#the blueberry and the ghostly meringue
pinkyhaert · 3 years
Ghostwire literally kicked the doors opened, before walking inside. "Deckard! You're back!" She was beaming as she raised both arms up. Glad to see her baby brother!
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“ Rairakkurōzu!!”
~ Deckerd beamed in response before rushing over and Giving her a big Ol hug. It’s been wayy too long since they’ve last seen eachother. He was happy that His Big Cybertronian sister was the first to welcome him back out of his friends.. especially since he had business he wished to do with her- But that was for another time. Right now was about catching up. ~
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pinkyhaert · 4 years
Nutcracker month 2020 by @artsynoova
Day 10: { Benjamin &.... Yuri!? } (ft. Ghostwire.)
{ Here have a flipping story because my brain just WENT with it when I wrote this; Scroll down for the art ;3c }
~ Hollyberry entered the next world as he did the others, unaware of the particularly dastardly surprise awaiting him. The world had a similar set up to that of Auran’s World. Especially the big theater looming in the background. Hollyberry was half expecting to have to dance the ballet again.. something he wasn’t exactly looking forward too.. ah well. At least he’s had the practice for it.
Inside the Theater, everything was worn out and old looking, not to mention practically pitch Black. The poor little Brave could barely see his Servo in front of his Optics! It was times like these he wished he still had his headlights.. as strange as that may sound. As he Went deeper into the Dreary looking theatre.. He couldn’t help but get the feeling he was being watched...
Two Glowing magenta Eyes Watched from shadows of the curtains.. waiting patiently for the unsuspecting nutcracker to set off his delightful trap he had set for him. This Plan will surely put a stop to Holly’s Meddling in his grand scheme.
As if on cue, The Lights of the theater turned on and shone on The Brave in the center stage. In the next instance by making a Dramatic entrance in a puff of purple smoke- A Phantom Appeared before the Brave in all its Mysterious and spooky splendor. ~
Hollyberry, Slowly raising his Servo up to correct them: “ um.. Actually I’m made of metal-”
Phantom: “ I Care Not of any Detail you suggest Commoner’ ”
Hollyberry: “ Ah.”
Phantom: “ All the Intrests Me is What You have to Offer the Great and Powerful Phantom”
Hollyberry; raising an eyebrow in an Unamused manner: “ Oh? and what Might that be?”
Phantom: “ The Core that keeps you running and fighting and despite all odds against you, your ‘Soul’ If you will. Give it to me.”
Hollyberry; Blatantly: “ No.”
Phantom: “ I thought You’d say that you stubborn little Bratt. So I’m willing to make you an offer you can’t refuse.”
~ With the snap of their fingers, two Chambers that looked like miniature stages came down from the ceiling. At once they opened, revealing two of the missing nutcrackers Dressed to impress awaiting inside. It was the nutcracker of this world, Benjamin! and... Yuri!? What’s he doing here And so far away from his home!? Either way he had to help them!
But before Hollyberry could react, The two jumped down and surrounded him. Something was clearly Wrong- And the Masks on their faces proved it. Without warning they tried to subdue him, barely giving him a chance to dodge their attacks. He could tell they didn’t what to attack him however, with the look in their eyes betraying their true emotions on the matter.. but they were powerless to resist the Phantom’s Control.
With another snap of the Phantom’s fingers they obediently returned to his side in their mini stage chambers. Hollyberry whipped around with a Growl as he glared at the phantom with furry in his optics. If there was one thing Holly hated, it was the thought of being controlled to hurt others- especially with your consciousness still intact. ~
Hollyberry: “ RELEASE THEM; NOW!!”
Phantom: “ Only if you win a little wager~”
~ The Seats in the audience suddenly were filled with different shadowy beings and creatures Holly couldn’t make out as they cheered for the phantom and boooed at him. ~
Phantom: “ If you can put on a better performance then both me and my ‘bodyguards’ and survive~ I’ll release your friends. If I win the crowds cheers however, well.. you know how the play goes. So little nutcracker; We got a Deal?”
~ Before holly even had the chance to speak A New Figure burst from the rafters and Landed onto center stage, Causing the crowd to let out a Gasp of surprise. Hollyberry couldn’t believe his optics as he stared at the newcomer who glared down the Phantom before speaking without hesitation. ~
Ghostwire: “ Your Gonna regret you EVER Crossed Our Path you pathetic excuse for a Specter! Bring it On!”
Hollyberry; Astounded: “Rairakkurōzu!! What are you doing here?”
Ghostwire: “ You really think I’m gonna let some random Punk Bully my lil bro? I’d snap All his limbs in half if he even TRIED-”
Phantom: 0_0 💧
Hollyberry: “ Happy to see you too.” ^-^
Ghostwire; Cracking her knuckles while giving death glares to the phantom: “ Let’s show this phony phantom what makes You and me ‘Unique’ to the nutcracker Clan”
Hollyberry: “Alright!”
*music begins to play*
Phantom: “ W..Wait a moment.. That’s not Christmas Music-”
Both Hollyberry & Ghostwire: “ Nope :)”
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The song: ( Again, not sang by me- )
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Hollyberry; Holding Ghostwire back: “ Wait- WAIT Ghosty it’s Okay They’re Back to normal Now” 💦
Ghostwire; About to YEET a Table: “ You sure? Pretty sure I still saw some evil left.”
Hollyberry: “ I’m sure..put the table down.”
Ghostwire: “ Fine..”
Benjamin & Yuri: /// Scary.../// 💧
Hollyberry: “ Um.. anyways, Are you two alright?”
Benjamin: “ Much better now that we aren’t under that Phantoms control and can move freely, thanks for the help Holly.”
Hollyberry: “ That’s good.. these monsters are getting a little harder to fight as time goes on..”
Yuri: “ But where did those things keep coming from?”
Hollyberry: “ I Have a General idea.. But you both shouldn’t be worrying about that. You should be focused on helping your worlds.”
Ghostwire: “ And Don’t worry about Deckerd-”
Hollyberry: “ Holly.”
Ghostwire: “-Holly. Me and a few others will keep an eye out for him. Speaking of which, I gotta go and find Flow and Fedelis now- who knows what shenanigans they’ve gotten themselves Into.”
Hollyberry: “ Haha understandable, Good luck Rairakkurōzu.”
Benjamin: “ If you need any help on Your journey, Just give us a call-”
Yuri: “-And we’ll come lend you a hand for a change!”
Hollyberry: “ Thanks, I appreciate it.” ^_^
{ Just a friendly note to the beans included:
To Nova: I’ve been having such a fun time coming up with this storyline for the nutcracker month this year and I feel honored to be included in the list! So I wanted to do something special like last year, but with a storyline twist cause’ your special ^_^
To AJ: I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to make it to yuri this year so I wanted to do him a bit eailer than expected~ Surprise!!
To Ghosty: Y’all didn’t think I’d make it this far in an epic adventure and not include The Buff Goth ‘Clara’ of Holly’s Storyline, Did you? Big sister Ghosty is here to take names and claim souls for anyone who messes with her lil’ bro. }
Benjamin belongs to @artsynoova
Yuri belongs to @ahjones94
Ghostwire belongs to @cyberghost-scout
Hollyberry & Fudge belong to me :3c
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pinkyhaert · 3 years
"Awww, Ghosty! Ghosty!" Flow sing up up, looking down at this cute white and blue bunny. It was kind of werid it's almost as big an petrorabbit. But its sooo cute!
"Look at this little cutie!" Flow cooed her wing and finials were flapping so fast this might taken off.
"Hm?" The grey femme hummed, confused but walking over towards the excitable femme. (Cyberghost-scout) >:3
~ Deckerd’s Ears flicked slightly as the two bent down to get a closer look at him. Ah- So they didn’t recognize him like this huh? It has been a while since he’s last transformed into this after all. Better remind them who he is before they try to take him home as a pet like the cats. ~
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“ I’m Flattered you think that way about me Flow- But I personally prefer my regular look.”
~ The little Bunny Brave hummed ~
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pinkyhaert · 3 years
Send “💖” and my muse will admit something they find cute about yours. (cyberghost-scout)
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“ Well, I find your love for sharks pretty cute. Just recently I’ve seen you cuddled up with your big ol’ shark plushie. Kawaii~ ✨”
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pinkyhaert · 4 years
*A gift box for Deckard placed under the tree on Christmas morning. I was big and wrapped, alright, thanks to the tacky tape, large scratches. And a tag that the gift was from Ghostwire. Inside was multi-flavored oil candies, a well-knitted scarf, and an emergency tracker.*
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*Happy Mini Brave Noises*
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pinkyhaert · 4 years
{ Super Short Drabble w/ my friends chars because I think I’m funny @cyberghost-scout @askburningpassion }
~ Ghostwire was walking down the hallways when she spotted Karai Sitting alone on a bench staring off into space. She tilted her helm slightly as she decided to walk over to her. Karai didn’t really seem to notice as her Elder sister walk up as she didn’t move. The con gently tapped The smaller’s shoulder in attempts to break her outta her apparent trance. ~
“ Uh Rai? You doing okay?”
~ Karai Slowly glanced up at Ghostwire with an unreadable expression before responding. ~
“ I think... That Blueberry is one of the most powerful beings I know.”
~ Ghostwire blinked slightly as she thought Karai was joking. After a few minutes she realized she wasn’t. ~
“ I mean- I know He’s Strong but I don’t think-“
“ Every challenge he’s ever faced he’s always come out on top. Faced with Masami and her crew? Sent them packing. Cornered and ridiculed by my entire school? Tells them off and leaves without a scratch. Takes One of My Blasts that would usually Obliterate someone? SURVIVES IT. And that’s how much I Know- How many times has he Done something similar In the time you’ve Ever known him?”
~ Ghostwire stopped and actually thought about it... and then thought about it some more....Sooner or later she ended up sitting right next To Karai on that Bench thinking about all the crazy things she remembered Blueberry telling her about along with all the things she remembered experiencing with him. ~
~ One Hour Later~
Both; Bursting through the Brave police HQ doors:
Blueberry; Falling off his chair: “ aCk-”
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pinkyhaert · 4 years
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{ it's Ghostwire's Birthday!! As a present, Both Blueberry and Deckerd Put on a Performance for the beloved Femme. They've been Practicing really Hard, So hope you like it ^-^ }
@cyberghost-scout @braveggg-hq
{ Their Song: }
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pinkyhaert · 4 years
Send ❤️ to receive a hand written letter from my muse! (Cyberghost-scout)
Dear Ghostwire,
It's been Quite an Adventure Ever since I've traveled Overseas. When I Arrived, I was 'Roped' Quite Literally into some sort of Strange Gameshow for an Interglacial Tyrant threatening to Destroy my 'Species' If I didn't win. The whole experience Reminded me of you and how you'd totally kicked His Aft if you were there. I missed you Rairakkurōzu. But that's okay- thankfully with the help of my new friends we all put a stop to him. Now we just gotta figure out how to get off this weird Planet.
Oh! I sent You some Strange Alien Deserts my friends Taught me how to make. Not really sure when they'll get to you since this dimension is weird.
~ Love Your little bro Blueberry
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pinkyhaert · 4 years
Oops I forgot to write down, Ghostwire's name!
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" I thought so. She's had a traumatic Past, Making it a Touchy subject. I've even Seen Bits and Pieces of it when I was sent back in time at one point(And it wasn't pleasant.*). So I try not to pry into her Personal Past. I trust Ghostwire, and When she's ready to talk about it I know she'll tell me. "
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pinkyhaert · 4 years
✿ (cyberghost-scout)
Send a ✿ to my inbox and my muse will fill this out about yours!
A thought about them that they’d never share:
" Although I Love her, And I now Understand why she feels the way she does.. but The Fact that she looses Herself In A Terrible temper Worries me sometimes. Not to mention I remember that if Faced with the decision.. she would destory Me and my family if Her Leader Commanded it. Makes me Wonder what The Decepticons are Really Like Behind Closed Doors. "
First impression of them:
" She Seems Nice! I'm always Happy to make new Friends, But I Wonder where she came from, I wasn't informed of any new Kind of Robots being built lately.."
Favorite thing about them:
" Her Protective Nature and How Real she Is. She doesn't try to be anything she isn't and isn't afraid to tell others what's on Her mind. "
Least favorite thing about them:
" I'm pretty sure she's secretly an Assassin. I appreciate she wants to look out for us but Goodness Chill Out Ghostwire People at gonna be mean sometimes and yes it's not right but that doesn't mean you should rip off their arms if they push me-"
Hopes for their future relationship:
" That One Day We'll Be able to Share Things with each other and Not worry about what the other will think... that there'll be no more secrets between us. I want to be that Person who she can tell anything to."
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pinkyhaert · 5 years
{S} Back to Normal...? (Angst warning)
@cyberghost-scout @ask-inkycat @bravepolicehq @drawingdaydreamsuniverse
~Soon The Time came for Deckerd's A.I Unit to Placed inside into his New Body. All the Repairs we're completely finished and it was finally time to go to normal... But Something about it Didn't seem Right to him.. Going.. back to normal.. Maybe he was just feeling a Little Nervous. He's wanted this for so long.. He Should be Excited. Once He's Back He'll be able to return to His Duties as a Brave Police and Help The City More then ever- He'll be Able to finally Be able to things with his friends like Never before.. like Sparing with Firefly, Going on nature Hikes with Megatron, and finally Give Ghostwire the hug she Deserves. If it wasn't for The Accident, He would've never Taken the Time to Make such Wonderful Friends.. they Even Came to support him even now... But Now is the time to be ready to return to his Old Life.. Time to Go.. Back to normal.
At least that was The Plan.
Suddenly the Lights in room Shattered, Leaving only a Few remaining and even they Began to Flicker. Then while everyone was distracted by the lights a Deep Cackle Rang Threwout the Room. ~
" Well Well Well, A Party and I Wasn't invited? I feel Offended!Don't worry, I'm Willing to let it go for a few party favors in return~ look! I've even brought you all a few gifts! "
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~There was Silence before a Ton of small Canisters Fell from the Ceiling and Ventilation shafts onto the ground, Exploding and releasing a Green Gas. ~
Techbug: "I Knew I Recognized that Voice- It was that Bot I Fought the day I met Deckerd!"
Drill boy: "And I Recognize That Green Stuff! EVERYONE HOLD YOUR BREATH-"
~The Young Brave Managed to gasp before Becoming victim to the Mysterious Smog Along with a Few Others as they Lay on the ground passed out. Only a Few Cybertronians with battlemasks on and Deckerd remained..
There was a Loud Screeching Sound of Clawed servos across Metal echoing Throughout the Room, Nobody knowing exactly where it is coming from since the Green Smog blocked their line of Vision.. There was only Silence.. Until a Single Voice broke it with a Playful Humm~
" No Following~"
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~The Sound of a Blood-Chilling Scream and a Loud thud Followed Immediately Afterwards, Causing Everyone to become on Edge. Deckerd felt his Chest plate Tighten.. That Scream.. It sounded Like Ghostwire-! ~
Firefly: " Ghosty! "
~He heard the Femme Gasp as she turned to the direction of her friends Screams, but before she even had the chance to move there was a familiar Chill Shiver down her Spine.. as something crept up behind her as the Same Voice let out another Hum with amusement. ~
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" No Flying~ "
~ As if on Cue there was Another Single Horrifying scream followed by a Thud. Deckerd whipped around and had His Headlights Shine, Attempting to break threw the deep smog. he Held a wet Napkin to his faceplating as he Darted around Attempting to find out what was going on.. he couldn't see or hear anything.. What happened to everyone!? There was nothing but Dead Silence.. The only sound to be heard was Quiet.. then.. A single Scream, and then a Thud.. and Then Silence again. No matter how Brightly he Shone his lights or how fast he ran as he blared his Sirens he saw Nothing and No one.. There was only one thought in his mind;
who was doing this.. Why Would they do this..?
There were Loud Footsteps behind him.. He turned around.. And Heard..
"And definitely no fighting,
Or else
Someone's Dieing~"
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pinkyhaert · 6 years
☕ Robot Coffee ☕
~Yuuta's Birthday Was Coming Up Soon And Everyone in the Office Was Trying to Figure Out what To get him. Each Brave was Attempting to Get him something different For Their beloved Boss From A pair of nun-chucks from Powerjoe to A Soccer ball From Drill boy. But Deckerd had Something special In Mind For Yuuta. A Build Your own Model Plane that Looked Similar To the one he Lost when He first met Deckerd.. He Had saw the kit When he went Shopping with Yuuta's Sisters Once..It was Perfect for him. Unfortunately For Deckerd, He Had no Money. So Doing whatever Self Respecting Brave Would Do, He Went to Go Earn it(lol like he would Ask for money). The only Place that was Currently Hiring was a Small Coffee shop that was getting Busier and was in need of a Waiter and Luckily for Deckerd he didn't Need any Experience to Get the Job. He was Practically Was hired on the spot since his new Manager was fawning over how Cute and small he was. Little did the Small Brave Know this Would Ultimately Backfire on him..
The Next Day when he came into work he Found His Outfit.. Turns out That the Only Size They had would fit him was a Frilly Children's Waitress Outfit leftover from Bring your kid to work day..~
"I'm Only doing this For Yuuta..."
// Thank Goodness That Nobody I know Can See me..\\
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pinkyhaert · 6 years
📄 (cyberghost-scout)
Send “📄” And I’ll draw a scene from an rp we did!
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"Sleepy beans"
From the 'Let my Muse lay on your shoulder' thread
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pinkyhaert · 5 years
❤❤❤ I trust you with my life. I know you would never hurt me (cyberghost-scout)
"That Means So Much To Me Rairakkurōzu.. Thank You."
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pinkyhaert · 6 years
"Deckerd, I thought of something. I never was formally met your teammates." (cyberghost-scout)
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"O-Oh.. I Guess Not.."
{Mun: When Your Friend thinks their ready to Meet Your Family and You Know That Both Your friend and Your Family is Definitely Not Ready-}
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pinkyhaert · 6 years
Deckered, Duke made Ghostwire cry.
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"BAKA!!!" >:(
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