#the boys really do need an exorcism or something after this chapter
Tianshan really out here cockblocking Zhanyi left and right
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amoransia · 1 month
Chapter 72 spoilers and also insane screaming from me. You have been warned.
Oh LORD we're REALLY in it NOW! Hold me -- literally anybody, hold me!! I don't know if I will survive this arc! (or this manga at all, for that matter!)
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Hell yeah, bro, fist bump!
What is in the water over there in the Ekuoto world? Like, genuinely? What are they drinking for them to come out like this? These homosexuals will be the death of me (lovingly).
Interesting how even Barbara and Leah get nicknamed "powerhouses" by Daniel. He uses 主戦力 in the raws which could mean "main military power" but also "main valuable assets"... once again seeing them not by their character but by their value? To be honest, I guess it doesn't mean much when he calls them this once, but I thought it was worth pointing out.
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Actual insanity lines this chapter. "Of course I'm cute." Hello? I guess being a witch deletes the very concept of shame off your brain? I kind of gaped like an idiot at this one.
30 something year old man to the teenage influencer: I'm cute, duh.
Oh boy. "I'll handle Vergilius." This is going to turn into the most doomed yaoi scene in the incoming chapters. And Charlotte is probably getting involved in one way or another. I don't know. I wish her luck, though.
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"I wouldn't mind dying for you" oh yeah baybe I am about to do something drastic.
Man What The Fuck
Vergilius heard Dante's suicidal ideation and said, NOT ON MY WATCH!!!
It seems to me that the only thing keeping Dante alive is Vergilius. Because if he has no plans after finally killing him, what else is there for him? Just dying trying to repent for his mistakes? Finally let go? So I guess Vergilius recognizes this and decides he can't die. Because if he dies, then the man he (presumably) loves dies, too.
I saw someone mention this on Twitter: Dante can't live in a world where Vergilius doesn't exist (so he gives up on life when Vergilius is gone) while Vergilius won't accept a world where he and Dante can't live together (and therefore wants to change the world).
I think there's also something to say about Vergilius' childish appearance reflecting some sort of... inner workings of his? Does that make sense? I feel like the constant mention of it is trying to point to something. Like here:
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Chapter 20 and 72 respectively.
But I'm not eloquent enough to put this into words. So I'll throw the idea out there instead!
Onto Imuri!
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Lol the english translation didn't keep the heart Imuri added in her thoughts. Basically it's the same words but with a heart like "Oh, I've been here with Mr. Priest before ♡" Normally I wouldn't care, but I think this adds to her... character? Maybe? Well, whatever. Not particularly important, but The More You Know!
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Imuri encounters Mystery Child!
I will begin by saying that I don't think it's Priest? Imuri herself doesn't think so either, so it's most likely someone else. They're muttering the name Rodrigo, which is curiously the name Belphegor uses when going to Earth in order to investigate marriage. Hm!!!! Inch resting indeed...
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Oh, God! These expressions were genuinely heartrending. She really was looking for that sliver of hope -- that her hunch was wrong. That she and Imuri could stay friends. I am heartbroken for Leah. :( (and Barbara, for that matter).
They even try to find a middle ground, too! Barbara tries to find a common goal! They really don't want to exorcize her right now! But Imuri also raises valid points: why wake him to just put him to work again?
But then she says, soo confident in herself: what Priest needs right now is me. I guess she has actual proof of that? But by God it is so egoistical. (A word that describes Imuri quite well...)
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She looks 1000x better with her fangs and her demon eyes, damn.
I'm not sure what she wins by revealing herself. She's still powerless, as far as I know. I guess she thinks she can run away with Priest using her come-to-life drawings?
Also FINALLY CONFIRMATION THAT SHE'S RELATED TO SATAN AND LILITH... THANK YOU, GOD. (Odd person to thank. Anyway,) I am well aware this doesn't mean she's like, their daughter or anything (merely related to them), but I really hope she is. It would be hilarious. Please grant me this wish, it would be so funny. (GIVE ME SATAN FATHER-IN-LAW SHENANIGANS!!!!!!!!!)
My friend mentioned that she might be revealing her connections to them in order to scare Leah and Barbara out of trying to exorcize her. After all, they don't know that she's magicless yet, right? So that might make them hesitate.
But in a way, this feels like Imuri is saying "don't you know who my parents are?! Don't mess with me!" LOL. Does this count as some sort of nepotism???
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"He'll forgive me with a simple apology!"
Actually insane thinking. Priest-kun will LOSE it when he finds out everything was a lie (and this is probably where BL Satan comes in to tempt him into Wrath).
But yeah this is selfish thinking, typical of her.
I think it's really funny that in the raws "simple apology" is just a "ごめんね", which is kinda like "sorry!"
Girl, you are not getting forgiven with that. It's just not happening. You are not teehee'ing your way out of this one.
Finally..... I am kinda sad it seems we're nearing the end arcs of Ekuoto?(?) I've been following since the very first chapter released in Japanese, so I'll miss it dearly.... Cope: maybe this is the first part, á la Dante's Inferno. Purgatory next! (Zero chance of this happening)
Anyway, good chapter. It hurt me so good. Good chapter. (going insane)
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mari-lair · 1 year
What do you think will happen to Akane when No 1.‘s yorishiro is destroyed (because story wise it probably will be.)
Once they lose their seat as a school mystery, will Akane not be a part of them anymore? And if so, what will happen to him. I think that the best case scenario is that he will lose his powers but still be able to see supernaturals. The worst case scenario is that his memory of anything supernatural is wiped but I’m really hoping that doesn’t happen.
(I think about this more than I should)
I feel ya! I too think way too hard about Akane’s situation.
The best case scenario to me is that Akane gets the same treatment as the other mysteries that lost their yorishiro and he mostly became weaker. The six years of his contract aren’t over after all, he may lose his seat but not his connection to the clock keepers, the only change is that the clock keeper's boundary is gone and maybe instead of 15 minutes per day, he can only stop time 5 or 1 minute per day.
Cause those that lost their yorishiro aren’t completely disconnected from their school mystery powers (Tsuchi still has access to the books after the library is gone. Yako knows how to find portals. And Mei created something magical in the new chapter for Sakura. )
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But since there are three clock keepers, and Akane is only half supernatural, it’s hard to know what would happen... Him losing his powers cause he is the weaker link of the keepers, and there could not be enough power remaining in their rumor to sustain his pocket watch, or something of sorts, but this lost connection not nullifying his ability to see supernaturals, similar to Aoi after her rescue, would be cool. I like your best case a lot.
His memory of anything supernatural being wiped out fuck me up for many reasons but I want to believe it won’t happen both because Aoi got back from the near shore still seeing supernaturals, and cause Teru, a competent exorcist, may have ways to protect his memory from any possible curse.
Now a bit of insanity time: The worst case to me is that Akane should have been dead before the manga even started.
 Akane is a normal boy, he isn’t related to exorcism or sacrifices or anything supernatural. Just like Nene he couldn’t even see them for all his life and only had manual labor to offer when they made a contract.
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But this normal boy ‘suddenly’ starts seeing the clock keepers the moment they had everything set up to put their recruiting plan into action.
I can’t say with any confidence they shortened Akane’s lifespan, but I do find it very convenient that the supernaturals whose rumors involve stealing people’s time had Akane able to see them when they needed him to see them.
So I have this theory he is a walking corpse.
He could see the clock keepers at 12, and he is already 15, so if we compare his situation to Nene’s (who has one year to live since being involved with supernaturals, and is the only other human with a supernatural contract) he would be two years past his expiration date. The only thing keeping him alive at the moment is his contract with Mirai and Kako, once the contract is over he is dead, and the destruction of the clock keeper's yorishiro would accelerate his death or null the contract completely and kill him right away.
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It would also add another layer as to why Hanako is so fascinated by Akane, and why Mei told Yashiro to seek the clock keepers to help with her lifespam, but instead of showing the three keepers, like usual, it just shows akane. Akane in his two forms.
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Him having two bodies (one that is supernatural and invisible to students, so technically, a ‘dead’ body) is already very strange, and if anyone can twist the laws of fate to give someone more time in this manga, it would be the clock keepers.
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space-spring · 3 months
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I reblogged that post the other day about never finishing video games and it made me stop and think hard about my life and the fact that. oh my god....... I really DO never finish video games........... So I have changed my ways by finishing up Chapter 4 and the ending of Chaos route for Tactics Ogre! Tons of endgame spoilers ahead but here are my bullet-pointed highlights:
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My guy Azelstan the pirate! I love him. His whole arc with losing his daughter reminded me a little of Svarog and Hossabara from Triangle Strategy (albeit with substantially more nihilism!), and finding him at the port and then going through the story with the girl he takes under his wing made me die a little inside.
I do really appreciate the fact that even once he joins you he's still a little bit of a mess! I feel like a lot of the characters join Denam out of anger or honor or something else equally passionate, and meanwhile Azelstan's out here going "I've lost everything I love and this is just a decent way to try and make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else." He's simply a very sad old man and I love him a lot
This is not a highlight per se but it IS funny: I had to play the whole pirate cove dungeon where you recruit him like three or four times because I kept thinking I had the recruitment conditions fulfilled and then. did not in fact have the recruitment conditions fulfilled. I killed SO many ghosts. I got to the point where I just bought like 30 exorcism arcanas before going in so I could just have anyone regardless of cleric status blast the stilled undead whenever I needed to
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AUGHKDHJSHDGHJJS. I am. SO unwell about the Sherri recruitment scene. I cannot express just how much I am unwell about the Sherri recruitment scene. All the Phoraena sisters really are so cool and good and I spontaneously combust whenever they come on screen but this scene is just AUUUUUGH........ It kills me thinking about how long Sherri's been hiding out because she doesn't think anyone will welcome her back and meanwhile her sisters just!!! love her so much!!!!!!!!!! and SHE loves THEM so much!!!!!! it just makes me go woaugh..........
I also just replayed some of the earlier chapters with Cerya and Cistina to test out the endgame rewind feature, and I take back my little chart I made of them a while back where they're arguing over clothes and things. All of the sisters are defined first and foremost by Being Willing To Sacrifice Everything For Each Other and I love them so much about it
And in addition to all the Phoraena sister dynamics, looking at this scene through the perspective of Denam ALSO having a sister who's keeping herself apart because she feels unloved is so. wowowowow
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And on that note Denam and Catiua are rotating around in my head 24/7!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really so in love with how far the writers went with their argument and fallout and also insane about the bad ending in this scenario because AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!?! and also I'm just a sucker for guilt arcs and having to live with mistakes even when it'd be easier not to. Catiua's absolutely insane (affectionate) and I think it's so fun how she changes things around and really comes into her own after this.
Also I really really love that the two of them got to have such a narratively clear conversation about everything that went down!!!!! This is a complete tangent but I sometimes kind of go insane over the fact that in Triangle Strategy we really don't get to see a ton of Roland and Cordelia after they reunite and Whiteholm is retaken. They have. so many things to talk about, and Cordelia has more than a few valid reasons to feel resentment toward Roland for the way he handled retaking Whiteholm. The closest they come to really talking about how they feel is that scene where they're standing in the garden and Roland's trying to explain why he killed Avlora and Cordelia just kinda quietly goes, "I know. I get it. I can't blame you." And while that scene is fun in its own "this bad boy can fit SO many emotionally traumatized Cordelia headcanons in it" sort of way, it's also so so so nice to see Denam and Catiua do the opposite and actually sit down and hash it out for a bit. They get to talk about why they're angry!!! They both get to explain themselves and then reassure each other that they're still loved!!!! They get to be genuinely close again and work as a team!!!!! and I love that for them :)
Also with comparisons to Cordelia, Catiua very distinctly doesn't get sidelined after Denam rescues her!!!! She's an active participant in the war and really takes charge over Denam, which is very neat imo, and I love getting to see her coronation and speech at the end
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THIS ATTACK SPECIFICALLY. The whole final boss was so cool but I actually gasped and sat back when I saw this, it was just so so different than any of the other graphics in the game and it made me go nuts
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The credits are really pretty :)
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RHCKCHHGLGLRLRLAHHJG I am once again foaming at the mouth about the way the game blends game mechanics and story this is SUCH a fun explanation for how the whole world tarot system works and also I am absolutely gutted by the idea of Denam doing this canonically because he can't stand the regret of the choices he's had to make. I feel like Denam's guilt over the entire conflict isn't explicitly mentioned a ton (he actively makes a lot of comments to the effect of "I'm doing what my honor dictates and I have nothing to be ashamed of") and then every once in a while the game comes back and slaps you with stuff like this. Like hey. hey. yasumi matsuno. can we talk? I jst wantto talkk
Also all the endgame content is SO GOOD. I'm starting to move over to Reborn because I want to experience all the voice acting and stuff over on that version, but it's also so hard to leave my team and all the cool stuff I've unlocked. I need to read up on it more but I'm 90% sure you can recruit Lancelot and Warren if you do the Palace of the Dead stuff which I avoided in Chapter 4, so I'm tempted to go back and do that on there sometime. Or mayhaps I'll just play it through on Reborn once I get through Lawful and Neutral!
But yeah!!! Overall, such a fun route and a fun game and a fun ending :) I do feel like I want to come back to Chaos route once I've finished the other two, because I miss Vyce and the role-playing part of my RPG-obsessed brain really wants him to survive the canon-ish ending because I think there's a ton of things from the beginning of the route that I'll think differently on now that I've finished (like all of the stuff building up to Vyce going nuts and Catiua leaving).
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crplpunkklavier · 1 year
I'm rereading Exorcism (now that its finished! yahoo) and I love Kitty Poes sm shes such an interesting characterrr would you wanna tell me about your process for developing her? ig I couldve DMed you but I myself love a chance to rant publicly so here you go lmao. I am unfortunately only on chapter 14 (though I got further than that last time) so if you wanna be spoilery just give me a warning and I'll read it later >:3c
kitty my best friend kitty
i think i can go over this without any spoilers past chapter 14! you have already seen her big arc and i am sooo happy people liked her <333
so! i've never mentioned this to anyone before, but kitty is a bit of a riff off of one of my oldest OCs. when i was about 18, i was big into katekyo hitman reborn, mostly because i was even bigger into organized crime as a general topic. catalena foggia was the youngest of four, and after a rival family took out her parents and all three of her older brothers (you know, the sort of backstory you give people as a teenager) she very grimly stepped up to the throne.
now whenever i need a female character with a "hello, i Run This Place" air about her, my mind goes to catalena, who of course was called cat by all her friends.
and i knew that i wanted a character like that as klavier's manager. generally, whenever i get to make OCs for my aa fics, i try to make most of them women if they aren't already implied to be men by canon like the rest of the gavinners, since aa refuses to have adult female characters that don't die. the gavinners started out as a bunch of teenage guys, the music industry is tough as nails, LA is horrible..... nobody but cat could've done it, man.
the whole dutch connection sort of happened on the fly. i knew i didn't want to call her catalena foggia, even if nobody but, like, the two irl friends i still have who knew me at 18 lol, knew of that oc. it was still important to me to differentiate, because this wasn't cat, this was a new oc who was very similar to and inspired by her. i remembered that kitty is a valid first name, so i went for that, because i like to think i'm funny. :^)
once you reach the end of exorcism, you'll find a little gdoc with bonus content i left in the end notes there, which among other things contains explanations for all the pun names i've used in the fic. including kitty's, but i'll reiterate here: the reason i stuck with a cat theme was that klavier gavin, in my mind, is absolutely a golden retriever, so i wanted to give him a manager/babysitter who is a cat. a big cat. kitty is short in stature, but i mention her lion's mane of hair often enough in the text, so, u know.
that's also part of what i wanted her to be. yeah, she had to be tough simply for the industry and for the fact that she was managing teenagers for a while, but i also knew that i wanted to give klavier friends, and people in his life who really care about him, and will stick with him through all this. kitty is lawfully loyal: if she doesn't agree with something, she has no trouble walking out, but once she actually takes to someone like she took to klavier, she will be fiercely protective. i never mentioned her age, but i imagined her in exorcism to be somewhere in her mid to late 40s. she's seasoned, she's experienced, she's capable - she's what klavier deserves!!! that's what i wanted. kristoph and daryan are so painfully incompetent, when it comes down to it. klavier needs people in his life who know what they're doing.
so, i wanted a big little lion lady for my dog boy. i sort of just clicked through my various dictionaries for a while looking up different cat terms in different languages to see if any of them sounded enough like a last name, and that's how i landed on poes. only after that did i decide to make the dutch conundrum A Thing.
thank you for asking about her <33333 enjoy the rest of the fic, feel free to keep me posted about ur reading experience too :3c
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hhighkey · 1 year
Haunted // Chapter Three, jujutsu high
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Inumaki Toge x OC (female)
Chapter Rating: general
Story Contains: unhealthy relationships, strangers to lowkey!friends to lovers, family issues, OC is in high school going into university after summer, she thought curses were ghosts, bad parents want their child dead, 18/19 character ages, toge is so in love, eventual sex prior to relationship, soft dom toge, dacryphylia, over protective/ possessive toge, jealous toge
Word Count: 2701
KEY: ‘text written with single quotations are writing/typing in notes or messages by toge' and bold text is when japanese sign language comes in
Tags: reply if want a tag
Out on the track at Jujutsu High was Itadori, Fushiguro, and Kugisaki all amuck for their training. Fushiguro and Itadori were running around the track as Kugisaki timed them, yelling out laps left or to just run faster. The sun beat down with no remorse on their forms, training more grueling than normal. The only breaks were when the puffy white clouds hid the sun's slowly setting rays. "You guys can run faster! This is pathetic! Sun'll be down soon!" The three were unaware of what had happened just an hour ago, that three unusual kids were now on the school's property receiving help.
"Oh shut up!" Itadori called back as he ran past her, breathing hard.
Coming down the stairs was an older student, Panda, who'd been asked to retrieve the three of them. For a few seconds he watched them run about, yelling profanities about who was faster or stronger. But eventually when Kugisaki noticed Panda waiting and not joining in, she called the two boys over.
"Hey Panda!" Itadori waved, hands on his knees as he breathed hard.
"Gojo wants us all to meet. Suppose something's come up."
"Oh? What?"
"I don't know. Let's go find out." Panda exclaimed, "Maki's been in a weird mood since she got back and won't talk about and well Inumaki.. you know."
"Was it a higher grade curse than they were expecting?" Kugisaki asked.
"Don't think so, but they brought people back with them I know that much."
The three younger sorcerers exchanged looks as Panda was already heading up the stairs. The confusion in the air was then heavy. Today had been a day like any other until Maki and Inumaki were called away, though Inumaki was the one requested and Gojo thought it was a good idea for Maki to join. It wasn't often, as of late, for them to be called altogether like this.
When they arrived where Gojo waited, they found him pacing an empty classroom. It was a rare sight to not see him lounged out on a chair with a carefree demeanor going on rants about something. Instead his right hand was continously raking through his hair as if he was trying to desperately remember something.
The students stood watching their teacher for many minutes before it was like he even realized they were there.
"So everyone, we have some extra visitors today." Gojo then began to ramble, "We really need to think of a way to figure out if civilians have wandered into an area during an exorcism.. it's a relief no one died honestly. I'm still confused myself and if I have to report to the higher ups, I can't look like an idiot."
"Who are they?" Kugisaki asked as she wasn't there to witness what happened, "and what do you mean? They just wandered in?"
"No idea," Gojo shrugged, "I still want to know what happened," he peered at Inumaki and Maki, the two who sat in the corner of the room dejectedly.
Maki took a deep breath, "it was a weak curse, very weak. But we could hear crying, figured it was the curse trying to do something I don't know. However, as I attacked that was when I saw them. A girl in front of two others. They were gravely injured and then they weren't..."
"How were they suddenly not injured?"
"Well, she uh, appeared to heal her friends." Maki stated bluntly knowing she'd have to since Inumaki couldn't, "probably has lots of cursed energy... Don't think she knew what she was doing."
"Shake," the cursed speech user agreed.
"Well I would like to meet her," Panda said
"So would I," Gojo agreed with a smile, "don't let her leave."
"Doubt she will while her friends are being checked out by Shoko."
"I'm sure Shoko is fascinated by her." Maki mumbled, "didn't even look like she had a hard time with.. whatever she did."
"Panda, let's go ask her." Gojo said casually as began to leave the students in the room, "sure she'd love to meet a talking panda."
"As they left, Maki called out after them, "that girl who healed her friends- her energy feels weird!"
Gojo just raised his hand in a waving dismissive motion, nothing he couldn't handle. Which made Maki grimace with a huff.
Gojo was fascinated when Maki had come running to find him going on about their job not going smoothly as civilians were there, that Inumaki went to go find Shoko as Ijichi had them in the car. He'd hardly listened as she explained about the curse or the kids- until she said one of the girls literally made a glowing light around her friends and they were healed. As good as new.
"Think she's someone who should enroll?" Panda asked, they always needed new faces.
"Maybe. Probably. Could use someone that can just make us healthy on command," he chuckled, "hopefully she didn't stray from where she was asked to sit still..."
The two sorcerers found Keiko meek against the large trees and buildings around where she sat. She looked dejected with her deep breaths trying to stay calm, hair and clothes with clumps of dried blood. Her hands shook softly as she continued to smooth out her uniform skirt like it was a tick for her nerves and discomfort. Panda hoped the young girl was okay, he knew it was hard for people to discover they had 'powers' and everything they knew was different. He also hoped Gojo wouldn't freak her out too much.
Keiko sat on the edge of the deck outside the building where Aki was inside. Her eyebrows seemed to be in a permanent downcast as her thoughts were wild trying to comprehend everything she witnessed and did. Chills ran down her body as she thought back to the monster with all the little ones attached, all the teeth.. the two people who stopped it- it happened too fast. And then in her dismay she'd felt a warmth come over her and a soft yellow, sparkling glow came over Aki and Kaito.. all their gashes and marks disappeared... how did that happen? When she'd awoken on in an unknown area with unfamiliar surroundings she was in a panic. Everything felt jumbled in her head as she tried to place it all.
The woman who was in the room when she awoke was named Shoko Ieiri, the supposed doctor. She explained to her she was attacked and that she was at a place called Jujutsu High. Ironic. Keiko was only able to get glances of Aki and Kaito laid out on two beds i separate room; alive and breathing but asleep.
"Are you okay?"
Keiko jumped in her spot as she turned to the voice that came from out of nowhere surprising her. In one motion it felt like a record scratch in her mind as her eyes widened at the sight of... a panda. "What?"
Next to the very large panda was a man in purple with a blindfold on and white hair. These 'people' were all so strange she'd come to realize as she watched everyone to past by her at one point.
"Hi Miss uh- we'll do introductions in a little bit.", Gojo started talking, "Welcome to Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, or as we like to call it- Jujutsu High. Though I think most people think we're a temple up here."
Through her bloodshot, tear stained eyes Keiko stared at the blindfolded man with an incredulous look. Her mouth itching to fall open as he murmured about something that just didn't seem important right now, "yeah I know."
"Oh good. So you know about curses, cursed energy, cursed spirits-"
"You mean the... ghosts?" her voice felt hoarse as she'd sobbed for what felt like forever where she currently sat. None of what was going on now was the welcome she expected, nothing was being explained to her.
"Uhh not quite." he deadpanned, she had no idea, "Here we train jujutsu sorcerers to exorcise curses, work as an HQ or any alumni or student can stay here or.. so forth. Make sense?"
Keiko apprehensively nodded,
"I'm faculty here, my name's Gojo Satoru, and this is Panda. You've already seen two other of my students; Zenin Maki and Inumaki Toge. They were the ones who saved you from a curse."
"I'm Keiko." she responded quietly. She didn't know where to look when Gojo talked as it wasn't possible to make eye contact. And she didn't want to stare at Panda..
"Just Keiko? Okay we'll that's fine. Do you know what you did back there?"
"Err, no. One second they uh, were hurt and the next second they were healed." Keiko grimaced as the images flashed in front of her in a flash, making her heart jump. The paralyzing emotions she felt before started to return as her breathing turned ragged and she turned away from them so they couldn't see her face. Her vision became misted as she focused on the deep brown wood she sat upon. The two sorcerer's didn't speak right away, but as Gojo went to open his mouth a figure that'd been listening in stepped forward-
"- Let's not harass the poor girl, she's in shock." Shoko Ieiri stood with her hands on her hips, staring down Gojo, "I would like to talk to her."
Gojo held his hands up in the air as if he meant no harm, nodding as he turned, "You got it Doc. See you around Keiko,"
An annoyed look came over Keiko's face- he was interesting.
Keiko had tears in her eyes as she was overwhelmed staring at the school grounds. A deep purple invaded the late night sky and the trees casted dark shadows on the ground, it was eerie. She listened to the wind wail through the shifting leaves trying to have something else to focus on. Now that she'd calm down from an overload of information she was able to truly take in where she was. The school was beautiful; tucked away in the trees and mountains outside the city, built in old Japanese architecture style like a buddhist temple. This was probably the farthest she's been from the city and her estate, in a way it was invigorating. She involuntarily smiled as she ran her fingers through her long dark locks as she did feel a big difference in her mood-
They were going to be okay. Aki and Kaito. When Shoko came out and said she found nothing wrong with them after further testing, Keiko felt nothing but relief.
Being lost in her unending thoughts, she didn't notice the footsteps approaching her,
Keiko spun around at the sound of someone's voice. That must have been Inumaki Toge, the boy Panda told her about, that he only spoke in ingredients. The one who saved her life earlier as she recognized him. Seeing him brought her back to watching/hearing him simply say a command- causing the curse to explode.
"Um hi, Inumaki?" Keiko didn't know what to say as she wiped her tears away, especially to someone who couldn't converse properly. He had pale blonde hair that was slightly in his pretty violet eyes. His uniform partially covered his face, which confused her even though she knew his mouth had an importance to him.
He nodded.
"Thank you for earlier, I really appreciate it. So much. And uh, I'm sorry I can't understand you... I-I, can't imagine how hard it is not to be able to converse.."
Inumaki felt himself involuntarily nod again to show he understood what she was saying through her rambles; his lips had a soft upturn by hearing her kind words towards him- a stranger. It wasn't surprising she knew, Panda would help him out by explaining to people when he didn't have the capacity to.
He approached her with caution, as he could easily read her anxieties and fears with everything from today. At one point he was just as confused and scared as she was.. Looking at her, he thought she was beautiful, but he could only remember how scared she was as she tried to shield the two others from the cursed spirits. It was a brave but stupid thing to do; but it was exactly what he would do if he were in her place and it were anyone at Jujutsu High.
Even feet away from her he realized she wasn't cursed... per say, that much was obvious. But he felt a soft glow coming from her as he got closer and closer so he could grab her hand. Nothing about her felt dangerous as even the strange aura made him feel invited. To him she felt cold against the warm summer night air; with the contact of their skin alit a flame, a shock that made them lock eyes for long seconds before he spoke,
"Takana." Inumaki reached into one of his pockets and took out a small pink object, placing it into her tinier hand. It's a piece of candy wrapped in pink with the words 'sweet'.
"Thank you," she said meekly, feeling overwhelming emotion taking the candy and putting it in her pocket. Today had been too much for her. Her heart was still a racing mess, still trying to come back from the stress she'd been under. Keiko tried to give him a smile to show she'd be fine, it was clear he was worried from the glint in his eyes. "I don't really understand all that's going on... or what it is you can do or what I can do. But I appreciate the kindness— and earlier I- they wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you guys."
Inumaki rested a hand on her shoulder, "sujiko,"
Keiko watched curiously as with his other hand pulled out a cellphone from his pocket and began to type away.
He held up the phone with the notes page open-
'I'm sorry this happened to you and your friends, try not to worry they'll be okay now because of you.. not just us. But I'm just glad we could help too before it got worse.'
Keiko somberly smiled at him, "Thank you, again. It's been a real pleasure."
She had no idea what he meant by that, but she assumed it was something along the lines of same or agree.
Inumaki, unknown to her, normally seemed distant to anyone just meeting him. Intimidating. Mysterious. But she was getting to see his caring side right off the bat as he felt he had a duty towards her from saving her life. He didn't want anything to happen as his heart strings tugged at him hard seeing her tear stained face.
The two stood under the newly night sky, the stars glittering down on them. It was the first time Keiko let out a genuine laugh as she talked to him, him writing down his responses to show her. It was the first time in hours she felt a bit of normalcy and for that she was grateful for him.
After a few minutes 'conversing' with Inumaki, Gojo reappeared informing her she'd be taken home.
"What do you mean taken home?"
"Best thing is for you to get some sleep. We'll be in contact." Gojo said in a dismissive tone.
"Where's Aki and Kaito? I'll leave when they leave."
Panic returned in Keiko's chest, a pit forming in her stomach. She could feel a tight build-up of frustration in her body as she couldn't understand how this man could make her leave without her friends. Supposedly they were fine, so she should be with them! She couldn't feel it, but the two sorcerers could- a change in her energy that felt powerful.
She didn't notice their exchange; Gojo sending a look (order) towards Inumaki which he seemed reluctant to follow, but nodded.
Feeling the hand of Inumaki on her shoulder, the last thing she heard was- "Sleep."
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mrsaguapapi · 2 years
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4
Chapter 5
Royal Introductions
Exhausted, I lay there, eyes closed, not wanting to move. I'm this close to dozing off before Marc leans in and kisses my neck, "You should use the bathroom before you fall asleep."
"You could get a UTI."
"Nothing magic can't fix" Without opening my eyes I wave my hand around like a wand, "Goodbye, UTI "
He quietly chuckles, "You're a comedian you know that?" He scoops me up and takes me to the bathroom, "Don't expect me to wipe for you" He drops me down and closes the door behind me.
Once I was done, I wash my hands and look in the mirror. My makeup is a hot ass mess; too embarrassed, I decided to take a shower to wash away my mess. I hear a small knock on the door.
"Come in" I reply
"Hey love, mind if we join?" by the happy tone of his voice it was Steven.
"Yes on one condition. Can you wash my hair" I ask
"I've literally always wanted to do this" He laughs. Steven sneaks in behind me and begins to shampoo my hair. He thoroughly massaged my scalp and ran soap from my roots to the end of my hair.
This is so comforting.
I don't allow many people to touch my hair. Honestly, Aunt May and Bucky were the only ones to wash my hair before this. May's gone and Bucky checked out.
Ughhh I don't want to see him tomorrow
Refocusing on my anxious thoughts, I realize Steven is unusually quiet, "What's on your mind hun"
Steven hesitates
I turn around and rest my arms around his neck and look him in the eyes, "You can tell me" I smile.
"I used to wash Layla's hair like this." he sadly responds, "I'm sorry, probably don't want to hear about our ex right after sex" he nervously laughs.
Leaning my head on his chest I sigh, "I'm hung up on my ex too; no need to protect my feelings hun, we all went into this agreement with no intentions of a relationship. Just a couple of broken people with needs" I joke. "But seriously you can talk about anything with me. When was the last time you spoke with her?"
"A few months. The last time we spoke, we fought. She said she hated us and left."
"I seriously doubt she means that. She was very upset and probably felt outnumbered by you 3. Want my advice?"
"Reach out and ask to talk. Listen to her, don't interrupt, just let her get it out. Remember, Listen to understand not Respond. Marc and Jake, I'm talking to you."
"They say they resent that" he laughs. "Thank you, Millie"
"Of course"
We eventually get out, dry off, and head to bed. They fall asleep first and I lay there in their arms lost in thought.
I really do hope they fix it with Layla. I would be lying if I said I don't feel anything for them; It would be nice to end up with them but it could never work; they age, and I don't. How am I to have a normal life when I can't even grow old with someone? I refuse to let myself love someone ill have to eventually bury. I did try with Bucky though, I even looked into giving up my immortality for him.
Wasn't enough I guess
I push those thoughts out of my head for now and allow myself to sleep.
The boys gift me a t-shirt and a pair of their favorite sweats as a replacement for the dress Jake ripped.
"Don't be a stranger, and reach out to Layla. Sooner rather than later okay?" with that, I give them a parting hug and kiss before I portal home.
Finally home I let out a long sigh and do a full-body stretch.
"Hey, you're home!" Peter yells before he runs to hug me, he looks down at my clothes and gives me a puzzled look, "what happened to your dress?
"Don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to."
He deadpans and walks backward, "You need church, a baptism, shit maybe an exorcism too"
I laugh, "What I need is a shower" The boys and I had an early morning; we fucked twice, 3 times if you count them eating me out before we got interrupted by their landlord.
I go take a quick shower and wash off last night/this morning's sex-scapades. Once again I do my makeup; nothing extravagant just something natural to highlight my features. After my face is done I check my hair and fix my edges.
I finally dress in my formal battle attire; a black leather high low tunic dress with gold accents as well as a white and gold shoulder cape I break out for special occasions like this. It's giving 'Game of Thrones meets Castlevania'. All jokes aside my uniform is interesting.
I found it tucked away in the Kamar Taj one day and when I touched it I felt strange. There was an old ancient energy about it so I decided to leave it there. But for a week straight I found it in places that it shouldn't be. One day I even buried it, and then the next day I woke up with it at the foot of my bed, dirt and all. I finally took it to Wong and he informed me that it was a magical relic and essentially chose me as its owner.
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Artwork by Me (Super rough drawing that I finished at 2am; just trying to give you a general idea) 
'The Regalia of Rowena'; the original owner was Rowena Hemlocke an infamous witch who tried to harness the sun's power. Legend says it almost worked, but she couldn't handle the heat and disintegrated in a matter of seconds; all that remained was her clothes. Some would say that's a red flag but my toxic trait is that it picked me, so obviously it's true love.
Finally, all done, I look over myself and I honestly feel beautiful. Not sexy or hot, but beautiful; It feels really good. I grab my suitcase and meet peter in the living room. Peter is dressed in a simple black suit, his Spidey suit isn't necessarily formal.
"You have everything you need? All the essentials? All your chargers? Your suit just in case?"
"Yes, yes, yes & Yes. You look intense; like I am kind of intimidated by both your beauty and power. Is this a slay?"
"Yes, Peter this is a slay" I laugh hysterically "Come on let's go, can't leave a Queen waiting" I open a portal.
The Vibe: 
Otis Redding - Try A Little Tenderness
We step through and find ourselves outside of the Royal Palace. Immediately the royal staff took our bags to our rooms.
"This place is remarkable," Peter says in awe. "Just insane"
"I know right? You are gonna love Shuri's lab."
"Oh, I bet. I'm gonna walk around okay?"
"Okay, don't go far doors open any minute" Peter nods and walks away; I take a look around and see who else is here. No one I know, just a bunch of Wakandan leaders and noblemen. I think we are the only outsiders invited.
Spoke to Soon
James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes. I almost forgot he was coming. He's wearing black slacks and a dark blue sweater with a black coat over it. Doesn't sound like much, but Bucky is a simple man, I'm honestly surprised he's not in his signature leather jacket.
He cut his hair, It looks good
Staring and lost in thought I didn't notice him staring back. He sheepishly smiles at me, I quickly look away too embarrassed and sad. All the old unresolved emotions hit me like a car crash, I start to get anxious and nauseous. Around me, the air started to cool and the wind picked up rapidly;. the clouds begin to darken. The people around mutter in confusion; I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't speak.
Suddenly a comforting hand touches my shoulder. Shaking and on the verge of tears, I look and see who it was, Namor.
"Walker of Clouds indeed, I see you truly are a descendent of Ororo." He calmly speaks "Breathe." he pauses "It'll pass"
I close my eyes and focus on my breathing, after a few seconds everything around me slowly calms. It passed, I put my hand on my heart and breath for a few more beats, before I open my eyes. "Thank you" I softly say
So maybe I can control the weather...
He nods, "Are you okay Ki'ichpan (beautiful girl)?"
"I'm getting there." I chuckle. Namor was wearing his normal royal jewelry in addition to golden shoulder plates, kind of like armor; attached were red and white robes that flowed nicely in the wind. "I didn't think you would come. Also, we gotta talk about this 'Ki'ichpan' business. Can't keep casually calling me beautiful in all of our conversations"
"I almost didn't. My people advised against me being here but if we are to work with the Wakandans, it must be done. If anything happens my people are near." he leans into my ear, "I will call you beautiful because you are." The hand he has on my shoulder sneaks down to my lower back. "This is a lovely dress you're wearing. You look very," he pauses, "commanding"
Nervously I laugh, "You are one hell of a sweet talker," I look him dead in the eye, "Flattery will get you nowhere."
He deviously smiles.
I think he took that as a challenge.
Before he responds Peter returns, "uhhh" Peter looks at Namor's hand placement "Everything good here?"
"Yes, Peter everything is fine, just talking to a friend."
Without even acknowledging Peter, he looks at me, "Is this your Twin Flame Ki'ichpan?" he asks with a hint of frustration.
Is he angry?
"Ew" Peter and I say in tandem.
"This is my brother, Peter. Peter this King Namor ruler of..." I look at Namor for Help
Namor hesitates to respond, "Peter can keep a secret as easily as breathing air. You can trust him. All of us here are allies, you have my word" I assure
"Talokan. Ruler of Talokan" Namor Responds
"Well, it's great to meet you Namo- Mr. Namor sir. I mean King" Peter fumbles
"Namor is fine" he smiles
Before we could continue with introductions the doors to the palace open and we all file in, one by one. As we walk through, the announcers introduce us one by one. He gets to Namor,
"Introducing for the first time ever, King Namor ruler of Underwater Kingdom Talokan" Namor Bows and Walks away.
"UNDERWATER?" Peter whispered and yelled.
"So amazing," I say in awe
It was our turn to be announced, "Welcome Millaenyia Parker, primordial earth witch, master of the elements, And her brother Peter Parker, Spiderman, protector of New York " he pauses "One of the many heroes of the Batlle of Earth"
Peter and I bow and continue forward.
"They remember me?" Peter whispers
"Unfortunately no, but did you think I'd let them announce you as just a plus one" I reply
"Thank you" he smiles
"Of course" I respond
"Alrighty let's get through the night without embarrassing ourselves," Peter says
"No Promises" I nervously smile
Let the show begin 
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absolutebl · 2 years
In Which ABL reads MDZS
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IRL Responses as I read:
I did not anticipate the newspaper headline/town cryers opening narrative device. Interesting.
I am enjoying the translator notes.
I am not interested in someone else’s life. Why back story of a host body? Fun opening premise tho.
Ooo, head hopping from our omniscient narrator. Now THAT I did expect. Been a while since I read this style last (Dickens maybe?)
So far I am finding the translation legible but not pretty or enjoyable to read. Just kinda there. A bit brutal... or something?
Also I’m glad i watched some of The Untamed its much easier to follow this story having watched bits of that one. 
The use of American colloquialisms from like the 1980s, “flipping out” for example, is both amusing and highly distracting.
Too many names and sects. (But I knew that going in.) 
I admit it as soon as the romance element hits and our leads are on page together I’m interested. But there isn’t enough of that. 
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Ooo the whip marks bathing scene!
Chapter 13 and now the history of the relationship?
I’m really not interested in dismembered bodies, zombies, ghost hunting, ghost raising, exorcism, bodies inside walls, ancestral tombs, or anything along these lines. And I am really really not interested in any parts of the story where the two leads are not together. So I’m skipping a lot.
This book is what 600k, I suspect I am moving rather rapidly through about 500k of that. 
I love the bit in the city where WuXian is just all “well he can take care of himself I’m going to look after the kids.” And WangJi makes his instrument do a non-verbal murmur of acknowledgment. Very funny.
The dark humor is funnier than I expected too. A lot of dismemberment bits remind me of...
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I find the side stories of other people’s lives extremely boring and distracting. Like I am being forced to read a short story in the middle of a novel. 
Honestly this book is like having a conversation with a drunk person. NO it’s like having a conversation with a STONED person. Ramble ramble ramble, eats something bad, says soemthing insightful, recites something poetic, talks about past lives, parents, history, rambles some more. Except there’s all the blood and gore. So maybe it’s like having a conversations with stoned Hannibal. Either Hannibal. 
Coul we just STAY ON TARGET. (The Target being WangJi “manly member” inside WuXian.) 
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I love the way WuXian’s magic adores WangJi even as he refuses to notice his own affection for the boy.
Look they don’t need to kill the walking dead, just make them try to follow the fucking names in this book. 
I am finding the homeric jumping about on the timeline absolutely maddening.  At least use the different names at different times. Give me some kind of clue. I wonder of the official translation into English will have some kind of time stamping/framing device. 
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Still, if marketed properly, I can actually see this being hugely successful in the North American market.
Oh great another chunk of backstory for a character who is already dead or about to be.
80% into this and it’s the infamous bath scene at last. I heard about this. 
It’s an interesting first sex scene. Not well written. Not as bad as I was expecting either.
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Wow a full on confession scene. I was really not expecting that. I also wasn’t expecting how public they are about everything. 
I did enjoy the culmination sex scene. Quite kinky. And I like that it’s consistently WuXian who always starts everything. Was in worth 570k to get here? 
Eh... no?
Good ending. Much better than the series. 
And that’s it. 
Look it read like fanfic, and I don’t really go for that style (I struggle to ID the narrative structure, story arc, or authorial intent). The romance was very much standard beats, tropes, and pretty unsophisticated. It’s fine I don’t mind that actually. Romance should be somewhat predictable, that’s why it’s comforting. I liked the characters fine, the plot was complex to the point of confusion (but that’s probubly my fault) and the horror was... well there was a lot of slashy slashy body body dead DEAD, wasn’t there? 
I’m glad I read it because of this corner of fandom I exist in, but I’m not sure I would necessarily recommend it as a book. Don’t listen to me, though, I intensely dislike most epic fantasy (Game of Thrones can bite my arse) and always have, this may be very Chinese and very cultivation but it’s still also very much epic. I also strongly dislike horror too so, yay now, naught but the gay bits were really for me. 
Honestly making me suffer through 500,000 words and 500,000 corpses for those few moments of gay feels very Chinese BL of it. 
Final summation: 
I liked it when they were kissing but there were too many non-kissing people wafting about, not to mention non-sexy body parts piling up. 
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Sorry I can’t share your love @renafire and @percida18​ but my taste in literature is very much as questionable as my taste in television. 
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ninjago13 · 1 year
Chapter 3 of How to stop an angel from opening Purgatory- by Sam and Dean Winchester
Sorry that I haven't posted last week, but I was on holiday. I hope you still like the story and please let me know if you have a better title. I wish you all a very good day !!
Chapter 3: Purgatory
 ‘Don’t panic,’ said a voice behind them. There stood Balthazar, wounded, with a bloody trench coat. ‘How are we not supposed to panic ?!’ ‘What happened? Did Cas escape?’ ‘I let him escape.’ ‘You what ?!’ Bobby and Dean looked like they could kill him, but Sam walked to Balthazar and said: ‘Let’s get you patched up first.’ 
An hour later they were talking again. ‘Why,’ Dean asked, trying to remain calm. ‘Why did you let him escape ?’ ‘To get an inside man, idjit,’ Bobby answered for the angel. ‘How did you know that ?’ Balthazar asked. ‘You were shopping.’ ‘I..uh..thought it was obvious. Also-’ Bobby couldn’t finish his sentence, because at that moment Sam threw water at him. When it hit him, it hissed like a tomato in a frying pan. Bobby’s eyes turned black, darker than the night. ‘Sammy, exorcize him will ya? You know it by heart! I’ll hold him off,’ Dean shouted as his instincts worked automatically, protecting Sam and simultaneously pulling a flask of holy water out of his pocket. Sam began the exorcism, while Balthazar and Dean tried to take him out. 
It didn’t work. ‘Why doesn’t it work?!’ ‘I don’t know!’ Dean suddenly realised something. ‘Do you see anything on his wrists?’ ‘Yeah, they look like the on and off button on a laptop. You know what it is?’ ‘Yeah, it’s a binding link!’ He had to make a weird move to avoid a really sharp blade and yelled: ‘A demon also used that on you! You have to burn it or destroy it!’ ‘Something like this?’ Balthazar grabbed one of Bobby’s arms and sliced his blade through the mark. Dean took care of the other arm. ‘Sam! Quickly now!!’ Sam did the exorcism and a black smoke escaped from Bobby’s mouth. He fell on the ground and didn’t move. 
‘Bobby? Bobby!’ 'Hey Bobby, wake up man. Come on.’ Bobby slowly opened his eyes and groaned. ‘What happened ?’ ‘You were possessed. Glad you’re here again. Come on. We need to stop Crowley.’ ‘What? What’s going on?’ ‘We’ll tell you later what’s going on, but now we have to move. Balthazar, any idea where the demon went?’ ‘Yes. Bend your knees.’ With one touch on their forehead they teleported, or well rather flew, to Crowley’s hiding place. 
‘Hello boys.’ There stood the King of Hell. A sigil made of blood painted on the wall, with an unconscious and bloody Cas laying on the floor next to it. Dean’s veins turned to ice. ‘What have you done to Cas?’ he demanded, concerned as always. ‘Well, he betrayed me, but I figured he still could be useful. Thanks to him I can now open Purgatory.’ ‘We won’t let you,’ Sam said. Cas groaned. Dean wanted to walk to him, but Crowley pushed him against a wall with his demonic powers. ‘Did you really think I would be that stupid? Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.’ As soon as he turned around Sam tried to stab him in the back. That caused Crowley to dodge the blow and let go of Dean. Dean ran over to Cas and started moving him somewhere safer. He signaled to Balthazar to help him, while Bobby was helping Sam. In those few seconds they moved Cas somewhere else, but failed to kill Crowley. One second after Crowley had dodged the blow, two demons appeared out of nowhere. They both grabbed one of Sam’s arms and tried to beat the crap out of him. Tried. 
Sometimes you try something and you have no idea, no clue it’ll work. This was the case. Bobby had no idea if the angel blade would work, but as soon as he saw those demons appear, he grabbed that blade and stabbed one of them with it. The blade went far through the demon’s chest, but there wasn’t any blood. Panic rose in both Sam’s and Bobby’s eyes, but then light flashed out of the demon’s eyes and she fell on the ground. Before the other demons could take their revenge a bright, white light shone from across the room. 
All the demons disappeared with a flash and when Sam looked at the other side of the room he saw Balthazar with a knife, next to a sigil made out of blood. Blood dripped from his arm. Sam had a look of both confusion and curiosity on his face. ‘Demon banishing sigil,’ Balthazar explained. ‘Now let’s destroy every piece of info they have and then get out of here.’ They burned all the papers and wiped the sigils off the wall. Then Balthazar teleported all of them back to Bobby’s house. 
end notes:
I'm currently editing all the chapters, but I'm not done yet. But I hope that I'll finish in a few days.
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enhadiares · 2 years
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%...Disclaimer I do not condone this behaviour. This is just imagination and none of the members are like this
%...Pairing Enhypen x reader
%...Genre Horror , thrill , mystery , maybe yandere
%...Synopsis Y/n is a pyschologist also helps in exorcism. She is a medium. Everything starts to become dark when enhypen members come into the picture.There's something dark lurking within them. Y/N needs to find out what and help them and maybe herself.
%...Status ONGOING
%...Warning cussing , horror stuff , deaths , threats , violence , possession , dark theme , maybe Yandere stuff.
%...TAG-LIST @nikipedia07 I @kimjiho1 I @axartia I @nicelicious I @echantedrose I @heedeungiesfavorite
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CHAPTER 02 I flashback
masterlist II next
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You guys reached at the mentioned address after 30 minutes of the drive.
You got out of the car and stretched.
"Goddamn we shouldn't bring Beomgyu next time , he just makes noise pollution" said taehyun.
"Say that again , I dare you" said Beomgyu
"Alright guys , cut it out. We are here - let's go investigate" you said while looking at both of them .
You weren't sure if the guy named 'jake' was really possessed or his mother was just overreacting or paranoid. But once again you were reminded that you still need to take precautions after your stomach churned . You didn't feel good about this case- something wasn't good.
You had a flashback of the first ever case you attended with your father.
You were just 8 years old when you first encountered a Possessed man . He was looking crazy. He was tied to the bed but was trying to get out of it so bad. You were scared - of course you were just 8 back then.
The guys was making inhuman noises and moving around like his life was depended on it.
You hid behind the table because you couldn't see it anymore m
When you peeked a little - you saw your father take something in his hand and press it to the guys forehead. Suddenly it went all quiet. You thought about coming Infront of the table since it was all over now. Or so you thought.
Just when you stood up , the guy opened his eyes and looked straight at you with black eyes.
You flinched at the sudden eye contact. His lips tugged upwards at your small scared frame. He made a mental not to remember you . For a matter of fact he was going to remember you. Then suddenly the man who got possessed went limb . You were shaking and looked over to your father who was bidding goodbye to the parents of the possessed man. Then he came over to you and picked you up and you guys went home.
You told him about what happened cuz you knew something bad would happen sometime if you don't. Your father knows better and he always wants just the best for you. He handed you a necklace which was shaped as a cross. It held something important. He told you not to think about it too much back then and you didn't.
Flashback ends
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You clutched the necklace in your hand and knocked on the door.
A lady in her late 40s opened the door.
"Yes?how can I help you?" She asked
"Hello mam myself y/n and I'm from hybe company. You called us for the possession case. You might be Mrs. Sim"
"Ahh yes I'm Mrs sim. Come in"
You entered the house with a deep breath. You entered and felt a shiver run down your spine and goosebumps appear on your skin because of the cold temperature and dark aura there. Tae and gyu followed behind you after taking the necessary items. "Ughh why is it so cold in here" whispered gyu. "Shhh , let's just start" said Tae.
"My son is upstairs aswell and doesn't come out. I have tried opening the curtains and switching on the light but he doesn't let me "
You nodded and asked her if you could go have a look upstairs. She said yes and so you guys went upstairs. After reaching you saw 3 doors. You all went in different rooms. When you entered your room you found a boy sitting with his back faced to you looking at something. You couldn't figure out what because it was too dark. Tae and gyu came in because there was nothing in the other 2 rooms. "He does look like he is possessed" said gyu.
"He's looking at something but I can't figure out what - it's too dark" said Tae. "Hmm I noticed it too" you replied
"Let's try calling him"
"Jake sim"
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%...a/n Here's the chapter 2!! Hope you guys enjoy!! Sorry for the long wait guys , it's just that my studies are too much and I needed some time. Not proof read. Sorry for the grammatical errors or typos.
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yutafrita · 2 years
Under the Blue Flames- Chapter Four
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"There is no blue without yellow and without orange." - Vincent Van Gogh
Pairing: Vampire!Yuta x Reader
Y/N Pronouns: She/Her
Genre: Fantasy au, Supernatural nct, sometimes college au, sometimes magical school au, angst, fluff
Chapter Word Count: 8K
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, violence, references to minor character death, religious imagery, blood
Tag List! @kodasity @hope-lovelle @ygimsgw @nini0620
Access previous chapters here
Chapter Four
“Demons,” Mark repeated.
“What a shocker,” Mark chuckled, leaning back on his seat. Your father utilized the garage as a makeshift classroom for you guys growing up- it’s where you first learned of the mythic world. You two sat on the old couch your Dad had shoved in there a couple of years back alongside an old desk you and Mark would share to take notes on during your father’s lectures.
“Ha ha ha. I’m sorry I want you guys to be taken care of,” your Dad mocked. You tilted your head. You and Mark had come in your normal casual clothes- jeans, a t-shirt- and yet, your Dad seemed to be wearing his work clothes, his tie slightly undone.
“Why are you so dressed up?” you clicked your pen.
“Later. First, we need some background,” your Dad turned then, grabbing a blown up photo from behind the white board and leaning it against the board.
“Is that a biblical photo of Satan being crushed by an Angel?” Mark raised his eyebrow, just as puzzled as you were.
“I figured any sort of visuals would help. Anyways, focus. So, as you should know, about half of the mythics do worship and follow Satan to some extent- but demons are very different from satan.” He turned to grab another blown up photo, this time of a painting of what was probably the underworld painted by another artist. “You see, demons rarely, if ever, leave the underworld. When they do, they can quickly become very strong and very dangerous. They will possess the closest, most powerful being they can, and do not follow orders from anyone that is not Satan. Even then, there are plenty of exceptions.”
“So the demon we saw yesterday behind the thrift store…”
“Under any sort of logic should not have been there. Entering the underworld is easy, leaving it is nearly impossible. Above else, for it to choose this location to run amok in despite there being other areas relatively close by with more powerful mythics… something is severely wrong,” he bit his lip, cracking his knuckles instinctually.
“There really hasn’t been any other instances of demons just popping up?” Mark aired your own question. Your Dad’s eyes flickered to yours for a moment before turning behind the white board and bringing out a blown out photo of what seemed almost like an old royal portrait. You looked closely, and quickly recognized Ten’s mother and a small Ten in the front row with who you assumed were other oligarchy children. After a few moments of staring, you were able to make out Yuta in the image alongside what seemed like an older boy- still young, but old enough to be peeved about having to stand near toddlers.
“This was the oligarchy about two decades ago,” your father cleared his throat, staring at the portrait intensely. “It is referred to as the blue night. All on one night several hundred demons all escaped the underworld and took possession of a few dozen humans, and several mythics- including what was then to be the heir to the throne.”
There was a long pause before you spoke, “Who was the heir to the throne then?” Your father pinched his lips at this.
“The oldest son of the Nakamoto family,” he replied, so quickly you almost couldn’t catch it. You swallowed a lump in your throat, your head spinning a bit.
“How did you manage to banish all those demons? I mean, two vampires yesterday could hardly handle them,” Mark asked.
“The Vatican got involved at that point. However, due to the nature of exorcisms, the humans were fine, but all of the mythics except the elves, psychics, and mind readers who were possessed… all died.”
“Oh my god,” you whispered, throwing a hand to cover your mouth. You couldn’t even begin to fathom the devastation anyone had to feel at that time- and you couldn’t fathom how Yuta had to have felt. Of course he hated that you knew about him being the heir- he hated being the heir. He lost his brother and had a responsibility thrust onto him that he seemed to never want.
“As you can see, the news of a demon springing up where many of the high ranking mythics send their children to college is unnerving to say the least,” your Dad picked up an upbeat tone, despite the tension in the air being thick as mud.
“Dad…” Mark’s voice trailed off before the door of the garage burst open. Taeyeon was your father’s secretary and the go-to for any form of planning. She was also a mind reader. She held her clipboard and waved at you two despite your confused faces.
“Yes, your father did call for a meeting of the council here and yes he did not tell you before because he knew you both would try to skip out on it,” she confirmed before handing your father a sheet of paper. “We’re only missing one representative family. The rest are all seated at their place at the table and so patiently awaiting,” she rolled her eyes before stepping back into the house.
“Why would you not tell us?” you whispered, now hyper aware of the mythics so close by.
“Because I wasn’t in the mood for you both to invent an excuse to get out of speaking to them,” your Dad sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Uh, you know,” Mark coughed, “I am feeling a bit under the weather.”
“Yeah me too,” you forced a cough as well, wiping a fake bead of sweat off your forehead.
“Good thing none of them can get sick, now let’s go,” your Dad opened the garage door, holding it open as you and Mark begrudgingly left the safety of the garage and started the short walk down to the basement.
You had only sat in on the meetings twice when you were much smaller and hated it with every fiber of your beings. Firstly, you didn’t understand much of what went on around you. When you had sat in, you had dressed your best and it still dulled in comparison to the casual dressings of the council. So now, you and Mark, in your most casual clothes that are perfect for family dinner, were being glared at by the entirety of the council- including several of your peers- who were in oddly glamorous attire.
The large dining room was in the basement of the house, the long ornate table accented by the handcrafted chairs and the intricate portraits that hung on the walls. Once you three had fully descended the stairs, Mark and you both bowed, and swiftly made your way to your designated spots- next to the empty table head where your father was to sit. You glanced at the opposite end- it was Taeyong, no doubt sitting in on his mother’s behalf. Slowly you started ticking off the familiar faces- Ten with his mother, who now smirked at you, to your right. The man you saw at Deer Moon-who you presumed was Doyoung- was there with a large surly man to his right hand side. A few unfamiliar faces, some on their own, others with a designated companion- until your eyes stopped at the two figures to the right hand side of Taeyong. It was Yuta. You turned away quickly, hoping to not make eye contact.
“I hope you all didn’t wait too long,” your father began, clasping his hands on the table.
“Not at all. I just wish we had more notice,” the person you assumed to be Doyoung’s Dad said, fidgeting with the layers of gold draped over his neck.
“And more context,” Taeyong called. “Oh, also, my mother sends her condolences for not being able to arrive personally.”
“It’s no worries, I’m sure you’ll clearly relay the information,” your Dad notes. He glanced at you before clearing his throat, “there was a demon sighting, no less than five miles from Knight’s Cross.”
The room immediately burst into a frenzy of questions and shouts, a few pointing fingers before Taeyong slammed his hand twice on the table, silencing everyone.
“Please, President, explain what you saw,” he leaned back on his chair, his eyebrows knotting together. You hadn’t noticed until then, but his faerie wings were exposed, so dark and transparent that they nearly blended in with the chair behind him.
“Well, it wasn’t me. Could the three of you please stand and explain the events?” your father called, now looking between the three of you. Slowly, you all rose, Yuta surprising the majority of the group since he sat so far from you and Ten. You were silent until Ten awkwardly cleared his throat, taking the lead.
“The three of us went into town yesterday to look at a couple of stores. There, in an alleyway we encountered a demon with blue eyes and stood at about four feet, just sifting through the trash. It lunged at the President’s daughter, so Yuta and I were able to hold it down for her to banish it. As you all understand the nature of exorcisms, we got very lucky to be around someone who could handle the task,” he explained, easily clearing out any unnecessary information.
“That probably explains it,” Ten’s mother muttered, swiping her nose as she did.
“In other, smaller sectors of the world where mythics do congregate, there have been some demon appearances,” Taeyong announced, staring at his hands as he spoke. He earned a few gasps from the table, the older members glaring but not daring to disrespect him. “The reason these were not shared is because, as quickly as they appeared, they just vanished. Almost as if they were looking for something and when they couldn’t find it, they left just as fast. But, for this demon to attack… that is dangerous,” he looked up now, making eye contact with your father as he did.
“One thing I don’t get,” Doyoung suddenly started, glaring at you now, “is why it would attack the President’s daughter. When it comes to possession, the demon will always try to take the body of the most powerful being, yet, it tries to attack you.”
“She was reciting the words needed to exorcise it, more than likely it attacked her to stop her,” Yuta shrugged, not even bothering to look at Doyoung.
“That would make the most sense- demons may not be the brightest but they will try to survive by any means,” Taeyong added. Just then, the basement door opened, in walking a few cooks carrying several plates and dishes and moving to set them across the center of the table.
“We’ll continue this conversation after our meals. Dinner is served!” your Dad called.
It was about two weeks since the meeting with the council, leading to a few additional changes. Now, all elves, psychics, and mind readers were also required to carry holy water with them at all times to protect themselves and peers against demons inside the dorms since they were the only ones of the mythics resistant to it. Next, you and Mark were not to do your checks alone, leading to Ten becoming your recon partner until further notice. Lastly, and unofficially before every class Yuta and you would check the classrooms together, and later at night he would pass by under the guise of speaking on books.
It was midterm season, meaning you and Mark were barely able to sleep. Waking up hours earlier than you’d like, you sat in the library now catching up on your work and reviewing what you could.
“I’m starving,” Jungwoo sighed, shutting his laptop in frustration. You checked your phone’s time, realizing you should probably eat before your lecture.
“I can set a pick up order from Deer Moon and grab it for us,” Kun offered, you all shouting in agreement. After you all set your orders for pick up, Mark offered to accompany Kun, leaving you and Jungwoo to continue doing your work.
“If I stare at this biology textbook for five more minutes I’m gonna lose my mind,” Jungwoo sighed, shoving his hands in his face.
“Take a walk if you want, I’ll hold the table,” you offered, wishing you yourself could take a walk.
“You’re an angel sent from heaven,” he shoved out of the booth, leaving you alone. The library was semi full, the floor you all were on having most tables taken by other people cramming for exams. You were engrossed in your textbook, so it took you a few moments before noticing the shift in the seat in front of you.
“Back from your walk already?” you asked, not looking up.
“It was relatively fast,” they replied, catching you off guard. You paused your reading and looked up, taken aback.
“Doyoung, I know,” you replied, forcing a smile. He followed in suit, adjusting the collar of his shirt. No fangs, you noted. No fangs, awake during the day, and no elf ears.
“Good, that makes this easier,” he folded his hands on top of the table. “You should stay away from Yuta.”
“That’s what you came here for?” You raised an eyebrow, clicking your pen as you spoke.
“He’s the next in line to the throne. You’re… presumably human. I’m just trying to warn you- nothing good could come from this,” he looked smug as he spoke.
“What, are you a psychic? Plus, I’ve been friends with Ten for years and no one has pressed me about that, I don’t see how this is any different,” you muttered the last part, now looking back down at your text book and marking a few notes to yourself.
“First of all, I’m a shifter. The only one in five hundred years to have mastered all twelve forms,” he sounded irritated now. You looked back up, hiding whatever fear you may have felt with the best face of indifference you could muster. “Second, you’re not an idiot. You know the difference between simply being friends with a member of the oligarchy, and whatever it is you have going on with the soon to be King of the mythics.”
“We are just friends,” you insisted. It wasn’t a lie- beyond your brief kiss a few weeks back, nothing even remotely romantic had happened since (much to your dismay). Doyoung stared at you for a long time, gauging every feature on your face before standing up.
“Fine, I warned you,” he turned to leave before looking back at you and asking, “before I go- just know that I warned you.”
He walked off then, leaving you to sit and stew. You huffed, squeezing your pen in frustration. Your night class peers had barely made an effort to speak to you despite you having tried yourself, yet now, because you are speaking to someone they considered off limits, they decide to approach you. Who did Doyoung think he was to try and control who people were and were not around?
“That walk was much needed. Hey- what happened to your hand?” Jungwoo was shocked, staring at your right hand as he sat back down. You blinked quickly, looking down in shock. You had squeezed your pen so tightly it had burst, the blue ink spilling out all of your broken pen and onto your hand and pants.
“Great, I’m gonna go clean this up.”
Ten had an exam he couldn’t get moved around, and last minute called in a replacement tha night. He had teased that it was Yuta, but upon arriving at the designated meeting spot outside of your Dad’s office, you saw that it was not Yuta or Ten.
“Hi Johnny,” you waved, forcing a smile. He nodded a simple greeting, avoiding eye contact. You sighed, leading the way to outside of the main building and starting your perimeter check.
“How was your day?” you sounded just as awkward as you felt.
“It’s been fine.”
“Oh, that’s good,” you forced out. There was another bout of silence as you tried to rack your brain for any sort of conversation you two could have. “How have classes been?”
“That’s good. Today’s lecture was really interesting.”
“It was fine.”
“Yeah, that’s another way to put it,” you wanted to yell. Doing checks on your own was better than trying to be around the brick wall that was Johnny- but he only was this way around you. You had seen him with Mark and Yuta and even Ten being normal and speaking and even laughing. Yet, now sitting next to you at the bench outside of the main building, he would rather stare at the gate than utter a word to you.
“I’m sorry I drove your car,” you spit out.
“Huh?” Finally, a response that actually engaged in some sort of conversation.
“Mark gave you back your key, didn’t he?”
“Yeah but he didn’t tell me you drove my car.”
“Ten sort of left us stranded with the key, so it was either that or leave it in the parking lot,” you countered.
“Don’t you not have a license?”
“Your car is fine!”
“Why couldn’t Yuta drive?”
“He said he didn’t have a license either.”
“That damn liar,” and for the first time with you, Johnny chuckled. You couldn’t hide your surprise, laughing a bit yourself.
“Well, I promise it won’t happen again. Especially knowing that he does have a license.”
“How do you not have a license?” he asked. You pinched your lips, trying to formulate any sort of answer before giving up.
“Eh, I just haven’t gone to get it. But, I can drive pretty well!”
“Hey, my car is in one piece so I can’t say anything,” Johnny replied. You guys sat in the silence for a moment, the only sounds now coming from the breeze flowing in the trees around the main building.
“I’m sorry,” you were caught off guard by Johnny’s voice uttering that apology.
“I… these past few years, I haven’t been fair to you,” he sighed, staring down at his hands as he spoke.
“Oh wow I haven’t noticed,” you tried to joke, Johnny’s face unchanging as you spoke. You lightly shoved his arm to affirm that you weren’t angry, earning a small eye roll from him.
“I… was weary of you. You sort of just popped out of nowhere.”
“Yeah that’s what happens when you’re abandoned with full amnesia.” Johnny sighed at this, flustered as he tried to properly gather his thoughts.
“It was just strange, around the time you showed up. And you’re a bit different than Mark,” he explained, looking at you now. That was a first- while biologically you and Mark were certainly different, you two had shared so many personality traits more often than not people would forget that you were adopted.
“Yeah, a bit. I’m sorry,” he apologized again, being more sincere this time.
“Will you actually give me a chance and laugh at my jokes?”
“Not if they’re not funny.”
“That’s fair,” you then extended your pinky finger, earning a raised eyebrow from Johnny. “I want you to promise that you’re actually gonna give me a chance to be at least your acquaintance.” He pursed his lips before raising his own pinky which dwarfed your own, and crossed them.
“Now,” Johnny leaned back on the bench, “how do you manage to beat Mark in like, every spar?”
You guys spoke fully for the last few hours of your shift, Johnny being far more funny than you ever would have guessed. He spoke about when his faerie wings first appeared, how embarrassed he felt by them being purple but is now something he embraces. Johnny was around you so little that you would often forget that he was a faerie so hearing any sort of insecurity in regards to that was surprising.
“All right, it’s time. I’m just gonna put this way in my Dad’s office, you can head out already.”
“Sounds good. I’ll see you soon,” Johnny waved, before walking out of the main building alongside a few of his peers. You smiled to yourself, walking gradually towards your Dad’s office until you paused. You turned back around, seeing the cat from a few weeks ago following closely behind you.
“Can I help you?” you asked, rifling through your pockets for the office key. You were in a good mood after finally being able to speak with Johnny after years of trying- you were not in the mood to deal with a cryptic shifter.
“Not at the moment,” it replied, watching as you took out the key.
“You’re not going into the office.”
“That’s fine. I’ll wait for you,” it replied. You raised your eyebrow before quickly going into your Dad’s office, grabbing your backpack, stepping back out and locking the office back up.
“You’re still here,” you pointed out, starting towards the exit.
“What perfume are you wearing?” it asked, following in your step as you entered the night and headed towards your dorm.
“I’m not wearing perfume, creep.”
“No need to be hostile, just curious.”
“Are you gonna tell me who you are?”
“Not yet- this is the only fun part of being a shifter,” they replied.
“Is the cat your only form?” you glanced down at it, watching as it seemed to narrow its eyes at you.
“Maybe. I’m surprised you even know we have forms when you didn’t even know about the oligarchy.”
“I learn quickly when someone actually explains things to me,” you were walking down the dimly lit path towards the student housing, no students seeming to be out and nearby to hear a talking cat. The cat paused for a moment, thinking.
“No, the cat form isn’t my only form,” it finally replied. You glanced down, the cat looking back at you.
“Does no one in the class want to talk to me just because I’m a human?” you figured, you already had nothing to lose, might as well ask.
“A majority, yes. But, the ones that are particularly close with the President seem to enjoy the diversity of having you and Mark in the class. The rest-.”
“Tolerate me,” you finished. The cat seemed to nod, now standing with you in the empty student housing quad. You glanced up at your floor, mentally counting where your studio was to see the window open, your curtain fluttering with the nighttime breeze flooding in. Your heart skipped for a moment, before looking back down at the cat staring blankly at you.
“You know, for as inquisitive as you are, I’m surprised you haven’t swung by the night library,” it replied, standing up as if to go.
“Night library?”
“Yep, in the night student housing. You do have a night student ID, you are allowed access. Probably has answers to whatever other questions you have,” with that, it bounded off, swinging its tail as it strode into the woods.
You woke up earlier the following day, rubbing your eyes as you stood before the gate of the night dorm. Taking out your ID, you held your breath as you scanned it. There was silence for a moment, the only sounds coming from the birds in the forest, until you heard a click, allowing you enough time to open the gate and enter the small courtyard.
It was empty, the stone benches appearing untouched and the bird baths looking as if they haven’t been properly managed in years. Beyond that, there were two distinct buildings- the dormitory being the biggest one with multiple floors to the left, and a small path to the right, was the one story library.
Moving quietly, you stepped through the courtyard to the library, hoping that the night students who were awake wouldn’t be able to detect you as you slipped into the small building. The library had several large bookshelves, fully stacked, and stood tall against the otherwise empty room. You dug into your back pocket, unwrinkling the note of questions you had made to yourself this morning between brushing your teeth and changing.
What caused the blue night?
The first question was the one you knew would be the hardest one to find an answer, that is if there even was one. You went onto your next inquiry.
More info on oligarchy?
It wasn’t so much a question as just a want to better understand. You didn’t want to bother Ten or Yuta, and the cat from last night was right to make you feel a bit embarrassed about it. You shoved the paper back into your pocket, and started making your way through the crudely labeled shelves. For the library specially made for the elite mythic families' children, you would think there would be a bit more care- at least a librarian of some sort. But no, you milled the library aimlessly until you finally fell into the section labeled “oligarchy- history and political theory.”
You had an hour before you had to leave for class, and planned to use it wisely. You grabbed the first book you could relating to oligarchy history, and hid in a corner- the book open on your lap, a pen in your hand, and a notebook opened next to you to put down notes.
In order to properly rule the mythic world after the treaty of 202 AD, it was agreed that there would be a changing monarchy, hereby dubbed the oligarchy. It would comprise no less than five families and no more than ten that will change off its ruler to someone new within them every 750 years or until the current ruler dies. There can be no more than two of the same species in the oligarchy.
The order shall proceed as follows with the founding oligarchy families and their respective species: Faerie Lee’s, Vampire Nakamoto’s, Shifter Kim’s, Vampire Lee’s, and Psychic Na’s.
You were able to quickly scribble down the first five families, most of which you could have guessed, before someone cleared their throat next to you, causing you to jump in your skin.
“Hm, so my visions about you do seem to be right sometimes,” he said. You had seen him a few times in your Tuesday Thursday class- usually with some of the younger mythics of said course. You had no idea what his name was, yet he looked at you as if you had been friends for years as he sat down on the ground next to you.
“Visions?” was all you were able to repeat back, too dumbfounded by his sudden appearance.
“I’m Na Jaemin, yes from the original psychic family you just read about,” he answered your question before you were even able to speak.
“Have your visions with me been wrong a lot?” you asked, closing the book slightly.
“Yes, honestly. Psychics can only see the future depending on the decisions people plan to make, so if everyone around you keeps changing their minds about different things it makes it very hard. Especially if I don’t know everyone in your life,” he spoke so casually, now fully laying on the floor and not even looking at you as you spoke.
“You know we’ve never actually met before. Right?” you replied, frowning at him.
“No, I’ve met you hundreds of times up here,” he pointed at his head, “but you have only met me once.”
“What a first time meeting this is,” you clicked your tongue.
“Well, all the other mythics with heightened sense of smell noticed you and were all collectively bitching about it. Excuse me for getting excited to see you actually follow down one of your paths,” he groaned, a sinking feeling settling in your stomach as he stood up.
“There’s no way I can smell that strong for them to all notice me!”
“For some reason, you have this weird human-ish scent that they can all smell even more now. It’s like, heightened,” he stood up now, dusting himself off.
“I haven’t gotten that far in your visions yet,” he replied robotically, then turning around and staring into the seemingly empty library for a moment. “I’m leaving now, Doyoung!” He shouted, moments later leading to the sound of a door closing. Jaemin turned to look at you over his shoulder, one of his brown eyes now a milky white.
“I’ll see you again soon, I think,” he muttered in the last part, his eye changing back to brown as he started out of the library.
“How long have you been watching my… paths?” you called once he was several feet away from you. He paused, shifting his weight onto each leg as he mulled over your question.
“A while,” was all he said before he blended into the bookshelves and out of the library. You stared aimlessly for a bit, replaying the last few moments over and over again in your head. From your understanding, the smallest subset of mythics were psychics. According to your history of mythics course, a majority of psychics were systematically killed in the 1800s by the elves- which then led to what was known as the elvish war. The Na’s were one of the few psychic families left, more than likely the result of them being one of the original families of the oligarchy.
“Shit,” you checked the time on your phone. You had to book it to class now- especially when the night dorm was so far from the main building. You shoved the book into your backpack and quickly exited the library, moving so quickly you didn’t notice the cat following closely behind you until you already started on the main path.
“I’m surprised you listened to me,” they sounded smug as you huffed, slowly approaching the more bustling part of campus.
“Are you gonna tell me your name?” you asked, shooting them an annoyed glance.
“Hm, soon,” they answered before bounding off into the forested part of campus, you now blending in with the rest of the student population.
“Hey,” you greeted Kun, standing in front of his spot on the bench. He looked up, the bags under his eyes swollen as he greeted you. “Are you okay man?”
“I haven’t slept in 48 hours,” he yawned, sluggishly grabbing his backpack and standing up.
“Dude why not?”
“These master’s classes have not been kind. Plus, I give the lecture for stats next week,” he spoke slowly, deliberately thinking over every word before he spoke as if it was a burden to speak.
“Damn, is there anything I can do to help?” you asked. You hated seeing your friend so worn out, and frankly you’d welcome something so normal to be able to do amidst the completely absurd stuff you’ve been dealing with recently.
“Actually, yeah. Could you read over my outline for the lecture next week?” his voice perked up suddenly even as you traversed through the crowded hallway.
“Of course, just send it to me and I’ll send you back some notes!” you had made it to the lecture hall, and after quickly waving goodbye to each other, you made your way to your spot next to Sicheng.
“Did you submit the midterm?” he asked once you sat down. You had completed it last night in your apartment, Yuta staring at you working the whole time and occasionally asking random questions as you did so.
“Yeah, I didn’t find it too hard since it was open notes.”
“Me too. Hey, has Jungwoo told you about that restaurant he and Kun found?”
“Oh my god, Deer Moon? He’s obsessed with it- he won’t stop talking about it,” you groaned. To be fair, the food was delicious, but between the weird atmosphere and the slightly weird wait staff it was a surreal experience to say the least.
“So you’ve been there?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.
“Yeah, it was fine. But don’t modify your order, the waiter will insult you about it to your face,” you laughed. Lecture began then, and your conversation ceased as you did your best to focus on your professor's voice. Stats went by quickly as did your international studies class, and soon enough you met Mark at the entrance of the main building.
“How was your midterm?” you asked, mentally noting that he opted to wear his glasses today rather than his contact lenses.
“Miserable,” he admitted, standing up from the bench and glancing at the steady grouping of students leaving. After you both made your ID’s visible, you split up down your designated halls, knowing you both would have your mythic partners there to check the rooms with you.
“So, guess what?” Yuta asked once you approached the science hall, smiling brightly at you.
“What?” you asked, not able to hide your smile once you saw him.
“I ended up getting an A on my paper,” he cheered. A small pit sank in your stomach now.
“Oh, wow, congrats! That’s awesome,” you forced, slowly going through each classroom. The paper was on Frankenstein, and the main reason Yuta had hung around you- at least initially. You thought back to the small kiss you had shared weeks ago to now. You two haven’t even spoken about it, and while you loved being with him and sharing time with him, you had no full understanding of his own inner thoughts and how exactly he felt being around you.
Your relationship to that point was glorified literature tutor at worst to just a sort of friend at best. The thought of only being friends with Yuta left a horrible ache in your chest and no matter how many times you talked Ten’s ears off about it, you were struggling to form any sort of confidence to confront the issue head on. Until now, it seemed.
“Thanks, though, I couldn’t have done it without you,” he smiled, glancing over each classroom with you.
“It’s no big deal,” you replied, scanning each classroom as the hairs on the back of your neck stood, the feeling most likely coming from your nerves.
“Well, they already assigned the next book, and I was hoping I could still go to you for help?” he asked, stopping you in your tracks, your hand hovering over the door handle of the largest lecture hall in the wing. You sighed, turning to face him.
“Do you like hanging out with me?” you asked.
He blinked quickly, “yeah, I love hanging out with you.”
“I’m more than happy to help you, but… look. Yuta, I like-,” you stopped yourself then, both you and Yuta visibly freezing up as the same feeling from the thrift store seized upon your bodies, a small crash coming from the room you two now stood in front of. “Shit,” you muttered, taking out your holy water from your back pocket and the small stake from your backpack.
You both peered into the classroom's window, watching as the demon seemed to be digging through the empty desk at the front of the classroom, dissatisfied with the general supplies.
“It looks a little smaller than the one at the store. Do you think you could hold it down again?” you asked him, keeping your voice low.
“If I can, will you finish your sentence?” he asked. You scoffed lightly.
“Yes, I’ll finish my sentence if we can somehow banish another demon.”
“Okay, let’s get this done quickly,” on that note, you let out a deep breathe before throwing the door open, Yuta having moved within the blink of an eye to the front of the classroom, allowing you to begin the incantation you had memorized as you moved to where he held the struggling demon.
“Hurry, he’s stronger than he looks,” Yuta groaned, the fierce blue eyes of the demon feeling as if they were piercing you. Finishing the bible verse, you struggled slightly to open the holy water, sloppily pouring some over the stake as you did.
It was during this haze and awkward fumble that you heard the sputtered words come from the demon.
… Daughter.
You froze, staring at the demon who now stopped struggling against Yuta.
“Did you hear that?” you asked him, your hands shaking now.
“Finish it!” Yuta shouted, a blue blush having appeared on his face now. Panicked, you lifted the stake in your hand and pierced the demon. Within a moment, it vanished into dust, Yuta now moving away from your holy water soaked hand.
“You didn’t hear it?” you asked Yuta breathlessly, a small headache swelling in your head.
“Hear what?” he asked, rubbing his hands. You shook your head, the pain pulsing in your skull now as you took out your phone and called your dad to report on what happened.
“So, it was running around the classroom, and you and… him, were able to take it down. Did anything else happen?” your father asked, panicked. You bit your lip.
“No, that was it,” you lied. You didn’t know if what you heard was a trick of your mind, and didn’t want to trouble your father with it.
“Okay. I’m alerting all the professors to cancel classes for tonight so all the mythics can stay locked and protected in their dorms. I have to contact the Vatican about setting up demon preventing barriers at the school, we’ll be under a lockdown for the time,” your Dad’s voice was clear now as he seemed to step into his leader mindset.
“Okay Dad,” you breathed out.
“I love you sweetheart. Please get back to your dorm as soon as possible and don’t leave,” he then hung up, leaving you alone with your headache and Yuta.
“Classes are canceled,” you recited, struggling to stand up on your feet.
“Oh, wow, okay. Want me to walk you to your dorm?” he offered, obviously still wanting to hear what you had to say earlier.
“Sure, just, let me use the bathroom before,” with that, you quickly rushed out of the hall, your head screaming until you were finally alone, huffing in front of the bathroom mirror. You felt fine before you saw the demon, why did you feel like this now?
You looked up, expecting to look disheveled after the encounter, which you did, but that wasn’t what caught you off guard. Your eyes' natural color was shrouded now in a cerulean blue, flames of the same color flickering across your pupils.
Panicking, you stumbled backwards, falling onto your butt as you furiously rubbed your eyes as darkness and colors scattered across your vision. Hands trembling, you slowly brought yourself to stand back up and look at your reflection, blinking quickly as you steadied yourself.
Normal, you looked and felt perfectly normal. Even your head felt fine again.
“I’m losing my mind,” you mumbled to yourself, rubbing your temples as you started out of the bathroom. It was a small stream of night students peeling out of the business hall, scrambling to reconceal some of their mythical attributes as they worked to exit the main building. Yuta stood next to the door of the bathroom, speaking to Mark, Johnny and Ten.
“I hear you’ve gone two for two?” Johnny cheered, shaking your shoulder once you appeared.
“Barely,” you sighed, forcing a smile.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” Mark went to ruffle your hair before you caught his hand quickly.
“My hair looks messy enough, man.”
“I can see why she’s always winning your spars,” Ten poked, earning him a laugh from the four of you.
“We have to stay put in the dorms while Dad brings in the big guns,” you relayed to Mark, you all now slowly followed the shrinking crowd out of the main building and outside.
“Man, I was gonna get dinner after my shift tonight,” Mark sighed.
“I have pasta if you wanna just stay on my couch and not alone upstairs,” you offered.
“Oh I’d love some pasta,” Johnny suddenly interjected.
“She does this thing with her cheap pasta that actually makes it not bad,” Ten added.
“Oh really? I have to try that,” Yuta teased, smiling at your bewildered face.
“Yuta and I don’t sleep so you can consider us the fun people guarding your studio,” Ten slung his arm over both yours and Yuta’s shoulders, bringing you all tightly together.
“Shotaro’s probably happy to have the room to himself tonight,” Ten chatted between slurping the spaghetti you had made. Your studio was barely able to handle two people, let alone five. Yuta, you, and Mark, were squeezed on the couch, Johnny perched on the actual dining table, and Ten sat on the single chair.
“You know, for someone who has human food be the physical equivalent of gunk for their bodies, you’re really guzzling that down,” Mark noted. Human food held zero nutritional value to vampires, which meant they could eat it, but it served no purpose beyond enjoying the taste of something.
“You’ve clearly never seen him actually hungry,” you joked.
“I almost ate you one time, give it a rest.”
“Wait Ten you almost ate my sister?”
“He would’ve died, she was soaked in holy water,” Yuta replied between his slow chewing of his own food.
“Oh that’s comforting,” Mark sighed, causing both you and Yuta to chuckle. You shared a glance, silently exchanging what you were both thinking- you hadn’t gotten to finish your statement from earlier, and he certainly wasn’t going to allow you to forget.
“Why would the demons be coming out? Now? And here of all places?” Johnny suddenly asked no one in particular, filling the silence that had grown.
“Demons aren’t normally coordinated, so for two to appear in the area where the young mythic aristocrats are attending school…” Yuta’s voice trailed off, now playing with his leftover spaghetti.
“Maybe the Vatican will have some answers,” Mark noted.
“I doubt it. They sort of tolerate our existence at best now, and even on the bl-,” Ten stopped himself, looking at Yuta before looking down on his lap. “Even when they had to take care of them the last time… they did it begrudgingly at best.”
“Maybe Satan himself will do something,” Johnny said, earning him a laugh from Yuta and Ten, you and Mark sharing confused glances. Johnny noticed this and spoke again, “the Sect of Satan swears that despite literal demons having possessed and killed so many of us, that Satan is on ‘our side’ and is a ‘helpful dude’.”
“Religion is complicated no matter the population, got it,” you sighed, finishing your meal.
The five of you sat and spoke for a bit more about nonsense- mainly about class or Tv Shows, not wanting to potentially bring up the blue night again. As Mark and Johnny were the only ones there besides you who actually needed to sleep, the pair headed upstairs to Mark’s studio for the night.
“Light doesn’t bother me that much since I sleep during the daytime, so you guys can watch my TV. I won’t lie though, I am sensitive to sound,” you admitted, adjusting your couch.
“Yeah, we don’t breathe or have heart beats so I don’t think you’ll be hearing a sound from us,” Ten pointed, collapsing onto the couch.
“Hey, Ten, could you grab me a soda from the vending machine downstairs?” Yuta asked him suddenly, passing him a couple of dollar bills.
“Soda? What for? You’re gonna have to throw up the spaghetti soon and now you wanna add soda to that?” Ten chided, not looking up to see Yuta’s irritated face.
“I could go for a soda, Ten? Please?” you shot him a begging glance. He groaned, taking the five dollars from Yuta’s hand.
“Just text me when you’re done doing… whatever. I’m gonna stare at the freshman to freak them out a little,” with that, Ten left the studio, leaving you and Yuta alone.
Your mind was racing now, wanting to be swallowed up by the air around you as you both sat on the couch in silence. Before seeing the demon earlier and whatever that was in the bathroom, you had finally built up the nerve to tell Yuta about your feelings. Now, though, that nerve had evaporated. You were left with sweaty palms, and a hammering heart that surely he could hear.
What was minutes felt like eons, both of you waiting on the other to break the extremely thick air that had formed. Why won’t he speak? He was figuring out a way to let you down gently- of course. He had figured out what you were going to say and as the soon to be heir to the throne, the swift kiss you both shared had confirmed that you weren’t good enough to date him. To be a friend, maybe, but not more than that.
“I… I like you, Yuta. A lot. Whenever I’m not with you I’m thinking about when I can see you again, what we could talk about, just… you. And I know that I shouldn’t feel this way-.”
“Why shouldn’t you?” he interjected, leaning forward now as if to capture every word. You were taken aback, your mind spinning and trying to gather itself.
“I… I…” What could you even say to that he doesn’t already know? He is well aware of the fact that he was a vampire, the heir to the mythic throne. He was also painfully aware that you were human- he could smell your blood, and could hear the blood rushing through your veins as your heart hammered in your chest. He took your hands from your lap, the coldness of them cooling you instantly.
“I like you, y/n. I like you a lot. When I’m not with you, I’m counting down the hours until I can see you again. The hours I can’t see you feel like an eternity, yet when I can see you, it feels like it's gone in a flash,” he confessed, his eyes looking deeply into yours. You lifted up one of your hands, and slowly moved it to Yuta’s cheek, holding him there.
“So what happens now?” you asked.
“Hm, I guess we should bring Ten back in since he’s at the door torturing some poor freshman,” he giggled.
“Oh no he heard everything, huh?” you laughed, knowing full well that Ten would tease you about this as soon as he could. You untangled yourself from Yuta, much to both of your dismays, and opened the door.
“Oh, y/n! You’re never gonna believe what this little guy has to say!” Ten taunted, jabbing a sleepy looking Jisung’s arm.
“I’m taller than you,” Jisung yawned, rubbing his eyes sleepily. You checked your phone's time, it was nearing three in the morning when most of your honors students went to bed much earlier than this.
“What happened? And sorry about him,” you moved your arm to move Ten away from Jisung, shooting him a glare before turning back.
“The people upstairs are blasting music again. I can’t even hear my asmr videos,” he groaned, pouting as he spoke.
“I respect someone who’s not afraid to snitch,” Ten laughed, brushing past you and into your dorm.
“Sorry about him, again. I’ll call the RA upstairs to take care of it,” you said, already dialing Mark’s phone number.
“Thanks. And… is he your boyfriend?” Jisung asked. You coughed, ignoring Mark on the other line as you furiously shook your head no.
“No, not in a million years,” you replied, earning an annoyed shout from Ten.
“Oh, so you don’t have a boyfriend?” he asked, his eyes looking far perkier than they had moments ago. You pretended not to hear, letting Mark know about the noise disturbance on his floor past quiet hours.
“But I already put on my night time facemask,” Mark groaned.
“Sorry, maybe bring Johnny with you. He’s a bit more… intimidating,” you said before hanging up. “Okay, you should be good in a few minutes!”
“Thanks,” he muttered, slowly walking back to his own dorm.
Your nightmare was different this time.
You stared at the red patterns in the snow again, leaning forward and not even caring for the biting cold.
Blood. Blood everywhere.
The light, that blue light, was hovering behind you again along with that all too familiar shadow. Your dream would normally stop here. Why wasn’t it stopping? And why were you turning around?
Horrified, you looked up.
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booksweet · 3 years
starring: Gojo Satoru x fem!reader
Synopsis: what If your favorite character became real the moment you needed the most?
Warnings: fluffy, probably shibuya incident arc spoilers (not too much), grammar mistakes, both reader and Gojo are +18
Word count: 2k
A/N: hello! Here's me again bringing you the sequence of "Real" (please don't forget to read the first part, okay?). I was so glad you enjoyed chapter 1 that it turned out as a series and I can say I'm BEYOND happy!! Hope you like it 💛
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
tagging: @noritoshiikamo @iwaizumini
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“So… Tell me about your powers,” she asks him when they stopped their tour through the city together. “Did they remain? Or you lost them when you came here?”
She knew she should’ve already spoken to him about this matter, yet she was scared of his answer, yet she frightened that if he got his powers, maybe he would go back to his world and let het behind. She would be all alone. Again.
Being alone all the time was tiresome, she had been tired for so long since her parents died, and she moved away from the town she was born and rose by them. After all this time without them, she got used to living alone, eating alone, existing all by herself, everything was so mechanical to her that she didn’t even notice how the way she was living affected her perceptions of her surroundings.
And then, he suddenly appeared. That night was marked inside her memories. She was fond of many things, reading her favourite manga above all, but if someone asked her what she expected getting from reading one, she would answer just some comfort and relief from stressful days, not her favourite character scaping from his world and popping up inside her room.
“Hey! Y/N? Are you even listening to me?” Satoru’s voice takes her out from her reveries, again she got lost on her own thoughts about him and what happened. Is it selfish not wanting you to go back there?
“Sorry” She apologizes with a shy smile, his eyes hidden with sunglasses probably focused on her. “What were you saying?”
“You are a little absent-minded, aren’t you?” His voice in an amused tone makes you release a loud laugh that make he smile eye-to-eye. “I was saying that my powers are still here with me…” He repeats as he takes you by your hand walking somewhere else, his slightly narrow when he sees something that caught up his interest. “Is that… Ice cream?”
By his answer to her question, her heart flickers a little. He could do anything he wanted; he was the strongest above all. Why wouldn’t he just go back to his world? Why would he still be here with you? Your mind going whirlwind with a thousand questions unanswered.
“You lost it,” He says once more, now with her favourite ice cream flavour in one extended hand as a signal to give it to her. “Again. Am I that much a bad company that you can’t concentrate on our date?” He fakes a heartbroken and sad tone seeming like a boy who was crying over his first love.
“Satoru, what?! No! And this is not a date!” She did get lost in thoughts again, but hell no, this wasn’t a date. “Don’t you dare smile like this to me, don’t you dare, Satoru Gojo!” Her flustered tone mixed up with an angry one as a cocky smirk grew upon his face.
“Whaat? Me? Smiling?” He walks closer to her, his height almost towering over hers, and when their faces where almost touching each other, the smell of ice cream surrounding them when he says “How? Smiling like this?”
She could’ve fainted right there, yes, she could. One could say she was almost having a heart attack the faster her heart was beating and that idiot in front her knew how much he affected her, and, for God’s sake, he was doing it way to good not to care. Still, she wouldn’t give up to him so easily.
“As you said…” She started stepping back and eating her own ice cream. “Your powers still remain, so how does it feel?”
“Little one…” He begins to say, but he seems to reconsider his words while looking at her face. “I can feel everything. I can see everything and nothing at the same time. The beginning and the ending. Infinity and beyond.”
She remained silent by his side, waiting for him to continue whatever he was thinking about to speak of. She couldn’t imagine how heavy must be the burden of carrying power like his, powers that were both a blessing and a curse.
“Your world does have curse energy like mine,” He finally continue his line of thought. “Even though it doesn’t change into spirits or something more tangible to exorcize. I still don’t get how you get rid of it here, it’s a mystery.”
“And…” He suddenly stops, narrowing his eyebrows in a confused expression, it was like he realized something he didn’t know how to explain to her.
“And?” You give his arm a soft touch, without words saying to him I am here, you can say whatever is on your mind.
“And” He eyes at her so deeply you imagine if he could reach her soul, his hand placed above hers. “I can see you. Your everything. I can sense your presence, your heartbeat like it is my own. Is it strange? Is it strange that I feel you like you are a part of me, and I am a part of you?” He holds her hand tighter. “Is it strange that when we hold hands everything seems right again? Is it strange that-“
All at once he lets go of her hand. She gives him a strange look, What’s wrong? Was what she as thinking. Goosebumps running through her body, wild butterflies flying on her stomach made her lips dry of nervousness. I feel you like you are a part of me, and I am a part of you. Everything seems right. He must be kidding, no one never…
“Gojo,” She says when she can catch her breath again, his eyes never leaving her face. “You shouldn’t play with things like this.” She pinches her nose, feeling her face warmer and warmer each second. “We must go, there are other places I want to show you.”
“But, Y/N,” He tries to say, she could feel melancholy following his words. I don’t want to hear, I don’t.
“Let’s go, Satoru Gojo,” she fakes a smile and an excited tone. “There’s more of my world that those pretty eyes of yours have never seen.”
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They went through many of her favourite places such as the park, that café closer to her loved library, she showed him her favourite restaurant, the places she was used to go when feeling unwell with herself. And there was this moment, this specifically moment, that his eye’s light changed.
The way her hair flipped towards the wind, the way her smell invaded his nostrils, the way he was just all eyes only to hers. Every little detail unmissed to him. Despite their last conversation ending, he’s been constantly aware of her, of how she makes him feel in this odd world. He didn’t lie when he said all those words, he meant each one of them, but he was still wondering why she dismissed him that way. He was afraid that fright would make her run away from him again.
“Hey, you enjoyed our stroll today?” She was resting peacefully on her place’s couch, head laid softly on a cushion and eyes looking at him eagerly. He felt she was still fluttering because of what happened between them before, and he wanted so bad to stop that growing unease feeling his mind twisted every second.
“You don’t know how” He says with a genuine smile, knowing more of you, of how you lived, and your habits makes him avid to get closer and closer to you. His keen voice loud when he laughs “I’ve never though of not trying to defeat monsters and curses while eating a good, sweet cake or ice cream and…”
“You can say I’m a good partner, can’t you?” His keen smile turning into a cocky and teasing one. “Afterall, how could I not try my best having such a beautiful lady by my side?”
“You-“She starts, but the growing reddish upon her nose and cheeks reports how nervous she gets when he talks like this, how he teases her and her blood runs wild through her veins. “You know it wasn’t a date, Satoru!” Placing a hand in front of her pretty face to hide whatever her expression could speak for her that moment. “And yes, you’re also a good companion, I can say that.”
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“Hey, Y/N,” Satoru’s voice wakes her up from her dreams late that night, she was on the couch covered with her bedsheets. Did he picked them and then covered me up? Her heart bounced inside her chest and she felt her hands damp with sweat with that thought of him caring about her.
“Uh… What time…?” She opens her eyelids slowly, yawning hard as she stretches herself to wake her body. By the time she catches the sight of him, he’s sitting down right on the ground in front of her, his hands towering over her legs like he wanted to touch her but is not allowed to.
“Can I show you something?” His voice says nothing to her, no opens to reveal his feelings behind his tone. Suddenly, she feels cold running over her body. She nods slowly to him. “Do you trust me?” Again, another movement of her head. “Little one… I need to hear your voice.” His bare eyes stare at her fondly, she will never understand why he does this to her. Doesn’t he know that he will break my heart?
“Yes, Satoru, I trust you.” Her voice is hoarse from sleep, but this is all he needs to place one arm underneath her legs and the other on her back to carry her bridal-way. “Wh-what?! This is really necessary?”
“Hold on, I got you” His thumb moving around the bottom of her back, his movements, and the feeling of his warm body closer to hers making her relax. “I’ll show you something, breath and don’t scream”
And suddenly they weren’t at her living room, but at the rooftop of some skyscraper. So high she could feel her sight twisting.
“Hey, hey…” His muffled voice was calm against her ears, his soft grip tightening a little in reassurance of her safety. “I’m here, I’m here, it’s okay.”
“F-fuck! Why? Why are we here?”
“I need to show you” His tone didn’t hide he was nervous, worried about something. “Please close your eyes.”
As she does what he requested, his arm on her back loosen his grip and a hint of panic stars to grow inside her. I’m going to…
“You are not going to fall. I will never let something bad happen to you.” His voice is bold and so sure-footed that she decides not to complain, even thought she knew that it wouldn’t be their reality sooner when he’ll get back to his world. His fingers gently touching her eyes and she feels something changing in the air. The air around them shaking and heavy. His powers…
“Open your eyes, Y/N, please.”
As she opens her eyes, she knew something was different. In front of her there was still the night city, above her the skies. But she could see energy, colourful energy arising from each place she could catch a sight. “What- WHAT?” She screamed in disbelief. “What did you do to me?!”
He bit his lips in a worried expression. “I did nothing. I had this theory but…” He couldn’t look at her anymore, it was painful. “I just managed to unlock your own cursed energy, I don’t know how, I had these feeling and it just…”
They remained in silence for what seemed like hours, even though night were still ruling hard the skies up them. Their bodies close to each other, their warm protecting them from that cold night, from that scary truth. What the hell I am?
“Uh. What?”
“I need your help to get back to my world. I need your help to get back to my students. You do know what happened to them after my arrive, don’t you?”
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sunshinecrashed · 4 years
Hey! Can I request a Teru x Reader where Teru gets jealous? Thank you and I love your writings! Hope you have a great day/night 😊
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ᴅᴇғɪɴɪᴛᴇʟʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜs
𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗆𝗈𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗎 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: 𝗽𝘀𝗵𝗵𝗵, 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘂 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀𝗻’𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀. 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁?
word count: ~1.3k
↳ warnings: !! spoilers for vol. 12 chapter 59 !! they’re pretty minor (it’s insignificant to the plot), but i just wanted to put that out there anyways. 
a/n: i hope u have an even better day/night <3
“Stupid pretty-boy,” Akane mumbled to himself as he marched through the hallways of Kamome Gakuen. 
His rival, Minamoto Teru, was deceivingly sly. No one would have ever expected the school prince to have such a secretly dark side of him. Akane shivered.
A couple weeks back during the semester exams, Teru successfully provoked Akane into competing with him in an academic contest; in which the winner (whoever had the most points on their exams), got to command the loser to do anything. 
Naturally, Akane refused with a blunt, “How about no?”, but after Teru threatened to “confess” to his beloved Aoi, Akane had no choice but to give in.
And now,
It was time for Akane’s revenge. 
Sneakily tip-toeing around the campus during lunch, Akane whipped his head back and forth to find that evil Teru. 
There he was... talking to a girl?
‘Wait.. who's that?’ 
Akane racked his brain, trying to remember where he’s seen you. Wait- now that he’s thinking about it, he does remember seeing you hanging out with Teru pretty frequently, sharing laughs and cheerful smiles. 
He hid behind a wall while resting his chin in his hand. 
‘Could it be,’ he crept out to take another peek at you and Teru, narrowing his eyes as he noticed that you both were awfully close to each other. 
‘-that Teru has a crush?’
Oh, yes. 
This was the lead that Akane needed in order to set his revenge plan in place. Giggling like a little gremlin, he tip-toed back into the school.
A couple days passed, and now Teru and Akane were sorting through Student Council papers. 
“Say, Teru,” Akane started, sifting his pile absentmindedly. 
“Who’s that girl that you’ve been talking to lately? Was it.. [Name]-san?” 
Teru froze, the sound of rustling papers coming to an abrupt halt. 
His narrowed eyes looked up at Akane’s preoccupied expression. “..Why does it matter?” 
“Oh, because-” Akane leaned back into his chair, stretching his arms over his head while smirking. “I’ve begun to accept the fact that Aoi will always reject me.. and [Name] is pretty cute, don’t you think?”
“Akane, you’re just joking with me, aren’t you?” Teru tried to bite back the venom in his tone. 
He continued, “And if you’re trying to trick me, it won’t work.” 
But Teru’s cold body language said otherwise. It wasn’t difficult to see that he was creasing his paper with a tight grip, or how his mood instantly turned sour.
Akane’s words were clearly having an effect on Teru, whether he liked it or not. 
‘Interesting.’ Akane observed Teru’s body language out of the corner of his eye. He knew that he was bound to hit a soft spot for Teru, but to find it so quickly? Akane struck gold. He had no idea that Teru was this... sensitive when it came to you. 
“I mean, Teru.. You’re not jealous, are you?”
The boy in question brushed it off too quickly, stating, 
“Jealous? That’s childish. I’m not jealous.” He stiffly held his hole puncher, using a little more force than necessary to clip holes into his pile of paper.
Teru looked like he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince Akane. 
Akane’s “plan to confess to you” was just a bluff; no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to fall out of love with his lovely Aoi. But in order to get back at Teru, he wouldn’t mind becoming friends with you! It was win-win.
He always imagined Teru as this untouchable, charismatic leader who would rather prioritize his studies or exorcism over a potential relationship. So why was it so easy for you to break down his walls? 
“Hi Teru!” you poked your head out from the classroom door frame, a bubbly vibe around you. 
In the blink of an eye, Teru’s bad mood vanished- it was as if he wasn’t even sulking in the first place. As Akane watched Teru, he could tell that Teru wasn’t even faking it either; he was truly just happy to see you. 
“[Name]! What are you doing here?” Teru said with a gentle smile.
He kicked Akane under the table as a warning. “oww-”
“I was just on my way to my club and I wanted to say hello.” you beamed. 
You noticed that Akane was there too, who looked pretty frazzled. “Oh wait, I was actually looking for you, Akane!” 
“Oh~? You were looking for me?” He smirked, locking eyes with Teru before shrinking away under his murderous gaze. ‘..Scary’
“I-I mean, uh.. Is there anything you need, [Name]-san?” 
“Well,” You sat on top of a nearby desk and swung your legs lightly, oblivious to the thick tension in the room. “You told me a few days ago how you were willing to tutor me on some subjects? I really want to raise my score for next semester.” 
Teru not-so-sneakily shot daggers at Akane. The red-haired boy gulped. 
“R-Right! We can talk about scheduling a time after this! Hah..” 
"Really? Ah, thank you so much Akane!” you hummed with a bright smile.“I owe you one.”
“And that is,” you glanced at the clock, “-all of the time that I have right now. I guess I’ll talk to you guys later!” you waved at them, and with that, you padded out of the door. 
Teru waved back with a fond smile. “Bye, [Name]-san.” 
And like a switch, he flipped his mood instantly. 
“Akane,” he gave his most sickeningly-sweet smile to Akane, who in contrast, looked like he was going to bolt. 
‘Shit, I’m done for-’
“We are going to have a decent, thorough discussion later, aren’t we?” 
- - - - -
You peered up at the sky with a slight frown, eyeing the dark clouds. Maybe you should have brought an umbrella, just in case? It looked like it could rain any minute.
 You wrapped your school jacket a little tighter around yourself as you searched for Akane in front of the school.
‘He told me to wait for him right around.. here!’
And to your pleasant surprise, you found... Teru standing underneath the tree that you and Akane decided to meet under. 
The agreed plan was to then head to a cafe and go over some of the school material, and then discuss when to schedule the next tutoring session. So what was Teru doing, waiting patiently in Akane’s place?
“Teru?” you approached him with a slightly tilted head. “Where’s Akane?” 
“Hey. Akane wasn’t feeling very well, so he asked me to take his place instead. Is that fine with you?” he questioned softly, brushing a hand through his locks. 
You furrowed your brow. “Damn, I hope he feels better soon. And it’s no problem! Let’s get going, yeah?” you said.
Teru nodded eagerly and walked in step with you, brushing his arm with yours. While you were distracted, he smiled victoriously to himself. Yes, he may have threatened Akane (or ‘highly discouraged’, as Teru put it), but in the end, it all worked out fine! Now, he got to spend some more time with you, and also didn’t to worry about Akane’s cunning trickery. Perfect!
‘I’ll find some way to make it up to him after this..’ he thought.
You felt a drop of rain fall on your cheek, and you blinked up at the clouds once again. “Rain? Crap, I didn’t bring an umbrella with me-” 
“One sec, I have one in my bag. We can share it.” Teru looked calm on the outside, but internally he was cheering. 
As he held the umbrella over the two of you, you seemed to ponder about something for a moment before asking, “..I-Is it all right if I scoot in a little closer, Teru?” 
A thousand times yes- “Ah, of course.”
Here you both were, each with a slight blush dusting over your faces, and with equally thudding hearts. 
He glanced down at you with butterflies in his chest, taking his arm out of the sleeve of his jacket before draping it over your shoulders. 
“It’s getting a little chilly, so keep warm, [Name].”
You leaned more into his side, hiding your smile. “..Thank you, Teru!”
Okay, he might have been a just a little jealous earlier. 
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 But now that you were at his side, he couldn’t have been more content.  
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marumafan · 4 years
A Guide For Yuuram Fans
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Hello fellow yuuram fan! Have you ever caught yourself thinking:
- Does Yuuri like Wolf? - No, but I mean like "Does he REALLY like Wolf?" - Am I getting invested just to find out it's clickbait? - Is Yuuri ever going to accept Wolf's feelings? - Does Yuuri like guys? - Will they get married or not?
You have questions? I have source material-backed answers!
The Basics
First, you need to understand that there's a variety of so-called canons. There's an anime canon, a manga canon, a drama cd canon, a musical canon, and then some other random things that you can't really call canon but exist: such as games, radio shows, tv stuff not written by the author, etc.
All of these canons and non-canon stuff are fine, and you can enjoy them as much as you want, but they're NOT the source material. Source material are only the novels and stories that have been written by Takabayashi-sensei (anything in written form and some dramas also written by her according to interviews).
Takabayashi-sensei is the author of the novels (the source material out of which everything else is derived), and her word is "god's word". By the way, she used this term to refer to herself in regards to the maruma series, I'm not fangirling, but using terminology she herself used.
Please understand that most of the material that isn't 'source material' has been altered in many ways to appeal to a 'larger audience' (manga and drama cds), or to make it palatable to the more homophobic society of the 2000s (in the case of the anime). When the anime began social media didn't exist. And when the anime ended (in 2009), social media was in its infancy. That's how long ago these media were adapted from source material.
The Fandom
The fandom has influenced the source material itself at times (such as Conrad fans throwing a hissy fit when he died in novel 5 to the point that Takabayashi-sensei had to resurrect him and change who the key was and many other plot points since then). Certain shippers still force sensei's hand to write fanservice here and there, and despite that, one thing has been clear from the beginning:
Takabayashi-sensei's 'main couple' is the one she got engaged back in novel 1: Yuuri and Wolf, the royal couple.
The Bias
Before we get into the thick of this, let's take a moment to understand bias. I'm sure that if you're reading this far into this you really like yuuram and don't have a problem with homosexuality, boys love, etc. (I use yuuram to mean the royal couple: Yuuri and Wolf, nothing to do with 'who's on top' or anything like that, just a name for the ship with these two characters).
Despite that, anyone reading this has been born and raised in a highly hetero-normative society where if a girl so much looks at a boy she must be into him, and vice-versa.
Who can forget the "He was a boy, She was a girl, Can I make it any more obvious" lyrics of the 2000s? Same applies to 'ships' all across the board.
If any, and I mean any 'boy-girl' relationship was 10% of what the yuuram relationship is, there wouldn't be a single doubt that those two are in love, dating, married, and living happily ever after.
But when it comes to Yuuri and Wolf it feels like pulling teeth to get people to accept that they’re in a relationship. I blame mostly the anime for including weird non-canon ideas into fans minds, as well as heteronormative societies.
Please don’t be this person:
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Finally, please take a moment to read THIS as an introduction to my next section.
The Royal Couple
Begin by forgetting everything you consumed from other canons (TV, manga, fanfics) if you truly want to appreciate the Royal Couple in its source material form.
1) Romantic interest
The source material has made Yuuri very interested in Wolfram since the very beginning. Of course, at first, he was only interested in Wolfram's physical appearance. But the more he got to know Wolfram the more he cared about him and the less he cared about his physical appearance.
To get a full picture of how madly he falls for Wolf, you need to read the novels, but here are some excerpts to illustrate my point:
How it started:
Source: Novel 1-Chapter 1
"Even if our bodies are evenly matched, when I just glanced up, I've already been defeated. How can he be this beautiful! (どうよ、この美しさ!) At the same time, his head is emitting an aura. Although it's likely that it seemed that way because of his dazzling blond hair. His looks and voice are like an older Vienna chorus boy. His white skin seems transparent, and his irises are an emerald green that make me think of the bottom of a lake, and furthermore he doesn't have a split chin. He's an angel, definitely an angry angel. However, because he's in this place, he's probably a beautiful demon."
-> Yuuri writes a fucking sonnet in his head about Wolf's beauty when they meet.
Source: Novel 1-Chapter 10
 From the far side of the corridor, the blond with wavy hair comes running. The intense navy blue uniform suits him; the mazoku Prince Wolfram. I muttered in a sigh 'Although he's a man, he's this beautiful, Günter'.
-> Yuuri complains to Gunter that Wolf is too beautiful.
How it's going:
Source: Novel 17, Chapter 7
"Those words hurt me deeply inside my heart, a pain as though I was burnt in an instant. Because I had an experience like that, in which I nearly lost the most important person to me, just because he was wearing someone else’s clothes."
-> Yuuri calling Wolfram his most important person, code in the maruma series for person you're in love with.
Source:  Do you want an exorcism? 2 (post novel 17)
"And because of that rich VARIETY in the configuration, mazoku is more an ethnicity than a race.
You have from kotsuhizoku, kotsuchizoku, and bone fish who are living creatures, even though they are just bones, to the seasonal migrating tribe of half-humanoid, half-fish maidmer princesses. As for the humanoid ones, there are regular looking ones like me or Conrad, but there are also some who are super beautiful like Günter or Wolfram............. as for the last one, this is just a little bit of my own personal bias, but it makes no difference if he's beautiful or not."
-> Yuuri saying that the beauty he went head over heals in novel 1 for, doesn't matter to him anymore because of his 'personal bias'
Source: Misepan 2: (post novel 17, arguably the last story written near the release of the novels)
"If I was in trouble, and I was missing something important. And you had one that was exactly the same ...."
"I'd lend it to you, of course"
I thought about this, literally with my hands on his chest. In fact, with my hand, that was pressed against his chest, I could feel that the speed of my partner's and my heartbeat was the same. Anyone would get blood rushing to their brains when they're seriously thinking about something. When I could calm down a little, I let out a small sigh.
"Or rather, when it comes to things that I can give you, I would give you anything, Wolf."
-> Yuuri tells Wolfram he would give him anything in the world.
2) Sexual interest:
-There are several times when the source material implies that Yuuri and Wolf don't just sleep at night.
Again, please remember that in the novels Greta does not sleep with Yuuri and Wolfram. This was a TV addition to appease homophobic minds. In fact, in the novels, Yuuri forbade Greta from sleeping with them because she's 'too old'. Also source material Greta is rarely in Shin Makoku as she's studying abroad half the time.
Source:  Novel 2- Chapter10
"If I leave it up to you, it will never get settled."
"So, what kind of settlement do you want...?" My voice trails off as he sways his hips closer.
The former mazoku prince's face brightens and he pulls me down by the arm.
"So you finally feel like settling things!?"
"I don't ~"
I'm scared to think about what sort of settlement this is. I'm not going to lose my life or anything, but I do feel like there's something else I'm going to lose. I desperately extract myself, fly into the bathroom and lock the door.
"Wait wait wait! I gotta take a bath first, okay!? You don't wanna do it with a sweaty guy, right!?"
Do it...? I blanch at my own words.
-> Yuuri's subconscious is clearly working against him.XD It looks like Yuuri doesn't want to lose the v-card yet (he barely knows Wolf at this point), but he still says  to Wolf he should take a bath before they do it. Gambare, Yu-chan
Source: Novel 4 - Chapter 1
-> Yuuri and Wolfram have been sleeping together for 3 months at the beginning of novel 4! Please! If this was a guy and girl you wouldn't be wondering what they're doing! He has a lock on the door! He can keep Wolf out , order him out, but he never does. Don’t be the gray haired lady!
Source: Never Ending Poison Lady 1
- "As a measure against Wolfram, who somehow even on our trips sleeps in the same bed as I do, I made a wall with three pillows which also had cute egg shaped buttons. I tucked my shirt into my pants, so that my stomach wouldn't get cold. After all, in the mornings when I woke up, both my clothes and my sleeping posture were always preposterous."
-> Yuuri says he puts some pillows to avoid getting into the weird sleeping postures and getting his clothes messed up and shirt untucked, but he never thinks of 'not sleeping with Wolf'~
Source: Never Ending Poison Lady 1 (same book as last)
- "While watching Wolfram's cheeks get red in excitement, a surprised Josak swallowed the question" You even sleep together when you're out on a trip?".
-> Even Jozak (the spy who's supposed to know everything) seems surprised that they're "sleeping together all the time". They're clearly hiding it from people.
Source: Maru maru maruMA-  (book with series info and interviews)
Takabayashi-sensei replied to a question about Yuuri and Wolfram and what would happen once they get married... and she said it clearly: They'll have sex.
("Please answer my maruma question", maru maru maruMA)
Source: SS: Murakenzu 2018-11-13 (Paper 1 accompanying cd72) "Yeah, my father was talking about it, and she's still being called 'Gokumi', huh? At any rate, even if he was smiling way too much, his footsteps started to sound louder and faster as he got farther away. In that moment we thought: Eh? Is it that bad? Maybe they saw something while we were sleeping, or rather, maybe they took peeping photographs and want to do something bad with them."
"Rather than while you were sleeping, before going to sleep?"
"You mean like, when I do practice baseball swings naked or something?"
"Yeah, naked practice."
"Or maybe like, a picture of Wolf's butt when he's wearing his sexy negligee or something?"
"Ah! If a picture of it peeking out is released it would be bad, huh?"
"Then, I suddenly realized that "secret" might just be a hook. In other words, those trick titles that often appear in sports newspapers."
"Yes, yes."
-> Yuuri talks about Wolfram's butt showing as a common place and about himself being completely naked doing 'baseball practice' in the room with Wolf, whatever that may mean.
3) Illustrations
The 4 wedding pictures. Yuuri and Wolfram have been illustrated as married four times by the series' illustrator:
1  | 2  | 3 |  4 
And I like to add this fifth one (used in There's Valentine's Day in Shin Makoku!? DVD special), since in the black and white version, there's a comment by Takabayashi-sensei that says: "With this we've finally won against the anime team! ", meaning they beat them to the wedding. 
4) Terminology
Yuuri and Wolf are referred to in tweets by Takabayashi-sensei, GEG-san and Temari-sensei as the Royal Couple (ロイカプ). The author, editor and illustrator all know already what they are and that's why they call them that.
More information:
Please, please read the source material. But if you won't, at least read some of the analyses I've made to find out more about yuuram. Yuuram is here, it’s canon, and their ship has sailed a long time ago, in novel 1. They were always meant to end up together and they have. (”The dream ending” was how the author wanted yuuram to end, happily married). This isn't clickbait, or fanwork. The author likes the Royal couple and will see that they end up together no matter what.
Additional information:
Yuuram in novel: 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17  
* Novel Analysis:  Crossheart and Love Letter
* Novel Analysis:  Misepan2
* Novel Analysis: Do you want an exorcism?
* Bias in KKM: English version of KKM
* Novel Analysis: Yuuri confessing to Wolf (w/quotes)
* Novel Analysis: Physical and mental development in mazoku
* Novel Analysis:  Yuuri and Wolfram’s daily routine (with quotes) 
* Novel facts: No mpreg in Shin Makoku (I get asked a lot)
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fortheloveoffanfic · 4 years
Heaven, Hell and You
John Constantine x OFC  (A/n- Just gonna toss in some cheesy tropes to move things along)
Masterlist   Chapter 2
Warnings- Brief mentions of mental health
Chapter 3
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John had made several mistakes in his life, though he couldn't determine if bringing Valerie back to his loft was one of them. She'd been eerily silent throughout the car ride, keeping closer to the door with her head cast towards the window as John drove in silence. And even when they'd reached his building, as led the way up to his apartment, she hadn't offered him the slightest pea. He needed her to talk though, so he could decipher what or who she was.
Valerie had to be special. Between his all too life like dreams and her being attacked by a demon trying to escape into their realm, she couldn't just be any regular human. Besides, she'd understood Latin as if it were English, and the only time he'd ever come across that was with angels. Nephilim, it was the only plausible answer. How could she not know though? 
Taking off the whistling kettle from the stove, John filled up two mismatched mugs, both with tea bags he'd been surprised he'd had, leaving room for milk and sugar in one. He had never been the most hospitable, and usually preferred to not entertain guests, but he also supposed that the least he could do after essentially dragging her to his car was try to make her stay comfortable. And of course, get her to trust him so she'd talk. 
After a while, he didn't really note how long it had been, Valerie emerged, wearing what he'd left out for her after offering to let her use his shower. Well, at least half of it, "I couldn't fit in your sweats," she blushed, certainly noting the way his dark eyes had landed on her exposed legs. Her very smooth, toned legs. 
Clearing his throat, John tried to shake off the perverse thoughts, "Its fine," he dismissed, "Tea?"
Nodding stiffly, Valerie relieved him of the cup, only stirring in a spoon of sugar before bringing it to her lips, "Thanks," she smiled, her face half hidden by the ceramic mug, "And um……thank you for everything else too."
"No problem," he obliged, gesturing for them to sit, "Just part of the job."
"The job?" Her brows knitted in question.
"I'm an occult detective," and when she still showed no sign of understanding, he carried on with explaining, "I do exorcisms, investigate the supernatural, that kind of stuff.”
“I….” Trailing off, she tried to make sense of it all, “Exorcisms? The supernatural? That’s,” exhaling softly, John could already see that the little bits he’d given were too much for her, “That stuff isn’t real,” Valerie shook her head dismissively, though, he could see that thing in her frightened eyes, that thing that told John she wanted to  believe him.
“You’ve got a better explanation for what happened back there?” Leaning back in his chair, John crossed his legs at the ankles, waiting for an answer.
Straightening her back, Valerie set the mug down, “Schizophrenia could easily explain that boy’s behavior, and it’s commonly associated with-”
Cutting her off, John interrupted her rambling, “And what about you understanding a language you’ve never learned?”
“Well there’s there’s not a lot of medical research on it, but I assume that a neurologist would suggest a brain tumor, or an-”
Chuckling dryly, John shook his head and folded his arms across his chest, “So you’d rather believe that you have a brain tumor than believe that demons and that stuff,” he quoted mockingly, “Is real?”
Clenching her jaw, Valerie stood abruptly, “That’s bullshit, that’s all nonsense and babble from the bible. Things meant to scare people into obedience,” emitting a dry, husky laugh, she rolled her eyes, “You expect me to believe that there are demons and one of them just knows me by name and decided to come after me. Cause that’s so believable!” 
John stood too, fuming at her stubbornness. To think he’d actually thought he could like her! “If it’ll save your ass then yeah!”
“Save my ass from what?” Her yell was louder than his, and for a hot minute, all sorts of tension building between them, they just stood there, both red in the face, fuming.
“You should be telling me!” Running fingers through his hair, John turned away, walking over to lean on the skin, “You’re the one they’re after!”
“Hell,” he clarified, “And maybe heaven too, I don’t know. Look,” his tone softened as John desperately tried to reason. Despite Valerie being extremely difficult, he still had the gnawing urge to help her. There was just something about her, he just couldn’t put his finger on it, “I know it’s a lot to hear in just one night, but believe it or not, they’re after you. And you’re the only person that knows why,” he sighed when she sat again, the gravity dawning on her just as she really started to let his words sink in, “Look, that couldn’t have been the first time-”
“It was,” she sniffled, swiping at her eyes, “I mean, it sort of was. I guess…..” Swallowing tightly, Valerie continued slowly and reluctantly, “I hear things sometimes…..they say they’re coming for me. Sometimes I see people that aren’t there, but the doctors-”
“Gave you a bunch of pills and told you it was all in your head?” John knew the story all too well, after all, it had been his story too. 
“Sort of,” she shook her head, voice teary and smaller than before, “They said that I was being paranoid at first, and then this doctor that I went to when I was in college, gave me antipsychotics. She said that was delusional and when i graduated, my grandparents had to pay for the records to be suppressed so I could even get this job; no one’s gonna hire a crazy nurse.”
Her story, as little of it as she’d told, tugged at John’s heart. Going through something like that alone couldn’t have been easy and he didn’t want to upset her further, but the more he knew, the better he could help her, “Do you see things too?”
Thinking on it in silence, Valerie eventually nodded slowly, avoiding his gaze, “Yeah,” blinking away tears, “The meds never helped, so I stopped taking them. And now I just try to ignore it, but it’s so scary sometimes,” her already soft voice dropped to a sorrowful whisper, “Gosh,” her voice broke, “You must think I’m crazy.”
Finally pushing off the edge of the sink, John dragged the chair closer to Valerie’s tentatively resting his hand over hers on the table. It was so foreign for him, taking someone’s hand like that and the last hand he held was Angela’s, when they’d tried the whole dating thing, but holding hers didn’t feel half as right as holding Valerie’s and John, for the slightest second, though he could get used to it. If only he’d let himself. “I don’t,” he eventually reassured, causing her to look up at him with wide, hopeful eyes, a couple drying locks falling over her delicate features, “I see them too, when I was a kid, my parents sent me to a mental institute. They tried everything, electrotherapy,” at that, she gasped sympathetically, “Meds, but nothing helped. And I tried to kill myself.” It was hard to avoid the sympathy that welled up in her gaze, and the way she turned her hand beneath his, so she could circle his fingers in a loose grasp. He hated the vulnerability that came with telling someone the truth about himself, but though his mind protested, John came clean in one go, hoping it would help her open up.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, squeezing his fingers, and suddenly, she was the one comforting him, “That couldn’t have been easy, but now you have a second chance, right?” Finally, she was starting to admit that she, at least partly, believed him, “Not a lot of people can say they have that.”
“Right,” just realizing how close they’d gotten, both leaning over the table and hands still locked, John pulled away abruptly, resigning to the back of his chair at the kitchen table, “And I’m trying to make the best of it. But this isn’t about me-” When he caught her staring, frown down-turning full, pink lips, he furrowed his brows, “What?”
“You’re hurt,” as quickly as she stood, Valerie was dropping to her knees in front of him, their position leaving John a little more than flustered, “Let me see your arm.” Without his permission, she was already holding on to his left hand, undoing the cuff buttons of his dress shirt, ripped on the sleeve from the earlier confrontation, pushing it up to his elbow, revealing his tattoo along with a large slash running for about six or seven inches at the top of his arm, “It looks like it’s only just started to bleed through the fabric, but it’s bad. It doesn’t need stitches though. You’re lucky, it’s not close to the vein and not too deep either. Do you have a first aid kit? I have supplies in my car, but…..”
“I brought you here in mine,” he huffed. She was so close, and with her looking up at him like that, wide doe eyes so sweet and innocent and plump lips barely agape, it was kind of hard to think, “I have some things,” he breathed, feeling like he should be looking anywhere but at her face, lest he submit to whatever spell that it exuded, the only one he wasn’t immune to. “But you don’t have to-”
“I insist, you saved my life,” she smiled faintly, “Though, if you’d prefer an E.R, I could go with you, my Id’s in my bag so it wouldn’t take too long.”
“No,” he dismissed,” I mean,” floundering for his words, John fought to uncloud his mind, “I can take care of myself, you should get some rest.”
“Look, I’m staying with you so you can do your job, right? You want to help me because its your job?” Sitting back on her heels, Valerie’s hold on his hand continued, “Well since I’m here, you should let me do mine, please.”
Thinking on it, John could tell that Valerie probably wasn’t going to give up the matter so easily, thus, he submitted, “Okay, there should be some things that you can use in the medicine cabinet, above the sink in the bathroom.”
“Good,” she all but leaped up, scuttling off barefoot into the bathroom, only to return minutes later with John’s beat up first aid kit clutched in her small hands. Setting it down, Valerie pulled her chair even closer, so close that when she sat, one of his knees parted hers legs slightly. And when she leaned over to look over his wound, John could smell his soap mixing intoxicatingly with her natural scent. She’d put her hair up with a tie from her purse, and her eyes were trained on his arm, concentration equally reflected in her steady hands, gently dabbing his wound with Hydrogen Peroxide, trying to bring as little pain as possible, “Does it hurt?” 
“A little,” He returned lowly, slightly wincing, “It did before, but I didn’t notice the bleeding until you pointed it out.”
“Okay,” when she was through with cleaning it, Valerie rummaged through the kit again with gloved hands, looking for an antibiotic cream or powder, searching for a while until she found something satisfactory, “There’s some bruising, it shouldn’t cause too many problems, but it’ll still hurt and we should keep an eye on it.”
“Alright, thanks,” John kept his eyes on her, admiring how she worked with a tenderness that he found often absent in other medical personnel. It was like, she cared in a personal way, as if he meant something to her already. He wondered if the treatment was exclusive to him, or if it was just something she carried within her. “So, you’re a nurse?”
“Nurse practitioner,” Valerie corrected, “I work in the ICU at Los Angeles General, most of a doctor’s work for half their pay,” she chuckled lightly.
Without warning, John found himself mirroring her smile, the mood lightening. “So why aren’t you a doctor instead?”
After a moment, she shrugged her shoulders, moving on to wrapping a bandage over his arm, to keep the gauze in place “When I was kid, my mother was an N.P in the E.R, I used to want to be just like her,” Valerie’s face fell, “She always said that I had…..healing hands, whatever that meant.”
By the time Valerie was done, she still held onto his wrist, her thumb tracing circles into his skin, “Can your mom…..or any of your other family see….things?”
As he asked the question, Valerie’s smile, as faint as it was faltered, “No, she couldn’t. I’m actually adopted, and my mom died when I was thirteen.”
“Oh,” his shoulders slumped as John realized that figuring out exactly what she was, was going to be much more complicated than he'd anticipated. Usually, it was easy for him, he could see past the surface, but Valerie, as far as he could see, was perfectly human. And who knew how much her parents, or at least her dad, would know. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, it was a long time ago,” her forced smile was enough to tell John that Valerie was done with the topic, and when she moved her hands, starting to pack up everything she’d taken out, “And um, you should take something, for the pain, and try not to get it wet when you shower,” the chair scraped on the worn tiles when she stood, “Thank you for everything but maybe I should see if my dress is dried and-”
“You have to stay here,” John objected hastily, frightening her in the slightest, “I mean,” he tried to broach the matter again, “I mean, it might not be safe for you to get back or stay alone, we still don’t know why that demon was after you, and something else could come just as easily, you really should stay.”
“I couldn’t impose like that,” she shook her head, desperately not wanting to overstay her welcome.
Standing too, John placed a tentative hand on her shoulder, causing her to meet his gaze once more, “You wouldn’t be. Stay tonight, and tomorrow, we can talk about this some more, when you’ve gotten some rest. Please?”
Hesitating for a moment, Valerie weighed the options; go home alone at nearly two in the morning and possibly get attacked by something she knew nothing about, or stay with a somewhat trustworthy though abrasive, handsome stranger and be safe. "Fine, but I have to get my car, first thing tomorrow morning."
"Okay," he determined, "I've gotta take a shower, but you can take the bed."
Giving John's place a sweeping look, she noted his mismatched furniture; a rickety kitchen table with four chairs, a long sofa with a couple worn throw pillows nearby in front of her, and behind her, near the furthest window was a bed, haphazardly made. "Where will you sleep?"
"Couch," he gestured to the sofa behind him, trying to move around her, only for Valerie to grab his bicep, stopping him suddenly.
"You don't have to do that, we can share it," when his expression suggested that he wasn't readily on board with the idea, she offered, "Or I can take the couch, whatever is better for you."
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It was weird, sleeping in an unfamiliar bed with a man she didn't know. Valerie had only ever had one, one night stand and even then, she'd been too drunk to care whose bed she'd fallen asleep in. But that night, with John, the alcohol had already subsided and though they'd come close to kissing, she was pretty sure he wasn't interested in her like that. 
She'd been laying beneath his thin covers, pillows wedged between his sleeping body and her annoyingly awake one for nearly an hour and a half, and not once had her eyes felt heavy. Valerie was wide awake. 
The digital alarm clock on her side, with its glowing red numbers told her that it was nearing three am and all Valerie could have mustered up by then was, at most, five minutes of shutting her eyes tightly and hoping for the best. Though, the best never came. 
She laid like that for a while more, that was, until John started fretting in his sleep, mumbling incoherently as beads of perspiration gathered on his brow. "John?" Valerie sat up, shifting to face him, too scared of his reaction to rouse him. "John?" She called a bit louder, her worry building. Valerie had seen people have nightmares before, ex boyfriends or patients during a night shift, but they much unlike the one she was witnessing right then. John was thrashing, occasionally yelling.
When he eventually shot up it was minutes later with wide, disoriented eyes, hands reaching out wildly, and maybe she'd heard wrong, but her name leaving his lips in a babbled cry. It took him a while to settle down, but even when he did, Valerie threaded carefully, "Are you okay?"
Her hand lingered in his shoulder, actually itching to cup his cheek, and John gazed at her intensely in the darkness before speaking again, like he had to be sure she was really there, "Yeah," he swallowed thickly, chest dominated by deep, heavy breaths, “It was just a bad dream. You should get back to sleep.”
Ignoring his advice, Valerie squeezed his shoulder affectionately, scooting closer despite her better judgement, jamming her thigh against the makeshift barrier keeping them apart, “Do you want to talk about it? What was it about?” 
Once again, their faces were too close, and it felt too comfortable, so comfortable that neither John nor Valerie showed any signs of moving away from each other. His throat felt tight and dry, though his heart was slowing with every second that her hand remained on his bare shoulder. Healing hands. She was there, and she was okay. When the word finally fell off his lips, lonesome, quiet though speaking immeasurable volumes in the silence, they just stared at each other, not knowing if to lean in or pull away, “You.”
Tagging- @harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi  @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves  @planetkt @wheretheriversrunintothesea  @luxx-aeterna
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nanami-says · 4 years
Part IV (3/5): Chapters 40~44
 Chapter 40
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[Mai to Miwa]
“Maki? She’s worthless”
She actually calls her “just a small fry” here. Which imo is more dismissive than just outright derogatory like in the official release.
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“An iai technique huh? That’s strange. I have the advantage in terms of reach. She’s probably looking to disarm my cursed tool and create an opening.”
⇒”An iai [technique], huh? On top of that there seems to be some trick to it. With our difference in reach… rather than myself, she’s probably looking(...)”
Not mistranslated per se other than the “there seems to be a trick to it” line, which imo shouldn’t have been simplified to just “that’s strange”. But the original showed Maki’s thought process better.
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“She broke it with her leg? Why is she negating her reach advantage.”
⇒ ”She broke it?? With her thigh?? You’re getting rid of your reach advantage here??”
Again, the meaning was all there but some of the characterisation was lost. Miwa sounded so frantic and full of disbelief here, haha.
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[After Mei states that Maki should get promoted at least 2 ranks ASAP]
“I agree but her family seems to be getting in the way”
⇒ “I think so too, but you know, the Zen’ins keep getting in the way. It stinks, right”
More casual speech overall in the original, also Gojou’s more colourful language got a cut again.
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MM:“Heh… I don’t understand connections not based on money” 
G:“And you’ll always be a cheapskate.”
I get why they went with “cheapskate” here, as the word Gojou originally uses would be accurately translated as “miser”, which’s the kind of word most people would have to check in the dictionary. (I know I had to.) Nevertheless it’s interesting to me how Gojou basically alternates between super casual speech and much less common terms like this one. He seems to like wordplays in general?
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“Anyway, I can’t help but notice the video feed around Yuji seems to be a little inconsistent”
⇒ “Leaving that aside, the video around Yuuji keeps on cutting off for a while now, no?”
Again, meaning is there, the characterisation - sort of I suppose? But he was being more casual/straight to the point in the original.
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[In reply to Gojou’s question whose side she’s on]
“Whose side? I’m on the side with money, of course. There’s no value in something that can’t be bought since you can’t exchange it for money.”
“Which side? I’m an ally of money, of course. Because there’s no value in things that cannot be exchanged for money. For you see, it cannot be exchanged for money."
I know it sounds like she’s repeating herself but that’s because she actually is. She’s literally saying that there’s no value in something that can’t be turned into money PRECISELY BECAUSE it can’t be turned into money lol. Also, imo “on the side with money” kind of muddled the nuance a bit. Other possible translations for "exchange" include "replace", ”turn into”.
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Gojou in reply to above.
“I wonder how much!”
Actually closer to, “[I wonder] how much did you pile up”. The actual phrase is just “just how much did (...) pile up/stock”, so you have to supply the subject by yourself.
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“I’m not sure what you guys have planned but Yuji’s different now”
⇒ “I don’t know what you’re scheming but Yuuji won’t be killed so easily anymore”
Again, the basic meaning is there but a lot of subtler nuance got lost.
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[Explanation on how the school can tell which side exorcised which curses during the competition]
“Talismans are placed on curses released in the area. When a curse is exorcised, the corresponding talisman also disappears. Using cursed energy, we’ve made arrangements for the following -- exorcisms made by the Tokyo school will be indicated with a red flame, while Kyoto’s will be blue. Maki is also participating, so we’ve made sure her exorcisms are marked red as well.”
When I read this for the first time in English, I found this explanation rather unclear. No wonder I did, as it omits vital details such as the original mentioning "recording cursed energy in advance" which imo seems to be pointing to them registering samples of all students' energy.
And then the Maki line adds that since Maki is there too, exorcisms performed by UNRECORDED forces will be marked red as well. And that's why later on the teachers weren't able to immediately discern whether the sudden destruction of curses was done by an outsider or not.
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“All those one-on-ones. Did they forget the main objective?”
⇒“(...) Everyone’s waaay too disinterested in the game.”
“Main objective” sounds kinda formal and imo that wasn’t the nuance for the line.
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[Nobara to Nishimiya]
“Got down here, you stupid witch!!”
Actually “you shitty witch”. Nanami would be proud ;;
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“How dare you hit my sacred face.”
I like their take on this but it’s hilarious in the original because the word she uses literally means “your countenance”, as in you’d normally use it to respectfully refer to someone else’s face, definitely not about your own. And then she adds a “go-” prefix, which further ups the level of reverence haha. 
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“A scar on the face can be a good thing for guys. But not for girls.”
Not really a mistranslation, but I love the original wording with its juxtaposition of a scar on the face being likened to an "order" for a man and a "blemish"/"defect" for a woman. It adds so much more depth to the line.
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[Nishimiya after she points out how unfair the jujutsu world is towards women compared to men]
“And Mai has to deal with even more discrimination than that”
Actually something closer to ”irrationality”, “unreasonableness”, “unfairness”, “derision”. Discrimination was the translators’ interpretation of that, I suppose.
Chapter 41
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[About Inumaki’s technique]
“Cursed speech is words with spirit. Essentially, it’s infusing sound with cursed energy”
...They translated it the other way around (“the spirit of words”) in ch. 33… Needless to say, this is still the same technique and still the very same term being used. I’d be leaning towards the more commonly used translation of “the spirit of language”.
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“However if you’re not sure it’s coming… you’ll be in a constant state of unease. Protecting your head is difficult as it is”
⇒ “On the other hand, if you don’t know if it’s coming or not, you’re constantly distracted. Even though protecting the inside of my head is already something I’m not used to doing”
Not really mistranslated but I wanted to propose an alternate translation, especially for the second part.
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“Inheriting the Zen’in family cursed technique is reserved for the privileged. Every other jujutsu sorcerer starts at a level much further below. And even within their family, some women aren’t treated equally.”
⇒ “Unless you inherit the Zen'in family's cursed technique, you start out as a sorcerer from a losing position. And for women, some of them are not even allowed to stand on that starting line"
Just an overall different meaning for the whole fragment. After all, it’s not like you can control who will inherit what technique, even if you’re from one of the three big families. Also it was about women being discriminated on a more fundamental level.
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“Can someone who thinks that curse Yuji is an ally really understand?”
⇒ “How about you try thinking hard with that head of yours that can even mistake [that] curse for a comrade?”
Written with “Itadori-kun”, read as “[the] curse” - there’s no reason for Nishimiya to call him “Yuji”. Also she actually says 仲間/nakama here, which, as I stated before, I personally prefer to translate as “comrade” in the context of jjk. The official release seems to alternate between “ally” and “friend”, which are rather distant terms imo. I’m not sure either what’s their basis for when they go with “ally” because they also used it when Gojou was talking about raising a future generation of strong and bright comrades in ch. 11 (refer to part II).
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[Nobara in response to above]
“Does that mean we have to forgive the unfortunate no matter the circumstances? And if someone is blessed with a fortunate life, do they deserve to be ridiculed?”
⇒ ”So if someone’s unfortunate, they’re free to do whatever they want? Then what? If in turn a person is [more] fortunate, you’re not gonna be satisfied unless you can talk behind their back?”
In the original Nobara speaks in shorter sentences and uses rather simple language, which imo really conveys how angry she is about Nishimiya’s words. It wasn’t really a philosophical conversation. 
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“Have any of you ever stopped to consider the person behind the curse you’ve condemned?”
⇒ “And have you people even thought what kind of a person the idiot that you’re trying to curse [from now] is?”
Not “condemn as a curse” but “that you people are cursing”! Huge distinction imo.
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“What do I care about whether someone’s perfect or if something’s fair? Is your life just a job?”
⇒ “Are you obliged to stand up to [things like] ‘perfection’ or ‘unfairness’? (...)”
Lit. “where’s the obligation to live up to”. Emphasis mine! Nobara wasn’t saying she doesn’t care whether someone is perfect or not, imo the nuance was more that there’s no need to force yourself to try and meet people’s expectations/standards. 
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“Boys versus girls? Give me a break! Just shut the hell up! I love dressing up and being beautiful! I love being strong!”
⇒ “Boys this, girls that? I don’t give a damn! Just do it all by yourselves if you wish! I love myself who dresses up beautifully! I love myself who [always] strives to be strong!”
I know fandom loves the “I love being beautiful! I love being strong” line - it definitely is short and impactful! But I actually really like the nuance that “strive to be/remain strong” has because it implies Nobara’s constantly putting in effort to improve herself and get stronger. Also the nuance of “I love myself who’s all those things [and more]” (emphasis mine) rather than simply “I love being those things”/“I love the act of”, even though to an English speaker the former may sound a bit awkward. 
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[Mai saying she can’t contact Mechamaru after his fight]
“It’s not a good sign if he was forced to use his finishing move and this is the end result.”
⇒ “If it’s like that [that we can’t contact him] despite him being forced into a corner to the point of having to use his finishing move, then he’s probably lost”
This was Mai speculating Mechamaru has most likely lost if they can’t contact him despite him having used his special move.
“I need you”
⇒ “If you’re not here, we’re in trouble��
Rather than Mai needing her personally, this was her reiterating Nishimiya’s importance to the team. (Same phrasing as in ch. 35.)
Chapter 42
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[About Maki and her family]
Y:“But why wouldn’t they want someone so strong?”
N:“They don’t wanna accept someone they’ve already rejected. They’re stupid that way”
⇒Y: “Wouldn’t a jujutsu family welcome a strong sorcerer with open arms?”
N:“(...) Because they’re stupid/idiots.”
Slightly more informative for Yuuji’s line in the original imo. Let’s not forget that Yuuji’s still super new to the jujutsu world, so he’s not really familiar with its inner workings. Imo this line had such a nuance.
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“So we have to win this event. You better put your life on the line!”
Not incorrect as much as it's just so much funnier in the original because she tells him to put enough effort to die one more time lol (emphasis mine).
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[Maki to Tokyo team, telling them to focus on the competition rather trying to make her look good]
“Don't’ worry about me”
⇒ “Don’t think about unnecessary stuff”
Imo this showed Maki’s personality better.
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[Mai to Maki, in her head]
“You thought you could get the jump on me? While keeping your distance as well?”
⇒ “So what if you’re in my blind spot. Aren’t you dumb to put distance between us”
This was more about it being advantageous for Mai, a gun being her weapon, if Maki gets farther away from her.
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“I knew it! Maki has something I don’t”
⇒ “I knew it… Maki has a talent I don’t have”
How a single exclamation mark can completely change the meaning of a whole line. Yes, it is “I knew it” but as in “I understood it”, “I felt it”. It’s not some revelation about the fight itself, it’s the beginning to Mai’s retrospection about herself and Maki and their approaches to life that follows after. Also, it literally says “talent” there, not to mention the line gets repeated word for word at the end of the same chapter for emphasis before the conclusion is given to Mai’s musings. (Gege seems to like this particular trick a lot, huh?)
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”Did you hear about the daughter of the Ougi?"
Hmm, I tried googling the phrase with “Ougi” in it just to check if it can have some hidden meaning but found out even Japanese fans weren’t sure about the exact meaning of the word. Probably a name, either of a person or of a place.
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[Mai thinking about Maki]
“You were always so carefree. I hated it. You just kept moving fearlessly forward into the future”
⇒ “I hated how you were always boldly pushing your way towards the future as if you had no worries/unease”
Imo a slightly different nuance for this line (which’s just a single sentence). “I hated how” could also be “I hated you for” and other translations for “pushing your way to” include “plunging forward”, “pushing on”. 
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[About Mai’s cursed technique]
“Unlike creating an object inside a domain, objects created with cursed technique: construction will not disappear after the spell is finished. However, an immense amount of cursed energy is used, which has a harsh effect on the body”
⇒ “Unlike materialisation of an innate domain within the barrier that occurs in ‘domain expansion’, objects once created with Construction Technique will not disappear even after the technique has finished. That’s why(...)”
Ever wondered why domain and domain expansion related stuff is impossible to understand? Well, here’s why. They only left “inside a domain” out of the whole explanation... “Materialisation” was actually “realisation” but I thought the former would be easier to understand. Also it literally says only “realisation of an innate domain” but imo it could be also interpreted as “inner domain and things within in”.
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“Maki has something I don’t. Kinda like Mechamaru’s Heavenly Restriction but the opposite. You were supposed to be born with a cursed technique but you traded that in for superhuman physical abilities. This skill was shunned by the Zen’in family. And it’s an ability I don’t have.”
⇒ “Maki has a talent I don’t have. (...) A talent which didn’t get appreciated in the Zen’in family and which I didn’t possess”
Like I pointed out earlier, this is the conclusion to Mai’s retrospection about herself and Maki and some of its effect was, in the original, achieved by repeating the line about Maki’s talent that Mai didn’t have, and by further expanding on it here.
Chapter 43
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[About Kamo’s attack]
“A trace of blood on the arrow fletching. Like I thought, Kamo’s technique defies physics”
⇒  "The physics defying trajectory [of the arrow] was because of Kamo-san's cursed technique after all"
More informative in the original, I’d say. The arrows themselves are (and look) normal, hence double the wham i suppose?
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[Megumi about Kamo’s Blood Manipulation Technique]
“The ability to control whatever touches his blood”
⇒ "The ability to control his own blood and whatever is stained with it" 
Why would they skip the "the blood itself" bit…
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[Kamo about Megumi’s Ten Shadows Technique”
“A cursed technique passed down in the Zen’in family”
Just to be clear, it’s actually specified here that it’s “one of the techniques”.
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[Kamo about his technique]
“I can manipulate blood beyond its form or motion”
Once again sounds a bit like a more general explanation. “To manipulate blood means (...)”.
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[After Megumi calls him out on doping]
“Very good. Although I don’t appreciate the negative connotation”
⇒ “But I’d prefer if you stopped with the vulgar phrasing”
Simpler, more direct language here.
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[After Maki’s taken off with Miwa’s sword in tow]
“Mai’s sister is gone. Well, that makes sense. I’m useless without my sword”
⇒ “Mai’s older sister has gone somewhere. Well, it was a correct call as I can’t fight without my sword”
The phrase used here that got translated as “I’m useless” while can indeed mean something similar has the nuance of “to not be useful [in battle]” . So although it’s not incorrect per se, I’m not sure if I’d go with “useless” myself, especially because it comes with tandem with “correct call”/”good decision” wording.  She DOES literally say she’s useless later on though.
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“We’re a little disorganized after all”
Not incorrect per se but imo the original line might’ve had the nuance of “we’re not monolithic [as an organisation]”.
“Use this scent and whistle to control it. If you can, make it kill Itadori”
⇒ “This scent and whistle were used to train him [this cursed spirit]. If a chance arises, use it well and kill Itadori”
I’m not sure if this can be interpreted as it being JUST the curse itself that’ll do all the work.
Chapter 44
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“- Why does everyone torment mother?
 - Because she’s a broken mistress”
Closer to “dissolute”, I think. Also the word used for “mistress” can also mean “concubine” and “kept woman” but it’s apparently also an old expression for “close female servant”. It’s hard to say which it could have been without more context but it’d actually make a lot of sense if it was the last one, especially given the fact how Kamo is one of the olden jujutsu families, and very traditional at that. 
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“Then why do you favour me? Why did you deceive me into becoming a heir”
⇒ “(...)Then why did you take me in and lie about me being a heir”
I may be wrong but it doesn’t sound like they deceived Kamo himself but rather, everyone else. The word used also means “falsify”. “Favour” here is the same word as for “patronage”, btw.
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“Then as the heir to the head of the Kamo family(...)”
It’s just “the next head” here, possibly an allusion to his plans for /after/ he becomes the clan head.
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[After Kamo praises his growth as a sorcerer]
“Why are you acting all familiar with me?’
⇒ “What’s with this sense of comradeship you keep on showing?”
Not incorrect per se but I found the phrase he used interesting. Also means “fellowship”.
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“I intend to kill Yuji Itadori”
“By principal Gakuganji’s order?”
“No, this is my decision.”
⇒ (...) “No, this is my personal/individual judgement.”
Emphasis Gege’s. The word does mean “decision” as well but imo “judgement” (as in “call”) fits better here.
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“As a member of the Kamo and the big three families, I believe it is the right decision. You should also understand it. (I must play the part of the heir to the Kamo family)”
⇒ “(...) I consider it a correct call. It’s something you should be able to understand as well. (I must conduct myself as is appropriate for the heir of the Kamo family)
Lit. “think it’s(...)” for the first bit. Imo “you should also understand” could imply that Kamo’s trying to convince Megumi here but in the original it’s more him appealing to the common understanding he feels must already exist between them because of their similar positions within their respective families. Also, wording his inner thoughts as “must play the part” was imo giving off a wrong impression. 
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Cont. from above
“You and I are the same”
Not wrong but the original has the connotation of “the same kind”.
“He’s saying some scary stuff”
Skipped “all of sudden" here.
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“(I’ve never thought of myself as doing the right thing.) Actually, I’m sorry. I don’t care if I’m right or wrong. I only believe in my conscience. I will follow my conscience and save people. If you disagree with that then, let’s agree to curse each other.”
⇒ ”(...) No, I’m sorry, that is incorrect. It’s just that I believe/have faith in my own conscience. I will help/save people the way my conscience tells me. So if you’ve denied that, then there’s nothing left but to curse each other.”
Again, like in ch. 9 (refer to part I), the nuance here was actually that Megumi will save people BASED on his conscience. Here it’s literally “I will save people according to my conscience” (emphasis mine), which imo heavily implies that he will choose which people to save, as had already been indicated in ch. 9 as well. This is a huge distinction from the way he’s been (mis)portrayed in the official release as just wanting to save people because that’s what his conscience says or because he thinks that’s the right thing to do. (That’s Yuuji). Also, the way they phrased it as basically “let’s agree to disagree” was imo way too mild.  And it wasn’t just “if you disagree” but “if you contradict/negate/renounce”.
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“A shikigami! It was still around?!”
Not sure but given the context it might’ve meant “so he still had some left” instead.
Cont. on next page
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“He used a wounded shikigami as a decoy!”
⇒ “He used a shikigami at the verge of being called off as a decoy!” 
“This uses too much cursed energy, so I can only summon it once”
⇒ “This eats a lot of cursed energy so I can only summon it solo”
Lit. “a shikigami before the release/dissolution” for the first one. Coupled with Megumi’s reply, which was “as a stand alone” instead of “only once”, imo the whole thing meant that Megumi called the frog off intentionally.
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[Megumi about the elephant shikigami]
“It only recently surrendered to me.”
⇒ “I’ve only exorcised it very recently”
Seems like they confused “to exorcise” (調伏)  for “to surrender” (降伏)...The word he uses here is the former, it also means “to unwish”!
Btw, “surrender” is actually used later in the manga when Getou’s curse manipulation is discussed in the Gojou’s Past arc (ch. 73).. So to me there definitely seems to be a distinction between those two terms and which techniques they apply to.
[to part iv (4/5)]
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