#the boyz hwall imagine
moonlit-seren · 5 years
For Dispatch || Heo Hyunjoon
Summary: Dispatch reporters have always been well known for their diligence and persistence no matter the situation. So when y/n gets thrown a potentially dangerous lead to follow, she finds herself face to face with Seoul’s biggest mob boss and a savory Inkigayo sandwich.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: This is my very first The Boyz fanfic, so I hope it’s alright. I feel like the Dispatch workers in the story were more like secret agents than reporters lol.
Credits to fall-out-bangtan for inspiring the plot~ <3
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“Y/n L/n reporting for duty sir,” I stated, voice loud and proud as any reporter’s should be. My hands were planted firmly by my sides, with a clipboard wedged under one arm as I bowed to my superior respectfully.
“Yes, sit,” said my boss calmly, gesturing to the empty chair in front of his desk. I sat down, watching as he leaned forward so that his clasped hands rested on the polished wood.
A mischievous glint flickered in his eyes, sparkling brighter than it usually does when he finds a new story to cover.
Sangyeon had only been my boss for a couple of months, but our friendship had grown to the point where we could read each other like an open book.
And from what I could tell from his demeanor, I should be very, very concerned for my well being right now.
“So you know how I sent Sunwoo after that one fishy looking guy in the alley two days ago?” Asked Sangyeon, guilt flashing across his face at the harsh glare I sent him.
“Yes, and I distinctly remember seeing the handle of a knife on the person Sunwoo was pursuing, and advising you to call him off,” I replied coldly, not seeing the benefit of having risked the life of one of my coworkers just to follow a potential story.
Sangyeon dismissed my comment, waving it off as if it were nothing more than a bothersome fly. Both of us knew that Sunwoo was one of most diligent reporters at Dispatch, but I couldn’t help but worry about him.
“Don’t worry, he came back alive yesterday, with something that could completely blow our audience off of their feet,” exclaimed Sangyeon, eyes widening as he made overly excited hand gestures.
I rose an eyebrow at him, opening my mouth to ask what it was but he cut me to the chase. He slid a photo across the table, explaining that Sunwoo had taken it.
In the image was a blurry shot of three men. One had his hair dyed a dark orange, with soft doe eyes in contrast to a sharp gaze. The second had dark caramel colored hair, a slightly sturdier build than the first, and a cocky stance. But it was the third male who truly caught my attention.
He was a couple of centimeters shorter than the other two, but had beautifully striking fox eyes. Framing them was a curtain of sleek black bangs styled up in a quiff, giving him more of haughty, arrogant look.
Though his milky white skin didn’t appear to be marred with any tattoos, several piercing lined the cuffs of his ears including a dangling cross and he had on an long, expensive looking fur jacket. It didn’t take much to guess that the third person was the leader of the group, as he stood at a slightly larger distance from the other two.
“You’re ogling,” whispered Sangyeon, amused by how my eyes remained fixated on the gorgeous male.
I stuck my tongue out at him, crossing my arms defensively as a blush spread across the apples of my cheeks. “Whatever, I don’t believe that I came to your office to get teased.”
Sangyeon smiled knowingly, before shaking his head. Sinking back in his armchair, he launched into an animated explanation as he began to explain his findings.
“He’s probably the last person you’d want to date unless you want your head blown off,” started Sangyeon, causing you to raise your eyebrow once more. “I don’t recognize any of these people so I asked around the office and what do you know, Kevin came back with a report from last week saying that he had stumbled upon some underground meeting.”
“Apparently some sort of money exchange was made between the person he was following and another male with a black coat. Both were flanked with two companions. I think that the second party may have been these three,” Sangyeon pointed at the photo once more and you nodded along, unsure of what else to do.
“So you’re saying that this guy is some sort of gang leader?” I asked, pointing at guy who had caught my eye in the picture.
Sangyeon shrugged a little in a carefree response, taking a sip out of the beige mug on his desk before delving back into his story.
“Better actually. I went through our old records and that was when it hit me. I’m surprised I hadn’t recognized him right away,” Sangyeon continued, purposely pausing because he knew that the suspense was killing me on the inside.
“And?” I prompted, a little impatient as he intentionally reached over to straighten an already neat stack of papers resting on the corner of his desk.
“Several months ago, before I got promoted, our last boss sent me to go check out what was said to be a power switch ceremony. I managed to sneak in under the cover of a gang member and the CK was there,” narrated Sangyeon, pride swelling in his chest at the shocked expression on my face.
“CK? As in Seoul’s biggest mob boss in recorded history?” I asked, my eyes widening into large saucers. Anyone who has ever watched the news would know that CK was Seoul’s most notorious criminal in the entire city. Back in his day the police never stood a chance, always being a solid ten steps behind. In fact, he was a renowned criminal all over the world and not just in South Korea.
Sangyeon nodded in affirmation. “Well not anymore apparently. He stepped down and passed his power onto his son who appeared to be around four years younger than me. At that time the boy had his hair dyed a steel gray, which was why I didn’t recognize him at first… But that piercing gaze and cold brown eyes are unforgettable.”
The two pieces clicked together in my mind the moment Sangyeon finished his last sentence. My eyes drifting down to the photo once more at the three people conversing in it.
“He goes by the name Hwall, no one except those incredibly close to him know his real name. As for the other two, I remember seeing them at the ceremony too, so I’m assuming that they’ve grown up together,” said Sangyeon.
“Isn’t it a little curious that the current biggest mob boss didn’t even realize he was getting tagged by a news reporter?” I wondered aloud, curious as to how that ‘Hwall’ guy was still alive in the business he’s in when he couldn’t even notice he was being followed.
Sangyeon shrugged halfheartedly, “Who knows, maybe he did notice Sunwoo but let him follow him around. Just to let the word know that he was still out there and at large.”
I nodded, seeing the logic behind his guess. The net was probably the easiest way for one underworld leader to let his or her competition know of their presence.
After all, news spreads like fire on the internet and it’s far safer than coming out in the open waving an ‘I’m alive’ banner in front of all of your enemies.
“Alright, so now that I know the backstory, can you tell me why exactly you called me of all people rather than Sunwoo down here?” I asked, still a little confused over my presence here.
Sangyeon held up a finger, indicating that he wanted me to wait a second, as a sweet smile spreading over his face. My eyes narrowed, immediately recognizing his expression. He only ever used that smile when asking a difficult request, and more often than not, I always end up regretting agreeing to it.
“You see, not every news outlet gets such a rare chance to cover a giant story like this. If we get this scoop, Dispatch’s name will be known world wide and our division will become famous for obtaining it. It would be risky to send Sunwoo out again so we both agreed that you’d be the best one for this job,” explained Sangyeon, pulling out a file from his desk draw. From what I could see, it looked like it contained all the information we currently had on this particular case. “Besides, I only want you on the field for a day, there’s a slim chance that you’ll get caught.”
“I shouldn’t seen this coming,” I thought, sighing deeply. On one hand my cover could get blown and I could get killed, but on another… If my work gets recognized I could get a huge pay raise and never have to worry again next time I go binge in a expensively delicious dessert cafe. Besides… life isn’t worth living if you’re still knee deep in student loan debts.
Much to both of our surprises I agreed without much hesitation, reaching forward to take the file out of a gawking Sangyeon’s hands. “Sure, what do I have to lose?”
The fated day came a week later, with Sunwoo guiding me to the right place at the right time and hanging around to see if I could overhear or sneak a peek at anything.
“He’s going to a meeting with the leader of another gang from Jeju. They’ll be on the second floor of the Park Enterprise building, 2nd door to the right from the elevators. You should have a clear visual from the roof of the karaoke bar next door,” informed Sunwoo, before hanging up to let me do my thing.
“Okay,” I whispered to myself, pulling on a baby blue snapback and matching face mask. I slipped my phone into my bag before beginning the trek up the stairs of the building Sunwoo told me to go to.
The door to the roof was unlocked for whatever reason, but I wedged a small stone in the doorway to keep it cracked open just in case.
“Let’s get to work,” I thought, placing my bag onto  the ground as I pulled out my binoculars to peer through the window of the room my target was supposed to be in.
The blinds were nearly pulled all the way down and at most I could only see a sliver of the ebony table in the center of the room.
The only windows to that particular room that were exposed were the ones facing the large office building across the street, which I’d have extreme difficulty sneaking into.
Spotting the horizontal flag poles lining the edge of the building, the corners of my lips slipped into a smirk and I pulled off my hat in order to tie my hair up into a ponytail.
“For Dispatch,” I whispered, bravely crawling onto one before dangling upside down on the pole. It extended above the sidewalk below, the building only being four floors up.
Bringing the binoculars up to my eyes, I sighed in content realizing that I could see perfectly into the room now.
There was a total of nine people in the room, three of which being Hwall and his ever present duo of right hand men.
I watched as the people conversed, unable to make out much from the silent conversion besides the words “money” and “guns”.
Sure enough, a few minutes later two silver briefcases were brought to the table containing whatever goods that were about to be exchanged.
A few distant yells disrupted my focus, as I pulled my binoculars away from my eyes and glanced down at the mini crowd that gathered below.
“Get down from there suicidal idiot!” Shouted a boy from the sidewalk, frantically gesturing his arms to signify that I should plant my feet back on a solid surface.
He appeared my age but other than that I couldn’t distinguish much from my vantage point besides a mop of dark blue hair partially hidden by a denim cap.
Similar cries erupted from around him as many concerned faces peered up at me from the ground.
I smiled at his concern, touching my pointer finger to my lips in a shushing gesture before bringing the binoculars back to my eyes. “For Dispatch.”
The meeting concluded as quickly as it began, only lasting for a mere ten minutes.
It seems that it’s dangerous for men like them to stay in one place for too long, especially in broad daylight where everyday businessmen rather than shifty drug dealers roamed the streets.
I finally climbed off the flagpole I had been dangling from, nearly toppling the moment my feet met the cement of the roof from the severe headrush I experienced.
Not wasting any time, I quickly gathered my belongings before running  down the stairs of the building I was in.
The moment my feet hit the first step, I pulled my phone out again, speed dialing Sunwoo to ask if he knew where to go next.
“You know the beach where we went last month with Kevin and Sangyeon?” He asked, picking up nearly instantaneously.
I racked my brain projecting the memory in the forefront of my mind. Indeed we had gone to a public beach for a mini vacation and as expected, a series of embarrassing events occured under Sunwoo’s influence.
“How could I forget?” I snapped with a huff, climbing down the second fleet of stairs. “You intentionally pushed me into Kevin, hoping for some cliche k-drama moment!”
“Well it kind of worked,” Sunwoo mused, snickering at the angry tone I was using. Of course he was amused at the mortifying predicament he put me in.
I gasped, appalled at his statement. “We ended up falling on top of some poor kid’s sandcastle! You should’ve seen the little girl’s face, she looked like she was about to cry! And to this day Kevin still thinks I intentionally fell on him! Do you know how embarrassing it was? I can’t even talk to him nowadays!”
Sunwoo burst into a loud bout of laughter, accompanied by the sounds of a couple items getting knocked over. “Not my fault your love life is a joke.”
“Kim Sunwoo!” I exclaimed, feeling a deep sense of hurt at his jesting antics. A quiet ding resonated from my phone, signifying that it was at two percent. “Crap my phone is about to die.”
“Kidding, kidding. Anyways, I gave you an earpiece yesterday, you can just use that instead of your phone to talk to me later. Remember, go to that beach!”
“Alright, bye,” I hung up, tucking my phone away as I exited the building I was in.
Seeing as I arrived via one of the city’s commute buses, I looked around, quickly scanning my surroundings for a taxi of sorts.
Unfortunately, the only vehicle around was a small white cargo truck across the street and I realized with a sigh that it’d have to suffice.
“One hundred thousand won,” I offered, waving the bills in front of the truck driver. His beady eyes absentmindedly followed my hand, clearly itching to claim money as his own yet hesitating. “All I need is for you to drive me to Eurwangni Beach.”
“I don’t have any space in my truck to, there are only two seats and my coworker’s occupying the second,” he began, but I quickly cut him off with a simple shake of head.
“Don’t worry about that,” I replied, walking over to the flower shop beside us. Spotting the ladder propped up against the wall, I moved it so it was right beside the cargo truck before clambering onto the top of it.
“I’m going to get in trouble with the police,” sighed out the truck driver, taking the wad of cash out my hand as I leaned over the edge of the truck’s roof.
“Not if I have a seat belt,” I assured, pulling out  a detached lap belt and a role of neon orange duck tape from my bag.
“Kids nowadays…”
I ignored his exasperated comment, taping the seat belt down before patting the roof of the truck to indicate that I was secure.
As requested, the driver drove to the aforementioned beach, which was a short drive from where I was in Incheon.
I’ve never actually visited Incheon before today, as the meeting I was just observing took place here. The Dispatch office I worked in was located in Seoul, a few blocks away from my apartment.
To be honest, the ride wasn’t unpleasant at all. The roads were fairly smooth and the luscious scenery on the way looked like it came straight out of a photocard.
Once we arrived, I hopped off the truck, allowing the soft sand to cushion my fall. Due to the sunny weather, the beach was already occupied by several different parties.
I went to go sit on one of the public use lounge chairs, sighing as my skin hit the shade of the large red beach umbrella.
Remembering Sunwoo’s words, I rummaged through my bag for the small device he had given me. There were only two buttons on it, one being call and the other being end call.
It must’ve been linked to the one in Sunwoo’s possession as there was no way for me to enter in a number, so I pressed the dial button before slipping the black earpiece in my ear.
“Sunwoo, is this really necessary?” I whispered, hearing him pick up after the second ring.
“No, but it makes it feel like we’re secret agents so why not?” Rang Sunwoo’s voice from the tiny device. “Besides, stop speaking. You’ll look stupid and suspicious talking to yourself. Not that you don’t already look stupid lounging on the beach alone.”
I glared as he chuckled, despite knowing that he couldn’t see me. It was like Sunwoo’s second nature to tease me for whatever miniscule reason he could find and if karma didn’t get him back one day then I would.
“Alright prick, now tell me what I’m doing lounging on a beach chair in eighty degree weather,” I demanded, taking my hat out of my bag to fan myself with it.
My efforts proved fruitless as it generated no more than a tiny gust of air from each swing, so I pulled it on instead in defeat.
I heard a few shuffling sounds from the other end of the line, waiting for a response from my coworker.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m getting there. And here I was thinking you’d appreciate an impromptu vacation” Sunwoo replied after a few seconds, taking a long drag of what I assumed to be coffee. I rolled my eyes, unafraid to do so in public as I had on a dark pair of sunglasses. “ According to our sources, Hwall is supposed to arrive in a few minutes with his two goons. Most likely taking a break from the whole criminal thing.”
“He literally just came out of a meeting-” I began, eyebrows furrowing in skepticism before being startled out of finishing my sentence.
“WHAAAAAAAHOOOOOO-” cried a frenzied, dark haired male are he charged into the ocean like a stampeding rhinoceros, eyes bulging and mouth stretched open into a wide smile before snapping shut right as the waves swallowed his body.
Shortly after yet another person charged after the first, kicking up fist fulls of dirt into the air as he clumsily dove head first into the glistening blue waters with a loud splash.
My eyes widened at the strange occurrence, still trying to comprehend the rare sight of men my age acting like eight year olds on a sugar high the moment they spot the ocean.
“Why do I even bother with them?” Asked a soft voice a few yards away from me, a third figure appearing from the same direction the other two came.
Curious, I turned my head to peer at the mysterious voice, jaw dropping as I took in the sight.
There, in all his glory, stood the very person I had been tasked to follow, his dark hair billowing in gentle waves like the ocean before him.
Having changed out of his suit, Hwall only had on a pair of swim shorts, forgoing a top and opting for a simple shark tooth necklace in its stead.
Cheeks darkening in a dangerous shade of red, I quickly averted my eyes before they drifted further than the pale skin of his collarbones, reaching up to tip my hat further done my face. “Oh my sweet california oranges.”
“What?” Asked Sunwoo, startling me out of my reverie. I had completely forgotten his presence, unknowingly relishing in the silence from his end. Dealing with him could be quite a handful at times, though I wouldn’t trade our friendship for the world.
“Nothing, I thought I saw a shark,” I responded casually, trying to play off the nervous titter in my voice. Much to my horror, my voice carried over the wind catching the attention of the fine specimen to my left.
Before Hwall had the chance to turn his head fully, I tilted my head downwards to better hide my face as I furtively pressed my phone against my right ear to pretend I was in the middle of a phone call.
“Was that shark hot? I can hear your blush from here y/n,” Sunwoo stated teasingly, making a loud kissing noise. I silently cursed at how well he knew me, realizing how transparent I must be considering how easily my friends could read my emotions.
“Shut up,” I whispered sharply, turning off the earpiece in my ear in annoyance. “Why do I even bother with you.”
Directing my gaze back on the ocean, I watched with mild interest as the two males continued to splash around, hyper aware of how Hwall hadn’t moved from his spot.
The moment I had spotted him the two dots connected together and I realized who exactly the two childlike strangers were. It was a little surprising, seeing two supposed mob members actually like normal teenagers if not younger.
“HYUNJAE,” shouted the tall male with dark orange hair. He had on a distinct look of disgust and betrayal as his companion had managed to nail him right in his face with a handful of water.
“Suck it up Younghoon,” Hyunjae replied, sticking out his tongue as he scrambled out of the range of his angered friend. He burst into a bout of strangled laughter, as Younghoon pounced on him bringing the both of them beneath the surface of the waves.
It was only then that Hwall shifted, strolling towards the ocean in a carefree manner. My eyes caught onto his movement, shifting to his back as he leisurely swam towards Hyunjae and Younghoon.
Much to my surprise, rather than splitting the playful fight, he laid down on Younghoon’s back as the latter was still attempting to throttle Hyunjae.
Younghoon gasped, swimming away in surprise which caused Hwall to roll back into the water.
Yet another water fight broke out as their laughter carried all the way to the beach, or rather, all the way to my ears.
I smiled unknowingly, finding the sight strangely endearing. For whatever reason, I had half expected the group to go shark hunting or some other dangerous activity when I heard they’d be coming. This was the last thing I expected in all honesty.
Seeing the trio like this made me feel a little more  at ease, as if I were at less of a risk of dying due to following them, though it would still be a little early to make that assumption.
The next few hours continued on in a similar fashion until Hwall, Hyunjae, and Younghoon wore themselves out.
“I need food,” whined Hyunjae, collapsing on his back on a beach towel that I presumed was his.
Younghoon plopped down next to him, nodding a little as if to say ‘me too’.
Hwall glanced down at them, shaking his head in exasperation. “I’ll go buy something from the cafe down the street.”
He walked away to a chorus of thanks you’s, pulling on a shirt and a pair of sandals from the bag laying beside his two friends.
Inconspicuously gathering my own belongings, I waited for five minutes before leaving, already knowing which cafe he meant as there was only one within walking distance.
By the time I arrived, Hwall had already ordered and was situated at a table by one of the floor length windows that lined the shop. His head was resting on his palm, as he stared out through the glass only breaking out of his pensive trance when a waiter brought over his mug of coffee.
Not wanting to be caught staring, I walked towards the counter to order something to nibble on since I was already here.
But to my surprise, the male working the cashier flashed me a cheery smile as he slid a sandwich across the counter. “One Inkigayo sandwich right? It’s already been paid for, so enjoy!”
I didn’t have the chance to ask him if he had made a mistake as to who to give the sandwich to or even who paid for it, as he was already talking to the next customer in line.
Walking to the nearest empty table, which was coincidentally beside Hwall’s, I sat down and slowly peeled open the plastic wrap covering the sandwich.
A small beige notecard fell out of the wrapping, fluttering delicately on the table. I picked it up, flipping it over as the side that had been facing me was blank.
There, in messy black handwriting, was a short message that seemingly caused my heart to stop for a solid few seconds.
“I probably would’ve killed you by now if you weren’t so cute.”
My cheeks flared scarlet red, feeling absolutely mortified as I knew that it was foolish of me to think that someone of his profession wouldn’t notice that they’re being followed.
Dropping the card back on the table, my gaze nervously trailed forward, before stopping on Hwall who was already looking at me.
The afternoon sun cast a beautiful aura of light on his face, illuminating his features with an ethereal glow as he winked at me, the corners of his lips quirking up into a smirk.
“What’s up girl?”
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solarswonderland · 3 years
treasure and their lookalikes (according to me)
hyunsuk: ateez's hongjoong
- ok they dont exactly LOOK alike but they literally give off the exact same vibes, whats even better is that they know each other from mixnine 😭
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yoshi: bts' suga
- im sure everyone agrees w/me... (he also kinda looks like ex-the boyz hwall )
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jaehyuk: kang daniel
- he doesnt generally look like daniel, but he kinda does when he smiles!
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haruto: got7's yugyeom
- he also kinda looks like ateez's wooyoung.
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mashiho: got7's jinyoung
- at times thy look alike, at times they dont..BRO IDK THEY JUST LOOK SIMILAR TO ME
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xxrinooxx · 2 years
(Feel free to comment who you got 💞🫶🏽🧸)
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viastro · 4 years
snow flower | hur hyunjun
ミ★ synopsis: in which hyunjun finds himself falling in love with you over a span of six months. [part of the 12 months i loved you collab]
ミ★ genre: strangers to lovers!au, fluff, humor, minor angst
ミ★ warnings: none !
ミ★ word count: 5,147
ミ★ parings: hyunjun x gender neutral reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys ! this is my first ever oneshot for the boyz i’m literally gonna go into cardiac arrest uh BAKGBSRH i finally decided to start writing for them, but it most likely won’t be as often as i post for seventeen. however, i will try my best ! i love the boyz so much, and i love hyunjun a lot. so make sure to check out the rest of the works that will appear for the 12 months i loved you collab that was created by @sunlightwoo​ !!
12 months i loved you masterlist 
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It started out with the sparkle he saw when the two of you first locked eyes.
“You’re insane, Kevin.”
“Just a bit.” 
You tilt your head to the side in concern when your best friend sends a wink in your direction, before going back to attempting to slingshot a water balloon at his unsuspecting victim friend, Kim Sunwoo. Letting out a sigh, you glance back down at your phone, knowing that Kevin is literally going to get murdered when Sunwoo gets splashed.
“You want Formation to play when they bring your casket into the funeral home?” You ask Kevin, and he nods his head quietly. You look up to find Sunwoo still talking animatedly to a guy you haven’t seen before, but then again, you can only see the back of his head.
“Kevin, what if you accidentally hit the guy Sunwoo is talking to?” Kevin turns to you, and simply places a finger over his mouth as a means to tell you to be quiet. Your concerned expression turns into one of annoyance as you squint your eyes at him, and he gives you a grin. “I won’t hit Hyunjun, it’s fine.” 
“Hyunjun?” Kevin nods his head, turning back towards Sunwoo and preparing the slingshot once again. 
“Sunwoo introduced him and I on our first day at uni because he thought we looked really similar.” You purse your lips, leaning over slightly on the bench to try and get a better look at the man. Now curious of what this Hyunjun may look like, you open your mouth to ask Kevin if the man has an Instagram, only for your eyes to widen when you watch the water balloon fly in the air. 
“Oh Neptune.” 
Kevin lets out a cheer when the water balloon lands right smack on the top of Sunwoo’s head, now drenching the man in water. You watch as your friend looks around angrily, only to stop when his eyes land on you and Kevin. 
You let out a loud laugh, covering your mouth as you watch Kevin begin sprinting away from Sunwoo. Your eyes land on the man Sunwoo was speaking to, and you feel your laughter slowly die down when you find him staring directly at you as well. 
His black hair is in soft waves over his forehead, catlike eyes staring at you in interest as he nonchalantly wipes away some of the remnants of water from his fancy clothes.
Damn you Kevin…
You raise your hand up to wave at the pretty boy, only to stop when Kevin and Sunwoo run past you, with Kevin screaming bloody murder and there being nothing but murderous intent behind Sunwoo’s gaze as he tries to capture the man. 
You let out a bright smile, turning back to find Hyunjun’s features slowly lifting up into a beautiful smile as well. He raises his hand up and waves at you, and you wave back, warmth flooding your face from the simple interaction.
Hyunjun always thought it was bullshit when people said that they can see sparkles in someone’s eyes, thinking that it just depended on what type of lighting they were in. However, as the warm summer sun rests over you, he knows that it’s just you. 
The sparkle in your eyes is from you, nothing else. 
Then he noticed the strange feeling he’d get when he’d hear your laughter.
You and Hyunjun watch with amused smiles on your faces as Juyeon, Kevin, and Changmin attempt to play Just Dance in your small dorm room. 
“Ow! Changmin, your elbows are sharp.” Kevin whines when he accidentally gets elbowed in the side from Changmin’s aggressive dancing. The blonde ignores the black haired beauty, continuing to focus on winning the game.
“Juyeon is taking this very seriously.” You mutter, having noticed the red head’s silence as he sharply hits the dance moves displayed on your tiny TV. Hyunjun nods his head, letting out a small chuckle at the furrow to Juyeon’s brows. He nudges you with his shoulder, causing you to turn to glance at him. “Imagine if Sunwoo and Eric were playing too.” 
You let out a smile at the thought of it, making Hyunjun’s heart flip tenfold within his chest. You shake your head, imagining the absolute chaos it would be if Sunwoo and Eric were also in your dorm, knowing their insanely competitive nature. However, Sunwoo has a lab today and Eric has a math lecture, so they were unable to join in on the besties activities. 
It’s been a couple months since you and Hyunjun met, having gotten close rather quickly. You later met Juyeon, Changmin, and Eric as summer was coming to an end. Now the six of you hangout more often than not even though Autumn quarter has begun, and your dorm room became the unofficial official meeting spot even though the other five have much larger dorms/apartments. 
“I WON!” Kevin shouts, regaining you and Hyunjun’s attention as he jumps up and down in excitement. Hyunjun bites back a laugh at the shock on Juyeon and Changmin’s faces, as Kevin was simply just moving the switch controller whenever it was required, and the two dancers were actually busting their ass off.
“I feel like I just got swindled.” Changmin breathes out, wiping away the accumulated sweat that formed on his forehead. Juyeon runs a hand through his hair, before squinting at the celebrating Kevin. 
“Do we murder him?” Kevin turns towards them with wide eyes after hearing the absurd question. 
Changmin and Juyeon exchange a glance in silence, before turning back towards Kevin, who is now staring at the two in fear. 
You let out a burst of laughter as the three begin to chase each other around your dorm. Hyunjun turns to look at you with a smile on his face, the screaming of his friends slowly becoming background noise when the sound of your laughter is all he can hear. 
Hyunjun gulps when he feels his heart thump against his chest, noticing how pretty you look when you’re happy. He bites the inside of his cheek, a thought coming to his mind that makes him turn away to try and focus on his three friends fighting each other, promptly ignoring the overwhelming feeling in his chest.
And then you experienced heartbreak.
Hyunjun lets out a groan when his phone rings beside him, glancing at the time to see that it’s 2 in the morning. He rolls over and picks up the cool metal, squinting at the screen when he sees your name shining brightly back at him. Immediately he answers the call and places the phone next to his ear, 
The black haired beauty sits up at the sound of your sniffles, eyes wide open in concern. He climbs out of bed, already walking towards his closet to put on a sweatshirt. “What’s wrong? Where are you?” 
“Can you come get me, please? I’m outside of Donghyun’s building.” You mutter quietly, watching your breath crystalize in the cold November air. Hyunjun bites the inside of his cheek at the mention of your boyfriend’s name, already having an idea of what may have occurred. 
It’s happened quite a few times with the different guys you’ve dated over the last few months.
“I’ll be there in five minutes, don’t hang up the phone, mm?” Hyunjun says, and you nod your head quietly in response, “Okay.” 
Within 5 minutes you notice Hyunjun’s tall figure walking towards you, and his heart breaks when he sees the tears immediately fall from your eyes. You quickly walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his middle and hiding your face in the crook of his neck. 
Hyunjun freezes at the contact, cursing to himself at the way his heart practically palpitates in his chest from the warmth you bring him. His arms slowly wrap around you, hand cradling your head as you cry quietly, no words needing to be exchanged for him to know that you and Donghyun didn’t work out. 
“Do you want me to beat his ass?” Hyunjun asks quietly, and you let out a wet laugh, shaking your head and holding your best friend tighter. “No, we were only together for a month anyways. Can we just go to your apartment?” 
Hyunjun nods his head, and you pull away from his embrace. His heart falls at the sight of your swollen eyes, and he instinctively reaches out and cups your face with his warm hands. You look up at him with watery eyes, and Hyunjun wonders how you’re still the most ethereal being he’s ever seen. 
“When will you realize that you deserve so much more than gross Tinder men?” Hyunjun asks you with a teasing smile on his face, completely ignoring the way his heart is beating crazily within his chest at the close contact between you two. You pout up at him, punching Hyunjun’s shoulder lightly even though you know he’s right. Softly, you mutter, “I just want to find someone who loves me.” 
Hyunjun bites the inside of his cheek at your confession, before wiping away the leftover tears on your cheeks and letting his hands fall to his sides. He quickly wraps an arm around your shoulders and steers you in the direction towards his building. 
“You’ll find someone, yn.” He mutters quietly, and you let out a breath, before leaning your head onto the black haired beauty as the two of you walk in silence.
Hyunjun glances up at the stars in the sky, feeling his own heart break within his chest. He bites back a sad laugh, now understanding what it is he’s been feeling over the last few months of knowing you. 
Love. It was love.
And here we are now, the 31st of December. With Hyunjun laying on Kevin’s floor, screaming and punching the air.
“Hyunjun, please. My neighbors actually like me, you screaming is gonna ruin their view of me.” Kevin tells Hyunjun from his desk, not sparing him a glance as he just hears the sounds of his existential crisis going on behind him.
Hyunjun lets out another garbled scream, and Kevin lets out a tired sigh in return. He finally turns around in his seat to see his friend staring at his white ceiling with a blank expression on his face. Raising an eyebrow in concern, but also in fear for his life, he simply grabs a pencil, and reaches out and pokes Hyunjun’s foot. 
“Bestie… you good?” 
Hyunjun punches the air as his response, and Kevin furrows his brows. He climbs off his chair and walks over to where Hyunjun lays, moving and sitting down beside him. Kevin watches as Hyunjun just stares at the ceiling in silence once again, and he rubs the back of his neck. “I need words, Hyunjun.”
The black haired beauty lets out a breath, before closing his eyes in frustration. Resting his hands over his face he mutters, 
“I wanna kiss yn when the clock hits midnight.” 
Kevin nods his head, turning away and looking back towards his laptop. Only to pause when the words register in his mind, and he immediately turns back towards Hyunjun in complete shock at what he just uttered.
“You wanna WHAT?!” 
Hyunjun groans, sitting up from the floor and glancing at Kevin with a frustrated expression on his face. He runs a hand through his hair, feeling his heartbeat wildly within his chest at the fact that he finally confessed his feelings for you out loud. 
“I want to kiss them.” Hyunjun repeats, and Kevin continues to stare at him in shock.
“Like, their forehead?” 
“Their hand?”
“Their booboo?”
“I wanna kiss them on the lips, Kevin.” Hyunjun deadpans, causing the latter to slowly close his mouth and nod his head, turning back to look down at the floor. After a moment of silence passes between them, Kevin glances back at Hyunjun.
“Like, platonically?” 
Hyunjun stares at Kevin, before resting his head onto his knees in absolute disappointment and embarrassment. Kevin runs a hand through his hair, quietly asking the universe how he managed to be such a good friend that he’s now stuck in the middle of a situation that he did not ask to be in whatsoever. 
“How long have you felt this way about yn?” Kevin asks, and Hyunjun purses his lips when the memory of the first time he saw the way your eyes sparkled comes to mind. He lets out a sigh, letting his head fall back as he says, “Since June.”
Kevin’s eyes visibly widen once again as he raises his hands up towards his face to count how many months it’s been on his fingers. His mouth drops when he counts six months on his hands, and he looks back towards Hyunjun. 
“Six months?!” 
“Is it really that shocking that I have feelings for yn?” Hyunjun asks, and Kevin shakes his head, shutting his mouth to stop himself from mentioning a piece of information that could possibly make Hyunjun shit himself.
He’s sitting on a bad boy piece of information right now.
“So, do you have a plan on how you’re gonna kiss them tonight?” Hyunjun looks up towards the ceiling and shrugs his shoulders. He turns towards his friend, giving him a small smile.
“We’ll see how I feel tonight.”
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Hyunjun is fucking wasted. 
If it makes anything better, Sunwoo, Eric, and Changmin aren’t doing very well either. As the three are currently in a drunken argument over who gets to have the last cookie before the clock strikes midnight. They’re incredibly loud, making it a bit hard to listen to the New Year’s Eve special on the TV.
“I get to have the cookie because I’m the oldest out of the three of us!” Changmin declares, wobbling slightly as he points a finger towards the younger two. Eric rolls his eyes, reaching out to grab the cookie again, only for Sunwoo to shove him to the floor. 
“Age doesn’t mean shit.”
“You’re a fuckin whorebag, Sunwoo.”
However, amidst all the chaos in the middle of his apartment, his eyes remain on you from across the room. You’re playing a game of UNO with Kevin and Juyeon on the floor, watching as you let out a gorgeous laugh when the two scream at your +4 card. 
Sensing a pair of eyes on you, you turn your head to find Hyunjun staring at you with those sharp, catlike eyes of his. Biting back a smile, you place your last card down on the table, shooting finger guns at the boys after winning for the third time in a row, and walk over to where Hyunjun is sitting.
Oh God, Hyunjun thinks to himself as you get closer. The purple LED lights on his ceiling cast an iridescent glow over your features, making him drunkenly wonder how you could manage to get more ethereal as the days go by. 
“Hey, stooges! There’s more cookies in the kitchen, so stop arguing.” You shout out towards your three drunk friends, and they all turn towards you with shocked expressions on their faces. They quickly scramble over into the kitchen, slipping and falling a few times as their coordination is no longer intact. 
Noticing that they left the single cookie on the coffee table, you let out a giggle, picking it up and turning back towards Hyunjun. You tilt your head to the side at his serious expression on his face, holding out the chocolate chip cookie in his direction. 
“Want it?” You ask with a grin, and Hyunjun feels his legs turn to mush. 
How am I supposed to kiss them? He wonders, watching silently as you move closer so that your faces are a few inches apart. Without another word, you place the cookie in his mouth, before plopping down on the couch beside him. 
Hyunjun quietly chews the cookie, distracted for a moment over how delicious it is, before turning back to look at you. Only to freeze when he finds that your eyes are already on him, tilting your head to the side as he catches your gaze.
“My Hyunjun is such a quiet drunk~” You mutter softly, but Hyunjun feels his heart flip within his chest at the possessiveness of your statement. You reach out and pat down a few flyaways of his black hair, and he wonders if you feel as nervous as he does when the two of you are this close to each other. 
“Oh shit! 30 seconds until midnight!” Kevin announces, making the two of you turn back to the TV. Hyunjun watches as you scramble to grab the noise makers (not Sunwoo, Eric, and Changmin, but a close second). 
“HAHAHAH! Eric passed out on the floor!” Hyunjun hears Juyeon laugh from the kitchen, watching with blurry vision as Sunwoo and Changmin giggle at the sight of Juyeon carrying out a very drunk Eric into the living room. 
“Hyunjun, stand up!” You say happily, and his eyes slowly fall on you, letting you pull him up without a second thought. 
“10!” Kevin begins the countdown. Hyunjun stares at you as you squeal excitedly with Kevin, obviously elated to start the new year with your best friends. 
“8!” Changmin and Sunwoo shout out belatedly, drunkenly eating the cookies as they count down along with the rest of you guys. 
“6!” You turn your head when the feeling of someone burning holes into your cheek becomes more apparent. You find Hyunjun just staring at you with a dazed expression on his face, and you raise an eyebrow in amusement over how drunk he is. 
“4!” Hyunjun bites the inside of his cheek once his peripheral vision turns blurry as his focus on you heightens. He slowly leans forward so that your faces are close to one another, and you hear your heartbeat crazily against your chest even with all the ruckus going on around you.
“Hyunjun? Are you okay?” You ask, but your voice is barely above a whisper as you somehow lost all control over your vocal chords. He stays quiet, as he continues to stare into your bright eyes as if they hold all the stars in the sky. To him, they do.
“Can I kiss you, yn?” Hyunjun asks in a soft voice, and your eyes widen at the question. 
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Kevin, Juyeon, Changmin, and Sunwoo cheer as they start blowing into the noise makers. You and Hyunjun continue to stare into each other's eyes in silence, with you gauging the question he just asked, and Hyunjun wondering why his vision is beginning to spin. 
“What did you say-” You’re cut off when Hyunjun collapses onto you, making you topple backwards onto the floor. Kevin’s eyes widen at the sight of a passed out Hyunjun laying on top of you, knowing that the latter is going to eat his own ass when the memory comes back in the morning. 
While you, you’re left with a warm face and hundreds of questions swarming around your brain as to whether or not you heard him correctly. 
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“Ugh.” Hyunjun mutters, raising his hands up to his face once the raging migraine hits him. He rolls over in the bed, tightly squeezing his eyes shut as if it’ll make the pain stop. “Why’d I drink so much?” 
“Cause you’re stupid.” He groans at the sound of Kevin’s voice, choosing to not snap back as he just doesn’t have the energy at the moment. He listens to Kevin’s footsteps shuffle along his floor, before hearing the sound of plastic rest on his bedside table. 
“That’s acetaminophen and water. There’s also a piece of toast for you to eat as you shouldn’t take medicine on an empty stomach.” Hyunjun peeks through his hands to see Kevin standing beside him, and he raises an eyebrow at the man. “You know I don’t care about that.” 
Kevin nods his head, running a hand through his hair as he gives Hyunjun a small grin. “Yeah, but yn’s orders.” 
Hyunjun squints at his friend, before his eyes widen once he remembers his original plan from the night before. He immediately sits up in bed, only to regret it when the pounding in his head becomes a lot stronger. Kevin hands Hyunjun the toast, and the hungover man quietly chews on it with his eyes closed as he tries to remember what happened the night before. 
“Did I kiss yn?” Hyunjun asks Kevin after he finishes the toast, reaching over to take the pills and water. Kevin purses his lips, before shaking his head ‘no’. Hyunjun bites the inside of his cheek, wondering what he could’ve done as he throws back the pills and swallows it down with a large gulp of water. 
“Are they still here?” Hyunjun asks, running a hand through his black hair as he takes a glance towards his bedroom door. He only hears the sounds of Sunwoo and Changmin playing games in his living room, but nothing from you. “Nah, they left after preparing breakfast for us.” 
“Did I… try to kiss yn?” Kevin only stares at Hyunjun, before shrugging his shoulders and turning to walk out of the bedroom. Hyunjun frowns at his friend, “Kevin!” 
“Why don’t you ask them yourself?” Kevin suggests with a wink, before stepping out of Hyunjun’s room, closing the door behind him. Leaving the black haired beauty sitting there, alone with his thoughts. 
“Nah, I wouldn’t have kissed yn. I care too much about our friendship, that’s why I decided not to go through with the plan after we ate dinner.” Hyunjun mutters, tilting his head as he still tries to remember what happened the night before. He reaches over and grabs his phone, only to immediately hiss at how bright his screen is. “Why did I think it was a good idea to have my lockscreen be so bright?”
hyunjunie: where are you?
you: i wanted to go to the seoul christmas festival >:D
hyunjunie: it’s not dark enough for you to see the lights yet 
you: bleh bleh, it’s the last day
hyunjunie: wait until 6, i’ll come take you
you: mmm, okay
are you sure you’re not too hungover for that?
hyunjunie: nah, i had toast before my medicine today. 
i’m 100% cured
you: okay king
hyunjunie: i’ll see you later yn
you: mmhmm
Hyunjun let’s out a smile after your guys exchange, placing his phone beside him as he lays back down, staring up at the ceiling. He sighs, the thought of what he could’ve done the night before still lingering in his head. 
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“Why did you wait until January 1st to go to this event?” Hyunjun asks as the two of you walk around, just to watch you excitedly walk up to the bright lights without a response. He tilts his head in amusement, only for his heart to go crazy within his chest when you turn around to look at him with a big smile on your face. 
“Come here! Let’s take a photo!” You say happily, eyes sparkling underneath the beautiful Christmas lights. Biting the inside of his cheek, he walks up to you and stands close beside you as you take numerous selfies of you both. 
“Do you guys want me to take a photo for you?” You glance up at the voice, seeing a mom and her child smiling at the two of you. You look at Hyunjun to see his reaction, only to find him already nodding his head and handing her his phone. 
“Can I kiss you, yn?” You stare at him as the memory pops back into your mind, and he looks back down at you.
“You gonna smile at the camera or just oggle me?” Hyunjun teases, making you look away with a scoff. He giggles at your reaction, but it’s a sound of relief as he wasn’t sure how much longer he could take of your intense gaze. 
“I’ll take a lot of photos!” She tells the two of you, and you give her a thumbs up. You tentatively wrap your arms around Hyunjun’s arm, before smiling brightly at the camera. He stiffens slightly in your hold, but tries not to let it show as he rests his head over your own, smiling into the camera as well. 
“What other pose should we do?” You ask Hyunjun as the two of you pull away, and he glances down at you, shrugging his shoulders. “Anything you want.” 
Pursing your lips, you think to yourself for a moment. An image pops up into your mind, causing you to grin evilly as you suggest, “What about one where you’re bowing down to me?” 
“Are you crazy?” 
You let out a bright laugh at Hyunjun’s immediate answer, and he finds himself automatically smiling back down at you just from the sight itself. He reaches out and fondly pats your head without a second thought, making warmth rush up to your face at the touch. 
It’s something Hyunjun’s always done, but the memory of last night is still fresh in your mind. Making you wonder whether all these things he’s done for you have been platonic, or romantic. 
His eyes search yours as your laughter dies down, finding you to be deep in thought as the two of you stare at each other. His hand rests on your shoulder, and he doesn’t feel the urge to pull away. 
What have I done in my past life to deserve such a beautiful sight like this? Hyunjun thinks to himself as he looks into your sparkling eyes, feeling nothing but warmth as he does so.
“I think the photos are cute! I hope you guys like them.” The mom says, causing the two of you to break out of your trance. She gives the both of you a grin, “I think you guys are a cute couple.” 
You immediately sputter, about to deny it in fear of making Hyunjun uncomfortable, only to freeze when you hear him say, 
“Thank you.” 
You turn your head to glance at him as he waves bye to the mom and her child, before he opens up his phone and scrolls through the numerous photos she took of you and him. He giggles at a few photos, a soft smile on his face as he does so. 
“They turned out cute, I’ll make sure to airdrop them to you later.” Hyunjun tells you, and you nod your head without another thought. He gives you a close lipped smile, before gesturing over towards the other christmas lights. 
“Let’s keep going so that we can get food, it’s cold.” He begins to walk forward, only to pause when he realizes you’re not beside him. Hyunjun turns back to glance at you, finding you still standing in the same spot. He tilts his head to the side, “Are you coming-”
“Did you really mean it when you asked if you could kiss me last night, Hyunjun?” You ask, and Hyunjun feels his blood run cold at the question. The memory of last night that he couldn’t remember suddenly floods into his brain all at once, and he internally panics at the fact that he actually tried to make a move. 
“Did you?” You ask again, tightly squeezing your fist at your side as you await his answer. Hyunjun bites the inside of his cheek, realizing that it’s all or nothing as he answers, 
“And what if I did?” 
The two of you stare at each other in silence for a moment, the bright christmas lights hanging around you both. His eyes search your face, still finding you to be the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. Ever since that warm summer day, it’s always been you. 
You take note of Hyunjun’s gorgeous features, having always known how attractive he was from the moment the two of you met. However, as you both grew closer as friends, as well as your feelings, you knew you had to push it down. Kevin’s the only one who knew of your feelings after a drunken occurrence where you cried on his lap, but the next day you told your best friend to ignore everything you said the night before. You didn’t want any false hope, as there’s always only two possibilities of catching feelings for your best friend. 
Friendship ends as the other doesn’t feel the same.
Friendship turns into relationship but this only happens in fanfiction.
You didn’t stand a chance for Hyunjun, but as you stare into his eyes right now on this cold, winter night, you realize you were wrong. The warmth to his gaze has always only been for you, and you were the biggest chance Hyunjun’s ever wanted to take. And so, you finally say, 
“I wouldn’t mind.” 
Hyunjun stares at you, and you gauge his reaction to your answer. He takes a few steps forward until there’s only a few inches left between your faces. “Please tell me you’re not kidding, yn.” 
You let out a soft smile, the sound of your heartbeat in your ears as you stare up at your best friend’s face. “Why would I joke about this?” 
Hyunjun’s hands slowly trail up until they’re cupping your face. His thumb draws circles on your cheek, and he breathes out nervously, glancing back up into your eyes to double check. You nod your head, and Hyunjun bites the inside of his cheek, before finally leaning in and capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. 
Heat floods your features as your hands reach up and grip at his shirt, the brisk night air being a stark contrast to the love and warmth you feel from Hyunjun alone. 
Hyunjun feels dizzy, his heart bursting within his chest after the moment he’s only dreamed of for the last six months is now happening right at this moment. Your lips taste sweet, similar to that of strawberries, and he decides that your strawberry flavored chapstick is truly godsend. He pulls away and rests his forehead on yours after a moment, warmth flooding his features as he stares into your eyes.
“I love you.” Hyunjun confesses, and he watches as the brightest smile he’s ever seen forms on your face. You reach up and cup his face with your own hands as well, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, before pulling away to say,
“I love you too, Hyunjun.” 
The two of you let out giggles after a moment, before Hyunjun pulls you into his chest, holding you tightly as he realizes that you’re finally his. He closes his eyes, smiling to himself at the overwhelming feeling of love flooding his chest. 
To Hyunjun, love was warm. They had sparkles in their eyes, and had the brightest smile he’s ever seen. 
To Hyunjun, love was you.
Love was you.
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deputyjuyeon · 3 years
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【09:21】 ❃ Hur Hyunjun
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Today wasn't a bright and sunny day, it was rather rainy and gloomy. It felt extra cold. Even with the car ac turned off, you were still shivering.
The trip to the airport was silent. All you could hear was the sound of rain tapping on the car windows.
Looking at your boyfriend in the driver's seat, your tears couldn't contain themselves as they start streaming down your flushed cheeks. You don't want him to notice so you face away and try your best to stifle your cry.
"That's my cue." Hyunjun stood up, boarding pass in hand.
You nod, never looking up, afraid that the tears would start to flow again.
"Can I at least get a hug?"
Without a second thought, you leaped into his arms for the last time. You didn't care if you cried, not this time. At least you won't ever regret it.
"Stay like this forever Y/n, I really can't put into words how amazing you are as a person, don't ever change who you are. Thank you for all the times you've been there for me. I know you'll do well without me. I love you Y/n, I always do."
Hyunjun tried his best to put on a smile, turned his back, and walked away. His hidden tears emerging slowly at every step he took away from you.
The sky wouldn't stop crying after that day, guess it thought you needed a friend.
Maybe it was their fate, maybe they weren't destined for each other.
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𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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thrillridesz · 4 years
𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 𝙢.𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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projected release: 10th October 2020
➣ *FULLY BOOKED* - The writer is not yet ready to published their works and will do so at a later date! ( I’ll be updating as the works are uploaded later )
You sat cross legged on your bed as you pored over the 12 travel pamphlets laid out in a neat semi circle before you. All 12 of the potential destinations you had picked out seemed to promise a memorable vacation for many years to come yet you were racking your brains over just which one to choose.
Clicking your tongue in frustration after what seemed like ages, your fingers hovered gingerly over the pamphlets and using your gut instinct, you went ahead and picked up the travel pamphlet for…
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➣  @2hyunjae ( click here to book now! ) 
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➣ @ukiyoexo ( click here to book now! )
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➣ @moondustaeil ( click here to book now! ) *FULLY BOOKED*
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➣ @thepixelelf ( click here to book now! )
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➣ @atbzkingdom ( click here to book now! )
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➣ @honeycobie​ ( click here to book now! )
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➣ @stealerz​ ( click here to book now! )
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➣ @mae-gi-writes ( click here to book now! )
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➣ @fairyoftbz ( click here to book now! ) 
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➣ @lsangyeons​ ( click here to book now! ) 
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➣ @chaoticdeobi ( click here to book now! ) 
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➣ @heartyyjeno​ ( click here to book now! )
reposted because I accidentally deleted the original one so please don’t mind me!
if you want to be included in the taglist for this collab when the fics are released, do send in an ask or pm to either me @juyeonzz or emma @ukiyoexo​ !
also i’d like to take the time to mention that the concept of a collab was inspired by @neo-cult-ure (do check out the collabs that ley has hosted, they’re amazing and you shouldn’t miss them!) and thank you to everyone who is participating in the collab, emma and i are very happy and honoured to be working with such great writers! ^^ 
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so-cool-day6 · 4 years
The Boyz Masterlist
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9:22 PM S
3:50 PM S
6:17 PM S
9:23 AM F, SU
11:02 AM S, F
5:17 PM S
11:00 AM S
4:40 PM S
4:10 PM S
5:02 PM S, F
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
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What they sound like in bed
Their kinks
You being needy and touchy in public
Making you squirt
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none yet
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kpophours · 4 years
The Boyz as some of my favorite tumblr text posts
Sangyeon: I need to go on a honeymoon by myself
Jacob: *throws flower petals at you* be my friend
Younghoon: [falls in shower] parkour
Hyunjae: I’ll get over it I just gotta be dramatic first
Juyeon: what do you mean a thesaurus isn’t a dinosaur
Kevin: that awkward moment between birth and death
New: a concept: me, eating strawberries and peaches on a hillside where I am far away from everything and everyone I know
Q: sometimes you just gotta dance like a white person alone in your room
Haknyeon: my role model? the t-rex from jurassic park. she just screams and eats, that’s a mood
Hwall: “it’s only $5 why not buy it” has probably cost me like $15.000 by now
Sunwoo: even if I gave a fuck I wouldn’t give it to u
Eric: I don’t have a train of thought, I have 7 trains on 4 tracks that narrowly avoid each other when the paths cross and all the conductors are screaming
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juyeonau-main · 4 years
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“no air” -the boyz
don’t repost! inspire by nctream’s films
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itsapapisongo · 3 years
CASTLES* | Kevin Moon
Pairing: Kevin x Changmin (platonic) — Kevin x OC Princess (if a little one-sided)
Genre: Adventure; Comedy; Fantasy; Parody
Concept: Bishōnen!Hyunjun; Knight!Juyeon; Prince!Kevin; Mage!Changmin
Tropes: Affectionate Parody; Ambiguously Bi; Deconstructive Parody; Heterosexual Life Partners; Non-Idol AU
Word Count: To be determined; 169 (teaser) 
Warnings: Absurd humor; allusions to self-harm; profanity; scenes of violence involving sword fights and tavern brawls; and suggestive themes (i.e. references to alcohol, drugs, masturbation, and sex)
Summary: Kevin, the prince and heir apparent to a small kingdom, is tasked with rescuing a princess who is to be his future wife. With no clue as to who this princess is or where to find her, his quest soon becomes a convoluted, frustrating, and absurd journey across the land.
Notes: This is purely for entertainment. Nothing that is presented in this story reflects who the members—Changmin, Hyunjun, Juyeon, Kevin—are in real life nor does it accurately portray their behavior, personalities, and/or sexual preferences.
Footnotes: Castles is a working title.
Dedication: @scriptura-delirus​, ‘cause I said I was gonna.
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ONCE UPON A time, in a far away land, there was a princess—wait, was it a princess?
It could have been a prince. Or a pauper. Or was it a piper? Honestly, these stories tend to start the same way so it’s hard to keep track of which one is which, hard to remember the aesop—no, that’s for fables. What’s the word I’m looking for? Oh, yes, the moral of the story. How fucking stupid of me.
Oh, Good Lord. Did the Narrator just—gasps dramatically—cuss? That did not just happen. Right in front of the kiddos, too. How could he? Once Upon a Time stories are family friendly. Why would the Narrator, our dashing raconteur, just make this tale all NSFW and thus family unfriendly? Why, you may ask? Well, dearest reader, because I can. Besides, I don’t see another bloody Narrator. That should let you know this isn’t your typical Once Upon a Time fairytale.
I suggest you pipe down, get comfortable, and just go with it.
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leechanluvbot · 5 years
The way I shouted 💀💀
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pinkhwaseong · 3 years
t h e b o y z • m a s t e r l i s t
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🍓- f l u f f 🍉- a n g s t 🍒- s u g g e s t i v e 🌱- n e w!
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
I had a dream in which Suga, Woozi and Hwall were in a kpop group together- 
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junhyukiscute · 4 years
drabble 4 with hyunjae and could you make it very fluffy? :3
hello, soulmate (the boyz hyunjae x reader)
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author note: hyunjae could literally be breathing and he’d still be the most handsome man
drabble 4: “i don’t know how I managed to live so long without you.”
(note: bold - hyunjae, normal - you)
soulmates were a common phenomenon in your world. some were connected by a red string of fate, others were connected by taste. you, my dear friend, were connected with your soulmate through your thoughts. kind of basic, but at least you didn’t have to suffer through vague dreams like your friend eric, or their taste buds like sunwoo. the only downhill to your bond was that you couldn’t tell each other your names because it didn’t work like that. fate would eventually just work itself out.
it was kind of nice, you guys had conversations whenever you could. your soulmate was a college student who was trying their best in become a vet and worked very hard. despite the stress of studying in the medical field, you would pop up and try to crack jokes so he could have a little laugh. needless to say, your interactions with him made his day.
“ew! my soulmate just ate mustard and broccoli,” sunwoo screamed at the lunch table.
“no one cares,” eric shot back.
as you watched your best friends bicker, you thought to yourself, idiots.
ive been stuck listening to my friends argue about how much carrots they can shove up their nose. im gonna shove kevin off a cliff.
don’t do it buddy, you’ll be sent to jail for attempted murder. how will we be able to see each other if you’re in jail?
well if i make the news, you’ll be able to know what i look like and we can meet up at my cell.
you chuckle out loud which causes the bickering to stop.
“what’s gotten you so cheery?” sunwoo eyes you suspiciously.
“shes probably talking to her soulmate,” eric replies. eric makes a kissy face at sunwoo, “hEy bAbe i wAs jUst tHiNkIng oF yOu cAuse You Know, wE cAn tALk to EacH oTher!!”
sunwoo laughs at eric’s impression of you, and starts to laugh even harder after you threw a baby carrot smack in the middle of eric’s face.
“seriously though (y/n), you’re pretty lucky to have a convenient bond. are you close to meeting him yet?” sunwoo questionied.
you sighed,” no, not yet. i wanna meet him soon though, all i know is that he goes to some university in seoul and likes coffee at the cafe near his campus.”
eric’s eyes widen, “wait, there’s a twosome coffee shop near this university down the street!”
sunwoo gasped and shook eric by the shoulders, “eric, you’re useful for once!!” ignoring the offended look on eric’s face, he turns to you, “once school’s done, it’s gonna be spring break. you know what that means?”
“movie nights and sleepovers while we procrastinate on our homework?” you questioned.
“no, you idiot, we’re gonna go to that coffee shop everyday so you could see your soulmate!” sunwoo says.
once it registered in your mind, you gasped, “wait, we might be able to see my soulmate?!”
“i knew my days of skipping school would come in handy one day,” eric smirked.
time skip
you were in your last period, daydreaming as your teacher lectured.
aish.. i’m really craving an iced americano right now.
the bell had rung and you ran out the classroom to meet up with sunwoo and eric, who coincidentally had the last period together. “guys, my soulmate likes iced americanos. we have to go, NOW,” you said. eric and sunwoo nodded before you guys dashed off to the cafe down the street of your guys school.
the door opened and bell chimed, the baristas greeted you as you guys walked in. 
“okay, i’ll keep watch by sitting at that table in the corner. since you invited us here, you’re paying, (y/n),” sunwoo said as he walked off to the said table.
“while you’re ordering, i’ll keep watch for anyone who’s ordering an iced americano. by the way, i don’t drink coffee so can you get a whole chocolate cake? we’re gonna be here for a while, thanks (y/n)! you’re the best,” eric patted your shoulder and shoved you in line.
you cried on the inside as you ordered two iced mochas and a whole chocolate cake for here. the cashier looked at you weirdly, “and your name?”
“(y/n),” you said and looked at his nametag, “thanks... kevin?!”
kevin looked taken aback before eyeing you, “do i know you?”
“oh.. haha,” you sheepishly laughed, “sorry, um.. it just sounded familiar..”
“oookkaaayyy, that’ll be 40,000 won,” he said as you handed him your card, “we’ll call you when your drinks are ready...”
after he dissappeared to the back, you ran up to sunwoo and slammed your hands on the table, making him scream out of fright, “guys. i think that barista is my soulmate’s friend. he talked about some dude named kevin.”
“oh for real?? ask him if he has a friend that likes iced americanos!!” eric said energetically as he scarfed the cake.
“yeah, like he probably doesn’t have 50 friends who like iced americanos. what if he doesn’t even have friends?” sunwoo replied as he rolled his eyes.
“(y/n)! your drinks are ready,” kevin called out.
“ask him!” eric whispered out loud.
as you walked towards the counter to pick up the drinks, you stood there and looked at him. kevin, already a bit weirded out by your behavior from earlier asked, “do you need anything else...?”
“do you have any friends that like iced americanos?” you questioned.
“okaaayy so I don’t know if you know this but my friends are in college, you’re a high schooler based on your uniform. im not gonna partake in pedophilia.”
“listen man, our friend has a soulmate who goes to this cafe and orders a nasty battery acid drink during his break so god help us!” eric shouted as sunwoo tried to desperately hold him back.
“we’re seniors,” you added in quickly.
kevin sighed and pinched his nose bridge while he thought hard, “are you sure it’s this cafe?”
“yes, im sure because he goes to a cafe near his college, and there’s a college near here, right?” you said.
“yeah...” kevin deeply sighed, “i have a few friends who drink iced americanos.”
“who were you with earlier when you tried to see how much carrots you could shove up your nose?”
kevin chokes on his spit, “how did you know that?!”
“im connected through my soulmate by thoughts,” you replied.
he gasped in realization, “wait, my friend named-“
“kevin, get back to work and stop flirting with the customer!! one more warning and you’re fired!!” a voice boomed from the back.
kevin jumped before looking at you sheepishly, “sorry (y/n), i gotta go,” and ran off to the cashier station where an annoyed lady was waiting.
you groaned before grabbing the drinks and plopping down at the table.
“so all we know is that he does have a friend who’s your soulmate but we didn’t get a name,” sunwoo said. you guys all sighed in unison before sadly sipping on the drinks.
spring break went past quickly, and there was no sign of your soulmate visiting at the coffee shop. heck, you couldn’t even hear his thoughts anymore.
“it’s okay, (y/n), you’ll see him eventually,” eric reasoned as sunwoo pat your back.
you sighed deeply as you sipped on an iced americano at the cafe. this sucks, why can’t my soulmate just come in and order already?
at seoul university (lol just go with it), hyunjae was writing notes down at the library when kevin strolled in with Jacob and plopped down at the table.
kevin sighed dramatically before leaning back on his chair, “there’s this trio of high schoolers who won’t stop coming to the cafe im working at and they keep staring at me!! the girl says that her soulmate goes there and orders an iced americano, kinda creepy but i appreciate her dedication to meet him. says they have a soulmate link by their thoughts, isn’t that kinda like yours?”
hyunjae mumbles, “an iced americano sounds great. haven’t been able to get it from your work since ive been studying for finals” before a voice in his head says this sucks, why can’t my soulmate just come in and order already? hyunjae drops his pen in shock. “wait, kevin, are they still there?” hyunjae questioned.
“hm, probably, why?” kevin replies. the two piece the information together before kevin gasps as he punches Jacob out of excitement. “oh my god, is that your soulmate?! go get them tiger!!” kevin cheered with Jacob (who was very confused). hyunjae packed up his stuff and dashed out of the library and to the cafe. once he reached the cafe and pushed open the door widely, a few customers glanced but went back to their own business.
hyunjae slowly strolls before saying rather loudly, “can i please order an iced americano?” while subtlely glancing around the shop. a few gasps were heard and he found a trio of high school uniforms. he made eye contact with you and felt like time had stopped.
there you were, in all your glory, with slightly ruffled up hair and dark eye bags. even though you looked like you just woke up, you still looked incredibly cute. his heart beat erratically at the sight of your beautiful self before he gulped and walked up to you.
sunwoo and eric caught wind of the situation and shoved each other out of the table as you were trying to hold back a smile. hyunjae cleared his throat because thinking, i wish my soulmate knew how cute they are.
you grinned and said, “i wish my soulmate knew how they are too,” you stood up and held out your hand, “hi soulmate. im (y/n). it’s really, really nice to meet you.”
hyunjae smiles as he took your hand and pulled you into an embrace. “i don’t know how i managed to live so long without you.” he breathed out as he wrapped his hands around your frame. “im hyunjae, but you can just call me yours from now on.”
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bbmyungho · 4 years
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💌 friends-to-lovers with hyunjun
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thrillridesz · 4 years
《10:05pm》 - Hwall
“What are you doing?”
The alarm in your voice was clear when you saw Hyunjoon bending over and looking at your laptop with amusement glittering in his eyes. You had carelessly left your laptop unattended to and vulnerable when you headed downstairs to get a glass of water, completely forgetting that you had left it open at a particular webpage.
He regarded you with a curious expression on his face, a hint of suspicion in those catlike eyes of his when you rushed over and slammed your laptop shut.
“N-Nothing.” The wobbliness in your voice betrays you as he raised an eyebrow quizzically. He reached out to open the laptop but you hugged it to your chest protectively. Hyunjoon chuckled as he stood before you and placed his hands on his hips, his shadow giving off a rather authoritative vibe like how one would confront a pesky child.
“Y/n, what was that?”
The heat in your cheeks were burning so badly as this point that realisation flickered across his face as he whispered, “It’s not...”
Eyes widening in shock, you threw a pillow at his face, huffing in annoyance.
“It’s not what you think it is!”
Laughing, Hyunjoon peered up at you as he plopped himself down on the floor.
“Then what is it?”
Your face grew hotter as you covered your face with your hands, peeking at him through fingers. You were too ashamed to look at him.
“You won't judge?”
He smiled reassuringly, crossing his heart with his index finger.
“I won’t.”
You kept your face cover as you mumbled your response. Leaning forward, Hyunjoon strained to hear what you were saying.
“I said I was reading your fanfiction!”
That was a short pause as he remained silent. You kept your hands on your face since you didn't dare see his reaction. 
“Why would I judge you for that?” He finally asked and you withdrew your hands to see him now leaning over you.
“I... I don’t know?” You stammered, peering up at him.
“If anything, I’m offended. Why would you when I’m right here?” 
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