#the case of russia
madwheelerz · 2 years
The Case of HNL & Russia
So, let’s talk about the case of locations in the manifestation theory. Starting with the lab. In terms of Mike's first DM book, we have two cases in which we see it being used. This is unusual because most of the DM books, including Mike's second one, pop up once never to be seen or heard from again.
Each time we get to see this one being read from it seems to be in relation to Hawkins National Laboratory, but specifically the interior. We see it directly after the scientist runs from the demogorgon which leads into Mike eventually introducing the demogorgon to the campaign.
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{S1 E1 at roughly 0:00-3:00}
We also see Dustin read from it. While Dustin is reading, we get visuals of Hopper in HNL walking towards the gate.
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{S1 E5 at roughly 6:14-7:22}
It seems like they want us to have a good look at the building and stuff on the cover, though, because there is a very nice shot of the cover. There's a building on it which is unusual because none of the other books, that we can see, have buildings on them.
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There is also a small drawing of the cardinal directions, another interesting point when you consider what the boys tried to use to find the gate in lab in the first place. The last time we see the book is the last time it's reasonable to show us the interior of HNL. By the end of the season when Mike is sporting a new DM book the role of HNL has been completed so we don't need to see it anymore and in season two there is no DnD.
Now Russia, said in a very "now, you!" fashion lol. The entire Russia subplot is strange because even thinking about it for longer than a second causes the entire illusion of Russian counterintelligence invades Hawkins to fall apart.
The Russians come to Nowhere, Indiana smack in the middle of a new attraction at Hawkins, somewhere insanely overpopulated because of how new it is, and set up camp. They're in the lower levels trying to breach the gate. Yeah, okay.
Their super-secret code is also Planck's constant, a physics constant. Something Suzie points out that Dustin should already know.
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The super-secret code to the top-secret Russian base is a constant that a reasonably nerdy kid who happens to be interested in physics would know. Okay. That doesn't sound like the work of multiple intelligent grown adults, but it does sound like the work of an intelligent child.
There's also a part of the Russian code about China that directly leads to a restaurant.
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The only other time I can recall food, and something related to China coming up is during the Wheeler dinner scene in season one.
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The Wheeler's also bring Russia as a negative force a few times prior to season three.
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There's also the terminator guy. We see this man kill someone in cold blood in the first episode, but his behavior doesn't line up and have we ever figured out what he wanted with Hopper?
As far as I know, this guy saw Hopper make a scene at Enzo's and got pissed and that was enough to spark his anger? It really doesn't make sense.
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(Hopper’s dialogue also being similar to the justification he used as to how he could cover up murdering Mike, but hey-)
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What's interesting about him is that he seems like he was plucked straight out of a movie and seems to hate Hopper for little to no reason. He also doesn't sound like an adult. His dialogue is very childish and seems pretty reflective of the Mike-Hopper threat in the car situation.
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For both locations the gates are also being operated in a lower level, basement-like area as well.
It's all very easy to poke a hole into.
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vyhonella · 1 year
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just accept it 🙄🙄🙄
DESCRIPTION: Ambrosius proposing to wear couple rings (one black metal with red dramatic stone for Ballister and one gold with blue sad stone on the Ambrosius' finger already) as a sign of his and Bal's "enmity". Bal with incredulousness and suspiciousness asking if these are wedding rings. Ambrosius doesn't want to delve into the topic, so calls him meticulous.
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snovyda · 3 months
Reminder that russia is currently presiding at the UN Security Council.
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53v3nfrn5 · 4 months
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Russia, c. 1899. A pair of gold-mounted and gem-set nephrite cigarette cases carved by Fabergé in St Petersburg; a superb pair, the stone of high quality.
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beastblade69 · 2 months
#like look I'm just a guy who fucking wants to relax on my summer break and enjoy the last months of being unemployed and careless#and all I fucking get is “the electricity will soon be out” notification on my phone#LIKE OKAY I FUCKING GET YOU YOU ARE USED TO US FUCKING STRUGGLING AND I MAY BE SEEN BYPER PRIVILEGED FOR COMPLAINING#BUT IT'S SO FUCKING EASY TO JUDGE SOMEONE WHILE YOU FUCKING HAVE EVERYTHING I CAN EVER DREAM OF (basic human needs)#like YES THERE'S AN ONGOING WAR IN MY COUNTRY AND I KNOW IT. BUT WE DIDN'T CHOSE TO LIVE NEXT TO FUCKING RUSSIA#we just want to live safely and have access to the most basic things that many people all around the world take for granted#we want to feel safe on our land#we want to stop fucking worrying that the next building hit by russian missile will actually be ours because no one is safe#and still I fucking see those fuckos online telling me how we “don't act like people who live in a country that goes through a war”#well I guess in that case we should all stop buying food and clothes to be REAL people who are suffering from a war#like you for real?? you gonna fucking make us give up the only sourse of distraction and dopamine we can get?#you fucking judging people for buying stuff because “you shouldn't buy new things#there's an ongoing war in your country“ you fr?? so like what we all shall fucking give up and die??#buying new things often gives people some dopamine which actually helps to stay somehow stable (as sane as it's possible)#or do you want us to be a fucking nut-state? idk some mental-case-state. fuck off#stand with ukraine#russia is a terrorist state
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woman-respecter · 2 months
nice post. still don't give a shit ukraine. i don't give a fuck what happens to that "country" and you cannot force me to care. also ukranians are not a real nationality idgaf.
the anti-east sentiment is strong with you. what's next? you're going to start talking about the "asiatic hordes"?
jesus christ, this is as mask off as it gets. even the worst of tankies typically at least acknowledge ukraine as a country. you should have been aborted.
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Dennis devised a system for women that allowed him to always feel like he was in complete control of them. While it doesn’t work, the idea is that he can leave them without a word and come back whenever he likes with no consequences, just like Frank had a pattern of using him and leaving him his whole life. So he makes women call him “daddy” because he is the dad—the one who holds all the power, the one who leaves and acts like you should be grateful if he ever decides to come back.
Dennis devised a system for men that allowed him to be in control too, but the key difference is it’s goal is to make men feel powerful and then using that to trap them forever. Just like I’m sure as the favorite, the golden god child of an abusive mother, he felt like the good things about his relationship with his mother kept him tethered to her even after her death, all the compliments and praise mixing in his head with feelings of abandonment and distrust. So he puts himself in that same position over men and has them call him “mommy”.
He literally created systems that would allow him to treat people the way his parents treated him because he can’t actually take those feelings out on his parents when his mom is dead and his dad still holds a position of power over him.
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Viktor Filinkov is one of eight Russian antifascists arrested in 2017, by Russian FSB agents, who tortured the arrestees and then had them convicted of belonging to "the Network," a nonexistent terror cell completely fabricated by the FSB itself. Like the other arrestees in the case, Viktor is serving a very severe prison sentence. More information about the case and how you can support Viktor here.
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fa-cat · 2 months
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US figure skaters set to get team gold medals at Paris Olympics after ruling in 2022 doping case
The U.S. figure skating team was formally confirmed as gold medalists from the 2022 Beijing Olympics by a sports court ruling Thursday, opening the way for the team to get its medals at the Paris Summer Games.
It took the latest CAS ruling in the Valieva saga to guarantee the U.S. team its overdue gold medals, and for Japan to be in line for upgraded silvers.
Special medal ceremonies are planned by the IOC in the second week of the Paris Olympics to honor athletes whose results have been upgraded because of doping cases that were prosecuted and resolved in recent years.
Those celebrations will be in the Champions Park plaza looking across to the Eiffel Tower on the opposite bank of the Seine River.
“This (CAS) decision comes just in time to still be able to make the medal allocation for gold and silver possible” in Paris, the International Olympic Committee said in a statement.
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eunikia · 6 months
Memoirs of the life, exile, and conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. (Vol. II)
Alexander and Napoleon met again some time after at Erfurt, and exchanged the most striking testimonies of affection. Alexander expressed with earnestness the sentiments of tender friendship and real admiration which he entertained for Napoleon. They passed some days together in the enjoyment of the charms of perfect intimacy and of the most familiar communications of private life. “We were,” said the Emperor, “two young men of quality, who, in their common pleasures, had no secret from each other.”
"If Alexander’s affection for me was sincere," said the Emperor, “it was alienated from me by the force of intrigue. Certain persons, M——, or others, at the instigation of T——, lost no seasonable opportunity of mentioning instances of my turning him into ridicule, and they assured him, that at Tilsit and Erfurt, he no sooner turned his back than I took the opportunity of laughing at his expense. Alexander is very susceptible, and they must have easily soured his mind. It is certain, that he made bitter complaints of it at Vienna during the congress, and yet nothing was more false; he pleased me, and I loved him.”
Too much personal fuss for serious politicians)
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The Thingol to Dior pipeline is the same as the First French Empire to Second French Empire pipeline okay I’m right
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atlas-atsus · 11 months
The Big Three
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vyhonella · 1 year
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your suggestions: who's "HELP"?
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Today's Reminiscence Sunday, so here's a thing I wrote about the hellhole I used to live in:
Where am I?
Away. And I miss
The blue winter mornings
Flooding the backyard
Novosibirsk’s red nights
And Petersburg's white stars
Krasnodar’s rubbish wine
We diluted in vodka
Sunflowers fields near Kursk
Mountains from Alupka
Sebastopol’s sunsets
That looked just like your hair
A cave in Arkhangelsk
You must be sleeping there
And the forests and the skies
And the white fluffy clouds we used to joke about
And these little pine cones you used to throw at me when I wasn't paying attention
And the way the most breathtaking landscape became a pointless background wherever you went
And the memories
And the memories.
Rivers tundras smiles smells people clothes music fucked-up roads and skyscrapers cabins in the woods and golden roofs contests cheers yells songs laughs
Mixing up
Messing up
In my head.
I miss
Everything we did together
Everything we didn't
Everything we could have done in another life
Everything we wanted
Everything we loved
Everything we were
Everything we would have been if you didn't leave
And that time I could make a sentence without thinking of us.
Where am I?
Away. And I miss
Our home.
Just like I miss you.
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petrenocka · 6 months
Listen Americans, I sympathize with your struggle, but "Joe Biden is the best president you had in generations and the best u gonna get at the moment" and "he is currently funding a genocide" are not contradictory statements. Your country is just THAT fucked.
And if this makes you doomer, if you are going to give up on trying over this you owe me 100$.
Local fascists of other countries are salivating at the thought of a Trump reelection. The war on Ukraine is still going on you know, it didn't just stop once you got an even worse genocide to pay attention to like a mob in a video game. The Ukranian children kidnapped to literal re-education camps are still kidnapped. Ukraine really could use the support orange man promised not to give right now.
This "I'm going to not vote/vote third party to show my distane for the whole system" it's just accelerationism. It's "I'm gonna let things get much worse much faster, so that more people see how right I am". And what I see so many of you not get is that "things get worse" means a lot of people dying.
Again, I'm sorry for you. It's hard having good morals while living in an utterly immoral country. But frankly, good ammerican lefties suffering from nightmares about the moral stain on their consciousness that is voting for Joe Genocide is not a primary concern for me. I would like to not get conquered by The Third Russian Empire, thank you very much.
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shi0n · 9 months
the stalker guy has been ringing my doorbell every morning but i dont answer.. today he left a bag of gifts outside my door. out of all shion fans this one is the craziest. not the most passionate or loyal but THE craziest...
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