#the book of enoch
creature-wizard · 1 year
Are nephilim real or did nazis make them up too?
I strongly doubt that they're real, but the idea of nephilim is ancient! They feature rather prominently in the Book of Enoch, a pseudepigraphal and apocryphal piece of literature dating back to around 300-200 BCE. This video is a good introduction to the topic:
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vound-posts · 2 days
On the tenth heaven, (which is called) Aravoth, I saw the appearance of the Lord’s face, like iron made to glow in fire, and brought out, emitting sparks, and it burns.
Thus (in a moment of eternity) I saw the Lord's face, but the Lord’s face is ineffable, marvellous and very awful, and very, very terrible.
- 2 Enoch 22:1-4
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aboutoriginality · 9 months
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manifestomode · 4 months
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the-metatron · 5 months
I think we are going to learn a lot about your very human motivations, Enoch, and I’m sorry that God did that to you, but you shouldn’t blame Crowley, it’s not his fault.
The Demon Crowley--then Crawley--was more involved than you may realize in my time as @enoch-the-human.
As Enoch, I had been instructed to pass judgement on the Watchers on behalf of Heaven for their violation of the Angelic Code of Conduct. Specifically, taking human lovers and having Nephilim children with them, as well as teaching humans sourcery thus creating a line of human witches that still persists to this day.
I had gathered all the Watchers together, bound by runes and chains that angels of their lower rank could not break, and I was just about to sentence them to eternal damnation in deepest, fieriest pit of Hell, when the Demon Crawley appeared at the last moment.
Crawley claimed that all angels indicted by Heaven are entitled to a petition, and to take that petition all the way up @the-almighty-god. I had no reason not to believe him. He'd been a high-ranking Archangel himself, before his Fall (which I had nothing to do with, by the way), and a demon should have no reason to lie in order to protect a group of angels. So, fool that I was, I believed him.
I brought the Watcher's petition to the mountaintop closest to the Heavens, so that Heaven could review it and, perhaps, reconsider their original decision on the fate of the Watchers. But, unfortunately for the Watchers, their petition was denied.
I returned and told them this. The Watchers were understandably upset, as the Demon Crawley had given them false hope, and I expressed my sympathy to them as their former leader a human prophet they had never met. They were, all of them, damned--well, except for one.
@heavenshrdepartment could not pinpoint an actual violation by the Principality Aziraphale, as he had not taken a human lover and begot Nephilim children as the others had, nor taught any humans magic. In fact, his name had been put on the list as a spelling error. (Azazel was the actual angel meant to be punished, but a friend of his in HR had written the name ambiguously in an attempt to use Aziraphale as scapegoat.)
Aziraphale remained behind with me as the Demon Crawley led the Watchers away to Hell. I saw for myself what an upstanding angel the Principality Aziraphale was, and kept him in mind for a promotion ever since. Which is one of the reasons why, when the opportunity arose, I made him Supreme Archangel.
I later learned that there was no such ordinance about petitioning, let alone petitioning all the way up to the Almighty Herself. It was just another one of the demon's many lies. (Quite strange that they never mentioned this while I was delivering the petition. But I definitely did deliver it. You can trust me. I'm an angel.)
Another one of them being Crawley taking the Watchers to Hell. Centuries later, after the Flood, when I was @the-metatron again, my contacts Downstairs informed me that there were no damned Angels brought in for processing at that time, and they had never even been told to expect any.
The whereabouts of the Watchers are still currently unknown.
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1five1two · 2 years
And the names of the sun are the following: the first Orjârês, and the second Tômâs. And the moon has four names: the first name is Asônjâ, the second Eblâ, the third Benâsê, and the fourth Erâe. These are the two great luminaries: their circumference is like the circumference of the heaven, and the size of the circumference of both is alike.
The Book of Enoch, LXXVIII
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when you smite majority of the life on earth in a fit of rage and then go sawry :( that was mean.. the demiurge be like…
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simblrpunk · 14 days
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.:: - CYBERPUNK 2077 - ::.
The Coptic Bible
The Book of Enoch ... And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: "Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children." ... And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.
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world-prayers · 3 months
The Truth About Watchers, Angels, And UFOS
Divine Observers or Extraterrestrial Visitors? Unveiling Ancient Secrets: The Truth About UFOs, Angels, and Watchers Our ongoing exploration has revealed intriguing parallels between the descriptions of UFOs and angels, prompting us to delve deeper into the potential connection between angels and UFOs. We previously examined this topic through the eyes of researchers, but now, we embark on a…
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stellawembley · 5 months
Do I worship the DEVIL?
Do I worship the DEVIL? Do I worship the DEVIL? Lucifer, Satanism, The Origin of Evil, The Book of Enoch (part1) Watch now on YOUTUBE !
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creature-wizard · 1 year
My dad is a huge fan of the book of enoch. He believes that aliens are actually demons trying to rearrange human dna in order to bring about the anti christ. He sees ancient aliens as proof of this theory. Even when I was still a fundie I thought this theory was bullshit and blasphemy. 😑
Has. Has your dad actually, truly read the Book of Enoch? Or did he just casually scan it for whatever shit seemed to confirm his preconceptions? 'Cause this is a book that claims thunder and lightning are kept in separate jars in the Heavenly storehouses of weather phenomena.
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iseethedead-blog1 · 10 months
not me a pagan reading the book of Enoch
just reading it because why not and it might be interesting, who knows
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aboutoriginality · 2 years
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angelmeateater · 2 years
Having Jack eat the hearts of the Grigori is perhaps the best and subtlest religious reference in the entire show to the point where I don’t even think it was intended   
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indigovigilance · 9 months
Baraqiel and Azazel
Disclaimer: DO NOT ask Neil Gaiman to confirm or deny any of this. He doesn't want you to ask. I don't want you to ask.
Edit: Neil confirmed this theory and it's not my fault: see the reblog
Now, on with the meta.
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Thesis and evidence below the cut:
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Angel of the Sky...
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Hair an eye-burning ginger, eyebrows like grisly slugs, often draped in red…
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Occasionally damp...
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Most likely singed…
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Most likely singed…
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Most likely singed…
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Most likely singed…
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So that's everything from purely within Good Omens canon.
Baraqiel is described, additionally, in the Book of Enoch as:
Lord of Lightning
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Who taught the forbidden knowledge of astronomy:
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He is also the overseer of the Second Heaven, wherein lies the prison of Fallen Angels. More on that later.
The story of Baraqiel’s ejection from Heaven is contained in the Book of Enoch, but he’s not a main character. In fact, he’s only one of twenty major fallen angels, specifically, the ninth. The tenth is Azazel.
Who, then, is Azazel?
Firstly, Azazel is a fallen angel:
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Who is damned because he introduces humans to forbidden knowledge, specifically, the knowledge of swords [and other devices of warfare]:
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And also the knowledge of adornment, specifically, “the art of making up the eyes, and of beautifying the eyelids, and the most precious stones, and all kinds of coloured dyes.”
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And insofar as Azazel is synonymous with Azzael, he denounces the authority of the Metatron:
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In fact, Azazel is given all the blame for revealing the secrets of Heaven: “​​the whole Earth has been ruined by the teaching of the works of Azazel; and against him write: ALL SIN.”
and God orders Raphael punish Azazel: “And further the Lord said to Raphael: "Bind Azazel by his hands and his feet and throw him into the darkness. And split open the desert, which is in Dudael, and throw him there.””
We never learn in the Book of Enoch that Raphael actually does this (based on my reading), but it was commanded. In fact, Raphael would have had to throw Azazel into that prison which was in the domain of Baraqiel.
This puts Baraqiel!Crowley and Azazel!Aziraphale among the ranks of angels that went to Earth and delighted in Earthly pleasures, which caused them to be “fallen,” that God refused to speak to from then on, that Enoch!Metatron was ordered by God to tell that they were unforgiven and would never be forgiven.
It’s worth noting that there seems to be some disagreement among rabbinical scholars over whether Samyaza, Azza, Azzael, and Azazel are separate entities or if these are different names for the same entity. We should also remember that in the universe of Good Omens, entities change names when they ascend to or fall from Heaven.
Tying this all back to the Metatron: In 3 Enoch, the book which describes the ascent of Enoch the man to Metatron the angel, we learn that the overseer of the Second Heaven is Baraqiel, angel of lightning. The description of the prison in the Second Heaven and the angels trapped within it is terrifying, but not more than Enoch’s own actions when he is there.
At this point Enoch has not been transfigured into the Metatron yet, but when he passes by, the angels ask him to pray for them to the Lord; and he refuses, for “who am I, a mortal man, that I may pray for angels?” He is told about them again in the Fifth Heaven, about their sins, how they followed Satan, and that they will be punished on Judgment Day.
So we have a lot of reasons here to see that there would be enmity directly between the Metatron and Azazel, for questioning his authority before God, and between Baraqiel and Enoch!Metatron, for either Baraqiel was guarding the prison or already in it when the human who would become Metatron was supplicated for prayers of redemption and refused. Either way, the Metatron is responsible for Baraqiel’s fall, most directly because he refused to take the petition of the fallen angels before God and instead relied on his interpretation of a dream.
There’s been a lot of implication and even exposition throughout S2 that memory is vulnerable to erasure. We’ve gotten some direct hints that Crowley doesn’t remember all of his past, but I would venture to propose that Aziraphale has a very troubled past that he does not remember, that the Metatron (and possibly Crowley) does, and that further, because his memory was [partially] removed, his name was changed to Aziraphale, for which we see precedent in Jimbriel and all the demons.
My absolutely unhinged, unsubstantiated S3 prediction is that Angel!Crowley sacrificed himself to rescue Azazel from damnation, and the price of Azazel remaining an angel was losing the memories of his transgressions, including (and especially) those he formed with Angel!Crowley. That at the Garden of Eden, Crawley!Crowley knew that these things had been erased, and that he was probably talking to a husk of his former friend, the way that Jim was a husk of Gabriel, but that when he learned that Aziraphale had given away the sword, realized that the soul of the person he loved was still in there.
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Partner post: For a meta on why we should believe that Enoch!Metatron aka Human!Metatron is a possibility, go here.
Edit: I read the Book of Enoch from front to back, twice, but if you want to check my work (or write a response meta!) you can find the source material here and here.
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derpy-thebdayclown · 24 days
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becoming obsessed with a book series was NOT on my 2024 bingo card!! i didnt even know i could read!!
anyways here is my miss peregrine lineup for the children! ,,,i somehow forgot about the title character and only noticed once i was done lining LMAO— i’ll draw my design for her another time and maybe some other characters. i am sorry miss P i knew something was wrong 💔
kind of iffy on emma, enoch, & jacob but i can tweak them later on if i draw em more BAHAH
anyways my favorite character in the books is horace 🩷🩷 my little fancy prophetic boy . although my favorite designs i did are hugh & fionas :)
i took some inspo from the graphic novels by cassandra jean bc i did really love them!!
anyways i love these books so much if you also like them LET ME KNOW I NEED FRIENDS
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