#the bounty hunters
tomoleary · 6 months
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Timothy Truman “Star Wars: The Bounty Hunters - Aurra Sing” One-Shot Cover Prelim (1999) Source
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andy-solo1 · 2 years
They Stop Someone From Hitting On You - The Bounty Hunters + Aurra Sing
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Featuring: Cad Bane, Bossk, Embo, + Bonus: Aurra Sing 
Warnings: 18+ just for suggestive material, death of the creep, mentions of alcohol / drinking  
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𝕮𝖆𝖉 𝕭𝖆𝖓𝖊
It wasn’t often that Bane took you out to places that he would frequent. Both because of your status as a senator and because he knew the kinds of lowlifes that would go to places he would. However, you had been on break from the senate and were with Bane on his ship when he got a call about a new job. 
Rather than allow him to drop you off back home you begged him to take you with him and he finally relented. Now you sat at the bar of some seedy looking Cantina while Bane sat in the back waiting for a contact that he wanted you nowhere near. You’d begged your way into getting off the ship and even getting into the bar where he told you to stay put where he could see you. 
Now you sat tensely waiting, enjoying the thrill of doing something like this, even if you weren’t actually the one waiting on a contact. Maybe you’d have to consider retiring from the senate to join Bane on more missions, as much of a heart attack as that would give him. You almost didn’t notice when someone slid onto the seat next to yours. 
“Hey good looking, what’s a beauty like you doing in a place like this.” The man flirted, turning your attentions towards him. 
“I’m with my boyfriend.” You told him plainly before looking away again. 
“Really? Well I don’t see no boyfriend around.” The man said, scooting his seat over closer to yours and placing a hand on your knee. You looked over towards where Bane was to silently plead for help only to see he was gone. 
Suddenly the man beside you yelled as he pulled off his seat and tossed to the floor. 
“Leave. Now.” Bane drawled, pointing a blaster at the man. He quickly scrambled to his feet and ran off. However, before the man could even reach the door, Bane put a blaster bolt through his back. 
“Thank you.” You breathed out as Bane turned to look at you. 
“Dis is why I wanted you ta stay on the ship, which is where you will be staying next time you come wit me.” 
“No, I’m not sitting alone on your ship with Todo. Next time just teach me to use a blaster and I can handle anyone myself.” You replied and Bane gave you a long measured look before handing you one of his blasters. 
“I want dat back when we get back ta the ship. After dat we’ll get you your own and I will not go easy on training you.” 
You were out with the rest of your group celebrating yet another job completed. Latts was already stumbling around drunk and giggling with Dengar. Bossk had gone with Boba already to secure a job that the young bounty hunter had gotten a call about before they’d come back to finish celebrating with the rest of the group. 
You weren’t in a rush to get yourself as wasted as Latts and Dengar were so you were slowly nursing at a drink when a Rodian male slid into the booth seat across from you. You rolled your eyes. 
“Taken.” You said sharply before he could even talk. 
“I don’t see anyone and those two you came here with seem just fine without you so they wouldn’t notice if you came off with me.” The Rodian said instead, not at all deterred by your attitude. 
“Listen, kindly screw off, I have a boyfriend. One who would kill you if you tried anything.” 
“Well I don’t see any boyfriend around so I don’t think I’m in any danger.” The man replied smugly. Before you could reply with threatening to just kill him yourself if you had to a shot rang out and the man fell over dead. 
Turning around to look behind you, you saw Bossk and Boba, the latter of which was just putting away his blaster while Bossk looked on proudly. 
“Are you okay?” Boba asked as they walked over. You smiled gratefully at the boy. 
“Yeah I’m fine. Thanks kid.” You replied and he nodded before going off to get himself a drink. 
“He beat me to it, but I would have ssshot that guy if he hadn’t.” Bossk told you, shoving the Rodian’s body away before sitting in the seat he had previously occupied. 
“I know. Thank you for that.” 
Working in a Cantina, you were used to drunks who would try to flirt with you. Usually either their girlfriends or wives would show up to drag them home angrily or they’d take the hint and leave you alone. 
This guy however was just not taking the hint and you were getting fed up with him. Technically, as long as he was a paying customer and wasn’t starting up any fights, you couldn’t kick him out, especially since he was drinking a lot which meant he was paying a lot. 
“I don’t care what he tries, if he’s paying then you don’t kick him out.” Your manager hissed when you tried to complain. Rolling your eyes you want to behind the bar and instantly the man called out over. 
“Hey beautiful, how about another round?” The man purred, holding out his glass towards you. You sigh and take the glass, refilling it before bringing it back. 
“Thanks pretty thing.” The man said, taking the glass from you and winking at you. 
“Okay look, this needs to stop. I have a boyfriend. I am not interested in you, and if I had it my way I would have tossed you out onto the street by now.” You hissed at him before turning to walk away. 
The man smacked your ass when you turned and whistled. “Playing hard to get. Well that will change.” He laughed. You growled low in your throat and turned around to face the guy. Before you could retort to him you saw the Cantina door open and the familiar frame of Embo walked through it. You let out a breath of relief and hurried over to him. 
‘What’s wrong?’ Embo asked as you came up to him. He could tell something was off the moment he saw you. You gestured towards the patron and told him everything the guy said and did. 
Embo was silent before snapping his fingers and the door to the Cantina opened once more, Marrok trotting inside at the behest of his master. Embo sicked the annuba on the man and you watched as the pup dragged the man screaming from the bar. 
Everyone inside watched in silence, even your manager had come out to watch when he heard the man screaming. With everyone still watching Embo grabbed your arm and lead you outside. 
“What’re you doing? My shift doesn’t end for another few hours.” You said, confused, though also grateful. 
‘You’re not working there anymore if that’s how the manager wants you to be treated.’ Embo replied and your heart swelled. You never liked that job much anyways. 
𝕬𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖆 𝕾𝖎𝖓𝖌
Somehow Aurra convinced you to come along with her to one the parties being thrown by her ex, Hondo. You weren’t entirely sure why you agreed to come, you knew she was only here to gather intel for a job she was trying to do, and you supposed that maybe she was trying to make a date out of it as well. 
You couldn’t really see where Aurra had gone off too, having lost her in the crowd of pirates and lowlifes, as hard as that might seem. 
“All by yourself?” A female twi’lek purred as she slid up to stand next to you. 
“No. I’m here with my girlfriend.” You replied, taking a step away from the twi’lek to put some distance back between the two of you. 
“I don’t see any girlfriend. Besides, it’s her own fault if something happens for leaving someone like you all alone.” She pouted, moving in closer to you, close enough you could smell the alcohol on her breath. 
“Look, I’m not interested all right.” You said sternly, taking a step away from her again. 
“Let’s go dance.” The twi’lek replied, ignoring you as if you hadn’t spoken. She grabbed your arm and tried to pull you towards the dance floor but you stayed firmly rooted in place. 
“Let me go.” You hissed, trying to pull your arm away from her. You got your arm away the same moment a shot rang out and the twi’lek dropped dead before you, revealing Aurra standing behind her. 
Aurra calmly put away her blaster and stepped over the body before coming to stand right before you. 
“She didn’t hurt you?” She asked, looking you over.
“No I’m fine.” You replied. “Thank you.” Aurra hummed and placed her hand under your chin, tipping your head up to look at her. 
“Good. Because nobody hurts what’s mine.” She purred. 
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the-gershomite · 27 days
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Star Wars: The Bounty Hunters -2000-
trade paperback cover art by Dave Dorman
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ladymisteria · 4 months
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Diego Hopelessly In Love + Annoyed Diego
Victoria, raising her glass of wine: To us. Zorro, huskily: To you, my Victoria. *They click their glasses together, then take a sip of the wine, while Victoria looks at Zorro expectantly. De Soto rises up from behind the bar, and so does Mendoza.* De Soto, as Zorro leans down to kiss Victoria again: Zorro! *Zorro stops and turns to look at de Soto.* De Soto, holding a glass of wine in his right hand: You are a romantic fool! Zorro, quite annoyed: Alcalde! You frequently irritate me, but this time you really do need to be taught some manners…
Season 4, Episode 3 - Love Potion Number Nine.
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tam--lin · 2 months
gotta take a controversial stance here and say that "anti-Jedi sentiment is inherently racist because it was partially based on Buddhism" is a wild thing to assert in light of the fact that the Jedi as an order has notable, systemic problems with handling difficult children, relationships, negative emotions, attempts at oversight, and practitioners of other Force religions.
and also that they're fictional and were invented by a white guy who wasn't even Buddhist himself.
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ailendolin · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 - Day 24 - Yonderland
Title: ThemThere Whumptober 2022 [AO3: Part 1 & Part 2]
Prompt: "I don't want to do this anymore."
Characters: Martin/Dan (the Bounty Hunters)
A/N: Since the Bounty Hunters don't have official names, I went with Martin for Mat's and Dan for Jim's.
Day 24 - "I don't want to do this anymore."
“I don’t want to do this anymore,” Martin whispered, looking down at his knees.
Dan sighed and sat down next to him. “I know, babe.”
He watched in silence as Martin sucked in a shaky breath. “I want to go home, Dan.”
“I know,” Dan said again, softer this time, and pulled him close.
It hadn’t been easy, finding their footing in this strange realm called Croydon. Everything was different here: there were no Elders to ask for counsel, no wizards to go to for help, no Overlords to implement the rules. The trees didn’t speak, no matter how long one talked to them, and the flowers were small and harmless compared to the ones that grew in Yonderland’s forests. Knights were a tale of the past, the monarchy was just for show and taxis went so fast one got seasick in them.
Even after all this time, Croydon still felt like a whole different world to them. Dan tried not to show it in front of Martin, tried to be strong because one of them had to or they both would fall, but the constant struggle to adapt was starting to wear him down too. Every day felt like a battle here. Whenever either of them thought they finally got the hang of something, the realm threw them another curveball that set them several steps back yet again.
It was exhausting and frustrating. What little progress they’d made in the past few months paled in comparison to everything they’d failed to adjust to. Dan would have never thought he’d find himself feeling homesick one day yet here was, dreaming of Yonderland almost every single night and waking up with this horrible feeling inside his chest that nothing in this realm could possibly mend.
The worst thing, however, was seeing the light in Martin’s eyes dim a little each day while his hopelessness grew.
“We’ll be okay,” Dan murmured against his hair as Martin’s shoulders began to shake. “I promise, Mar – we will.”
Martin nodded against his neck, even after all this time stuck here still trusting him to fix this mess they’d found themselves in. It was that trust, more than anything, that kept Dan going. For Martin, he would walk to the ends of this Realm to find the Chosen One, would fall on his knees in front of her and beg her to take them home. He’d do anything just to see Martin happy again.
“We’ll be okay,” he murmured once more and prayed that time would not make a liar out of him.
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whatsthesound · 3 days
The Bounty Hunters, “Threads” (1989)
First I’m hearing of the ‘album’ version of this fantastic Dave Kusworth composition heretofore just known from a zine flexidisk version a year earlier.
Went searching YouTube after reading the zine article on Kusworth maybe for first time since 1988 (had stuck it in my copy of The Bounty Hunters). Says Kusworth there re the planned rerecording and other upcoming sessions:
The new stuff has a lot more powerful guitars on it. It’s still got the acoustics, but it’s a lot bigger. I think it will appeal to the American audience.
Maybe unsurprisingly, the original sounds much less dated....
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poppysoccsart · 4 months
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scipunk · 22 days
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Cowboy Bebop TV Series (1998)
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elyfonart · 1 month
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long distance is hard :/
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pitaivvu · 5 months
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Fallout obsession is back
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andy-solo1 · 2 years
You Get Hurt - The Bounty Hunters
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Featuring: Cad Bane, Bossk, Embo 
Warnings: violence, brief mentions of death, injury, blood
Notes: Italics is Embo speaking in Kyuzo 
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𝕮𝖆𝖉 𝕭𝖆𝖓𝖊
Working as a senator was not without its perils and people who wanted nothing more than to paint a target onto your back. 
So when one day Bane was sitting at your desk waiting for you, you knew you shouldn’t have been surprised to see a bounty puck for yourself sitting on the desk in front of him. It was a high price to see you dead. 
“You here to kill me?” You asked softly, raising your brow as you watched him. Bane scoffed. 
“If I wanted ya dead, you’da been dead before  knowing I was here.” He drawled. “I’m taking ya away from here for a while, until I can, deal, with this whole bounty business on yer head.” 
“That really makes it sound like you want to kill me.” You replied, even as you relaxed. You didn’t actually think Bane would harm you, but it was fun to tease him. He gave you a withering look. 
“Just pack yer things and let’s get going before anyone shows up.” 
You and Bossk were working on a bounty mission when things turned sour. More guards showed up to defend the target than you’d thought would show up. Your back was turned and you didn’t see the guard coming up behind you. Bossk yelled your name just before the sound of a blaster going off reached your ears as pain exploded through your back. You fell to the ground and even as things began to go dark you heard Bossk yell out in fury. 
The next time you opened your eyes to the world the white sterilised walls of a medical clinic were the first thing you saw. The next thing you saw as you turned your head was Bossk shoving past the doctors in his hurry to get to you. 
“What happened?” You croaked out, struggling to sit yourself up. Bossk helped you sit up slowly. 
“You got sssshot.” He hissed. “One of basstardss sssnuck up behind you. I tried to warn you but it wasss too late.” You could hear the guilt in his voice and placed a hand against the side of his face.
“Hey, I’m alive. It’s okay.” 
“You nearly died.” 
“But I didn’t, and I’m okay now. Did we at least get the bounty?” You asked, making him chuckle. 
“No, I wasss more concerned with getting you medical help.” 
“Well then, at least when we go after him again we know what to expect this time.” You said, your mind already on the job again. Bossk seemed to relax a bit, you knew he was still worried about you but he was also glad to know you were okay. 
“That’sss the ssspirit. Next time he’sss not getting a chance to esscape. ” 
Working as a bar tender in a Cantina wasn’t a safe job in any way. Dealing with drunk patrons who would get in brawls with one another on a daily basis was always hazardous, especially when they were bounty hunters. Though having your boyfriend Embo around usually helped because if you flashed him a look he’d deal with the brawlers for you. 
Right now though, Embo wasn’t at the bar, and you had two bounty hunters moments away from a fight. You didn’t need the broken tables coming out of your paycheck when the hunters would fail to pay. 
Making your way out from the back of the bar you storm over to the two about fight. “If you’re going to fight, then get out.” You snapped at them, gesturing towards the front door. 
“This is none of your business.” Hissed the one hunter. 
“Get lost.” Snapped the other. 
“Get out. Now.” You hissed back at the two. They both rose from their seats and you thought you’d won when suddenly one of them punched you, hard, in the face. You fell easily and the two hunters began to fight each other. 
You moved a hand up to your face, feeling blood running down from your nose and were about to get up to try and break the fight up when a familiar shadow fell over you. 
You looked up to see Embo standing behind you. He silently helped you up to your feet before leading Marrok over towards the two fighting hunters. 
Marrok jumped the one hunter, knocking him down to his back on the ground while Embo grabbed the other one and dragged him to the door, tossing him out before coming back and snapping for Marrok. The annuba responded, letting go of the hunter as he went to sit back down next to his master. 
‘If you are smart you’ll make your own way out’ Embo told the remaining hunter. The man wasted no time scrambling to his feet and heading outside, grumbling the whole way. 
Embo turned his attention back to you, leading you off into the back of the cantina before fetching the med kit once you informed him where it was. 
“Thank you for helping me.” You told him as he handed you a rag to wipe the blood away from your face with. 
‘You are welcome. Nobody gets away with hurting you. Now, I need to reset your nose since they broke it. This will hurt.’ He told you and you nodded. Embo made sure to reset your nose properly and stuck around until the end of your shift to make sure nobody else hurt you. 
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ladymisteria · 1 year
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Annoyed Diego
Season 1, Episode 21 - The Bounty Hunters.
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renif · 3 months
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couldn't sleep and drew jango
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karlydraws · 7 months
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Star Wars AU: the AU where all of my faves have to go through at least one time at some point.
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(still working on the blaster/lightsaber details)
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(Having too much fun and overdoing it)
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jagalart · 5 months
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Token art for a tengu character I designed for the greatest WithTheFox some time ago <3
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