment her entrance touched the tip of his cock, he rammed into her at full force with a wet slap. Carly groaned, choking back tears as the insect woman let out an elated howl. The cock pulled back before thrusting up again, the force of the push bouncing the insect woman. She cried out again before beginning to buck her hips in time with the bee-man's thrusts.
Carly watched on in horror as the two insect people gyrated against one another. The wings twitching and fluttering as they roamed each other's bodies. She wanted to throw up as the creature that had once been her partner, lovingly stroked and kissed the insect woman. He would gently fondle her hips and breasts, playfully tug at her tufts of yellow and black fur. Carly struggled not to retch as the two creatures sloppily kissed one another leaving thick strands of honey trailing from one another's mandibles. Slowly, the woman arched back, spreading her arms and legs wide as the bee-man quickened his pace, his cock thrusting harder as he laid her down on her back. She shrieked with orgasmic glee as he loomed over her, cock ramming in and out of her with an intensity Carly had never known was possible. Finally, both creatures began to shriek and hiss with what Carly assumed was some sort of climax.
She watched with horrified fascination as the bee-man's cock began to swell and undulate like a cartoon fire hose. She could make out thick bulges passing down the shaft and vanishing into the insect woman who continued to shriek and hiss, thrashing around as much as she could despite her lover pinning her under him. With each breath she took, The carapace on her tail would flare open and each bulge she took seemed to swell the flesh within. She shuddered an twitched as the bee-man pumped what must have been gallons if his seed into her, her tail swelling to nearly three times its previous size. Carly could make out the shapes of hundreds of eggs, straining at the exposed flesh of the swollen tail. It was too much to bear, the man she'd loved had just become a bug and proceeded to impregnate her captor. Worst of all, it seemed like he wanted this, lovingly stroking Carly's captor as he gently picked her up to cradle her in his arms, his cock still throbbing her tail still swelling.
There was nothing left of the man she knew. He belonged to the insect woman now. They were breeding, his seed swelling her with life that they would raise together and he would never stop. Never stop loving that thong, never stop giving it the offspring it craved. This empty hive would soon be swarming with their mutant progeny, that's clearly all that mattered to Rick now... Carly closed her eyes and wept, the sound of her captor moaning and laughing as she triumphantly rejoiced was the last thing Carly heard as she drifted off to a restless sleep, heartbroken and utterly defeated.
* * *
"You ever hear people say these woods are haunted?" Puffed Danni as she started to get ahead of Matt. It was a beautiful sunny day and she was trying not to stare at his arm muscles as they glistened with sweat. The two had been jogging together for the last 3 weeks and Danni was starting to think she may not be able to wait for a romantic escalation half as long as she'd intended. Matt was clearly into her too, Danni had been wearing increasingly skimpy work out gear over the last week and Matt had made no attempt to hide his admiration for her figure.
"Yeah, some story about people going missing a while back hey?" He replied without much effort. These runs were exhausting for Danni but seeing how much stamina Matt seemed to have was encouraging to say the least.
"Yeah, some girl and her boyfriend disappeared out here a while ago, noone ever found em" panted Danni as she reluctantly began to slow down
"I dunno if that means it's like, proper haunted though" said Matt as he slowed to a stop, letting Danni plod over to him as she tried to catch her breath.
"No, but people reckon they hear voices out here and every now and again someone else goes missing... " Matt laughed as he ran his hand through his hair.
"Well lucky you've got me to protect you on this big, bad trail" said Matt with a wry smile. The way Danni was eyeing him up, he couldn't help but suspect they were about exercise an entirely different set of muscles...
"Well... that's not the only bad thing out here you could do for me" said Danni, playfully biting her lip. Fuck being patient with these men she was dating, Danni rationalised there was no harm in rushing to the fun part... slowly she pulled off her sports bra and let Matt get a good look at her. Save for the buzzingbof various insects in the woods, there was awkward silence.
"You gonna keep staring or are you gonna get over here and keep me safe?" She said in the most sultry voice she could muster. Right now, the prospect of an A+ fuck was outweighing whatever embarrassment her brain was trying to conjure up. Matt was grinning like an idiot as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close. As they started to kiss and she tugged at his shorts, Danni could swear the buzzing sounds were growing louder. Abruptly, she pulled away from Matt.
"Hey wait, slow down! Do you hear that?" She asked, frowning as she tried to gauge where it was coming from.
"Don't worry bout it babe, I told you I'd protect you" scoffed Matt as he groped at her, pleading her to resume.
"Yeah... yeah, I just... that's getting louder isn't it?" Danni was more than a little scared now, had they disturbed a Wasp nest on their run? Perhaps this wasn't the time after all... Danni turned back to Matt just in time to see the source of the buzzing rush toward them.
They screamed at the top of their lungs for as long as they could, but there was noone else in the woods to hear it. Slowly their screams trailed off as they vanished into the hive. The woods were empty and still once more. All that remained was the sound of insects buzzing...
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reshramlove1ob · 10 months
puts all of your OC’s on an island together what would happen who would get along and who would fight
(note that some of these ocs have never been shown before so bear with me-)
Also warning about a very long post below the cut
Heaven and Hell War
William: He would totally go out and help everyone he could. He’d make a shelter to house anyone he could find.
Arthur: Complete opposite of William. He’d gather people solely to take their stuff.
Rose: Weeps
Most of my angels: Help people.
Zachary: Protect Peter. He’ll help people who ask for help.
Mynté: He’s out killing whatever birds he can to eat, then makes an ice castle for shits and giggles.
Most of my demons: Selfish, all for themselves.
Selena: Girly really found out she was stuck on a deserted island and said “time for a nap” and probably killed at least a few dudes.
Devon: Looking for Amalia and Lina. Probably gets stuck with Mynté and Selena knowing his luck.
Medew: Takes a nap
Maverick: “SELENA ILL SAVE YOU” *gets stabbed by Selena*
Zane: has killed at least fifty people, climbed at least 5 trees, eaten monkey for the first time, and has created himself a new set of clothes, all within an hour.
Fern: Protecting baby Fate.
Fate: “Hi Mr demon no no I know you don’t want my help since I’m just a kid but i-“
Upside Down School
Joy: She’s hiding in a cave. Probably singing to scare people.
Bee: She’s scavenging for whatever berries she can find.
ChiChi: She’s having a mental breakdown cuz she can’t find any sugar.
Bailey: Gets scared by Joy then joins her.
Ray: he’s writing SOS in the sand, having a mental breakdown.
Gladis: She swims away. She’ll be back with like fifty yachts.
Taylor: She sits down by Ray.
Mayhem: He’s wanted to kill people but can’t because he knows he’ll feel bad.
Cat: is trying to help people but always scares them away unless they’re his classmates.
Mao: My boy Mao is DEAD dead. He’s stuck in a game boy, out in the elements, he’s a goner.
Miss Pey: she’s become a creepy clown for real now
Dr. Meep: Despite being a devil, he’s been he healing people.
Mrs. Dolly: She’s on a killing spree unless it’s the students or staff, then she cares for them.
Wasp: He’s created a shelter and guarding it with his life, planning to fill it with his family and the kids.
Bebe: He’s a baby werewolf, he THRIVES here.
Kara: she flies into the clouds and lives there.
Orion: He goes into the ocean and lives there.
Kaya: Even if she hasn’t directly killed anyone, she might as well have with the amount of food she’s stealing from everyone.
Brown: As a stuffed bear who can only move when certain people are looking at them, they’re not gonna last long.
Cosmo: He’s enjoying life sm. My boy loves the silence and only wishes Onixy were there so he could tell him how he’s finally figured out what being a mummy is (he rolled around in the sand)
Onixy: He’s looking for Cosmo to show a cool rock he found. He’s doing fine since he’s…dead.
Ms. Dia: Same as always, crying
The Missing Student: not even there
Edo: He’s looking for Iijey. He’ll kill any monsters on sight, and any human or humanoid if provoked. He’s not thriving, but he’s not dying either.
Dune: He’s killing to survive the best he possibly can.
AHM: This robot is destroyed
Iijey: She’s looking for Edo. She’s avoiding everyone unless she knows them. She’s too scared to kill anyone.
Muzafer: he’s hiding making origami.
Ruan: He’s broken ten bones by now
Wona: Carrying Ruan around
Nurse Breadingham: “Well darn” <- has expected this to happen to him for years now
Teppi: They’re Being annoying
Einar: he’s found a gorgeous spot to stay. He’s very tough thanks to the environments helping him (elf logic)
Kamari: Followinf Einar
Demetrius: he’s killed at least one human. Looking for Timoathus and Ray. “My baby boy must be here just like me!”
Timoathus: Looking for followers to create a kingdom on the island, himself as king.
Ki: Looking for any survivors, but having a hard time because sun (vampire logic)
Mimi: With Ki (vampire as well)
Eli: “I forgot to take my meds didn’t i”
Rook: Franticly trying to find a way off the island, he has probably killed someone on accident
Raine: He’s trying to become one with the earth and probably gets killed.
Kai: Killing everyone she sees because “what else can you do on a deserted island?”
Alex: As a zombie, they’re doing pretty good. Just vibing.
Inko: Panicking, as he’s never been in away from his house in a long time. He’s made a fortress and making anyone who finds it do a test to come in.
Sage: she’s flopped down somewhere, she’s gonna die soon
Timothy: He’s made a group of people and trying to create a temporary base.
Maple: She’s looking for entertainment somewhere.
Joseph Dolly: Celebrating being freed from the vampire Vanata’s house then says “ok but where am i”
Vanata: Gets burned from the sun (vampire logic)
Shoto: Crying cuz his BOOKS ARE GONE
Dove: Sleeping
Rosetta: has created a whole new ecosystem somehow
Riley: she’s looking for Kara
Dawn: she’s still doing the only thing she can: looking for her son.
The Lab of KoriLampis
James: he’s crying, scared somewhere. He’s 7 give him a break
Dr. KoriLampus: he’s trying to figure out where he is, how to leave, and study the ecosystem.
Sophie: she created her own puddle of herself to wait for help.
Luey: She’s still asleep.
Midnight: Killing any animal he sees to try it as food.
Cloudy: Scarinf people
Jasper: She’s scared, she’s still 9, but she’s also trying to survive.
Ghosts! (This is an incomplete list lol-)
Naomi: she’s no where to be seen until help arrives
Eve: She’s wondering how she’s gonna get home for dinner in time
Delusion: On her way to fistfight god for a couple of grapes and a half full bottle of water.
Vex: She’s following Delusion (LESBIAN POWER COUPLE)
Bella: She’s done nothing and plans on doing nothing for the next few days
West: He’s exploring and mapping the place island.
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eldritchsurveys · 2 months
by joybucket
1. When was the last time you went to church? >> It's been years. 2. If you could trade hair with any one person, whose hair would you choose have, and why? >> I don't want to trade hair with anyone.
3. How many pairs of pajama pants do you own that have animals on them? >> None of my pajama/lounge pants have animals on them.
4. If you own any pajamas with animals on them, what animals are they? >> The closest to animal pjs I have are the multiple pants I have with a Stitch pattern on them. I still don't know how the fuck everyone in that movie was like "yeah, sure, this is totally just a weird dog", lmao.
5. If you wanted to get a dog that looked like you, which breed of dog would you get, and why? >> I... do not look like a dog.
6. Do you have a hard time letting go of things? >> Depends on the thing, don't it.
7. When was the last time you experienced a miracle, and what was it? .
8. When was the last time you colored in an adult coloring book? >> Years ago. I have a bunch of them, I just never use them anymore.
9. How many cellphones have you owned in your lifetime? >> Too many. 10. Name one celebrity who is the same age as you. >> Kendrick Lamar.
11. How old were you when you had your first crush? .
12. Was your first crush on a male or female? .
13. Do you think you look better with long hair or short hair? >> I prefer how I look with long hair, but I can't afford it.
14. Have you ever had to apply for disability? >> I've gone through that application process multiple times.
15. ....and if so, what happened? >> I was usually approved after a denial or two. The last time it took two years. I can't apply anymore because I'm married to a working person.
16. What is your favorite board game? .
17. Do you think you look better with curly or straight hair? .
18. What is one unpopular opinion you have? >> It makes no fucking sense to measure things like the usefulness of astrology and the existence of gods using scientific metrics and I'm sick of people doing that. 19. What is your favorite photo editing app on your phone? .
20. What is one video game you used to love to play but haven't played in years? 🎮 >> Guitar Hero. Our Xbox 360 RROD'd a couple of years ago, so I can't play anymore. Even if I could, it's likely the flimsy controllers would break after a while, and they're virtually impossible to replace now that that whole franchise and every one like it is out of production.
21. How many of your grandparents are alive currently? .
22. What is one medication you will never take again, and why? 💊 .
23. What is your favorite thing about your life right now? >> Video games.
24.....and what is your least favorite? >> Loneliness.
25. In your opinion, what are three of the most disgusting foods ever? >> Oh, I don't know. I'm not really disgusted by many foods. 26. Do you believe in God? >> The God you're talking about does not play a role in my life.
27. What are three emojis you use a lot? >> 💀😂🖤
28. Do you keep your clothes in a dresser or a closet? >> A wardrobe.
29. What is your least favorite household chore, and why? >> Cleaning a bathroom. It disgusts and repulses me beyond compare.
30. What is your favorite insect, and why? >> Oh, so many. Mantises, stick insects, fig wasps, moths, bees, I just really like bugs.
31. What is your LEAST favorite insect, and why? >> Probably the German cockroach or the bedbug. For reasons I'm sure you can figure out.
32. Do you follow any sort of special diet, and if so, what? >> I do not.
33. Have you ever had an eating disorder? >> Nothing so formal as that. I've had disordered eating habits, but not a full-blown disorder.
34. Do you consider yourself spiritual? >> I do not. That means nothing to me. I have my share of beliefs and practices and preferences, and I have a complex and multifaceted relationship with divinity.
35. Are you happy with your life right now? Why or why not? >> Eh. I mean, sometimes I am, despite The Horrors. But mostly I am intensely dissatisfied, for reasons that I feel like I hash out in surveys all the time already.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Were you always one of those kids who got in trouble with everyone around? Nah I wouldn't say it ever got that bad but I did have a bit of an attitude problem back when I used to be a pain in the ass of a kid. I was on the extreme antisocial side and understandably that gave off shitty impressions towards everybody.
When was the last time you took a nap? Did it relax you any? Yesterday I slept from like 1 to 5 PM because my lunch was so heavy and so damn good lmao. Yes, it was a great nap and I had felt even better knowing that the next day (today) was going to be a holiday.
Honestly, do you see yourself as a slut? Nope.
Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? Yes. Things I've kept from them greatly surpass things I have shared.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever been through?: Sorry for giving the same boring answer lol but that would be the time I experienced a relationship failing in 2020.
Have you ever had your heartbroken?: Sure.
Do you think Enrique Iglesias is sexy? :P: Not in particular.
Can you text quickly?: Yes. I'll get typos here and there but for the most part my fingers work fairly fast.
Do you like fast food or does it disgust you?: I like fast food, but it also depends on the brand.
Which singer’s vocals would you love to steal?: IU! Or Se So Neon's Soyoon.
What’s your favourite shop?: Nike.
Have you got a hairdresser that you can trust?: Yes.
Are you a deep or light sleeper?: Very deep, but I'm also good at waking up when I need to wake up...if that makes sense? I can sleep through loud noises and all but if, say, I have a calltime of 4 AM, my body is usually able to wake itself up at around 3 AM.
Do you wear a lot of make up?: No. Foundation and concealer are enough to make me happy.
Do you get nervous before exams? Only if I completely know nothing about the subject because then it's like how the fuck do I even begin answering the questions lol. That's happened many times to me in subjects like calculus and economics where I just simply fail to learn anything in the days leading up to the test. And since I was a shy student I also never, like, felt bold enough to ask questions or request for a 1-on-1 with my teachers, so there have definitely been exams where I knew from the very beginning that I was headed towards a 68 (the lowest mark my school gave).
Does the weather influence your mood?: Only if my emotions were already strong to begin with. Like if I was already in high levels of stress, encountering rain would most likely make me cry. Otherwise no, not really.
Who was the last person you kissed?: Some person.
What’s your favourite alcoholic drink?: Peach soju.
Do you watch Big Brother?: Nopes.
Do you like the smell of BBQs?: I've never been to a barbecue party (doesn't happen here) but I like the general scent of barbecue.
Do you crash on people’s sofas often?: I have never done that.
Have you left school or not?: Yes, three years ago.
Can you keep a secret?: Yes.
Have you ever been trapped in a fire?: No.
Do wasps scare you?: They do. Anything that flies and has a super loud buzz really lol, so like wasps, blowflies, bees...
Have you ever had to spend the night at a hospital? Once, when I was 12.
Are you currently trying to get over someone? No.
Have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours? At many points their hair was longer, yes.
Have you ever bought clothing online? Yes. My last shopping spree was done online.
Have you ever worn flip flops in the snow? I have never encountered snow.
Do you wear Roxy, Billabong, or Volcom? No.
How old were you when you met your first love? I was 13, I think.
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suckitsurveys · 1 year
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap? I like the foaming soaps best.
What’s the speed limit on your street? I’m not sure, there aren’t signs posted and I don’t know the laws regarding side streets like that. I THINK the limit is 30mph unless otherwise posted, but I can’t find something that confirms that for small side streets.
When was the last time you wore your favourite article of clothing? I am wearing one of them right now. It’s a black Fleetwood Mac hoodie with the Rumors album cover on it.
Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday? The next one is my sister’s in July.
On a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best, rate your last kiss. Always a 5 :) .
What is your favourite flavour of Jolly Ranchers? Watermelon.
Where was your Facebook profile picture taken? Starved Rock Stater Park.
Do your parents smoke? My mother did.
Would you rather bake cookies or a potato? Definitely depends on my mood.
Who was the last person to stay the night at your house? My niece.
Do you live close to a park? Yes, there’s one right around the corner.
Is your favourite animal endangered? One of them is.
Have you eaten pizza in the last week? I have. There was pizza for lunch/dinner yesterday at the event I worked.
Who was the last person you added to your contacts list? One of the people I worked with at the event I just mentioned.
How long does it take you to shower? like 10-20 minutes depending.
Do you prefer a brand of bottled water over others, or is it all the same? I don’t really care, but I tend to favor Smart Water thanks to a certain spokesperson lol.
Have you used Wikipedia today? I tried to find out one of the new SNL cast members’ birthday and the first search result was a snippet from their Wiki page, if that counts.
Are you better at writing fiction or non-fiction? Neither.
Do you know anyone who has moved to a different state? Yes, a handful of people I went to high school with have moved to different states, as well as a couple cousins.
How many pens can you see from where you’re sitting? A bunch. I have a pen/pencil cup on my desk that I like to keep well stocked lol.
Have you ever dated someone one grade/year above or below you? I never really dated anyone in school.
What language do you think you’d be good at? I don’t know. What language do you think you’d fail at? I don’t know.
Do you still have a landline phone at your house? Nope.
What is your current desktop background? Here at work it’s a fan art drawing of the mountains of “Hollywoo” from BoJack, including the sign and.BoJack’s house.
How big is the television you last watched? It’s 55in.
Have you ever been stung by a bee or a wasp? Nah.
How many schools have you been to in your lifetime? Preschool, K-8th, high school. two colleges.
What is the middle name of the last person you texted? Allen.
Are you of legal age in your country? Yes.
Why did you last visit a doctor? New glasses.
Would you prefer an ice cream cake or a regular cake? Both are good.
How old is your best friend? 29, 34, 35, 39.
What is/was your high school’s mascot? Wildcats.
Do you carry pain relievers with you at all times? No. But I have a “travel” backpack that has essentials in it that I take if I am going to be gone somewhere all day, and that includes pain relievers.
Where is your mother right now? Dead.
What was the last thing to make you smile? Something my coworkers were talking about.
Are you currently saving up for anything? A new mattress. And spending money for when Ellen and Sarah are here.
What’s the view like from your bedroom window? We are in the basement and our bedroom window is level with the driveway.
Generally speaking, do you prefer sweet or savoury? They have different connotations for me. Like “savory” is a whole meal and “sweet” is just a dessert or treat, so they are different and I can’t really choose one over the other?
What would you do if you got home and you saw your house had been destroyed? Blah.
When did you last go outside, and what for? Earlier this morning when I came to work.
Who is your favourite Sesame Street character? Cookie Monster. Though the recent Elmo memes made me a fan.
How often do you check your emails? My job consists of me answering emails all day. And I only check my personal email if I am expecting something lol.
Do you have any plans for this Thanksgiving? Probably eat?
What colour is your backpack? I have a mini pink iridescent one I use daily.
Would you slap the last person you talked to for twenty dollars? No.
What search engine do you usually use? Google.
How much did the shirt you’re wearing cost? I’m not sure, I bought it a long time ago.
Patrick Stump or Pete Wentz? I’m good.
Do you know anyone who gives way too many hugs? A little bit, yeah.
What time do you usually wake up on Sundays? Depends.
Have you whispered today? Probably. I’m always whispering shit to myself lol.
What grade did you get on the last test you took? I have no idea.
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ieatsurveys · 2 years
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap? Liquid. Bar's freak me out due to everyone touching it. But, I do live by myself, so it wouldn't matter.
What's the speed limit on your street? I want to say 45.
When was the last time you wore your favourite article of clothing? Erm, I can't even remember what I wore yesterday.
Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday?  Me. 
On a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best, rate your last kiss. 12/10. He was a good kisser. *shrugs*
What is your favourite flavour of Jolly Ranchers? I don't eat Jolly Ranchers because they get stuck in my teeth.
Where was your Facebook profile picture taken? At a Starbucks bathroom. WHAT OF IT?
Do your parents smoke? No.
Would you rather bake cookies or a potato? The comparison to those two items aren't even close.
Who was the last person to stay the night at your house? Jeff.
Do you live close to a park? Yes.
Is your favourite animal endangered? No.
Have you eaten pizza in the last week? Yes.
Who was the last person you added to your contacts list? I don't remember.
How long does it take you to shower? 15 minutes.
Do you prefer a brand of bottled water over others, or is it all the same? Yes.
Have you used Wikipedia today? I haven't.
Are you better at writing fiction or non-fiction? Fiction.
Do you know anyone who has moved to a different state? Yes :(
How many pens can you see from where you’re sitting? I can't.
Have you ever dated someone one grade/year above or below you? I mean, in high school, yeah.
What language do you think you’d be good at? I'm already good at sign language.
What language do you think you’d fail at? Meh. Mandarin.
Do you still have a landline phone at your house? No.
What is your current desktop background? Outer space.
How big is the television you last watched? 55 inch?
Have you ever been stung by a bee or a wasp? Yes.
How many schools have you been to in your lifetime? A few.
What is the middle name of the last person you texted? I don't know his middle name.
Are you of legal age in your country? Sure am.
Why did you last visit a doctor? Follow up.
Would you prefer an ice cream cake or a regular cake? Ice cream. I don't like cake.
How old is your best friend? My age. 33. We'll both be 34 in April. Oof.
What is/was your high school’s mascot? Hawks.
Do you carry pain relievers with you at all times? Nah. Where is your mother right now? Home.
What was the last thing to make you smile? Don't know.
Are you currently saving up for anything? Yes.
What’s the view like from your bedroom window? Bushes. Generally speaking, do you prefer sweet or savoury? Savory. What would you do if you got home and you saw your house had been destroyed? How do you think I would react? When did you last go outside, and what for? To get out of the car.
Who is your favourite Sesame Street character? Big Bird.
How often do you check your emails? Often. Delete? Now that's a whole different story.
Do you have any plans for this Thanksgiving? To eat.
What colour is your backpack? Blue.
Would you slap the last person you talked to for twenty dollars? Yes.
What search engine do you usually use? Google.
How much did the shirt you’re wearing cost? It was free.
Patrick Stump or Pete Wentz? I'm good.
Do you know anyone who gives way too many hugs? No.
What time do you usually wake up on Sundays? Early.
Have you whispered today? No.
What grade did you get on the last test you took? I don't know.
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shintsukibot · 2 years
Based on this post
Meet the Blogger
- Name: Shintsuki (online name), in real life I’m called Carol but that’s a nickname.
- Eye Color: Dark chocolate brown
- Hair Style/Color: Dark chestnut with caramel gold highlights scattered throughout
- Height: 5'6
- Clothing style: Loose clothing, lots of hoodie shirts, tight jeans, oversized hoodie jackets, a lot of my clothes had horizontal stripes. I wear mostly combinations of “cool” colors like blues, grays, teals, purples, blacks, white, and a few greens and beiges.
- Best physical feature: I’ve been told it’s either my naturally wavy hair or my skinny but sprint-built legs. I personally feel like it’s my long, thin rectangular build.
- Your fears: Bees and wasps, genitals, my parents being disappointed in me, being stared at by a crowd.
- Your guilty pleasure: I have a huge thing for smooth, lordly masculine voices and I’ve collected comps of some of my favorites, not that I’d ever show them to anyone.
- Ambitions for the future: I want to sell art for money as a side hustle, want to travel to Japan for at least a week, and own a ferret.
- Your first thoughts waking up: “Damn it, that was a nice dream/Oh thank God that was a weirdass dream.”
- What you think about most: “When I gonna have some time to draw my latest weird idea.”
- What you think about before bed: “I hope I can fly again.”
- You think your best quality is: Curiosity
- Single or group dates: Single, I like one-on-one with no audience to keep up with.
- To be loved or respected: Both must go hand in hand or it’s not genuine.
- Beauty or brains: Brains, it’s what actually gets you far in life.
- Dogs or cats: Birds are where it’s at, man. Both are cool but, cmon. Freakin birds are rad.
- Lie: All the time, it’s a bad habit that I’m trying to break.
- Believe in yourself: Rarely
- Believe in love: Yes, but I doubt I’ll find it in a partner.
- Want someone: Sexually, no. As a committed partner to live side-by-side with? I definitely want that.
- Been on stage: Yes, I was in a music group and was a stage hand once.
- Done drugs: I used prescribed stimulants once with a psychiatrist’s notice for my ADHD but only for six months before I decided to stop since it affected my appetite.
- Changed who you were to fit in: Tons of times, I honestly don’t know what I really am to this day.
- Favorite color: Turquoise
- Favorite animal: Any bird, ferrets, and dragonflies
- Favorite movie: Interstellar and/or Inception. Yeah I like Chris Nolan’s weird concept movies.
- Favorite game: Any Kirby game, I adore Kirby
- Day your next birthday will be: April 25th
- How old will you be: 22
- Does age matter: Yes, age determines your physical maturity and it is usually telling about what and how someone perceives the world on a psychological scale. Spiritually, the soul is very detached from the body. I consider myself an old soul in a young body.
Also here’s a face reveal for no reason lol (Eeeeeeeewwweeww):
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toxicanaconda · 6 years
Hey yall i just had a 15 minute stand off with a big ass wasp in my room hows ur night goin
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korstudying · 3 years
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Week 4 vocabulary
안녕하세요~ If you have been following my blog, you’ll know that I am currently studying in South Korea. I decided to share the vocabulary I have to learn every week. So if you want to study in Korea, this might be a fun little challenge for you to try and keep up! This is the actual pace, so a great way to get into the Korean study vibes~~
All the vocabulary can be found on memrise.
to sleep - 자다
to get up - 일어나다
to wash - 씻다
to eat - 먹다
to drink - 마시다
to rest - 쉬다
to watch - 보다
to meet - 만나다
to say goodbye - 헤이지다
to ask something - 물어보다
to teach - 가르치다
to learn - 배우다
to read - 읽다
to listen - 듣다
to write - 쓰다
to like - 좋아하다
to dislike - 싫어하다
to start - 시작하다
to finish - 끝나다
to give - 주다
to receive - 받다
To buy - 사다
to play - 놀다
zero (native) - 영
one (native) - 하나
two (native) - 둘
three (native) - 셋
four (native) - 넷
five (native) - 다섯
six (native) - 여섯
seven (native) - 일곱
eight (native) - 여덟
nine (native) - 아홉
ten (native) - 열
twenty (native) - 스물
counter for items - 개
counter for people (polite) - 명
counter for people (formal) - 분
counter for paper - 장
counter for shoes, socks, gloves - 켤레
counter for clothes - 벌
counter for cups - 잔
counter for berries, flowers - 송이
counter for cars, electronics - 대 
counter for animals - 마리
counter for books - 권
counter for bottles - 병
to dye (hair) - 염색하다
to ride a bike - 자전거 타다
Review - 복습
number, figure - 숫자
alone - 혼자
washing machine - 세탁기
washing room - 세탁실
laundry detergent - 세제
soap - 비누
vaccuum - 청소기
and - 그리고
but - 하지만
road - 길
professional/public kitchen - 주방
Roommate - 룸마이트
AM - 오전
PM - 오후
bare - handed exercise - 맨손운동
nephew - 조카
Wife's little sister - 저제
thirty (native) - 서른
forty (native) - 마흔
fifty (native) - 쉰
sixty (native) - 예순
seventy (native) - 일흔
eighty (native) - 여든
ninety (native) - 아흔
Cake - 케이크
watermelon - 수박
smell - 냄새
carton drink box - 팩
postcard - 엽서
can - 캔
plastic bag - 봉지
do you want a plastic bag? - 봉지 드릴까요?
insect - 곤충
mosquito - 모기
fly (animal) - 파리 (동물)
worm - 벌레
shrimp - 새우
centipede - 지네
spider - 거미
ant - 개미
shellfish - 조개
oyster - 굴
bee - 벌
wasp - 말벌
sea animals - 해산동물
fish - 생선
octopus - 문어
squid - 오징이
pig - 돼지
horse - 말
grape - 포도
banana - 바나나
cherry tomato - 방울 토마토
leaflet - 전단지
What date? - 며칠이에요?
What day is it? - 무슨 요일이에요?
Sunday - 일요일
Monday - 월요일
Tuesday - 화요일
Wednesday - 수요일
Thursday - 목요일
Friday - 금요일
Saturday - 토요일
January - 일월
February - 이월
March - 삼월
April - 사월
May - 오월
June - 유월
July - 칠월
August - 팔월
September - 구월
October - 시월
November - 십일월
December - 십이월
One o'clock - 한 시
Two o'clock - 두 시
Three o'clock - 세 시
Four o'clock - 네 시
Five o'clock - 다섯 시
Six o'clock - 여섯 시
Seven o'clock - 일곱 시
Eight o'clock - 여덟 시
Nine o'clock - 아홉 시
Ten o'clock - 열 시
Eleven o'clock - 열한 시
Twelve o'clock - 열두 시
what - 무슨
From -  - 부터
To, until -  - 까지
appointment - 약속
good - 좋아요
how are you? - 잘 지내요?
holiday - 휴일
so, therefore - 그래서
Parents - 부모님
why - 왜
children's day - 어린이날
parent's day - 어버이닐
Teacher's day - 스승의 날
calender - 달력
Zoom - 줌
public health - 보건소
student ID - 학번
National foundation day - 개천절
Hangeul day - 한글날
Online - 온라인
to chat - 채팅하다
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elvencantation · 2 years
i got stung by a wasp on my calf this weekend. never happened to me before so that was fun. i’ve been stung once by a bee before but i was like 12. don’t remember it very well except i cried and my mom held a cool cloth to the sting on my shoulder. whatever
so it hurt for a bit while we finished the walk, about thirty minutes. then randomly yesterday it becomes a red rash and starts itching. according to the internet that’s not abnormal. but cortizone and aloe don’t really help. put on some aloe before sleep anyway
then i wake up at three am realizing that i’ve been itching it in my sleep
ugh. so i’m up. having taken some ibuprofen, managed to find a giant bandage to cover it with so hopefully no more sleep itching happens, though somehow i doubt it’ll help. put some cortizone on the bandaid but it wasn’t quite big enough to cover the entire area so some of it is covered by the sticky part instead of the pad. hope that doesn’t come to bite me in the ass later. ughhhhh this is so annoying
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winged-eggers · 3 years
Hi everyone i've been poking at ~Color Vision~ on Floralia! I'm also testing out tumblr's Beta editor so bear with me.
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Humans are trichromats with cones that detect Red, Green, and Blue. The insect people of Floralia, however, detect Green, Blue, and Ultraviolet. They can't see Red; the more "pure" red an object is, the blacker it appears to them. The Apocritans (Wasps, Bees, and Ants) can see greenish yellows, while the Lepidopterans (Butterflies and Moths) can see a bit further into orange. This doesn't mean the world they see is bland and lacking in color, however - there's a whole hidden world of colors and patterns only visible in the Ultraviolet spectrum. I've used Bright Purple as shorthand for things reflecting UV here, but who the fuck knows what it really looks like to them. I'm just a human using a human computer screen. I also am not going to go into a research hellhole trying to figure out the exact UV reflectance of various materials are So There.
[Real Earth Bees can see closer to orange, and Real Earth Butterflies have wild ultra color vision shit going on depending on the species; The ranges I chose for Floralians are based more around fruit flies, since my Floralian insect people share a common Dipteran ancestor.]
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The Spiders have more complicated things going on; their color vision is different between their primary and auxiliary eyes. Their main eyes are tetrachromatic, being able to detect Red, Green, Blue, and Ultraviolet. They're one of the few creatures native to Floralia that can see real red! Their auxiliary eyes, however, don't have the extra red detection ability - OR the visual acuity of their main eyes. Those extra eyes mostly just exist to watch for major hazards and moving objects, and never had a reason to gain the RedVision(tm).
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Just for good measure, I applied the same process to Taranza as well. He doesn’t have anything fancy going on in the UV range, except for a patch of UV-absorbent pigment under his primary eyes that help reduce some glare.
Just imagine the cultural implications of these differing color detection abilities! For starters, the insect people aren't likely to take much interest in objects that appear red to us, unless said objects have something fancy going on in the UV range. A Bee Person (Beerson) wearing a lot of bright red clothes is probably a goth. Spiders might gain a mystical reputation for being able to see things that insect people have difficulty with. All glass appear tinted to some degree. Wait stop I CANNOT be going down the UV reflectance research hellhole hold o
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aprilbrowines · 2 years
Picnic Panic
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Summary: Sonya planned a picnic lunch for her and Howie but it seems to have went wrong.
Sonya tapped her foot, she didn’t want to be that gal but she was a bit impatient. Earlier this week she asked Howie if he would like to have a picnic with her.
It took a lot of compromise and persuading on her part but he accepted, Now wearing a pretty light sundress with her wide brimmed hat she couldn’t see hide nor hair of Him.
“He probably got called for a last minute job…” She thought as she looked at her phone. She looked up to see a familiar figure walking towards her.
“Sorry, I’m late” He said “Last minute reconstruction of a bank took some time.”
Howie looked oddly casual. Instead of his work attire he wore a dark blue plaid shirt and brown pants. The sight of him made her heart flutter.
“Well then.” She said “Let’s not waste time with our stomach empty.” Sonya unfolds the blanket on the ground and places the basket on it. He shrugs sitting on the blanket as Sonya takes out the food and utensils. She opens the lid of the basket and finds two containers of fried chicken, summer fruits and a bottle of wine. “This looks great.” He said looking into the container
She turns to his side to look at him. He was smiling at her looking handsome in his pants and button up shirt. He is always attractive in any clothes he wears. This time he seemed slightly more relaxed which was unusual. Sonya smiled back, “Thanks for doing this with me.” She said “I can’t believe we didn't get to do this earlier so I decided today is a good day to go out and have a picnic.”
“That sounds nice” Howie said, Sonya noticed his eyes were fixated on her face. His gaze was soft. “You know you don’t need to thank me right?” He said “As long as you're happy.”
Sonya felt her cheeks turn pink. “I am” She said, trying to play off her embarrassment but failed. She saw Howie raise an eyebrow, smirking slightly as she tried to cover her red cheeks.
“What are you looking at?” She said, glaring at Howie.
Howie laughed softly “You’re adorable when you blush” he teased.
Before she could answer she heard a light buzzing and noticed a wasp landed on her plate. She froze in fear as she kept her eye on the insect, "Howie help." she peeped out
He sighed "Don't worry it's not gonna hurt you if you stay calm." he says Sonya takes slow and deep breaths as she relaxes. Howie reached over and grabbed her hand. "There you go." He said as he gave her his hand. She slowly goes over to Howie's side and takes a plastic cup from the basket, thinking quickly she captures the wasp in the cup.
She then holds the plate keeping the bug inside and carefully picks it up. "You okay?" He asks Sonya nods still holding the plate "Yeah yeah" She said "Just got startled by a little bee" she smiles at Howie placing a rock on the plate "Now let’s dig in shall we?"
They both sit there quietly enjoying their food and savoring the sweet wine when they hear buzzing again, this time more aggressive. From afar Howie spots a swarm of wasps approaching. He grabs Sonya who was eating and runs from the swarm.
“GAH! What the-”
“Hold on tight!” He said to her as he ran to the nearest safe place.
He dodged and weaved trying to outrun the stinging cloud while holding Sonya close to him, While his expression was stony she could hear his heart beating rapidly. Was he scared as well?
The buzzing got closer as she closed her eyes bracing herself for the stings when she felt herself getting tossed a car, Howie closed it shut sealing the windows up. As Sonya opened her eyes she noticed that she was wearing Howie's shirt when she checked on him and gasped.
A quarter of his body was badly stung as he was wearing only a white tank, Howie must have used his shirt as a way to protect her from the wasps.
After recovering most of the food and going back home, Sonya treated Howie’s wasp stings. He noticed that she was quiet, which was slightly usual for her. As she was applying a cold pack on him he cleared his throat.
“It’s a shame that our picnic was cut short.” he said to her, “It was kinda pleasant apart from the wasp attack…”
Sonya sniffed a bit, “I shouldn’t have…”
“It’s not your fault, you didn’t make the wasp attack,” he said, stopping her.
“But you got hurt damn!” she said slapping the cold pack hard on him making Howie wince, She gasped.
“Ah! I’m sorry!”
“It’s fine, my skin’s pretty rough so I can take a couple of stings. He said “Your silky skin on the other hand would have swelling and reddening like a tomato. Sonya blinked back in confusion.
“Was that a complement?”
“Might have been.”
She blushes when she hears the microwave beeping and quickly goes to get it. She comes back with a honey bun and a scoop of raspberry sorbet. “I thought you would like some dessert for your rescue.” she said smiling softly
“Heh thanks.”
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lailoken · 3 years
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“Elder (Sambucus nigra), also known as boor or bour tree.
Elder is one of the most enigmatic plants in British folk tradition. On one hand it is feared and associated with WITCHES and on the other it is valued for its protective qualities, as a fly repellent, and for its use in many herbal remedies.
The whole plant hath a narcotic smell; it is not well to sleep under its shade. [Withering, 1776: 186]
[In Leitrim, Waterford and the south of Ireland] the elder or 'bore' tree is believed to have been the tree from which Judas Iscariot hanged himself. The proof of which is the fact that its leaves have an 'ugly smell', and, moreover, that its fruit has since degenerated from its original size and excellent flavour, and become worthless both as to size and taste. [Anon., 1916: 425]
It was said at Beckley that if you burn elder wood you will become bewitched. You never cut it down. In Wootton they say that the elder is a witch tree. You should not mend a wattle hedge with it, as it will give the witches power. If you cut it, it will bleed. [Oxfordshire Women's In- stitute groups, 1950s]
Unlucky to burn Tramman [elder], it is the FAIRIES’ tree. [Lezayre, Isle of Man, c.1975; Manx Folklife Survey]
Normally in the Isle of Man elder is the fairies' tree which is unlucky to cut down, or burn when fallen. I was told in 1992 by a forestry worker of his pleasure that a large elder had blown over into the field adjoining his garden and thus relieved him of the need to find someone willing to remove it. [Union Mills, Isle of Man, October 1993]
Elder flowers—it is alright to pick the flowers for wine or culinary use, but the tree is a friend of witches and the wood should never come into the house. [Ashreigney, Devon, July 1983]
Elder—unlucky to bring either flowers or wood into a house: (a) because it is the witches' tree, (b) because it was believed that Judas Iscariot hanged himself from an elder tree, (c) because if you fall asleep under elder flowers the scent will poison you or you will never wake up. [Driffield, Humber- side, March 1985]
Collecting firewood from the hedges surrounding the cottage and returning happily laden, but being accused of bringing bits of elder into the house—it was considered unlucky to use these to light a fire. [Bow Street, Dyfed, October 1984]
The only unlucky plant which I have heard of is the elder tree, which the old people looked upon as unlucky. As I have heard the old people say, it was unhealthy to have an elder tree growing near the house as it was often noted the inhabitants seemed more prone to TUBERCULOSIS or 'Consumption' as it was known in Ireland in the old days. However, as TB was rampant all over the country at that time, I don't know if the belief would have any significance. My own people however would not cut down an elder bush or burn it no matter how old or rotten it was. Nor allow an elder stick in the house, and it would be an unforgivable act to strike a child or even an animal with one. [Kill Village, Co. Kildare, October 1984]
The family name dies out on the property where the elder grows in the kitchen garden. [Skibbereen, Co. Cork, January 1993]
Do you know the Rollright Stones in Oxfordshire? You can't count them; you never get the same number twice. In the next field there is a big stone called King Arthur, and there are various stones called after his Knights around. There are some elder bushes nearby. We used to go there as children on our bicycles and try to count the stones. We were told that if we picked a flower or a berry from these elderberry bushes we would be turned into stone. We used to dare each other to pick a berry or a flower, but no one ever did. [Mitcham, Surrey, May 1986]
However, in the early part of the nineteenth century:
On Midsummer Eve, when the 'eldern' tree was in blossom, it was a custom for people to come up to the King Stone and stand in a circle. Then the 'eldern' was cut, as it bled 'the King moved his head.' [Evans, 1895: 20]
Sometimes it was thought that wood, berries, or flowers could be safely taken from an elder only if the tree's permission had been sought first.
Hearing one day that a baby in a cottage close to my own was ill, I went across to see what was the matter. Baby appeared right enough, and I said so; but its mother promptly explained. 'It were all along of my maister's thick 'ed; it were in this how: t'rocker cummed off t'cradle, an' he hedn't no more gumption than to mak' a new ’un out on illerwood without axing the Old Lady's leave, an' in coorse she didn't like that, and she came and pinched t'wean that outrageous he were a'most black i' t' face; but I bashed 'un off, an putten an' esh 'un on, an' t'wean is as gallus as owt agin.' This was something quite new to me, and the clue seemed worth following up. So going home I went straight down to my backyard, where old Johnny Holmes was cutting up firewood—‘chopping kindling,' as he would have said. Watching the opportunity, I put a knot of elder-wood in the way and said, 'You are not feared of chopping that are you ?' 'Nay, he replied at once, 'I bain't feared of choppin' him, he bain't wick (alive); but if her were wick I dussn't, not without axin’ the Old Gal's leave, not if it were ever so'.. . (The words to be used are): 'Oh, them's slape enuff.' You just says, 'Owd Gal, give me of thy wood, and Oi will give some of moine, when I graws inter a tree.' [Heanley, 190I: 55]
If you chop an elder tre e or fell it, you should bow three times and say:
Old Woman, Old Woman, Give me some of your wood And when I am dead I'll give you some of mine. [Whitwick, Leicestershire, August 1983]
[Staffordshire, 1930s:] my mother said it was the thing if one wanted blossoms or fruit from an elder tree to say 'Please Mother Elder may I have .. .' [Ponsanooth, Cornwall, November 1993]
In addition to records of elder being inauspicious, there are many rec- ords of it being a beneficial, protective tree.
[In Northumberland] an old man told me that his aunt used to keep a piece of bour tree, or elder, constantly in her kist (chest) to prevent her clothes from malign influence. [Hardy, 1895: 325]
In south Wales it was deemed very dangerous to build any premises on or near the spot where an eldertree stood. In the past an elder planted before the door of a cow-shed or stable protected the cows and horses from witchcraft and sorcery. [Trevelyan, 1909: 103]
[In Scotland elder was] often planted near old crofts and cottages as protection from witches. [Webster, 1978: 342]
[In Guernsey elder] had to be planted as near as possible to the back door, the most used entrance, since it was a sacred tree and a good protection against witchcraft. [McClintock, 1987: 33]
[In Ireland] it is considered lucky to have an elderberry bush grow near your house, especially if it is "self-set'. [Bracknell, Berkshire, August 1984]
Mother used elder leaves to make a pattern on the floor-bricks. Painting around them with red paint. Making the cross with elder leaves. This was an old custom, going back to her grandmother's time, so the custom had to be continued despite the time-consuming nature of the work. [Bow Street, Dyfed, March 1984]
Elder: this was called Boortree... The leaves were boiled and the water used to dose pigs. For this purpose, and because it was supposed to be a protection against LIGHTNING, there was a tree of it at every house. It can still be seen growing in places where there are no houses now, but where houses were years ago. [Lenamore, Co. Longford, April 1991]
Family folklore passed on to me includes . . . one should plant a ROWAN and elder tree and never cut them down, in order to keep witches away. [Parkstone, Dorset, June 1991]
I can remember as a child elder growing around the wooden bottom-of-the-garden 'lavvy' at my uncle's farm near Brentwood, Essex, and many other similar loos with elder adjacent. I was told that the elder would live 'almost for ever', as if one root died off another would spring from a fallen branch or twig. They were treated with 'respect' as they kept away bad magic—no one used the word 'witches'—but the inference was there. [Yafforth, North Yorkshire, January 1990]
More usually elder trees were planted around toilets and other build ings to deter FLIES.
Elder bushes are invariably to be seen outside the dairy windows on the north side of old-fashioned farmhouses in the Midlands. This was done because elder-leaves are supposed to be very objectionable to flies, wasps and other insects, the tree thus provided both shade and protection. For the same reason a switch of elder with leaves on is used when taking or driving a swarm of bees. [N &Q, 11 ser. 12: 489, 1915]
When inspecting a slaughter house [in Cornwall] a summer or two ago, I commented on the absence of flies, and was told that this was due to a large elder bush growing some feet away and that branches of elder in any building would keep flies away. [Peter, 1915: 123]
An elderberry tree was always grown near the house—I think it was to keep flies away. [Didcot, Oxfordshire, February 1991]
According to some friends of mine elderberry bushes were planted by water butts and outside privies so that the smell would keep the flies away. [Horseheath, Cambridgeshire, April 1991]
As a youth my late father worked on the land...Often handling horses it was common practice to tie bunches of elder leaves to the harness to ward off flies. [St Osyth, Essex, February 1989]
My wife, who comes from Northumberland, tells me that her mother used to make up a concoction with elder flower when she was a child. All the family washed their faces in it to keep virulent Northumbrian midges at bay. She remembers it smelling not too pleasant, and tended to keep other children away as well, so she would take the first opportunity to wash it off! [Hexham, Northumberland, June 1988]
About twelve years ago in Girton, Cambridge, a small swarm of bees (apparently known as a 'cast') settled on a plum tree in our garden, about six feet up. A neighbour, Mr C. G. Puck (now 84 years old), a retired shepherd and lifelong beekeeper, came to collect the bees. He removed the queen bee from the swarm and placed her under a small open wooden box inverted on the ground under the tree. He then asked for a sprig of elder and laid this about nine inches above the swarm, saying that the smell of it was disliked by bees, and by the early evening all the bees had moved into the box . . . He had learned of the use of elder in this fashion from his beekeeper father, in his native village of Thriplow, south Cambridgeshire. [Girton, Cambridge, May 1988]
On the Isle of Man:
Each old cottage has a 'trammon', or elderberry tree, outside the door. This is used by the 'Phynodderree' to swing in. He is a kind of faun who can bring much luck, and even helps materially in outside work. [Daily News, 27 January 1926]
[Fairies] liked most of all to swing and play in the elder trees, and these were always thought of as fairy trees in the Isle of Man. There wasn't a house or farm that didn't have its 'tramman' tree planted by the door or in the garden 'for the fairies'. Many of them are still to be seen; the single tree will soon have grown into a thicket, hiding the old ruined house, but a sure sign that a house once stood there . . . When the wind was blowing the branches, it was then that the fairies were believed to be riding the tramman trees, but it was said that they would desert a house or a farm where the trees had been cut down. This must have happened only very rarely: no-one would cut a branch of the tramman, let alone the tree itself, but if it was done the fairies grieved. [Killip, 1975: 35]
Regardless of whether elder is considered to be malevolent or protec- tive, most of the folk beliefs associated with the tree appear to be con- cerned with its protection and preservation. Two quotations from herbalists writing in the 1940s demonstrate the value of the elder tree.
[According to my [g*psy] friend] the healingest tree that on earth do grow be the elder, them sez, and take it all round I should say 'twas. [Quelch, 1941: 78]
[Elder has] the unusual distinction of being useful in every part. [Ransom, 1949: 55]
Thus it is possible that the various folk beliefs associated with elder were due, at least in part, to efforts to protect a valuable resource.
The period when elder flowered was sometimes considered to be a time when the weather was poor. In the Basingstoke area of Hampshire this time was known as the elderbloom winter [Maida Hill, Lon- don, December 1982], while in Cheshire:
Weather prophets say that if the weather breaks while the elder-flowers are coming out, it will be soaking wet (in Cheshire parlance, drabbly) until they fade. [Hole, 1937: 49]
Francis Bacon (1561–1626) recorded: 'They say' WARTS can be removed by rubbing them 'with a Green Elder Sticke and then bury- ing the Sticke to rot in Mucke' [Bacon, 1631: 258]. Similarly:
A 15-year-old girl, writing in 1954, says that her grandfather told her to pick a small twig of elderberry, touch her warts with it, chant the words, “Wart, wart, on my knee, Please go, one, two, three” and put it 'down the toilet'. [Opie, 1959: 315]
Elder is, perhaps, the wild plant most widely used in folk medicine.
Queen of all Forest [of Dean] remedies was 'ellum blow tea'...The flowers were gathered in the spring and hung up to dry in closed paper bags ... in the kitchen ... You dared not sneeze in the winter or down came the bag, a good handful was put in a jug, covered with boiling water, covered with a tea towel, and left to infuse. One had to force this evil-smelling brew down one's throat willy-nilly. I loathed it, and to this day can recall that smell of cats which emanated from it. Poultices of the mixture were used for SPRAINS, aches, etc., in joints, also for boils and 'gathered' fingers—whitlows and so on. It seemed to be a universal panacea; the only use it didn't have was for constipation . . . Elder berries were favoured too; they were boiled up with sugar, the resulting syrup strained, bottled, and used in winter for coughs and colds . . .There is not a Forester alive over the age of 70 who does not know ellum blow tea. [Cinder- ford, Gloucestershire, November 1993]
Elder berries when fried with mutton fat are used for BOILS and ULCERS. [IFCSS MSS 414: 43, Co. Clare]
Elder root when boiled and the water drank supposed to cure RHEUMAT- ISM. [IFCSS MSS 700: 35, Co. Meath]
An infusion of elder flowers in boiling water will alleviate PILES. [Horsted Keynes, West Sussex, February 1991]
A green ointment could be made from the leaves, based on mutton fat, and the creamy white flowers made Elderflower Water for the complexion. The flowers, dried in the sun and stored in a paper bag make a good remedy to break a hard COUGH and bring up phlegm. I always pick and dry some when they are in bloom, put the full of your fingers (one hand) in a mug, pour boiling water over and let it infuse for ten minutes. A little milk or fruit juice can be added. [Lenamore, Co. Longford, April 1991]
For flus and FEVERS
40 oz whiskey bottle. Pick, clean, weigh, one pound ripe elder berries. Delete the strings (most strings anyway) using a fork, and put berries into empty bottle. Add 4 lb sugar. Top up with a bottle (or most of a bottle) of whiskey. Seal well. Store for 3 months and strain. Use strongest spirit. Dose—Strong glass of this 'Elderfire'—add hot water (as hot as possible) and drink. Take 2 or 3 spoons of honey with drink. Repeat each night (or more frequently)–usually two nights is sufficient to clear the flu/fever results guaranteed. [Killarney, Co. Kerry, September 1991]
[My mother, who was 94 when she died in 1987] used to collect elder-flower in the spring, and dried it. In the winter if we had colds or flu, the elderflower was put in a jug covered with boiling water and put on the hob to stew. At night we were given this (strained) with sugar and a few drops of peppermint oil added. We were given a teacup full of this at night, and in the morning we had to drink half a cupful of this cold mixture. It was supposed to sweat out the fever. She used to tell me how she pulled me through PNEUMONIA by poulticing with hot flannel and sips of elderflower tea, day and night. [Hill, Worcestershire, October 1991]
When my three children were small and we had wintery weather (and it can be very cold up here at the foot of the Cairngorms), I made elder-flower wine, and when it was time for them coming from school I had three cups, bowl of sugar, bottle of elderflower wine and the kettle boiling, and I gave them a tody; they never had colds or flu. [Boat-of-Garten, Inverness-shire, November 1991]
Elder flowers and berries are widely collected by makers of homemade wines. The flowers can also be used in cooking [Ó’Ceirin, 1980: o1), and the fruits have been recommended as a substitute for currants [Ransom, 1949: 55]. Elder leaves have been used as a TOBACCO substitute.
Myself, my brother and a friend always smoked elder leaves when money was not available for tailor-made cigarettes. We spent much time in the woodland of Thetford Chase, where on our regular walks we would break down, but not completely snap off, small sprigs of the elder. We found that if we severed the supply of sap completely the leaves on the sprig would dry out resulting in a hot strong smoke. We found that if the leaves remained just slightly damp they were a quite pleasant smoke. It was obviously trial and error, sometimes they remained too wet to burn properly. We would stuff the leaves very lightly into the stems of various umbellifers...We actually prefered these cigarettes to the tailor-made, but they were not available during winter. [West Stow, Suffolk, November 1992]
Elder wood is characterized by its pith, which can be easily removed.
[On Colonsay] boys aspiring to be pipers made chanters of the young branches [of elder], which are full of pith and easily bored. [McNeill, 1910: 130].
Haw-blowers are made by scooping the pith out of an elder branch. Haws are blown through these. [IFCSS MSS 700: 338, Co. Meath]
The people of the parish were able to make toy guns. They got an elder stick about one and a half feet long and scraped out the inside. Then they got a stick about the same length and made it fit into the hole and then the gun was made. [IFCSS MSS 867: 132, Co. Kilkenny]
At the the beginning of the century children in parts of Devon used to make pop-guns' out of elder: they would force a hole through the pith, and then fashion a ram-rod out of HAZEL WOOD. Chewed paper would be rammed down the hollowed elder sticks, and pressed out with considerable force. Great sport ensued. [Lafonte, 1984: 35]
There was another use for the Boor tree in olden times. A suitable length was cut and seasoned, then the white pith in the centre was scraped out, lead was then melted and poured in. When set, this made a good weapon for protection on a journey or out walking at night...My aunt who was born in 1894 remembered one man who had such a stick. [Lenamore, Co. Longford, April 1991]
[In Horsefield, Cambridgeshire] for winter feeding one beekeeper used to make little troughs out of elder wood; he cut pieces about the thickness of a finger and five or six inches long, tapered off one end and removed the pith, and used them for replenishing the bees' honey by inserting this end in the exit hole. [Parsons MSS, 1952]”
Oxford Dictionary of Plant-Lore
by Roy Vickery
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buga-lugs · 3 years
llewellyn, a poem.
he walked down Queen’s Street,
one foot in front of the other.
he counted the steps he made down every road
every path
and every street.
and the people, the lovely people
women with vibrant coloured bags
and hats made of bird feathers and decorated with flowers,
men with the best made suits in all the city
pride in their step like they owned the world,
would not know
as they glanced up from their newspapers
while the street boys polished their shoes to a glimmer
until they could see their faces in them
as they saw his reflection in the shop windows
when they bought their meats and fruits.
they would not know,
not one of them,
they were looking at a man who had suffered
because death hung onto him like the clothes he wore
green plaid suit
the pain clung onto his skin
like the nasty smell of woods when you went camping.
the life had been drained
and refilled
and then drained again
because this man, the one who felt the need to
touch every flower and leaf he came across
who twirled around posts and
played hopscotch with himself in his mind
lost his parents when he was twelve years old
they died
and an orphan was birthed.
he was twelve, only twelve
when his sister left him
and it had not been for fifteen years later
when he found her again
sitting in a garden with her hair tied back and peace engraved
on her beautiful face
that resembled much of his own
fair and sweet.
nothing could compare to the hurt that stung his heart
like a bee
or a wasp
pricking into his skin with sharp points that drew blood
when his sister told him she did not want him
she did not want him
she did not want a man to be in her life
she did not want a brother to look after her
to cherish her and love her
to tell her no other man deserved her praise because she was too
good for them
pain never simmered in his stomach so long
his feet felt cold and blood boiled
breathing in hurt instead of air
and even though he had tried to love
again and again
pain crashed down
like an avalanche in the north of Canada
snow and ice falling down the cliff
it failed
he failed at love
little Hubert and Danny
the twins
he loved so hard and so passionate he fell for the traps of
a killer’s father
to shoot your own son, to take his life
and he fell, he framed
and prison didn’t look so far away
and then the detective laid out the photos
bloody and gore
little hubert laying there dead, blood soaked face and skin and
he knew it would never wash out
like the stinging sensation that overwhelmed his body
he cried
he cried for the brothers he lost
justice had been served, had it not?
so why didn’t he feel better?
he thought he may never feel love again
but just like the crimes
the murders
the gruesome tasks that came with his job
it never ended
he loved again,
but society torn it up for him
because loving a man was different than loving a woman
when you yourself was a man
living in a world where the law was built
to reward those who followed
what society wanted
the rules were constructed around the preference of those
who were too narrow minded to think love goes all ways
they kissed in the shadows
and passed along as friends
hidden in the footsteps of those who have hidden before them
and those before them
and those after would do the same
back alleyways were their safe space
dare charge jack walker, inspector? charge me!
indecency means many things,
but a crime as well
so charge me! i am as indecent as jack walker!
the man i had fell in love with,
the man who made me feel whole
the man who made me smile when no one else did
but oh, of course
there was a pattern here
a rule
a criteria
the way it always went,
because now jack walker was married
to a lovely lady
and he had a son,
named samuel, and he is the gosh darn cutest thing in the world
and the cycle continues, and nobody can know of the pain
because nobody needed to know
why share your broken heart when it’ll only be judged
rather than pieced back together by the kindness of words.
he is being owned by the law and yet
he enforces it.
george crabtree may
keep his money troubles secret,
an unspoken metaphor
for his own identity,
but that does not mean everyone else will.
so don’t you dare tell him he doesn’t understand
when you tell him of your troubles
of your grief
of your hurting heart,
of the way you don’t know how you’ll ever get back together
like a broken puzzle,
maybe the ones Murdoch keeps in his office
the building blocks a child uses
an unsolved chess game.
because he does know
he’s felt it
he’s felt it more than anyone.
yes your sorrow is valid but this man’s is too
rejected by society without saying a word
heartbroken because a man is not allowed to love him
a man who neglects him for the child he promised to raise
after vowing to be a caring and loyal husband,
jack walker is living a lie and he is watching from the sidelines
like his life is a sports game
perhaps basketballs
or hockey
but llewellyn,
he isn’t a part of that game anymore.
he is not playing hockey,
he is not shooting the winning basket.
life is but a cruel sport for those who suffer it
those who do not accept the laws that have been put in place
he is watching
from across the street
but he’s gotten better
because he’s now smiling
he’s laughing
he is giving love another try
when milo strange walked into his game
they quoted Whitman and watched symphonies
made plans for New York and had pretzel dates
and life was good again
or at least
he hoped so
because love had a pattern
a rule
a criteria
the way it always went
he walked through the station house doors,
one foot in front of the other
a soft baked pretzel in his hand,
and prayed it would not end that way again.
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