#the bowers gang smut
blue-sadie · 11 months
Plaid Skirts
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Being the only one not taking any of the bowers gangs shit which makes them target you more and on photo day you were forced to wear a plaid skirt which drove the boys crazy so after school they dragged you into an empty classroom to have their way with you.
"You should were skirts more often so it makes it easier for us to fuck you or finger you during class oh you'd like that wouldn't you to get used whenever we want"
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nicohockstetter · 5 months
Bro please, I can't be the only one who sees this image and thinks they are doing something obscene 😭
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tainted-red · 1 year
Lingering - Patrick Hockstetter
Summary: Rumours that Patrick is stalking Y/n. Are they true?
TWS: Vouyerism, Masterbation, Stalking.
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"Y/n" A short boy shouted at the older girl, Y/n froze in her tracks and turned to face the prepubescent boy. "I heard Hockstetter is stalking you! Be careful?" Eddie told the girl. She chuckled and responded with "Why is everyone so scared of him? I'll call the cops if it's ever concerning- plus I told you not to listen to rumours anymore Eddie" Y/n disclosed.
"I know-" Eddie tried to reason with Y/n. He wanted to warn her how dangerous Patrick could be. That one time he allegedly "took" Liah Carmen's dog for not letting him play under her skirt.
"Then let it go Eddie" Y/n cut off Eddie.
Eddie was about to speak again but his friend whom Y/n didn't like too much came around. "Hey, Bunny" Richie exclaimed, standing beside Eddie. Checking Y/n out.
"Hey Sweet-cheeks" Y/n teased.
Y/n and Eddie had no clue how they became close friends. Maybe it was because Eddie gave Y/n his sweater after Greta had slapped a jam sandwich on her shirt.
"Heard Cocksucker is stalking you... every night" Richie appealed,  Y/n groaned "Seriously? Have you heard that shit as well? How did that dumb rumour even start?" Y/n questioned.
"Well Linda told her mother she saw Patrick lurking around your house, So Linda's mother told your mom, your mom told the neighbours so maybe one of your neighbours has a big mouth" Eddie rambled, Playing with the hem of his shorts.
Y/n rolled her eyes "I don't think he even knows who I am. Anyways kids I got to go. See ya later" Y/n dismissed. Walking off, with an uncomfortable feeling lingering on her.
Were the rumours true or was just another one of Greta's friends being a shit-talker?
Y/n arrived home very late, Walking a couple of miles wasn't worth it. Just so she wouldn't get a couple of skepticalal looks.
She definitely felt a bit strange to hear people talking about Patrick like that. Creeping around her house. Apparently having a gun or something like that. It gave Y/n the chills. She thought she was an absolute nobody in this small town, now she plays a big role in a rumour.
Y/n decided a hot shower would relieve her from all this pressure and panic.
Stripping her clothes off her sticky and sweaty body that felt like it was overheating. Once she got her clothes all of she felt like she was freezing.
She grabbed a towel and placed it on her toilet. She then turned on the water for the shower.
Patrick was in-fact stalking Y/n, it was what he was doing right now.
Standing outside of her bedroom window. He was lucky she lived in a one-story house that wasn't very tall.
Every day she would take a shower, Walk into her room with only a towel on. Find an outfit then go back to the washroom to change. Patrick felt like it was the universe teasing him, waiting for him to make a move.
Y/n finished getting changed and walked into her room with only panties and a baggy shirt that covered most of her bottom.
Patrick felt his heart pound faster. The way the shirt would show off one of her soft-looking shoulders. She jumped into her bed, She never used the covers. but today she did.
Patrick could see her throw her underwear across the room, It was very dark in her room but Patrick could see her blanket faintly move around. Y/n gripped onto her sheets as she (Patrick assuming) played with herself.
Her mouth fell open. Patrick loved that. Her plump lips have moans and whimpers escape her mouth.
The blanket's movements now fastened. Patrick felt the blood go straight down to his dick. Unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down slightly, pulling his dick out of his pants.
Slowly pumping it, Seeing Y/n bite her bottom lip in pleasure. He stroked faster. He wanted them to climax at the same time. Although Y/n had a head start.
"Fuck Y/n" Patrick groaned, one hand on his shaft and the other attempting to pull his pants lower so it would be easier and quicker.
Y/n was clearly about to climax. One hand was now on her boob, squeezing it for more pleasure than she needed. Gosh Patrick wanted to be in both of her hands right now.
Patrick could picture Y/n underneath of him. Moaning and begging for more, His dick would fit perfectly.
Patrick saw Y/n's legs now shaking the blanket slightly, it was obvious she was about to finish. Patrick gripped onto his dick harder and stroked even faster than before.
The only time he ever felt this amount of excitement is when he was at his fridge in the middle of the woods. With a lifeless animal in his hand. Or when he "innocently" killed his little bother, Avery.
If Y/n could make him feel this excited could she really exist and not be a figment of his imagination?
Patrick felt his balls tighten, His legs and arms shiver and go numb as he came. Directly on Y/n's house, outside of her room.
If this wasn't a giveaway, Patrick didn't know what was.
He felt his crotch and spine tingle then go slightly numb. He loved whenever that happened just from a little bit of release.
Y/n was now sitting up, putting back on the underwear and wandering off to the washroom. She probably to go clean herself up
Patrick smirked. With all the rumours and gossip about Patrick stalking her, wouldn't she at least close the blinds? Yet she still left them wide open.
Even when she decided to have a fun time.
Patrick pulled up his pants and wiped his hand on his thigh. Buttoning his pants and smiling when he saw Y/n come back with a glass of water.
Sweat shimmered on her body. She looks beautiful.
Y/n sipped on the water and placed it on her bed stand. Getting back into bed with a smile. Patrick swore she looked directly at him, but maybe he was just wishing she did.
Patrick decided today he was going to ask Y/n out. He built up enough courage and confidence from seeing Y/n do something so secretive.
Patrick saw Y/n exit school and go to her younger friends. They seemed to be the only ones that didn't care that Patrick was stalking her. Patrick hated those fucking kids. But put on a nice act.
Approaching the group like a creep, "Hey Eddie. It's been a while, huh?" Patrick taunted, wrapping an arm around the squirming boy.
"Y-yeah" Was all Eddie let out. The biggest hypochondriac being touched by a guy who was speculated to have more diseases than hairs on his head.
Patrick let go of Eddie and turned his attention to Y/n "Hey Y/n. Heard the rumours." Patrick joked, letting out a deep chuckle.
Y/n blushed and started fidgeting with the hem of her skirt "Yeah, I- I have" Y/n stuttered. Patrick usually had that effect on people. intimidating them so much that the person he was talking to stuttered.
He adored it when Y/n did. Her voice was so soft and airy. She had the voice of a kitten, an angel didn't even speak but if it did it would sound like Y/n.
"Sucks. Hope that didn't scare you away" Patrick asked theoretically. Leaning down on his knees so he could be face-to-face with her.
"N-no of course not"  Y/n giggled. Patrick felt the blood rush down to his dick. He's gonna have to ask quickly or else someone will notice and ruin his chance.
"Good. I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie or maybe go for a drive with me and my friends" Patrick wondered. Anticipating for a response.
Y/n's eyes opened wide, quickly looking away from Patrick's stare. She felt like she was about to explode in embarrassment for no reason.
"Yeah, sure. A ride sounds fun- not like that- I meant with your friends as well... Like in a car," Y/n stammered on her words, trying to save herself from her dirty-sounding remark.
It got worse each time she added more words to her sentence. Patrick chuckled at this, and so did Richie.
"Great. Sounds like a date? I'll pick you up tonight" Patrick preached, standing back up straight "Do you need my address or my phone number?" Y/n asked softly. Doe eyes batting at him.
He tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth "I think I can manage" Patrick said slyly with a light chuckle.
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jasonthetoymakesmybbg · 9 months
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Sweetness is a Tasteful thing. (1/??)
Yep, back immediately cause this man is legit invading my mindset and I can not-like he’s actually so fine 😍🙏
Patrick Hockstetter x Female/Male Reader
I am making this cause a scenario kinda went into my head like what if Patrick and his mom met your guys family and stuck around your house for a bit, but y’all are kinda like enemies and he’s forced to be in your room so y’all get along, and like he starts talking about horny shit. Then he started touching himself while staring you dead in the eye, casually moaning your name? I might make a second thing for this adding the rest of the Bowers Gang but,Like bro-HE WONT LEAVE MY HEAD 😭 and for male like he decides to leave Fem flabbergasted and bumped into Male room, then kinda walked in and yeah?
Another day passing, a peaceful weekend, meaning not having to deal with the Bowers Gang…is what I thought but this day became stressful for me.
I was peacefully in my room drawing who knows what, mostly just random doodles of cats or silly goofy things cause why not? I heard a knock on my door and I look up, seeing my mom.
“Sweetie? We’re having guest, get a shirt on.” My mom said quickly, closing my door again, oh yeah forget to mention I was chilling in a pair of shorts and bra cause I was comfy, but who could be visiting?
I sigh and get up, getting a long sleeve shirt on, I grumble as I left my room to see who is was, and who do I see?
Hockstetter and his mom standing inside our living. In my home? Fuck this-before I could slip away back to my safe space my dad spoke up.
“And there’s one of my kids” He said that on purpose? Fuck you dad.
Hockstetter turned and saw me, smirking a bit, damn it why is he so submissive and breedable looking but is a sadistic asshole that’s a tad aggressive?-
(All Y/n as siblings cause yeah)
“Hi…I’m [Fem]Y/n” I grumble a little, feeling all my stress appearing again and I barely left school.
His mom simply waved, greeting me and probably clueless of what her son was planning, meanwhile I felt like killing myself.
My brother walked in [Male] Y/n and he looked in disbelief seeing Patrick, he glanced at me and I shrugged.
“Ah, there’s my son” my dad spoke up, damn it.
“Why don’t you hang out with them?” My mom said looking at Patrick, he shrugged and walked over to me, meanwhile my brother left already, really said ‘ladies first’ we walked to my room, dread touched my heart.
Opening to my glorious room filled with randomly shit that related to my interests or gore art on the wall I pinned up. I sat on my bed, Patrick closed my door, damn it. He smirked lightly sitting in my spinning chair.
“You seem so tense..why is that?” He lightly mocked, I glared.
“Why the fuck are you here?” I grumble to myself again, glaring in hatred.
“Maybe..I might’ve said something about you to my mom to convince her to come over” he grinned.
“…bitch” I said lowly, he smirked at my hostile attitude, but he’s low key hot-stay focused.
“You know…I bet you would look so good bouncing on my dick.” I choke on my spit, not expecting that-well it was expected but it was so random.
“You heard me.” He stared, his eyes were burning into my soul and all I felt was lust waving over him.
“..image me fucking your thighs, then finishing on your stomach, or me fucking you senseless with a knife to your neck..image all the things I could do to you.” He had said so casually, i wasn’t used to a guy telling me his fantasies.
“Sometimes…I wanna fuck you from behind while you suck off Henry” he had continued.
Wow-wait? Henry? Damn, I knew it-he was most definitely bi. Probably gets off to fucking or pleasing girls while watching a guy.
“Or…suck Henry while you ride me I don’t complain” I cock a eyebrow at his words.
“…so…your just spilling your bisexual fantasies?-“ he simply nodded, I notice his hands started caressing near his bulge, but now I finally notice his bulge was erect.
“Look at that..all hard, and just the thought of you makes me all hot and bothered..even though sometimes I just wanna slit your throat.” He let out a low growl, he lightly started to rub his bulge, I gulped knowing I wanted out.
He moaned softly, “Y/n~..got me all excited~”..so how do I feel watching this go down?..mixed feelings. My heart jumped when I notice him unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. Letting his length come free he gripped it a tad tight while stroking.
“Fuck.~..I wanna feel you so badly. Ngh~” I was not gonna make eye contact with his cock, but he made me nervous looking him in the eye, good thing the walls are thick.
He was just touching himself while looking at me, he bit his lip.
“Aw, what’s the matter? Can’t handle seeing me want release Y/n?~ o-ah~” He closed his eyes for a second feeling the moment, it was a surprise he was so peaceful while masturbating.
He stopped suddenly, simply fixing his pants he got up and left my room, I was just-wow
“Huh?-“ was all I could say, I was speechless.
[Male] pov
I was chilling in my room, laying on my bed with music blasting through my headphones, eyes closed. But I wasn’t aware of the devil literally finding me and coming into my room, not even noticing he closed my door.
I jumped when I felt a hand on my chest, my eyes open immediately and I sit up. Patrick..what the fuck?-
“What does your bitch ass want?” I ask, taking my headphones off.
“Actually don’t answer that.” I quickly said.
Before I could move much his hand gripped my thigh to prevent me from leaving. My cock twitched in confusion, but I didn’t wanna react to much.
“.you aren’t gonna leave.” He said lowly, before smirking again, he leaned in to the crook of my neck and started laying kisses down. My breathe lightly hitched at the feeling.
“Huh?-“ I was confused why he was showing a form of affection when he isn’t affectionate at all. I felt him lightly rest his hand on my thigh again, his thumb lazily rubbing against my bulge to get me excited. And yet it did, my cock started to harden at the sensation, I felt his smirk grow bigger in my neck.
He let out a chuckle, “fucking knew it”
“Knew what?-“ I cock a eyebrow,
“You would enjoy me touching your dick…slut” and there it was, the word I hated being called But liked it so much.
“What you call me?-say it again…i-like..hearing you call me that” I had shared, Patrick laughed at my words.
“Aw..the slut wants to be humiliated huh? Would you allow me to call you it in school?.~”
I nodded, “yes-if it means to hear you say it..” my body was begging to be stripped and fucked, he knew it to.
“Fucking prepare cause when the rest of the gang get here-“
“…what?” I side glance, my eyes went wide.
“Yeah..they’re planning to tag along here..mostly to play with you and your siblings.” He casually said, laying on his side comfortably.
“Let it sink in slut” the way the word slid off his tongue made me excited.
“Jesus fucking Christ” I rubbed my eyes.
“..your so-hot?” I randomly say, Patrick was amused by the way I was acting.
“I can tell I am in your eyes…also to let you know I randomly masturbate in front of your sister” that made my jaw dropped.
“The fuck?-“ I tried processing what he said.
“How did she react?-“ I ask
“Flabbergasted and confused” he shrugged his shoulders
“Sounds accurate enough”
(And here we are, one part done.)
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shifting4fun · 11 months
am i or am i not maybe sorta gonna drop a patrick hockstetter x goth!reader?🤭
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babygirlz-world · 1 year
Patrick Hockstetter NSFW ABC
A- after care(what they're like after sex)
Because of his issues, like where he thinks he's the only real person, he was never into aftercare. Until he found out you were like him. He was thinking that you and him were the only real people and he wasn't alone. So he wanted to protect you and take care of you
B- body part (his favorite body part of yours and your favorite body part of his)
He loves your hips. Even if he likes to protect you he's always rough with your hips. He burns them and cuts them whenever he feels like you deserve it (which is whenever the wounds heal or he's bored) when with the gang your always in his lap and his hands are on your hips.
You love his stomach. He let's you draw on his stomach and chest when your alone. Usually your by the quarry or in your backyard while your parents are out.
C- Cum (anything to do with Cum)
He loves covering you with his cum. He knows that neither or you are ready for kids but he so badly wants to Cum inside you so he uses a condom a lot of the time
D- Dirty secret (something he's secretly into but won't tell anyone)
He used to stalk you from time to time in middle school and start of high school until Victor invited you to the gang
E- Experience (what kind of experience does he have from before you got together)
There wasn't much loving experience in him. There was sexual experience from small hookups from before you got together
F- Favorite position (what position does he love you in)
He loves you riding him because 1) he doesn't have to do much 2) you always look amazing when you do
G- Goofy (how Goofy or serious is he in bed)
He was never very vocal during sex but more recently he started joking about kids
H- Hair (does the carpet match the drapes and how well groomed is he)
Same color. And he's very well groomed
I- Intimacy (how intimate is he during sex)
He usually it very rough buy sometimes if he knows you had a bad day he'll do everything in his heart to make you feel good
J- Jerk off (masturbation headcanon)
He stole a couple pairs on your panties to jerk off to. He'll jerk off under the blanket while you guys watch movies in the living room
K- Kink (the kinks you and him have)
Hot wax(as mentioned in another post of mine) and a knife kink
L- Location (where does he love having sex with you)
Your bedroom when your parents are in their room or the living room
M- Motivation (what kind of stuff gets him off. And what does he do to make you needy)
Seeing you with any guy. It makes him go crazy.
All he has to do with you is hold your neck while looking down at you
N- No (things he refuses to do with you)
He refuses to fuck you while your crying or injured. When you broke your leg because Henry brought you into a fight he didn't fuck you or eat you out. He took care of you and cuddled you making sure your leg was ok
O- Oral (how does he feel about oral)
He loves seeing your face while eating you out and watching you suck him off so oral is his go to before sex
P- Pace (how fast does he go with you)
He's fast and rough which is something you've gotten used to
Q- Quickie (how does he feel about quickies)
He loves quickies at school or in the woods or near the mini fridge
R- Risk (what kind of risks is he willing to take)
Public sex turns him on so much so he doesn't care is someone sees
S- stamina (how is his stamina)
He could go for hours if you wanted
T- Toy (does he have or like to use any toys when with you)
He doesn't have any toys but has said that if you wanted to use toys he'd be ok with it
U- Unfair (how much does he tease you)
He teases you all the time around the gang. He loves seeing how embarrassed you get around the boys
V- Volume (how loud is he during sex)
He wasn't very vocal but he likes to sweet talk you sometimes
W- Wildcard (random headcanon)
He would love to watch you and Victor go at it. He knows Victor is your best friend and that he had a massive crush on you before you and Patrick got together and never really got over it. As long as it was someone he knew he didn't mind sharing you
X- X Ray (how big is he down there)
You know that stereotype that skinny guys have big dicks. Well it's more than true for Patrick
Y- Yearning (how high is his sex drive)
He wants to fuck you every second of the day
Z- Zzz (how quickly does he fall asleep afterwards)
He always makes sure your asleep before he goes to bed
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miyuuuki · 2 years
Imagine two Yanderes pining and obsessing over eachother without knowing, and when they finally realize each others obsession, it’s just straight up smut 😍😍😍
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dazedvivenne · 8 months
I currently write for
Rafe Cameron
Kevin Khatchadourian
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Donnie Darko
Bill skarsgard (characters + him)
Drew Starkey (+ Any other character of his)
Negan Smith
Tate Langdon
Kit Walker
James Patrick March
Kai Anderson
Kyle Spencer
Darry Jenner
IF you have someone specific in your mind, request it and I will try my best to write it!
Literally everything, I have to no limits so go crazy.
Please go request something about your favourite character <3
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Patrick hockstetter x feminine reader smut (this is my first time writing smut don't come for me😭🙏🏽)
⚠️AGED UP TO 18!!⚠️
Warnings:Smut,p in v,fingering,not realistic Patrick
Patrick hockstetter POV:
There she was..Y/n L/n the most prettiest girl in town and she was laying right under me whimpering as I rub two fingers in a motion circle around her clit. Her whimpers and moans were like music to my ears "pl-pls pat-patrick I need you in me" I smirk and line my dick up to her entrance. "are you ready?" I say looking up at her, she nods and grabs her cute little pink plushie to muffle her moans as I slowly push in to her. "Oh fuck baby you're sooo tight~" I say going faster and harder her perfect pretty pink nails clenches her plushie "ahh~~o-oh pat-patrick~~" she starts to cum i pull out and cum on her stomach. "Want to take a bath baby?" She looks at me "y-yes pls Patrick" I smile softly finally a genuinely smile going to the bathroom turning it on. I pick her up taking her pink bow hair clip out of her hair putting her in the bath "I love you Patrick..." I look at her shock and I smile "I love you too sugar tits"
I'm sorry. Ik this isn't how Patrick acts but whatever 💀😭🙏🏽
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fuckshitslover · 2 years
val's masterlist and rules :)
FUCKSHIT   -    mid90s
Coming soon!...
Coming soon!...
Coming soon!...
Coming soon!...
Coming soon!...
Coming soon!...
Coming soon!...
None yet!...
I will do NSFW, though i’m not sure i’m very good at it. I will write for any character on this list, and if you happen to request one that i know, ill see if i can write for them! I don't write male!readers, and i will default to fem!reader unless said to be gender neutral. I will update my masterlist when i make a new work, and FEEL FREE TO REQUEST! I do go to school, so ill probably be a bit short on time but ill try my best to do anything i;m interested it whenever i can! I am an ADD bisexual female, so i will say the f slur if necessary, and i will try to refrain from, but if there is a line that says the r slur, i might refer to it. None of my work is meant to offend anyone, it is purely for fun. Ill try my best to respond to constructive criticism, but if you're rude, you'll get blocked 🙂
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straberrycore · 1 year
Henry bower x soft poc reader
Warning: talk of violence and slurs
Disclaimer: pls do not laugh at this peace of hot garbage I know it’s bad so pls be nice this is my first story and if the views are bad then it will be my last thx very much.
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When me and Henry first met at the pond the pond was a silent secluded junk infested pond era with a water fall down the stream in the woods he pushed me in the water called me a "nigger" and threw a rock at me and told me to never come back to "his" pond.
but that wasn't going to stop me so I went back again and again and each time he would either choke me and tell me to never come back, push me up against a tree and tell me he was going to hurt me or push me in to the water once almost drowning me by pulling my just pressed hair I had for easter Sunday church and dunking me into the water.
but I wasn't going to just leave I found this place first and it was going to be mines.
but one day I went back again and he saw me sitting in the back of a abandoned red rusty truck
he looked at me his eyes were watery and red like he had been crying.
he balled his fist up his knuckles were red and scraped up
his right eye was a light purple visibly starting to slowly turn into a deep purpleish black.
he took a deep breath, blowed it out and let his fists go dropping his head he then started to climb into the back of the truck with me.
he sat across from me with his head held low and his hands in his lap.
"what's wrong with you" I said low and softly with concern in my voice.
"none of your damn business nigger" he responded lowly almost like a whisper with anger and resentment in his voice.
I could tell his anger was not pointed towards me like he was mad at something else.
I slowly crawled up to him between his legs and once I was close enough i slowly grabbed his head gently with both my hands, turned his head ,sideways and laid his head on my chest.
I wrapped my arms around his head to keep him close with my arms propped on his shoulders I played his his hair as my hands reach the top of his head.
I knew he probably wanted to pull away choke me or put me through some kind of torture for touching him.
but I was genuinely surprised when he put his arms around my slim waist his arms resting on my hips and I was in a even greater deal of shock when he put his legs between my spreaded legs, pulled me up on his lap and slowly started to push me down.
like he wanted me to sit on his lap..... so that is what I did I sat on his lap my legs straddling him as I sat face forward on his lap his head still laid on my chest.
we sat like that for a good hour just me hugging him lowly humming a song the warm afternoon sun shining on the pond water and us. him taking slow deep breaths as he had a fist full on my white summer dress that had a flower pattern all over it.
this was the most calm and relaxed I had ever seen Henry he's usually bulling little kids or yelling slurs at mike.
if the kids from school, my parents or the rest of the bowsers gang saw us like this it would be the end of both are reputations.
his reputation of being the scary, hardcore, heartless, evil, bully, badass, psychopath would be demolished.
and my reputation of me the nice, sweet, thoughtful, caring, Christian, good girl would be completely over with.
just by being seen with each other.
my dad would kill me if he knew I was with the the psychopath racist kid 'Henry bowers!" right now
but honestly it’s a complete shock to be with him the way I am right now and not have him spitting slurs at me and being a jerk
i then pulled away and picked his head up to look at me
"are you ok henry" I whispered
He then looked at me his black eye eventually turning fully black and his eyes were low like he was sleepy
"I don't want to talk about it" he said in a whisper he then moved me off his lap and got out the truck
" should go it's getting pretty late" he said lowly
I got out after him and watch him start to slowly step away and take a few steps in to the woods
as I watch him something came over me
"henry !" I yelled I was a little taken back by my out burst seeing as I yelled before I could think of something to say.
he turned around and I sprinted up to him going on my tippy toes and kissing him on his cheek.
his face slowly turned red, he started to scratch the back of his head and that signature side smile he does came up on his face he looked a little embarrassed
"what was that for" he spoke sheeply still scratching his head
"I know that you were probably hurting a minute ago so I wanna say I hope your ok and that what ever is wrong it will get better" I said sincerely and slowly started to babble on
by this point his face went back to normal the same old "I don't give a fuck face" and by this point I was babbling about emotions and stuff.
but I was taken aback when he moved forward and kissed me on the lips
his lips were thin,soft and surprisingly warm.
I didn't know what I was doing I was just kissing him based off movies and times I secretly kissed my pillow and I guess that was ok because he was responding with the same moves.
the kiss then got sloppy and wet are mouths making up a good amount of saliva I closed my eyes only for them to shoot open when I fell his tongue go in my mouth.
by then I pull myself away from him and wipe the saliva off my mouth
I look up at him to see he had that smug smile on his face but it then suddenly changed "if you tell anyone what just happened I will chock you the fuck out Mackenzie. I swear to fucking god.
I nodded my head and he turned around and walked away in to a little path in the woods
I wasn't really shocked about the chocking part just at the fact he didn't call me a nigger and said my actual name.
as I walked away in the direction of my home i slowly started to realize I might have a little itsy bitsy, Teeny weeny crush on Henry bowers
oh god i probably sound like a psychopath or an idiot having a crush on a guy like him means your either cursed or you hate yourself.
either way I don't know how to explain it or form it into words but I do have a crush and i'm looking forward to the next time he kisses me
when I got home my dad obviously wanted to know where I was so I told him I was at the arcade with my friends
he understood but was still a little upset that I got home late saying i could never know what could happen to me getting home late by myself.
I rolled my eyes and went to my room putting on a more comfortable outfit
just as I was hanging my dress I saw a very small blood stain on the back of it were Henry was gripping it the blood must have came from his knuckles I take it off the hook and immediately put it in the washing machine hoping for the best.
I then walked to the dinner table hearing my name be called for dinner
I sat at the dinner table eating my meatloaf listening to my baby sister talk about her day "what games did you play at the arcade sweetheart" my dad suddenly asked with interest
panicked for a good second till something popped in my head
"oh you know the usual Pac-Man and donkey Kong a little defender" I said naming all the popular games I could think of
my dad nodded his head in approval as he took a bite of meatloaf
just yesterday Henry bowers kissed me and since then he can't stop looking at me
just this morning walking in to school he was staring at me while he stood over Eddie Kaspbrak.
in class I can feel his dark black psychopath eyes on me and when I turned back he was still looking at me
I gotta say I'm a little scared but I honestly can't wait to go too the pond today.
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onthelowrise · 1 year
does anybody remember a patrick hockstetter x reader series where the reader was living with him and working at a school or something? I remember I commented on it but I can’t find it in my likes anymore idk if they deleted it but it was so good pls
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coopermorrow · 2 years
It (2017/2019) Masterlist
This is my official masterlist for It characters. I write for all the characters listed as well as others if it is requested. I will also write for their actors. For additional information, please refer to the post linked below.
This masterlist along with my others will be updated everytime a new story/fic is written or in the works of being written.
-none yet
-none yet
-none yet
-none yet
-none yet
-none yet
-none yet
-none yet
-none yet
-none yet
-none yet
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sweetpuffy12 · 2 years
Stuff I write for :
IT (2017 & 2019):
Richie toizer, Eddie kaspbarak, bill denbrough, mike hanlon, Beverly marsh, Ben Hanscom, Stanley uris.
Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Victor criss, Belch huggins.
Vance hopper, Finney Blake, Robin arenello, billy Showalter, Bruce yamada.
Billy hargrove, Steve harrington, Eddie Munson, Nancy wheeler, Robin buckly, Gareth Emerson
Percy jackson, Annabeth Chase, Nico Di Angelo, Luke castellan.
Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Dionysus, Hades, Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo.
Jack Dylan Grazer, Finn Wolfhard, Wyatt Oleff, Jayden Martell, Owen Teague, Bill Hader, Nicholas Hamilton, Logan Thompson, Miguel Cazarez Mora, Brady Hepner, Mason Thames, Nijirô Murakami, Dori Sakarada.
Enemies to lovers
Enemies to friends to lovers
Strangers to enemies to lovers
Friends to lovers
And whatever y'all can think of!
I also do smut, fluff, angst and other things all y'all have to do is request and please don't be shy and also don't be shy to request any kinks in not uncomfortable with anything so don't be shy!
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shifting4fun · 11 months
ITS POSTED‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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babygirlz-world · 1 year
I wanna do kinktober this year bc i found a promt list from @starsandskies but idk how i would write them. I might try to look for another promt list or writing challenge i can do since my friends are all doing some of the october art challenges so if any of you know any good promt lists or differnt writing challenges i can do that would be great
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