mandakatt · 7 years
FFXV Kitty!AU - Giving them Extra lovin’s ♥
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A/N: Sarah, Can I just say when you put this into my inbox you gave me the absolute biggest smile? 
Since you mentioned Valentine’s day, I figured why the heck not, let me get this done for you super quick cause I thought it was kinda cute. =3 
So here’s how your kitters react to extra lovin’s!
Tagging: @momokitty27 @blossattic @major-artery @kayterschmater @suzunesays @ravenvelith @itshaejinju @kairakara101 @neontonberry @its-like-i-never-made-a-sound @vaporwraithing
[If you want to be removed/added to the tag list for Kitty!AU things, let me know ♥]
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Kitty!Noctis - He gives off a sleepy grunt as you scoop him up and smooch over him repeatedly, but he purrs softly. He eventually pushes his paws against your lips and shoots you a sleepy glare, before falling asleep again in your arms.
Kitty!Prompto - Over. The. Moon. Give to him more smooches and cuddles please! He will burble and chirp after each smooch, causing you to giggle.
Kitty!Ignis - His reaction is no different if he has is sight or not -- He will burble at you curiously as you repeatedly smooch and cuddle him, soft bubbling purrs rumbling from his chest as he lets you cuddle him.
Kitty!Gladiolus - After each smooch, he headbutts you, even causing your nose to hurt a bit cause he does it so hard. He purrs so hard that his entire body seems to vibrate.
Kitty!Cor - He’s a little confused to the extra affection, but tolerates it, to a point before he gently wiggles himself free and wanders off.
Kitty!Iris - She dips her head at every smooch, letting you kiss her between her ears. She just soaks up all the affection she can get from you.
Kitty!Aranea - You coo to her, and pet her a bit, since she’s in a mood to let you be affectionate with her, she even allows you to smooch her head, and you continue to do so repeatedly. Eventually when she’s had enough she pushes her paw against your lips.
Kitty!Cindy - Closes her eyes in absolute delight as you continue to smooch her and shower her with affection. She’ll even get in the habit of kneading so hard that she mostly keeps only one paw curled.
Kitty!Luna - Pushes her head into each and every smooch you give her, her ears splaying out sideways, and when your done, she mews and purrs up at you, her eyes partly closed in bliss.
Kitty!Ravus - He’s a little indifferent. Why are you doing this? What is the purpose of all this? He doesn’t move away right away but eventually he’s had enough and will gently slink away from you.
Kitty!Cid - He’s kinda lazy in his old codger way, so when you smooch him once, he expects you to be done. But when you do it again he looks up at you, then a third time, and as you continue, he pushes his head up into each smooch.
Kitty!Regis - He wraps his paws about your neck and keeps his head pushed into your lips for consistent smooches.
Kitty!Clarus - He smushes and nuzzles his face against you when you do repeated kisses, purring loudly as he leans against you.
Kitten!Talcott - Squirms after the first couple kisses, and mews softly, when you put him down he looks up at you, ears turning, like ‘why did you stop?’
Kitty!Gentiana - She stands on your lap, paws on your chest and nuzzles her face into your kisses.
Kitty!Ardyn - You either have one of two things happen. You burst into tears because he shreds you open, or you burst into tears because he lets you, his head nuzzling a little into your kisses. [The fickle bastard!]
Kitty!Nyx - Headbutts, face smushes, nuzzles, kneading cuddles, you name it. The more you smooch him, the more affection you get back.
Kitty!Libertus - He’s a bit confused at the extra affection at first. But as you repeatedly smooch him he dips his head a little and seems to fluff up, but doesn’t push away from your extra affections
Kitty!Crowe - She’s confused by the extra affection, and she looks at you with a look of ‘did something happen? You ok?’ when you chuckle and continue, she only tolerates it so long before she pushes her paws against your chest and leans back away from you.
Kitty!Pelna - Your smooches seem to kinda ‘knock him out’. He gets goofy as you kiss him, flopping over and burbling up at you, but the more you do it the more he purrs.
Kitty!Titus - He lets you coddle him for five minutes. That’s it. Stop now please. And he’ll push and pull away from you, wandering off. Ten minutes later, he gets back up on your lap, and purrs up at you, asking for more.
Kitty!Dino - When you give him extra affection he soaks it up, meowing up at you till you pick him up. When you do he curls in on himself a bit to snuggle into your chest. [Your boobs if you’re a lady.] and he falls asleep, purring happily.
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djinnhatescold · 3 years
I did a thing, and it is a dumb thing, but I'm trying to calm my nerves before I have frickin' lazer beams shot into my eyes.
I took a (slightly curated) list of Final Fantasy characters and dumped it into a Random Pair Generator to see what would happen. Here are some of my favorites. (We're going to go ahead and assume everyone is of the age of consenting adults.)
Libertus Ostium <-> Holly Teulle
My absolute favorite. Of course. Of course! These two have perfectly complimentary levels of spiciness and responsibility.
Ardyn Izunia <-> Paine
Hahahahaha...ha... Paine would snap Ardyn in two.
Reno <-> Setzer Gabbiani
I don't know why this works, it just does.
Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn <-> Yuffi Kisaragi
First of all, can you just imagine the adventures these two would get up to? I can see them having friendly competitions to see who could crush the most watermelons between their thighs.
Libertus Ostium <-> Oerba Dia Vanille
I can see Libertus + Fang for sure, but I can also see him and Vanille having an absolutely amazing time hunting together.
Cid nan Garlond <-> Jecht
The relationship between these two would be the most chaotic, insane fun. Cid would be constantly yelling at Jecht to hold the flashlight still while working under the hood of whatever creation he's fixing up in the garage while Jecht keeps a blitzball up in the air with his head, knees, feet, chest, etc. like a football player.
Noctis Lucis Caelum <-> Alphinaud Leveilleur
Alphinaud would be a calm, steadying influence on Noct, while Noct would teach Alphinaud the value of laying in bed playing games on their phones every now and again.
Raubahn Aldynn <-> Sania Yeagre
Raubahn would never let it show, but he'd be a right mess anytime Sania left on a research mission.
Elena <-> Dino Ghiranze
I picture Dino meeting Elena on the beach to show her his newest jeweled creation -- created just for her.
Rude <-> Sabin Rene Figaro
Sabin would always find a way to make Rude laugh, much to his chagrin.
Jessie Raspberry <-> Auron
Auron would be absolutely charmed by Jessie's big, dramatic energy.
General Leo Cristophe <-> Shera
Shera + commanding personalities, amiright?
Rikku <-> Dino Ghiranze
Oh my god there would be so much fucking.
Gladiolus Amicitia <-> Kain Highwind
Oh my god there would be so much fucking.
Cor Leonis <-> Celes Chere
This one just speaks for itself.
Tifa Lockhart <-> Rydia
Craft fairs... and ceramic kitten figurines.
Yda Hext <-> Jessie Raspberry
Maximum bimbo energy. Pure of heart, dumb of ass.
If you would like to do this dumb thing yourself you can find the list of names below the cut. I left a lot out because I'm either not familiar enough with the characters (II, III, V, XI, XII) or I don't care about them that much (VIII).
Cecil Harvey
Kain Highwind
Edward Chris von Muir
Yang Fang Leiden
Cid Pollendina
Edge (Edward Geraldine)
Locke Cole
Edgar Roni Figaro
Sabin Rene Figaro
Cyan Garamonde
Setzer Gabbiani
Strago Magus
General Leo Cristophe
Kefka Palazzo
Cloud Strife
Barret Wallace
Reeve Tuesti
Cid Highwind
Vincent Valentine
Rufus Shinra
Zack Fair
Zidane Tribal
Adelbert Steiner
Amarant Coral
Seymour Guado
Snow Villiers
Sazh Katzroy
Hope Estheim
Alphinaud Leveilleur
Thancred Waters
Urianger Augurelt
G'raha Tia
Papalymo Totolymo
Momodi Modi
Raubahn Aldynn
Cid nan Garlond
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Gladiolus Amicitia
Ignis Scientia
Prompto Argentum
Cor Leonis
Ravus Nox Fleuret
Ardyn Izunia
Talcott Hester
Weskham Armaugh
Dustin Ackers
Libertus Ostium
Nyx Ulric
Takka Bradham
David Auburnbrie
Dino Ghiranze
Rosa Joanna Farrell
Terra Branford
Celes Chere
Relm Arrowny
Tifa Lockhart
Aeris Gainsborough
Yuffi Kisaragi
Jessie Raspberry
Lucrecia Crescent
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII
Freya Crescent
Eiko Carol
Oerba Dia Vanille
Oerba Yun Fang
Serah Farron
Alisaie Leveilleur
Y'shtola Rhul
Minfilia Warde
Yda Hext
Tataru Taru
F'lhaminn Qesh
Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn
Nanamo Ul Namo
Iris Amicitia
Aranea Highwind
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Cindy Aurum
Camelia Claustra
Monica Elshett
Coctura Arlund
Sania Yeagre
Holly Teulle
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dino-ghiranze · 7 years
{Pt.1}I smiled at Mao and took my seat. Before I could pull out my pad and pen there hopped along a darling little kitten. I nearly melted at the little fluff. “Oh my goodness! Hi, Baby! Aren’t you a cutie-pie!” I watched him climb the couch and looked over to Dino and his new kitty friend. “Looks like you’re making friends too, Spike.” I cleared my throat and let the little kitten climb my shoulder.
{Pt.2} “So, Ms. Mao, my readers would love to know you manage with your cats. How do you keep up with them all? Do you have a system or do you keep in like a rotation?” I couldn’t help the smile that crept on my face as the little kitten rested on my shoulder. “This bambino is stealing my heart!”
Mao smiled, and watched the kitten. “Talcott, careful now…” before she looked over at Dino, and chuckled a bit more as Talcott stared up at him with large eyes. Dino gently reached over and lightly pet along his ears, causing him to purr rather loudly. 
Talcott wasted no time however and climbed up on Momo’s shoulder, and perched. Watching her quietly. 
“Heh, there’s really no rhyme or reason to it, They all have different personalities, and they all require different needs, there’s not much for them in the way of care as these guys are kinda indoor outdoor, but they never go past the fenced in yard…” 
Mao let her eyes travel again to Dino, and lifted a brow catching that movement at the side of his head again. Her eyes narrowed a bit as a spotted cat hopped up on her shoulder. She looked to him as he lowered his head a little, his eyes large and ears turning. “Hello Nyx. Come to see the visitors have you?”
A silverish kitty made its way out from under the couch at that moment, holding a silver chain in it’s mouth, and Mao huffed. 
Both the cat and Dino on the couch fluffed up a bit looking wide eyed at Mao. 
“….shit….” Dino realized now that his ears had perked up around his hat, as Mao went wide eyed.
Mao then crossed her arms, and tilted her head. “Well now, are you cosplaying?”
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So...how does custody with Star Destroyer work? How are Destroyer and Freckles as parents? Currently picturing Prompto and Gladio gushing over the baby pupper. Kinda picturing Destroyer being casual about it? Like "hey Dad! I made this, no big".
For the first couple of weeks Gladio would have puppy cause, well Momma Destroyer. Prompto and Freckles would visit often during those weeks. However they’d make a mutual decision to actually give the puppy over to Talcott when it came the time to. You see at that point both Gladio and Prompto would have two pets. Both dogs but also would have a Wigglebutt kitten. So they had sat down one night and talked about who to give the puppy to, Iris had been the first person they actually thought of. She declined because at the time she was busy. So Talcott took in Star Destroyer. Every weekend the trio get together for a little family reunion at the dog park.
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mandakatt · 7 years
Kitty!AU - Nursing while kneading
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A/N: Oh, so she was weaned a bit too soon? Aww, I’ve had kitters like that too, where they latch onto something with you because that need to nurse is still sort of ingrained in their cute fuzzy brains.
I apologize also for this one taking forever, there’s only a few of these guys that would do that really, so I apologize for this one being a bit short Anon-san! ♥
Tagging: @momokitty27 @major-artery @blossattic @kayterschmater @kairakara101 @suzunesays @ravenvelith @itshaejinju @its-like-i-never-made-a-sound @indigochocobo @fromunseeliecourt @vaporwraithing @stopmopingstarthoping @mysukisilentdeath @whimsyofthewind
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Kitty!Noctis - He does this, but only if you have a certain blanket, and if you’re sitting/laying a certain way. He’ll latch on and nurse a bit while he kneads on you before falling asleep.
Kitty!Prompto - When you hold him and flip him onto his back and give him the end of his tail, he immediately begins to nurse and knead the air or your arm. You figure that it’s more of a nervous habit than anything else.
Kitty!Ignis - He does not do this, but he does push his face into the blanket you’re using and knead on you quite a bit.
Kitty!Gladiolus - He doesn’t nurse but he is a kneader. Prepare to be prickled!
Kitty!Cor - On the rare occasions that you get him to cuddle with you he kneads on you. You’ve never seen him nurse.
Kitty!Iris - She kinda nurses now and then but it usually only happens if she picks up on the fact that you’re upset. It’s almost like she uses it to distract you.
Kitty!Aranea - Expect prickles when and if she does snuggle with you.
Kitty!Cindy - She just flops. Limp noodle all over you.
Kitty!Luna - She pushes her face against your blanket and kneads.
Kitty!Ravus - The first time he did this it surprised you, you watching him in silence and he seemed to slowly shy away from what he was doing when he noticed you watching him. You cooed to him softly, petting his ears and he went back to nursing and kneading on your blanket. You make sure that you’re alone with him so he can do this.
Kitty!Cid - Prickles against your belly, as he keeps himself cuddled close. No nursing though.
Kitty!Regis - Kinda - if given the opportunity he will wrap his paws about your neck and suck on your earlobe.
Kitty!Clarus - He kneads on you whenever he gets the chance to cuddle with you. No nursing though.
Kitten!Talcott - He still does this. He’ll nurse on your shirt collar, your blanket, your arm, anything he can latch his little mouth onto while he kneads.
Kitty!Gentiana - When she kneads on you, her paws are gentle, and feather light almost. No prickles.
Kitty!Ardyn - Nope. Just...No.
Kitty!Nyx - He likes to prickle you sure, but there’s no nursing involved anywhere.
Kitty!Libertus - He’ll do both, mostly when he’s a bit nervous it seems. He pushes his face against your belly and will nurse against your shirt or your blanket.
Kitty!Crowe - She’s much like Kitty!Aranea, she’ll prickle you if she cuddles with you, but no nursing in which to speak of.
Kitty!Pelna - He doesn’t nurse on you, but he might start washing any part of you he gets ahold of. [Wrist, arm, fingers, forehead, etc…]
Kitty!Titus - He prickles and kneads against you now and then when he cuddles, but does not nurse.
Kitty!Dino - He facemushes into anything shiny you wear, and will knead against you, he doesn’t nurse, but it’s like he has to push his mouth against the shiny thing for just a moment.
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mandakatt · 7 years
Kitty!AU - Shoulder Perch
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A/N: Kitters perchin on your shoulders huh? *grin* Well I know of three that do it without being prompted. The others. Let’s see what happens hm?
[ Also, Anon-san I am terribly sorry this took me so long. ♥ ]
Tagging: @momokitty27 @major-artery @blossattic @kairakara101 @itshaejinju @kayterschmater @lulie-chan @suzunesays @margherine @ravenvelith @stopmopingstarthoping @mysukisilentdeath @its-like-i-never-made-a-sound @indigochocobo @fromunseeliecourt @vaporwraithing 
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Kitty!Noctis - He’s a little confused the first couple times you put him on your shoulders. He’ll wobble a bit on your shoulder till he gets used to it. When you happen to be nibbling on something, he’ll gently reach out to it with his paw trying to get you to give it to him.
Kitty!Prompto - When you put him on your shoulders he mews and meows and burbles and tries to walk from one shoulder to the other, only to give off a surprised meow as he falls off. He’ll meow up at you till you pick him up and he can try again. He’ll eventually get the hang of it, but he’ll never stay just on one shoulder.
Kitty!Ignis - When you’re cooking in the kitchen, he’s instantly up on your shoulder, tail curled about his paws as he watches you work. It’s like he’s supervising you with what you’re doing.  When he loses his sight he’s never quite comfortable with sitting on your shoulders unless you’re sitting in a chair, and not moving around.
Kitty!Gladiolus - He’s almost too big for him to sit on your shoulder, so he drapes himself across the back of your neck. Purring softly from his new perch.
Kitty!Cor - If you’re sitting in the picture window he’ll be ok with being placed on your shoulder, mostly because he’s now able to see the birds better as they fly and flutter about the bird feeder. You chuckle, knowing you’ll have a present or two from him later.
Kitty!Iris - She burbles and grunts a little as you place her on your shoulder, her back feet slipping a bit as she tries to gain her footing. Once settled and you aren’t moving around and she puffs up her chest, purring softly as she sees the world from a new spot. She likes this, however when you move, and she slips again, she mewls loudly, having slight second thoughts.
Kitty!Aranea - She surprisingly does this to you on her own, and will often take up the opposite shoulder that Kitty!Ignis is sitting on. Her eyes are wide and she usually has to sniff at whatever your doing - however if you’re tasting any of your cooking, expect her paw in your face cause she wants to make sure it’s ‘ok’ for you to have.
Kitty!Cindy - She doesn’t sit on your shoulders but lets you drape her across yours. She goes a bit limp, and almost falls off of you a time or two, but eventually she figures out that if she extends her body around your neck that she’s not going anywhere. And will often sleep there while you’re out working in the garden or in the shed.
Kitty!Luna - Surprised by you putting her on your shoulder. She’ll burble curiously, a little confused by it before she realizes that you are making it so she can see what you’re doing. She then finds her voice, meowing at every little thing you do, wondering more or less “What’s this?!”
Kitty!Ravus - He’s very unsteady and will struggle to remain on your shoulder before he huffs softly and hops down. He’ll meow loudly in annoyance but then look up at you expectantly. You figure it’s because he has trouble with his front leg that he just can’t get the hang of it, but he wants to. You scoop him up and coo to him, kissing his face a bit - and this is one of the times where he lets you.
Kitty!Cid - He sits there for about three seconds before he rowls and grumps at you. Down. Now. But the moment you take him off your shoulder, he immediately curls into your chest, purring softly. He just wanted cuddles apparently.
Kitty!Regis - He tries to balance on your shoulder when you put him there, and he kinda gets it, but when you move he loses his balance, and it doesn’t get any better. So, he much like Kitty!Gladio he drapes himself across the back of your neck, purring and kneading on your shoulder.
Kitty!Clarus - Another one that’s almost too big to sit on your shoulders, but he’s not comfortable with sitting there either. He’ll jump down, and instead sit right next to you, or follow you around purring up at you. He doesn’t mind one bit to keep you company.
Kitten!Talcott - Wobble wobble but doesn’t fall down! He puffs up his chest with pride when he finally is able to sit on your shoulder steady, without falling off. Though, when you go to pet him, he loses his balance and clings to your shirt before climbing back up into place.
Kitty!Gentiana - She’s not around much for you to do this with, but when you do get the chance to put her on your shoulder she has no trouble sitting there, gently draping her tail across the back of your neck as you work.
Kitty!Ardyn - Sometimes you can get close to him to pick him up, usually when he’s in a good mood. When you put him on your shoulder, and after awhile, something snaps, and he bites down on your neck causing you to cry out. When you do, he darts off and hides. You never understand what gets into him sometimes.
Kitty!Nyx - Mr. Perches on your shoulders a lot does this for you. Usually the moment you come home he’ll run up and jump up on your shoulders, gently wrapping his tail about your neck like a necklace. You chuckle and reach up, rubbing his ears as you go about your chores, almost forgetting he’s there.
Kitty!Libertus - He wiggles and wobbles on your shoulder, never quite getting it down till he figures out that draping himself across your shoulders is the way to go. He purrs the entire time he’s there, and you actually have trouble getting him OFF your shoulders later.
Kitty!Crowe - When jumping down from her high place, she’ll use your shoulder to get down lower. Sometimes she’ll stop, and burble at you, while looking you into your eyes before purring, giving you a gentle headbutt then hops down to go about and do her thing.
Kitty!Pelna - He becomes a hat. Instead of balancing on your shoulders, he moves to the back of your neck, places his belly and chest against the top of your head, and drapes his paws almost on either side of your head. Sometimes he rests with his chin against your head, sometimes not.
Kitty!Titus - He sometimes will let you pick him up and place him there, but he doesn’t stay long. His little stubby tail wiggling in slight annoyance before he huffs and hops down.
Kitty!Dino - He’ll sit there for a moment before he notices your earring, or your necklace, and will do nothing but gently paw at them while he sits there. When you pause with what you’re doing he’ll gently curl his paw around it and smush his face against the shiny thing, cause it’s ...well shiny.
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mandakatt · 7 years
Which kitties are the ones that will play with the house’s insect invaders, and which are the ones that’ll just stare at it? Is there a kitty that drags spiders into the house in the first place?
A/N: *squints at your question* IF one of the kitters happens to drag in a spider, I’d be running away from said confused kitter. *giggle*  But, bugs in the house huh? Well, you’ve got your ‘avid’ hunters, then you got ones that make you wonder just….what the heck?
[Also, I apologize for this taking forever Anon-san. With the loss of my IRL kitter yesterday, I looked to your question for something to pull me out of my down and dark mood. So, thank you for asking this. ♥ ]
Tagging:  @momokitty27​ @major-artery​ @itshaejinju​ @kayterschmater​ @lulie-chan​ @margherine​ @kairakara101​ @ravenvelith​ @suzunesays​ @princess-of-lucis​ @blossattic
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Kitty!Noctis - He watches the most annoying fly in the world buzz around your room. He’ll bat at it if it zooms by, and if he manages to knock it to the floor, he’ll sniff at it a bit, only to watch it buzz around the room again.
Kitty!Prompto - He’ll pounce the annoying asian beetle that somehow found its way in. He will bat it around a bit before he suddenly makes a face, then pushes both paws down on it, before turning and skittering about to bat it all around the room, cause it’s stinky!
Kitty!Ignis - When he can see, he’ll watch the fly as it buzzes about with a keen eye, the moment it flies into the kitchen however, you swear his eyes glint, and he’ll make sure to pounce, and remove it from the room, depositing his ‘kill’ on the hall floor. When he can’t see - his ears will constantly turn, and he’ll be all on alert, burbling and meowing softly, constantly alerting you as to where the bug is, and you’ll have to remove it to calm his nerves.
Kitty!Gladiolus - He’ll move to where the middle of the room is and watch said bug intently. When it lands, he’ll crouch down, wiggle his backside and pounce, catching his prey easily. He’ll partly nibble on it though, then spit it out.
Kitty!Cor - A slow and methodical hunter. He will follow, not chase, the bug into every room of your home till he has it where he wants it and it is sufficiently cornered. He will kill it, and bring it to you, dropping it at your feet.
Kitty!Iris - She pounces everything that moves as it is. Spider crawling across the floor? *Pounce* Dust moving from behind the fridge? *pounce* Grasshopper accidentally making its way inside? *pounce*
Kitty!Aranea - She does “death from above” on everything. You’ve never seen a cat that will leap into the air to pounce on the centipede that happens to be crawling along your carpet. The fly that happened to land in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or the asian beetle that just happens to be buzzing and bouncing off the living room window.
Kitty!Cindy - She brings the bugs to you that she catches from outside and in the shed, and if it’s a flying bug, she’ll chase it about the house cause she didn’t kill it in the first place.
Kitty!Luna - She watches said bug flitter about, her ears turning slowly, her eyes wide. She doesn’t do anything about it however till it gets close to her, then she pounces on it, smushing it into the carpet. When she pulls back her paws, she’ll stare at her handy work, then meow sort of distraught. “Mom! Help! I hurt the thing!”
Kitty!Ravus - He’ll watch said bug for awhile, but if it gets anywhere near his sister, he’s quick to pounce on it, killing it instantly, and leaving it’s corpse for you to find easily.
Kitty!Cid - He ignores them, less they land on him, or crawl right by him. He’ll bat at them a little with his paws, but he doesn’t do much more than that.
Kitty!Regis - He plays with it, batting it around, watching it fly [if it can still] about then pouncing on it. He’ll play with it most of the day, getting a bit wild eyed here and there, and even going so far as to throw his head back, flail a bit then smush his face down on said bug.
Kitty!Clarus - He watches the bug, his ears turning a bit, but he doesn’t make a move, till one of his kids tries to go after it, then he’s on top of it before they even get the second butt wiggle out.
Kitten!Talcott - WIGGLE MODE ENGAGED - Many butt wiggles, many attempts at pouncing, and trying to get said bug, you’ll even hear a soft mewl in frustration then a crash. Rushing into where the noise was heard, he toddles to you slowly, chest puffed up with said bug in his mouth.
Kitty!Gentiana - Doesn’t really do anything about them, other than watch. If it lands near her though, her paw moves fast enough to smush said bug under it, then she tucks her paw under her chest like she hadn’t moved in the first place.
Kitty!Ardyn - He watches, quietly. Waiting, before he pounces it at the last second. You then find its corpse later in your bed, or your favorite chair. You’ve watched him even put the dead cockroaches right next to Noctis as he sleeps.
Kitty!Nyx - The moment you shriek in surprise [ because we all know that bugs seem to do that. ] He’s on top of it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a small asian beetle, or a spider, or a cockroach – Just expect to hear him crunching on it after he catches it.
Kitty!Libertus - He’s kinda slow to act, more curious on anything. He’ll approach the bug, his ears turning back and forth as he sniffs it. If it makes a stink, he’ll huff, then bap it with his paws.
Kitty!Crowe - Death from above. The moment it crawls across the floor anywhere near that she can leap to from her normal high perch, she does. Landing on the unsuspecting victim with all four paws.
Kitty!Pelna - He sits on his rump and watches it, curiously. His ears turn back and forth, and if it comes close to him, he’ll gently prod it with a paw.
Kitty!Titus - Whatever it was, it’s dead and mashed into the carpet. And no, he is never sorry.
Kitty!Dino - He freaks out with the 8 legged bugs [ aka Spiders! ], fluffing up a little and running away from it to watch from a distance. He’ll smack flies and other bugs out of the air though, and play with said bug till it dies.
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mandakatt · 7 years
how would the kitties react to someone flopping onto their stomach to just lay in the middle of the room on the floor? - Cutie-Anon
A/N: Cutie-Anon! Hey I – *blinks, watching you flop down face first on the floor, her head tilting a little. She smirks, then flops down on her back next to you, humming softly* First of all, I’m so sorry this one took me so long. 
And, well, you flopping down on the floor is a moment of concern for all the kitters, because they’re all like ‘Wait, that’s not normal.’ but they all react to their concern in a different way.
So here you go Doll. ♥
Tagging: @momokitty27 @itshaejinju @blossattic @ultimate-flavor-experience @lulie-chan @kairakara101 @princess-of-lucis @ravenvelith @suzunesays @kayterschmater @major-artery @beatus-flos-imagines 
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Kitty!Noctis - He perks up from whatever he’s doing [Sleeping, eating, etc.] and trots up to you, sniffing your hair first. He’ll give off a soft burble of sorts then flop against your head and slide down to the floor, purring softly.
Kitty!Prompto - The moment you lay on the floor, he thinks it’s a game, and trots up, trilling and burbling softly. He’ll meow at you an absolute bunch, even going so far as to meow so long he runs out of breath. When you lift your hand to pet him, he instantly moves close to cuddle under your arm.
Kitty!Ignis - When he can see, he’ll walk up and sit above your head, tail curled gently about his paws as his ears turn as he studies you. When you groan softly, he’ll get to his feet then move closer, giving a gentle headbutt to the side of your head.  When he can’t see, he’ll search for you because he’ll have heard you lay on the floor. He’ll pad up when he finds you, sniffing your hair, your hands, your fingers. When you gently pet him back, he seems to relax, knowing you’re fine, you’re just laying there, and he’ll kitty loaf next to you.
Kitty!Gladiolus - He’ll come trotting up to you shortly after you lay down. His ears turning a bit, tail held high. He’ll push his face into your hair, then headbutt you. Then headbutt you again, and a third time before he flops next to your chest, his head pressed against you.
Kitty!Cor - He watches you for awhile, before he slowly pads up, and sniffs a bit at your hands and your face. His ears will turn a little before you reach up to pet him, and he just simply sits nearby to watch you.
Kitty!Iris - She rushes up a moment, and immediately flops across your hands, purring loudly. When you attempt to pull your hands out from under her she’ll latch onto your wrist, and start washing your hand. When you try to get up, realize that she will not let go, and you’ll have to stay there till she decides you’re done laying on the floor.  
Kitty!Aranea - She’ll wander up, and sniff you a bit, even accept a little bit of petting, but she does nothing more than that, and will wander off after watching you for a bit.
Kitty!Cindy - You flopped! She likes to flop too! And she’ll prove it by wandering up when you’re laying down, in one of her random visits into the house, and will flop next to you, her eyes watching you as she purrs softly.
Kitty!Luna - She’ll be one that immediately climbs up onto your back. Kitty-loafing between your shoulders. She’ll start to purr softly and let herself fall asleep but will only get up when you start to move.
Kitty!Ravus - He’ll slowly wander over, watching his sister a moment before he checks on you, sniffing softly here and there, before he’ll curl up next to you, tail gently wrapped about his paws.
Kitty!Cid - He’s the one that lays on the small of your back and refuses to get up, no matter what way you turn. Only when you promise to cuddle him under a blanket and swear to not put his sweater on him, does he get up, meowing at you softly.
Kitty!Regis -  He burbles, and meows at you curiously, but when you sort of mumble, he works his way under your arm, purring as he nuzzles his face against yours.
Kitty!Clarus - He sits at your side, ears perked forward, eyes looking down at you curiously. He doesn’t do a thing till you move, then he’ll seek out your hands, and nuzzle against them.
Kitten!Talcott - He’ll mew at you constantly, cause he’s worried. You don’t normally do that! So.. he has to make his voice known! When you talk to him however, and he realizes that you’re alright, he’ll bound up and play with your fingers, pouncing on them, and rolling over to rabbit kick them.
Kitty!Gentiana -  She just appears laying on your legs, and you’re not exactly sure how and or when she got there.
Kitty!Ardyn - He glares at you from across the room. And you swear if he could roll his eyes at you, he would have.
Kitty!Nyx - Your shoulders are fair game as he perches on them when you’re standing upright anyway, so he’ll meow at you softly a few times before he climbs up, and drapes himself across the back of your shoulders, purring softly.
Kitty!Libertus - His initial reaction is one of worry, trotting over to burble and nuzzle at you. Once you talk to him, tell him you’re fine, he seems to relax, and gently flops against you, purring quietly.
Kitty!Crowe - She watches you from on top of the bookshelf, her ears turning back and forth gently before she burbles once or twice at you. When you respond to her, she seems to quiet down, kitty loafing on top of the bookshelf.
Kitty!Pelna - He’ll come up and headbutt you gently, rubbing the entire length of his body along your head before he flops over with a soft grunt, and just watches you quietly.
Kitty!Titus - He perches himself on the middle of your back, his stubby tail flicking back and forth rapidly. When you’ve used your phone to take a picture of him, he sits there with his chest puffed out, as if he’s conquered you. But then you remind him of who’s in charge when you go to stand up.
Kitty!Dino - He puts things on you from his hoard, all over your back, and you’ve learned that if you lay there long enough, you will eventually get back the item you’ve been looking for, for over a week.
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mandakatt · 7 years
Cats bring their owners dead animals because they think they’re bad hunters and don’t want them to starve. Do the kitties do this? (I expect Kitty!Ardyn doesn’t.)
A/N: Ahh “Presents!” as most Kitter-owners call them, not realizing that yes, your kitter believes that you’re a bad hunter and you need help. So they must save you! Right? =3
Yes, they all do this, even Ardyn. *surprised gasp!* But some of these guys don’t bring you the typical “kill’ either. =3 I hope this makes you smile if nothing else Anon-San!
Tagging: @momokitty27 @major-artery @itshaejinju @lulie-chan @princess-of-lucis @ultimate-flavor-experience @kayterschmater @suzunesays @ravenvelith @kairakara101 @blossattic @beatus-flos-imagines 
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Kitty!Noctis - Socks. Doesn’t matter if they are dirty or clean, he brings you socks. You swear it’s because he wants to nest, but he wants to nest near you. You watched him once, bring up 10 pairs of socks from your washing in the laundry room.
Kitty!Prompto - Birds. He watches them out the picture window most of the time, so he’s perfected the way of hunting them. He puffs up his chest in pride when you wrap his kill up in a paper towel, though he’s never sure what you do with it, but that’s good right?
Kitty!Ignis - Mice and Voles. He goes through the painstaking process of lining them up for you on the back deck, so when you walk out the door, your kill is ready and waiting for you.
Kitty!Gladiolus - Snakes and Geckos. He puffs his chest out proudly as the snake or lizard hangs from his jaws, purr-rumbling even louder when you gingerly take it from him, thanking him of course, before you “Wrap it up for later.”
Kitty!Cor - Squirrels and chipmunks. He doesn’t do this often, but he’ll bring them to you, and rest them just outside the backdoor for you, sitting there till you notice him and them. He purrs loudly when you rub his ears in thanks, and waits for you to take his kill from him in what you always wrap them up in.
Kitty!Iris - Beetles. You don’t know where in the astrals name’s she finds them, but she does, and she puts them right at your feet, meowing softly up at you. You rub her ears in thanks, and wrap the gift up in paper towels, to dispose of later.
Kitty!Aranea - Birds and Mice. She usually deposits the half eaten kill on the deck near your feet. You’ll voice your thanks, and if you move away to go grab a towel, she’ll run off with it.
Kitty!Cindy - Beetles and Mice. She’ll bring them to you when you’re lounging out on the back deck, hopping up on your lap and putting it there. You no longer freak out, and gently rub her ears in thanks. You move your gift to the deck and come back to get it after she wanders back to the shed.
Kitty!Luna - Catnip toys. Usually, she’ll drop the catnip mouse on your lap, and if you move to set it on the floor, she gets frustrated, meows loudly, grabs it again and puts it back on your lap. When you accept her ‘kill’ she purrs loudly, chest puffing up a bit.
Kitty!Ravus - Candies in wrappers. He sees you eating them all the time, so they’re what ‘feeds’ you right? He’ll bring them up [ and he seems to prefer only bringing you the fun size snicker bars ] and plops them down on your lap, purring softly. He melts and almost flops over on you when you rub his ears in thanks.
Kitty!Cid - Mice. You’re surprised the first time he does it, gingerly laying his kill for you at your feet to rowl up at you loudly. When you hesitate, he’ll pick up the kill then put it on your foot, raspy purring loudly. You have to bend down, take it off your foot, and rub his ears as you thank him, as you wander off to grab a paper towel to wrap it up and dispose of it when he’s asleep.
Kitty!Regis - Grasshoppers and Snakes. He will always rest the kill on the end of the deck, panting softly eyes wide as he looks up at you before he meows long and loud. When you coo, and thank him with a gentle rub to his ears, he’ll rub against you as you pick up his kill in a paper towel, purring as you take it into the house to “Put it to good use.”
Kitty!Clarus - Geckos and Mice. Much like his son, he presents them to you, his kill hanging from his jaws as he gives off a muffled mow around it. When you notice he has something for you, you instantly grab the paper towel to have him drop it into it. You wrap it up, and praise him softly, causing him to purr rumble loudly.
Kitten!Talcott - Toy balls with bells in them. He mimic’s Prompto, but with toys. After he pounces, and shakes his kill [ you always giggle when the bell inside the toy rings rapidly ] he’ll toddle over to you and plop it on your lap. When you coo and rub his little ears, he meows loudly, and proudly - because he killed the thing!
Kitty!Gentiana - Leaves. She will bring you 5 of them, lining them up on your deck, and she lays them there, from one end of the color spectrum to the other. She burbles softly up at you proudly, tail flicking as you gather them up, and rub her ears in thanks.
Kitty!Ardyn - Underpants, specifically men’s underpants. Boxers. Boy shorts. You name it, he brings it. ALWAYS putting them down by your feet to show you his prize, and he stares at you intently until you pick them up. Once you’ve ‘accepted his gift’ he’ll wander off, leaving you to wonder if he’s somehow judging your wardrobe choices.
Kitty!Nyx - Cockroaches. He leaves them for you by the back door, and even caught one that happened to fly up at you. When you shrieked he lept from the floor and caught it mid-air, you hearing the loud crunch as he killed it, and dropped it at your feet. [ He is now officially your Hero. ]
Kitty!Libertus - Birds, Mice and Voles. He will hold them in his mouth until you let him in, and he can put them down at your feet, pushing at them lightly with his paw, till you wrap it up in a paper towel and take it off somewhere.
Kitty!Crowe - Odds and ends. She’s brought you everything from old used fireworks, to sticks, to corn husks, to the shells of some really big seeds. And she leaves them in a pile for you to find… at the side of your bed. She purrs contentedly when you rub her ears in thanks.
Kitty!Pelna - Plastic bags. The bags from your shopping always end up in a neat pile near the end of your bed. He purrs at you loudly when you thank him with a gentle rub to his ears, as you scoop up his gifts.
Kitty!Titus - Mice, Voles, Squirrels. [ And one unfortunate Rabbit. ] He will place them just inside the door of the mud room for you to find. And he will sit and wait, chest puffed out as he sees you take his kill. You’ll gently pat his head [ as that’s all he’ll allow ] before he wanders off.
Kitty!Dino - Shiny things. You can’t help but laugh at him as he brings you everything that happens to catch his eye. Your necklace you thought you ‘lost’ weeks ago. That tinfoil ball you tried to throw away from last night’s dinner. The sparkle pompom toys he loves to bat around. You are always thankful and appreciative of his gifts and rub his chin gently.
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mandakatt · 7 years
for the kitty au! how would each cat react to friends in the house? like would they be friendly to people in the house or would they run off and hide?
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A/N: Again, I apologize for the wait on this one my dear Anon’s! *deep bow*
I hope you’ll forgive me for combining these asks of yours. These guys are all a little bit different in that regard to meeting new people, and what happens after said people come around a bunch more. Some are friendly, some are curious, some just out right bolt for the nearest hiding spot and some are jealous of the cuddling going on..
So, let’s see how they react hm?
♥ Tagging: @momokitty27 @itshaejinju @blossattic @kayterschmater @insomniacapples @ultimate-flavor-experience @lulie-chan @major-artery @suzunesays @ravenvelith @princess-of-lucis @kairakara101​ @beatus-flos-imagines 
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Kitty!Noctis - If he’s not sleeping, he just kinda sits back and watches for awhile, his tail tip gently flicking up and down as his blue eyes seem to study your visitor. Slowly he’ll approach, sitting nearby as he studies them. When your S/O puts their arm around you, his ears perk forward, and he’ll immediately hop up on your lap. He’ll meow once, curious, before settling down on your lap, keeping close. [It’s safe to say he’s a little jealous at your close proximity.]
Kitty!Prompto - He is the friendly kitter everyone wants to meet, or gets forced to meet the moment they walk in the door. His friendly burbles and meows pretty much stating that they are now his new best friend. When your S/O gets close to you, he’ll want to be in on it too, cause that just means more cuddles for him, and he’ll take up your S/O’s lap, and snuggle himself close.
Kitty!Ignis - When he has his sight, he’s genuinely curious on the newcomer that you’ve welcomed into your home. His eyes will study them constantly but he never approaches. Not until they’ve visited a few times. When your S/O snuggles close, Ignis will approach closer, and sit at your feet, his head lowering a bit as his ears remain perked forward - like he’s watching you for any sort of discomfort. When he loses his sight, he’s a bit more timid, ears constantly turning as he listens, only growing more friendly the more he recognizes the noises they make, or the sound of their voice. When your S/O cuddles close to you, Ignis will move and listen intently, his ears turning back when he hears the two of you kiss. He’ll come close and sit nearby, purring softly with his approval.
Kitty!Gladiolus - He’ll slowly approach, his pupils going wide a moment as his ears turn back and forth, before they perk forward and he looks up at them, then mow’s once in greeting. When they coo back to him, he’s rubbing against their leg, purring softly. When your S/O puts their arm around you, however, he’s instantly jealous, and wedges himself between the two of you. He wants cuddles too.
Kitty!Cor - Cautious is a good word. He’ll study them for a long time. Keeping his distance, no matter how many times they call to him, or coo to him. The first time your S/O puts their arm around you however, he’s up on your lap, and he growls softly, startling you both, which gives him pause. You soothe him with pets, and he slowly understands that the closeness between you is allowed. Specially when your S/O discovers that sweet spot to rub behind his ears.
Kitty!Iris - She acts as her brother’s shadow, following him slowly, her ears perked forward, her eyes wide. When she sees Gladio rub and greet your visitor, well then, she has to do the same, though she’ll do the opposite side - effectively surrounding your visitor’s leg in between two very large fluffy kitters. When your S/O snuggles close, Iris wants in on it too, but not from you, from them! She’ll hop up on your S/O’s lap, and rub against their stomach and chest, mewing sweetly. Pay attention to me now please!
Kitty!Aranea - When they visit the first time, she watches them quietly. Her ears turning gently as she sits down where she can watch them no matter where they move to. When you and your S/O draw close however, she’ll just simply turn, and leave the room.
Kitty!Cindy - She’s genuinely curious about said new person, burbling and chirping as she comes trotting up to them in the back yard. She’ll pause a little ways away however, ears turning as she listens to them, before slowly walking up to rub up against their leg a little. When your S/O happens to lean over and kiss your cheek she mews curiously, pawing at them before she puts her paws up on them, begging to be picked up. She wants kisses too.
Kitty!Luna - Surprisingly she’s the second one [ right behind Prompto ] to greet your visitor near the door. She’ll burble, or trill constantly at the newcomer, padding forward a bit, only to look back and make sure they’re following her inside. She’ll purr, but she’ll remain at a bit of a distance at first, before she’s all too content to take up their lap when they visit again. Your S/O has just come to accept the fact that whenever they visit, she’s perched on their lap the moment they sit down, no matter how close they get to you.
Kitty!Ravus - He is always visible as Luna is one to greet them, but he doesn’t approach at first. He’ll be shadowing her - making sure that you’re not going to do anything uncouth to his sister. After a couple visits though, he might be convinced to get a pet or two. When your S/O grows close to you he just turns and leaves the room.
Kitty!Cid - When your visitor comes over the first time, the most they get out of him is a sleepy glare over his shoulder before he curls up tighter in his sunbeam to go to sleep. Your friends tell you the grump grows on them. When you and your S/O draw close, he’ll struggle a bit, but he will get himself between the two of you, raspy purring away at the warmth he’s soaking up from the two of you.
Kitty!Regis - He’ll be curious instantly of course. His ears turning, his eyes wide, his tail flicking back and forth once. Well that’s all the time he needs for introductions, and he’s instantly up on your friends lap, purring and kneading away. When your S/O snuggles up to you, Regis wants in on the cuddles too, and will push himself between you in such a way that you have to hold him so he can headbutt your S/O.
Kitty!Clarus - He’ll be sitting somewhere your visitor can see him. His ears perked forward, his eyes narrow slits before his pupils widen in surprise as Regis seems to take to your visitor instantly. His tail tip will flick slowly but he remains where he is, just sort of watching. When your S/O and you cuddle up, he’ll approach and rub gently somehow against your S/O before purring softly and wandering off.
Kitten!Talcott - So nervous with new people that they don’t know you have him. He’ll usually dart under the couch, or the bed, or down to the basement. When your visitor comes over multiple times however, he’ll grow curious, and slowly come out to greet your visitor with soft purrs and little mews. When you and your S/O draw close though, he’s curious as to what you’re doing, and will hop up on their lap, and stare up at them curiously, ears turning gently.
Kitty!Gentiana - The first time your visitor comes over, they notice her, then they notice that she’s gone. They don’t see her again till their third or fourth visit, getting surprised by the fact that she’s suddenly on their lap. When your S/O snuggles up to you though, she’s on your lap, her eyes mostly closed as she purrs, apparently happy at the situation.
Kitty!Ardyn - You warned them. You did. Multiple times. “It’s an act. I swear. Don’t trust him.” Each time they came over, he was sweet, and purred, and rubbed against them gently, even letting them pet him. When your S/O is a constant visitor however, some switch flips, and he hisses, and darts off every time they greet him.
Kitty!Nyx - He watches your visitor for a few moments before meowing and trotting up. His ears turn as his wide eyes stare up at them, and when they coo, he leaps up, landing and laying down across their shoulders, purring softly. When you and your S/O draw close, he’s either on your shoulders, or theirs. He wants to be close to the both of you after all.
Kitty!Libertus - He’s cautious, not timid really, but he’s slow to warm up to your visitor right away. By the second visit though, he’s purring up at them softly, his tail held high, and he arches up into their gentle pets. When you and your S/O cuddle up to each other, he at first, wants to be involved, because if you two are sitting that close, that means cuddles for him too, after about 20 minutes though, he’s done, and he’ll wander off.
Kitty!Crowe - You’ve warned your visitor that “You will feel like you’re being watched when you first visit.” And they laughed at you - till they were met with her large eyes as she sat up on top of the bookcase, almost watching them like a gargoyle. Needless to say they were a bit nervous with her. When your S/O gets close to you her ears will turn, and she’ll sort of huff, as turns away from the two of you, curling up to go to sleep.
Kitty!Pelna - Within the first 10 minutes of their visit, they’ll hear him meow and burble up at them, only to moments later leap from where ever he is into their arms, forcing them to catch him. “He does that to me too. ALL the time. Guess it means he likes you.” When you and your S/O cuddle up, he’ll do what he can to get behind you, giving you each a gentle headbutt and a rub before he wanders off.
Kitty!Titus - Your visitor was greeted with a low growl. A soft warning. You chided him softly at his actions, but Titus does it again later, and each time they visit. Though, with every visit, his growls grow softer, and shorter, till they are non-existent.  The first time you and your S/O get close to each other, Titus is almost between you, growling softly. You soothe him as does your S/O, telling him they weren’t going to hurt you, and they got nothing but a glare. [ Better make sure he never finds out if they do. ]
Kitty!Dino - Happy meows and burbles greet your visitor upon their arrival. After they’ve settled in, Dino will bring them a shiny, and when you explain what it is he’s giving them, Dino is all too content to rub his head into their pettings. When your S/O and you get closer, Dino wants in on it too, but oh look, your S/O is wearing something shiny! And he’ll do what he can to grab said shiny object, and just smush his face against it, purring softly - be it a necklace, their earring, or a button on their shirt.
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mandakatt · 7 years
Which kitty is the clingiest?
A/N:  *facepalms and hides behind her fingers* Sorry about the long wait again Anon-San. You would think I would be able to get these answered for you, faster than a month.
So, Clingy kitters huh?. Each of these guys is kinda different, so, I hope this is what you were kinda looking for Anon-San. In terms of being the clingiest, it’s a tie between Prompto, Gladio, Regis, Nyx and Pelna, but allow me to break this down into a bit of detail for you.
♥ Tagging: @momokitty27 @major-artery @itshaejinju @blossattic @kayterschmater @ultimate-flavor-experience @lulie-chan @suzunesays @ravenvelith @princess-of-lucis @kairakara101
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Kitty!Noctis - He’s usually not all that clingy with you, as he’s usually sleeping the entirety of the day away. However, when he does demand your attention however, he’s the type that will sleepily pull your hand into his belly, while rubbing his face against your arm.
Kitty!Prompto - Your sunshine kitter is uber clingy with you when you first get home. Expect to hear him burble, meow, and purr up at you as he circles about your legs. [ You’ve learned to wait out his greetings before moving, less you accidentally kick him. ] When you’ve been home most of the day, he’s still somewhat clingy. Laying on your lap, climbing in the hood of your hoodie, just so he can be with you.
Kitty!Ignis - When he has his sight and when he loses it, he’s not particularly clingy, more just wishes to be in your presence. You’ll look around and suddenly find him close by, purring away as he watches you, more than likely when you’re in the kitchen.
Kitty!Gladiolus - The King of Headbutts needs you to pick him up now please. You were gone so long! [ when in reality it could have been as little as 5 minutes. ] He will meow and rub on your legs until you do so. Once he’s gotten it out of his system, he’s never far from you, following you about. Purring and meowing at you now and then.
Kitty!Cor - He is your constant shadow, more to observe then to be clingy. Though when the mood strikes, he’ll wander up, meow once to get your attention, or gently paw at your ankle or hand, and will purr loudly when you reach to rub his ears.
Kitty!Iris - Little fluffy princess demands your attention, now. No not later. NOW. She’s sort of similar to her brother, and will rub against you to gain your attention, and begins to purr oh so loudly when you pick her up and she can gently touch her paws to your face.
Kitty!Aranea - She is clingy on her own terms. When she does get kinda clingy, she will come up to you, sit near by and just purr at you. She’s never vocal about it, but if you somehow don’t notice, she will place her paw on your hand or your foot to gain your attention.
Kitty!Cindy - Little miss Limp-Noodle will bound up to you when you come outside, as she’s usually hanging out in your shed, meowing at you as she looks up at you expectantly. She would like cuddles please. When you pick her up, she just kinda dangles in your hands till you bring her close to your body, cradling her gently, so that she can nuzzle on you a bit.
Kitty!Luna - Independant Princess has her moods for being clingy, and it’s mostly at night before you go to bed. But you have to play the game of mouse under the blanket to get her to leave your feet alone first. Once finished playing she’ll get a little clingy and stick by your chest as you lay down, before taking up her usual spot behind your knees.
Kitty!Ravus - He’s another one that’s affectionate in anyway on his own terms. If he’s in the mood to be clingy with you he’ll quietly sit by you, his heterochromia eyes watching you before he gives off the absolute biggest purr when he nuzzles into your hand.
Kitty!Cid - If it’s warm, and there’s a sunbeam, do not expect him to move. If it’s cold however, he gets super clingy with you. You actually have to buy that special hoody with the cat pocket in the front to wear while you’re at home because you need your hands to do things compared to holding Cid.
Kitty!Regis - Kingly kitter will meow up at you sweetly, purring and rubbing against you to gain your attention when he’s in a clingy mood. He then becomes your dirty old man as he wraps his paws about your neck every time you pick him up so he can purr into your ear.  
Kitty!Clarus - He usually is clingy when you’re sitting or lying down. He’ll give off a loud rumbly purr as he instantly crawls across your lap, so that you can easily rub his head and ears.
Kitten!Talcott - He does not hold still much for you to truly understand if he’s clingy or not. One moment he’ll be all cuddled up in your arms, the next he’s squirming and mewling to be put down.
Kitty!Gentiana - She just appears next to you suddenly when she wants attention, her sweet purrs reaching your ears. You’ve come to accept her sudden and random appearances and no longer jump in surprise when she’s just suddenly on your lap.
Kitty!Ardyn - Ardyn does not cling to you unless you have upset him [ not that it takes much. ] and will CLING to your arm, BITING your hand and fingers.
Kitty!Nyx - When his clingy mood strikes, which is often - also known as always, and your shoulders is where you’ll find him. He’s all too content to climb you like a tree and rub his head against yours, purring loudly in your ears.
Kitty!Libertus - He’s only semi-subtle with being clingy, as in he thinks he’s hiding the fact that he is. When you sit down to relax, he will immediately be at your side, front paws on your lap as he purrs to you, when you rub his ears, he will kitty-loaf onto your lap, and will refuse to move.  
Kitty!Crowe - She is subtle with her clinginess as it blends into how she asks for pets. She will slowly approach, and will work her way up, little by little, and will wait till you are not paying her any attention to cuddle herself onto your lap.
Kitty!Pelna - Demands the cuddles now! He’s one that will give you only a small meow of warning before he jumps up into your arms - you having to immediately drop anything you were holding less he slam into your chest and fall to the floor. [ and he looks smug every damned time. ]
Kitty!Titus - Again, another that only is clingy when the mood strikes. He’ll meow at you to get your attention, and when you bend to pet him, he will deliberately make your fingers walk along his body from head to tail tip.
Kitty!Dino - Clingy most of the time with you, and he gets your attention by meowing and mewing loudly, or will hold something shiny in his mouth and meow around it. When you pick him up he will nuzzle or lay against your chest, purring deeply.
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mandakatt · 7 years
How does each kitter react to having their nose smooched and booped? :3
A/N: Hiiiii love! *glomphugsnugle* I give you the snuggle because I wish to apologize for how long this has taken me. I know it’ hasn’t been ‘that’ long, but I hate it when my muse suddenly decides that she’s gonna just give up on all the things.
Muse: How dare you.Me: Pardon?Muse: You just called me out didn’t you?Me: Hmn? No no, not at all. I WOULD NEVER…Muse: *scoffs* Someone’s bitter.Me: You’re pushing your luck, I will force you to work today if you don’t knock it off.Muse: Force me to work you say? Hah! I doubt you could inspire me….Me: *finds Angst, more angst, and very little comfort stories to read* Muse: …AUGH fine…STOP IT, I need fluff.
Right then, anyway, here you are dear. ♥
Tagging: @itshaejinju @major-artery @momokitty27 @sweetchocobae @blossattic @suzunesays @lulie-chan @ultimate-flavor-experience @beatus-flos-imagines
♥ If you wish to no longer be tagged, let me know! ♥
How does each kitter react to having their nose smooched and booped:
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Kitty!Noctis - When you boop his snoot, you do it when he’s half asleep, his front paws wiggling lightly before he wakes up with a snort. He looks at you completely indignant, causing you to laugh. “Ah, Sorry Sleepy-head.” and you immediately bend down, and smooch his nose instead. His ears splay slightly, his eyes close happily, and he burbles up at you softly.
Kitty!Prompto - Ears turn and he erupts into a bunch of loud meows and mews translating roughly to: What’s this? What was that? Why was–What did I do? Mom? Mom!? What was that, why was that? Where go, where we going? What doing, oh, picking me up? Why? Wha? Oh.. Oh. *purr* You promptly smooch his nose after the initial conversation of - you did it because he was there, because he’s cute, and he’s your sunshine boy - but then again, you’re not sure if he understands that either, but the kiss always and immediately calms him down.
Kitty!Ignis - He, is one for the dramatics. When you boop his nose, he’ll look up at you, then immediately flop over onto his side with a grunt, and almost plays dead. When you laugh, and coo at him, he’s instantly on his feet, and purring up at you. You gently pick him up, and smooch his nose, which causes him to purr louder, and start to knead his paws against your arm.
Blind Kitty!Ignis - Acts almost exactly the same when he had sight, except for how you approach the boop. If you say you’re going to boop him, he sits, and waits for it. If you do it unexpectedly, there’s extra theatrics. Such as a soft rowl as he flops over.
Kitty!Gladiolus - He pushes into your finger when you boop him, effectively smooshing his face up to curl his upper lip upwards, showing his teeth. When you laugh he draws his head back, washes your finger, then rubs against it again. When you bend down to smooch him, he’s over the moon, burbling and purring, and headbutting against your lips so you have to pretty much smooch him all over.
Kitty!Cor - You watch him quietly, one of those rare moments where he’s on your lap, and you reach out, and gently push your finger against his nose. “Boop.” he draws his head back, ears turning, before he looks up at you. His expression is patient if you were to give it any sort of a description, causing you to laugh a little, but you pout when he sighs and gets up to leave. “Aw, I’m sorry Cor.” He pauses and turns to you then, moving close to place his paws on your chest, and get eye level with you for pets. You pet him gently, and smooch his nose. He draws back again, ears turning before he moves quickly to the edge of the chair, or the couch, and he sits there, with his back to you. You think you embarrassed him.
Kitty!Iris - Her paws immediately wrap about your hand the moment you touch her nose, her teeth come out and she gently nips and tugs on your finger. You’re playing right? So only fair she plays with you back. When you complain in mock pain, she darts up to her feet, ears turning curiously. When you giggle and scoop her up into your arms, she instantly purrs, her paws gently bapping against your face before you smooch her nose, and she goes quiet, and look at you wide eyed with surprise. Before you giggle, and her purring resumes, only to headbutt your chin after.
Kitty!Aranea - She’ll huff, and flop over a bit, her eyes slowly closing. You know that she doesn’t care for affection much, but you can’t help it. So you lean close, and gently smooch her nose. Her eyes open, wide a moment before she lets them close again. The only thing that tells you she’s not mad - is the small curling of her paws, kneading on nothing at all.
Kitty!Cindy - Booping her nose is like turning her off. She flops over, and looks up at you, wondering why you did such a thing. When you laugh and scoop her up into your arms, she’s a limp noodle, you gently lay her on her back, and coddle her like one would a baby. You bend your head, and smooch her nose, then giggle as she starts to purr, and her eyes seem to close in delight.
Kitty!Luna - Her ears turn back and forth as she stares at you after you boop her nose. She burbles softly, causing you to bring your hand up again, only to have her paws wrap about you hand, as she washes your finger. When you laugh softly, she stops, and stares at you intently. You dip your head and smooch her nose, causing her eyes to close and a loud purr to rumble from her chest, and now every time you dip your head, she closes her eyes and waits for you to smooch her nose.
Kitty!Ravus - His eyes cross a moment before he practically glares up at you as you withdraw your hand. His ears turn gently before he gives you a soft growl then settles back into place wherever he was resting when you interrupted him by pressing your finger gently against his nose, and lets his eyes close. When you coo to him, his eyes pop open only to go wide when you smooch him. He continues to stare at you wide eyed, causing you to laugh a little, but he doesn’t seem to not like it.
Kitty!Cid - When you boop his nose, he literally looks up at you with such a grumpy glare, that you burst out laughing. His large ears turn at your laughter before he slowly stands from wherever he was and he moves up to you, rowling long and low. You bend down to pick him up of course, cause you never deny your old codger, and he starts to purr, curling his paws in on himself to snuggle down into your arms. You bend your head and smooch his nose, his ears twitching with the soft ‘muah’, and you notice that his purr grows ever louder.
Kitty!Regis - He gives off almost what could be considered a purring snort as you push your finger against his nose. He lifts his head and seems to squint his eyes in amusement as he lifts his head to your finger, smooshing his face into it as he rubs against you. When you scoop him up, his paws instantly wrap about your neck and when you smooch his nose, he presses harder into your lips, his eyes closing as he keeps his head there.
Kitty!Clarus - His paws instantly wrap about your hand as you boop his nose. He gently bites down on your finger, then washes a little. Before he bends his head, and nuzzles his forehead into your finger. When you finally are able to pull your hand back, you bend down, and smooch his nose. He purrs loudly, his eyes closing as he smooshes his face into your nose.
Kitten!Talcott - When you boop his nose he flops over instantly, burbling in confusion. He scrambles to get back up to his feet which causes you to coo to him softly and pick him up. He stares at you kinda wide eyed, his ears turning a little before his soft purrs reach your ears as you smooch his nose in apology. His small paws start to knead against your fingers.
Kitty!Gentiana - She slowly tilts her head back, pulling her nose away from your finger. She glances up at you then and you instantly withdraw your hand. She purrs then, and slowly stands, and stretches, before taking up your lap. She lifts her paws to your chest and promptly pushes her nose to your lips, causing you to giggle.
Kitty!Ardyn - Booping his nose turns on the “let’s see if we need stitches.” dispenser. You do not do this. The only time you get away with smooching him is when he’s relaxed after coming back from the vet. He accepts the smooch to his nose, his ears turning slightly before he sighs and wanders off.
Kitty!Nyx - He makes the weirdest noise when you boop him, and the only way you can describe it is “Prrt.” It’s a noise that sounds like when he’s purring but it gets cut off by a grunt. When you laugh, he purrs louder, and you scoop him up, smooching his nose. He “Prrt”s again, causing you to smile as he starts to knead against your arm.
Kitty!Libertus - When you boop his nose, his ears turn, and he looks up at you curiously before giving off a soft burbling mow. “What was that for?” when you giggle and coo, scooping the large fluffy boy into your arms and smooch his nose, he starts to purr, but lowers his head, his ears turning gently, you can feel him fluff up against you a bit, before he seems to puff up his chest a little.
Kitty!Crowe - You reach up, and boop her nose as she was laying on top of your bookcase. Her ears turn a little before one of her paws whaps against your hand, no claws. You chuckle and reach to do it again only to have her paw curl about your finger and draw your finger against her face, washing and rubbing against it slowly. When she comes down from her perch later, you move close as she’s sitting on the counter, and smooch her nose quickly in passing. She burbles at you and follows quietly behind you.
Kitty!Pelna - You reach out and boop his nose when he’s sitting on the dining table. “You know you’re not supposed to be on the table, Pelna.” his ears turn, and he burbles at you, then quickly gets off the table, to jump up onto the back of your ez-chair. You giggle and move close, smooching his nose. He then flops over, and you gasp as he almost falls off the back of the chair.
Kitty!Titus - A boop to his nose gets a paw swipe across your hand, claws never fully extended but enough to shred the top layer of skin. You’ve learned to only do this if he’s getting huffy with Regis. When sitting on your lap, and asking for attention you leaned down and smooched his nose, your eyes squinting shut as you were expecting to get paw bapped, but it never happened, he merely purred at you softly.
Kitty!Dino - You press your finger against his nose gently, then laugh as he flops over to his side then rolls onto his back, paws kneading the air a little. “You doof, if you’re going to play dead, stop moving.” You smooch his nose when he brings you a ‘shiny’ from his collection under the couch. You give him extra smooches when he brings back the silver necklace you had been looking for for weeks.
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mandakatt · 7 years
FFXV - Kitty!AU - Masterlist
[ Updated: 10/31/18 ]
The Kitters: 
Noctis | Prompto
Ignis | Gladiolus 
Cor | Iris 
Aranea | Cindy 
Luna | Ravus 
Cid | Regis
Clarus | Kitten Talcott 
Gentiana | Ardyn 
Nyx | Libertus 
Crowe | Pelna 
Titus | Dino
Coming soon:
Talcott all grown up
Kitties at Bathtime
Kitties during a bad storm
Kitties on Catnip
Kitties getting taken to the Vet
Which Kitters are the best cuddlers
What if Kitty!Noctis WAS injured at a young age.
What if Kitty!Noctis goes missing [10 years of Darkness reference.]
How the kitties act when someone breaks in.
How the kitties act when you’re too sick to get out of bed
Which kitty is the biggest flirt
Which holiday is the kitties favorite
Kitties react to boop and smooch
Which kitty is most active
Which Kitty is the most clingy
Kitties react to visitors/Meeting your S/O
Kitties bring you “Presents”
Kitties react to you flopping on the floor
Kitties react to Insect Invaders
Kitters react to you putting them on your shoulder
Do the kitters nurse while kneading
Kitties tongue washing you
Kitties react to getting extra affection
Kitties comfort their human through a bad emotional time
Kitters in Halloween Costumes
Kitters gain a new friend
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mandakatt · 7 years
How would the kitties react to someone breaking into the house?
Hello there lovely Anon-san! ♥
I apologize as this one took me awhile to get done, more due to the fact that my muse was not content with anything and everything I was doing. Must have not have offered her enough coffee. *feels the glare from behind her* ..she’s uh.. right behind me.. isn’t she….
Anyway! Kitty!Dino joins the group for this round!
How the kitters would react, when someone breaks into your home:
Tagging the kitter crew: @itshaejinju​ @rubyphilomela​ @momokitty27​ @major-artery​ @blossattic​ @ravenvelith​
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Kitty!Noctis: He started off, sleeping through most of it until the would-be robbers had worked their way into your bedroom where he was taking his mid-evening nap. When he would realize that it’s a would be intruder, he’d fluff up, and sprint in his haste to try to figure out what was going on only to slam into the headboard of your bed, startling the robber. They’d lock eyes, and suddenly, Nocits would arch, hiss and spit like mad. The robber wouldn’t be intimidated until he let off this deep throated yowl, that sounded almost like a scream. His eyes catching the light just right to turn them red. The robber would more than likely back out of the room away from the hellspawn cat that suddenly appeared on your bed, only to bolt from your house as Noctis started to chase them back out the window they came from. 
Kitty!Prompto: Your poor sunshine kitter does not handle this well. He immediately sits upright from wherever or whatever he was doing, and bee-lines it into the living room to hide under the couch the moment the window breaks.
Kitty!Ignis: He’s unnerved to say the least, his tail becoming about 4 times it’s normal size as his back arches a little. He’ll hiss, and growl low and slow as if to intimidate whatever was starting to come inside. When he sees that it’s not you, he’ll bolt for the basement, hiding in among the boxes there. 
Blind Kitty!Ignis: Will lift his head, and listen. That wasn’t normal. And will rise up to an almost standing position. When he hears the next loud bang, he’s almost beside himself, belly low to the floor as he crawls under the bed, or your couch - whichever he had been laying on at the time.
Kitty!Gladio: Guard dog in cat form #1. He’s already big, but he gets bigger, fluffing up and arching his back as the window breaks. He rushes to where the noise happened only to arch and hiss LOUDLY. Deep throated rowling growls emitting from his throat. If the robber was smart, they would have backed out then - they weren’t. And the police were sure the blood they found on your window sill was NOT from the would-be robber cutting their arm on the broken window glass.
Kitty!Cor: Guard dog in cat form #2. He’s right behind Kitty!Gladio, adding his hisses and growls to the already beastial noises coming from Kitty!Gladio. Though Cor is more action and when you return home you find blood on Kitty!Cor’s coat, which makes you immediately concerned. Upon giving him a bath, you find that he has no wounds on him in which to speak of. You then realize that what they meant by the blood on the window not being from glass, was from Kitty!Cor latching onto their arm.
Kitty!Iris:  As much as she tries to be brave, the sudden breaking of the window unnerves her. Her brother making those noises doesn’t help much either! But, she stands her ground a little, only to eventually slink off in a hurry to be with blind Kitty!Ignis, sticking close to his side.
Kitty!Aranea: Semi-concerned guard dog #1. She doesn’t run off and hide, but she doesn’t go on the offensive either, unless they get to close. She’ll leap on them from above and claw and hiss, before darting off into the basement.
Kitty!Cindy: She panics, and runs to the back cat door, slipping outside to the shed to hide. 
Kitty!Luna: She gets scared, and hides under your couch or your bed - preferably close to Kitty!Prompto and Kitty!Ignis, her small bell ringing softly as she trembles. 
Kitty!Ravus: Semi-concerned guard dog #2. He will slink off to wherever Kitty!Luna hides, but remain in plain sight. He’ll sit down, tail gently curled about his paws as he watches the would be thieves, roam about your house, tail tip flicking gently, and if they were to approach him, where he was guarding his sister? There might be more blood on the floor here, for investigators to find.
Kitty!Cid: Grumpy old codger will curl up on his favorite spot on your chair, and growl and hiss everytime they approach. 
Kitty!Regis: Curious, concerned. These people are not supposed to be here… When the would-be thieves get close to him, he’ll fluff up a bit, and hiss, turning around quickly to run off and hide under your bed. 
Kitty!Clarus: Guard dog in cat form #3. The shadow of the king does not like intruders, nor does he like to see everyone around him unnerved. He’ll shadow Kitty!Regis as he goes into hiding, and much like Kitty!Ravus he will sit, and wait for those intruders to get close. The investigators find more blood on your bedroom floor.
Kitten!Talcott: Poor surprised fluff ball bolts for the basement. Hiding among your storage boxes. 
Kitty!Talcott: Tries to put on a brave face, but the moment the would-be thieves enter your home, he fluffs up, and runs for the nearest thing to hide under. 
Kitty!Gentiana: She observes. She watches by sitting on top of the bookshelves looking down. She doesn’t move when they get close by, nor does she run and hide. She just, observes. 
Kitty!Ardyn: He purrs at them, burbling softly, arching and rubbing gently against the wall, their legs, causing them to stumble. He does it repeatedly, never really giving them a break — until they trip over him, causing him to hiss and promptly latch onto their face…
Kitty!Nyx: Guard dog in cat form #4. He zips in from wherever he was at in the house the moment the window breaks. He’s behind Gladio and Cor, adding to their noises and their hisses, his back arching, and claws extended. 
Kitty!Libertus: He gets intimidated, and slightly nervous, but he cautiously moves about your home, ears turning as he watches those that have come in unwelcome. If they get past the 5 guard dogs in cat form, he’s one to arch, and his loudly, growling low as his eyes go wide. 
Kitty!Crowe: Guard dog in cat form #5. Perched up high like always, she observes, till the moment they get too close to her bookshelves, and she’ll leap down on them from above, hissing and clawing and practically screeching in rage.
Kitty!Pelna: Nervous, but stays out in the open. His large eyes watching the entire thing that seems to go down. If they come close, he’ll hiss, and arch, and swipe at them with this claws, but he doesn’t run away.
Kitty!Titus: Killer attack dog in cat form. He. Does. Not. Hesitate. He’s almost faster to strike than Kitty!Cor as they try to sneak in the back door. Near his territory of the house. BIG MISTAKE. Instantly he latches onto arms, legs, hands, you name it, hissing, rowling and biting as hard as he can. There’s more blood in your back room for the investigators.
Kitty!Dino: He gets nervous, but tries to stand his ground a bit for the kiddos. He’ll fluff up shortly after the window breaks and follow Kitty!Talcott and Kitty!Iris into hiding, but he’ll put himself in-between them and anything that might happen to come into the room.
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mandakatt · 7 years
FFXV - Kitty!Au - Kitten Talcott
Ahh! I fell in love with him all over again!  Now, I may do an Older Talcott version later, I have to play the game again to remember what his older self is like!
Tagging: @itshaejinju @major-artery @blossattic @momokitty27@sweetnspice112 @cepheus-runeweaver @musemaya
Note: If you no longer wish to be tagged, please tell me, I won’t be offended! ♥
It had stormed badly the night before, and you were surprised to see Clarus out near the back fence line without Regis, until you watched him rush up to you, something held in his mouth, with Gladio fast on his heels, meowing almost frantically.
“Clarus? What do you have there....Oh!”
You gasped as you realized it was a kitten, soaked to the bone and shivering. You kneeled down as Clarus gently lowered the small bundle into your hands, washing the poor kitten's head.
You cooed to him softly, a loud sneeze shaking his small form. You wrapped him up in a soft towel, rubbing his form gently till you heard a small, weak pathetic mewl. You hummed, and rubbed Clarus’ ears, Gladio still following you about, his meows frantic. Iris soon joined in, her meows concerned.
Cooing to all of them, you promised that nothing would happen to the small one, and you asked them to trust you. All three of them, shortly followed by Regis, perched in the kitchen as you warmed some formula you happened to have on hand from your friend when they helped raise their barn kitties, you mixed it with a bit of canned food, and placed it into a bottle.
Cooing to the young kit, you giggled as he slowly roused and started to gulp down the formula in earnest. “There we go. You’re safe now.”
This earned a raspy, but loud purr from the kit, and you lost a piece of your heart to him then, bringing him up to your face, you nuzzled your nose against his cheek.
“Welcome to the Clowder, little one.”
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Kitten!Talcott -  Clarus brought him home, Gladio on his heels, meowing at you frantically. A shivering small ball of fluff, clutched gently by the scruff in the jaws of your King's shadow.
As he grew stronger, he grew close to Clarus, Gladio, and Iris, and never really leaves their sides.
He play fights with Iris, and she seems to treat him much exactly like she does Gladio, and it warms your heart that they accepted him so well.
He gets excited when Noctis is around, his tail fluffing up in excitement as he tries to play fight with him. Sometimes you’ll get a concerned meow out of little Talcott when Noctis seems to just flop over from exhaustion. “He’s just lazy Talcott, I promise.”
Sometimes you will catch Talcott staring longingly out your back door towards the yard. You’ll watch him quietly, then coo at him when he notices you. You know he lost someone out there in that storm because of how he acts, and your heart breaks just a little.
He play fights with Clarus, you’ll grin as this massive cat, gently bats around this little bundle of spitfire.
Iris teaches him how to pounce things in the yard, and you have to laugh at her little squeak she gives off when he accidentally catches her tail instead of whatever bug they were after.
He’s not picky with his food, and is much like Prompto, he adores you for feeding him. Sometimes though he’ll get in a mood where you can’t get him to eat anything but a small mix of that formula and canned food mix - not that you don’t mind spoiling your sweet little boy.
He’s a little wary of Ravus, but adores Luna - the two will cuddle on the deck in a sunbeam, while Noctis sleeps near by. He likes Cid too, and Cid, well, you knew he was a kind old man, will help wash Talcott when he needs it.
He loves playing with any and all toys with you, loves darting under the blankets when you attempt to make the bed, and the sheets. He’s being HELPFUL!
His purrs are still a bit raspy, but they’re loud. He even opens his mouth sometimes when he gets a bit too into it.
He meows at you a lot, burble mewing softly now and then, especially when you wear a hoodie. He will climb up you, literally, to perch into the hood of your hoodie, where he’ll nap as you go about and do your daily chores.
He loves to sleep on top of your pillow, near your face, his nose pressed gently to the bridge of your nose.
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mandakatt · 7 years
Which kitty is the biggest flirt?
The biggest flirt?! Well then, instead of saying which ones are, I figured since this took me so blasted long to get this out for you Anon-san that I’d do it more like a bit of a scale of 1 - 10, and how they flirt with you.
Tagging the kitter crew: @itshaejinju @rubyphilomela @momokitty27 @major-artery @ravenvelith @sweetchocobae @ultimate-flavor-experience @princess-of-lucis @blossattic 
On a Scale of 1 - 10, Which kitty is the biggest flirt:
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Kitty!Noctis - This kitter, at first, is a 1 on the flirty scale. NOW NOW, don’t be angry, you have to realize that he sleeps about 14 hours a day, if not longer. This kitter doesn’t have that much time in the day to flirt with you. HOWEVER, when he’s awake he’s about a 6, turning up the charm by flopping over onto his back, purring at you, kneading the air to get your attention. Once you put your hand on his belly, he gives you a half hearted beartrap, playfully nibbling your wrist.
Kitty!Prompto - Your fluffball of sunshine is about a 6-7 depending on his mood. He gets your attention first by singing with you, burbling at you, and purring as loud as his little form will let him, before he rubs against your legs as your only warning that he’s going to jump up into your arms, his head tucking instantly under your chin as he purrs and kneads against your chest.
Kitty!Gladiolus - The big guy is all about turning on the charm. He’s about an 8-9 depending on how long your day has been. He’s one to stick to you when you come home, meowing and demanding your attention. When you settle in, he will be all over you, rubbing his head against your hand, your arm, your leg, whatever, cause he wants cuddles, and he wants cuddles now thank you.
Kitty!Ignis - The dapper kitter is about a 5-6 with the flirting. Mostly because he’s kinda aloof as to when he wants cuddles. But when he does, he turns on the charm. Much rubbing against your leg, much kneading on your lap, much purrs when you rub just right behind his ears.
Blind Kitty!Ignis - Surprisingly, he cranks up the charm even further when he becomes injured, coming in at about a 7-8. He’ll call to you, and will wait for you to call back to him so he can find you, and when he does, he’ll first come up and find any part of you, and lower his head, rubbing against you before flopping over to his side, kneading against you. His head will tilt back and at that point he will expect chin rubs please.
Kitty!Cor - Sadly, your shadow only comes in at about a 3 or a 4 on a really good day. Cor is never one to flirt to get what he wants, though he’s not demanding of it either. He’s subtle in his ways of getting you to pay attention to him. Usually by slowly working his way onto your lap when your’e not paying attention.
Kitty!Iris - This little angel, you call her that because that is what she is, is about an 8 or a 9, and right on par with her actions like her brother. She will follow you, meow up at you, rub on your legs, flop over onto her back and expose her belly, meow even more cutely somehow, then when you pick her up she squirms only to gently nuzzle against your chin, purring quietly.
Kitty!Aranea - Your stand offish girl comes in at about a 3 as far as flirting goes. She will want attention only when she wants, and ONLY when she wants. Though when she wants your attention, she’ll sidle up to you and sit next to you, purring softly up at you.
Kitty!Cindy - Your resident flopper. She comes in on the scale at about a 6 on the flirt scale. She will burble at you to get your attention, then the moment you start petting her she flops over on the floor, the chair, the table where ever she’s at, so you can rub her belly.
Kitty!Luna - This princess comes in at around a 6-7 depending on her mood. She’s very talkative when she wants to be and will use that to her advantage. She will burble and purr, and rub against you, and sometimes will flop over at your feet, kneading against you till you pet her. 
Kitty!Ravus -  Mister Semi-Grump comes in at about a 4-5. He’s moody to say the least, but he knows how to amp up the charm should he want something. He will burble and slightly hobble up to you, then rub against your leg a little and wait for you to pet him. When he’s had enough, he will remind you of who’s in charge by biting your wrist - never enough to break the skin, just a warning.
Kitty!Cid - Your grumpy old man comes in around a 7 on the flirty scale. Mostly because he refuses to wear his sweater and will do whatever he can to get close to you to feel warm, and if he has to try to charm you to do it, so be it. He’ll rub on your legs, or sidle up to you on the couch when you sit down, rubbing his face against you, till you pet him, and when you do, your lap becomes fair game.
Kitty!Regis - The king himself comes in around an 8 - and doesn’t realize he’s flirting. He’ll burble, and rub on you, or your company, and will flop over with a soft grunt as he kneads the air looking for belly rubs. When you coo to him, his purrs grow louder, and he’ll follow you about, darting about your legs. You’ve found that if you pick him up, and let him wrap his paws about your neck and purr in your ear, he calms down just a little.
Kitty!Clarus - The king’s shadow comes in around 7, and it doesn’t flirt all the time like his son or his daughter. When he does flirt to get attention from you he’ll burble and purr, and meow loudly, circling about your legs as he looks up at you. 
Kitty/Kitten!Talcott - Your little spitfire comes in around a 6 on the flirty scale. He’ll burble, purr, and circle about your legs to get your attention. Once he has it, he’ll mimic Noctis and flop over onto his back, and when you rub his belly, he’ll gently beartrap about you, washing your wrist.
Kitty!Gentiana - She comes in around a 5 on the flirty scale as she can be a little demanding of pets and snuggles when she wants them. She’ll purr long and loud to you, following you about, only to have you blink in surprise as she’s taken up your lap, and you wonder how and or when she got there.
Kitty!Ardyn - With you, he comes in at about a 3. With anyone else, an 8. You cannot figure out why you and him don’t get along, and you almost get jealous of the fact that he will rub against anyone that visits, or purr and meow up at them when he doesn’t do that with you.
Kitty!Nyx - This dude, you swear. Nyx is a 10 on the flirty scale. He does anything and everything to get your attention. He will meow and purr and rub and flop and roll about, and get up on his hind legs and nuzzle into your hand when you reach down to pet him, and he’ll meow and rub and do it all over again.
Kitty!Libertus - Fluffernutter comes in at about a 6 on the scale. He will usually do what he can to get cuddles from you, be it rubbing or flopping near you, or meowing loudly up at you as he circles about your legs. Good luck getting him off your lap after he’s settled in though.
Kitty!Crowe - Little miss climb up high on all the things comes in at about a 4. She’ll burble at you a little, but won’t do much more than that. She’ll sneakily come close, purring at you, maybe a soft burble here and there, before you then notice that she’s suddenly taken up your lap.
Kitty!Pelna - He comes in around an 8-9 on the flirty scale, and rivals Gladio and Nyx easily. He’ll purr at you and rub against you, and jump up into your arms, making it so you have to hold him as he smushes his face against yours, and headbutts your chin.
Kitty!Titus - Standoffish, he comes in about a 2-3 as far as flirting goes. When he does want your attention he waits till you’re seated, and will burble once, before climbing up onto your lap, and gently kneading against your thigh.
Kitty!Dino - Astrals save you. 8-9. His charm skills are enough that you wonder why in the sam heck anyone gave him up in the first place. He’ll purr and rub and flop, and stretch when you rub his belly, and lean into your pets and talk and will grab your necklace and mush his face into it, and will nose your earrings if you wear any. 
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