#the buzzing of bugs; the centipedes crawling around; cockroaches; anything & everything
darabeatha · 5 months
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ㅤㅤ-plucking centipedes off his coat before laying down-
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mandakatt · 7 years
Which kitties are the ones that will play with the house’s insect invaders, and which are the ones that’ll just stare at it? Is there a kitty that drags spiders into the house in the first place?
A/N: *squints at your question* IF one of the kitters happens to drag in a spider, I’d be running away from said confused kitter. *giggle*  But, bugs in the house huh? Well, you’ve got your ‘avid’ hunters, then you got ones that make you wonder just….what the heck?
[Also, I apologize for this taking forever Anon-san. With the loss of my IRL kitter yesterday, I looked to your question for something to pull me out of my down and dark mood. So, thank you for asking this. ♥ ]
Tagging:  @momokitty27​ @major-artery​ @itshaejinju​ @kayterschmater​ @lulie-chan​ @margherine​ @kairakara101​ @ravenvelith​ @suzunesays​ @princess-of-lucis​ @blossattic
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Kitty!Noctis - He watches the most annoying fly in the world buzz around your room. He’ll bat at it if it zooms by, and if he manages to knock it to the floor, he’ll sniff at it a bit, only to watch it buzz around the room again.
Kitty!Prompto - He’ll pounce the annoying asian beetle that somehow found its way in. He will bat it around a bit before he suddenly makes a face, then pushes both paws down on it, before turning and skittering about to bat it all around the room, cause it’s stinky!
Kitty!Ignis - When he can see, he’ll watch the fly as it buzzes about with a keen eye, the moment it flies into the kitchen however, you swear his eyes glint, and he’ll make sure to pounce, and remove it from the room, depositing his ‘kill’ on the hall floor. When he can’t see - his ears will constantly turn, and he’ll be all on alert, burbling and meowing softly, constantly alerting you as to where the bug is, and you’ll have to remove it to calm his nerves.
Kitty!Gladiolus - He’ll move to where the middle of the room is and watch said bug intently. When it lands, he’ll crouch down, wiggle his backside and pounce, catching his prey easily. He’ll partly nibble on it though, then spit it out.
Kitty!Cor - A slow and methodical hunter. He will follow, not chase, the bug into every room of your home till he has it where he wants it and it is sufficiently cornered. He will kill it, and bring it to you, dropping it at your feet.
Kitty!Iris - She pounces everything that moves as it is. Spider crawling across the floor? *Pounce* Dust moving from behind the fridge? *pounce* Grasshopper accidentally making its way inside? *pounce*
Kitty!Aranea - She does “death from above” on everything. You’ve never seen a cat that will leap into the air to pounce on the centipede that happens to be crawling along your carpet. The fly that happened to land in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or the asian beetle that just happens to be buzzing and bouncing off the living room window.
Kitty!Cindy - She brings the bugs to you that she catches from outside and in the shed, and if it’s a flying bug, she’ll chase it about the house cause she didn’t kill it in the first place.
Kitty!Luna - She watches said bug flitter about, her ears turning slowly, her eyes wide. She doesn’t do anything about it however till it gets close to her, then she pounces on it, smushing it into the carpet. When she pulls back her paws, she’ll stare at her handy work, then meow sort of distraught. “Mom! Help! I hurt the thing!”
Kitty!Ravus - He’ll watch said bug for awhile, but if it gets anywhere near his sister, he’s quick to pounce on it, killing it instantly, and leaving it’s corpse for you to find easily.
Kitty!Cid - He ignores them, less they land on him, or crawl right by him. He’ll bat at them a little with his paws, but he doesn’t do much more than that.
Kitty!Regis - He plays with it, batting it around, watching it fly [if it can still] about then pouncing on it. He’ll play with it most of the day, getting a bit wild eyed here and there, and even going so far as to throw his head back, flail a bit then smush his face down on said bug.
Kitty!Clarus - He watches the bug, his ears turning a bit, but he doesn’t make a move, till one of his kids tries to go after it, then he’s on top of it before they even get the second butt wiggle out.
Kitten!Talcott - WIGGLE MODE ENGAGED - Many butt wiggles, many attempts at pouncing, and trying to get said bug, you’ll even hear a soft mewl in frustration then a crash. Rushing into where the noise was heard, he toddles to you slowly, chest puffed up with said bug in his mouth.
Kitty!Gentiana - Doesn’t really do anything about them, other than watch. If it lands near her though, her paw moves fast enough to smush said bug under it, then she tucks her paw under her chest like she hadn’t moved in the first place.
Kitty!Ardyn - He watches, quietly. Waiting, before he pounces it at the last second. You then find its corpse later in your bed, or your favorite chair. You’ve watched him even put the dead cockroaches right next to Noctis as he sleeps.
Kitty!Nyx - The moment you shriek in surprise [ because we all know that bugs seem to do that. ] He’s on top of it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a small asian beetle, or a spider, or a cockroach – Just expect to hear him crunching on it after he catches it.
Kitty!Libertus - He’s kinda slow to act, more curious on anything. He’ll approach the bug, his ears turning back and forth as he sniffs it. If it makes a stink, he’ll huff, then bap it with his paws.
Kitty!Crowe - Death from above. The moment it crawls across the floor anywhere near that she can leap to from her normal high perch, she does. Landing on the unsuspecting victim with all four paws.
Kitty!Pelna - He sits on his rump and watches it, curiously. His ears turn back and forth, and if it comes close to him, he’ll gently prod it with a paw.
Kitty!Titus - Whatever it was, it’s dead and mashed into the carpet. And no, he is never sorry.
Kitty!Dino - He freaks out with the 8 legged bugs [ aka Spiders! ], fluffing up a little and running away from it to watch from a distance. He’ll smack flies and other bugs out of the air though, and play with said bug till it dies.
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